#rin listen to me. listen to me he loves you i know. i know rin you have to trust me. he's just like that sometimes
phantlvs · 2 days
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Shoto Todoroki | Family Meetings
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You let out a huff while walking through the door, sloppily kicking your shoes off of your sore feet and haphazardly dropping your bag off of your shoulder.
You let out a sigh that leaned into a whine of exhaustion.
You paused however. Usually when getting home, you’d get two little kids running up to you. One jumping up and down telling you about his day, and the other clinging to your leg whining about how she missed you.
But there was nothing.
You moved to walk further into your home, choosing to go to the kitchen first.
You paused, seeing your husband stood in front of the table. His arms crossed and a stern look on his face while he stared at the little boy.
The boy, a stubborn kid with a stubborn pout while he refused to look at his father.
“Sho..” you spoke his name, gaze looking back at him.
He looked over at you. He saw the questioning gaze you gave him.
“It wasn’t me, I told you, papa!” Shion spoke up.
“Quiet, Shion.” You told him, voice soft yet stern.
“Sho.” You looked back to him.
“The school called saying Shion stole something from another kid. The parents are furious.” He told you.
“Wasn’t me!!” Shion announced loudly, voice trailing off into a frustrated groan.
Shoto would never hurt his kids, neither you. He vowed to never become his father. And he was true to his word. You never worried he’d ever go back on that, not once.
“Where’s Himari?” You asked softly.
“Her room.” He told you.
“Alright, you go check on her while I talk to him,” you told her, a gentle hand on his arm.
He looked down at you, the frustrated look in his gaze dwindling. Face softening. You gave him a soft smile, one reassuring him you could deal with the mess Shion might or might not have caused.
Shoto let out a sigh, pulling you into him with an arm around your shoulders and kissing your temple before leaving the kitchen to go check on your daughter.
“Shion,” you spoke his name, moving to sit next to him at the table. “Tell me.”
He broke out into a frustrated rant, one you almost couldn’t understand because of how fast he was talking. “Mama, mama, it wasn’t me! Promise it wasn’t!! That Rin kid, she’s got it out for me. Swear! I saw Hizashi take it, I did!” Your brows furrowed, trying to keep up.
You reached out a hand, smoothing down his unruly red hair. “Okay, okay,” you spoke up, “hey, Shi, calm down.” You shushed him gently. “Take a breath with me, okay?”
You took a moment, waiting for him to calm down a little before getting a curt nod from him.
You took a breath in. He took a breath in.
You held it. He held it.
You let it out. He let it out.
And repeat.
“Okay.” You said, “Calmer?” You questioned, getting a nod from the boy. “Alright, start from the beginning.”
“Okay,” he started, giving a nod, “So, this Rin girl. I swear she’s got it out for me and I don’t know why! I try to be nice but she’s just mean!” He started, hands flailing in the air as he spoke and you listened. “Today, she was going around showing everyone this cool jacket she got! And later, I swear I saw Hizashi swipe it! I did, really I did! I tried to get it back but when I took it from him, Rin saw I had it and started blaming me for stealing it! And I tried to tell the teach but she just wouldn’t believe me! Hizashi even started blaming me too!!” He puffed his cheeks out.
A cute habit the boy had. Whenever he got frustrated or annoyed, he’d puff his cheeks out. You were never sure where he got it from, but it was adorable none the less.
“Alright, okay,” you raised your hand again, smoothing your thumb over his cheek gently. “It’s okay, my love, I believe you.” You spoke softly.
“You do..?” He asked softly, voice shaking a bit. It was like he didn’t believe you.
You gaze softened, lips curling up into a slight smile. “Yes, I do.”
Shion was your perfect boy. He’d never do anything wrong. He’d crouch down with his baby sister, Himari, watching ant trails. Grabbing her wrist with a gentle yet firm hand when she would reach out to touch them. Reprimanding her with a gentle word.
“No, Mari, no touching. Fire ants, they hurt.”
“Go to your room, love,” you told him, “go brush your teeth and change, me and your father will talk to you in a bit, okay?”
He sucked in a breath, looking down for a moment before nodding. “Okay..” his voice was quiet before he stood up, going to his room to do what you told him.
“Your day?” You heard Shoto’s voice from behind you.
You turned to look at him, staring at his features for a moment. “It was.. It was okay.” You said softly, thinking over the busy day for a moment while looking down at your hands and the table. “Didn’t expect to come home to this,” you let out a huff of laughter.
Shoto’s gaze fell from you to the ground for a sec, “I know, I’m sorry.”
“Hm..?” you looked up at him, “What?” You questioned.
“C’mere,” he didn’t elaborate for why he was sorry, only opened an arm out to you.
You got up almost immediately, moving towards him and into his arms. Wrapping your own around his neck and pulling his down into a hug.
One you both needed.
“Shion didn’t do it.” You told him.
“I know.” He responded.
“Rin’s parents?” You inquired.
“Mad.” He answered.
“Hm.” You hummed.
A silence enveloped the both of you. A comfortable one. One you both adored.
“Mama..” You heard a quiet voice from the hall just around the corner Shoto was standing in front of.
You moved back from his arms, peeking around him to see your little girl. She’d gotten your features and your hair.
“Hm,” a smile coming to your face. “My girl,” you hummed. Moving away from Shoto and to her, arms out to swoop her into a loving hug.
“Missed you..” She muttered into your shoulder as you picked her up.
“Really? Cause I missed you more.” You spoke, nuzzling your cheek against hers.
“Nuh-uh!!” She looked at you, brows furrowed.
Shoto stood behind you, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a soft adoring smile set on his lips while he watched the two of you.
“Shion!” You called for the boy, moving to peek into the bathroom to see him brushing his teeth.
“Huh?” He called back to you, it muffled considering the suds in his mouth.
“Come to our room when you’re done,” you told him.
“Kay!” He called out to you after you and Shoto started to move down the hall to your shared room.
“Sleep with mama and papa?” Himari asked softly, voice tired.
“Mhm,” you hummed.
“Shishi too?” She asked, peeking over your shoulder to see Shion come out of the bathroom.
“If he wants.” You told her as you sat on the bed, leaning into Shoto’s embrace when he opened his arms.
“What?” Shion asked when he got to your room. “Am I still in trouble?”
You shook your head, beckoning to come over to the bed. Which he did so without question.
“You’re not in trouble,” you told him.
“Really?” He asked, looking towards Shoto.
“You’re not.” He told him, that soft smile still on his face. “I was just caught up with everything, I wasn’t sure what to think and I was stressed.”
“But Mama saved the day!” Shion announced, jumping onto your lap.
“Hero Mama!” Himari called out from Shoto’s arms after he’d pulled her into them.
“Yeah, Hero Mama always saves the day,” Shoto teased, prompting a laugh out of you.
“Hero Mama, huh?” You questioned, getting a nod from Shion.
“Hero Mama is the best!” He gave you a toothy grin.
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brbarou · 1 year
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the sour aftertaste of sorghum wine, a knife, a kiss
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mitsouya · 2 months
including michael kaiser, rin itoshi, and reo mikage with fem!reader
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he sits beside you on the couch, engrossed in the random shows on tv. you, on the other hand, are busy reserving a table for your date at the new restaurant downtown. the sheer delight in your voice makes him glad he succeeded in emptying his tightly packed schedule for you.
[saturday night at 7 is available. would that be okay?]
a bright smile adorns your face upon hearing the employee's query. securing a table feels fortunate; it's not always easy on weekends, after all.
"alright, let me ask my husband first," you say to the phone and raising your eyebrows in silent expectation, demanding for his response.
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⌗MICHAEL — the second that word comes off your lips, best believe michael is already grinning like an idiot.
him, your husband? seriously?
he never thinks too deeply about marriage—though he does want to tie the knot with you when the time's right—but he loves how endearing it sounds when you call him that. there's a mischievous glint in his sapphire eyes before he moves closer to your body.
"her husband says yes."
being the menace he is, he announces directly to the speaker, loud and clear, earning soft giggles from you.
"do you hear me? her husband—"
you cut him off and quickly apologize to the poor employee, all while suppressing the laugh that threatened to spill out of your mouth. he will tease you about this for the rest of the evening, and you will spend hours caged between his tattooed arms, listening to him yapping about his dream wedding. not that you complained.
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⌗RIN — convinces himself he maintained his facade well, but the subtle dusting of red on his cheeks betrays him. he's unable to focus on the tv screen because did you really refer to him like that without warning?
realizing you're still waiting for his answer, rin fakes a cough to even his tone and mutters, "fine," loud enough for the employee on the other side to hear.
immediately shoots you a questioning glare after you hang up. he tries to act unaffected (which he fails miserably) and asks, "what was that?"
"what was what?" you playfully hum.
"you did that on purpose."
"i don't know what you're talking about, baby."
the slight pout on his lips amuses you more than you want to admit. he hides his burning face in the crook of your neck, mumbling something you can't pinpoint.
when you chuckle at his sudden clinginess, he looks up to you with those big, sparkling round eyes that remind you of his younger self. he's going to wife you up someday.
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⌗REO — you know damn well reo's sickeningly in love with you, and somehow you think it's okay to casually address him as ‘my husband’? are you trying to make him explode?
the tv show is long forgotten and he's all over you in an instant, giving you a bone-crushing hug along with a sweet, dopey smile that you adore so much. you can whine and say it's just a prank, but it's too late to take it back. he already envisions the whole wedding thing.
"whatever my wifey wants," he speaks to the phone, all giddy and lovestruck. "rent the entire restaurant if you want, wifey. or buy it. or don't. actually, i'll just build you one."
before his rambling causes the employee even more confusion, you shut him up with a kiss and proceed to finish the reservation.
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kleftiko · 1 year
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ft. kita, suna, atsumu, osamu
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another long and exhausting week. because your husband always gets up early and comes back late everyday because of his work, and you watch the baby all day, you both are dead to the world when you sleep until you hear the cries of your child. it’s instinct; so when you didn’t hear the baby in the middle of the night, you woke up anyway with worry. only to find shinsuke bouncing them, his lips singing a soft and out of tune lullaby that took you back to your childhood. you know for a fact that your child didn’t cry that night, your husband just wanted to hold them while they slept, despite his tired eyes, he wouldn’t trade that moment for the world.
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“no, i’m mom’s favourite.” your husband argued rather vehemently with your son as you ate dinner together. it was endearing to listen to, especially because of the fact that your son couldn’t speak. his baby babbling created bubbles of his food along his mouth. rintaro shook his head and wiped him with the napkin.
“yea, right, i’m way better at volleyball than you.” he scoffed at his kid. “that’s why your mom fell in love with me in the first place.”
“rin,” you couldn’t help but laugh. “stop it.”
he sent you an innocent smile before turning to the baby again, he made sure you could see him mouth ‘you won’t beat me.’
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if you couldn’t find your toddler, she was with her dad. today, they were in the garage, atsumu had arm and chest day, he sat on the bench, daughter in his arms as he curled her. despite the smile on his lips, his breathing and counting were even, only interrupted by her continuous giggles as she squirmed in his hold. when the set was done, he set her down and you saw them look at each other with stars in their eyes.
“’m gonna be as strong as you when i grow up!” she told him.
“hell yea!” atsumu raised his hand and your little girl jumped to smack is hand.
“hell yea!” she repeated and atsumu’s face dropped.
“…don’t tell yer mum i taught’cha that.”
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“ya gotta shape it with love, baby.” he told his daughter, hands full of rice as they stood in the kitchen.
your daughter pouted, fingers stuck with rice as she glared at the tuna filling that fell on the cutting board. “i make with hate.” she said and you couldn’t help but burst out laughing.
“yer too much like yer mum—go sit down.” osamu shooed her to you, and she happily obliged as she ate the rice off her fingers.
“why’d you do that, baby?” you asked and pet her head. “you’re great at this.”
“daddy makes the best onigiri.” she smiled at you before turning back to her father and watched him work. “i want him to cook for me my whole life.”
she clearly didn’t mean for him to hear, but you could see the foolish smile tugging at his lips.
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emmyrosee · 18 days
Can we talk about how rintaro probably swallows your engagement ring by accident?
Honestly? Okay listen… Do you think he swallows it? I think he swallows it.
Because like okay. Rintaro puts a ton of planning behind everything he does, he wants to make your engagement this massive scene out of a movie because you’re out of a movie; you swooped into his life and showed him the path he wants to be on, the one that always leads back to you.
But like. Why would everything not crumble around him each and every time he tries to work up the courage to finally pop that four word phrase?
It was supposed to be simple. It was supposed to be easy.
An engagement ring, propped on some frosting on the center of the cake, ready for you to scoop up and slip on and give him an excited yes and the world would clap and he’d get a Nobel prize or something for such an extravagant proposal.
Except. That doesn’t happen.
The first bite Rintaro takes, he shovels in his mouth nervously, and there’s a massive shock to his teeth when they clank down hard on the ring on his cake.
How he didn’t notice? How the waiter messed them up? He blames it on the waiter.
Him swallowing the ring..? Yeah no. That’s got him written all over it.
His nerves just got the best of him and sends the large diamond down his throat, eyes bulging out as he realizes. He chokes briefly, grabbing his wine and gulping it down to wash the jewelry down.
Uh oh.
“Baby?” You ask. “Something wrong?”
The rest of dinner is silent, you trying desperately to make conversation and his mind going insane trying to process what to do next.
Your engagement ring, the object that completely envelops your love in a physical sense is floating in the acids of his stomach, and who knows what the next step in the plan is.
He dreads it.
The car ride is complete silence, you occasionally clearing your throat or sighing to try and strike a conversation, but Rin’s mind is on a complete other planet, trying to make a map of his next move and how to get the ring 1.) out of his body and 2.) to you.
Is he really going to give you a ring he ate? He can’t. That’s vile. But he can’t spend the money on another one, even if it is more than worth it to spend it on you, and-
“Rin,” you whisper, touching his thigh. “You just blew a red light.”
“Damn- I’m sorry,” he apologizes.
“Don’t be sorry… is everything alright?”
“Just fine.”
“Are you mad at me?”
His foot slams hard, hard on the breaks, causing commotion behind him as the wailing of car horns fills the air. “God, baby, no, of course not!”
“Then why have you been so quiet?” You ask sadly.
“I can’t tell you.” Out of embarrassment and stupidity, he thinks to himself.
You leave it at that. You go quiet again, and when he makes a move to rest his hand on your thigh, you turn away, and his whole heart sinks.
The rest of the ride home drags on. There’s no more attempts of noise, no more sighs or clearing of throats, only the roar of the engine for a few more miles until you get home. He barely gets the chance to park the car before you’re out and storming up the driveway, clearly upset with the situation. He sighs and follows you in, and you’ve hiked up the stairs to the bathroom. He winces at the slam of the door, and he’s quick to call osamu for advice.
Advice that the twin gives him around countless gawfs of unhelpful, judgmental laughter.
He tells Rintaro to calm down and stop being weird towards you- take a spoonful of laxatives mixed in with water and let the body “process” for as long as it needs to. Get you a new ring, trash the old one and mourn the loss of money after you two get engaged.
He sighs and ends the call, making his way to the upstairs bathroom where he keeps the medicine. You brush past him in a towel, refusing to acknowledge him or his presence with so much as a “hmph.”
The shower he takes alone is cold, his mind is loud and his heart is pounding and his stomach queases for more than a few reasons. How could he have messed this up so badly? It was supposed to be cute! Just flashy enough for him to flaunt you, but simple enough to not be messed up.
Yet he messed it up.
Rintaro dries himself and makes his way into the bedroom, where you’re already burrowed under the covers on your side of the bed. He throws on some form of pajama before making his way downstairs to make his laxative drink.
One tablespoon of laxative mixed with water, allow body to process for one day before repeating, let all powder dissolve before drinking- he follows every single one of the thorough instructions completely, and he starts to drink the concoction with a scowl of disgust.
The hell is this made out of?
“What’re you still doing up?” You ask, and he swallows the last of the laxative with a wince.
“Couldn’t sleep,” he confesses. Then, he sighs and turns to face you, and your face tells him everything he needs to know.
You’re still upset.
“Listen,” he begins, carding a massive hand through his hair. “About tonight. It was absolutely nothing you did. It was my fault, and my annoyance and attitude had nothing to do with you.”
“Okay,” you sigh, but there’s an unconvinced lilt in your voice.
“I wanted this to be a perfect night, I wanted it to go so well-“
“And I’m sorry, about my silence in the restaurant,” he sniffles, big hands pressing against his face and rubbing roughly. “The chef was supposed to put it on our cakes and his little rat waiter messed it up, and-“
“Put what on our cakes?”
“YOUR ENGAGEMENT RING!” He groans in complete agony. “Your ring! Fuck! I tried so hard to make the perfect proposal, and I just wanted it to be beautiful-“
“My… my ring?”
“Uh…. Yeah?”
“My engagement ring?”
Your bottom lip wobbles, and he feels like he’s going to upchuck every bit of food he’s ever eaten.
Though that may not be the worst thing at this point.
“You wanna marry me?” You wail, collapsing to your knees in excitement. He perks up slightly, slipping of his seat to join you on the floor.
“Of course I want to marry you,” he confesses. “God, I’ve… I’ve wanted to marry you for the past three years, I got the ring perfect four months ago.” He blinks out a line of tears to mimic yours, and you cup his cheeks in your trembling palms. “But every time I tried to propose, something went wrong, and I… I didn’t know how to do it anymore. I’m sorry baby…”
“Rintaro,” you say softly, chuckling around the your quivering voice. “I never needed a big proposal. Ever. All I ever want is for you to promise me we’ll be together. And that’s more than enough.”
His face softens before he lets a hand smack his face in obliviousness, disappointed in himself that he got so lost in trying to impress you that he almost didn’t.
“Put it on me!” You squeal, holding out your hand. He turns a scarlet red and looks away.
“I uh… I can’t.”
You deflate slightly, and he gives you an embarrassed smile. “Why not?” You whimper, emotionally fried from the rollercoaster he just put you on.
“I don’t have it.”
“I mean, technically i do,” he says, gnawing his lip. “But I… uhm… I can’t give it to you yet. I uh… I need a few days. And… a few cleaners to look at it.” He gives you a shy chuckle and his toothy grin is mixed with frightened eyes, and your own widen. “The uhm… the ring was on the cake…”
Your hands clasp over your mouth, tears immediately drying and replacing with small, choked and stifled laughter.
“You didn’t,” you manage. He nods, uncomfortable. “Did… did you eat my ring, Rintaro?”
“It wasn’t my fault! Damn waiter gave us the wrong cakes!”
You two clutch each other on the cold kitchen floor as you laugh, heads knocking against each other as you steal kisses from between cackles.
“I’ve got an idea,” he says once you’ve both seemed to calm down, and he quickly pops on his feet to grab the bread on the counter. With the twist tie, he takes it off the bread and makes his way back to you. “Give me your hands.”
The tie only fits around the top part of your ring finger, and you sniffle softly at how silly and sweet this whole thing is.
“We’re gonna get married,” he says between an emotional wheeze. “And we’re going to grow old together, have our nine dogs and four cats.”
“No kids?”
“Ew gross.”
“Yeah, sure, as if you don’t bend to my every whim bro.” You shift slightly to rest your back against his chest, curling against his still sitting frame. “And our kids are going to love the Miyas-“
“Because you love the Miya’s. I have nothing to do with that.”
“As if Osamu’s not going to be your best man,” you scoff. He smirks and buries his face in your hair, listening to your words weave through his brain and calming him down from the disaster of a night.
Then, he hums, “you want to take my last name?” He asks, and you give him a small swat on the leg. “What! Im just asking!”
“Of course I’m going to take your last name,” you say, turning your head up to face him. “It’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
“Yeah?” He asks breathlessly, tearing up again when you nod.
“You’re all I’ve ever wanted.”
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hai7ani · 1 month
等了一辈子的你 / i have waited an eternity for you / right person at the right time
haitani rindou | haitani ran | matsuno chifuyu | sano shinichiro | itoshi rin | higuruma hiromi | nanami kento | your faves
one night stand who you thought was just gonna come and go shows up unexpectedly at your door the next day, the day after, again, again, and again. except he doesn't come for sex, no. he never asks for it. instead he brings flowers and he offers to cook you both dinner with groceries that he bought. he asks about your day and he listens as you ramble on and on about the dogs at the park or the new cafe you've been wanting to try and he never once complains that you talk too much like the others do. sometimes on weekends he brings you to the beach and he takes many polaroids of you that he hogs in his wallet and sometimes on weekdays he drives you to the other side of the city where he claims there is good food (aka the restaurant that he grew up frequenting and has developed a close relationship with the lady boss. this is how his mother finds out that her son has been seeing a certain somebody). he doesn't share a lot about himself, and you never push him to tell you, but he always wants to know more than who you are 一 he wants to feel the drum of your heart and the flame of your soul. but he disappears one day just when you thought things were going well and it ultimately ends up like how you'd dreaded things to become 一 your little heart in pieces and your life back to melancholy grey. until he finally shows up again and this time he's on one knee on your porch, in the rain, and he's asking for you to marry him. you do not see a ring in his hand but you do see a lifetime with him in his eyes. "i left to buy us a land, in the countryside. with a house." just like you've always wanted. and suddenly your chest doesn't feel as tight as it did anymore. a drop of your tear falls onto his cheek and you smear it across his skin. "i've been away for 13 days," he kisses your palm. "13 days my bones were burning and my heart was bleeding because i was not with you." and he lets out a long breath as you melt into his arms. "you are with me now, my love," you moan. "i am with you."
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earthtooz · 1 year
quick rin hc because i need these thoughts to go somewhere before it eats me alive.
when you first starting dating itoshi rin, you never thought he'd be the clingy type.
and your theory proved true for the first few months of your relationship. most physical affection was initiated by you, you were the one holding his hand, latching yourself onto his arm, and leaving kisses on his cheek so that if he was uncomfortable, he could easily shake you off.
not that rin ever did. if you weren't so nervous, you would've seen the crack in his apathetic facade, his face turning a traitorous shade of red.
well. now that you're a year or so down into the relationship, it's safe to say that you were very wrong about your assumption.
itoshi rin loves by making his mark. he's only happy once he's sure that everyone knows who you're with.
whether that's with a protective arm around your waist, paparazzi photos of the two of you together in your own little world, or showing you off in clothes of his (or hickeys), rin will happily give you all of him.
he gets a little too grumpy when you start your day before him, making him miss the chance to cherish your warmth and admire your beauty for a little longer.
he pats your side of the bed blindly and groans when he doesn't feel you there, the space pitifully empty when he lugs his body over to where you should be. rin should get up and find you, really, but he hates starting the day when you're not the first thing he sees.
fortunately for him, you hear him from where you were doing your morning routine in the bathroom.
opening the en suite door, you're amused to see your boyfriend like this, subtly distraught and splayed all over the mattress.
"good morning, you," is what you say to him whilst walking over, now feeling rejuvenated and ready to start the day. that was your first mistake because rin then all but drags you down onto the bed with him, encasing you in his arms.
he hasn't even said good morning back.
"hey! let go, jerk!" you huff, hitting his chest lightly.
"what do you mean-"
"rin, c'mon, let me go."
"no. now shut up, wanna hold you."
as if helping his argument, he throws the covers over the two of you, sighing quietly in satisfaction when you return his affection, amused enough to listen to his command. "y'know it's 9am right now. shouldn't you be doing your workout?"
"don't care. shut up."
"so mean. you're lucky i'm with you, even if you're horrible," you say, mostly as a joke. he can tell by the airiness of your voice, but rin stills a little in your arms before pushing more of his weight on top of you, placing a kiss to your jaw for good measure. several kisses, actually.
"shut up. please?"
"you're so stupid," the breathy laughter that escapes you only causes rin to tuck himself further into your warmth.
rin also gets a little too grumpy when you tell him that you're going out with your friends. at this point, he stops bothering to hide his disappointment. paired with a pout, he looks at you with such glossy eyes when he asks 'what about our self-care night?' that you have to resist the urge to pinch his cheeks and kiss him silly.
you promise him another night and he's placated when you tell him that you'll give him a full spa treatment.
he grabs onto your shirt to avoid you straying too far. whenever you’re together and see something in a store window, you take a few steps before being inevitably dragged back by itoshi rin, who has a masterful poker face plastered to counter your ‘why did you do that?’ expression.
'don't go where i can't follow' type of boyfriend- why is he dramatic... like babes... i'm going to the bathroom... no you can't come with me...
anyways i'm shutting up now before i ramble too much. so. yeah. clingy!rin is really just... something else...
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sir-kuroo · 1 year
REO, NAGI, ISAGI, BACHIRA, CHIGIRI, RIN ; their moments with you that got them the hardest
𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒 ⋮ f!reader, oral, jerk-off instructions, 69, unprotected sex, praise, fingering
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From your toes up to your forehead, he loved to explore every corner of your body with his hands, his fingers, his tongue—tasting every bit of your skin and juices.
Reo knew how it embarrasses you whenever he gave extra attention to your body, but he wanted you to listen to him as he told you how addicted he was to your breasts. You melted in his arms whenever he'd bury his face in your chest, fondle them and taste them in between his lips.
He was always on his knees while you guided him how to make you feel better and show him where you want to be touched.
"M-More..." You moaned and his dick hardened. He gulped as he saw you open your legs wider for him to see your glistening pussy, so fucking wet. But he wanted something more.
"Tell me where you want it more." He teased as he heaved. If you won't give him the answer, he'd get it out for you. Heaving, his fingers, his tongue tentatively touched your pussy, until you cave in and tell him where you want him in exactly.
"H-Here..." You begged, but he just continued with his torturous toying.
"R-Reo...." You whined. "P-Please, here..." You placed your finger on your pussy. "Inside me."
In no time, his hard cock penetrated you raw. His mouth ran with praises letting you know how good you made him feel, how tight you were and how perfect your body was against his touch.
“So good, angel. You’re so fucking good! Keep it going.” He said through gritted teeth as he lovingly pet the top of your head.
There were times when he's just baffled by how he managed to end up with someone like you that he would kiss you right then and there regardless of the people around.
He loved pinning you against the wall, kissing you with such hunger and desire that he took your breath as you inhaled against his mouth, him just simply sucking your tongue and getting drunk in your taste. Filthy and dirty, but he really didn't care anymore.
Sei hid it in a calm facade but he's obsessed with fucking you. He knew how much you loved it whenever he'd cling to you and would lazily fuck you in random. He loved watching your pussy slide down his hardened cock as you ride him, his hands gripping tightly on your waist. Make him hiss as you grind him down and as he pushed his pelvis up to match your movements.
He always wanted to remind you of the very first time you've made love. He wanted to remind you that there's no other man who could claim you but him. Only him. And just like that, he desired to fuck you hard to sleep, taking you from behind and making you cum over and over again that you lose all the energy to keep up with him.
He's just so turned on by how you never fail to surprise him in bed, seeing a different side to you that you don’t normally show in public. Normally, he often stole a dirty glance of your ass, your breasts, your body in general. Sometimes, he’s unashamed to be pretty obvious about it. And now, you were alone, he was hyped that he’s the one who can bring out the naughty in your angel. Meguru admired it whenever you sixty-nine. He liked the sense of competitiveness to prove that he could please you a lot better. He wanted you on top of him as he worked magic with his fingers.
"Are you losing it, Y/N?" He asked, excitedly as if it was his victory that you could no longer pump his dick because his fingers were rapidly toying your pussy. It encouraged him to pleasure you even more using his tongue so you could finally see stars.
"I know you liked it whenever I circled just around your clit." He smiled. "You're just so sexy, Y/N. I can't wait to get inside you already." And he kept adoring and narrating everything that he did to your body.
"Please...don't say things like that. It's unfair!"
He chuckled and got even stiffer. He loves it whenever you get flustered because of this. He shifted so he could align his cock along your cunt and he gave you an excited smile that implied, you're gonna get it hard this time.
Your gasped as he entered you. He hovered close to your body and whispered agansint your ear, “Yeah, you want it slow and deep like this, don’t you?”
His most favorite time with you was whenever you greet him home with a warm embrace. He'd wrap his arms around your soft frame and kissed you wildly. Next thing you knew, you’re out of your breath and out of your clothes, naked. Your legs wrapped around his waist as he fucked you standing. He'd take to bed...that's if you really managed going to your bed...and you both get lost in each other.
He wanted to see you all spent up because of him. He loved it whenever he's taking you nice and slow while he filled you up so that you could feel his length, his girth stretching your walls out. He lose it whenever you felt so hot against him. His control all gone as he surrendered in the way he pounded your tight cunt—eyes closed, sweat dripping off the the side of his face and down the plane of his rather toned body—cheeks all flushed and lips parted as he feels losing himself in the process.
"Love, aughhh...can't help it..." He let out as he came inside you. His back painted with your scratches.
He'd kiss you deep while you cum, pouring himself with how he consumed your mouth and took your breath. He'd keep you close and feel every inch of you and you feel every inch of him again until you feel sleepy in his arms.
He loved it every time you secretly showered with him—just the two of you under the sprinkling water, bodies so slippery. Him just licking, nibbling on your shoulder, your nipples and eating you out until you didn't know anymore if it's the bath shower drenching you or your own fluid.
He just loved it whenever he saw you pissed off, because he won't give you what you wanted that easy. He loved your reaction whenever you pout and get mad at him. He was challenged to see how long could you act so bratty and angry to him when he started using his mouth on you, circling his tongue on the lips of your pussy and teasing you with tentative pressure so you'll beg for more.
"Really, princess? I thought you hate me." Seeing your reaction from totally annoyed and irritated at him to a whining little mess, excited him a lot. It always happened like this and you always end up crying for him to put his pretty dick inside of you.
He secretly loved it whenever he caught you playing with yourself while he's back from a training or a game. Seeing how much you missed him and craved him by screaming his name as you sank your fingers inside your folds. He'd instruct you what to do with his eyes dark and trained on you.
"Say my name louder." He knelt before you and guided your fingers to sink deeper and press on your clit.
"Yeah, just like that. Be my good girl."
He'd pull down his shorts and show you how hard you made him, stroking his own fully-erect cock in front of you but you're not allowed to touch.
"Just watch." He warned as he stroke himself. The way he pumped on us length got you fingering your needy pussy at the same time.
"Please, I need you." You begged for him as your pussy throbbed until his dick to finally be inside. However, he did not give it right away. Instead, he massaged the lips of your cunt with his tongue. Your head spun with his skillful movements, until you're out of your mind and putty for him to be inside of you.
"Rin! Rin!"
He loved seeing those teary pleading eyes and it makes him ever harder. Though Rin, might put on a distant attitude, deep inside his deepest desire was to cuddlefuck you, so he got you pinned in bed. Your arms clutched tightly around him and his too, pounding you hard and kissing you all over like it's his own way of breathing. He won't stop until you climax, screaming how much you love him.
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© nekorei 2023 - All rights reserved. No work shall be reproduced, reposted, modified, translated in any form or by any means.
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kitorin · 9 months
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"I need you to be completely honest with me right now."
"What's wrong, Rin?" Another page turns, your eyes remain glued to the novel, head resting on his thighs as his fingers occasionally poke your cheek.
"Am I ugly?"
The question makes you choke on your spit; Itoshi Rin, the very man who had you infatuated at first glance with his prominent eye lashes and his wintry gaze, just asked if he was hideous.
"Who the hell said that?" The surprise makes you sit up, and Rin barely dodges collision with your head. It's common knowledge that he couldn't care less about his appearance, skin and hair care were simply for hygiene, which was all that mattered to him. There's anger heating up at the thought of someone breaking his indifference, and it reveals itself through your speech
"No one, Yukimiya's photographer came for a photo shoot. Everything went well until I noticed the lines on my face."
He nods "They weren't there before." His fingers ghost over an area near his cheeks. "Apparently they're not supposed to be there." Rin reaches into his pocket, unlocking it and showing you a photo.
It's a photo of him, Hiori and Yukimiya, the three of them grinning whilst being covered in designer brands. Nothing seemed wrong, it's an adorable photo; revealing Rin's typically concealed dimples, eyes squinting with joy, the kind of smile he uses when he's genuinely happy, instead of the polite and subtle one he gives to interviewers.
"I don't see an issue."
"Here." He zooms into his face. "Those things." His lithe fingers point towards the area between the sides of his nose and the corners of his mouth. Smile lines.
"Fans said they shouldn't be there. So, am I ugly now?"
There's a legitimate confusion laced with his tone, and you silently thank how he decided to talk about it with you before believing in whatever comments were left on Instagram.
"First, whatever fans say have no credibility, they're just people on the internet. Second." You climb into his lap again, cupping his cheeks and once again getting lost in the depths of his beryl irises. "Those are called smile lines. You're not ugly for having them, and never will be." His aquamarine eyes gaze back, as you brush a strand of hair out of his face.
"Even if they weren't there before?"
"Of course. They're a sign you're living a life filled with joy and happiness. And that is more beautiful than any beauty standard out there, and so are you." Your thumbs trace the creases, the entirety of your palms can feel the warmth of his cheeks, savouring how the softness contrasts the callousness of your hands. "You're beautiful, you always have been and always will be. Don't listen to anyone who says otherwise."
Your lips plant a kiss on his forehead, and you soon return to admiring every crevice of his face. From the viridescent azure irises and the eyelashes which adorn them, how surprisingly soft and squishy his cheeks are (of course only you'll ever know that).
"Thank you for putting them there then."
"I never had reasons to smile. Not until I met you."
Anyone can tell Itoshi Rin seldom expresses emotion, let alone joy; but you had always assumed he kept it to himself rather than believe nothing was worth his jubilation.
His hands reach for yours, fingers ghosting over them. "Thank you for brightening my life, for being the reason why I'm able to live so happily." Gently, his hand pries one of yours off his face, placing a kiss on it. "I love you."
Rin smiles; it's soft, exposing his dimples and smile lines, cheeks matching his lips in colour. You're pretty sure you're just as flushed.
A quick peck to his lips (he still tastes like the persimmon haichuu you were eating together earlier) and you swear he somehow grows redder. "Does this mean I'm allowed to have the last ice cream?"
"You're supposed to say it back dumbass. And fuck no, that's mine." Despite his callous language he picks you up into a cradle carry, placing you down besides him, soon making his way to the front door. "What flavours do you want? And what kind and which brand?"
"Awww, I love you too, I want the vanilla and melon soft serve by the way."
Rin scoffs. "Of course you only say it back when I'm doing you a favour." But he's pocketing his wallet, and about to unlock the door to leave. "You're annoying."
"Yet you still love me."
"Are you sure? Because I'm buying every flavour of yukimidaifuku and you're not getting any. Milky candy too." You don't miss the smirk on his face at the sight of your disbelief.
"I hate you."
"Love you too darlin'."
[In the end "you're not getting any" was a lie]
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Tagging: @yuzurins
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hyomaslut · 11 months
──★ ˙🍒 ̟ !! SAY THAT YOU MISS ME. 18+!
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☆⌒(ゝ。∂).ᐟ ʙʟʟᴋ ʙᴏʏs ɢᴏɪɴɢ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴇx
✿ ─ characters: bachira meguru, chigiri hyoma, rin itoshi ✿ ─ cw: somewhat angst, nsfw, smut, gn!reader, afab!reader, no pronouns, aged-up!characters(21+), established relationships??, exes to lovers, kissing, groping, dirty talk, semi-public sex, lots of jealousy, alcohol use, posessiveness, unprotected sex, cunnilingus, toxic behaviors/dynamics, use of foul language, suggestive themes, proofread?? ✿ ─ notes: they are straight up drabbles. i wrote hyoma's first and i was like, omg this is way too long. fuck it, hope i can get the others close to this word count. and then they were longer. im so sorry i promise next time i wont be so long winded.
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BACHIRA MEGURU is unsettled by the silence that lingers in your absence...
he honestly doesn’t know what to do with himself. the heavy loneliness he feels in a bed far too big for just one person is almost enough to push him to call you, staring at your contact for at least an hour. you were best friends. partners in crime. a power couple. how could things be over? he misses your voice more than anything else, all the time in his day usually spent deep in conversation with you now feeling empty.
he could tell that he reached a real pathetic stage of heartbroken when he started listening to old voicemails from you at night, but couldn’t find it in himself to care as he smiles at your laugh and tears up at your i love you’s. that turns into scrolling through photos he has of you, and then that has his mind drifting to the hidden album he has dedicated to you, full of the numerous risqué shots you’ve sent him over the course of your relationship. meguru doesn’t dwell on the moral dilemma of keeping the pictures, they were his after all. either gifted to him or taken by him, so he feels he has some sort of right to them. when he scrolls to a particular video from his point of view of your pretty mouth wrapped around his tip, his hand almost immediately moves to palm his crotch. he tugs down his boxers to stroke himself to the scene of you deepthroating his cock, the sweet sound of your moans and sputters through his phone speaker making both his dick and his heart ache for you.
after some time spent desperately trying to create a cheap imitation of the pleasure you make him feel, bachira grows frustrated. it’s really unfair now that he thinks about it. how could you indulge him in all his deepest fantasies and give him the wildest hottest fucks of his life only to leave him high and dry in the end? finally giving up on cumming, covered in a thin layer of sweat, he opens his phone again in some lust fueled bravery, texting you hey can we talk?
in your apartment, you were dedicating your evening to trying not to think about all the ways you missed your ex, knowing that the first few weeks of a break up were the hardest. you stand up from the couch, breaking out of your thoughts and hoping to just distract yourself for the time being. picking up your cell was extremely counter productive in that regard, your heart jumping at a text from megs ‹𝟹. he wants to talk. seeing that the text was sent half an hour ago, you jump to reply yeah sure. when? you don’t even think before accepting, the chance to bask in his attention one more time is too tempting when missing him this much. the contact picture you set for him pops up, indicating an incoming call.
you take a breath in the tense silence, offering a somewhat unsure, “hello?” his end of the call comes to life all of a sudden, finally connecting through his current shoddy service. he sounds slightly out of breath and you hear a faint ding in the background. the grainy noises let you know that he probably wasn’t in the quiet privacy of his home as he usually would be at this time. “meguru? is now a bad time to talk?”
“no! now's a good time,” he reassures, “i’m in the elevator up to your place.”
“you’re what?”
there’s some more shuffling from him and quick footsteps that echo both from the call and the hallway outside your apartment. “open up.”
there’s apprehension floating somewhere in your mind, but the big part of you that was very much not over him moves your feet towards the door, unlocking it. as soon as the physical barrier between you and him is gone, there is a completely different tone that settles and you almost sense it before it happens when he pushes forward to crash his lips onto yours. he didn’t exactly have a plan showing up, but seeing you, there was only one thing his body wanted to do. your back collides with the wall of your entryway, one of his hands already on the back of your head to cushion the blow, his other arm coiled around your waist to press you flush against him. unaware of it, the two of you share the same thought. this is 1000 times better than being alone tonight.
“meguru.” you call out trying to gently push against his chest to create some room between you. trying to be the rational one and state the obvious facts. you broke up with him. he shouldn’t be here. it’ll just cause more heartache for the both of you. but tingles run up his back when you say his name that way, breathless as he steals all the air from you. fuels his need to hold onto you tighter and not let you go this time around. eventually you manage to get your hand over his mouth to stop him from kissing you before your resolve really breaks and you let this go too far. “megu we shouldn’t. this is hard enough as it is-”
he pries your fingers away, and just when you think he is going to say something, convince you, justify himself, he dips his head down to capture your lips again, gently sucking on the bottom one to draw out a gasp so he can shove his tongue in. greedy hands grab at your thighs, lifting one of your legs to wrap around his waist so he can shamelessly rut his hips against yours. he makes it hard to think straight, pulling away after a moment to stare into your eyes, giving you that signature wild look that causes your knees to go weak. “tell me you don’t want me.”
“look me in the eyes and tell me you don't want me.” he watches you expectantly, his impatience showing when he begins softly rocking into you. “cause we both know nobody else can make you cum like i can. let me make you feel good.”
you don’t find the strength to turn down his offer, not when you’re already panting at the affection he’s given you and soaking from the rhythmic press of his hard cock against you. bachira relishes the relief and arousal that floods through him when you wrap your arms around his neck to drag him into another sloppy kiss, and you feel his grin grow against your lips. the competitor in him recognizes a challenge, his heart pounding in perverse excitement. he has one chance to prove to you just how much you need him. lucky for you, that’s the kind of risk your ex gets off on.
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CHIGIRI HYOMA is unreasonably bitter...
you and him are a perfect match, and the thought of you ever replacing him makes him sick. the egoist in him can’t stand the idea of someone stealing his role in your life. someone else taking you out, having your attention, putting their hands on you. deep down some rational part of him knows that he doesn’t stake any claim over you anymore, but the sinking pit in his stomach does nothing to alleviate the gut instinct that you’re his.
it eats at him. chigiri feels childish stalking your social media or casually asking mutual friends about you. he doesn’t want to seem affected, but he just can’t help but give into his curiosity. this same ‘curiosity’ is what leads him to hanging out in the bars he knows you frequent, either with friends or without. he hardly admits to himself that he’s hoping to run into you, but when it actually does happen, hyoma doesn’t hesitate to approach. he’s unsure if it’s the irresistible pull of being within arms reach of you again, or the selfish intuition to make his move on you before anyone else has the chance.
it seems innocent enough. he’s as charismatic and lighthearted as ever, offering to catch up, buy you a drink or two. chemistry you’ve always shared slowly surfaces through conversation. there was no denying that he had his charms, ones that hit all your soft spots just like the first time he won you over. so when he ‘accidentally’ bumps into you on your way out of the bathroom, and wraps his arms around you so you don’t fall over from tipsy imbalance, you barely even question it. being in his embrace is familiar and there is a glance shared between you with a certain spark to it that it’s only natural he leans down to kiss you. hyoma is nothing if not an opportunist, smoothly steering you back into the small bar bathroom, his lips and tongue never leaving you.
he’s panting into your mouth between hungry kisses, hands already tugging at your clothing. his teeth find your neck, sucking and biting warm bruises in his wake, eager to mark every inch of skin he can latch onto. before you get the chance to playfully tease him about crawling back to you, your body is twisted around and bent forward over the sink. your eyes dart to the mirror in front of you, meeting his smug grin as he yanks your pants and underwear down your thighs.
hyoma reaches his hand around to dip between your folds, deft fingers rubbing languid circles into your clit the way he knows you like. if it werent for the cocktails you would be embarrassed by the way you immediately melt into his touch, whimpers readily escaping you. “you’re already whining like that and i’ve barely even touched you, this pussy must’ve really missed me, huh?”
pleasure shoots up your core, arching your back at the feeling, pressing your ass into the bulge straining against his jeans. a moan bubbles up in his throat, but he’s quick to close his mouth, muffling the sound to a soft grunt, not willing to indulge you in the reactions you always seek to draw out of him. his hips push forward to grind into yours, the hard outline of his cock enough to remind you of what more you could be having instead of this PG13 dry humping session. you try to catch his gaze in the mirror, but it never leaves the place where you connect, giving you only soft thrusts while his fingers are unrelenting against your clit. “hyoma.” you manage to get out between heavy breaths. pink eyes finally travel up to meet yours. “please give it to me.”
and on a normal day, your ex-boyfriend would’ve dragged out the foreplay and teased you until you’re near tears and begging him for more, but something about the way you ask feels like a confession. that you wanted him just as desperately as he had been craving you. it sparks a fire up chigiri’s spine, wasting no time shoving the tight denim down to release himself. soon enough the tip of his pretty dick is squished against your entrance. his jaw is clenched from the restraint it takes not to immediately bury himself balls deep, grabbing your waist to keep steady.
any doubts that he had about still pining after you are gone, because the first tight clench of your cunt around his tip confirms what he’s always wholeheartedly believed. you were fucking made for him.
“god fuck,” he mutters breathily, biting down onto his bottom lip as he watches your hole swallow his entire length. his hips wind back, not getting far before the grip your walls have on him forces him to slowly sink back in. “anyone else fill you up this good, angel? get you this wet?” he asks, one of his hands grabbing hold of your hair to make you properly face him in the reflection again, wearing a cocky smirk that makes your stomach do flips.
a pout forms on your lips at his leisurely thrusts, far from enough to satisfy you, especially when you’ve seen firsthand the speed and effort he is depriving you of. “i don’t know, im getting a bit bored here princess,” you mock, despite the way you’re barely able to contain your noises as is.
without warning his pace becomes the staple unrelenting and overwhelming one you fantasize about while futilely trying to get off on your own. hyoma lets go of your hair in favor of clamping down over your mouth, loud moans already beginning to spill out around his fingers. the sight of the typically cool-headed prince losing his nonchalance, fucking you with pure ego and a savage glimmer in his eyes isn’t something you’ll easily forget. “this what you wanted? only satisfied when i fuck you stupid, right?"
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ITOSHI RIN is not a fan of losing you, but loves getting you back...
rin doesn’t fall in love easily. he doesn’t know exactly how you managed it, but you barged into his life unannounced and dragged love out of him with your unrelenting company and killer smile. and rin was no willing victim either, figuratively kicking and screaming the whole way with his many cold moments and guarded emotions. in the end you won, with him wrapped helplessly around your finger. while rin would prefer to deny you any power over him, there’s a fire that burns in his chest for you that demands he give you everything he has. and he does.
but his love proves to be too much and not enough. too much in the ways of his possessive tendencies and clinginess and toxic defensiveness. and not enough in the way that it doesn’t keep you around. not that he blames you for it, although he does get the occasional bitter thought that you should’ve known to leave him alone from the start. deep down he knows he doesn’t really mean it, preferring even this pitiful longing you leave him with to the dark cloud that was his life before you. and it’s what he fears of returning to if you ever manage to fully pull away from him one day.
the first time you break up, rin admittedly doesn’t deal with it well. after endless calls and texts and showing up at your place with flowers and vulnerability, you take him back, only to return to the same arguments when his jealousy issues get out of hand. he wished he could say the second or third time went differently. fourth time around, however, rin gains some semblance of dignity and decides to keep his distance. maybe it was time to give moving on the good old college try. what other option did he have? as in love with you as he was, he couldn’t force you to stay and wasn’t well equipped to do the soul searching necessary to rid himself of all the behaviors that bothered you. maybe this was a lesson he needed to grow into the type of guy you could see yourself with. at least he intended to take that route, until you showed up at his house a few days later begging for him to forgive you for ever thinking you could live without him. he doesn’t even feel embarrassment over how easily he caves. it can’t be his fault when that night you swore you’d always belong to him while screaming his name. that same night he resolved that no matter what happened, you were it for him, and until you told him without a shadow of a doubt that you no longer loved him, he would return to you every time.
it started this viscous cycle of an on and off again relationship, fueled by passion and possession from both parties. one that rin never planned on ending as long as it was the only way he got to call you his, feeling a deep sense of comfort in the fact that you were weak for him too. that’s why he’s unsurprised hearing a knock on his door at 11PM. a new record considering it only been a day since the huge fight that caused your latest break up, not that rin was keeping count.
he has to stop himself from running to the door, because if he was honest he was thinking of grabbing his keys and heading to you minutes earlier. it doesn’t take more than a, “i’m so sorry baby,” to have him scooping you up into his arms on instinct. the familiar security of your legs wrapped around his hips, hands grabbing at your ass as he carries you to his bed, makes up for the self-loathing mess he becomes in the aftermath of every separation.
none of that other stuff matters when he gets to have you under him like this, already whining in anticipation as he peels away your bottom layers. rin can’t resist leaning in for a quick kiss to your clit before looking up at you from between your legs. a finger ghosts along your slit causing you to squirm and lean up towards the touch before one of his strong hands pushes you firmly to the bed, resting just under your navel. fortunately for you, rin is terrible at denying you the things he knows you want. especially when he’s practically drooling for you, letting the excess spit dribble out of his mouth and onto your cunt. you feel him lick long stripes from your entrance to your clit before wrapping his lips around it.
rin eats you as if it were his first meal in days. being apart from you always seemed a whole lot longer when he has to fear if you really mean it this time when you say you wanna stop seeing him. so he allows himself to be greedy, laves at your slick ravenously with a loud groan and humping his hips against the mattress to relieve his cock that’s already leaking in his boxers. your hands bury themselves in his hair, throwing your head back in pleasure as he bites down into your thigh, leaving an imprint of his teeth. “god you taste so good. you’re fucking criminal for trying to keep this perfect pussy from me.”
his free hand wanders to your core, two fingers easily slipping inside from a mix of your juices and his drool, curling to just the right spot. he sucks your clit into his mouth, your sweet moans fill the air and he has to stop his thrusts to keep himself from cumming in his pants at the sound, pulling away from you with a lewd pop. “‘ts mine,” he grunts out, “you’re fucking mine, and no one can make you feel like this but me. say it.”
“only you rin! ‘m yours!” you choke out, bucking against the pressure he puts on your stomach. satisfied with your response, he dives back in, fingers pumping into you with steady rhythm and using his tongue to lap up everything that leaks out. his intense gaze stays trained on yours with a newfound determination to make you feel so good, you’re ruined for anyone else but him.
“all mine.”
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◑.◑ its honestly tempting to write a whole fic for rin…
© 2023 hyomaslut. please do not copy, translate, or repost any of my content onto any other sites.
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iuspired · 8 days
confessions - suna rintarou
about: DEFINITELY ooc but we don’t talk about that 😙 just you nd ur bsf sunarin catching up as per usual with tea to spill from the past 😝 we love to see it!
a/n: i wrote this awhile ago actually🫣 im fully done w finals………. idk what to think im so scared for the future. also trying diff formats and will actually work on my navi post during the summer so bare w me lol. anyways thank u for all the love on my last post mwahhh <3
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“you know i used to have a crush on you?” you say, in between bites of your food.
you and your childhood best friend, suna rintarou, are at your promised monthly hangout, which ended up only being every couple months because your universities were far away from each other, so you both settled to meet up whenever your breaks overlapped. but it didn’t matter to you either way because you texted each other almost every other day. whether it was a tiktok link or an 8 ball.
“you used to what?” he replies, mouth agape as he sets his chopsticks down.
“i mean, it wasn’t a huge crush,” you say, … “maybe i was gaslighting myself but we were really close back then y’know?”
“oh? why didn’t you ask me out then?”
“mmm not sure. i guess..” you think about it. it was probably because starting high school, girls were all over him. it was also probably because those same girls would come up to you. passive aggressively ask if you were his girlfriend. you’d reply with a lighthearted laugh, “noo! we’re just close friends. he’s all yours if you want him.” maybe it was because he wouldn’t reciprocate any of the interest and love he received. he always replied, saying something along the lines of ‘oh i’m focusing on school” or just a simple, “i’m not interested”
it was mostly though, because you thought he’d reject you if you initiated something. and not wanting to ruin the relationship you had already built throughout the years, you suppress your feelings.
“you guess?”
“fear of rejection?” you laugh nervously.
“you think i would’ve rejected you?” he asks. he tilts his head, raising his eyebrows, giving you a look as if you were supposed to know.
“you had no interest for anyone so… i mean. i-” you stammer. fuck, why did i even bring this up?!
“well, believe it or not, i too, had a crush on my bestfriend.”
and just like that, you almost spit out your drink. “sorry, you- you liked me?”
“and that’s so surprising because?” he questions.
he really cannot wrap his head around this, huh. “you turned everyone and their mother down? mr. i’m too focused on school and i’m not interested? i could only assume that i was not wanted.”
“but did i ever directly say that to you?”
“no, but you wouldn’t need to. i listened when you rejected their advances, i can take a hint y’know.”
he sighed. “if you had asked me out back then, my answer would be different.”
“really?” you ask.
you raise your eyebrows as you sip your drink.
“don’t believe me? you can try me now.” he smirks, flashing the smile you had fallen for back then, and you almost fold right then and there. though despite his confident demeanor, the slight rosy tint on his cheeks gives his nervousness away.
“oh? it’s almost as if you want me to ask you out.”
he playfully rolls his eyes. “okay, so maybe i do, but only if you want to..”
you do your best to suppress a smile as your cheeks turn into the same rosy color.
“here goes. ahem.. i uh-” your mind goes blank.
“wait so.. how do you ask someone out?”
“well, i’ve never asked someone out before because they always ask me” he winks.
you playfully roll your eyes.
“don’t overthink it. it’s just me right?”
you almost forgot. it’s just rin. the same rin who’s always there for you. but this is different.
“right.. i say this in almost all your birthday cards but you’re truly my rock in life, and i reaally want to be yours, and maybe more so.. may i be your girlfriend, suna rintarou?”
“well, if you insist i guess,” he shrugs.
“wooooww.. i see how it is” you say, crossing your arms teasingly.
“r-rin..” he catches you off-guard as he takes your hand in his.
“yeess?” he grins.
you remove your hands, immediately missing the warmth from his hands.
“first date jitters?” he chuckles.
“this is our first date?”
“technically, i guess, but-“
“no way this is our official first date. i’m wearing sweats!” you exclaim, looking down at what you’re wearing.
“i don’t see an issue, you always look pretty in anything you wear.”
“th- thanks,” you blurt out. well that’s new.
but it’s something you could deeefinitely get used to.
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tahdashi · 1 year
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synopsis: everything looks prettier under red lights, especially your boyfriend. you decide to tell him, and he decides that you’re it for him — all he’s ever wanted.
notes: reader wears lipstick, fluff w some suggestive sprinkled in, inspired by red lights by RINI. warning: too much physical touch as always.
wc: >1.0k
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“why do you keep looking at me?” suna peers at you with his celadon eyes, his rings tap against the wheel as he bounces his fingers against the leather.
he's cautious with his words, and maybe a bit curious, too.
“what, i can’t look at my boyfriend?” you look over at him again, probably for the fifth time since you left your apartment parking lot just seven minutes ago.
“is there something on my face?” he quickly runs his hand over his face, peeking at the rare view mirror. and to his surprise, no crumbs. did you maybe leave a lipstick mark when you kissed him before leaving? (komori, to suna’s dismay, has pointed out a mark or two on his cheek as he walked into the gym for morning practices. he always wipes it off with a mumble, but takes a peek in the mirror beforehand to admire your bold proclamation of love).
“you’re just really pretty.”
“oh shut the fuck up," he laughs, and it fills the car, harmonizing with the music from the radio. it brings a smile to your face. it's dark, but you can see that his tongue is poking at his cheek, holding back an equally cheesy smile.
“i’m serious!” you face him again. "your hair looks good today, and you're all clean-shaven." you run the back of your hand against his cheek, humming in satisfaction to emphasize how soft his skin is. "i gotta appreciate this when i can."
he continues to drive, but snakes his hand onto your leg. his rings are cool against you. he squeezes once, then twice. and once again, you're at a red light — it highlights his face beautifully. the rise of his cheekbones accentuate the darkness of his eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair.
and you decide to go for it, reaching across the console to leave a quick kiss on his jaw.
"woah, can't get enough of me today," he taps your thigh a few times. "and i didn't even have to wear that cologne you like."
“mhm. i love you even when you smell like shit.”
he clicks his tongue and takes his hand back, letting you pull at it to place it back on your thigh (he never fights back, knowing you'll only reach for it again and again). you put your hand on top of his, rubbing your thumb along his skin.
“if you’re trying to tell me something, i don’t think you wanna do anything risky while we’re on the way to dinner with my parents.” suna peers down at his hand on your thigh and your hand that's keeping it captive there.
“i’m not trying to do anything, rin.”
“whatever you say,” he moves his hand back and forth. it's a comforting motion, really, but for some reason, you feel nervousness stir in your stomach. or perhaps, butterflies.
“i’m not! i’m just really excited to see your family again,” you rub your finger along the ring on his pointer finger.
“i think they love you more than they love me.”
“oh, should i tell them how you tried to make a move on their sweet and innocent son just 10 minutes before seeing them?”
“where’d you get 'sweet and innocent' from? weren’t you the one who wanted to ‘head to the back’ after atsumu’s party?”
and now, he's fully smiling. you hear an airy laugh escape from him. you love this rin — the one that laughs at his past, corny self. the one that lets you know he's listening even when his eyes are on the road. the one that is so unabashedly in love with you that he could never deny anything you want from him.
“you were the one who kept looking at me with those… eyes.”
“i wasn’t! you’re just so full of yourself that you think me looking at you is the same as checking you out.”
as the song transitions into the next, there's a pause, and the car is enveloped in silence.
he breaks it.
“so, what’s it like when you’re checking me out?”
“i’m not doing this.”
“no, baby, i just wanna see. check me out." this time, at the light, he faces you. has he always looked at you like this? with his lips slightly quirked upwards? a teasing smile — expectant and knowing.
you look him straight in his eyes and then to his lips before looking back at his eyes. your eyes follow his features naturally — his eyes show that he's calm, but his smile shows that he's in awe of what you do to him.
you can't help but to laugh at his reddening ears. you reach for the cartilage and coo at him for getting all flustered. if there's something the both of you are good at, it's flustering each other endlessly, even two and a half years into the relationship.
“damn, you’re good,” he takes your hand away from his ear and kisses the back of it before trailing a few up your wrist and arm all while keeping his eyes on the road.
moments like this with suna aren't hard to come by — he's always done his best to make you feel loved (and to annoy you to the point where you question his meaning of love). and all you can hope for, really, is that it'll stay like this forever — that even when you're older and greying, he'll ask you to give him "those eyes".
and if you knew what was encased in the velvet box in his pocket, and what else was planned for this family dinner, you'd have no doubt in your mind that he hopes for the same.
before stepping out of the car, suna pulls you in for a kiss. it catches you off guard, but you relax into it.
"i'm pretty sure your dad's car is parked next to us," you mumble as he pulls away. his eyes fall back to your lips.
"so what? he doesn't know what a kiss is? how do you think i was made?"
"oh my god," you swat his chest. "let's go."
before he can open the door, his name leaves your lips.
"by the way, you have a little something right there," you point at the lipstick stain on his jaw.
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mitsouya · 4 months
rin rolls over in his bed when he finally sends the message.
just a simple "are you up?" takes him a whole ten minutes to type, and he already wants to jump off a very tall building. it's nearly three in the morning, how on earth could you possibly still be awake? he feels stupid. he is stupid when it comes to you.
but he can't sleep, and his chest swells from thoughts of you.
he thinks of having you all to himself most nights, holding you so close he can finally get a taste of holding moonlight—and he wonders if this feeling's mutual or if it's just him who bears this much love like an exploding star.
he covers his face with a pillow and groans. how pathetic. it's only been a couple of hours since your last date anyway. you went to this nice aquarium in the city with rin following you around like a lost puppy. he listened to your explanation about sharks and watched you giggle with child-like excitement as you pointed at the cute pufferfish.
"hey, rinnie, take a photo of me and this little guy."
he grumbled when he did what you said, but he set that picture as his lock screen now. you're unaware, though. you will tease him forever if you know. he just adores your wide smile, okay? and whatever that fish is.
he got you an ice cream on the way home when you surprised him with matching keychains you bought earlier. it's nothing expensive; a pair of blue-pink jellyfish that you claimed, "this is so us, baby."
rin's ears practically turned red at the sight of you shyly handing him the gift.
fuck yeah, those jellyfish are definitely you and him, alright. rin wanted to instantly melt into a puddle right there. he tried to play it cool by muttering a small "thanks" while patting your hair, but he was dying inside. he kind of wishes he could marry you on the spot.
the younger itoshi sighs. the clock is probably mocking him with the way it's loudly ticking. realizing that you haven't responded, he considers giving up and pushing himself to sleep.
"i mean, she must be exhausted. she needs to rest," he whispers to the ghost in his room who nods at everything he says.
rin deeply breathes. yes. you guys can always talk later. not at this ungodly hour, preferably.
"okay. never mind. i'm going to sleep."
rin unlocks his phone—eyes softening at the new wallpaper—then ponders for a moment whether to delete the message he sent several minutes ago or not.
he almost taps the confirmation button when you suddenly call, and he swears he never answers so fast in his life.
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mikeysbabygirl · 11 months
𝑻𝒐𝒌𝒚𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝑵𝑺𝑭𝑾 𝑯𝒄'𝒔
Warning : you read it pretty well. NSFW. Which means minors do not INTERRACT.
Ft : Rindou, inupi
𝙍𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙤𝙪 𝙃𝙖𝙞𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙞 :
Perfect boyfriend, right ?
You'll never run out of playlists to listen to with Rindou as boyfriend.
Cold ? He's got about ten hoodies that he likes seeing on you, hanging lose on your thighs, would spray them of his own fragrance after washing them just to know you have his perfume on you wherever you are.
I'm getting at the main point which is...
The jealousy of this man is vice.
As you know, Rindou is a man of few words. Your boyfriend would never tell you straight forward that he is jealous, or have a healthy, honest conversation with you.
He would rather...
Why did he introduced you to Haruchiyo at first ? He should have known that guy would always go out of his ways to make him mad. Just like he was doing now, brushing his lips every now and then against your cheeks as he tells you jokes that Rindou thinks really do not deserve such overdone laughs from you.
The uncomfortable feeling makes his chest tingle, yet Rindou would rather die than admit it to you. But don't you think he would forget, this guy is like a ticking clock, registering every little thing you do for the right time.
In the mean time, you would never get to see Haruchiyo again. Nor any other Tenjiku member.
Rindou really thinks he loves you. Though he still holds that grudge, he can't help but driving you home from school every evening, can't help but think about you randomly during the day, or at night when he's fucking that fist on a pretty nude from you.
But he's registering, and he secretly hoped you would not make any other "mistake", but you do.
You were having so much fun tonight, and if Rindou was anyone else, he would have felt guilty.
But he is Rindou fucking Haitani, and he warned you. These days, Tokyo, at night was not one of the safest places, Kanto Manji was having some troubles with an opponent gang. Would you have been any other girl he dated, he wouldn't have cared. But again, you're so more than that.
He thinks you're so pretty, so eyecatchy. As always, your eyes are the shiniest, and when you spot him from the other end of the club, making his way toward where you're dancing with your friends, they widen the slightest.
He is not the type to embarrass you in front of your friends or anything, believe me.
Close your eyes, imagine this.
The crowd, the dancing bodies, and everything disappears as soon as his lips brush against your cheeks. His blonde locks tickle your neck, and his hands too gently lays on the small of your back. Rindou's fragrance invades your nostrils as much as his deep voice does with your ear.
-" have it your way, love. 'm just gonna sit here and wait for ya. Just be sure you're ready for whatever I got for you. "
Then, just as if it was a dream, his touch flies away, as much as his perfume which lingered a little longer behind him, reminding you just how fucked up you are.
From the other end of the club, your boyfriend looks... Devilishly handsome, first buttons of his white shirt are undone, hair slightly messy, you could almost see his bloodshot eyes from afar watching every move you make. At some point, you're pretty sure you've seen those pretty lips smirk.
This is where I'm getting at, my next main point.
The most important thing I could say as a nsfw fact about Rindou, is his relentless dominance.
He is, the perfect boyfriend from outside. The most protective, caring lover you could ever dream of.
Perfect boyfriend, has his hands around your neck, his tie wrapped tightly around your wrists, that purple gaze usually soft for you looks like it could kill you right now.
-" I'm sorry- Rin', move please, I'm so... So, so fucking sorry, just move " moving your core to chase some friction doesn't even work, he's hell bent on making you cockwarm him all the night, watching you slightly struggling to breath with his hand on your throat.
Usually, he is a man of few words mainly because he is a good listener, especially when you are talking. But tonight, he doesn't even care to hear a word you're saying. He dives deep in the feeling of your pussy wrapped up around him, an expressionless face while he presses kisses on every damn inch of your face and neck.
You both know that these kiss also aren't meant for reassuring, just because he can't seem to get enough of you.
The cold metal of his rings tightens slightly around your throat, having your eyes widening, a groan leaves his mouth so much your doe eyes make his cock throb.
-" Love the way you're taking me. Got me goddamn obsessed. "
Just because you're his own little addiction, just because your walls clench tighter around him at his words, he rolls his hips the slightest bit, making your eyes roll back in your head.
-" You look just as good as a Haitani's wife, laying all pretty under daddy, hugging my dick like my lil pillow princess ".
Because that is what he had wanted to make you, and no matter how independent you are, there is no other way being around Rindou. He lived to mold you into his perfect girl, no way of taking the lead, a simple sharp glance from him makes your heart drop.
Best Tenjiku boyfriend, they say. Yes, he is. So caring, always so much...
And the smirks, small laughs from that pretty face seeing the pain mixing with pleasure on your face are the proof. The perfect, most sadistic boyfriend. Giving a sharp, rough thrust inside you so suddenly that it had you crying his name, balls rubbing against your abused clit.
-" cry all you want " he crooked an eyebrow. "Your screams only got me wanna ruin this pussy. Ain't it the best way to make sure my baby's gonna behave ?"
-" Hm ? Say, love ?"
-" What a man gotta do to protect his best fucking girl, nah ?"
𝑰𝒏𝒖𝒊 𝑺𝒆𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒖 :
What a sweet guy, he is sugar coated, honey dripping.
You two could have met after a kinda hard time of your life, you were lacking a lot of trust in people in general and particularly in men.
But Seishu was so soft with you, so careful and fair-play that you ended up trusting him with your life, going around everywhere calling him your...
Your best friend.
Maybe he hadn't been perfectly fair-play into that last one... But he swears he had wanted to be your best friend, at a time.
It was just about how your hands moved around your face as you talked with excitement, about your teeth flashing and eyes sparkling with every smile you reserved only for him. It was about your scent lingering in his t-shirts after hours of hugging him from behind on night rides on his bike, the scent he never truly wanted to wash.
And soon, he started noticing his eagerness to have his hands lingering on you ( what was honestly foreign for Seishu), began feeling the need to find hidden meanings in the books you recommended him, and being even more protective toward you than usual.
Now Seishu would never disrespect you, or your will. If you wanted him as a best friend, then he would take what you had to give him. He would rather suffer that way than lose you at all, believe me, for someone who experienced loneliness, he would rather not go through your absence.
And so it goes, the play starts, he puts the mask, some make up on the ugly unwanted feelings, carries your shopping bags for you, helps you chose your outfit of the day, listen to all your stories about you how much of a loser your ex was, and kisses your cheek goodbye right before turning his back, dropping the mask, and untying his lacerated heart.
But deep inside, Seishu Inui is not as sugar coated as you think he is. Seishu Inui wished he was as innocent, honest with you as you thought he was, but he was not, and the first time you discovered it was...
-" You're my best friend, Sei. It's pouring outside, no need to argue, no bike. you're staying the night. "
It's too late now, you fell asleep, and he should've known, not even a king size bed could've prevented this from happening.
Your ( his) shirt was riding your hips, the covers sliding lower, the cold weather pushed you closer to his heat radiating body. A sigh escaped your lips, just as a beat escaped from his heart as you trapped his leg between your thighs, unconsciously laying your head on his arm.
Picture this, Seishu's blonde hair sprayed on your pillows, his flushed face, sleepy eyes, not moving an inch, frozen.
Or maybe just an inch, just to get into a more comfortable position-
But the friction his leg brought between your thighs had you knitting your eyebrows, a small gasp leaving your lips, something to awaken few things in Seishu.
As the respectful man he is, Seishu tries pushing your thighs away, but that only adds to that friction. And now he has you in your sleep, unconsciously rubbing yourself against him, he thinks he lost it.
Your t-shirts hangs on your waist now, Seishu hates the way his abdomen contracts seeing your bare lower half. And you're wearing nothing but your cute white panties, thus making him feel every move of your clit against his thigh.
He hates himself, and you would probably hate him too, but he swore he saw your eyelashes fluttering at some time, as you desperately chased more friction, and that convinced him to bounce his thigh harder against your clothed cunt.
-" Fuck... " He swears he's gonna stop, but he freezes the moment he hears a broken whisper.
-" Sei- ?"
Your interrogating eyes feel like a stab in the chest, Seishu would bend the knee, apologize until the end of the world, but-
But it seems your little dry humping made you unleash all of the restraints, you roll on your side and find yourself on top of him, legs on each side of his waist.
Seishu's just so pretty, mouth agape, the blue of his eyes is a meer ring around those pupils dilated from pleasure, you think he's gonna push you away. But some god must have been generous enough to give him that chance, he'd be damned to let it go. His hands find your bare hips.
-" You sure 'bout this ? " He hesitantly whispers, though his dick throbs crazy in his sweatpants, he would never neglect your needs. " Just a word, pretty girl. Just a word and I'm giving you all of my fucking love. "
From now on, Seishu solely believed that good things come to those who wait for it. Since after months and months of running from the shadow of his feelings for you, now his eyes were in bliss, swallowing every inch of you sinking on every inch of his hard cock.
Now now, Inui is a gentleman, a respectful, harmless guy.
But with your walls so tightly wrapped around him, he can't help but buckle his hips harder to meet your thrusts, can't help but grab your tits, kneading the flesh in his hands until he had you crying from pleasure and pain. Yes, Seishu is such a sweet guy, he solely believes this behavior is only what months of frustration have made of him.
And his best friend, Kokonoi had already told you once, though you didn't believed it " Seishu can be blunt sometimes ". Another thing you were yet to discover.
Those pretty lips that usually talked so nicely to you, those words that comforted you through your worst times seemed to get trapped behind the pleasure ravaging his lower half, because-
-" gotta slightest idea what you do to me ?" He thrusts his hips once again, circularly, giving particular attention to your clit. " How many times your slutty little skirts made my cock hard ?"
It drives him crazy, how your eyes widen innocently at his statement, meanwhile your pussy clenches in such a sultry around him. Intoxicating. You never knew you'd like those dirty words from the softest man you've known.
-" Pretty girl got me fucking my fist nearly every night. Shit- can feel you close, you like it dontcha ? My gorgeous baby, that's everything you truly ever wanted, right ? Having me fucking obsessed ? Pushing me to my damn limits ? Uh-"
But Seishu Inui is a dirty talker, behind closed doors, Seishu Inui is a hard groper, a carelessly harsh fucker, a sweet lover. Seishu Inui is the perfect mix.
Does anyone even remember who I am ?
Yeah I'm back, I guess ?
Hi everyone 🫶 Hope y'all doing fine and all, wassup ?
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mcu-coworkers · 11 months
Summary: Miguel can't seem to get his way and for reasons he couldn't believe.
Word count: 2k+
Warnings: None(sneaky Miguel)
A/n: here is pt.3 I hope you guys enjoy I will be giving a pt.4 which will be the final part if anyone would like to be tagged just let me know and I'll be happy to! I hope I got every one who wanted to be tagged in Pt.3 there were so many of you and I just want to sat thank you from the bottom of my heart for loving my story! I hope you guys enjoy!xx
Tags list: @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @m4zapan @luciiferian @stinygirl009 @anonymoussomebody345 @watamoteru @smolrain08 @amberpanda99 @hantheconqueror @mhm-ok-sure @chuckle-nuts. @a-helpless-romantic @witchofwhimsey @rin-matsuoka345-blog @cherripunch26 @anneliese500 @theleftkittycollection @ok-boke @nanushkka @gugggu6gvai @joestarbitch @distractionforyourthoughts @tanchosanke @lokiseason @hao-ming-8 @sport-lova @munixumai @capybaraaa . @dearrdarlingg @riddle-me-im-sirius @melovetitties @liyanahelena @bat1212 @christinesdemoness1958 @musicpookie @luujjvi @ilovejeansosomuch @m0chac0ffee @perrierbottleofproblems @zayxcc @shyshyshy-19 @futuristicpandakid @lilyevans1
Parts: One Two Three^ Four
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Credits to the owner:)^
It had been quite a few months since you removed yourself from the spider society.
You thought that in doing so you lost your friends but Pete, Hobbie, and Gwen all stuck by your side and visited you every now and then.
Not all at once, you didn't want Miguel to figure out that they were coming to you and yell at them for it or worse, come too.
In that aspect everything was great.
When it came to your healing journey, you had good days and bad days.
Or more like bad nights.
During the day you kept busy working in your world's Alchemax, and at night you dealt with spider business which was slow this time around.
This is when you found yourself thinking about him.
The silence of the city only made your thoughts louder and all they reminded you of was Miguel.
But you hadn't given up on your promise to yourself, you would move on.
And then you decided to get a dog.
He was the best choice you could have made, your sweet little milo.
May Day absolutely loved him, she wanted to bring him to her birthday party but to be honest you didn't even know if you’d be taking yourself.
Pete didn't want to hide anything from you so he told you as soon as he found out that Miguel actually agreed to not just let him throw her party at HQ but go to it as well.
Risking him speaking to you and ruining all of your growth was not in your plans.
You had to be honest with yourself, if Miguel spoke to you with the slightest warth you knew you’d break so for your own sake staying away from him was best.
So, that's where you were with all of this, sitting on a rooftop enjoying a slice of pizza thinking about whether you should show up tomorrow or not.
Deciding to call it a night on saving the city you swung home looking forward to Milo’s greeting cuddles.
Back at HQ Miguel watched as everyone scurried to put together the decorations for May Day's birthday.
The chaos was loud and he almost regretted agreeing to it.
“Ay dios.” he mumbled as he walked past Gwen and Hobbie pretending they were there.
“So you think she’ll come? May Day is her favorite spider. She wouldn't miss it, right?” he heard Gwen say.
Suddenly he froze.
“There is a chance if you ask me.  I   believe in her.” Hobbie replied webbing up the sign he was putting on the wall, much easier than tape.
Miguel began walking again hoping no one would notice how he stopped to listen in on the conversation.
Walking into his office space he called for Lyla, “Give me the list of spiders coming to this party.” he said pulling up his screens.
“But boss, that's hundreds?” she asked confused but the request.
“That's fine, just give it to me, Please.” he asked, growing impatient with his AI.
“Alright calm down here it is, Who are we looking for anyways?” she said, sliding it over to him.
“No one, just making sure its a safe list.” he said looking over his shoulder.
Bles mary janes heart for added the yes, no and maybe option it made him easier to see who was actually coming.
All the names had a yes except for one, one big red MAYBE and it was next to yours.
Shoulders dropping in slight disappointment he let out a sigh.
These past months he’d been gloomy.
The only time he perked up was at the mention of your name, but sadly that's as close he got to you these days.
He found out that Pete, Hobbie, Gwen and even fucking Miles anomaly Morales snuck off to see you.
He was jealous.
He hated that you let them into your life.
Each time they came back laughing about something you said, he was jealous.
Everytime they mentioned a fun moment you shared, he was burning in jealousy.
It made him sick. 
His blood boiled knowing someone else was making you laugh when he just wanted to have you to himself.
He liked it when you spent hours in his office “helping him” with reports.
He only ever gave you simple tasks just to keep you at his side.
To watch your face when you were focused on the footage, the way you bite your lip when you think you're getting close. 
The way you kept eye contact and showed interest in whatever it was he said made him think about other things you could do together whilst keeping eye contact.
God, you drove him insane in the best way.
But not having you close like that was driving him insane in the worst way.
Spiders voluntarily left him alone now not wanting to cross him on a bad which now was very frequent.
The only reason he stuck around at the end of team briefings was to see if he’d hear any news on you.
He didn't think anyone noticed his intent, But then there was Jess always on his six.
She knew from day one that you had fallen, but oh was he gonna fall harder and he did.
She saw the way he searched for you in a room, how he’d ask you and only you to help him on reports.
Nothing went past her.
“Did a villain sneak onto the list?” she said, creeping up behind him.
Quickly removing the screen he looked over his shoulder letting out a simple shrug to answer her.
“Just want to see who   I‘ll be dealing with for the evening.” he said trying to cover up his annoyance.
“Anyone stand out?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Nope. All good.” he said standing up, “  I‘ll see you tomorrow Jess, get some rest.” he said leaving his office.
Smiling to herself, Jess knew he was slowly breaking down. 
All it would take to finish the job was see you.
She knew you had RSVP’d to come yesterday but she made Lyla change it just to confirm her suspicions further.
And he did just that.
Mentally preparing yourself for today was the hardest part.
You planned out your evening.
Go in, greet everyone, stick to Hobbie, Gwen and Miles, hold May Day, and then make the excuse that Milo had an accident and you had to get back home.
A solid plan.
Suddenly a portal opened and in walked Hobbie, “My lady.” he greeted extending an arm.
Taking his hand you stood up, “Oh, one sec.” you said as you sent a signal activating your suit.
“Woaahhh the new suit is wicked.” he said watching it go on.
“It's nano tech, you like it?” you said as it reached up to your neck before stopping. 
“Killin it, as always.” he said before walking into the portal.
Well, here goes nothing.
“Be good Milo, Mommy will be home soon.” you said, patting his sleepy head before walking in.
Deep breath, here goes nothing.
Walking in you put on your brightest smile.
“Hey! There she is and get a look at this suit, this new?  I   like it!” Peter yelled, taking your hand and spinning you.
“Hey guys! Nice to see everyone again, Miles nice to meet you.” you said laughing.
“Nice to meet you, very nice lady, thank you for not hunting me down.” he said, shaking your hand viciously.
Laughing at your inside joke you pulled him in for a hug secretly taking a peak over his shoulder.
You could feel his stare on you, you just didn't know from where.
The party went on as planned, you stayed cautious, had  a good time with your friends and held May Day until she eventually fell asleep.
Everyone told you that you had a gentle way when it came to kids so falling asleep just came to them naturally.
Taking that as your sign to leave you handed her over to Mary Jane and went to go look for Hobbie.
“Hey, has anyone seen Hobbie?” you asked not being able to find him.
“Rooftop, girly pop.” you heard Jess say as she hugged you goodbye.
“Oh great, we can open a portal there. Bye guys guess  I‘ll  see you around.” you said waving to the rest of the spiders.
Making your way up you looked around the rooftop to find it empty.
Huh. Maybe he went for a swing. You thought looking over the city.
He’d been told a couple times not to but that only made him do it more.
“He’s not here.” you heard behind you. Well shit.
“Thanks Jess.” you heard making you chuckle to yourself.
Of course.
“Well then it makes no use to stay up here.” you said turning to walk away.
“Wait, just give me a second.” he said, reaching out for you.
“One. Welp there is it and look I've given you five extra just by standing here.” you said sarcastically.
Trying to leave once more he actually Physically got in your way this time.
“Please.” he said trying to get you to look at him and you could've sworn you heard sincerity in there.
“Fine. talk.” you said crossing you arms sitting on the ledge trying to create some distance.
“ I   am sorry,” he blurted out.
“ I   don't forgive you. We done here? Great.” you said standing up ready to bee line it for the door.
Your tactics were failing you and your front could only last for so long.
“No no wait just-” he was cut off  by a beeping sound coming from your suit.
It was your alarm for Milo’s dinner time.
Gasping you stood up from where you sat.
“Oh Milo.” you said turning off the alarm.
“What? Who the fuck is Milo?” he said anger began to rise up in his chest.
“Really wish we could finish this but  I‘m late to a very important dinner with someone who does respect me, so excuse me.” you said finally getting past him.
Stunned  by your response he watched you walk past him.
Who in the actual fuck was Milo and what rights did he have over you?
Following you back into the party he watched as you asked Pete to get you back home.
“Oh yeah sure, How's Milo by the way?” he asked while opening the portal.
Again with this fucking Milo.
“Oh he's really great, miss him more every second we're apart.” you said, putting your hands on your hips.
Time was moving real slow right about now.
But for Miguel it was moving a little too fast, he didn't want you to get back to Milo. 
He wanted you here, patching things up with him.
“Gotta love Milo am  I   right? May Day sure does.” he said, quickly shutting up when he realized Miguel was still there.
“Well thanks for the portal, tell Mj the party was great, take care pete.” you said hugging him goodbye.
Just as you are about to be free Miguel grabs your hand.
“Will you come back, Please?” he asked, the desperation in his voice could be heard from miles away.
“ I   don't think so Miguel,  it took me a while to realize that there was nothing wrong with me. And Milo helped with that even if it's just been a couple of months and  I‘m still getting the hang of things. He loves me for it and he needs me.” you said, smiling at the thought of your sweet little furbaby.
Standing up straight Miguel let your arm go, “Lucky Milo.” was all he said before you took it as your queue to leave.
Defeated by the night's outcome he went back into his office and let out some frustration on the nearest machine.
There it was again, feeling sick of jealousy.
Someone else had your attention, time and love.
And all he had was your rejection.
At this point in time Miguel wished he was anybody else other than himself.
And just like that jealousy started following him wherever he went, never letting him go.
All because of some Milo.
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nkogneatho · 1 year
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#emergency commissions!!
#mlist #taglist #liawot #whoreclub
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—Characters- Isagi, Shidou, Nagi, Rin, Bachira, Barou.
—cw: gut clenching, deep, vulg@r analysis, gagging, choking, size kink, hex codes.
—A/n: You can hate me but you can't disagree with me on this. Writing this made my mum whoop my ass because the milk on the stove burnt while I was thinking about the color of Barou's cock.
Reblogs are highly appreciated.
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code: #EBC4A7
Alright listen. Yoichi's dick is not too girthy, not too long. BUT, it's just perfect. It's 5.7 inch. The head takes up about an inch. It's not fat but rather a bit aligned with the body of his dick. It's perfect because he slides in so easily, your juices and the skin on his shaft creating noises that are nore lewd than your moans. He isn't really veiny but there are slight green traces visible. If you lick a stripe on it, you can feel the veins on your tongue. Yoichi loves the way you adore his dick. You know how his personality switches up so fast in the field when he scores? Yeah he feels the same shit when you have your eyes scan that perfection. He really has a pretty face and a pretty dick. Yoichi is proud of his size though. He doesn't care about having a big monster cock(eyeing bachira rn) because he still has you moaning, screaming, whimpering his name when he rails you after a win.
Code: #734125
Here me out. Shidou is just a little longer than average but fat asf. He really doesn't give to fucks about being longer because that fat meat??? That cock will slide in anyone and rewire their brain into loving his size. He is girthy, it looks like a big love sausage (not my words. that's what he calls it. Slut asf). You know when he is getting turned on, his dick does that spring thing where it slowly gets up until his mushroom tip has surpassed the trimmed hair on his crotch. You thought that shit only happens in porn but Mr. Shidpu Ryuusei from big dick community proved you wrong. Speaking of tips, Shidou's tip is fat, one shade lighter than his brown base. He has a pretty visible opening on it. You can always see the way his cum seeps out and falls on your face (if you are lucky enough to dodge the string of it reaching your lashes, blurring your vision because this mf always shoots it near your eyes) He does it on purpose btw.
Code: #F2BCA5
Oh boy!! Rin has a long one. We're talking about atleast 6.5 to 7 inches. Again the one where his length makes up for the girth. So what if it isn't fat? it's long enough for you to choke on it. It is frustrating because you always struggle swallowing him whole. Rin wants nothing but to hit the back of your throat while your lips atleast brush against his balls but it is impossible to do so without gagging. He knows it, but he'llnevwr show that smug expressionon his face. Instead he's awarding himself for making you gag on it, internally. He always needs to guide you to it. His dick is like a lighter peach color, but the tip is pink. Again the tip isn't what is big but the body of his cock. You have to have a hand at the base to make sure you are stimulating his whole shaft while giving him head.
Code: #F2CDC2
Nah cuz Nagi really won. He us another guy who's dick is as pretty as him. Like we're talking about immaculate facial feature and a beautiful dick??? *Chefs kiss* Now about the size, it looks the right size, right? But you're proven wrong because he is one of those guys who gets bigger as he is more turned on. You underestimate him, thinking you can take him, but tears brim your eyes when you find his tip kissing the spot, and he isn't even fully in yet. AND HE HAS THE NEVER TO SMILE AS YOU STRUGGLE TO TAKE HIM IN. He isn't even mocking you. That's just Nagi Seishiro's amused expression. Again Nagi has a pretty similar tip as a Isagi. It isn't a big mushroom tip but a bulge that softens as it follows the lines on the cock. Sei has a color somewhat similar between a pink and peach, with a cooler undertone.
Code: #EEC0A2
Haha all the best y'all. He is one of those guys who looks short but has a monster cock hidden inside his pants. He is so casual about it though for what??? Like sir hello?? I can see that dick print through the sweats. Bachira never flexed about his size. He didn't care and thought it never mattered. It's so funny that he gets confused when you widen your eyes when he is out of the shower ALL NAKED, and you have to witness it all hard, fat and sprung up becaus ehe was in there thinking about you. He has very visible veins on his cock. You can the dark and light green lines on them. Despite having a big dick, Bachira makes sure to ease it in you. He has a fished-mouth tip, flushed rose pink color, and he cums a lot. I am talking thick ropes spurting on your stomach when he pulls out.
Code: #FCDDC7
I am being biased here but I couldn't give two shits about it because I know y'all will agree. Listen. HORSE COCK BAROU. You know it bitch. Don't deny. He is biiig. You thought he was fucking around when he said he has a big package but DAMN. Homeboy wasn't lying when you saw him in the locker room for the first time, with a boner that surpasses his belly button. You gulp down after a while of hanging your jaw open with awe. Barou had thick veins baby. Dotted condom who??? We have Barou with them thick veins that pleasure you the way no mfing condom can. He also has fat balls which means now you get why he has the balls to call others donkey and that king complex shit of his. About his tip? Yeah it takes up about 1.5 inches of his cock, and pops out like champagne cork when he pulls out of you.
Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk. I am your host, pasi. REBLOG REBLOG REBLOG for part 2
Tagging: @milophiliac @satorhime @witchofoe @gojoest @tetsuclez @pu-re-love @sugardaddyreo @loml-riri @aztecbrujeria @his-saiko
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