#rise of the weirdos
skelenova · 1 year
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they are brothers ur honor
inspired by those storyboards where their markings are more elaborate w their ninpo active
do not repost 💖
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dragonjadearts · 2 months
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Cain the Emperor
click for better quality
if you like it, PLEASE REBLOG IT
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us at konig
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He's aware it looks silly to anybody who may catch you in such a position (and god help them if they do, könig is a man who values his privacy and that of his partner. being spies on is not something he would take lightly to) but he loves it. The first time it happened he already had you in his arms before you shook your head and began to shift, wriggling out of his grasp to crawl over him before settling back under the covers behind him. One leg thrown over his hip and arms around the small (if you could even call it that) of his waist.
"you always get to be the big spoon." your voice curled in his ear where your head was tucked into the crook of his neck. "it's my turn now."
he would never complain about such a thing
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bambiraptorx · 1 year
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I'm debating a chapter in Minor Interference of Draxum introducing Donnie to the wider yokai culture (like showing him a college or something) and. yeah
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I think people should really remember that beyond all the angst and the trauma and the mental illness.... Sunny is an inherently goofy, incredibly silly guy who loves his friends more than life itself. EVERYTHING in headspace was made from his imagination. That doesn't just mean the scary parts or the super cool symbolic parts. It also means the shenanigans in sprout mole village and the elaborate sweetheart shipfics and pluto and whatever the hell is up with rain town and the Hector saga. This guy is basically making a fucked up earthbound mod and it's awesome. Strange little art kid.
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eerna · 7 months
The Oleander Sword is so good. literally feeling like kicking my feet and giggling rn. what happened to Tasha Suri in that year between book 1 and book 2
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rewrite-canon · 8 months
white authors who love to write about oppression they have never experienced themselves are dropping like FLEAS rn
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kettle-bird · 2 years
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Everyone's favorite Mutant Ninja Turtle teens!
(Individual closeups under the cut :] )
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nyaskitten · 2 months
My notifs have been exploding everyone's been coming to me like "I finally see what you see in this man" 😭😭😭😭😭 I CAN'T EVEN THIS IS THE MOST UNSERIOUS SITUATION I'M IN EVER!!!
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auggiedrawsturts · 1 year
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Younger siblings doing younger sibling things (they were supposed to go to sleep six hours ago)
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strawberrybuddi · 3 months
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It feels like I haven't been drawing for years, y'all...
It's nice to doodle a little.
The freckled "Raph" is Beethoven, a clone of Raph from my fanfic. It's not supposed to be a secret from the audience, but I think that's one of the things I dropped the ball with.
Edit: the cuts are NOT working for me for some reason so I guess I gotta suck it up and accept my own self promo.
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skelenova · 1 year
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I know mirrors are the Puppy Dog Dragon Breed, but consider
The realisation I made today
If you look at the weird face dimples of a texel sheep long enough, they just look like chunky mirrors
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Damn shame it doesn't really show on badgerface variety
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bettertwin1 · 7 months
Do it. Embrace the weirdness.
Also you are a literal mutant turtle, I doubt it can be that weird
But it's not weird it's like 😭😭 culture??? That they think is weird 😭😭😭
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tequiilasunriise · 2 years
If Netflix wasn’t a coward we could’ve had Wenclair at the Rave’N where Enid matches Wednesday’s chaotically graceful energy during her absolutely iconic dance (compared to Tyler who barely danced at all). Miss Sinclair would’ve stood stunned and reverently staring at her favorite goth in the whole world before busting it down with a mix and match and mash of her favorite KPOP dances while Wednesday flaunts those 80s goth inspired moves. Cmon fanfic writers, lemme see Enid shimmying about while hitting that heart-bite aegyo as Wednesday does her thing. Enid with this HUGE absolutely beaming smile on her face as she throws in some TikTok moves contrasting Wednesday’s stoic expression during in her disjointed yet fluid dance moves!! Enid throwing her head back to joyously laugh as she dances and this makes the corner of Wednesday’s mouth lift just the tiniest bit to crack the world’s smallest smile!!! They’re just so focused on each other the world melts away around them and this would’ve easily made them the complete stars of the Rave’N with everyone watching them in “I know what you are” awE LIKE CMON NETFLIX YOU COWARDS‼️‼️‼️
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gratefulcheeses · 2 years
Local turtles plan out completely useless plan they’re never going to execute, more at 10
(This comic was inspired by a conversation I had with @gordonzola-ramen upon sending him the original Quora post and it was so in character for these two that I just HAD to draw it. Full version is under the cut cause I didn’t wanna clog anyone’s feed)
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