#romanticize exams
dakotalawyer · 1 year
1 hour 35 mins into my commercial law exam (26 hour long, open-book, take home exam to be clear) and I've already started on the essay question? Academic weapon who?? In past years it's taken 4 hours of planning to actually begin; I think writing my dissertation this year and really consolidating a lot of the legal writing skills from over the years has helped me legitimately level up in terms of intelligence and academic ability to the point where these exams aren't so bad as before.
Or maybe,,, maybe it's because my revision was far more effective this year with fewer distractions and I attended way more classes this year? But also definitely feeling a lot more confident generally, especially in my writing ability.
Anyway, good exam vibes so far ^_^ 24.5 hours remaining!!
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fromedennn · 10 months
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epidemiology 100–summer asynchronous course
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fairydrowning · 1 year
"I dream. Sometimes I think that’s the only right thing to do. To dream, to live in the world of dreams."
– Haruki Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart
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frisorg · 7 months
academic validation
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xinyuehui · 1 year
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Guangyan really thinks that Yiyong's worst nightmare is taking a Chinese exam to the point that they have to sleep together
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stuckinapril · 3 months
how do you study for such long hours? 12-16 hours? i tend to tire out after 8 hours.
bc if i'm not top of the class then what's the point. duhh
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biblio-smia · 1 year
finals season with ethan landry
can be read as platonic or romantic ethan landry x gn! reader
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all your exams have begun creeping up on you and you're stressing
but theres nothing to fear with ethan
motivates you to start studying early. even when the two of you fool around for a little bit you always manage to get more work done than you would've by yourself
it's finals week and you are running on fumes
you're trying to spend every waking moment studying and ethan can literally see the light leaving your eyes
ethan is the type to coax you into getting into bed before you fall asleep on your laptop.
ethan makes you meals and snacks. he put your laptop on the charger and repacks your bag. he takes care of everything to make sure you're prepared
ethan helps you create study materials even if he's not taking the same courses you are
will literally learn physics just to help you, just because you love the way he explains things
ethan is so patient when you don't get something, more so than you. he doesn't let you get frustrated with yourself, forcing you to take a break before you get back to it.
after hell week is over ethan will just lay with you, phones thrown somewhere across the room, and let your energy restore
ethan knows how important passing your exams are to you, but your health is more important to him and he will do everything he can to help you <3
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draculaswidow · 2 months
Romanticizing exam season (STEM edition)
Heavy textbooks, messy doodles on tables as you start overthinking your life again, discarded empty ink bottles, colored pens, messy markings on loose sheets, anatomy sketches, ink smudges on your hands, on your clothes, nervous pacing around your room as you try to memorize every part of the human body, physics formulae scribbled in walls, tables in a frenzy, dramatic scribbles of poetic epiphanies as you get lost in daydreams, dirty tea cups, bed half covered with books, making reading lists trying to romanticize what you will do after exams are over, dreams of a white coat, a perpetual haunting in your eyes, a longing for your dreams, permanent dark circles and hunched back, the blessing and curse of an academic hell
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whereareyouvera · 4 months
i love when exam season rolls around and suddenly the weather is more pleasant, my friends seem a little more interesting, tumblr becomes more fun to scroll on, i have a list of movies that really resonate with me, songs become more catchy, my bed becomes for comfy and living life gets a little bit more tempting right as i have to pause it.
fuck this back to studying :(
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meddstudent · 9 months
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back when I was studying histology at this cute coffe shop
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kiss-me-im-emo · 8 months
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one more exam left tomorrow. For my visual and global contexts class. Basically photojournalism. For my mystery literature class I got a 100% on the midterm yayyyy. I also got a 93% on my conflict,negotiation, and mediation midterm. The exam for Spanish was last week and I bombed it (65%) however I have 10 extra credit points that I can add to the score.
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arcanvm-arcanorum · 1 year
clothes scattered all over the floor, piles of cups listing to the side because of how tall they are, papers and sticky notes tacked hastily onto the walls, stacks of textbooks under the desk and spread open on the floor, completely filled notebooks that are somehow still being used, worksheets upon worksheets covering the desk, dark undereye circles, chapped and dehydrated lipss, ink-stained hands, greasy hair held back in a messy updo.... exam season x chaotic academia, a visual.
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apollosbardh · 1 month
april recap ♡
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♰ beginning of sophomore year ♰ theatre play (a comedy of errors) ♰ theatre monologue (helena in act i scene iii in all's well that ends well) ♰ research project on gender equality ♰ trip to odisha (konark, puri, bhubaneswar) ♰ trip to andhra pradesh (visakhapatnam) ♰ exams
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fairydrowning · 2 years
She's in someone's locket, 1940s
– Via "Antique Store's Drawer" on Facebook
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I have basically one week until my finals start. So, you know what that means- sleepless nights, constant crying and shit tons of coffee and diet coke.
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sooophelia · 1 year
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I have a big exam tomorrow that is 3 hours long and will literally dictate my whole grade, wish me luck!
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