#rin’s 200 follower event [��]
midnight-pluto · 7 months
Hi!! Can I request headcanons about being best friends with Nico and Will (together), kinda having that “couple who adopts their bsf as their child” dynamic reader is a child of Demeter and if it’s no trouble can reader be female? GN will work if not.
SOLANGELO +1 — headcanons
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you call it third wheeling, i call it quality time with the parents
CHAR: will solace, nico di angelo, grover, mentioned!percy jackson, mentioned!annabeth chase
PAIRING(S): solangelo + daughter of demeter!reader, mentioned!percabeth
A/N: this is gonna be a nightmare to tag lmao
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when new campers meet Will for the first time, they’re almost always introduced to Nico next
what they don’t expect, is for you to pop out of nowhere introducing yourself as well
they jump slightly at your sudden appearance, and reciprocate your greeting with slight confusion in their voice but then Will gladly explains the situation
“This is Y/N, daughter of Demeter.”
“Yeah, and these are my dads.”
“Y/N that’s not—“
it would be so much funnier if you were taller than both of them
that sends some campers in a spiral, especially the younger ones
once the new camper is recovered they then automatically understand the true nature of y’all’s relationship
some are slightly confused on why you seem so glad with the arrangement you three have going but most support it and find it amusing
if the three of you are ever going anywhere you’re usually in the front as the actual couple trail behind you holding hands
all of the friendship accessories you three own are thanks to you!
you made matching bracelets, a custom bead to add to the camp necklace just for the three of you, and the cliché flower crowns your cabin is known for
the flower crown was made of an assortment of flowers — lilies, chrysanthemums, and sunflowers which all not coincidentally mean or have some correlation to friendship
you have most definitely been the first to witness Will playing a love song to Nico in private
not wanting to interrupt the moment you made all the plants in the area grow greener and have flowers sprout around them
it was a miracle on how both of them didn’t notice your antic sooner
as you were making the plants grow around them from the bush, Will had stopped strumming as Nico looked at him with one of his rare smiles when they both leaned into each other
but of course Nico just had to feel the suddenly grown flowers tickling at his ankles and immediately spotted you — watching you run away from your hiding spot
that situation is what led to you to believe was the reason you kept on being invited to their dates
were you complaining? no, of course not
you had the ability to snack on all their food after all and they have no one but themselves to blame
“Where did the cookies even go?”
as their honorary child you were not technically counted as a third-wheel
Will had jokingly dubbed it a ‘family bonding time’ whenever you joined in on his Nico’s time together — them not even doing anything special, but you still joined anyways — and the name stuck
in all honesty Will is happy with the arrangement you all have together
don’t get him wrong, he would enjoy the moments he and Nico have together all the same even if you weren’t there, but your presence and witty comments coming from nowhere make it all the more cherished
also, your ability to make scenes more romantic is very highly appreciated; making him choose more woody and grassy areas so it’s easier for you to romanticize them
Nico on the other hand would’ve enjoyed it more if he and Will were alone away from your eyes
but he supposed yours was different — making the moments they both have feel more domestic so he didn’t necessarily consider any of his or Will’s actions PDA when it was you
you never really paid attention anyways
the romanticized scenery caused by you made Nico scoff but he was grateful for the added atmosphere — which was quite a compliment since he normally disliked such clichés
Grover once tried to talk to you about it and relate to the feeling of being the third-wheel like he was with Percy and Annabeth
it didn’t lead to an outcome he expected
“And they’re like: ‘be safe. I love you,’ and then I’m just standing there wondering if they’ll ever tell me that because you know, life-or-death situation going on right? But they never do!”
“Damn bro, that sucks.“
“Does this not happen to you?”
“Nope. We yell at each other to be safe.”
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A/N: school is absolute shit
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tatsumessy · 1 year
"you really think i won't choose you in a heartbeat?" - { itoshi rin }
Prompt 7 - 200 follower special 🖤
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You and Rin had never had any issues in your relationship because you both understood each other. You especially knew how important soccer was for him and what his main goals were, so you always chose to support him when it was needed.
You yourself was busy with work. You would work during the times he’d be gone from home or at practice. Whatever excuse called him out of the house. The job you worked at was a career you could do from home except when you had mandatory days to come in, or award ceremonies.
Which was coming up soon, as in tomorrow night soon. This was the first reward you were getting out of the five years you had been working for this company and it wasn’t just a small award, it was being aired on international television and usually you wouldn’t ask for anything but you wanted your boyfriend to join you.
Walking into the bedroom you found Rin sitting there watching his game clips on the iPad while taking notes to work on in his next practice. He heard you come in the room and instead of looking up at you he acknowledged you by speaking. “Hey love.” He says swiping through to the next video, you nervously fidgeted with your fingers walking over to your side of the bed and straightening out the sheets to distract yourself.
In your mind this went by quick and smooth but since this is the first time you were asking for something you were nervous. “Rin hun.” He responded with a low hum writing something down on his notebook, “I have this award show tomorrow night.” You said stopping what you were doing and looking over at him.
His gaze never left the notebook only because he was solely focused on what he was writing down. It’s like he was studying for a final exam and you we’re interrupting him. “I was wondering if you’d join me.” “When?” He asked and you perked up, “Tomorrow night at six, we can leave aft-” your heart dropped at what he said next.
“There’s a game tomorrow night that I needed to go to.” He glanced up at you, those emerald eyes giving you a once over then back down at his main focus. “You don’t have a game tomorrow, your game is the next night…” he lets out a long sigh seemingly looking like he was annoyed. “Never mind.” You put the sheet down and walked out the room gently biting on your finger nail.
A couple of hours passed and as you were sitting on the island stool eating dinner Rin came out the room with his practice bag on his shoulder. He walked over to you and quickly pressed a kiss on your cheek, “I’ll be back late. Don’t wait up okay?” You nodded and watched him leave locking the door behind himself, at that exact moment you got a phone call from your manager trying to confirm that you’ll be there tomorrow night and if you were bringing a date.
You responded saying that someone would be joining you, even though you lied maybe you could convince Rin to join you tomorrow.
There were a few hours before the event so before you started getting ready you wanted to try and convince Rin to come with you again. He was sitting on the sofa watching soccer while eating a bowl of fruit, he noticed you come in and opened his arms for you to sit next to him. You leaned into him watching the game with him for a bit before bringing the award ceremony back up.
“Rin?” He grabbed the remote pausing the tv then looked down at you, “Do you think you could skip the game and come with me tonight?” You started biting on your fingernail again awaiting his answer, “I told you I was going to the game, why do you need me to go with you?” You sat up using his thigh to push yourself up. “This is important to me, I don’t ask you for much I just want you to support me for this time.” He sat up alongside you setting the bowl down on the coffee table.
“You know how important this is to me. This is the team we’re playing tomorrow, I need to see them play.” “You’ve been watching their films since Monday. You can skip one day.” You pulled your nail out of your mouth and picked at the skin around your nail. “This is a game, they’ve grown since the last game.” You sat there for a moment seeing if he would say anything else but he didn’t.
Grabbing your phone the was on the table you dialed your managers number and waited for him to answer. “Hey it’s Y/n, I’ll be by myself tonight. Don’t save any seats.” You hung up the phone feeling yourself about to start crying. Rin saw this and was moving to move to hold you but stopped when you stood up heading towards the bedroom to get ready.
You wore a long fitted emerald green dress that matched your boyfriends eyes. You had ordered his outfit to match your dress because this really was an important night that you wanted him to join you for once. The dress had a right long sleeve while the other side of the top half of the dress was strapless. You finished your hair and makeup and walked over to the bed to grab your shoes which matched your dress. Finally grabbing your clutch you stood up facing the door seeing Rin stand there with a light blush on his cheeks.
“You look beautiful my love.” He gave you a soft smile but you ignored it, “I’ll be out late don’t wait up for me.” You said walking past him and down the hall that led into the living room. “Y/n, are you mad at me?” He asked taking quick steps to catch up to you, “What do you think Rin? I want you there with me tonight because it’s a special night for me but instead of supporting your girlfriend you want to go to some useless game against a team you know you can beat on your own with your eyes closed. If I wasn’t a priority to you then you should have told me before I got into a relationship with you.” You walked into the kitchen to open the fridge grabbing a water bottle to take with you.
“Why are acting like I don’t support you?” His hands rested on the island counter and he stood there watching you slam the fridge door shut. “You don’t. You’ve never supported me, I don’t matter to you. And it’s clear to me now, soccer is all you care about. No it’s beating your brother, THATS all you care about.” You started walking towards the front door making sure you had everything. Your hand twisted the knob on the door but Rin stopped you, “You really think I won’t choose you in a heartbeat?”
You looked into his eyes trying to look for an ounce of truth or something, “No.” with that you walked out the house leaving to go to your award ceremony. As said earlier the ceremony was aired on tv everywhere, Rin felt horrible and decided not to go to the game so he was sitting on the sofa with the remote in his hand while the iPad sat in his lap. He was surfing through channels when a familiar figure appeared on his screen, he saw you sitting at a table towards the front of the room gently smiling watching the host talk into the microphone. You occasionally clapped whenever it was needed but you were just sitting there looking effortlessly beautiful.
He wasn’t even paying attention to what they were saying on the tv he just dropped everything and admired how beautiful you looked. Your hair was curled into a high ponytail and he didn’t notice earlier but you had put little gems in your hair to add to the outfit. On the tv you had stood up holding onto what looked like securities hand as he helped you walk onto stage, you smiled walking over to the host as she handed you a certificate and a small glass trophy.
You stood infront of the microphone smiling at everyone in the audience starting your speech. “…I spent long nights working hard on this project, nights I could’ve spent with my amazing boyfriend. All that work paid off, thank you so much for this amazing opportunity and I hope that our project helps all users around the world. This means a lot to me…” Rin softened hearing your voice through the tv but he felt even worse seeing a tear fall down your cheek as you made eye contact with the camera.
You started to walk away from the mic smiling but it dropped when you thought the camera was off of you but it wasn’t, he could se show sad you looked. He felt like an asshole and he wanted to make it up to you.
You had just sat back down in your seat thanking everyone at the table who said congratulations to you. Right when you got off the stage you had to take a butt load of pictures before sitting down. Your feet were killing you and you were still upset from your argument with Rin.
Setting the certificate and award on the table you pulled out your phone from your clutch scrolling through your phone to call Rin. A phone started to ring behind you and when you turned you saw Rin standing there with an anxious expression as he tried to silence his phone.
“What are you doing here?” You straightened your back noticing that he was wearing the suit you had bought for him, “Can I talk to you? In private…” He asked looking over his shoulder and noticing that cameras where taking pictures of the both of you. He grabbed your hand leading you towards an empty hall, “Rin what are you doing here, aren’t you supposed to be at the game?” You asked looking over his shoulder to try to avoid eye contact with him, his hand came up to brush across the blush on your cheeks.
“I’m here for you. I saw you receive your award on tv but I wanted to be here in person.” You opened your mouth to speak but he stopped you, his fingers lightly gripped your chin so that he could pull you in for a kiss, “I love you and you’re right. I don’t show you and that’s going to change. You do too much for me everyday and I don’t appreciate it enough. I was going to wait until tonight to apologize but I needed to do it now or I felt like I would have been single if I didn’t show up.” He said looking off to the side.
“I’m glad you know.” You said jokingly wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him down for another kiss. He pulled away for a second to whisper a quick congratulations before devouring your lips once again.
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astranne · 1 year
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a greek/roman mythology x blue lock series
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— synopsis ;
„blessed we are, they all say, the ones who don‘t understand“, you whisper and trace the shape of his lips with your finger.
„blessed we are, say the stories of old, say our legacies, the mortals who only hear the glory and fame of the tales“, you continue, while he takes a shuddering breath. your words hit hard but they are the truth.
„i say we‘re cursed. cursed to be born painfully, cursed to life painfully and cursed to die, not only in pain but also alone.“ you lean closer, and it shouldn’t be allowed, when you utter so paining words, whisper the following so softly, as if you confessed him your love.
„and if we ever fall in love… then we shall love with all our heart and mind, until one of us dies. nothing else can destroy the bond we have, because i have given you my soul.“ and you pledge your words with a kiss.
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— summary ;
in which you, a halfblood and bastard child of [REDACTED], have a mortal lover who‘s heart only beats for football and you.
— genre ;
may vary from each work, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, suggestive
— warnings ;
each work will have it’s own warnings, will contain spoilers (for non-manga readers), may go really into mythology stories, may be suggestive, may contain curse words, may have different genders than gn!reader in some works
— characters ;
isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, kunigami rensuke, mikage reo, nagi seishiro, itoshi rin, itoshi sae, michael kaiser, noel noa, oliver aiku, julian loki, + more to be added!
— author notes ;
blue lock really has me in a chokehold. so here i am. once again 😭 starting to write this when i should be doing important school stuff... this series has my current obsessions put together, blue lock AND my returning pjo/mythology phase. please note that it will take some time for each piece to be written, as i want them to bit longer than my usual works (more than like 200 words lmao) and i'm in a rather studious phase in school rn. i should definitely not start another series, when i already have an event going on but spare with me. because i think this will just continue to grow and be definitely a longer series, spanning over several weeks. maybe i'll never close it.... requests are closed for this series (for now) until i put a notice on it. i don't wanna kill my currently insane motivation to write with restricting myself. other than that, i think everything has been said. enjoy!
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— greek pantheon masterlist ;
aphrodite; divine beauty.
ares; fire in our blood.
itoshi sae x fem!reader
— roman pantheon masterlist ;
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— taglist ;
@stellumi , @keqism , @wanderersbell , @venexus , @lilikags , @kuminarim , @mael-0 , @dervaaas , @aly4a, @yanfei-kisser , @isentsworld , @tsukishiro-yue2402 , @him3ru , @horologiumwise , @aoi-turtle + more to be added!
-> if you wish to be part of the taglist, which includes every new posted work, please comment below this post or send me a quick ask!
-> if your name is bold, this means i can’t tag you!
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akutagawa-spotted · 6 months
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intro!! hello!!
gimmick blog ran by a girl who really likes akutagawa [@caffeiiine :3]
[basic DNI criteria includes the usual]
[ zionists [supportive of israel], terfs, homophobes, aphobes, problematic people, nsfw accounts, etc are blocked on sight ]
inspired by several blogs [@rin-spotted and @teto-spotted] [sorry for the tags btww, i love both of your blogs]
blog functions are pretty self explanatory, i reblog stuff with ryuunosuke akutagawa in it with the tags:
#akutagawa spotted! <- aku!!
#no akutagawas spotted :( <- no akus :(
#akutagawa mentioned! <- mentions/text posts of akutagawa
#aku ques <- general queue tag
#aku asks! <- asks!!
#reasons kunikida-spotted is insane <- not an aku tag
#aku events!! <- for stuff like whiteboards!!
[updated as needed]
anyways, feel free to tag me in stuff with Akutagawa in it, or just give me asks and i’ll answer them :D
+ sometimes when i que stuff i forget to do the caption so if i do and i don’t realize for some hours LET ME KNOW PLEASE🫶🫶🫶
i’ll reblog anything with akutagawa in it except for nsfw
Other -spotted bsd blogs!! <3 [i run none of these account except this one btw!!]
@sigma-spotted [sigma!]
@atsushi-spotted [atsushi!]
@sskk-spotted [shin sokoku!!/AkuAtsu!!]
@chuuyaspoted [chuuya!]
@fyodor-spotted [fyodor!]
@ranpo-spotted [ranpo!]
@nikolai-spotted [nikolai!]
@chuuya-spotted [chuuya!]
@kunikida-spotted [kunikida!]
@ango-spotted [ango!]
@transmasc-skk-spotted [trans dazai or trans chuuya!]
[APOLOGIES FOR THE TAGS i wanted to make a mini-directory of sorts <3]
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[screenshots and gifs are from bsd wan anime and the heart dividers are from @cafekitsune!!]
[pfp from : @mspaintakus !!!!!]
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dxwnstxr · 1 year
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I know I am very late on this but, we reached 200 followers!! As a reward I'll be doing certain head canons my follower/readers can chose from. I will get to them as soon as possible. ALSO, I have read my requests and ik they are there. I promise I will respond to everyone's requests soon. It might take me a while but I will get it done.
NOTE: All of the characters will be boys. If anyone wants a female version I will gladly make one.
Update!: this event has ended, meaning I won't be taking anymore of these requests!
How this request system will work: I have typed out several headcanons, you will request the number it's attached to. U can request two at a time or just one. Then after deciding which headcanon, choose a character you want. Don't forget to tell me which category! All done!
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"Take it like a good girl"
"Your doing so well"
"Can you feel me filling you up?"
"Keep on going just like that, love"
"Too much, please I can't take it for much longer"
"Please, i need you"
"You look so beautiful"
"Let me take you out, just to give us a shot"
"Will you let me always be by your side?"
"Dance with me?"
"Whenever I see these flowers, I just remember your beautiful eyes"
"Let's do something together"
"Please don't cry, you'll make me cry"
"I just can't do this, I'm sorry"
"Please don't leave! I'm sorry, it won't happen again!"
"Why...did what we have mean nothing to you"
"Even now, instead of you comforting me, you're standing there looking at me like an idiot, you moron!"
"You're too much for me to handle right now"
Character choices
Chuuya Nakahara
Dazai Osamu
Tecchou Suehiro
Fyodor D.
Yellow haired boy (forgot his name lol)
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satoruxx · 1 year
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satoruxx’s 200 followers event !!
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thank you all so so much for 200 followers! this blog is only a month old and i am so overwhelmed by all of the love and support! thank you guys for giving my writing a chance!!
to celebrate i’ve decided to host a lil event for you! i wanna write things for you guys, things that you want!
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so here’s the idea:
☽ i will keep 5 slots open (for now, i just wanna make sure i can work at a steady pace). i will open more once i get in the swing of things.
☽ there are two different ways you can send in requests. the first option is short and simple! just send in a character and a quick little prompt of what you’d like, and i’ll write out a short drabble for you!
☽ the second option is song related. you can either send me a character and a song you like (if i haven’t heard the song i will listen to it!) and then i will write you a short piece based on what vibes i get from the song. OR if you don’t have any songs to suggest, give me a number between 1 and 400 and i will pick the corresponding song off my main playlist to write something with the character you choose!
☽ i’m okay with both sfw and nsfw requests (obviously you need to be 18+ to request nsfw)
☽ you guys can request characters from any of the fandoms i write for. for now i’ll just be listing the characters i’m most familiar with, but feel free to send in an ask if a character you want isn’t here. it’s most likely that i’ll be okay to write it, but the characterization may not be as good. i’ll try my best though!
☽ here are the characters and fandoms i’m most confident writing for:
jjk: gojo, geto, toji, sukuna, nanami, itadori, megumi, yuta, choso, and pretty much ANY other character bc i am all caught up with jjk and i’m pretty familiar with everyone!
genshin impact: kaeya, kaveh, diluc, alhaitham, xiao, zhongli, scara, childe, cyno, and again basically ANY other character bc i’m all caught up here too lol
honkai star rail: gepard, dan heng, jing yuan, blade, and ANY other character bc there aren’t that many yet lmao
haikyuu: kuroo, oikawa, bokuto, iwaizumi, kageyama, akaashi, atsumu, and osamu. there are a LOT of characters in haikyuu and i feel pretty confident about most of the major ones but not everyone so send an ask and i’ll let you know!
blue lock: disclaimer! i have not read the manga for bllk yet, so most of my writing will be based on anime only. take that with a grain of salt. that being said i’m dying to write smth for nagi. isagi, bachira, chigiri, kunigami, rin, and a few others are also good with me!
there are other shows i’ve watched that are listed in my about me (aot, jjba, mha, etc.) and i may be ok to write for them but i won’t put them here. if you want someone specific from these fandoms send me an ask!
☽ anyways these are the main rules. again, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions. i’m really excited for this event and i wanna show my appreciation so feel free to send in your requests!
☽ slots filled: 8/10 [added more]
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dreamlessimp · 1 year
!! eli’s 1k follower event !!
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firstly, thanks for this :( secondly, i’m not sure what i’m doing so bear with me please!
i was considering match-ups, but i hope this could be more fun for everyone :)
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main event: send me a character + 1-2 songs of your choice and i will write you a short drabble (think, >200 words or so) for either 1 or both!
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the only fandom i’ll for write is blue lock
i write for isagi, bachira, reo, nagi, rin, and sae
you can be on or off anon, but remember i can’t tag you on anon
i’d prefer the songs have at least semi-coherent lyrics
we may not interpret your song in the same way
i’ll be attaching the drabble to your ask unless asked otherwise
first come is not first serve, rather whichever i’m best able to write
i may not write your request at all, so my possible apologies in advance (unlikely)
requests will remain open until: june 20
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starz222 · 1 year
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✦ a dream is a wish your heart makes
starz222: ily xiao ╰► alatus replied: i don't even know who you are
╰► starz222 replied: i'm rin! any prns, asian, minor! let's get married
✦ look, a shooting star!
ʚ masterlist | byf / dni | reqs | taglist ɞ    
✦ did you wish?... ...oh, i didn't have time ✦
ʚ 200 follower event ! ɞ    
ʚ 30 days to love - interactive smau ɞ    
꒰੭⸝⸝´`⸝⸝꒱੭ ᘓ︵ =͟͟͞☆
and there is yes, i wished that
something that we were 2 other people
you wish people who need not
for? say goodbye
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© starz222 — all rights reserved to me. do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my work in any way shape or form!
note this looks so ugly on computer bc i tried to make it fit on phone
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letsgoforgold · 9 months
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LETS GO FOR GOLD is a semi-appless, sports anime timeskip crossover AU taking place during canon characters’ professional lives — whether it be rising to the top of their league or rooting for their old teammates from afar.
Lead characters to victory with various sports teams, follow their travels to different training facilities and mingle in downtime at local tourist attractions as you build your characters’ reputation or create rivalries. Server-wide events will occur where your fate will rely on the dice — will they move on to the next round, or go home empty handed? A unique way of leaving fate to decide!
Choose a player athlete, watch over the teams as a coach, take on the responsibility of a manager or trainer, or enjoy rooting for your favorites as a loyal fan.
Currently: Our teams are competing in their second tournament with mixed results! 🤭
• 21+ age requirement for all members • 6 character max limit • Choose from over 200 available canon characters from across different anime including: Haikyuu!!, Kuroko No Basket, Free!, Blue Lock, Diamond No Ace, Bakuten!!, Yuri On Ice, Sk8, and more! • Friendly, inclusive, and welcoming small community • Various writing styles welcome • Active and responsive admins
Our most wanted characters include: (From Haikyuu!!) Kuroo Tetsurō, Miya Atsumu, Hajime Iwaizumi, Sakusa Kiyoomi. (From KNB) Momoi Satsuki, Akashi Seijūrō, Aida Riko, Midorima Shintarō (From Free!) Nanase Haruka, Matsuoka Rin, Ryūgazaki Rei. (From DNA) Sawamura Eijun, Furuya Satoru — and many more!
about || rules || masterlist || discord
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z3llous · 2 years
Summer 200 coms event (Open July 18-31)(Closes August 1st)
I hit 200 followers! I’ve decided I’ll do a special commissions event with significantly lowered prices!
Donate here: Donate
Here’s how payment will work:
The payment is just one ko-fi donation of $5 dollars
these will be complete art pieces: color, highlight, & shading. (Usually $30)
Make sure to put a name in when donating as a guest, anything is fine it doesn’t have to be your real name or an account name.
one donation per art piece, but no limit on how many you can get
How to get your art piece:
send in an ask
What to include in ask:
first put whatever name you used to donate/account username so I can confirm you paid
then your chosen prompt word, color palette, and any 1-3 characters of your choosing
 the fandoms from which the characters are from (they don’t have to be from the same one)
any details or specific things you’d like
just a background/location is fine too if that’s what you’d like, just keep in mind some prompt words might not work well without characters
and lastly if you’d like it to be either a wallpaper or landscape format of art piece (wallpaper being vertical & landscape being horizontal)
Prompt words:
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Color Palettes:
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Name: Zell, fireworks, sunflower, Miku & Rin from Vocaloid, miku is the main focus, wallpaper format
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If you can’t afford it please reblog to spread awareness
 I don’t want anyone to feel like they missed out <3
Tagging some people (no pressure tho srsly):
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midnight-pluto · 7 months
Hi! <3 could you please write a mutual pining only one bed fic for a gn!reader and Nico di Angelo
MOVE OVER — nico di a.
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TROPES: mutual pining, only one bed, fluff, crack-ish
UNIVERSE: riordanverse
PAIRING(S): nico di angelo x gn!reader
WARNING(S): mentions of injuries, takes place after the giant war, i slipped incorrect quote in here for funsies, also because im slightly high
A/N: mattresses don’t count as beds
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THE INFIRMARY WAS bound to be filled to the brim after todays events. Even with the help of the Roman Apollo kids, it was still practically double the amount of kids injured making them bring out mattresses for all of them to be taken care of.
You were one of the many kids to get hurt during the battle, a gash on your thigh along with minor cuts and scrapes was bound to get you landed there. It was unfortunate that you ended up on the mattress on the ground but you understood.
There were others in deeper trouble.
Something you were glad that happened is that your mattress was the one closest to the window with only one bed next to you, and on that bed is someone you’d like to call you’re friend. However, you’re unsure if he would dub you the same.
Nico di Angelo — son of Hades. From what you understood, he had known of the existence of both the Greeks and Romans, yet chose to not let them know of each other. That was one of the many things you admired about him.
The way he always manages to show up in just enough time and helps turn the tide in his favor, or the way he was able to bare the fact that he was treated as an outcast just for his parent and not make the rumors true. He was someone who you truly respected.
Nothing more. Nothing less. Totally.
Nico was laying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He was instructed by Will to sleep but couldn’t find it in himself to close his eyes for more than two minutes. He kept on glancing towards your figure laying soundlessly on the mattress on the ground.
You were one of the only ones to still smile at him whenever he passed by after the Titan War glory wore off. You were one of the only ones to not actively avoid him. One of the ones that didn’t send weary glances in his direction. You were someone who he truly respected.
Nothing more. Nothing less. Totally.
As the hour’s drifted past with nothing but murmurs and grunts filling the room Nico had drifted off to sleep along with it.
However, when he slept you awoke. Flashbacks from the past events and wars coming to haunt your dreams. Looking up only to see Nico’s back, only then do you make your move.
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AS NICO BLINKED himself awake, he felt another presence in the bed. His hair was being played with was all he knew of, but it wasn’t a feeling he was opposed to. Tempted to relax once again, he fought off the urge and turned to face the other side of the bed for his eyes to only widen in surprise.
“Morning,” you smile, moving your hand away from his hair, “How’d you sleep last night?”
“What the hell,” Nico whisper shouted as to not alarm some of the sleeping patients, “What’re you doing in my bed? You were supposed to sleep on the air mattress on the floor.”
“I had a nightmare.”
“And you deciding sleeping on my bed was a solution to that problem,” he deadpanned, sitting up to face you and the pillow resting on your lap.
“Listen, I needed to feel comfortable and I was getting this weird power dynamic vibe from me sleeping in the ground and you sleeping up there,” you say, pointing to mattress on the floor and patting the sheets of the bed.
“Ah yes! How high and mighty I am up on my not even twin XL,” he deadpans, observing his and the rest of the beds in the infirmary.
“That is not what I meant—“
“Silence in the presence of your king,” Nico dramatically turned away with his eyes closed, leaning on one hand while the other was holding up its index finger as if to shush you, “Who sleeps at a lofty twelve and a half inches above the ground!”
Sighing with an amused smile on your face, not getting to see this side of him all that often, “Listen, I am not ashamed. I slept comfortably when I got up into your bed and I’m sure you did too.”
“Yeah, okay.”
“You know what, I wanna know,” you lean your back against the headboard, “How’d you sleep last night?”
Sighing, he answers, “That was the best I’ve slept in a while.”
Gasping, you whisper, “The king slept comfortably with a peasant in his bed!”
“I did not consent to this—“
“But my liege our love is forbidden,” you joke, laughing softly at his flushed ears and deadpan expression.
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A/N: did I want to add more detail? yes. would it be just slightly out of place? yes
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hypnotixstorm · 4 years
So I dunno if you’re still doing your stuff for your event but I saw you’re doing Durarara as well. 😍 Would you by chance want to do a Izaya Orihara edit? And or a Rin Okumura one for me? 👉👈🥺 I love the ones I’ve seen so far. Congrats again on 200 🥰 -bakubabes-hatake 🦋🦋
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Yes I’m still doing it! And omg you’re literally the sweetest, thank you so much for all your kind words! I really hope you like them!💖
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t0shii · 3 years
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% "what am i supposed to do while your gone?"
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.! tsukishima, suna, kageyama (sep) x gn!r
.! fluff/ lightly proofread
.! ugh hey flustered tobio.... heyyyy flustered tobio. *cough* anyways i'm almost at 200 followers and i have absolutely no idea what to do for an event 😭😭 BUT thanks for almost 200 followers
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"i'm gonna to the gym for a bit."
"WHat?! why?" you pout, "so i can practice?" you let out an exaggerated huff. "for how long?" "i dunno a few hours.... is that okay?" you frown at his question, "i guess so" you sigh, "i wanted to spent more time with you though, kei."
he chuckles at your behavior, "y/n, we've been hanging out all day." he walks towards your sitting figure and wraps his arms around securely, "i wont be long, promise.", he says adjusting his glasses. "what am i supposed to do while your gone?", "well what do you usually do when i'm gone?" he asks, a grin forming on his lips, "wait for you" you mumble, wrapping your arms around his waist and rest your head on his tummy.
"we'll i guess you'll have to wait a few hours angel." he laughs, bending down to kiss the top of your head.
i"i'm gonna go hang with the twins for a bit."
your boyfriend says, getting up from his laying position making you whine from the loss of warmth and contact. "really, youre gonna leave me here all alone?" you ask, a pout forming on your face. "yes?" his answer only making you frown even more. "rinnnnn," you whine, "you're gonna leave me for atsumu?" you ask with slight disgust when saying atsumu's name, he ponders on this for a moments, "hmmm yeah. just for a bit though, baby." he says, leaning back down on the bed, giving you a kiss.
"well what am i supposed to do while you're gone, rin?", "hmmm i dunno. what do you usually do when i'm gone y/n?" he teases. "i wait for you to come back." you pout. "uh-oh. how am i supposed to leave now?, i guess i have to stay." you smile at his silliness and climbs on top of you, plopping his face right in the crook of your neck.
"i guess you convinced me not to go hang out atsumu." he says, mocking your tone from earlier. "i'm doing you a favor, really." you retort with a giggle. you feel him nod his head a firm "yes".
"y/n i'm going to the store real quick."
your poor boyfriend panics when he sees you frown in response. "did i say something wrong? did you want something?" he asks, worry laced in his tone."nuh uh." you say looking back to your phone, "oh... well i'll only be gone a few minutes" he eyes you suspiciously. "'kay" you grumble. "are you sure you don't want anything?" you offer him a nod "yes" but he wasn't buying it.
"okay.... are you feeling okay?", "i'm fine tobi. i just dont know what i'm supposed to do while you're gone." you pout at him, "what do you usually do while i'l gone?, "i wait for you to come back." you confess.
"o-oh.... well you could come wi-", "oh! i thought you'd never ask tobio!" you exclaim jumping up from your spot on the couch. "you could've just said you wanted to come y'know" he grumbles.
"yeah well you asking me to tag along is more fun." you smile, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
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d0llhousess · 3 years
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⇢ request : itoshi rin + angst prompt #19
                    prompt #19: “It’s not working out. We’re not working out.”
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⇢ fandom: blue lock ⇢ pairing: itoshi rin x f!reader ⇢ warning/tags: angst so much angst, established relationships, rin is terrible with feelings
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⤆ 200+ followers event ~ To the Masterlist ⤇
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When he was younger, Rin never imagined himself in a relationship. 
Instead of a quest for human companionship, his head was filled with an admiration of a sport that had inadvertently stolen his brother from him. 
This wasn’t to say that Rin didn’t go on dates, or surrender himself to his more carnal desires. No, he did. They just never seemed to last. 
Yet, you? 
You were different. 
You came into his life in moments he least expected, making his heart stutter with one mere glance, and his brain suddenly thought about something other than football. He hated it at first, the feelings you elicited out of him. It wasn’t the familiar attraction he was used to feeling. 
It was something different; something more. 
It confused him, and Rin hated being confused. 
So he pursued you, sure that these feelings would wane after the first date. 
They didn’t. No, they only grew stronger, and soon he found himself in a relationship that he wasn’t sure he even wanted. 
He had goals, desires, needs, that didn’t align with yours. How was he supposed to be the greatest striker the world has ever seen if he was too busy chasing the skirts of a girl who was supposed to mean nothing to him. 
He had to break it off. 
So he did. 
“It’s not working out” He muttered to you, eyes roaming across your expression as he let the finality of his words linger in the cold air of the cafe the two of you often frequented together, “ We’re not working out.”
He doesn’t know what he expected you to do. Maybe he expected you to cry, to yell, to scream at him for leading you on for months. Maybe he expected to feel the cold sting of a slap or the burning liquid of coffee across his face. Yet, none of this comes. 
Your expression barely changes and if he hadn’t been looking so deeply into your gaze, he’d miss the flicker of pain that shone in your eyes. You nodded, finishing off the remains of your coffee before you fixed him with a smile. 
You were as proud as he was, and it’s silly that he believed he’d ever see the hurt he’d caused you so blatantly. 
“It was fun while it lasted, yeah?” You said softly, smile never faded even when he offered no response, barely acknowledging your mutters of good-bye. 
As he watches you walk off, he sees the slight tremble in your hands, and for the first time since his brother had come home from across the seas, he felt like the scum of the earth. 
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Sengoku Warlords Live Again in MAGATSUNOTE Media Mix Project
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  Back in January, media mix project MAGATSUNOTE kicked off as a web manga, promising a big reveal 55 days after its beginning. The big reveal has come: the project is branching out into a website, music, and much more.
  The project features a scenario by Corpse Party creator Makoto Kedōin, and character designs by Hakuoki and Hiiro no Kakera's Kazuki Yone. The story takes place in the year 2222, 200 years after a meteorite has hit Earth and destroyed 90% of human civilization. ARK, the agency devoted to protecting and revitalizing humanity, is abusing its powers to benefit a privileged few. In response, warlords — with the same "epitaphs" as great Sengoku-era warlords — rise up in protest, wielding demonic powers.
  MAGATSUNOTE Season:1 will consist of radio dramas and newly composed songs, featuring 13 characters across five groups. Each group will also have its own musical group handling its respective songs:
  ARK Audit Bureau
Masamune: Hiromu Mineta (Cestvs in Cestvs: The Roman Fighter)
Kojurou: Shun Horie (Kazuya Kinoshita in Rent-a-Girlfriend)
Music by Arlequin
Hideyoshi: Jin Ogasawara (Awaki in SSSS.Dynazenon)
Kanbei: Junpei Baba (Kaito Kazan'in in Futsal Boys!!!!!)
Kiyomasa: Shugo Nakamura (Issei Kuga in TSUKIPRO THE ANIMATION)
Music by Zero[Hz]
Mitsuhide: Nobuhiko Okamoto (Rin Okumura in Blue Exorcist)
Toshimitsu: Noriaki Sugiyama (Shirou Emiya in the Fate/ series)
Samanosuke: Genki Okawa (Alecdora Sandler in Black Clover)
Music by ZOMBIE
  ARK Health Care Bureau
Ieyasu: Taiki Bito
Tadakatsu: Kazuhiro Okamoto
Naomasa: Chiharu Sawashiro (Kenji Mitsuda in Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway)
Music by BXW
  Sixth Demon King Army
Oda Nobunaga: Shin'ichirō Kamio (Makoto Katai in Komi Can't Communicate)
Ranmaru: Shunichi Toki (Leo de la Iglesia in Yuri!!! on ICE)
Music by RAZOR
  Mephisto: Showtaro Morikubo (Shikamaru Nara in Naruto)
  A new PV for the project has dropped, where you can see and hear the different groups' leaders as they show their demonic sides:
    And you can check out a short music video for the project's first song, "DEVIL ASYLUM":
    "Libra," a new song for the project composed by Arlequin, will drop tomorrow.
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    An audio drama will start April 6, and will air on Radio Osaka's "Sakurabashi 919" and the MixChannel app. Plus, there are plans for live events, live broadcasts, and a new song every month.
  MAGATSUNOTE has launched a website, Twitter account, Instagram account, and Pixiv page to keep up with what's to come.
  Source: Comic Natalie
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Kara Dennison is the book reviewer for Sci-Fi Magazine and a regular features writer for Otaku USA Magazine. Follow her on Twitter @RubyCosmos, and read more at KaraDennison.com.
By: Kara Dennison
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writerofthecourt · 4 years
the rhyme and reason for lying
pairing: suna rintarou x reader
summary: when you and your husband are called to your daughter’s school for a meeting with the principal, the last thing you were expecting to hear was that she had punched a classmate
warning: time skip spoilers
a/n: here you go, anon. this was a request from my 200 followers event. thank you to my followers for your continued support of this blog and my writing!
“Rin, can you please stop scrolling on your phone and help me clean up the house?” you asked with an annoyed glare from across the living room.
It was a calm Monday morning. The sky was clear, and the weather was beautiful. Today also happened to be a rare day off from volleyball practice for your husband, so you thought it would be a great idea for the two of you to get some chores done around the house. However, the prospect of getting Suna to even help you was beginning to seem more arduous than the actual chores themselves.
“Rin,” you repeated with an unmistakable tone of diminishing patience.
Picking up on your anger, Suna silently placed his phone on the coffee table and got up from the couch to go wash the dishes from today’s breakfast. After being married to you for so long, he knew when to stop testing your patience.
“That’s what I thought,” you said to yourself, a victorious smirk now plastered on your face.
Turning your attention back to the shelf that you were cleaning, you made sure not to knock over any of the framed photos that were in your way. There were a few photos from high school, family vacations, and your wedding day.
You paused to smile before you picked up a particularly lovely photo. It was from two summers ago at a tanabata festival. Dressed in matching yukatas and standing under the glow of various paper lanterns, you thought it was a perfect family photo.
Your reminiscing was soon cut short, as the house phone started to ring. Putting the photo back down, you went to answer the phone.
“Suna residence,” you greeted with practised ease. “Yes…oh, well…all right, we’ll be there soon. Yes, goodbye.”
“Who was it?” Suna questioned as he exited the kitchen, finished with his task of washing the dishes.
“It was Suzune’s school,” you replied with a worried expression on your face. “Apparently, she got into a fight?”
“What?” Suna asked, his eyes easily giving away his disbelief. “No way. Not our Suzune.”
“Yes, well, the principal wants to see us now,” you explained as you hurried to get your purse and put on your shoes.
After grabbing his phone and the car keys, Suna joined you at the genkan to also put on his shoes. “Did she at least win?”
“Not now, Rin,” you said with an exasperated sigh before turning away with a proud and subtle smile. “…But yeah, I think so.”
Suna only smirked. “Nice.”
As the two of you drove down to Suzune’s school, a thousand questions ran through your head. What could have possibly happened to set off your mild-mannered Suzune? For the most part, she was a calm and quiet child, similar to her father in many ways. Nevertheless, after arriving at the school, you and your husband found yourselves sitting in the principal’s office, signalling the end to your peaceful Monday morning.
“For starters, thank you for being here this morning,” the principal said as he addressed the three parents in the room. “Now, I assume you’ve all been made aware of the current situation, yes?”
“I heard Suzune got into a fight with one of her classmates?” you asked with great trepidation in voice, casting a glance to your sulking daughter who sat next to you. Suna, who sat on the opposite end of the office couch, tried his best to not look bored with the whole situation.
“I’m afraid so,” the principal gravely responded before he gestured for the other mother in the room to speak. “Yamada-san, if you will.”
“Please, call me Karin-san,” Karin said with an all too polite smile on her face. “Now, my Satoshi-kun said that your daughter had punched him for no good reason. Clearly, your daughter was in the wrong because my son would never do anything to provoke someone.”
“That’s wrong!” Suzune shouted angrily before pointing to the quiet Satoshi who sat next to his mother on the opposing couch. “He kept bothering me and making fun of my height!”
“Are you calling my son a liar?” Karin scoffed.
Suzune frowned before looking away. “No, but it wasn’t completely my fault.”
“So you did punch him!”
In the midst of this argument, you and Suna both exchanged looks of disbelief with one another. While you didn’t condone Suzune’s choice of violence, it was quite obvious to you and your husband that there was more to this story.
“All right, no more arguing,” the principal announced as he quickly tried to defuse the situation. “In any case, Kagami-sensei informed me that you did indeed punch Yamada-kun, so please just apologize, Suna-chan.”
“I refuse,” Suzune responded plainly.
Not liking this answer, Karin raised her nose to the air with a haughty huff. “Well, you’re going to have to apologize if you want this matter to be resolved, little missy. I could easily sue you if I wanted to.”
“Don’t sue them, mom,” Satoshi mumbled.
“Hush, Satoshi. She is the one who is clearly at fault here,” Karin maintained with an unbelievable level of smug confidence.
No longer having the patience to deal with this woman’s behaviour, Suna was the next one to speak up. “Weren’t you listening? There’s obviously a reason why Suzune punched your son. Maybe if you stopped throwing out blame left and right, we could actually resolve this problem in a timely manner.”
“Suna Rintarou-san, yes?” Karin asked with disinterest in her voice. “My husband is a big fan of you and your team.”
“Thanks,” Suna drawled out, making no effort to pretend as if he actually cared for the compliment.
“In any case, I would have to disagree with you,” Karin replied before she sent you a patronizing smile. “Perhaps if your wife did a better job at raising her child, we wouldn’t be having this problem.”
The room fell silent as all of the other occupants inside the office stared at Karin in complete shock, unable to believe that she had said something so bold and uncalled for. You were about to shoot down her claims when your husband promptly stood up, his arms crossed as he glared down at the woman across from him.
“You apologize for that right now or else-”
“Or else what?” Karin challenged, immediately copying Suna’s defensive stance, crossed arms, and seething eyes. “Are you threatening me?”
You could do nothing but bite down on the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from swearing up a storm. If it weren’t for the current situation and anger that you felt towards Karin right now, you would have applauded her for being able to stand her ground against your professional athlete of a husband. She was strong-willed and unwavering in her determination, you’d give her that.
“Okay, it was my fault!” Satoshi proclaimed, fearfully staring at his mother and Suna. “It was my fault, so please stop fighting!”
“Satoshi? What are you talking about?” Karin asked in total surprise and bewilderment.
“I-I kept bothering Suna, so she punched me to make me go away,” Satoshi admitted. “I only told Kagami-sensei that she punched me first because I didn’t want to get in trouble…”
The room returned to silence once again. With the truth now revealed, Karin could only blink slowly before she realized her absolute mistake. Her face began to burn hot from all of the embarrassment and drama that she had stirred up, and while she was too busy trying to think of ways to save face, you and your husband only grinned in victory.
“I’m sorry for everything, Suna,” Satoshi quietly apologized.
“I accept your apology,” Suzune said with a smirk, only to stop once you gave a look that told her she also needed to apologize. “I-I’m sorry too. For punching you, I mean.”
With everything now resolved, the principal smiled, simply glad that a fight had not broken out in his office that day. “Well then, if there are no more problems, Yamada-kun and Suna-chan can go back to class. Thank you to both sets of parents for being here today. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.”
“O-of course,” Karin answered nervously before both families quietly exited the principal’s office
Once out in the hallways, Satoshi turned around to happily chat with Suzune. “It’s almost lunchtime. Wanna play some volleyball later? My team could use your height.”
“Sure,” Suzune replied with a small grin, causing Satoshi to smile and look away with a faint blush on his face. Noticing this curious behaviour, you soon found yourself lightly chuckling as all of the puzzle pieces came together. It all made sense now.
After Suzune and Satoshi were dropped off at their classroom, you, Suna, and Karin all awkwardly walked together towards the entrance of the school. Clearing her throat, Karin stopped to look at you in the eyes.
“I’m sorry for what I said earlier,” Karin began mournfully. “It was ignorant and rude of me.”
“Yeah, it was,” Suna agreed harshly, making Karin flinch at his straightforward response.
You jabbed your husband in the ribs before you sent Karin a strained smile. “I accept your apology. I can understand why you were so protective.”
“T-thank you,” Karin said with a wobbly smile. “Well, I need to go buy some groceries for dinner tonight. It was, um, nice to meet you. Hopefully, our next encounter will be less…confrontational.”
Wishing Karin farewell, you and your husband silently made your way to the car. You couldn’t help but chuckle once again as you thought back to your new found discovery. It just made so much sense now.
Your husband gave you a strangle look as the both of you got into the car. “What’s so funny?”
“You mean you didn’t notice?” you asked with an amused raise of your eyebrow. “He obviously likes her.”
“Suzune and her classmate,” you clarified. “He likes her.”
Your answer only made Suna more confused. “I don’t see how you came to that conclusion.”
“Didn’t you hear Suzune? He kept bothering her, making fun of her height, and when she agreed to play volleyball with him, he blushed,” you said as you listed off your reasons out loud.
Your husband continued to flatly stare at you. “Yeah, so?”
“Well, if I remember correctly, there was a certain somebody back in high school who used to steal my lunches and bother me all the time because he had a crush on me and wanted to get my attention,” you explained. “Sound familiar to you?”
“I never did any of those things,” your husband defended with a frown. “I just asked you out like a normal person, remember?”
“I know. I was talking about Atsumu,” you casually threw out, causing Suna to freeze and stare at you in pure shock.
“What?! He never told me he liked you!”
“Well, it only lasted three days before I told him that I liked you,” you graced the corner of Suna’s mouth with a quick peck, “why are you even worried? I married you, didn’t I?”
Your husband made no effort to hide his blush, only starting up the car to drive back home. “Yeah, whatever…I need a nap. It’s only noon, and I’m already too tired for any of this.”
“Great! After your nap, you can help me with the chores. Right, honey?” you asked with a sickeningly sweet and innocent smile.
“Y-yes, dear.”
Later that day, in a totally different prefecture, Atsumu nervously approached his teammates with an uneasy smile on his face.
“Um, hypothetically speaking,” he began, looking to his teammates for help. “What does it mean when someone sends you a picture of a knife and tells you to stay away from their wife? Hypothetically speaking, of course.”
Bokuto and Hinata furrowed their eyebrows in confusion, while Sakusa simply shook his head.
“It means you’re going to die,” Sakusa answered bluntly.
“Maybe they sent it to the wrong person?” Bokuto suggested.
“Why do you ask, Atsumu-san?” Hinata inquired with a curious tilt of his head. “Did someone do that to you?”
“Of course not! Totally hypothetical,” Atsumu replied with a nervous laugh. Thinking back to Suna’s cryptic and ominous text from earlier, Atsumu reasoned that he would have to talk to his old teammate sometime soon, but perhaps not in person…
Yeah, definitely not in person.
fun fact: suzune’s name is written with the characters for ‘bell, sound’
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