#ronmione fanfiction
addictiontohp · 3 months
Ron: are you in the mood for quickie?
Hermione, choking: I beg your pardon.
Ron: a quickie. You know those egg tarts.
Hermione: ron that's a QUICHE.
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justagirlwholikesadam · 7 months
Birthday Boy
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A little blurb from The American: Welcome Back! - click to read
Summary: Celebrating Remus' birthday.
Warning: slight/little nsfw, cute Remus, Harry calls Remus uncle, everyone loves Remus, birthday party, Kreacher being Kreacher, Sirius is a cockblock.
Word Count: 2.2k
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Harry was excited when he was told that he received mail from his aunt Yankee. He’s been corresponding mail to all three, Sirius, Remus and you after having dinner. Harry wrote to you the most since he felt like he had more of a connection with you. You had suffered the same way as he did, in school and at home. He read of the stories you have written to him about how you dealt with bullies when you were at school. Most of it involved your fists since you were new to magic but as you kept learning, you used spells to get back. 
Opening the letter, he was smiling when he read the invitation to Remus’ surprise birthday party that you were throwing for him. You had written to Harry to bring his friends if they wished to come and celebrate. Ron was so excited when Harry told him that he screamed about it in the great hall. 
“Oi Harry! It’s Professor Lupin’s birthday soon?” Fred asked Harry as his brother George came behind him. Even though Remus stopped working at Hogwarts, the students kept calling Remus, Professor Lupin.
The name of Professor Lupin gathered the attention of many other students who quickly walked towards the Gryffindor's table. Many were asking Harry, they all wanted to know about their favorite teacher who left. They all missed him and his fun teaching. You received a letter soon from Harry telling you the amount of people wanting to come. You smiled to yourself as you read the letter in secret, away from Remus. Tearing up at the kind words the students were saying about Remus and how they wanted to see their favorite teacher on his birthday. Calling Sirius, you knew you had your work cut out for you. 
March 10th, came and you woke Remus up with your body under the covers and your head between his legs. Remus moans with a hand on your head as you swallow his cock whole. He was about to cum when the door of the bedroom opened and you shouted in surprise when Sirius came running into the room, jumping onto the bed. 
“PADFOOT!” Remus shouts as he covers his privates behind his pillow. You are on your knees with the blanket over you and your hand over your mouth to muffled your laughter. 
“Happy Birthday Moony!” Sirius said kissing Remus’ cheek as a large tray of food came floating into the bedroom. 
“Thanks, Padfoot.” Remus said as you took the tray and set it in front of him. Remus gives you a look and you wink at him. Sirius had made a large amount of chocolate chip pancakes with eggs and thick slices of bacon and toast. A variety of jam and jelly laid out around the tray for the slices of toast. Tea was already served in cups, steaming hot and Sirius had even made hot chocolate for Remus. 
Remus brings a slice of toast with jelly to Padfoot’s mouth and some pancakes to your mouth. The three of you talked and ate in bed. 
Remus told you he didn’t want anything done for his birthday as he got dressed for the day. You were sitting on edge of the bed, nodding as you looked down at your nails. He always said this every year. He didn’t want anything big, a simple dinner was sufficient for him but you wanted to do more since you came back for good. Sirius had come up with the idea to tell Remus there was a new bookstore a few miles away. Remus comes out of the bathroom and you look up to see him nicely dressed with some clothes that Sirius had gifted him. Dark pants and a white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the top button of his shirt were undone showing a bit of his chest. His hair was damp and he combed it to the side. 
“I might have to finish what I started this morning?” You say as you push yourself up from the bed and walk towards him. Remus blushes as you eye him, up and down. He wraps an arm around your shoulder kissing you sweetly. 
You hugged him before patting his back and walking him to the door, ignoring Remus’ shock reaction. As much you wanted to suck his cock, you had a party to get ready. 
“I thought-.” You shake your head. “Tonight! I need to start preparing for dinner.” 
It was Remus’ turn to shake his head. "You just got back, please rest. We can order something when I come back." Your heart wants to explode from how kind and thoughtful your husband is.
“Enjoy the bookstore, baby.” You go on your tippy toes to kiss him one more time. Sirius calls out for him downstairs and he kisses your forehead then walks down the stairs to leave with Sirius. The moment you heard the door close, you ran downstairs to grab the bags of decorations hidden in the closet near the kitchen. 
The floo in the living room was heard and you heard footsteps. “Aunt Yankee?” 
You smiled at Harry’s voice and you walked to the living room. You were surprised by the amount of children in the living room. Harry said there were people coming but you didn’t know they were coming all at the same time. 
“We thought you might want some help.” Hermione said with a smile when she noticed your shocked reaction.
“Guys, this is my aunt.” Harry introduced the other students to you, proudly. You greeted them and they were quick to ask you what needs to be done. Hermione and a group of younger kids were making dessert and little treats while Fred and George hung up decorations on the wall. 
The younger kids that came with Harry were surprised when you started to use magic without your wand. Hermione just stared at you when you helped her with the cake. When you needed a spatula that was hung up across the room without a word, or a glance at the object. You brought your hand out in the spatula just flew towards your hand.
“How did…”Hermione was told about you by Harry. She was very intrigued and curious about you. Harry said your magic was strong, she wanted to know how since you were muggle born and it gave her confidence that one day she can be strong as well. 
“You okay, dear?” You asked her looking up from the chocolate batter. Hermione nods and tells you she hopes Professor Lupin likes the cake.
The clock strikes three on the dot as you place the chocolate cake in the middle of the table. You took a look around and was happy with how everything looked. The food was done cooking, the chips and treats you got from the states were laid out. The children were looking at the food, wanting to try the food you brought over. 
You heard laughter from outside and knew that was the sign. 
“Quick quick!” You told the children as you hit the light off and hid behind the couch while the others hid behind the table and chairs. 
“You honestly found that funny, padfoot?” You heard your husband ask as the door opened. 
“Why is your hair-?” Remus was cut off when he walked into the living room and the lights came on. 
Remus froze when he saw the children, Harry and you jump up. He looks over and sees the decoration around the living room. He pats on the younger students’ shoulders who ran up to him wishing him a good day and a happy birthday.
“Uncle Moony!” Harry calls out and hugs him. Remus hugs him back then looks at you with tears in his eyes. Harry had remembered what you told him when you dropped him off at school. 
“You shouldn’t have.” Remus said after thanking Ron and Hermione when they wished him a good birthday. 
“I know but I wanted to. It’s your birthday, a day to celebrate you.” Remus kisses you gently before one of the kids asks who’s that man by the food table. 
Sirius looks over his shoulder with a plate of sandwiches and cookies. His dark curls were now a strawberry blonde color and wore a pair of thin metal glasses. Hermione and Ron giggle because they knew it was Sirius. 
Sirius wanted to wear a disguise to not scare the younger students because of his wanted posters that were everywhere. He didn’t mind it, that’s what he told you. You were the one to tell him that he would look good with blonde hair too. Harry and Sirius were talking amongst themselves soon after Sirius said he was cousins with Remus. Light music was playing in the background and everyone enjoyed the treats from America and were asking Remus how they met you. Remus and you spoke together, both of you not noticing the older students looking. 
“Do they always look at each other like that?” Ginny asked Harry and Ron. George and Fred stood behind Hermione as they looked at Remus laughing at something you said. His eyes shined so brightly that everyone could see how much Remus loves you.
“Yeah.” Harry answered with a smile as you looked up at Remus with a grin. 
Remus wanted to cry when Sirius made him sit on the head of the table as everyone surrounded him was singing happy birthday. Remus looks up at you as you place your hands on his shoulders behind him. You kissed his cheek as the chocolate cake came floating right in front of him. It sat on the table and Remus blew the candles when you told him to make a wish. 
Remus looks around for a moment and his heart feels like it might burst out of his chest. He grabs your hand and kisses your hand before you ask one of the children to pass you the plates. 
He thanked the students one by one as he stood next to the floo. Each of them said how much they missed him and hoped he would come back to teach. Harry was the last to leave, he hugged Sirius and you goodbye. He walks to Remus who was waiting by the floo for him. 
“Thank you for coming, Harry.” Remus said, placing a hand on his shoulder. Remus was surprised when Harry gave him another hug, he took it. He wraps his arm around him and leans down to place his chin on top of Harry’s head. It meant everything to Remus. Like you told Harry before, Remus and you thought of Harry as their own. Remus watches as Harry leaves and he turns around with a small smile. 
Sirius, who had too many sweets, was experiencing a sugar rush but it soon came down making him crash. He was sleeping on the couch with chocolate frosting on his beard. Remus wiped off the frosting for him, his hair was now back to normal. Laying out a blanket on top of him, he makes his way to the kitchen. The broom is moving itself as well as the dishes were being washed with magic. You were humming to yourself as you covered the uneaten food and placed it in the fridge. 
He’s about to say something when Kreacher pops in the middle of the kitchen. Kreacher just glared at you for a moment, Sirius had told him it was Remus’ birthday party and the elf had deemed it to be a disrespect to the Black family for celebrating a half blood birthday in the house. 
“Still not talking to me?” You asked Kreacher as you grabbed a paper plate from the counter and walked towards the elf. Kreacher refused to speak to you, you didn’t mind that he thought you were scum of the Earth. 
“Saved you a piece of cake.” You placed the plate on the corner of the table near Kreacher. He looks away from it and crosses his boney arms over his chest. 
You catch Remus’ looking at you. You bid a good night to Kreacher as you walked to Remus. About to follow you up the stairs to the bedroom, Remus cast one last glance into the kitchen and saw Kreacher sitting on the table with a spoon in his hand. The elf made a soft hum as he ate the cake. Remus smiles and makes his way into the bedroom. 
Remus walks into the bedroom and comes to a halt at the doorway when he sees you sitting on the bed with your back against the headboard. You’re wearing lingerie, a scarlet and golden color. It fits your body just right. The cups on the bra are sheer gold lace. You had the idea to wear his house color for him. Remus licks his bottom lip at the sight of you. He knew Salazar Slytherin would be rolling over in his grave if he knew, one of his graduated students of House Slytherin was wearing Gryffindor's colors.
“Are you ready for your gift, birthday boy?” You ask him. Remus nods as he walks inside. The door shuts behind him and the sound of your giggling is heard. 
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cherry-pop-elf · 7 months
Imagine if during the madness of the mess of the death eater wedding, Viktor Krum made an attempt to protect Hermione.
He grabbed her arm, and got yanked into the Apparation.
Now he joined the Horcrux hunt
Please I need so bad
Harry and Ron become a thing and Hermione and Viktor the same
Like Viktor uses his Durmstrang talents to take care of camping and hunting, so that stress is reduced on the trio's back so they can focus on the hunting of the dark artifacts
Ron and Harry share a bed and Hermione and Viktor the same
It's now four against the world, and one is literally trained to fight. So those death eaters get YEETED
Yes, I am now making a fanfic for this.
Yes it'll probs be my first ever post to AO3. Yes I need. Please. Please give me give me Golden Trio with Viktor taking on the world
Also Viktor 100% just casually accepting the golden trio is very poly like "Oh how wonderful" and totally vibes with Hermione having her moments with Ron and Harry.
Now I got one more thing to ask
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unhinged-romione · 2 months
Hullo there! I've had really bad Romione brainrot for the past six years and as a result, I present to you a bunch of fics!
I mainly write Romione missing moments, but I also have a lotta AUs (Muggle and otherwise), a steamy post-war, and a gen ficlet featuring the incomparable ✨Luna Lovegood ✨
And without further ado... *sweeping hand motions*
Mine (T): 6-chap 6th year AU where Romione got together and Hinny takes things to the next level. Hermione and Ginny are kinda hoe-y in this and I love it 🤪 WIP - but Romione part is COMPLETE
"What If" Romione Kisses (T): anthology of seven one-shots, one for each year, answering the question, “What if Ron and Hermione had kissed earlier?” COMPLETE
Let's Go (T but prolly will change to M): Muggle AU of Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley meeting one magical night at a pub during their final year of uni. WIP
Ocean Eyes (G/T): Hermione demands that Ron explain the meaning behind his Christmas gift in OotP.
moving into me (T): Yule Ball Romione starring transmasculine Ron 🙂🏳️‍⚧️
Before Daybreak (T): flash fic of Romione in a secret relationship during DH
Virgo's Groove (T): the festivities in Shell Cottage when Lupin announces Teddy's birth get a bit out of hand. Also, Ron and Hermione talk about babies…and what it takes to make babies.
Stand Still (G/T): ever wonder what was going through Hermione's mind when she asked Ron to Slughorn's Party? I did a lil take on it!
Say Yes To Heaven (G/T): Romione's dance during Bill and Fleur's wedding.
Hermione Granger & The Baronet's Son (G): A lil Bridgerton-inspired Regency AU I wrote for the 2024 @romione-masquerade!
Shameless Smut
All post war. All rated E (obvi).
Dive: Hermione finds a particular book that Ron hoped she would never know about. But what happens next is more than he could have ever bargained for.
Moment: Romione's first time.
lips slightly parted: a collection of probably mostly unrelated horny Romione drabbles and flash fics. Title is a reference to the brief moment in canon when Hermione was stuck in her fight-or-fuck response when Ron came back in DH.
Gen Fics
What in God's name is the Umgubular Slashkilter? (G): missing Hogsmeade 5th year moment post Harry's interview with Rita Skeeter.
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What are your favourite drarry fics? Mine is Survival is a Talent by ShanaStoryteller: Harry and Draco are adorable, and the original magic is quite entertaining. (Updates have been slow lately, but there's a lot less tension now, and it's worth reading even if it doesn't get finished)
Favourite fics in no particular order:
Turn by saras_girl: Absolute classic, changed my life, it was so beautiful and heartbreaking and healing and happy. Honestly everything by saras_girl is 1000/10.
Dear Enemy by gingertodgers: the most hilarious epistolatory fic. i would die for all of them.
Little Red Courgettes by blamebrampton: i learned more about politics and diplomacy through this bloody hilarious political satire and romance than I did in all the rest of my education. I was crying with laughter throughout.
Draco Malfoy and the Mirror of Ecidyrue by starbrigid: The first book of the MoE series and it's Draco put back in year 1 with all his war memories intact and he relives everything and i'm doing a bad job but it's AMAZING and the platonic dramione friendship? harry having a crush on little Draco?
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crrrybaby-ao3 · 2 months
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Golden Trio mood boards.
I had a lot of fun making these. The hardest was Harry, it took me awhile to be satisfied with the result.🫠
Ron’s was a breeze and Hermione’s somewhere in the middle.
Let me know if you like them. 🖤
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WIPs updating schedule
Since I have two ao3 fics I’m working on right now I feel like it’s time to introduce and explain the schedule for my current ones and what’s upcoming 🫶
Sweet intoxication (dramione)
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A Dramione fic inspired by the phantom of the opera 🖤 Updates every Monday or Tuesday and possibly more frequently depending on when chapters are done🖤 Currently on chapter 5/19 🖤
Life on Mars (Jily)
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A Jily fanfic inspired by the x files 🌙 Updates every Friday 🌙 Currently on the second story arc out of a planned four for the first ‘season’ of which I plan to have around four (it’s going to be longggggg fic) 🌙
💐Untitled Elucien (ACOTAR) Howl’s Moving Castle inspired fic- future WIP to replace ‘sweet intoxication’ once it is finished🦊
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ladyofthe-manor · 25 days
Ronmione shippers... in 2024?
I don't know what I did to big Tumblr for them to be punishing me with my timeline but lately I've been bombarded with Dramione hate seemingly out of the blue. I don't know why, but it has been kind of funny to see other people's posts.
I saw someone wrote out a list of reasons Dramione would NOT work, and it included things like "Hermione being unforgiving and petty" and "Hermione shouldn't need or want a man to change for her" and it left me honestly baffled. Maybe it should be a prerequisite that you read Dramione fanfiction before you attempt to bash it, because clearly some of these people are just outing themselves.
The misogynistic hatred of Hermione as a character is nothing new, so I won't touch on it here, but some of these posts are so telling.
I will talk about Draco though, because he gets almost double the flak because of all the hatred of Drarry on top of it all (which reads as homophobic to me but well, that's a story for another time.)
Most Dramione readers and writers don’t ship Hermione Granger and the 12-year-old boy that prayed on her downfall and wished for her death. Do you think we seek out 100k+ word stories just for the long awaited epilogue where he calls her a mudblood in their marital vows? 
Are you that judgmental that you would begrudge a sixteen-year-old (threatened with the death of his mother) the chance at redemption?
A brainwashed, bullying, ignorant CHILD? Who goes through an entire war? Who watches and is forced to participate in torturing his own classmates? Do you really think he went through all of that only to come out on the other side STILL believing everything he was taught? Or is it more feasible that he might have had a change of heart or two?
(And honestly, even if he does come through the war still believing in blood purity, the fanfictions that explore his subsequent journey of self-discovery and learning are some of the most popular on ao3. I wonder why?)
Isn’t it more exciting to read about Draco and EITHER his redemption arc, or if you hate him so much, his own downfall? Especially over canon pairings? Ron and Hermione are childhood friends-to-lovers. BORING. 
You can't have it both ways. I've seen people absolutely shit on Hermione for the birds, and the permanent disfiguration, and the jar, but jeez, do you know who would have loved that side of her? Probably Slytherin Draco, don't you think? Or is it Ron, the object of her ire with the birds and the one that thought she took it too far and was too ruthless?
Also, to so confidently argue that Hermione would never forgive Draco and that he would never change (even for himself if not for her) is such an incredibly pessimistic outlook on life that I can almost understand why you sad people still ship Ronmione. It's giving... ordering chicken tenders at a fancy restaurant. Grow up, lmao.
Hermione can forgive her childhood bully... for HERSELF. Draco can unlearn the harmful brainwashing of his childhood... for HIMSELF. And then the two of them can learn from the other's experiences and heal together. Or they can bicker until the sun comes down and turn slowly from enemies to lovers. Or they can become friends to lovers. The possibilities are endless, and more importantly, it allows for something Ronmione inherently lacks: GROWTH.
It's especially funny to me, because unless you specifically go looking for it, most of the quality Dramione fanfiction that gets posted on a DAILY basis doesn't even mention Ron except to say that their stale high school sweetheart relationship ended quietly and amicably and everyone moved on. You guys love to go on and on about Draco and Dramione readers are sitting there like... Ron? We don't think of you.
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roguespaceships · 9 months
Limited interaction with the fandom anymore to just my ship but still seeing a stupid amount of beef about the way characters are written for Dramione/Romione/Drarry.
So let's settle this. Ron and Draco are the same fucking height, Harry is shorter than both of them and Neville is taller than everyone except Cormac. (Neither Ron or Draco are 6'5" alpha studs but Draco isn't a waifish fragile victorian boy either. They all play sports it's probably pretty safe to say they're all athletically shaped) there. Fixed.
Everyone is Bisexual shut up about who would never sleep with what gender it's fanfiction.
Every writer is writing Draco out of character no matter who they ship him with because JKR didn't bother to give him much development past Whiny Angsty Rich Boy (Who gets less assholish kinda) LBR here she did not care for his character and if he wasn't a fan fave he most likely would have gotten zilch in the way of development and probably died.
You HAVE to write Draco out of character if you want him to have any character. Which is also true of MOST characters in that series (along with oither things like basic world building and story structure) because....the...author......is not a good writer.
Stop whining about how other people make their dolls kiss.
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nettedtangible · 1 year
Epilogue, HP Microfic, 2554 words.
We all hate the epilogue, so I re-wrote it. Enjoy.
Harry stood in the kitchen of one of his favourite places in the world, and noted that, for the first time he could remember, the Burrow was silent. He placed his hands on the benchtop and gazed out the window at the small and sombre band of people gathered in the overgrown yard.
It had been four days since the battle of Hogwarts; days which had felt to be some of the longest of Harry’s life, bar perhaps, some of his more arduous stints at Privet Drive. He hung his head, diverting his eyes from the scene in front of him. Behind him he heard a noise, and turning, saw Ginny emerge from the staircase, her eyes red, though her face was set firm. He had seen that fiery resolve in her face many times before and reached out for her hand. She took it and, with a gesture of her head, indicated that it was time for them to join the others.
They walked through the backdoor and into the garden, the sky pearly grey above them to mark the occasion. The Weasleys were gathered around a freshly dug hole in the ground, beside which stood a rough-hewn coffin. Harry stole himself as he looked at it and turned his head, taking in those around him.
Mr and Mrs Weasley stood at the head of the grave, Mrs Weasley sobbing into Mr Weasley’s shoulder, whose face was set into a mask of stony grief. To their right stood Andromeda Tonks, stroking the face of the blue haired baby she carried in her arms. Harry closed his eyes, remembering heavily Lupin and Tonks’ funeral of the previous day. It had been a small affair, and a devastating setting for Harry to meet his godson, feeling as he had held him for the first time, an overwhelming sense of responsibility for the fate of his parents.
Standing near Andromeda were Bill and Fleur, Fleur resting against Bill’s chest, the picture of regal sadness. Charlie stood beside them, one arm slung around Percy's shoulders, eyes downcast. Near the foot of the grave stood George, flanked by Angelina Johnson and Lee Jordan. Harry thought that he had never seen a person look more lost. George was staring into the grave intently, as if filled with longing to join his twin, as he had in all other adventures. Angelina was clutching his arm and sniffing with repressed sobs, while Lee simply looked shocked, as though expecting Fred to leap from behind a bush at any moment.
Next to Harry stood Ron and Hermione, locked in a tight embrace. Tears were dripping off the end of Ron’s long nose as he buried his head in Hermione’s bushy hair, her own face wet from crying. Slightly off to the side sat Hagrid, who clutched a bottle of firewiskey in one hand and an overlarge plaid handkerchief in the other.
Nobody present wore dress robes or had followed in the Muggle tradition of wearing black, their grief was worn on their faces and banished all need for ceremony.
 Harry exchanged a glace with Ron, and found he had no words of comfort to offer. Gripping tighter to Ginny’s hand, he turned to Mr Weasley. A sense of quiet expectation settled over the crowd.
Mr Weasley stepped forward, disengaging gently from a still shaking Molly, and raised his wand. Softly, the coffin was lifted from the ground and slowly lowered into the open grave. Harry heard it land with a soft thud, the finality of which shook him to his core. George turned his face, looking away from the grave for the first time.
‘My son,’ began Mr Weasley, voice clear, though slightly unsteady, ‘was a man unlike any other,’ he gave George a small look and continued, ‘save for his partner in crime and in life.’  A small gasp of mirth seemed to be wrenched from the mourners, as George began to cry in earnest.
‘I will never be able to understand why it was that he was taken from us, as so many were, by this terrible war,’ continued Mr Weasley, ‘but I do know, that he died because he fought. That he was brave, and rash, and would never, for one second, have let the fight go on without him.’ Some more tortured chuckles were released from the crowd.
‘Fred, I will love you until the day I die, as will everyone here. But I know that you walk beside us, possibly tying our shoelaces together when we’re not looking…’ another gasping laugh.
‘Fred died fighting for what was right, and to protect the people he loved, and each of us must honour him by going forth and living our lives with love in our hearts and laughter in our days.’
Harry’s face felt hot and tears prickled his eyes as a smile broke through the pain. Mr Weasley stepped back from the grave and raised his wand, ready to fill the grave with the adjacent pile of dirt when suddenly, a strange thumping noise echoed over the garden.
‘Arthur-,’ said Mrs Weasley, sharply, grasping Mr Weasley’s arm and staring into the grave, ‘listen…’ The thumping sound was growing louder and more pronounced, and every onlooker shuffled forward to peer into the grave, looking at the coffin intently.
With a blast the sound of a canon, the coffin burst open, and explosions suddenly filled the air. For a mad second, Harry thought that Fred had come charging out, but soon realised that hundreds of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes fireworks were pouring out of the coffin, emitting loud cracks and bangs and expanding out of the grave. Dragons and pinwheels rocketed up into the overcast sky, and letters forming the words “saint like” danced around their heads. Harry whipped his head to look at George, who was grinning widely through a sheen of tears. He looked around at his family, who, like Harry, had turned to him, and shrugged,
‘We had a pact,’ he said simply, looking sheepish and heartbroken all at once. A laugh rang out among the crowd, loud and shrill. Harry looked around to discover that, unexpectedly, it was emanating from Mrs Weasley. She was laughing so hard that her body shook, and she fell to her knees, stroking the grass at the very head of the Grave, peering into the coffin lovingly, her laughs mingled with sobs.
At this, though they had been momentarily frozen in surprise, the rest of the party began to laugh too, haltingly at first, through with increased fervour. Ron was smiling despite himself and running his hands over his disbelieving face. Lee and Angelina were beaming as they watched rockets and hippogriffs soar above them. Teddy was staring at the fireworks completely enrapt, and Bill and Charlie were smirking, exchanging knowing looks at their brothers’ antics.
Harry felt a relaxing of the tightness in his chest as he admired the colours and sparks of the superb firework display and knew that Fred wanted them to celebrate him, not mourn. He laughed as one of the fireworks performed a particularly rude gesture, which, again unexpectedly, made Molly redouble with laughter.
The group laughed and cried and traded stories about Fred as the dusk turned the sky to a faint pink and the fireworks flew all around them and off into gathering night.
Harry followed the others as they trouped inside, the Burrow feeling warmer now than it had all day. Mr Weasley lit a fire with his wand and promptly began distributing firewiskey, while Mrs Weasley busied herself in the kitchen, wiping her eyes on her apron as she went. Hagrid, having brought up the rear and squeezed himself arduously through the door, now sat on the hearth, swigging liberally at his flagon and telling Angelina about a time that he had discovered Fred and George in the Forbidden Forest during one of his visits to Aragog.
‘Never seen a more meddlin’ pair ‘an these two I reckon!” he said, his words slurred slightly. ‘’cept you lot.’ he added, gesturing the flagon accusingly at Harry, Ron and Hermione, who all exchanged sheepish smiles.
Mrs Weasley brought out copious amounts of food and they passed the evening feasting on delicious mince pies and treacle tart as they swapped increasingly rude stories about Fred and George’s famous wrongdoings, some of which took Mr and Mrs Weasley so aback they managed to half-heartedly chide George.
As the night progressed, the conversation turned to the events which had transpired following the downfall of Voldemort. The entire ministry was in disarray according to Mr Weasley.
Harry found himself in the kitchen, leaning against the sink and asking about the state of affairs at Hogwarts when Kingsley Shacklebolt strode through the door.
‘Arthur,’ he said solemnly, shaking Mr Weasley’s hand ‘I’m sorry I couldn’t be here for the funeral, I came as soon as I could, the Ministry’s in absolute chaos.’
‘Of course,’ said Mr Weasley, ‘thank you for coming.’
‘Fred was a good man,’ said Kinglsey gravely, ‘Harry,’ he nodded, shaking Harry’s hand also, ‘how are you?’
‘I’m alright,’ replied Harry, ‘How is everything? Is the Ministry going to be okay?’
‘Oh yes, it’ll be fine,’ said Kingsley, shaking his head, ‘The Death Eaters did a number on it but we’ll have it put right soon enough. In fact,’ he added, ‘we could use your help.’ Harry thought about it, considered everything that the Ministry had put him through and a not dissimilar conversation he had had with Scrimgeour a year prior. Kingsley, sensing his apprehension, shrugged,
‘You don’t have to of course, Merlin knows you’ve done enough, we won’t ask you to die for us again.’ he said with a wry smile. Harry smiled back,
‘Yeah, I’ll help,’ said Harry, ‘It’s not like I can go back to school.’ They had received word the previous day that all seventh years who had fought in the battle of Hogwarts would receive an automatic graduation. Hermione was distinctly forlorn at the news and had already written to Professor McGonagall asking to return in September to complete her N.E.W.T.s. Harry smiled at the thought of Ron’s amused though unsurprised face when she had told them of this.
‘Excellent,’ said Kingsley, ‘we can get your Auror training started right away,’
‘Auror?’ said Harry questioningly, ‘really?’
‘Think you’re under-qualified?’ said Kingsley, smiling, ‘defeated any famous dark wizards lately?’ Harry smiled.
‘Yeah,’ he said, ‘I’d love to be an Auror!’
‘Great!’ said Kingsley, ‘we need a replacement for Dawlish anyway, and in the meantime, there’s plenty of work that needs to be done.’
Kingsley didn’t stay for long after that. He talked briefly with Mrs Weasley, offering his condolences, and shared one drink with the increasingly inebriated party before departing back to the Ministry. On his way out he informed Harry that his Aunt, Uncle and Cousin were safely in the care of the Order and preparing to return to their normal lives, though, he informed him with a jerk of his lips, they could not return to number four, Privet Drive, as the Death Eaters had destroyed it following the battle of the Seven Potters. Harry allowed himself a small smile at the thought of Privet Drive being no more, before bidding Kinglsey farewell and seeing him out into the yard.
After Kinsley had disapparated, Harry lingered in the Garden for some time, looking at the soft mound of dirt marked with a large slab of granite down by the vegetable patch. He leaned on the rough wooden fence and turned his face towards the sky, now clear and smattered with stars. From behind him he heard footsteps but didn’t turn around. He found himself flanked by Ron and Hermione, who joined him in his stargazing.
‘What did Kingsley say?’ asked Ron, resting his elbows on the fence,
‘Wants me to go be an Auror,’ said Harry, considering this avenue further.
‘Cool,’ said Ron admiringly, ‘reckon you’ll be suited to that?’ he shot him a grin.
‘We’ll see I guess,’ said Harry, allowing himself to grin as well. ‘you should join.’ He added, glancing over at Ron.
‘Yeah maybe,’ said Ron thoughtfully looking up at the night sky, ‘I reckon me and Hermione are gonna go to Australia first, find her parents.’ Harry looked over to Hermione, who had a restrainedly hopeful expression.
‘That’s great,’ he said, ‘I hope you find them soon.’
‘Yes,’ said Hermione, ‘well I didn’t put any tracking spells on them in case we were captured and tortured, so it’ll be tricky…’ Ron shrugged,
‘Nothing’s tricky for you Hermione! We’ll probably find them in a week. Plus, we gotta get you back for September first.” He smiled teasingly at her.
‘Yes,’ said Hermione, ‘I don’t want to miss the train! I might have to enchant a car and fly to school,
‘We didn’t enchant the car!’ said Ron indignantly. Hermione laughed.
‘When will you leave?’ asked Harry, glancing between them.
‘Soon.’ Said Hermione plainly, ‘once the dust has settled a bit,’
‘Take food.’ said Harry, grinning at Ron who made a rude gesture in return. Hermione just snorted derisively.
‘Yes, we’d better.’ she said.
They stood at the fence in silence for a while, comfortable soaking up each other’s company as an awareness that they were about to be going their separate ways for the first time in seven years settled over them.
‘I’ll miss you guys.’ said Harry thickly.
‘Yeah mate,’ said Ron encouragingly, ‘we’ll miss you too,’
‘Of course we will,’ said Hermione, placing her hand on Harry’s shoulder, ‘we’ll be back before long.’
‘Yeah,’ added Ron, ‘and we’ll bring you a souvenir, have you heard of these mad things called Kangaroos?’ Harry laughed, Hermione rolled her eyes.
Ron loped his arm over Harry’s shoulders. Harry wasn’t sure how long they stood there like that, but he felt as though he could stay forever.
Eventually, the two receded and wordlessly wandered back inside, linking arms as they did so. Harry saw them pass a figure in the doorway and recognised Ginny walking across the grass to him, baby Teddy in her arms. As she drew level with him, he saw that Teddy’s hair was now a vivid shade of orange, the exact colour of the Weasleys’ hair. Smiling, Harry drew them both into an embrace, and kissed Ginny softly, cradling her in his arms and looking down at her and Teddy.
‘It’s going to be okay,’ she said, kissing his cheek delicately.
‘How do you know?’ he asked looking down into her deep brown eyes.
‘I know.’ she said simply, resting her head on his shoulder.
‘What now?’ he asked, feeling time opening like a maw before him, threatening to swallow him whole. His task had been accomplished; his all-important purpose fulfilled.
‘Now we live.’ She said, tears shining in her eyes, though none fell. ‘There’s work to be done.’ He smiled at the thought. Though Fred and Lupin and Tonks and Sirius and Dumbledore were gone, Ginny was here, and Teddy was here, and Harry, despite all he had been through, was here.
They embraced under the starry sky as a phoenix firework soared past, emitting sparks and tongues of flame and Harry heard its song in his chest and for the first time in seventeen years, contemplated a future that was totally his own.
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anagpotter · 1 year
Last night I was thinking how great is fandom, and how I’m very lucky to know (even if only online) great authors that don’t try to push their ships or stories as the “canon” ones.
One of my favs author (btw she has THE BEST POST WAR HINNY STORY EVER) hates Hermione and in her new fic won’t have Romione at all; other one writes about Hinny, and slightly AU (whom let me inside Dramione’s), at the last one but not the least fav show me a whole new world about Socmedia AU, so now I’m addicted 😂
After, couple years - ok I’ll be honest almost 15yr- being in this fan world I can’t believe that people still arguing about “which is the correct”, c’mon! People the right thing is what you feel comfortable (reading/writing/painting).
So to all the great artists that share their stories/drawings/metas THANK YOU! You are what make fandom nice!
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I’ll not tag everyone because you are too much,and I usually gonna miss someone
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addictiontohp · 1 month
Ron, talking about Hermione: I should warn you, I'm not very good at keeping secrets from her. She has been known for using physical torture.
Harry: you mean she tickles you.
Ron: as I said, physical torture.
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taurusmoonchild · 1 year
tent angst but make it Ron’s POV
submission #2 for Era 4 (Fearless/Reputation) @cruelsummer-ficfest
Ship: Romione (shocker I know)
Song: Bye Bye Baby (Taylors Version ofc)
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love-and-books320 · 11 months
i tried to stop the dramione obsession i swear
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unhinged-romione · 5 months
What if Ron and Hermione first kissed sixth year right after the first Quidditch match?
“There really wasn’t anything in my pumpkin juice?” Ron said, astounded. “But the weather’s good . . . and Vaisey couldn’t play. . . I honestly haven’t been given lucky potion?” Harry shook his head. Ron gaped at him for a moment, then rounded on Hermione, imitating her voice. “You added Felix Felicis to Ron’s juice this morning, that’s why he saved everything! See! I can save goals without help, Hermione!” “I never said you couldn’t — Ron, you thought you’d been given it too!” But Ron had already strode past her out of the door with his broomstick over his shoulder.“ Er,” said Harry into the sudden silence; he had not expected his plan to backfire like this, “shall . . . shall we go up to the party, then?” “You go!” said Hermione, blinking back tears. “I’m sick of Ron at the moment, I don’t know what I’m supposed to have done. . . .” And she stormed out of the changing room too.
- HBP, Felix Felices
"I fucking hate you, Ronald Weasley!"
Ron whipped around to see Hermione, face contorted, marching behind him on the pitch. It took a second for the words to process, but once they did, shock mixed with his existing anger. He had never heard Hermione swear that way before. 
She threw him one last dirty look as she passed by him before dramatically jerking her head forward and walking swiftly towards the mass of spectators heading back to the castle. Ron charged forward to catch up before she could slip into the crowd. 
"Oh yeah?” he growled once he reached her side, bending low. “Well, I fucking hate you !"
Hermione immediately stopped in her tracks and swivelled to face him. "Oh, well that much has been obvious for the past four days, hasn’t it?” Tears leaked from her eyes. “The past five years, in fact! I don't even know why I put up with you, let alone why I'm in love with you!"
Read more below!
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collateralfall · 2 years
Female Harry Potter Fanfic Recommendation List
I recently discovered this genre of Harry Potter fan fiction, and while I do not support the author’s views in any way, shape, form, or capacity, I do support awesome authors on the internet doing their best. That being said, this AU is such an interesting one to explore in the emotional and physical sense, as something so little changes the story in a compelling and imaginative way that really lets the author’s personal style and experience shine through brilliantly. While I am a fan of the old-fashioned fics, I feel like this take on it is interesting and growing in popularity steadily. I will be adding to this list as I find new and interesting takes on this AU. Sometimes writing quality is not the only thing that is an indicator of good fan work to me so there will be fics from varying levels in that regard present here if I find that it is unique in some way or a revolutionary idea/start to something that could be great with time. In turn, I will also be accepting any additional recommendations and adding anything that is really interesting on that end. Thank you and I hope you have a lovely day :).
✨: Complete Work
🌙: Incomplete Work
*: Mature
R: Rating
P: Pairing
WC: Word Count
Characters Read The Harry Potter Books:
1.) ✨ righting the wrongs of the past and future by Sleeper102
P: (Fred Weasley/Harry Potter), (Cedric Diggory/Harry Potter), (Hermione Granger/Ronald Weasley)
R: Not rated
WC: 88,352
Chapters: 21
Description: “Harriet Potter finds herself among friends and enemies alike in a room where they must read about her life. This is a basic characters read the books fanfiction I will be following the books pretty closely but because Harry is a female I will be adding or changing some things other than that this is your basic the characters read the books fanfic”.
My Take: I sincerely cannot stress how good this series is. It makes me feel like I am reading the books all over again and re-experiencing the story but with more depth and thought-provoking analysis. It truly does capture the best and worst of the characters in a way that makes it hard to stop reading and leaves me wanting another update immediately after I finish a new chapter. I am not even going to lie, this is most likely my favorite one on this list.
2.) The Complete “The Readings” Series by Sleeper102
Books 1-3 are completed, so the reading is up to about chapter 2 of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire currently. The same pairing and rating notes should apply, but they are always listed in case this reclist missed anything. 
3.)🌙 Can Things Change by EsrynRose
P: (Fred Weasley/Harry Potter), (Cedric Diggory/Harry Potter), (Hermione Granger/Ronald Weasley), (Draco Malfoy/Female OC), (Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood), (James Potter/Lily Evans Potter)
R: Not Rated
WC: 136,369
Chapters: 20
Description: “2 days before Halloween 1977 a group of people travel to the past to change things. Can they manage to make a difference, or are certain things destined to stay the same no matter what the past learns”.
My Take: I think this is very well done and the author definitely makes this genre their own in an exciting way. The additions to the book in this are thought-provoking and well-crafted. 
4.) TBD
Triwizard Tournament:
1.) ✨ The Videus Charm by OfPensandSwords
P: Mainly Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, but there is a light smattering of one-sided Cedric Diggory/Harry Potter and Dean Thomas/Harry Potter
R: Fiction T
WC: 126,669
Chapters: 26
Description: “Some may consider him useless, but Ludo Bagman has been absolutely inspired by muggle sports channels. As a result, a camera charm has been created. It is ready to catch all the action of the Triwizard Tournament and broadcast it into every home over Wizarding Europe. Now Harriet is on the big screen, and the crowd is going to see a lot more than they bargained for. FEM/Harry”.
My Take: This fanfiction was brilliant, I loved the concept of the Triwizard Tournament being broadcast through magic to everyone in the wizarding world. It was raw, innovative, and very hard to put down.
2.) TBD
Time Travel:
1.) ✨ *Naturally by romanticangel92
P: (Newt Scamander/Harry Potter),(Fred Weasley/Harry Potter)
R: T
WC: 80k+
Description: “Time Travel. Fem! Harry. HP/NS. A badly timed wish, a mysterious mirror and Harriet Potter's knack for trouble equal one unexpected trip to the past...naturally. Dropping into the lap of a young Newt Scamander was the last way she had expected her day to end but Harry soon learns that maybe fate intervened for a reason. \\COMPLETE/”.
My Take: This was a fascinating concept, one that I have not quite come across yet. It was well-paced, and I love how the characters were written. It was very hard to stop reading as each new chapter made me compulsively want to know what happened next and how the wild ride would end. It was an innovative piece that jerks the heart strings and keeps the reader on their toes.
2.) TBD
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