#roots radics
postpunkindustrial · 10 months
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Prince Jammy – Prince Jammy Destroys The Invaders…
Some trippy, spacy, heavy Dub. Channel One studios, Roots Radics Band and Prince Jammy (probably) at the controls.
Get it from my Google Drive HERE
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mudwerks · 1 year
(via The Death of Mr Spock - Roots Radics (1983)
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am-reggae · 1 year
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Roots Radics Meets Scientist And King Tubby – In A Dub Explosion Sello: Radiation Roots – RROO360 //// LP Vinilo / Reedición Actual // ======== Originalmente editado en 2006 Grabaciones de los 80s // ======= ESTADO: ========== LP Nuevo / Precintado // ======== 19€
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mywifeleftme · 5 months
285: Gregory Isaacs // The Lonely Lover
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The Lonely Lover Gregory Isaacs 1980, African Museum
I’ve got a cool Jamaican copy of Gregory Isaacs’ Lonely Lover that, if I’m honest, I mostly picked up because the object itself snagged my curiosity. If I knew Isaacs at all it was from a shoutout on Mos Def’s “Ms. Fat Booty,” but the battered, bootleg-quality sleeve spoke of a record that had soundtracked many a party and maybe even a few conceptions. Reggae’s not my wheelhouse (the only LPs I have are this guy and The Harder They Come), so I couldn’t tell you how this stacks up against any of Isaacs’ dozens of records, let alone against the reggae canon as a whole, but to my ears it’s lovely.
This feels to me like night-time music, perfect for taking in the scene once people have started to chill and the dance floor’s given over to couples. The Cool Ruler is backed by some of the era’s great session players, including Sly & Robbie and the Roots Radics, and while the arrangements are minimal and the tempos consistent throughout, each has a few masterly little touches that make them stand out: the clucking rattles on “Hard Time” and dubby organ wobbles on “Tune In” for example, or the clip-clopping beat of “Poor and Clean.” Isaacs was famously one of the genre’s greatest singers, and you can almost always hear a smile in his voice and a tear in his eye—if you’re suffering he’s suffering with you, but if you’re making moves he’s supplying the vibes.
This is a fine representative of a classic analog lovers rock sound that I have to imagine was just about on its way out in favour of the synthier textures taking hold of pop music the world over. If that’s your thing, you’ll almost certainly like this one.
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feeldagoodvibes · 2 years
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c-40 · 1 year
A-T-3 218 Teach Me Culture 
I remember reading a snobbish comment about how in Birmingham, England we pronounce "culture" as "kulcha", this was in a contemporary London review for a popular art exhibition held in Birmingham almost 200-years-ago. I was born in Birmingham and I practise art so, naturally, I'm interested in Birmingham's uniquely rich artistic past
Sister Carol - International Style from the US and originally put out on Delroy Wright's Live And Learn Label
Teach Me Culture is one of two studio albums Barrington Levy put out in 1983. It was produced by Delroy Wright and backed by Roots Radics
Barrington Levy - Jah Is with Me
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theminecraftbee · 7 months
anyway now I’m thinking about how pearl’s isolation and inability to be fully trusted by her soulmate is like, arguably part of how she won double life in the first place, but lizzie’s own isolation and paranoia is arguably a large part of why she died first and alone. just. thinking about that parallel actually. if we’re gonna be paralleling the two of them,
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uter-us · 3 months
this sunday, it was dissapointing to see how easy it was for the boys to run around and get their energy out outside, but for the little toddler girls in impractical frilly puffy dresses and impractical shoes, it's an obstacle for their play.
the girls', clothes are made to be seen in as opposed to being made to be worn, unlike the boys which are still nice for easter but they dont have to trip over the edge of a skirt or dress, or have their shoes fall off or pinch their toes when running, they can move and play freely.
it's a problem too cuz when toddlers don't get that energy out, they get irritable and pitch fits, so then the boys look like easy kids, and the girls difficult. let the girls run around!
female subjugation starts from birth. these girls are praised for being beautiful in their dresses, while also learning they cannot play in them. this correlation will not be lost on them especially as they grow up. "If i want positive attention from the important people in my life (like my congregation), this is what i do." the whole "beauty is pain" narrative, while not incorrect, is often viewed as normal and a justified fact of life, like "beauty IS pain and thats just how it is! oh the things us women go through to look pretty haha!". stop teaching girls that their beauty is WORTH pain, because it's not! they should never sacrifice to look attractive.
if half the congression can dress both formal and practical, so can the other half. don't handcuff little girls to femininity at the cost of their happiness and energy and play.
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rainbowpopeworld · 7 months
Super helpful comic by @deannazandt
Full image descriptions by the author here and in the alt text
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burningtheroots · 1 year
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The entire world is designed around men and their degeneracy, yet misogyny isn’t acknowledged as the serious problem it is. People always throw in other issues which are results of the fact that males put themselves into a position of power where they don’t belong, but women‘s issues are usually treated as an afterthought or as something that "might be bad but not THAT bad".
As soon as we threaten men‘s status quo, we‘re exaggerating and a million things they project onto us.
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mamoonde · 3 months
i really really really love the idea of wei wuxian revolutionizing modern cultivation over breakfast and conceptualizing these different theories simultaneously because the adhd brain has no brakes and the only reason it took him a decade to publish all these ideas was because he could not stick to a single train of thought long enough to finish (verbalizing) it, let alone put it down on paper coherently.
the only reason he even got to publishing them eventually (and enrolling to cultivation theory grad program to get on that track) was because one morning, his undergrad thesis advisor, lan qiren, finally got fed up and sat him down for an early morning progress check-in because it was midterm season and wei wuxian still hadn't decided on a topic.
wei wuxian, fueled by an unhealthy amount of redbull and three all-nighters, finally word vomits all his 'convoluted' ideas which he'd thought were uselessly obvious and redundant (because he's gone over these like a bajillion times, it's very plain-as-day to him, so he probably just hasn't read the articles that say these exact things).
lan qiren, teacup frozen halfway to his mouth: ...first of all, i only understood half of how you got to these conclusions, which only means they are indeed too convoluted and will need to be pared down; secondly: you have never mentioned any of these ideas before. why.
wei wuxian: oh. haven't i? oh well, i just thought, xyz, because, obviously, abcde. which is really what the 2 centuries old law on ghjkl was alluding to, right? and so, logically, xyz.
lan qiren: [mind blown, screaming, good gods this is the same child who's always tardy and spent freshman year pulling on the metaphorical pigtails of my straight-laced nephew?!?!??!??!?!] ..again, why...how have you never even spoken or submitted these ideas?
wei wuxian: because!!! they're so obvious!! surely, it's been published somewhere already? i can't be the only one to connect these dots, surely??
lan qiren: incredibly, you are. no one else has even thought to question tradition nor pursued more thoughts on the law of ghjkl, with half as much...sound arguments as you seem to have. in the past century, the focus of modern cultivation has tended towards practical uses and tools, some fine-tuning, perhaps. not entirely new theories.
wei wuxian: huh....
lan qiren, sighing, feeling a migraine: your problem with your thesis is not a lack of focus or ingenuity, but likely to be more a lack of recent, evidentiary sources. you will need to become very familiar with the university archives and dig deep for sources that will back up every argument you make.
he jots down notes on a paper. "you will also need to strictly adhere to the structure and methodology of these articles, especially given how radical your thesis will be. if you are diligent enough, you may just be able to submit your thesis without too much of a delay." he slides the list of materials to a gaping wei wuxian. "depending on your output then, we can discuss the possibility of submitting this for peer review."
"peer review." wei wuxian repeats. "as in, that thing where some uppity committee of old coots put their stamp of approval for it to become the reading materials of undergrads like me. you're joking."
lan qiren chooses to ignore the sentiment about peer review committees being uppity old coots, especially considering how he can't completely deny it on account of some of his colleagues, but also as a member said peer review committee, he isn't exactly pleased about being lumped in the same category.
wei wuxian backtracks at his unamused look. "right, you're not joking, of course you're not." he slowly inches the list towards himself. "right, yes, i guess i'll uh, get to it then. ok bye."
idk, just, waves hand at wei wuxian candidly explaining new modern cultivation theories over cheerios at 2 in the afternoon to lwj who's trying to help him structure his grad thesis, getting mind blow dick hard at how this messy genius who's talking with his mouth full of half eaten cereal is the object of his affection....
wwx: --oh, oops, your highlighter fell
lwj: mn
wwx: ...aren't you gonna get that?
lwj: it's fine; i'll pick it up later. finish your thought.
wwx: right... i'll pick it up for you!
lwj, fighting for his life, trying to think unsexy thoughts: NO! sit. finish your meal, and then your thought.
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postpunkindustrial · 2 years
Scientist, Prince Jammy & The Roots Radics - Buck Rogers In The Black Hole
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ssmhhh · 4 months
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am-reggae · 1 year
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Jah Thomas – Shoulder Move //// LP Vinilo / Reedición 2023 // ======== Originalmente editado en 1983 // ======== Produced by Jah Thomas / Backing Band: Roots Radics / ======= ESTADO: ========== LP Nuevo / Precintado // ======== 18€ ========
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The more the time passes, the more convinced I am that a reading of Jane Eyre that omits the theme of mercy as key to the story is incomplete at best and bad at worst.
#jane eyre#i think this is at the root of all the insidious and useless darcy vs rochester comparisons#because ultimately the wrong Austen heroes do is forgivable#the effects of their sins are more or less easily reversable#such as Darcy's pride and rudeness or Wentworth's pettiness#there is mercy being served with atonement#but it isn't a radical mercy#which I think is the point in Jane Eyre#Rochester's attempted bigamy is beyond justification#it can only be understood as sourced in stupidity and immaturity rather than in true wickedness#it can also be understood as part of the way he was raised up and the sins of his own father#but cannot be justified#Rochester can only be either hated and shunned or loved and forgiven#there's no possibility of indifference#the characters that create the most unhappiness to themselves and others in this novel are those who live without mercy#and those who act with mercy the opposite#Rochester's redemption is possible because he has shown mercy to others#at least sometimes like Adele and his first years with Bertha#st John can have everything in his favor and yet his mercilessness makes him a figure of fear for Jane#Jane's deliberate choice to show mercy again and again IS essential to the story#Jane Eyre is a bildungsroman AND a romance because of it#readings that seek to turn Rochester into a complete forever villain#i.e. he is a liar and he actually tortured Bertha into madness#are ultimately readings that want a reason to reject any sort of mercy for him#by making him incapable of good and repentance
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terra-feminarum · 1 year
I didn't detransition because enough people ridiculed me or pointed out logical flaws in my worldview.
Hate didn't give me any insight. I questioned my transition only after I recognized myself in my foremothers who lived before patriarchy, recognized myself in lesbian history, in things that made it possible for me to see how a woman who didn't exist for men could be a woman.
Trying to identify out of womanhood isn't a decision driven by lack of logical thought. It's a decision that follows from the inability to imagine womanhood untouched by patriarchy. That is very understandable in this place and time. We can't imagine something we don't encounter.
What can we do to help each other imagine?
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