#rob a bank!!! family bonding!!!!!
space-dreams-world · 10 months
DPXDC soulmate prompt au:
Everyone has a soulmate. Even if the way you meet your soulmate is different, you can still feel a click in place. Even with different species, romantically or platonically, and multiple soulmates. ( like one person has by sight, and their soulmate is by touch. Basically, you can have soulmates with the same markings or two different types and still work)
So, Danny, after becoming Phantom and dealing with the ghosts, finally finds a way to shut down the Portal around his last year of high school, and multiple people aren't happy about that, i.e. his parents, the ghosts, Sam, the GIW, and even Vlad as he was banking on the fentons for his shit to work, and he had plans surrounding Danny's family.
He gets run out of town by Amity and his parents after they uncover his secret. Danny then spends the next few years in space, discovering aliens.
(During his disappearance, the GIW are disbanded, Vlad doesn't have access to the zone anymore and asking for him to search in space is a permadeath sentence for him, his parents regret their Gung ho attitude and miss him. In a twist of faith, an accident kills them off, and they are working through their regrets in the zone, waiting to see Danny so they can pass)
Now, as I mentioned at the top, this is a soulmate au, so in Death, Danny is able to get a feel for soulmate, like if his soulmate had a marking for him to recognize even if his soulmate identifier is lock on sight. (He essentially has an advantage of figuring out his significant other as he has his soulmate symbol on him.)
So, whose Danny significant other? Look no further than Gotham depressed himbo dad, Bruce Wayne, whose soulmate identifier is a tattoo of Danny's mark.
This could be pretty early on in his hero career or after Duke is a part of the Bats, but basically, Bruce goes on a space mission with the league and in one of their stints to get info, Danny immediately recognizes Batman's mark which was his soulmate clue. So, Danny, who hasn't spoken human or been on earth in years, has zero in on him,but they don't get to talk before Bruce heads back to earth, but Bruce knows there is something off about the possible alien man.
On Bruce's side, he hasn't seen anyone that has made it work, except if if you want to make it a polycule with Superman. (Dick has his redhead squad or the titans, Jason ends up with Roy or someone else, Tim has Bernard and Kon, and Damian is starting to platonically be friends with Jon. Cass has found her soulmate in Stephanie.
(The Joker is a weird case where he has a soulmate that isn't born yet or died already, or he has no one and that why he is crazy and scars the Bat symbol on him as he sees his enemy with no soulmate either.)
Anyway, something big happens on earth, like an invasion, and the Bat is almost killed before a bright light descends upon the sky and removes the threat. Batman, once recovering his sight, sees the same masked alien man from before. Once they regroup, the masked man removes his helmet, and Bruce finally gets his soulmate connection. Danny has aged significantly since his first departure of earth and attempting to relearn earth's customs and figure out what happened with his family and friends.
( Jazz is soulmates with Talia and is in a secret relationship with her after Damian is made.
Sam is soulmates with Paulina but despises this, which causes her some mental instability, and refuses to acknowledge their bond, somehow still banking on Danny being her knight, and rebrands herself as Pamela Isley or Poison Ivy and finds love in Harley.
Tucker actually renames himself after Amity as Silas Stone and has a child. He works with Alien Tech to see if he can find his best friend again.
Dani is only made after Danny's return to earth but loves her indefinitely as he feels that the Portal had robbed him of a good life with offspring.
And Dan is working on his aggression in the zone.)
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wonderlandsakura · 1 year
Everlasting trio but Ellie is their daughter and Dan is their estranged adult son that they're trying to build a relationship back up with and Danny and Vlad have a weird divorced-but-still-co-parenting relationship over both children where Vlad pays maintenance and takes the kids on weekends and holidays.
That is to say, Everlasting trio move to crime alley in Gotham and set up a family restaurant with their kids that are much to old to be their kids and enough money to throw around to and give to street kids and create boarding towns and generally revitalize the area they live in like mob bosses without the need for protection money or bank robbing and it's enough to flag them, even with Sam's family money.
Also Danny is the Ghost King, so more random money.
People ask where the kids are and they say they're with their other father and everyone is weirded the fuck out and it's wonderful chaos :3
More Random Ideas below the cut
Ellie lives with them most of the time but Dan has a job at the Daily Planet and lives in metropolis.
However he's known to come by for the sole purpose of messing with Black Mask for some unknown reason (that I also don't know, maybe it's courting, maybe it's revenge) and often rolls up to the shop with him tossed over his shoulder gagged up or with a bag of his left socks or mentions having to leave soon to steal X item he just replaced and Everlasting trio don't blink an eye.
Jason is a regular and he and the goon union (cause Sam gave them the presentation and set them up with the representative) love and protect the place and it's owners (though they don't need it).
Ellie goes to Gotham U and terrorizes Dami and Jon and also confuses them with her tales of traveling and hints at her Tragic Backstory TM.
Jazz lives nearby and works at Arkham and works with her sister-in-law to try and get the higher ups to start the Rogue Rehabilitation Program where rogues like the Riddler, Poison Ivy and Harley can feed their obsessions in a healthier way that doesn't harm society.
Sam also has tea and cakes and bitching at the industrialisation time on the second Sunday of every month (or once a fortnight when something especially shitty crops up).
Tucker may or may not moonlight as the tech support guy for some of the rogues.
Danny doesn't patrol, he's retired for a reason, but he became the part-time caretaker of the Gotham Observatory, which is right next to the Gotham Cemetery which he is also the part-time caretaker for and he has a reputation as that crazy, creepy but also genuinely kind and helpful dude that runs that restaurant in Crime Alley.
Maybe he also converses with Lady Gotham from time to time and just walks into endless silent shadows and walks right back out.
Vlad visits occasionally and he and Danny tend to end up in a shouting match that often leads to a brawl which always ends with them injured and holed up in a corner booth of the restaurant with their respective drinks quietly, furtively and civilly discussing something as if the fight had never happened. (The adult Fenton-Manson-Foleys just ignore it and if you ask, say "bonding" and move on)
The Fenton Parents sometimes... visit. It's Chaos.
Danny has very publicly brawled with Killer Croc at least once and can be seen bringing down food into the sewers for Grundy every evening after the shop closes.
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learnfromali · 1 year
Get Rich Quick with Ali's Top 5 Financial Tips (And a Bonus Tip That'll Blow Your Mind!)
Hey there, my fellow financial wizards! Are you ready to turn those measly pennies into a fat stack of cash? Of course you are, that's why you're here, reading my brilliant blog.
So, you want to get rich quick, huh? Well, lucky for you, I've got the inside scoop on the top 5 financial tips that'll have you swimming in money faster than you can say "capital gains."
Tip #1: Invest in Cryptocurrency - Forget about boring old stocks and bonds, cryptocurrency is where it's at. Just throw your life savings into some random crypto with a cool name and watch as your portfolio explodes! Easy as pie.
Tip #2: Start a Ponzi Scheme - Who needs a legitimate business when you can just scam your friends and family out of their hard-earned cash? Build a pyramid of lies and deception and you'll be rolling in dough in no time.
Tip #3: Rob a Bank - This one's a classic. Just grab a ski mask, a bag with a dollar sign on it, and you're good to go. Just make sure you don't get caught. Jail time isn't exactly conducive to wealth-building.
Tip #4: Get a Sugar Daddy/Mommy - Hey, there's no shame in using your looks to your advantage. Just find yourself a wealthy older partner and voila, instant financial security. Who needs a career when you can just lounge around and spend your sugar daddy's money all day?
Tip #5: Gamble, Gamble, Gamble - Forget about saving up for a rainy day, just throw all your money at the blackjack table and pray for a stroke of luck. It's like investing, but with more adrenaline and less guaranteed returns.
And now, for the bonus tip that'll blow your mind: don't listen to any of my previous advice. Seriously, don't. These are terrible ideas that will probably land you in jail, broke, or both. Instead, focus on building a legitimate career and investing in your future. It may not be as flashy as robbing a bank or finding a sugar daddy, but it's a lot more sustainable (and legal).
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pricefi3ldz · 1 year
life is strange 2 spoilers!!
what i love about lis2 is how the endings blood brothers and lone wolf are mirror images of each other. though we see very different ending outcomes, they both display the true importance of daniel and sean’s bond.
in lone wolf, we see how lost daniel becomes following sean’s death. he’s reckless with the decisions of when to use his power, and goes onto robbing banks and pickpocketing civilians. this clearly isn’t a moral decision, but that’s the consequence we make as sean for raising him to prioritize family over society.
in blood brothers, there’s a very different outcome since sean survives, but we see daniel to be a very different person as well. he uses his powers in some ‘bad’ ways alongside sean, but we can see he still has his character in order. he isn’t lost, because he has the guidance of sean who keeps him together. we’ve seen the moments of consequence when we don’t look after daniel through the game; during the heist with finn (if you choose not to participate), and in the church with lisbeth. daniel ends up pretty misguided on these routes and the consequences are destructive with BOTH ending in explosions.
sean clearly is a force that keeps daniel together. his decisions leading to the blood brother ending shows how both him and daniel prioritize family, importantly each other, and this is also the case for lone wolf, BUT sean chooses a morally right decision (turning himself in), which daniel denies. the reason daniel is so different in lone wolf (even appearing so physically) is because of the lack of guidance from sean. the two are a pair, and as any younger sibling would agree, we need our older siblings to keep us in line.
i love how these endings are a counter of each other, showing the grave effect of losing sean that can fuck daniel up so bad. there’s an essence to lone wolf where we can just FEEL the change in daniel’s character. he doesn’t give a shit about anything anymore (he choose family over society) and lives for himself. it’s painful, so painful to see the cheerful boy we’ve witnessed grow through the game end up this way. and even though we can say daniel is just as immoral in blood brothers, there’s that reassurance we feel knowing sean is there. to keep daniel in check from making potentially disastrous decisions, but the two also utilizing his power for their own personal benefits.
and if you ask me? blood brothers is the best ending. it meets the one very goal the brothers have had throughout the game; get to mexico, be free.
are they free? yes. free of fucks.
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DC Comics Supervillain OC: The Lion Master
Civilian Name: Cody Cunningham
Age: 12 1/2 Years
Height: 5’ 0”
Weight: 70 lbs
Personality: Impatient, Filled with internal Self Doubt, Stubborn, Street Smart, Cares for Animals especially his pet Lions, Respectful to his enemies (mainly Skybird), Polite, Merciful, Compassionate, A Quick Learner, Quick Thinking, Friendly, Has a Casual Potty Mouth, Mischievous, Playful, and Optimistic No Matter the Odds
(Under for More Below Cut)
Born in Boston, Massachusetts to a Single Poor Mother before her passing when Cody was Six Years of age, having him live in the streets.
Was Picked Up by the traveling Lyons & Guerra’s Amazing Circus at the age of 7, taken in due to his uncanny ability to seemingly get along well with their Lions after being found sleeping in their pens. Was Taken in by a kindly and experienced Lion Tamer who teaches Cody the tool of the trade. However, tragedy strikes during a performance in Bludhaven when by then 11 year old Cody, being impatient in wanting to prove his skills in the show, took a spare whip while the Taner was in the middle of his act and cracked it. The whip cracking was loud enough that the lions were confused and left disoriented as to where it came from and who to obey. The tamer lost control of them and they attacked him in self defense, mauling the older man to death in front of the show and Cody witnessing it from behind the curtain.
Cody was heartbroken by the tragic accident and the loss of the one person who understood him in that circus. Eventually he overhears the management preparing to put the lions down for their mauling. But unable to see the majestic big cats he seen as friends and family killed, Cody sneaks into their cages to free them. Taking with him only his whip, and only packing up with his outfit and a single toothbrush, Cody flees into the outskirts of Bludhaven with feline companions in tow.
Now left wandering in the Bludhaven streets and without any family, job nor money to provide for himself nor his lion companions, Cody resorts to a life of petty crimes, mainly robberies and racketeering to make ends meet mainly done via ordering his lions to storm and surround the security or anyone in the place of robbery while Cody gains access to his targeted goods, whether they be money or food. This of course runs afoul of resident crime fighter Skybird aka Jake Grayson. After his first attempt at robbing a major bank is foiled by the Tamaranean-Human hybrid and has him and Lion compatriots fleeing from authorities, Cody makes it a point to counter this hero when were his schemes and plots are discovered.
Yet somehow and some sort of way, Cody develops a sort of bond more or less with Jake. For one thing, killing anybody especially innocent civilians whether by his own hands and especially at the claws and teeth of his lions is an absolute line he will never, NEVER cross. It’s considered for him unwarranted and violates his morals if he has any. Plus, from what the wild rumors he hears in the street can attest, Skybird himself comes from circus folk himself or at least has a passing familiarity with it so Cody in turn feels a sort of kin with his hero counterpart. Finally, the fact Jake really doesn’t see true malicious or an appetite for death and chaos he’s seen in truly sinister villains before in Cody’s eyes which inspires him to make offers for the petty criminal to change his ways, never really giving up on him also has an effect on Cody’s heart; maybe one day he can take that offer, it won’t be soon as he’s not a that wants being pitied….but he’ll consider it.
Thus was born a junior Rouge that acts more or less as the Captain Cold to Skybird’s Flash, a true best Frenemy (An enemy and friend at the same time); he no longer a mere Lion Tamer in training, call him The Lion Master
Occupation: Ex-Circus Lion Tamer In Training
Supervillain Outfit: Green Vest with Button Up Long Sleeve White Shirt, Torn Black Pants, Thick Heavy Duty Black Boots and an old school Top Hat
Physical Appearance:
Dirty Blonde Medium Length Hair
Heterochromic Eye Colors (Left: Green, Right: Brown)
Thin Frame With Little But of Muscle Build on Arms
Peculair Feature Of Having Scars on his Feet when they are Bare due to Stepping on Glass Shards throughout his years living in the streets in poverty
Has Three Lions In Total Under his Care and who accompany him on his many adventures, plots and schemes: All three are males with one having a Mane as both the oldest and their leader. Their names from Youngest to Oldest are Antony, Marcus and Octavius
Absolutely despises both Lex Luthor and Bruce Wayne as he’s had an overall negative opinion against Rich Billionaires
Favorite Song is ‘Benny and the Jets’ by Elton John. He often times his whip cracks and movements when in the middle of a scheme to the song as his tamer had him practice with said song in the background
Has a Minor Interest In Drawing Arts, mainly with charcoal and often would make portraits of his Lions or his life back at the Circus
Will freely admit that despite often being pitted against superheroes, Nightwing and Beast Boy are his two favorites. Especially Beast Boy given his obvious familiarity and connection to animals of all types
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realcube · 3 months
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ matchup for @saikoucorps
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ if you would like a matchup, read this!
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'I love laughing and making people laugh as well. I usually cope with humor but I'm able to be serious if needed.'
𓆩♡𓆪 kami can be funny and spontaneous so he can defo make you laugh
𓆩♡𓆪 BUT he is gonna be so charmed by the fact he finally has someone to match his energy and that can make HIM laugh too
𓆩♡𓆪 that's something he never knew he needed in a partner until you are up in this room at like midnight and y'all have tears in your eyes from a joke you told, but you're trying not to laugh too loud otherwise you'll get in trouble since everyone else is trying to sleep
𓆩♡𓆪 but trying to suppress the laughter only makes it even more funny
𓆩♡𓆪 literally a core memory for denki and also the moment he fell hard for you
𓆩♡𓆪 so yeah he likes that you can make him laugh too
𓆩♡𓆪 y'all probably have a friends to lovers sorta romance
𓆩♡𓆪 anyway, he is the king of coping with humour and de-escalating situations with jokes lol
𓆩♡𓆪 so he's glad that you're the same way
𓆩♡𓆪 bc most people (aka bakugo) get really frustrated with him if he tries to make a joke in a tense moment
𓆩♡𓆪 but you just GET him so he's so relieved by that
𓆩♡𓆪 he can be serious too but for the most part he doesn't enjoy it and would rather stay light-hearted, which is why fights between you two are virtually non-existent and when they do happen, they only last a couple minutes before one of you tries to make light of it and move on
𓆩♡𓆪 like he just can't stay mad at you , even if you were to mow down his entire family, steal all his belongings and shred his brith certificate, he'd still be like 'baby i forgive you pls let's not fightttt 😩'
𓆩♡𓆪 (that's a bit of a hyperbole but you know what i mean lol)
𓆩♡𓆪 he can be serious too though, like if you want to have a sombre convo about something meaningful or important, he can defo sit down and listen
𓆩♡𓆪 can't promise he'll give the most expert advice, but he definitely tries
𓆩♡𓆪 you mention having a strong sense of justice too which is good bc .. kami is literally hero / hero in training lmao
𓆩♡𓆪 fighting bad guys and saving lives on the daily, what's more justice than that???
𓆩♡𓆪 he can still make some questionable decisions sometimes but i'm sure having s/o will put him on the straight and narrow
𓆩♡𓆪 additionally, you mention being very loyal and ik he kinda shown to be a simp who will fawn for basically anybody that will give him a lick of attention
𓆩♡𓆪 BUT i so hc that as soon as he gets a s/o he will lock in and not even THINK about other ppl romantically anymore
𓆩♡𓆪 just you , 24/7 , 365
𓆩♡𓆪 bc he thinks what he has with you is just so perfect and it's everything he's been trying to get to he's not gonna let ANYONE ruin it
𓆩♡𓆪 so like even if someone tries to confess ot him by putting a note in his locker, that piece of paper will be incinerated expeditiously
𓆩♡𓆪 he no longer gaf about anybody but you 🤷‍♂️ (in a romantic way)
𓆩♡𓆪 even when he is sent on a mission where he needs to save someone super famous or very attractive , he'll return to you like 'they made me do it 😥'
'I also love playing games with other people, my favorite game is yandere simulator.'
𓆩♡𓆪 your love of video games is a big reason i chose kami for you bc he is defo an enthusiast too
𓆩♡𓆪 he'll be down to play all sorts of games with you
𓆩♡𓆪 i can imagine his favourite games are probably gta or rdr where there is kinda a story but for the most part you get to run around and cause chaos and terror
𓆩♡𓆪 (which is ironic since he is a pro-hero and all but shhhh haha)
𓆩♡𓆪 so if you would be down to play those games together with him and rob banks and burn down strip clubs togehter (#couple bonding activities) then he would so love that
𓆩♡𓆪 and seeing you run over your first pedestrian would be another core memory and falling moment for him LMAO
𓆩♡𓆪 the way he looks at you afterwards 🥺
𓆩♡𓆪 but he would also be down to play whatever you want as well
𓆩♡𓆪 OMG so he probably hasn't heard of yan sim before BUT (iirc) it's kinda just like GTA LMAO
𓆩♡𓆪 hear me outttt plsss
𓆩♡𓆪 like in a sense that they both have a main plot that you are supposed to follow but you don't have to follow it if you don't want to , and instead you can treat it like a sandbox world where you get to run around and cause trouble and kill a bunch of ppl
𓆩♡𓆪 so when you introduce it to him, he is forever in your debt LOL and it starts a short term obsession
𓆩♡𓆪 but as i just said , he will NOT be playing the game the way the dev intended , he has no interest in winning senpai or whatever, he just wants to instill fear into the npc and run a gang and drag ppl into pools by their ponytails lol
𓆩♡𓆪 which i realise as i'm writing this, is technically the point of the game
𓆩♡𓆪 but the difference is that denki won't focus on killing the 'main enemies' , and instead will do whatever he wants. if the game allowed him to, he'd probably torture senpai too
𓆩♡𓆪 so yeah he plays it like a maniac and would love to take turns playing with you (bc iirc it's a single player??)
𓆩♡𓆪 if you want to play the game the proper way and try to win, he would definitely try that too
𓆩♡𓆪 in fact , he is actually quite helpful and lowkey strategic with his plans and ways to off people (it makes you relieved that he chose heroism, bc if he chose to be a villain....... society would be screwed...)
𓆩♡𓆪 when you are good at it too, he is soo impressed by that and he loves watching you play bc of it
𓆩♡𓆪 although while you're playing, he would definitely make sarcastic jokes about being jealous of senpai bc you're doing all this for him and not for denki lol
𓆩♡𓆪 'what does he have that i don't, zero ??? 😢' (fake tears)
𓆩♡𓆪 oh but if you make the same jokes back at him when it's his turn to play, outwardly he would roll his eyes but inwardly he is kickin his feet and blushing at how you match his energy
𓆩♡𓆪 and besides yan sim, there are plenty of other games he'd love to play with you too , probably mc or fps if you are into those
𓆩♡𓆪 but also he'd just play whatever you wanna , even if they are single player and y'all have to take turns
𓆩♡𓆪 he's so the type to say 'one more round before we head off' or 'we'll end on a win!' but then you end up playing tonnssss more rounds until you've been up all night and the sun is coming out
𓆩♡𓆪 but then, that just means y'all can sleep through the day 😋
𓆩♡𓆪 OR if you fall asleep while playing kami would think that is SO cute
𓆩♡𓆪 he would not know what to do in that situation though
𓆩♡𓆪 like whether to wake you up so you can move yourself to the bed or if it's okay for him to pick you up and move you himself
𓆩♡𓆪 in the end he probably ends up trying to pick you up but falls backwards and you land on top of him
𓆩♡𓆪 and you end up waking up anyway lol
'My ideal first date is probably a theme park that we basically spend the whole day at!'
𓆩♡𓆪 denki would so love this !!
𓆩♡𓆪 he would probably even be the one to suggest something like this then get so hype when you are like 'that's my dream date!!'
𓆩♡𓆪 he'd think you are literally his soulmate in that moment tbh
𓆩♡𓆪 denki sparkle eyes 🤩
𓆩♡𓆪 he's also the type to go on all the rides with you
𓆩♡𓆪 i can think of quite a few UA characters that, despite being really brave, would NOT be down for rollercoasters. or at least, have a very short tolerance for them and be the type to go on one or two then claim their 'done'. (*cough* midoriya *cough* todoroki *cough*)
𓆩♡𓆪 anywaayyy denki is so not that kinda guy and could go on rollercoasters all day
𓆩♡𓆪 obviously he is a bit dizzy after each one but firstly he knows how to cope with that from his quirk, secondly, having to wait ~30 minutes in line between each ride gives him time to recover anyway
𓆩♡𓆪 omg he is so the type to let you hold onto his shirt or hold hands while waiting in line for the rollercoaster
𓆩♡𓆪 like maybe not full on cuddling but he does let you idly play with his hands
𓆩♡𓆪 OMG and it just occured to me that when he thinks you are looking extra cute he might accidentally zap you while holding your hand bc he's so flustered he starts to overcharge/ lose control of his power a bit
𓆩♡𓆪 nothing crazy like not a power electrical shock but just a tiny little zap
𓆩♡𓆪 but he would still apologise profusely for it
𓆩♡𓆪 only when he does it by accident , when he playfully zaps you on purpose, all you get is him snickering and teasing you
𓆩♡𓆪 he would also love to try all the carnival food with you
𓆩♡𓆪 you mentioned you like to try new foods and i think denki would so want to as well
𓆩♡𓆪 and the amusement park is great for that bc in my experience they always have the most cursed food haha
𓆩♡𓆪 deep fried EVERYTHING
𓆩♡𓆪 deep fried oreo??? deep fried pickles??? deep fried hawks ???
𓆩♡𓆪 and he'd love to try it all with you (bar that last one) and gush about how awesome or awful it tastes
𓆩♡𓆪 giving each other bites of your food?? getting platters to share?? that's a love language in and of itself
𓆩♡𓆪 omg and he'd find it so funny if you were to record / take pics of his dramatic reactions to bad-tasting food and he'd do the same for you
𓆩♡𓆪 and i can't imagine him being a fan of spicy food on his own but he LOVES a challenge
𓆩♡𓆪 so if there are one of spice challenges, where they give you something like fries or nachoes and they put this extra spicy sauce on it and they're like 'if you can eat the whole portion you get a prize'
𓆩♡𓆪 he would sign you both up at the speed of light bc he wants to win and he knows you like spice
𓆩♡𓆪 but your spice tolerance is probably wayyy better than his so he is like stuffing his face, convinced he can do it but then like five bites in he turns bright red and starts breathing fire and screaming for help
𓆩♡𓆪 but the only pro hero nearby is endeavor and he just makes it worse
𓆩♡𓆪 don't ask what endeavor is doing at the amusement park.. probs there for the deep fried hawks icl
𓆩♡𓆪 meanwhile you are just watching him while laughing your ass off and still eating the fries, completely unfazed yet
𓆩♡𓆪 and if you win he is so going to (jokingly) take partial credit like 'omg we did it babe 😤 !!!' when in reality he had five bites lol
𓆩♡𓆪 but really in your heart you know he's proud of you
𓆩♡𓆪 he will also try to win you those big stuffies but i can't imagine his quirk would be helpful for that .. like at all??
𓆩♡𓆪 like for the carnival games there are like.. knock the milk bottles over with a ball.. throw the bean bag into the hole
𓆩♡𓆪 the only one where i can imagine his quirk would be helpful for is hook-a-duck bc he could charge the water to flip over the ducks
𓆩♡𓆪 OR using his quirk to charge a dart in balloon darts but again, the attendant would see the sparks flying and know he used it
𓆩♡𓆪 so he is just going to have to get you a plushie the old-fashioned way 😤 with perseverance and commitment
𓆩♡𓆪 and he does not rest until you walk out of that theme park with a big massive plushie over your shoulders!!!!!
for @saikoucorps: i thought izuku maybe but your interests match denki a bit more , imo
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cc-xinxin · 1 year
Arthur and Dutch’s character development arcs form a perfect reversed parallel
I find the motivation for Dutch and Arthur to do things form a perfect reversed parallel through the timeline. Namely their characters develop in tandem, but towards opposite directions:
Dutch do things
- formerly, for everyone(Hosea: I trusted him cuz he was true, saving Mrs Adler, giving money to the poor after robbing the bank, mentioned in the newspaper clip by Arthur’s tent)
- in game, for gang members (Chapter 2-5, killing the girl in blackwater/killing the old lady in Guarma so that they can escape, bc he did not care about innocent ppl anymore but still care about his gang member, like him saving Javier)
- after epilogue, for himself (‘who of you are with me and who are betraying me?’, in RDR1, him killing for fun)
Arthur do things
- formerly, for himself(young teenage street kid, before him met Dutch and Hosea)
- In game, & after he met Dutch and Hosea, for gang members (refusing to leave with Mary, bc he can’t abandon his family. ‘This gang, this bond, I’d kill for it,I’d be happy to die for it’)
- after TB, for everyone (after TB, him beginning to help everyone, giving money to Mrs.Downes and helping those in need: this is his redemption)
This change is also evident in the German family mission, when Arthur wanted to send them away cuz (back then) he did not care about ppl outside of this gang, but Charles scolded him into helping them, while Dutch saved Mrs Adler without prompting in chap 1, showing us how much has changed/reversed in the final chapters of the game.
Their changes are so masterfully and subtly written for a video game… I’d say it’s better than 99% of the movies and tv series I have watched.
Personally I love Arthur wholeheartedly but I just can’t bring myself to hate Dutch. I mourn the loss of an idealist and once-good man to the dark and, I find him to be a perfect warning for us about how fallible humanity can be. Even the best person (ppl in the gang kept saying Dutch was the best person they’ve met or something similar) can turn into monster if not careful. Stay vigilant, human, we love you.
ps. Many ppl have been saying that Arthur should have left with Mary or settled down with Eliza but in terms of story telling, this completely go against his redemption and character development arc. Arthur wouldn’t be the Arthur we love so much had him done that. So the game did not even give the player a chance to leave with his love interests. Cuz real Arthur wouldn’t do that.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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thecurrator · 27 days
𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐮𝐩 𝐟𝐨𝐫 @lapsthings
Your ideal match is…Mikage Reo!
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You kin Nagi, and I can obviously see why. However, I don't think matching you with someone passive like him will be good for either of you in the long run, so. Here you have someone who's almost the opposite of you. Reo has already signed himself up to caring for Nagi, what's one more just like him?
Once Reo has decided that he would like to talk to someone, he's talks to them. He's not deterred by your struggle to continue the conversation, and will bring up new topics every time conversation dies out. To bystanders, Reo looks like he's rambling to himself rather than talking to you, but he makes an effort to ask you questions now and then to prompt you to speak.
After getting to know you for a few months, he prides himself in knowing you really well. Even though you may have trouble putting your thoughts into words, Reo will try to guess what you mean or what you're trying to say almost as if it's a game. Sometimes he anticipates your needs before you realise you have them, like bringing you a snack just as you begin to feel hungry. Together, he and your brother (which we'll get to in a while) do their best to make sure you have some sort of consistent schedule.
Reo is also a victim of impulse buying, especially when it comes to gifts for his friends, except that he has the money to sustain his lifestyle. Once you both start dating, he won't let you pay for a thing as long as you're with him. He's got the money, why wouldn't he use it to spoil you? Also gift giving was his parents' main way of showing they kinda care about him so that's how he's used to showing affection as well. Which may come off like he's flaunting his wealth. But he means well. He does. He also doesn't know limits or overconsumption. You can't choose between- He's buying them.
Speaking of gifts, he's also the type to be happy to receive love in any form, but he's most familiar with gift giving so it's easy for him to tell that you're showing affection when you buy him a lunch pack when you both visit convenience stores. He'd really appreciate handmade gifts as they're more personal. An origami crane is enough to have him giggling for the whole day.
Despite being rich, Reo is also always looking for ways to make money so he won't have to work in the future. The both of you often spend afternoons brainstorming new schemes to make money, ranging from investing in the stock market to robbing a bank (you both wouldn't actually do it, it's just a fun hypothetical).
Casual but romantic dates are totally Reo's thing! He'll bring you to cafes where you both will spend the next few hours just talking over a cup of coffee. Afterwards, he'd be happy to just stroll around, maybe pet any cats or dogs you both meet along the way.
Runner-up: Niko Ikki (He came to mind due to your shared love of otaku stuff, but I figured he'd be too introverted to get to know you well enough to establish a relationship.)
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Your sibling is…Isagi Yoichi!
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Given that you are a thinker, I thought pairing you with a feeler brother would be good for you. Next to you, Isagi seems like the more disciplined younger brother taking care of you. He did say after all that My neighbor Totoro makes him wish he had a sister.
If he's willing to do laundry and wake up his teammates whom he's known for a few months, he's willing to do it for you whom he's known his whole life. He's always reminding you to do your homework earlier so you don't stress too much about it later and making you eat with him at a reasonable time. Because of this, your extended family forget that you're the older one.
He likes to read manga in his free time, so he tends to read/watch whatever you're reading/watching and talk to you about it to bond with you. He'll follow you to anime stores and act as your impulse control so you'll buy as less merch as possible. But if you really want two figurines and can't decide he'll buy one for you and you can pay for the other one. Spending half an hour trying to decide only to buy them both is too much...
He's also the type to yap when it comes to his interests, so you both likely take turns infodumping on each other. You about your manga he hasn't read yet, him about soccer. Isagi is usually the one listening to people in social settings, so he's happy to be able to ramble about soccer sometimes. Maybe he'll tell you about his Ego type theory someday (something in the latest manga chapters!).
He likes it when he's given sweets so I can imagine that's something you did when he was younger. Every weekend you both would walk to the nearby convenience store and you would let him pick out a kind of candy, sometimes more if he got a good grade for his test. His happy smile is heart-warming, even now.
This sounds so mean but have you seen his casual outfits with fluorescent green? It's not his colour but who's gonna tell him that? You both have bad fashion sense. Who knows, maybe he even got his misguided fashion sense from you.
Overall, a kind and caring brother that only wants the best for you. He often tries to make you follow him on his walks so you'll get out of your room once in a while. He's especially pushy in autumn.
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flameohotpotatooo · 6 months
The silver thread
Chapter 1: Did you miss me?
Word count: 5k
Summary: After Hosea went dark in your regular exchange of letter, you heard the news of your old gang and family, how Blackwater heist went down and they escaped. Now you go back to check on them, halting your operation in New York for your family, but it's deeper than what you think.
Tags: Mention of death, not proof read, also english is not my first language so I'm trying, no use of y/n instead it's MC, I'm not american my knowledge comes from researching and media, idk how tags work tell me what to add.
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You had to put everything down back in New York to get to the Blackwater. The news of what had transpired was all over the news.
Sending a telegraph to Trelwany in saint Denis to scout and gather information while you handled your business. He was closer than any of your men, and had the connection with the gang and common thieves to get what you needed. As you told him, you set up a meeting a saloon in which you rented whole so nobody can eavesdrop. You had your crow, and 5 men with you in this worrisome mission.
So you are waiting for him, in a rented room in the Blackwater saloon, the window is open letting the chill air in, and your friendly crow sit on the fence. You are looking over a map of the area, marked places you think they might have had hole up there. South and South east is out of question. The place is technically dead end, so it’s north where they run… a straight line up to belly of the storm, in snowy mountains of Grizzles.
You pulled the same plan before. When Hosea took you in, the four of you ran somewhere the law couldn’t run after you. It wasn’t a freezing mountain tops back then but still, Dutch probably hasn’t changed that much.
A series of knock on the door, followed by a pauses and rapid knocks indicates the passcode from your WatchGuard. Trelawney is here, you unlock the door and let the gentleman in.
“My apologize for the delay madam.” He takes off his top hat with a bow, ever so theatrically flourish. “Our boys had made such a mess; it was a delicate work not to attract attention with asking around.”
“How is your wife?” you say, gesturing him to sit as you pour a glass of wine. “Is Saint Denis up to your standards?” He sits and takes the offered glass, looking over to the map you have on display, with a pin on the mountains.
“She only found disappointment in leaving her dear friend behind.” He jokes, following your movement as you take a sit mirroring his, he turns his gaze back to the map as he swirls the wine in glass to let it breathe. “Uh, you truly have sharp wits on you.” he then pulls out a cutout newspaper from his pocket and hands it to you.
You pinch the bridge of your nose in frustration as you read the article.
“A private train owned by the railroad, sugar and oil magnate Leviticus Cornwall was robbed in broad daylight by masked outlaws. Headed North towards the Grizzlies, the outlaws boarded and stopped the train shortly after it had departed from West Elizabeth. Initial cables sent as of printing time indicate the bloody takeover occurred in order to steal railroad bonds from the personal car of Mr. Cornwall.
Shortly after the robbery, the train was set in motion without a driver or crew, barreling dangerously through the area at a high rate of speed. The train was eventually brought to a stop by engineers and lawmen north of Annesburg, who reported a scene of violent struggle and bloody carnage of board.
Some engineers and guards from the train survived the slaughter but were too startled to report much information of value to authorities.”
“Cornwall? Is he that disparate?” you crumble the paper and toss it into the fire. Too angered to think rational at the moment you stand and walk back and forth.
“Indeed it appears he is. They have lost some men in this endeavor. The Callanders are dead, a young girl named Jenny Kirk from the gang was also killed, the Irish boy, Sean, taken.” He pauses, taking in your restless expression already piecing together your plan and continues, “It is said that Dutch has killed a young lady, innocent and without fault.”
You had to take a moment to think this over. Did you hear that right?
“But…” maybe he has changed to your worst fears. This wasn’t something the old Dutch you knew would do. “What about Arthur?” you can’t help but to wonder out loud. If Dutch has changed into a merciless man, has Arthur changed to something you wouldn’t recognize him?
He always sought Dutch’s approval, he would command ‘jump’ and Arthur would ask ‘how high?’
Trelawney lets the silence linger for your sake, so you can gather your thoughts before you square up your shoulders, having a semi solid plan form in your head. “Where are we going?” he asks, finishing his wine and putting the glass aside.
“Find whereabouts on Sean.” You order, looking at your raven, and it tilts its head looking back at you. “I have a meeting before catching up to them.”
You had a hard time convincing the Wapiti tribe into trusting you to get a mutual ground of helping. Whereas the chieftain, Rains fall, was a calm collected man, easy to talk to, his son was impatient and hot headed, hard to reason with but easy to manipulate.
You don’t blame him though, you had to sit with their shaman and converse about what you need to see, before planning a careful route for all of you.
“Cornwall is a greedy man, drove you out of your house.” You argued, “He will chase you out of here too.”
Rains fall thought you wanted war, so did his son. Eagle flies was all for fighting Cornwall men out of the land, and Rains fall had to chime in his worry of not wanting to fight in their condition. It’s the only ways they know of, but you’ve been in the privilege of being in higher power ranks of society.
“Fighting face to face and front with someone who has power of words is…” you don’t want to insult them, “not ideal and results in a lost.”
“You kill him in silence?” Eagle flies was a bit too excited to think you’re planning an assassination.
“No.” you smile at him, oh to be young. “Give me time, and you’ll see it.” you reassure them.
Before you can continue, sound of rapid stomps running towards your tent. “Chief!” Paytah jumps in, a slight bow in head, addressing to everyone. “The people you told us to watch over are moving.”
You nod to him in appreciation, and look at Rains fall, “I will inform you on what I’m doing. Continuing with Miller’s attempt wouldn’t harm my plan.” He can’t really do anything.
“Very well. We see you off.” He states as he rises, followed by his son. “When she comes back, I’ll send word to you.”
“Thanks, chief.” You bow slightly.
You step out of the tent and look at the men you brought from New York. “Boys, scatter. The eyes are near now. Dames,” you give a piece of paper of massage to one of them, “Send a telegraph to Evangeline back in New York.” He nods and all of them depart for their destination. Each taking a particular area among themselves.
On the ride with three Wapitis, anxiety is crashing your brain, that you didn’t realized they left your sides and you’re moving forward on your own. You didn’t think what would you say as greetings in such time, after how you left 5 years ago…
‘Miss me?’ no, it sounds like a psychopath.
‘You like jazz?’ has jazz made its way here?
‘Should I clean up after you boys?’ what exactly have you done yet to be considered cleaning after their mess? This line is so cringe too.
‘Howdy, pardners?’ WHAT IS THAT!?
Why is it so hard to talk to people? Maybe you can go forward and look at them till they talk to you? How about…
Your anxious train of thoughts is interrupted by the sound of a crash, and someone cussing.
“I broke the goddamn wheel.” You look up to see, Arthur pulling the reins of horses and jump down, followed by Hosea and another man.
“Alright, let’s get it fixed.” Hosea says, as he looks at the broken wheel.
“You need help?” you say in sync with the other man, as you jump down your horse, keeping your head low, face hidden by brim of your hat.
“I reckon we can handle it, ma’am.” Hosea eyes you, suspicious. “Mr. Smith you and me hold the thing up…”
“I insist.” You step forward, closer to Hosea and smile at him, “I ain’t letting my pa do the hard work.” You announce, cheerfully.
It took a bit of second for him to get his reaction before laughing and pulling you into a hug. “Arthur! Looks who’s here!”
You laugh and hug him back. “Yeah, I missed you too old man. Now let get your wagon fix?”
“Charles, this is MC.” He introduces you to the quiet gentleman, with long dark locks, and sepia colored skin, and sharp eyes watching you, then glancing at Arthur. “MC, I think I wrote of Charles in last the paper.”
You glance at Arthur out of the corner of your eye, seeing his unpleased expression. He’s trying to busy himself with the wheel, checking a spot on it which you’re sure he’s been staring at it just to avoid you.
“Nice to meet ya, Charles. Mindin’ I give a hand in this?” you point to the wagon and stand beside him.
“go ahead.” You both crouch, and Hosea picks up a hammer.
“Arthur!” He calls for Arthur, who’s deeply invested in wood texture of the wheel.
“On it.” Arthur answers back, and rolls it towards you.
You and Charles pull the wagon up, you’d expected to be heavier than this, only to realize Charles is basically carrying the wagon.
Holy shit, is this man made of steel? You try to ease his work and help him as much as you can.
“And… there. Put it down.” Hosea taps the wheel few more times just to make sure. “Good to go now.”
You smile at Charles, in mixture of appreciation and apologetic manner.
“Okay let’s get movin’.” Hosea takes back his sit as the shotgun, Charles jumps on the back of the wagon.
You look at Arthur, as he’s still insisting on silent treatment and giving you the cold shoulder.
What a child…
You whistle low for your horse, Midnight.
He’s a black Turkman horse, with Wapiti kids braided his tail and mane. You mount up and ride along the wagon. “You boys made a big splash, eh? Came to visit you, only found the town swarming with Pinkertons.” You look at them, tilting your head.
“If life was predictable, it be boring.” Hosea comments, chuckling a little bit and searching in his satchel. He’s cheery to see you, that’s for sure; but that laugh? He’s worried. He can hide his worries well in front of most people, but even after so time not seeing him, you can practically see the lines dancing around his head.
You were about to say something about that, when all your eyes catch the three wapiti men. They keep watching as your wagon moves on the road, not hiding, but in the plain sight.
Your eye meets their gazes from distance, and after a silent warning on their side, or silent prayer, they ride away.
“What you think?” Arthur finally breaks his silence.
“If they wanted trouble, we wouldn't have seen them.” Charles replies calmly.
“They never want trouble…” You whisper, “It’s other way around.”
“Poor bastards. We really screwed them over down here” Hosea shakes his head.
“What happened?” Arthur asks, urging the horses to go forward.
“We'll follow the river, then cut left inland.” Hosea instructs, pointing to the way ahead. “the Indians in these parts got sold a very raw deal. This is the Heartlands we're going to.” He has his old mortar and pestle in his hand, “Good farming and grazing country. They lost it all.” He shakes his head, in pity, “Stolen, clean away from them, it was, every blade of grass. Killed or herded up to the reservations in the middle of nowhere.”
“How's that different from anywhere else?” Charles asks, a mock in his tone as he’s still watching where the Wapiti stood.
“Well, maybe it's not. I just heard some of the army out here was particularly unpleasant about it.”
You and Charles scoff at the same time.
“Unpleasant. How do you rob and kill people pleasantly? We don't, in spite of Dutch's talk.” Charles shakes his head, a bitter smile on his lips.
“Not anymore we don’t” You whisper to yourself, not known to you, Arthur heard it.
“I fear I was perhaps trying to simplify something more complicated for the benefit of our block-headed driver here.” Hosea jabs Arthur in ribs as he jokes.
You smile. Despite yourself, you missed this. You missed the jokes, the gang… the freedom of once again riding in the wild.
“Hey, don't blame it on me.” Arthur laughs, heartedly, “Never forget this here's a con-man, Charles, born and bred. Just because he sounds fancy don't mean he knows a damn thing about what he's talking about.”
“Well,” Are you in position to joke with Arthur at the moment? You bite back at your lip and direct it at Hosea instead. “Least is, you can bullshit your way, till you have a smart mouth and an attitude.”
“True that.”
A small silent falls in between the three of you. Hosea feeling the tension, and knowing you two, decides to cut in. “What happened to your tribe?” He asks Charles.
Charles takes a fast glance your way before answering; “I don't even know if I have one, at least not that I can remember.” It’s either he has moved on from the feelings, or he’s really good at keeping his words neutral. You decide it’s both and the fact of not talking in details. “My father was a colored man.” He states a fact, that is enough to explain subtexts everyone can pick up on. “He told me he lived with our people for a while, a number of free men did. But when we were forced to move from our lands, the three of us fled. I was too young to really remember much. My whole life I've been on the run.”
You dig in your pocket to hand him a flask of gin you carry, with a nod and sympathy smile. He nods his thanks and continues, “A couple of years later, some soldiers captured my mother, took her somewhere. We never saw her again. We drifted around. He was a very sad man and the drink had a mean hold on him. Around 13, I just took off on my own.” He smells the gin, and takes a small sip and hands it back.
“That was about the age we found these two here, maybe a little older.” He then points to Arthur with his head, “A wilder delinquent you never did see, but he learned fast.”
“Not as fast as Marston and MC, apparently.” He glares at you for a second and you answer the glare with the same energy.
“Wait, I don't understand. What’s the problem between you three?” Charles looks between you and Arthur.
“Yeah Arthur. What’s the problem?” You ask, with a gritted teeth smile. You really don’t understand what his problem is. First you used to think it was about Annabelle, same reason Dutch got distant from you, but the last time you visit, it was clearly not that.
“It's a long story.” He looks at the road ahead, again, ignoring you. “We still headed the right way?
Hosea looks between you and Arthur, and sighs. “That depends. Are we still heading West in search of fortune and repose in virgin forest as we planned? No. Are we heading in the correct direction on our desperate escape from the law eastwards down the mountains? Yes, I believe so.”
“We moving too east, we’ll be in New York by Christmas.” Arthur jokes, or better, shoots the insult at you.
“Well, at least you visit me once, and in Christmas too? You’re the perfect gift Mr. Morgan.” You bite back at him, with a so friendly smile.
“You know this area?” Charles asks Hosea, really uneasy by the energy crackling between Arthur and you.
“A little. I've been through a couple of times. There's a livestock town not too far from here called Valentine. Cowboys, Outlaws, working girls, our kind of place.” Hosea somewhat used to us bickering and barking at one on another, answers, unfazed.
“O'Driscolls?” Arthur asks.
“Probably them too.”
“Let’s hope not.”
“You chose Horseshoe overlook? It’s a nice place to lie low.” You chime in, seizing the moment of slow riding, you feed Midnight an oatcake.
“how low do you think Dutch is really going to lie? It's just, you know,” Hosea chews on his words before voicing them out, “maybe it's me that's changed and not him, but we kept telling him not that ferry job didn't feel right.” He gestures to Arthur and himself, “Arthur and me had a real lead in Blackwater that could have worked out.”
It did work out… For someone else.
“Life ain’t predictable now, issit?” You voice his old comment back to him, and he rolls his eyes. It's not like Dutch to ignore Hoses's words, Arthur's? Sometimes but never his old friend.
“It just isn't like Dutch to lose his head like that.” Hosea says slowly.
Does he mean the girl he killed in there? Or something else had happened in the mountains.
“Things go wrong sometimes. People die. That's the way it is, always has been. Me, you, Dutch,” He pauses, “MC, we've all been in this line of work a long time and we're still here, so I figure we must've got it right a hell of a lot more than we got it wrong.”
You look at him for a moment. It must be hard on Dutch to loose people. He’s not someone who can walk away from people. If he’s making decisions on the run, with much pressure on his shoulders?
Pinkertons are after the gang. Why they aren’t talking about a scape plan? Maybe you should wait and talk to Dutch.
You’re close to Van Horn. Considering how much money they have from the job… wait…
“You got no money.” You whisper, eyes widened as the reason of this desperation shows itself. Dutch is alone as a leader, he’s whom the whole gang look up to as a savior. A picture he painted of himself as a forgiving father, never yielding, never losing… now he seemed to lose and is scared to lose more.
You look to your immediate right, where Arthur is sitting on the wagon, jaw clenched, knuckles turned white from the peer pressure he’s fisting them on the reins.
Oh dear…
This does interfere with parts of your plan. You thought they ran away with the money so their escape route gets clear and they can be on their way with the cash; But no cash, means they’re at the rock bottom.
Of course! The Cornwall train.
You sigh, massaging your temples. The conversation between Arthur and Hosea fades back in your head, as you piece another plan together.
You got to see the steps of what destiny puts in front of you, before you can save them one by one.
“There you are, brother. Head in there. Follow the track for a bit.” You hear the sing song Mexican accent, and you can’t help but sit straight and look at the source.
“Javi!” You exclaim, excited as you see the dashing fellow step out of the tree line.
“Oh my god,” He cheers in Spanish, “My eyes deceive me?”
“Jump up.” You stop and help him up on Midnight, “How are you?” You reply in Spanish.
“What you doing here? How you found us?” He asks, turning back into English.
“Good question.” Arthur shouts back. “How DID you find us?”
“How ‘bout I tell Dutch that and don’t waste my breath?” You snap towards Arthur and turn back to Javier. “I knew of this place. Hosea and Bessie took me here way back. Thought I can find you here after running away from Blackwater.”
He nods, scratching his chin. “How long you staying, though?” He has one casual hand on side of your hip from behind.
“I came to visit. If y’all are alright… I should head back then.”
“Pretty convenient of ye, don’cha think?” Arthur puts on a cigarette between his lips, and strikes a match by his side.
If your glare could drill holes in his skull, he would look like Swiss cheese. “Hosea didn’t write me back for a month.” It’s not a lie and also every two months you send letters to each other. “You stopped some years back, I asked Hosea if you died, hopefully.”
“Stay disappointed lady. I ain’t plannin’ on leavin’ just yet.”
“There’s hopin’.” You mumble, for a second forgot Javier was behind you and see his grin widening and looks between you two.
“It’s on again, ey?” he teases as he nudges your side in respond you just groan and see the camp ground approaching.
The lake can provide fruitful for resources, and the trees are hiding the spot pretty well. The location is close to a small town, not too near to draw attention though.
The gang is already in middle of making the floor panels for Dutch’s tent, and… is that a man tied to a pole?
The man looks weak and miserable. God, you pity him.
With the wagon approaching, some eyes look your way, and the familiar faces you know have a double take, not expecting to see you here.
“Oh, look ‘er.” You hop down from Midnight, a little boy was sitting near the entrance. From what John told you 3 or 4 years ago, and the letters from Hosea, this should be Jack. “Hi!” you smile and bend down. The kid shifts nervous, and looks at his mother close behind him.
Abigail puts down a crate she was carrying and walks over, crouching beside Jack to his ear level. “Jack.” In a kind type of warning, she looks at him, signaling him you greeted him, now it’s his turn.
“I’m MC.” You say, extending your hand. Is this how kids work? You don’t know. It’s been a long time you talked to a kid. “I’m friends’ of your ma.”
Jack steals another glance at Abigail before accepting your hand, “Hello ma’am. I’m Jack.”
Oh dear, he’s so sweet…
“ ‘s great to meet ya.” You smile and look at Abigail with a smile as you both stand.
“Go ‘long, Jack. See what you find around.” Abigail urges Jack to go, and he takes the chance immediately and runs off.
“ABBY!” You exclaim, and she pulls you into a hug, the happy screeches alerts others, and heads turn your way.
You missed the gang, dearly. There are new faces you meet, like the stand-offish girl in Dutch’s tent Molly, Charles that you met, and the boy tied to the pole named Kieran. Mary-beth and Abigail also told you about a new member Dutch brought from the mountains named Saddie Adler. She’s grieving yet, so they leave her to her peace most of times; there’s also a young boy named Lenny and another man named Micah that have gone ahead to scout.
They didn’t talk much about Micah, the expressions told you enough to keep away from him, but Lenny seems like a type you can talk with “All big brains and books of yers.” As put in by Karen.
With all this people around, the more job there is to tidy the camp, so Mrs. Grimshaw is grumpier than who you remembered her be. Before, she could talk with Bessie and Annabelle, and was in lighter mood… now seems she aged 10 years instead, and girls see her as a mean bitter woman. You can’t relate, being there when she first came into the gang; but saying she wasn’t always like this, makes you sound ancient.
Honestly, you dread meeting Dutch. Last time you saw him, was before Annabelle’s death. You’re still scared he might blame you for it. He’s the last man you encounter in the camp, as he was standing by the lake, accompanied by his right hand men.
“Miss. Prince!” He greets, nodding your way with a polite smile. “Came down from your tall buildings to visit your humble family?”
“You’re anything but, Dutch.” You tease as you walk towards him. “Was worried I didn’t get any papers from you, then I heard the news. Feared something happened to y’all.”
“something did happen, dear.” He shakes his head, putting a cigar between his lips and striking a match to light it. “But we survived.” He opens his arms gesturing to scenery around him like he’s a prophet, a savior, trying to show case his new miracle.
“For now.” Hosea adds.
“Now it is time to prosper.” Dutch deflects Hosea’s concerned tone.
“Arthur and I were about to prosper in Blackwater.” Hosea protests, gesturing to Arthur and himself. “We were onto something big. Then Micah got you all excited about that ferry and here we are.”
This seems unlikely Dutch gets tips from someone other than the famous two he trusts. Also the job was so unreliable to be a good tip. Is this Micah a new outlaw and shoots in the dark? Then Dutch wouldn’t’ve listen to him.
“We have all made mistakes over the years, Hosea, every last one of us.” There he goes, getting defensive “But I kept us together. Kept us alive. Kept the noses off our neck”
So much for keeping the noses off their necks when they have Pinkertons and Cornwall on their trail. And as to alive? There are 3 to possible 4 corpses disagreeing. Together? Sure.
“I guess I'm just worried.” Hosea sighs, shaking his head “I ain't got that long, Dutch. I want folks safe before I go.”
It always pained you how he accepted his death already but ever since his sickness and Bessie’s passing, he showed you there’s a way to redemption. Yet it hurts when someone you hold dear is so ready to die and go away.
You step a little further, giving them space for their talk.
“Me too.” You hear Dutch, also voicing his worries.
“You’re deep in thought.” You bump Arthur with your shoulder.
He looks down towards you, “Just thinking ahead.”
“You don’t see all the plays to think ahead.” You tilt your head, “I can show you though.”
He’s about to respond, but a German accent cuts through both conversations, “Gentlemen, I am going to head into the local town and see if I can strike up a little business.” Straus tips his head towards the 4 of you.
“Of course, Herr Straus.” Dutch nods as the gentleman walks away and talks to rest of you, “I prefer robbing banks to usury, seems more dignified somehow.”
“Of course it does,” you wrinkle your nose, “Poor folk don’t afford banks.” You hated when Dutch brought that shark loaner, but defying Dutch so openly is only allowed for Hosea and occasionally Uncle who jesters his way out of Dutch’s wrath.
“Desperate times, calls desperate choices.” He inhales his smoke and flickers the ash aside, “Providing for a gang in these areas, there’s no more fancy options.”
“Of course.” You don’t want to argue with him out of the gate, you just hang your head low and let the man walk back to the crowd and have his speech.
“Now, everyone, put your tools down for a moment. Come on, gather round. Quickly now.” He gestures for them to gather around him, “I know that things have been tough, but we are safe now and we were far too poor. It is time for everyone to get to work.”
“Get to work, but stay out of trouble.” Hosea instructs. “Remember, we are itinerant workers.”
“Laid off when they shut down our factory to the north.” He puts loops his thumbs in his gun belt, “Now get out there and see what you can find. Uncle, Reverend Swanson, no more passengers.” He points to the men in question then to you, “It goes for you too, Miss Prince. As long as you stay in the gang, of course. It is time for everyone to earn their keep.” You nod, following his words like always.
“There's a town little way down the track name of Valentine, livestock town, all mud and morons, if I remember right. That seems a decent place to start.” Hosea continues the speech, in which Pearson chimes in to remind everyone about the shortage of food.
You stride towards Arthur who was checking his sleeping quarters the girl put together around for him. “Shaking off the cold coat?”
“Heartlands are warm enough to make me sweat without. How’s New York this time of year? Cold?”
“Honestly?” you scoff, shaking your head, “No idea.”
He looks at you, questioning. “What you mean?”
“I told you, I was training.” You tap your foot on the ground, looking at the dust in front of you.
“Yeah, you was training 10 years ago.” He frowns. “Reckon you said it was about to finish.”
“Oh, so you read my letters?” you fold your arms in front of your chest. “I’m busy.”
“And yet,” he walks towards you, standing a foot apart “You don’t seem busy leaving to come here because Hosea didn’t write you a week later.”
You look up at him, still same eyes you remember from all the years. You tried to memorize them all the years you didn’t gaze into them, but now? Each time it seems to hypnotize you all over again.
Why is there so much hurt in his eyes when he looks at you? What have you done to hurt him like this? “I was scared…” you whisper between the two of you, “That something had happened.”
“Nothing happened to your concerns, your majesty.” He has a bitter mocking tone to his smile. “You can leave again.” And he walks around you, out of his tent.
You stare at his pictures beside his bed, pinned to the wagon. The picture of Cooper, and the picture of four of you; with Hosea and Dutch standing behind both of you. Seems the second picture of that day has been lost to the years.
You sigh.
You have to save them from this swamp they’re drowning in, whether he likes you or not. That’s what you promised each other after all.
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crashcitycentral · 2 years
OKay but what if Owen was born first? What if when Digger got sent through time, he didn't go so far and he met Meloni BEFORE she and Don fell in love? What if Owen was raised by Meloni? And Don was his step dad? And when Bart was born, and Don was killed, the same lab that had Bart in the VR simulation kept Owen captive. And when Iris broke Bart out, she got both of them? And while she told Bart about his Thawne/Allen lineage, and about his Grandpa Barry, she also told Owen about his father, his real father? What if they were sent back in time together, and Owen protected his little brother? He tells Bart stories about the father he never got the chance to meet, and things about their mother Bart didn't get the chance to know. That when Max took Bart in, he went to find Digger? What if They already knew each other, and Bart was Impulse and Owen was Captain Boomerang Jr? That Bart never fought the Rogues and refused to bring any of them in because of it, and Owen may help rob banks and pull heists, but he wouldn't lay a hand on them Flashers. Those are Family. That every time he and Bart see each other, it's just a nice brother reunion and catching up.
And then Thad comes along and Owen being a big dumb himbo boy, goes ":0 Bart NEW BROTHER :D" and adopts the kid on the spot. Thad, never having a place ever or any kind of positive connection in his thousand years of life just accepting defeat, cause “maybe this orangutang wasn't so bad, unlike my counterpart”. And Owen was like their glue that kept them from killing each other until they established an unbreakable bond. Digger adopted all of them with Max as the co-parent and now they're just a happy family.
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possibleratking · 1 year
Scarecrow Pokémon Team
Alright time for a more in-depth look at the Pokémon team I put together for the Scarecrow, this is more of just a generic team idea rather than being for a specific Scarecrow interaction
Also none of them have names cause I suck at that so feel free to suggest some 👍
And their all in costume, some are random, and some are specific
Starting from the newest team members:
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Caught as a Koffin hiding in one of the back rooms of Jonathan’s numerous hideouts, he found it absorbing stray fear toxin fumes. Because of the way Weezing’s biology works it can produce its own weak version of fear toxin which it can expel out its body in large, voluminous clouds of orange vapours. 
All poison Pokémon have some form of immunity to poisons/toxins but it can vary wildly between individuals.
Although it can fight Jonathan prefers to use it in bank/chemical heists, where it can envelope an entire building in fumes faster than his own fear toxin can.
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She was caught as a common Gotham Zubat soon after Scarecrows first run in with the Batman, and although it hasn’t been long, being trusted partners in crime has lead to a strong bond forming allowing Zubat to evolve into the Crobat she is today in a few short years.
She is probably the strongest Pokémon on Scarecrows team, she’s smart enough to solve basic puzzles, is strong enough to lift Jonathan around if he needs an exit, can go toe to toe with the main Pokémon on Batman’s team, and can do it all while being quite as a mouse.
The only downside she has is she is a rather large Crobat, making it hard for her to fight in enclosed spaces. Jonathan still takes her on small scale heists though and has her be surveillance outside.
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One of the two trouble makers of Jonathan’s Pokémon team, he found them hanging out in the closet of his first Gotham apartment.
Banette mainly works as an intel gathering Pokémon, either tailing people Scarecrow wants to use as test subjects, or sneaking around select buildings to make a note of security and exit points.
Surprisingly Banette itself is rarely seen when Scarecrow is actively robbing places, since it seems to have a rather strong reaction to fear toxin that Jonathan has been unable to help with.
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The Scarecrows trusty nightmare steed, Rapidash was first acquired as a Ponyta from a farm at the boarder’s of Georgia. The farm they first came from wasn’t a good place, which is why Jonathan at the time had no issues stealing them from that place. After Jonathan had been a villain for a couple of years he sent the farmer a letter, apologising for stealing their Pokémon and laced to the brim with his strongest fear toxin to date.
Although Rapidash is a common sight when Scarecrow is around, he is also the hardest to spot when out of costume. Since the majority of Gotham mounted police force also use Rapidash as their trusted steeds.
There is actually a picture in Gotham gazette of Boy Wonder being flung head over arse when he tried to hop on to Scarecrows Rapidash, mistaking it for a police horse.
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The second trouble maker of the group, Murkrow has known Jonathan for a long time. Originally this is one of the many Murkrows that used to attack Jonathan when he was younger. But unlike the most of this other Murkrow this one was one of a few that actually felt bad about what they were doing. Leading to this and a small flock of other Murkrow being outcast as well.
This is the only Murkrow that followed Jonathan from his family home.
Despite having being a team for years Murkrow has never evolved and never plans to. Great Granny had a nasty Honchkrow that struck fear into the both of them, to many bad memories to make evolution worth it.
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No one knows when this Pokémon showed up in the small Georgian town Jonathan lived in, it isn’t native to the area, and no trainer would release such a rare coloured Pokémon.
It used to watch people as a Cacnea from the fields, hiding from sight but following those entered. It spent a lot of time watching Jonathan while he worked during the harsh midday sun, and they first meet when it fetch Jonathan some water after he collapsed from the over bearing heat.
No one saw it evolve, just that it strolled out of town beside Jonathan the day he left. The large Honchkrow that used to fly round the town disappeared that day also, none were sad to see it gone.
Hope you enjoyed this sorry if it’s long, not very coherent, and there’s any mistakes. This took me an hour and a half to write.
See ya ✌️ 
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willknightauthor · 1 year
Movie: (Pixar style) A werewolf whose animal form is a small cute dog. She uses her cuteness to get into museums, banks, and mansions, as guard dogs and pets, and then at night she robs them. One day she works her way into a household and finds there’s another adorable lycanthrope already there. He’s lived a hard life on the streets and decided it’s not bad to be a rich family’s pampered pet. He thinks she’s trying to muscle her way into the family and take over, but she’s just trying to figure out how to rob the place without him stopping her. All the while they have to navigate the personal drama of the parents and kids, and confront their developing family bond with them. Then a new threat comes to town (con artists? a big scary werewolf? big scary werewolf con artists??), and they have to team up to take it down.
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
watching Leverage: ep 6
ok had myself some dinner, now i'm snacking on fries, LET'S GET INTO IT
Before we go:
the episode we're diving into is called "The Stork Job" and according to @0hheytherebigbadwolf, they await my tears (whatever the fuck that means, she grumbles nervously).
so, if i do cry, everybody blame them for that (i kid, i kid..........unless 👀)
anyway, last episode, we got to see more of our lovely crew working on the spot and they sure did deliver!
Eliot, our boy, was able to work out who the hostage was for the robbers were AND take out the men who were the reason the two were robbing the bank
alec, my boy, along with parker, my queen, expertly impersonated the fucking fbi without a hitch and parker was even able to sneak into the back to steal the briefcase full of money
another thing, i love how even when the episode only has minor characters for that one episode, they still feel like fully fleshed out people. the cops that alec and parker had to fool? they felt like bumbling cops for a small town (we even got a hint of the sheriff's and the judge's friendship(?) towards the end which I thought was awesome. the bank tellers? they felt like people and not stoic stock characters.
i applaud the writers room
the episode
oh no we starting off sad :(
parker :((((((( she knows....she KNOWS THE SIGNS OF ABUSE :(((((
FUCK YOU BESTIE (i'm kidding, i love you)
oh....we are mentioning how they got any orphans???? are we...will they discuss this?
the war....how vague -_-
she scammed the embassy??? queen shit
lmao they're dunking on eliot about how to pick up girls. eliot: "i'm not an amature" sophie: "of course not! but i'd peg you at a level 2 and she's a level 20"
oh??? driver man has the hots for parker??? 1) great for their plan but 2) i am now worried for parker
if she gets hurt itsg i will be upSET
she lost sight of him when she went to try and take his wallet. this man knows those kind of moves and i am worried.
alec??? getting jealous??? or am i looking into this too much, more on 11
"ranch in texas?" HOW SHE GOT HOOKED shit man, is that what i need to do? but i don't have a ranch :( i can't even use a lasso T^T
nathan is so bothered about sophie's tips to eliot "you were manipulating me???" "i was a thief" "our love not real :(" "we are on the clock, nathan, for god's sake"
poor alec being the third wheel to all this
ok driver man making his move on parker, and she's trying so hard to get info from him. parker, baby, i am so worried for you. i don't like this man and he seems like the stalker type.
the fact that this case is hitting a little too close for her my girlie :(((
YES STAB HIM BITCH THAT'S WHAT HE GETS ok nobody get mad at parker or i WILL hurt them
lol the others guys are so confused.
good on eliot using the movie thing
steal a movie??? you mean a bootleg????
they did not just- omg
alec trying to reassure parker that they're not just a team(in dom toretto's voice: "we're family")
she wrote a script, she gave herself the role of the nun, THERE'S WEREWOLVES???
YES SOPHIE YOU DID SO GOOD. oscars, it's what she deserves
oooooh nice little plan there to ensure she brings the boy
awwww parker doesn't want to be babysat (bc she feels it undermines her and that they don't trust her) but alec tells her that no one asked him to T^T he just wants to look out for her ok ;-; he cares ok!
you got this parker! something tells me creepy driver man will make a comeback and i won't like it.
something FISHY is going on here in this orphanage! where be the children? why are there trucks with cargo that isn't children?
parker is about to cry HOW DARE
parker going rogue again. kick their ass!
NOT NANA :((((
"they're gonna turn out like me" PARKER NO
"i like how you turned out" ALEC YOU SMOOTH MOTHERFUCKER
alec really wants to help the other orphans T^T i'm on his side. i'd provide a wonderful distraction as they helped the children escape! (i'd die but still)
oh no! how ever will our crew save all the orphans....ah jee, i am stumped. (i WILL believe they'll save all of them or so help me! realism be damned!)
oop the jig is up! she's been fooled! (your death scene was nice tho)
we still got 15 more minutes...i reFUSE to believe this is the end
where's parker????
but why didn't you tell alec tho??? he'd help you
she's trying so hard to get them out ;-; don't laugh at her she's trying!!!! even here she's so adorable
omfg so they'll leave for Häagen Dazs? silly children
YES AHAHAHAHA i love her so much
sophie! that means the gang's here! oooooh the police? or is it just an audio recording???
how dare they scare me for second. i thought parker was gonna get shot! did nathan really stop that bus just so they could figure out the guns were props???? really nathan?
oh alec i know you felt so cool doing that in front of parker. walk in strut in with your little button, press it, and the building explodes. yeah
nathan is such a dad and how he calmed parker down about where the kids would get help
awwww alec!! he was worried about you parker!! THAT SMILE YEAH I SAW IT!
general thoughts
my parker feels were attacked today. will i recover? yes, but i'll need a minute or something. i just...she understood how much the foster system would fuck up these kids and didn't want to see that, but also knew that where they were was just as bad and T^T
AND ALEC, ALEC WHO UNDERSTOOD AS WELL! he already knew she was going through it. and he wanted to help, but also wasn't going to push even if he saw how much it troubled her T^T AND THE FACT THAT HE WAS WORRIED AND WANTED TO HELP THE KIDS UGH MY HEART
how parker called back to alec's comment about how they're "a little more" than a team all up close and personal and he was totally blushing don't @ me.
nathan/sophie were cute and it was fun seeing nathan a little miffed that sophie would use her charm for anyone when thieving (like it wasn't just their thing jfc nathan you are down so bad). it was cute. i like how she's one of the only people he struggles to lie to also.
but yeah. good episode, we got character stuff and i am all about that. until next time!
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babykentthegent · 1 year
Baby Kent Four-ever
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Time seems to be moving faster than a freight train, as our little Boo continues developing each and every day. We keep saying he can't possibly get any cuter and then he still manages to prove us wrong. This has to be the most fun stage yet as he becomes more and more aware of his surroundings and of us. Rob has sure had his hands full and he still has six weeks of leave before he returns to work. Watching him father Kent has been beyond fun and I know Kent is enjoying every minute he gets to spend with his dada.
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This kid is full of energy and he's so dang strong! He prefers to stand (assisted of course) over sitting. He just locks his legs and will do it all day if you let him. We are in trouble! Once he's walking, we are doomed. He loves bouncing in his car or just playing with you. He still loves to laugh and is honestly one of the happiest babies I've ever seen. He's still sleeping through the night, sucks down a bottle like there's no tomorrow, and likes to turn his neck to follow you every which way.
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We spent the last month catching up with old friends and really making the effort to expose Kent to different places and people. So far, he seems to love making new friends. He'll let just about anyone hold him and doesn't fuss. He's also becoming more and more aware, even having giggled the other day when the dogs looked at him. My brother got us a diaper bag that pulls out into a changing table/bed. I call it his little baby tent for Kent. It has sure come in handy for outings! Kent is also extremely aware of girls. In his tummy time book, one of the pages has an image of a little toddler girl and it's the page he pays the most attention to. When he met back up with his friend Mina, he was all smiles. Such a flirt, this one! I have a feeling he's going to be a little ladies man.
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Kent has really been bonding with Rob. He loves being dad's little sidekick and they have even managed to go on a couple daddy/son outings, just the two of them. We can tell that Kent knows who we are, but he also treats the two of us slightly differently. It's funny how even a baby can develop unique relationship dynamics with different people in his life. Dad is his protector and he always looks like he feels safe in his arms. When he's with me, he acts exactly how little boys do with their mamas. Like little angels that want to be babied (pun intended).
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We are so grateful and feel so blessed for all of the love we continue to receive. We even had several close friends in Japan ship over some wonderful presents for Kent. We can't wait to take him to Japan one day and show him the life we once lived. I can already imagine all of my previous students just gushing over his cuteness. One day, son. We shall go!
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This face is just too much for me to handle. The way his ears pop out, his beautiful mystery colored eyes (we're still banking on green), and his big kissable lips. This kid is a looker for sure, and while we can't take any credit for it, we sure do think he's the cutest kid in the whole world!
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This should be no surprise to those that know me, but I have been going a little nuts with the Fall attire. I couldn't help myself! Kent is going to be wearing all pumpkins until the last leaf drops. And yes...I already bought our entire family's Halloween costumes. I have been waiting for the moment of being a mama when I could voluntell my family what theme we'd all be going as(dogs and all). No spoilers, but I'll be sure to include photos in a future post.
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Well, that's about it for now. We definitely have our hands full with this cutie, but we wouldn't change it for the world. Every day with him is a huge blessing and we are loving every minute of it.
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stangalina · 1 year
Omg, fuck action superhero movies! There are so MANY I've had enough!
I want a movie where a superhero is a single mother and their child, upon turning 16, manifests the powers of her arch nemesis. Thus revealing that their other parent IS their mothers arch nemesis. Oh, and the arch nemesis doesn't even know they exist.
This begins an adventure where the protag goes through an emotional rollercoaster of discovering and coming to terms with who they are, tracking the nemesis down, actually getting to know the dude beyond "that crazy guy who makes crazy plots", and revealing that SURPRISE I'm your kid. Then going full parent trap on the two of them to get the fuck over it and date already.
Just imagine the bonding for the first time. This random ankle biter with a stupid haircut because they did it themselves in a mirror with a pair of scissors after running away from home, being the first person to actually take interest in the villain, appreciate the machines of the villain, remind the villain just how... lonely they are. How much they miss just having someone. Anyone.
Sitting in the workshop in evening light, laughing like idiots because the kid made a robot that can breakdance. The villain enjoying just... caring for them. Cooking for the first time in forever.
They'd die for this mysterious little shit they decide.
And then from the mother's perspective. She knows she's in the wrong on this. She knows she should never have given in to what she wanted that day. How she felt about him had to stay a secret. A secret. A secret a secret. But it was hard. If the people found out she'd betrayed their trust and had a child with the man who robbed their banks and ruined their infrastructure, played games with their lives, they'd lose all faith in her. She'd become a complete outcast.
But it was so hard. Because she KNOWS he's a good person under all of the metal and mania, she can feel it. And she loves it. She loves him. But she can't.
At least she got to keep a part of him, in the child she hid from him.
Gods, she can't help but think while perched atop a building after saving someone's life, I really am the worst mother in the world.
And then the kid, who's just had their whole world tossed upside down at possibly one of the worst ages for your world to get tossed. Figuring out what this means for them. As a person. As part of a family.
First comes the anger.
How could you do this? How could you hide this from me? Why? Why HIM?
Then the resolve.
I'll just go and live with him then!
Then the realisation.
Huh, he's actually... a pretty decent guy. Well... then why does he?
Breaking old infrastructure forces new infrastructure to be built. Robbing banks hurts no-one who can't afford to be hurt. Where does the money even go? Nobody ever dies in his schemes, and he just genuinely thinks it's fun. And it also... Gets mom's attention.
Then the plotting.
I deserve a villainous plot for my birthday right? Damn right I do. Time to use my newfound powers to make my parents get the fuck over themselves and DATE ALREADY.
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appache110 · 1 year
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