colored-comas · 25 days
Character Cards #3 !
[ Previous Characters! ]
Up next is a main character we couldn't have created without the help from a reference drawing created by the very lovely @the-martyrfication-of-the-matron
Despite the design changing very slightly since their original drawing of this character, we still really couldn't have visualized this OC without them.
Much love and appreciation to this very talented and creative person, 🤍
On that note, here is -
Rory !
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Rory Brooks ! 🌧
Our youngest main character, being only 17 or 18 in 'Upwards Bound', despite this they're actually also our third tallest character - being 5'8 ! Which, isn't much, but compared to their 5'5 boyfriend it's pretty funny. As shown in the picture, they have what's called Exotropia, or an outward facing "lazy eye" !
Rory is one of our favorites to write for, though we struggle with their dialogue at times, which brings me onto a detail we haven't been sure how to get across in the story - they, much like two of our authors, have a speech impediment! They struggle making certain sounds, mostly their R sounds, which is unfortunate seeing as they're named Rory...
They seem more on the absent-minded and laid back side, especially with their very playful and silly remarks, however it's not uncommon for them to get that little mischievous glint in their eye and start making super sarcastic jabs and jokes towards friends, and thats nothing compared to their temper..
As a little bonus fact, this character is written with level two + medium/high support needs autism, which will show in their scenes. Their main writer and primary character creator, shares this with them.
We hope this representation is received well 🤍
Again, another huge thank you to Evan/Martyr for helping us bring them to life 🤍 🤍
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chaiu · 1 year
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more sunrise pics oooh aaah
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jojoblessed365 · 9 months
🌧️ plz!
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP.
Well, as a way to hype up my Literati screenwriters AU, how about this very vague (but incredibly angsty as requested) snippet:
Rory looks up at Jess and it seems that he’s staring at her boobs, but then she realizes that he’s looking at her fingers. Specifically, her ring finger.
Rory remembers the last time he did that- she’d been wearing her wedding band.
But she stopped wearing it after that party with Logan. When she knew her marriage was over, even if they still managed to draw it out for almost a year with therapy and promises to change. The revelation that Logan was sleeping with his secretary was the thing that made her finally throw in the towel.
Rory pointedly returns the gaze, staring at Jess’s hands. No ring. Still, he holds them up, like a magician pretending he has nothing to hide.
But fifteen years ago, that hadn’t been the case.
Jess had lied to her about his relationship with Ana. When he flew to Vegas three days after they submitted the script and shared that goddamn evening in his apartment, he’d made her feel like a fool.
She’d felt a lot of things when she heard the news, but mostly she felt angry and humiliated. It’s what Rory allowed herself to feel. Because those emotions were powerful and protective. They helped keep Jess and her memories of him at arm’s length. It was easier to be angry at him than to pine for something that never existed between them.
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I’ve been struggling a lot since I came here. I can’t accept that I’m a part of a system, the change has been tremendously difficult.
If anyone has any advice on adapting (NO reality checking please, I can’t take any more of that), or knows a Rory, River, or Clara (or a Rose, Jack, Donna, or Martha that Ten could talk to), that would be very very appreciated.
I don’t know if I’m supposed to ask this anonymously or not, but I don’t want it to be anonymous, I’d rather people be able to message and reply to me.
-The Eleventh Doctor
✰! endos 🌧️ tulpas 🌧️ supporters DNI
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colored-comas · 6 months
Do the characters have voice claims?
Yes! They do! Feel free to ask for any character you'd want to know this for, here are the main seven.
Adam: Bo Burnham 💛
Star: Awsten Knight, more specifically Awstens lower vocal tone. 💜
Ty: Ryan Ross. 💚
Rory: Tennessee, The Walking Dead (Game) 🩵
Max: Mitch, The Walking Dead (Game) 🧡
Mike: Varian, Tangled Series ❤️
Barney: Geoff Wigington, from Waterparks 💜
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colored-comas · 1 year
Colored Comas.
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November, 2006
Same day, six perspectives.
Different milestones, some reaching higher goals and scores, some failing.
Needles, leather straps, or rough skinned hands on smaller frames, perhaps cold walls and disgusting reflections.
Watching as eyes grow dull, as minds overflow and grow empty, the pain of routine.
The pain of inflicting, of receiving. Of learning, teaching.
October, 2013.
Rays and warmth of promise, of something new.
A hand extended, a savior found.
November, 2013.
Rushing, running, escape.
Excitement or pure adrenaline, finally done.
Easy steps and tight grasps, mirroring thrashing claws and quick steps.
Freedom by choice connecting with freedom by force.
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NRFTI Prequel #1 - Finished.
Click title for the link.
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colored-comas · 1 year
how would the main characters react to getting asked what their pronouns are - bun
Adam smiles, he'd honestly get a bit shy as well, but they'd give a quick and simple: "Uh, he/they, thank you. What about you?"
Star has to stop and reboot for a few seconds, before awkwardly giving a response: "They/he, you?"
Ty is the type to get caught very off guard by it, almost squinting as he gives a slightly hesitant and very stiff reply of: "He/it/end, thanks. Uh, and yourself?"
Rory would blink a few times before answering, but would be quick with their answer: "They/he, thank you, what about you?"
Max stumbles a bit, he doesn't give pronouns much thought honestly. Ultimately he'd awkwardly state his answer: "He/him, or he/it, I don't care. Uhm, what do you prefer?"
Barney has to stop and think over the question, constantly stuck in a mini crisis over his identity. They would answer coherently after a few seconds of stuttering: "Any really, I don't mind. Whats your preference?"
Mikes answer would depend on who asked, since they're a system and only out to very close friends. If a partner asked, or a close friend, they'd state the answer for whoever was front at that time. But strangers get either a small and hesitant: "they/them" or if they're nervous, "he/him". It very much relies on their situation. They would ask in return as well.
Toby just hums before replying with a very laid back: "He/him, or they, I don't care. Just don't call me she?"
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colored-comas · 1 year
how would the main characters react to being asked to comit arson
Max has the ability to create fire from any of his limbs, and has committed arson many times before. The biggest example of this is during his second chapter in Colored Comas. So there is no doubt he would join, he'd do it with hardly any questions asked.
Rory would be hesitant, but ultimately they would follow along just in case anyone needed help. Since he has the ability to form small blobs of water above his palms, he could be like their water hose if things go wrong.
Adam would immediately question why, and probably go "Dad Mode" to see if there was a reason the arson was being committed. Depending on the reason, they would either agree to help or look away and pretend they never saw anything - especially if questioned by police - he would lie to their face and cover for the arsonists.
Barney would also go "Dad Mode" and question the reasons. They're not the type to get involved, but if the arson is for a good reason? They're the one chosen to be the get away driver.
Mike usually stays out of trouble and crime, so they'd politely refuse. But join Barney as an escape plan, they would also lie to police.
Ty agrees without hesitation, and then asks if its for fun or murder. Either way he's joining, but if it's for a bad reason hes going to toss them in the fire as well and then leave.
Tobias says "fuck no, have fun." and leaves the antics to everyone else. Doesn't ask questions, just accepts that "this is whats happening now." then continues with his life. However, video game arson? He started it.
Corey declines, but agrees to cover the arsonists ass if police get involved. Otherwise, hes staying out.
Star laughs at the offer, agrees to be some form of backup and moves on. They're like a last recruit, if someone else backed out? They'll join. Arson is definitely not his first choice for an activity, but why the hell not?
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colored-comas · 1 year
are there any autistic characters if so what are their safe foods,what are their special interest and how do they sims/what is their favorite stim - bun
Ah! The entire writing team is autistic, we met in our special education class in school, so a lot of our characters are autistic. This question has absolutely made my day, thank you so much.
Now let's get started -
Adam, the main character, is autistic and while he doesn't necessarily have any direct safe foods, we do write him having sushi quite often. They don't have many food issues with texture and taste, surprisingly. Adams special interest is music, and they create their own music as well, it's a big part of his character development. As for stims? Hes most commonly vocal stimming, which causes his friends to poke or mess with different parts of their body like a soundboard. He also does a lot with his face, like scrunching or just nose and lip twitching, like a bunny.
Star, keeping true to his catboy self, their safe food might also be sushi or something fish related. Though, he does have issues with anything that holds any type of incredibly strong scent. As for special interest? Definitely Fire Emblem, which is due to his writer projecting themself onto the character. Stimming for him is usually compression based, weighted or big stuffed animals they can hold and hug or squeeze. For example, they have a rather large cat plushie in their work office. The plush takes up half of his entire desk space.
Ty definitely has clear answers to this which is almost surprising. His safe foods are steak, or other harder to chew meats. Hes over-half dragon, so chewing food is a battlefield unless its tough, he bites his own mouth a lot. Special interest? Minecraft mobs, his dragon appearance is very similar to the ender dragon, and his daughters resemble endermen, so he has strong love for those mobs. His favorite forms of stimming are all related to his wings and flapping them, or flying.
Barney is the easiest answer so far. Safe food is eggs, special interest is nature and life on earth, and his stims are usually full body stims like little bounces or rocking. They have very animated body language.
Mike is harder to answer for, as they are a system and have many different opinions. So I'll just answer for their main host, his safe food is apples or pork - which is the type of meat to most resemble human. His special interest in specifically in The Flash, alongside the human brain and its functions. His biggest and favorite forms of stimming is biting things or chewing on things. They have razor sharp teeth, so navigating those ways of stimming can be hard, as a joke one day - someone bought them a hard dog chew toy. They loved it.
Rory is easy as well, his safe food is anything pineapple or mango flavored or any kinds of tree nuts. Their special interest is minecraft, specifically the command blocks and redstone, they are the most talented in those areas and usually set up those things on the groups servers. He also has an interest in psychology, and went to college for that. For a baby-faced boy, they can be scarily good at analyzing people and calling them out. As for his stimming, definitely elongated vocal stims or big body stims like rocking.
Max, my character, is very similar to me in this case. His safe food is very simple, kraft mac n cheese. Because that is the best thing ever in my own opinion. He has an absolutely awful gag reflex, and can't handle anything with odd textures. His special interest is in ARGs or decoding things, because of this he really likes Gravity Falls. Stimming for him is usually harmful, but he does do a form of hand flaps, instead of open palms he does fists. Yes, he has accidentally punched his own leg or face. And yes, all of this is based on or taken from myself.
And because I don't want this post to get to long, I'll give one more character but please know that you can ask for any of them from the list and I will answer that if they're one of our many autistic characters!
Finally, Andrew is autistic. His safe foods are very simple, either crackers or chicken nuggets. He has a special interest in coding, like making little websites or coding things into games like mods. His stims are always very pressure based, weighted blankets or tight hugs from his boyfriend.
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colored-comas · 1 year
are their any pictures of how the main characters look like,and are their also pictures of the side characters
Yes actually! Not everyone has art or references yet, but one of our writers draws the characters quite often. And I'm currently waiting on Rory and Ty references from a very talented artist who I requested from.
The character art can be found under the art tag. Sean is highly talented and I really recommend checking it out.
I also make plenty of picrews in my free time. I don't have links to the ones saved anymore sadly, but here's some of the ones I have saved.
Ty -
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Hes missing his purple and black skin spots and freckles </3
Rory -
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First image is directly based on his second chapter in Colored Comas. Second picture was silly and for fun, they're missing their hybrid features though </3
Mike -
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I also have picrews of how some of their headmates, mostly the hosts, look in the innerworld. Ask for those if you want to.
Adam -
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The second picture depicts Adam as their normal self, next to his persona or character version from the pocket dimensions they enter at night.
I'll start posting the picrews I make after this, there are plenty more❤️ thank you so much for asking.
I'm going to make a separate post for side characters and different AUs.
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colored-comas · 1 year
Rory: Can I ask a dumb question?
Max: Better than anyone I know.
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colored-comas · 1 year
Rory: Whats up guys? I’m back.
Star: What the- you can’t be here. You’re dead. I literally saw you die.
Rory: Death is a social construct.
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colored-comas · 1 year
Rory: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis.
Star: You're like 19 years old
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colored-comas · 1 year
Rory: Lol heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you'll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this lmfao
Star: What did you do?
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