#rodimus prime x ultra magnus
cozzzynook · 1 month
Hot Rods water breaking when the peace treaty is signed.
The peace treaty was being signed and every bot on Cybertron couldn’t be any happier.
Multiple mechs and femmes were revealing long kept secret conjunxs and partners while others were becoming conjunxed and partners.
Bots like Drift and Ratchet were revealed conjunx along with the surprising courting relationship of Wheeljack and Starscream. Not to mention Prowl and Jazz finally admitting to being conjunx. Many mechs were shocked to learn that Bumblebee was not only conjunx to Windblade but they had a sparkling together. It was obvious from the extra frame weight that Bee was the carrier and Windblade the sire.
There were a large number of same faction and cross faction couples like chromedome and rewind and knockout and breakdown. Cyclonus and Tailgate with Whirl somehow being deeply woven in was revealed. A shocking development was Optimus being with Shockwave and Soundwave being with Blaster. No bot saw those two couples coming and it was Perceptor who held his conjunx Brainstorm back from asking them just what made them connect.
Rodimus was not one to judge, he simply let the couples be and enjoyed the first official day of peace on a restored cybertron.
He couldn’t find it within himself to truly enjoy every moment though.
Not when he was currently seated with a thermal blanket covering him because he was freezing and not a single bot had seen him in a very very long time in face plate to face plate. Drift hadn’t seen him up close until the meeting and thankfully it started before Drift could hug him. He wasn’t exactly keen on bots knowing anything until the peace treaty was well signed and done with, with plenty of years between it.
Sure he was going to see Drift…after everything was said and done.
He didn’t want to interrupt his amicas honeymoon nor did he want Ratchet coming back to work, he’s completely sure they would rush back and he didn’t want that. Not to mention he didn’t have the best experience this entire time and he really didn’t want them worrying.
He already had plenty to deal with at home and he did not want more.
“You okay Roddy?”
His amica noticed him shifting uncomfortably in his seat and he nodded with a deep frame sigh as he adjusted the blanket keeping himself shapeless as he did so.
Magnus and Megatron eyed him closely and he shook his helm at them, though it did nothing to keep the pair from looking at him.
He rolled his optics and sighed again leaning back into the chair. It did little to comfort him and it seemed his discomfort was slowly progressing to pain as the meeting went along.
He felt a heavy pressure beginning to build up and he feared he was going to empty his waste tanks tight here in front of every bot at the meeting.
He refused to be embarrassed or revealed in such a manner and so he opened the comm to Magnus and Megatron asking for them to covertly hurry the process along.
The two were not at all subtle in turning towards him and completely ignoring the others who looked to them.
Rodimus was going to try and play it off and smile but it turned into a wince then grimace as he groaned squinting his optics shut and gripped his heavy protruding tanks that sat painfully tight in his lap with how large it was.
Magnus and Megatron both jumped out of there seat kneeling beside him and a haggard breath that couldn’t get anything out was followed by him feeling a very sharp pain and thunderous weight drop his tanks as he gasped and cried out.
He suddenly could not care one bit about the other bots looking at them in concern as he let Magnus and Megtron lift him using their strength as his legs turned to heavy led jelly.
The moment they had him standing the thermal blanket fell and his humongous tanks were exposed and Ratchet was yelling something as he and Drift ran towards him.
He couldn’t focus on that because in the next moment he’d grabbed hold of Megatron and Magnus servos as they held him and he squeezed hard.
The sound of liquid splashing onto the chair and floor met his audials and he gasped frame jerking from a kick before he yelped in pain.
A chorus of “he’s in emergence,” and “someone get him to a hospital,” and Whirls, “wow he’s fraggin big,” followed by Cyclonus and Tailgate shutting their conjunx up and Rodimus was carried by Megatron towards the hospital with Magnus keeping up letting him squeeze his servo while Ratchet got an operating room and Drift was right beside him.
“Really Roddy?! Why didn’t you tell me you were sparked?!! I told you when me and Ratty had our sparkling!”
And okay other bots didn’t know Ratchet and Drift had a sparkling and they also were quickly learning just who the sires to Rodimus sparklings were.
“I’m sorry Drift,” Rodimus panted trying to remember to vent, “You would’ve been the first to see them I promise. I just…,” Rodimus yelled as he felt another pulse and he squeezed harder on Magnus servo, “really didn’t wanna bother you guys on your honeymoon or worry you.”
Rodimus groaned from the pain and from the fact that the sparkling wasn’t moving down low just yet.
Magnus and Megatron stopped and looked at Rodimus in pure worry before hearing him say, “sign the treaty.”
They looked at him in confusion and began to protest like many others when Rodimus snapped and gripped them both by their neck cables.
“Sign the damn treaty now so we won’t be back here later! I will not have my sparklings until it’s signed!”
The signatures between Megatron and Optimus were quick making the war officially declared over.
As they began leaving again they heard Rodimus groan and yell in pain,
“I will murder the bot who made it mandatory for me to be at this fragging meeting!”
In the background Optimus looked around nervously and it was Bee who looked to his sire while calming his own sparkling down did he give the mech a heated glare. His carrier emotions were still in full flux and that meant he didn’t really give a slag about rank as he stood and stalked over to the mech who looked nervous.
Windblade didn’t do anything to stop her conjunx and Shockwave just made sure Bee didn’t do too much verbal damage.
It was early the next morning that Rodimus, Magnus and Megatron were greeted by their twin sparklings.
Drift was smiling from audial to audial taking multiple photos while recording the whole thing as Ratchet did the delivery.
Rodimus was fast in deep recharge after passing out while Megatron and Magnus held the two sparklings crying.
They were so tiny compared to their servos and they looked just like their sires only having Rodimus’s spoiler.
Just like their creators they made a very grand entrance.
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aktosage · 2 years
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I need help pls babes
1. Rodimus and Op. ‘the burden of the matrix’. They’d be in the matrix’s shadow/strong cast lighting. Op basically holding his chin up bc “been there done that felt that”…
2. MAGNUS and Rodimus. Magnus’ hand holding his chin up, softer mood. Would draw silhouettes behind them of their ‘true forms’ (Hotrod and Minimus). Again the burden theme but a different one </3 both carry ‘someone else’s armor and expectations’
Whoever helps me get a little kiss on their forehead (or maybe two who knows depends how good your doors are locked)
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tinydefector · 17 days
Do you think cybertronians ever get a bit freaked out on how tough we are? Yes they can break us like toothpicks but humans seem to be able to take a good beating as well with adrenaline helping. Even our own body and oxygen trys kills us and yet we stick around like roaches. We're fragile in some reasonable and dumb ways and then resilient in the most dumbest ways.
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Oh definitely, alot of the bots are very off put by how fragile humans are just in general and tend to avoid them.
But then there's the moments like Ratchet working a late shift and a small knock on the door alerts him someone's there, he turns around expecting it to be Rodimus or Whirl who he's about to scold but instead it's one of the humans and they look worse for wear. After fussing over them for a moment, detailed scans relay fractured ribs, a broken collar bone, and a heap of bruises and yet the humans just like. "Can I have some Panadol, Nurophen, and a glass of water?" Because they don't know what else to do its what they would get. Most of the times they ended up in the hospital. Ratchet is losing his God dawn mind as he rushes around looking for the best painkillers he can find for orgaincs in the smallest dosage he can give, hoping to primus it doesn't shut their heart down. In the end, they end up on a medication that makes them extremely drowsy, almost like the green whistle/ Weed.
Ratchet ends up doing alot of study on the human body and realises just how fucked up little monsters we are. We literally need oxygen to survive but he we have to much pure oxygen it will kill us. Water, we need a certain amount of it, if we don't have enough we will get dehydrated and die, if we have to much we will get water poisoning, intoxication, or a disruption of brain function. This happens when there's too much water in our cells, such as the brain and blood cells, causing them to swell. When the cells in the brain swell, they cause pressure in the brain, resulting in death. The issue is that it can become an addiction to drinking too much water for the effect it has on the body. Same with nearly everything we consume, it can kill us, but we need a lot of it in moderation.
Human: "I just need some basic pain killers and a nap"
Bot: "No, you need full surgery, sedations, and 3 weeks of recovery!"
Human: "nah she'll be fine!"
Bot: "Absolutely Not, bed now before I cuff you"
Following that imagine a first contact AU where Cybertronians and humans are just slowly getting to know how the other works and next thing a human is kneeling over in horrific pain and it send the bots all into panic mode trying to help them, wondering what's happening and thinking they are dying. And the human after about ten minutes some pain killers still looking rather pale and unhealthy just go. "Sorry about that fuck I hate, Cramps/palpitations/ phantom pains/ and such" and the bots are just looking at them horrified like.
Human: what you talking about?
Bot: everything that just happened you literally just short circuited!
Human: nah that's causal wait till you see the really funky shit.
Human pet AU
Cybertronian's keeping humans as pets is like humans keeping hamsters. Humans are some of the most homicidal, suicidal and just deranged creatures that Cybertronian's could keep as pets. It's gotten to the point that they are a luxury/ exotic pet because if you do not feed them the right stuff, give them the right amount of light and socialising, and they will just die. There are so many Cybertronian's who take their human into clinics worried as and its just the human being a little bustard because they didn't get the treat they wanted 2 weeks ago and are still holding that grudge. Not to mention, we are prone to causing as much trouble and issue. We are like cats.
But we are also very easily sick and primus forbid a human gets sick because to a bot they think it's a death sentence for their sweet little spitfire of a human who they have had now for ages. And the human looks ready to die, and the next day, they are up and about like nothing ever happened.
Human: if you don't feed me the meals I want I'm going to pretend to die. If you do feed me what I want I might actually die because I shouldn't be eating it.
Human: totally worth it.
In conclusion, the cybertronians are rather wary/ concerned about how resilient humans really are.
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toomanybrainrots · 6 months
hello everything is fine? I saw that orders are open!! I would like to know if you can write mtmte ultra megatron, rodimus and fort max headcanons with a cybertronian s/o who can create portals to other dimensions? (as if the reader were going to travel through the multiverses of Transformers Prime, G1, Bayverse, etc.).
Everything is fine, and this is the first request! It's been a while since I've read the IDW comics, so this may be ooc(especially for fort max cause this is the first time i'm actually writing him) but I can say I atleast tried. I'd like to not there's probably grammar mistakes due to me not being that fluent in english and because this has not been proofread.
Ultra Magnus, Megatron, Rodimus and Fortress Maximus with a Cybertronian!S/O who can travel to different universes
Ultra Magnus
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Ultra Magnus found out about your ability by accident
When you had locked yourself in your habsuite, he thought nothing of it, thinking that you simply needed some alone time
You did, but not in the way he was thinking
So it definitely surprised him when a portal appeared in his own habsuite and it spat out you
You both held prolounged optic contact as he registered what just happened
You hadn't anticipated that the portal was going to spit you out into Magnus' habsuite, and now you were trying to think of ways on how to explain this...situation.
You stared at him. He stared back. This continued for what seemed like an eternity before you finally broke the silence
Ultra Magnus was internally screaming in his processor, you could tell.
You both sat down, and talked like the civil bots you were(despite you both internally screaming) and you explained your ability.
He listened intently as you explained your ability, and he couldn't help but be a bit fascinated by it. After all, you can travel to different universes, and that alone is pretty groundbreaking. He didn't believe in alternate universes but now? You just proved him wrong.
After you finished, he started to ask questions. Could you only bring yourself whenever you travel to other dimensions? If not, is there a limit? Can you bring another from one universe to the next? He wanted to know the full details, to be fully prepared if anything happens.
You answered all of them, and furthee explained your ability in the process. He mentally took notes, listening intently.
After that, it became more and more normal to him whenever a portal opened up in his habsuite. Either you just got back from travelling to a universe, or you wanted to show him something from a universe. Either way, he was happy to indulge in you whenever he could.
However, in the back of his processor, there was a small feeling of worry. What if you didn't come back? What if you died? Would he feel it through the conjunx bond you shared? What if he couldn't?
But for now, he pushed those thoughts to the back of his processor, and listened to you explaining a plant that came from a universe you went to. To him, all that mattered was that you came back safe.
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Like Ultra Magnus, he also found out by accident
He knew you were hiding something, the signs were obvious to him. He didn't ask or demand you tell him though, as you'd probably tell him whenever you wanted to
It was purely a coincidence that he had walked into the engine room at the same time you were walking out a portal, having gone to another universe
Thankfully, no one was in the engine room at the time besides you and him. So, you didn't have to worry about anyone else finding out
Megatron, thinking he had been hallucinating and probably low on fuel at the time, started to slowly back out of the engine room after a long period of silence
When he walked into the engine room, he didn't think he'd see you coming out of a literal portal that lead to who knows where.
You looked at him. He looked back.
After a long period of silence, Megatron deemed it a good idea to get out of the engine room before the hallucinations worsen. He should probably get some fuel on the way too, clearly he's low on it.
"Hey, wait!" He heard you call out. Oh no, the hallucinations have worsen.
After convincing Megatron that you were not a hallucination caused by low fuel— you also scolded him for not fueling properly— you explained the situation
He listened intently, nodding along as you explained your ability. When you demonstrated it by olening a portal to another universe, he was surprised. He did see you come out of one, but he hadn't fully seen it up close
Never had he seen an ability like yours in his lifetime, and he almost felt like a fresh spark seeing the world for the first time. It was more than fascinating, and he would definitely ask questions later
He couldn't help but feel a pang of worry now that he knew about this. You had probably been doing this for some time, but he couldn't help but feel worried. What if you got hurt during one of your trips? What if another version of him hurt you?
Because of that, he often insisted he go with you whenever you go on a trip to another universe, insisting he protect you. You knew he was doing this cause he cared, but you could handle yourself, you've been doing this for vorns for pits sake!
After a long talk, he agreed to tone it down a bit. But he still insisted he go with you for a few trips. With an annoyed sigh, you agreed, knowing that he probably wouldn't stop until you said yes
He felt more at ease whenever he could join you in your trips to other universes, knowing he was there meant he could protect you. There was still some worry in the back of his processor, what if you got hurt when he wasn't there? He couldn't forgive himself if you did.
For now, he pushed those thoughts away, choosing to admire the way your expression was filled with awe as you looked at the universe you two were in.
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Rodimus knew you were hiding something, and always bugged you about it, begging you tell him your little secret. You always refused, and that made him pout(of course, he'd never admit it outloud, but you could always see it)
That was, until he accidentally found out.
Rodimus had suddenly barged into your quarters, having gotten bored and wanting to spend time with you
Unbeknownst to him, you had just finished a trip to a universe, and had stumbled out the portal when he suddenly barged in.
You stumbled out of the portal when you heard someone coming into your quarters suddenly, falling midway walk
"Heeyyy, think you can—" Rodimus paused as he saw you, who had fallen over and still had your pede in the portal.
He had his intake hanging agape, while your processor was working overtime to try and explain this
"HOLY FR—" You tackled faster him than you've ever had
He exploded into questions, clearly confused and also very curious. It took a while for you to get him to shut up and sit still(not like he ever could)
He listened to you as you explained your ability. Really, he was kind of tuning it out— but he was still listening! It's just that he had so much questions crowding his processor. But also doubts and worries, what if you never came back? What if you just left and found a better version of him?
But once you demonstrated your ability, and explained you could bring someone along with you, oh that was enough for Rodimus to get distracted from those gloomy thoughts
He begged you to bring him along the next trip you went, you refused him each time. He always had a pout on his face whenever you refused, and you couldn't help but feel guilty
Because of that, you ended up surprising Rodimus by bringing him to another universe disguised as a normal date
The awe and excited filled expression on his face, the way his spoiler kept twitching and moving in excitement. Yeah, it was worth it.
That was, until Rodimus almost got himself into trouble while you were there.
Fortress Maximus
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Fortress Maximus almost had a spark attack when he saw you coming through a. Primus. Damn. Portal.
He honestly thought he was hallucinating and that someone had spiked the energon he was drinking.
He was also very a tad bit alarmed
Fortress Maximus almost physically jumped as he saw a portal appear out of Primus knows where and you coming out of it.
Was he hallucinating? Did someone spike his energon??
However, when you walk up to him and touch his servo. He realises that no, this is not a hallucination and this was very real.
You're very worried when he starts to look like he's about to faint
He manages to stay calm when you're explaining your ability. Hwoever, onc you're finished he turns into a complete flurry of questions
Were you okay? How long had you been doing this? Had this been hurting you or straining your frame? Had you been getting hurt and he didn't even know it for so long?—
You stopped him before he could ask more, and reassuring him that. Yes, you were okay. You had been doing this a while. No, it didn't hurt you. And no, you hadn't been getting hurt behind his back.
He calmed down a bit when you reassured him but he was still very worried for you
Now, whenever you got back from a trip to another universe, he always worried over you like a mother hen. Checking you over for injuries, making sure you got proper rest after the trip, all sorts of stuff
It was annoying at first, but you got used to it. This was his way of saying he cared for you, so you didn't mind overtime, and you always reassured him that you were okay each and every time
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Y/n : *yawns*
Rodimus : Yeah, being that pretty must be tiring
Y/n : Then you must be exhuasted
Ultra Magnus : Will you two shut up? Some of us are lonely
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
maybe prompts for reader insert with mtmte rodimus having a trauma nightmare and the reader waking him up/comforting him...? 👉👈
Rodimus X Reader
Oops Rodimus hurt/comfort
Rodimus hasn’t been sleeping well lately. You thought it was because he was working way too hard, but you really didn’t know.
Everytime you’d suggest he go to the medbay or maybe even Rung, he’d just grin at you. “What? I’m tip-top shape!” Before you could say anything else, he’d rush off. 
You’d talked to Ratchet about it, but Ratchet told you that if Rodimus refused to come in, there wasn’t too much he could do. Though he would join you in pestering him. 
When it was time for you to sleep, you decided to check in with Rodimus. You knocked on his door and heard panicked mumbles. “Rodimus? Roddy?” You asked through the door. 
When you heard more whimpers, you barged into the room. There was Rodimus, tossing and turning on his berth. Fear was present on his face. You crawled up onto his berth, then onto his torso. You took his face in your hands and shook him a little. “Roddy, wake up honey. Come on.” 
Bright blue optics snapped open as he sat up quickly. You fell to his lap with a grunt and he looked around with a terrified look in his eyes. When he looked down and saw you, his vents exhaled. 
“Y/N? What are you doing in my room?” 
You pushed yourself up. “I heard you mumbling. I was worried.” His face still had traces of fear, though a lot less. “You were having a nightmare?”
“No. I don't get nightmares- I’m the captain.” He puffed his chest out as he joked.
While it was funny, you frowned a little more. “Rodimus. Please- Talk to me. I’m worried for you.” Your tiny hand grabbed his giant servo. 
Rodimus’ optics dimmed slightly as he laid back in the berth. “I- yeah. I guess I’m having a few nightmares.” 
“Do you… want to talk about them?” 
Rodimus shook his head. “No. I don’t think so.”
“M’kay.” You began to get comfortable on his chest. 
“Wh-what are you doing?” A pink tint flushed his face.
You grinned up at him. “I’m tired too. I’ll be your guardian angel, ‘kay?” 
Rodimus felt a small smile climb on his face. He placed his servo over your body gently like a blanket and offlined his optics. You both soon quickly fell into a comfortable sleep, with no nightmares to wake either of you up.
In the morning, Ultra Magnus barged into Rodimus’ room. “Rodimus, you’re late fo-” he cut himself off when he saw you both sleeping soundly, smiles on your faces. He sighed and shook his head with a smile also on his faceplates. “Young bots these days…”
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greeneyedsigma · 1 month
*Optimus, Ultra Magnus and Rodimus discussing an investigation*
Rodimus: *about working together* Not a problem, we’ve never even had a fight.
Magnus: Our only close call was when Rodimus didn’t know who Rubix Alpha was.
Optimus: ... *squinting at Rodimus*
Optimus: Doesn’t know who the puzzle master is...
Optimus, leaning towards Magnus: This is who you want to be with?
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ppnuggie · 1 year
       LOST LIGHT x gn human reader
    『 rodimus prime ,, megatron ,, ultra magnus ,, first aid ,, trailcutter ,, whirl ,, rung ,, gender neutral human reader    』
  -> having the nicki minaj american flag in your room
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack
  — this came across my mind randomly so heres some hcs about it ,, whats yalls favorite nicki song 🫡😈 if you dont know what flag im talking about its at the end of the post
rodimus prime ::
• hes so excited when you tell him about nicki minaj ,, he loves her music and now ultra magnus has another thing to yell at him for
• he definitely blasts her music on the intercoms ,, no he wont stop ,, hes busy dancing it out on the captain's chair
• he throws a little tantrum when he finds out theres a song based off megatron from her and not a song based off him
• he also plays megatron the song over the intercoms just to piss off megs
• roddy ends up getting him and drift matching nicki minaj flags so then his two besties have matching flags
• drift definitely joins in on the little parties yall throw where you play nicki minaj songs
• he listens to pound the alarm and feeling myself the most tho
ultra magnus ::
• he walks in ,, sees it ,, and immediately gets onto your ass about it ,, how its inappropriate and not a good look for the representative of earth and blah blah blah hes the duly appointed enforcer of the tyrest accord ,, blah blah blah respect something or whatever ,, you didnt bother to listen
• he walks in again ,, sees its still there ,, and sighs as he facepalms ,, hes so done ,, hes ready primus ,, just take him already
• if he hears her music ,, he loses his mind ,, it's inappropriate blah blah blah hes the duly appointed enforcer of the tyrest accord ,, blah blah blah ,, did you just hear what she said ?!!?! that was a curse word !!!
• hes ready to crumble up and die
• he likes to listen to fire burns in private though ,, but hed be so embarrassed if someone found out
megatron ::
• he's astonished ,, hes shocked ,, absolutely boggled ,, panny wicked ,, hes bingled ,, never in his life has he seen a woman like nicki
• he walks out that room so fast ,, hes like ,, nuh uh girl ,, but he realizes hes gonna have to put up with it whenever he walks in
• he just ,, mildly scoots away from the flag every time ,, he has nothing against nicki he just isnt sure about the flag choice or the picture choice of her
• the moment you tell him about her song named after him hes like 🤨🤦‍♀️☹️🤔👿
• in that exact order too
• dont let rodimus find out about it either ,, he wont hear the end of it
first aid ::
• hes also like ,, " oh !" but hes interested ,, he likes her music when you play it for him
• he likes va va voom and beautiful sinner most ,, but he likes a lot of her songs
• he sometimes hums the songs when hes at work
• when hes not at work ,, he's listening to her songs in private
• ambulon caught him busting a move to starships and hes been so embarrassed ever since ,, he just hopes ratchet doesnt know about it (he does)
trailcutter ::
• hes also all for it ,, he likes to stand next to the flag
• he asks about her and her music ,, and now its the only information he thinks about for weeks
• when hes drunk ,, he tells anyone listening at swerves about your flag ,, and nicki minaj
• hes a personal fan of truffle butter ,, yknow hes just that kinda mans
• might drunkenly sing the lyrics incorrectly but he dont care
rung ::
• " oh my !" he covered his glasses ,, turning away the moment he saw it
• hes such a baby about it ,, he doesnt ask about it either ,, just eager to get out so he doesnt have to look
• its okay tho ,, he doesnt judge
• has a spark attack when whirl shows up to appointments wearing it though
whirl ::
• hes all for it ,, first time he saw it he wanted to snatch it for himself
• he has no idea who nicki minaj is but hes already a fan ,, just play him some music of hers
• hes a personal fan of beez in the trap and stupid hoe
• any time you go flying together ,, its the only thing he plays ,, the only music ever
• rung is a little worried ,, cyclonus is fed up ,, and whirl is busy enjoying himself
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• he bought one for himself and has it displayed across his cockpit
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popculturebuffet · 6 months
Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye Retrospective: Rememberance Day (Issues 12-16) (Patreon review for Brotoman.Exe)
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Hello all you happy autobots! And welcome back to my long retrospective of Transformers More than Meets The Eye: The greatest comic about robuts in the known universe.
After a long road, a beetle themed detour and tons of tie ins, one shots and other needed stuff, we're FINALLY almost at the end of Season 1 and to help speed things along, Brotoman gave me some extra money to get through Dark Cybertron. That also means we have a pretty baked in schedule through april so here it is: After this review i'll be covering Remain in Light, the season 1 finale, next week. January is a recap of MTMTE's sister series Robot's in disguise. I volunteered for this one as I felt with Dark Cybertron relying heavily on RiD's history, I should reaquaint myself with it.
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We'll then take another break for a Fizzarolli retrospective in Feburary, and then begin dark cybertron in may, with the plan to have it in two or three parts. After that barring any other side trips or what not, it's SEASON 2 BABY, the series best. It also means easing up a bit on the sidetrips: there's still two whole minis to go into and a christmas special but both are shorter and with our two issue schedule the pacing won't be as nettled.
As for the present these two arcs represent MTMTE hitting it's stride: The books always been good and these reviews have been almost two years of gushing. I have ocasional gripes but overal the series is just pure excellence. This is simply the best of the best: all the character and plot setup for the season paying off in the most awesome, heartbreaking and horrifying ways possible. These arcs are great, but I dreaded getting to them as they will rip your heart out of your chest guaranteed.
See while John Roberts built up an impressive cast of characters, almost all from characters' whose history before this could best be described "That one guy over there in the background" or "That transfomer you got at a yard sale that was a bitch to identify", he wasn't afraid to say goodbye to his creations, even the main characters, and got that this story.. needed life and death stakes.
It's how death SHOULD be handled in comic books: not a publicity stunt done half assed and undone in months, not a massacre to "raise stakes", simply when the story calls for someone to die.
So the question to those of you who haven't read it is simple: who dies tonight? Well i'll tell ya'll under the cut.
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Before and After
Admitely these first two issues are less an arc and more two more standalones. As usual for MTMTE these are ripe for setup and Before and After feels like an out and out prelude to Reemergence Day, so the bundling fits.
Before and After has a unique structure, flashing both to the Autobots preparing for a strike on a Decepticon fortress on Sensenica. It's the first real Autbots Vs Decepticon battle we've seen: while there was one in Ratchet's arc, it was more a smokescreen for Pharma and Fort Max took them down quickly and messily.
Here it's an actual battle: a bunch of decepticons who shall remain nameless and largely unimportant to the overall scheme of things have been bleeding organic's dry for energy, so our heroes go down to stop it. For the sake of clarity i'm not going ot be covering the issue as structured as it's a lot.
The good news: our heroes are able to take the fortress, free the organics, save the day. The bad.. is there is a lot of injuries in the process, and that's the real intresting part of this issue: while the battle is neat, I often forget it and it really just kinda comes and goes: what's important.. is the after effect: Swerve, Rewind and Cyclonus were all horribly injured and we don't find out why till the tailend of the issue for the latter two.
For swerve.. he shot himself in the face while trying to figure out his gun while Chromedone and SKids fought a giant dinosaur. This guy is snapdragon and yes I looked him up on the grounds he fought two characters while transformed and apparently bathes in the blood of his enemies when he can't find sludge as he has a senstive butt.
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So while this goes on it's down to Rewind and Tailgate. Tailgate is, allegedlys, a bomb disposal expert, and thus has to take out a bomb hooked to the organics with Rewind's help. Also of note is that Rewind and Chromedome are fighting.
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Rewind is PISSSEEED Chromedome keeps hacking heads, while Chromedome is mad Rewind won't stay out of action. So naturally it's the perfect time for Rewind to go boom as the two little guys simply can't stop it. Rewind stays to mitigate the blast... and Cyclonus tosses Tailgate out taking the blast himself.
The prognosis for both.. isn't good. Rewind is a tiny bot.. and that means it's harder for him to bounce back from this, with Red Alert floating his Spark Jumping idea from his intro arc, a nice call back I honestly forgot about. Of course it'd crop up again and naturally, Chromedome is a spark type match for Rewind.
While Chromedome recovers from it as the process.. isn't exactly plesant. So while he recovers he talks to Tailgate. Chromedome admits when he's told Cyclonus still survivied that it's a shame... though what I like is when Tailgate asks him fi he really meant that.. he admits it.. but also admits he shouldn't of said it to Tailgate and apologizes, admitting thigns are just stressful. Tailgate calls rewind Chromedome's best friend
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That flub aside, Chromedome admits that he's not #1 in his boyfriend's heart.. there's someone else, just above him.
So we get Rewind's backstory which as usual is important for later: Rewind was a member of what was called at the time "The disposable class". There aren't many left and it's easy to see why as the disposables were basically slaves, with Chromedome flat out admitting that's what they'd call them now. It makes him one of the oldest and is why he has a memory stick of all alt modes: he was made for just one purpose and that purpose was being a comically large usb drive.
This changed when Rewind met Dominus Ambus, Scientest, Doctor, Author Explorer and that one ex of your partners you can never live up to. Tailgate for his part says he hates the guy. That's a good friend tailgate.
Anyways Ambus used Rewind as a memory drive but treated him kindly, giving him premium energon instead of the cheap stuff and realizing in the process that the disposables were just autbots and just as sentient as any other, and started campaiging for their rights. He seemed to succeed but trying to find a cure for Cybercocis he and Rewind left to find Luna 1, Cybertron's missing moon because like any missing thing of legend, you just gotta assume it has the cure for anything.
They failed, and what's worse they came back to a planet at war. All hell had broken loose and the two underwent the right of the autobrand.
So cut to years later in the war and Chromedome, already not having the best mental health for his years in psi ops and other traumas, has decided to unalive himself. Which is harder than it sounds for a transformer: their bodies are built to be nigh on indestructable and Chromedome can't really try sucicide by comabat as it'd put others in whatever unit he was in at risk. So instead he went to a relinquishment clinic, with what clinics left offering assisted suicide.
This ends up saving Chromedomes life as he hears a scream.. and it turns out to be Rewind who was checking the bodies. And that, dear readers is the main reason Rewind's on the lost light, the reason for the snuff film footage he got earlier: he's been looking for Dominus anywhere there's bodies in hopes of getting closure with Chromedome along for the ride. Dome assumes that's why he goes into battle.. but Tailgate has a more optimstic take: Rewind loves him and simply wants to be there to support him.
Either way things aren't looking good as it turns out chromedome's spark has a low yield. As he stated earlier he was born dry and thus dosen't hae a lot of ennermost energon. Ennermost energon is a brilliant concept: it's the energon closest to a bot's casing, their essence. Being robots, Cybertronians naturally run into a ship of thesus paradox oftne with most of their original parts long gone. The innermost energon is the part of them that's always there, the one part that, along with the spark itself, will always be then
So as a gesture of love when someone is dying, possibly may survivie may likely not, a bot puts a portion by them. Tailgate hearing this.. decides to do the same for Cyclonus. This being Cyclonus he's not only not quite dead, but an asshole about it, saying he dosen't care about tailgate they don't have a bond, etc... but in a touching moment instead of keeping up his abuse of the poor guy after smashing the jar.. he goes to help him pick it up. Despite trying to distance himself, despite trying to push Tailgate away.. they have a bond. And he can't deny that.. I mean he will, it's Cyclonus, he has the emotoinal maturity of a very angry stump, but he's at least TRYING to not be as closed off.
As for Chromedome he's not doin so hot and in his lowest moment a mysterious voice says something VERY prowl like: the decpitcons are still a threat and this proves it and there's something Chromedome can do to help. He wants to show him something in the basement.
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Thankfully Rewind's alive, and of all people it was whirl who donated.. and whose uncharcatristically nice. It's almost as if he's hiding something and.. yup as we find out in the final pages turns out he locked the door to attempted murder cyclonus and Rewind got caught in it.
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Cybertronian Homesick Blues
CHB is a fun issue, what SEEMS to just be some fun shenanigans and an excuse to make human forms for the cast.
So Mags is wound tighter than usual, having thrown several people, Swereve included in the brig for general nonsense.. which as Rodimus notes is all kinds of fucked up. I mean it'd usually just be two or three kinds, but they have dangerous criminals down there now along with Fort Max, who is dangerous but isn't out to hurt anybody anymore, so he's not exactly going to prison shank anyone.
Rodimus can see a problem coming and decides to help: the Lost Light's approaching Hedonia, a vacation planet ala Risa from Star Trek, but saying the quiet part loud. He asks Swerve to take him to relax, threatning the bar if he dosen't, and Swerve to his credit genuinely tries to bond with Ultra Magnus, bringing most of his close friends to help with the task: Rewind, Rung, Skids, Tailgate and Whirl. Whirl isn't exactly a close friend but you try telling Whirl he can't come and see how many limbs you have left.
Due to anti robot prejudice , our heroes can't enter EVERY section so they set up Holomatter Avatars to go into those sections and drink it up, having disabled Mags DiD chip. Said chip keeps fuel from hitting transformers at full impact, i.e. keeping them from getting plastered unless they WANT to get plastered.
Naturally as you can imagine Mags is going through something and is thus a pretty depressed/angry drunk and has a full on breakdown
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It's very obvious that Ultra Magnus.. is having a crisis of faith. His whole point is to be unflinching unchanging and as seen in the Annual the idea of NOT being that is propsterous to him.. and now we see that even with his acceptance in that story.. ti's not easy. Change.. often involves a lot of backsliding first. Personal growth is not easy, take it from me, so naturally the idea of being more than the tight ass he's SUPPOSED to be is tearing the poor bot apart. He also takes it out on swerve saying people like him because he's funny and that he's shirking his responsibliteis iwth the bar plan, not beliving Swerve's half hearted defense of it... causing the little guy to open up.
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It's a deeply painful sentence.. and one that's all too damn relatable. I often feel this way wondering if people like me for anlysizing shit and being mildly amusing or for me.
MOst of the rest of the issue is holomatter hyjinks, as our heroes are forced to cary Magnus, who accidently drank something REALLY strong across a human section in their disguises. The disguises.. are really neat, with special note to Tailgate as a baby, Rung's neat hat, Whirl as a murder child and my faviorite, Magnus.. using Verity's likeness. A nice little nod, make sme hope the two do actually meet again.
At any rate our heroes succeed, but we have some important story stuff before we move on to the main event: first I forgot how the story really started.. with Drift busting in to stop Cyclonus from.. singing. Turns out no one was in danger, it was just ancient cybertronian and beautiful, with Rewind recording it.. only to be hastily shouted to get out.
While this seems lke Standard cyclonus.. he was covering. Turns out Tailgate's stories about being in the primal vanguard, being important, all his big puffed up stories are a lie. He wasn't even bomb disposal, he's WASTE disposal, he was just able to bluff himself through the bomb just enough. It's all a lie. Yet it wasn't to feel special or anything.. it's for much more tragic, entirely understandable reasons.
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It's a painful moment.. and an understandable one. He should've been found easily.. but got lost for CENTURIES.. and no one cared. No one noticed. It's not hard to see why the little guy didn't want to admit that. While cyclonus is right Tailgate can't keep lying forever.. he sees why he started it and sees that Tailgate might be the ONLY person who understands his pain, the only person who knows what it's like to wake up in a world that just left you behind and dosen't seem to have a place for you. So he teaches Tailgate how to sing cybertronian.
And from that heartwearming moment.. more depression as this issue was Swerve trying to commuincate with Blur.. only it turns out like Tailgate that was a lie. The two never knew each other, swerve only met him once with a plan and the bar is sipmly.. trying to fill the space with something. He also offers Ultra Mags to be roomy.. but Mags coldly shoots him down, saying their not friends. It's a pretty solemn ending to what SEEMED to be a wacky one off... and it's only going to get worse from here.
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Rememberance Day:
We begin wtih the story of Overlord's birth. Two hapless minors find his, call it in and their superior calls for someone to come down. That someone is Three of Twelve, one of the functionist council, a loose council that preached functionism, aka alt mode dictates class, the kind of prick Dominus Ambus was rallying against. These guys will be important next season but for now he's just here to point out how important that is, give the guy who called it in an award and tell the miners they have 6 hours to live from the radation.
Overlord is a point one percenter. A point one percenter is a green spark found in the tiniest fraction of the cybertronian population. Said sparks are treasured and their wielders are often the toughest, most nigh unstoppable bots out there. It's why Overlord is such a juggernaught and why it took so much to bring him down on Garrus 9, as well as a retroactive reason why the deceiptcons he had under his boot didn't just revolt. Other phase sixers for scale include Fortress Maximus, Ultra Magnus, Optimus Prime, Megatron, Scorponok, Shockwave, Tarn, Roller and of course, He, Grimlock, with Megatron weaponziing this fact, hence why so much of this list is purple.
We then cut to the finale of Last Stand of the Wreckers, just before overlord went boom.. and find an univitied guest; Chromedome. Turns out he's been going into Overlord's mind looking for something, and makes the fatal mistake of telling him about it, mostly becaues he needs to rummage. Overlord is a Phase Sixer, what Megatron would call in to finish off a planet along with most of those guys mentioned. As a result the only person whose really easlily pummled overlord.. is Megatron himself.
After a few more cups of punch to the face we find what Chromedome's after: the memory of Overlord's true birth. He was put in Megatron's fucked up super solider program, using a very unstable very rare Ununtrium, the same stuff used to make Sixshot. While Rossum, the tech and likely the person responsible for naming Rossum's trinity, pumps him full of goo. Megatron isn't AS suicidal as he sounds doing this sort of supervillian origin story, having had SHockwave throw in a killswitch. Overlord awakens.. and takes after his new dad, smashing Rossum's head as his first act of new life.
This seems to be the end: Rossum warned during the procedure the heat could kill him and the substance itself could kill Megatron: While he's currently assumed dead by the crew, Chromedome is sure he'll come back.. and is right as he returned towards the end of RiD season 1 and plays a key part in both Dark Cybertron and this series from Season 2 onward.
Then.. things take a turn. Overlord remembers where he met Chromedome before: the New Institute. Turns out Chromedome was a brainwasher, with Zeta Prime redubbing the insittute.. but not really changing it and using it for the same brainwashing. Overlord broke in in the early days of the decepticons and stole Trepan, who we met in Shadowplay.
And that theft is WHY Overlord now has taken control of the situation and is going into Chromedome's memories instead: turns out Overlord tried to dabble in mnemosurgery, thinking he could use it against shockwave and undue the killswitches. Megatron isn't stupid though and the second he got wind of what was going on killed Trepan. So while Overlord can't hack int oa mind, he learned enough to take it over, not helped by the fact that Chromedome is scared shitless of the guy , as anyone would be and despite his attempts to hide it, overlord easily picked it up.
So we instead go back to the day of loading.. and a conversation we hadn't seen. In a twist i'd honestly forgot but is entirley brilliant.. Prowl had already MET with Chromedome... and it was about Overlord. As for why he's in tact, Bumblebee has mercy and didn't want to abuse POW's, so he rebuilt the body.
Prowl's intrest is in making their OWN phase sixers: while most Autobots, Chromedome included, assumed they were just freak accidents of nature, Prowl is right about something for once: there's so many that are decipticon, WHY is that. So he wants to find out why, and wnats Chromedome to do it despite being a MASSIVE risk.
Chromedome, as you'd expect tells Prowl to go fuck himself in the poltest manner possible: the war's over, this really isn't necessary, and Rewind really woudlnt' want him doing this. Prowl then enters peak dickhead.. and for once actually suffers for it.
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It's a horrible act that has legit consequences over in RID, leaving Prowl free to be brainwashed. Yet.. it's hard to feel too bad as Prowl was trying to blackmail his ex to do something highly shady and ENTIRELY not approved by the rest of Autobot High Command, something that would've likely destroyed Cromedome's relationship anyway. So it's a bad act.. but it's on a deserving victim and seeing Prowl crying no as he's abotu to be brainjacked is just.. so satisfying.
We then finally get the face behind this conspiracy: Drift. The last person you'd expect as he takes Chromedome to talk to Brainstorm. Brainstorm made the cell and is in on it.. but unlike Drift knows what a stupid idea this was, calling it project: total insanity and project :end in tears. Both accurate. The only people who know about this , as far as Drift says, are in this room as Shock and Ore did the loading but as we know both died horribly. Drift is the one who suggested the idea nd brings up the slow cell, Overlord's prison that slows down time for the user.. and that despite his best efforts to stop it, Chromedome's memory shows Overlord how to unlock.
Overlord locks Chromedome in and since, as Overlord figures out, Chromedome did this without anyone else knowing, Overlord now has a lead to go kill people. As he chillingly puts it "Run as fast as you can Chromedome, your already too late".
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Under Cold Blue Stars:
Before we get to the tragedy above.. we have to get to the tragedy bellow: Chromedome escapes.. but thanks to the slow field it's been half an hour... and what he finds...
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Yeah our heroes.. aren't doing so good. It's something that, despite reading this comic twice before this... had never registered; Overlord.. is strong enough to take on the ENTIRE lost light and WIN. It's taking EVERYONE they have just to hold him BACK. It does make perfect sense: not only is overlord a literal monster, able to tank hits he's spent his career wiping out planets and autobots and his last experince before this was months as the horrifiying dark god of his own planet, most of which was a game of "how many ways can I have my minons creatively murder and torture autobots?". Our heroes, despite their ragtag nature on paper, are GOOD, but their in tight quarters trying not to hit each other while overlord would gladly use one of them to smash through the others omniman style if he had a way to. He wants to kill EVERY , LAST, BOT simply as a warmup. He COULD leave to go find megatron, maybe by killing everyone on cybertron and using the bodies to spell out "HI DAD". But he just can't resisit the torture it'd put chromedome through. He's a sadist... while his main motive may be
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He has hobbies.
So you may say to yourself: well, how did we get here, so we go back 30 minutes to the start of this rampage. We see Pipes again, who I honestly forgot existed and whose asking blaster if commuincations are back with Cybertron yet, and since Pipes intended recipient is a friend of Blasters, Blaster goes ahead and forwards it while Whirl, whose naturally there to blow shit up, mocks him.
I didn't think much of this... till Pipes runs into someone.. overlord, who gladly squishes him under his boots with Pipes getting a fairly effective and horrifying death: bleeding out, scrunched to hell.. he uses what little spark he has left for one last push to do the one thing he CAN do to warn everyone else
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It makes me tear up.. and again, I FORGOT THIS GUY EXISTED. Roberts is just that good a writer, taking a character whose last major part in things was back in issues 3 and 4 and then NOTHING, and making you feel gutted the poor guy is dead... using what he had left to warn everybody.
So we then rewind again to where everyone was when the emergency alarm went off:
We start naturally with Rewind, whose worried about Chromedome and came to Brainstorm's lab to talk to him. Swerve's just here to accidently activate a meta bomb that gives him forth wall powers. Or make him thinks he has them, like with Deadpool it's left vauge. Rewind is wondering where his boyfriend is and is suspcious of Brainstorm since CHromey keeps saying Brainstorm's name.. though not in a sexy way but in a screaming it as he wakes up way. Brainstorm for his part, while very good at subterfuge to a point. .blabs about a secret project, wtih Swerve distracting them before the alarm goes off.
Rodimus is having Perciptor, the less fun genius aboard look at the map to the knights of cybertron and after having him dumb it down a few shades we get to the point: the thing can't be copied. This setup with the finale is interupted and we go to Rung, whose gone to Visit Fort Max. Max invited him down.. to apologize, planning to give a speech but realizing that was more for him and admitting the shock, waking up after garrus 9, he was in bad shape and genuinely asks if Rung can forgive him. And Rung.. instantly does. Not only has Rung been around for eons.. but he's a therapist. He spent the whole hostage situation trying to talk max down best he could. He can forgive.
Finally we have Skids wondering why Cyclonus is on the warpath.. thankfully JUST a metaphor, otherwise there'd be more than two corpses today, but he's mad Tailgate is hosting movie night at their place.
We end this catchup with Ratchet, whose pissed off Rodimus is being caviler about this, both because these don't go off for some reason.. and he made a joke about Ratchet's hands. Come on rodders.. that's way too easy. You can do better.
Drift is out and about to investigate.. and happens to benearbye as both bots see Overlord. We also get a really nice moment of bonding with the two, showing tha tbeneath their constant bickering.. they care about each other. More over time but we'll get to that. When Drift tries to get Ratchet to barricade himself in.. he refuses. He'll lock down the clinic.. but they fight and if needed die together. Ratchet calls Rodimus to get EVERYONE down there and tells him if he dosen't make it.. tell first aid he's ready and tell all his patients they'll have to make new apointments.
Thankfully one of the best characters in this comic dosen't go down swinging as everyone arrives to throw down. They do their best, but naturally their best bet is the only other .1%er they have... Magnus. And while he SEEMS to do well, pounding Overlord's face in as he heavily regrets not being there on G9 when everything went to shit.. only for that classic reveal that always means your fucked.
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IT's a shocking, horrific moment as one of the main cast, one of their leaders and seemingly their best hope.. is down. Magnus hoped to make up for Garrus 9.
It's also why I feel last stand is necessary to read these books after this read througH: while you CAN without it, Overlord's appearnce just dosen't have the same impact till AFTER this.. and just how badly Magnus falls here dosen't. After feeling he was slipping more and more.. he once again fails.. this time in a way he simply can't cope with. And the consequences.. will not be great.
And not suprisingly "Sword through the chest" seems incuriable: his spark is detaached and while First Aid can slow it down.. he can't stop it, and while everyone else is trying their best.. they can't do much. So drift has Swerve give him the com to call for backup.. the one person whose NOT here.
So just as Overlord has Rodimus by the throat he makes the mistake of asking for last words.. as the natural "Till All Are One" you'd expect... sends him panicking .. and leaves him wide open for..
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God that felt good. It's not remotely over though as we find out why Fort Max had this opening: turns out Domey , while recklessly charging into a known mass murderer's brain, was still JUST smart enough to leave a trigger in there in case Overlord got out, something that would make him feel he was loosing which , since Overlord is deathly afraid of defeat, would send him spiraling. And in one of the best uses of a gag as a chekov's gun i've seen, only topped by something in next season's finale, he made it till all are one because Rodimus won't stop saying it.
As Rewind lays in shock,w ondering what the helld omey's been up to, Chromedome inacts plan b, asking Fort Max to drag overlord over yonder back to his cell. While Prowl is many things, most of them varations of rat bastard motherfucker, he IS prepared and made Overlord's cell detachable for if, or if your smart like Brainstorm WHEN this stupid plan backfired. Problem is there's a sword jammed in the way of the hatch... someone has to go pull it out.. and rewind is small enoguh, brave enough, and sad enough to pull it off, saying a tearful goodbye to cromedome as the pod detaches. To make matters even worse... Cromedome then has to blow the fucker up as he'd rather not leave the love of his life who was just about to leave him anyway with a sadistic murderer. And all that's left.. is
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IT's one of the saddest moment sin the whole comic, and trust me there will be more and one of the best character death's i've seen. A big as screwup as bringing overlord aboard, a bigger one of him getting out.. it needed weight. LIke I said, Roberts knows it's best to kill a character when it's NECESSARy.. and Rewind going out lik ea hero sacrifcing himself so his friends and lover can escape, sadly bidding farewell knowing he's about to go through hell? It's a lot. It's a perfect sendoff to a great character, and a truly painful moment. Also if your wondering about the blood, Rewind took Chromedome's arm along with his heart.
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The Gloaming
The gloaming starts with foreshadowing for the next arc: we see a bunch of ops with Ultra Magnus from the war.. but two things are off. The first is that he looks slightly diffrent each time.. and the second is he looks very dead at the end of each one.
This will make sense later but for now we're in the aftermath of overlord's attack: Drift is being repaired, and Ratchet is TRYING to repair mags.. but it dosen't look good. Using a death clock, a device that predicts how long a bot has left, he only has ten days at best and poor Tailgate breaks down over how unfair it all is: one friend is dead, another close to it...
And there aren't easy answers for everyone else either: Chromedome responds a little to Skids but it's very clear he's not remotely okay, while Rodimus has torn up his office. Rung tries to help.. but he's held back by the fact he dosen't know why Rodimus is REALLY upset: Rodimus thinks it's magnus, Rung thinks it's because he lost.. which is a good guess.. but it's not the right one. We'll find out why next time but for now with Rodimus launching an investigation into the incident.. he and Drift need to have a talk.
After that we get the funeral: Rodimus gives a wonderful speech as he's returned to the stars spock style pointing out how EVERYONE he met was better for having known him. Except Prowl, nothing can make that guy better> it's a sweet earnest speech.. which makes it odd that Rewind's actual partner.. can barely say a sentence.
Brainstorm notices.. and goes to confront dome. Not about the speech, most bots would likely chuck that up to bottling up his grief. But it turns out these two go back a ways.. and as a result we find out just WHY Chromedome has so little innermost energon and I really wish I could share the full scene as it's powerful and shows a more emotional side of the usually flippant Brainstorm we haven't seen till now: He knows what Chromedome's abotu to do and to prove it rattles off a bunch of names. All ones Chromedome dosen't recognize.. because they were all former Conjux Endura's. And after they died he wiped his memory of them to not deal with the pain. It's a hard reveal, and a well done one and throughly proves Rewind right about mnemosurgery being an addiction for him: After all grief is hard, loosing someone even harder.. if you had the option to just make that pain temporary it'd be incredibly tempting, near impossible to turn down. You loose the person.. but you also loose the knife in your gut every time you think of them and realize their gone. Sure you could say "Well i'd want to rmemeber them i'd want the pain" and the strongest among us probably could turn that down.. but it's harder when you have that option. It's why i'ts such a comeplling hook here and why the next part hurts so damn much
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It fleshes out their friendship and Brainstorm a lot: he's had to watch his friend erase those he loved again, and again and again, tried and failed to talk him out of it time and again. All because he KNOWS what it's like to loose someone.. and that while the pain never goes away, it's better to have them with you. We'll get into how he knows that pain next time. For now the slug is the only reason history may not repeat itself.
So we get two scenes intercut: One is Rodimus before the rest of the crew.. as Drift takes full responsiblity for what happened and is stripped of his autobrand, banished and boo. It's a loss that hit harder this time as i'd gotten more attached to the guy, seen him nearly sacrifice himself, his deep faith, his argument flirting with ratchet.. it's hard to see him go even if he damn well deserves it after all this cost. There's no.. joy in this.. no catharsis. he screwed up, sure.. but it dosen't bring Rewind or Pipes back. It dosen't undue the pain and grief everyone has or fix anything. It's simply assining blame. I'm not saying Drift or a certain someone else we'll get to next time shoudln't be held acountable, but it dosen't make it easy to see him go.. or see Ratchet be the only one to comfort him showing that despite arguging constantly.. they ultimately were close as anyone could be. With this... Rodimus is alone, his command staff gone and it's not going to be easier to wear the crown going into the finale.
The other is a touching moment I can't really share in full here, two page spread and all, btu Rewind pieced together a message for Chromedome, knowing what he'd do if he was gone. He begs his partner to go on without him, that injecting will kill him.. and that he deserves to be happy. The New Institute isn't him anymore. And as one last note because he dosen't say it enough
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It's a scene that's now become one of my faviorite: while it's hard to follow because of the various footage, when you put it all together.. it's a message of courage. Despite the guilt, despite the pain, despite al lthey went through.. rewind loved chromedome, as he was, for who he was.. and wants him to stay that way. To keep him with him. And so .. Chromedome , for the first time, sheethes his claws.. and chooses to live with the pain.
We then end on a cliffhanger: Ultra Magnus.. is missing. Someone stole him, he's just gone.. and if that wasn't enough.. Tailgate goes under the death clock light.. and dosen't have much time left.
If it wasn't obvious by now I love these issues: their heartbreaking, well done and read even better this time around: It's a tragic loss that's expertly crafted, and used entirely to push the characters forward, to really push them with one forced to leave, one seemingly kidnapped and one facing his own crippling issues.. .and finding the courage to live
Next Time: We finish season 1! If you thoguht things coudln't get worse for the lost light.. your wrong as they face an attempted genocide , a character we've seen named a lot but not actually met till now, an old foe and a cool as hell new one. Until then thanks for reading
22 notes · View notes
cozzzynook · 30 days
Cybertronians used to have heat cycles until the Functionalists got rid of it by editing people's coding until they no longer had them.
However some places on Cybertron like Nyon were not under Functionalist control and people still had heat cycles. Except they were dormant because everyone was starving and it wasn't safe to have one.
Then during the war and the destruction of Nyon. No one with a heat cycle was left except for one. Rodimus had never had a heat cycle before because of growing up in Nyon and then the war. That was until the Lost Light when it suddenly started and he became extremely horny. Begging to be filled with sparklings and creating a nest for himself and acting really affectionate and clingy.
This mech is going through it.
He knows what a heat cycle is because he’d seen it a few times as a sparkling wandering the streets of Nyon. But he himself never experienced it.
He experiences the frame weakness and slight exhaustion he suffers among a few other things from the pains and hunger he suffered while living on Nyon but the actual heat cycle itself was something he never suffered.
Him going into a heat cycle is a slow and agonizing process even before he realizes just what it is.
He figured the adventures and lack of taking care of his health for so long was finally catching up to him. The extra extra tiredness. His frame feeling weaker than usual accompanied by the new occurrence of his hips spreading and his tanks puffing along with his energon pouches feeling far too sensitive inside his chassis. He put the crew up to vote if they wanted to keep going to planets or set the ship to cruise. Of course they picked cruise and he was very very grateful for it.
None of them knew it was because he was concerned for his health or the fact that he was beginning to suffer from his spark condition that he kept hidden. His spark would flutter and make venting hard at times. He would have to lay down to subside the pain usually only this time the pain was more like pleasure and he was finding himself more and more charged by the klik.
He decided he didn’t want to be alone on the ship where bots could find him like this so of course telling the crew they were going on a planet that was sunny and had a large ocean and a few places that were like resorts but it was a self serve type of resort did he feel a form of relief that was quickly lost the moment Drift and Ratchet wrapped an arm around his neck cables and waist making him melt on the spot.
His attempts at hiding how charged he currently was is poor at best and his attempts at making an excuse to slip away are terrible even to him.
He doesn’t go to a room where others can hear him, he slips into a cave where the waters crash against the rock drowning his screams of pleasure as he’s wrist deep in his drenched, squelching, fluid pooling valve that cycles and clamps down looking for a spike that he desperately needs.
Does he realize he is in heat.
Of course after a few unsatisfying overloads does he leave to go recharge in his room only for Drift and Ratchet to ask where he’s been and he blushes saying he wanted to be alone.
Its such a lie to all of them and before they can question him Megatron and Minimus appear grabbing him making his voice box short out in a loud telling moan that makes Drift and Ratchet bug eyed.
Rodimus wets himself on the spot when Megatron drapes him over his shoulder with ease and takes him back to Megatron and Minimus’s room where they purr and knead on his tanks and chassis.
“You could’ve told us you were in heat Rodimus,” Mwgatron’s voice has never so arousing.
“We would like to help you,” Minimus states with a vox so filled with charge his old accent is prevalent and Rodimus opens his legs wide snapping his modesty panel open to reveal a soaked needy valve just begging to be stuffed.
“How - how”
His thoughts are so hard but the two conjunx know what he’s asking.
“Because we can smell it on you,” Minimus simply says burying his faceplates into Rodimus’s node, licking like a starved mecha.
“We’re old enough to remember what heats are. We may not have them but in the areas we came from, our homes, in the lower districts no one bothered to care about, we still had mechs and femmes that used to enter heat.”
Megatron was so slick and skillful Rodimus didn’t even know he’d unclasped his chassis and that his energon pouches were out. Heavy, exposed, leaking and sore with his nozzles darker than he remembers.
“So fertile,” Minimus murmured into his valve as he ate him out.
“You taste so fertile and good. You’re completely Ready for our transfluid to fill you,” Minimus sucked a long stream of fluid from Rodimus’s valve and tipped his head back as he sat up making Rodimus whine.
“Would you like a taste dear?”
“Why of course my love,” Megatron pulled Minimus to him with one servo, while plunging his whole fist inside Rodimus’s unprepared valve making the mecha static and gasp frame twitching and shaking as his spinal struts struggled to keep him from lock shaking as his valve stretched wide open and clamped down only a tad more satisfied.
Megatrons tongue slid inside Minimus mouth and he drank every drop of fluid the mech managed to hold that his own throat tube wasn’t greedily hogging for himself.
“By primus you are born to be bred captain.”
Rodimus didn’t have a clue who said it but not a nano klik after hearing it, he’s not really sure time has become irrelevant, he’s feeling two large spikes slide into his overheating valve that clamps down onto them finally satisfied after what felt like vorns of aching mistreatment and he cries out spilling slick and tank fluids the two just know means he’s not gonna leave this berth without welcoming a new age of sparklings.
Its not long before other bots hear them loudly fragging inside the suite not to mention feel the vibrations of them harshly pounding into Rodimus’s poor valve and forge tanks that greedily take every drop of fluid they can offer him.
By the time they’re finished its been a full two weeks of constant fragging and Rodimus already looks heavy with a new spark.
Of course, Rodimus is too fucked out to be embarrassed by the state he’s in as they go back on the ship.
By the time he wakes the crew have already learned about their captain going into heat and that its something they all could do at one point.
By the time Rodimus is coherent and awake for longer than a few kliks he sees Ratchet and Drift talking with Megatron and Minimus. All four look to be discussing something of serious importance and he tries to get up he does. But his tanks are too heavy and makes him whimper as he falls back into berth making all four rush over to him.
Turns out Perceptor was working with Ratchet to undo the coding locks so bots could have a sparkling if they so desired.
Rodimus explains all he remembers on the subject as a sparkling in Nyon and it helps the two a great deal in making reproductive precautions and aides for fertility.
The most experience Ratchet gets however is joining Drift, Megatron and Minimus in doing up close and personal research with Rodimus.
His forge tank is completely willing and accepting of the four and takes all the transfluid it can get because his time with Minimus and Megatron surely did leave him sparked.
When he only gets bigger as time goes on its an easy guess as to why and Rodimus isn’t really upset about it.
But when he gets so much bigger than all the other bots who are sparked and he’s carrying even after other bots emerge their sparklings even when he himself was sparked before them, is it revealed he’s carrying multiple sparklings that belong to not only Megatron and Minimus but Drift and Ratchet as well.
He swells so much to the point of him being the subject of every optic until he can’t walk on his own anymore and becomes berth bound.
Its then he learns Ratchet, Drift, Minimus and Megatron made a deal to share him and keep him as their mate and broodmare.
Yeah he’s pissed but its not much he can do when he needs their transfluid and help to function since he’s so heavy with healthy sparklings.
Their healthy sparklings they fragged into him.
Sooo he figures allowing his carrier instincts that make him clingy and affectionate can be overlooked since they did this to him.
And okay it backfires because they kinda like it and maybe its not so bad being the one they choose to be their broodmare when he gets pede and back rubs all he wants a permanent cuddle bot till his fluids break.
He’s mad all over again when the sparklings emerge with big helms and healthy bodies that stretch him out to the point he fears his valve may never go back.
He’s especially mad when he learns a lot of mechs don’t have heats but a thing called ruts.
A heat made a mech want to be spiked and sparked, a rut made a bot want to spike and another sparked.
It was just his luck all four mechs who claimed him had ruts and fell into them at the same time not long after he’d given birth.
He was beyond pissed and clingy when he ended up sparked again not even a full year after emergence.
Much to his chagrin, they really meant it when they said he’d be their broodmare.
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crying-fantasies · 10 months
Rodimus wasn't ready to be a creator P5
Part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5: Found family | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10
Having humans aboard the Lost Light proved to achieve more positive results than what Ultra Magnus expected to in the first place, he could still feel his processor burn with a headache when the council asked who would want to take on humans for a diplomatic mission, many captains were present to see who would be interested in practically adequate their respective starships to accommodate hundreds of humans, their almost innumerable necessities, capacitate their whole crew to prevent an accident, make continue travels back to Earth to stock on supplies and so on, the requirements seemed unending.
As it was expected no one even moved, except for Thunderclash that was already rising a servo before Rodimus just started to run upfront shouting "I will do it!" To the top of his voice box, Magnus and Megatron could only ex-vent after that and start the blue prints for human facilities.
One thing led to another, and humans were quite productive once they awakened from cryo stasis, some even started business inside the ship for fellow humans and mechs, even the mechs that didn't like organics were finally accepting the new crew, which numbers were increasing every human year, and Ultra Magnus couldn't be more content with the outcome of a primitive but law consistent business, the creation of energex by humans on the Lost Light and the expansion of cultural exchange, the acceptance of organic interaction and the positive booster in the original crew morale induced by humans!
But then Rodimus got himself in more trouble going the extra mile and forsaking all the law records regarding the limits to organic-mech interaction, again, in this case, Magnus couldn't do anything about it, first because he wasn't someone to interfere between two conjunx and second by the fact Rodimus now had a little sparkling running around.
"Woah, careful there!"
Before, problems in the Lost light were mainly caused by some hidden prisoner, some terrible secret or the end of life itself.
It was a change of rhythm to now have such a tiny protoform and equally little humans going around.
That's what Megatron tells Optimus, erm, Orion, and the new arrived bots about this whole deal, given that since a few days, like you say, the protoform was starting to use his pedes to go around.
And almost giving everyone an attack to the spark or heart, if it was referred to the human personnel, because the little thing liked to put itself under other bots pedes or in front of people to see the reaction of others, so far there weren't incidents to cry about, but everyone was at the top of their nerves.
"Hey there little bot, come here!"
Billions of years in war and circuits of steel, and they were so nervous near the little protoform or baby humans playing around, but the few that already got familiar with Sunset tried to play with him, human babies were still too little and many preferred to keep distance.
Worst part, and also the cutest, was the fact that after so long the little thing was still that, so little, from his carrier's side, looking at everyone with big optics while moving little servos up to have what was called an "up up" because the vocal box wasn't fully developed.
Childhood, that's how it was called, a human thing, the protoforms were usually totally independent after a few cycles or so, most ready to go after emerging from the hot spot.
But childhood, everyone noticed, was a long period of mischief and innocence, so most where touched to the spark by such a little thing.
And everyone was praying to Primus when the little sparkling started to go "up up" to Prowl, maybe thinking he was Smokescreen, who was bitting his servo after realizing that the protoform wasn't near to him anymore but right at Prowl's pedes.
The literal, one and only Prowl.
"Of course, Sunny is quite sociable" big yellow servos were fast to hold the sparkling, almost hiding him while looking for his conjunx, right, you weren't around now, you were in the market in this very same planet to get some supplies with Nautica and Brainstorm.
What you three were up to wouldn't be as bad as this, either way, your natural necessity to bring home food or anything that everyone wanted was something normal for humans.
Don't get him wrong, he loved it, it warmed his spark that you think first about what they need, but he really needed you now.
Prowl was still looking at his servos, unimpressed, before finally going on his own way, Orion looks curiously at the little bot just like any other before Rodimus finally handles him to Magnus, who tries to be as natural as possible while Sunset nibbling on his digit, while more bots enter the Lost Light, he needs his sparkling out of peering optics, not every bot is kind and welcoming to something that some can deem as a bizarre creature that is a mixture of two races.
Rodimus is more than ready to throw servos if some bot says something about his sparkling... again.
Then appears the most organic friendly bots in existence, the very same Jazz with Fort Max, come to the ship, and Rodimus knows that at least one of them will keep Prowl from saying something out of line, he is very pleased that you aren't around with Jazz, he can still remember the time, before you two were conjunx or even dating, like humans call the period of time before conjunx ritual, in where you saw Jazz with a pink filter and a giggle.
Rodimus always loved your smile, but at that time it was like a kick to the aft-
"There are a lot of legendary mechs here" wow, just his luck, to have return just now, dragging with you a little cart with things on it.
In all honesty he shouldn't feel like this, you are his loyal conjunx and you two have a sparkling together, Jazz has his own conjunx and a human child that they adopted, so there is nothing wrong, and he can feel his vents and cables relax when you look at Jazz and stay normal even when the bot smiles to you in a friendly way after some time, you return it with a gentle manner before starting to chat like old friends and he finds himself almost out of your attention, oh how great.
One thing leads to the other and before he can even realize it his sparkling is looking at Jazz with big optics and totally still, a little smile on his face plate, Rodimus really wants to believe that this isn't what he thinks it is with all his might, Sunset is way too young for that! other things are more important now, like the fact that everytime Prowl looked at his family Rodimus felt quite...
"I swear to Primus, if Prowl says a thing about Sunset things are going down, I don't care if he is an enforcer"
"He hasn't said a word since he came here, how are you so sure about that?" Holding your hand is something that has become an habit to him in order to keep cool, in the recent years you and him have been getting quite the reaction of many.
Bots from Camien were quite kind, thinking that you and Sunset were a miracle from Solus Prime herself, understandable since they valued creation above everything.
Bots from other colonies, haven't been the most gentle to be honest.
Magnus, well, Minimus already told him how this was going to happen, many laws were quite strict about organics and how to keep certain distance from them.
For him this laws were stupid (Magnus almost fainted by the indignation) when Rodimus was conjunx to an organic and the obvious fact in how he already had a sparkling and how he was so happy with his conjunx and how much they loved each other in many passionate levels, thank you very much.
While holding the mesmerized sparkling in his servos, Jazz got near to audials distance to Rodimus and you, gently whispering about the real reason why they were there.
"He came here to accompany Orion and also to see the techno-organic sparkling, I think that his conjunx is thinking about having one with him"
"Prowl wants a baby?"
"Prowl has a conjunx?!"
Your punch didn't do much damage, it only told him to shut up because his shout would get the attention of the other bot that was still near, still observing the sparkling that smiled towards Jazz, and maybe thinking that his conjunx wasn't as crazy as he believed.
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tinydefector · 19 days
One of my transformers headcanons I haven't talked about outside of smut is Cybertronian biolight, biolumoneses, it works a few way, alot of bots are forged with little lines of lighting that glow under the cracks in their armor, it was actually something they used to use when bonding with another slowly changing the glow to be the blend of each other's colours. But in the war, a lot of the bots shut down the protocol for these lights, mainly for safety, mission, and stealth. But when they land on earth and see cars with bright LEDs on the under carriage, some will, on occasion, turn those systems back on. 
Another thing I don't bring up enough is the difference types of vision the bots have, I love the idea that one day the switch over to Ultra violet in hopes of tracking their human in a game but then they stop. It is like seeing their human in a different light (literally) they don't bring it up but of a night when they lay naked curled against the bots bulk their digits traces the ‘invisible’ tripes and lines that are only visible under UV. They started using that vision more to just drink in the beauty of the lines. 
Some will even get the marks painted to them and my favourite part is so many of the human's are unaware they even Have stripes and when the bots finally bring it up, confusion happens, a lot of Google searches. 
“I HAVE STRIPES AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME??” They ask their lover in a panic which makes the bot chuckle as they are lifted closer. Soft kisses pressed to their back. “Yes sweetspark you have stripes” they would mumble against the human's back before deciding it was a perfect opportunity. “I also have glowing lights that line the ridges of my armour.” They would state before loading up the system. Their lovers' eyes go wide as the very soft pulsing glow surfaces. “Woah…. Pretty” they would mutter in true awe. Both are just basking in each other's markings. But then the bot changes to black light, and its the first time the human gets to witness the markings of their skin. The Cybertronian gently traced them as they lay under the stars. The way their digits move across the markings jolts the human's memory. “You have been tracing them all this time?” They ask just barely above a whisper. 
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Update: link for what I think the biolights look like
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callsign-relic · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Transformers - All Media Types, The Transformers (IDW Generation One) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rodimus | Rodimus Prime/You, Rodimus | Rodimus Prime/Reader Characters: Rodimus | Rodimus Prime, Ultra Magnus (Transformers), Minimus Ambus (Transformers), Megatron (Transformers) Additional Tags: Size Difference, G/T, sfw, gender neutral reader, Language Barrier, Robot/Human Relationships, Human/Transformer Relationships (Transformers) Series: Part 5 of Too Close For Comfort Summary:
Rodimus has you and Minimus’ fates up to his own whims now. It’s only a matter of what he decides to do with the pair of you.
At least, you think that’s the case, until an unexpected ally makes himself known.
Next part is here!!!! Told you I was bursting with ideas >:) hope you all enjoy!
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Rodimus : It's pretty cold outside.. wanna hold hands? We should stay close
Y/n, blushing : Okay...
Ultra Magnus : It's summer.
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infohazardouz · 2 years
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lost light karaoke night
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nartipet · 5 months
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