edutainer2022 · 1 year
It's small, it's random... but I just wanted to say that knowing that I'm part of your pinned post makes me smile - it's a thread I really enjoyed and I'm glad that you apparently had fun with it too ^^
@riallasheng Oh, thank you! I do really enjoy that discussion and reread it quite regularly. And just any in-depth meta-brainstorming is a delight (I've always been more of a meta gal than a fanfic gal in most fandoms).
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Question 10 for Colonel White? ^_^
The ending of White as Snow, period! XD
That wry smile Colonel White gave out to Scarlet, knowing his adoptive son #1 officer got away from very harsh punishment after doing the most stupid (but helpful) stunt sends me every time! XD
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uniwolfcorn · 1 year
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John: Bozori
Gordon: Shiba Inu
Alan: Beagle
Virgil: Newfoundland
Scott: Greyhound
Jefferson: Norwegian Elkhound
Sally/Ruth: Bearded Collie
Lucy: Samoyed
Happy Thunderbirds Day
To Everyone!~
Tagging: @dragonoffantasyandreality, @skymaiden32, @teapotteringabout, @jacksonstarkiller, @alexthefly, @avengedbiologist, @louthestarspeaker, @crunchyluigi, @squiddokiddo, @gumnut-logic, @janetm74, @godsliltippy, @gaviiadastra, @katblu42, @lenle-g, @thundergirl007, @ak47stylegirl, @dreamycloud, @etrnlvoid, @knyee, @greywake, @llamawrites, @tikatu, @willow-salix, @forest-falcon, @riallasheng, @soniabigcheese, @inertplanetary, @mrmustachious, @yarol2075, @galaxytransman, @n-chu4ever💕
Bonus! Here's John with a blanket. He keeps it on at all times XD
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forest-falcon · 1 year
Inspired by @riallasheng 's Scott/Alan observation
Lucy rinsed her mouth out in the sink.
Pregnancy was the gift that just kept on giving.
The veteran mom pressed her head against the cool paintwork of the bathroom door.
Only twelve hours until the kids' bedtime.
A distant crash had her acting before she had time to think. She swung the door open and almost collided with a child on the way out.
"Oooh Scottie! I didn't see you there! Everything okay sweetheart?"
Scott nodded, but continued to hover.
Lucy waited. She could tell that he was itching to ask her something...or maybe confess - but what, she had no idea.
A moment passed. Then another.
"Mom, are you poorly?"
That threw her.
Her brain fumbled for words.
"Erm...no love, I'm okay."
She did her best to rally a smile, but she could see that her eldest remained unconvinced.
She squeezed his hand
"Really Scooter, I'm fine."
The young boy hugged her. Blue eyes, so like his father's, drifted up to meet her own.
"But I heard you."
Those eyes challenged hers. Daring her to claim to be fine, when he knew better.
Her little boy wasn't so little anymore.
Usually, it was Virgil who took the title of being the worrier of the family, but Scott had never been far behind. The youngster forever trying to fill the shoes of his legendary father. And forever trying to take care of everyone in his absence.
"Now Scottie, you're the eldest. That makes you the man of the house while I'm gone. I'm counting on you to set a good example for the others and to help out where you can. Make me proud, son."
"I will dad."
Jeff would toussle his hair with a fond smile.
And then he was gone.
For how long, Scott never knew. Time had a habit of dissolving into meaninglessness numbers as a child.
Part of him longed for adulthood so it would all make sense. He'd know exactly how long his dad would be gone for. He'd know exactly when he'd be coming home.
Until then, it would be Mom and him against the world. He had to look after her; she was his constant. As long as he had her, the numbers didn't matter. Mom would always be there to love and reassure. Mom would never leave him.
"Okay, Scottie. Yes I was sick, but no; I'm not ill."
She guided her eldest to a soft seat, where they could have this conversation properly then scooped him up closer for a cuddle on the sofa.
"That literally makes no sense." The child puzzled.
"You're sick, but you're not sick?"
Lucy gave a small chuckle, which Scott emulated without really being sure what he was smiling about.
"I don't suppose you'll really remember before Gordie was born? I think you would have been about six when I was expecting him, seven when he was born."
"You mean when you had the huge belly?"
Scott beamed.
Lucy gave a small laugh.
"Yes. Yes, when I had the huge belly. Well, right at the beginning, I was sick then too. Growing a baby can do that."
Scott pondered thoughtfully for a moment.
"That sucks."
Lucy sighed.
"Yeah. It does suck a bit. But, the payoff is that I got you and your brothers at the end of it all."
She squeezed him in again.
"And, later this year, it looks like you'll be getting another brother - or sister." She watched carefully for the eldest's reaction. Life was already pretty chaotic, though there was no shortage of love.
"But you don't have a big belly now?"
Relief washed over the tired mom.
Scott really was a sweetheart.
"Well, baby's still got a lot of growing to do."
"Oh. So how big is the baby? Is it like...this big?"
Scott roughly gestured the size of a newborn with his hands.
Lucy smiled.
"Smaller Scottie."
"Like this?"
The eldest child closed the span of his hands by half.
Lucy pulled out her phone.
"I have an app on here that can tell us..."
Scott rested his head on his mum's shoulder.
"Let's see...11.5 weeks. Baby is the size of a sprout!"
"A sprout?" Scott said, wrinkling up his nose.
"That's funny."
Lucy kissed the top of Scott's head. He smiled at her momentarily before sliding from the sofa so that his face rested upon her lap instead.
Ever so gently, the young boy placed a hand to her stomach and he smiled.
"Hey there Sprout."
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flightfoot · 2 years
images from the pre-S3 height chart @riallasheng made by comparing a whole bunch of screenshots:
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the height chart you were just sent is from an official source, one of the Zag books, but it is lies and slander
Huh, neat!
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wyrd66 · 3 years
Hope this link works! It should be to a walking/strandbeast table, like what you have for the Paski instead of wheels ^^
Hope you are doing well!
Oh I love it! Thank you for thinking of me!
I hope you’re doing well too!
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edorazzi · 6 years
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a commission (flat background + transparent png) for the super lovely @riallasheng of the miraculous quantic team’s melodie! she’s such a pretty character despite never getting a full design released, so having the time to really work on one for her was so much fun! ◝(⁰▿⁰)◜
(zoom to full size for all the detail, tumblr resizing does it no justice at all)
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podfic-chicklet · 6 years
The final chapter!
Thanks to the wonderful author @riallasheng for writing this fast-paced adventure, and giving me the permission to read it.
Likes, comments, and reblogs welcome!
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dragon-ball-meta · 7 years
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replied to your photoset
“MAN, look at Goku Bad Dad-ing all over the place. Such a TERRIBLE...”
I think this depends on the media. Manga Goku cared less about his family and more about combat, anime goku cared more about his family than winning and honestly and openly loves his family and cares for his friends. Heck, there's a significant enough difference that the manga's creator points it out. ... but yeah I'd much prefer Gohan or Vegeta as a dad. Then anime!Goku and anime!Piccolo
Eh, that’s... kinda not true.
I see so many people claiming this because they heard about a Toriyama interview that supposedly said it, but it’s simply not the case. Toriyama said Manga Goku cares a lot more about fighting for the sake of it, while anime Goku was more altruistic and heroic than his counterpart. But the thing is, in both versions he loved and cared for his family. As seen in the OP. And here below.  
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He’s not the most lovey-dovey in the world, no. But he does still very much love his family.
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This was supposed to be posted on Captain Scarlet Day. But due to real life stuff (and this is Colonel White XD), I decided to post his portrait for his birthday! ^^
(This is based on a portrait of his VA, Donald Gray)
@uniwolfcorn @teapotteringabout @skymaiden32 @knyee @janetm74 @the-original-sineater @thundergeek59 @riallasheng @katblu42 @mariashades @room-on-broom @yarol2075 @llamawrites @etrnlvoid @river-sam2
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metawohoo · 7 years
riallasheng replied to your post: I am trying to figure out a way to take a whole...
The one solid advantage to working from home XD I wish you luck in getting the week off without getting in any trouble at work
I had already said I’d take days off for nanowrimo since I do that each year. But working from home on the 26th is POSSIBLY a good solution. That’d be two eps I can’t watch as they air but I’d still get to watch the Collector live.
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sadrien · 7 years
@riallasheng replied: 
As a quick note, Chat's French singing voice fits the range very well, and the singer shows many hallmarks of having solid training.
im listening to it now and youre right it does fit the range significantly better. the production still ruins it for me, its v heavy and v fast and still overwhelms the singer a bit too much 
but the singing is definitely better!
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imthepunchlord · 7 years
replied to your
Me Rewatching ML: Pharaoh
In answer to the egyptian gods. Not very accurate, borderline ‘in name only’… and then there’s the MESS of the 'ladybug goddess’ and no mention of cat worship- Bastest, one of the largest cults/following of worship in egypt. …Actually there are a LOT of issues in that episode when it comes to the egyptian culture/religion… it kinda ended up being treated as 'fantasy culture B’ :/ (Totally agree with the headcanon of Mrs. Kubdel being deceased BTW
I suspected that’s a likely possibly. That’s too bad. That’s a real good chance to get accuracy in and share more on actual Egyptian culture and religion. 
I do know enough that cats were worshiped in Egypt due to Bastest, so the Black Cat hero should’ve been more present aside from a small fast cameo that can be easily missed. 
Actually would’ve been a real good chance to learn more on Black Cat’s history, and probably a lot more fitting than Ladybug history. 
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ndzsv · 7 years
@riallasheng reblogged this post and added: 
@indezaisive  It could be that the OP meant well and it simply came across poorly via text?  Although some of the points ARE very judgmental, I will not argue that.
I’ve been reading and writing fanfic for over 30 years and there are somethings that… well, the name may change but what the THING is does not.  There are also reoccurring, or neverending, trends in every fandom and all fandoms.
And most things that doesn’t seem to make sense to a modern reader DO make sense if you look at the history of it/what was happening at the TIME… or to use other examples terms that meant originally VERY NARROW definitions (headcanon, mary sue) that have had their definitions made so broad that people tend to use it for anything/everything
Agreed on demanding reviews being a bit ‘ehhhhhh’.  There’s a reason that I never DID (and still don’t do) that.  But I could, and do, UNDERSTAND why it’s done
I also agree with there being as much ‘dross’ today as there was before.  It is possible that fanfic trends that the OP likes are currently more common in the ebb and flow of trends and tropes, but that has less to do with the site and time and more to do with the pendulam effect or ‘tides’ effect.  however that doesn’t mean that ‘fanfics are better’… it just means ‘things that person A likes are more common’.
But I still LOVE how AO3 is set up predominantly around the AUTHOR rather than the reader…  that is something VERY awesome that I am so very glad to see, and I hope we see more of it moving forward
It’s entirely possible that OP was well-meaning!! I wasn’t trying to take shots at their character; that’s why I said they were “being an ass” on that particular post, haha. But regardless of intent, a lot of it came across entitled, a lot of it seemed kind of clueless to the trends and shifts in fanfiction/fandom culture, and a lot of it was just kind of obnoxious. But hey, most normal folks don’t ruminate on how polite our tone sounds when ranting on tumblr, so while I maintain they were an ass on that post, I don’t think they were doing it intentionally. 
One of the things that sets AO3 apart from ff.net (apart from way more aesthetically pleasing interface) is the fact that it’s author-centered. But personally?? I never really had a problem with ff.net being more about the readers. I think each fanfic author has their own view of their readership-- some feel beholden to them, some appreciate them and live for their approval, and some enjoy the good stuff but don’t care much either way. I fell more into the third category when I wrote consistently. I do know lots of people who are d e v a s t a t e d when they don’t get as many reviews/kudos/hits/whatever as they feel they deserve, and I know people who insist that it’s nbd but actually fanfic klout is their ~lifeblood~. But that’s a topic we could go into without putting in the context of fanfiction alone, much less narrowing it to a pissing contest between AO3 and ff.net!! 
The main thing that frustrates me is how quickly people forget what things were like a decade ago. I can only imagine what fandom and fanfiction was like pre-Harry Potter, since I was either too young for fandom or little more than an oocyte. AO3 fics seem to reflect fandom culture and interest today, while ff.net was always more chaotic and less homogenous. But ff.net was also the birthplace (for me at least, but please remember I’m 23 so my experience is only a little over a decade) of many of the norms we see, not just in fanfiction, but in rp, meta, AU, etc. And since the ff.net interface is kinda inefficient, the ff.net norms stayed on ff.net, which makes them seem out of date now that we have multiple platforms for fandom. AO3 streamlined the fanfiction aspect. Since many of the people that are apparently quite taken with AO3 are around my age, it is reasonable to conclude that they are either ignorant of or unwilling to learn the context behind why ff.net is the way it is. Those who started reading fanfic around 10 like me seem to have short memories, and those who started reading in their teens and adulthood sort of missed that whole ff.net phenomenon. 
Anyway, I agree with you on the whole citrus gradation, and some of the terms ff.net brought about. And I certainly agree with you on your bit about how OP probably likes the current trends of fanfics, which is reflected in what they read on AO3. I just am frustrated when people insist that “x-new-thing” is soooo much better than its predecessor, when both New Thing and Predecessor have many of the same pros and cons. The wheel wasn’t reinvented; it just.... got new rims. 
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wyrd66 · 4 years
2) considering how humans tend to be and the like... anyone out there trying to create Takasira? either by 'back breeding' from the Raatasira and Binasinga or getting DNA some other way... I mean we've done CULTURAL versions of 'bringing back the dead' for psychological warfare, I could see a rogue group trying to do so... even just scientists who think the extinction was WRONG and they thus 'must fix' it... or scientists just proving they COULD
Do you mean are humans trying to create some Takasira? I don’t think that would happen for a couple of reasons:
1) Humans don’t even know that Takasira existed. They don’t know about the genocide. The vast, vast majority of humans don’t know a ton about paski culture, and even the ones in the know only know what has been provided to them. Remember how iron-fisted the Raatasira propaganda machine is.
2) I still badly need to make a timeline but the genocide happened something like three thousand years ago. Or more. The only pieces of Takasira culture that remain are what have been absorbed by the Raatasira, and the average paski doesn’t even know that. They just think of it as Raatasira culture.
3) It would completely and permanently end all good relations between humans and paski forever.
Also I’m not super sure how humans would get a hold of Raa/Binasinga DNA and then breed them without turning it into some sort of horror show. XD  This world is definitely a dark one but I’m not sure I want to take it in that direction.
Thank you for asking!
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yourownpetard · 8 years
riallasheng replied to your post “Maybe vampires are said to have no reflection in mirrors because the...”
Depends on the myth. Usually it was mirrors because of the silver element... but sometimes the myth is 'no reflection' because the vampires have no soul ('mirrors show who you really are' myth). Related to that one is people seeing a decaying corpse/monster in the mirror even if the vampire looks 'normal' otherwise.
riallasheng delivers the goods mere moments after I post.
And apparently I was right about the silver connection in some myths. Yasssss.
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