#robin c cordelia
Who get the biggest passes from Buffyverse fans and can you give examples of the worst things these characters do?
Well this is a juicy question.
Spike, and Cordelia.
Interestingly, at some point, both characters were given the role of calling Buffy out on her "crap." James Marsters even talks about how he was brought in as a replacement for Cordelia in season 4, but then was replaced by Anya when they decided to do something else with him.
With Cordy being the mean girl, and Spike the soulless vampire, the writers had the freedom to use these characters to say and do some incredibly cruel things towards Buffy in the name of "brutal honesty," while also excusing their behavior because they weren't meant to be the hero...at least initially.
This worked a little too well, as Charisma and James were amazing in their roles. Each character is charming, beautiful, multifaceted, and extremely funny.
The problem is, you can't keep your characters stagnate, so the writers were forced to give Cordy and Spike character growth, but also find a way to retain who they are. This is incredibly difficult when your character was literally written to clash with Buffy, and is popular for saying mean, biting things in the name of "tough love."
While Queen C is more than the resident mean girl, her cruel words and selfish behavior are praised as "truth" and confidence, with her belittling nearly every member of the Scooby gang. She is constantly pitting herself against Buffy; (Homecoming, Halloween, etc) demeaning and belittling her when Buffy has personally saved her life several times. She begins to show signs of character growth in season 3, but once Xander cheats on her, reverts right back to blaming Buffy for everything. Instead of holding Xander accountable for his actions, she makes a wish that Buffy never came to Sunnydale, and then never sees the consequences for her own actions.
Even after her move to LA, she calls Buffy a cry-Buffy, blames her for turning Angel into Angelus, emasculates Wesley, victim blames and shames a SA survivor (Untouched), and is generally just careless about what she says or does, with no thought about how her words effect others.
Personally, while I do see some growth over her time on Angel, I do not buy her characterization in the later seasons where she is drastically changed to become a Champion, and then shoe-horned into a relationship with Angel. On top of that, she never atones for or even recognizes her need to change for her awful behavior, and that makes it very hard for me to forgive her for her past sins, let alone root for her.
It's possible that with better writing and without Joss being a horrible person, that her transition would have been more organic and believable.
For a show about feminism, the writers really spend a lot of time on this man. He steals Buffy's underwear, stalks her, makes a sex robot that looks just like her, attempts to kill her multiple times, boasts about killing and torturing other slayers, justifies it by saying they wanted it, ties her up, then spends a season belittling her just so that she'll sleep with him. THEN when she refuses sex with him, attempts to force himself on her.
And for those of you who say, "oh he just didn't have a soul yet." Fine.
After he had a soul, he boasts about assaulting her, shames her for using him for sex when he knew she didn't love him, shames her for not loving him, and blames her for the reason he's tortured with having a soul. (Beneath You)
He nearly kills Robin Wood, and then mocks him for not being loved by his mother (which is proven to be false in "Damage"), all while wearing the coat that he stole from Robin's mother after he killed her.
Not once does he apologize to Buffy or attempt to hold himself accountable, even after he has a soul. It is not until "Damage" on Angel that we see any sort of unselfish remorse.
Then to add insult to injury, season 7 has Buffy spending so much time taking care of Spike, rescuing Spike, training with Spike, reassuring Spike that he is a good man...all to the detriment of her other relationships. People like to blame the Potentials for why season 7 is as clunky as it is, but I blame the focus on Spike.
Even worse, the show doesn't seem to want Spike to change, as there's hardly a difference between pre souled and ensouled Spike. And that goes against the show's core tenant of choice and growth.
From the very beginning, vampires represent the opposite of adolescence in that they are stagnate and do not change. "Fool for Love" very clearly establishes that Spike's persona is created to compensate for his lack of an identity. Cecily's rejection of him deeply wounds him and he is shown to create a facade to mask his insecurities. So he takes from powerful women and forms a false identity around them to prove that he is not beneath them. The episode emphasizes this pattern with Cecily, Dru, and the two Slayers, continuing in present day with Buffy.
In order to be consistent with the lore and message of the show, ensouled Spike needed to look a lot different from un-ensouled Spike, but the writers knew he wouldn't be as popular.
And so we're left with a half baked season where we're supposed to believe that Buffy is distant from everyone but Spike, who looks the exact same as he did the season before when he tried to force himself on her.
It's just icky. It's the opposite of empowering. It blurs the lines of the lore. And it sends the wrong message.
We can like these characters and even root for them, but we need to be honest about their flaws, and not justify awful writing and problematic characterization.
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Version 5 Release
Hey there, welcome to what I'm calling the 🌈 Rainbow Edition 🌈 of UGA! Unfortunately Tumblr's preview of the mod name on top of the new title screen makes it a little... cluttered. Anyway, here are the changes you can expect:
NEW SUPPORTS: M!Robin/Owain S, Lissa/Olivia C-S, Stahl/Gaius C-S, Stahl/Libra C-S, Cordelia/Cherche C-S, Owain/Laurent C-S, Nowi&Tiki C-A, Lucina&Frederick PC, Morgan&Owain PC, Owain&Maribelle PC, Brady&Lissa PC
Included EU and JP versions of the sibling code patch
Functional support log for all non-spotpass gen 1 characters
Custom title screen for ease of checking installation
New Ch11 CG when Chrom marries a man
Replaced the frilly pink sleeve in the Ch12 CG with light green longsleeve shirt
Minor edits to existing vanilla and original GA supports for better consistency
Remembered to give Kellam a Ch12 spouse scene
Fixed animation error in Vaike's Ch12 spouse scene
Big thanks to everyone who's contributed!
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djtitus921 · 2 years
What are your favorite ships from Fire Emblem Awakening? Outside from Chrobin, you seem to like: Vaike x Lissa, Henry x Olivia and Frederick x Sumia. I am currently writing a fanfic about the Shepherds and their life's (During, After, and Before the Plegian war) and some of your videos had somewhat been inspiration on how the character's interact with each other. I was hoping if you could give me some insight.
Gladly! Most of my reasoning are going to be from my own messed up headcanon world and because i am a lunatic, i am going to name like 25% of the Awakening cast because I use like 20 units (most of them being child units and dlc) and never switch them out. So im prolly not gonna be much help
Chrom x Robin - Chrobin had always been my favorite, because of the whole Romeo and Juilet thing goin on with Chrom's Exalt blood and Robin with Grima's blood. Plus i imagine that their kids are the strongest in the whole game due to their genetics. I also imagine Robin is the one who REALLY wears the pants in the relationship (even tho Chrom doesn't want to admit it) But I love the image of the royal family being probably the weirdest bunch out of the entire Ylissean Royal bloodline. With Chrom being a man who can't stop breaking things with his immense strength and doesn't think about things all the way, Robin being the technically only smart and logical one, but still doesn't know how to be a proper royal (neither does anyone else in the family), Lucina is smart yeah, but not with common sense. And Morgan is gifted with Robin's intelligence, but somehow manages it to only put it to making traps and finding ways to use Falchion as anything else but a sword.
Frederick x Sumia - Frederick is a perfectionist that married a complete clutz. And Frederick was a complete sweetheart during their conversations. He was so patient with her and never gave her a hard time for her mistakes. Plus Cynthia is practically Sumia who is hyped up on coffee 24/7. So for Frederick to have to deal with his chaotic family everyday, is not only wholesome, but hilarious.
Vaike x Lissa - Vaike was willing to discard his rivalry with Chrom to make Lissa happy when he proposed to her. And he respected her and Chrom for being a royal and not having a boujee attitude. And he said Lissa was "beautiful as a goddess" Plus a big bonus for this ship is that Vaike's and Chrom's rivalry seemed to be passed down to Owain and Morgan
Maribelle x Ricken - I love the fact that both of them are Ylissean nobles and Ricken always tries to prove himself to others that he is not a child but he also wants to restore his house to it's former glory. But a cool little parallel to Ricken and Maribelles relationship is that Maribelle did the same thing to Ricken what she does to Lissa, when Ricken saved her from Gangrel. She became overprotective and tried to get him out of the shepherds in an attempt to protect him
Lon'qu x Cherche - Cherche (being the best girl as always) is the one (out of two) who lifted the burden off of Lon'qu about Ke'ri. Gerome being Lon'qu kid kinda makes sense too. I imagine Gerome is a big loner compared to the rest of the Future Shepherds.
Stahl x Cordelia - This is purely because i think Stahl and Cordelia are neat and Cordelia was the first girl i S-supported when i first got the game 10 years ago. And because im a fool, i figured to put two of my favorite people together. But i will say this tho, Severa with Stahl's hair color is not bad
Henry x Olivia - I feel like this is probably the most chaotic family outta all my favorite ships. Henry is just a lovable killing machine. Olivia is an adorable crit/killing machine. And the stats they give Inigo aint too bad neither. Henry's and Olivia's C support made me fall in love with Henry's character. But Im going to ignore the copy-paste supports with Henry getting mad at Inigo in the B support because its somewhat out of character. But i feel like both Henry and Olivia are always compassionate to their son. Olivia is the tender one, who showers Inigo with love and affection and Henry is the one who always makes sure Inigo never loses his smile. (And completely unrelated to the ship by Inigo having Plegian blood is kinda cool because i ship him with Lucina and she too has Plegian blood, soooo.... yea)
Those are pretty much it. Everyone else is either because i dont use them or they dont have supports other than Robin
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crabknight · 6 months
Thoughts on the losers
Chrom: okayish, unfortunately voiced by M*tt
Robin, whom I have named Hildegard: she's silly, I made her very pretty :]
Tumblr media
Lissa: benched in favor of Maribelle sorry
Frederick: LOVE HE very serious. Decided on a whim he should be with Maribelle and not Sully cause I like his supports with Mari
Sully: AMAZING LOVELY SO COOL I am normal about her C support with Miriel (gonna write a fic about it later when I get the B and A support)
Virion: FRENCH JUMPSCARE no like I didn't think he'd actually have a French accent in the voice acting. He's so cool I love him
Vaike: WHORE I wanna know why he acts like that, I wanna study him under a microscope
Mirial: MY SPECIAL LADY HOW I LOVE YOU SO she's a mage and also her C support with Sully is very good
Sumia: no strong opinions, ended up benching her in favor of Cordelia. I don't really need her anymore cause she's already served her purpose of being Chrom's wife
Panne: lovely lady, adore her. I like her introduction with Emmeryn :]
Gaius: I don't use him a lot but he's poggers. I like his intro with him just wanting candy, what a mood
Cordelia: neat :] I love her intro with Phila and how horrible she feels about the other ladies dying. Just. Ough. I hope she gets a big hug or smth
Gregor: the ideal man honestly, 10/10
Nowi: I don't hate her as much as I thought I would. Aside from her design, she's great
Libra: boy man totally. Lovely design, lovely intro, very excited about his VA because I really love her as H'aanit
Tharja: did not expect to like her at all but she's good. I like her intro
Basilio: Patrick Seitz moment fr!!!
Emmeryn: blood guts horror forever. Crying 1 billion tears. Don't speak her name! amirite
Chrom: Yeah I've never been a big fan of him tbh
Hildegard: OMGGG VERY PRETTY INAUSGFIUANSDGF great design for your robin
Lissa: Yeah I mean that's fair, I have a habit it using the first healer I get as the healer for the rest of the game so I use Lissa a lot, also because I love Owain too much to not use. Don't really have anything to say about her personality
Frederik: I mean, how can you not love him, he is great, you should see his supports with chrom, I find them funny
Sully: Yeah she slaps, definitly my favorite of the two cavs
Virion: Virion is pretty fun I cannot lie, and I will say, I was fully expecting him to be french
Miriel: me when big words, she is very cool I also like her, important question here, who will marry her?
Sumia: Yeah I have no strong opinion either
Maribelle: I'm very happy for you that you love maribelle this much, it's great to see
Panne: Yeah she's pretty cool, I like her supports with Virion and her kid can become pretty strong
Gaius: There really isn't that much more to him than candy puns in my experience, but he can become pretty good
Cordelia: Yes very true, her intro is definitly one of the best
Gregor: MY MAN GREGOR HOW I LOVE YOU SO YOU ARE MY HUSBAND AND I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER fun fact I married him in my most recent playthrough
Nowi: yeah that's fair, I still hate her tho I am not a fan of her personality and everything, shame that her kid is so cool tho
Libra: the man ever what can i say
Tharja: yeah honestly, behind the sexualisation of her outfit and in everything happening outside of the game, I honestly quite like her, her personality is actually pretty fun and I like her supports
Basilio: me when seitz
Emmeryn: sorry I suppose I just spoke her name
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quietsun5268 · 1 year
Who's the Most Likely, Least Likely, or Maybe Parent (Mother and Father) for each Morgan (Male and Female) based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?
Most Child units inherit the hair color from their fathers (with the exception of Female Morgan, who inherited her mother's hair color, and Lucina). But some parents are more fitting for some child units then others based on Classes, looks, supports, mannerisms, etc. I'm not looking for who would make the kid stronger. Just a parent who would make sense for the Child Units.
Recap: Brady Severa Cynthia Laurent Noire Yarne Gerome Nah Kjelle Lucina Owain Inigo
Each Morgan has a slightly different personality. Here we will go through 3 categories. Male, Female, and what both have regardless of their gender.
Female Morgan
1.) Female Morgan's Class in Future Past 2 is a Wyvern Lord While it could be from Male Robin due to his large class sets, it also could be from either Sully, Cherche, Panne, Nowi, Say'ri, Tiki, or Aversa. In Fire Emblem Heroes, Female Morgan is like a combination of the Tactician and Dark Flier (she even rides a Pegasus). So the Dark Flier part could be from Lissa, Sumia, Maribelle, Cordelia, Olivia, Say'ri, Emmeryn, or Aversa. But it could be from Male Robin.
2.) Female Morgan looks similar to Sumia. But then again…. (see: section 3 in the category Both Morgans)
3.) One of the things that makes her more different than Male Morgan is that, while they are both cheerful, Female Morgan has more…. energy compared to him (like if she's given an extra dose of sugar). Which would make both Lissa, Cynthia and Nowi more fitting to be her mother. (See section 1 in category Both Morgans. There's a slight difference between Energetic and Cheerful)
4.) Female Morgan is also a bit of a prankster, as shown in a Hot Spring Scramble talk with Cynthia, where they plan on pranking the people who want to go into the hot springs. Which might be inherited from Lissa or Maribelle (Maribelle told Brady that her husband does a daily tea ritual is just a prank. See Brady's support with any of his fathers). But then again it could be from Male Robin since he did play a bit of a prank on Maribelle by teaching her "The slang of the unwashed lowborn common folk".
5.) Tiki, hints that Robin is a similar person to the hero king Marth, who married the pegasus rider Caeda who is often liked with Sumia as the recurrent love interest of the lord. With Male Robin being similar to Marth in personality, instead of Marth direct descendent Chrom (who Tiki hints is similar to his ancestral Sigurd, who married Deirdre, despite not knowing one another long after a chance encounter. Which could make Chrom and Olivia's marriage a reference to the pairing.), Male Robin and Sumia's marriage could be a reference to the pairing.
(?) Female Morgan is shown to be insensitive. Maribelle also came across as well. See Maribelle's C Support with Male Robin.
(?) We know in Female Morgan's supports with Yarne, she acts rather roughly to him, in their S Rank it's because she wanted his attention. Lissa's S Support with Male Robin has her admit to him she's pranking him to get his attention.
(?) We know one of the things that make both Male Robin and Female Morgan similar to each other are their amnesia. But one can also say that it also makes Morgan similar to Emmeryn too.
Male Morgan
1.) Remember in Chrom's B Support when he walks in on Female Robin (Avatar) naked. Male Morgan walks in on a bathing Kjelle in their S Support, so he could've gotten it from him. However, In Female Robin's A support with Chrom she walks in on him naked. She also does it to Gaius and Say'ri.
2.) Male Morgan's Class in Future Past 1 is a Sorcerer While it could be from Female Robin due to her large class sets, It could also be from either Libra, Henry, or Gangrel.
3.) Male Morgan Looks similar to Henry. But then again… (see: section 3 in the category Both Morgans)
4.) Male Morgan likes bugs, revealed in all his supports with Noire and in his C-Support with Lucina if she's his sister. Lon'qu likes bugs, In Summer Scramble DLC, he reveals to Gaius that he liked to catch them as a kid and finds them fascinating. Lissa also catches him catching butterflies in one of their support conversations. So liking bugs could come from Lon'qu. Maybe Henry since Henry likes animals (plus he can talk to insects). However, Male Morgan has exceptions, cockroaches and giant fire-breathing scorpions
5.) While Male Morgan is still cheerful, he's a lot more mellow and nicer compared to Female Morgan (not that she's intentionally mean per say, just has poor social skills. She has her own nice moments. One of the examples of her Hot Spring Scramble talk with Severa where she listens to her woes and gives her advice.). His niceness stands out, which makes him similar to Stahl, Kellam, Libra, Henry (Henry does like helping people, he just has a completely misguided and rather unorthodox way in doing it.), Donnel, and Chrom but it could be something he inherited from Female Robin.
6.) Despite Male Morgan claiming that he does not remember Lucina in his recruitment conversation with Chrom or Robin, in his sibling support conversation with Lucina, Morgan has memories of her wielding the Falchion in the future. Which is a direct contradiction of his whole 'can only remember my mom' thing.
(?) In Fire Emblem Heroes, Male Morgan's artwork depicts him in the Tactician class wielding Grima's Truth. Tactician classes in Awakening can't use dark magic, Only Dark mages and Sorcerers can. While Male Morgan could've been taught by a father who has dark magic or has the option to change into a Dark mages and Sorcerers class, it could also be from Female Robin's Various classes.
Both Morgans
1.) Morgan is genuinely cheery, upbeat and smiles a lot. Like Henry, Gregor, Anna, Owain, Inigo, and Gangrel (see his support with Female Robin).
2.) Morgan can be ditzy. Could be from Donnel or Sumia. But Robin does have their moments of being Ditzy. For example, see Female Robin's B support with Lon'qu.
3.) Physically, they are both based on the body type 2 for Robin. You can say that Morgan looks like the opposite gender version of Robin when they were younger (if you see Robin's body type 2 as what body type 1 Robin would look like if they were younger).
4.) Both Morgan's greatest dream is to become a master tactician like Robin. Robin mentioned in their support that Morgan will surpass them. Its VERY obvious they got that from their parent but you could say they also got it from Laurent (In the future, Laurent was the tactician of the future kids), Severa (In her supports with Male Robin and in her B Support with Yarne, she's a decent strategist), or Virion (He plays chess which is considered a strategy game and He beats Robin at a strategy game in their supports). Maybe Miriel too, I mean while we don't see her engage in battle tactics, she's always analyzing something or other which is a trait necessary for a Tactician. Maybe Ricken since I'm pretty sure being studious is another necessary trait for a Tactician (and we know Morgan studies a lot in order to be a good tactician.).
(?) Those who saw that I didn't mention the second generation as a possible parent for both Morgans based on Classes is because it gets complicated due to the fact that A.) Robin has a huge class sets and B.) It depends on who fathered (or in Lucina's case mothered) the specific second generation so that they can pass down a class to Morgan.
(?) I don't think anyone in the Second Generation is most likely to be Both Morgan's parent because they exist in Future Past, so would the Robin there have Morgan (who is a little younger then the kids) with one of the Second Generation?
Who do you think is the child's units mostly likely, maybe, and least likely parents based on Classes, looks, supports, mannerisms, etc?
I'm not sure if I got everything. There's always a chance I'm missing something but I'm willing to listen to any input and reasons why you think whatever Mother or Father is suitable for each Morgans.
Who's the Most Likely Father for Male Morgan based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?: https://strawpoll.com/polls/PbZqRYL0vyN
Who's the Least Likely Father for Male Morgan based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?: https://strawpoll.com/polls/GeZAOop8PnV
Who's the Most Likely Mother for Female Morgan based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?: https://strawpoll.com/polls/PKgl3Pjp4np
Who's the Least Likely Mother for Female Morgan based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?: https://strawpoll.com/polls/1MnwO6N05n7
Reddit (you can click here if you want to see what other people think in the comments but know that the polls aren't in Reddit)
Edit: sorry everyone forget to add the second generation in the poll. Now it's added
This is the last one, now I'm finished with "Fire Emblem Awakening: Who's the Most Likely, Least Likely, or Maybe Fathers or Mothers For Each Child Units based on Classes, Looks, Supports, and/or Mannerisms?".
Which do you want me to do next? "Who Would Be The Most Likely Mothers or Fathers for the Fire Emblem Fates Children Units?" Or "Which of the Ending(s) Would Be A Happy One for (Insert Name Here) in Fire Emblem Three Houses?"
The last ones means which character ending (single or paired) has the character accomplish their goals. Because in some paired endings it seem like it's happy for one of the two characters instead of both of them. I've give you two examples: 1.) Most of Bernadetta's endings end up with her still being reclusive while a very few have her heal from that. 2.) Ingrid is a complicated case, her dream is to be a Knight but at the same time the County of Galatea's (the domain of her family) suffers from poor conditions for agriculture so Ingrid might have to marry in order to aid her land. It seems like she has to choose one over the other.
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cangelgifs · 2 years
BTVS & ATS Crossover Fic Recs
Bad Timing by Kelly22 Rating: PG-13 Summary: This story is set a little after Cordy comes back from vacation with Groo, except in my AU world, there was no bad father-devouring-son prophecy and no babies growing up in hell dimensions. So people still like Wesley and I guess Holtz and Justine ran off to the mid-west together, because they certainly aren't rearing their ugly heads in MY story.
Title: The End of the World . . . Again? by Dock Rating: R Summary: The Scoobies come to LA to stop the latest apocalypse.
Radiance by Loki Rating: PG-13 Summary: This was written for LB’s challenge. The requirements were: Angel and Cordy be invited to some kind of party in Sunnydale, Cordy’s demon status be revealed, Cordy would coax Angel onto the dance floor, and Buffy and Xander’s response to the last two.
two roads diverged (and that has made all the difference) by RoseyPoseyPie Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Summary: “I know how we can defeat Glory!” Anya pronounced. Willow and Xander both looked up at her in surprise. Even Giles, over by the register with his tea, looked up in interest. “We run away!”
Return by bizzielizzie Rating: NC-17 Summary: Ats/Buffy crossover.
Mistletoe Mansion by Becjane Rating: NC-17 Summary: Time Travel-ish. Written for AO’s Christmas Ficathon.
This Time It’s Real by Anneb Rating: NC-17 Summary: Challenge Issued by Muff -Cordelia dies -Buffy and Angel get back together but Angel is not happy -Cordelia comes back from the dead -Buffy and Cordelia fight over Angel but have to work together to save the world -Scooby gang accepts Cordy back while the fang gang is hesitant on her return: reason for this must be revealed.
Unexpected by rgw (Robin) Rating: NC-17 Summary: Angel and Cordelia discover something unexpected while attending Xander and Anya’s wedding in Sunnydale. This takes place some time at the beginning of Season 3 after everyone is over the trauma of Buffy dying and then coming back, but before the whole Darla/Connor mess.
To Be A Wife by Cordelia's Destiny Rating: NC-17 Summary: Angel and Cordelia go undercover in a new case.
Seperate Hearts by Califi Rating: NC-17 Summary: An enforced separation forces Cordy to face up to her true feelings for Angel.
Wavelengths by Lysa Rating: PG-13 Summary: Having dealt with Connor’s potential kidnappers, Angel finds that his greatest threat actually comes from Sunnydale.
A Night on the Town by Kettricken (Viv) Rating: Author doesn't say. Summary: A picture of Angel and Cordelia ends up in a magazine. And things happen from there.
Home Is... by Argent and Love's Bitch Rating: NC-17 Warning: Non-con/dub-con scene (not between C/A). Summary: Challenge Fill. * After learning of Buffy's resurrection, Angel returns to Sunnydale after Cordelia goes out of her way to convince him not to miss a second chance. I see a very moving scene here where she convinces him to go (but of course is crying as he leaves) * Cordelia is the official owner of Angel Investigations (if you think about it, she has to be...), and continues with the help of Wesley and Gunn to respond to her visions. * Back in Sunnydale with Buffy, Angel begins to have dreams...then full blown visions himself...of Cordelia's battles. * Scenes establishing the distance between Buffy and Angel * Angel checks up on Cordy without her knowing...but without telling Buffy * Angel notices that Buffy seems to gravitate/get angry/lose control when she's around Spike...and she won't talk about him. * Big blow-up fight between B&A about Cordy's role in his life.
A Bolt from the Blue by Katrina Rating: Author doesn't say but probably no more than Teen & Up. Summary: Spike and Cordelia strike sparks off each other, opening the eyes of Angel to his true feelings.
Let's Do the Monster Mash by Califi Rating: NC-17 Summary: C/A get invited to a special Halloween bash at the Bronze- SunnyHell, and it goes downhill from there when an old enemy gets in on the action!
Taken by Gabriella Rating: R for language and sexual situations Summary: “Look, the bottom line is, Darla and Drusilla are together, and they’re planning on Angel and Spike joining them. At any cost.” Warning: Torture and graphic depictions of violence and the character deaths of Darla and Dru.
Surprises by Tonya Rating: PG Summary: Cordy and Angel travel to Sunnydale for a wedding.
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brynn-lear · 2 months
Ooh I don’t know if you’ve played any of the games before 3h but there’s Xander? Besides Dimi I think I’ve seen you post about Gepard and Dain, and he does fill that vibe of blonde, knightly, sort of duty bound guy though I fear he is simply not coming close to matching Dimi’s freak loll
FE13 I always play with the same people so I don’t know a lot of them well… I’m sure Henry would be happy to discuss with you while brainstorming topics for fics - I don’t think he’d really get any of the romantic aspects but if you’re looking for someone to casually discuss the logistics cannibalism with in the middle of the day… he would contribute with a very sweet smile on his face :’)
maybe a sparring partner of Sully’s or Lon’qu’s too, though that’s a bit of a shot in the dark.
I- HOW. HOW DID YOU GET IT ALL RIGHT- okay I won't do capslock for the rest of this so it's easy to read but know I'm screaming lmao /pos
Lon'qu is my first Fire Emblem husband I married <3 (cuz I was avoiding Chrom 😭 but I ended up loving him so much). I can't imagine ever hating him... And his sick af vantage. And his "hmph." And his crits. He carries the entire army. Bless you Lon'qu. Realistically, you're so right, we're more like sparring partners. I'd probably pull a stunt like F!Robin ngl, I know myself.
HENRY is the GOAT that I wish I married on my first playthrough (I wasn't using Chrom much and I... Didn't know you could grind in that game so the only person he has convo with was my robin on C-Support.) He never became like a very strong unit in my playthroughs (RNG is never on my side) but his vibes and backstory is just 👌👌👌. Honestly, I personally can't escape cannibal allegations. Even though I haven't written cannibalism fics in a long while, Youtube keeps recommending me those videos... So... Hey Henry, let's put them into practice, c'mon let's find something to test those on—
You have no idea how much on my first Awakening game I was cussing myself for not picking male robin for cordelia and sully lol
Xander!!! XANDER!!! Okay first off, story Xander doesn't exist I'm SORRY- but I married him. I think out of all F!Corrin supports, he has the best romance with her (ignoring the stel-sibling dynamic)? He calls her princess, treats her so respectfully, and is just overall caring. Xander also cares a great deal for his siblings and try to see from everyone's perspective. Xander is just a great husband over all I think (and those JP dub voice lines 👀. You cannot tell me he doesn't have yandere tendencies. I believe he can match the freak but in a different font /j. Let's hope he doesn't age like his dad HAHAH SORRY GARON-)
(I wish I didn't give Corrin light pink hair cuz Siegbert looked so goofy lmfao.)
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juanabaloo · 4 months
WIP Title Ask Game
I was tagged by @the-sparkling-diamond-satine (thank you so much!)
Prompt: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
All Fuffy (Faith x Buffy) or Fuffy endgame - categorized by other minor/non endgame pairings. (I post as watcherless on AO3.)
Buffy can't come to the phone right now
S3 blowjobs and pizza
extreme Fuffy Angel
Other pairings
himbo firefighter (minor Faith + OMC)
Fuffy Wood (Robin Wood threesome - sequel to AO3 posted Vengaboys are back in town)
Pure Fuffy
I can see you with my T-shirt on (current WIP on AO3)
The power of Fuffy compels me - various stories/chapters not necessarily in chrono order: (a) weight room (b) shower time ( c ) Cordelia's wedding (d) train trip (e) fast hands (f) Mexico taste (g) Instagram DMs (h) Faith flashback - fingers (i) bus ride (j) the phone sex episode (k) like you don't dig it (l) good morning (m) the first real date (n) straddle (o) Tai Chi (p) mint slap (q) Faith has trouble with emotions ( r ) dream with 3x17 enemies scene (s) reverse mint slap (t) post presents (u) Varitek (v) Normandale Garden (w) I wanna know what love is (x) College memories (y) Drive-in movie fun (z) under the desk (aa) sweet release
Do Revenge (sorta xover with Do Revenge and White Collar ep)
Catholic summer camp
Good Faith Hunting (sorta xover with Good Will Hunting)
Faith and Hope
Anyone who reads and wants to play, jump in! I think most of the people I might tag were already tagged.
Please ask if you're curious, I'm super excited to talk about Fuffy fic! I could be better at naming my WIPs but several of these are pretty clear I think. LMK if you prefer a snippet or talking about the fic.
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indigowallbreaker · 1 year
What are your favorite supports/pairings for both male and female Robin?
Let's take Chrom out of the running for this one since he's so obviously my first choice for both (being my first husband and all lol).
As far as I've experienced, my favorite marriages are Male Robin with Olivia and Female Robin with Henry! I do really like F!Robin and Fredericks's supports a lot though. He might be next in the marriage line up lol. The basis of their supports are a little silly but I think they're in character. And I enjoy the way she calls him out for his proposal not being the most romantic: "deciding to marry a girl when you didn't upchuck a mouthful of bear?" Marriage material XD
For M!Robin, the supports with Cordelia wrap up really nicely. A lot of the time, I find the S supports either have a wildly different vibe than the C-A supports, or end with the characters acting completely OOC. But Cordelia's ends with her working through the death of her fellow pegasus knights in a (for FE standards) realistic way that works with what she M!Robin had talked about in their C-A supports.
Thanks for asking! :D
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friendlystarfruit · 2 years
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Art request for @blogtylerwalters Feel free to use this picture and repost it as it’s yours now
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Fire Emblem Cipher Marker Cards
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Hi all~
I’ve finally got a post created for the FE Cipher marker cards I have available for sale. Most of these marker cards are full artwork for cards in the FE0 TCG minus all the card details and writing. They are a good way to display the cards’ gorgeous artwork and look so good!
The cards I have (as pictured and in order) and their prices:
F!Corrin A x1 - $5.00
Soren A sold out
Felicia  sold out
Kaze x1 - $4.00
Nina x1 - $3.00
Tiki x1 - $3.00
Lucina A sold out
Chrom A sold out
Azura x1 - $3.00
Mist sold out
Lilina x1 - $10.00
Roy A x1 - $3.00
Rutger x1 - $3.00
Fir sold out
Ayra x1 - $3.00
Seliph A sold out
Ryoma x1 - $3.00
PBM-001 x1 - $3.00
Alm x1 - $5.00
Celica A sold out
M!Corrin A sold out
F!Corrin B sold out
Sigurd A x2 - $7.00 (each)
Celica B sold out
Olwen sold out
Shigure/Azura sold out
Veronica sold out
Alm/Celica sold out
CF 2018 sold out
Amelia x1 - $3.00
Ike A sold out
Micaiah x2 - $3.00 (each)
Soren B sold out
Lyn sold out
Caeda x3 - $3.00 (each)
Cordelia sold out
Leif sold out
PBM-007 x3 - $6.00 (each)
Seliph B x2 - $3.00 (each)
Roy B x1 - $3.00
Mae x2 - $3.00 (each)
Nephenee x1 - $3.00
Marth A sold out
Lucina B sold out
Roy C sold out
Eliwood x2 - $3.00 (each)
Sigurd B x3 - $3.00 (each) 
Chrom B x3 - $3.00 (each)
Ike B x1 - $3.00
Eirika x1 - $4.00
F!Robin x1 - $3.00
Marisa sold out
F!Byleth x1 - $25.00 (damaged)
Sigurd C x2 - $3.00 (each)
Deirdre A x3 - $4.00 (each)
M!Corrin B x2 - $3.00 (each)
Elincia sold out
F!Corrin C sold out
Laura x2 - $3.00 (each)
PBM-013 x1 - $8.00
Peony sold out
Triandra x2 - $3.00 (each)
Marth B x1 - $3.00
Deirdre B x1 - $4.00
Ninian sold out
Camilla (holo) sold out
Shipping from the states. Shipping will depend on location and prices are around $5ish but will include tracking. International shipping will need to be estimated based on size of package and location. International shipping might not come with any tracking.
If you’re interested or have any questions, just shoot me either an ask or message! ^^
Thanks for your time and reblogs would be greatly appreciate. It’s hard to get attention on tumblr and the FE tags get flooded often and my post might not get noticed! ><
(Apologies for poor pictures! If you want to see any specific card alone and up close, just let me know!)
Last Update: January 9, 2023
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timebranded · 2 years
fiyah embrum
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((You are getting Awakening. Fight me, Ziro.))
The first character I first fell in love with: Lon'qu and Olivia! When I first played the game I paired my MC with Lon'qu and it was kinda funny. Olivia is a sweetheart. I also fucking love Henry. The bird puns immediately won me over. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:  Owain. The dramatics never failed to make me laugh, and his C support convo with Inigo? A+ snark with a side of roasting. The character everyone else loves that I don’t:  Maybe Sumia? I don't know how the fandom sees her, but I don't think I really used her much in my first playthrough? So if nothing else she's basically a blip on my radar ksjdhfksj The character I love that everyone else hates:  Do people like Laurent? I honestly do not know, but I do not care bc he's probably one of my favorites out of the second gen units. The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Vaike. The character I would totally smooch:  Again, no clear answer. The character I’d want to be like:  Cordelia! The character I’d slap:  Validar. A pairing that I love: Chrobin. It's a chaotic mess in-game and I honestly love it for that. A pairing that I despise: Robin with any of the second gen units is an easy answer, so let's spice things up. Vaike and Miribel. I know you can pair people up with anyone you'd like, but in this case I just cannot see it.
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Fun fact! Gregor also offer to share a bed with M!Robin during the C-support! I’m telling you, Gregor is underrated. His supports are great and he’s a pretty good unit. You should definitely try to get Gregor and Lon’qu to support. And Gregor with Tharja and Cherche to A-Support. In my opinion, all of Gregory’s supports are great, but the ones with Robin (M or F), Lon’qu, Tharja and Cherche are definitely my favorites as it shows different sides of Gregor and making him a surprisingly complex and well-rounded character! Sorry, I can’t help it, I just love Gregor so much. 😅
I love the passion! I'm currently getting him to A-rank with Cordelia but I do try to branch out with multiple people to see more sides! I'm trying to get all the men up to A-rank with me before I decide to marry them off to one of the women who has a recruitable child in the future.
I did just marry off Sully and Stahl which leaves me wondering who I want to pair up with Chrom. I don't want to pair him with one of the girls hopelessly pining after him (I'm petty) bc I was going to do Cordelia and then saw her stuff with Gregor so like... I think they're cute
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quietsun5268 · 2 years
Who's the Most Likely, Least Likely, or Maybe Fathers for Laurent based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?
Most Child units inherit the hair color from their fathers (with the exception of Female Morgan, who inherited her mother's hair color, and Lucina). But some parents are more fitting for some child units then others based on Classes, looks, supports, mannerisms, etc. I'm not looking for who would make the kid stronger. Just a parent who would make sense for the Child Units.
Recap: Brady Severa Cynthia
Here's what I've gathered about Laurent, although it's a little difficult since much of his traits are from Miriel with a few differences.
1.) In the future, Laurent was the tactician of the future kids. So he could've learned tactics from Robin, and/or Virion (Virion plays chess which is considered a strategy game and He beats Robin at a strategy game in their supports). In The Future Past Ending, Laurent becomes the tactician of the new Shepherds.
2.) Laurent is a mage like his mother, but Ricken is also a mage too.
3.) Laurent can be a Schedule Fanatic like Frederick. An example of this is in Laurent's supports with Cynthia where he has a certain time of the day that he always lectures her.
4.) At the beginning of Laurent's C Support he found something that belonged to his father laying around and told his father to secure his belongings in the future. Remember when Vaike misplaced his axe at an early part of the game? Maybe Stahl could be fitting for the C Support as well since he is a scatterbrain, also it's revealed in his Summer Scramble with Vaike that he can lose his weapon too. Oh, there's also his reply to his father in the relationship tile, "The future? Hmm…very well. How about we start with a warning? You should endeavor to put things back where you found them! The arguments your sloppiness started with Mother - we almost needed counseling! …There, that was a nice, healthy talk. Now we can be a normal family." Would this cross out fathers who would be considered… organized?
5.) One of Laurent's quotes to his father in the relationship tile says "Father, has your hairline receded? I'm quite concerned…for both of us." Does that cross Ricken off since he's young?
6.) Although Laurent is similar to his mother, he's more empathetic and sociable than her. He could've gotten that from his father or he could've developed that from being sent in the past three years before than the rest of the Child Units.
7.) Laurent has good observation skills (See his supports with Kjelle and Lucina). Virion can read people in his supports with Miriel and Cordelia. Plus, in Virion's S-Support with Tharja, he reveals that the reason he followed her commands was because he saw the good will behind them. Stahl's supports with Robin and Maribelle reveal that he is very good at reading people, often knowing what they want before they say it.
8.) Laurent constantly watches people train and gives them pointers. Which sounds like a Frederick thing. Plus what is most important to Stahl is helping others and being of service to his friends (see his support with Maribelle and Lissa. See Stahl's summer scramble conversation with Chrom too.) Kellam in his supports with Donnel and Olivia have him be actively helpful and give advice to their problems.
9.) Laurent's A-Support with his father has said father tickles him to try and make him smile. I can see Henry doing that.
(?) In Future Past its hinted that Stahl taught Laurent and Miriel a bit of apothecary of Stahl is Laurent's father.
Who do you think is the child's units mostly likely, maybe, and least likely parents based on Classes, looks, supports, mannerisms, etc?
I'm not sure if I got everything. There's always a chance I'm missing something but I'm willing to listen to any input and reasons why you think whatever father is suitable for Laurent
Voting is optional - Who's the Most Likely Father for Laurent based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?: https://strawpoll.com/polls/GPgV342GvZa
Who's the Least Likely Father for Laurent based on Classes, looks, supports, and/or mannerisms?: https://strawpoll.com/polls/7MZ0zY8l1no
Reddit (you can click here if you want to see what other people think in the comments but know that the polls aren't in Reddit)
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four-loose-screws · 4 years
Fire Emblem Awakening Master Post - Supports Only
A master post of all my translations and posts about localization changes that are related to Fire Emblem Awakening. 
Since having too many links in one post seems to be the reason why the links broke in the first post, I split the Awakening master post into two posts. This new one is for supports only, and the second is the original one, with all other translations.
Support Conversation Translations:
Robin Supports:
F!Robin x Chrom Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
F!Robin x Inigo Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
F!Robin x Gerome Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
F!Robin x Owain Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
F!Robin x Gregor Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
F!Robin x Libra Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
F!Robin x Frederick Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
F!Robin x Gaius Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
M!Robin x Anna Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
F!Robin x Lucina Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support
Character confessions to Robin/Rufure/My Unit/the Avatar: Part 1 - Part 2  - Part 3  - Part 4
mute!Robin Supports:
mute!M!Robin x Lucina Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
mute!M!Robin x Tharja Supports: C Support - B Support -  A Support - S Support
1st Gen Romance Supports:
Sumia x Chrom's Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
Tharja x Gaius' Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
Nowi x Kellam Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
Nowi x Donnel Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
Miriel x Gregor Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
Lissa x Vaike Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
Henry x Olivia Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
Maribelle x Vaike Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
Tharja x Libra Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
Cordelia x Henry Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
Cordelia x Frederick Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
Lissa x Lon’qu Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
Sully x Gregor Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
1st Gen Friendship and Sibling Supports:
Chrom x Vaike Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support
Vaike x Lon'qu Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support
Virion x Libra Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support
Stahl x Kellam Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support
Chrom x Frederick Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support
Chrom x Gaius Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support
2nd Gen Romance Supports:
Severa x Gerome Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
Severa x Owain Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
Nah x Gerome Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
Lucina x Owain Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
Severa x Inigo Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
Lucina x Inigo Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support - S Support
2nd Gen Friendship and Sibling Supports:
Severa x Kjelle's Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support
Gerome x Inigo Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support
Inigo x Owain Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support
Parent & Child Supports:
Laurent x Miriel Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support
Severa x Father (Henry) Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support
Noire x Tharja Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support
Nah x Father (Frederick) Supports: C Support - B Support - A Support
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I'm so glad you're playing FEA, the Shepherds are like the deadliest pack of dumbasses around and I love all of them. I know you probably haven't gotten that many supports yet but who are your favourites so far?
My most-used units are basically like, the ones I most want to know better, so they’ve been in more battles and are higher-leveled now so I can’t swap in anyone else because they get killed too easily now, so my main team consists of:
Chrom and Robin - They Are A Set. Do Not Separate.
Lissa - I see a teenage anime girl, I adopt her as my daughter. Those are my Ace Attorney instincts and they’re back in full force. I will protect her with my life but I’m also giving her an axe and setting her loose. (Robin: “There comes the point in every little girl’s life when magic isn’t enough, when she wants to feel the rush of splitting a man’s skull with a blade, you know?” Chrom: “No. No, I don’t know. My older sister is a pacifist, remember?” Robin: “I hope no one was hoping your younger one would be.”)
Frederick - levels very slowly, which I’ve now realizing is probably because he’s already a Great Knight which is an advanced class, but he’s already got A-level skills in lance and he is just. I point him at something and it dies.
Panne - I point her at something and it dies. I’m currently trying to push her supports with Frederick because I want to see what they’re like together because from the first battle that Panne showed up in, the two of them were immediately tearing their way through every opponent and I was like, ah, murder tag-team power couple. I like how it’s obvious that her outfit was designed for like, sexy bunny-girl vibes, but then she transforms and she’s a horrible giant demon rabbit from hell who will kick you to death while her eyes glow bright red and I’m like. Oh heck yeah. I’ve already used up like, half of her beaststone’s durability and that worries me. Where do I get another one. I need that. I need her.
Sumia - she was really fragile when I first got her and then like three levels later she started killing everyone. It’s great.
Cordelia - her name is gonna mess me up. I arrived her from the middle of Azure Moon and I’ll be going back to the middle of Azure Moon and I’m not going to remember who’s Cordnelia and who’s Corndelia. That first one was a typo but the second one isn’t. Anyway I haven’t gotten any of her supports yet because I’m not quite sure who she has them with but she’s another pegasus knight so she’s on the team immediately, like Sumia.
Lon’qu - he’s my birthday buddy. Also I know he has supports with most of the ladies that I use on my main team. I want to see your supports, Lon’qu. Why are you not giving them to me. Why do you only have one C-support yet. Lissa is healing you all the goddamn time because you’re a fragile motherfucker.
Ricken - I feel weird bringing him into battle because he’s like, 12 years old, but he’s also my anti-wyvern strategies so I guess I’m bringing a 12-year-old into battle. I saw he has supports with Panne and immediately wanted to know what those are and I got their C-support and I love it because Ricken is earnest “I want to know all about you and be friends!” and Panne is like “I hate humans, why are you following me, stop following me.”
Virion - anti-pegasus strats. I want to know who he is and why he’s here. Why is he here. He just followed us into a fight against zombies and stuck around.
Stahl - he’s so aggressively normal and that’s hysterical because nobody else here is. Also he’s a mounted unit and I just like those for their mobility, even if he’s not a powerhouse.
Sully - also not a powerhouse or with any special niche, but she’s another mounted unit so I’ll take her. She also seems like, the second-most normal person here, at this point.
Most battles will just be made up of some selection of these guys. I am trying to rotate others in to get them some experience but. it’s hard.
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