#roman campbell words.
hedonistiics · 1 year
starter for: @fcundaticnsofdecay
ship: roman & genesis
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they'd been roommates for a week now. three more to go and roman already knew he'd hate it here without her. he'd never felt better coming home from a day at the shop or after a crazy party, than while gen had been living with him. he'd promised her a month with him while she looked for her own place, but how could he tell her he wanted her to stay? the loneliness had all but disappeared since she had moved in. roman stepped into the apartment, throwing his keys carelessly on a side table. "gen? you here?" he called out as he walked to the fridge for a beer as he rubbed his sore neck, from the position he'd sat in while tattooing for eight long hours. "can we have a night in?" he asked when he heard her enter the kitchen behind him, still bent over the fridge in search of the one beer he knew he had in there.
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tuttle-4077 · 7 months
Find the Word!
Find the words from the list in your WIPs and post the paragraph they belong to.
Thanks for the tag @benevolenterrancy. I've been working hard to clean out my WIPs, but I still have a few kicking around. I don't know how many words I'm going to find, but I'll see what's up.
“Now, you might remember that, after we rescued Miss Newkirk, we unsealed a new set of codes and couriered them to Papa Bear for immediate use,” Campbell continued. The other men nodded. “Gentlemen, those codes were found in the possession of the men we just arrested.”
There was a stunned silence. “But how?” O’Malley demanded. “It’s only been four days!” His face hardened. “Who had access to those codes?”
“The men in this room,” Sinclair answered. “And, of course, the couriers, I suppose.”
“And where are they?”
“We have them in interrogation now,” Campbell informed him. “But, so far, they seem legitimate.”
“Anyone else?” O’Malley asked.
Sinclair shook his head. “Not to my knowledge, sir. The codes were sealed and under lock and key. And Major Campbell and I drafted them in private.” It had been a brilliant code if he did say so himself. It was a shame that it was now compromised.
“Well Jerry didn’t get them by accident,” O’Malley said.
“We’re questioning the German agents,” Campbell reported. “But they, ah, will require more persuasive techniques.”
--From the as of yet untitled sequel to Papa Bear's List
Okay, that's more than a paragraph, but dialogue is funny that way.
“Perfectly,” he said stiffly while mentally cursing. He hoped she didn’t notice the tremble in his hand even while he ordered it to stop. “I really ought to be asking you that,” he continued. “How are you holding up, Miss Newkirk?”
--Another snippet from the PBL sequel
Carter gingerly touched his knee and gagged from the pain. He sucked in several quick breaths and looked down. He couldn’t see much in the darkness, but he could feel blood covering his hand and soaking his pant leg. The fact that he wasn’t dead yet and that the blood wasn’t squirting out of him meant the bullet hadn’t hit an artery, but Carter had to stem the flow of blood anyway. Awkwardly, he shucked off his shirt, wincing a little as he pulled his hand through the sleeve. He had had to break his thumb to free himself from the cuffs. All for nothing, he reminded himself sourly. And now his chances of escape were altogether abysmal even with the fact that Hochstetter hadn't bothered to cuff his hands again. 
--From Hochstetter's Revenge. This bit is technically not a WIP since it's posted, but the story itself is a WIP
"How sweet,” Hochstetter said. “You must be a proud father. I’d hate for anything to happen to your children. So young.” He turned a dangerous eye to Carter. “On the couch, Sergeant," he ordered. Carter slowly backed up until he was seated. Hochstetter stayed near the entrance and surveyed the room.
--Another (posted) snippet from Hochstetter's Revenge
Yell Anger (no yell in my WIPs, so I used a word from a previous post)
Once he got over being mad at himself, he turned his anger towards London. They must have known the old mines were there—someone had told Hogan before he arrived—and they didn’t do anything about it. They could have started up the operation long before. Surely there was a British officer who was just as capable as Hogan. Why did they have to wait for him, of all people? There were times that Newkirk fancied that he could have been the leader. He was undoubtedly cunning enough to pull it off. One didn’t grow up on the streets of London without learning a trick or two. 
--From As the Romans Do, a sequel to Distant Sun
Ummmm. Okay. I don't know who's who on tumblr but let's see. @belphegor1982 and @yeaaaaaa-faebee and @frau-wilhelm-klink do you want to play? Do have WIPs?
Okay, here are some words: sigh, hint, heart, toast, operation
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sillygoblinantics · 22 days
I wanted to bring this up as I saw something recently that spread information about the elements to writing and character story.
So allow me to sperg to those who are looking for knowledge about the elements of story.
How should I structure a story?
Depends on the type of story, for the sake of consistency in topic; we’ll go into the multilayered story.
You may have heard this name before or read books by him but the way we write and outline our stories came from the mind of Joseph Campbell.
This is a good video for my visual learners out here, it’s very good and gets the points across very well!
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While Campbell is the go to for his 12 step structure there are a plethora of other authors and writers who’ve just as equally mapped out the hero’s journey!
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Dan Harmon a man that needs no introduction as far as bibliography goes: a fellow nerd, dnd fanatic, telovision writer and creator.
In his story circle, he takes Campbell’s journey and breaks down the fundamental key points to how any storyteller should structure an episode or general story outline/arc.
In other words: it’s simple and straight to the action!
It’s so easy to forget or lose track of your story without a simple point of reference to structure your characters arcs!
Character arcs
This are crucial to not only telling but showing the moments of who we are following on the journey.
Without hurdles, highs and lows, pain, and every kind of thing that life has and will throw at you, than what thrill and satisfaction will the audience get from their turning point?
“Rome was not built in a day, for if it was, the Romans would be left with nothing to do”
- Illymations (animal crossing video)
I like quoting this when the topic of storytelling comes up.
If you had everything you ever wanted and didn’t need any kind of work to get it would the reward still feel rewarding? Probably not. That’s why when you put off doing simple chores and finally get around to completing them that you feel better; it’s rewarding!
Your character should have to run an obstacle course to get to the finish line, but it’s can always look different.
Some stories start with a climax while others have it in the middle!
As long as your character goes on a journey where they return home having grown into someone new and learned something important that forever changed who they started as. You have a story.
And the setting can be just about anywhere and any time. Past/Present/Future, modern or scifi, even in a coffee shop.
I want to specify that by no means should the point of my lil sperging be disregarded by personal bias and opinions of the names mentioned as its not relevant
Properties of the three acts!
The three act structure is the three different key moments to any narrative: the beginning, middle and end. When I talk about acts I’m not talking about plot, that’s a different story ;3 (badumm tsss)
Act 1:
Act one is where we establish the world, setting and rules that apply to it.
It is also where we meet the character(s) of the story.
As we proceed I will be using the Steven Universe movie as an example for the 3Act Structure.
Act one perfectly captures the key points of the first act!
A recap of the events in the show
Introducing Steven and company
As well as the motivations and personality of each main focal character: Steven, amethyst, pearl and garnet
We get a somewhat forward send off to one character
We reach the very last few points of the first act believing nothing bad could change the day before
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Once we meet the final focal character we are thrown into the main overarching plot.
Once Spinel gets poofed, act one ends
Act 11
Not in Kansas anymore
The second act is where the character(s) have to interact with the changed/new environment, the struggle or challenge being had.
We follow them as we have to trek the difficult terrain and solve puzzles that help the character get closer to the end goal
In the movie Steven needs to face three problems: reviving his family (gems) stopping the injector and figuring out who spinel is.
The hero usually faces three trials
They’ll get through 2 but the third is often not successful.
We get garnet back but not fully (this is the failed trial. For now)
Amethyst is first to be brought back
Pearl needs to be reminded of a rebellious spirit to come back
Spinel runs off
And now we enter the final lap
Act 111
Race to the finish line
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As we get to the climax and resolution, we have the big confrontation between the character(s) and the driving force. Sometimes said force is the reason for our arrival into the second act, either by a force of nature or by something/someone.
In the movie Steven confronts spinel rather he chases her, we learn more about her past and her motivation and her relationship with Steven’s mother. The two are able to talk about it now knowing the full story so as Steven returns and catches the others up, all is well until a seed of doubt and fear plants itself in spinel as she panics. Before we get a 1v1 between Steven and spinel garnet returns.
Conflict and the climax have been reached when the highest point of tension finally erupts! And as we fall so too does the tension as we reach the resolve.
So… where do we get there in the movie?
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Spinel slowly realizing before during and after she lets all the bottled feelings she’s kept inside out and she calms… as we close to the victory lap the first minor plot returns with the diamonds coming to earth and spinel finally gets her need.
Wait need? What about the want?!
I left it out for this section.
Characters want vs need
In the beginning the character has a want or that’s what they think until the middle of the story… right in the middle of act 2. Our hero realizes that the original want is no longer there. Now, they have a distinct need. This is when our character grows up and matures!
In the movie Steven has to learn or relearn that he isn’t his mom and doesn’t have to be someone that others expect him to act or be.
Alright I’m low on spoons, but that’s my points!
Oh and characters aren’t perfect just the same as people, if everyone was there wouldn’t be excitement or interesting stories to be told!
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acertainidontknowwhat · 9 months
Although we can associate theatricality with both Augustus and Nero, I would argue that performativity as it is defined by Judith Butler is an Augustan phenomenon. As Butler states: “Performativity must be understood not as a singular or deliberate ‘act,’ but, rather, as the reiterative and citational practice by which discourse produces the effects that it names." In other words, the performance gains its authority not in and of itself but by its appeal to––and repetition of––precedents that are often nothing more than “sanctioned fantasies, sanctioned imaginaries…elevated as the parameters of realness.”[1] Citationality, then, becomes the locus of authority most often found in “an irrecoverable past.” Whether or not that past existed in any real sense is irrelevant and thus can be created in the present to then cite as law.
The connection between Augustus and performativity can be seen most clearly in the Res Gestae Divi Augusti in which Augustus normalizes his past actions––many of which were untraditional or even illegal––by rewriting them as being exempla of traditional Roman moral conduct. The end result of the Res Gestae, as Melanie Racette-Campbell argues, is that Augustus becomes the definitive model of moral character through an act of citationality that is a ruse, “a dissimulation whereby the prior authority proves to be derived from the contemporary instance of its citation.”
[1] Butler 1993, 89. Cf. 171: “Importantly…there is no power, construed as a subject, that acts, but only, to repeat an earlier phrase, a reiterated acting that is power in its persistence and instability. This is less an ‘act,’ singular and deliberative, than a nexus of power and discourse that repeats or mimes the discursive gestures of power.”
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shallowseeker · 1 year
Jack time travel fic idea
Mirroring Dean's speech to Mary in 12x01
DEAN (breathing heavily) Mom. Listen to me. Your name – your name is Mary Sandra Campbell, okay? You were born December 5, 1954, to Samuel and Deanna Campbell. Your father, he bounced around a lot for, uh, work, and you bounced right along with him, and you ended up in Lawrence, Kansas. MARY: How do you know all that? DEAN: Dad told me. March 23, 1972, you walked out of a movie theater – Slaughterhouse-Five. You loved it, and you bumped into a big Marine and you knocked him flat on his ass. You were embarrassed, and he laughed it off, said you could make it up to him with a cup of coffee. So, you went to, uh, Mulroney's and you talked and he was cute and he knew the words to every Zeppelin song, so when he asked you for your number, you gave it to him, even though you knew your dad would be pissed. That was the night that – that you met – MARY: John Winchester. DEAN: August 19, 1975, you were married... in Reno. Your idea. A few years later, I came along, then Sammy.
Jack to Dean:
I know you don't trust me, but listen. You were born on January 24, 1979 to John and Mary Winchester. You say you're an Aquarius who likes long walks on the beach, but the truth is you really hate sand.
Your dad raised you in The Life, on the road with Sam. When you were 16, you got arrested for stealing and spent time in a boys' home. You loved it there.
You've had a gun in your hands for as long as you can remember, but what you really wanted to be was a fireman, a mechanic, maybe a rock star. Your favorite song is a tie between "Ramble On" and "Traveling Riverside Blues," and you always say that all music made after 1979 sucks. You've seen the "Untouchables" over fifty times and probably "The Lost Boys" even more than that.
You know 101 ways to make mac and cheese, and you don't know it yet, but you make the best Mexican Rotel casserole.
Jack to Cas:
I'm Jack Kline. I'm your...your...well. It doesn't matter who I am. Just know that I...I care about you. A lot.
Your name's Castiel. You're old. At least 4.543 billion years old, but you always say being an angel is like being old and young at the same time.
You’ve been a soldier as long as you can remember. Whenever you disagreed with your mission, Heaven tortured you. Gruesomely. You told me once that it felt like how the fish looked when it got blendered in Deuce Bigalow, Male Gigolo.
You know you caused the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and defeated the Romans at The Battle of Cannae. Sometimes, you were summoned to slaughter entire armies. Other times, it was to carry out genocide against all the children of the land.
You were there during the Great Flood, and when Gabriel led the slaughter of the Nephilim and their families. You told me once that you're terrified you've had human allies before. You're scared that you'll forget us, and your life will go back to how it was before, an endless cycle of war and death.
You raised Dean Winchester to Earth on September 18, 2008. That's why you decided to rebel again, maybe even for the last time.
Jack to Sam:
Your name's Sam Winchester. You were born cursed. May 2, 1983. Six months later, on November 2, Azazel infected you.
You felt that burden your whole life.
Your dad trained you to be a soldier, but your brother Dean was the one to raise and protect you. You spent most of your life hopping from one hotel to the next. It was crusty and horrible and you never felt like you belonged anywhere.
But you studied hard and got a scholarship to become a lawyer at the Harvard. There, you fell in love with the most beautiful girl, Jessica Moore...but then, Azazel came after her, too.
You'd never admit it to Dean, but after that, "My Heart Will Go On" by Celene Dion got you through some of the worst moments of your life.
You--you were the first one who told me that I could be good.
To Bobby:
"You dressed me like you! I like how you-you dresses better than the you that I knew. Not that I knew you. You were dead before I was born."
Bobby's face: 🤨
How Bobby dresses Jack:
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On December 27th 1734 Scotland’s famous outlaw, Rob Roy MacGregor, died at home in his bed.
Sir Walter Scott, portrayed Rob Roy as a dashing and chivalrous outlaw. Of course, the truth was a little less glamorous. Robert acquired the name of ‘Roy’ early in life due to his mop of red curly hair. In the early eighteenth century, Rob Roy MacGregor had established a protection racket, charging farmers an average 5% of their annual rent to ensure that their cattle remained safe. He had complete control over Argyll, Stirling and Perth and could guarantee that any cattle stolen from his customers would be returned to them. Those who did not pay regretted it …as he had them stripped of all they possessed. Rob Roy was not a man to argue with!
He was certainly no Robin Hood character.
Robert MacGregor, was baptized March 7th, 1671, at Buchanan, Stirlingshire. His parents were Donald Glas MacGregor and Margaret Campbell. He was also descended from the Macdonalds of Keppoch through his paternal grandmother. Rob’s father, Donald MacGregor, a younger brother of the chief of the clan MacGregor, received a military commission from the deposed King James II after the Glorious Revolution.
Rob was a freebooter with uncertain loyalty to James VII and was also engaged in cattle stealing and blackmail. When the penal laws against the MacGregors were reintroduced in 1693, Rob took the name of Campbell. Since his lands lay between those of the rival houses of Argyll and Montrose, for a time he was able to play one off against the other to his own advantage. James Graham, 1st duke of Montrose, succeeded in entangling him in debt, and by 1712 Rob was ruined. So Rob embarked on a career of brigandage, chiefly at the expense of Montrose. During the Jacobite rebellion of 1715, he was distrusted by both sides and plundered each impartially. After the rebellion was put down, he was treated leniently because of the intercession of John Campbell, 2nd Duke of Argyll. In his old age Rob became a Roman Catholic. His letters show that he was well educated; the view of him as a mere brutish highwayman seems not to do him justice.
In January 1693, at Corrie Arklet farm near Inversnaid, he married Mary MacGregor of Comar, who was born at Leny Farm, Strathyre. The couple had four sons: James Mor – big Jimmie -MacGregor, Ranald and Robert, violent men in their own right, but that is another story
The most controversial claim concerns Roy’s behaviour during the Jacobite Rebellion of 1715 when he allegedly betrayed his clan by acting as a paid agent to help the Hanoverian army. Previously, he had been regarded as a staunch supporter of the Jacobite cause and led his clan during the first uprising at the Battle of Killiecrankie. His involvement led to government mercenaries burning down his house.
The sept of MacGregor claimed a descent from Gregor, or Gregorius, third son, it is said, of Alpin King of Scots, who flourished about 787. Hence their original patronymic is MacAlpine, and they are usually termed the Clan Alpine. They are accounted one of the most ancient clans in the Highlands and it is certain they were of original Celtic descent.
Rob Roy was eventually caught and imprisoned,. thrown into London’s Newgate Prison to await transportation to the colonies as a “bonded servant,” in other words, little more than a slave. In 1726, whilst still at Newgate he received a full Royal pardon and returned to Scotland there to live out his last few years. This he did and lived the rest of his life as a peaceful, law abiding citizen… apart from the odd duel or two.
Legend has it that when Rob was lying on his death bed awaiting his maker an old foe-man of his came calling upon him. Upon hearing this Rob rose from his death-bed and armed himself to the hilt.
“Never let it be said that any enemy of MacGregor ever saw him defenceless and unarmed,” were purportedly his words. When the offending person had been shown the door, Rob is reported as supposedly saying: “Now it is all over - let the piper play "Ha til mi tulidh (we return no more),” and before the lilt of the tune had drawn to an end, he slipped away…………
I know many people see Rob Roy, as I said above, as some sort of Robin Hood, but others see him as a traitor and a spy, the truth is we will never know the full story, the Walter Scott version is in my opinion romantic tosh, but it sold books for the man and gave Rob Roy and legendary status in Scotland and around the world.
Every telling of Rob Roy’s story I read nowadays has a different slant, as the years roll by I try to give a slightly different slant on his life, it is up to the reader to believe their own version and to seek out more about the Legend.
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ao3feed-janeausten · 4 months
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concupiscience · 6 months
1. «This one day will be Roman (Greek) and fortunate whoever lives in this kingdom.» (He used to say this in various parts of enslaved Greece, which thereafter gained their freedom from the Turkish yoke).
2. «Oh blessed mountain, how many souls of women and children you will save, when the adverse years come!» (He said this prophecy in Siatista, northwestern Greece, and elsewhere facing the mountains, which at the time of the Greek Revolution were dens of women and children).
3. «You here, who are found up in these high mountains are fortunate, because these will keep you away from many evils. You will hear and you will not see the danger. Three hours or three days you will suffer.» (It was said at the region of Siatista).
4. «The desired fact will come about the third generation. It will be seen by your grandchildren.» (It was said in Himara – This very important prophecy of the Saint, which nursed the sweetest hope of the enslaved Greek nation, took amazing verification. Because the time of the liberation of the Nation is actually the third generation by the year prophesied that from the Saint, because as we know, each generation is estimated at 25 years).
5. «There will come a time for your enemies to take even the ash from the fire, but do not change your faith like others will.» (It was said in Siatista).
6. «I pity you because of the pride you have. My leg will not step here again. And if you don’t stop these things that you do, the arbitrariness and robbery, you will be destroyed. In this branch, where you hang your swords, it will come a day that the gypsies will hang their musical instruments.» (It was said in the village of Saint Donatos, Souli).
7. «There will come the red caps and then the Englishmen for 54 years, and then it will become Roman (Greek).» (It was said in Cephalonia on the liberation of the Ionian Islands – «Red hats» are called the French soldiers from the color of their headgear during the Napoleonic period. This prophecy found amazing fulfillment. Because after the Venetians the Ionian Islands were taken over by the French, and after their departure there came the English, whose stay lasted 54 years, that are as many as prophesied by the Saint. In 1810 the English seized the Ionian Islands. (Except Corfu, which surrendered in 1815 to Campbell, and in 1864 they handed it to Greece).
8. «The boundaries of Romans will be the Vovousa (River Aoos).» (It was said in the Old Arta). -It happened already, see the next prophecy. LMD-
9. «From there will come the Romans.» (This prophecy was said by the Saint in Preveza showing that part of the mainland from which would come the army of freedom. This occurred in 1912).
10. «The suffering will be much more. Remember my words. Pray, act and endure steadily. Until the wound of this plane tree closes, your village will be enslaved and unhappy.» (It was said to Tsaraplana, today Vasilikon of Epirus. The wound of the plane was closed in 1912, year of liberation of Epirus. Act means to work yourselves to be freed and not passively to wait others to liberate you – LMD).
11. «When will come the desired?» Asked the Saint in Tsaraplana of Epirus. «When these come together,» answered the Saint showing two saplings. (The saplings grew, fattened and joined together in 1912).
12. «The desired will come when two Paschal celebrations come together.» (In fact in 1912 the Annunciation and Easter celebrations coincided).
13. «Once it is closed the (branches of) tree and the rod is closed inside, then will come the desired. There will be a sign and do not be afraid. Go when the sun goes down to those mountains (the Homalia and Merope), which will save many souls. Do not take anything with you, only your lives to save, and the evil will not last more than 24 hours.»
14. «The villages of the valley will suffer turmoil, while at the feet of Mt Kissavos they will sleep slaves and wake up free.» (It was said in Larissa).
15. «If this cypress is dried from the top, Greece will be freed. If it is dried from the bottom, will not be free.» (It was said in Zelenitsa (Prasia) of Evritania).
16. «With difficulty will come» (Saint is referring to the desired).
17. «When you will see the «one thousand ship» in the White Sea, then it will come.» (Very large assemblage of ships (naval) in the Aegean -White Sea– which is opposite to theBlack Sea. For more see the 62th prophecy LMD-).
18. «When you will see the «one thousand ship» in Greek waters, then it will come.»
19. «When you will see the «one thousand ship» in Greek waters, then it will be resolved the issue of Constantinople (Istanbul)» (Saint Kosmas here means the fleet of security in the seas of the entire planet. See No 62 for more – LMD).
20. «It will come suddenly. You must have a bag with wheat hanging at the door. This will block you on leaving. Do not leave it. Get it with you to feed your children.»
21. «In Avlona (Vlora, in Albania) will be destruction. Troops will come to liberate the place.»
22. «In Boukormae will be shed much blood.»
23. «When you hear that the war started, then it is near.»
24. «Those villages which are near the road a lot will suffer.» (Be away from EgnatiaHighway & pαrα-Egnatia! -LMD).
25. «Dropolis will suffer because the place is bare.» (Area of Northern Epirus, filled with vineyards then, but not trees that could hide people during the fighting. So Saint Kosmas brought olive nurseries with him and told people not to plant grapes, but olives and other trees. Already the prophecy has been verified many times. – LMD).
26. «Dropolis will be full of troops.» (At the «General War» as the Saint called World War III-LMD).
27. «The harvest of that year will be lost from the fertile Dropolis and – my mother! – how much blood will be shed.»
28. «Puddles and rocks in Dropolis will be filled while leaving.» (At the Albanian manuscript, the prophecy is as follows: «The mountains, valleys and plains of Dropolis will be full of refugees»).
29. «You, in the villages of Pepeli, wrongly will fear. You will not sustain any damage. Only your children who will be in the streets you will cry for.»
30. «The antichrists will leave, but shall come again. Then you will chase them to Red Apple Tree.» (This tree means the headquarters of the red-flag Antichrists i.e. the bloodthirsty enemies, perhaps in Mecca or the Muslim countries. -LMD)
31. «It will come when two summers and two Paschal celebrations will come together.» (The release of Northern Epirus by the atheist regime of Hodja was in 1991, coinciding the feast of Easter and Evangelism in the old Calendar, which was in use at the time of Saint Kosmas. The 2 good times -summer in Greek means good time- refer first to the overthrow of the communist -atheist- rule and democratization of the countries of Eastern Europe, and secondly, to the generally good economic situation of that time. LMD)
32. «Foreign troops will come, Christ they will believe in, language they will not know…»
33. «There will come once a foreign crowd who will believe in Christ. But you will not know it.”
34. «With others you will sleep and with others you will dawn.» (It will come suddenly. LMD). The 149th prophecy in the manuscript of Triantafyllou says: «In the evening we will sleep soundly and in the morning we will find the streets filled with a foreign crowd.»
35. «You’ll see three families in one house.»
36. “You will go to reside elsewhere, and others shall come to dwell in your place.”
37. «You’ll see 40 horses to be tied up to a peg.» (Cars with engine 40 hp).
38. «Many will be lost from hunger.»
39. «The rich will become poor and the poor will die.« (Concerns not only the physical but also spiritual wealth, because it is increasingly compromised by the corrupt age, due to the general degradation of impiety, materialism, and immorality. LMD)
40. «A handful of gold a handful of flour.» The 81st of Triantafyllou: «They will dig in their homes to hide (wheat) for bread. Whoever will have hidden some of it, will not dare to go to the mill. They will grind in the hand mill.» (It has been proved true and during World War II. -LMD).
41. «The time will come that the Greeks will fight each other. I recommend concord and love.»
42. «You will see regular army, and you will see rebels (guerrilla). You will suffer much from the last of them.»
43. «They will ask rifles from you.  Have double, give one and keep the other. A rifle will save 100 lives.» (To be taken seriously into consideration by the islanders. LMD). In the 99th of the book by Triantafyllou: «Foreign troops will come, Christ will believe, language will not know. They will seek weapons. You must have double. You give the one and keep the other. With others you will sleep and with others will dawn.»
44. «The time will come when the mute and dumb objects will manage the world.»» (By “mute and dumb”, in Greek “alala & balala”, the Saint means the soulless machines of various inventions. They replaced and all the more replace working hands and dominate in the life of people as newer idols worshipped by the material-minded world. – The mute are computers,virtually quiet, and the dumb are noisy machines bii… buu…-LMD)
45. «The cause of the General War will come from Dalmatia.» (From there found occasion the 2 previous World Wars. Because both Archduke Franz Ferdinand, whose murder (28 June 1914) has prompted the First World War and Hitler who started the Second one, were Austrians. From there, perhaps Kosovo, the opportunity is already being prepared to start the third as well – LMD)
46. «The cause of the general war will come from Dalmatia. First will split Austria and then the Turkey.» (The Austro-Hungary was dissolved back in 1918, and its occupied in the past land of Yugoslavia partitioned after 1990, so it is Turkey’s time now. – LMD)
47. «The destruction will be done by a scurfy man (Cassidiari in Greek).» The prophecy in the Albanian manuscript reported as follows: «The destruction will come from a blind and scurfy man.» (Scurfy man – is he who is suffering from cassida=alopecia or scurf. But it reminds us too, of the Cassidics or Chassidics, a branch of Jews without good doctrines about God. Blind people are spiritually unbelievers, non-baptized, and scurfy allegorically are those having additionally contracted an illness in their head that is mental. See also the 80th prophecy. – LMD)
48. «They will try to resolve it by pen, but they will not be able. 99 times by war and one by pen.»
49. «If 3 powers are found to agree, nothing bad will happen to you.»
50. «If the matter is solved by war you will suffer many disasters. In three countries one will remain …»
51. «The time will come when you will not hear (= learn) anything.» (End of communications, radios, televisions, etc. Verified and in Albania, where the Hodja had the people in a terrible state with 50 drams of bread a day per person, and to prevent revolt he isolated them from all over the world and he was saying that Greece and the West live worse! – LMD)
52. «Whatever they ask from you give them. Only save your life.» Also the 107th of Triantafyllou says: «The doors will close. People will be afraid to get out.»
53. «If they find silver as they walk, will not bend down to get it. But for a cob they would kill each other trying to get it first.» (It will then occur terrible hunger. What food to find then in the supermarket!  Besides the hunger from deprivation of goods, there is from a manuscript of Vassiliki Vassilopoulou hunger also due to inadequate food: «Your dishes will be full, but the food will not be edible”. And: «The time will come when you will have all the goods, but will not dare to eat them, – manuscript of Athanasopoulos. Genetically modified, contaminated food, etc. – LMD)
54. «The evil will come to you from the learned (educated).» (The inventions of the learned including the modern predatory economic system, for which indeed we are proud! In Arnea Halkidiki said: «When the young will rule there will be evil.» Also: «Refugees from the East will come to assistance of Macedonia«. They came and come returnees, ethnic Greek and mostly Christian Orthodox: Russians, Georgians, Ukrainians, etc. LMD)
55. «Or three days or three months or three years it will endure.» (Confirmed in many cases of fighting for liberation of Greek territories from the Turks. Another prophecy says: «Or two days it will last, or two months.» For Northern Epirus the Saint said: «Your freedom will be a little earlier or a little later than the outcome of the issue of Constantinople”. – manuscript Kalyvopoulou LMD).
56. «Time will come when there will not be this harmony, as in our days, among the people and clergy.» (I.e. in his time Saint Kosmas accepts harmonic relationship between clergy and laity. -LMD).
57. «The clergy will be the worst and most impious of all.» (When St. Kosmas was saying this, some clergy from the audience resented and said: «Oh Holy one, great insult to us.»
And the Saint replied: «Ah, what am I? Am I not from your class? I tell you that this one day will happen.» Manuscript of Kalyvopoulou, from magazine «Northern Epirus». The ethical misdeeds come first. Then dominates spiritual obfuscation, which is followed with the descent into falsehoods, even in heresy. Here he speaks both on ethical (worst) and falsehoods (most wicked) wrongdoings e.g. Pan-religion.
In another manuscript, «The clergy will become like the laity, and the lay people like animals.» Also: «Hear my brethren Christians. Time will come when will not be this harmony, which is present, between the people and clergy. When a priest will go to a layperson’s home, as he will leave, they (the laypeople) will cense with incense. If he will sit on a bed, after his departure they will shake (clean) it. If the people encounter a priest on their way, they will come back and will not continue their way. » Manuscript of Kalyvopoulou -LMD).
58. «In Constantinople will spill so much blood that a 3 year-old calf would swim in it.» Also, according to the ed. of «Mikra Zyme» (Little Dough) of village Thermo, Trihonetes in Greece 2003, he said: «6-fingered man gave the City, and 6-fingered man will receive it.»
59. «Fortunate whoever will live after the general war. He will eat with silver spoons…»
60. «After the general war will live together the wolf with the lamb.»
(«Αnd will graze the wolf with the lamb, and leopard will rest with kid», as said the prophet Isaiah: 11:6. This occurs at the propagation of the Gospel, according to Saint Basil the Great: “…Predicting the allogeneic nations’ society, which was to become in Christ, speaks -Isaiah- like that”. -39th speech to the Annunciation-. Then the wicked-wolves spiritually are transformed in pious-lambs. But according to Holy Chrysostom: “Wolf calls the Holy Scripture the -predator- rich, lamb the poor”. -MPG 50. p. 437- So during the «Blink» of Orthodox Christianity after WWIII, this verb of St. Kosmas will be done both spiritually and secularly. -LMD).
61. «First will come a pseudo-Roman (false Greek). Not to believe in it. It will flee back.»
62. «It will be gathered the «1000 ships Navy» to Skaloma (Agioi Saranta) and the red-vested shall come, to fight for you.» (“We talk about a “thousand ship Navy”. That’s not just our ships. It’s an international fleet of like-minded nations participating in security operations around the world.» It is from the official website of the US Navy:http://www.navy.mil/navydata/leadership/quotes.asp?q=11&c=2)  So, the time is …now! -LMD.
63. «The Turks will go away, but will come back again and will arrive up to the Hexamilia (6-miles location). Finally you will drive them out into the “Red Apple tree”. From the Turks the 1/3 will be killed, the other third will be baptized, and only 1/3 will go to Red Apple Tree«. («Red Apple Tree»: Location, which the imagination of enslaved Greeks put into the depths of the Great Asia, see and Pr. 30).
64. «So many terrible events will happen, that the mothers will give birth prematurely from their fear.»
65. «Animals will not be left. They will eat them. Eat you too with them. At Tzoumerka you will get seed (their breed).» (Whoever will anticipate let go to high mountains, away from the streets! -LMD). In Albanian manuscript we read: «Horses will not be left. And you will go with them. From (Mount) Tzoumerka you will take their breed again.»
66. «‘Do not make big houses. Yard-walls to make, so they don’t come inside.» (Saint Kosmas says here that people with large and luxurious homes, often lose them when wars start, because they are usually converted into houses or headquarters of the army, as happened during the 1st and 2nd World War by the occupying forces. But to make fenced yards with gates, so they cannot come easily for grabs, indoors. – LMD)
67. «They will impose you a huge and unbearable tax, but will not catch up.» (Of course something big will happen, like the explosion of the great war. Confirmatory are the two following prophecies).
68. «They will put a tax on chickens and on windows«. (I.e. livestock and houses, which already occurred, so the events are near. It remains only the enlistment of the following prophecy! – LMD)
69. «They will request to take you as soldiers, but they will not catch up«. (The «Allies» plan and other wars for peace! Albright -U.S. Secretary of State- was saying when NATO bombed Serbia that such interventions will be ongoing for 25-50 years! But God’s plans are different! – LMD)
70. «The Turks will be informed of the secret 3 days sooner than the Christians«. (The Albanian manuscript has the following prophecy: «The Turks will realize it three days sooner than the Christians«.
71. «When you hear that the war was caught underneath (the south), then it will be soon.»
72. «If the war is caught underneath, you (Greeks) will suffer only a little. If it is caught from above (the North), you will be destroyed.» (The reason -start- will be from above i.e. Dalmatia – Kosovo, which already was with the NATO intervention in 1999, and is the starting of East – West confrontation of interests inside NWO, but will get caught underneath (the South) – LMD).
73. «The rocks and the pits will be full of people.»
74. «It will come suddenly. It will be either the ox in the field or the horse on the threshing floor.» (October or July. -LMD)
75. «It’s sad for me to say it to you: today, tomorrow, we expect thirst, great hunger that even giving thousands of gold coins we will not find some bread.» (About thirst there is, from the collection of Vassiliki Vassilopoulou, the prophecy of St. Kosmas: «The taps will run dry and the rivers will be dirty.» Also from the collection Kalyvopoulou: “time will come when will be great thirst and the devil will go around to the pits with his pumpkins full of water. He will only give to his own«. Basically refers to the era of the Antichrist and the marked people with his sign or a chip.- LMD)
76. «After the (general) war, people will run half an hour to find a human and make him brother.» (In some places, as in Turkey, the situation will be even worse. You will walk 7 hours, says elder Paisios to see someone. – LMD)
77. «Do not plant  vineyards, because they will spoil, as those in Dryinoupolis«.
78. «There will be a paperwork that will have (great) future in the East.» (Elsewhere is indicated as «little» rather than «great.» – LMD)
79. «The world will be so much bankrupt, as to be belted with vine branches.»
80. «The reason will come from Deleiata.» At the 101st collection of Triantafyllou: «The very big war will begin from a small state.» Also in the 102nd of Triantafyllou: «The war will start from a small state of Ottomans. The Greeks will go to war last asgravediggers. In the end, the Christians will win.» The 108th of Triant.: «When war breaks out in Dalmatia, and  the marked man will appear, the protagonist at outrages, near will be the end of the world.» (When the war broke out to Kosovo, March 1999, protagonist was the U.S. President Bill Clinton who had been charged with several scandals, the most famous being erotic, but was blamed for much heavier ones, such as the use of intelligence for selfish purposes, etc. It is not known if he is additionally sealed (marked) in some way… LMD).
81. «France will liberate many Greek places and especially the Italians will, too.»
82. «France will liberate Greece, and Italy the Epirus.» (Epirus is in northwest Greece).
83. «Through three narrow passages, Kra, Krapsi and Mouzina will pass a lot of troops to go to the City (Constantinople). It would be good for women and children to go out to the mountains. You will be asked if the City is far away. Do not say the truth, because they will abuse you. This army will not reach the City, in the middle of the road they will know that the war has finished«. (Obviously they go to occupy the City, held by the Russians, who will be already in battle against the army of the West.
Probably this army will be aid of recruiting reservists from Western countries. We (Greek) must be like fools to everything they tell us. Another manuscript states: «From three narrow passages, troops will pass to the City. They will ask how far it is. You must  answer that it is near, because they will be tired and can do to you something bad.»
In another manuscript: «They will pass filthy troops from the Esperia places of the West and they will ask: where is the City, is it near? Those who will say it is near they will not harm, those who will say it is far away they will kill.»
And here it seems that these troops have no desire to hear about wars especially long, and will not tolerate other opinions than their own. (How far is it will they ask, not the location, but the outcome of events in the City. Another similar: «Woe to the plains. Filthy nations shall come. When they will come do not be afraid, when they leave go aside«. I.e. they are immoral and stubborn, so be careful … and stay away! – LMD)
84. «The time will come when the devil will make rounds with his pumpkin.» (Satellites – LMD).
85. «You will see others going up and others down«.
86. «The freedom will come from below, where the water is poured.» (It happened in the Greek Revolution locally, but also in Egypt, the Nile with many waters. There Rommel was defeated at El Alamain – Saint Minas – and so was the fate of the Second World War determined. – LMD)
87. «From above and from the stairway (Skala) turmoil (don’t) expect.» (The «not» in other manuscripts, as in collection of Kalyvopoulou is “to” and this is the right one, because that’s what happened during the wars for liberation from the Turkish yoke, and also the 1st & 2nd World War. – LMD)
88. «One bread will be lost half and one whole«.
89. «The time will come when one woman will drive away ten Turks with a distaff (with which they spin wool).» (When the Russians suddenly occupy Turkey, then the task forces of the Turks, those located outside Turkey, will not know where to hide – LMD)!
90. «Curse the Pope, because he will be the reason.» (Vatican as a state intervenes everywhere because of interests!  Already, the Pope expressed openly in favor of the New World Order, which has caused bloodshed in many countries before the final bloodshed of the 3rd World War comes. Notice here that St. Kosmas prophetically excludes all possibility of (every) Pope’s repentance and return from his falsehoods. Because only the demons are cursed as unrepentant… – LMD)
91. «The destruction in the land will be done by one official’s name … (illegible)»
92. «Many villages will be destroyed; the three countries will become one.»
93. «Have three doors; if they hold one, leave from the other.»
94. «If one hides behind a door, he will be saved; it will be fleeting.»
95. «Supplicate that it will be day and not night, summer and not winter.»
96. «People will stay poor because they will not have love for the trees.»
97. «People will stay poor, because they will become lazy.»
98. «From high up, through the port will come the destruction.» (This was verified also in Pearl Harbor, during the second World War – LMD).
99. «They will throw to you much money; (Then) they will ask you to take it back, but will not.» (Elsewhere is written «will not make it in time.» They will offer many «packages» and loans to control Greece economically. However, they will not manage to get back their money due to some very serious cause, such as the outbreak of the Great War! For the same reason is stated in another prophecy, the No 67: «They will impose significant and onerous tax but will not make it in time«… – LMD)
100. «You’ll save others and the others you.»
101. «You will leave from the left mountains; from the right side not; By the caves do not be afraid.»
102. «It will come suddenly; The horses will be left spanned to their jobs and you will leave.» (The machines will work producing electricity, motion, cooling, heating, communications, etc, but people will not have the time, nor will be interested to stop them. – LMD)
103. «It will be eighth (great) century when these will take place«.
104. «Conceal yourselves either near the door or near the plate, if it is hasty (fleeting) and fast.»
105. «A lot will happen. The cities will end up like shanty towns«.
106. «The time will come when the damned demon will be expelled from his skull.
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linneatanner · 8 months
S.P. Somtow IMPERATRIX #HistoricalFiction #AncientRome #LGBTQ+ #BlogTour #TheCoffeePotBookClub @somtow @cathiedunn     
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FEATURED AUTHOR: S. P. SOMTOW I’m delighted to welcome S.P. Somtow as the featured author in The Coffee Pot Book Club Blog Tour held January 31st - February 2nd, 2024. S.P. Somtow is the author of the Historical Fiction / Ancient World / LGBTQ+ Interest, "IMPERATRIX: The Empress who was once a Slave (Nero and Sporus Series, Book 2), released by Diplodocus Press on 24th December 2023 (276 pages). Below are highlights of IMPERATRIX, S.P. Somtow's author bio, and a snippet from his book. Tour Schedule Page: https://thecoffeepotbookclub.blogspot.com/2024/01/blog-tour-imperatrix-by-sp-somtow.html HIGHLIGHTS: IMPERATRIX   IMPERATRIX: The Empress who was once a Slave (Nero and Sporus Series, Book 2) By S.P. Somtow Blurb: Captured by pirates and sold to a Roman aristocrat as a sex slave, Sporus attracted the attention of no less a personage than the Emperor Nero, ruler of the known world. Would-be poet, patron of the arts, aesthete, and brutal autocrat, the Divine Nero saw in the boy a startling resemblance to the Empress Poppaea - and made him an empress as well. Suetonius, Tacitus, and other Roman historians have given tantalizing glimpses into the incredible life story of the boy who became twice an empress to two emperors, and was condemned to die in the arena by a third. In this meticulously researched trilogy World Fantasy, award-winning author S.P. Somtow lays bare the darkest secrets of Imperial Rome - its triumphs and its nadirs, its beauty, and its cruelty. Through this chaos, a contorted mirror of our contemporary world, this figure of Sporus moves, all too knowing yet all too innocent, providing a worm's eye view of one of the wildest periods in ancient history. Imperatrix, the second volume of the tale, takes us into the heart of the Imperial palace with all its intrigue, depravity, and splendor. Buy Links: This title is available to read on #KindleUnlimited. Universal Buy Link: https://books2read.com/u/mV2EaJ AUTHOR BIO: S. P. SOMTOW   Once referred to by the International Herald Tribune as 'the most well-known expatriate Thai in the world,' Somtow Sucharitkul is no longer an expatriate, since he has returned to Thailand after five decades of wandering the world. He is best known as an award-winning novelist and a composer of operas. Born in Bangkok, Somtow grew up in Europe and was educated at Eton and Cambridge. His first career was in music, and in the 1970s, upon his first return to Asia, he acquired a reputation as a revolutionary composer, the first to combine Thai and Western instruments in radical new sonorities. Conditions in the arts in the region at the time proved so traumatic for the young composer that he suffered a major burnout, emigrated to the United States, and reinvented himself as a novelist. His earliest novels were in the science fiction field, and he soon won the John W. Campbell for Best New Writer as well as being nominated for and winning numerous other awards in the field. But science fiction was not able to contain him and he began to cross into other genres. In his 1984 novel Vampire Junction, he injected a new literary inventiveness into the horror genre, in the words of Robert Bloch, author of Psycho, 'skillfully combining the styles of Stephen King, William Burroughs, and the author of the Revelation to John.' Vampire Junction was voted one of the forty all-time greatest horror books by the Horror Writers' Association. In the 1990s Somtow became increasingly identified as a uniquely Asian writer with novels such as the semi-autobiographical Jasmine Nights and a series of stories noted for a peculiarly Asian brand of magic realism, such as Dragon's Fin Soup, which is currently being made into a film directed by Takashi Miike. He recently won the World Fantasy Award, the highest accolade given in the world of fantastic literature, for his novella The Bird Catcher. Returning to Thailand in 2001, he became artistic director of Opera Siam and has had more than a dozen operas produced around the world including The Snow Dragon and The Silent Prince, premiered in the United States, Helena Citronova, an opera set during the Holocaust, and the ten-part DasJati: Ten Lives of the Buddha. In the last few years he has made a return to writing novels with the Nero and Sporus trilogy and the young adult series, Club X. In 2021, the film he produced and wrote, The Maestro: Symphony of Terror, received over forty awards at international festivals, and in 2023, the Thai government officially elevated him to the status of National Artist. Read S.P. Somtow’s interview on Literary Titan about Imperatrix at https://literarytitan.com/2024/01/21/the-core-of-innocence/. Author Links: Website: www.somtow.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/somtow Facebook: www.facebook.com/somtow Instagram: www.instagram.com/somtow Book Bub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/s-p-somtow Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B000APBJXC Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/81037.S_P_Somtow SNIPPET: IMPERATRIX   I had got up from my dining couch and was circulating among other triclinia laid out in the garden, and I heard those exact sentiments from an old drunk man; I recognized him as Pontius Pilatus, and I recognized the stories, too — the orgiastic love-feast cults, the baby-eating and what not — from the last banquet I’d seen the old general at.  But the way he told the stories was more … I would say, more mechanical, like a schoolboy reciting Homer, trying to get through the lines while avoiding the tutor’s quirt. “Ah,” he said, greeting me, “Poppaea.  Or are you Poppaea’s evil twin?  You’ve lost your baby belly.” “Still telling the same tall tales, General,” I said. “But the telling isn’t the same; this time, your tales are literally lighting up the banquet.” “It’s a good thing they’re using the display crosses,” said Pilatus, “so we can get the light without the smell.” A woman sitting next to him said, “And without the guilt, Pontius.” “I daresay if they were marinated in garlic and garum instead of being coated with pitch, the smell would be quite pleasant,” another guest piped up. “The guilt,” the woman said again, grimly lifting a honeyed mouse by the tail and popping it her mouth, then spitting out the tiny bones. “My wife, the Lady Procula,” said Pilatus.  “She used to have nightmares about it.  Now, I have the nightmares.” “Because, my dear,” said the Lady Procula, “you know they don’t actually have baby-eating orgies.” “Blood rites, dear.  They do have blood rites.” “Metaphorical, husband!  They are a completely harmless cult. The Jews don’t worship the Emperor either, and they’re not lighting up his dinner parties.” “They will be soon,” said another voice. Tigellinus, also making the rounds.  “I hear they are revolting again.”   Instagram Handle: @thecoffeepotbookclub       Read the full article
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ao3feed-clairenovak · 9 months
Only You
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/MKtOfWV by LunaW0lf Amaris is the youngest sibling of the Winchesters. The youngest of Sam by a few minutes. The Winchester's mother is killed at the hands of Azazel, and it is up to them to kill the thing that killed their mother years ago. They kill the demon and continue hunting with the family business, so they can help others. Rose's life changes more when a certain King of Hell shows up to help. Words: 1095, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M Characters: Crowley (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Charlie Bradbury, John Winchester, Mary Winchester, Lucifer (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural), Michael (Supernatural), Jack Kline, Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Rowena MacLeod, Jo Harvelle, Meg | Demon Possessing Meg Masters, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Claire Novak, Jody Mills, Ellen Harvelle, Kevin Tran (Supernatural), Metatron (Supernatural), Gadreel (Supernatural), Arthur Ketch, Dick Roman (Supernatural), Rufus Turner, Amara (Supernatural), Samuel Campbell, Balthazar (Supernatural), Cain (Supernatural), Zachariah (Supernatural), God | Chuck Shurley Relationships: Crowley/OC read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/MKtOfWV
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hedonistiics · 1 year
— STARTER FOR » @emotionlcss — MUSE » roman campbell. 21-26. tattoo artist & dr*g dealer. — INSPIRED BY » "back to you" by alexander stewart
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they'd broken up eight months ago. eight excruciating months where roman hadn't been able to think of anything but her. she'd ruined going out, dating and having fun in general, so all in all he'd been a miserable prick. which was how he found himself at home, alone on a saturday night with a drink in hand thinking about how dumb he'd been to drive her to the airport, as she hadn't ever returned to town. at least not to his knowledge. "you're not going to call her," roman said to himself and downed the rest of his drink, before grabbing his phone, "for fuck's sake." looking at the electronic device in his hand he considered chucking it against the wall, but thought better of it as he couldn't afford a new one, and instead chose to press her name on the screen, waiting to see if she'd even pick up.
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fitnesspiner · 2 years
The bema judgment seat of christ
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We must strongly emphasize that this judgment is unrelated to sin, and is more for the giving of rewards than the rejection of any failure. Jesus totally paid the penalty for our sins. That would be inconsistent with the finished work of Christ on the Cross. In other words, the Bema seat is a reward seat and represents a time of rewards or loss of rewards following this spiritual contest, but it is definitely not a time of punishment where believers are judged for their sins. Though the judge at the Bema bestows rewards to the victors, he does not condemn the losers. Just as the athlete appeared before the Bema to receive his worldly award, Christians will appear before Christ’s Bema to receive an eternal award. Paul sees believers as competitors in a spiritual contest. The victor was led by the judge to the platform called the Bema. Bema was taken from athletic games where the contestants would compete for the prize under the careful watch of judges who would make sure that every rule was obeyed. In the epistles by Paul, he alluded many times to Greek athletic contests, and where it was originally used by the Greeks. Bema is used in the gospels and in Acts in reference to the raised platform where a Roman ruler sat to make decisions and pass sentence. The decision to serve, and the diligence employed in doing so, are our responsibility and our contribution, and God sees this as rewardable.īoth Romans 14:10 and 2 Corinthians 5:9 speak of the “judgment seat.” This is a translation of the Greek word Bema. God always supplies the means by which we can serve Him. It is a gift through faith, but He does reward us for good works. The fact is, the Bible promises us rewards. However, understanding the nature of rewards will help us do that. Well, of course we should serve the Lord out of love and for His glory. Some people are troubled by the doctrine of these rewards because this seems to suggest “works” instead of “grace,” and because, we should only serve the Lord out of love and for His glory. However, we need to understand the nature of these rewards to understand the nature of the motivation. These rewards become or should become great motives of the Christian life. However, there are rewards given for faithfulness in your Christian life and there is the loss of rewards for unfaithfulness. In the final words of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, we find these words of the Lord:īehold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done. The Lord’s return and what this means not only to the world but to us individually is a very prominent subject in the New Testament. Really, it’s a place where rewards will be given or lost depending on how one has used his or her life for the Lord. The judgment seat of Christ is not a place and time when the Lord will delve out punishment for sins committed by the children of God. A common misconception from the English translation is that God will delve out a just retribution for sins in a believer’s life, and some measure of punishment for those sins will result. The judgment seat of Christ, in the English Bible, causes some to draw the wrong conclusion. The word Bema is translated from Greek, meaning “the judgment seat”. Follow Dan on his journey of self-discovery and discover some things about yourself that will help you get ready for The Bema.Published by Pastor Ron Campbell on JanuJanuary 25, 2017 Observe how Christians from all periods of history are rewarded, some for great achievements, and others for faithful service in obscurity. Feel the thrill of the main character, Dan Mathewson, as he is caught up to heaven in the rapture of the church and then find out what happens after the rapture. The stage drama only lasts from 45 to 90 minutes and depicts just a few scenes, but the audiobook dramatizes the whole gripping story for seven hours of listening entertainment and inspiration. Literally tens of thousands of people have been encouraged by this drama to live each day with a view to that day, when “we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.” (II Corinthians 5:10 KJV) Professional actor Joe Mayers goes into character for each person in the story to make the narrative come alive, just like the stage drama. At last, the book that inspired a dramatic monologue about the judgment seat of Christ that has been performed by churches and other Christian organizations across the US and around the world has been made into a dramatized audiobook.
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traderlascl · 2 years
Numbers in different languages
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#Numbers in different languages plus#
But only a minority of languages are standardized in this way. Hundreds of millions of English speakers agree that the numbers are one, two, three, etc.The standard orthography or standard dialect may have changed since my source on a language was published.Shared numbers do not necessarily indicate genetic relationship.Pronunciation, making comparisons difficult. Both native spelling and romanizations may obscure actual.Special thanks to the Claudia Griffith and the staff of the SIL Library in Duncanville, Texas, whose wonderful hospitality made a week of research in the summer of 2004 both pleasant and productive. Louis and Pavel Petrov of Kaliningrad, who sent me their enormous, worldwide collection of numbers. Chan of Hong Kong, who sent me hisĮntire Austronesian database and Carl Masthay of St. I dearly appreciate everyone who's sent me numbers but I want to particularly salute those whose kindness and hard work have been extraordinary: Jarel Deaton of Ohio, who is single-handedly responsible for more than a quarter of the numbers seen here Eugene S.L. The Sources Page gives the sources for each language (and also lists languages I don't have, and connects the languages to other wide-scale classifications: Ruhlen, Voegelin & Voegelin, Campbell, and the Ethnologue). How languages are classified, from the sci.lang faq.Language Information: notes on linguistic families, and a taste of ethnomathematics.Jennifer Runner's page on common expressions in many languages.Rick Schellen's page of the numbers in over 400 Indo-European dialects.
#Numbers in different languages plus#
The numbers in various writing systems, plus field notes on distinguishing various types of writing systems.Million-speaker languages: the world's major languages.Proto-languages only: perfect for the long-range comparison fan.Or click on the map to move to the languages for that area. This page with links to smaller non-Unicode files If your browser can't handle either of these things, click below. The links on this page are to a single 1.1-megabyte file with all the numbers, displayed using Unicode. Specifically I use a letter substition system to write greek words in english.Numbers from 1 to 10 in Over 5000 Languages (One file) Compiled by the irrepressible Mark Rosenfelder. The "names" presented here are therefore transliterations of the original greek. The Greek alphabet contains only 24 letters, a number of which have no equivalents in the english alphabet. I don't concern myself with these details, and I simply chose the first case in these instances. Latin has different names for certain numbers based on context. : Here is one of the sources I used to get the latin numbers. Basically it provides short names for the first 1000 or so counting numbers ! The next article explains the impetus for this construction. Now that I have given a sampling of the notations and naming conventions used for numbers throughout the world and through history, I would like to present my own unique naming convention. If your interested you can learn about urdu numbers at this link. I would have listed it with the other languages, but the construction for the first 100 counting numbers is irregular and doesn't follow the constructions above. There is also urdu which is very unusual. These will come in handy later as you will see, for naming large numbers. The following two tables display all the word components you would need to count to a thousand in no less than 14 different languages. This same approach ( called "transliteration" ) has been used on the Japanese, Chinese, Hebrew, Swahili, Sanskrit, and Thai languages. The Greek number words here are the result of translating Greek letters to approximate English letters based on phonetics (the way the Greek letters are pronounced ). Some of these letters are analogous to English letters, but others have no counterpart. Please note that Greek does not use the standard English alphabet, but rather the Greek alphabet which only contains 24 letters. There is also a bonus language not shown on this chart, but there is a link that will take you to it after the chart. The following table goes over the important word components used to form number words in English, but also in 13 additional languages, including Latin, Greek, Japanese, Hebrew, Spanish, French, German, and many more! In fact, in most foreign language classes, the "number words" are some of the first things you learn. So intuitive and uniform is the idea of numbers, that it is easy to learn and understand them even when spoken in another language. If there is a universal human language, it's the language of numbers. Counting to a thousand in 14 different languages
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sande5098 · 2 years
Kim Burgess x friend reader
Summary: A murder of someone from Kim’s past brings back someone she thought was gone.
Warnings: murder, mentioned SA, mentioned Abuse, and mentioned kidnapping (please do not read if you find this triggering)
Word count: 1117
Gif not mine
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Kim Burgess sighed as she took a sip from her morning coffee, She was currently sitting beside her partner, Sean Roman, who was also drinking his coffee. An early start without coffee was no way to start the day so they shad take 5 minutes personal, to go grab coffee.
For a Tuesday morning Kim was lost in thought, she had the weirdest dream last night, one that she just couldn’t shake from her head. For some reason Y/n L/n had been knocking on her apartment door, covered in blood; definitely peculiar and a long way off what she was like in high school.
Y/n L/n, Kim Burgess’ best friend during High school. She was quiet around others but filled with personality, bossy and outgoing once you got passed her shell. She had been the sweetest woman that Kim had ever met, but the way her dream portrayed her, was cruel. Her eyes dull, with blood all over her face, with dark circles under her eyes, a hollow face and tears tracks that ran down her face that sent shivers down her spine. It bothered her even to think about it… the topper on the cake, Y/n L/n was meant to be dead.
“What’s wrong Burgess?” The voice of her partner shook her from her thoughts, she looked over at Sean and smiled, “nothing, just thinking.” Taking another sip of her coffee, their radios started talking, “2113 shots fired on 118th street, assistance required. Do you copy?” Burgess nodded and Roman, as she notified back,“2113 responding.” They turned on the sirens and made their way towards the scene.
By the time they got there, only the paramedics and a DOA where left, the shooter nowhere in sight, they had searched the perimeter and the only thing was a blood trail that stopped suddenly near an abandoned house. Roman had gone in the opposite direction in search of the weapon, leaving Kim to search the house herself.
She crept though the door that was left slightly ajar, Kim had her gun drawn and her flashlight on. The floor boards where creaky in certain places that she stepped, and she winced at the sound. A scuttling sound took over the deafening quiet of the house, “CPD, show yourself!” But nothing moved. Kim continued to search the house, but nothing came up. Eventually she had no choice but to leave, they needed to find the killer quickly.
The DOA’s name was Timothy Campbell. A name that Kim too well knew from high school, one of the jocks that had made peoples lives hell.. she went home, tired that day, intelligences had taken the case and they would be reporting to them tomorrow to help. With whatever willpower she had left she started making herself dinner, more specifically Mac and cheese.
The smell wafted through the apartment making Kim forget everything that had just happened today for a couple of seconds before a knock at the door. She turned the gas stove off and made her way to the door, there stood the exact same figure in the doorway as her dream… the woman’s face was hollow, her hands had dried blood on them, her e/c eyes looked dead with tears in them. Her clothes were also in tatters, but she recognised the face…. “Y/n? But you’re dead.”
“Kimberly?” Your voice rasped, “is that really you?” Your friend nodded and quickly ushered you into the place she was at after seeing your clothing. “Y/n, you’re dead, that’s what your mother told me.” Kim said as she hugged you tight, you started sobbing, “I killed him, I’m sorry.”
Kim froze and barely whispered, “who Y/n? What happened?” “Timothy Campbell. I killed him.” You started sobbing harder, and Kim hugged you tighter, telling you to calm down. After a little while you stopped crying as hard and Kim pulled away from the hug, and faced her best friend. “Hey do you want to go get a shower? Do you know where you left the gun?” You nodded and pulled a 9mm from your jacket pocket and put it on the table, pushing it to Kim, “I..I didn’t know what to do… he kept me hidden for 8 years and…” your voice trailed off and Kim just pulled you in for another hug, both your clothes were covered in blood. “Let me call someone, I’ll explain the situation and we’ll get the case dropped.”
You wanted to disagree but you knew Kim wouldn’t put you in danger. “Here let me lead you to the bathroom, you can take a shower and I’ll get you some fresh clothes. Don’t worry about anything, I’m glad you came to me. How did you know I was a police officer?”
You coughed, “please, I knew you weren’t going to be an air hostess forever, that vibe just wasn’t you and you always talked about being a cop… I missed you Kimmy.” She smiled at you too, “yeah it was kinda obvious, I missed you too Y/n.”
She lent you some clean clothes, with the promise of a shower afterwards while also changing herself out of the clothes she was wearing.
Next on the list, call Hank Voight.
Kim braced herself for this conversation, “I need you to drop the case.”
Why’s that?”
“Because the girl who killed Campbell was abducted and abused by him, she done it in self defence.” Kim whispered, “she genuinely believed this was the only way she could get out,” Kim explained, trying to prove a point.
“You believe this story?” Voight asked,
“Well the girl was dead until now, hell, I went to her funeral and now I’m looking at the murder weapon. I’d be a shifty friend if I didn’t believe her.” Kim snapped, and immediately regretted it. “sorry it’s been a long day.”
Voight replied, “so she’s your friend.”
“Yeah, we went to high school together.” Kim confirmed, “please Voight, she’s been through enough.”
“I’m coming over.”
That was the last thing that she heard before the call ended, Kim could only hope that he saw it like she did.
As Voight left, Kim couldn’t help but sigh in relief and hugged Y/n tight against her, Voight had taken the 9mm and your bloody clothes to get rid of them, as well as call Mouse to wipe the apartment footage of your arrival.
You couldn’t help but feel relieved, no charges would be pressed and you would be able to get your old identity back, and perhaps your old job back as a paramedic, if you retook and passed the updated test. But right now, it was just good to be back in your best friend’s arms.
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chicksandlit · 2 years
Fandoms List
This is my fandoms list as of; 9th July 2024
*Characters listed are the ones I prefer to write for, but feel free to ask about others from these fandoms as well. There is a chance I will write for most characters, as long as I like the request and know who they are/how they act.
»»————  ♡ 𝕋𝕍 𝕊𝕙𝕠𝕨𝕤 ♡   ————-««
𝙾𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎 𝙸𝚜 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙱𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚔
Alex Vause
Nicky Nichols
Maritza Ramos
Dayanara Diaz
Lorna Morello
Jughead Jones
Betty Cooper
Veronica Lodge
Cheryl Blossom
Toni Topaz
FP Jones
Fangs Fogarty
Sweet Pea
𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚕𝚢𝚗 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎
Jake Peralta 
Rosa Diaz
Amy Santiago
Terry Jeffords
Charles Boyle
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚘𝚌𝚒𝚎𝚝𝚢
Allie Pressman
Harry Bingham
Campbell Eliott
𝚃𝚑𝚎 V𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝙳𝚒��𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚄𝚗𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚎
Damon Salvatore
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Niklaus Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Katherine Pierce
Lexi Brason
Nora Hildegard
Mary Louise
Valerie Tulle
Jo Laughlin
Liv Parker
Hayley Marshall 
Freya Mikaelson
Hope Mikaelson
Davina Claire
Marcel Gerard
Josh Rosza
Vincent Griffith
Jackson Kenner
Lucian Castle
Aurora De Martel
Lizzie Saltzman
Rafael Waithe
Penelope Park
Kaleb Hawkins
Guzman Nunier 
Samuel Garcia 
Lu Montesinos Hendrich
Rebeca Avalos
Christian Varela
Nano Garcia
Polo Benavent 
Carla Roson 
Valerio Montesinos
Liv Moore
Ravi Chakrabarti
Major Lilywhite
Lowell Casey
Blaine DeBeers
Peyton Charles
Clive Babineaux
Alec Lightwood
Jace Wayland
Magnus Bane
Clary Fray
Isabelle Lightwood
Simon Lewis
Raphael Santiago
Maia Roberts
𝙱𝙱𝙲 𝚁𝚘𝚋𝚒𝚗 𝙷𝚘𝚘𝚍
Robin Hood
Guy of Gisborne
Isabella Gisborne
𝚃𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚆𝚘𝚕f
Stiles Stilinski
Lydia Martin
Scott McCall
Derek Hale
Malia Tate
Allison Argent
Isaac Lahey
Theo Raken
Jackson Whittemore
Peter Hale
Melissa McCall
Chris Argent
Erica Reyes
𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚄𝚂
Ian Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Mickey Milkovitch
Mandy Milkovitch
Kevin Ball
Carl Gallagher
Fiona Gallagher
»»———— ♡  Films ♡   ————-««
𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙿𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛
*I in no way condone Joanne's actions and words. Anything I write in this fandom are from my own imagination.
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Ginny Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Sirius Black
Regulus Black
Remus Lupin
Draco Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy
Minerva McGonagall
Pansy Parkinson
Severus Snape
Nymphadora Tonks
Sybil Trelawney
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
»»———— ♡  Real People ♡   ————-««
Colby Brock
Sam Golbach
Alexa Bliss
Triple H
Roman Reigns
Austin Theory
Bianca Belair
Cody Rhodes
Logan Paul
Randy Orton
Santos Escobar
Tiffany Stratton
CM Punk
Dakota Kai
Damian Priest
Dominik Mysterio
Drew McIntyre
Finn Balor
JD McDonagh
Jey Uso
Liv Morgan
Rhea Ripley
Samantha Irvin
Sami Zyn
Seth “Freakin” Rollins
Zeina Vega
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ao3feed-janeausten · 4 months
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