#roided meat
justanofficeworker · 2 months
Simon's Mean ass girlfriend gets hit on
Soft!Simon x Mean!reader
Tw: foul language(?)
You and Simon have been dating for 6 months and its going soo good. He treats you like a princess, spoiling you with shopping trips and your favorite snacks. On one such shopping trip you get hit on. Actually, its more like you get accosted. As the two of you are walking out of a lingerie store, buying something for Simon to peel off you later, some roided out misfit walks right into you, no excuse me or nothing.
"Excuse, i think you owe my bird here an apology" Simon admonishes, honestly he was just surprised at the nerve of this guy. "Apologize for what? Maybe if your kept your pocket rocket at home I wouldn't have tripped." the guy sneers as he looks at you with a piece of meat. You did not fuck with the vibes this due was emitting so you did what any self respecting girl would do. You hand your lovely boyfriend your bags, take of your earrings and proceed to rock this man's shit. you just fully beat the brakes off this motherfucker.
Soon enough mall security is approaching the small crowd that has gathered to watch you pummel this man. After they pry you off him, you end up getting of with a warning and not a ban from the mall. Which is good since you don't want to get banned from another one. -_-
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angelsanarchy · 5 months
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Fever Dreams: Mike x Y/N One Shot Series PRT 09
Tagging: @icarus-star @chainsawgvtsfvck @romanroyapoligist @liquidsmoothdomme @madamemaximoff06 @drazenka @blacksoul-27 @444rockstargf @kappasbbgirl @luzclarita57 @tempt-ress
Mike had gotten in a little later than he expected but when he went upstairs to get a fork to eat his dinner, he found Leff was also sitting at the table eating. He sat down next to him and started eating silently for a few moments before Leff let out a sigh.
"Why is it that I was eating in peace not even 5 minutes ago and then you sit down and I can tell you want to chat about something." Leff looked at Mike.
"I didn't even say anything." Mike pointed out.
"It's the way you carry yourself, like you got fucking emotional baggage that wafts off you. It drives me nuts." Leff put his beer to his lips and Mike chuckled.
"I might have emotional baggage but you're fucking wound up like a fucking drum man. Relax a bit. Enjoy your gruel." Mike tossed his head towards Leff's food which looked strange.
"I'll be sure to let Y/n know you think her food is gruel you prick." Leff said as he went back to eating it.
"Y/n cooked that for you?" Mike asked in disbelief.
"Yeah she knows how to cook and I don't have time so when she makes extra she gives it to me. Don't put your hands on what's left. I'm eating that tomorrow." Leff warned.
"What even is it?" Mike made a face and Leff rolled his eyes.
"It's beef stew and potatoes. What are you fucking blind?" Leff tilted the bowl down and Mike shrugged.
"I don't have a lot of home cooked meals man, relax." Mike chuckled.
"Yeah well all that bullshit fast food will kill you. You know we got that fucked up heart shit in this family." Leff looked back down into his bowl and kept eating.
"I don't know how heart health meat and potatoes is." Mike watched Leff cut his eyes at him and he put his hands up in defeat.
"Can I ask you a question without you losing your shit?" Mike tried and Leff dropped his fork in his bowl.
"Can a man just eat food in his own kitchen without being pestered?" Leff looked annoyed but Mike continued.
"Mom...how the hell did she hook up with Y/n? I mean she wasn't a..." Mike trailed off unsure of whether he wanted to know if his mom was a stripper or not but Leff shook his head.
"No God no. I'd have kicked her ass. She was buying out of the club that Y/n worked at. Y/n would stumble across her when she was leaving and make sure she hadn't OD'ed in the alleyway. Eventually I had to give her my number so I could pick her up from the hospital or her apartment." Leff explained looking a little more mellow when talking about his sister and Y/n.
"So she just decided to take on Mom in active addiction just because?" Mike didn't believe everyone had simple goodness in them, especially not in New York. He had only been here for a while and he had been cussed out more in the last few weeks than in his entire life.
"You know how your mom was. She could make friends with anyone. She was always gabbing with strangers. Y/n just happened to be the one she liked to talk to." Leff scrapped the bottom of his bowl.
"Y/n told me that mom wanted me to meet her so we could date." Mike said watching Leff's face carefully.
"You couldn't handle a woman like Y/n, man. She's got baggage to the 11th degree." Leff snorted.
"Everyone has baggage." Mike returned knowing that he's not the picture of a perfect date either. Leff focused his gaze at his nephew.
"Baggage that would crush you...her exboyfriend was that hulk sized bodyguard at ER's place. The one who stood silently and wanted to murder me with his fucking eyes. He's a roided out piece of shit who considers prison time a vacation." Leff explained.
"Well it's not like I would take her out to a strip club Leff." Mike chuckled and Leff shook his head.
"She used to get the shit kicked out of her Mikey. The amount of times she called for your mom and I was picking her up bruised and bloody was beyond the number of times you've had a cigarette." Leff pressed making Mike look at him. He could actually see some sympathy in Leff's eyes, which was rare.
"I'm not a shitty guy though. Maybe she could use someone like me." Mike suggested.
"I'm telling you, move on man. That's not a scab you should be picking at." Leff pushed up from the table and tossed his bowl in the sink before leaving Mike sitting at the kitchen table alone.
He looked at his takeout and suddenly realized he didn't have much of an appetite. He knew that he could treat a woman right in a relationship. He had never put hands on one in his life. He didn't believe in it but for some reason, Leff made it seem like Y/n was too broken for someone who wasn't as rough as she was.
He knew Leff would be pissed if he kept bringing up the idea of pursuing Y/n but he didn't care. He was grown and so was she. Mike wanted nothing more than to treat her how she should be treated.
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distortionposting · 1 month
Shirts And Skins
Jared Hopworth x Stranger!Danny Stoker
Running a gym is harder than expected, but especially when unpleasant clients start causing trouble.
TWs- homophobia (dw it's some rando but queer is used as a slur once), internalized homophobia, canon typical flesh and stranger content (body horror and implied cannibalism)
Also I'm American and know absolutely nothing about gym culture so don't come at me, I just wanna write gay stories lol
"What the hell is that tiny twink doing in here?"
The question caught Jared off guard as he snapped out of his daze. He had spaced out while sitting at the reception desk, like he typically did when things were boring. His gym may have been a front to feed on fear, but he still had to run the place like a proper business, boring or not. It had been a longtime dream of Jared's to own a gym, he just hadn't expected running it to be quite so... dull. At least something seemed to be happening now?
"What's going on...?" Jared rumbled groggily, punctuating his question with a yawn. He hadn't sensed any change in the insecurity levels permeating the place, so it wasn't affecting his fear farming. No decreases, so he didn't need to mess with the lights or the music, and no increases, which meant one of the plentiful victims was ready for "harvest." Things were just... blah.
"Are you fucking stupid? I'm asking you what the hell this guy is doing in here!" The irate man, whose biceps were the same size as his shiny bald head, gestured toward a slender figure on the treadmill, wearing a shirt with stripes on it. He wasn't sure what it was, but Jared figured it was some kind of pride flag. He had a hard time keeping up with which one was which, so he never bothered with it. Gender and sexuality hardly mattered when everyone was a walking meat slab. (Though he did admire the dedication some had in the quest to obtain the perfect body.)
Jared watched the stranger jog for a moment, saw no immediate issue with his form, then looked blankly back at the client making the nebulous complaint. This guy's steroids were probably affecting his brain. Clients did get easier to persuade into new shapes after a while of using the stuff, though, but that also meant their tempers got worse and worse... Which meant Jared had to keep them in check.
The man stared at Jared expectantly, gesturing toward the treadmill once again, a little more rude this time. Without a beat, Jared answered. "Well, it looks like he's getting a better leg workout than you. Should work on that too, you look like you've skipped a couple leg days." The swell of self-consciousness coming off his customer made Jared grin. This guy could be sent over the edge from client to victim soon, Jared could practically taste it. These types of gym bros had such frail egos, which made it so easy to mess with them. Essentially, with lax gym rules, they flocked to this place like a fly to honey. It was like working at a fear buffet, and so long as he kept the lights on, he'd never have to worry about his next meal again. Those meatheads that ditched him for the ritual didn't know what they were missing. Not to mention he thought the whole ritual plan was stupid in the first place, a meat hole lacked any kind of imagination. It's like they didn't even try.
A shout from the other side of the room pulled Jared out of his residual anger regarding his recent abandonment, and he quickly realized that the guy he was mocking a second ago was about to go full 'roid rage. Lax rules or not, a fight would attract unwanted attention. Annoyed with the whole situation already, Jared hoisted himself out of his seat and pushed past the growing crowd of gym rats. He was fully prepared to wrench the tinier man from the larger patron's grasp, but to his surprise, the smaller of the two seemed to be holding his ground. This could get interesting.
In this very moment, Danny was facing down the goliath who had unceremoniously turned his treadmill off, pulling the plug at the source. At first he had assumed it was some sort of emergency, like a small personal object had rolled underneath the track, or even an electrical fire, but this was not the case. No, this asshole was just looking for a fight. Danny was hardly bothered, though, he'd been confronted by men this size before and thrown them for a loop, easy-peasy. The big lunk seemed awfully cocky too... Danny decided that a quick stretch wouldn't hurt, especially while this asshole was trying and failing to intimidate him.
"Are you even listening to me?! I said I want you outta my gym, fucking queer!" The man snarled, attempting to shove Danny back mid-stretch. Fortunately, Danny found it all too easy to evade his touch by purposefully dropping to the floor like a rag doll. Not far from the truth of the matter, he thought, contorting himself to be standing on all fours. It was in that very second that Jared realized that he had a Stranger in his gym, and that things were about to get weird.
The instigator stared at Danny in pure shock, and Danny seized the opportunity to have a little fun.
"I'd be listening if you had anything interesting to say!" He twisted his torso around a full 180 degrees, his legs following as if it were an afterthought. At this sight, a handful of the customers bolted out the door. "At least you noticed something right, big boy~" Danny winked at the man, laughing as his opponent's face got redder and redder. Jared wondered if the man might explode if his blood pressure got too high.
Unable to hold back panic and rage any longer, the man attempted to punt the Stranger in front of him, only managing to graze Danny as he deftly somersaulted backward and subsequently skittered up the shelf holding the hand weights, like some sort of feral animal. Danny goaded him on, throwing his head back and laughing between moments of making kissy noises. The man wasn't having any of that, and before anyone else could stop him, he hurled one of the benches in Danny's general direction. Unfortunately for Jared's wallet, the man missed his intended target and knocked down an entire row of exercise bikes, which fell with a terrible crunching noise.
"Alright, everyone get the fuck out of here." Jared bellowed, sending whatever bystanders were left running. They had seen Jared mad a handful of times, and knew better than to stand up to him. Jared was an enormous man, towering over even the strongest power lifter among them. Those who stood against him either disappeared completely or were hospitalized with severe injuries. Danny, however, knew no such fear, and continued his reign of chaos by launching himself directly onto his foe. The man attempted to avoid the sudden blow by turning away from his attacker, only for Danny to cling to the straps of his tank top like a maniacal little rodeo clown. The man scrambled to pull Danny off his back, but was unable to get a proper grasp on him. Bodybuilding came with an unfortunate price: his arms were so swollen that he could no longer reach the small of his back.
Jared attempted to pull the man back toward the office, but lost his grip when the man threw himself backward against the wall instead, desperate to get Danny off his back. Danny didn't seem to be in any distress at all as he was slammed repeatedly against the bricks, but in all fairness, he was gathering a good amount of fear from this nonsense. Jared cursed under his breath, pissed about what he was about to do, but there wasn't enough time to hesitate. The longer this fight went on, the more likely someone was gonna call the police. It had to be shut down RIGHT NOW.
With a single fluid motion, Jared ripped his baggy t-shirt off as easily as if it were made of tissue paper. What might have appeared as a beer gut beneath his tee (though he was not slender by any means) was actually a well hidden second set of arms, equally strong as his openly visible set. Mourning one of the few shirts that fit him decently well, Jared threw himself into the scuffle. His lower set of arms deftly grabbed the instigator's wrists, while his right hand gripped the man's throat, pinning him firmly against the wall. The remaining left hand pried Danny off the man's back as if he were a scruffed kitten. This was done with far less force considering Danny hadn't started this whole incident in the first place... and because most of Jared's strength was being put towards holding the bigot down.
Danny looked Jared up and down, the momentary peace finally giving him the chance to actually see the gym owner up close. Ripped, shirtless, and real handsy, Danny thought, realizing it was an excellent chance to shoot his shot.
"Finally!" He exclaimed, "A man who knows how to handle me!" A sly grin crossed Danny's face as he spoke. "You can handle me anytime. Nice grip."
Jared went bright red, his grasp on the human tightening out of surprise, the tendons in his hand bulging out. The suddenly strangled man gargled in protest, all the while Jared stared back at Danny, mouth hanging open. Girls had tried fawning over Jared a thousand times before, but this felt different. He couldn't figure out why, though... maybe it was all three of his hearts fluttering in unison. He tried desperately to ignore it, which was a little easier when the man he was holding down was trying to escape not one, but two monsters.
"Stop being so annoying, I'm trying to--" Jared growled as the man beneath him thrashed, to no avail against Jared's iron grip. "You know what? Fuck this."
Jared set Danny back on the ground, pointing at him, and then the front door. "Go lock the door and flip the closed sign for me while I shove this jackass in my office. I want a word with you." Danny saluted in response, which elicited a snort from Jared. The little guy was pretty funny, he couldn't deny that. Once everything was properly settled (aside from the muffled screams from the guy locked in the office), Jared sat down on one of the benches, gesturing for Danny to sit next to him. He tried to ignore his racing thoughts regarding the seating situation as well, shaking the idea and his shaggy brown hair out of the way.
"Sorry about your gym," Danny started, idly kicking his legs. "I didn't think I'd cause a scene so soon. I thought I was gonna mess with you, actually."
An abrupt half-snort, half-laugh escaped Jared's lips. Him? Scared? Impossible. "Yeah? " Jared challenged, grinning mischievously at the circus geek next to him. "What were you gonna do, huh?"
Flirtatiously walking his fingers up Jared's massive arm, Danny laid on the classic Stoker charm. "Oh, you know~ Wait until closing time, make you come over and tell me to leave, and just when you're about to tap me on the shoulder..." Danny suddenly let his upper half go slack, his neck hanging at an unnatural angle, like a marionette that suddenly had its strings cut. The surprise of it all made Jared laugh. It definitely wouldn't have scared him by any means, but it was still well executed.
"Hey, that's pretty good, man. The dead-eyed look sells it. Woulda scared the shit outta someone who didn't harvest organs for fun." Jared lightly elbowed him, prompting Danny to pull himself into a more natural position, giggling all the while. Man, that laugh was infectious.
"Do you want any of our extras? I mean, we try to use every bit at the Circus, but even Nikola doesn't really know what to do with a spare gallbladder-- Anyway, I could bring some to you as an apology for wrecking your place? Say... tomorrow at closing time?" Danny looked up at Jared with wide, sparkling eyes. Maybe a little too wide, revealing a sliver of the plastic that kept his frame together.
Jared didn't know what to say. Nobody had offered him anything before. In his life so far, if he wanted something, he had to get it himself, regardless of how legal it might be. It took clawing tooth and nail to get his gym, and he committed plenty of murder in the process. Yet here this Stranger was, wandering directly into his hunting grounds, and apologizing for causing trouble. To say it was a touching gesture was an understatement. Blinking in complete shock, Jared managed to blurt out an astonished "Yes??"
Danny squealed in pure joy, throwing himself against Jared in as big a hug he could give the man. It ended up closer to Danny face-planting himself against Jared's bare chest. Jared blushed again, staring at Danny momentarily before awkwardly giving him a pat on the shoulder. Were all Stranger avatars this touchy-feely? It wasn't that he hated it (though he'd never admit it), it just so happened that Jared wasn't used to this kind of contact. When his ex-friends were still around, the most positive contact he would get was a slap on the back. All of this was so new.
It took a moment of skin-to-peeled-skin contact for Danny to suddenly realize that Jared no longer had a shirt as a result of all the mayhem that had occurred mere minutes ago. Sure enough, the remaining shreds of it laid pitifully on the floor. The idea coagulated quickly in Danny's mind, and he gave Jared's chest a firm, friendly slap. Damn, this guy was solid as a rock under all that muscle.
"I can get you a new shirt too! The Circus is very good with a needle and thread, see?" To prove his point, Danny held his arm up to display his seams, which were almost impossible to see unless you were looking extremely close. Jared had to admit, it was pretty impressive.
"That'd be great," Jared confessed, "Pretty hard to find stuff I like in my size. Or anything in my size, really. Liked that shirt, too."
With a sense of determination, Danny picked up what remained of the shirt to keep as a template. By god, he was going to make things up to this man. "Then it's settled!" Danny announced triumphantly, "I'll bring you dinner and some new clothes tomorrow night, sound good?"
"Er- uh, yeah, sure." Jared stumbled over both his words and emotions, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "And, uh. You don't have to worry about seeing that guy ever again, I'll take care of him." A skillful press to his chin urged a sharp set of teeth forward, tusks much like a boar's erupting from his lower jaw. A crack of the neck, a shake of the head, and Jared looked like a new man.
"On the same note, wanna thank you for finding me an early lunch. Meat is meat, y'know." Jared chuckled and gestured back toward his office, where the locked door was being rattled desperately by the man trapped behind it. His fear was already delectable, but there was nothing like sinking your teeth into a nice, juicy cut of muscle and sinew. Something of a rare treat these days.
He had already thought Jared was particularly attractive, but the sharp teeth stopped Danny dead in his tracks. Sure, he was playfully flirting with the Flesh avatar before, but that smile had him falling hard and fast. If he had a heart, surely it would have been beating in double time. How was he hotter as a monster?! Danny was so doomed. He didn't even know if this man liked guys! Hell, they hadn't even exchanged names yet!
Fuck it, it was now or never. Danny awkwardly stuck his hand out to Jared for a handshake. You know, the most normal thing to do when you want to date a guy. He was already mentally kicking himself, but it was way too late to take this back now. "You can call me Danny."
"Jared," he grunted in reply, his enormous hand engulfing Danny's as he gave a firm shake. "Names don't mean much to me these days, so it's whatever." This made Danny giggle, perplexing Jared in the process.
"Sorry, sorry!" Danny continued to giggle, "It's just, you sound more like the Circus than I do with the whole name thing. My name's the only thing that sticks with me. Nikola says I'm a special case." He shook his head bashfully, letting his arms swing idly at his sides. "You're uh, you belong to Viscera right?"
"That's a real big word when all you gotta say is Flesh. That's me though. The Boneturner." The way Jared enunciated his title could have given Danny the shivers. Why was he so hot??? Even if this guy wasn't interested in men, his looks were going to haunt Danny's thoughts for the rest of his existence.
The electric lights buzzed around them as the tension grew thicker. There was definitely something blossoming between them, though neither could put it to words so soon. The door behind them continued to shake as its occupant tried to free himself.
"You, uh, you should probably take care of that guy, huh?" Danny gave an awkward smile, fidgeting with the t-shirt fabric in his hands. Jared nodded in agreement, feeling the hunger beginning to gnaw at him. The anticipation of a good meal practically had him drooling.
"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then...?" Jared trailed off, barely able to tear his eyes away from Danny as he spoke. It was so odd to see a Stranger with such an athletic physique, and the very concept was intriguing to him. Hopefully he'd learn more about him under less hectic circumstances.
"It's a date!" Danny beamed, bouncing on his toes as he made his way toward the door. "Maybe next time you can meet me at my place for gymnastics rehearsal! Bye, handsome~"
And before Jared could protest with so much as a 'no homo', Danny was out of the building. The thought of it festered in the back of his mind as he closed the gym up early. He thinks I'm handsome, was the first concept to sink in, offering a considerable ego boost. Danny saw him passing as a human and a bit of his monstrous form, and it didn't change his opinion a bit. The last time he heard that was from his surrogate mother, Angela, and mothers were basically obligated to say such things, even if she wasn't his real mother. She was just the avatar who helped him get back on his feet again, that's all.
The other phrase took a bit longer to grapple with, It's a date. Jared wasn't completely sure if Danny had meant it in a romantic sense or not, but considering the handsome comment that followed, it seemed pretty damn gay. Was Danny flirting with him? The feelings around that were incredibly murky. On one hand, it was just the two of them who knew, and nobody would ever find out... on the other, if it ever got out, his reputation could be destroyed in an instant, like his father would say. He never quite understood why his father hated queers so much, but the countless news stories and videos of the violence towards them were frightening enough that Jared had tried very hard not to be anything like that. He had wanted to make his father proud.
Granted, he had been kicked out for the weird magic bone book instead. The fear was still there, though.
You know what, Jared suddenly decided, This is too much to think about on an empty stomach or three. He had left his meal stewing in fear for long enough, it was high time he had a bite. This doubt was due to low blood sugar, surely that was it. Yeah, he'd be fine, the gay thoughts would go away if his head was clear. Definitely.
Forcing himself to relax, the crackle of bone could be heard beneath layers of muscle. The sharp edges jutted out of Jared's skin deliberately, just as artfully as he had intended. The perfect form was never quite complete by design, but he always did feel better appearing precisely how he wanted in the moment. He was bone-chilling, threatening, and no one in the world would ever dare touch him. Even better, he'd be able to show off the truly terrifying look to his latest victim.
Bon Appétit.
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testoster0ne · 8 days
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helenofsimblr · 10 months
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Francine: So, we graduated, we got to party right? Do you agree?
Elita: Sarah couldn’t help but notice Francine’s eyebags and how she was overdoing the makeup to cover her increasing pale pallor. 
Sarah: I-if y-you're up to it. I-I k-know y-you've b-been w-working hard l-lately and y-you seem t-tired. If n-not we c-could m-movie n-night p-pamper-fest, in-instead.
Francine: Not for this honey, three years of pain and headaches. So... I have a brilliant plan. Kira’s club!
Sarah: Y-you w-want to go t-there? B-But the danger?!
Francine: Oh please, there’s no danger… look, thing is, I go to all these swanky lounges with Arnold, I've been to posh wine bars with you. I just want to go somewhere that smells of vomit, the air is choked up with smoke, and the booze is nasty if not cheap. A proper dive. But with appropriate security, they have bouncers, and dangerous dancers!
Sarah: Y-you k-know my a-asthma… But, I-if y-you r-really want to t-though… Is it a-atleast m-male d-dancer night?
Elita: She was trying really hard to make Francine happy. But Francine had made up her mind.
Francine: Sarah honey, I stopped smoking so we could live together, you have had years of smoke free living. It's just one night. And yes they have a few guys there.
Sarah: I a-appreciate w-what you d-did f-for me. It r-really was g-good for y-you too. Ok. L-let's go. It's t-the l-least I c-can do to try t-to h-have f-fun.
Francine: Exactly... have you heard about Guy?
Sarah blushes 
Sarah: U-uh. Y-yeah. He m-made pr-professor al-already. I k-knew he w-was s-smart b-but th-that is c-crazy s-smart. He- uh... i-is d-different.
Francine: I saw a photo of him on Isaac's page... he never updates his own anymore or he blocked me... Sarah, he's enormous. He must be doing drugs or something. I mean, he's gotta be shooting himself up with roids or something. I doubt... never mind. It's his body and his life... if he wants to drug himself into some massive meat head, that's up to him.
Sarah:  H-he is very L-large
Francine: What the hell is wrong with him!? Damned vain selfish bastard. 
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jocksid · 1 year
Jock Sid
Welcome to my little corner of lusting for masculine men in all their iterations. If you knew me as Bros in the Closet, then I'm afraid to say my old blog was nuked. I'm not gonna reupload my old content, I'll just push forward. In fact, I'm gonna take this opportunity to change up my themes a little. Rationalize the ones that are very similar, get rid of some that don't interest me anymore, and maybe try to do things with a bit more depth and complexity, in the vain of Homolania or Jocked. For now, if you want in-depth descriptions of my current hashtags, check out my website.
In the meantime, check out my Twitter (https://x.com/Jocksid). Or my published works, if you're so inclined (Amazon).
My novel :)
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My other published stories;
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Rapid fire, these are what my themes are about:-
Pure fantasy
#homolania, the land governed by the Party under the rule of Homofascism that mandates all citizens be gay with dire consequences if they're not; #poundtown - an all-gay town and the sexual shenanigans that go on there; #bullbarn is an institute that hires "bulls" - high-T alpha men who are paid to breed (mpreg); #man&boiwife, for alpha husbands who take omega bois as wives to breed them to build large families of sons (mpreg)
#jocked follows Coaches who train young men to be gay jocks, bulls or cheerleaders; #gymbros is about my boi Mark who makes sexual sport of the men at the Warriors of Sparta gym; #brocode codifies rules of life for sexually confused bros to keep them honest and bro (only not); #pornstarstateofmind for all men taken by egosexuality and sexual narcissism; #boyswillbeboys, cause won't they?
At your service
#diaryofagoodboi, the cummings and cummings of a good boi - a service-oriented man who devotes his life to pleasing other men; #himbosRus, for all the dumb-dumb himbos out there who just wanna be good sluts for men; #yourbigdumbboyfriend is about your boyfriend, who's very big and very dumb.
Just gay things
#gaychad makes clear that gay men can be alphas, and how! #asktell, as in don't ask, don't tell, for closeted men who engage in gay sex, often with other closeted men, and don't want anyone to know about it; #dadsandlads, for every guy who's thought the word "daddy" and got hard; #straightmate is good-natured straight men engaging sexually with their gay friends.
Getting toxic
#worshipyourbully focuses on bullies and the fuckmeat who service them; #topsrule deprecates bottoms and puts tops on a pedestal; #conquered puts one man under the heel of another, usually in some kind of role-reversal (for instance, a younger man domming an older man).
My packs
Finally, I like writing about groups of men (packs) who live in dens and follow certain codes of ethics; #fenris for all the wolves who seek loyal brotherhood above all else; #tauron for all the dirty, filthy beasts; #ares for the toxic fuckbois who only top; #meatheads for all the roided pieces of muscle meat; #cerise for butch bottoms who live to make tops their bitches; #orion for beautiful, prissy stars; #summer for the drones who want to surrender their individuality to the hive; #liberius for black kings showing their superiority; #rosiée for fem twinks chasing that straight dick.
#realmen is daft little comments about what it takes to be a "real man"; #gayagenda is about how to spread gayness far and wide (both of these are silly and purely for fun... unlike everything else I write which is deathly serious!)
And that's everything I think. If you knew my previous blog then you'll notice that #femsontop, #trophybody, #fuckmeat, #bisexualking #ruggered, #str8h8, #goodboi and #bro4bro are all gone. I'll still be writing their content, they'll just fall under one of the other themes that fits the same vibe.
Thanks for supporting me and enjoying my content.
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bigwishes · 3 months
I’m sick and tired of the asian stereotypes. Others keep saying that we’re small, short, weak, polite, smart, sexually repressive, submissive and so many more. Can you make me a complete opposite of what people expect from an Asian man as a hypersexualised, hyper grown and hyper masculine piece of bull meat?
I definitely think I can help with that. It sucks when people press assumptions on you, especially if you don't like the assumptions they make so I think its time we shake up your life to make sure the worlds sees you for how you want to be seen.
First lets start with your first wish, to be hypersexualised. I'm sure you already have an obsession for mega muscled beef cakes with little to no brains but lets turn that obsession up to eleven. You find that whenever you see a buff meat head you are instantly hard, and everyone else will notice it too with a new 15 inch dick, but lets not stop there. Once you get hard your body will almost instantly go on auto pilot as you cant help yourself but rub your dick through your pants, adjusting it, sometimes even straight up soft core jerking off in the middle of the gym. An alpha sex and masturbation addict. You just can't help yourself no matter what you try once you get hard you are forced to cum. Trying to ignore it just makes it worse as you'll get so hard and pent up it will almost be painful and your dick will be forced to leak pre until you give it the attention it demands, and you'll need to take care of it at least twelve times a day or else risk immediately cumming in your pants as soon as you get even slightly turned on.
Second, the hyper grown part of your wish. One of my favourites, there is no such thing as too big and you've got no other choice to agree. There is no going back now. We could just go and make you have to wear 4XL shirts and and baggy work out shorts but honestly dudes like that art still too small for my taste.
You find every inch of yourself growing, You slowly get taller and taller until you stand at a freakishly tall 8ft, your already muscled arms swell with extreme size as you feel your biceps and triceps start to compete for space with your over grown chest and lats. The sound of tearing fabric fills the room as you thighs inflate into thick muscled tree trunks. You watch as your feet burst out of your sneakers. Your underwear feels strange and rubbery as it begins to stretch, and you feel your ass get bigger by the second and the fabric of your new rubbery underwear ride up giving you a uncomfortable roid wedgie.
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The thing about wanting to be Hyper-Grown means you dwarf even the biggest bodybuilders but a body like that has its limits. 8ft tall and over 500 pounds of muscle the only thing you can wear is uncomfortably tight stage posers.
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and leggings so tight it feels like its crushing your dick.
If you want to get naked it'll take a good fifteen to twenty minutes of struggling and wrestling with the skin tight fabric and your extreme size just to get it off yourself.
and now for the final stage of your transformation Hyper masculinity. Say goodbye to clear communication dude as a majority of your vocabulary has been replaced with grunts, groans and moans. You spend more time grunting than speaking some people might mistake you for a cave man. Your blood also boils at the drop of a hat, any guy who even makes a joke about your freakish size you take as a personal challenge, stumping up to him and pressing him against the wall and your roided out body.
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Your body starts to sweat, and a raw masculine stench fills the air around you. Even if you cared about washing the sweat off your body it wouldn't work anymore. You love how bad you reek, you love how your stench and sweat communicates to weaker men that you are a fucking beast. You don't clean any machine at the gym after using it, you leave a disgusting sweat puddle over everything like marking your territory.
Your mind starts to feel empty, like you have forgotten how to think, the only things that you seem to remember is you love muscle, getting bigger, flexing, your own sweat and jerking off. Even when dominating a guy smaller than you, you can't help but check yourself out in the mirror and love how big you are and how much bigger you're gonna force yourself to become.
Your head being so empty now means your personality has devolved into nothing more but the word bro, grunting and giggling like a typical gym bro.
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But that hyper masculinity you wished for keeps that happy go lucky attitude in check as the slightly thing can set you off and make you go on a roided out rampage.
There we go, all your wishes granted, nobody will ever look at you and think of the typical Asian stereotypes ever again.
Unfortunately I can't stop people from assuming you are nothing more than a stupid sweaty roid bull, but honestly how far away from the truth is that.
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dm-clockwork-dragon · 2 years
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Behold, the Meat-Wizard Mutophage v2.5
I am once again rolling out an update for the mutophage, class. While not as drastic an overhaul as the last time, this update includes a lot of changes to help balance out what was an overpowered mess in the last release. As well as some incredible new cover art by the wonderful @booogerbox, of thier own Character, Addie!
Long story short, I was going through some rough times when I released v2, and I let myself be pressured into adding or changing a lot of things in the class to make others happy, rather than sticking to what I wanted the class to be. It became a brick shithouse of barbarian, with all the added versatility of a wizard - and besides that being incredibly broken, it's never what the mutophage was meant to be.
V2.5 is no longer an inherently tanky class: yes, you still get a double d6 hit dice, but you aren't throwing out roided-up multiattacks every round, and you can't mutate yourself more resistances than a barbarian. The core idea behind my mutophage has always been to create a flexible alternative to the wizard, that didn't rely on magic. The Mutophage can be a brick wall of shear muscle and DPS, but it is not inherently so. It can also be built as a stealthy infiltrator, or a clever utility. But it cannot do all those things at once. It's not a one-man party anymore.
Some people will probably be grumpy that their god-build is no longer feasible. But those people are more than welcome to just stick to the older version. For the rest of us, this update provides a well-needed nerf and rebalance, to make the class playable alongside core content.
As usual, the Preview here is low resolution. For the high-resolution PDF, with full art credits and links to the artists, check out this handy dropbox link. And be sure to tell me what you think!
If you like what I do and want to support me or just generally help out, Check out my Patreon or Ko-Fi pages, or throw some coin at me through Paypal.me. If you wanna just come say hi on my Discord, that’s great too!
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 2 years
Yes, Konrad's Flesh-Emperor statue was creepy. But I'm very sorry, he Was Not a sculptor. Only with a great degree of imagination would anyone think it was The Emperor. It looked like something a preschooler would make out of Play-Doh.
Doesn't matter. If the towering, roided Ozzy Osbourne-looking naked man asks you about the quality and likeness of his meat statue, you damned well tell him it's amazingly lifelike.
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Not sure if you're into wrestlers, but if you ever spotlight some, I would recommend looking up The Crusher and Bruiser tag team from their AWA days. Fucking hot daddies built like shit brick houses. I can only imagine how gruff and rough those two must have been with their women. I bet the got into threesomes or more together and were amazing in bed. Bodies pumped full of adrenaline, red meat, endorphins, roids, and testosterone like that with bulges like theirs had to be able to let off steam. Vintage masculinity defined. They were in that movie The Wrestler with Ed Asner. Now THAT is a threesome I would have paid a lot of money to see. Fuckkkkkkkk
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Duncan: You want to get to know each other better, Cati? I can send the other two home.
Cati: Sure. I like new experiences.
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Duncan: Babe, I can broaden your horizons like no one's business.
Cati: Oh my god that line is awful.
Duncan: Um, it's new though, right?
Cati: Definitely!
Duncan: Know what? I'm hungry.
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Cati: Oh. You meant that literally.
Duncan: Yeah. Gotta build up the muscles, you know?
Cati: You're not a gym bro, are you?
Duncan: Nah. Those are all 'roid heads anyway. I'm way too good for that.
Cati: So is this a special high protein sandwich?
Duncan: Uh, I dunno, bologna's meat, right?
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five-rivers · 1 year
Cryptid Crawl! Chapter 3
@currentlylurking @going-dead
Formatting is a bit better on the AO3
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Community Alerts -> Paranormal Investigators
Thread: I have an idea
Tubalover (OP): I have an idea but I need to know how cool @Phantom (MOD) the real Phantom is with fake dating before I say it.
Phantom (MOD): I’m okay with fake dating fakeout makeouts whatever but I have standards.
Tubalover (OP): I said I need the rela phantom.
Phantom (MOD): How do you know I’m not the real Phantom?
Tubalover (OP): He uses better punctuation.
The Smart Twin: Incredibly, I think she’s right?
Thecooltwin: Lol and you call youreself the smart one y didn’t you notice this
Phantom (MOD): Like my counterpart said, I’m fine with fake dating, but I do have standards.
Tubalover (OP): GREAT.  So the idea is that in every shot of the Investigators we get someone to make out in the background so they can’t air it.
Lovetheshow: don’t most shows have kissing in them?
Tubalover (OP): Maybe.  But do they have GAY kissing?  Background of every shot we have a gay couple or lesbian couple.  They’re a national show right?  Noway they can put it up.  And if they film you you can just grab a buddy and kiss them.
Roswell’s Child: I bet @West of West would LOVE to get in on this
tubahater: despite my hate for tubas I love you, yet desptie my love for you, I have to ask: do you know what a ‘live’ means when applied to a TV show?
CasperQueen: Girl this has got to be the most convoluted plan I’ve ever seen to avoid asking out a crush.
12th Knight: To be frank, if I heard that an episode of an on-site reality television show was pulled because there were too many gay people kissing in the background, I would be more tempted to visit, not less.
Tubalover (OP): Everyone shut up. 
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Ghosts -> Phantom -> Speculation
Thread: What ARE Phantom’s standards?
Point25Back (OP): What are Phantom’s standards for fake dating someone?  Asking for a friend who’s too shy.
Phantom (MOD): i like girls that can beat me aup and buffcomputer ners
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Local Businesses -> Discussion
Thread: Weird at my gym
GET-GAINS (OP): Anyone know why we got so many teenagers trying to get gym memberships at the Body Shop all of a sudden?
My Hair: You don’t want to know.
12th Knight: I certainly wish I didn’t.
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Community Alerts -> Paranormal Investigators
Thread: Possible solutions for the Investigation
Photosynthesis (MOD) (OP): I and the other mods don’t have great ideas for the other two at the moment, but as far as the ‘investigators’ go, I think we might be able to scam them by showing them obviously fake ghosts.  Cheap Halloween decorations, hoaky effects, people giggling in the background, that kind of thing.  Thing is, to cover all the places they might go, we’re going to need a lot of people and a lot of materials.  I’d like to hear other people’s thoughts on this, and if they’d be willing to pitch in.
Point25Back: that’s easy, just get [EDITED BY MOD] to do all of it.  his haunted house room sucked so hard that [EDITED BY MOD]
[@Point25back has been banned for two (2) days.]
Pharaoh (MOD): @Photosynthesis (MOD) I’m begging you to just let me permaban him.
Photosynthesis (MOD): I’m loath to ban someone with that much roid rage and that much access to your meat body.  But to stay on topic, we can’t just force one person to do this.  It’s too much work. 
12th Knight: When you say ‘roid rage,’ that’s rhetorical, right?
12th Knight: @Photosynthesis (MOD) Right?
Roswell’s Child: idk groups like this usually come prepped to fake their own ghosts.  Its like the moon landing
Photosynthesis (MOD):  Here we go.  I guess it was too much to hope for an actually productive thread.
Phantom (MOD): The moon landing was not faked!
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Community Alerts -> Paranormal Investigators
Thread: But what if Roswell’s Child has a point?
Bog Mummy (OP): I’m not talking about the moon thing, but about that old post where she was trying to make out that a certain someone who won’t be named because I don’t want to be banned was a cryptid.  What if we put that certain someone in a bad Phantom cosplay and chuck him in front of Cryptid Crawl/Crawly/whatever his/her/their/whatever name is.  Make CC think that it was always part of the ghost scam. 
passthemike: Crawly is they/them. 
Phantom (MOD): Actually, I like this idea. 
Phantom (MOD): I think there might be some tech we can get from Fentonworks to make it more realistic too. 
Passthemike: So who’s going to do it?
Roswell’s Child: I nominate @West of West
Roswell’s Child: No wait wait amigos @Phantom (MOD) sohuld do it can you imagine
Pharaoh (MOD): @Phantom (MOD) You should do it.  Alive you, I mean. 
ashtree: OMG that would be epic and so ironic
Bog Mummy (OP): Roswell you might be a genius just for this. 
CasperQueen: Please.  As if he could capture even a fraction of Phantom’s natural charisma.
ashtree: That’s the point lol
Bog Mummy (OP): Think about it.  What would be lamer that some random loser kid running a hoax for some random loser town for tourism points.
Phantom (MOD):  Gee thanks.  (I think.)
Roswell’s Child: And think about whow west is gonna react.  Thisll be epic amigos.
Photosynthesis (MOD): Don’t let it go to your head.
Phantom (MOD): But didn’t you want me for that other thing?  The one we were talking about in the chat?
Pharaoh (MOD): No way.  This is much funnier. 
West of West: ARE YOU ******* KIDDING ME
Pharaoh (MOD): See what I mean?
Mod Chat
Phantom (MOD): Okay.  So.  How are we going to divide this up? 
Phantom (MOD): I’m thinking we take the GGBE and try and get everyone else to distract the other guys, since the GGBE are the most actively dangerous ones.
Phrontist (MOD): I don’t know how I feel about you directly interacting with people who want to kill you. 
Phantom (MOD): Technically they don’t want to kill me.
Phrontist (MOD): We don’t have to do all that much with them, anyway, do we?  They already know that there are ghosts.  Can’t we just… I don’t know, hack into their cameras or something?
Pharaoh (MOD): Yeah, I’ve been working on it in between banning you know who. 
Phrontist (MOD): Sorry…
Phantom (MOD): I’m less worried about whatever videos they have and more worried about them steamrolling other people.  Or running in front of the investigation or cryptid guys while they’re filming. 
Photosynthesis (MOD): Ugh yeah.  I’ve been lurking the hunter forums, and one guy there said he’d gottne mauled by the tiger at some point. 
Phantom (MOD): Oh yeah, I think that happened to Lance Thunder, too. 
Photosynthesis (MOD):  It’s incredibly unethical for them to even have a tiger.  Who’s letting them keep it after it’s mauled two people???
Photosynthesis (MOD): Do you think we could call animal control on them?
Photosynthesis (MOD): I’m going to go hop over to the city services forums.
Pharaoh (MOD): Good luck.
Pharaoh (MOD): But, yeah, I think that you being a distraction for the GGBE is a good call.  How are going to handle it?
Phantom (MOD): I was thinking I could lead them out to that old industrial park and then play hide and seek.  Or maybe let them stay in the city, but whenever they got too close to something or too destructive, I’d show up and lead them away?  And you guys can spot me and run interference.
Phrontist (MOD):  I guess that if you have to, that would be the way to do it. 
Phantom (MOD): Thanks for the ringing endorsement, sis.
Phantom (MOD): Okay NOW what are we doing. 
Phantom (MOD): I mean, if I’m running around disguised as myself, I can’t very well be distracting the blasters. 
Photosynthesis (MOD): Don’t worry about it.  We’ll figure something out.
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Forum Development and Suggestions -> Suggestions
Thread: Videos and music?
Roswell’s Child (OP): I have some epic videos of my cousing reacting and also UFOs but I can’t upload them.  Is that feature coming anytime soon?????  I’d love to do it.  cYou mods do it sometimes and I want to shareeeeeeeee!!
Photosynthesis (MOD): Mod Pharaoh would usually answer these, but he’s busy right now, so you’re stuck with tech unsavvy me.  It’s my understanding that video hosting takes a lot of space.  Space takes money.  We… don’t have a lot of that, so we restrict video capability to Advice Blog posts hosted on our home servers.  If your video isn’t of a sensitive subject, you can upload it to another video hosting site and then link it.  However, be aware that the GIW does monitor internet traffic from Amity Park and has been known to take down ghost-related videos and other information, and even seize the physical equipment such videos are stored on.  Also, mods may remove links to videos that are bigoted or explicit.
merknlurk: i hate living in this ******* dystopian country
merknlurk: can’t even swear without getting censored
Photosynthesis (MOD): @merknlurk Suck it up and make your own secret website that the government won’t shut down, then. 
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Community Alerts -> Paranormal Investigators
Thread: An idea 🎂🍰
⭐MENU⭐MAVEN⭐: I have the most 🍪💟delicious💟🍪 idea for how to distract the 👻🔫s, children.  It’s quite obvious that anyone who is going around doing these things did not receive proper NUTRITION 🧂 🥓 🥚 🍳 🧇 🥞 🍞 🥐 🥨 🥯 🥖 🧀 🥗 🥙 🥪 🌮 🌯 🍗 🍖 🥩 🍠 🥟 🥝 🥥 🍇 🍈 🍉 🍊 🍋 🍌 🍍 🥭 🍎 🍏 🍐 🍑 🍒 🍓 🍅 🍆 🌽 🌶 🍄 🥑 🥒 🥬 🥦 🥔 🧄 🧅 🥕 growing up.  THEREFORE the only logical option is to bake a giant 🎂.  I will of course supply my expertise.
FootballPoet: Wait, dude, how did you get emojis? 
TECHNUS (MODEST OF MODS): нⷩAͣ!  Iͥᴛⷮ IͥS͛ Iͥ,̓ ᴛⷮEͤCͨнⷩNUͧS͛,̓ MⷨAͣS͛ᴛⷮEͤRͬ OͦF AͣLL ᴛⷮнⷩIͥNGS͛ EͤLEͤCͨᴛⷮRͬOͦNIͥCͨ AͣNDͩ ВⷡEͤEͤРⷬIͥNG!  Iͥ ВⷡEͤCͨAͣMⷨEͤ AͣWAͣRͬEͤ OͦF YOͦUͧRͬ VͮIͥDͩEͤOͦ-̄LAͣCͨᴋⷦIͥNG S͛ᴛⷮAͣᴛⷮEͤ AͣNDͩ нⷩAͣVͮEͤ AͣРⷬРⷬLIͥEͤDͩ MⷨY EͤXͯРⷬEͤRͬᴛⷮIͥS͛Eͤ ᴛⷮOͦ MⷨAͣᴋⷦEͤ ᴛⷮнⷩIͥS͛ AͣРⷬРⷬ РⷬOͦРⷬ OͦFF GOͦVͮEͤRͬNOͦRͬ!
tubahater: Is this some kind of joke?
Tubalover: What the heck did I just read?
Valorous1: Is that a ghost?  Is that a ghost?  Since when are ghosts on here? @MOD are you going to do anything about this?
The Cooler Phantom: ghost s have leays been here val u no that
Valorous1: I didn’t mean you, you’re different. 
12th Knight: Regardless of whether or not there are ghosts on here in general, isn’t Technus the one who wrecked the computer lab at the high school last month? 
Phantom (MOD): As long as they aren’t hurting anyone, I don’t really care. 
Pharaoh (MOD): @Valorous1 I can only handle one crisis at a time and I’ve got at least four.  Deal. 
Cynosure: @Pharaoh (MOD) So, that’s the paranormal people, the guy who keeps unbanning himself, these guys, and what else?
Phantom (MOD): What three isn’t enough for you?  Let the guy have his rhetorical device.
Pharaoh (MOD): I’ve got a paper due at school.
My Hair!: You’re in school?  Please tell me you’re talking about the community college.
Phantom (MOD): Oh ancients I forgot I’m going to die.
My Hair!: You’re in school?
My Hair!: Phantom?
nobineryginger: hey if we can get back on track i’m really into this cake idea like yum
Locker724: Yeah!  This plan sounds like the bee’s knees!
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originemesis · 6 months
@deathinfeathers from xxx
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Rattling the serrated blade inside the freshly formed slit, as if in a ravenous attempt to crack open a stubborn oyster and get at the succulent meat beyond the shell like a starved sea otter. Only does she falter when the inbuilt audio system, which had provided the back-up beats to many a jam session, proceeds to spit the snarling din of disordered files in her face. Amidst the clamor of fractured sound-bytes her vocals stand out starkly...this absolute freak must've cracked the internal storage unit. What a sicko. The blood seethes in her veins, at the thought of some desperate posturer nosing through Adam's private data. "RAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHH BLEED, YOU FILTH!!!" Reeling her head back in preparation to butt the knife through every layer of glass, flesh and bone separating it from the off switch nestled somewhere inside the dome, but she is stopped short. A squawk tears itself free of her lungs when the demon whips his upper body backwards, slinging her up and over his head like a raging bull. She lands with a thud atop the counter, pinning an awkwardly folded wing between her back and the blackwood, which results in a disconcerting crack of a sound, stemming from somewhere within the feathered appendage. Ouch! If she is at all deterred it is only for the moment it takes her to get her bearings and evade being gored by those Dagger-esque horns. She'd left the knife lodged in the display, so she's quick to swing an arm behind the bar and make a grab for the first object she can find, which happens to be a bucket full of ice. Not exactly an ideal weapon but she slams that shit, full force, over the back of his head never the less, scattering the cubes and frigid water all across the floor. An opportunity to take him down to the ground if she can get him to slip in the mess she'd just made, she draws her knees in close to her chest, grasping the counter's edge for extra leverage, and bunny kicks him in the side with all the staggering power of a roided up kangaroo.
The fact that she was trying to screw the knife's edge past the punctured glass shell and into his skull was not lost on the first man who became very distinctly aware of the scrape of metal against the flesh beneath the hardy helmet's shell. What exactly did an exorcist have to gain from coming down outside of extermination and tearing his head off? There was no telling...no telling what heaven had gotten up to in his absence. Surely they all thought him dead or else Lute and the others...they would have come back for him, right? But here was one of his own flock determined to dive a blade between his eyes. Which begged the question...did they know all along? That he was down here? And was this their confirmation that he was not only worth coming back for, but better off wiped clean of their record before he could cause too many issues to divine reputation down in hell?
Such thoughts are enough in the ways of fuel to fire him up into a raging display worthy of cracking the delicate intricacies of a monochrome-feathered wing trapped under his downward thrashes as he behaved more like a bull in a china shop than an angel with clipped wings at the bar. He would have kept jackhammering his horns down upon her too until he'd smashed her to a gorey pulp on the counter if it wasn't for how viciously she connected the bucket to the back of his helmet, leaving an additional ringing inside his skull as he snarled and staggered back a stunned step from his attempted brutalization. The ice caught suddenly underfoot causes him to slip just a jerk of a step, but he catches the side of the counter with a harsh grip of talons that scratch the black wooded surface. It's a short lived folly though when a well-timed kick slams into his flank and knocks him back a few sliding feet that might have destroyed the wall behind them with his momentum and launch speed had he not curled over to dig vicious nails into the floor, thus coming to a scraping stop on all fours like the animal she seemed to think she was butchering.
"All right-...I'm fucking DONE with this!" The rumble of a growl in his chest turned snarl helped him straighten back up as well as a burst of light in front of his chest that helped lay the image of a golden axe strapped across his chest in its usual position for every band session he'd issue to his flock in the past. With the currents of the chords, he was able to control the movements of his girls at times when they needed a slight nudging back into place to keep their formation more fuck-shit-up friendly, and he was absolutely prepared to correct this one's before she got too ahead of herself thinking she could waltz up and leave with his head in one soundless transaction. Without missing a beat of his own, he slammed the start of a particularly booming riff aimed at knocking the wind into her wings hard enough to send her backwards again if she wasn't careful about keeping those sails of the shoulder tucked against his perfect disaster of a storm.
"COME AND GET ME THEN, YOU STUPID BITCH-" He demanded, striking down upon the strings with the radiant light of his resolve much less bright than usual- but still a force of bass to be reckoned with when cranked up enough and aimed.
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pupyr0arz · 7 months
Ghostcest (OG Ghost/Modern Ghost) snippet because the idea is eating me up and roachghost needs time to cook properly
His cock is pressed against the wet slit in Simon’s body, it’s so alien yet familiar to him in some crass way, Simon’s cunt is as slick and pretty as any woman Ghost has managed to coax out of a bar and into anywhere comfortable enough to take apart. It’s probably fucked up how his urge here is of utter fascination with his mirror, the urge to press him open and look at every tiny misshapen part. Me, me, me, me it’s a tiny voice screaming at the top of its lungs in fascination—in delight. Ghost can’t steady his breathing, watching the glistening wet he’s leaving on Simon’s thighs. It’s been too long, it always is when he indulges, like some dam breaks thriugh when he’s finally in bed andmp he realizes how much he’s been craving this. He feels rabid almost, insane with the way this lights him up. And Simon is goddamn big, built like a brick shithouse and the kitchen sink fucked and had some roided up baby.  Ghost is perched on top like a cherry on this shitshow sundae and it goes directly to his dick how this guy who could probably snap him in half and suck out his marrow is letting him crawl all over dick in hand and panting. He feels nauseous with it, how it’s drilling into his head louder than any headache and it makes his hands clench and shake. And it isn’t weird, it fucking isn’t weird, even if they look so different it’s just an aid like how the shitty makeup and blinding lights of porn isn’t real. 
Masturbation. It counts.
“(Complaint.)” Simon says, eyeing him with those deep brown and Christ almighty his fucking voice. Ghost can practically hear it in his bones, vibrations out from his fingertips and on a one way express train to his cock. 
Yeah, yeah he should get on with it before he embrwsses himself.
Simon is still wearing gloves when he trails his fingers across Ghost’s shoulders and he appreciates the other layer of distance between them. He clearly wants to ask about the mask, Ghost is mildly curious too since Simon’s seemed to have stuck to his baklava, but the question lays in the air like the sour meat it is and they leave it to rot where it belongs.
Of all people, Ghost thinks, the two of them should understand dear doesn’t mean dead. But it’s a mild comfort and he wants to get off tonight so he leaves the grave unattended.
Aka ghostcest 2009/2022 fuck and it’s fucked up. Trans 2022, mega fucked up cis 2009. Bc I love the ‘the cartel top surgery’s him’ meme that much. Both Ghosts call the other Simon and they both hate it. 09 is delusional and developing complexes as we speak and 22 is slightly more normal about sex but is also contemplating killing his double bc he’s a freak like that. Separate them
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hecantsaveyou · 2 years
Ive been really into blood guts and raw meat and its exciting bc its not only intellectually but like Im physically excited by the imagery which hasnt happened for me in a while . Im uninterested in men at the moment but this would be a great time for some roided gym bro on the carnivore diet to come into my life so I could study him
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