#rohan not sfw
inkpot909 · 11 months
Jealousy Headcanons: Duwang Gang
↳ Characters included are Josuke Higashikata, Okuyasu Nijimura, Koichi Hirose, and Rohan Kishibe. Gender neutral Reader with they/them pronouns. Hinted to take place after the death of Yoshikage Kira.
A/n: What a beautiful duwang! Real talk, I’ve been wanting to write a headcanon list for this group for a long time, now. Bless these boys, none of them (except for Koichi) know what they’re doing. I really hope y’all enjoy. <3
Warning(s): Canon-typical violence and swearing.
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Josuke Higashikata
-> The Silent
The immediate feeling that washes over Josuke after realizing he’s become jealous is guilt.
If he has the luxury of being alone, he’ll pace around his bedroom while entertaining a lengthy argument with himself. It takes everything in him not to raise a hand up to his mouth and press a nail or two between clenched teeth. There’s a game of tug of war occurring inside his head and he’s nothing if not a slave to fully investing himself in the conflict.
If he isn’t alone, and especially if he’s with you, there is seemingly no dent made in his chill persona. Not a single person around him would be able to tell the internal conflict running through his mind. Not even you.
His usually relaxed thoughts are disrupted with an ocean of insecurity. “What if” questions plaguing him and internally souring his mood.
It’s a foreign feeling for him to experience. Especially considering you tend to bring out a very proud side of his personality. Ever since he started going out with you, everyday life has only gotten brighter.
And although he’d never be caught mentioning it out loud, there’s a part of him that’s mindful of the fact that usually he’s the one others grow jealous of.
He’s running in mental circles, a back and forth. Agonizing over just the idea of being jealous between taking the brunt of his emotions all at once.
All while he says absolutely nothing on the matter.
He may end up distancing himself for a day or two depending on just how lost in his own head he gets. He doesn’t seek out your company, and that’ll be the only telltale sign of how he’s truly feeling.
Even then, whenever you do see him, nothing appears to be wrong. He’ll smile at you all the same. His tone is cheerful as ever, and there’s no falter present in his laugh.
Because he can’t help but be ashamed for feeling this way, he’ll do anything in his power to make sure you don’t notice. He’ll continue to play the part of your never bothered, always cheery boyfriend.
He will only bring up his dilemma to Koichi.
Being involved in a relationship himself, Josuke figures he would best understand his point of view. He does his best to hear him out (he did go to him, after all), but Koichi telling him that it’s unhealthy to internalize how he’s feeling isn’t going to get Josuke to budge.
Josuke knows you’re loyal. He does trust you... so how could he possibly compromise that trust by mentioning something as silly as jealousy? Being open and honest is usually his go to. He tells you everything. But this...? There’s a little voice in his head telling him not to. And not even sound advice from a close friend can get him to stop listening.
If you’re observant enough to catch onto him avoiding you while simultaneously greeting you as if nothing’s wrong, bringing it up bluntly will finally force him to open his damn mouth.
He’s nervous; more nervous than he’s ever been around you in the past. It doesn’t take long before the word vomit starts pooling from his mouth, littered between a plethora of apologies. His eyes never meet yours until he’s done talking, hands continuously picking and pulling at one another.
Believe it or not, talking it through with you actually helps! Who knew? Certainly not Josuke.
After that first incident, dealing with his jealousy becomes a lot more manageable. Although it doesn’t happen often, it still does happen.
And he’s still not inclined to make a scene if he can help it.
Josuke’s opinion of guys who freak out on their partner or anyone who they feel threated by- even by the loosest stretch of the imagination -is very low. He will certainly talk to you about it, but in private and merely to express his emotions rather than to criticize you in any way.
The only real exception to this, is if someone’s actively hitting on you and repeatedly not taking the hint. How he approaches the situation largely depends on you.
If you’re not afraid of confrontation, he’s going to be at your side with a smug expression on his face the entire time. Your ability to stand up for yourself can make him melt on the spot. He lets you go at it, watching you with a smile brimming with puppy love. He just cannot help but fawn over how cool you are.
Once you’ve made your point, he’ll happily back you up lightheartedly. Even to the point of mocking the person who dared to ignore every “no” you threw their way. People like that deserve to get knocked down a peg, and Josuke’s eager to help.
If you’re more meek in approaching these situations, and tend to shoot Josuke glances pleading for his aid, he’s happy to help. It feeds into his ego a bit, honestly.
He’ll make a point to wrap an arm around you, throwing his best intimidating side-eye to the person daring to make you feel uncomfortable. Hell, he’ll even puff out his chest a little too.
Once again, he’s not above insulting them. His words are vicious and more than a little rude. He is a delinquent, after all.
Josuke isn’t a really fan of getting violent in these situations, though. The only reason he would get to that point is if the other person grows violent first and he needs to defend himself.
If they take it that far, they’re asking for it in his book. He doesn’t feel any need to use Crazy Diamond against something so trivial, more than a little confident in his own strength.
That said, if the flirtatious bastard is enough to make you really upset, he will use his stand to rearrange their appearance in an attempt to make you laugh. Yeah, it’s a bit twisted, but his youthful mischievousness is likely to earn him a smile from you.
That said, if someone flirts with you and tries to brush him off by dissing his hair- all cards are off the table. Openly flirting with you in front of him and dissing his hair? That person must have a death wish.
You may want to look away.
Okuyasu Nijimura
-> The Emotional
Unlike his best friend, Okuyasu wears his heart on his sleeve at all times.
Expressing emotions, even negative or embarassing ones, is not something he shies away from. No, not even in public.
When he first confessed his feelings to you, he was certainly more than a little shy. But when you gladly reciprocated, you’re positive the entirety of Morioh shook with his joyous response.
It’s because of this that Okuyasu experiencing jealousy is quite the roller-coaster of emotion. If he’s jealous, everyone and their mother will likely know.
His immediate response is confusion.
Not over how he’s feeling per se, but instead over what to do about it. Painfully aware of his own intellegence, he’ll agonize over how he should respond. Jealousy is rather complicated in his opinion, and his biggest concern is accidentally pushing you away via his reaction.
He is decisive, though, so it’s not something he’s going to mull it over for very long.
And if you’re right beside him, the likelihood of you diffusing his jealousy right in that very moment is quite high. So, although it’s not uncommon for him to be jealous, he’s quick to let it go.
In most cases, that’s where the story ends.
Sometimes, though, if the feeling is strong enough or if you’re not able to talk with him, it’ll go a bit further.
In those instances, the emotion that follows his confusion is anger. More accurately, it’s defensiveness masked with a display of frustration.
It’s written all over his face, eyebrows furrowing and eyes turning sharp. The delivery of his words are rather harsh and unfiltered (well, more than usual).
This anger won’t ever be directed at you, though. Okuyasu cares about you far too much.
If he can’t direct it at a specific individual that’s (according to him) the source of his jealousy, he’ll instead grow angry with himself. Mainly because his jealousy stems from an insecure belief that he’s not good enough for you.
If he gets this upset, it’s best to leave him to let out his frustrations before going to speak with him on the matter. Hell, Josuke is a better support for Okuyasu when he’s dealing with the bulk of his emotions.
Not much time is needed; no more than a day. And because he respects you greatly, if you give him that tiny- yet definitely needed -space, he’ll gladly hear you out with a fresher mindset.
Okuyasu is almost always going to be soothed by your affirmations.
Sweet words about how you’re with him because you want to be, and that nothing so small could form a wedge between the two of you, is very reassuring for him.
Jealousy is going to be more of a prevalent hurtle for the both of you to work on at the beginning of the relationship. He was still getting used to the idea that you really do like him as more than just a friend. It’s sweet, sure, but the insecurity is something the two of you work on together.
As time passes, and he digests the fact that you’re not going to leave him for the first person that flirtatiously glances your way, he cools off a lot. In fact, he starts having a hard time taking the people who hit on you seriously.
Namely, he’s going to laugh at any poor bastard trying to make a move on you. Because “Ha! Get a move on, loser! Can’t you see their taken?”
His mocking may not be as well-thought out as Josuke’s, but they can cut just as deep. And his delivery is almost always sure to bring a smile to your face. Okuyasu is always proud when he’s the cause of your glee.
That said, getting defensive is still a knee-jerk reaction at times. It only applies if someone doesn’t want to take “no” as an answer.
Doesn’t matter how capable you are in defending yourself, if someone pushes it, he’s quickly going to follow it up with threats. Partially out of affectionate protectiveness, and also in part because he likes to think of himself as your knight in shining armor.
He tries to be as suave as he can while threatening a stranger with a fist to the face. One second he’s throwing insults, the next he’s giving you a smile along with a cheeky wink.
As far as he’s concerned, someone messing with his boyfriend/girlfriend better be prepared for a pair of knuckles meeting harshly with their jaw.
Okuyasu’s like an angry dog barking loudly at anyone getting too close. Least you know no one will ever dare to mess with you for very long.
Koichi Hirose
-> The Logical
Out of everyone in the Duwang gang, Koichi is the least susceptible to jealousy. Actually, scratch that. He’s the least susceptible to jealousy in all of Morioh.
Especially after developing Echoes act 3, his thought process just doesn’t leave a lot of room for doubts in both you and himself.
If someone’s attempting to flirt with you, he’s more likely to grow annoyed rather than jealous.
He’ll throw them an unamused glance, eyebrow raised as if daring them to continue further. He’ll turn back to you, mentioning loudly enough for them to hear how obnoxious he finds their behavior to be. Returning the favor with a smile almost always does the trick, often prompting them to give up.
If they don’t, and press further, Koichi is prone to suggesting that the two of you go somewhere else. He never returns any animosity thrown towards him, not letting it get to him much. Yeah, they may be hurling low-hanging insults towards him, but he’s the one with you on his arm.
His casualness in those situations is so consistent to the point where Josuke and Okuyasu each comment on how they don’t understand it.
When a situation arises where they know they’d be jealous, the two just cannot wrap their head around how calm he is. Koichi merely laughs them off, almost finding their confusion to be amusing.
Koichi’s grown a lot, and he just can’t find it within himself to give into insecurities he considers unnecessary. All that, in his mind, should really be left in the past.
Adding to his confidence, is you yourself.
Koichi adores you, and would honestly trust you with his life. So why would he ever grow jealous of an old friend? What on earth could some random person at a party provide you in a short, two minute conversation that would warrant any defensiveness? Why would he feel threatened by a coworker? It’s not like he can tell you to avoid them.
In fact, he’s very aware of the fact that he can't tell you what to do in general. Or rather, he simply won’t. It’s not in his nature to be controlling or hover over you like that.
Not because you’ve brought it up or it's ever been an issue in the past. It’s simply because... that’s not a real relationship in his eyes. He’s not bossy or pushy- you started dating him because that was your decision at the end of the day. And that alone is enough proof to him that being jealous really isn’t worth it.
Now, if by some miracle he does grow jealous, it’s not going to last very long. Again, Koichi is just too levelheaded.
He is going to grow downcast, saddened by his own perspective of the situation. This is because he’ll only get to the point of jealousy if he believes you’ve returned someone’s advances- whether it was by word of mouth or something he saw with his own two eyes.
And because you care for him as earnestly as he does for you, his jealousy likely occurs due to an honest misunderstanding.
Koichi will approach you on the matter himself, and will do so calmly. Even if he saw something, he doesn’t want to become more upset before he hears what you have to say. After all, you’ve never disappointed him before.
Because of his strong trust in you, after he details his perspective on the matter, he asks that you explain your side of the situation to him.
Koichi’s demeanor is very controlled and polite, hiding a certain degree of genuine worry. He listens with baited breath, internally praying that he simply misread what happened.
And to his relief, that’s all it ever ends up being.
Just like that, the both of you are quickly back to normal. Worries evaporate from within his mind, and he’s back to his usual sweet self.
Genuinely the best boyfriend here, no contest.
Rohan Kishibe
-> The Denier
Oh, boy.
First thing’s first, it should be noted that The Great Rohan Kishibe does not grow jealous. It’s not even a question, and honestly, expecting him to explain such a thing is an insult. Men and women alike fawn over him; anyone would be lucky to have him. You’re lucky to have him.
And to his credit, Rohan really doesn’t grow jealous very often.
His confidence in himself may cross the line into narcissism, but it doesn’t lead him to give into jealousy very often.
Like Koichi, he knows that if you’re with him, it’s because you truly care. Even more so, considering Rohan knows (if only slightly) that he’s not the easiest person to be around.
Nope! He certainly doesn’t become jealous very often… not never, like he’s worked so hard to have you believe.
For Rohan to become jealous requires specific circumstances. Some random person approaching you at a party or bar isn’t going to pose much of a threat to his ego.
On the contrary, it feeds into his ego.
You’re a beautiful individual; it’s no question as to why others would try and approach you. But, of course, you always turn them away seeing as you’re already his.
In those instances, he’s as dismissive as Koichi, coupled with a tongue as sharp as Josuke’s. Rolling his eyes, wrapping an arm around you, straight up ignoring the person trying to talk to you, kissing you out of the blue- he’s got every weapon in his arsenal equipped to ensure you’re left alone.
If it gets to the point where you’re growing visibly nervous or uncomfortable, Rohan’s words are the nastiest you’ve ever seen. But the display isn’t necessarily out of jealousy, as it is out of shock and frustration that they’d persist. He’s not going to let anyone speak to you in such a way.
But when it pertains to an old friend, the one you were talking about meeting up with for a week straight... now that’s what makes his chest tighten.
Rohan’s going to be in a bad mood because of it, but it’s not too distinct from his usual behavior. No, he’s just a little more quiet than normal. And by the time you cheerfully tell him about seeing this friend of yours, he thinks he may go nuts.
Rohan’s immediate response is to completely shut himself out from everyone, while simultaneously denying any thought he has over being jealous in the first place.
The time he spends locked inside his office is insanely alarming.
At first, you question whether or not you should even say anything about it. Yes, you’re obviously concerned for his health, but Rohan falls into his exaggerated version of workaholic-mode from time to time. And you know him well enough to understand he requires a very careful approach to be pulled out of it.
No, what really warns you that something’s wrong, is that even Koichi asks you if Rohan is doing okay.
His concern takes you aback, and only makes your heart sink further when Josuke (of all people) speaks up about it as well. He’s a lot more reserved about showing any worry, but it’s enough to let you know that something is fundamentally off.
Prodding Rohan for an explanation is going to take a good while.
He’s so unused to feeling jealousy in any capacity that he outright refuses to even admit it to himself.
No, he just needs to work and not interact with anyone. Why? Because he has to; don’t question him. There’s so much he needs to do. You’re far too busy with your old friend in town to pay him any mind anyway.
And that’s exactly the sentiment you finally manage to pull from him.
He spits it out it with crossed arms, not once meeting your gaze. But it’s a mistake (in his mind), because it gets the cogs turning in your mind.
You end up realizing Rohan’s jealous before he does.
Affirmations that you love him is a must, and don’t even bring up the fact that he grew jealous- it would only continue to stir the pot. You know Rohan well, confident in how you choose your words when talking to him about it.
He refuses to give you any indication that he's listening, of course, but one brief glance your way cracks his hardened outer shell.
The look on your face... it initiates this weird sinking feeling deep inside his gut. Just thinking of could halt his movements.
Yes, realistically, he could just use his stand to check whether or not his concern is warranted.
But, for one thing, he’s already promised you he wouldn't do that to you. Setting boundaries is extremely important to Rohan, so he respects the ones you set in return. So much so that the thought of using Heaven’s Door on you doesn’t cross his mind once.
And that look on your face, soft and melancholy upon the realization that he’s been doubting you... he honestly doesn’t need to use his stand to know he's severely misread your relationship with your old friend.
His own ability to recognize how poorly he misunderstood the situation is something he figures he’ll have to unpack at a later time. In that moment, he was just relieved. He told you, rather stubbornly, that he supposes he was wrong. In own his weird, twisted way, that was how he apologized.
In short, being with you is a humbling experience for a person like Rohan and this instance of becoming jealous is certainly a part of that.
Weirdly enough, to his internal surprise, it’s ultimately a pleasurable development. Not like he’d ever tell you, though.
With the passage of time, he even lets you tease him over it. The two of you playfully go back and forth, bringing up times where you both got so jealous. It’s all in good fun, his confidence in your feelings for him stronger than ever.
In reality, him having a bit of humor about it is a clear sign that he’s growing into the relationship more and more. And him being able to be more transparent around you makes it easier for him to talk to you in the future if he gets that jealous again.
There’s still room for growth, but such things are almost always a gradual process for someone like Rohan.
That said, only you’re allowed to make any sort of teasing remarks about the whole ordeal. Anyone else isn’t worthy of doing so.
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baby-zakarii · 11 months
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+ my kitty sharing the bed!!!
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Now I can play house with him and dress him in outfits! He is my tiny tiny baby!!! Love my mama so much😭😭😭
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glowingbadger · 3 months
Rohan is my favorite asshole in JJBA but I didn’t know that you’d write for him! (You’ve seen the miniseries for him, right? The animated version of part of it, particularly the episode that starts off with him in the gym, is super funny)
May I request: D, I, and Y?
I ADORE that absolute asshole- but I haven't gotten around to actually watching the OVAs yet! I'm generally familiar with them, I just haven't sat down to fully watch them .-. I'll get to them eventually!!!
Alphabet prompts - Rohan (JJBA)
D (dirty secret), I (intimacy), Y (yearning)
NSFW 18+
Dirty secret: while this is partially only a secret out of necessity, he tends not to let on initially how much he enjoys utilizing his Stand in sexual scenarios. The ability to directly investigate and understand your every single urge and desire is intriguing and delicious enough- and something he'll utilize ruthlessly and to its fullest advantage. But being able to add rules to your pleasure and dictate your experience as he likes is even more gratifying. Rohan's urge to explore possibilities is only outclassed by his ego, and the chance to control you in these small ways (willingly, of course) feeds both.
Intimacy: Rohan is not an intimate type at all by nature, and it's going to take a loooong while for him to develop any sense of romance in bed. If you've captured his attention, it's likely from an intellectual and/or artistic standpoint- you fascinate him, and he wants to study, understand, and dive into you. This doesn't necessarily lend itself to intimacy, so for a long while, he'll view sex with you as mutually pleasurable from a utilitarian standpoint, and enlightening for him from an artistic standpoint. The first time he finds himself gently brushing his fingertips across your cheek and whispering your name as he very slowly begins to push his cock into you, it takes him even more by surprise than you.
Yearning: Kishibe Rohan, flatly, does not have time for yearning. He holds himself to rigorous standards, and if he wants to pursue pleasure, he can easily find it, and it will be primarily to further his art- to experience as much as possible, as directly as possible. Yet once you've made your way into his heart and mind, a distracting sort of urge begins to periodically vex him, even in the midst of his work. His sex drive isn't inherently very high, and he can push off these stray thoughts for a while. But with time, they only build, until the next time he sees you and he realizes, with a surge of frustration and humiliation, that he needs you urgently.
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starry-snippets · 1 year
jjba (jotaro, kakyoin, avdol, josuke, rohan, giorno, bruno, abbacchio, trish, mista, narancia) + aesthetics you suggest/dress them in
images are from pinterest! 
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jotaro - techwear
✩ if you BEG you could get him to wear a techwear outfit that still maintains his love of gold brooches and chains. it’s not even that he doesn’t like the aesthetic it’s just kind of silly to him at first. sure he wears two belts, but two belts and a backpack on his chest and a smaller one on a thigh garter? um no. eventually caves when you show him something he finds really cool and man he has money. bad choice (or is it a great one?) he is fully committing elements of techwear into his every day outfits now. he’s dangerously hotter now too um
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kakyoin - goblin/cryptid core (with punk influence!) 
✩ is a very creative guy who has a unique style and he’ll use that to his advantage! this would begin with a date idea of designing shirts or jeans and he has so much fun. now he has several pairs of fun jeans and a patch jacket he’s working on. when he’s dressed up like he’s ready to explore the forest he’s in such a mood to! get ready to spend time in the woods watching hierophant poking bugs with sticks and kakyoin showing you different types of beetles while you look for cryptids with a nearly empty flashlight 
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avdol - bohemian/hippie 
✩ kind of related to his current style and that’s what he’s very willing to give it a try. loves the dramatic sleeves and ruffles, truly enjoying how snazzy they make him feel. also appreciates the jewelry! especially if you make it for him or buy it for him because it’ll remind him of you. loves fun patterns so he’ll enjoy combining them in unique ways, also appreciates the whimsical element of the layered fabric and prints 
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rohan - avant garde 
✩ craziest dude in the world I swear. will wear anything just about if you make it sound revolutionary. tell him a trash bag is the next-in fashion trend and he’ll disbelief you to no end but will secretly be curious and try it out. helps he has the confidence to rock anything he tries. to be fair, when you dress him up you’re doing it mainly to see if he looks good in everything and you’re sad to see he does, indeed, look good in absolutely anything 
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josuke - scene/punk
✩ loves the abrasive elements in punk! loves the colors and being able to make bracelets with you aspect of scenecore. in general he enjoys how he can look tough and intimidating but feels like the colorful accents really soften that depending on how much he accessorizes. doesn’t wear it too often though, really depends on where you two are heading. does let you dress him up fairly often though! 
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giorno - cottagecore
✩ isn’t entirely against or for trying it out. is kinda confused as to why you want him to. he’ll eventually say to go for it. depending on what you put him in he will really like the aesthetic and wear it on your dates around town. isn’t a big fan when you ask if he’ll wear a skirt, but when you actually order one he really enjoys the length and the twirl. when you go on a picnic and he wears it, he just feels like he’s safe with you and away from the trivial stresses of his outre life 
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bruno - coquette/angelcore
✩ like giorno, he isn’t for or against. leans to okay almost immediately however. he’s curious and very fluid with how he presents, so he’ll agree to just about anything within reason. when you dress him up he feels so ethereal. absolutely loves it? he likes how he’s wearing traditionally feminine garments but doesn’t feel effeminate. he enjoys the outfit and would likely wear it again, especially on a date with you 
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abbacchio - goth 
✩ doesn’t want you to for a while despite sharing things with the style already. just feeling a bit prideful. does cave and let you do him up completely, probably because he had a drink. ABSOLUTELY loves the result however. the drama of the sleeves and the flair of his pant’s make him look so long and slender, like a real life dracula. finds the chains excessive but misses the significant effect they had when he was wearing them. definitely enjoyed trad goth makeup more than he’s willing to admit 
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narancia - bubblegum b✩tch 
✩ likes it because he feels tall and assertive with the big boots on. will not wear it out of the house unless you’re really good at convincing him. doesn’t have the toughest skin so this does help him build his confidence and self-esteem even outside of his appearance. just feels so adorable, especially with you hyping him out. if he does agree to going out you’ll wear a super feminine outfit too or a suit, confusing traditional mindsets while having a super fun date 
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mista - rockstar 
✩ really gets into his role when those skin tight pants are on. if you go out for dinner he’ll act like he’s the most important man ever and it surprisingly works. he will make use of the leather jacket you got him and would ask you to decorate it if that’s something you’re interested in. will wear elements of the outfit separately somewhat often but the entire outfit probably just on certain dates 
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trish - indie
✩ loves lots of patterns so she appreciates the wiggle room of indie! she already has an impeccable sense of style but this is her go to when she’s heading out to museums, picnics, etc. trish always adds her unique flair to her outfits, often making edits to her shirts and skirts 
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princelylove · 11 months
My main interested is Jotaro and Noriaki but I don't mind hearing you talk about other characters too. Let's talk about your favorite yandere
Since you said you okay with nsfw, I want to ask what is the most pervert things or their fantasy your favorite yandere will have on their darling?
I have my headcanon for Noriaki he has bondage kink, he fantasy about tying you up nice and pretty, helpless under his touch, moaning and begging for him. Jotaro is sometimes stealing your clothes, your scent make him turn on, he can't help but to masturbate with it and cover it in his cum, imagine that it was you and all the dirty things he want to do with you.
~ 🏵️ anon ~
That's so cute, I wish I could stay consistent with just two people... I tend to go through phases where I'm very into one, get a little disinterested and find another to obsess over, and then after some time passes go back to the original crush and rinse and repeat.
Noriaki likes to be soft and sweet with his sadism. Relax with him, trust him. Anything he says during play is just him playing into what you asked him to do. I get the feeling that Noriaki would rather tie you up and make you squirm for hours than actually penetrate you, or be penetrated by you. He loves watching your reactions, and... isn't this so fun? He's loving the quality time.
Jotaro is a mama's boy who never really got socialized properly due to his own self isolation. He has absolutely no idea what social boundaries even are, and if he did, he wouldn't care. He's such a creep. He tells himself he follows you home because he loves you and wants you to be safe, but he's just looking at your ass and whatever he can make out of your figure. He buys underwear he thinks you'd wear before he actually commits to straight up stealing yours, and he's a bit disappointed if he was wrong about the kind you wear. Not that he has any preference, he likes what you like, but he thought he knew you better than that.
You know who else is a major creep? Rohan Kishibe. Full legal naming that bastard. He can't help but find every little thing you do to be so ridiculously attractive, but you'll never hear it from him. The way you bow your head and thank him for inviting you over drives him up the walls, the way you hold a cup keeps him up at night. When Rohan has a crush, he gets obsessive with it, and every little thing becomes exciting. He draws you in the nude actually entirely out of love, did you know that some cultures believe nudity to be your purest self? He invites you to come with him to the pool just to see what your figure looks like, sketches you on a napkin behind a soda can while you aren't looking, and goes to town once he gets home. Rohan didn't think that he'd enjoy it so much, really, normally he never does nudes. Porn just doesn't do anything for him, he feels like it's art without love in it, without real passion when it's all scripted. But that's ok! He can make his own.
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pummoosun · 4 months
Coul i get mooboard fo babie rohan pease? Flowies an bubuflies an buggies an stuff tank you!!❤️🩵💖💙
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There you go! I hope you'll like it!
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moodybluezzz · 1 year
What’re some of your headcanons about Rohan?
Btw I LOVED your sleepover fic with him! That’s exactly how I imagine he’d act 🥰
Thank you so much omg 🥹 Here's a handful of quick Rohan hcs :)
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This dude is basically a Tsundere.
✒️ Rohan's love language is gift-giving! This guy is wayyy too stubborn to spill all his feelings out in the open. But he's not shy, per say. He'll nonchalantly pass you something fancy after coming home from a trip - you name it, if it reminds him of you he'll pick it up.
Nevertheless, Rohan secretly hopes you'll catch on to how he feels about you. If the opportunity arises he'll make a more daring move. He's not afraid to be blunt when the time is right.
Plus this mf is touch starved and will absolutely cuddle you given the chance.
✒️ A little thing he loves is when you wear his outfits. He'll act annoyed when you "steal" from his closet but really he hopes you'll do it again.
✒️ Rohan loves when you get involved in art with him - you're his favorite source of inspiration. When you find him working on his manga he may try to shoo you away at first, but over time he'll open up to your company and let you watch over his shoulder with no objection. He'll even start incorporating things you like into his story, and basing characters on his favorite traits of yours. But if you confront him about it he'll definitely brush it off as a "coincidence."
He also loves drawing dates - sitting down with sketchbooks and tea, using each other as models for especially tricky poses.
✒️ His favorite way to spend time together is traveling! It's a win-win for Rohan - he gets to find inspiration for his manga and has an excuse to ask you to come along. He loves hearing your perspective on the places you visit and lets you pick where to go during your journeys. He especially appreciates your company on paranormal investigations (like in TSKR) though he's careful not to put you in harm's way.
✒️ Rohan's a smart ass, but really, the guy is smart. He's been to a lot of places and met a lot of people thanks to his career, and if you catch him with an interesting topic he could talk to you for hours over some drinks.
✒️ As for his Stand, Rohan avoids using Heaven's Door on you, but if the situation is dire he won't hesitate. He knows you're not keen on him reading your thoughts, but if it means helping you he'll act fast. Don't be surprised if he takes some extra time to search for his name in the pages…
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nablastria · 1 year
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Kitsune Rohan 🦊
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
🌶️ Spicy🌶️ Masterpost
These are all NSFW fics that are either going or finished 😈
Request Info: Please read before making a request
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☣️ Dark: May contain dark themes readers may find disturbing including noncon, dubcon or violence
💝 Cozy: Gentler fics. There may be violence or yandere themes but it is light, or soft yandere
I did my best to categorize these but everything is relative. Please read the trigger warnings carefully before reading
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☣️ Tentacle Monster- Chase: nsfw -- x f reader
Part One, Part Two , Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
☣️ Shadowbeast- Rafe: nsfw -- x f reader
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven
☣️ Wind God- Torin: nsfw -- x f reader
Part One, Part Two Part Three Part Four
☣️ Warlock- Landis: nsfw
Oneshot - this is part of a novel that I probably wont post to tumblr
☣️ Knights - Xavier, Dustin, Eli, and Marco: nsfw -- x maid f reader
☣️ Wolf- Ruston: nsfw -- x f reader
Oneshot, Part Two, Headcanon
☣️ Hesian Alien- Nasos : nsfw-- x f reader
Part One, Part Two, Part Three
☣️ Hesian Alien Rancher- Kostas: nsfw -- x f reader
Request, Headcanon, Request (SFW) Request
☣️ Gargoyle Book Shop Owner- Heath: nsfw -- x f reader
Oneshot, Headcanon, Part Two
💝Vampire Triplets- Church, Sin, and Angel: nsfw -- x f succubus reader
☣️Catman Alien Twins- Qhen and Ceth: nsfw -- x f reader
Part One, Headcanon, Headcanon
💝Minotaur Demigod- Solomon : nsfw -- x water nymph reader
💝Werebear- Hugo: nsfw -- x childhood friend f reader
Oneshot, Headcanon, Part Two, Request, Part Three
☣️ Alpha Gangster- Jude: nsfw -- x f omega reader
☣️ Shapeshifter- Shane: future nsfw -- x f reader
Part One
💝Night Elf- Victor: nsfw -- x f reader
☣️Kelpie- Vylkas: nsfw -- x f reader
Request, Request (SFW)
☣️ Vampire- Marius: semi-nsfw -- x f reader
💝Shadow King- Zintius: nsfw and sfw -- x f reader
Request (SFW), Part Two (NSFW)
💝Kherae Alien- Idreod: sfw & nsfw -- x reader with glasses
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four (NSFW), Part Five (NSFW), Part six, Part Seven, Part eight
First Person POV available on smashwords
💝Maeder- Rohan: nsfw -- x musician reader
💝Kherae King- Argan: nsfw -- x musician reader
💝Dragon Knight- Severin: nsfw -- x princess reader
Oneshot, Part Two
☣️ Sarantopodarousacentaur (Half man/Half centipede) - Mitas: nsfw -- x f reader
☣️ Drider: Ruvain: nsfw -- x f reader
☣️ Changeling: Clark: NSFW -- x flower nymph reader
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine
💝Orc- Moth: NSFW -- x f reader
💝Orc King- Golmad: NSFW -- x f reader with speech disability
Request Oneshot
💝Mothman- Roth: NSFW -- x f reader
💝 Alpha- Riordan: NSFW -- x GN reader
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Divider from: @saradika
Bluesky -- Carrd -- Commissions
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pillow-anime-talk · 1 year
his talented baby. {pt.2}
synopsis: You as a person with a huge (and hidden) talent, and also a person who really surprises your boyfriend.
# tags: scenarios; current relationships; romance; some comedy; big fluff; some PDA; sfw
includes: gender neutral reader ft. sebastian michaelis & undertaker {kuroshitsuji} + josuke higashikata & rohan kishibe {jojo 4}
part one {click}
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— SEBASTIAN (ft. chess)
Sebastian was perfect in everything; in cleaning, in cooking, in playing various instruments, in foreign languages, in gardening, even in singing and dancing. There was, however, one thing he couldn’t achieve fully well, and that was the game of chess.
Of course, he defeated others (I mean here; Grell, Agni, Bald or Finny) with ease, but when you offered him a game one day, his so far intact worldview changed dramatically. Eventually he found someone better than himself, but at the same time he felt so damn frustrated that he couldn’t win against your person. You were better than him, than Ciel, and even better than Mr. Tanaka, who was almost equal to him and the young lord.
“... Your move, Sebastian.” You announced by moving the bishop to the field of your choice, taking his black rook at the same time. “Are you going to give up, my love?” You smiled gently as you took a sip of delicious English tea with the perfect amount of sugar. The man looked at you in response, frowning and looking at the chess alignment after a short while.
“No. Everything is fine, I just need to think for a moment.” He said calmly, though his face expression seemed to hide the urge to swear. “I am impressed with how quickly you made such a confusing setup, darling.”
“Well, well. My grandpa taught me to play. As the saying goes, the student has surpassed the master.” You chuckled as you put your chin on your right hand while looking at the fingers of your man surrounded by white gloves, who decided to move the king to space F5. “Maybe someday you will surpass me, who knows?”
Sebastian stared at you out of the corner of his eye, nodding in delicate, almost invisible amusement.
“Maybe someday, dear. For now, I will give you the honorable title of the best chess player.”
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— UNDERTAKER (ft. drawing)
Drawing has been your passion since you remember and you loved to paint literally everything; still life, nature, huge landscapes, other people, animals, and even things that didn’t make much sense (Picasso was one of your biggest inspirations when it came to cubism). In addition, in your bag you always carried your favorite blue sketchbook in which you drew tiny thoughts or things you noticed while walking, working or drinking coffee in a cafe.
That day, however, you were sitting quietly on one of the chairs in the funeral parlor, and the Undertaker was also sitting nearby – he was writing names with concentration, calculating in his mind the number of deaths in the last month and year.
His calm face was really handsome from your perspective; the faint light of the lantern caressed his pale complexion, and his green eyes full of mischief stood out behind his fair hair. Every now and then you glanced at the tall man, then your eyes focused again on the small notebook whose pages were blank. I mean, they were not all empty; some of them had sketches of dogs on them, others sketches of flowers, and others featured the figure of a tall Grim Reaper.
When you finished your illustration, you smiled and nodded, satisfied with your work. A beautiful play of light, self-confident pencil strokes and small additions in the form of ivy and rosemary beautifully composed the whole black-grey picture of Adrian.
“Excause me, darling...?” You whispered hesitantly, not wanting to interrupt his work. Nevertheless, the man quickly looked in your direction and a wide smile appeared on his face.
“Yes, my little flower.” He asked, instantly standing up and forgetting about the paperwork – you were definitely more interesting than the dead, after all. You showed him your drawing with a slight blush on your face and he opened his mouth in slight shock. “It’s me?” You nodded, and the Grim Reaper just chuckled. “Am I really THAT handsome?” He joked and you just rolled your both eyes. A short time later, Undertaker praised your talent, asking if you’d like to hang some of your sketches on the board next to the entrance.
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— JOSUKE (ft. playing drums)
More than five years ago, you and your three friends started a music band. Since then, you’ve been focused on making your dreams come true, on small concerts played in the Morioh, on school performances, also on learning notes and practicing singing. You were the drummer and leader of ‘CR△WL’; your vast musical knowledge, willingness to develop your passion and daily rehearsals aroused great admiration from the rest of the band and from people who watched your slowly growing career. Of course, Josuke was no exception, on the contrary – he considered himself your biggest and most faithful fan, who with the greatest pleasure went on dates with you to music shops or bookstores with records of old bands.
The young man was delighted every time you played the instrument – just like years ago in your garage when you first played ‘Paranoid’ by Black Sabbath for him. He was smitten and would come over to your house to listen to your covers or help you make a video for your YouTube channel (you were pretty popular for tutorials, trivia, and drum videos).
“...Y/N, Y/N. Would you be able to play this song?”
That day, Josuke visited your house once again. Your mom made you two some snacks, and you grinned as you practiced another song for an upcoming concert at one of the smaller festivals this summer. Your boyfriend seemed to be excited like never before, so you asked what is the title of mentioned song. Hearing the familiar words, you just smiled, nodding your head in response.
Instantly, your both hands and right foot began to beat the drums, which making the dark-haired teenager’s face look very surprised.
“Y/N... You really know every song on this planet!”
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— ROHAN (ft. rapping)
Karaoke, bowls full of ice cream and fruit, carbonated drinks, hot snacks and great company were what you’ve been missing for the last few weeks. Focused on studies and work, you didn’t have time to rest properly; but you finally met with your closest friends and you also took Rohan with you.
You had a great time gossip with besties who talked about changes in their lives and new achievements, for example, at work. You were telling about your experiences as well with a huge smile, while Rohan was sitting right next to you, talking to some people from time to time. He wasn’t interested in large gatherings, but he couldn’t say ‘No’ to you either because you were too sweet that evening.
Suddenly, one of Cardi B’s songs was played in the background and you almost squealed.
“Ooooh, I see that someone want to sing, huh?” The blonde haired girl asked, and you just laughed, thanking her for the black microphone.
Rohan almost spit at his new shirt as soon as you started rapping the verses without any problems, without even looking at the screen where the lyrics were displayed. You had a great time dancing a bit in the middle of the small room. You looked at your partner with a smirk, sometimes sending a kiss or wink in his direction. You were literally in your world; you showing your energy and love for music so perfectly.
Rohan was really surprised.
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inkpot909 · 9 months
Josuke is a very meticulous vinyl record owner. He cleans them often and never stacks them horizontally (Josuke’s certainly whined to his mother about her mindlessly doing so). Considering he’s always proud of the money he saves, he’s by extension also quite happy with the vinyl he does own. Whenever he does finally retreat into his bedroom at the end of a night, he’s listening to music almost constantly. Therefore, he uses his record player quite often, and is in part the reason as to why he’s so aware of their playable condition.
Being best friends with a person like Josuke doesn’t leave much room to not become wary of one’s vinyl record habits. Okuyasu lives that reality. When he started buying records, he simply figured you put them in a box to keep them all together and... that was pretty much it. He’s gradually grown more careful over how he handles them, though. Sometimes Okuyasu will poke fun at Josuke for his music taste “not being delinquet enough.”
It wasn’t until after Josuke and Rohan gifted Koichi a handful of vinyl records that he went out to purchase a record player in the first place. Generally, he prefers to listen to a radio station more than anything else. It’s not that he isn’t picky about music, (he’s really not but wishes to better refine his own taste) it’s just much more convenient. He’s a music chameleon, listening to whatever people around him prefer. Because of this, Koichi’s preferfences skip across vastly different genres and come across as rather unfocused- and by extension, his record collection does as well.
With the amount of free space available in his house, Rohan has a specific room solely dedicated to his vast vinyl record collection. He’s very precise about the placement of everything he owns, having all his records organized meticulously. Not only that, but he wouldn’t be caught dead owning a cheap record player. Is certainly high and mighty about his music taste; not ever considering that his opinion is flawed or simply objective in any way.
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baby-zakarii · 1 month
My favourite duo.... on an agere picnic.....
No words to express how much I love bby Rohan and mama Kyoka fr
Also Heaven's Door being a curious little guy!
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mahi-wayy · 28 days
thankyou <3
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• General • Romantic [both sfw and nsfw]
he has issues okay, like a lot of issues. raichands are NOT a normal family from any angle.
older sibling syndrome, attachment issues, self identity issues, anxiety, perfectionist behavior, self doubt, self loathing etc. the list goes on.
he needs a therapist.
anyways, is very close to his mother who by the way isn't as good as she looks in the movie. this has nothing to do with how I feel abt jaya bachchan I am talking abt nandini raichand here
she was relatively immature emotionally and not well accustomed to raichand household when rahul was adopted.
that made her very unsure of whether to emotionally handle herself or give it to her adopted son.
was very protective of him on some instances while other he was left totally unguarded emotionally and otherwise, that created a internal conflict in him.
the friction became clear crack in his sense of belonging and identity when he found out he was adopted. another exhibit of nandini and yash being shit parents, why was a eight year old able to find out he is adopted
by the time he reached say 12, rohan was born and the older sibling syndrome kicked it pretty fast. I will tell you why
see rohan was said to be a miracle child right? but him being born took a toll on nandini and yash is a absent father most of the time.
basically it a early teen rahul managing his baby brother and recovering mother along with daijaan before he eventually left for boarding school.
he was bullied in the said school for being shy, soft and goody-two shoes.
it gave rise to his anxiety issues and he had a handful attacks of it throughout his 10 years of board schooling.
when he came back from his boarding school he faced some sharp edged criticism for his conduct and how raichands weren't this meek and soft kind of, from yash.
it made him think a lot about himself and how "wrongly" different from his father, creating a sense of self doubt and self loathing in him.
It made him slowly change his whole style and come to be the confident, charming rahul we see in the movie.
he can cook really well.
has trouble sleeping, his life away from raichands very slowly nursed it to let him have some amount of sleep eventually but still it's hard for him to fall asleep.
has some degree high functioning depression.
makes the first move.
old school flirt.
buys flowers regularly.
can be clingy at times.
will cook for them whenever he gets the chance.
movie date nights.
gifts as love language
sleeps as big spoon.
he is sub leaning switch.
he might act all confident and stuff but in this original self he is a obident shy baby boy.
praise kink. to the point he can cry after being praised.
arcs his back while whimpering.
soft moaner.
sensitive ear-area and shoulders.
tags : @mayakimayahai @warnermeadowsgirl @vijayasena @voidsteffy @jkdaddy01 @rambheem-is-real @allari-ammayi @mellaga-karagani @ulaganayagi @ahamasmiyodhah @ranisingnewyetagian @myvarya @toomanyfanficsbruh @harinishivaa @chaliyaaa @tumharisakhi @ramcharantitties
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wordbunch · 1 year
SFW alphabet: Éomer
a/n: this was requested by anon, I think (I barely keep track of who requests what, SORRY 🥺) y’all really love the Rohan siblings (valid) because I already have an Éowyn alphabet as well 😁 anyway this man is so FINE. I hope you enjoy, let me know in comments or reblogs! 💖💖💖
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) He is quite affectionate, I feel like, and almost subconsciously. It’s basically second nature for him to just wrap his arms around you or press a tender kiss to your forehead. He’s confident enough to do that in front of everybody, and a couple times you’ve been caught by someone during some more  intimate moments and steamy exchanges of kisses… so you try to eventually keep it down a bit. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) excuse me, we’re not here to befriend him, we’re here to date him
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) He secretly likes to cuddle, but it isn’t a must. He wants to have you close as much as possible, but sometimes it’s just enough to have your head leaning on his shoulder or something similar. When the two of you do cuddle, his favorite position is when you lay half on top of him with your head on his chest. It makes him feel extra protective of his beloved.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) He does!!! He loves his home and he would love to stay there with the person he loves, although it would take a special person for him to 100% be down for it. I feel like he can be very charming around others, and after a couple drinks, even a bit flirty, but once you steal his heart, there’s nothing to worry about. He isn’t the best at household chores and stuff, he’s a very important person and a warrior, so he never did much of that, but he’s always willing to offer his time and assistance.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) It would be short, concise, to the point and very respectful, but afterwards he would grapple with his emotions in secret and wonder if he’d done the right thing. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) Éomer would take some time courting you, because he hadn’t been in a long, serious relationship before and he wants to properly test out the waters. He isn’t a player in the full sense of the word, but he could be generally flirty, especially if a drink was involved. But he knows better than to ever make you doubt your importance in his life and his love for you. The more he gets to know you, the more sure he becomes that he wants to be with you for the rest of his life.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) For sure he’s a bit rough around the edges, which is to be expected, considering his life and his environment. He’s definitely a very emotional and passionate person, but he’d dutifully learned how and when to keep it down. With you he can just be himself, openly express his feelings and shower you with affection. Sometimes he forgets his own strength and picks you up with surprising ease, making you giggle with surprise and delight.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) Yes, he likes them (who doesn’t, oh come on), but in public he will quickly side-hug you when you run into one another throughout the day, and he will save the long, comforting hugs for within your own four walls. In those moments his arms will envelope you completely, and you’re free to bury your head in his chest. It works perfectly as a remedy against bad days and negative emotions. He is tall and thus in a perfect position to kiss the top of your head.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) As previously stated, he takes a bit of time to settle into your new relationship, and his feelings for you also gradually grow. He vividly remembers the situation where you were helping in the House of Healing - how kind and skilled you were, how you treated everyone with respect… and he just stood there, secretly admiring you for a bit, and it helped him realize that he was properly in love with you.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) I see Éomer as a very jealous person, he’s not blind and he sees how beautiful you are and how people look at you, and sometimes even get a little too bold and too close for his liking. He has no problem stepping in, and sometimes he will even feel a little bitter about the whole situation, but you make sure to reassure him in private that you have no interest in anybody else, romantically. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) His kisses are always passionate, often surprising (he just can’t help it with the cute sound you make when he does that!), and sometimes even a bit rough, and like… urgent. A good old proper kiss on the lips is the way to his heart. Besides everywhere, obviously, he likes to quickly kiss you on your temple in passing by, or when you’re sitting side by side at a formal dinner and he just can’t help but admire you!
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) He’s pretty good, and kids love him too - he has cool armor, he is strong, he can fight and he is good with horses! He will always try his best to give the time of day to any little kid that approaches him with curiosity and admiration.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) He’s an early riser and a busy person. If he must leave immediately after waking, he will leave your quarters quietly, with a parting kiss on your forehead. However, both of you prefer to at least have some breakfast together - if not in bed, then at least in the dining hall - so he can start his day with you, and you can talk about your daily plans, or simply enjoy each other’s presence.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) He loves to whisk you away as soon as he’s free to do so, for some proper one on one time - horseback riding to your special spot, the best one for stargazing, yet secluded enough for decent privacy. This will usually result in you returning to your chambers very late in the night, and not getting as much sleep as you wish, but it’s totally worth it.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) He takes it step by step, over time of course you become more comfortable with one another and more open, and gradually he becomes able to talk to you about anything. Don’t get me wrong, he is always honest with you, but he wasn’t immediately ready to talk about his deepest feelings. But you’re very happy that his walls eventually came down. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) Oh this is a difficult one… he IS fiery, but he knows that, as a good leader, he must learn how to channel that into good things. You’re his safe space and it’s extremely rare he gets angry at you; maybe only if you act recklessly and land yourself into a potentially very dangerous situation. But even then his emotions are coming from a good place - he just doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) He is somewhere in-between remembering every detail and easily forgetting stuff. To be fair, he has a lot of responsibilities and he needs to keep a lot of information on his mind, but he will never forget the important things. Éomer is also humble enough to ask for you to remind him of something, though he does feel a bit embarrassed. You find it amusing rather than too frustrating, most of the time. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) He was pondering whether he should propose to you yet, how to bring up that topic in conversation, when and how to do it… when he heard your voice from a distance, talking to somebody else. Éomer got closer to check out the situation, and you were helping a small child who got lost in the vast halls. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, how sweet and protective you were being, but also logical and ready to take action. Maybe it’s not his favorite of all moments in the relationship, but it’s a very important one because it helped him make up his mind about asking for your hand as soon as possible.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) Éomer is definitely a very protective person, which partially comes from growing up with a younger sister. Even overprotective at times, he won’t hesitate to jump in and defend you verbally, physically or in any other way, even when the situation doesn’t necessarily call for it. You know he’s also anxious when you go horseback riding alone, because if you fall and no one is there to help you, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself. You don’t have many opportunities to be protective over him, but you do it in the form of comforting him after a tough situation or tending to his injuries.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) He does his best to give you at least one special date weekly, which you greatly appreciate, considering everything that he has to take care of day to day. When it comes to anniversaries and special celebrations, he is surprisingly sentimental and his gifts will, without fail, bring happy tears to your eyes (maybe Éowyn sometimes helps him, but that’s a secret). Many times he gave you flowers, or had them sent to your room, for no special reason except that he appreciates you. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) Taking a bigger load than he can bear, especially after the death of Théoden’s son - Éomer feels like he has to compensate for so many things, but it’s physically impossible to fill in the positions of other people. He will say yes to helping anyone and doing anything, but end up getting overwhelmed and lost in a pile of tasks. In those situations he is even more thankful for you because you know as soon as he’s pushing his limits and you, lovingly yet sternly, make him take a break.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) To be fair, he spends a lot of time with soldiers, fighting, and tending to horses so he doesn’t exactly find himself in an environment in which looks are a crucial aspect of him. He is proud of his hair and he will trim his facial hair, but not much concerns him except for that. He’s more concerned with his leadership and battle skills.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) It would be difficult and heartbreaking, certainly, but he wouldn’t feel necessarily incomplete. He’s self-assured, independent and strong, but he doesn’t even want to think about the possibility of losing you. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) Ever since he was a small child, he’s hated having his hair cut! He will only do it when it gets to a really annoying/impractical length, but either way he looks great, at least to you. However, more times than one you joined forces with Éowyn to tease him about it. Once she gave you a bunch of flowers, and you waited for Éomer to fall asleep soundly; then you braided his hair in intricate patterns and decorated it with the flowers… his facial expression upon realizing what you’d done was priceless!
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) He despises dishonesty so so much!!! He always wants you to be outright with him, even if it might hurt him. Because of that, it can be a bit difficult to prepare a birthday/anniversary surprise for him.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) Éomer needs surprisingly little sleep in order to be able to function properly all day - therefore, he usually falls asleep after you, and wakes up before you. Also when he sleeps, he is very very calm, he barely moves at all; you were actually a bit concerned the first time you witnessed it.
✨ taglist my beloved ✨ @lotrnonsense​​​​ @starlady66​​​​ @queenmeriadoc @entishramblings​​​​ @thesolarangel​​​​ @silversword7000​​​​ @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog​​​​ @averys-place​​​​ @valkyriepirate​​​​ @emmaarenstarr​​​​ @noldorinpainter​​​​ @asianbutnotjapanese​​​​ @adamgetawaydriver​​​​ @fenharel-enaste​​​​ @ironmandeficiency​​​​     @starryeyedrogue @dinofromspac3
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love-overdrive · 5 months
Haha silly Mary x Rohan comic....? More likely than you think....
CW: SFW but implied abusive childhood (in one panel) but it's all sweet I promise-
Also I'm crappy at art and especially at making comics please forgive me and my handwriting. More under the cut because this is like 12 pages. This is how they first met btw <3333
Taglist (if you would like to be added, please fill out this form here!): @iceicewifey @child-ofdust @chocochiamy @over--heaven
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Bonus sketch:
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moodybluezzz · 1 year
Sleepover - Rohan Kishibe x Reader
[Content: SFW, fluff, gender neutral Y/N, warning for description of nightmares/night terrors, fear, and Kira being creepy]
[Word count: 2.7k]
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How did I end up here? Standing on a mangaka's porch in the middle of the night?
You had lived in Morioh for your entire life - content with your peaceful, albeit lonely, routine. You found it surprisingly difficult to make friends in the small town, spending most of your time reading and drawing on your own instead. That is, until a year ago, when you crossed paths with a peculiar cast of characters and your life changed. You had recognized a few of the boys - Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi - since they attended school nearby and frequented many of the same shops and restaurants as you. However, your interest in the group spiked when you began hearing mutters of a killer on the loose, and strange beings known as "Stands" that held powers beyond your imagination. After running into the boys so many times, it began to feel as though fate was bringing you together somehow. One day you mustered the courage to start a conversation and managed to befriend the rowdy teens. From there you became part of the group, helping out however you could despite your lack of a Stand. As a result you also became familiar with Jotaro Kujo, a stoic man visiting Morioh to investigate the Stand Users, and Rohan Kishibe, a stubborn mangaka, each possessing Stands of their own and aiding in the mission.
From the start you couldn't help but find yourself drawn to Rohan, not only admiring his abilities but also seemingly tolerating his bold personality more than the rest of the group. Though you could admit he was a prick sometimes, you longed to get to know him even just a little more and felt comfortable around him nonetheless.
Now you were at Rohan's doorstep at 3am on a cold fall night, your arms wrapped tightly around yourself as you hoped that he heard your knocking. Ever since the fateful battle with Yoshikage Kira, you found yourself plagued with nightmares and a general nervousness about the town. It was as though Kira's evil spirit itself was haunting you. Tonight your nightmares were worse than usual, waking you terrified with no chance of falling back asleep. You hurried to the one person who was guaranteed to be awake at this hour - Rohan. Glancing nervously around the dark, you shuddered at the thought of some twisted Stand User leaping out of the darkness to torment you like Kira did to so many others. You knocked again, this time more frantic. Just as your mind began playing tricks on you in the darkness, Rohan opened the door. You leapt through the doorway, nearly into his arms, and he stepped back in surprise with an annoyed look.
"There must be a slumber party at my place tonight, did I miss the memo? Seriously, what are you doing, Y/N." He crossed his arms.
"I-I'm sorry, Rohan! It's just… I had a nightmare…"
"And you came here why?" Rohan stared at you skeptically.
"I thought… Maybe you would be able to help make sense of these dreams… You're into scary paranormal stuff, right?"
"Scary paranormal stuff. Right." He rolled his eyes. "Look, just close the door and come in." He sighed and started walking through his lavish living room and toward the kitchen. "Let's just sit down and chat." You followed carefully behind Rohan; All the lights were off due to the late hour. You had been here a few times before with the others but the mansion still never failed to impress you. You felt a brief wave of pity for Rohan, wondering if it ever got lonely living alone in such a big house.
At last you arrived at the kitchen, Rohan motioning for you to sit down at a candle-lit dining table. His sketchbook sat open in the flickering light - he must have been drawing before you arrived. He sat across from you, the warm light illuminating his face. He leaned down, resting his elbow on the table and his chin on his hand.
"So, tell me about these nightmares."
You did your best to describe the dreams, starting vaguely in worry that Rohan might not take you seriously. However, as you went on his expression changed to one of concern, inviting you to open up. You told him all about the horrors you faced at the hands of the Stand User in your dreams, the sleepless nights and the anxiety that washed over you as the sun set on Morioh each day. You stopped and sat in silence, shaken up by the mere memory of your nightmares. You fidgeted your hands nervously on the tabletop, before glancing up and meeting Rohan's deep green eyes. The candlelight made them shine brilliantly, and you couldn't help but get lost in them. You wondered what was going on in Rohan's mind as he stared into your soul. After a long moment you snapped out of it, averting your gaze and blushing.
"Stay here for the night." Rohan spoke firmly. "We can't have you running off in the middle of the night again. We have to get this fear out of you." You were shocked at his willingness to help you and ever-so-slightly excited. Rohan continued. "Your fear isn't irrational per say. We all remember what Yoshikage Kira did. But it's been a year since then and this paranoia can't go on. Maybe it'll help to get some rest knowing there's a Stand user in the house." He stood. "I'm going to make tea. If you want some, you can."
You watched as he swiftly brewed a small pot of tea, mesmerized by the way his body moved in the dim light. He was wearing a much more casual outfit than you were used to seeing, though it still reflected his extravagant fashion sense.
You wondered how many times he had done this, brewing tea for himself at some late hour to fuel his nighttime drawing sessions. Had he ever wished he had someone to share it with?
Rohan set two elegant teacups on the table and poured out some for each of you. "This will help you relax."
You waited for him to sit back down before taking a sip and sighing.
"This is the best tea I've ever had! Thank you, Rohan… Really…"
Rohan smirked. "It's just tea, nothing special." You were tempted to tell him it was special just for the fact he made it. However, you held back. You finished your tea quickly and Rohan set the dishes aside. "You should get to bed. I can see the exhaustion in your eyes."
You felt ever-so-slightly self conscious. "Where do you want me to sleep? I can take the couch if you'd like-"
"No, no. There's guest bedrooms upstairs. Let me show you the way."
You followed Rohan, hoping to finally enjoy a restful sleep. He opened a door just up the stairs and flicked on the light.
"Go on. Now get some sleep. My bedroom is right next door if you need to know where the bathroom is or something." You thanked him and he closed the door, leaving you alone. The room was decorated plainly yet elegantly, and the bed was made perfectly as though no one had ever slept in it. Maybe they hadn't. You shut off the light and plopped down on the mattress.
It's even softer than I expected!
Rohan was right - you must have really needed to catch up on rest. And you did feel safer knowing he was right next door. You fell asleep the moment your head hit the pillows.
A path lit only by flickering yellow streetlights.
Walking past rows of identical townhouses. This is Morioh.
Your footsteps echoing through the night.
Why are you here?
Footsteps that are not your own.
Faster footsteps. He's behind you.
Hands grabbing you from behind. Holding you back.
Can't turn around but you know who is there.
The figure of a creature emerging from the darkness ahead. A Stand.
Piercing pink eyes tearing into your soul. Gloved hands reaching out for you.
Kicking, screaming to no avail, screaming for Rohan. Help me, Rohan! He's got me!
He's a Killer Queen
Gunpowder, gelatine
Dynamite with a laser beam
Guaranteed to blow your mind.
"Y/N! Y/N, stop! You need to wake up!"
You finally came to, Rohan struggling to hold you still with a frustrated expression. You were kicking and screaming and begging Kira to let you go. You gradually processed what was happening and burst into tears, giving in and clinging to Rohan desperately. He was silent and still for a moment, before hesitantly resting his arms around you. You buried your face in his chest and gripped his back, not caring if he pushed you away and scolded you. However, Rohan stayed still and silent, taken aback by the sudden contact. He slowly wrapped his arms around you, searching for the right words.
"Just… breathe. You're safe, I promise." Your sobs gradually grew more sparse and eventually stopped altogether. You looked up at Rohan, your face hot and tear-stained. Something in his expression changed as he looked down at you.
Without a word he got up, grabbing your hand and guiding you off the bed and to your feet.
"Come to my room. Let me help you." You rubbed your eyes and followed him out of the room and into his own, looking over your shoulder into the darkness of the house every so often. You could just make out the shape of Rohan's bed in the darkness. He sat down near the pillows and patted the spot in front of him. Once you joined him, he reached out and put his hands on your trembling shoulders.
"I didn't want to have to jump to this, but let me use my Stand to help you. Heaven's Door can erase all of this." You shuddered. You were present when Rohan used his Stand in the past - a clever yet invasive power. He had noticed how much it intimidated you and avoided using it on you until now. You gulped.
"It will only take a moment, and when you open your eyes everything will be okay."
You scooted closer to Rohan and nodded, closing your eyes. He focused his gaze on you and whispered.
"Heaven's Door!"
Your consciousness faded as Rohan laid you down and opened your mind like a book. You felt… vulnerable. But at this point you didn't mind. As long as you were in Rohan's hands, everything was okay.
It felt like only an instant passed before you opened your eyes. Your mind felt unexplainably clearer. You looked up at Rohan, who was sitting beside you, his legs hanging off the side of the bed.
"...I made some edits. I didn't completely wipe your memory of the dreams - I didn't want you waking up wondering how you ended up in my bed. That would've been a pain to explain. But you won't be having any more. Okay?"
You nodded, relieved. It was as though your fear was erased - literally.
Rohan gazed off into the darkness for a long moment.
"...Why are you so intrigued by me?"
In your panic you had completely forgotten that Heaven's Door allowed Rohan to read all of your thoughts - and you had no doubt he did some snooping. You hesitated to answer. There was just something about Rohan - his attitude, his outfits, his talent, the way he directed his dry jokes at you when you were with the others because he seemed to know you'd get it the most. You knew there was more to him than the cold front he put up in public, and you wanted to find it. And you had to admit, he was attractive…
"Heh. I guess I didn't have to ask. I bet right now you're thinking of the very things I already saw." You scrambled for an excuse before Rohan reached down and turned your chin toward him. You blushed hard and stared into his eyes, their emerald hue just visible in the dark. He leaned down close.
"This is what you imagined I would do when we were in the kitchen, is it not?"
He so knew what he was doing to you, though he kept his poker face all the while. You couldn't deny you liked it deep down.
"Tell me." Rohan whispered firmly. You turned, facing away from him in embarrassment. You felt him lean over you, his face mere inches from yours.
"Your silence speaks volumes."
He pulled back and laid down on the other side of the large bed. Your heart raced as you debated whether to turn over and try to explain yourself or leave him be. You decided not to dig yourself into an even bigger hole, closing your eyes and focusing on getting back to sleep instead.
Just as you began to drift off, you felt a weight shift on the bed behind you, followed by a firm chest on your back and arms wrapping carefully around your body. You opened your eyes, wondering if you were dreaming.
"What are you doing, Rohan?" You mumbled tiredly.
The man was silent at first before leaning close to your ear. You could feel his warm breath on your neck - an indescribable sensation shooting down your body. You gasped quietly.
"I'm just going to protect you for the night. Don't get too excited." Rohan snuggled closer, spooning your whole body in his. "Besides, you wanted to be closer to me, right? Well now you are." He whispered smugly, a teasing tone in his voice.
You closed your eyes, taking in the feeling of Rohan's tall, slim body against yours.
You broke the silence. "There's just… Always been something that made me want to be special to you…"
Rohan was silent for a moment.
"You are special to me."
Your heart fluttered as you took in his words. Deep down you hoped he would say more, but he held back. Stubborn as always.
"...Goodnight, Y/N."
You fell asleep to the feeling of Rohan's hands running soothingly along your side, and up and down your arms. You had no dreams that night.
When you woke you were alone in the bed. You could hear the faint sound of dishes clinking in the kitchen downstairs. Rohan must have gotten up before you (unsurprisingly, the guy seemed to never sleep.) You laid there for a moment, enjoying the warm sunlight pouring through the windows and the lingering smell of Rohan's expensive cologne in the air. For a moment you had to ask yourself if last night was a dream. You sat up, realizing you hadn't brought a change of clothes.
Your eyes settled on Rohan's closet.
You opened the tall sliding doors to reveal a walk-in closet packed with designer clothes. You scanned through the shelves - some outfits you easily recognized, others you had never seen him wear at all. You settled on a comfy white sweater and pants to match. His clothes were ridiculously baggy on you due to your height difference, but they were certainly comfortable.
You headed downstairs to find Rohan finishing breakfast, two plates waiting on the table. He glanced up at the sound of your footsteps and his eyes widened.
"W-Where did you get those!?" You couldn't help but giggle at his surprised expression.
"I forgot to bring a change of clothes, I hoped you wouldn't mind," you said in a sweet but teasing tone. Rohan crossed his arms.
"Fine. Just sit down, your food is going to get cold." You swore you heard him mumble: "You're lucky you're cute."
A tense silence filled the room as you ate. How could you have gotten so up close and personal last night but feel so awkward now? Every once in a while Rohan stole a quick glance at you and your outfit; he must have thought you didn't notice but you most certainly did.
Finishing your food, you looked up at Rohan. "Thank you for helping me last night. Really. I slept better than I have in… Well… at least a year." Rohan kept his eyes on his plate, but you couldn't help but catch a blush cross his face.
"...Don't mention it."
Josuke and Okuyasu walked casually down the road as they headed home from school. Okuyasu perked up. "Hey, aren't we about to pass Rohan's house? I wonder what he's been up to."
Josuke frowned. "Oh yeah, you're right." I'd rather not know honestly... He quickened his steps before Okuyasu put a hand on his shoulder.
"Oi, Josuke! Isn't that Y/N over there?" Josuke looked up, spotting you walking home from Rohan's house.
Okuyasu squinted. "Since when did Y/N dress so fancy! Wait... Don't those clothes look familiar…?"
The two slowly turned to each other.
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