#robert strange
bilbo-babe · 30 days
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can't wait to see more of Adar and his Orc children!!
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rings-of-power-realm · 2 months
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grande-caps · 4 months
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Doctor Who 14.01 - "Space Babies"
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itssssssloveee · 1 year
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penny dreadful — (2014) grand guignol, S01E08 directed by James Hawes
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TV: ELVEN KINGS UNDER THE SKY - The Rings of Power - Season 2 Episode 1 Recap
The opening twenty minutes of "Elven Kings Under the Sky" might be the best stretch of any episode in the series. Not only do we see just how terrifying Sauron's powers can be. We see how unnatural and vile they are.
After the betrayal of Halbrand/Sauron, the Elves will need to navigate the future. Luckily, The Rings of Power is not only interested in Elvish struggles, but those of Sauron as well. The compelling origins of the “Halbrand Sauron” take center stage in the Season 2 premiere. Written by Gennifer Hutchinson and directed by Charlotte Brändström, “Elven Kings Under the Sky” kicks off Season…
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brb-on-pluto · 4 months
Space Babies - Doctor Who (2024)
In Series: Episode One
Directed by: Julie Anne Robinson
Written by: Russell T. Davies
Genre: Sci-Fi
Staring: Ncuti Gatwa | Millie Gibson | Golda Rosheuvel | Robert Strange
Runtime: 46 Minutes
Rating: 7.7/10
Watched: 11/03/2024
■■■■ (Comments Below)
Was this episode a bit out there in terms of plot? Yes, but when isn't Doctor Who? Was this episode a little political? Yes, but when isn't Doctor Who? Could it be said it was a little "cringey"? Yes, but when isn't Doctor Who? My only major criticism of the story is that after saying "babies", every time it was then corrected by "Space Babies!" which got old, very, very fast. (+ the weird cgi on the babies mouthes).
Did I find the monster for the episode to be a bit odd? Yes. But it's nice to see a new monster, that will very likely not be a recurring villain for their first outing outside of a special.
First episode of Doctor Who I've *enjoyed* in a long while. Whilst I appreciate some of Chibnall's writing - it often isn't for me, too clunky, too tell don't show.
I'm really excited to see what comes next with Gatwa's fifteenth Doctor. And very excited to see him handle some recurring monsters. Also, loving the recurring snowflakes and lead back to the day of Ruby's birth. I'm interested to see where this plot goes.
Loved seeing Golda in a different type of role than what I am used to seeing her in (which is mostly her role as Queen Charlotte). And loved seeing Mollie Gibson as Ruby Sunday!
Gorgeous, gorgeous music by Murray Gold. Gorgeous, gorgeous direction.
Not sure what's going on with the Susan Twist cameos, I wonder what it's all leading up to and wait with anticipation!
My Doctor Who Review Masterpost!
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cinemaslife · 5 months
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#66 The Jack in the Box
Un señor está buscando en un campo con su detector de metales y encuentra una caja como de circo con el nombre de Jack, se la lleva a su mujer y ella abre la caja de música para descubrir dentro un payaso de resorte con una cara muy maja, pero cuando el marido se va y ella deja de mirar el payaso sale de la caja y la asesina, arrastrándola de al interior de la caja, mientras el señor lo ve todo y llora.
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En un viejo museo tienen un montón de material sin clasificar de casas vaciadas, donaciones, etc. Dos jóvenes trabajadores del museo se ponen a organizar la habitación y dan con la caja de música sin manivela, al tocarla el nombre de jack se configura por sí mismo en la carátula, de ahí sale una manivela a la que el chico le da vueltas hasta que sale el mismo payaso sorpresa de la historia anterior.
Esa noche entran a robar en el museo y van a la habitación donde se ha quedado la caja abierta con el payaso fuera. Uno de los ladrones le vacila al payaso, la caja se cierra, se gira la manivela y cuando vuelve a salir sale la mano deforme del payaso que le acaba arrastrando al interior de la caja. Y que el otro ladrón se encuentra al final del pasillo de pie.
El ladrón se esconde, pero cuando se creía a salvo, el payaso le arranca la cabeza y se marca un dos en la caja sorpresa de donde sale.
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Después del robo llega Casey (Ethan Taylor) uno de los jóvenes que abre inicialmente la caja y también llega David, un experto que sabe de cajas sorpresas. Le dice que la caja es de la época victoriana y que entonces había algunas cajas musicales con propósitos siniestros, y que originalmente se crearon en Francia para encerrar demonios dentro.
Mediante una pesadilla que tiene Casey nos enseña porque tiene problemas para dormir y es que a su novia la atacó un hombre vestido de negro y sobreentendemos que murió. Por este motivo a Casey no le cuesta quedarse dormido en el trabajo, justo cuando una señora quiere ver la exposición de la guerra, en eso la caja vuelve a sonar, girando su manivela sola y el payaso la ataca degollándola y marcando en su caja el número tres.
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Después de la desaparición de la mujer, Casey busca información sobre Jack en internet y descubre que después de abrir la caja solo cuando Jack sé de un festín con 6 víctimas volverá a quedar encerrado en la caja, a Casey la historia le hace mucha gracia hasta que ve a Jack moverse dentro de la caja. La responsable del museo le dice que clasifique lo antes posible la caja de Jack porque van a incluirla en la exposición de juguetes.
El museo se cierra por el fin de semana y la señora de la limpieza está haciendo sus tareas cuando la versión juguete de Jack la mira desde la vitrina y metiéndose con el aspecto del juguete, cosa que la lleva a salir huyendo cuando ve que la caja ha desaparecido del expositor.
La caja empieza a sonar cuando la señora sale corriendo y Jack la ataca, marcándose el 4 en su caja de música.
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La policía está investigando las 4 desapariciones que se han dado en el pueblo, sobre todo, el de la mujer de la limpieza que los lleva directamente al museo y a hablar con Casey. Cuando él le insinúa al inspector que puede haber algo paranormal detrás de todo esto y el inspector le dice que siempre hay una persona detrás de una desaparición.
Casey toma la decisión de grabar la caja de música con su cámara réflex y cuando vuelve a buscarla las luces se apagan y ni la caja ni la cámara están, la caja suena y el payaso ataca al chico, pero no lo asesina, ni lo mete dentro de la caja.
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En el vídeo no se ve nada y nadie le cree, así que investigando da con el dueño anterior de la caja, el señor del buscador de metales, donde va a que le cuente su historia. Que le advierte de que como no se vaya le colgaran el muerto a él, como le pasó al señor con su esposa.
Debido al golpe en la cabeza, Casey flipa y tiene una conversación con su novia muerta, donde esta le pide que se haga responsable de la situación y acabe con Jack, cosa que no parece que nadie haya meditado lo suficiente. A Casay todo lo que se le ocurre es quemar la caja y no asegurarse de ver hasta la más última ceniza, sino que se va antes.
Vuelve al museo para cerrar e irse, pero la caja está en el Hall y Jack sale de dentro para ir a buscarle con pasos torpes, lo que Casey aprovecha para irse corriendo, pero no llega lejos, ya que se queda dentro del museo. Jack y él se enfrentan y al payaso se la suda todo bastante, sobre todo, ese rollo que se lleva Casey de querer razonar con él. Pero no acaba con él (otra vez) sino que emite un grito y se va.
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El experto le explica al joven que a él no lo mata porque lo ha traído a este mundo y tiene un pacto sellado con él, y que la única manera de deshacerse de él es meterlo en la caja mientras se dicen determinadas palabras, pero le especifica que si algo se queda fuera de la caja Jack volverá para terminar con sus víctimas.
Jack se ventila a la directora del museo, pero no la mete en la caja, sino que usa la caja como picadora y la hace pedacitos, dejándola fuera. La otra chica que esta con Casey cuando activan la caja la primera vez será la próxima víctima de Jack, el ente le cierra todas las puertas para que no se pueda esconder ni salir del edificio, y la persigue.
Casey y el payaso se lían a palos, mientras el payaso intenta meter a la chica en la caja, el chico dice las palabras y el ente es arrastrado hasta la caja y esta se sella. Casey intenta reanimar a la chica, pero justo llega la policía y lo acusan a él del ataque.
La chica se reúne con el experto para poder liberar a Casey, pero no hay manera, así que el experto le carga el muerto a la chica para que se deshaga de la caja, como esta es indestructible, debe asegurarse que durante los próximos 15 años nadie abra la caja y así Jack se irá para siempre.
En el interrogatorio, Casey se da cuenta, mirando una foto, que una garra se quedó fuera y que su plan no funcionó. Cuando La chica está enterrando la caja se gira y está se abre haciendo que se la trague, Casey es consciente, pero no puede hacer nada para ayudarla y lo condenan a un manicomio durante 10 años.
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 years
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Boys from County Hell (2020) Chris Baugh
September 25th 2022
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ruleof3bobby · 2 years
MARROWBONE (2017) Grade: C
Your attention is held by the acting; excellent casting. I didn't like something about the script. They seemed to have taken some liberties with older horror movie twists, and the script had some holes. The main revelation didn't really surprise me all that much, and the conclusion wasn't all that exciting.
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'As Doctor Who returns with its 60th anniversary specials, we've seen more alien creatures crash-land onto our screens, including the epic Wrarth Warriors.
The creatures, originally created by Dave Gibbons and Pat Mills for a Doctor Who Weekly comic strip, were officially brought to life on screen by various dedicated creature actors for The Star Beast, including Robert Strange, who played the lead Wrarth Warrior, Sergeant Zogroth.
Getting into character was no easy feat though – it took hours of rehearsal time to perfect the tiny details of the movement, plus squeezing into a heavy costume – and balancing on stilts the whole time.
Exclusively speaking to RadioTimes.com, Strange explains: "I think it was such a clever idea to have a storyline that was from one of the original classic comics from 1980 as the storyline, because it has that sense of honouring the old while bringing in this new era. So I think it was a really exciting place to start.
"I didn't know the comic before. But as soon as I found out what I was doing and read the script, I went and tracked it down and ordered it, and it's just so magical."
Strange particularly loved how the episode plays with perception – while The Meep (voiced by Miriam Margolyes) initially seems innocent, its true menacing nature is later revealed. The Wrarth Warriors, on the other hand, look a little terrifying – but end up being respectful and regimented creatures.
He adds: "I wanted to bring that up, that these quite fearsome military-based beings, they attack this house and destroy it in quite a regimented manner. I think the voice as well, it's very kind of gruff and aggressive. But then when you hear them speak later, they actually then suddenly have this quite refined classic military lead commander style of speaking that's actually very polite and very respectful.
"And so to have that, alongside the physicality of them, which we worked on a lot with Paul Kasey, who is the resident Doctor Who creature movement director. So we workshopped with Paul a lot – A: how to just walk in stilts without falling over, but what kind of physicality we wanted to bring to them.
"We settled on, I think the phrase we used was 'predatory flamingo with an insectoid twitch.' That was the descriptor we came up with. So we have these stalking legs like flamingos, and these twitches, like a praying mantis style."
As with everything on Doctor Who, showrunner Russell T Davies had crucial input.
"He's such a visionary so he has eyes everywhere and a dealing in every part of his creations. So I know he was very involved in the design, because I think originally there were plans to maybe change the design of the Wrarth and the Meep from what was drawn in the comic, but I think Russell brought it right back to what Pat and Dave wrote and drew in the original comic, which I think is kind of magical.
"And then a lot of the development of the movement was done with Paul... so he's in our ear all the time. On set, in rehearsal, and then live in front of the camera, he is relaying information from Russell, from Rachel [Talalay], the director, from all sorts of people, right to our ear to say, 'Bring back a bit more of that twitch, turn yourself this way, keep the gun up, keep moving the right direction,' and things like that.
"So he's kind of a port of call middle person for relaying all the information from all the powers that be right to us to keep it looking exactly how they wanted it to look."
The Wrarth are important throughout the episode – but perhaps their most memorable scene is the 'court' scene in the carpark with David Tennant's Doctor and Catherine Tate's Donna Noble.
"That scene is one of my favourites, it's so brilliant. It was so much fun to do. It was probably one of the most challenging scenes to film ever, in terms of all the stuff I've done, because creature suits are always quite full-on physically, of course.
"So we're on the stilts, you can't really stand still in these stilts, because they're curved at the bottom but obviously, for close-ups, you need to stay on your marks and it's a lot of work to stay still. We can't see, it's very heavy, you've got no hands, you're physically doing all of that.
"And then at the same time, we have Paul in our ear giving us guidance so that we're hitting the marks and looking in the right direction. And then we're also doing the dialogue with David Tennant and Catherine Tate, which is kind of iconic to be working with them and doing this incredible scene with them, and watching them bring these characters back to life, and they're just so brilliant to watch. And everything that they do with these characters, it was fascinating to watch for myself personally – they're such refined comedy actors and they're such physical actors as well."
It's no secret that Doctor Who has a shiny new budget to go along with its new era due to a new deal with Disney Plus. But, for Strange, it's crucial that the show still embraces practical effects.
"I'm a little bit biased, obviously, because I've spent 10 years making a career out of it. But to me, I think it's vital. And I think, technology in both realms, whether we're talking practical effects or VFX and CGI, there's such exciting things in both corners. So both are incredibly exciting.
"[But] I think particularly for Doctor Who, there's something about the magic of it, that it has to be practical effects. That's what it's always been, you know, from the Daleks and before. Again, in my opinion, this new episode and this new era coming, even though there's a new budget, and it's a new era, and it's 2023, and there's new technology, it's kept a sense of that real Doctor Who charm."'
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linnytheseagull · 4 months
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A gothic literature hyperfixation has possessed me so I made this
(This took way longer to make than it reasonably should have)
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youlooklikedead · 1 month
I hope Robert Sheehan knows that he changed many lives through Klaus despite how things ended for the character. Klaus Hargreeves made people feel seen, feel understood, feel less alone. He did his absolute best with the cards that he was given and he gave life to Klaus beautifully despite whatever the writers demanded of the character.
I'll take Klaus with me forever. Happily at that. Whether that ending happened or went differently, I would still love Klaus deeply. Forever will. I wouldn't trade all the years I've invested in Umbrella Academy and into my incredibly flawled but incredibly beautiful Klaus Hargreeves for nothing in the world. The end doesn't mean shit to me because I still got the good memories of the journey to remember.
Lots of love to Robert for his work. He made Klaus so human, so relatable, someone that I would give the world for just so he could be happy. I don’t see any other actor who could've done the beautiful and amazing job that he did by bringing Klaus to life in such a magical way. I will forever be thankful that he didn't turn down Klaus role in the end, despite considering it due to not wanting to be typecast to a role with similarities to Nathan from Misfits — and thanks to the friend who convinced him to give Klaus a chance!
Love you, Klaus Hargreeves. You'll be my bestie forever and ever, you lovely bastard.
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rings-of-power-realm · 2 months
Robert Strange from S2 who plays an orc with more story liked my tweet 🥰
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do2faj · 6 months
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I'm rolling on the floor
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blazeofbones · 5 months
"You back, you're alright"
Tony was always making sure that everybody was okay and that breaks my heart, he deserved better.
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marttapav · 6 months
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more request 🫂🤪👥
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