bybekes · 2 years
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havin-ce · 2 years
Koᥴᥲ bîr híᥴ̧ᥣíğíᥒ tᥲm ortᥲsıᥒdᥲ
bᥱᥒî hᥲᥣᥲ bî şᥱყᥣᥱrᥱ îᥒᥲᥒmᥲყᥲ ᥴ̧ᥲᥣışırkᥱᥒ görmᥙ̈şᥣᥱr
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absent-o-minded · 6 months
Tiny YR S3 Analysis
Just wanted to compare the parallels between these two hand holds in 3x05 and 3x06:
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(Please ignore the shitty screencaps, I tried my best)
In terms of composition, these shots are identical. A hand-hold centre to the frame, in a car with the camera placed in the middle. However, they're underpinned by different narrative contexts.
Here, the first shot from 3x05 is drenched in darkness. The actual lighting inside of the car is dim enough to obscure both of their suits, which almost blend them into the seats and so it becomes hard to distinguish between the two of them - The only focussed light is on their conjoined hands. Notably, the actual touch itself is tentative, almost like the bridging of an awkward divide on the way to the palace. Neither of them are sure what the touch actually means. Even their sleeves fall over their wrists and interfere with the actual act, so we only see the bottom half of their hands. Simon reaches out first and places his hand in the open sliver between the two seats before Wille accepts and laces their fingers together. It's an assured squeeze that reads as: "I'm not sure what will happen. I'm nervous." "I am too."
This scene has garnered a lot of analysis for its parallel to the Kristina x Wille car scene in S1 where people have commented on the reversal of blocking - Wille now assumes Kristina's position and Simon equally assumed Wille's. We now know that this arrives before the birthday explosion, and so it's also a touch that signifies confronting the inner workings of an oppressive environment (the palace). It's nerve-wracking and cautious and consolidating, but it's also doubtful. We, as spectators, pick up on visual and physical cues and so we begin to see the hand-hold as an visual indicator that the unity between the two characters is about to be disrupted.
However, the shot in 3x06 reads entirely differently. The first thing is that the shot is bathed in light. It's a bit like an embrace, contrasting the previous presentation of a cold backseat, Simon and Wille are literally basking in the sun. Most importantly, there is a light flashing on Wille as it seeps in from the windows, illuminating his spot as a person who is newly free. Simon sits to the left with the natural light (no abundance of light) because Simon has always strived to be free. He has never turned away from the light. As he said earlier in the episode: "I never gave up on us. I gave up on the royal court." For Simon, the issue was never the fear of being free, but the constraint of not being free. For Wille, fear hung over his shoulders just like a King's robe would. Being free was an aspiration, never a reality.
But that has all changed. The light is let in. It stands similar to a spot-light, where Wille finally lets the sun hit his body and not have it scorch him, but rather enlighten him.
The actual act of holding hands is no longer bridging an uncomfortable space; It's an assured togetherness. It is the two of them acknowledging everything that has happened and knowing that a future for the two of them is no longer a "possibility", but a truth. It's giddy and confident and safe.
It's also the final touch of the season, and so it had to speak louder than dialogue ever could - Which I think that it does. Throughout S1 and S2, we understood that physical touch was always done in private, or if not, it was done discreetly with the knowledge that it was fleeting. S3 saw the transition from private to public, but not without the fight to touch and not have it be seen as a revolution. To just let it be what it is. And THIS is what the show has been working towards for 3 years. It can all be summarised with this simple, final hand hold in a sunny car that's racing towards a future that finally, finally resembles their dreams. It's not overtly revolutionary, it's not a grand gesture; It's just theirs.
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domtheforestgnome · 1 year
My favorite scenes in Young Royals that showed me Omar's huge acting talent are those with Micke.
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it's also the details filmed like this one - for example his nervous fingers wiggling:
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Him making faces in the kitchen, bc he doesn't want to make any noise and get caught.
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But also it's his voice that Simon tries to keep steady while looking for his fathers medicaments.
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The struggle is real and you can feel it. I was so mindblown hearing it's his first role ever, bc he made Simon a person made of flesh and blood and multidimentional. And he looks like he really knew what to do. But I think it's also thanks to the people on set - Rojda and Lisa who led him. I'm very impressed.
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thatsmybook · 5 months
I like how the show Young Royals has the forbidden love relationship be the straight relationship. How that relationship is forbidden is because of the amount of abandonment of Sara's loved ones and herself that that love would entail.
Sara could decide to keep being August's emotional support because she genuinely cared about him, and he would eventually learn to understand her needs and who she is and give her the same support. But at what cost?
Sara did not see what she did to Simon as a betrayal for ages because the damage had been done already. But when August didn't go to the police, she realised that he had deceived her with the knowledge she gave him about Simon to once again target her brother. He made her complicit in Simon's betrayal, and he didn't think what that would do to her.
She didn't realise until the gun scene how treacherous she had been to Simon and for how long. She had put her feelings for August above her feelings for her brother, who she felt had been disloyal to her by rekindling a relationship with their dad. Then she begins the relationship with August as a form of blackmail to keep her from telling Simon so she can get a place in the school.
Their relationship's existence was bad for their integrity and began with manipulation. When August tells her that she's just like him and she knows what needs to be done to reach your dreams, he is telling her that you know how to step on other people to get what you want. This is how he sees what she's done, and she's starting to see that that is what she's done with her blind ambition. That's not who she wants to be. She just wants to belong, have friends, ride horses, and be independent and not a burden on anyone. (She then goes on to find self-love, friendship love, and familial love that is wholesome. She even forgives Micke and accepts him for who he is fully. I also think that the reason we spend so much time on Sara's driving lessons and the fact that she got a car to drive anywhere at the end, is because this was symbolic of her gaining the independence she desperately wants. Not the problematic independence she got moving to an elite boarding school).
Young Royals doesn't reward this forbidden love with a happy ending. The homosexual love has the happy ending because THIS is the wholesome relationship.
Though Wilmon have problems in their communication, ultimately, they both care about each other's happiness and wellbeing. Simon loves Wille for the person he is, not the superfici role assigned to him. He loves him for his kindness and consideration and for really seeing Simon for who he is and valuing him in return. Wille loves Simon for who he is as his equal. He loves his integrity and his sense of self, even in elite spaces that see him as lesser than. Wille loves Simon's individualism, and he is learning to love that trait in himself as well. Wille has always just been someone's brother, someone's son, a country's Crown Prince. He is never valued for himself until he meets Simon.
(Also, edited to add, they love each other enough to let each other go. Simon sees his presence in Wille's life as putting pressure on his role as Crown Prince. He breaks up with him for his own self-love and boundaries but also because he wants Wille to figure out what he wants on his own without Simon muddying the waters. He wants Wille to make choices for his own sake. Not his mother's or Simon's. He makes the same decision of self-love and need for Wille's self-determination at the end of Season 1. Wille tells Simon how he doesn't want to hurt him but he realises that he is clumsy at times in how he comes across. He is letting Simon go because he respects Simon's boundaries even though it is hurting him to not fight and keep the relationship going. He realises he has to sort out his own problems. And he is eventually brave enough, after listening to Wille's Song, to choose self-love and tell his mother what he needs.)
The fact that the creators of this show had to fight to show Wilmon's love fully to the audience, tells me that this show was a revolution in how it shows what is forbidden love and what isn't. (Netflix didn't want the sex between the two teenage boys shown and Lisa had to explain that if the show had straight sex in the previous season, they had to equally allow lgbtq sex). Wilmon's love making is such important communication between the characters and between the audience and the characters. What we see, when we see it is important for the publically perceived couple in-universe but also to our society that sees so little wholesome homosexual love in teenagers on our screens. It shouldn't be a revolution to love another or yourself is one of the messages of the show.
I wonder what other ways Lisa and Rojda had to fight with Netflix to tell the story the way they did and how much compromise they had to make. I remember them nearly cutting the discussion about the Kris book in season 2. If they had more creative control, I wonder how much more story we would have got. Definitely more episodes, even if the story was told in three parts. Probably, if they were told they could have three seasons at the start, Lisa could have spread the plot points more evenly over the three seasons. Perhaps episode 6 could have been spread over 2 episodes.
Anyway, my rambly thoughts about some of the meta storytelling in Young Royals.
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It’s so adorable how Rojda said to the others in the casting process: I think I’m falling in love with this guy Omar, or something like that. And I think it even was prior to him auditioning. He IS the best Simon. And a sweet person.
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Week 2 of Young Royals S2: Stream it AS MUCH as you can on Netflix!!!
Views being consistent on weeks 2 and 3 is CRUCIAL to get it renewed for season 3.
The show NEEDS to get good numbers by the first 28 days. Please support it by rewatching!
Make sure to watch every episode till the end credits. Watch the entire season till the end. Anything less than 50% of the total viewers failing to watch it till the end GUARANTEES cancellation!
Binge watch it if possible. Leave it on mute and go about your day. Write about it. Recommend it to others. Get those numbers up.
Support the content you love and the creators behind them. Aggressively, continually, in any way you can. At least for the next 2 weeks. Or we'll keep losing good shows like this to competition. We've still got time.
Complaining to people who have zero powers over it's renewal once it's been cancelled will get us nowhere. Rewatching now will.
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wildmelon · 2 years
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day 8— forest 🌲🌑
for fantasy february! @morrigan-sims
this is why xelef was 100% valid when heval asked him "why are you chasing down a random stranger in a dark forest" and he answered "have you seen her face?" (from @ataleofcrowns 🖤)
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tagalongifyoudare · 2 years
Thoughts on Season 2 after my first full rewatch of both Seasons.
Hello My Loves!!
I have finished my first complete rewatch of both Seasons and I have A LOT of thoughts! I LOVE THIS SHOW. As I watched it all the way through, I was completely blown away (once again) by the beauty, the complexity, the thoughtfulness of YR; it is PERFECTION 🫀
For me, the differences, especially in how the two Seasons look and feel are just part of what makes this show such a masterpiece. I adore that Season 1 and Season 2 have different feelings; they are telling different stories and they make us feel as if we are part of that story too. The differences, to me, made it feel as if we are living the story with them; we are longing for the same things, our hearts are breaking with them, we are rejoicing with them. Season 1 is the story of these two boys falling in love, and the world tearing them apart. Season 2 is a story of their heartbreak and longing. It is about these two boys choosing their love and choosing each other despite the rest of the world. I honestly hope that Season 3 feels different once again.
I had many more thoughts and lots more to say as usual so, if you are interested, enjoy my ramblings below the cut!
In a lot of ways, in Season 1, Wille did chose his love for Simon; in Season 2 he had to learn what that actually meant. He had to learn that sometimes part of truly loving someone is wanting them to have what they want and what they need, even if that means not being a part of their life. By letting Simon go, Wille once again chose his love for Simon above all else.
In Season 1, Simon didn't really chose to love Wille; this Season he learned what Wille truly means to him and he began to understand just what being with Wille actually means (although I think that they are both in for a shock surrounding all of this, assuming we get a Season 3...). In Season 2, Simon chose Wille, chose their love, now that he knows what it truly meant to him to lose Wille.
Don't get me wrong, I longed for more Wilmon content this season just as much as everyone else, but isn't that part of the point of this Season? Wille and Simon are apart; they are missing each other, they are longing for each other, they are angry and sad that they are apart and so are we. We are given only fleeting moments of them, because they only had fleeting moments with each other. Despite everything that happened, they were literally apart until like 10 minutes before the end of the Season, so of course it wasn't enough and I think that was how it was supposed to feel: to me, as much as it hurt, it was a part of the beauty.
One of the things I love about YR is how masterfully they have always had us, as the viewer, feel like part of the story (through the 4th wall breaks, but also through how it is filmed). This Season ramped that up to a whole new level for me. The way the camera followed characters, followed what they were looking at, the way it changed based on what the characters were feeling, etc. It truly made it feel like we were part of their story, and thus, we also longed for things that we don't get.
This for me, held true with Simon/Marcus and Wille/Felice. Yes, it feels wrong and is a little cringy to watch Wille and Simon with other people because that is how it is supposed to feel; that is how it feels to them. Neither of them actually want to be with anyone else or to move on; they just want to stop hurting.
I also really liked that Malte, Frida and Nikita got so much screen time this season. Omar and Edvin are incredible and deserve all the praise in the world and I could watch them indefinitely, AND I really liked getting to see just what Malte, Frida and Nikita could do when given such complex stories to work with. Regardless of your feelings about Sara/August and Wille/Felice, it did show off their talent as actors!
I think that (assuming there will be a Season 3, which feels kind of like a definite at this point 🤷🏽‍♀️) the amount of time put into the Sara/August storyline will be important. I think that understanding that the love between Sara and August was real (even if it was misguided, and selfish) is going to be vital to understanding their motivations and actions. I also think that it is important that this storyline takes so much time away from Wille and Simons storylines; the actions of Sara and August are actively hurting them, and by extension us. Just one of the many poetic things about YR.
I also feel like everything with Sara is the such beautiful poetic justice for August (although I am certain more is coming his way, as it should). One of the first real things we learn about August is that he is a creep who treats women like shit, so I love that he got his heart broken and he got betrayed by one of the women he was trying to use.
This season really did feel a bit like there were 5 main characters, and I LOVED that 🫀 I also really like that we got to see so many of the "side" characters be more developed; they all felt important. As someone who watches many many many times, I adore having new details about so many of the people in this world.
The music in Season 1 was so incredible, and yet, this Season blew it out of the park for me. Every song was a perfect song and a perfect choice for the moment/scene. I felt the same way about the scene changes/"montages"; they were phenomenal in Season 1, and yet, somehow they were even better this Season.
I also really loved that it looked a bit crisper and brighter (maybe this was because of budget, or maybe it was a deliberate choice). To me it made it feel as if the way that Wille and Simon see and experience the world has changed. They themselves view things differently and are changing as people; the dream is now gone. They are no longer falling in love, they are no longer enjoying the peace and the excitement that came with just being together. Now they are apart and faced with the much more harsh reality of their lives and of their worlds. Even when they are around each other, it is without hope. There is never a feeling of "soft, golden light" because that was taken from them when the video was posted. They do not get to experience a happy and "in love" feeling this Season, so why would we?
I honestly hope Season 3 feels different from these two as well. Season 1 was them falling in love. Season 2 was them learning that they aren't willing to live without each other. I want Season 3 to be them in love, and facing the world together.
Maybe it is just because at my core I am kind of dark and twisty, but now that I have watched it enough times to become slightly desensitised to the pain and anguish of Season 2, I have discovered that I love it all the more because of the longing, because of the sorrow, because of the deep anguish. To me a large part of what make YR perfection is that we feel what the characters are feeling; to me, this Season did this with the same mastery as Season 1. Yes, this Season hurt more than Season 1 because they were hurting more than in Season 1, and that was perfect and bittersweet in its own way. The agony feels so real and so raw it makes the last few moments of pure joy and relief feel all the more visceral and life affirming; this show truly is perfection 🫀
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snallavanta · 1 year
mi familia 💜💜💜
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1siirsever · 8 months
-Ne var bu şarkı da dinleyip duruyorsun.
Hiçliği başka nasıl anlatırsın ki
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domtheforestgnome · 1 year
Young Royals is a historical event in queer cinematography. Period.
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edvinception · 2 years
Really excited for this!
Gonna watch after work.
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I think Rojda Sekersöz is one of the most beautiful and intelligent women I've ever seen.
She may have played a role in me realising I'm bi.
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nothinghappned · 2 years
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gvzel · 1 year
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