#rise of the guardians imagines
scatterbrainedbot · 7 months
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ok but the ghibli vibes of @triona-tribblescore 's wandering guardian au???
like i could live in this world forever tbh
inspo boards/refs below ft trionas SPECTACULAR GORGEOUS AMAZING og works of the au bros
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westwindy1 · 2 months
au where Jack's powers have everything to do with why he is still alive.
ice is the absence of heat. Heat is also energy. As an icy spirit, Jack absorbs heat and therefore energy subconsciously in order to keep himself alive. It's why he didn't need belief at all as a non-Guardian (Guardians aren't the only ones who need belief)- he takes what he needs from the environment around him.
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m-musings · 10 months
im actually so excited omg i dont wanna sound mean actually the opposite but you write for a couple of pretty dead fandoms and im just so happy to see new writers for them.
can i request hcs for rotg (either jack frost, or bunnymund, or pitch, whoever you like. maybe the three of them??? idk go nuts show nuts) with a grim reaper reader? thanks! :D
Headcanons: Jack Frost, Pitch Black and E. Aster Bunnymund with Grim Reaper! Reader
A/N: anon I'm dying at go nuts show nuts, that's the funniest shit i've read in a while but anyways yeah, all 3 sounds good to me lmao. also, I wasn't sure if you wanted platonic or romantic so i just kept it on the friendly side, i hope that's okay!
Word Count: 450 Warnings: mentions of death/ dead people
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Jack is a bit wary around you at first simply due to the nature of your job.
But once he sees just how gentle and kind you are with the souls you reap, he's back on board with getting to know you.
As he gets more comfortable with you, he'll definitely make fun of you like he does with the other guardians but he does it with love!
Jack will occasionally accompany you when you're reaping a younger soul. His presence seems to calm them down if they begin to panic, even if they sometimes can't see him.
If you ever get a break from reaping, he will invite you to participate in one of his famous snow day snowball fights as a way to forget about the sadness that sometimes comes with the responsibility of being a being of death.
He's still the excitable and reckless Jack Frost but when you're around, he's more mellowed out and - forgive the pun- chill to hang out with.
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Pitch is intrigued by you from the start.
While he may control people's fears, it is a rare occasion for him to actually interact with one, let alone one as important as the personification of death itself.
He knows just how powerful a reaper can be so he is always sure to treat you with the respect you deserve.
The one time Pitch tried to convince you to join him against the Guardians, it ended with a scythe pointed at his neck and a stern scolding from you, so he doesn't bring that subject up around you anymore.
Pitch actually enjoys spending time with you though, he feels that your presence is much more tranquil and calm than that of the other spirits he knows.
He can be maniacal and full of himself but deep down he has a strange admiration for you and the job you do.
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Bunny has known you for a long time and has come to highly regard you as an ally.
You two mesh well together, because without the deaths you take watch of, he wouldn't be able to help bring new bouts of life into the world.
He refuses to see any of the souls you may bring around The Warren though, it makes him kind of squeamish.
He will occasionally help you wrangle up a lost soul or two but it's very uncommon for him to be around during the actual reaping.
Bunnymund and you do spend the most time together just because your roles are so interconnected with one another (Guardians of Life and Death and all that).
All in all, You and Bunny are very close knit and have a great respect for one another.
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zafirosreverie · 9 months
The Brightest Star (North x F!Reader)
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Every year since I have this blog I have written at least one fanfic for North when Christmas is close, I couldn't let this one be the exception, so I hope you like it.
You sighed as you tried to control your shaking hands, you really didn't want to ruin another machine, but nothing seemed to work. You couldn't help it, not when he was so close, even if you couldn't see him, you could feel it in your bones, that terrible, ancient fear that stabbed into your skin like a million needles, seeming to inject those horrible shadows into your being.
You shuddered when the memory of that terrible day suddenly came to your mind. You had blocked out most of the details, but you remembered perfectly the feeling of a deathly cold hand wrapping around your throat, stealing all the air from your body, the darkness slowly filling your senses and the screams of children echoing in your ears.
Pitch Black had escaped, but you could still feel his grip on you.
"Are you ok?"
You jumped when you felt a large but warm hand on your shoulder and thanked everything in your mind that you hadn't screamed when you saw blue eyes filled with concern staring at you.
“Yeah, I’m fine” you lied.
The man didn't seem to believe you, but he was kind enough not to push, so he just gave you a gentle squeeze and took a seat next to you. Internally you were grateful that he was so easy to work with, because you were sure that your teacher would already be questioning you.
You silently passed him the toolbox and returned to your own project, allowing muscle memory to take the reins and letting your memory wander back to that day, though not to Pitch's terrible memories, but to the bright light that you had next to you.
Nicholas St. North, retired bandit, loud but kind man, Santoff Claussen's savior. Again, you didn't remember the details, but you did remember the way the blanket of darkness around you was suddenly broken with the clean cut of a sword, and the cold that seeped into your bones slowly melted with the warmth of a pair of big arms. You felt safe even without knowing who the man holding you was.
North had saved you, he had saved your home, your children, magic, and because of that he had not only earned a place as Ombric's apprentice, but, without knowing it (and you wouldn't admit it), he had earned a permanent place in your heart.
He was a brilliant man, with surprising ingenuity, his inventions surpassed anything that had been created before in the town, and a heart of gold. Ombric had given him a place in his house, and since you were also technically his apprentice, it was a matter of time before you struck up a friendship with the former bandit, to the point that your teacher joked that you couldn't live without him anymore.
Not that you cared, you liked North more than you were willing to admit, and the man in the moon knew that man needed a family, a home to belong to, and you hoped, deep down, that somehow you could be part of it.
You just wished he could see how special he was, that he could see himself the way you and Katerine saw him. Despite his carefree attitude and the confidence he projected in front of others, especially in front of children or Ombric, you knew that guilt and memories of his past life still haunted him, that he often questioned whether he really deserved a place as a guardian.
"Do you think I'm worthy?" he asked
"You are" you smiled, reassuring him "you're a really bright star"
You smiled as you watched the elves running around, getting between the tables and getting in the Yetis’ way, who were already too used to it to really bother with them. You loved this time of year, the bright lights, the decorated trees, the colors, the warmth of the fireplaces, the cookies, the gifts, and in the middle of it all, him.
In the end, Ombric had been right, you couldn't stay away from North, so when he formed his alliance with the Yetis, moved to the North Pole and built his magnificent city where his inventions brought joy to everyone, you had naturally been at his side.
It had been a long time since you had finally admitted your feelings for the man, and with Manny's blessing (who had made you age as slowly as North did), you had sworn to share his mission of protecting wonder in children for whatever centuries you had left.
"Mrs. Claus" a cheerful voice sounded behind you.
You smiled as you turned to him. In front of you was Santa Claus himself, as imposing as the legends said, with the years reflected in his face, which still retained its childish warmth and as handsome as the day you met him.
"Mr. Claus" you replied "ready for your big night?"
Christmas Eve was always a busy and difficult night for North, but you knew that, like you, he would never change the children's joy at seeing that Santa had visited them for anything. 
He simply smiled and offered his hand to you, escorting you down the hallway as you headed to the reindeer shed. You never accompanied him on deliveries, preferring to wait for him with a cup of hot chocolate and freshly baked cookies, but you were always there to watch him leave. He had said you gave him luck, and you never questioned it.
"Tell me, darling" he whispered "do you still think I'm worthy?"
Oh, so it was one of those nights. Despite everything he had experienced, despite how much he had done for children and for the world, there were still echoes of his ghosts walking through his mind. It wasn't as frequent anymore, maybe once every few years, but sometimes, he still needed you to remind him how special he was.
"North" you said softly "look around you. Look at everything you've created, the wonderful ideas you've made come true, look how much this place has grown"
Carefully, you let go of his arm so you could take his hands instead, making him look at you with an intensity and fragility reserved for you.
"But most of all, look at what you have become, everything you represent" you said "You are not only the guardian of wonder, you are more. Christmas is not only about gifts and beautiful lights, it is the memories that are created, the love that is strengthened, the joy that is shared, the illusion that is reborn even in adults. You represent all that. Even when the magic seems lost, people find it again in your figure, in your celebration"
North smiled and closed his eyes, savoring the feel of your palm as you caressed his cheek gently.
"You are the most important guardian, protector of magic" you continued "and you are the brightest star of Manny's new golden age."
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rainbows-r-nice05 · 9 months
Frozen Camera
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I watched Rise of the Guardians and fell in love with Jack Frost because he is my baby. Anyway here is something I just whipped up and I know it's bad but I needed to so it to ease my mind.
I hate studying, I really do. My mind tries to focus but it drifts into dreamland. Dreaming of the impossible. Fighting dragons, ruling a kingdom….....finding true love. But enough about that. To relax a little, I decided to go read a book outside. Since it was Christmas time, I picked up the story about all the different kinds of Christmas characters. It was night time so I made sure to bring some blankets out. As I stepped outside on my back porch, coldness engulfed me. My porch was spacious with lawn chairs and a brick pillar on the side that leads into the grass. Oh, how beautiful it was. Christmas lights dance around my neighbors backyards across the lake connecting them. Lights from blue and white to red and green. The fountain was still going as the wind danced through it. I sat down in order to enjoy reading a bit into my novel. This section was about the famous Jack Frost to whom I believed in when I was a little kid. But not anymore since I am a junior in high school.   About 10 mins into my book, I absentmindedly start singing a famous Christmas Carol.  
God rest ye merry gentlemen
Let nothing you dismay
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
I heard distant barking of dogs nearby which was normal. And the rustle of plants that were caused by the wind.  
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joyI
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
All of a sudden, my ears perk up at this crinkle or a sound of frost covering something. Like a tingling sound of some sort. I looked around and saw one of my security cameras had frost covering the lens. 
“That's weird,” I muttered to myself as I stood up, set my book down and walked toward the camera. Over the lens it looked blueish with little snowflakes covering it. My curiosity got the best of me so I decided to go inside and get a ladder. (The camera was on the ceiling). I got the ladder from the garage and walked back outside. I opened it and climbed all the way to the top. I looked closely at the camera and scratched the frost off of it. Somehow, the frost just would not come off. 
“OH GOS-,” suddenly I lost my balance and was headed toward the ground. 
“Gotcha,” I was caught by someone who was levitating off of the ground and wrapped my arms around this persons neck. It seemed to be a boy around my age who had piercing blue eyes and platinum blond hair. His skin was pale white and freezing for that matter. His dazzling white teeth showed as he smiled lovingly at me. My goodness was he handsome.  
“Woah…” I was too starstruck to even comprehend what was happening. 
“Lost your balance, there sweetheart,” the mysterious man said.
“Jack Frost is the name,” he said as he lowered me to the ground. 
“Oh my goodness.. It's really you,”
“Of course it's me, alive and in person.” His smile…. Is so…..loving. I finally got a good look at him and he was wearing a blue hoodie with some light brown pants. He was indeed barefoot as he was Jack Frost.  
Oh my gosh.  OH MY GOSH The Jack Frost in front of ME!!!
“And what might your name be pretty girl,” 
Pretty girl…. I flushed deeply at that. I smiled sheepishly as I introduced myself. 
“(Y/N) (L/N) at your service,” as I extended my hand out for him to shake. 
He shook it softly and his hands were beyond freezing. 
“Wait, what are you doing here?” I was so puzzled as to why he was here. It was December right, but it does not even snow over here. 
“Oh.. Well…” he walked around with his staff tapping the bird bath with it and it froze solid. 
“I got quite bored while I was patrolling so I decided to fly across a random area where I found a beautiful singing voice in this very backyard.”
As if I could ever be more redder, my face would be a tomato. 
“What were you doing out here,” he said as he pointed his staff at me. 
I gently pushed his staff out of my face and raised an eyebrow. 
“Well, It is my backyard” I started to walk around him. 
“But if you want to know, I was reading a book.”
“Oh… interesting” 
“Y’know, you have a very nice backyard,” he stated as he walked around and faced the lake. 
“And a very nice show you get to watch.” 
I giggled lightly at that. 
“Oh yes, Christmas is the best time of the year when I get to sit outside in the cold and light a fire. I see all the Christmas lights in their glory.” I smiled at last night's occurrence which was just like how I described. 
“Well, isn’t that nice,” he said as he gazed at me. 
All of a sudden I hear this ringing noise that sounds jolly. Jack takes a small device out of his hand and looks very disappointed. He verbally groans. 
“Wish I could stay, but Santa needs me.”
“You mean North,” I say out of the blue
“Wait how do you-” 
“Jack,” I giggle a little, 
“Might want to go see him” I say as I step in front of him pointing at the device smiling. 
He smiles as he is about to fly away. 
“Wait!” I put a hand up signaling him to not go yet. 
“Will I ever see you again?” 
“I’ll make sure I will see you again, snowflake.” He says as he takes my hand and kisses it with his cold yet soft lips. 
I smile and yet again, I flush at the nickname. 
He then flies away and I am left alone outside. I walk back to the camera and see that the frost has disappeared. I smile as I walk back inside. I gaze back out across the lake where I think of the many events that Jack Frost will show me. 
thinking on a part two maybe or a milti series thing idk yet lol
I have to get back to studying though
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retold-tales · 1 year
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Once Upon A Dream
Imagine being the only one to belive in jack frost and him falling for you and protecting you from pitch black
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morrowling-fr · 1 year
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All the alternate Baby Poses I could find on Undel’s Deviantart
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dem-obscure-imagines · 9 months
Christmas/Holidays/New Year's Eve Masterlist
In the mood for some winter fluff? Look no further than these curated picks from my collection.
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General Winter Imagines
Arthur Curry x Reader
Sweater Weather - Fluff
When it gets colder outside, the king of the sea loans you his sweater.
Jack Frost x Reader
Snowflake - Fluff, Soulmate AU
Your soulmark is a snowflake, and thus, winter easily became your favorite season. However, you have a good feeling about winter this year, a tingly feeling that makes your mark glow...
Tired of Gray - Fluff, Soulmate AU
It’s Christmas time and you’re just about sick of your gray, gray world. Luckily, your soulmate is known to visit in the winter.
Christmas/Holiday Imagines
Bernard the Elf x Reader
The Way it Was Before - Alternate Universe, Bernard exists during Escape Clause Plot, Magic!Reader, a light angst, a lot of fluff.
Something is VERY wrong this Christmas, and it seems you’re the only person in the world who remembers the way things were before. Well, almost the only person. It’s up to you and the Head Elf to save the day before Jack’s wish becomes irreversible.
Home for the Holidays - Fluff, Christmas, Santa’s Daughter!Reader
When you come home for Christmas, Bernard realizes that you’re the reincarnation of someone very dear to him.
All I Want For Christmas - Fluff, Christmas, Santa’s Daughter!Reader
Being Santa Claus’ daughter, it was only inevitable that you’d catch feelings for his head elf…
Dear Santa… - Fluff, Writer Elf!Reader
The writing department has been especially short on elves this year, and this means you find yourself responsible for writing a whole bunch of letters. Luckily, the head elf has his eye on you.
Druig x Reader
Merry Little Christmas - Fluff, Christmas, GN! Reader
Christmas with the Eternals is a little extra special this year because of a certain mind-controlling telepath…
Prince Eric (Barbie in the Nutcracker)
Real - Fluff, Christmas
After arriving back in your living room, you’re startled to find out that the previous night was real, Mouse King, Nutcracker, and all.
Home - Fluff, Christmas
The locket is supposed to take you home, but in your heart, you know you’re already there.
Steve Harrington x Reader
About Time - Fluff, Soulmate AU, Time Travel
You discover a time-traveling wormhole in your closet and a hot guy from the 80′s on the other side of it.
Steve Rogers x Reader
The Nutcracker - Fluff, Ballerina!Reader
When your winter recital finally comes around, Steve is more than happy to support you.
Warren Worthington III x Reader
Merry Christmas, Darling - Fluff, Christmas, Mutant!Reader, Gender Neutral!Reader
The Holidays are in full swing at the X Mansion, and as always, you are tasked with helping run the place. But things are a lot less dull with a certain winged mutant around.
Santa Baby - Fluff, Christmas
You use the power of invisibility to put a Santa hat on each of the X-Men. 
New Year's Eve Kisses
New Year’s Eve Kisses 2017 - Steve Harrington, Marty McFly, Edmund Pevensie, Thackery Binx, Wanda Maximoff
New Year’s Eve Kisses 2020 - Alex Vreeke (Jumanji), Jack Frost, Ben Tennyson, Diaval, Peeta Mellark
New Year’s Eve Kisses 2021 - Bernard the Elf, Bucky Barnes, Diana Prince, Killian Jones, Pietro Maximoff
New Year’s Eve Kisses 2022 - Eddie Munson, Druig, Kili, Neville Longbottom, Peter Pan
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dervampireprince · 6 months
ASMR | ROTG - Pitch x Listener SFW Nightmare King Attempts To Comfort You
[M4A] [Established relationship] [Comfort]
I've had a lot of requests to bring Pitch back so I hope he gets a warm welcome back. I've been struggling with ideas for him, so if anyone has any prompts for him feel free to drop them in the comments.
Old public spicy audios on sound gasm (link in pinned post). 2 Exclusive spicy audios on Patreon every month. I also stream on Twitch every week @ dervampireprince . [minors + ageless blogs dni. this blog is for 18+ only.] [do not repost/reupload/edit any of my content]
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imgaine-it-all · 8 months
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Jack: Ah I don't think adoption works that way Old Man Winter: Hogwash! You have ice powers I have ice powers, it makes sense. You're my grandson now, that's it.
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fandomnerd9602 · 2 years
Jackie Frost slinks into bed, kissing Y/N on the neck…
Y/N: Jackie? Baby?
Jackie: shh…go back to sleep, baby
Y/N: you’re colder than usual
Jackie: mmm hmm and I was hoping you’d warm me up.
Y/N pulls her close and snuggles her…
Jackie giggles as she buries her face in Y/N’s chest…
Jackie: thank you
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Art by seoji
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rorynn · 1 year
I'm so sorry I wasn't active I was doing something. Drawing some shit like this. I even made my sketchbook a bit chunky. (I'm using gramarly cuz English is my second language)
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The first is Monkey Y/n, who is a half-human and half-monkey demon. And like she is a witch. I like thinking something about witches. THEY ARE MY SECOND FAVORITE MONSTERS. Like she used to be friends with Six-eared Macaque. Macaque was a pre-teen (9-11) and Y/n is in her early teens (13-14). Later as adults, they started a relationship. Y/n is a chill and confused gf while Macaque is like flirty and crazy in love. Everything changed when Y/n back from a mission while being away for like half a year until she heard that Macaque was killed by the hands of Monkey King. It outrages her and wanted to get her revenge on Wukong but realized her neckless wasn't with Macaque anymore. It was odd. You thought Monkey King stole it but you managed to find it it was covered in dirt and broken. It almost looks like it wasn't needed. Then there was a realization and breakdown then y/N promised to fall in love again or get tricked and yadayadayadayada she diseppierd for centuries. Then they met again
2. Then for the next hundred years, they meet again AND Macaque thinks Y/n will come back to him but nahh "Do you really think I the great Witch of Abomination? Think again" Then shoves the neckless she gave him when they were young adults.
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3. In the Lego Monkie kid universe ( It's how I designed Macaque I mean people say drawing a character 'in my style' so yee) AS it is written on small papers what happens in different universes. So in the Lego Monkie kid universe Y/n just kicks him away because she has a job to do and doesn't want anyone to mess it up. While in my universe Y/n tries to kill him. Macaque has to die again. But he can't stop falling in love even more while Y/n fell out of love. She moved on and already has 3 kids. well, 2 are Macaques and y/ns while her youngest is fully human but has powers like Discord from mlp.
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4. Okey so the woman that is standing next to Monkey Y/n is me as a Celestial guard or something. Monkey y/n needed help for something so she went for some help. Then I the Celstal guard would gladly helped.
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5. I made myself as a Spider-woman. But like it says on icecream Chopstick. A mutated. This is very short so like there was a spider that had a mutated venom on her fat bunda. How I was bit well....I was filling my water bottle and I didn't see a spider inside so I drank it and bam I was kicked out of my home and became a vigilant Spider-woman, I have 16 eyes, I can spill my venom when I bit someone and forgot my toxic family, my school. my old life..... And 1 year later a Spider sociality came to invite me but I refused cuz.. Why should I mean they have a thousand spider people on it why do they need another one???? I refused multiple times.. heck they even tried to force me but I made it again very clear I will not join. So they stopped bugging me until an Indian Spider-man give me some weird tech bracelet and said to keep it if I in case need their help. Then this boy named Miles Morales came into your universe and said this was whole a misunderstanding that he came from the wrong universe and that he needs to go back to his universe to save his dad but he is being chased by multiple spider-people who is leading them is Miguel O'hara. Ahh that annoying bitchy grumpy man with a problem temperature. Then he explained that he is also being chased by a powler-version of himself. And I explain powler-version of himself is also the enemy I'm trying to put him in jail and also my sister's best friend. He was shocked. But I had no time to explain so I told him to stay at my place. I MADE HIM A BUREK S MESOM AND HE LOVED IT. Then he said that he will never be able to save his dad the one I wrote on a pic was a mistake. So i told him to not worry about them.
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6. This is like a small doodle of me, Lilith from Hazbin Hotel, and Monkey witch y/n who sleeps naked alone. The reason why she sleeps naked it's because it itchy for her to sleep with pj's and sweets a lot which causes the bed to get wet and she stinks a lot and hates to take a shower twice a day. She only does it alone- when Y/n started to have a relationship with Macaque she was embarrassed to ask Macaque if she could sleep with no clothes on nothing sexual it is normal for monkeys to be naked which of course Macaque notices that and tells her that it won't bother him after all a lot of tribe monkeys sleep naked or be naked. It is actually common for monkeys to be naked :)
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7. This is actually funny to me. I made an Eagle Y/n a very long ago I wanted to draw more of her with Golden Winged Peng From Lego Monkey Kid she is also a sister figure of a Macaque. I was listening to 'Ayesha Erotica - 9 am in Calabasas where there is a scenario where he talks about starting to fall in love with Eagle Y/n and yadadada not gonna make it longer and you guys probably that one trend on TikTok lalalalala ˛& okokokokok, yeah they are both okokokokok. Don't ask me why It's my opinion cuz they both are listening to each other.
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And here is a little note for everyone to see better. I was even going to make Y/n shorter before I searched about eagles' height. What I was mostly curious about is the height and the types of eagles are called. Y/n is a golden eagle. MEANING he can sit on her lap whenever he can I even searched about Peng's origin in Buddhism. Mostly wiki. Also, Y/n has leopard-like teeth and it looks something like this:
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8. And another Y/n Oc from Rise of the Guardians as Halloween spirit. A love interest for Easter Bunnymund. Yes, it is from a headcanon on Tumblr and l read it and loved it. The reason why I designed it like this is that I tried to find some clothes for her like:
-a witch hat and has a goth neckless,
-a Vampire cape,
-a stone candy that it's attached on her neckless,
-she has clown makeup on her face exept her lips,
-bones painted on her body,
-has a crow mask behind her back,
-witch reaped dress,
-wolf form
!and fun /sad facts about the Halloween spirit!:
After Halloween, Y/N'ween typically takes a walk in a dark forest and disappears.
When there is a child or a teen that is too scared of going alone to get jumpscares, Y/N'ween will make it less scary and leaves lollipops to feel better.
if selfish parent/s would force their child/ren to steal candies from others. Y/N'ween would give them a thousand of jumpscares till they learn a lesson.
Y/N'ween is actually shy but when you get to meet her she is really outgoing.
Hates it when she is called 'puppy'. mostly from Jack
has ADHD
has a mark that one of the Toothiana's fairies had pinched her thinking Y/n'ween was a threat.
she uses withes magical mop to fly.
Y/n'ween is being misgendered due to her muscular arms and makeup, which happens a lot.
at a Halloween a kid was being laughed at for being a scared cat which angered the teen, this teen started throwing rocks at them then the kids did the same thing to her but a boy threw a rock on her head. It knocked her out and her head started bleeding. The kids were scared and ran off leaving her dying. When Y/n'ween smelled blood she rushed to s find where the blood was coming from and hoping she wasn't too late...
unfortunately she was late....but the moon chose the kid to become her left hand as to help Y/n'ween with celebrating Halloween.
All Y/n designs are free to use EXCEPT!
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m-musings · 10 months
Hii, so excited to find someone who writes for Jack Frost! Could you possibly write some headcanons for him with a s/o that's a fairy that cares for the forest. They are easily flustered by his charms despite how far in denial they are about it...
A/N: love me some good ol' frosty boy headcanons lol hope you like these! :)
Word Count:635 Warnings: none, all fluff
Headcanons: Jack Frost X Forest Fairy! Reader
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Jack has been flirty with you since the very first moment he saw you.
He had been flying through the countryside to give a nearby town one final snow day for the year when from the corner of his eye, he saw you entering the treeline in a soft green outfit.
Being the curious guy he is, he decided to follow you, just to see what you were doing alone in the wild.
When he found you, you were growing some new spring flowers on the forest floor and after he had introduced himself, he seized the opportunity to use a flower themed picked up line.
And while it was kind of a dumb line, it still made a few butterflies erupt in your stomach.
That’s where your friendship (and mutual crush) began!
Once you get more comfortable in each other's presence, Jack will take every chance he gets to spend time with you.
He’ll try and help you with things around the forest or even help you relax if you’ve been working a little too hard.
In his typical fashion, Jack will lay on the charm and banter 100x’s more than usual just to see you try and hide the bashful expression on your face
You try your best not to be affected, but with how smooth he is, you almost always end up swooning as he flirts his way further into your heart.
Jack is enamored with every little thing you do and isn’t afraid to tell you exactly how he feels. He’ll even use his powers to create things for you as a way to show his affection and ask you to be his significant other.
And while you may feel the same way, you refuse to give in to his advances that easily. After all, You’re very busy and won’t let your fondness for him get in the way of your responsibilities to the woods.
Even so, you will also give him small plants and flowers with a subtle smile etched on your face as you thank him.
There are times when Jack will invite you to North’s workshop so that you can meet the Guardians and tell them about all of your experiences while taking care of the woods (and so that he can show you off to Bunny).
It’s important to him that you are always comfortable with and around him so if he feels like he’s overstepping any boundaries with you, he’ll take a step back and give you any space you may need.
But, If you or the forest are ever in any kind of danger, he will gather up the others as quickly as he can and rush over to help you beat whatever villain was threatening you. 
In the moments after, his only thought would be making sure that you’re safe and will frantically scan over your body to make sure you got through unscathed.
Seeing the normally joyful winter spirit so distraught over a simple nature fairy like you fills you with a need to break away from your typical hesitancy, so to calm him down, you’d carefully place your palm against his pale face and redirect his gaze to yours.
When he feels your gentle touch and finally makes eye contact with you, Jack’s panicky breathing would begin to even out with a relieved sigh as he realizes that you’re okay.
He’d give you a soft smile and gingerly pull you into his chest for a chilly but still somehow warm hug, which you end up accepting even if you still deny just how much you actually care for the snowy spirit man.
He would playfully tease you about loving him the next time he comes to see you and notice that this time, you aren’t as quick to shut down the idea.
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cutiepieloves131 · 2 years
Imagine: Meeting Baby Tooth, and she quickly takes a liking to you...
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westwindy1 · 11 months
The 'Jack Frost rides the Light Fury' take is kind of old, please just give me a Jack Frost with the Flightmare or a very human Jackson Overland teaching his sister how to fly on a Timberjack over the East Coast
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zafirosreverie · 2 years
The night I met you (Sandy x Reader)
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a/n: I have no idea where I’m going with this, but, enjoy, I guess
He smiled as he waved goodbye to one of Toothiana's little fairies, following the little colorful speck with his eyes until it was lost in the night sky. It wasn't uncommon for him to run into some fairies while delivering dreams, of all the guardians, he and Tooth were the closest. He appreciated that, it made him feel less alone.
Not that he complained, he had a good life here on earth. He liked to give children dreams, protect them, and watch over them, it was a noble purpose and he adored it. But there were nights when the children's wishes became too loud, awakening in him an ancient longing, from a past life.
He knew that he would never pilot a star again, that he would never again see space, the constellations, or his pilot brothers, and that he was trapped here until his light was extinguished. And he was fine with that, he...he swore he was.
Until the emptiness in his chest got too big and then he would have to admit that maybe he wasn't quite right. He would never give up his job as the Sandman, but he did wish he wasn’t so alone.
His fellow guardians were all friendly and just as proud of their jobs as he was, but they were always busy and he never seemed to get to see them unless there was an emergency threatening the children, and he knew those times weren't the best for a kind conversation.
The moon was good company on his darkest nights, he could always feel Manny's comforting presence wherever he went, but the Lunar Tzar was quiet, preferring to watch than talk, and although Sandy appreciated the company of the moonlight, it was not the same.
A tug on his left hand snapped him out of his thoughts, reminding him that his work wasn't done yet. The man frowned slightly as he felt a particularly faint thread of dreams. Someone was not in bed.
He rolled his eyes affectionately and directed his cloud toward the city, following the thinning thread of his dreamsand. It wasn't unusual for a child to stay up late, either out of rebellion or distraction, but it was nothing he couldn't fix.
However, there was a strange feeling in his chest as he approached one particular window. It felt like…like something else was pulling at him, not just his sand. For a moment, his heart skipped a beat, wondering if he wasn't walking into some trap. No one had seen Pitch in ages, but that didn't mean they should let their guard down.
The golden guardian stopped a few feet from the window as the sensation grew more intense. He didn't even have time to react when the thread of sand that led him there suddenly increased its size. The dreamsand flowed freely like a waterfall, strong and imposing, and Sandy didn't know what was happening. He hadn't done that.
Reassured that he couldn't be Pitch, since the sand was still golden and shiny, the little man poked his head out the window curiously. The room he saw was normal, with cute decorations, drawings on the walls, toys piled up in the corner, and a small table with crayons left carelessly on it. An ordinary children's room.
He carefully opened the window and slipped inside, feeling even more confused. There was nothing there that apparently had the power to control his sand without his consent. Sandy floated over to your bed, smiling at seeing you so soundly asleep. You looked happy, peaceful, and relaxed, even though the dream above your head didn't really have a fixed shape.
That caught his attention. Usually, he would be able to understand what children's dreams meant, he had created them after all, but…you didn't seem to be dreaming anything in particular. Carefully, he brushed his fingers across the swirling sand above you, trying to help you form a concrete image.
But as soon as the hints of a horse began to form, the dream changed again, this time to a dolphin, then a stingray, an elephant, and finally an owl, before returning to just a tangle of sand. Funny, he hadn't done that either.
Not being able to understand why his sand was behaving so strangely, Sandy lowered her gaze back to your face, you were still calm and sound asleep. However, it was your hands that amazed him.
Your fingers moved almost of their own volition, despite being asleep, and his golden sand moved between them. The older guard froze as the feeling in his chest came back stronger and then he understood. It was you who had been changing the dreams, calling the dreamsand.
You were controlling it.
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