#roe Vs Wade
dduane · 1 year
What (and it's hard to say this strongly enough) the F.
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mysharona1987 · 11 months
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akonoadham · 7 months
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The most fucked up part about Roe v Wade being overturned and abortion being illegal in most states.
Is back in the day. Teenage girls were often expelled for being pregnant.
Legit I know women whom are trying to get their GED today because they were expelled from high school for being pregnant.
Which forced the then teenaged girls to be completely reliant on the baby daddy to take care of them and the baby so they can survive.
What's the statistics of women still being in a relationship with their high school boyfriend? They doesn't even get into issues like rape or incest.
Which gets more fucked up when you see the lengths people went to keep Black people out of schools. Who wants to bet not letting teenage girls have an abortion was their way of keeping young girls out of school?
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This past Saturday marked one year since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Find out from the Guttmacher Institute where abortion laws currently stand in every U.S. state 👇. 
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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mikewheelerfan2022 · 2 months
One major factor that could contribute to a Harris win is abortion amendments. Five states currently have abortion amendments for 2024: Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Nevada, and South Dakota. Four states have submitted signatures: Arizona, Missouri, Montana, and Nebraska. Arkansas is trying to appeal the amendment’s disqualification. And Pennsylvania is waiting legislative approval.
I don’t think people realize how huge this is. Every single abortion amendment that has been brought up has passed. Even in very red states, like Ohio. The vast majority of Americans support abortion rights. And these amendments are going to drive many people to the polls, especially Democrats. This is amazing. Multiple of the states listed above are swing states. And swing states are what’s going to really matter in this election.
If enough Democrat votes come, red states could potentially even be flipped blue. Take for example Florida, which used to be purple but became red after extensive gerrymandering. If enough people from big cities like Jacksonville, Tampa, and Miami come, Florida could 100% be flipped blue. The same is true for other red states, although is probably less likely in states that have been firmly red for a long time.
So, yes. Abortion could be one of the main factors contributing to Kamala Harris winning. I hope Republicans really regret that one now, huh?
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faebirdie · 2 years
the annual pro-life march yesterday has me thinking once again about how one of the biggest mistakes modern day feminism has made is framing a large portion of abortion conversations around whether or not a fetus counts as a baby. cause, for starters, this just isn't something that everyone is ever going to agree. or even necessarily something that a majority of people are gonna agree on.
but beyond that, and far more importantly, it entirely disregards the discussion that has to be had around abortion. which is that whether they are a baby or not, nothing and nobody has the right to another person's body without their permission. this is about the inherent right to bodily autonomy no matter who else is involved. your rights end where someone else's body begins.
it's why no one can be forced to donate blood. it's why even after death someone has to have chosen to be a donor before any of their organs can be harvested. it's why human testing without informed consent is a war crime. our bodies are our own. it doesn't matter who else can benefit from them. and that doesn't just stop being true when it's the womb that is being discussed.
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littlebydigital · 2 years
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Freedom & Equality 101
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1stpoliticalcartoons · 6 months
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I think making the abortion pill illegal is definitely going overboard. Government shouldn’t be so medically intrusive.
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faerieforestcat · 2 years
"But MY religion says THIS about abortions so that makes them BAD!!1!1"
Cool, cool, let me use this same argument: My religion of the Giant Magical Fairy Kitty that poops rainbows says that abortions are good and everyone should have one every Tuesday and use the fetus as decorative ornaments while dancing naked around a unicorn-shaped statue.
Now do you see how stupid you sound?
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
“Rich Conservative women never, ever have abortions! And if they do, they will face the consequences like everyone else.”
Now how’s being naive, Kay?
There’s a reason slang like “shopping in Atlanta” and “Spa weekend in Colorado” exist amongst Republican women.
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hederskrans · 3 months
listen guys, with recent happenings in the states, i know shit sucks, okay? i know we all wish we could leave. however, i can't do that. many OTHER people can't do that, for whatever reason. i don't want us to disappear, so i'll try to put together some things we can do to help. these are the ones i know for sure, add any you want, and i'll be reblogging with more once i get more info:
help your communities. give extra butter to your neighbors when they ask. help your friends with money. help people. be kind.
when voting for elections, the "little" elections are as big as the big ones. from the president to members of your local school board, you need to participate in voting for who you want. i don't care if it's boring or you think it won't do anything- and i'll tell you why right now. the people that put these rules in place did so purposefully, and that is how books with queer characters are banned in your schools and the supreme court has had three judges appointed by donald trump. if you want change, you gotta get out there and make it happen.
protest protest protest. spread info about it. if anyone's being a dick about it to you, only get aggressive as an absolute LAST RESORT (like if they're harassing you or something, and even then, please don't do anything stupid). if they don't listen to the info you're giving them, just block and move on. don't run yourself ragged arguing with randoms. for organizers and protestors: remember they were going to make you look like criminals no matter what. meaning: don't let the news make you feel like shit. don't feel bad if you're called bad names. don't let them get you down.
when talking about this, remember that some people can't leave the states. remember that they're just as scared as you are. they don't want to be here either.
don't let this get so bad that it necessitates a revolution. many people can't handle that for any reason, and it is best to ensure as many people live as possible. this is why we need to organize, vote, and make some noise.
never, never, never give up. never even think of it. sure, you can be scared- you can be absolutely petrified if you want- but you must be able to do it scared. you must steel yourself against your fears and be courageous for those who are vulnerable.
overall this is just written as i'm shaking out of fear, but we must stand in the face of adversity, yadda yadda. don't allow this country to obscure your light. we must fight for our rights in the now so that we won't have to die for them in the future.
i know it's a long post, but thank you for reading.
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akonoadham · 28 days
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memenewsdotcom · 2 years
Judge allows Arizona abortion ban
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