riverdaleedited · 17 days
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alpacalypseartb · 3 years
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I have been wanting to draw a jug version of this it's always sunny meme and rereading time police pushed me to finally doing it! Before bite sized beats me to it 😉 I just feel it fully captures his dumbass obsessive energy (abused the hell out of the gif while watching a certain CW show) I put a lot of work into the murderboard but it ended up being covered and blurred but trust me there were lots of great 10/10 banger jokes on there! Memes are fun to draw I might do more of them only issue is you gotta pick the classics otherwise they are outdated in a week #bughead#jughead#art# #bettycooper#jugheadjones #instaart #instaartist #draw #comics #drawing#riverdaleart #riverdaleau#bugheadau#bugheadart#bugheadedit #archiecomics https://www.instagram.com/p/CUFoQDiPizS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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littlebarchie07 · 4 years
(and by surprise) you take me as I am
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I have so many Barchie WIP but this one came out of nowhere. It’s complete AU. not even in the realm of Riverdale or the comics, I am just borrowing the characters because I love them. 
Summary: Archie is a douchebag jock and makes a stupid bet at a house party involving little miss perfect girl next door.
The night starts out as most of their house parties do. It’s a Thursday. They are sitting in a circle, sipping lukewarm beer from red plastic cups that Fangs scored from his dad’s garage, and the rest of the alcohol is from Cheryl’s parents basement. Reggie and Moose are playing a dumb card game and Cheryl is texting Toni nonstop. Veronica is draped over his legs, and he doesn’t have the heart to shove her off, partly because she’s tracing her nails along the back of his neck and he really fucking loves that. Truth be told, he’s a little bored of her. She’s a good fuck, but she’s a little needy. Lately, there’s been something off about him as well and he can’t quite put his finger on it.
It started a few weeks ago. He’d been doing a few reps in his bedroom and when he stood up, his gaze drifted to the house next door as it often did, and like usual, they found Betty Cooper. She was sitting in the bay window, adjacent to his own. Her lips puckered and a confused frown etched into her brow. She looked pretty damn dorky but Archie couldn’t help but grin. She looked up and caught his eye and Archie like a dumbass just continued to stare at her. She fluttered her eyes at him and looked even more confused.
She gave him a tentative wave and Archie surprised himself, by waving back.
See him and Betty didn’t talk much anymore. They hadn’t since like 8th grade. He fell into the ‘cool’ crowd, with the people he now deemed his friends, the monkeys spread out around him laughing and joking at band geeks, nerds like Betty and weirdos like Jughead
It seemed so long ago that he, Betty and Jug would be climbing the treehouse in his backyard, playing stupid games with conkers and having sleepovers in his basement. It had only been four years, but it seemed like an eternity.
He missed those days and more so lately, he actually missed spending time with Betty. There was no judgement with her, no need to prove himself. He could simply just be Archie.
“Holy Fuck.” Reggie hollars which breaks Archie from his thoughts and catches his attention. He pushes Veronica’s legs aside and rolls his eyes as she huffs in disappointment.
He smacks Reggie. “What up Dawg?” He asks, eyes wandering the crowded scene in the direction Reggie is looking. There is a haze of smoke, roars of laughter but then his eyes settle on her. Blonde hair, ocean green eyes. If he had taken a sip of his beer, he’d definitely have choked on it. Standing metres away was none other than the perfect girl next door.
A slow lazy smirk grows on his face. “Oh hello.” Archie whispers, Reggie catches his eye.
“Nah man, I saw her first, dibs.”
Veronica scoffs. “You’re disgusting Reg. She's a class A nerd. No way would you even have a chance.” She pulls Archie to face her. “I’m going to get a refill, do you want anything Archiekins?” Her hand travels up his sleeve, clearly annoyed with the fact his focus is no longer on her. To be honest, it hadn’t been on her for awhile. He brushes her hand away, shaking his head and turning back to Reggie.
“You cannot call dibs. I wonder what the fuck she’s even doing here.” He muses to himself more than the group.
“I don’t care, I’m going to find out. I’d love to add Polly’s lil sister to my bed count.” Reggie smirks, downing his drink and attempting to stand. Archie grabs the back of his t-shirt, pulling him backwards a little more forcefully than intended. Something didn’t sit right with him at the way Reggie had said that.
The amount of alcohol Reggie had consumed, as well as the force of the pull caused him to stumble and topple over, the rest of the group roar with laughter as he seesaws backward. Archie’s eyes drift back over to the blonde who is now wide eyed and looking over at them. She’s still alone, but is now nursing one of Reggie’s cocktail punches. He wonders who she’s with.
He looks down to Reggie, and musters a fake enthused smile. “No you don’t mate. I got this one.”
Reggie groans, lying flat on his back. He blinks up at Archie. “Alright Andrews, but I wanna wager a bet here pal.”
Archie arches his brow. “A bet?”
Veronica hasn’t left her perch on the sofa yet, and Cheryl, Fangs and Moose are more involved in the conversation now. Moose oooh’s and Cheryl rubs her hands together.
“This sounds juicy.” She licks her ruby red lips.
“Yeah, I bet you $150 that you cannot get that square to kiss you tonight.” Reggie nods toward Betty, sitting up.
Archie lets out a laugh “Please. I bet you $250 I can get that girl to sleep with me.”
The minute the words are out of his mouth, Archie wants to take them back. He’s not this fucking guy. He doesn’t do this shit. So why on Earth had he said that?
Reggie wolf whistles. “Oh go on then, mate. You’ve got yourself a deal.” He holds his hand out, waiting for Archie to pull him up and shake on it.
Grabbing him, Archie hauls Reggie up and pats him on the back. A voice in the back of his mind screams at him to stop.
When Archie turns back around, Betty is no longer standing by the table at the back of the room. His first challenge of the evening is to find her.
He makes his way to the punch table, scanning the crowd. He shoves a few chips into his mouth, still focused on finding where Betty would have scurried off to. He can just talk to her tonight. That’ll be enough to entertain the crowd. He ladles some of the fruit punch mixture into an empty red cup, and grabs an open bottle of vodka to top it up. Taking a sip, he lets his eyes roam around the room. He’s not entirely sure what the perfect girl next door is doing here, but he’s intrigued to find out.
“Where would you be, Little Miss Cooper?” Archie whispers, tapping his cup against his chin.
A light laugh catches his attention, and his eyes draw behind him. She’s sitting with her knees tightly pressed together, a black and white checkered skirt riding up her thighs. Archie’s eyes travel up her, and he wonders when her legs got so long. His eyes settle on her face; her eyes bright and a real smile is pulling against her cheeks. He brushes the warmth spreading through him off, and tugs at his shirt before his gaze shifts to her company, who is none other than Kevin Keller.
Archie low key rolls his eyes. Kevin is obviously here for Fangs. It’s clear those two are shagging. Archie wishes Fangs would just come out and admit it, rather than dragging this poor kid to these parties and having to pretend they’re not hooking up in the closet every 20 minutes. But tonight, Archie is grateful because Kevin has bought the most unlikely company.
Betty laughs again and the sound causes Archie’s stomach to knot. It’s a delicate sound and something Archie wouldn’t mind hearing again and again. He straightens up, pouring more vodka into his red cup before pushing himself through a few bodies. He flops down onto the couch, on the right side of Betty. She looks surprised and her face pales slightly as she shifts closer to Kevin.
“Sup?” He nods at Kevin before his eyes trail over Betty. He swears she flushes, and he watches her swallow nervously before looking wildly to Kevin who just smiles dumbly.
‘Oh fucking perfect.’ Archie thinks to himself as he spreads his legs a little and reaches his arm behind Betty on the back of the couch.
“Don’t think I’ve ever seen you at one of these parties before, aye neighbour?” Archie smiles warmly, his eyes boring into her ocean green. She is absolutely not interested. “Hey Keller, Fangs was looking for you earlier.” Archie says, taking a quick glance towards Kev whose entire face lights up. Betty’s eyes widen and she shakes her head a bit at Kevin, silently warning him not to leave her.
“I’ll be right back Betty, Promise.” He gets up and leaves. Archie almost laughs as Betty shifts more to the left, her hands neatly folded in her lap.
“You know he’s shagging Fangs right?” Archie says, raising his plastic cup to his lips. He watches as her gaze traces the path of the drink to his lips. “You want some?”
Betty shakes her head. “No thanks.”
Archie nods. “What are you doing here anyway?”
Betty shrugs. Her hair is down for once, and it looks nice, she brushes it over one shoulder. “Kevin said it would be fun to mingle. I asked him to define the word fun, because this to me looks like a hoe fest.”
Archie laughs. “Ain’t that the truth.” He watches as a small smile tugs at her lips and a light pink flushes her cheeks. He shifts closer. “You look really pretty with your hair down, Betts.” He says slowly, his finger picking up one of the soft curls. The Betts slips out and he can’t help but smile as she swallows
“Um, thanks?” She whispers meekly. Archie drops the curl from his fingers and smiles again.
“Come on, let me get you a drink. These parties aren’t fun until you’ve had at least a few punches.”
He watches as her brow furrows, he can see her weighing up the pros and cons, and he’s just about ready to try his next tactic but she surprises him.
“Okay, just one.”
Of course, the one turns into a few, and Archie decides he likes Betty Cooper more with her guard down. She is no longer uptight, and is babbling a mile a minute, laughing at every single joke he tells her, and to make it better, she’s pretty fucking handsy. Not in the way that Veronica is, but she keeps touching his arm when she laughs, and nudging his shoulder, or playfully kicking him. It’s cute. Almost as cute as the way her eyes darken and her cheeks flush as his hand lingers on the top of her thigh as he whispers something in her ear.
She hiccups a giggle, and Archie finally catches up with the voice that has been screaming at him all evening. This is not a good idea. That stupid bet weighs heavy on his mind. Betty is so close to him, and he can smell her floral shampoo and the sweet perfume she’s wearing. If she twisted her face, it would be so easy for him to kiss her, but he can’t. He’s not one to take advantage of a girl who has had at least 3 cocktail punches.
Betty isn’t trashed by any means, he knows that, she’s just loosened up a bit, so he wouldn’t exactly feel bad about kissing her because she knows exactly what she’s doing and the chances are, she would probably push him away and storm out. But being this close to her, something inside him snaps. He’s not going to do this tonight. He’ll lose the $250. He isn’t the type of guy to make bets on who he can get to sleep with him. Betty would actually flip her lid if she knew.
He actually likes Betty, so much so that he doesn’t wanna drag her into this game with the boys.
With that, Archie pulls back, and watches as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.
“You want me to walk you home?” Archie whispers, his hand still on her thigh.
She looks up at him with big saucer eyes, before she licks her lips, her eyes darkening again.
Fuck. She’s actually really hot. Archie’s mind engages and he pulls his hand away from her.
“Sure.” She nods, staring at him with a curious look on her face. She seems a little disappointed after he removed his hand from her.
She’s probably never been touched before. Archie’s mind wanders, as he stands up and holds out his hands to help her up. She grins, slapping her palms in his as he hauls her upward, but she slips and falls backwards and grabs onto his hands for support, and she ends up pulling him down too. She’s laughing and his head is buried in the crook of her neck so her breath is hot in his ear and good god this is what dreams are made of.
He pulls back, eyes wide as he stares at her. The laughter dies in her throat, and he just knows she is waiting for him to kiss her, but he can’t. He’s not doing that here, not now. Not like this.
But for the second time this evening, she surprises him because before he can pull himself upright, her hands are on either side of his face and she’s pulling him towards her. Her lips smack his in a bruising kiss.
Her lips are full and soft and warm and oh yeah she’s thrusting her tongue into his mouth and that’s all Archie can think about. Her hands are hot on his face, and she moves quickly, snaking her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. It takes him a good few seconds to realise that he’s kissing Betty Cooper, good, clean, perfect girl next door, on a grubby coach in Fangs living room, in a room full of people.
He pulls back slightly, dazed and a little confused. The rush of blood pulsing in his ears is drowning out the music and the people around him.
“Erm.” He tries to speak, but no words come out.
She looks at him with a bright smile, her eyes shining. “Walk me home?” She takes her bottom lip between her teeth again and she looks nervous underneath him. He steadies himself, putting both hands beside her, staring at her intensely.
“Yeah.” He speaks, but it sounds hoarse. He clears his throat, standing upright as she leans forward, pulling her skirt down a little, she stands. She picks up her clutch from  beside her.
He’s blaming it on that fruity punch, because as she starts to move forward, he finds himself reaching for her hand. She interlocks her fingers with his, and he lets her drag him through the crowd of people.
As she’s grabbing her coat from the front door, Archie stands idly, wondering what the fuck is going on. He spots Reggie whose hands are on Veronica’s hips, Veronica’s lips against his neck. Archie laughs.
“Are you sure you don’t mind walking me?” Betty’s voice floats around him, and Archie snaps back and focuses on her.
“Of course not. I’m over this party anyway.” He smiles as her eyelashes flutter. He opens the door for her, and the chill air of November hits them.
She takes a hesitant step out the door, and Archie’s hand slips into hers again. It’s so easy, so natural.
The walk home takes him back to when he and Betty used to home from school together, she’s talking as if no time has passed between them, as if they’ve always been friends. They haven’t spoken about the kiss, and something inside him turns sour, and he stops abruptly as they reach her door. She turns to him.
“Arch?” She breathes, and the nickname causes his heart to break.
He pulls her into him. “Betty, I’m such an asshole. I’m so sorry we stopped talking.”
She reaches out tentatively and brushes her fingers against his skin. “Oh Archie, it’s okay. We grew up, went in different directions.”
“That’s no excuse. Just because we’ve got different friends doesn’t mean WE can’t be friends.”
She laughs. “That is true.”
“About tonight…”
She shakes her head. “It’s okay Arch. I know what happened. I knew you wouldn’t do that bet.”
He looks taken aback. “Wait, you knew?”
She nods. “Yeah, Fangs warned Kevin. Kevin told me about it before you came over. But even though we’re not as close anymore Arch, I still trust you.”
Archie feels like he’s been punched in the stomach. She’s so forgiving, so quick to trust him.
“Okay now I feel like even more of an asshole.”
Betty rolls her eyes. “It’s fine, I kissed you didn’t I? Let’s move on. This doesn’t mean we can’t be friends.”
“You wanna be friends with a dick who makes bets for fun?”
“No, I want to be friends with you, Archie. You’re not like that, I know that.”
He swallows, thinking about what she’s saying. She’s still in his arms and he wants to kiss her so bad but he knows that he’s not good for her. He doesn’t deserve her.
“I don’t think I want to be friends though.” He kicks himself as he watches the hurr flash across her face, it is quickly replaced with an angry stare.
He reels her back in trying to find the words. “No, wait, I mean, you kissed me.”
Her features soften a little and her anger quickly turns to embarrassment. “You kissed me back.” She says with defiance.
He lets out a chuckle. “Well yeah I fucking did. That was a damn good kiss.”
She flushes. “Yeah?”
Archie takes a step. “It caught me off guard though, and of course, I really want to do that again. But this time…” His breath fans against her cheeks and he smells like strawberry vodka. His warm hands cup her face and in slow motion, he dips his head. His lips touch hers, softly. It’s gentle and sweet, and he feels her smile into him. She pulls back, a flush to her cheeks.
“Okay, that was nice.”
“Nice is how a first kiss should be, but you know what Cooper, you can ambush me with kisses like our first one, any time.”
She shakes her head, her hands coming up over her face. She lets out a squeal. “Shut up. It was the fruit punch.”
A light illuminates the path ahead of them, and Betty shifts on her feet as she realises the sensory light on the porch has been set off.
“I should go in before my mom comes out, she’ll have a fit if she knows I’ve been drinking, and I’m pretty sure it’s past my curfew.” She makes a face.
“Okay, but to be continued?” He asks, his fingers lingering against her side.
She nods, touching her lips. “Walk me to school tomorrow?”
Betty slips away from him, but presses her lips to his cheek. “Yeah, goodnight Arch.” She breathes, and then she’s inside, the porch light flickering off.
Archie waits on the sidewalk until he sees the light switch on in her bedroom. His lips still tingle, his cheek still warm, and as he turns to walk up to his own steps, it dawns on him that for the first time in a long time, he’s actually really excited for school the next day.
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I have been contemplating what to write and what fanfiction will serve us in these trying times. I'm still none the wiser. However, I have a few of ideas:
Killing Eve / Riverdale AU; Jughead Jones works for MI5 and gets obsessed with a female assassin; Elizabeth Cooper - With some angst, longing, stolen glances and some smut.
Grey's Anatomy / Riverdale AU; Elizabeth Cooper is a first year surgical intern, she starts her first day in the hospital after an out of character heavy night at the bar, drinking tequila and hooking up with a tall, dark and handsome stranger. Only, when she arrives at her new place of work, the good looking, tequila induced hook up is her boss and head of Neurosurgery; Dr Forsythe Pendleton Jones III.
How To Get Away With Murder / Riverdale AU; Forsythe Pendleton Jones III and Elizabeth Cooper start their first year at law school, they are complete strangers, they both get inducted into the K5; where amongst 3 other students they are taken under Annalise Keating's wing to help at her personal law firm. Trouble ensues, fires start and murders are solved.
If any of you lovely little specimens fancy one or two of these please let me know, I'm eager to write something we can all enjoy and take our mind off pandemics and getting done dirty by TV show writers.
Big love. xo
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the-unholy-trinitea · 5 years
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Hands down the most relatable episode of Riverdale... 4x08 In Treatment
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jane127 · 5 years
Pilot and Flight Attendant AU
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Когда Элизабет Купер только перевелась в новую авиакомпанию, её коллеги по цеху, во главе с их старшим бортпроводником – Вероникой Лодж, приняли её с недоверием, так как опыта работы у неё было немного, а, значит, за ней был нужен дополнительный присмотр. Однако, Бетти смогла доказать, что быстро учится и даже сдружилась с некоторыми из своей команды, а с Вероникой и Кевином Келлером стала близкими друзьями. В основном «Команде Лодж» приходилось летать с одними и теми же пилотами – Свит Пи и Фэнгсом, к которым бортпроводники уже успели привыкнуть и прикипеть душой. Ребята были забавными, весёлыми и компанейскими, поэтому часто встречались со своим экипажем и за пределами самолёта.
Именно поэтому, когда Бетти проснулась в выходной день утром от звонка Вероники, она сначала не поверила услышанному.
– Что, прости?
– Мы будем обслуживать новый рейс, – повторила Лодж. – На нём летают другие пилоты. Помнишь девушку Шерил, Тони Топаз?
– Да, я помню её, она же фотограф, да?
– Именно. Один из пилотов её сводный брат.
– И что ты хочешь этим сказать?
– У меня есть фотография, я уже отправила её в нашу группу. Говорят, эти ребята те ещё ловеласы.
– Ну, не забывай как изначально на нашу Джози отреагировал Свит Пи, дай парням шанс показать себя, может, они не такие уж и плохие.
Они были ужасными. Если Арчибальд Эндрюс, первый пилот, раздражал Бетти своими сальными шуточками и громким смехом, доносящимся из кабины каждый раз во время полёта, то Джагхед Джонс, второй пилот и брат Тони, выводил её из себя своим вечным молчанием и нежеланием общаться с коллективом. Каждый раз когда они садились на борт с этими двумя, Купер была готова выцарапать себе глаза, лишь бы не видеть ухмыляющегося Арчи, смотрящего в след проходящей мимо Вероники, и закрыть руками уши, лишь бы не слышать гнетущего молчания, которое наступало всякий раз, когда она оставалась с Джагом наедине.
– Ты ему нравишься, – произнесла Бетти, когда Вероника гостила у неё после одного из полётов. Изогнув бровь, брюнетка вопросительно посмотрела на подругу. – Эндрюсу, – уточнила девушка. – Разве ты не заметила, как он на тебя смотрит? И как всё время крутится возле тебя, стараясь обратить на себя внимание?
- Ему просто нравится моя внешность, Би, – тряхнув локонами, сказала Лодж. – Если бы я ему нравилась, он бы уже сделал первый шаг.
– Спорим на 100 баксов, что сделает, Ронни? В течение месяца. – Блондинка протянула руку, и любящая азарт Вероника тут же её пожала.
Не прошло и недели, как Эндрюс и Лодж присоединились к «Mile High Club»*, Бетти получила свои 100 долларов, а Вероника убедилась, что Арчи в ней привлекает не только её притягательная внешность, но и острый ум.
В следующий после данных событий полёт с ней неожиданно заговорил идущий рядом с ней по трапу Джагхед:
– Сколько ты заработала? – его голос был мягким и приятным, а неожиданный вопрос, заставил девушку споткнуться об одну из ступеней. Джагхед легко подхватил её за локоть, не давая упасть. – Осторожнее.
– Что ты имел в виду? – девушка склонила голову набок, пытаясь прочитать выражение лица парня: уголки его губ чуть подрагивали, грозясь перерасти в улыбку, а в глазах сияли огоньки смеха.
– Тот спор, что вы заключили с Лодж. Я видел, как она отдавала тебе деньги.
– 100 баксов, – неожиданно для себя ответила Элизабет. – Как ты понял?
– Возможно, я получил деньги от Арчи в то же время, что ты от Вероники, – он, наконец, улыбнулся, и Бетти с удовольствием улыбнулась в ответ. – Я был уверен, что он не сможет устоять перед ней.
Купер засмеялась, и в первый раз с момента их знакомства подумала, что, возможно, эти двое не так уж и плохи.
*Mile High Club – это сленговый термин, объединяющий людей, которые занимались сексом в самолёте на высоте не менее одной мили (5 280 футов или 1 609 метров). Это образное выражение, на самом деле официально такого клуба не существует.
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Beauty and the Beast AU
Beast!Moose x Belle!Kevin
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talkingtealeaves · 5 years
I’m Almost Me Again, You’re Almost You.. 
Chapter One:
It ended with just three words. And I know it was my fault. I know I owed him more than that, but she was right. How could I fight blood? More than that, how could I fight the force of which that gave him life? So, that was it. There was nothing else to bind me to this place. The house was gone, to boot. Funnily enough, it was his now. I sniffled and wiped my chapped, red nose against the back of my pink cashmere sleeve and wrapped my sleeves around myself. What was left: 8 pairs of jeans, 4 polo's in various candy-stripper esque hues, 10 pastel sweater sets, numerous undergarments, a half used journal, and a signed copy of "Beloved" by Toni Morrison and they all lay inside a taupe rolling suitcase.
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lety-je-blog · 5 years
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Bughead's au • 😊😊💘 • I found this very funny!!😂 • Tags (ignore): #riverdale #riverdaleau #riverdaleaus #bughead #bugheadedit #ship #ships #bettycopper #betty #bettyandjughead #jughead #jugheadjones #juggie #forsythependletonjonesthethird #forsythependletonjones https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt0oynFB4Dr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1stush2edkoww
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clozzersaurus · 6 years
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Riverdale (TV 2017) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones Characters: Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones, Veronica Lodge, Cheryl Blossom, Polly Cooper, Archie Andrews, Hiram Lodge, Jason Blossom, Alice Cooper, Hal Cooper, Ethel Muggs, Hermione Lodge, Jellybean Jones Additional Tags: bughead - Freeform, bugheadau, AU, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Angst, Slow Burn, Co-workers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Riverdale AU Summary:
Fresh out of college, Betty Cooper gets a dream job working for Lodge Publishing House. The only problem is, her and Veronica Lodge have been best friends for four years, and some of her fellow colleagues, particularly one Jughead Jones, don't take too kindly to her personal connections with the Lodge family.
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veronicalodgemantle · 5 years
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Dumb Reggie AU, cause why not?
To see more follow me on Instagram: @regonicaarmy
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alpacalypseartb · 3 years
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Happy Friday the 13th!heres some happy Bughead having a nice lake picnic! gee I sure hope nothing bad will happen to them! (dont worry we ALL know Betty is a final girl! unfortunately Jug gives me nice guy who sacrifices himself energy, sorry Jug) im happy with the fire but the shadings a bit meh so just focus on the fire! also the signs off google I wasnt about to be drawing that font Jason would be the perfect Jason wheres Archie VS Jason?! #bughead#jughead#art# #bettycooper#jugheadjones #instaart #instaartist #draw #comics #drawing#riverdaleart #riverdaleau#bugheadau#bugheadart#bugheadedit #archiecomics https://www.instagram.com/p/CSfvIshpNpa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kevinandronniedale · 6 years
Silhouette: Chapter 7
Read Chapter 7 here
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What Disney Princess Are You? Part 1 (Reggie Fic-One Shot)
Summary: It wasn’t everyday you see Reggie Mantle bothered by one message he receives on his phone at school one day, especially about a certain girl nonetheless. Though as he tried to keep himself together of the situation, a sudden curiousness of words from the core four may have solved his problem, or was it just the company itself from these so-called misfits he needed as well to find the answer himself?
Word Count: 1797
Notes: Unfamiliar characters mentioned or presented are part of my own Riverdale au (more detail into them in the future), specifically the Reggie-verse.
Chapters: 5
Warnings: Reggie being a less than usual jerk.
That one text message sent shivers up the one and only Riverdale’s star player, both sexually and athletically, spine to which was a surprise for anyone considering nothing fazes him, even with the most hottest of the babes in his school. But this wasn’t any text message, glancing at it again as if seeing it another time would make it seen any less worrisome. The words just muddled into his brain like pudding from the school’s cafeteria tray. Bolded it read.
You did THIS. You fix IT.
Even looking at the all-seeing words, ‘THIS’  & ‘IT’  shown in all caps made it more difficult for him to come up with a solution. As he sighed, turning off his phone screen to dark as he didn’t want to think about looking at it again for another time, he swings his backpack over his shoulder as if he was already prepared for what he’ll face once he gets out the door of the school’s hallway. He looks at himself in the mirror that hung over his locker that stood over the hall of all the students that belonged to each and every one. He gives his reflection a confident smile that hid over the anxiousness he felt through the muscles of his well-toned body. Satisfied with what he saw as usual, he slams his locker door shut without a second thought. The moment he does the sudden appearance of Cheryl Blossom, Riverdale High’s head cheerleader and occasional bitch with a craving for insults for those beneath her, appeared before him. She stood with her head cocked to the side, rosy hair brimmed to perfection and a smile that always appeared to be a calm before the storm before she could even open those cherry-colored lips of her. Before he could think of something to say, she speaks as if she was the only one allowed to say something to anyone in front of her.
“Reggie. I see you were less than enthusiastic at practice today. You should consider cleansing those wrinkles of yours before that narcissistic look becomes you more than it already has.”  She says as if it was already known fact, which it kind of already was.
Unamused by her words, he just turned his back to his locker, arms crossed as if he was about to dominate this whole conversation into none of her business as it should be. He just gave her a look of confidence, his one eyebrow lifted to show his willingness to play along with whatever Cheryl was thinking was tinkering around inside of him that gave way of what was actually bothering him.
“It’s nothing I can’t handle.”  He answers, turning around in front of her as he walks away, arms and shoulders up in response then turning around his back facing her as he headed towards the end of the hall. To which he knew without confidence that he always had, he didn’t need to explain anything to her and her rumor-filled mouth.
Reggie always knew Cheryl would be the type to word her way into people's’  business when it seemed it come of interest to her or that it was just her so-called Blossom boredom that was letting her on a proverbial, queen-like spree of amusement, which was torture for others who dared let their words slip by without her knowledge or even in some cases, permission. But he knew from the moment he met her way back when he would not even remember that she was one nut he did not want to crack, for the safety of future makeout sessions with the next girl that caught his eye, as he thought, even looking at a girl wearing the river vixen wardrobe from their after school practice. He didn’t even bother glancing at her face as much as he did her supposedly curved body considering it was more of a favorite pastime than a considerate pick of his next to-go meal. Though even as his less than 10 seconds of dirty heaven wrapped his brain with the excess to forget about his troubles for a mere few minutes at best; it wandered back to his main problem as he felt a vibrate of his phone that he stashed away in his letterman jacket pocket.
He takes it out, tapping the blank screen on his phone on, the lockscreen of himself showing up in front of his eyes in whatever wardrobe he was in that day he took it. Staring at those next bolded words that he wanted to keep himself from reading, but knew he had to. It read.
If you don’t fix this. She’s not going to forgive you.
He looked at the message, thinking how could he be able to fix it. He wasn’t good at fixing things especially stuff that he’s done in particular. The idea of figuring it out on his own would drive him crazy if he wasn’t able to find the answer in the short amount of time that he had. He sighed, shrugging his shoulders in annoyance and amidst frustration, wanting to just find a place to forget his worries for a slight moment, maybe even a few moments.
Putting away his phone back in his jacket pocket, he adjusted himself and his all-confident Mantle stature, trying to give no indication of his predicament as he moves his fingers through his smooth, jet-black hair that was gelled to his own satisfaction. He pursed his lips to give off that ‘Reggie’ demeanor that everyone knew him by, though for him it was a sign for him to head off and face the music on his own. But as he continued to walk towards the end of the hallway into the dreaded ‘EXIT’ sign, something instantly had him pause himself in his tracks. He didn’t even realize how sudden it was until someone from behind him pushed him forward a second later. The person whoever it was that ran into him quickly apologizing, but Reggie didn’t even bother turning around to see to give them a quick talk like he usually would if he was actually listening at the time. His body just stood there as if someone suddenly surprised him without warning yet what he heard next were definitely words more surprising that his ears would not get away from.
“I think that dress would definitely suit more of your taste Jughead. I’d most likely be more comfortable wearing that one that she’s wearing.”  Was that…Andrews?  Reggie thought to himself, not even having to turn to the door he stood in front of to know whose voice that was. Archie Andrews. Teammate with a bad sense of hair color. He thought to himself what exactly was he talking about, but it was Andrews he probably was talking about something dumb. Though however dumb he thought it was, it didn’t keep Reggie from listening onto more of it. His ears more glued to the conversation that seemed to catch his attention, maybe even a little more than the girls that were checking him out across the hallway at that exact moment that he, himself, didn’t even notice.
“We’ll as for you, I think that dress would look great on you, show off those shoulders you always get insecure about.”  It was the Lodge chick. Veronica. Her reply sounding more of a honest statement than a concerned voice of comfort.
“I’m not insecure about them. I’m just a bit uncomfortable showing them… in front..of ..people.”  Archie replied, turning his head around the opposite way, unwilling to admit what she said was utter truth. Reggie couldn’t take just hearing voices alone on whatever this interesting yet weirdly introduced conversation that he was overhearing was going, but curiosity got the best of him as he decided to see the rest of the losers he thought would be with him and Veronica. Turning his head in the direction of the voices he unintentionally heard, he faces the door window of what he saw was the ‘Lame Peanuts Gang’ , a name he proudly came up with himself without their knowledge. Sitting on the couches that were surrounded by a table that was wiped with bowls of candy and snacks, the core four group of Archie Andrews, Veronica Lodge, Jughead Jones and Betty Cooper sat around each other with smiles and enjoyment on their faces without a worry on their mind.
“Okay Arch. Keep telling yourself that. It won’t change what I saw that one time in your bedroom that night.”  The one and only Betty Cooper with her signature blonde ponytail declares, pointing at Archie with an amusing smirk on her face. Archie’s eyes went wide with surprise, face flushed almost coinciding with the color of his hair.  
“That was one time, Betty! And we were kids, you really gonna bring that up? Again?”
Archie exclaims back at her. Betty’s grin grew wider with amusement. Jughead gave a  hidden smirk, unlike his eyes that were glued to the laptop that was laid out comfortably in front of him on his lap where he sat next to them, legs criss-crossed underneath in concentration.
“You know I’m just kidding, Archie. You get embarrassed too easily.”  Betty replies back as she takes a piece of redvine from the bowl on the table in front of her, her smile unwavering as she chewed a piece off from her lips.
“Maybe you are like her then. You don’t even have to wear a corset, all natural.”  Jughead spoke, who was continuously typing away on his laptop, but then swiftly spins his laptop around in front of him to their direction, their eyes pulling themselves close to the screen to what they saw. The moment they did, their eyes blinked with bewilderment as if they saw something they never thought they would see. After a few blinks of processed realization, laughter incased the whole room.
As the laughter continued, which seemed to be seeping outside through the doors where Reggie stood, he couldn’t help wondering what they could be looking at and with so much noise coming out of their mouths than usual.
He couldn’t help but be peeved by their laughter. Greatly.
“I think that would look perfect! A royal fish-out-of-water attire. Jughead should be your wardrobe consultant from now on.” Veronica adds, laughter still spilling from her lips, trying to hold it in the best she could.
Reggie wasn’t sure what he was hearing or even what he just heard was actually correct. Or they were just being complete losers like they usually were in his book. Though before he busted a word of his inappropriate thoughts, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Startled by the sudden touch, he turned his head around to the first thing he sees…pink.
Hey you guys this is my first Riverdale fic that I’ve done, just trying to get back into writing so hope you guys enjoy! This story will be in parts since i kinda won’t so much of it lol. But keep ya posted once I do!! Thanks for reading! Part 2 RIGHT HERE. ✌
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So I put on my Spotify, clicked on Daily Mix 1, hopped in the shower and a song came up with the title 'Gypsy' and I was immediately inspired to write this. If any of you would be interested in seeing where this goes please let me know. I've really enjoyed writing this so far.
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It was cold. It was always cold this time of year. When the chill in the air whisks away the leaves on the floor, replacing them with white flakes from crowded clouds. When the breath leaves your mouth and you see it in front of you, like a chain smoker would see their cigarette smoke.
He sat there; outside of the tall building, the busy street bustling with passers-by; children running to school, students scrambling to make their 9am seminar and workers with coffee in their hands and briefcases bulging with overdue paperwork. He didn't know the type of goings-on that happened inside that building, all he knew was that he never got moved. And it was safe. It quickly became his spot. After moving from outside of rowdy bars and dirty underground steps, he set up his worn out sleeping bag, his trusty backpack, imprinted with his surname that held what could have been a legacy and the clothes on his back.
It had been 18 months. Hot summers, crisp falls, cool springs and bone chilling winters. 18 months had passed since he rode away on his matte black motorcycle, with his whole life on his back, never turning once to look at the people and the life he was leaving behind.
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the-unholy-trinitea · 5 years
Jughead: Hiram wants to murder you.
Archie: Hiram wants to murder me!
Jughead: Hiram is the Gargoyle King.
Archie: Hiram wants to sacrifice me!
Gladys: NO. HIRAM WANT THE TOWN YOU SELF CENTERED IDIOTS! *But also hashtag Jarchie forever!*
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