#thank you anons you are the light of my life
nvuy · 12 hours
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tumblr did not let me post this as a proper answer because tumblr hates me. BUT the council says: BEHOLD. an excerpt from my potential extended hijacked spin off boothill fic that that may or may not be potentially finished and posted so........... take it..................... anon you might not ever see this post but the brainworms are so huge and genius and i think you cooked......................
“Tha’s the hardest part… still bein’ here.”
There’s smoke in the air, and it curls around the windshield of your car. He’s called shotgun, as per usual, but that’s because you refuse to let him drive. Especially at night. He makes you feel sick when he takes corners faster than he slams the brakes at red lights.
The car hasn’t moved for a while. The drive had been rocky; there was no destination. Just away from the city for now. You’ve managed to find a secluded area deep in a stretch of trees, and there hasn’t been a car that’s passed on the dingy highway for ages now.
Smoking does nothing for him. He doesn’t have lungs to fill anymore, and the taste never appealed to him, but it helped take his mind off of everything.
Boothill felt the tug of the cigarette between his lips, and he let it go from his mouth before he watched as you shakily held it to your lips.
It’s disgusting. He snickers slightly when you cough and scrunch your eyes shut. You hand the cigarette back to him slowly.
You fan at your face, careful not to spill the half full bottle of wine balancing between your legs and the car seat. It’s one of the fancy brands Boothill snatched off the shelf on the way out of the bar from earlier after the manager had ordered him out. Something about not serving crooks. Whatever.
Your car reeks of smoke.
As much as the smell clogged your lungs, you hope it stays this way. 
“‘Specially since, y’know, it woulda been better if one o’ my dads lived, or my sisters, or even–” He takes another drag of the cigarette. “But, nah. Fate’s finicky like that. Leaves the worst ones standin’. That’s why we’re still around.”
And he’s right.
You take a sip from the bottle. You’re tipsy now. Definitely. You feel lighter than usual, and you’d worry about driving back somewhere to stay for the night.
You can’t drive in this state.
Boothill could drive back. You're too drunk to panic over how badly he swerves over the road.
And if he can’t, you could just sleep in the car for the night. It wouldn’t be the first time.
And, with him, maybe you would be okay.
Your vision is blurry, and there's an incessant burning beneath your eyelids. You quickly wipe your eyes. “Yeah.” God, you wish it was you who had disappeared. It would’ve saved your parents the heartache. You can’t even look at your reflection anymore. “Yeah, I get it.”
Boothill doesn’t say anything at first. He repeats your reply in his head like a mantra.
Instead, he blows smoke from his nose slowly in a long exhale, and then says, “I know you do.”
Furiously, you wipe your eyes again and tear your eyes away from the rearview mirror. You can’t will yourself to look. Though you feel nothing on your shoulder, you know the past sits behind you, and her hand rests on your skin like a weight.
Sometimes, it’s hard to even look at him, for when the metal of his body is reflective enough, you don’t see yourself, but her staring back at you.
He’s not sure what to say. Instead, he thinks it wise to potentially fry your car battery. He steals your phone charger hooked into the car and finds the slot that fits it best on his hip. Good enough. Hopefully it gives him enough juice to get through the next couple days.
“Oh, give it here.” You grab the wire from him. “You’re gonna break my damn charger.”
You peer at his ports curiously as he takes another drag of the silhouette, before you mumble something about the shape being a ‘USB-C’ and plug it into the right slot on his hip.
A small red light flashes to life above the port.
Boothill hums. “Thanks, sugar.” He doesn’t have to look at you, but the telltale scent of wine on your lips is enough for him to know. “You drunk?”
After a moment, you nod slowly. “Yeah.” Then, you twist in the chair to face him, bringing the bottle to your lips again. Your seatbelt is still on, even if the car has been parked for an hour. There’s a pang in your chest, and it tightens. “I miss her.”
She’s still staring at you in the mirror, but it’s not really her. Whatever this thing is, it’s not her. But it’s there, and it makes your heart race.
Boothill nods. “I miss my family, too.” He leans over and punches your thigh playfully. “But, I know your parents want ya to live for as long as you can. I know she would, too.”
You exhale. You’re beginning to feel sick now. Your stomach can’t take another blow from the wine, but you raise it to your lips anyway.
It burns when you swallow, like fire.
“That’s rich coming from you.”
He stops. Then, he turns away and raises his eyebrows in exasperation. “Just tryin’ to lift ya spirits.” Still, as exhausted as he feels, his rests a hand on your thigh. It’s comforting, the weight of metal, and it takes your mind off the fingers on your shoulders.
“I don’t think you’re the worst,” you mumble. You actually think you’re worse. Then, you shrug lightly. “I don’t want to lose you when you go.” You hear him exhale, somewhat to rid the smoke from his mouth, and also in the form of a sigh. “I know you won’t believe me, but I think I care about you.”
After you admit it, you pull the rim of the bottle to your lips again.
And then again.
And again.
Three sips later, you’re on the verge of collapsing, and Boothill snatches the bottle from your hand and stands it up by his feet on the car floor.
Your lips are stained a dark red, as is your tongue, and there’s a dark flush on your neck.
Sweat gathers over your skin, even if it’s freezing outside. The smoke is warm, and your legs are shaking.
“I just don’t want to lose you.”
Boothill turns his head and stares out the window. The stars are bright out here away from the city. It reminds him of home. None of that awful light pollution back there in that boring old planet that he loved to death.
If he could’ve, he would’ve taken you there.
That place doesn’t exist anymore.
He feels you would’ve loved his daughter. He feels she would’ve loved you a lot more.
“You ain’t gon’ lose me,” he whispers. He’s still not looking at you. He’s not sure if he’s lying, but he knows he wouldn't lie on purpose. Not to you. Not now.
He squeezes your thigh reassuringly. “I ain’t goin’ nowhere.”
Boothill hears the sound of your seatbelt unbuckling, and a shaky exhale follows.
Maybe you’re drunk out of your mind, and his breath stinks of tobacco, and it’s awful on your tongue, but you leap over the centre console of the car as best you can and hurriedly press your lips to his.
It hurts, and it makes him dizzy, and you feel like you’re floating, but he reciprocates, pressing further against your mouth. Your teeth clink, it’s messy, it’s awful, but it satisfies a burning in your stomach.
You snatch his hat and toss it in the back seat. His nose is cold, and it smushes against your cheekbone.
It lasts too long, and not long enough, for after a moment, he pulls his hands off your hips grabs your chin gently to push you off him.
You try to fuse your skin with his. Your stomach presses to his. Boothill’s eye softens and a grin grows on his lips when you sigh in defeat.
He laughs gently. “Easy, beautiful. I know you’re drunk as fudge.” He instead moves your head to his chest and pulls you gently into him. “Just sleep it off. You’re g’nna have the worst hangover in the mornin’.”
You hum and shift in his lap.
It falls silent for a moment.
“You’re so uncomfortable,” you murmur.
Boothill chuckles louder and blows a teasing cloud of smoke on the top of your head that you frantically wave away. He stares out the window again, and all the while, his free hand gently pets the top of your hair. He’s mindful that his joints can very well tangle easily.
“I bet,” he answers.
You murmur something he doesn't hear. Despite your complaints, you still fall asleep on his chest before you feel him lean down and his lips press to your hair.
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izzabela · 2 days
There's a First Time for Everything - Lin Kuei Siblings x fem!reader
in which Tomas, Kuai Liang, and Bi Han give you their first kiss
a/n: so an anonymous requested the Lin Kuei family trying pda/first kiss, but my tumblr buggin hella, so i can't find the actual anon request. IF YOU REQUESTED THIS TROPE PLEASE SEND A DM BECAUSE I WANT TO TELL YOU THAT YOU. ARE. SEEN. also big thanks to anon for being my first ever request.
ship[s]: kuai liang, tomas, bi han x fem!reader (separate)
warning(s): pre-bi han betrayal, consider yourself an opp if you hate fluff
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Kuai Liang
The winter festival near the Lin Kuei Palace had wrapped up, and everyone was gathering in the field for the final fireworks display provided by the village. While the many families, couples, and festival-goers were heading to the field, Kuai Liang was leading you somewhere else.
"By the elder gods," you managed to muster out your chattering teeth, "I'll turn into a popsicle up here!"
Kuai Liang turned back at you and saw you clutching onto the fur pelt he gave you to fight the freeze. He smiled sheepishly and went by your side, taking your shoulders with both hands and lead you up the path. His hands were warmer than usual, and you figured he turned his powers on for you.
"I'm sorry, my love, but we're almost there," he said apologetically, kissing your cheek, "Hold on for me just a little bit longer?"
You rolled your eyes, but gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, "If you say so, love."
You and Kuai Liang have been dating for a couple of weeks now, but it honestly looked like two high schoolers dating more than two adults. Being raised in the environment like the Lin Kuei already left little room for a personal life, let alone a girlfriend! Besides, as second-in-command to his brother, Bi Han, he had very little interaction with women. I mean, there was Frost? But she, like the other female initiates, were training equally as hard as the men.
Kuai Liang had the basics of intimacy and PDA: quick kisses on the cheek, forehead, and hand were the only weapons he had on him. It was cute to see him learn new things about casual intimacy displays of affection, and even cuter to see him flush bright red when he tried them out on you. What was coming next, though, was something you did not expect at all.
Kuai Liang had led you to a beautiful Chinese Pistache tree, covered in frost and snow, overlooking the entire village and the field where the fireworks were going to happen. The sun was still peeking beyond the horizon, ad you could see the light reflect off the frozen pieces of the tree, giving the tree a natural glimmer.
Underneath, there was a seat for the both of you, a pit for fire right in front. Kuai Liang used his magic to set it alight, the fire warming up for both of you. Although you were warmed by Kuai Liang's magic, love had overflowed your heart at the sentiment.
"Okay, this is pretty good," you smirked, turning to him and giving him a soft smile, "This is wonderful. Thank you."
He nodded and led you over to the seat before the fireworks started. As you two waited, you were talking about the amazing day spent: winning cheap festival prizes, trying all the food from the vendors, even talking about how you two saw members of his family around the festival. Your mindless chatter was interrupted when the first boom went off, signifying the fireworks had started.
With the sun's final remnants of brightness gone, the stars and explosives were the only light against the darkness of the sky. The night sky became a canvas for pretty hues of blue, white, purple, and other colors representing winter. The exploded in shapes of snowflakes, mittens, and other iconic images of winter. You watched the show with your mouth slightly open, in awe of the show.
"Beautiful.." you murmured quietly, "Don't you think so, Kuai Lia...ng?"
When you turned to Kuai Liang, all his focus was on you, not the light display. His eyes stared deep into yours, making you turn pink from all the attention. He looked... lost in your colored orbs, and he definitely did not want to be found
"Yes, it is indeed a beautiful display," he said, a warm smile on his face.
His hand reached for your cheek, stroking it lightly with his thumb. His other hand took the hand you rest in your lap, still trying to keep you warm. However, your heart's pace was going so fast it might have been your personal heat generator. You realized he was slowly leaning in, eyes half-lidded as he was getting closer and closer to your lips.
You closed your eyes and waited for him to close the gap. When he did, your heart exploded with its own fireworks. His lips were warm on yours, and the kiss was filled with desire and longing, as if he'd waited for this moment his entire life. You pulled him closer, your arms flinging over his shoulders, and his hand tilting your face to allow for more room to deepen the kiss. Both of you were fired up, and not due to the warmth Kuai Liang provided with his magic.
When Kuai Liang separated from you, his eyes were glossed with love and euphoria, finally kissing his girlfriend for real. Yours were too, although there was a bit of pride in them since Kuai Liang had initiated it first. You moved one of your hands to his cheek, mimicking the same thing he did to your face as you spoke.
"That was amazing, my love. Where did you learn to do that?" You asked.
He chuckles, a shit-eating grin on his face as he puffed his chest up with a bit of pride.
"The Lin Kuei's secrets are not meant to be shared, love."
You gently shoved his chest, huffing at his response. Although, you had your own arsenal of teasing jabs.
"Well, for a guy who grew up without interacting with women, you fared pretty well."
He tilted his head, this time a smirk of knowing on his face as he brought your face close to his once more.
"Get over here," he said as he closed the distance.
You had more jabs for him, but they were ineffective against this deadly finisher of a move. Still, your mouth welcomed his as you both connected once more, the firework show being nothing but background noise for your guys' moment.
"Boy, were you hungry..." Tomas said wearily as he looked at the bill.
A little burp escaped your mouth, covering it with your hand and offering an "excuse me" to lighten the embarrassment. Regardless, he ruffled your hair and paid the bill without worry.
"I can't help but agree with the sentiment," Kitana said, "The food was indeed delicious."
You, Tomas, Kitana, and Raiden had finished dinner at Madam Bo's in Fengjian, a double date insinuated by Raiden. During a mission to Outworld, he had the courage to ask Kitana out to dinner. However, he was just a bit nervous dining alone with her, so he sent a letter to you and Tomas to come and ease his worries.
The entire night, the four of you enjoyed casual conversation and updated each other on the affairs of your lives. Kitana had been promoted to Supreme Commander of the Imperial Army, Raiden had become an elite monk, teacher, and member to the White Lotus, and Tomas had shared updates on his new clan's progress. You, on the other hand, were a simple villager native to Fengjian, meaning your life was as bland as white rice.
Even so, Tomas made sure to make you feel included. He always mentioned the little anecdotes you told him, asked about your family, and even made sure you and Kitana had stuff to talk about. He knew you were intimidated by her aura, but by the end of the night, she was just another girl (only a princess-warrior to a semi-immortal race).
"You must write to me, my friend," Kitana addressed you as you walked out the restaurant, "It has been too long since another acquaintance as entered my life."
You blushed at her praise and honor, "Of course, your highness! I would love to write to you!"
You and Tomas bade farewell to the other couple, Raiden walking with Kitana before seeing her off to a nearby portal. Hand in hand, you two walked together and enjoyed the quiet night in Fengjian. The casual buzz of June-bugs, flutter of dragonflies, and the light breeze that shook the trees gently filled both of you with peace.
You clung onto Tomas's large arm, nuzzling your face into his beefy bicep. His walk becomes more stiff, this display of affection getting into his heart and head.
While Tomas may be the more affectionate one of his brothers, it still surprised you that things like this flustered him. To be fair, he grew up orphaned from his mother and sister. Thankfully, he was taken in by Kuai Liang and Bi Han, but learning the ways of assassins and growing up with brothers left him very little time to engage with others of the opposite sex.
When you and Tomas were out, PDA was as foreign to him as him growing up in the Lin Kuei. Of course, he welcomed all the innocent brushes of your hands, the little kisses you blew at him, even you holding his hand. It was cute watching him turn beet red, and you always imagined him going back to his home with a love-struck face.
As you two walked, you noted how Tomas was leading a little ways away from the village. Gone were the little wooden houses and loose streetlights, ahead of you two were fields of tall grass and fireflies. Just a bit more walking, and Tomas stopped in the middle of the path.
"Where to now, darling?" you asked.
He simply smiled and walked behind you, covering your eyes and began leading you. You were surprised, but you trusted him and allowed him to guide your body.
"Lin Kuei secrets, my dear. Allow me to escort you, though," he said cheekily.
You heard the brush of the tall grass and the slight mush of the dirt below you. From your ears, you could hear the soft rustle of a tree, and the gentle flow of a small stream. When Tomas's hands were moved, the sight left you breathless.
Madam Bo's teahouse stood at the center of the scene, the houses were lit up and you could see the figures of your people enjoying the evening. You noticed the tree and its long branches stooping over, and you look up to be greeted with the most beautiful Weeping Willow tree in your life. What made it better was the fireflies that blinked their lights, like a personal light display.
A huge, beaming smile was plastered on your face as you began dancing underneath the bugs, watching them scatter and blink. You swung your body around in twirls and pirouettes, enjoying the place Tomas set you up with. He, too, was enjoying the place he brought you. Watching you spin around in pure joy, he decided to join you. He took your hands and danced with you, accompanying you as your dance partner.
After on final spin, he made sure you faced him. With both of your hands in his, you had nowhere else to go or look. He let go from on of your hands and brought it up to the back of your head. He gently brought your forehead closer to him, and he leaned down just a bit to make sure his connected with yours. You could feel his exasperated breath on yours, and you realized there was something else coming after this.
"May I kiss you, darling?" he asked gently.
You nodded shyly and felt Tomas's lips attack yours. You knew that before Lin Kuei, he was a hunter, and his kiss was proof. Sure, this was his first, but there was a primal hunger in it, the urge to have you for himself. His hand down in your other hand moved to your back, pulling you closer to his chest. He dove deeper into your mouth, loving every taste of you.
When he parted from you, he looked breathless and exhausted, yet his eyes longed for more of you. He held back, though, and fixed your hair before resting his hands on your face.
"Did I do well, darling? Was it good for you?" He asked (a little too quickly).
You giggled and rubbed his face gently, "Of course! For someone like you, I'm surprised you pulled this off."
You laughed, but his pout took your joy away momentarily. You frowned a bit and sighed a bit, apologizing.
"I'm sorry, honey, I didn't mean to tease you too hard. I was just-." You were interrupted with another kiss from him.
You giggled and welcomed it, wrapping your arms around his shoulder as he wrapped his around your waist.
It seems that the "King of Smoke" is nothing but a puff in your arms.
Bi Han
You two walked hand in hand, silently strolling around the compound-palace as the snow fell. You two were the only ones up at this time of night, minus the guards up in the towers.
As grandmaster, Bi Han had very little time for personal matters. Other than his immediate family and his clan, he was so sure nothing would put him away from his goals. He grew up with the most pressure on his shoulders, reminded that his inheritance would be worth more than gold. Of course, that should have left him with practically zero percent chance of interacting with women- until he met you.
You and Bi Han have been dating for a couple of weeks now, and it has been nothing but enjoyable. Although gruff and strict, he did his best to reel it back for you, especially with your PDA and innocent intimacy. It felt surreal, different, but not unwelcome, and allowed you to do what you wanted with him.
Sometimes, when you held his hand, his magic would affect him and create a very thin barrier of frost in his hand. While it was chilly, he worked on it for you so that you could enjoy normal couple things. There were similar moments when you massaged his head while you two cuddled, any objects in his hand becoming frozen immediately. Sometimes, he worries in hurting you and always asked you if you were alright, even if you told him multiple times you were okay.
You concluded that any time you showed affection to him, his "embarrassment" would come through in the form of ice. It was cute, in a way- dare you say wholesome.
Anyways, as you two walked, you decided to sneakily link your hand with his. In surprise, Bi Han had frozen in place, looking at you with an incredulous look of bewilderment. You smiled at him and watched him turn away, but he couldn't hide the pink that colored the edge of his ear.
"You're blushing, my dear~" you teased, "Why won't you look at me?"
He huffed, "Your games are useless, woman. Let us keep walking."
You chuckled and let him lead the way, his hand in yours as he led you past a couple more corridors and hallways. You were a bit nervous, since these parts of the compound were alien to you.
"Where are we going, dear?" you asked nervously, "I have never seen these parts before..."
You didn't finish your sentence due to the sight in front of you. A beautiful Wisteria tree stood in the middle of a pond, and smooth stone seating was underneath. There was a walkway that lead to the seating, and beautiful flora and shrubbery lined the path. The snowfall added a fantastical touch, this entire hidden garden area something out of a movie.
"No one, besides my family and Tomas, has ever seen this part of the compound," Bi Han explained softly, the natural gruff of his voice still lingering, "This garden area was built for my mother per request of my father."
"It's so beautiful," you breathed, following the path and reaching for a flower, "How can you maintain the flowers life here?"
Bi Han sighs, a rare smile on his face, "I personally see the care to each of the flowers and greenery in here. I coat each one in a layer of frost for the especially colder seasons."
Bi Han follows you as you walked the path leading to the seating. He watches you gently touching each plant, smiling at how well taken care they were. It was a rare sense of softness Bi Han felt. He offers his arm to you and you link your arm in his, escorting you the rest of the way.
"Thank you, my dear, for showing me such vulnerability," you said whole-heartedly as you walked.
Bi Han looks at you and nods, a little smile on his face, "I believe you were deserving of such a place. You are always welcome in the Lin Kuei, especially here."
When you both reached the center, he sat down on one of the stone seats, to which you took the opportunity to surprise him and sit on his lap. Locking eyes with him, his turned wide before turning away, pink lining the edge of his ears once again.
"Enough of your surprises, woman," he huffed out. However, he gently snaked his arm around your waist, pulling you closer.
You smiled and held his face in your hands and gently moved his face to yours. You gave a quick kiss to his forehead, a form of "thank you" to him. You noted that his eyes held gentility, rare softness, and love for you. His eyes slowly closed as he leaned into you, one of his hands supporting your head.
By the elder gods, he was going to kiss you.
Closing your eyes, you felt the cryomancer's slightly chilled lips on yours. Despite this, you had never felt warmer. Bi Han kissed you with ferocity, afraid that your very being would dissipate if he let go of you or your lips for a split second. The grip around your waist tightened just a bit, and you allowed it by throwing your hands around his shoulders and pulling him even closer (if that was possible).
When Bi Han split from you, his gaze was kept on you, his hand moving from the back of your head to your face. He fixes your hair and cups your cheek, a soft smile on his face as he teases you.
"How was that for a first time?" he mocked you playfully.
Your voice dripped with teasing, "Good, I guess, for the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei."
You were taken by surprise when he kissed you again, a little rougher this time.
He didn't care though, if it meant having you for longer in the privacy of this garden, shrouded in frost and snow.
i read the original request multiple times to make sure i could ace this, and i hope you enjoyed anon. ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU SO MUCH ANON FOR BEING MY FIRST EVER REQUEST. PLEASE SEND ME A DM OR ANOTHER REQUEST SO I CAN SHOW MY OWN AFFECTIONS TO YOU.
okay enough glazing. thank you guys so much for reading and i'll see you all in the next fic!
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◇ Secret Admirer - King Baldwin x Reader: Part 2 ◇
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◇ Long Fic ◇
A/N: Hello everyone! This is a Part 2 to a fic that I did a little while ago. Part 2 was requested by @the-princess-has-resurrected and the origional was requested by an Anon! Thank you for all the love on Part 1 everyone! As always, this is based on the film Kingdom Of Heaven, not the real historical figures. Enjoy!
PS: Also this has a slight desctiption of y/n
TW: Leprosy, Mentions of death/murder, Mentions of stalking, Mentions of SH and ED, Mentions of poor mental health.
Y/n did not sleep that night.
The crazy grin she wore did not allow it. Her face hurt from smiling and her wild laughter filled the room, haunting the halls of the palace.
She was in utter disbelief at the situation. Her imprisonment was the best thing that had ever happened to her, she was in the same building as the love of her life. Her beautiful muse. He had been mere inches from her. He complimented her writing. He “loved her work”!
Y/n's arms were covered in red marks from pinching her skin in desperate attempts to wake herself up in case this was just a dream. It had to be a dream, and she would wake up any second, having fallen asleep at her desk.
But that moment never came, and soon the first lights of day streamed through the tiny window.
Soon the man from last night would come to collect her and bring her before the king once again. Her chest felt tight and her head pounded from nervousness.
As excited as she was, she was terrified.
Terrified of saying something too strange and making the king lose interest in her. This had to be perfect.
Eventually, the door opened to reveal a maid who carried some clothing, a hairbrush and some perfume amongst other ointments. “Clean yourself up before you see the king madam” she told her before turning to close the door.
Y/n did just that.
She changed into the dark black robes that she had been provided, wrapped the belt around her waist to keep them secure, brushed her hair and applied the perfume. She washed her face using the small sink in the corner of the room, also cleaning up the dried blood on her arms from weeks ago that she had completely forgotten about.
It wasn't until she looked into the mirror that she noticed how terrible her appearance really was.
Her face was dirty and her old clothes were stained with her own blood. Or was it her family's blood? She couldn't tell.
She could barely remember the last time she ate, or even slept for that matter. The dark circles under her large eyes were prominent.
She shook off the thoughts and focused on fixing her appearance as much as possible. When she looked decently presentable, she sat back down on the floor and waited. And waited. Until finally, the man who captured her the night prior came to unlock the door.
“Follow me, speak to nobody. Do you understand?” Tiberias said in a stern voice. “Yes sir” y/n muttered, looking down at the ground and followed him out the door.
As they walked, she memorized the way to the king's chambers. Two lefts, a right, continue straight, then another left. Just in case. 
When they arrived, the door was open. Tiberias instructed y/n to enter, placing his hand on her back and pushing her in when she hesitated. 
She felt her heart rate quicken as she approached. The king was sitting at his desk, reading a book with his back to her.
Y/n stood in the center of the room when he turned around and greeted her.
“Good morning, my secret admirer” he said cheerfully, standing from his seat to approach her.
“Good morning your highness” y/n replied, keeping her voice strong and free from fear.
“Come, sit please”  he gestured to the couch that leant up against the wall. She sat down, her body was stiff and rigid. Baldwin sat down beside her and sighed.
“Now. I have brought you here today because I am extremely curious about you” the king began. “You have my attention in your grasp and I am begging you to explain yourself to me so I can begin to understand your obviously complex and brilliant mind”. Y/n smiled at the complement, looking down into her lap bashfully.
“So please. Enlighten me madam” he finished, looking at her with anticipation. Y/n hesitated, but his expectant look told her of his impatience.
Not wanting to keep him waiting, she began to speak.
“I love you. That is the simple answer my lord. I have been not only obsessed with your work as king, but I have been captured by your beauty for many years now” she paused to think carefully. “You have entranced me as much as humanly possible. That is the simple answer” she finished, not willing to ramble for long.
“And what is the complex answer?” he asked, the expectant look remained in his eyes.
Y/n sighed and thought for a second. She shook her head, feeling her heart quicken again.
“I can't do this, I’m sorry my lord. Just sentence me to death or something please! I can’t do this-” she stood and began to leave.
“Madam wait!” Baldwin called out causing her to stop in her tracks.
Her heart rang in her ears and she breathed heavily.
“I am sorry to put you on the spot like that, we could speak of something else for a bit if you prefer?” he said, a hint of urgency in his voice. “We can be seated on the royal balcony as well so you can get some fresh air, I can even send the servants to get us drinks, just please do not leave” he waited anxiously for her reply.
Y/n turned to look at him with tears in her eyes and nodded.
“I'd like that a lot,” she said softly.
Baldwin released a breath he didn't even know he was holding at the accepted request.
Once seated on the balcony with a glass of wine each, the king spoke again. “It has just occurred to me, I don't even know your name”.
She looked up at him with sad eyes, “y/n. It is a family name” her voice was as sad as her eyes.
“That is a beautiful name” the king smiled behind his mask.
“Why are you so kind to me my lord? You barely even know me, all you know is I am some freak who writes poems!” she chuckled sadly at her own words, looking down into the glass.
Baldwin reached out a bandaged hand and placed it on her arm, the touch causing her eyes to widen.
“Because y/n, you are single handedly the most interesting and talented person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. The themes you explore in your poetry are incredibly unique, I have never read anything like it! And it just so happens to be about me of all people!” he sighed, shaking his head slightly in amazement.
“You are no freak, you are brilliant! And somebody with your talent should be recognised and treated with kindness and respect. I hope that answers your question”.
Y/n was lost for words.
Never in her life had anybody said something like that before. His words were beautiful, she could have sworn she felt her heart heal slightly.
The two spoke for a long time on the balcony.
Their conversations were pleasant and by the end, any anxiety y/n felt around the king was long gone.
As well as this, the appreciation for the strange girl that Baldwin felt in the beginning had grown into a strong liking. He loved her view on all things. Her words were as interesting and beautiful as her poems, he hung on the end of every word.
She was wonderful. More wonderful than he could have possibly imagined. He even removed his mask and veil with her permission of course. Despite his face being mostly covered with bandages, she was still truly in awe. 
Somewhere in the conversation y/n mentioned that she could draw. This sparked Baldwin's interest even more so he sent a servant to fetch some parchment and pencils to hopefully, with her permission, get a look at her talent.
As the king told her stories of battle, y/n sketched an image of his unmasked face. She wished for a moment that there were no bandages obstructing her view. She wanted him and his body. Disease and all.
When she was finished, Baldwin was lost for words. He had never seen anything like it. It looked just like him, she captured every detail perfectly. The way his hair fell around his face, to his once bright, now cloudy blue eyes.
Y/n blushed as he showered her in complements.
“How on earth did you do this so quickly? It belongs in a European art gallery! Do you draw things like this all the time? I must see each and every one!” she had never heard anybody say things like this to her, much less about her art work. 
They spent the evening on the balcony, even enjoying dinner there.
It was the first actual thing y/n had eaten in a long time, she did not mention this however. They watched the sunset together until it was dark. 
Baldwin paused his sentence to yawn into his hand, “I'm terribly sorry, it's getting late”. She understood completely.
“I must see you first thing tomorrow. There are so many things I want to show you” he told her as they both stood to go inside.
“That sounds brilliant” y/n agreed.
They stood in front of each other for a long time, staring into eachothers eyes. The gap between them was so small now.
“I wish to do something right now but I am afraid it will see the end of you” the king said, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Just do it. It would be an honor to die knowing I have felt heaven on earth” she replied.
“Your words are always beautiful. So beautiful…” and with that, the gap was closed and their lips were pressed together.
Baldwin’s bandaged hand rested itself on her hip, pulling her deeper into the kiss. Y/n’s hand rested on the back of his head, she felt his beautiful soft curls beneath her fingertips. They were softer than she ever imagined.
The two wished the moment could never end, but it was over all too soon.
They said their goodnights and returned to their separate chambers, each with an equally overjoyed expression on their faces and anticipation for what the new day would bring.
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rosedere · 3 days
Hi!! Can i request yan azul forcing you to have relationship with him. And the darling is yuu in twisted wonderland world while she's already can't leave to her world. She's sad that she can't go to her world anymore. But still trying to survive there, but she's just not want to be in the relationship with someone.
Anyway, thank you so much if you read and make this request. I really really love your works on ao3 and really happy you active on tumblr too. Have a nice day and keep healthy 🫶
👀👀👀 ooh that’s a juicy request anon! (esp since I just finished book 3 on my main acct im rolling on the floor the yan potential Azol has <3)
Azul was tending to the monstro lounge reports when he felt something... off.
Dropping the intricate fishbone pen, he listened to the normally bustling hallway full of chatter and dishes clanking.
"(Name) darling," he called, still looking down at the current equation for calculating how much inventory he'd need for the upcoming month.
He peeked up to see no one in the VIP room.
You left.
You left him.
He quickly strided out of the lounge towards the kitchen.
The servers and cooks, enslaved by golden contracts, were still diligently working, stressed out, trying to fulfill the orders as they should.
But you weren't there.
His mind was racing as he began his journey to the lounge, where the loud sounds of customers chatting were heard.
The dim, soft, deep violet lights shone down on him as he scanned the restaurant.
But searching amongst the different dorm uniforms and students, you weren't there. His pearl.
But his red herring was seen when he saw the ramshackle prefects annoying talking beast sitting at the bar across from Floyd, who had an extremely annoyed expression as the small gluttonous vermit shoveled desert after desert into his small mouth.
That thing never came to the lounge.
A few seconds later, he saw your other annoying friend with his red hair bouncing up and down as he shook hands with Floyd, having an unheard discussion away from Earshot.
His competition.
He scowled, but he did notice your friend seemed extremely nervous, fidgeting, looking around the packed lounge.
Azul's eyes met your red-haired friend's, causing him to freeze in place.
He only shifted before looking uncomfortablely towards a corner of the room.
Azul followed where he was looking but could only see your hair swaying as you ran on shaky legs towards the exit to the lounge.
Your friend, realizing what he had done, only looked in worry as he ran towards the exit after you, grabbing your direbeast by the neck to its annoyance.
Azul only ran like his life depended on it as he tried to dodge the busy lounge goers in the way.
A few looked up in confusion as Azul passed by.
He suddenly ran into the chest of your tall beastman friend.
"Watch where you're going," Azul spat before trying to bypass him.
He only felt the rough hands of the beastman grab the back of his neck, slightly lifting him up.
"You watch where you're going," he growled before tossing him back towards the floor.
"Get out of my way, or I'll have you escorted out of my establishment," Azul pointed with his cane at the beastman. "I don't allow dogs in this establishment anyway," he sneered.
"Eh might as well; she should be in the mirror by now." Jack smiled down at Azul.
With anger, Azul only pushed past the beastman, causing him to growl as Azul ran down to the hallway of Octavinelle.
It felt like the hallways took forever as he finally reached the exit to Octavinelle.
You weren't anywhere near the exit, causing Azul's heart to sink. You had somehow gotten further than the last time you ran, he recalls, when he caught you late at night trying to use the exit mirror in the hall of mirrors.
He remembered grabbing your seaweed binds and taking you back to the empty dorm room you were being held in.
You were heartbroken as he led you back to your room. He knew it wasn't ideal, but he knew if he left you in his room every day, you'd be found immediately by the nosy friends you had.
It was already hard trying to get you to sign the contract to bind yourself to him; he didn't need anymore problems.
Stepping out of the mirror, he was still met with no sign of you or your annoying friends waiting outside the mirror.
Azul's ears perked up at the sound of your wounded voice.
"Ah, just as I suspected, someone's been lying."
Jade approached from the heartslabyul mirror a few meters away. You dangled defeated in his arms with torn and tattered clothes, your knees, hands, and wrists with small cerated cuts on you.
Your head dangled down in defeat as Jade held your body in his arms.
"What the hell happened to her?" Azul scolded Jade.
"She's not mute; she can tell you herself what she did." Jade smiled, holding you up to present to Azul.
You only quivered, shaking in Jade's grasp, looking down pathetically.
"Where were you (name)?" Azul snarled, hitting you in the ribs with his cane.
You whimpered, only curling yourself into a ball.
"Let me guess you were going to run away with your friends away from me?" He sarcastically joked, "I thought you cried about hating them and wanting to go home."
Still looking down, you only stayed silent as he decided to harshly poke into your sides.
"Answer me (name)"
"I DONT WANT TO BE STUCK WITH YOU" you shouted, pointing at Azul.
"Im sick of being your toy; you just take me out whenever you remember I exist," you sobbed. "Just let me go; I won't tell anyone about what you did to me or be around Octavinelle anymore."
Azul only looked in disbelief, as if you had grown three heads.
"Im serious, you can have Ramshackle; I'll go live in another dorm if I have to," you cried loudly in the echoing hall.
Azul was quiet for a moment; it seemed that he was thinking of your offer.
Even Jade seemed alarmed at your sudden outburst as you cried with tears running down your scratched-up face and the scent of roses coming from your matted hair.
But Azul was only thinking of how sorry he was for not hiding you better.
"Jade, I can take her back." Azul sighed in defeat. "It seems I might need to use my other plan."
You thrashed in Azul's hold as he held you to his chest in a bridal style.
"I'll take you a warm bath and give you some of this," he cooed as he pulled a vial from his breast pocket.
Your eyes widen in horror when you realize what he was threatening you with.
"I just can't have those pesky friends of yours finding you once more, my pearl," he combed his fingers in your hair as he began to walk towards the octavinelle mirror.
"I know you'd be a beautiful attraction to the Monstro Lounge Aquarium."
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thehistoriangirl · 3 days
Could you write something for Viktor in this Father's Day please??
Thank you so much, have a great day 🖤
Hi anon! For sure :3 I hope you like it
Little Genius
Viktor x Fem!Reader---1.4K----SFW
Tags: Established Relationship (they're married) | Pregnancy | Fluff | Viktor would be such a great dad yall can't change my mind | Happy Father's day to all who celebrate :3 | This is not proofread at all bc Father's Day is over in less than an hour i'm sorryyyy ;---; |
Viktor felt your head nudging against his side, making him lower the book he was reading since yesterday—since you had finished it without waiting for him to read it out loud. A small betrayal Viktor washed away with your extra long session of kisses after dinner.
He reached to turn off the lamp, your hand brushing his before he could pull the tiny rope. Golden eyes took in your alert face, body wiggling closer to him so Viktor could rest his right leg over your hip.
His hum reverberated in your whole body due to the closeness of your cheek and his chest, heart beating content as you melted against the soft touches, the nonsensical patterns he drew against the thin, worn-out fabric of your pajamas.
“Not tired yet?” he asked, looking at the clock hung on the wall almost reaching midnight.
“I want to show you something,” you said, fiddling with the loose threads of his favorite blanket, the one he packed from his house in Zaun and kept in Piltover, even now.
He mourned the sudden loss of your warmth once you incorporated in your elbows, reaching for the nightstand on your side of the bed. Though curiosity made his golden eyes twinkle as your fingers scouted the insides of the last drawer.
“What is it?” Viktor peeked over your shoulder, seeing your hand gently cradling a small, white box tied close with a golden ribbon. “Are you going to propose, my love? Because I’m sorry to tell you this, but I beat you to it around two years ago,” he chuckled, rubbing with his thumb over the golden band decorating a finger in your left hand. Soft, slightly dry lips kissing the reverse of your palm once you glared playfully at him.
“You’re not funny,” you said, thought your curved lips testified completely the opposite.
“I hate to argue with the love of my life, but I am. Otherwise I wouldn’t have win you over.”
“Well, what if I say that you win me over with your terrible jokes?”
Viktor feigned a deep betrayal just like they were represented in the Opera House; hand clutching his shirt over his heart, closing his eyes while his face twisted in a grimace of hurt. “Your words break my heart.” His hands enveloped your waist, pulling you against his chest. “You better have a plan to wound up my poor heart. Your devote lover is very sensible.”
You beamed at him, eyes crinkled in crescents. “I do have one.” Wriggling against his tangled hug, you sat with your legs crossed, settled right in front of Viktor, putting the box on his chest. “Open it.”
The mysterious object was covered with a layer of paper, and for a few moments all that it could be heard inside your shared room was the wrinkled paper being pushed away to reveal the gift.
“Huh?” Viktor frowned, his fingers brushing the softest fabric as he raised the clothing out the box to see it against the light of the bright, golden lamp.
A vivid, burnt yellow bib made of crochet in a pattern oddly familiar for his own baby clothes kept inside a bag under his mother’s bed back in Zaun. The lettering read: Papa’s Little Genius.
He gazed at you, founding your expression of pressed lips about to burst into giggles. “My love?”
“Do you know what day is today?” you said, brushing the empty box away to straddle his hips.
“Sunday?” He could barely articulate any words with your comfortable weight pressed against him.
You lowered over his chest, nuzzling your nose in the crook of his neck and nibbling on his ear just for the fun to see his pale skin flush deep crimson every time. “It’s Father’s Day,” your voice sent shivers down his spine, goosebumps traveling all over his body as his body torn between your allure making pool molten desire down his stomach, and his brain scrambling around by your shushed words.
“Father’s…” he said, holding your shoulders as he looked down toward you and over the bib resting on the pillow next to him. His golden eyes opened, a gasp hitching his already quickening breath. “Are you… you… I… we…”
You burst out laughing, your vision became blurry with the halo of tears pooling in your eyes. “Yes...,” you whispered, as if it were such a delicate thing, a dream, almost, that if talking too loud about it would make it disappear. “You’re going to be a Papa very soon.”
His teary eyes matched yours as he hugged him flush against him, taking in the smell of your hair, how perfectly he feels blessed at just basking in your presence. And now, not only had you given him your whole body and soul and heart. No, you were about to give him a legacy—a future carved in his blood and flesh.
A child.
His child.
His rough fingerpads caressed your cheeks, wishing to take in every little detail about this moment so he could treasure it for eternity.
“I thought I was the luckiest person in the whole world when you accepted to be my spouse, but now?” He laughed, wiping your tears away. “Now words can’t describe how I feel knowing that you’re carrying our baby.”
Viktor chuckled, his smile that one of a child’s that had just discovered the wonders of life for the first time. His hand cradling your belly.
“Hi, little one,” he muttered, almost afraid to cause a bad impression to his unborn baby. Fingers gently caressing the soft skin under your shirt. “I’m your Papa. Hi,” Viktor repeated, finding himself in a loss of words. “I… I promise I’m going to read a lot of books about parenting, and that I’m going to come up with pretty toys for you, and I promise that I will make daily time to play with you… and sing to you… and tucking you to bed,” his voice broke, a knot straining his throat. “I don’t know anything about being a father, but I promise you I will be the best for you, little one.”
With a groan, he sat on the bed, lowering his head to kiss your belly, hands interlocked in the small of your back. “Only the best for you and your stunning mother. I hope you look just like her,” he said with a chuckle. “Though I will struggle to ground if that occurs… hmm, just be easy on me, alright?”
He looked up at you, eyes full of wonder and pure, unfiltered adoration.
“I just know about them, but I already love them so,” Viktor confessed, caressing your hair, his hands pulling down your chin so his lips could encounter yours. “Thank you. Thank you so much.” He mumbled between kisses of all kind—as soft as the brush of a feather, bold ones with his teeth biting your bottom lip, his tongue exploring your mouth in a slow, sensual dance. “I love you. I love you both,” he corrected, patting your belly.
“Do you like the bib?” you hummed, and he laughed. “Your mother scold me a lot because I kept getting lost while knitting the pattern.
“I knew I recognized that style.” He scanned the bib, arching a playful eyebrow toward you. “Little Genius, eh? Pretty high standards, don’t you think?”
You roll your eyes, swatting his chest lightly. “You say that as if you won’t let them see all your blueprints and chalkboards full of equations the moment they’re born.”
Viktor’s heart fluttered at the thought. He would have to babyproof his studio—and for sure his child wouldn’t step inside the lab without a full-body protective uniform, but the thought of sharing with someone else besides you about his vision of the world and the place he had in it made him feel like he was inside paradise.
A personal goal to make this world much happier, and safer, and fairer.
His baby’s world.
“I love you,” he said, kissing your whole face with delicate kisses that poured out everything words could never express. His devotion. His love. Everything. “I will never be able to pay you back for this…this miracle.”
“I don’t want you to pay me back,” you said, hands resting over his quickly-beating heart. “I love you, too. And your love for both of us is more than enough.”
He smiled widely, showing you that grin you adored so much, that made you melt and wish you could, too, give him the whole world.
“How lucky I am,” he hummed, settling you against his chest. “To have my whole universe safely resting in my arms.”
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redwlf843 · 2 days
Abby helping you through depression
The Good and The Bad
Abby Anderson x Fem!reader
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Summary: when your depression rears its ugly head back around Abby refuses to let you suffer alone.
A/N: thank for the request anon. Please know that this work deals with topics of depression. Thoughts and feelings of depression are explained in detail so if this is something that you find triggering please do not read this.
Warnings: depression, issues of self worth, reader’s thoughts do get dark in this, if I missed anything let me know.
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You couldn’t get up you just couldn’t do it. All you could do was stare at the ceiling and let your mind wander against your better judgment. You knew what was happening, you started to get the signs of it last week. The tiredness that weighed down your body, the lack of motivation to do quite literally anything, the mood swings, the feeling of just nothingness that seemed to encase you. You felt guilty for feeling this way you had a good life. Steady job, roof over your head, food on the table, loving friends and family, and a beautiful girlfriend.
You hated yourself for feeling a creeping loneliness when you had such an amazing and thoughtful girlfriend. Abby was one of the best things in your life how dare you feel alone? These thoughts kept circulating throughout your brain and getting worse by the minute. You weren’t good enough for her she deserved better, you weighed her down, you were a burden that was passed onto her. Your mind wanders to thoughts of your friends and family, what if they just put up with you? You think of every time you e failed, every time you’ve felt low in your life and all of those thoughts manifest in to a bitter ball of depression that sits right on your chest weighing you down.
Would anyone even miss you? Do you even deserve to be missed? As soon as that thought crosses your mind you try to shake it away but you can’t. The voice in your head getting louder and louder. You almost don’t even hear the door open but you see the light from the open door illuminate the darkened room.
“Sweetheart?” Abby’s voices sounds in the room and you can’t bring yourself to sit up to look at her. No you didn’t want her to see that state you were in because you k ew for a fact she’d try to help you. She didn’t deserve to babysit you after she got done dealing with patients all day.
You feel the mattress sink beside you as she sits on the bed next to you. You can feel her worried eyes looking over your features. “Have you gotten out of bed today?” She asks her voice gentle not an ounce of judgment to be heard. You know for a fact she wouldn’t judge your answer but right now you’re afraid to tell her.
You don’t want her to know how pathetic and lazy you are. That you couldn’t even leave the bed.
“Ok I’m gonna take that as a no” Abby says as she tucks some hair behind your ear. “I just ask because I want to know if you’ve eaten today.” You finally find it in yourself to shake your head ‘no’. You see her nod out of the corner of your eye.
“Alright let’s get some food in you okay? And then we’ll go from there.” She tells you, she had the protocol down pat now. Another thing you felt guilty for. You’re her girlfriend for god sake not a fucking patient, she shouldn’t have to come home and have to take care of more people, you should be taking care of her yet here you are.
“Nuh uh nope, don’t even finish that thought I know where that beautiful brain is going. Look at me please baby?” She asks, her voice so soft and gentle. A tone that’s reserved for you and you only.
You let your eyes fall shut for a moment before you take a deep breath and turn your head. You open your eyes and meet Abby’s worried blue eyes.
“There’s my girl” she says with a smile and you try to give her some type of smile in return but it comes out as more of a grimace.
“Listen to me. I love you, you are my everything and I want to be here for you when you need me. It’s not some burden or some task okay? It’s taking care of the woman I love and I will do that till my last breath.” Abby tells you, her words full of conviction and honesty.
You feel the tears burning behind your eyes, your vision swims as tears begin to gather. Her words set you over the edge and in seconds you’re clinging to Abby as your body rocks with sobs. You just needed her right now, you needed to be in her arms, you needed her to fight off the dark thoughts clouding your brain.
“Oh honey” she coos as she holds your trembling body close to hers, you’re practically on her lap at this point. You sob into her shoulder, your tears making marks against the soft fabric of her shirt. She gently rubs your back and rocks you as you let out the emotions that have been building for days.
You don’t know how long as passed, could have been 15 minutes could have been 45. Slowly your breathing starts to regulate and the onslaught of tears have become little sniffles as Abby continues to rub your back and whispering sweet nothings as you finally gather yourself. You take a deep breath and inhale the scent that is purely Abby. Feeling the comforting warmth of her body and the scent that you’ve come to relate to love has calmed you down significantly.
She kisses your forehead before she hands you a tissue. You wipe your eyes and you blow your nose.
“I’m such a mess I’m sorry” you hoarsely apologize
“Nonsense you’re perfect”
You’re about to open your mouth and say something but she stops you before you can.
“I will not take any disagreement. You are absolutely perfect and I will spend the rest of today, tomorrow, and everyday after that proving it to you.” She says as she wraps her arms around you in a bear hug, pressing little kisses all over your face.
“How about this we get some food in you, take a shower, get you changed into some new pajamas and then we’ll sit down and watch a movie. How does that sound?
A small part of you wanted to disagree and keeping rotting in bed but a bigger part of you wanted-no needed that.
You nod your head, “yeah that sounds really nice” you softly say your voice still a bit hoarse from disuse.
Abby stands with you in her arms as she walks to the kitchen and sets you down on the counter as some makes an early dinner for the both of you. She talks about her day and manages to get a few chuckles out of you which she considers to be a win. Once food is eaten she fills up your water bottle and sets it on the bedside table.
She gets the shower ready and once you’re in she strips off her clothes and follows in behind you. She washes your hair for you and run the washcloth over your body as she tells you how much she loves your body, every single part your insecure of she have at least 20 nice things to say. The moment is not sexual but extremely intimate, the love she has for you is outpouring. Her kind words bring kinder thoughts to your mind as she showers every inch of you in praise.
After the shower you’ve changed in her your shirt and a pair a sweatpants, your sitting on the couch snuggled into Abby while a comfort movie plays on the tv. You can feel some of the coldness melt away, the dark bitterness of your mind slowly brightening as Abby showers you with love and makes sure you know just how loved you are. The depression will never 100% be gone, this is something that you will forever deal with. You have your good days and you have bad days like today but it seems almost doable with Abby by your side.
“I know you didn’t sign up for this but thank you. I wouldn’t want to have to go through this alone.” You tell her honestly
“Baby I signed up for this” she says as she turns her head to look away from the movie to look at you, her eyes meeting yours. So much love was held in those blue eyes you almost had to look away.
“I signed up for the good, bad, and everything in between. I signed up to be with you and I want everything that comes with it. This is something we’ll shoulder together. For better or for worse.” She smiles as she links her pinky with yours.
“We’re not even married.”
“Not yet we aren’t.” She says as she pressed a kiss to her head.
“You don’t have to thank me for being here for you, alright?” She brings your hand to her lips and she presses a gentle kiss to the back of it.
“I want every part of you, good and the bad.
“The good and the bad” you softly repeat after her with a small smile on your lips, the first smile she’s seen from you all day.
Once she sees the smile on your lips she leans down to gently capture your lips with hers. The kiss soft and full of love as she pulls away she has a soft smile of her own.
“Better or for worse” she whispers against your lips as she leans in for another kiss.
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A/N: hope you all enjoyed this. Everyone has a different experience with depression with this is used my own experience and struggles but it’s different for everyone. If you are struggling please know that you do not deserve to struggle alone. There is help out there and my dms are always open if you need to talk. Remember to take stay hydrated and take your meds, and as always love y’all💖
Dividers are by @cafekitsune
Pictures are from Pinterest
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rofax · 1 year
Hi would it be possible to ask 🍪 for both Tira the elf and for Nia’s alien boyfriend(?) ?
Heck yea it would be! :> Y'all are being too kind indulging me with my dumb little meow meows.
🍪: What is something that's sentimental to you OC?
Tira: She does not initially put a lot of stock in sentiment and is kind of an aloof bitch tbh. As she goes along her lil journey she softens up and finds a lot of intangible sentimental things, like braiding hair and being taught different kinds of magic. The only thing she really feels sentimental about prior to meeting Rhuk is her childhood friends, who now run their parents' pub. So that location is close to her heart.
Bix: My man has literally NOTHING when he arrives in our world lol. He has no material anything. I think he's probably sentimental about his lab back home and his life before being a test subject, but Nia starts bringing him things once she is allowed access to him and he treasures those a lot. Little things that she hopes would be comforting to him like a pillow or blanket or educational books with a lot of imagery in them since she assumes he can't read their language (he super can). Just any little gesture of kindness from her is special to him.
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missmungoe · 10 months
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“You’re such a pretty man,” Makino sighed, touching her fingertips to his cheek, before rubbing his beard with her thumb. “Your wife is very lucky. Oh—hey.” Her whole expression brightened, her smile entirely cheeky. “That’s me.”
Shanks grinned, delighted. “You are absolutely hammered, aren’t you?”
“Hmm, I think I’m about to be.” She frowned. “Wait—was that not a euphemism?”
My masked Zorro, the unbelievably generous and tantalisingly mysterious Cover Anon, sweeps in once more with another gorgeous cover from Shanties, this time for Penelope (aka, the wedding fic, my beloved), by the incredible @sacred_pirate on twitter.
I...don't know how it's possible to capture the way a fic exists in my mind so perfectly it's like the artist reached into my soul, and yet that's what this feels like. This is one of the most beautiful artworks I've ever seen, and I can't believe it's from my fic, and this fic.
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moeblob · 23 days
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it's so true they are all idiots and they all are disasters but after the group mom offered me his therapist info because I was acting a bit weird (and hey, if you need help then get it! no shame!) then yeah I am literally convinced the only way this group is alive is because he has no mean bones in his body.
(I have only just gotten past the first witch and the twinks hate me but understandable have a nice day, boys... but honestly Arshem CONTINUES to remain the healthiest despite going through the roughest imo.)
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lemedstudent2021 · 1 month
Where should Jews live? Where do they belong? Where do you consider their native land to be? Honest question.
an honest question deserves an honest answer so here ya go:
Anywhere and everywhere. Jews- the followers of the Abrahamic religion Judaism- along with Muslims, Christians, Atheists, Sikhs, Vegans, and literally any human being under the sun have the right to live wherever they please (given certain criteria are met like visas and that it isnt a military station/ off limits area etc).
Yes my dear reader(s) you read that right; ones faith or lack thereof shouldnt be an obstacle in any aspect of ones life, be it medical services, education, job opportunities, so on and so forth. How novel.
That answers where they 'should' live (although I dont by any means impose anything on anyone; y'all do whatever as long as its legal and harms no one including yourself. God bless). Could is more accurate.
As for where they 'belong', this in my opinion is one of the beauties of religion: people from all walks of life can belong to a religion. Diversity lies at the heart of our existence as human beings and denying it is like denying the existence of the sun. Tolerance is a must if we are ever going to get along with each other. And this belonging isn't irrevocabley tied to geography. But I digress :)
Quick aside just so we're all on the same page: converting to a religion renders you just as valid and equal as someone born into a religion. Most if not all religions preach equality between their followers regardless of background, so i wont hear anything of 'oh theyre not real xyz' or 'they dont count' or any of that bs.
By this logic (religious demographics are, generally speaking, very diverse), there is no 'this set of people belong here, and those over there' ...and proof of that in a sense would be atheists/ agnostics; where would they 'belong'? Antarctica? Outer space? alright ill stop XD
If that were the case, most of the planet would be crammed in the Middle East lol [Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon alone are home to 34M (as of 2023), and the followers of the 3 main Abrahamic religions are an estimated 3.4B (as of 2020) globally. We wouldnt fit even if we used one of these]. Yeah nationality/ race/ ethnicity/ background influence and maybe even dictate one's religious identity, but it isn't the all or nothing we may think it to be.
Which brings us nicely to the next point, and here if you'll allow me i'd like to correct it to native land of Judaism (where it originated/ flourished/ spread whatever) as opposed to native land of Jews because as i mentioned above, a religion doesnt (or shouldnt) differentiate nor discriminate between its followers. By restricting them to one geographical location (and for some using it as an indicator of their authenticity) we do them great disservice as well as contradict the teachings themselves. A demonstration:
Im Jordanian right, (dad's maternal side are from bilad al sham; Syria) and im a born Muslim alhamdulillah. My dads Malaysian roommates from his uni days are also born Muslims (and have the best food lol, my all time favourite is lemak cili padi) and seperating us on the basis of them not being Arab or Middle Eastern is unislamic, intolerant, xenophobic, and wrong on every level. Alternatively, im just as Muslim as someone from Mecca or Medina. We're all Muslim. we are the world...
Circling back, Judaism the religion is native to the Holy land (I guess you can say it started in Egypt till it moved there but idk. Regardless), and Jews (adherants of the faith) can't in my humble opinion be fairly categorised as one monolithic unit... just like any and every other faith out there.
Another quick aside; this is merely a tumblr post that cant do the history and culture and intricacies and so much more of this matter a portion of the justice it deserves. I am but a tired medical student answering to the best of my abilities a question I was asked with my limited knowledge in theology and perspective in general, so do me a favour and keep that in mind. And to anyone reading this if you have questions or corrections or resources or anything you want to mention be my guest :)
If you're still here, I'm both grateful and amused. Here's what you probably came for, the piece de resistance if you will: 🍉israel🍉
Disclaimer: thanks for reading this far, but if you disagree in any way shape or form with any of the 30 human rights articles, you may as well stop reading and put your device through the shredder. Bigots, racists, fascists, anti vaxxers etc. dni
So far ive seen this idea, call it what you will, two times (which isnt a lot but its weird that it happened to me twice consecutively), that claims the freedom of Palestine equals a genocide of the Jews.
Er, no? No ma'am. One does not solve a genocide by comitting another genocide. What part of 'never again' are we missing here?
Before we get into politcal nominations and factions and other territories i dont plan on invading (pun intended) but might accidentally cross anyway (I forgot where i was going with this) i want to remind everyone that Judaism is not synonymous with Israel nor zionism (if u disagree with this go ahead and shred ur device too).
A refresher: Judaism is a religion, Israel is an illegal-occupying-apartheid-state, and Zionism is a movement/ ideology
So 'genocide of the Jews' is both wrong (diction) and more wrong (factually incorrect) in that the liberation of Palestine means freedom from oppression, discrimination, settler colonialism... the whole nine yards. Enough bloodshed already its been nearly 76 years.
When Netenyahu is eventually drop kicked out of office (and hopefully hung, drawn, and quartered for his plentiful warcrimes) what happens to the (illegal) citizens of Israel? Well first off, return the stolen homes and land to their rightful owners who have the keys (and documents if they werent tampered with or erased) to prove it.
As for the illegal-under-international-law settlements and new also illegal establishments; I have no idea what international laws will decree (not that I have that much faith in the judiciary system), but I assume they will be seized and evicted of the illegal tenants (how you like me now?) and given to those who have been displaced or homes ruined etc. because its theirs and theirs alone and it was unlawfully and cruelly taken away from them and not because the (remaining lol) former Israeli citizens can't or shouldn't live in palestine. they can go live somewhere where its legal. the priority is Palestinians tho.
What about the indigenous everyone else? As long as their houses aren't stolen or illegal they can should stay because its legal and its theirs and thats that. you cannot kick someone out of their home to give it to another (which was the basis of the creation of Israel.) because its ✨i l l e g a l✨
And the people who dont belong so to speak? I think this one's case by case; like I said at the very, very beginning; people have the right to live wherever as long as its legal and ok to do so regardless of faith or background, and no one should be denied their right to live in Palestine as a country like any other, but they certainly must be denied living in homes stolen and given to them because thats, say it with me now, illegal <3
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eggcheeseham-ster · 2 months
I love RyuTeru since I was a child (11 years old) I'm glad to find another artist who likes it, Could you give me your Headcanons? I'd like to see what you think about them.
Pardon my language but holy fuck I thought I'd never find anyone else that likes it as much as me 😭. had to do a double take when I read the ask I legit thought I was hallucinating - anyway! I rmbr having posted some hcs about them before but I'm too lazy to dig it up so I'll dump it here
(bonus tobio and tetsuya crumbs i like to think the 4 of them as a happy friend group):
They are both early birds, but sometimes they sleep in on weekends. 
Teru drinks coffee and Ryutaro drinks tea. Ryutaro dislikes the strong, bitter taste of coffee even when there's a shitload of creamer in it (once Ryutaro made Tobio drink tea and he added soda in it).
Teru enjoys spoiling his loved ones.. Ryutaro often tells him to not spoil him too much. I like to think when they form a family in the future Teru is the parent that drags the entire (reluctant)  family out for shopping.
Whenever Teru falls sick, Ryutaro would use aromatherapy to ail his symptoms such as fragrant incense and essential oils.
Whenever Ryutaro falls sick Teru makes him soup. Granted it's canned soup but it's the thought that counts (i hc teru being an awful cook more lr8)
Teru is absolutely the one that gives really cheesy nicknames and it makes Ryutaro cringe to high heaven. But he tolerates it because he likes seeing Teru smile :) 
Teru is extremely soft (literally). He takes damn good care of himself I just know his hair is soft. Bedtime cuddles are also soft. I can imagine his sleeping robes are super comfy.. Ryutaro has to compete with everyone else for hugs :(
Teru has a sweet tooth and enjoys cafe hopping. Fluffy pancakes with LOTS of maple syrup, ice cream waffles, sundaes etc. The things he orders are enough to give Ryutaro a heart attack, so he just sticks to drinks. Give him a break, his entire diet is just rice and grilled fish. 
Among the dss trio I'd feel like Ryutaro is the least petty but he can be extremely petty when it comes down to it. Whenever he's mad at Tobio and Tetsuya he'd let Teru be in charge of dinner. No one has the heart to say no when they see Teru's eyes light up in joy as he brainstorms recipes to try out.
Both of them are really good at makeup and self care. They do each other's makeup and hair. They also spend an ungodly amount of time in the bathroom. You want to hang out with these two? Waiting time is 2 hours.
Teru is the one to initiate dates and plans them. Their first couple of dates are the usual restaurant/mall/movie dates. But when Teru learns of Ryutaro's dislike of crowds they move their dates to more outdoorsy locations, like parks.  
Ryutaro can be dense. He doesn't pick up on flirting or pick up lines. I feel like the same goes with jokes they fly by over his head and you need to explain the joke to him, which instantly makes it unfunny and awkward.
Tobio and Tetsuya are the perpetual unfortunate third wheelers. They get it, they're single. Can Ryuteru stop holding hands and looking at each other?? They didn't sign up for this.
I can imagine Ryuteru travelling together after battle bladers for a while before bumping into Tobio and Tetsuya randomly. Tobio thinks they're just besties,, until he sees them holding hands and his brain explodes. Mostly from the fact that he can't believe this fortune telling weirdo got on with someone. Someone so pretty in fact??
Tetsuya is usually in his world most of the time and at first he doesn't realise he's third wheeling. But after he catches on he'd be sick of their bs after a while.
Teru would be super sweet to the two,, he'd be very patient with tetsuya and listen to him rambling about his crab friends.. The crabs like Teru as well :) 
I am so deep into delulu that I gave them a fankid. he doesn't have a name actually I just call him blue baby because he's just a mini ryutaro. absolutely nothing goes on in that pea sized brain but his parents still love him anyway <3 if you want I can make a separate post about adult ryuteru and their spawn because this one is rly long alr.
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non-fantasy · 5 months
Hello!! I saw your post about the game you're making - it sounded fascinating, and out of curiousity about a genre I don't know much about I got into a visual novel/dating sim related rabbit hole.
If you don't mind my asking, do you have any recommendations? VN or datesims or both! or any adjacents too.
(thank you, and good luck with the game!!)
i'm a huge fan of it gets so lonely here because it does a lot of cool things with the narration and multiple playthroughs. her tears were my light does similar things with the multiple playthrough thing and it was the first visual novel to really open my eyes to what the genre could be like! and because apparently today is horror yuri day i will add liar liar and liar liar 2. the artstyle is very cute! and there's blood!
for less horror yuri and more dating sim, i am currently completely obsessed with tokimeki memorial girls side 1-3, the dating sim/visual novel/stat-raising hybrid that inspired a lot of otome games—— and for good reason, too, because it's JUST THAT GOOD. i almost exploded something trying to play the fourth game but i will not let that stop me
in pure visual novel, i have to recommend heartbaked, it was one of those games i played in my free visual novel frenzy when i was younger and it really stuck with me! i still think about the radley ending.
i adore adore adore pacthesis games and i would love to direct you to my number one favourite and inspiration, number days sim date, because the intertwining of plot and romance and friendship was wonderful. xolga and mr toko is more point and click but check those out too
i love you was REALLY GOOD and i adored it. if you want proactive women and blushing boys this is the game for you! kill them with blushing right now
senpai please look at me was good!!! i love it! absolutely worth sticking around for all the bonuses! very short and sweet and you will love it
sweetest valentine is a game. in a genre called :). if you don't know what :) means don't worry about it!
play yuki 4p for lesbians and its sequel, scheme, for even more dumb lesbians. i am absolutely begging you to click those links because the names are too long for me to type out and i don't know if googling lesbians scheme will bring you to the masterpiece properly
hermes and gry is REALLY FUNNY but also one of those games that opened my mind to how complex the ren'py system could be. you made a map, a constantly-updated journal, an inventory, and the best damn ending ever? i was screaming when all my evil schemes came together. absolutely 10/10 worth it if the creator wants my liver i'd hand it over
hot coffee is SO SO SO good that i ended up reaching out to the creator just to praise it so much please play it please i'm on my knees please
speaking of games i am begging you to play
absolutely play i want to pursue the mean side character and my sweet zombie!!!! tsun is a great artist and the stories are good and you have to have to have to have to play okay!!! tsun is also making i just want to be single which is so so so cool the game of the year every year and it hasn't been released yet and you need to become. a fan okay because aro pride is right now
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vero-niche · 4 months
a fellow english major, really happy to see someone who's proud of their degree <3
you know that "no love, no matter how brief, is wasted" line? i think the same applies for knowledge too - no matter how useless it may seem, knowledge acquired is never in vain.
#honestly like. idk what your age is but when i was attending uni i kept getting told that i shouldve gone for IT. because the future#- and the money - is there.#now look at the IT companies. the whole thing is crumbling#not to mention the arrogance. that IT degree didnt make you immune to the same old scam tactics did it. how are your nfts doing btw#honestly i never really expected it myself that a humanities degree would prove useful in a daily life type of way#like. sure i knew it wasnt useless but still. its entirely different to experience it in real time yknow#and the whole new wave ''it isnt that deep'' trend is honestly pretty dangerous bc there usually IS something deeper.#a narrative an agenda a propaganda etc.... or simply just capitalist greed#so its needed to read between the lines and see what the point/intention really is#- and thats what literary and other art analysis is making you do! it makes you stop and think#this is all not even mentioning all the political historical and cultural stuff we learned about all the anglo-saxon countries#which all prove to be pretty useful in light of recent events......#so yeah. anyway. dont listen to all those who say its useless (and theres a lot of those even among the ones who chose this major too)#its clearly not. but even if it were it wouldnt matter ehat they think#(i do wish tho that i couldve attended it already on the right meds bc i feel like i forgot A Lot bc of my mental state at the time#but oh well. what can you do)#thank you for the ask it was really nice of you 💞💞💞#ask#anon
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wereshrew-admirer · 2 years
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Duvall giving Chine a rub-down post Sapodilla, inspecting for damage
(full image below cut, CW non-explicit nudity)
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heavily inspired by this wonderful fic 
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sherlockig · 1 year
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Rhys Darby having perfect hair (and stubble) on instagram 💗
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hearts-hunger · 1 year
Idk what lane you’re in (im fairly new to the fandom) but seeing someone like josh literally changed my whole perspective on love. Like because of seeing my parents fight and their horrible relationship it made me not really believe in it. But then seeing someone with soft energy like josh really changed and maybe even softened my heart (which is wild) but yea i also claim a soft and sweet and loving partner for us girls (gn) who have been through a lot. We deserve all the nice things -🤍🥲
asks that make you cry?? and yes i absolutely agree!! josh's energy has been really helpful to me in focusing on my own joyful energy and being reassured that it does exist in the world. when i first got into gvf i was in a really bad place mentally, and i leaned really heavily on their music and josh's warm, inviting, joyful energy in particular. i used to to do daily meditations/affirmations and some kind of yoga/intuitive movement/dance, and i'd incorporate songs like "the new day" into it, and i'd include some of josh's little meditative phrases like "where there is love we must live on." (now that i'm thinking about it, i should get back into that!)
but yes, all that to say that i definitely understand where you're coming from - josh's energy in particular is so warm and so happy and so welcoming. it's like a big hug just to interact with him in any way, whether with his music or his words or just his big ol' smile!!! he reminds me daily that people with that energy do exist, that i can be one of them, and that positive energy like that attracts more!! love is a natural part of existence - the fundamental part of existence - and we have to welcome it. so often it seems like people close themselves off to it and twist it to make it into a weapon. i'm so thankful for people like josh who radiate love and light so openly and show that it's within reach of anyone who wants to take hold of it.
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