#river Phoenix blog
astroa3h · 4 months
Natal Aspect: Sun Square Moon (The Emotional Acrobat)
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You're navigating a tricky tightrope where your emotions and ego are in constant tension. This balancing act often spills over into your relationships, stirring up conflicts. It's like your emotions have a mind of their own, sometimes pulling you back or making you feel unsure of yourself. This emotional turbulence can make it challenging for you to grow and find stability within your every day life.
In the realm of romance, this tension becomes even more pronounced. Understanding your partner, truly grasping what they feel and need, can feel like trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces. It's not that you don't care; rather, it's that your own inner turmoil can cloud your ability to see things from their perspective. This disconnect might leave you feeling frustrated and may perplex your partner, who might struggle to understand why you're not on the same emotional page.
Celebrity Example: River Phoenix
xox astro ash ✨ Get your own Natal Chart Reading @ astroash.net
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fandomaddict505 · 5 months
Okay its official i am gonna live blog, consider the Charley post the first one
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How???? Do you???? Keep doing that?????????
This is like the third time something shouldve killed Phoenix and he got out of it with barely a scratch! That we know of! There has to be some sort of magic or spirit stuff or something protecting him, right!?!?
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mcpirita · 6 months
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Keanu Reeves is buying a Christmas tree (24th December 2010)
Keanu Reeves was abandoned by his father at 3 years old and grew up with 3 different stepfathers. He is dyslexic. His dream of becoming a hockey player was shattered by a serious accident. His daughter died at birth. His wife died in a car accident. His best friend, River Phoenix, died of an overdose. His sister battled leukemia.⁣ No bodyguards, no luxury houses. Keanu Keanu lives in an ordinary apartment and likes wandering around town and often seen riding a subway in NYC.⁣⁣ When he was filming the movie “The Lake House,” he overheard the conversation of two costume assistants, one crying as he would lose his house if he did not pay $20,000 - On the same day, Keanu deposited the necessary amount in his bank account. In his career, he has donated large sums to hospitals including $75 million of his earnings from “The Matrix” to charities.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ In 2010, on his birthday, Keanu walked into a bakery & bought a brioche with a single candle, ate it in front of the bakery, and offered coffee to people who stopped to talk to him.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ In 1997 some paparazzi found him walking one morning in the company of a homeless man in Los Angeles, listening to him and sharing his life for a few hours.⁣⁣ ⁣ In life, sometimes the ones most broken from inside are the ones most willing to help others. This man could buy everything, and instead, every day, he gets up and chooses one thing that cannot be bought: to be real. ⁣⁣ ⁣ Keanu Reeves, The One
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theuniversalscat · 10 months
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Today would’ve been River’s 53rd birthday. It still is, actually. He seemed really kind. Not only was he a phenomenal, extremely brave and vulnerable actor, he also loved animals, and kids. He stood up for women and minorities, and loved music. He had a band, sang, and played guitar.
I have a lot in common with the person he showed up as when he was here on earth. It’s great to know that once you make your mark energetically, the impact is there for others to follow suit if they resonate with it too. I think that’s why a lot of people felt his physical loss when he passed. He was a really impactful person at such a young age.
But we didn’t lose him. He’s still here every time we focus on him. It’s the same for all of the people who are no longer in the physical. Energy is never destroyed, it only changes form (1st law of thermodynamics), so we still exist but in a different, more balanced energetic way. The fact is, River is among us still. He’s only a thought away…
Happy birthday, River. 🎉👏💖
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elitheaceofalltrades · 7 months
"Run to the rescue with love and peace will follow" - River Phoenix
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ominousposting · 1 year
i think phoenix struggles with self harm
its one of the things that them and rain sort of bonded about when they first met. they both have a history of it and both had relapsed recently before meeting each other. both of them find it sort of comforting to know that someone else is going through the same thoughts and feelings they are.
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albertayebisackey · 1 year
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Friday 26th May 2023 - Music is a whole oasis in my head. The creation process is so personal and fulfilling.- River Phoenix
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bl00d-bunny · 2 years
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it's possible to miss someone you never met. i learnt that many years ago when i met river, though we met lifetimes apart he made me who i am today. he taught me kindness, love, and compassion. he taught me that we are all just flesh and blood, and for that, i could never repay him. we never met in this lifetime but maybe in another because i miss him every day. all i can do is carry what he taught me, honour him every day, and make river proud.
happy heavenly birthday river. i’ll love you forever and always
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64637ggf · 2 years
Favourite Movie
Stand By Me (1986)
Directed by Rob Reiner
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Stand by me was one of my first conscious movie experiences. I really enjoyed watching it when I was a kid, but the great thing is that I enjoy it now, too, about 8 or 9 years later.
Like a lot of King’s books it centers around children, a group of young boys. This is one of Stephen King’s few stories, that is not supernatural in any way. It simply is the story of 4 preteen-boys having a stupid idea and acting on it. The soundtrack, the perverted jokes boys of this age crack, the acting, everything seems right.
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inglourious-imagines · 10 months
practically begging for some george luz w/ enemies to lovers. everyone always writes amazing friends to lovers but there’s sm potential w e2l !!! love ur writing btw xx
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Jokes on You (George Luz x Fem!Reader)
Requested by: anon
Summary: George Luz is a funny guy, there is absolutely no denying that. He likes making jokes, and he likes it even more when people laugh at them. So what happens when there comes a person who makes just as good jokes as George? Or maybe even better? Some enemies to lovers for y’all.
Taglist: @alienoresimagines @teenmagazines @meteora-fc @eugenesmorphine @band-of-brothers-cz @real-fans @not-john-watsons-blog @tealaquinn @ok-roemanov @mrseasycompany @punkgeekchic @wexhappyxfew @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @rayofshanshine @mavysnavy @easynix @georgeluzwarmhugs @easy-company-tradition @immrsronaldspeirs @snafus-peckuh @curraheewestandalone @warrior-healer @justamadgirlinabox @happyveday @order-of-river-phoenix @whoahersheybars @nixoninc
Warnings: like two swear words, angst in the form of Bastogne
A/N: I so suck at endings.
Cracking jokes and making people laugh is George’s thing and his only, that’s how it’s always been. He is the funny guy in the group, that’s how he likes to define himself, the funny one. But to define is to limit and George has made the mistake of limiting himself to clinging to one particular personality trait, humour.
And then Y/N came along; about four months into the boot camp Y/N got reassigned from Dog Company to Easy Company for reasons no one knew, except for Lewis Nixon perhaps. George did not start hating her per say right from the moment he met her, but ever since she beat him to the joke when watching his favourite movie he’s strongly despised her. From then on, the feelings only got stronger; she’s always making the whole Company laugh, some of the jokes even on his account which George does not like one bit, hell she even managed to make Blithe chuckle that one day after D-Day.
Y/N had no idea what she triggered by her naturally jokester nature until she had to face a very pissed off George after she blabbed some joke about some actress and then a very pissed off George is the only kind of George she has had the privilege of meeting. The woman has pondered greatly about what she could have possibly done to anger the man so, but nothing came to mind and she soon gave up. George continued and stubbornly continues to be rude to her so she should only repay his “kindness”.
After Carentan, the word of Operation Market Garden is in the air and the Allies are particularly optimistic. Easy is in the pub, celebrating its successes in the war, while some reinforcements are trying to mingle. Y/N is watching it all from behind, the old breed not wanting to socialize with the newbies at all and sometimes the situations can get truly hilarious.
Somehow, in a few minutes, she finds herself behind a table with Luz, Malarkey, Muck and other three reinforcements who are just drinking up George’s story about his valour in Normandy. Her lips itch upwards from now and then, George’s drunkenness making it all the more amusing. Y/N can tell the new guys are impressed and somewhat terrified as well and one of them puts a pin on it when he asks Luz, “And what rank are you?”
The table sits in silence for a moment, for absolutely no one expected such question, not even the other reinforcements, then Malarkey and Muck burst out laughing, almost tipping over their beers.
Y/N chuckles, reaches over, and pats the guy’s arm. “Oh c’mon, it is Private!”
That absolutely finishes off Don and Skip, Skip eventually falls off his chair, the reinforcements are now laughing too; the mood slightly more friendly and at ease than before. Not for everyone though.
George is red to his ears, as he frowns. “The joke wasn’t that good. And it’s not even true.”
Donald is hiccupping now but manages to answer, “A- a bit c- corny, yes, but f-fucking b-brilliant.”
At this point the Company is divided into two parts only, one part bets on the two of them killing each other and the other parts bets on them fucking; which it will be is truly in the stars for George and Y/N are face to face again, both of them red in the cheeks from all the anger, both of them shouting some incoherent insults, and as Penkala has put it, “See? Honestly I can really see both happening. They will either kill each other or fuck, there is absolutely nothing in between.”
But then Market Garden happens, an underestimated operation, that leaves behind too many dead than it should and when all of Easy is boarded on trucks, retreating, the company is two people short.
Bull Randleman and Y/N Y/L/N.
The officers discuss what can be done, and despite all of the men wanting to go and save the two of the best soldiers in the company, they know they can’t. And exactly that is making George Luz lose his mind. He can’t really understand why he is so restless, anxious, and downright terrified throughout the whole night; he tosses and turns, he is not able to bring himself to close his eyes.
But then in the morning he sees Y/N on the jeep next to Bull and suddenly he feels like he could fly and go to Berlin and kill Hitler, just so he could see the carefree smile on her face.
It clicks in him just then, and Malarkey pats his shoulder. “So, you’ve finally figured it out, huh?”
George turns to him, confused. “What?”
Malarkey laughs, shaking his head, and says, “Don’t play dumb with me, you idiot, I saw it just now.”
As much as George would like to answer his friend, he truly has no idea what he is talking about, and when that dawns on Donald, he offers George a sympathetic smile.
“Okay, let me put your thoughts to words, ‘cause you’re such an oblivious idiot that you probably wouldn’t figure it out by the time this motherfucking war is over,” Malarkey continues, “you don’t hate her, do you, not really.”
It is not even a question, more of a statement, and George really wants to protest, more than anything, because it is ridiculous, right?
The plan to be home by Christmas isn’t really working out for the Allies but the soldiers of Easy Company have already forgotten about those false hopes, they aren’t the ones to be bothered with when you freeze your ass off in a foxhole in the middle of a forest where the trees blow up every now and then and the place becomes a tornado.
Y/N shares a foxhole with Muck and Penkala, the trio trying to lighten up their gloomy moods with laughter. But even Y/N is running out of jokes now, so when doc Roe runs up to them, asking for scissors, she’s more than happy to go look for them with him too, the need to stretch her stiff and frozen body overpowering her whole self.
She’s just a couple of meters away from her foxhole when another German artillery attack comes and the whole forest becomes a hurricane of explosions, splinters, and blood. The soldier throws herself to the ground, crawling her way, slowly, back to her foxhole, Muck and Penkala shouting something at her she can’t hear, encouraging her to hurry up.
Dirt is everywhere, she barely can see, she covers her ears and head with her hands as another hit comes; she continues right after the explosion, crawling, crawling, crawling.
Muck and Penkala are still shouting at her, she is getting closer; Y/N can hear another artillery attack coming but this time she doesn’t stop proceeding, she knows she has to get into the foxhole soon, so she keeps on pushing.
The explosion comes. Everything goes white for a moment. The pressure wave makes her stop moving, and she is forced to close her eyes and cover her head with her hands.
She opens her eyes. There is nothing.
Seconds ago, there were two people, now there is nothing, nothing left, not a single trace that there have ever human beings stood.
Y/N can’t bring herself to move, she stares blankly into the space before her, her limbs are stiff. But then some arms grab her body, she can hear someone shouting at her.
3 seconds. That’s all it takes her to get back. She holds on to George’s arms as they run together to another foxhole, jumping right in. He immediately brings her into his body, she wraps her arms around his torso instinctively, holding onto him so tight, her head resting on his chest. George shields her body from everything outside and when the bombing finally stops, they don’t let go of each other for another few moments.
It isn’t until a few years after the war and they are married to each other, when they finally talk about what happened that day in the forest of Bois Jacques, not a day sooner. Ever since then, their relationship has been changed, both very much aware of it, neither of them brave enough to bring it up just yet.
It is in Haguenau, where they finally share a conversation. George finds her on her own, behind some building, hiding behind some sacks, looking at the river. He throws a Hershey bar into her lap and when she looks up in confusion, he offers her a warm tired smile.
“What did I do to deserve the affection of the one and only George Luz?” she tries to crack up a joke and chuckles, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. George knows Y/N is exhausted beyond words.
He sits down next to her, as he opens his mouth to say something, but he rethinks it in the last second and nothing comes out. They sit out there for a few minutes, sharing the silence and strangely enough, it feels nice. George finally does not feel the need to talk all the time, the need to prove himself funny or worthy of other people’s attention.
“Have you ever been to Rhode Island?” he suddenly blurts out, surprising himself and her at the choice of the question.
Y/N smiles, doesn’t ask why or what. “No, never.”
“Then come with me.”
This time she asks what.
“After the war I mean, come home after the war with me.”
“But- but, you-“ she stutters, her cheeks slightly red, “but you hate me.”
George chuckles at that and looks at her. She has bags under her eyes that are a bit bloodshot (she hasn’t slept much in the last few days), her hair is dirty from dirt and sweat, her face has several scratches and marks, his eyes finds the most visible one just below her left cheekbone (he recalls that day in Carentan when a piece of shrapnel hit her and the wound looked way worse then it actually was for she had blood all over her left side of face, freaking out silently has never been so hard – he hadn’t known at that time what will come). He has never seen anything to maddeningly and purely beautiful as her.
“I thought I did, a very long time ago,” he says, “but actually I never did. I don’t hate you. How could I?”
Y/N looks at him and through all the pain, horror, and grief, she feels peace. It surprises her.
And so she responds, “Okay.”
“Okay what?”
“Okay, I will come home with you. How could I not?”
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chaotic-banana-fish · 11 months
(I already posted this in my main account but thought it was a good idea to repost it here to get the blog going + it has some additions)
I love the possible significance of Ash's different names. He's named Aslan, which means dawn, by his mother, as a symbol for a bright and beautiful beginning, but then he changes it to Ash, which evokes images of death and endings. In the dawn the light is beautiful and soft, while Ash implies burning, perhaps even the burning of oneself.
When Ash reveals his name to be Aslan to Eiji along with its meaning he allows him to see that part of himself as well as allows himself to be that person for a while. With Eiji he doesn't need to burn or destroy, he can be a dawn, which is in a way a sort of rebirth. It's therefore, also symbolic that so many scenes between them occur at dawn or the sunset, as that's what Ash embodies when he's with him, like Max says "just a boy of 17 years". As he lets his guard down around Eiji and calls himself Aslan, he rises from the Ashes of his name like a Phoenix. I like to think this was also somewhat intentional given that his character was based on River *Phoenix*.
I also feel like this really ties into the symbolism of fire in banana fish as well, which in different instances serves as a medium for both destruction and rebirth. For example, Ash uses fire to burn Shorter's body along with the laboratory, and it also appears as a haunting image in the opening, with Ash staring directly into it. Fire however, is also what rids Ash of his past, as Max burns all photographs and evidence of it. His name is just like that as well, Ash implies destruction, yet also rebirth as a phoenix that can rise from the Ashes, perhaps also showcasing his capability for recovery, that despite what he might've thought he wasn't unsalvageable. This is also present in "RED" one of the outros, with the lyric "if I decide to burn (like ash) instead of fading out (like dawn)". Which once again shows the two sides of Ash and the way they're embodied in his names, as well as the idea that perhaps after all, he did have a choice, unlike the leopard from the story he tells Eiji. (Conversation which I may add, happens at dawn.)
Finally, in Garden of Light, Eiji puts up a picture of him in a gallery (it's one of him sat at the window, calm) and titles it "Dawn". Obviously this reflects the actual background of the picture, as well as his name in a subtle way. But with it he's also choosing to remember Ash for his gentleness and brightness rather than the burning violence his life ignited in him. Ash is remembered by who he really was, or rather who he should've been able to be. His real name however, Aslan, Eiji keeps for himself, a touch of light that only he'll ever know.
Aslan was a Dawn cut short, by a sun that came too soon, too cruel, now re-birthed and remembered, by the eyes that caught its light before it burned into Ash.
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iamafanofcartoons · 11 months
do you have any good positive rwby blogs that i can follow?
@citadelofmythoughts @tumblingxelian
@matt0044 (I love this dude so much)
@monkey-60-t (Sweetheart, this one!)
@yangfanbb (100% recommend)
@crimsonxe (bit gruff, but always supportive and a listener)
melonishus (was going to provide their link, but tumblr said I tagged enough people)
Tumblezwei (i completely forgot, PLEASE FOLLOW THEM)
These are definitely positive ones that I would recommend.
Type RWDE into a blog's search bar if you're not sure, block em if they're negative.
Its tedious, filtering your feed, but the resulting decrease in negativity is worth it.
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myemuisemo · 4 months
"On the Great Alkali Plain" part 2, from Letters from Watson, arrived in my inbox this morning, bringing with it a predictable cloud of dust from approaching horses (since this isn't a George R.R. Martin novel, so we're not going to introduce characters just to kill them off immediately).
But what a caravan! When the head of it had reached the base of the mountains, the rear was not yet visible on the horizon. Right across the enormous plain stretched the straggling array, waggons and carts, men on horseback, and men on foot. Innumerable women who staggered along under burdens, and children who toddled beside the waggons or peeped out from under the white coverings.
Either we're running late on the Oregon Trail (since Doyle did not have social media to live-blog progress across the dusty waste) or the year 1847 is important, and these are Mormons.
“Shall I go forward and see, Brother Stangerson,” asked one of the band.
These have got to be Mormons.
“Nigh upon ten thousand,” said one of the young men; “we are the persecuted children of God—the chosen of the Angel Merona.”
Tell me you're a Mormon without telling me you're a Mormon.
“We are the Mormons,” answered his companions with one voice.
OMG, they're Mormons.
This makes the geographic names a little dicey -- the Mormon Trail ran through Wyoming, similar but not identical to today's I-80, so the Rio Grande River should be nowhere nearby -- but Doyle didn't have access to Google Maps, and it's not like his readers in the UK would go factcheck. Even with the Transcontinental Railroad completed back in 1869, most places in the Great American Desert were still remote in the 1880s, and California on the far end was still feeling the effects of isolation. Doyle also misspells the Angel Moroni and uses a masculine-ending name on a Sierra, so he's working from popular myth and the memory of things he's read. I wonder how many letters with corrections he received.
(At the time Doyle was writing, "Mormon" was the term used by the group themselves. Since about the 1980s, church leadership started urging the use of "Latter-Day Saints" instead. When I lived in Phoenix, that's near a big LDS population in Mesa, so I wince at using the older term. From here on out, if I'm quoting Doyle, I'll use "Mormon," but if I'm talking, I'll stick to LDS.)
The big reason the LDS wagon train is headed west is because they practiced polygamy at the time, and this was considered both illegal and immoral in larger U.S. society. (That's not a critique of polyamory today, when enthusiastic concept and clear rules are normalized.)
So far Doyle's account of the LDS party is generally positive -- they're organized, efficient, knowledgeable about their surroundings, prepared for danger, and responsible toward people needing rescue, if a bit holier-than-thou -- but I can't believe he's going to handle polygamy with anything other than distaste.
Polygamy is the thing LDS have been known for (to their chagrin after the mainstream LDS church banned it), so at the end of this section, Doyle's original audience is split into two groups:
Readers who have no real idea what a "Mormon" is and accept it as just one more crazy American thing, who now figure Lucy is rescued and wonder what goes wrong later to lead to murder; and
Readers who know about polygamy and are feeling dread for Lucy.
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mads-nixon · 7 months
hi! do you have any good the pacific blogs i can follow? i just finished watching the show but i mostly see band of brothers so i was wondering if there’s any blogs that have a lot of the pacific? thank you in advance!
Hi anon! i'm so glad you're joining the fandom! there are definitely more BoB writers out there, but there are plenty of writers for the Pacific! Here are a few that I know of!
@inglourious-imagines -> masterlist
@imaginesbymk -> masterlist
@ask-you-what-sir / @nonstoplover -> masterlist
@turn0nthemoon -> hoosier fic
@auroralightsthesky -> i couldn't find a masterlist on mary's page, but she has a TON of amazing pacific fics if you search them up by tags!
@floralfloyd -> masterlist
@softspeirs -> masterlist
@spotofimagines -> masterlist
@alienoresimagines -> masterlist
@order-of-river-phoenix -> masterlist
@ourmiraclealigner -> masterlist
@justthinkingofwaystoavoidbusses -> masterlist
@sscamanderr -> hoosier fic
@rossmccallsqueen -> masterlist
you can also find my masterlist here!
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please reblog and add more if you know of any!!
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wouteke · 2 months
Anyone also following my main and observing rivermania may wonder why i don't just get back into cycle blogging instead of watching a river phoenix movie every night but the answer is because if i see one image of mathieu van der poel i start frantically pacing the room and thats very much like a 10 hour investment.Theres no escape
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