#river song x clara oswald
capybaraonabicycle · 2 years
River: You don't expect a sunset to admire you back!
Clara: I do, actually.
River to the camera: She's the worst person I have ever met. I want to travel the universe with her.
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tonsillessscum · 4 months
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bethsvrse · 5 months
(some of my favourite wlw fanfics)
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late night confession - wanda maximoff by @lives-in-midgard
puppy love - robin buckley by @elliesmainhoe
glue - ellie williams by @whore-era
new in town - lydia martin by @heliads
make you mind this season - kate bishop by @hard-core-super-star
lady oswald - clara oswald by @lanawinterscigarettes
if I could fly - clara oswald by @wlw-imagines
I want you (bless my soul) - river song by @penguinwithitsarseonfire
trick or treat - maddy perez by @suzar
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props to all these writers, should definitely check them out :3
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grandadtwelve · 10 months
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thinking about them (kinda-immortal kinda-ex-companions-of-the-doctor polycule) again
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mainlysarcastic · 2 months
But can you imagine the chaos that would have ensued if River has met Missy and Clara???
I can’t even begin to comprehend the interactions they would have
All three of them in a room together? And 12 walks in and all three look t him and he just KNOWS he’s fucked
River already stole his TARDIS key so he can’t just run away from them
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gaylordlady · 24 days
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Doctor Who text posts Part 2
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wibblyowzah · 2 years
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Matt Smith at Middle East Film and Comic Con 2023
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khruschevshoe · 6 months
You know what? I'm gonna say it. As someone who is asexual and on the aromantic spectrum myself, I'm a bit tired of the Doctor Who fans who all say that Donna is the best companion of Ten's just because they were best friends and nothing more and that automatically makes her the best companion of RTD and for a lot of you, the best companion overall.
Listen, I LOVE Donna. Adore her. And I also think that her friendship with the Doctor is amazing. But it has always rubbed me the wrong way that the companions who have a romantic interest in the Doctor (and let me tell you, there is textual evidence for every one of them that the feelings were reciprocated in some way) are somehow considered lesser BECAUSE of that interest. That just because they fell for the Doctor means that their relationship with the Doctor is cheapened in some way.
I personally think that just as platonic relationships should not be considered lesser than romantic ones, the same goes in reverse. Amy, Clara, Martha, Rose, River, and Yaz's feelings may have some weak writing decisions attached to them, but so does Donna.
Personally, I love Donna's character arc/the tragedy of her ending, but I've always felt a little disappointed by the fact that her becoming the DoctorDonna in Journey's End was not predicated on her strong characterization/choices (Ala Planet of the Ood/Fires of Pompeii) but by "fate" pushing it to happen. It's honestly more Dalek Caan than Donna making all that happen.
This is NOT to say that I don't love Donna, but just to say that the fact that she had no romantic feelings for the Doctor doesn't automatically catapult her above the rest. Romantic feelings can lead to just as interesting, well-developed character arcs/complicated dynamics as platonic ones can, from the creator/created reciprocated question mark wanting but unable to choose each other over everything dynamic of 11amy to the fascinating destroying each other saving each other one taking all of the emotional toll but honestly craving that prophet-god relationship of 10martha to the shaping each other making each other kinder and braver reminding each other there is hope dooming and saving each other of 9rose to the full dooming each other but running straight at it full tilt because we are purposefully ignoring the turn back now signs of 10rose to the batshit insane codependent reflecting each other refracting each other who is Orpheus and who is Eurydice of 12clara to the there was always someone else in the room keeping us apart but you somehow became my whole world and I knew you from birth to death and we will never be anything more than a shut door of 13yaz to the you doomed me and saved me and you hate me but you might have loved me once and i will spend the rest of my life devoted to you dynamics of 10jack 11river and 12river.
Every relationship is interesting and personal preference might steer you in a certain way due the character arcs/ending preferences/etc., but elevating one over the other because the companion wasn't "foolish" enough to fall in love with the mad genderfluid alien in a box who ran away with you and stole you away to the stars doesn't sit well with me. Romance doesn't cheapen a relationship just as it doesn't automatically make it the ultimate relationship, either.
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deeneedsaname · 8 months
Doctor Who: Theater and Musical Headcanons
Ten cries to ‘Tomorrow’ from Annie every time, without fail. He refuses to listen to it at a certain point.
Eleven cries to it too, but he also loves it. He sees it often, but loves to see it especially with the Ponds, River, or, on one memorable occasions, Stormageddon on a babysitting stint.
Right before they passed, the Doctor managed to take each Queen into the future to watch Six the musical, so that they could see how they would be remembered and respected.
Nine’s favorite musical is Phantom of the Opera. He admits this to no one (Rose knows)
Most of the Doctors can remember lines in a play perfectly. Thirteen forgets her character’s name
Twelve auditioned for the role of Hamlet several times, in several countries, and got rejected every time. Clara thinks this is hilarious.
Twelve and Missy ran into each other at a Hamilton production three times. The first time they ignored each other, second time they sat together, and the third time they actually went together on purpose.
River’s favorite musical is Beauty and the Beast. The Doctor gets her a replica of the dress and watches it with her every year.
Twelve and Clara make it a mission to see every musical production on Broadway ever. They don’t complete it due to tears and exhaustion, but Twelve gets her autographs of anyone she wants anyway
Donna and Ten go to see Much Ado About Nothing. That was a weird day.
The Doctor loves The Nightmare before Christmas. Then he loses Donna and doesn’t watch it for a while. He watches it while trying food with a little Pond girl and it feels alright again. he watches it with that same red headed Pond and then he loses her too and decides he won’t watch that musical movie anymore.
Bill is SUCH a fun person to see musicals with, but she makes the doctor take nardole too, which drastically reduces his enjoyment. Ten tried to take Martha to a musical after she stopped traveling with him. She said no but took the tickets and saw it with Donna while the doctor had to sit and wait outside
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effervescentdragon · 2 months
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My audience is God, because who the hell else could understand me? Who else has been dead twice?
Or: In July, we turn sorrow to joy. Happy Birthday beloved @saecookie 🩷
sources, in more or less correct order:
poetry&prose quotes: Title from Margaret Atwood - Half-hanged Mary // Andrea Gibson -The Madness Vase // X // Richard Siken // Catherynne M. Valente - Deathless // sae's tags on an amyXrory post // Erin Hunter - The First Battle // Friedrich Nietzsche // Haruki Murakami - Dance Dance Dance // X // Rafael Alberti - Paradise Lost // Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back // Franz Wright - East Boston, 1996; Night Walk // Richard Siken // last quote unknown, i keep getting bible results
Doctor Who transcripts from episodes: 2x9 The Satan Pit // 1x13 The Parting of the Ways // 6x13 The Wedding of River Song // 4x9 Forest of the Dead // Christmas Special: The Husbands of River Song // 8x1 Deep Breath // 7x13 The Name of the Doctor // 50th Anniversary Special: The Day of the Doctor // 6x7 A Good Man Goes to War // 1x2 The End of the World // 11x1 The Woman Who Fell to Earth // 60th Anniversary Special: Wild Blue Yonder // 11x9 It Takes You Away // 60th Anniversary Special: The Giggle // Christmas Special: Twice Upon A Time // 50th Anniversary Special: The Time of the Doctor // 9x12 Hell Bent
all pictures taken from pinterest and from my screenshots.
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capybaraonabicycle · 2 years
Impossible Women
A theory or headcanon or call it a fic if you want - about what happened to the astronaut of Lake Silencio after the deed was done (yes, this is angsty; you were warned in the subtitle)
Halfway back into the lake River realises that the suit is about to shut down. It takes a while to grasp the full meaning of that as she is quite shaken up - having just shot the Doctor who is suddenly also her husband now in an alternative timeline because she broke time and maybe he isn't dead but who knows if that is actually true or she is halluzinating by now and she really needs a long sleep and time to think this all over - but then she realises that a) a shut down suit means her air will run out BUT b) it also means she will be able to move of her own accord again BUT c) the heavy suit will keep her at the bottom of the lake rendered useless and she has to get out asap if she wants to survive.
So she does just that, forces herself out of the suit by pure unbending Pond-Williams-willpower like she did as a child, uses her respiratory bypass to not choke in the meantime and swims up to the surface. She looks back to see whether older-her will shoot at her again but everybody on shore is too busy mourning the Doctor to notice her. She knows it will not stay that way. They will hunt her - whoever 'they' are, be it the Silence, the time agents, or the Judoon - sooner rather than later. She has just killed the Doctor, at least that is what the universe has to believe. She cannot go back to Luna, they would imprison her immediately. She can't go anywhere. And yes, she realises that she probably has to go to prison to completely sell the lie, to save her Doctor. But by hell will she not go willingly. She will run, as far and as fast as she can.
She sets out to swim to shore and start on the running, when out of nowhere a hand appears, almost punching her in the face. It belongs to a young, brunette woman with impossibly large eyes and is reached out as if to help her.
"Grab on" the woman whispers and River does what any confused, sapphic woman would do in this situation: she takes the hand. As soon as she does, the background behind the woman wobbles and twists like a curtain is pulled back and then River can see a diner swimming on the lake, the woman kneeling in the entrance door.
"This will not be huge on dignity" the woman warns, attempting to pull River into the diner.
River, however, has gathered herself enough by now to wave her off and tell her to stay back. Then she heaves herself into the diner - rather gracefully if she says so herself. The other woman seems impressed and River lets her know it'll take more than some kidnapping, manipulating, time breaking and loss of her husband to render her incapable of handling herself and that she feels she is still more than able to defeat the other woman and any of her associates should they have come to take her to prison.
"We're friends of the Doctor's" the woman reassures her. "We know him in the future. I am Clara. Come along, I will introduce you to Ash."
The diner turns out to be a TARDIS and Ash - or Ashildr - turns out to be a rubbish pilot. The Doctor is nowhere to be seen but River understood on entering that this was not their TARDIS, so she didn't really expect him to.
"Where is the Doctor?" she asks once she has taken over from Ashildr and is flying them into the time vortex.
"We don't travel with him anymore" Clara says. She is eyeing River's maneuvers critically but doesn't complain. "But we knew him after his time with you."
"So he does have a future" River murmurs, hoping the two others don't notice her small sigh of relief.
"He does" Clara agrees. "You didn't shoot him back there. Only the teselecta."
River doesn't understand what they want from her then, why they have come for her. When she voices that, Clara smiles brightly.
"We just wanted to offer you a lift" she explains. "And ask you to stay with us. They will be looking for you all over the universe, in all time zones. You just killed the Doctor. Everyone everywhere and everywhen will be hunting for you. If you want to run, a TARDIS might come in handy."
"And nevertheless you want me on your team?" River asks, incredulous. Clara nods vigorously but Ashildr doesn't seem that taken with River. She is very quiet, keeping to the back. It seems like she is going along with this only for Clara's sake.
"As I said, we are friends of the Doctor's" Clara repeats. "And you're his wife. Of course we want to help you out. What do you say?"
River would never pass on the opportunity to travel in her own TARDIS with two badass women and she tells them so. The fact that she has no other place to go, either, hangs between them unspoken.
River enjoys travelling with Clara and Ashildr immediately. She does not like them at first but it is convenient and it is fun and definitely better than rotting away in prison.
She does not like Ashildr because Ashildr doesn't like anyone herself - except for Clara perhaps and she likes to show that. That makes it difficult to get closer to her. River doesn't mind, they can live together just as well without caring for another.
She does not like Clara because that woman is positively insane and annoyingly righteous in spite of it. It takes her about a day to understand that Clara is not the goody two-shoes bubbly princess she tries to present herself as and a few more to understand just how unhinged the woman is. And yet she has that annoying entitlement of a 'good person' complete with the stubborn insistence on telling people River has threatened with a gruesome deaths that River 'didn't mean it that way'. As if you would pronounce death threats to strangers without meaning them.
Clara is a very good kisser, though and River has to admit it is intriguing to see what madness she will come up with next. She assumes the feeling is mutual. They bicker and they fight and they aggressively make out after and about a month in, River is head over heels for her. She assumes that feeling is mutual as well.
What is surprising is how much Clara wants to talk about the Doctor, how often she asks her about him. Not just about their relationship or their time together. Even things as banal as how he performs certain mannerisms or how he takes his tea intrigue her. And she speaks of him solely in the past. It is almost as if she is talking about a fictional being, a mystical creature. As if she didn't know him at all. Sometimes River wonders whether they told her the truth and are really friends with the Doctor or whether this is some kind of weird, pointless charade.
"Do you want to know why she always asks about the Doctor?" Ashildr appears one night in her door, alone, wearing that same, just slightly detached expression she often sports. When River confirms, she leads her away to a room deep in the TARDIS.
It is a study, filled to the brim with manuscripts and paintings and drawings - many of the Doctor. It doesn't look much different to her office at Luna.
"This is her memory" Ashildr answers to River's silent question. "I used to have one, too, myself, at least I think I did. I can't be too certain."
"I don't understand" River admits.
"Clara is well over 200 now" Ashildr explains. "And I don't even know how old I am."
"Well, you're looking good" River tries to lighten the mood but of course it fails.
"Spare me the flirting" Ashildr huffs. "We are immortal but we have human brains. In Clara's case a dead human brain. We can't retain memory forever."
"So she tries to put it all down" River understands, running her hand over a painting of the Doctor. There is another man on the canvas next to him, older, gray curls, impressive eyebrows. She briefly wonders if he was another companion, she thinks she sees him on several of the drawings, too. "Catalogue him, study him. So she won't forget."
"You know why we picked you up that day?" Ashildr asks and River takes the question as silent confirmation. "We went to one of your tutorials for Professor Summerfield's lecture on the Doctor. When Clara found out such a study existed she immediately wanted to go. We snuck in, sat in the back. I think Clara just wanted to test her memory and find out mistakes in your approach. Feel like she still knew him better. Only halfway through she realised who you were."
River raises an eyebrow.
"Of course she knew you" Ashildr explains. "She met you, actually, there is a whole volume on you somewhere on that shelf over there. To be honest she is giving your hair too much credit in it, it is not that impressive."
"Must be in my future" River murmurs. "I don't remember meeting her before. Or you."
"Well, she didn't remember you either, had completely forgotten about you" Ashildr shrugs. "But when we were back in the TARDIS she pulled out that book and then we did some research. Found out the best possibility to pick you out of your time stream. So here we are."
"Clara sneakily employed me as a teacher on the Doctor under the guise of helping me escape?" River summarises with an incredulous laugh. "The audacity!"
"Only it won't work" Ashildr says. "Not in the long run. She can repeat the memories as much as she wants, that just hollows them out. And one day she will realise that she doesn't remember the important part. How exactly his voice sounded, the exact way he smiled. She will have a bunch of cold images and empty data and borrowed stories from you. Without new memories the old ones just fade. Trust me. I know what I am talking about."
River is tempted to say she is sorry but she knows better and bites her tongue.
"And the moment she realises that" Ashildr heaves a sigh and River is surprised by the display of emotion, "she will go back to Gallifrey and reinsert herself into her timeline. Clara will not risk forgetting the Doctor competely - she has fought too hard and she is too stubborn and she loves him too much to let that happen."
She looks onto the canvas with the grey haired man, her mouth a bitter line. "The universe gave me someone I could bear eternity with and she won't stay with me."
"I know this doesn't sounds very helpful right now" River starts slowly. "But I do know another immortal. His name is Jack -"
"- Harkness, I know" Ashildr chuckles. "You cross him eventually when you live through all of human history. I think we spent some time together, too, I can't quite remember. I guess we didn't work out finally or maybe he wasn't that immortal after all. He didn't make it until the end of the universe with Me at least. Don't know whether I want to repeat that."
"I have got a plan, though. For when Clara goes back to the trap street" Ashildr says after a while. "I am not immortal, not really. I could be killed."
River cocks her head. "Are you asking me to kill you?"
"Would you do it?"
River tries to put as much warmth into the words and her smile as she can. "Of course."
"Good." Ashildr looks around the room. "I should get you away from here, now."
"I suppose, I can't read any of this" River says reluctantly. It is tempting, to see for herself in the memories of another woman that the Doctor really is okay, that he lives on. But she knows she mustn't. Spoilers.
"It was inevitable from the beginning" Ashildr says in the hallway. "Clara and Me. How we would end up. And I knew that. But I am glad we did it. The travelling. The running. Going the long way round. And I am glad we picked you up. Kind of like one last pit stop on the way."
It should offend River to be described that way but she can't bring herself to mind. Maybe Ashildr is right. Maybe there is a time to stop running, to stop resisting, after all. Even for herself. Maybe not just yet, but eventually.
There is a prison cell waiting for her.
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tonsillessscum · 7 months
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Good morning, have some whouffaldi memes for breakfast 🍳🥓☕️
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chipsandcoffee · 2 years
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The Doctor's Wives.
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d1ckfarmdunn · 3 months
guys i’m making paintings of each doctor (so far just 9-13 until i get more of the wood things i’m painting on) and i wanna make each one have a different background color. pls give me ideas of what colors to do for each doctor! and i wanna eventually do companions too so if u guys have any ideas for companions lmk pls!!
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maeaaron · 5 months
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