alpacalypseartb · 3 years
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I have been wanting to draw a jug version of this it's always sunny meme and rereading time police pushed me to finally doing it! Before bite sized beats me to it 😉 I just feel it fully captures his dumbass obsessive energy (abused the hell out of the gif while watching a certain CW show) I put a lot of work into the murderboard but it ended up being covered and blurred but trust me there were lots of great 10/10 banger jokes on there! Memes are fun to draw I might do more of them only issue is you gotta pick the classics otherwise they are outdated in a week #bughead#jughead#art# #bettycooper#jugheadjones #instaart #instaartist #draw #comics #drawing#riverdaleart #riverdaleau#bugheadau#bugheadart#bugheadedit #archiecomics https://www.instagram.com/p/CUFoQDiPizS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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velvetsugarbabexo · 4 years
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CHAPTER ONE: drowning in a sea of desire 
"Jughead. How many times must I tell you to call me Elizabeth?" She replies, using her familiar alluring smile as she tilts forward allowing him to breathe in her comforting scent once more. His breath hitches as Elizabeth’s eyes remain on his, her eyebrow raising sassily. 
"At least once more, Miss Cooper. As always." He answers with a smile, conscious of protecting Elizabeth from her father’s anger and more importantly himself. As her face falls with his words, Jughead feels his heart sink to his stomach. Swallowing down the pain he knows he has made the right decision, he has been so selfish letting their interactions be so improper up until now.
“There, see? At least the boy has a sense of propriety.” He hears the Governor exclaim, still keeping his gaze on Elizabeth as her features harden, mouth settling into a straight line. 
Before he knows it she is being ushered out of the door, her eyes not softening as they continue to burn into his. To his dismay he catches her fingers curl into her palms, dodging him as Jughead steps forward to take her hands in his. Leaving him with a ‘good day Mr Jones’ before swiftly following her father, her body posture tightening as she holds her head high.  
He follows her out the door as though they are connected by invisible thread, selfishly wanting to be in her presence for as long as possible.
“Good day!” He calls to her as she walks hastily to the carriage, his stomach in knots at the sight of her hands still clenched behind her back.
“...Elizabeth.” He ends in a whisper, watching on as she glances back at him, blonde locks whipping in the summer breeze. 
He can’t help but continue murmuring her name, as they pull away from the estate, reveling in the forbidden feeling Elizabeth leaves on his tongue.
Thank you for the inspiration @unspeakableaus !! and to my beta for life @moons2stars​ she is brilliant and lovely and so bloody talented, love you to pieces Lisa <3 
@riverdalebingo - Summer 2020 - Betty/Jughead - Mutual Pining - Rated: E - 4,800 Words - Chapter 1/5
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the-unholy-trinitea · 6 years
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This is accurate so imma just leave it here • • #riverdaleedits #varchie #bugheadedit #jughead #archiecomics #archie #choni #cherylblossomedit #tonitopaz #barchie #southsideserpents #beronica #varchieedit #hiramlodge #riverdaleau #bugheadau #choniedit #riverdaleseason3 #riverdaleseason2 #riverdalememes #jarchie #riverdalescenes https://www.instagram.com/p/BqVaa2BnDCm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uzts16cfmjn8
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sofie-ignoreme · 6 years
*Veronica handing Cheryl and Toni a invitation to Bug heads Wedding*
Toni: "Wait I don't get it?"
Veronica: "What? Betty and Jug sre getting married!"
Cheryl: "Yeah, but where's the punchline?"
Veronica: "There is no punchline."
Cheryl & Toni: "HAHAHAHAHAHAH"
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jane127 · 5 years
Pilot and Flight Attendant AU
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Когда Элизабет Купер только перевелась в новую авиакомпанию, её коллеги по цеху, во главе с их старшим бортпроводником – Вероникой Лодж, приняли её с недоверием, так как опыта работы у неё было немного, а, значит, за ней был нужен дополнительный присмотр. Однако, Бетти смогла доказать, что быстро учится и даже сдружилась с некоторыми из своей команды, а с Вероникой и Кевином Келлером стала близкими друзьями. В основном «Команде Лодж» приходилось летать с одними и теми же пилотами – Свит Пи и Фэнгсом, к которым бортпроводники уже успели привыкнуть и прикипеть душой. Ребята были забавными, весёлыми и компанейскими, поэтому часто встречались со своим экипажем и за пределами самолёта.
Именно поэтому, когда Бетти проснулась в выходной день утром от звонка Вероники, она сначала не поверила услышанному.
– Что, прости?
– Мы будем обслуживать новый рейс, – повторила Лодж. – На нём летают другие пилоты. Помнишь девушку Шерил, Тони Топаз?
– Да, я помню её, она же фотограф, да?
– Именно. Один из пилотов её сводный брат.
– И что ты хочешь этим сказать?
– У меня есть фотография, я уже отправила её в нашу группу. Говорят, эти ребята те ещё ловеласы.
– Ну, не забывай как изначально на нашу Джози отреагировал Свит Пи, дай парням шанс показать себя, может, они не такие уж и плохие.
Они были ужасными. Если Арчибальд Эндрюс, первый пилот, раздражал Бетти своими сальными шуточками и громким смехом, доносящимся из кабины каждый раз во время полёта, то Джагхед Джонс, второй пилот и брат Тони, выводил её из себя своим вечным молчанием и нежеланием общаться с коллективом. Каждый раз когда они садились на борт с этими двумя, Купер была готова выцарапать себе глаза, лишь бы не видеть ухмыляющегося Арчи, смотрящего в след проходящей мимо Вероники, и закрыть руками уши, лишь бы не слышать гнетущего молчания, которое наступало всякий раз, когда она оставалась с Джагом наедине.
– Ты ему нравишься, – произнесла Бетти, когда Вероника гостила у неё после одного из полётов. Изогнув бровь, брюнетка вопросительно посмотрела на подругу. – Эндрюсу, – уточнила девушка. – Разве ты не заметила, как он на тебя смотрит? И как всё время крутится возле тебя, стараясь обратить на себя внимание?
- Ему просто нравится моя внешность, Би, – тряхнув локонами, сказала Лодж. – Если бы я ему нравилась, он бы уже сделал первый шаг.
– Спорим на 100 баксов, что сделает, Ронни? В течение месяца. – Блондинка протянула руку, и любящая азарт Вероника тут же её пожала.
Не прошло и недели, как Эндрюс и Лодж присоединились к «Mile High Club»*, Бетти получила свои 100 долларов, а Вероника убедилась, что Арчи в ней привлекает не только её притягательная внешность, но и острый ум.
В следующий после данных событий полёт с ней неожиданно заговорил идущий рядом с ней по трапу Джагхед:
– Сколько ты заработала? – его голос был мягким и приятным, а неожиданный вопрос, заставил девушку споткнуться об одну из ступеней. Джагхед легко подхватил её за локоть, не давая упасть. – Осторожнее.
– Что ты имел в виду? – девушка склонила голову набок, пытаясь прочитать выражение лица парня: уголки его губ чуть подрагивали, грозясь перерасти в улыбку, а в глазах сияли огоньки смеха.
– Тот спор, что вы заключили с Лодж. Я видел, как она отдавала тебе деньги.
– 100 баксов, – неожиданно для себя ответила Элизабет. – Как ты понял?
– Возможно, я получил деньги от Арчи в то же время, что ты от Вероники, – он, наконец, улыбнулся, и Бетти с удовольствием улыбнулась в ответ. – Я был уверен, что он не сможет устоять перед ней.
Купер засмеялась, и в первый раз с момента их знакомства подумала, что, возможно, эти двое не так уж и плохи.
*Mile High Club – это сленговый термин, объединяющий людей, которые занимались сексом в самолёте на высоте не менее одной мили (5 280 футов или 1 609 метров). Это образное выражение, на самом деле официально такого клуба не существует.
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britzcrackers · 5 years
Hey, does anyone know of a bughead au based on the song Sk8er boi?
Feel like that would be a thing because it could fit with their backgrounds
If there is or if there are multiple, could I get some links maybe?? Lol
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riversofdales-blog · 5 years
In 1x01 Archie tells Betty that she’s so perfect and that he’s never going to be good enough for her, but then Jughead (lonely outsider, raised in the wrong side of the tracks) wins her heart.
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clozzersaurus · 6 years
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Riverdale (TV 2017) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones Characters: Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones, Veronica Lodge, Cheryl Blossom, Polly Cooper, Archie Andrews, Hiram Lodge, Jason Blossom, Alice Cooper, Hal Cooper, Ethel Muggs, Hermione Lodge, Jellybean Jones Additional Tags: bughead - Freeform, bugheadau, AU, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Angst, Slow Burn, Co-workers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Riverdale AU Summary:
Fresh out of college, Betty Cooper gets a dream job working for Lodge Publishing House. The only problem is, her and Veronica Lodge have been best friends for four years, and some of her fellow colleagues, particularly one Jughead Jones, don't take too kindly to her personal connections with the Lodge family.
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bitterbenji · 6 years
Bughead Fics
NO OFFENSE to anybody who does this in their fic because you do you, but when I read Bughead fics where Jughead calls Betty ‘babe’ or ‘baby’ I immediatly just change it to Betty (unless it’s in a sarcastic/mocking way) because I just can’t picture them using that.
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Bughead Fanfiction AU: The Eye Of The Beholder
Hi. So this is my first time writing on tumblr and for this fandom. I hope you guys like it. A little backdrop on this story- RIVERDALE AU so Jughead is a serpent and has always studied at Southside High so he never met Betty. FP still goes to jail and his mom and Jellybean still move away. Betty kinda has a curse. She takes the appearance of what the beholder thinks is beauty.
Betty Cooper was used to being what people wanted her to be. She fulfilled their expectations that sat heavy on her shoulders every day, she was who they wanted even if that wasn’t what she wanted and she looked the way they wanted. Quite literally. 
Elizabeth Cooper, born to Alice and Hal Cooper had perfect light brown hair and green eyes and soft hands. Betty Cooper, sister to Polly Cooper, was petite had freckles, blue eyes and hair that was her shade of sunshine. Betty, best friend to Archie Andrews, was short and curvy with dark hair and eyes. Cousin Betty, related to Cheryl Blossom, was tan and athletic with hair dyed the color of strawberries and eyes like a kaleidoscope. B, best friend of Veronica Lodge, was dark blonde and tall and like a super model.
Betty Cooper was a cursed individual in her opinion. A one in a million shape shifter that took the shape of what the beholder thought was beauty. They never saw her like she saw herself in the mirror. 
She felt like a constructed image. Be who people want you to be. Get perfect marks to get in a good school. Maintain the image, Betty.
At 17, Betty Cooper had many people tell her she was beautiful. Every time they did she’d say, “Thanks. Can I know what you see?” 
And every time she was disappointed. 
“Your eyes are so pretty! Black like the night sky. And that skin-”
“I love your hair. Tell me, is that shade of red natural?”
“Damn Cooper. Look at that-”
“I need to know. Where do you get your tan? I mean, girl, -”
“Perfect marks, Ms Cooper. I expect-”
She’s shake her head, smile and brush it off because deep inside, Betty Cooper didn’t feel beautiful. To her, all those people complimenting her were white noise. They didn’t see her. She wasn’t their idea of beauty. And every time someone complimented what they thought she looked like, the real Betty died a little inside.
Jughead Jones was looking for a fresh start. He couldn’t do it anymore. The way people looked at him began tearing him apart, piece by piece. Even when they were gone he could still hear their whispers. 
“-long before he’ll murder us?”
“Just like his father that one. Stay away-”
“-Jones. Even his own mother didn’t want him.”
“Just trash from the wrong side of the tracks. Doesn’t deserve-”
“-Serpent King? Kid’s a joke. Useless piece of-”
It was driving him insane. The weight of the leather jacket on his shoulders beginning suffocate him. Even the beanie he wore couldn’t stop dark thoughts from constantly invading his mind. 
So, at the end of the school day at Southside High on the ‘wrong’ side of Riverdale, Jughead Jones jumped on his motorcycle, ignored the rain and and tried to race away from it all.
When the day ended at Riverdale High, Betty Cooper maintained her perfect smile as she wished her friends goodbye and assured them that yes, they would see her at the football game this weekend.
As she walked down the wet street to her house a motorcycle whizzed past her, ruffling her ponytail and spraying dirty water on her immaculate pastel clothes. She frowned ever so slightly at the back of the motorist speeding away. 
Her frown disappeared and eyes widened in horror as she saw his bike skid across the road suddenly. Ignoring her previous annoyed feelings and hoisting her bag firmly on her shoulders, she ran to the accident site.
Jughead groaned as he felt his head throb from the impact it made on the road. Thanks to his helmet he wouldn’t have a concussion but he reckoned he’d be dealing with a pretty nasty bruise. One of his legs was trapped under his motor cycle and despite his bloody hands, he was desperately trying to free it.
Suddenly, he felt the weight being lifted off him and hear the click of the stand falling in place. The next thing he knew, soft hands were clutching his jacket and making their way down his body, looking for injuries.
He opened his eyes to look at the most beautiful face he had every seen. In that one moment he saw all her beauty and all her darkness and knew.
Her hair was sunlight entering the library early in the morning. Her eyes were green like the freshly cut grass in the park his mother used to take him and Jellybean to play in when they were younger but held untold sadness. Her skin was like porcelain and her delicate features were drawn in a concerned frown that drew his attention to her pink lips that looked like sin incarnate.
He saw the slight bags under her eyes from late nights studying and the barely noticeable puffiness that came from crying at night. There were faint worry lines on her forehead and she looked like she carried the weight of worlds on her shoulders. 
She was an enigma. And he knew, she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. 
“Hey mister.” He heard her say. Her voice was worried and Jughead couldn’t help but think that it was the most beautiful sound he had every heard. 
“I need you to cooperate with me. If you understand, nod. Please.” 
Jughead nodded and licked his lips. His throat suddenly dry. 
“I hear you.”
Betty was having a very hard time keeping herself in check. She kept on reminding herself that this man had just been in an accident and may need medical assistance and she needed to be ready to administer first aid.
She had ruled out the possibility of anything serious. It just seemed to be bumps and bruises. Nothing a few days wouldn’t fix.
She looked at him again, her hands were still on his body and she couldn’t find it in herself to tear them away. 
He was gorgeous, Beautiful. 
She didn’t see the serpent on his back.
She saw his midnight black hair as she freed his head from his helmet and placed one hand on his cheek. His eyes as he gazed up at her were deep and blue like the ocean, an endless turmoil of crashing waves. He had light purple bruises from not sleeping under his eyes and his mouth, now slack, looked like it spent a lot of time scowling. This did nothing to detract from the fact that he had exquisite lips that she-
Betty quickly averted his eyes from his lips and felt her neck heating up. She knew she was blushing and took several deep breaths to stop herself from turning completely red. Once she was sure her voice wouldn’t come out breathy she patted his cheek and said, “Um, hello?”
He didn’t respond. He just kept staring at her and she felt concerned. What if she was wrong? What if there was some serious damage and because she was a hormone induced idiot she had failed to diagnose it?
Betty could hear the underlying panic in her voice and wondered if he could too as she repeated, “Hey mister. I need you to cooperate with me. If you understand, nod. Please.”
To her great relief he nodded and said in a hoarse voice, “I hear you.”
Betty smiled and replied with, “Great. Let’s get you sitting up, alright?”
He nodded again, a small smile gracing his lips too. 
An hour later they were both seated in Pop’s with a milkshake of their choice in front of them. Jughead has insisted that there was no need to call an ambulance or drop him to the hospital.
 Once the blonde woman had checked him over “for her peace of mind” as she put it and Jughead had regained his ability to speak in front of her, he asked her to Pop’s, his treat, for as he put it “saving my life.”
As Jughead looked at the hilarious and witty and beautiful young woman across him, he couldn’t help but blurt out, “You’re beautiful.” 
He wished he hadn’t as he saw her instantly stiffen and her previously open posture become defensive. He barely heard her as she whispered, “Thank you. If you don’t mind me asking, what do you see?”
Her eyes were glued to her milkshake that she grasped in her clenching hands, as though she was trying not to form a fist. 
Jughead took a deep breath and decided to be brave.
Betty was internally cursing herself. She liked him. So suddenly and spontaneously like it was said to be in romance books. But he wouldn’t like her. Not plain ol’ Betty Cooper. He’d see someone else, just like they all did. 
“I see the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen in my life.” Betty heard the man across her say. She looked up through her lashes, desperately hopeful.
“I see a girl with blonde hair and green eyes and full of stories that I want to read and remember, page for page. I see the small crescent shaped scars on your palms and the lines on your face but I think they make you more beautiful. I see someone with an amazing personality and-”
But Betty wasn’t listening anymore. Her face broke into a wide smile and she could feel the tears streaming down her cheeks. She saw as the young man’s face filled with panic as he saw her cry and then surprise as Betty reached across the booth and grasped his face in her hands. 
“You see me.” she whispered, looking into his eyes before pulling him closer and kissing him.
Jughead couldn’t think straight with the lips of the-most-beautiful-girl-he’d-ever-seen-but-didn’t-know-the-name-of on his. All he felt was a warm, comforting fire as if he’d just come home.
The kiss ended shortly and just as abruptly as it began as she pulled away, got up and slid into the space next to him.
“I’m Betty Cooper.” She announced, a grin splitting her face.
“I’m a Serpent. I’m FP Jones’ son.” he said. He decided to get the big thing out of the way first. There was a huge chance she wouldn’t want to be seen with him after this, much less kiss him.
Betty Cooper frowned. “That’s not who you are. Yes, it’s a part of you. But I want to know all of you.”
Jughead’s eyes were wide with disbelief and his heart was thundering in his chest. 
“I’m Jughead Jones.”
She smiled. He smiled back.
“Jughead, I see you.” she said softly.
“Betty”, he replied, closing the distance between them, “I see you.”
                                                         THE END.
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alpacalypseartb · 3 years
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Happy Friday the 13th!heres some happy Bughead having a nice lake picnic! gee I sure hope nothing bad will happen to them! (dont worry we ALL know Betty is a final girl! unfortunately Jug gives me nice guy who sacrifices himself energy, sorry Jug) im happy with the fire but the shadings a bit meh so just focus on the fire! also the signs off google I wasnt about to be drawing that font Jason would be the perfect Jason wheres Archie VS Jason?! #bughead#jughead#art# #bettycooper#jugheadjones #instaart #instaartist #draw #comics #drawing#riverdaleart #riverdaleau#bugheadau#bugheadart#bugheadedit #archiecomics https://www.instagram.com/p/CSfvIshpNpa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lasrw223 · 4 years
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رسمتي بألوان كوي المائيه❤️ - تعليقاتكم تسعدني👇🏻❤️ - - - ‏#draw #sketch #anime #sketchbook #art #artist #portrait #portraitphotography #drawing #leadership #riverdale #jugheadjones #veronicalodge #cherylblossom #bettycooper #strangerthings #colesprosig #viral #bugheadau #colespriose #greysanatomy #13reasonswhy #explorepage #camilamendes #lilireinhart #kjapa #colesprouse #sprousehartsbitches #camimendes #archiecomics (at Riyadh, K.S.A.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBaItZ6pk2m/?igshid=1u98m6czimvbl
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the-unholy-trinitea · 5 years
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TRY ME, #riverdale, I wish you would! #riverdaleau #choniau #cheronicaau #heathersau #riverdaleedits #jugheadau #bettycooperau #bugheadau #veronicalodgeau #harchie #varchie #choni #cherylblossomedit #tonitopazedit #riverdalememes #edit #riverdaletweets #sprousehart #kjapa #yesindeed #archieandrews #dumbarchie #jarchie #barchie #jarchieedit #liliisdaddy #hiramlodge #riverdaleedit https://www.instagram.com/p/B4ocOfZnKGS/?igshid=4ilww80upssp
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shrek435 · 5 years
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I hate him. But I love him omggg

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jane127 · 5 years
Firefighter and Doctor AU
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Каждый раз выходя на дежурство, Бетти молилась всем слышащим её богам, чтобы в их больницу не въехала каталка с Джагхедом на ней. Они уже давно выходили в одну и ту же смену: она – доктором в Больнице Стэнфорда, он – начальником караула в Пожарной станции №17 неподалёку.
Бетти помнила знакомство со своим женихом, будто оно было только вчера: она тогда была интерном и как раз помогала доктору, за которым была закреплена, перебрать истории болезни пациентов, когда в кабинет мистера Эндрюса зашёл Джонс.
– Привет, Фред, – произнёс он, вытирая рукавом разбитую губу. Заметив девушку, парень снял с головы шапку, и чуть наклонил голову, являя рассечённую бровь и порез на лбу. – Миледи.
– Здравствуй, Джагхед, – закатив глаза, покачал головой мистер Эндрюс. – Что на этот раз?
– Поспорили с парнями, кто быстрее заберётся в окно третьего этажа, так торопился запрыгнуть, что зацепился за подоконник. Зато я выиграл бургер.
Изо рта девушки вырвался смешок, и она опустила глаза на карты пациентов, краснея от пристального внимания очаровательного незнакомца и мистера Эндрюса.
– Кто же эта прекрасная леди, Фред?
– Это закреплённый за мной интерн, Элизабет Купер.
Девушка подняла глаза на улыбающегося парня.
– Джагхед Джонс, – он протянул руку, и Бетти пожала её, отложив бумаги. – Значит, хочешь стать врачом, Элизабет? - заинтересованно спросил Джагхед, отпуская руку девушки.
– Просто Бетти. Да, мне осталось только закончить интернатуру, а кем же собираешься стать ты, что так рискуешь?
– Обязательно расскажу тебе, если согласишься поужинать со мной, просто Бетти, – Джонс подмигнул ей, и Фред громко прокашлялся, прерывая парня и заставляя обратить на себя внимание. – Как только закончится твой рабочий день, ни минутой раньше.
Конечно, Бетти пошла с ним на свидание, на котором он объяснил ей, что учится в Пожарной Академии, а потому тренировки нередко оканчиваются в кабинете у Фреда. Тогда же она узнала, что мистер Эндрюс со своей семьёй сосед Джонсов, а его сын, Арчи, лучший друг Джагхеда. Когда же Элизабет спросила, не боится ли Джагхед, что ему придётся каждое дежурство подвергать свою жизнь опасности, он усмехнулся и ответил, что за него будет бояться та, которая решит связаться с ним. И Бетти боялась. Боялась, что когда-нибудь на операционном столе перед ней окажется не очередной незнакомец, которого она вытащит с того света с холодным сердцем, а её любимый и смелый пожарный, который никогда не боится идти в пекло, зная, что может спасти чью-то жизнь.
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reddieorrnot · 7 years
locker bughead au
this is being written at 2am by a girl whos high on coffee
the start  -----------------------------------
he stuffed things from his backpack into his locker sighing, the day for jughead had been going by really slowly and he wasn’t enjoying it. he had been called on too many times today during class and he had gotten shoved when he was trying to walk to his locker by those stupid jocks. jughead prayed to whatever was making his day suck to not do anything else to make it worse.
he quietly groaned and turned to identify who had just spoken to him. realizing who it was he straightened his posture a little bit.
“betty? what do you want?” he asked. jughead was surprised the blonde was even speaking to him. they were basically complete opposites, plus she was way more well known in school than he was. she smiled sweetly and her eyes seemed to sparkle a bit.
“the school said that they were running low on lockers, so they assigned me to share one with you!” she said cheerfully. jughead raised an eyebrow and eyed her, she seemed too excited over this. it felt like a forced intention of being kind, which humored him. he knew she’d rather be sharing lockers with anyone else, especially archie andrews.
he decided to shrug and continue to stuff things into his messy locker, he probably would barely even see the girl. nothing he could do about it anyways.
“betty cooper!” he yelled in frustration. jughead’s messy locker was now neat and organized.
“oh, hi juggie! like the locker? my stuff on the bottom and yours on the top, binders are also color coded in order of colors in the raindow!” betty said smiling. jughead was deciding if he should be mad or be mad.
“listen betts, this is cute and all,” he couldnt help but notice betty go a little pink at what he meant to be a sarcastic comment, “but i like my stuff the way it was before.” jughead said sighing.
“but before you took a long time to get stuff out of your locker! now it’s quicker!” she said in defense stomping her foot. 
jughead rolled his eyes and muttered a whatever while grabbing his math binder and heading off to class. 
jughead opened his locker and furrowed his eyebrows at a note that fell out. he picked it up off the floor and unfolded it. 
“pop’s diner friday 6pm, u & me ;) -archie” 
he laughed dryly and shook his head. jughead wanted to throw away the note and just play it off as if betty never received the note, but he couldn’t bring himself to do that. 
“heyo juggie, someone send you a love note?” betty appeared and asked in a flirtatious tone. 
“yeah, archie. but not for me though.” he said chuckling forcefully while handing betty the note. 
“archie? no thanks.” she said rejecting the note. jughead was surprised. 
“aren’t you two like not a thing but sorta are?”
“no.” she said with a tone of anger in her voice as she shoved her books into her part of the locker.
for some reason, jughead felt kinda relieved. 
“veronica, jughead. jughead, veronica.” betty said introducing her two friends. 
“like the beanie thing you have going on jug.” veronica said giving him her hand to shake. jughead already liked this girl’s vibe. 
“thanks, it’s supposed to make me look more into my character of creepy sarcastic teen boy.” he winked at her.
veronica giggled and smiled to betty, “i like him.”
betty forced a smile and nodded, “knew you would.”
“hey betts how about i share a locker with veronica and you take hers? then everyone’s happy!” jughead joked and laughed. but before betty could respond to him veronica replied,
“oh no jughead, i wouldn’t want to steal betty’s b o y f r i e n d.” 
betty and jughead quickly looked at one another and turned red. seconds later they were both speaking at once, telling veronica how much they hated each other. 
“wanna go to pop’s diner afterschool?” 
betty looked up feeling her heart race, honestly she’d love to hang out with jughead. she felt as if she had this weird connection with him. but she could barely speak to him in school for the short amount of time they shared at the locker, but imagine the struggle of only talking at the diner?
“sure! i love their milkshakes!” she blurted cheerfully. 
jughead seemed to smile quickly and nod. “okay, i’ll meet you at pop’s right after last period.”
“actually,” betty bit her lip, “you want to meet here? at the locker? and walk to pop’s together?” 
this time, jughead didn’t quickly smile, it stuck to his face as he quietly said “yeah okay.” and looked down. 
later on betty and jughead would share a plate of fries and talk for hours.
“homecoming huh?” jughead asked as he walked with betty to their locker. 
“always thought i’d go with archie.” she said shrugging and look at andrews himself as they walked past him.
“i did too.” jughead responded dramatically wiping fake tear. betty laughed and gently shoved jughead.
“i’m going to show up with no date, and probably dance with kevin.” betty said upset and putting her bag down as jughead opened their locker.
“you know,”
“we could always go together...” jughead said looking into betty’s eyes.
this caused betty to stop breathing for a second. she needed to say yes, but she wasn’t thinking correctly. had jughead finally got the hint? she was bout to tell him yes when he spoke again.
“as friends of course.” he said shrugging and looking down. 
her heart broke.
“better than going alone.” she joked and elbowed her f r i e n d. 
“so you and i?” he asked half smiling.
“you and i, juggie.”
jughead waited for the blonde girl at the doors to the dance. maybe she stood him up? no way. that wasn’t like betty. what if she got in traffic? oh god, that would be bad. and then she didn’t make it until after the whole dance? should he even be waiting outside of the doors? is that creepy? suddenly his eyes landed on a goddess walking towards him.
betty had worn a periwinkle dress that ended right above her knees, and had curled her hair so it bounced with every step she took. he also couldn’t help but notice how well the dress fitted her. she looked...
“beautiful.” jughead muttered out loud when betty approached him.
“oh gosh, thank you juggie. you look quite sharp as well.” she giggled and winked at him. 
jughead felt himself blush and quickly locked arms with betty. “shall we enter?”
“we shall.”
they went through the gym doors and were greeted by music blasting through the speakers. as if they were with on time a slow song had began playing. neither of them really had to say anything before they had started dancing. 
“im glad i came with you jughead.” betty said in his ear.
“oh shush betts, i know you would’ve came with archie instead of me in a second if you could.” he winked jokingly.
“don’t kid yourself, and if i came with archie i wouldn’t be enjoying it as much as i’m about to enjoy it with you.”
“why? what’s bout to happen?” jughead asked smiling.
betty titled her head to the side and slowly leaned in. 
jughead sorta freaked out on the inside but was able to kiss betty cooper back calmly. he felt sparks, and he understands that’s something cheesy people say in books and movies but now he understood. he understood what a spark was, what chemistry really meant. and yes, he does remember how much he didn’t really enjoy betty when they first met through sharing lockers. and no, he wasn’t in love with her. but he felt something. and he didn’t want that something to end. but the actual kiss did have to end though. 
“wow that was-” jughead started to respond to betty but was cut off.
“you better say amazing because i had to work up so much courage to do that juggie! i have liked you for what, four months? and you’ve never got the hint? knowing you i wouldn’t be surprised if you said to me ‘well that was a wonderful f r i e n d kiss!’” betty said in an annoyed tone while she furrowed her eyebrows. jughead found it quite adorable.
instead of replying to her rant he just put his hand on her cheek and kissed her again, not as a friend of course. as a future c o u p l e he hoped.
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