#rich goranski x reade
lohstandfound · 2 years
Jakob Dillinger and the Loves of His Life
A little fic/character study/examination of Jake's relationships with his friends. These can probably be interpreted however you please. Yes, this is already on AO3 and now it's here because I say so.
Jake Dillinger and Chloe Valentine were best friends in middle school. They did almost everything together. They were a force to be reckoned with. Jake was the one who fell first, getting flustered and nervous at the thought of his best friend. In freshman year, he wrote a poem. It was dumb, stupid, and honestly not even good. But he stuck it in Chloe’s locker. The next day, they were joined again at the hip as the newest and sweetest couple at Middleborough High School.
Chloe believed that she was destined for popularity, so she dragged Jake and Brooke with her. Chloe Valentine and Jake Dillinger became the queen and king of Middleborough High School. Middleborough’s ‘It’ couple then started to crumble. Fights and arguments and breakups and makeups and relief and stress. And they weren’t happy. Chloe had her claws dug into Jake, and Chloe was wrapped around Jake’s finger.
Chloe and Jake had a fight on Halloween, before the fire. Then Chloe and Jake were no more.
Chloe and Jake were bought together because of some dumb robot pills in the beaker of the school play. Chloe and Jake decided to make up.
They talked, and they talked and talked and talked. They missed each other, they missed being close, and they couldn’t imagine not being together. But being together wasn’t good for them. (Rich and Brooke both begged them to stop getting back together because why would they want to hurt themselves like that?).
Chloe and Jake decided not to date again, but they are almost joined at the hip again. There’s an understanding between them, a deep and unconditional love for their first love. They were still tied together, but no longer with a heavy chain. It was something softer, more gentle, more flexible. Chloe and Jake would never describe their relationship as romantic. In fact, Jake once said their relationship is basically a divorced couple who are still really good friends.
Growing to love Brooke Lohst was not part of the plan for either of them. Sure, maybe Jake wanted to get to know Chloe’s new best friend, but Chloe’s new best friend avoided him like the plague. So Jake never really got the chance to know Brooke one-on-one.
He noticed things, though. When Brooke was their third wheel. Or when he was the third wheel, particularly during trips to the mall to carry their things. He noticed Chloe liked to have control. He noticed Brooke was always in the background, always second best to Chloe.
The catalyst was their English class in Junior year. That is when they really clicked. Suddenly, Brooke didn’t avoid Jake as much. And Jake was always happy to hang out with Brooke. When she wasn’t with Chloe, when she wasn’t with anyone, Jake discovered that Brooke was bloody amazing. She was sweet, kind, fierce, smart, and determined. She had just as many goals as Chloe; she was more than just Cloe’s best friend.
Jake liked seeing more of Brooke.
Of course, Chloe used to get jealous when Brooke and Jake would hang out. It was just inevitable back then, but that didn’t stop Jake from getting close to Brooke. And sometimes, he’d surprise her by taking her out.
“Yo, B!” Jake would call out to her.
Brooke would smile as Jake pushed his way through the crowds. “Hey, J.”
Jake would sling an arm around her shoulders and flash a grin. “You doing anything tonight?”
Brooke would respond with, “I think Chloe was-”
Jake: “I didn’t ask about Chloe. I asked about you.”
Brooke: “Oh, uh, no. I don’t think I have any plans.”
Jake: “Now you do. I’m taking you out tonight.”
The first time it happened, Brooke was confused.
Brooke: “What?”
Jake: “Oh, god- Not like that, definitely not like that. Chloe would be pissed.”
Brooke: “I don’t know whether I should be hurt by that or not.”
Jake: “I’m sorry, I don’t mean in, like, a romantic way. Not a date date. Because I don’t see you in, y’know, that way and-”
Brooke: “Jake, you’re rambling again.”
Jake: “Right- uh. A platonic date. Friend date.”
And so out they would go. Pinkberry, Sbarros, rollerskating. Those were usually the locations for their friend dates. It was nice. Pleasantly surprised at the discovery of the ‘real’ Jake and the ‘real’ Brooke.
Besides, Brooke always made awesome baking and was a super good cook; Jake loved being the test subject for her new recipes. Especially anything Italian.
Jake and Brooke grew super close, especially after the play. Brooke visited him a lot in hospital, and Jake always looked forward to her visits. She bought him food, books, missed school work, and caught him up on everything he missed. And they were both left without Chloe for a period of time. It was only when Chloe saw Jake and Brooke together did she realise how much she missed them, and how much she fucked up.
Jake and Jenna were unexpected. Jenna never really felt seen by anyone, and Jake was seen by everyone. Everyone would talk to Jenna to hear the latest gossip, wanting to hear the dirt on someone they knew or to hear the juicy news from within the popular kid circle.
But Jake was different. Jake didn’t care about hearing the latest news and gossip. (Okay, sometimes he wanted to know what was up, but he rarely went to Jenna for that). Jake spoke to her like she was a real human being. Jake and Jenna had always shared a lot of classes together, and Jake and Jenna were always competing for the top marks in those classes.
Jenna was one of the few people to see Jake as a regular human being. He wasn’t some stereotypical dumb jock heartthrob who threw parties every other weekend. Okay, maybe he was a jock heartthrob who threw parties every other weekend. But he certainly wasn’t dumb. Maybe just a little oblivious.
Jenna was Jake’s favourite study buddy. Even if their study sessions were less study and more just hanging out. Jake wanted to make Jenna feel seen and heard, and he was certainly doing a good job at that. He let her vent about her problems and tried to give her advice. They would hang out, they were friends.
Jake was a little less open about his feelings and problems, but Jenna was observant. She noticed the way his shoulders started to drop a little, she noticed that his eyes didn’t light up the same way they used to, she noticed that his smile seemed a little forced, she noticed the way he avoided certain topics, the way he screwed up permission forms for parents only for him to hand in the crumpled letter a few days later, the way he only seemed to let himself relax when he was at a party.
Jenna was the first person to see through Jake’s act. Even if it wasn’t the whole picture. Finally, Jenna was able to return the favour and be Jake’s shoulder to cry on.
Jenna Rolan was widely known to spread any and every juicy bit of gossip she heard, but for some reason, Jake trusted her the most with the secret of his empty home.
Jake and Jenna care deeply about each other. Thick as thieves. Always looking out for each other.
Christine Canigula and Jake Dillinger were like fireworks. After a semi-disastrous first relationship that had suffered Chloe’s attempts at sabotage, they got on surprisingly well for exes. Like the best of friends, Christine was the first person that made Jake show off his soft side.
Christine doesn’t take shit from anyone and was not letting Jake get away with what happened during their relationship. We had an angry Christine and an already apologetic Jake.
A week later, they were hanging out again.
Jake wasn’t lying when he spoke to Christine the first time. He was enamoured seeing her act, and he loved watching her on that stage. He always loved watching her during rehearsal. She was fantastic, mesmerising, even if the play was Midsummer Night’s Dream but with zombies.
After the disastrous Midsummer Night’s Dream with Zombies, Jake decided that acting on a stage wasn’t really for him. He decided he’d be Christine’s partner when she wanted to run lines with someone, and that was it. If someone told him he should be in the upcoming school show, he’d respond with, “I am never stepping foot on that stage. The only way I’m getting up there is if Christine Canigula herself convinces me, and she never will.”
But she always does. She is determined.
Like the time he helped Christine run lines for the proper version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. A scene with Helena and Demetrius, to be precise. It was weird and difficult, and Christine was uncomfortable. Jake had already decided he wasn’t going to act. He missed the auditions. But he didn’t want Christine doing this scene with just anyone.
Three days later, Jake was cast as Demetrius.
Christine and Jake are like fireworks. Jake and Christine are a force to be reckoned with. They’re wild and fun and love each other dearly. They’re the mum friends of the group, despite the fact they need to be reminded to eat, sleep, and take breaks. Organised messes.
But, of course, they make sure the other take care of themselves. The star athlete needs to remember to eat, and the star actor needs to sleep, of course. They support each other just as much as they support their friends.
Jake Dillinger decided Jeremy Heere was a pretty neat person after a dance-off on Halloween. Jake had only known Jeremy as the weird, awkward kid in his grade that Rich liked to mess with. The guy who was friends with the headphones guy with the cool hoodie.
But now, Jeremy was pretty cool.
Of course, that Jeremy he got to know wasn’t exactly the real Jeremy. Besides, that Jeremy was an ass. Cheating on Brooke by sleeping with Chloe in his parents’ bedroom? Not cool.
(Although that isn’t the true story, that was just what Jake saw that night).
The real Jeremy is also pretty neat. Much, much better than before. They mesh surprisingly well. It took a while for Jeremy to warm up to the idea of Jake wanting to be his friend.
If Jeremy was being honest, he was always jealous of Jake. Perfect skin, perfect hair, perfect body, perfect face, perfect everything. He was envious, and Jeremy was an asshole, so why was Jake trying to befriend him now?
But eventually, Jeremy began to warm up to Jake, allowing himself to enjoy the other’s company. Jake wasn’t all cool and chill and intimidating as he thought. Jake was a massive dork.
The first time Jake saw Jeremy’s room, he was gushing over anything and everything. Jeremy was almost dumbfounded. When he mentioned it around Rich and Michael, Rich just said that’s how Jake’s always been, and Michael told him about the Donkey Kong high score.
Jake and Jeremy were a wonderful pair. They balanced each other nicely. They grounded each other, they bought out sides of each other they didn’t know they had. Jeremy could learn to let loose, have fun, and make a fool of himself because Jake would be right there doing the same thing. Jake could learn to be soft, gentle, quiet, to relax because Jeremy proved to be some sort of calming presence in Jake’s whirlwind life.
Jake thought Jeremy was pretty neat; Jake liked being around Jeremy a lot.
Michael Mell always remained a mystery to Jake Dillinger. Michael was a mystery, and Jake was Indiana Jones. Or Lara Croft. Jake quite enjoyed the Tomb Raider games.
They had more in common than they thought.
And they admired each other for very similar reasons. Or opposites. Jake admired how little Michael cared what other people thought of him. Michael wished he could care a little bit more like Jake. Even though Michael was determined not to like Jake at first. The guy was just too perfect, but goddammit, he’s just too nice.
It was such a surprise when Michael found out that the top score on Donkey Kong at the arcade he was trying so hard to beat belonged to the one and only Jake Dillinger. Michael was determined to change that.
However, Jake was good at everything. But video games were not one of those things. The few exceptions are Tomb Raider and Donkey Kong. And Michael was determined to beat Jake at Donkey Kong. Michael was the self-appointed video game master. So, Michael would set up tournaments for the two of them, and Jake was just happy to spend time with Michael.
He liked being around Michael. The guy just seemed to know how to make anyone feel better; he was funny, gave the best hugs, and smoking with him was always pretty fun. Not to mention he felt right at home with the Mell family. Michael’s mothers always welcomed him into their home.
Eventually, they grew from their mutual admiration and one-sided gaming rivalry. Michael Mell and Jake Dillinger were great friends. They helped each other grow. The one thing they always had in common was how much they cared about their friends. Jake and Michael are the kings at gift-giving.
Jake Dillinger and Rich Goranski. Jake and Rich. Rich and Jake. Soulmates. They are always meant for each other, no matter what way that may be. They’ve been through hell and back and still have each other.
Maybe their relationship was built on a lie. But that doesn’t change how they felt about each other before the play, before Halloween.
Jake would wake up some nights, or maybe he was already awake at odd hours of the morning, to a knock on his door. He’d open it to find Rich standing there, a bag over his shoulder, and doing everything he could to avoid looking at Jake as he asked to crash on his couch for the night. Without fail, Jake always let him in.
It happened more and more, and Rich was always worried he was being a bother, but Jake liked the company. It went from Rich asking permission to sending a warning, to just showing up and knocking, to letting himself in if the door was unlocked.
Eventually, Jake got Rich his own key. And, very slowly, Rich just seemed to move in. And it just felt right. Jake liked having Rich around, and it motivated him to keep the kitchen stocked. And Rich liked having his safe place.
Jake and Rich are more than just best friends. They are fiercely protective of each other. Rich would jump to defend Jake. He’s explosive and ready to fight to defend those he loves. Jake is more quiet, reserved. (Maybe it’s because he wanted to focus on his friends, or maybe it’s because he doesn’t know how to process his emotions, so they sit on the back burner. Even he doesn’t know the answer to that). His focus lies more on Rich while sending the coldest death glare anyone could receive. An angry Jake Dillinger was not something you wanted.
Something then switched. Halloween. Everyone had gotten out of the house, and Jake had made sure of that. But he scanned the crowds of people for Rich, only to find him absent. Before anyone, including himself, could stop him, he ran back into the burning house. He would be damned if he lost Rich. And he found him, lighter in hand and an empty container of gasoline.
Jake was not going to lose Rich.
Jake grabbed Rich, opened the window, and jumped. That was the last time he saw Rich for a while.
They next saw each other after the play. Jake was mad. So, so, mad. Rich had seen Jake mad at other people but never at him. He knew he deserved Jake’s anger, and Jake started asking all these questions, some of which Rich didn’t know the answers to. Or he didn’t want to say them out of fear of them coming true. But they’re yelling, screaming, crying. They are both hurt, so, so hurt.
But they feel better once the silence falls over them. It’s a slow movement, but Jake slowly moves forward in the wheelchair, moving closer to Rich. He hesitates before grabbing his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. And Rich crumbles. He cries again, covering his mouth to muffle the sobs. Jake gently tugs him down into a hug.
It’s a start to rebuilding their relationship. One full of honesty and trust and love and care. They’re open with each other, they love each other, they care for each other. Maybe Jake doesn’t know the real Rich, and maybe Rich doesn’t even know who he is anymore. But they’re finding out together.
It’s Jake and Rich. Rich and Jake. How it’s always been and how it should be. Friends, brothers, soulmates.
Jake used to think that maybe he just wasn’t meant for a family. Destined for flings and temporary relationships and for keeping people an arm’s length away from his heart.
It took a supercomputer pill to make him realise that he did have a family, right in front of him. They certainly weren’t the family he was asking for, but it was the family he needed.
His favourite way to describe his family is that one Lilo and Stitch quote:
“This is my family. I found it all on my own. It’s little and broken… but still good. Yeah, still good.”
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Yeah i went again on sunday and really wanted to cry after because it's over forever Q_Q i am inconsolable but for the fact that there may be a halloween party... but uhhhhhhh anyway here's what I noticed this time!!
(also here's the notes from my first time for reference [x])
Ad libs:
Final show energy & lots of ad libs! Which were apparently real unscripted ad libs!! A lot of them were just little things (so I can't recount most of them) but they were very very good. the blorbos became real people for a second there
When Rich is looking for Mountain Dew Red at the party, Jenna appears and says "I have Mountain Dew Blue?" and he explodes at her (possibly "Not now, Jenna!")
When Christine and Jeremy talk together at the party, they're sitting on beanbags; after they get scared off by the skeleton guy, they're laughing and crawling back to their seats - Christine, through laughter: "oh where's the beanbag...."
Changes (?)
VIMH: Rich: "The ladies are gonna get to know the real Richard Goranski... And the dudes." Then he stares into the distance for like 30 seconds (a very long time), making calculating gestures in the air (like the woman with math meme) before going "Oh. My god............... I am totally bi!"
Maybe wrong, but I swear there was a wind part added to the middle of Michael in the Bathroom??? I thought it might be a flute or digital flute..... but as a flautist I might be projecting.....
The Play: Multiple thin green lights flickered down on people as they got squipped, with a cute video game chime sound. But fairly certain this was always there and I just noticed it this time lmao
Smartphone Hour: Background acting on the little platform at the very back of the stage: a scooby-doo esque chase sequence where a firefighter rushes on from SR and disappears SL (implied Jake's house is SL); the fireman reappears with Jake in his arms and runs back SR to safety. Then Jake runs back across to get something from his house and the fireman is trying to stop him. Then Jake runs back out of the house holding a teddy bear he saved from the fire; the fireman is chasing him back out of the house. It was fucking hilarious 10/10 especially because I couldn't be sure if it was a new addition or if I just completely filtered it out last time like a basketball gorilla dslfjdslfk
Also on Jake: between the teddy bear and the Upgrade scene (also detailed by Dani) where he's talking about archery while holding a plush duck - unsure dramaturgically if it's supposed to be a real dead duck or a toy, but anyway.... Jake who likes stuffies??? IDK if I buy it but I don't know enough about Jake to NOT buy it and its also a very fun headcanon I think so it's going on the pile for me. he can collect plushies with jeremy as far as im concerned dsljfsdkfjs
Oh yeah Jeremy also had a big white duck plush on his bed. edit: this is actually a seagull plush! Its name is Katie and it belongs to stage crew member Anya!
More details I saw this time
Christine actor was actually amazing she has this giggly honk voice she uses when being like obnoxiously loud and silly and idk how to describe it but such intense LOUD SILLYGIRL ENERGY. A little different than the chris im used to and it was fun to see another version of her!!
Maybe I'm insane but I think Christine also pronounced Jeremy kinda like 2 syllables (Jare - me). This extremely slight difference somehow led to me perceiving her singing "Is he worth it? Germyyyyyyy!" IDK Sorry Jaclyn if you are reading this ldksfjdlsk
Lots of times when Jeremy is talking about becoming cool he does little hip gyrations (think Rich at the urinal i guess but more subtle)
Jeremy does this thing where he holds his hand bent stiff with his fingers all together and taps hard on his right temple to express some kind of frustration with the SQUIP- e.g. when he's trying to get the SQUIP to turn on after the first day; during the end of the Halloween party, etc. Actually it very much has the same conceptual energy as "C'c'c'come on....." now that I think about it
Michael blows a cloud of smoke during a few of his entrances (MTS and maybe Halloween - or that was Dustin maybe)
He also uses a vape pen I think? When he says 'we gotta get stoned in my basement'
Preshow montage
Before the show, there's a montage of screenshots from the teens' lives on the back wall --- that is, their selfies and their text convos. Pretty sure the texts were that gossip submitted by fans? I only remember two:
"i heard that guy who wears hoodies all the time only listens to weezer" <- (I only noticed this one 'cause it KILLED ME honestly I feel like Jeremy would love Weezer and Michael would hate it sdjkfljdsf ) edit: this text was submitted by @/thesquirrelqueer!
I don't remember who was on which side, but Brooke or Chloe sending Chloe or Brooke a big comforting text after her breakup and making plans to go get ice cream I think?
"Dad haven't you ever heard of privacy?" He says this while putting on his belt after the opening.
Jeremy's actually gesturing towards his locker for like the entire conversation between Brooke, Chloe, Jenna; when they notice him finally it kinda looks like he's just pointing at them and that's part of why they think he's weird I think?
M: "Humanity has stopped evolving!" Jeremy then takes like 20 seconds of looking confused before going (approximately) "is that supposed to be good...?"
"Christiiiiiine Canigula!" Each Christine section he eventually (around 3rd time) starts using this fanboy totally-losing-his-mind-over-this voice which is REALLY hard to describe but i'll try: like lower & less articulate, like how it sounds when you raise your soft palate (?), and going up at the end kind of laugh-like like he's really excited. (For a bmc reference maybe sounds a little like will roland's tone in i even got some blood flowing / with no computer screen around). Anyway i'm not gonna lie it did make him sound really lame jsdlkfjdsf
"Why can't someone just help me out?" As Jeremy sings this bridge it's all dark except for a light on him. Students line up chairs behind him and sit down. At this line, two guys walk forwards on either side and touch his shoulders (looking kind of solemn / sympathetic) , and guide him back to sit in the chair in the middle. Then the lights come up on everyone and more group choreo wheeee
Post-ILPR MTS reprise
Christine: "Sorry, Jeremy, did you say something?" -> after this scene, she runs off giggling loudly, apparently glad to not be interrupted and VERY visibly excited about Jake asking her out
Jeremy sings "I don't wanna be special / Don't even want to survive...." (Instead of usual "Don't even need to survive.") Not sure if it was intentional but it happened at both shows I saw and made me sad both times noooooo........... guy...........
Squip song
Rich actually rubs his hands all over Jeremy's face (in addition to his arms)
"Top secret can't even look it up on the internet type shit": Rich looks to the side and mimes a rectangle (computer screen) then mimes typing where the keyboard would be
"I don't want that to be my future! Sad, and alone, and ... " - The music cuts out at "sad" instead of at the beginning of this line.
On their relationship in general, I think Michael irritates Jeremy more than fanon typically has it lol. Very excitable Michael who kinda lacks volume control (in several scenes - including VIMH even after Jeremy tells him to be quieter). Constructive interference of autism etc etc
(Again fun to see this!! as a jeremy stan i am definitely guilty of making michael a godlike perfect friend to jeremy and like.. no... they don't actually mesh that well even just in the script!! Often times Jeremy doesn't understand or care about the things Michael says. So yeah absorbing this into my headcanons now thank you)
Also back wall was this like vaporwave looking low-poly 2 person first person shooter game footage (think wolfenstein but with a very different aesthetic - purple and blue, and i think with some objects depicted in mesh).
When Jeremy's spasming on the ground (last time I thought he looked mostly in pain - this time he was vibrating a bit more like he lost muscle control) - local build-a-bear employee Jared Kleinman (JARED KLEINMAN...) and some other people start filming him.
Jared keeps filming him through the scene until SQUIP: "All they see is you having an animated conversation... with yourself." Jeremy turns and notices him; Jared doesn't stop filming but just waves at him nonchalantly (in a mocking way like hey buddy welcome back to reality)
Jared also has a BaB apron and BaB backpack on (or a bear sticking out of his backpack i dont remember). Pretty sure he also had a bear with him in another scene, probably Halloween?
"Lookin pretty sexy, brooke" -- says it in like a low Elvisy voice (like will connolly)
"Everything about you is going to be wonderful" -- Jeremy rolls up his cardigan sleeves so they're just below the elbow. (One of them slipped back down and he put it up again but I didnt think it was intentional lol). I was surprised how much instantly cooler that made him look but maybe that's just because my older brother wears his sleeves like that ljdsfkdsfklsfdlk
......also note that MICHAEL usually wears his sleeves rolled up like that in this production.... inch resting.....
MTS reprise
When the lights first come up, Jeremy is snoring with his head hanging off the side of the bed. He stops breathing for a second, then jerks awake.
Chris: "I know you and Jake used to date...." Chloe and Brooke simultaneously go "Oh my god, no!!!" --- Chloe to Christine (mockingly), meanwhile Brooke is unrelatedly browsing her phone and says it in distress because she (implied) has just seen that Eminem died. As convo continues, Brooke sits next to another student (Leo Collins?) and shows them the article. (She still says 'yeah jake is so gross' to Chloe, just sounding upset)
I ALREADY SAID THIS BUT JEREMY AND BROOKE WERE SO CUTE TOGETHER JLKSDFLDFSJ. I decided to only watch them during this song (/ _ \) Based on their acting when they walked near the stage stairs, they had climbed to the back of the bleachers and were walking precariously on the outside of the railing - specifically, they went over the stair railings - first Brooke and she teeters a bit and jokingly pretends like she's gonna fall off; Jeremy goes under the rail, comes up on the other side and does a gesture like *tada!*. Then they sit down together and are talking and its just really cute. making me ship puppy love over here jdsifojdslkfdjsflk
Michael was at the dance in costume - during a certain point (I think right before Rich starts losing it) Michael gets lost out of the group choreo, seems to be stressed out and runs off stage (presumably to the bathroom)
One of the guys is dressed up like Guy Fieri and it's really good. Like I remember last time I even had a moment where I realized I was interpreting this actor as playing The Real Guy Fieri At Jake's Halloween Party. Also in MITB he uses his hat (which is a combo of visor and fake hair) to knock on the door.
Chloe: "...rock this baby fast asleep" then, laughing: "Goo goo ga ga!!" and she kinda topples onto him. The actress said she got this from the West End production!
When Jeremy says "I can't stand up." It was kind of implied it's because he has an erection not because his legs are frozen; right before this line he stands up then sits down and puts a pillow in his lap. Either way though ig it was still the SQUIP stopping him (S: "you're welcome.")
GTIKBI reprise
as Dani pointed out, Christine was sitting kinda numbly on the beanbag with headphones on; she takes them off when Jeremy starts talking to her.
Voices in my Head
Jeremy's wearing an X-Men shirt!
Re: expensive headphones - Michael's rubbing Rich's shoulders (???) when he says "I'm sure someone would be lucky to have you" (and then of course he still says but not meeeee while sending him flying)
"Throw you a rope home slice if you need some dope advice" Jake fist bumps with Jeremy (or equivalent gesture i dont remember)
Stagedorks kiss: after C says yes, they walk to the center of the stage. Jeremy rushes forwards and puts his hands on her cheeks (i think?) to pull her into a kiss. They separate, beat, then Christine goes forwards again and they have a long slow kiss while the ensemble keeps dancing and singing around them.
Not intentional i dont think but Patrick the Jeremy actor was crying a bit at the end /( T_ T \ )
OK YEAH i might add more to this if I remember and/or edit it back into the first post...... but hope that was fun to read????
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 9 months
richard goranski for the character ask
Favorite thing about them
Little Shit characters are fun to inflict on the other characters. Is this a Little Shit Duo that plays off of each other? (Jake/Jenna) Is this someone that has no patience for The Little Shit and sees red every time they're together? (Chloe) Do they just kinda Enable the Little Shit Behavior by not actively acknowledging or discouraging it? (Christine/Brooke) Does this character just kinda tolerate the Little Shitness until they reach a breaking point like "aight ima throw hands heY GET BACK HERE" (Michael/Jeremy)
Least favorite thing about them
The Little Shitness can get a bit one-note (which is more fanon's fault than anything else) but its like.. it's hard to Get Into The Meat Of The Character when writing for them when like, By Design the character doesn't Want you to know more about them. They'll just deny and deflect and hide everything with humor (I have the same problem with Jared, and I say *problem* to mean *challenge to write convincingly* not like,, this detracts from the character)
Favorite line
Basically the entire last verse of The Squip Song. I just think it's neat. And something about the "fuckin dads right?" when his and jer's squips link
Rich and Jeremy. They've got their shared squip experience which sells that dynamic a lot. Plus I love the idea of them becoming frenemies, like Rich still has some Asshole Conditioning in his head from the squip but instead of being scared of him, Jeremy is just Over It. Like instead of cowering away like Pre-MTS Reprise he'll just throw a comeback or bizarre threat his way (ie "Richard I will pour cement in your ears.") because at this point Rich is just a harmless puppy to him instead of the snarling pit bull he once thought him to be.
RichJake ofc. I really do wanna do more with them but my brain is just So Full of Other Stuff
I'm pretty selective about ships but I'm not like, vehemently against anything (You do you ya know?) so long as it's age-appropriate and, ya know, not a squip x kid ship. (Never mind the pseudo-age gap, why ship someone with their abuser?? Or their friend's abuser?? I dont wanna derail this post so im just gonna move on)
Random headcanon
Drummer Rich drummer rich drummer rich drummer rich drummer rich drummer rich, I saw it in a vision and I know it to be true
Unpopular opinion
(Im getting a little more meta with this but) I think writing in his lisp is fun. Like in comic books that's how you know a character has a Russian accent, because it's written in such a way that you Have To Read It With An Accent. I get that it can be difficult to look at (and I don't fault anyone for that) but idk I like the immersion.
Song I associate with them
I'm cheating a little because this song kind of goes with all the kids in which Popularity Destroyed Them (Rich, Chloe, Jenna, Jeremy, kiiinda jake to an extent but mostly the others) but Teen Idle by MARINA is a VIBE
Favorite picture of them
GODS where's that one Two River pic in the hospital where Rich is just staring at Michael and Jeremy from his hospital bed, like Michael's getting all excited about how all the squips were connected when they deactivated and Rich has this lost Doped Up On Painkillers look??? I may have to reblog this if I find it later. If someone else finds it first feel free to add it here <3
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Prologue: Beginning of the End
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/iQNEw6U
by ShowMustGoOn
A group of 16 Ultimate students are stranded in the middle of nowhere and the only way to go home is to kill one another. Will they survive together or will someone cause despair?
Join these kids as they go through metaphorical and literal trials to escape the hell that one man has created. Throughout it all, they will face pain, heartache, death, doubt and fear. Who was truly in charge of this? Who was going to die? Who was going to kill?
Can they even make it out alive?
Words: 11251, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Dangan Ronpa X: The Chilling Heat
Fandoms: Be More Chill - Iconis/Tracz, Heathers: The Musical - Murphy & O'Keefe, Dangan Ronpa Series
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Jeremy Heere, Michael Mell, Rich Goranski, Jake Dillinger, Jenna Rolan, Christine Canigula, Chloe Valentine, Brooke Lohst, Jeremy Heere's Squip, Veronica Sawyer, Heather McNamara, Heather Duke, Heather Chandler (Heathers), Kurt Kelly, Ram Sweeney, Jason "J. D." Dean, Martha Dunnstock
Relationships: Jake Dillinger/Jeremy Heere, Heather Chandler/Heather McNamara, Kurt Kelly/Ram Sweeney, Jeremy Heere & Michael Mell, Christine Canigula & Jeremy Heere, Jake Dillinger & Rich Goranski, Jake Dillinger & Rich Goranski & Brooke Lohst & Chloe Valentine, Heather Chandler & Heather Duke & Heather McNamara, Heather Chandler & Veronica Sawyer, Martha Dunnstock & Veronica Sawyer, Jason "J. D." Dean/Veronica Sawyer, Jeremy Heere & Veronica Sawyer, Brooke Lohst & Jenna Rolan & Chloe Valentine, Jeremy Heere & Everyone, Jeremy Heere & Jeremy Heere's Squip
Additional Tags: Let's gooooooo, first fanfiction on AO3, How Do I Tag, just a heads up btw the tagged ships are implied to be canon in this AU, but they'll never be outright confirmed, So you can just see them as platonic if you want but it really really wasn't intended to be that way, WOAH THAT'S A LONG TAG, Everyone Is Gay, Character Death Galore, I'm going to laugh at everyone's misery once I kill their favourite characters
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/iQNEw6U
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lefandomimagines · 6 years
musical theatre imagines
there’s a distinct and tragic lack of imagines/oneshots/hc’s etc for my fav musicals so i thought i’d open up my requests to musicals too. i shall leave a list below of musicals i can comfortably write for. i’ll gladly write for any character or cast member x reader.
- be more chill
- dear evan hansen
- hamilton
- heathers
- mean girls
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fraimetheship · 4 years
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Book analysis date!
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itslikethesizeofmy · 5 years
Need a trans main character? I gotchu. Need post-Squipcident college stuff? I gotchu. Need fluff? I gotchu. Need smut? I gotchu. Need bottom Rich? I gotchu. Need tropes that include saying the title in the actual story? I gotchu. Need a fic with song lyrics included in the story? I gotchu.
Basically if you like the idea of Rich dating a trans guy, you like fluff and smut, and many many tropes, this has it.
This has two nsfw chapters that can be skipped if you don’t like smut.
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generallyclumsy · 6 years
Hey can i get a ship for bmc? My name is Max Flores i’m 15. i have shoulder length brown hair and honey brown eyes. I’m 5’8 and i’m all leg. 😂 i love painting, baking, acting and listening to music. I listen to mainly childish gambino and Panic! my favorite color is yellow. I’m also Gt so on top of being smart, i’m super weird. also i’m biiiiiii
Hmmmmm.... I ship you with Rich, my homeboy. Post SQUIP prolly.
Ps. I didn’t proof this, I’m entirely too lazy, and it’s entirely too late. I hope you love it. Much fluff.
He over compensates for the height difference. Let’s get that right out of the way.
Like, his postsure improves 301% immediately. He starts wearing lifts in his shoes. Like, it bothers him bad at first.
But he gets over that shit.
You’re both bi and that’s pretty neat.
He seems like he’d get jealousy easily BUT imma go ahead and hc that to a healthy limit, y’all like, crush on celebrities and shit.
“I’m big gay for *insert celeberty*”
“Ha, yeah me too” idk. Obviously not like gay I’m both ends but you get it.
I could have pulled some Deadpool shit there like “ha I’m really gay for George Salazar” but I didn’t.
Blasting Girls/Girls/Boys on your car radio as you drive.
Not exclusively tho that would be a bit much.
Do you steal his clothes? Absolutely. Does he love it? Totally.
Going on weird ass dates but never questioning it.
“Hey, do you wanna go sit outside of the Walmart and play GamePigeon pool later?” “Yeah okay, what time?”
Imma say you met in like a math class when he was squipped and like started flirting with you like a dickhead, and then apologized as soon as he got back to class after the fire and you started talking regularly.
He would fight a man for you.
A fair bit of PDA, but honestly, he’s probably a bit embarrassed by too much of it.
(He does all that shit behind a bush in the book)
You know exactly how to comfort him when he has ptsd or nightmares, and he feels really shitty that you have to.
He like always wants to look through your sketchbooks. He doesn’t even care if he’s seen it all before.
You just like cuddle up as he goes through it and he says shit like “I’ve always liked this one” and like a temple kiss and you just m e l t.
I love this ship so much.
He tries to film your plays, and usually fails at not getting caught.
Very apologetic but like “I just wanted to watch it again later”
I’m running out of ideas but I really love this and I’m proud.
Requests open!
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repressedgay-blog · 7 years
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3672Sl1
by awkwardautumns
Just some Drabbles with some of my favorite characters from my favorite fandoms! Things will be added in the future. So just some One-Shots for you all! X readers also. Requests are open! Some characters may be ooc.
Words: 1304, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Beetlejuice - All Media Types, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Dragon Ball, Dear Evan Hansen - Pasek & Paul/Levenson, Be More Chill - Iconis/Tracz, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DCU (Comics)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice), Harry Potter, Vegeta (Dragon Ball), Son Goku (Dragon Ball), Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Neville Longbottom, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Piccolo (Dragon Ball), Turles (Dragon Ball), Brolly (Dragon Ball), Goku Black, Son Gohan, Bardock (Dragon Ball), Lydia Deetz, Barbara Maitland, Adam Maitland, The Maitlands (Beetlejuice), Majin Buu, Connor Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen), Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Iida Tenya, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Ashido Mina, Todoroki Shouto, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Asui Tsuyu, Uraraka Ochako, Kaminari Denki, Ojiro Mashirao, Koji Koda, Satou Rikidou, Shouji Mezou, Jirou Kyouka, Sero Hanta, Tokoyami Fumikage, Yaoyorozu Momo, Charles Deetz, Emily Deetz, Delia Deetz, Juno (Beetlejuice), Sirius Black, James "Bucky" Barnes, Cedric Diggory, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Pansy Parkinson, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Ginny Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, T'Challa (Marvel), Captain Marvel, Captain Ginyu (Dragon Ball), Frieza (Dragon Ball), Zarbon (Dragon Ball), Scott Lang, Clint Barton, Peter Parker, Thor (Marvel), Vision (Marvel), Michael Mell, Jeremy Heere, Jeremy Heere's Squip, Rich Goranski, Christine Canigula, Brooke Lohst, Jenna Rolan, Chloe Valentine, Jeremy Heere's Father, Jake Dillinger, Jason "J. D." Dean, Veronica Sawyer, Heather Duke, Heather McNamara, Heather Chandler (Heathers), Ram Sweeney, Martha Dunnstock, Kurt Kelly, Loki (Marvel), Sam Alexander, Nova (Marvel), Flash Thompson, Barry Allen, Batman, Diana (Wonder Woman), Arthur Curry (DCU), Joker (DCU), Edward Nygma, Harley Quinn, Jonathan Crane, Catwoman (DCU), Stephen Strange, Pamela Isley, Poison Ivy, Zoe Murphy, Larry Murphy, Cynthia Murphy, Evan Hansen, Heidi Hansen, Jared Kleinman, Madeline (Be More Chill), Chi-Chi (Dragon Ball), Krillin (Dragon Ball), Raditz (Dragon Ball), Cell (Dragon Ball), Whis (Dragon Ball), Tenshinhan (Dragon Ball), Jeice (Dragon Ball), Cabba (Dragon Ball), Cooler (Dragon Ball), Android 17 (Dragon Ball), Android 18 (Dragon Ball), Android 16 (Dragon Ball)
Relationships: various x reader, X Reader - Relationship, Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Tony Stark/Reader, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Tony Stark, bucky/steve, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Aizawa shouta/ Yagi Toshinori, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Batman/Reader, Draco Malfoy/Reader, Sirius Black/Reader, Clark Kent/Reader, Evan Hansen/Jared Kleinman, Evan Hansen/Connor Murphy, Jared Klienman/Bathbombs, Vegeta/Bulma, Goku/Chi-chi, Son Goku/Chi-Chi, Frieza/Reader
Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff, Lime, Lemon, Smut, dragon ball - Freeform, Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia - Freeform, mcu - Freeform, dcu - Freeform, Heathers - Freeform, Be More Chill - Freeform, dear evan hansen - Freeform, Sadness, big sad, ships, All The Ships, Villains, Gabriel (Supernatural) is Loki, Sirius is my favorite, Some implied sexual stuff, Implied Sexual Content, Sexual Humor, Stuff will be changing, requests open, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Too much fluff, Training, Strong Language, Language!, Thats america's ass, Insults, Badass, Pure Love, au's, Gaming, Heartbreak, Tears, Violence, Gore, Blood, Ready your feels, my apologies, Emotional Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, soft bois, softies, platonic, death?, I'm still writing this, First Fic!, My writing is terrible, OOC, Cursed, cursing, kinky-, Realationships, Lesbian, Gay, straight - Freeform, x Reader, reader is going to be a badass, Reader is going to be beat up, Not exactly a x reader, Request pls, request, pleasure.jpg, big dick-, big dick energy, happiness, Memes, Fighting, Cheating, Sex, Rough Sex, Uh..., Sorry Not Sorry, sick reader, Sick Characters, deep, please don't attack me, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, HH
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3672Sl1
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lohstandfound · 2 years
Jake loves his friends a lot
A character study of sorts on Jake's relationships with his friends. Interpret the relationships how you will
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flightysquip · 4 years
supervillain au where the squip is actually more theatrical/lighthearted/he knows he's not ACTUALLY a capital V Villain and he has like, a fan base and his superhero rival (rich) is friends with him and everything. and. jeremy, who IS a capital V Villain with a disturbing backstory and trauma and stuff.
Rich Goranski was dead.
Rich Goranski was dead, and it took him being dead for The Squip to know his name.  His name, the fact he was 16 years old (16!  He was 16 goddamn years old at his time of death).  That he was survived by an alcoholic father and a sex offender older brother, that his funeral was packed to capacity with fans and the general public, and The Squip wanted to say (as he stood shoulder to shoulder in disguise with the grieving citizens around him) that the lack of family must have been because there was to be a private ceremony, something told him that wasn’t hte case.
Rich Goranski was dead, and he’d been the last one to see him alive.  Atop a roof, midway through their usual show of superhero/villain banter back and forth.
Before his throat had been torn open, and he’d clutched at it, surprised and confused, before topping, backwards, off the roof.  No time to unleash his wings and fly to safety before he crashed through the windshield of one of his supporters.
He’d died drowning in his own blood, back broken, crying deliriously for his mother through gurgles of his own lifeforce.
16 and dead.
And The Squip had watched the figure who’d done it turn and dart back out of sight.  “Wait-” but there was no stopping it once it showed up.
This wasn’t the first of The Squip’s foes that it had killed, and maybe not the first he’d even seen die firsthand.  This might have been the first death that unsettled him, though.  16.  He was 16.  And he’d been fighting him for at least 5 years now.
This child, this actual literal child, had been fighting him, fighting crime, an idealistic urge to save the world, since he was 11.
It made him feel sick.  He was the last one to see him alive.  
...and he was the last one to see him undead.
“Bro, you need to go check your mail already.” The ghostly figure of his once-foe floated into the kitchen.
Ghostly wasn’t quite the right word for it.
The angelic form, really, would have been better.  But The Squip wasn’t quite ready to face the implications of why the angel vision of his former nemesis would be spending time with him, or-
“You were my best friend.  It’s not that deep.”
“Stop reading my thoughts.  Mindreading is a villain excursion.”
“Professor X.” Rich countered.  “Anyway, I told you, I’m reading your vibe, man.  It’s different.  You’re obviously the person I was closest to when I was alive, so-”
“I’m--we fought to the death numerous times.”
“Bro.” Rich looked at him pointedly.  “Bro.  Come on, bro.  To the death?  You were never going to kill me and we both know it.”
“Yes, well...” The Squip trailed off.  He wasn’t ready to face the fact that he’d been the person a 16 year old crimefighting child had found most worthy of spending his afterlife with, either.  
“Check your mail already.  I ordered a chia pet on your amazon account and I’m ready to get planting.” Rich rubbed his hands together, as The Squip pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation.  
“Fine,” he sighed, rather than lecturing him for using his card again.  “Just don’t...”
“Don’t what?”
“Do things.  I don’t--shut up.”
The walk to the mailbox carried more thoughts than The Squip wanted to face.  Why had it (and oh he’d seen numerous names for what it was, this evil entity making The Squip look like a non-creepy ice cream man in comparison) chosen to kill a child?  Why, in general, did he keep killing The Squip’s nemeses?  It was enough to make a man want to give up villainry!  Too much collateral damage, even for him.
The Squip opened up his mailbox, taking out the piles of mail and the chia pet package.  He turned his cape dramatically, before going back indoors (though not before a halfhearted wave at Mrs. Johnson, his 98 year old neighbor, as she trimmed her rose bushes).
“Did it come? Did it come?  Diditcomediditcomediditcome? YES!” Rich squealed as The Squip tossed the box to him.  “See?  It’s Hello Kitty, but you can give her a plant ‘fro.  Isn’t that cool as fuck?”
“Not particularly,” The Squip countered, absentmindedly flipping through his mail.  Bills.  Bills.  Fan letter.  Bills.
...unmarked black envelope.
That wasn’t menacing at all.
His thumb tore the seal, as he pulled out the floral-scented letter.
To My Squip,
How many undeserving creatures must come between us before you’ll finally face the fact that I am the one you should be focusing on?
I’d kill a million Rich Goranski’s to get one second of eye contact with you.
My devotion is yours forever,
Your Valentine
“Who’s it from?” Rich already had his planter out, looking over at The Squip curiously.
“Junk mail,” The Squip managed to say through dry lips.  He hoped Rich wasn’t picking up his ‘vibe’ or whatever it was now.  “You were talking about Hello Kitty, right?  Why don’t you show me-”
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im-actually-ok · 4 years
In Pursuit
Word Count: 1677
Fandom: Be More Chill
Summary:(I just now realized that I haven't been putting any summaries on my fics, so, here goes) Christine is a detective looking into a case that runs a lot closer to home than anyone would have suspected,
Ships: Past Jeremy X Christine
Warnings: Guns, Blood, Burn Scar Mention, Death, Questioning (Let me know if I missed anything)
This fic is for the Be More Chill Quarantine Challenge run by @bmc-gift-exchange and these are the prompts for this fic.
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Enjoy! ~~~
“The criminals were last seen robbing the bank off 32nd Street. Not much money was stolen, only 12,000 dollars and an old map that had been kept in the vaults, police are investigating the crime scene but as always, no leads have been found.” I laugh after reading the article aloud. Not quite a laugh of joy or amusement, but more of a laugh of frustration.
“A map? They stole a map, Kelly! A map! What do they want!?” I throw the newspaper down onto the table and Kelly sighs. She’s been my partner for years now.
She places a hand on my shoulder and I huff out a sigh as she says, “Calm down, Christine. We’re a pair of great detectives, we’ll figure it out.”
“Yeah, I know,” I look down, “But what could they possibly be looking for, they're all over the place,” I move across the room to the file cabinet and start looking through them until I come across the file I'm looking for.
I pull out the file labeled “Crime Scene” and place it down onto the table, “But if we can figure out where the map they stole leads to we might be able to beat them there.”
Kelly smiles and grabs the file off the table saying, “Atta girl!” before flipping through the papers inside. She stops on a page and without looking up, says, “The owner of the vault from which the map was stolen was a man named Richard Goranski.”
“Wait,” she looks up at me, “Richard Goranski, why do I know that name?” I bite my lip and think, silence filling the air before snapping and looking back to Kelly, “Wait! I think I went to High School with him! Is there a photo?” I rush to her side. In the file, along with the papers lies a photo of a rather short muscular man with blonde hair and burn scars running up the side of his body.
“Yeah! That's him!” I smile at Kelly.
She laughs and says, “I guess we’ll be paying old Rich a visit then?”
I knock on the door. It's old and worn with light blue paint peeling off in several places. T can hear the shuffle inside the apartment as someone makes their way to the door and the sound of several locks being undone before it swings open to reveal a very confused, small man.
I take a breath in, “Hello sir, would this happen to be the home of one Richard Goranski?”
He looks at me, then at Kelly, then at me again, “Yes, that's me. Can I help you?”
Kelly pulls out her badge and states, “Officer Jamison, NJSP. My partner and I would like to ask you some questions concerning a map of yours that was recently stolen.”
He scrunches his nose and frowns a bit, still somewhat hiding behind his door, obviously uncomfortable, “Yes, of course, come in.”
He pulls the old blue door open to reveal an apartment to match. The wallpaper peeling and cracked in places, boxes strewn about the rooms, furniture partially unpacked. He leads us to a table and pulls up two more chairs saying, “Sorry, I'm kind of between places right now so I haven't really unpacked,” He finally sits down in the chair across from us and asks, “So, what kind of questions did you have in mind?”
I place my folded hands down on the table before asking, “We were wondering about the map that was stolen from your vault, about where it led and why it is valuable enough to be stolen.”
He shifts uncomfortably in his chair before answering, “I'm not actually sure.”
I eye him, “You’re not sure?”
He rubs the back of his neck and looks away, “A friend of mine in highschool gave it to me to hold on to, said that he would come to get it back one day. I called him the day it was stolen, but he never responded, and I've been trying to reach him but it's like he disappeared.”
I squint and tilt my head ever so slightly, “And the name of this friend is?”
It seems he's trying to make eye contact with everything in the room but me, “His name was Jeremy --”
I cut him off, “Jeremy Heere?”
He looks taken aback, “Yes, how did you know that?”
I look him right in the eyes and say, “Rich, it's me, Christine? From highschool? I was Jeremy’s girlfriend for a while, remember?”
His eyes lighten up a bit and he smiles, “Christine Canigula? Is it really you? Wow! I never thought I’d see you again! How have you been?”
I laugh, “Well we’ll have to catch up later, I'm afraid we still have some important matters we need to discuss.”
He shakes his head a bit, “Right, right, sorry. It's just crazy seeing you after all these years. Anywho, what else do you need to know about that map? I don't know much about it but I want to be able to help as much as I can,” He sits a little more comfortable now, sitting with a small smile on his face.
Kelly jumps in, “Do you happen to know where we could find Jeremy?”
Rich pulls out his phone and a notepad, he looks at something and scribbles something down before ripping off the piece of paper and handing it to Kelly, “This is the last address I have for him, and here’s his and my phone number, in case you need to contact him or me again.”
Kelly and I stand, “Thank you Rich, we’ll be sure to give you a call if we find anything.”
He smiles at me and says, “Anytime! Be sure to call me up at some point so we can catch up, ok? It was great seeing you again!”
I wave goodbye as We walk out the door.
We arrive at the address Rich left us. The place looks worse than Rich’s, the bushes were overgrown, the paint on the house was faded and the grass is up to our calves. I knock on the door, but this time, there is no response, no shuffle, no click of unlocking locks. Nothing.
I frown and try at the door knob, but it's locked. I call, “NJSP! Open up!” but still, no response.
Kelly sighes and turns to leave, but that's when something catches my eye. One of the windows in the front of his house is broken with blood dripping from the glass.
“Um, Kelly? You might wanna see this.”
Kelly turns back to me and when she sees it, her eyes go wide. She nods at me and we pull out our guns. I force the door open and Kelly follows me in. I gasp when I see bloody footprints on the ground, leading further into the house.
We move silently, following the footprints. They lead into the kitchen, where they stop at a body.
I drop my gun and run towards the body. Blood pooling under it, I flip it over to see who it is. Hoping, praying it's not who I think it is.
Then I see his face. Jeremy’s face. He’s pale, gunshot wounds adorning his chest. I can feel the hot tears roll down my cheeks as I hold him in my arms.
“I'm sorry,” I whisper and begin to back away, my hands, stained with blood, “I'm so sorry.”
Kelly grabs my shoulder and whispers to me, “I'm so sorry, Christine.”
I don't watch as she examines the body, or as she searches the house. She comes back to me, tells me that she found a clue. She knows where the map had led to before Jeremy was killed and it was stolen from him after he stole it from the bank.
I barely remember what she said, because none of it made any sense. WHy would Jeremy steal it? Who stole it from him? How did she know where to go? Everything looked, sounded, and felt far away, like I was slipping away.
Next thing I know, I'm being ushered out of the police cruiser into an empty run down lot of some kind. Dead plants sit in planters, empty stores line the walls, debris is everywhere, and a man is standing on the other side of the lot, facing us.
We make our way towards him. He’s wearing a black hoodie with the hood up to cover his eyes. As we approach, I see Kelly pull out a small duffle bag. WHere in the world did she get that?!
She says to the man, “We’re here to make a deal,” She unzips and holds out the duffle bag out to him. It's filled with money. He starts to move closer to us, that's when we hear it. The sound of a gun clicking behind us.
“No, they're not.”
But I recognize that voice, “Micheal?” I ask.
There's a silence, until the voice speaks, “Hello again, Christine.”
I turn to face him, he smiles, “Micheal, what are you doing here?!” I plea.
His smile turns to a grimace, “Finishing what Jeremy couldn't.”
“What is going on here?!” Kelly practically yells.
Micheal sighs, “After everything on highschool, Jeremy had squips leftover and didn't know what to do,” Squips, of course, “So, I helped him hide them, just in case. Somehow, Jeremy got his Squip back and I got one myself, and I was ready to bust out the map to find the rest of them, to give them to the world. But something was wrong with Jeremy, he started to fight it, so I had to stop him from stopping me,” Tears form in my eyes again, “And now that I think about it, didn't you have a squip to, Christine?
“Micheal, NO!--”
“Up, up, down, down, left, right, A.”
The burning sensation filled my head, I fell to my knees, I could hear Kelly yelling, but it seemed like everything else was gone. I was gone. The squip is in control now.
I hope you enjoyed that! Bye!
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3672Sl1
by awkwardautumns
Just some Drabbles with some of my favorite characters from my favorite fandoms! Things will be added in the future. So just some One-Shots for you all! X readers also. Requests are open! Some characters may be ooc.
Words: 1304, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Beetlejuice - All Media Types, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Dragon Ball, Dear Evan Hansen - Pasek & Paul/Levenson, Be More Chill - Iconis/Tracz, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DCU (Comics)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice), Harry Potter, Vegeta (Dragon Ball), Son Goku (Dragon Ball), Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Neville Longbottom, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Piccolo (Dragon Ball), Turles (Dragon Ball), Brolly (Dragon Ball), Goku Black, Son Gohan, Bardock (Dragon Ball), Lydia Deetz, Barbara Maitland, Adam Maitland, The Maitlands (Beetlejuice), Majin Buu, Connor Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen), Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Iida Tenya, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Ashido Mina, Todoroki Shouto, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Asui Tsuyu, Uraraka Ochako, Kaminari Denki, Ojiro Mashirao, Koji Koda, Satou Rikidou, Shouji Mezou, Jirou Kyouka, Sero Hanta, Tokoyami Fumikage, Yaoyorozu Momo, Charles Deetz, Emily Deetz, Delia Deetz, Juno (Beetlejuice), Sirius Black, James "Bucky" Barnes, Cedric Diggory, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Pansy Parkinson, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Ginny Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, T'Challa (Marvel), Captain Marvel, Captain Ginyu (Dragon Ball), Frieza (Dragon Ball), Zarbon (Dragon Ball), Scott Lang, Clint Barton, Peter Parker, Thor (Marvel), Vision (Marvel), Michael Mell, Jeremy Heere, Jeremy Heere's Squip, Rich Goranski, Christine Canigula, Brooke Lohst, Jenna Rolan, Chloe Valentine, Jeremy Heere's Father, Jake Dillinger, Jason "J. D." Dean, Veronica Sawyer, Heather Duke, Heather McNamara, Heather Chandler (Heathers), Ram Sweeney, Martha Dunnstock, Kurt Kelly, Loki (Marvel), Sam Alexander, Nova (Marvel), Flash Thompson, Barry Allen, Batman, Diana (Wonder Woman), Arthur Curry (DCU), Joker (DCU), Edward Nygma, Harley Quinn, Jonathan Crane, Catwoman (DCU), Stephen Strange, Pamela Isley, Poison Ivy, Zoe Murphy, Larry Murphy, Cynthia Murphy, Evan Hansen, Heidi Hansen, Jared Kleinman, Madeline (Be More Chill), Chi-Chi (Dragon Ball), Krillin (Dragon Ball), Raditz (Dragon Ball), Cell (Dragon Ball), Whis (Dragon Ball), Tenshinhan (Dragon Ball), Jeice (Dragon Ball), Cabba (Dragon Ball), Cooler (Dragon Ball), Android 17 (Dragon Ball), Android 18 (Dragon Ball), Android 16 (Dragon Ball)
Relationships: various x reader, X Reader - Relationship, Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Tony Stark/Reader, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Tony Stark, bucky/steve, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Aizawa shouta/ Yagi Toshinori, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Batman/Reader, Draco Malfoy/Reader, Sirius Black/Reader, Clark Kent/Reader, Evan Hansen/Jared Kleinman, Evan Hansen/Connor Murphy, Jared Klienman/Bathbombs, Vegeta/Bulma, Goku/Chi-chi, Son Goku/Chi-Chi, Frieza/Reader
Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff, Lime, Lemon, Smut, dragon ball - Freeform, Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia - Freeform, mcu - Freeform, dcu - Freeform, Heathers - Freeform, Be More Chill - Freeform, dear evan hansen - Freeform, Sadness, big sad, ships, All The Ships, Villains, Sirius is my favorite, Some implied sexual stuff, Implied Sexual Content, Sexual Humor, Stuff will be changing, requests open, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Too much fluff, Training, Strong Language, Language!, Thats america's ass, Insults, Badass, Pure Love, au's, Gaming, Heartbreak, Tears, Violence, Gore, Blood, Ready your feels, my apologies, Emotional Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, soft bois, softies, platonic, death?, I'm still writing this, First Fic!, My writing is terrible, OOC, Cursed, cursing, kinky-, Realationships, Lesbian, Gay, straight - Freeform, x Reader, reader is going to be a badass, Reader is going to be beat up, Not exactly a x reader, Request pls, request, pleasure.jpg, big dick-, big dick energy, happiness, Memes, Fighting, Cheating, Sex, Rough Sex, Uh..., Sorry Not Sorry, sick reader, Sick Characters, deep, please don't attack me, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, HH, Loki is hot
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3672Sl1
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stony-ao3-feed · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3672Sl1
by awkwardautumns
Just some Drabbles with some of my favorite characters from my favorite fandoms! Things will be added in the future. So just some One-Shots for you all! X readers also. Requests are open! Some characters may be ooc.
Words: 1304, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Beetlejuice - All Media Types, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Dragon Ball, Dear Evan Hansen - Pasek & Paul/Levenson, Be More Chill - Iconis/Tracz, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DCU (Comics)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice), Harry Potter, Vegeta (Dragon Ball), Son Goku (Dragon Ball), Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Neville Longbottom, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Piccolo (Dragon Ball), Turles (Dragon Ball), Brolly (Dragon Ball), Goku Black, Son Gohan, Bardock (Dragon Ball), Lydia Deetz, Barbara Maitland, Adam Maitland, The Maitlands (Beetlejuice), Majin Buu, Connor Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen), Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Iida Tenya, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Ashido Mina, Todoroki Shouto, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Asui Tsuyu, Uraraka Ochako, Kaminari Denki, Ojiro Mashirao, Koji Koda, Satou Rikidou, Shouji Mezou, Jirou Kyouka, Sero Hanta, Tokoyami Fumikage, Yaoyorozu Momo, Charles Deetz, Emily Deetz, Delia Deetz, Juno (Beetlejuice), Sirius Black, James "Bucky" Barnes, Cedric Diggory, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Pansy Parkinson, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Ginny Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, T'Challa (Marvel), Captain Marvel, Captain Ginyu (Dragon Ball), Frieza (Dragon Ball), Zarbon (Dragon Ball), Scott Lang, Clint Barton, Peter Parker, Thor (Marvel), Vision (Marvel), Michael Mell, Jeremy Heere, Jeremy Heere's Squip, Rich Goranski, Christine Canigula, Brooke Lohst, Jenna Rolan, Chloe Valentine, Jeremy Heere's Father, Jake Dillinger, Jason "J. D." Dean, Veronica Sawyer, Heather Duke, Heather McNamara, Heather Chandler (Heathers), Ram Sweeney, Martha Dunnstock, Kurt Kelly, Loki (Marvel), Sam Alexander, Nova (Marvel), Flash Thompson, Barry Allen, Batman, Diana (Wonder Woman), Arthur Curry (DCU), Joker (DCU), Edward Nygma, Harley Quinn, Jonathan Crane, Catwoman (DCU), Stephen Strange, Pamela Isley, Poison Ivy, Zoe Murphy, Larry Murphy, Cynthia Murphy, Evan Hansen, Heidi Hansen, Jared Kleinman, Madeline (Be More Chill), Chi-Chi (Dragon Ball), Krillin (Dragon Ball), Raditz (Dragon Ball), Cell (Dragon Ball), Whis (Dragon Ball), Tenshinhan (Dragon Ball), Jeice (Dragon Ball), Cabba (Dragon Ball), Cooler (Dragon Ball), Android 17 (Dragon Ball), Android 18 (Dragon Ball), Android 16 (Dragon Ball)
Relationships: various x reader, X Reader - Relationship, Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Tony Stark/Reader, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Tony Stark, bucky/steve, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Aizawa shouta/ Yagi Toshinori, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Batman/Reader, Draco Malfoy/Reader, Sirius Black/Reader, Clark Kent/Reader, Evan Hansen/Jared Kleinman, Evan Hansen/Connor Murphy, Jared Klienman/Bathbombs, Vegeta/Bulma, Goku/Chi-chi, Son Goku/Chi-Chi, Frieza/Reader
Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff, Lime, Lemon, Smut, dragon ball - Freeform, Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia - Freeform, mcu - Freeform, dcu - Freeform, Heathers - Freeform, Be More Chill - Freeform, dear evan hansen - Freeform, Sadness, big sad, ships, All The Ships, Villains, Sirius is my favorite, Some implied sexual stuff, Implied Sexual Content, Sexual Humor, Stuff will be changing, requests open, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Too much fluff, Training, Strong Language, Language!, Thats america's ass, Insults, Badass, Pure Love, au's, Gaming, Heartbreak, Tears, Violence, Gore, Blood, Ready your feels, my apologies, Emotional Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, soft bois, softies, platonic, death?, I'm still writing this, First Fic!, My writing is terrible, OOC, Cursed, cursing, kinky-, Realationships, Lesbian, Gay, straight - Freeform, x Reader, reader is going to be a badass, Reader is going to be beat up, Not exactly a x reader, Request pls, request, pleasure.jpg, big dick-, big dick energy, happiness, Memes, Fighting, Cheating, Sex, Rough Sex, Uh..., Sorry Not Sorry, sick reader, Sick Characters, deep, please don't attack me, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, HH, Loki is hot
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3672Sl1
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AO3 - Bruce Banner x Tony Stark
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3672Sl1
by awkwardautumns
Just some Drabbles with some of my favorite characters from my favorite fandoms! Things will be added in the future. So just some One-Shots for you all! X readers also. Requests are open! Some characters may be ooc.
Words: 1304, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Beetlejuice - All Media Types, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Dragon Ball, Dear Evan Hansen - Pasek & Paul/Levenson, Be More Chill - Iconis/Tracz, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DCU (Comics)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice), Harry Potter, Vegeta (Dragon Ball), Son Goku (Dragon Ball), Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Neville Longbottom, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Piccolo (Dragon Ball), Turles (Dragon Ball), Brolly (Dragon Ball), Goku Black, Son Gohan, Bardock (Dragon Ball), Lydia Deetz, Barbara Maitland, Adam Maitland, The Maitlands (Beetlejuice), Majin Buu, Connor Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen), Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Iida Tenya, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Ashido Mina, Todoroki Shouto, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Asui Tsuyu, Uraraka Ochako, Kaminari Denki, Ojiro Mashirao, Koji Koda, Satou Rikidou, Shouji Mezou, Jirou Kyouka, Sero Hanta, Tokoyami Fumikage, Yaoyorozu Momo, Charles Deetz, Emily Deetz, Delia Deetz, Juno (Beetlejuice), Sirius Black, James "Bucky" Barnes, Cedric Diggory, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Pansy Parkinson, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Ginny Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, T'Challa (Marvel), Captain Marvel, Captain Ginyu (Dragon Ball), Frieza (Dragon Ball), Zarbon (Dragon Ball), Scott Lang, Clint Barton, Peter Parker, Thor (Marvel), Vision (Marvel), Michael Mell, Jeremy Heere, Jeremy Heere's Squip, Rich Goranski, Christine Canigula, Brooke Lohst, Jenna Rolan, Chloe Valentine, Jeremy Heere's Father, Jake Dillinger, Jason "J. D." Dean, Veronica Sawyer, Heather Duke, Heather McNamara, Heather Chandler (Heathers), Ram Sweeney, Martha Dunnstock, Kurt Kelly, Loki (Marvel), Sam Alexander, Nova (Marvel), Flash Thompson, Barry Allen, Batman, Diana (Wonder Woman), Arthur Curry (DCU), Joker (DCU), Edward Nygma, Harley Quinn, Jonathan Crane, Catwoman (DCU), Stephen Strange, Pamela Isley, Poison Ivy, Zoe Murphy, Larry Murphy, Cynthia Murphy, Evan Hansen, Heidi Hansen, Jared Kleinman, Madeline (Be More Chill), Chi-Chi (Dragon Ball), Krillin (Dragon Ball), Raditz (Dragon Ball), Cell (Dragon Ball), Whis (Dragon Ball), Tenshinhan (Dragon Ball), Jeice (Dragon Ball), Cabba (Dragon Ball), Cooler (Dragon Ball), Android 17 (Dragon Ball), Android 18 (Dragon Ball), Android 16 (Dragon Ball)
Relationships: various x reader, X Reader - Relationship, Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Tony Stark/Reader, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Tony Stark, bucky/steve, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Aizawa shouta/ Yagi Toshinori, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Batman/Reader, Draco Malfoy/Reader, Sirius Black/Reader, Clark Kent/Reader, Evan Hansen/Jared Kleinman, Evan Hansen/Connor Murphy, Jared Klienman/Bathbombs, Vegeta/Bulma, Goku/Chi-chi, Son Goku/Chi-Chi, Frieza/Reader
Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff, Lime, Lemon, Smut, dragon ball - Freeform, Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia - Freeform, mcu - Freeform, dcu - Freeform, Heathers - Freeform, Be More Chill - Freeform, dear evan hansen - Freeform, Sadness, big sad, ships, All The Ships, Villains, Sirius is my favorite, Some implied sexual stuff, Implied Sexual Content, Sexual Humor, Stuff will be changing, requests open, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Too much fluff, Training, Strong Language, Language!, Thats america's ass, Insults, Badass, Pure Love, au's, Gaming, Heartbreak, Tears, Violence, Gore, Blood, Ready your feels, my apologies, Emotional Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, soft bois, softies, platonic, death?, I'm still writing this, First Fic!, My writing is terrible, OOC, Cursed, cursing, kinky-, Realationships, Lesbian, Gay, straight - Freeform, x Reader, reader is going to be a badass, Reader is going to be beat up, Not exactly a x reader, Request pls, request, pleasure.jpg, big dick-, big dick energy, happiness, Memes, Fighting, Cheating, Sex, Rough Sex, Uh..., Sorry Not Sorry, sick reader, Sick Characters, deep, please don't attack me, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, HH, Loki is hot
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3672Sl1
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