#rocks are neat
arsenic-alex · 7 months
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ranger-kellyn · 10 days
How do you have a chunk of pumice??
haha I have a small collection of rocks! and I hiked the volcano in sitka alaska back in 2015, and the beach was covered in pumice stones.
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wraith-the-rock · 1 month
Hey Wraith, does my rok fren have a favorite rock in his rock collection?
short answer: no
long answer: still no, but now you get an explanation
some of the rocks have memories attached to them, for example:
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the rock on top is found while with my friends, it brings up those happy memories. the rock on the bottom is also one i found, but just while i was out and about. how i feel about the circumstances around me finding the rock is just as important as the rock itself to me.
So, no i don’t really have any favorite rocks. they all look so different and d pretty in their own ways, so how could i choose just one?
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sophfandoms53 · 5 months
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just wanted to share how gorgeous i think Angel is
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fuumiku · 8 months
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ACNH AU but it’s just Chil as Tom Nook giving out lax loans to people in need with his half-foot guild, and his close friend Isabelle Marcille helping out and hanging around. Been playing ACNH and came to the realization that Tom Nook & Isabelle give Chil & Marcille energy, and immediately had to draw it…
Man wanted to retire early but still hasn’t stopped. What I want for post-canon Chilchuck is just for him to have Tom Nook energy fr fr
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xxhatchetxx · 1 month
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Opps! All pak! A non sentient Irken that I designed based off of Irken ships
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omegalomania · 2 months
on this, the 11th birthday of fall out boy's esteemed fifth studio album save rock and roll, i just want to remind everyone of the one thing that never fails to Get Me about it.
there was a lot of scorn and derision about the title when it first got promoted, and fob was well aware this would happen. critics and caustic news outlets collectively scoffed about it, save rock and roll. like this four-piece from chicago, this dorky pop band, is gonna save rock and roll?
of course they missed the point, which is in the very god damn title. it's not a declarative statement. it's not a pronouncement of how we, fall out boy, saved rock and roll. it is a call to action. it is an earnest request for you, the listener, to participate in this act alongside them. it is an expression of desire to inspire creation in turn.
that's the ethos they've carried at the forefront of every creative endeavor they've undertaken since returning from hiatus. certainly that element was present before then, but save rock and roll marked the moment where they very deliberately centered that squarely in their narrative.
because fall out boy doesn't just want to save rock and roll. they want you to save rock and roll with them.
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cosmicwhoreo · 1 year
The duskgloom gang go to Coachella (the summer soda rock festa-)
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huevotm · 8 months
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I’ve had the Zukka brain rot for like the past month so have some Boiling Rock goodness!! (I will never get tired of Boiling fic fanfics fr) I’ve been working for like the past 4 days in this piece and im really happy!!!
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sapphic-cecaelia · 10 months
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the bocchi in ootsuki's imagination
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 3 months
What’s your input/theories on the Cowboy/Creep from rc9gn?
I don't have too many solid headcanons/theories about him tbh ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
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There are a few basic ones that i like to toy around with, like:
he is an immortal from ancient times, tasked to observe Norisu lineage/successors (perhaps as a punishment from the gods? or because he was bored?)- mostly based on Secret of 9 comment that he existed before First Norisville Ninja.
he was a time-traveler that was sent back to record Norisville's Ninja heroics. - Secret of 9 comment about how he is not of this time and also because cowboy hats werent around 800 years ago.
he is a being from another dimension, but came to this world to observe First Ninja and all future Ninjas (a bit of isekai trope is always fun!).
he was human, but after meeting/being saved by Norisu Clan, he somehow gained immortality and decided to serve their line.
he was a spirit guardian of Norisu family that took physical form after the demise of most of the clan, in order to assist First in keeping Ninjanomicon safe for future generations. (its also why he is the one evaluating future ninja candidates, because he continues to do his duty to Norisu clan).
The first and last ones are my favorites. ;D
But otherwise I'm content not to put him in a neat mental box of who&what! In my opinion, sometime a little bit of mystery is good for the soul. ;)
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critter-catcher · 1 year
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I don't have anything to say, was wandering our property and saw this boulder and thought the cracks looked cool :)
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months
random facts for my Dead On Main childhood friends au:
Danny's ghost form changed when he was with Jason in the ghost zone, and then reverted back to how it was after he died when Jason disappeared.
Danny as a human has blue-green eyes. As in, his eyes are blue with the lower half being green, and they bleed into one another at the middle. This is entirely because of Danny being a halfa, its meant to represent how he's no longer completely human.
In contrast, Jason's eyes are teal with hints of green. This is because he was revived. One half crawled out of the grave, and the other never left.
If you stare at Danny's eyes for too long, it sometimes looks like the green and blue are swirling together but never mixing, like water and oil. People agree that its very beautiful, but very unsettling.
Danny's lichtenberg figures as a ghost are black, and when he cries his tears float and disappear when they fall off his face. The tears have a thick, almost gel-like substance to them if you touch it.
Danny's ghost form is pretty unsettling - he fully embraced the fact that he died and in turn strongly shows it through his ghost form, plus the additional effect his grief has on his form. He's not who you would think of when you're told "we have a ghost hero protecting the city". he looks like someone the hero would fight. Danny usually keeps his goggles on over his face for this reason.
The black space on his suit, naturally, has stars on them. they shift and move as he does, and sometimes there are nebulae that swirl into view.
His lair in the ghost zone is an observatory, but like one of those fantasy looking ones that you'd see in some kind of solarpunk ghibli movie. it's huge on the inside, with a long hallway with polaroids strung along the walls, and doors leading into different rooms. The main room is the 'observe floor' with a large domed ceiling and furniture littered around near the walls, and more polaroids. Danny can press a button on the side wall to 'open' the dome ceiling and reveal a night sky above his head that he can float up into. some of these stars are danny's memories that play when you touch them. danny can move the night sky around like an interactive screen, and find new stars. This observatory has a hammock.
Danny's got his 'Kill The Clown' corkboard in his lair as well, it mirrors out into his apartment.
Oh. The hole in his heart. You can stick your hand into it. Or try to. Danny's gonna shove you back immediately though, because it feels weird. And also it's gonna leave a Substance on your hand that's gonna be really hard to take off, stains afterward, and has the consistency of semi-thick ink and oil. His tears are made of the same stuff.
Danny's Ghost Forms below (without his mad scientist goggles bc i forgot to add. them) Left is after he reunites with Jason (both times), and the Right is pre-reunion (both times).
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pokimoko · 2 months
Hello!! I came across a couple of your animals with pride flags series (idk what you're actually calling it lol) and I wanted to request an intersex blue-ringed octopus (I'm not intersex myself tho lol, just thought it might look neat)
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Oooh, this was a fun one! Thank you for the request! 🐙
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korva-the-raven · 9 months
Hey, check out this cool rock I found...
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And these ones...moss...
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Oh and these ones too...
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Also, a bounus frog if you made it far
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Neat huh?
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loxare · 7 months
do i.. WANT to know about the drumlins?
Drumlins are glacial landforms, which means you find them only in places that have been glaciated. And they're very distinct when you know what you're looking for.
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A hill with one steep side, one looooong sloping side, and you've (most likely) got yourself a drumlin. (Unless it's small. Drumlins are tens of meters high and hundreds of meters long, so if you've got a short one with way more elongation, you've got a drumlinoid.) They're all over Canada,the north eastern US, and northern Europe. The one pictured above is in Ireland. The ones in Canada and the US formed as the Laurentide Ice Sheet, a kilometers thick mass of glacial ice, was spreading across North America during the Last Glacial Maximum
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There are lots of really cool glacial landforms (eskers and kames and lakes (Glacial Lake Agassiz my beloved) and like a dozen types of moraine), but drumlins are my favourite because they're so incredibly easy to identify, they occur in swarms, and they're kinda weird as hell
There's still some debate among geomorphologists about how, exactly, they form but I was told that the (mindbogglingly huge mass of) ice catches on a sticky uppy bit of bedrock and instead of mowing it down like a child kicking over a stack of blocks, moves around it instead. And because there's now a place behind the bedrock where there's less ice, the ice drops a whole bunch of glacial till (all the bits of sediment that did get mowed down like a child kicking over a stack of blocks) on the other side of the bedrock bit
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(This is a constructional theory, where the drumlin is built up. the other main one is the erosional theory, where everything but the drumlin is eroded. There's also a theory that drumlins are deposited by subglacial meltwater, but that one is highly controversial)
"Now wait," I hear you say, "go back a bit. What the fuck was that about swarms?"
They occur in swarms.
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If you've got one drumlin, good chances you've got a lot of drumlins. Which is actually amazing, because the steep side of the drumlin faces the direction of flow, which means we know exactly how the ice sheet moved. In this image, for example, the ice started at the top, near Lake Ontario, and then moved south. From looking at drumlins (and other glacial landforms, we do like to have multiple reference points), we know that the Laurentide Ice Sheet started in the Hudson Bay and crept out from there
And because they're so distinct (tear drop shaped, made of till, occur in swarms), and because drumlins can only have been made by glacial activity, we can look all over the world and find these things and know that this place was once under several thousand tonnes of ice
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Not during the Last Glacial Maximum, but definitely ones before it. And I just think that's neat
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