#rize & realize
candygalaxyyy · 10 months
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1-49 · 8 months
성찬 : An angel slept on my shoulder, & now it feels like sunrise.
❝ wherein Sungchan wakes you up differently than you are used to.
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pairing: f!reader × jung sungchan ⁝ tags: um, he is a meanieee, as in the most adorable, most dreamy. inspo; photographer era sungchan, this pic! (hopefully, there will be more of them) ep14 of rize&realize in terms of his styling. wc. 3k
this a sslight reupload from two weeks ago given it got eaten in the tags, sry.
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Poets write more about perfect love than toothpaste and alarm clocks, though there are intriguing ways in which our morning routines shape our lives.
Already, months of mornings spent waking up to find Sungchan lying next to you──someone u would gladly wake up beside for eternity. 
A comfort, a constant, a habit. Someone whose smile lifts, heals, and puts all you want to hear into words; someone gentle and kind who winces when you try to brush an eyelash away from his cheek. Just a really sweet person who smiles w his eyes & something about it flutters ur heart... But that’s only the beginning.
On certain days, you wake up on different sides of the bed; on other mornings you find yourself waking up next to his warm skin; and on certain days, his schedule demands that you wake up alone.
On this particular day though you awaken to an odd camera shutter sound. The sound isn’t new to you──you have heard it before, but not this close, this intimate, or this early in the morning.
It takes a few more hearings of the shutter and click sound before you manage to slowly open your eyes & realize that this isn’t a lucid dream. 
He is just lying there beside you, curled in an odd way, holding what you think is a black object, though you cannot quite make out what it is yet due to blurry vision.
You try to reach out to him & get him to take his seemingly favourite new toy off of your face, but all u can manage is a husky, “What are you dooing?” and shut your eyes instantly.
Sungchan pulls back, securing his camera teasingly away from you, and putting more distance between the two.
Gradually adjusting your eyes to the light that has evidently been let through the curtains on purpose, you make another whiny remark, “It’s tooo bright in heere.”
In the most foul, deep tone a person in the morning can have, he cheekily says, “Morning.”
White sheets separate you as you are trying to get a closer look at him by tapping the puffiness of the duvet to discover why he is acting so meanly this early in the day.
There it is—that click again.
The shutter sound reverberates more because of the silence in the room. It loops similarly to how wrinkled sheets do and similarly to how waves do, as he continues to force his finger onto the shutter button.
At this point, you know he is holding a camera; you are just curious about how he got it, since you have never seen it and he has never expressed interest in that kind of thing before.
“You make a perfect subject,” he admits.
Sure, it is too early for him to flirt, but is not something you are unfamiliar with either. He has this ability to ease and comfort even in the most tense situations. Which then also equals the number of times he has flirted with you, even in the most unusual circumstances. 
There is just something about Sungchan that thrives on the abnormality of situations. His level of extrovertism is as high as it gets on your hot-cold scale, making you feel everything from extremes, but you would not trade that for anything. And if that means you are flirting with him at the dentist or while feeding an animal in the zoo, so be it.
And he is being unconventionally alluring once again this morning. No matter how long you have been dating, he still has an insatiable desire when it comes to pushing your boundaries. Specifically, he is manipulating your emotions today from behind that too-small-for-his-hands rectangle thingy.
Burying your face in the pillow, you whine,  “Sungchannn,” since you are actually given something to be upset about in the first place. Why is he like this?
You know he has that ‘trouble’ smile on his face, even though you are not looking at it.
He takes a little longer to play as he inspects the new toy, looks down at a picture of you on the screen, peers at you through the viewfinder, and then peeks at you over the camera. 
“It feels strange that I can practically touch you through the screen.”
It is too early, you swear, and this time, he is disturbing your tranquillity, but when he goes above and beyond to get your full attention, can you really blame him?
Said into the pillow, you refuse to give up and look at him, so it comes out muffled. “You are unbelievable, you know that?”
“I consider that a compliment,” he taunts.
You instantly lift your head in reaction to the counterattack, intending to bother him even more “Well, yes, when” Despite the bright light coming from the windows, you force yourself to open your eyes. “when—”  
The sight ..… You are only now experiencing it after your drowsy vision has subsided and things are beginning to become more clear.
The ball formed at the end of your throat is hard to swallow. “when—When… you,”  you continue to glitch ── thinking, speaking, looking at him, and moving on are all challenging. 
“Well… yes,” Sungchan continues his ribbing of you. “When…” 
However, you are preoccupied with something else so much that you miss—you...
The fucking sight!
He is bathed in the most dazzling morning light. Someone who, naturally, has reached the pinnacle of confidence is someone who woke up significantly earlier than you and spent time with himself. Having had a great start to the day, worked out, showered, and taken care of himself, he has made the decision to make yours even better.
Propped up on his elbow, the devastation continues the more detail your eyes begin to take in.
The sunlight is skating on his hair. Pulling the camera away from his face, the drowsy light drips from his hair, still damp from the shower.
Golden, golden, golden — ‘the warm sun’ is burning your lips, cheeks, shoulders, and skin. 
Here he is, seemingly creating ‘art’ when in fact he is it. 
Considering that you have not yet experienced a view like this in the morning, the Leica in his hands enhances the rest of what you begin to perceive as his artistic movement. 
Sungchan repeatedly tugs the camera strap in and out of his fingers as he plays with it. Even though your brain has just started working, you can understand the gesture’s flex and meaning.
Additionally, aside from the wet hair, the softness of the white sheets contrasts sharply with the print of the camo pants. It is hard not to be confused by the brutality of his choice.
His faded Diesel hoodie is completely unzipped, displaying his flawlessly squared abs, where the sun also appears to like to hang out. And you think that if he had been naked in bed instead of ‘completely clothed’, it would have seemed more natural. However, here you are.
Although the artwork you are viewing lacks logic, that is precisely the complexity of art.
As you continue to examine him more, your words linger at the back of your throat.
He remains unaffected. The flexing of his hands and abs is in harmony. The low rise of his camos tases the downward curve of his hips, and internally, you lose it a little. His toned physique exudes such an artistic quality. It is something you want to touch, feel, & experience with your hands to appreciate the artistry. But you know that you must go through hell to get there. 
Apparently, you are his subject today, and you are aware of how dead-set Sunghcan can get when he has a goal. You are aware that you must tolerate his shaninagins this morning.
Alongside the obnoxious look, he has got going on──is the most mind-bending smile. It begs the question of how a smile can dig down that deep. All are capable of smiling, and all do smile, and you witness a hundred smiles every day, but none quite like his.
His smile has a subtle twist that gives it the ability to appear both devilishly seductive and angelically sweet. That is very exciting in both senses. It makes you shaky. A smile so intense and alluring that it simultaneously makes you feel afraid and terrified because it conveys how much you are falling for him. And even though you have been falling for a while, it always feels brand-new.
What is it that makes his smile so sincere? Why is it speaking back to you as well? And, why does it tell you what you want to hear?
Your mind is full of feelings. Your heart is full of feelings. There is no logic to you, as he starts to draw nearer, and your heart rate picks up too. You get so vulnerable every time you realize how much power this gentle giant has over you just by being so close.
He poses a question in an effort to highlight the fact that you are staring at him, “Would you like to see them?”
“Se—” you falter, raving deeply with your emotions. Not to say that he has caused you brain damage, but he most certainly has. “See-see what?”
“The pictures, angel.”
“Oh, yes,” you say, waving your head, “the-the pictures.”
An angel? You cannot remember a time when he called you an angel. This is the first instance. Your morning face freezes blankly, and all your efforts to stop the confusion from showing are useless. He finds appeal in it, so he grins.
And now, at a closer range, you can detect the scent of raspberry shampoo in his hair. His lips even; velvety and waxy, glazed in the same balm… The scent is vividly juicy, sweet, and slightly acidic, and it clings to your nostrils, gaining access to your thoughts and making you feel ecstatic.
The tension in your throat finally eases as you swallow it all. Still, it is not like you had a choice. You were forced to do it out of fear.
Fear of him. The fear of being approached by him in an awake state as opposed to a dream. This. The reality. The truth of his hoodie falling off his shoulder and his bare abs being dragged across the sheets...
You let out a sigh. No one could have prepared you for this morning. 
Sungchan eventually tries to show you the photos he took of you on the LCD screen, but you are dying from the close proximity and the raspberry stench. As your itching, agitation, & restlessness increase, you try to cover more of yourself by pulling the sheets.
He picks up on all your signs—your desperation is adorable to him. He still appears naive enough to exploit you, though. “What?” 
“N-nothing,” you respond, a little dizzy. “It’s just that this morning is giving me a really strong kickstart.”
He seems interested in what you just said, as his stare narrows. “Really?” His fluffy smile and curious eyes watch your lips for a reply.
How annoying…
After giving him a side eye, having grown tired of his lure, you turn back to the camera. “Show me.”
The pictures start to speed up one after another, & you aren’t sure how to react because you were the one being photographed without permission, but they are strangely gorgeous. Raw in the sense that perfection is surrounded by flaws.
You can see how he has fed his curiosity by taking a more romantic & delicate approach to your ignorance (you sleeping). There is no denying that the thematic progression perfectly conveys the raw emotions of someone being in love. The subject matter: tender sensuality, body art, and safe spaces.  
Each and every one of photos discloses an intensely private detail about you that only he sees. Deeply asleep & oblivious to everything, including him and his camera, you are rendered completely helpless in those pictures.
Sunghcan looks at you and waits for your response while grinning to himself and twirling his finger around the edge of his lips.
At last, you say, “Um…”
He retracts, “Ummm? Just an umm?”
You make an effort to maintain your modesty and ignore what you consider weak pictures, considering how frail you look in them. “They are fine, I guess.”
“Fine!?” His brows furrow, and he gives a sad little pout. “Baby, no one else gets to see you like this but me.”
“A little possessive, aren’t we?” you flirt back, and naturally, the unintentional provocation is immediate. It works quickly, causing him to leap over you and threaten you with his new gadget.
With his knees bent, he straddles your body, & looks down on you. “Then let us improve them.”
You are still warm and sensitive from your sleep; the last thing you need to do is look at him standing on top of you as if you are viewing some grand statue from below...
And not to mention his low-rise camos and his unzipped hoodie with one sleeve hanging down his arm, exposing his bare shoulder. Incredibly ‘babygirlfied,’ if that makes any sense.
All of it is too much and something you do not need to focus on right now, but you can not really complain, can you? He is as dual-edged as the idea of his contradictory smile. Someone so irresistible.
“Sunggchaan,” you object, your hands covering your sleepy face, knowing that your protests never work against his determination anyway. 
Waving the camera, he begins to goof around and document everything in the process. He is gazing at you and frantically pressing the shutter button, and the montage of pictures keeps going. Pretty soon, it is more about the moment than what he is photographing.
The room grows excessively bright as the walls begin to come to life one by one. It explodes with giggles and tickles and pillows thrown around as the peachy tint fills it.
The push-pull, trying-to-resist cat-and-mouse game is an engaging exercise to ensure you are fully motivated & prepared for the day. And it is nonstop movement, much like a workout.
Inside the sheets, then outside of them. Click.
Folded limbs & naive scratches. Click.
Teeth pulling at the strap of your tank top.
Teeth digging into the camera strap... [An artistic moment of reflection.] Click.
Your hand in reach for his camera. Click.
A Backhug. Speaking lip touching earlobe. Secrets spilling. A Promise.
And again, your palm (Click) on his lens.
A groan.
The Leica being thrown onto the bed.
Your wrists being pinned.
Tasting without touch.
Warm lips pressing a kiss against your cheek.
Finally, he pulls away from you, a photographer who takes his work seriously. He assumes the first position, straddling your body & stopping movement by glaring down at you.
It is just hitting that the constant motions and how you two emoted through the last couple of minutes lead into a new series of super artsy & super candid couple aesthetic—the ultimate romantic declaration.
Despite the camera being in his face, he looks at you over it. There is something so romantic about the prolonged primal eye contact you two share. Following everything is too intimate, beautiful, harsh, and full of passion.
It is impossible not to tease Sungchan, even though he is made you feel a little tired and increased your dopamine levels. “That is not how you shoot a photograph.”
“Oh, yeah?” He bends down, tongue pocking at his cheek and thumb resting on the delicate column of your throat. “Care to teach me?” 
Pressing slightly, slightly...
the gentle thumb pressure to reduce your airflow is purely psychological.
Love tickles the shallow parts of your spine as his body heat seeps through the sheet that you badly force on yourself to cover your body. You too are fevered, & you have been since opening your eyes.
He observes every inch of your face, for you are his dream girl.
His lashes battle as his damp hair slides into his deer eyes. His breath and the raspberry scent are waiting on your lips. To say that he just imagines a kiss that would stop time and give you another hour of his undivided attention would be an understatement. 
Butterflies start to swarm your whole body, you really want nothing more than to bite into that ivory shoulder!!
His soft pink tongue dances along his teeth as it tries to get your attention.
And while with sweet thoughts, a loving heart, and kind deeds, Sungchan radiates happiness like a sweet puppy, he also doesn’t mind being naughty...
You shy away, smiling—embarrassed by your own ideas. Mean, mean, mean. He is so mean!
This doe giant, the type to hold your face in his hands and say, “Come closer.”
You feeeel insane...
The camera sits on the nightstand, battered but full of memories. Somewhat of an unusual late morning—the city appears blood orange in the distance.
Your skin is being caressed by the gentle amber light of the morning as your legs entwine with his. The material of his pants is rough against your exposed skin, but there is something about the uncomfortability that makes you feel even more sensitive.
Ultimately, the final product is...
it is all about the mess of unmade bedsheets, uncareful kisses and blurry photos. The birds chirping their morning melody, and your face buried in his neck as you take in a deep breath.
They say a picture encapsulates a moment, but you come to realize that there is no better view than this one,
waking up to Sungchan’s dreamy face in this heaven-like bedroom every day──a safe space where you let him speak and have his way with you. That pictures can document a tiny fraction of those feelings & emotions it feels like bonus.
© 𝟭-𝟰𝟵. do not copy, translate, repost, and modify my works.
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hangup119 · 4 months
hangup119's masterlist . . . ? !
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RIIZE . . . rize & realize
ballin' or bawlin'? | j. sungchan (smau + basketball player au)
feels like a thriller! | h. seunghan (smau + college au)
join game? | l. anton (smau + streamer au) | completed
papa's freezeria | l.anton (short smau + papa louie universe au) | completed
BOYNEXTDOOR. . . what? door!
when pigs fly | k. leehan (smau + minecraft/streamer au)
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tale as old as time | ot6!boynextdoor (0/6) (multi-part series + royalty au)
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kyanitedragon · 4 months
I think the misconception that Touka isn't feminine comes from the fact that the original Tokyo Ghoul is told in Kaneki's POV.
(Seriously. When you read the manga and force yourself out of that mindset, you realize a LOT of different things.)
Because its through Kaneki's POV, we have a very specific introduction to Touka.
We see her briefly in her sweet waitress act, then glaring when Rize lures Kaneki...
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...and then we officially meet her when Kaneki's having a breakdown and they yell at each other,
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and then again when she beats up Nishiki and forces being a ghoul on Kaneki and having another nasty argument.
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Through Kaneki, time and again, we see Touka as this loud, violent, informal ghoul girl.
It takes her a while to like Kaneki, and even then she doesn't let him know that. She doesn't let him see that side of her. It's subtle and hard to see - literally kept to the background at times. Look at that little fond smile!!
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But remove Kaneki entirely from the situation for a moment. Look at Anteiku when he's not around. Before they met.
It's not that Touka's informal. It's not that she never uses honorifics. It's that she doesn't think age alone should warrant them. She uses them for people who she respects.
Yoshimura? Koma? Irimi? Yomo? Ryoko? Uta? Itori? She calls them all -san respectfully.
Look at how cute and happy she is to see Ryoko at the start of the series!
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It's literally just Kaneki, Nishiki, and Tsukiyama who she doesn't use honorifics for, and then Hinami because she's younger and they're friends. She even uses the cute nickname Hina.
Everyone calls her by the cutesy honorific Touka-chan, and she's never been shown to mind it. Even at the start when Kaneki was only ever pissing her off.
And her violence? Kaneki was being rude to her, so she lashed out. Ryoko died and Hinami was in danger, so she lashed out. But if you saw her on a good day, a normal day, when nothing awful was happening? When no one was pissing her off? She wouldn't be violent. She wouldn't be rude. Sassy and playful, maybe, but not rude.
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Take another look at her in Chapter 116, when she's not around Kaneki or Nishiki to rile her up. Just speaking to Yoshimura.
Not too much unlike her personality in :re, huh?
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Or look at any of her scenes alone with Hinami, like chapter 22 or 89.
Touka likes rabbits. She has a rabbit mask that is canonically based on an in-universe series.
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She has a bunch of rabbit plushies in her home.
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She has a lot of potted plants.
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She likes going to the zoo and seeing the animals with Yoriko.
Remember this scene? Of Yoshimura gently advising Kaneki to not judge ghouls? I think this can also be said for not judging Touka as a person. I mean, look at her here! Gently letting a butterfly land on her as she relaxes on her balcony surrounded by her potted plants! A complete 180 from what we've seen of her before this moment.
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She has a rough and tomboyish side, yes, but she's also incredibly girly and feminine. And I really love that about her, that she's both at the same time. It's not a contradiction. Ishida lets her be both, and he always has. We see a little more of her rough side in the original, and a little more of her soft side in :re, but they've both always been there and always will be.
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canadianlucifer · 3 months
I'd like to thank you for single handedly carrying the tg tumblr scene rn.
any fic recs?
preferrebly gen but i'll take anything atp
i feel like atlas carrying the world now jk jk, tysm!! I couldn't do it without everyone else in the fandom keeping me motivated and inspiring me to make content tho!
As for fic recs, I honestly don't read much so I don't have a lot to recommend, but I do have a few!
The only gen one that comes to mind at the moment is The Black Tapes, it's a canon divergence story where Yamori recorded what he did to Kaneki on VHS tapes which the CCG then found and watched, leading Amon to realize that Kaneki was not actually born a ghoul and that the CCG might not be as just as he once thought...
As for non-gen/ship fics, Tokyo is a no-ghouls au by @just-another-tokyo-ghoul-fan about Kaneki getting roped into a toxic relationship with Rize and Hide being a bat-shit insane but also really good friend who also happens to be crushing on him
@tg-headcanons has a series of fics set in an awesome au where Kaneki is rescued from aogiri very quickly the Anteiku raid never happens, They Left His Arm is my favourite because hey, I'm a seiakimon shipper, what did you expect? Haha, but they're all super good!
Other than that... well, I guess I'll self promote my own current fic project, Yellow Roses. It's about Takizawa escaping aogiri and going back to the CCG against his will bc Akira fucked up and she's trying to apologize but he's traumatized and pissed off and she doesn't know how to use her damn words lmao (and while yes I do ship them, I wanted this fic to focus on their friendship so there's no romance at all here!) (also yes I know the art is broken i just haven't had the energy to fix it lol)
That's all for long-form fics, though there are a couple of much shorter one shots I could recommend if you're interested!
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Scared of the Dark? Ch. 4
Plagas!Leon Kennedy/ AFAB Reader 18+ Minors DNI
Warnings: Knife play, Rape/Non-con, Oral Sex, Overstimulation, Breeding, Blood and Injury, Biting, Blood, Multiple Orgasms, Dominant Leon S. Kennedy, Choking, Forced Orgasm, Violence, Pet Names, Degradation, Creampie, Concussions, Monster Traits,Knives, Guns, Reader gets their ass beat, Possessive Leon Kennedy, Cock Warming, Unconsciousness, Leashes, Collars and Praise Kink
The first thing you felt was the pain.
It was dull to start, spreading through the back of your head like fingers, digging into your scalp and pressing down tightly.
Your arm felt like it was full of static, not quite asleep, but just there, your bicep radiating discomfort. Your thigh felt about the same, a slight pang running down to your foot every couple seconds.
And then there was the gnawing ache, your whole body feeling as through you had been hit by a truck.
Your eyes cracked open, dim lighting making your eyes sting and your head throb. You winced, gritting your teeth, your tongue felt so dry in your mouth. Blinking a few times to adjust to the lighting, the droning noise around you became more identifiable as rainfall outside.
There was another sensation, your brain registering exactly what it was when you saw an arm draped around your midsection.
That's when you started to absorb your surroundings. You could tell you weren't wearing anything underneath the blankets of the bed below you, the feeling of Leon's hot skin pressed against your own now a distressing reminder you hadn't be dreaming. You started to feel terror rize in your gut, simmering to a creeping anxiety when you realized he was asleep.
The monstrous features of the plaga infection weren't apparent anymore, making him look almost normal. His blonde hair fell over his closed eyes, his face relaxed and his lips parted just slightly. You just wanted to pretend it was all just a hallucination and Leon didn't have a lethal parasite inside of him, but you knew better.
You had to get away from him.
The small sconces across the room gave off very little light, bathing most of the room and it's contents in shadows that danced over the walls. One thing caught your eye however.
A table sat a couple feet away from you, your bag and it's contents scattered around, and more importantly, your knife. The blade was glinting in the fire, almost mocking you.
If you could get out of this bed, you could grab the knife. But then what? Leon could easily overpower you, and it would certainly not be enough to just have a knife.
Your eyes drifted back his sleeping form, trepidation filling you as you looked at him, realizing just how strong he was, and how small and weak you were in comparison.
And if he woke up? Things would probably only get worse. You had to try something, at least if you got a couple hits in it might slow him down enough for you to find a different weapon.
You took a slow, shaking breath and shifted underneath his arm slightly, testing the waters. He didn't move. If you could get your hand out from underneath him, you could lift his arm off of you and slide over.
Slowly, almost centimeter by centimeter you began to pull your arm upwards, shocked that your heartbeat wasn't loud enough to wake him.
Just a little more.
Leon felt so hot against you, practically bordering on feverish. Almost there. You pulled your hand out last, glancing over to him once again.
Now you just had to move his arm.
You slowly wrapped your fingertips around his forearm, fear coursing through you at the size of his arms. One wrong move and he could you restrained easily.
You began to lift his arm, your sore muscles protesting the strain caused by the odd angle.
Beginning to scoot out from below him you felt something that made your stomach drop. There was something around your neck, the movement causing a quiet clinking behind your head.
You had a damned collar on.
Suddenly realizing you had severely underestimated your situation you glanced back and Leon only to meet his piercing red gaze.
"Where do you think you're going sweetheart?" He asked, his voice too clear and dark for someone who just woke up. He knew what you were trying to do.
Fight or flight took an inescapable hold on you as you threw yourself from the bed, making a mad dash for your knife. With your fingers outstretched, you only got one foot on the cold floor before you felt an immensely strong pull on your throat, Leon having grabbed the chain yanking you backward.
You let out a choked gasp, feeling the sudden tension snap you backwards, your neck feeling as though it would break. Falling back you could feel your weight land back onto the bed, the wind knocked out of you.
Without thinking you began to lash out, throwing punches and kicks, screaming that the top of your lungs. Panic overtook your brain making you blind to where you hits were even landing, of they were even landing.
You could hear Leon growl lowly and force you on to your stomach, flipping you like you weighed nothing.
"Looks like you still- ngh- have some fight in you." He chuckled, grabbing your wrists and holding them behind your back. "I'm surprised, you lost so much blood here I was thinking you'd be nice and docile for me. Good thing I decided to use this, huh?" He punctuated his question with a harsh tug to the collar around your neck, forcing another gasp from you.
You could feel tears begin to well up in your eyes when his hand began to restrain your arms, wrapping a belt tightly around your wrists. His weight on top of you was suffocating, no matter how much you struggled he didn't budge.
"C'mon sweetheart, just relax." He whispered, bending down now to speak close to your ear.
He had you exactly where he wanted you, your arms drawn almost painfully behind your back, face down in the pillows underneath him. He just wanted to adjust one more thing.
You could feel his rough hands on your hips, lifting them up so your face was pressed into the pillow below you, your body completely exposed to him.
"There we go, that's better. Right baby?"
"Get off of me!" You yelled, attempting to thrash below him only to have a startling lack of success.
"Awh what's the matter? Don't tell me you are still trying to escape me?" He asked, his voice feigning sympathy.
"Leon please..." You whined, trying desperately to move your hips away from his, something terrifyingly familiar pressing against your cunt.
"You feel that princess? I'm so fucking hard for you already." He breathed out, tugging the collar, forcing you to arch your back when he pulled your hips flush against his.
You felt your throat burn as a sob tumbled from your lips, tears once again burning you eyes. Was this how he was going to keep you? Having his way with your body and keeping you like a prisoner?
"I can't-" You cried out, beginning to hyperventilate, your breathing coming out shakily.
"Shhhh, shhhh. I know you can't baby. You're so delicate huh? So sensitive for me, you can't handle this big cock stretching you out?"
He ground his hips to yours, his large cock catching your clit making you jolt and hiss at the sensation.
"Don't worry princess, I'm gonna make you feel so good... I'm gonna show my baby who she belongs to okay?" He stroked your skin, his hands sliding up your back and back down to your ass, his grip nearly painful.
His hand drifted lower, his fingers pressing against your cunt and slowly pushing two into you. "See? I'm being nice and getting you ready for me. With that stunt you just pulled I could have fucked you until you passed out again but I want to give you the chance to be a good girl for me."
You felt his fingers push into you, your body still sore from the abuse earlier. God it hurt. You let out a sob, your cunt clenching down on his fingers.
He curled his fingers inside of you, the tips of them pressing your sensitive walls, a jolt of pleasure surging up your spine. "Fuck-"
"See sweetheart? You can fight me all you want but you know no one can make you feel like I can. I'm gonna make you come undone for me, you'll be my needly little slut."
You shook your head, fighting the arousal that began to pool in your stomach, your body already reacting to the slightest touch. "No... I'll never stop fighting you."
"Oh really?" A malicious smile spread on Leon's face as he thrusted his fingers in deep, hitting hard against your g-spot.
You arched your back involuntarily at the feeling, a broken moan escaping your bruised lips. He did it again, a laugh rumbling in his chest. "You gonna come just from my fingers pretty little thing? Huh? You gonna come all over my fingers?"
You felt him press a finger to your clit, rubbing small and slow circles. You could feel your body start to heat up, Leon's fingers getting wetter and wetter, arousal starting to drip down your thighs. "N-No! I want you to stop Leon please- ah! "
"Okay." He said nonchalantly, taking his time dragging his fingers out of your soaking cunt. "I'll stop."
You whined at the feeling, already so close to the edge, the loss of contact unbearable. He had you painfully turned on, so conflicted with yourself. This was so wrong but the haze of lust covering your brain said otherwise.
You tried your hardest to fight it, your breathing shallow as you scrunched your eyes shut, Leon's hot breath on your back. He was so fucking close to you, his hands on your hips, his cock very noticeably pressed against your ass.
Without even thinking you ground your hips against his just slightly, desperate for some stimulation. It was driving you insane. You just needed to relieve the aching arousal between your legs, your breasts even feeling hypersensitive against the sheets below you.
Wrong move.
You could hear Leon laugh behind you making you freeze. "I thought you wanted me to stop sweetheart? Here you are telling me you want me to stop but your grinding on my cock like a whore." His smile grew and he adjusted so that the tip of his cock was pressed up right against your now soaking cunt.
You were so fucking close, the head of his cock right on your clit, driving you absolutely insane. If you pressed back just a little bit he would be pushing inside of you.
Would it be so bad to just...
Your face reddened in embarrassment as you pressed back against his cock, the tip now pushing into you, just enough to have you moan again.
Leon smirked and held your hips, slowly pulling the tip of his cock out and pushing in again shallowly, his grip not allowing you to move back any further. "What's the matter baby? You want my cock in you? Huh? You want to feel me slam my cock into this pretty pussy? You want me to fuck you?" He teased, still moving at that agonizingly slow pace.
You nodded your head quickly, another desperate whine escaping your lips.
"I don't know, I don't think you deserve it." He said, pulling out again, wetness from your cunt clinging to him. "You've been such a bad girl, maybe I'll just keep you right here and get off on your thighs yeah? Leave you all desperate and covered in my cum. How does that sound?"
"N-no..." You whispered, tears running down your flushed face, your lips swollen and red. "Please...please just..." The throbbing between your legs was painfully strong now, your pussy clenching on nothing over and over again. "I need you, please just fill me up... I'll be good..."
Leon felt his cock jump at your begging, pre-cum dripping from the tip and onto the sheets, the plaga inside of him beginning to take control, a near animalistic need starting to consume him. "Since you asked so nicely pretty girl."
He growled, black veins beginning to crawl their way up his neck and over his jaw. "I'll give my baby what she wants...but I won't stop. I'm gonna keep going until you are full of my cum. Okay sweetheart? Gonna fill you up, get you pregnant...fuck a baby into this gorgeous pussy." He breathed, finally pressing his cock deep inside of you.
Even with how turned on you were it hurt when he finally pushed his cock into you, your walls squeezing tightly around him. He was just so big inside of you, the tip of his cock pressing hard against your cervix. The feeling knocked the wind out of you, an intense cramping feeling hitting you hard at how much he was stretching you out. You let out a muffled gasp, your hips wiggling in his grip to try and ease the pressure.
You could feel Leon's grip on your hips tighten, claws beginning to become more noticeable as the pricked your sensitive skin. He growled lowly behind you, pulling out and savoring the way your cunt pulled him right back in. "That's it sweetheart, taking me so well."
He started slow, his breathing heavy as if he were trying to hold back from going as hard and as fast as he could manage. You could feel just how heavy his cock was inside of you, the position of your hips making it easier for him to slide his cock right back into you.
He began to put more force into his thrusts, your vision nearly going dark with how overwhelming the feeling was. You whined and moaned beneath him as his speed picked up, pleasure surging though you, each move igniting a heat that got more and more intense.
With every single deep thrust you could feel the veins in his cock dragging against your walls, the sensation too much to handle. You bit your lip attempting to stifle the moans pouring from your mouth, your teeth digging harshly into your sensitive skin.
Leon yanked at the collar again, the pain causing your eyes to fly open and a scream to be forced from your lungs as he pulled you backwards against him, his cock hitting so deep inside of you you thought you would split in half. "Fuck!"
"Don't you dare hold those pretty noises back from me. I want to hear just how I'm making you feel." He groaned, feeling you tighten around him again. He dug his claws into the skin of your hips, the sharp tips now causing small drops of blood to well to the surface.
He was losing more and more control as he felt how warm you were around him, blood roaring in his ears his cock feeling entirely too sensitive with every roll of his hips. He needed to cum as deep inside of you as he could. "I can feel how tightly you're squeezing me princess, I want you to come for me, can you do that?"
You could feel his thrusts get faster and more harsh by the second, the pleasure building in your body forcing you closer and closer to your orgasm. You nodded you head, louder moans spilling from your lips.
"Mhm I want to hear your words sweetheart." He teased, yanking your collar again and pulling you back so that your legs were straddling his lap with his cock still deep inside of you. Your back arched as he forced you into his lap, his cock slipping so far into you in the new position you thought you were going to pass out.
He gripped your waist, his clawed hand on full display now, the other still holding the chain of the leash tightly.
He began you move your hips for you, lifting you up slightly, and thrusting up into you as he slammed you back down, each time his cock practically pulsing with arousal. More slick coated his thighs, your cunt soaking wet from how he was using you.
You were so. Fucking. Close.
"I'm gonna ask you again, pretty thing. Can you come for me?" He asked, his mouth right by your ear,
You could barely think straight as he continued to thrust into you, the tight band in your abdomen threatening to snap any second.
"Y-Yes-Oh fuck- please-" You whined, clenching down on him with every hard thrust.
"That's it pretty girl, just let go. Let me take care of you." He groaned, his breath hot on your neck as he pounded into you.
You felt everything all at once, the pleasure that was building finally hitting it's peak, throwing you forcefully into mind numbing ecstasy as you came around him, crying his name out over and over again.
You felt your legs shaking as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm, Leon cruelly thrusting the head of his cock right against your cervix. Your jaw went slack as you felt completely overwhelmed, your body collapsing against his.
Even as the waves of pleasure slowly started to recede you could feel overstimulation begin to pull at you, a broken cry escaping your lips as another harsh thrust brought you back to reality.
"Fuck- stop-ah! Leon! Too much-" Your voice came out hoarse as you begged him, his breathing getting noticably heavier.
"Not... Nng- not until I fucking come inside of you." He growled, his eyes rolling back in his head at just how fucking good you felt on his hard cock. His pace was becoming erratic, slamming you down over and over again feeling you tighten around him, his breathing now ragged, low growls and groans rumbling from his chest. "Fuck!" He spat, his hand momentarily leaving the leash to rub aggressive circles on your swollen clit, making you practically scream.
He buried his face in your neck, his breathing heavy as he growled against your skin, not able to hold back any longer.
"That's it... Just let me fuck you like the good little slut you are... You can take it, come on... Aw sweetheart I know it hurts... It's gonna feel so fucking good soon...I'm gonna...mhm.. I'm gonna cum inside this pretty cunt of yours and keep fucking you until you pass out. I need to be inside you so bad princess, I'm gonna come inside you over and over again until it's fucking spilling out of you."
You could feel his cock throbbing inside of you with every thrust, a sudden sharp pain ripping you back to reality when Leon bit down HARD on your neck. Blood immediately flooded to the area, sliding down you collarbone and over your chest and stomach, some hot trails of blood making its way over your shoulder and down your back, between your bodies.
You suddenly felt his cock swelling inside of you, shooting hot ropes of come all over your spasming walls, filling you up completely.
You screamed, feeling him force your hips down all the way onto him, shoving his cock as deep in you as he could. You nearly blacked out at the feeling, everything happening at once, the overstimulation, his fingers abusing your clit, his teeth buried in your neck and his cock so deep inside of you sending you right back over the edge again.
You felt like you couldn't breathe, your hands curling into fists, your nails digging into your palms as you felt tears start to fall from your eyes.
Broken sobs and cries came from your swollen lips as you tried to suck in air only for it to catch in your throat, another yelp forcing you to sigh and try to inhale again.
You felt your vision go black for a moment, your entire body completely spent as you lost consciousness.
You could feel Leon's arm around you, pulling you out of your stupor. His lips were on your cheek, his other hand petting your hair softly. You were still in his lap, his hard cock buried inside of you, your body aching.
"Shh baby, you did so good for me. It's okay. You're safe....I've got you." He whispered into your neck, kissing you gently, over your shoulder, your face and the bite mark on your neck, blood still dripping from the wound and covering his lips.
"M'sorry princess, I got a little carried away." He apologized, his hand around your waist tracing small circles over your hip. "You just feel so good..." He sighed, his hips shallowly thrusting back into you, come gushing out around his cock.
"I'm just gonna stay inside you for a little longer, okay?" He said, his hair ticking your skin as he continued to kiss along your neck. It almost felt nice, how gentle he was being with you.
The more you came to, the more you could feel every scratch, puncture and cut across your body, blood and bruises scattered over your raw skin.
The collar was still around your throat, your heartbeat pounding against the leather, claustrophobia making your stomach wind up more and more. You felt caged in, tightly pressed against Leon's chest as he mumbled into your hair. You looked down and noticed the black veins retreat from his fingers, his nails becoming shorter again, his complexion going back to normal.
His breathing slowed as he gently rocked his hips against you again, a low clicking noise coming from his chest as he spoke. "Mine..."
You tried to stay as still as possible, hoping that he would continue to calm down, going your best to control your own breathing. Everything hurt so badly you were ready to just fall asleep, exhaustion pulling at your consciousness.
You both stayed like that for a while, Leon whispering apologies and praises to you, occasionally groaning when he would adjust slightly, his cock brushing against your sensitive walls, making you squeeze down on him. It was obvious that he was still painfully hard.
"Baby?" He asked, his voice sounding uncharacteristically quiet and timid. "Can you take me one more time? I promise I'll be gentle... I just need to come in you one more time I promise."
You were shocked that he thought you could handle anything else right now, your eyes widening in disbelief. "Leon-"
"Please?" He practically whined, drawing his cock of of you halfway and taking his time to push it right back in to the base. "Just one more, I promise."
You felt exhausted, but you really didn't think you had much of a choice. "Mhm..." You mumbled, wiggling your arms to release the tension in your shoulders, your wrists sore from your restraints.
"You want this off? You have to be good for me okay?"He asked, leaning you forward enough to start to undo the belt, releasing your arms to finally fall limply to your sides.
You couldn't have lifted them even if you wanted to, blood finally rushing to the tips of your fingers making them feel even more sore.
You felt him lay you down gently in front of him, your back protesting as your body was met with the soft blankets draped over the bed.
"I'll go slow okay?" He said, hissing when he moved downwards with you, pressing his cock into you again, slowly rolling his hips against yours.
All you could do was moan underneath him as he pinned you down, lazily hitting his cock inside you over and over again. "That's it, such a good girl."
"Fuck..." You whimpered as he gently massaged circles on your hips, your body trembling with every thrust.
His pace picked up slightly, though you knew he was holding back. "M'so close baby, just a little more." He pressed his hips all the way to yours, his pace was becoming irregular and sloppy, groans echoing through the room.
He buried his face in your neck when he came, more ropes of hot come filling you up making you clench tightly around him. "Fuck!" He growled, his grip on your hips nearly painful as he pushed all the way into you. "So good for me...such a good girl." You could feel just how hard he was, his cock heavy inside of you as rode out the waves of pleasure overwhelming him.
He slowly came down from is high, looking down at you, entirely fucked out, tears rolling down your face, your cheeks flushed and your breathing coming out in shaking gasps.
He brushed your hair out of your face, leaning down to kiss your temple, doing his best to be gentle when he pulled out of you, come dripping from your abused cunt. Your brain was foggy and you could barely understand what was happening, your form occasionally twitching involuntarily, trying to recover from the waves of overstimulation that wracked your body.
You felt Leon get up from behind you, his footsteps sounding like he was walking away for a moment. Not that you could run away, you didn't think you could sit up let alone try to escape him.
You waited for a moment, expecting to hear him come back any second, fatigue pulling you into a restless sleep before you could fight it.
You were jostled awake one more time when you felt arms underneath your back and your knees lifting you from the comfort of the bed.
"Mmf- wha...?"
Leon didn't respond as he held you to his chest and started to carry you away, your lack of energy keeping your eyes shut.
It wouldn't be so bad if you slept just a little more... right?
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tg-pilled · 5 months
How TG characters would react to being in Saw traps:
(These aren't specific traps because I haven't seen enough movies to torture my pookies properly yet 😾😾😾)
Pre-Jason: Cry, shake, throw up. Would probably die from the stress and overthinking before that cunty Billy Puppet could even Think about rolling in
Post-Jason: Would not hesitate to break a bone but would also act in rash ways. Would probably manage to escape the trap but wouldn't seek for help after because he's emo brocken core 🥀🥀🥀
Approaches it from a logical perspective. 100% escapes but tries not to injure himself (or others if it is a joined trap)
Would probably curse out whoever put her in the room the entire time while solving the puzzle / getting through it. Like. "YOU SICK SON OF A BITCH, I'M GOING TO GET YOU" *solves the puzzle* She 100% beats the fuck out of the Billy puppet when he rolls in once she's done like she is Not gonna have it
We all know our boy is SO smart, but he doesn't have the healing properties of a ghoul so he would have to be extra careful with it
Gets his swearing out BEFORE he starts solving the puzzle which ultimately costs him time so he dies. He's definitely smart enough and rash enough to do ANYTHING to get out but I feel like his attitude would get in his way
Tries but ultimately decides he doesn't give a fuck so he just opts to die
Definitely tries but realizes he also doesn't give a fuck. His only motivation would be to keep protecting those he cares about but if the creator of the room told him they were dead then he'd probably just die too
Like Touka, he gets mad except he sits there for a while stewing in his anger because he hates when people boss him around and he'll prove he's the best by escaping with only a little time left
Solves it SO quickly and kicks serious ass once she's out
Solves it and then serves absolute cunt while hunting down the guy
Considering how he reacted when Kaneki turned the tables on him, he'd probably lay down and cry
Acts like he knows what he's doing and then dies because he does not in fact know what he's doing
Compliments the person who made the room while solving the ever loving fuck out of it
I honestly have NO clue what he would do. He seems like the type of guy to say, "You're under arrest!" in a situation where he does not have the ability to arrest someone 😭 He's definitely smart enough to solve it, he would just probably be saying, "Do you know who I am??" the entire time 💀
Solves it and then complains that it ruined her schedule for the day 💀
Doesn't give a fuck probably. That or she would cry. Or both. She'd cry and then not give a fuck.
I'm sorry but that man is NOT surviving. He's smart but he definitely is a different type of intelligent to what Saw traps might require. I think in a physical one, yes he would. In one that required more attention to detail and shit...maybe not.
Cries and then beats the ever loving fuck out of the trap and kills the person that did it
Solves it and just goes about it silently, unphased, and logically. He can't let his kidnapper know he's scared
This is for shits and giggles, don't take it too serious and I'd love to see other characters you guys think about in Saw traps. All the characters are def smart enough to solve them but it's funny to imagine them in there
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linkspooky · 3 months
Hey. Long time follower here. Your metas, your discussions of "bad victims", your nuanced view of heroes and victims, your favoritism towards "losers"...not only did you heavily influence my own writing and my own favorites in different medias (I'm entirely blaming you for me being a Makima stan) but you helped through an extremely dark time in my life. I don't think that you just made me a better writer, you also sort of saved my life. I'll always be grateful for that.
There's something I want to ask. You answered to another ask that you don't regret reading MHA because focusing on what doesn't work about it made your writing stronger. Do you feel the same about Homestuck? Or about the more disappointing parts of Tokyo Ghoul (and, while we're being candid here, Avatar?).
Thank you for your compliments they're very encouraging to read.
At this point this blog is becoming the bad victim lovers support group where we all hug each other and cry over how MHA is treating all of its bad victims.
HOMESTUCK: Honestly, my main problem with Homestuck is that ACT 6 was so long and uneventful full of characters not doing anything that by the end of it the only character I was invested in was Vriska. ACT 6 also did go out of it's way to kill my enthusiasm for everything I liked in ACT 5, especially John Vriska. I've never seen a comic throw out all of its previous development that the audience was invested in and like everything that was foreshadowed - oh wait My Hero Academia. Unfortunately Vriska is an all-time-fave so I still write Homestuck Fanfic about her to this day. I used to like think the finale of Homestuck was one big "meh" but after years to reflect upon it, I do like Vriska's arc ending on a final note of Terezi searching for her in the void, possibly forever, and the ambiguity of whether they'll reunite.
TOKYO GHOUL: I remember being mad about Kaneki getting a happy ending that he didn't earn. Kaneki was a character that really frustrated me for a long time, but I came to realize that if you like remove Kaneki from his group of codependent enablers he's actually a really interesting character when he's alone. So he's a character I love to explore in fic, even if I disliked what they did with him in canon. Also, Tokyo Ghoul killed off its biggest victims Furuta and Rize in a really cruel way, but it didn't kill off every single victim so it just disappoints me instead of making me sick to my stomach like MHA does.
ATLA: I actually think the Avatar the Last Airbender ending is fine. Which like, isn't saying much because I think the Season 1 finale and Season 2 finales are some of the best things ever put to television. The worst sin that the ending does is number one lack of foreshadowing in earlier in the season and number two rushed plot points. Aang not wanting to kill the Fire Lord makes sense. I think the reason a lot of people criticize this and call it an ass pull is that it's not even BROUGHT UP until the finale. Vash the Stampede is pacifist and one of my favorite characters, but it's established from episode 1 that Vash is constantly up against people who want to kill him and he either has to run away or find a way to fight back nonlethally. Azula's insanity and mental instability could have been a thing, but it's not foreshadowed at all so all it ends up doing is conveniently nerf Azula for Zuko, and also being ableist. The worst problem is while there are epic fights it doesn't feel like an ending, because everyone's character arcs are 3/4ths of the way through. ESPECIALLY ZUKO's. Like people say Zuko is acting out of character in the comics, but I think Zuko is the only person in character in the comics because that's how Zuko without a proper end to his character arc would act. It really feels like they had plans for a fourth season that they didn't get, and their solution was to cram an entire season worth of development in everything post the eclipse on season 3. The fact that Azula is left as such a hanging thread is like proof of that, and the fact that Azula's last shot in the series is just her crying and screaming with like no follow up afterwards is something I've been bitter about for fourteen years.
I could write an entire post about how Zuko's redemption arc is unfinished though. It's like the same problem as Catra. I like both characters and I'm glad they got redeemed but they crammed in the entire redemption arc into 1/2 of the last season and that simply wasn't enough time.
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bingeeaterblog · 4 months
Messy kaneki breakdown (kakuja centric)
Kaneki is genuinely so unwell but he still manages push past that and create a life for himself???? He's been through so much and instead being like "I suffered why wouldn't they" he actively wants to make a change in the world so people don't suffer like he did! He would do anything for the people he loves he would DIE for them.
I wanna talk about his kakuja form, there's no way around it is a psychotic break he is actively self sabotaging and killing himself thinking what is doing is for the sake of the people he cares about.
His hallucinations of rize and Jason destroy him even in death he can't escape them always in the back of his mind they will always be part of him rize genuinely INSIDE him and Jason in his mind and his stomach in the centipede appendages that trail down his back.
He's pushing people he loves away thinking it's for their own good if he doesn't he's still the pathetic man that let ryoko die right? He doesn't know if what he's doing is actually right but he has to try doesn't he? Cause if he doesn't what was it all for? All the pain all the counting the sick cracking of knuckles HIS knuckles being ripped off over and over it has to all be for something doesn't it?
Kaneki is actively decaying and I mean this is his state of mind, the lack of help and support after his torture maybe but also the cannibalism, it is actively eating away at his mind making him go mad his constant gorging disgusts him but he keeps GOING.
When he hears Amon say he's just like every other ghoul (I actually prefer the dubs anime version of this line "you're nothing but a heartless killer" it just hits a little harder for me) and in a moment of clarity he realizes what hes doing and he gives in, bowing before Amon "I don't wanna eat anymore" (whatever punishment you see fit kill me in an act of justice).
I think Amon is a very interesting parallel to him, someone who sees the world in purely black and white having that view changed when he meets a ghoul who /doesn't/ want to kill him. He's curious it gives him some sort of hope that the world could be different. Yet still when he sees a ghoul who he once thought as (almost) pure hearted eating and tearing at someone he looks up to? He doesn't fully resent him. He does at first but seeing that ounce of regret and shame when he comes back to earth? What happened to him? What made him turn out this way? What happened in that aoigiri base that changed you so? Will I ever truly know you?
Ok byeeee :3
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uriekukistan · 6 months
tokyo ghoul AND death note ask -
How do you think L and Light would react if they lived in the Tokyo Ghoul world? Would they be pro-CCG? Ghoul sympathisers etc?
Which (if any) characters from TG would support Kira? 👀
Obviously choose which, if any, to write lol, but I'd love to read your take! Thanks!
oh fuck yes i love a good crossover ty for this ask!
this is not directly related but i have actually imagined if light were in kaneki’s place before because it’s super interesting to me, because unlike kaneki, light barely hesitated to experiment with the death note, so i think when he realized what was going on, he’d be curious about the taste of human meat as well as his kagune. similar with the death note, probably gets power drunk with it and ends up a binge eater like rize.
addressing your ask now, light has a strong sense of justice, and pre death note acquisition, he also has a great deal of respect for “the system.” i can see him being pretty pro-CCG (i dont see this holding him back if he were in kaneki’s place though, i think his curiosity overcomes these factors).
on the other hand, while justice is still meaningful for L, he’s also more amusement oriented. also, he would view it less as an issue of justice and more as an issue of darwinism. to him, the conflict is not about right and wrong like it is for light, but about weak and strong species. because of that, i don’t think he’s particularly pro-ghoul or pro-CCG. he’s just observing to see which species comes out on top because it’s fun for him.
one tg character i think would have a really interesting perspective on kira is kaneki. i can see him either taking a matsuda-like perspective where he sees the benefits of taking out criminals, but still thinks its wrong.
eto is not pro or anti kira, she’s just curious about what’s going to happen. probably had the tv on 24/7 when the second kira and “kira” were communicating via sakura tv
touka and ayato would be strictly anti kira, they do not trust the concept of justice at all for obvious reasons, actually i think most ghouls fall into this category.
saiko is someone that interests me as well because on the one hand i can see her being pretty anti kira, and on the other hand i can see her being pro kira, and this is all based on her reaction and perspective shift after amon saves her, the lack of certainty is just me trying to explore all the possibilities and therefore being unable to keep consistent analogies in my head
the character i can most see supporting kira strongly is kureo mado, idk i just see him as the kind of person to think that cleaning up society is cleaning up society whether it’s done by the book or unconventionally
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limpwristjesus · 11 months
I find it inch resting that Kaneki views Rize as the embodiment of monstrousness when so much of the cruelty he is subjected to is violence people wish to do to Rize but she’s not there and Ken is the next best thing. That makes the whole anti transmasculinity re: Mutsuki even worse if you consider that he parallels Ken and people don’t realize that they view Mutsuki as unredeemable for doing the very same things Ken gets redeemed for or applauded for. That contrasted to the body horror of being a man receiving a transplant from a woman and suddenly becoming a target because they have nowhere else to dump the misogynistic violence that they wish to subject her to is so deeply unserious.
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
[Spark doll au: Takeshi (Ultraman 80), is handing out graded tests.]
(He pauses and turns to stare at the last student on his list, )
Takeshi: (Girl's name), you got an 98, the highest mark in the class.
Girl: Yes! *She leans over to high five her friends*
Takeshi, nods: However…” *holds up the test* You filled in a geography test, not a Math test”
(The entire class starts laughing while the girl goes bright red.)
Takeshi: It’s an excellent score, indeed. But.... How did you not realize you were taking a test for the wrong subject?!
*the air in the room suddenly goes cold*
Takeshi, smiles tightly as a dark aura surround him: ...Or rather, how did you know the answer keys for a third year geography test? That's what miss R/n and Mrs. Rize would like to know right now; down in the counselor's office.~
(The girl's face goes from red to ashen in a instant and still hasn’t lived it down; 80 does not like cheating in his classroom.)
The computer teacher Mrs. Rize is an alien Salome she's married to Mr. Six-six.
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kyanitedragon · 7 months
Oh man chapter 62 hits different when you read Tokyo Ghoul Past right before it
Kaneki tells this to Rize...
and its pretty clear to the audience that his aunt was lying the whole time, just sleazing money off her sister
and it seems like Kaneki was unaware of it, or at least in heavy denial
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But he wasn't.
Because in TG Past, when Kaneki's 15, he directly realizes this...
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We even get to see that two-story home in Ch 62
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Versus where Kaneki and his mom had lived
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tokyoghoulaspecs · 4 months
Make Up Date
Hide takes Kaneki on a date, to make him feel loved after his disastrous first date with Rize.
Word Count: 1500
Featuring: Aroacespec Kaneki
Warnings: A character feeling uncomfortable with romance, written in an amatonormative POV for a time
(AO3 Link)
“Come on, let me take you on a date! Please!”
Hide had been begging this every day since his release from the hospital. Thinking it was a joke he wasn’t getting, Kaneki kept denying. But Hide kept asking, and Kaneki was beginning to think he was completely serious.
“Why does this matter to you?” Kaneki asked.
Hide didn’t like him, right? If he did, this was a real strange way to confess.
Hide’s smile turned gentle. “Because your first date ended up so awful. You don’t deserve that. And I can’t see you wanting to ask anyone else out anytime soon, so let me take you out!”
“You don’t have to do that. I’m fine.”
“Of course I don’t have to, but I want to. It’ll be fun for me too!”
“Okay, fine. But no dinner dates.”
Hide grimaced, likely remembering what happened at Big Girl. “Yeah, sure. No problem. We can do something else. How about a bookstore date, and then we see a movie together? If you’re up for it we could eat a bunch of junk food, but if you’re not, then the movie will be just as good with no snacks.”
“Okay. I’m in.”
Hide already had a plan in mind. In fact, in the week Kaneki kept denying, Hide had just built onto his original plan.
He’d dressed nicely. He brought flowers. He brought a cute little package of chocolates. He met Kaneki after his classes, complimenting his appearance even though Kaneki hadn’t dressed up, and walked him to the bookstore. He held his hand the whole time and stood close, affectionately leaning on him. He kissed his hand a few times, even going for a peck on the cheek once or twice. He planned and did everything romantic he could think of. Even the “stretch and not-so-discreetly put your arm around your partner” move during the movie, as cliché as it probably was.
It was the perfect plan for making Kaneki feel special and loved.
But Kaneki was really awkward the whole time. At first, Hide just thought it was nerves. He gave it some time for Kaneki to adjust to their date. But he never did, and he just seemed to be growing more and more uncomfortable as the night went on. He gradually toned down the romance, trying to hit a sweet spot in Kaneki’s comfort zone, but Kaneki kept giving off vibes of being uncomfortable. Hide knew Kaneki wouldn’t speak up for himself, so Hide stopped the date as soon as he realized it. And he felt terrible for not realizing it and stopping it sooner. His intentions were to cheer Kaneki up, not drag him out on an uncomfortable evening that he might not have even wanted in the first place.
“You don’t like me, do you?” Hide asked gently. It was one of the few things he could never accurately tell about Kaneki. Some days he thought Kaneki was harboring a secret crush on him. Other days he thought Kaneki only thought of him like a friend. He didn’t care either way. But he wanted to know right now, to make things simple and be able to best help Kaneki in whichever way he wanted and needed.
“...” Kaneki didn’t answer him.
“It’s fine. I know I’m not exactly a beautiful girl, like you usually like.” Hide said.
“I don’t know…” Kaneki said.
“You’re not gonna insult me or anything by saying no.”
“No, I… I really don’t know.” Kaneki said. He put his head in his hands, frustrated. “You’re right. You’re not a beautiful girl. I don’t see you the same way as I did with… with Rize-san. I don’t see you as beautiful, but…”
“But you’re… handsome. You’re really nice and kind, and you goof around a lot, but you can be really smooth and charming when you want to be. And I do like that.”
Hide started blushing. Was he really like that?
“And… isn’t that romantic?” Kaneki mused. “Isn’t that what girls like in guys?”
“So you do like me.” Hide said, trying to make sense of it.
“I don’t know.” Kaneki repeated. “This date didn’t feel like it should. It didn’t feel good, to be treated as your date.”
“Did you feel like I was treating you too much like a girl?”
“No, no.” Kaneki shook his head. “Maybe it was just too much attention.”
“Too much too soon?”
“Just too much attention in general.”
“Then what kind of attention do you want? What did you and that girl do?”
“I already told you.”
“There’s gotta be more than that! Give me the juicy details! Did she have some real nerdy pickup lines? Did you do that thing where you cuddle and read the same book together? Or lean over her shoulder as she reads as an excuse to get closer to her?”
Kaneki gave him a confused look. Why would he want to get closer to her?
“No, none of that. We talked about our favorite books, ate dinner, and we talked as we walked home.”
“...That’s it?”
“Well, then there was the accident…”
Hide flinched. “Oh, I didn’t mean to—!”
“It’s okay.” Kaneki said. “I’m okay.”
“That’s really all you did on your date?”
“Is there something wrong with that?”
“No. As long as… that’s what you wanted to happen on your date?”
“Yeah. Yeah, it was… really nice… I was… really happy. Before…” Kaneki trailed off again.
“Just talking about books?”
“Yeah. Turns out we had a lot in common. I liked that.”
Hide went silent. He wasn’t sure how to say what he was thinking in a way that wouldn’t come across as offensive. Because he really didn’t mean it that way. But something didn’t seem to be adding up.
“You liked… that you had common taste in books?” Hide repeated.
“And… that’s it?” Hide asked again.
“Yes, that’s it.” Kaneki snapped, getting tired of answering the same question. And then he seemed to realize what Hide was getting at. “Oh.
There was a beat of silence. Then Kaneki asked “Well, then what do most people like about their dates?”
“I-I don’t know. I’ve never been on a date either, remember?”
“But if you were to guess?”
“Well, some people like to hookup on a first date. Or makeout. Otherwise, I think they try to learn all they can about each other and see if they might be compatible.”
“Okay? And wasn’t that what I was doing?”
“Was it?” Hide asked. “Did you ask about her family? Her schooling? Her hobbies besides reading?”
“No…” Kaneki said. “She asked about mine a little, but…”
“It’s not bad that you didn’t.” Hide said. “You had fun. That’s all that matters.”
After a moment, Kaneki said. “...I didn’t want to hook up with her.”
“That’s fine, plenty of people don’t want to move that fast, especially on a first date.”
“I didn’t want to kiss her, either.”
“And that’s fine too. First base is overrated. Not like I’ve ever kissed anyone, either.”
“She leaned in to kiss me. At least, I thought she was going to.”
“Oh?” Hide’s eyes lit up, suddenly interested. So they did have more physical stuff going on on that date. He knew they had to!
“But when she did… I felt… afraid.”
“It’s fine to be nervous.”
“Not nervous.” Kaneki said firmly. “Afraid.”
“Afraid of being a bad kisser?”
“Afraid of being kissed.” Kaneki admitted. “She was holding me, and coming in to kiss me, and I just felt afraid. I didn’t want her to kiss me. My heart was pounding in my ears and I couldn’t move and all I could think was, I don’t actually want this.”
“Did she back off?” Hide asked, holding his breath.
“Well… She didn’t kiss me…” Kaneki muttered.
“So you didn’t like her.” Hide said.
“I did like her.” Kaneki said. “She was pretty and I had a fun time with her.”
“So you liked her as a friend.”
“...As a friend?”
“Right? Sounds that way to me.”
Kaneki ducked his head and sighed.
“It’s fine. There’s other fish in the sea.”
“How can you tell?”
“Do you know how many girls there are in Tokyo alone, nevermind the whole wide—?”
“No. How can you tell if you like someone as a friend or as a girlfriend?”
“You, you know, feel different about them.” Hide said. But between Kaneki’s blank stare, and what he had just admitted, he realized that Kaneki did not in fact know.
“Uh, let’s see. You get anxious around them. But a good kind of anxious, not like anxiety but like excitement. You really want to spend more time around them. And they make you really happy. So much that sometimes you can overdo it while not realizing it. You know how in movies someone will laugh way too long at the bad joke their crush said? Like that.”
“But what’s the difference?” Kaneki asked. “You feel that way about friends too. Right?”
“Er, sorta? Sometimes?” Hide grit his teeth, starting to get confused himself. He knew the difference, but it wasn’t something he could put into words.
“But you can tell?” Kaneki asked.
“Yeah. I mean, I think so.”
“Then either… I like everyone… or I like no one...”
Hide laughed, patting him on the back. “Well good news, bud. There’s words for both of those.”
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aesrot · 5 months
So the basic worldbuilding of Tokyo ghoul is that living among humans are a species called “ghouls” which are monsters (I say that and then realize there are some moral implications to that) that eat human flesh, that’s the only food they can eat. Otherwise they look act and are almost essentially humans (aside from a special organ that gives them essentially their own weapon from their body I think it’s kagune that might be wrong). They live among people and there is a special government agency I don’t remember what it’s called dedicated to hunting ghouls. Essentially kinda like a cannibal serial killer situation.
Anyway, the show follows kaneki ken (my beloved) he’s an awkward socially awkward college student who goes on a date with a girl named rize who turns out to be a ghoul. They get into some sort of weird accident and rize is killed but kaneki isnt. Although he does need a few organ transplants………… anyway yeah he becomes a ghoul and the show follows him dealing w that in the ghoul society that I honestly think is really interesting how it works.
The worldbuilding is super cool and I love it a lot, it’s a lot of eating people, blood, gore, becoming a monster, corruption giggles. God the end of the first season and the next season are so cool to me, let’s just say kaneki goes through a Lot Of Change through the story. It’s so cool and the first anime I ever watched and it’s so special to me I love it so dearly from the bottom of my heart… waughhhhh I’ve read like the entire manga too I think (unless it’s updated since I’ve last watched which I think it has tbh… so I should rewatch it n read it$ I don’t like the third season (Tokyo ghoul: re) as much bc it makes no sense without reading the manga but the original is so special to me
giggles very good timing actually, yesterday i was thinking to myself that its been quite a while since i watched any anime, let alone gory ones and was just wanting to find something but then forgot. GIGGLES >:3
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tg-pilled · 7 months
Tokyo Ghoul Characters as MCR songs
This is for shits and giggles, please don't take this too serious. I originally wanted to cover Every album and compare Every song to a character from each album and then realized nobody cares that deeply so here is a brief version!
Kaneki - Famous Last Words - "Can you see my eyes are shining bright? 'Cause I'm out here on the other side of a jet black hotel mirror and I'm so weak. Is it hard understanding, I'm incomplete?"
Haise - AMBULANCE - "And we will wear our masks again, out after dark, 'cause we are up for everything it takes, and we are not the same."
Ginshi - Cancer - "But counting down the days to go, it just ain't living, and I just hope you know that if you say goodbye today, I'd ask you to be true because the hardest part of this is leaving you."
Urie - Sleep - "Don't you breathe for me, undeserving of your sympathy, 'cause there ain't no way I'm sorry for what I did."
Mutsuki - DESTROYA - "With duct-tape scars on my honey, they don't like who you are. You won't like where we'll go, brother, protect me now."
Saiko - The Kids from Yesterday - "All the cameras watch the accidents and stars you hate. They only care if you can bleed. Does the television make you feel the pills you ate or every person that you need to be?"
Arima - The Foundations of Decay - "Let the flesh submit itself to gravity. Let our bodies lay, mark our hearts with shame. Let our blood in vain, you find God in pain. Now if your convictions were a passing phase, may your ashes feed the river in the morning rays. And as the vermin crawls we lay in the foundations of decay."
Hide - The World is Ugly - "These are their hearts, but their hearts don't beat like ours. They burn 'cause they are all afraid. But mine beats twice as hard, 'cause the world is ugly, but you're beautiful to me."
Touka - The Ghost of You - "At the top of my lungs in my arms she dies, she dies. At the end of the world, or the last thing I see, you are never coming home."
Hinami - Cemetary Drive - "If you want, I'll keep on crying. Did you get what you deserve? Is this what you always want me for? I miss you."
Ayato - Thank You for the Venom - "I keep a gun in the book you gave me. Hallelujah, lock and load. Black is the kiss, the touch of the serpent son."
Nishiki - The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You - "Gaze into her killing jar, I'd sometimes stare for hours. She even poked the holes so I can breathe."
Eto - Give 'Em Hell Kid - "Some might say we are made from the sharpest things you say. We are young and we don't care. Your dreams and your hopeless hair. We never wanted it to be this way for all our lives."
Naki - The Only Hope for Me is You - "Because you're the only hope for me. And if we can't find where we belong, we'll have to make it on our own."
Takizawa - House of Wolves - "Tell me I'm an angel, take this to my grave. Tell me I'm a bad man, kick me like a stray."
Tsukiyama - Romance - There's no lyrics but the vibe is *chefs kiss*
Uta - I Never Told You What I Do for a Living - "It ain't the money and it sure as hell ain't just for the fame, it's for the bodies I claim and lose. Only go so far 'til you bury them so deep and down we go, down."
Renji - Headfirst for Halos - "And as the fragments of my skull begin to fall, fall on your tongue like pixie dust, just think happy thoughts, and we'll fly home."
Juuzou - Mama - "Well, mother, what the war did to my legs and to my tongue. You should've raised a baby girl, I should've been a better son."
Rize - Our Lady of Sorrows - "We could be perfect lovers one last night, and die like star-crossed lovers when we fight."
Akira - Skylines and Turnstiles - "We walk in single file. We light our rails and punch our time. Ride escalators colder than a cell. The broken city-sky, like butane on my skin, stolen from my eyes."
Amon - Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back - "For all of us who've seen the light, salute the dead and lead the fight. Who gives a damn if we lose the war? Let the walls come down, let the engines roar."
Feel free to add your own interpretations but these are songs that I think relate to the characters! :)
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