#rose absolute oil
uhrohmuhseo · 4 months
Transform Your Skin with Champaca Absolute Essential Oil! Our insightful blog explores the extraordinary benefits of this floral wonder for your skin. Say goodbye to dullness and hello to a complexion that radiates health and vitality. Join the skincare revolution and indulge in the natural goodness of Champaca Absolute. Explore our curated collection of skincare essentials today!
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Quench your skin's thirst with the unparalleled benefits of rose flower water. In our latest blog, we unveil the science behind its hydrating prowess and share expert tips on incorporating this botanical treasure into your daily skincare regimen for a dewy, refreshed complexion.
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camellcat · 5 months
clara oswin oswald I love u I love u foreva !!!!
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E̴N̴T̴W̴I̴N̴E̴D̴ - Series
Part 2
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x f/reader
Warnings: Pure Fluff! Raw +18 warnings will come later in other chapters
Notes: That's right, I plan to make it a series. Not too short, not too long but enough! Benedict has stolen my days and nights and I've been daydreaming too much ngl.
WC: 3.5K
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Humidity has reached its peak.
You cursed quite low as the sweat forming on your lower back created a wave of uncomfortableness and nevertheless, you were putting yet another layer of fabric. Madame Delacroix called it freshening and here you are, the third hour of trying out the fabrics of the newly imported cloth.
"Better than whalebone, is it not mon cherie?"
You looked at Madame Delacroix with the sense of cursing her too but you smiled rather sweetly "Steel you said? It is... better" You felt the structure of the corset, still very fitting and nothing different from the previous ones except for the metal strips on the side.
"Bien, we shall get it" The seamstress nodded and started working immediately and as you stood there; presence made statue and breath made a mere flow you saw people passing, your mother with her pupils dilated as the colours of fabric captured her you wondered if perhaps things could go more easily this season.
A sudden wave of hope filled you at the thought of not having Daphne around, not to confuse it with hate, you love the Bridgertons but the eldest sister made quite a chaos last time that unfortunately even if some pair of eyes landed on you, Daphne and the Duke took most for themselves.
When you returned to your house, adorned with the marble that was polished every morning of every day, you lay on your bed tired of doing absolutely nothing. Looking pretty in a burgundy dress is not a task that burns brain cells.
“Mama” you said with your head facing the ceiling and your legs swinging.
The woman who you were looking for entered the room, holding a cup of tea in her hands and a smile on her face, one that was painted so naturally, one that she passed to you.
“Yes, my dear?”
“May I go to the Bridgertons?”
“Now?” Your mother saw the agony on your face “I want you back before sunset”
“You must not worry” Your heels clicked on the ground as you got up, a smile on your face and the feeling of going to a friend's house instead of spending the day in your chambers “Finally, finally” you whispered clumsily going outside your grandiose mansion and breathing the powdery vs. Pollen of London’s air.
It was a three-minute stroll as you turned the block towards the Bridgertons; ultimately you saw the gates open and the carriage that was waiting outside.
The sun was shining as you looked upwards, the sky a shade of blue that reminded you of the ocean, the one that your father brought you to a couple of summers ago.
You knocked twice and waited for someone to open, a maid appeared and bowed.
“Miss Ashbourne”
“Morning Rose, may I?”
“Please, the ladies are-“
“In the drawing-room, I assume, as always”
“Miss Penelope is there as well"
"The more, the better. Thank you, Rose" With pose you took your dress and tried to walk inside the beautiful almost similar entree of the house but-
You smiled at the voice and before stepping into the staircase you turned around and made your way to the other room; the one that always smelled like oils and wood.
“I believe your sight might be flawed… that or you quite meant I look like Anthony”
Benedict’s eyes lift from the painting, a smile spreading on his lips and you did the same.
“In spirit perhaps” he curved his lips “Forgive me Miss Ashbourne, the angle from this side is not ideal to see who walks around”
“Hmmm that’s alright,” you said stepping into the middle of the room, the tiles stained with long-forgotten strokes “How are you?”
“Not bad at all and you?”
“I could be better, a boring day it is but I meant if you were fine after art school and…” you stopped to see if you were not being impertinent but he seemed to put his wooden palette down and pierced his ears “I mean…”
“That’s kind of you to ask, Y/N” he shrugs “I’m dealing with it well, I’m content with what I’m doing right now and what happened there it was to be enjoyed”
“That’s good,” you said ready to leave the room “Well I shall leave you with your…” your eyes caught the painting, a room adorned with frames and curtains “Beautiful painting”
"Thank you, I'm still polishing it but thank you" He eyes you oh so slowly as he squinted his eyes “Would you like to stay for a while?”
“Come on, I’ve always enjoyed sharing words with you”
"Well..." You said unsure, you didn't want to leave him so fast after the kind words and the invitation, it was rude of you "I would like to"
"Good, you can sit right there" He pointed to the chair and you did what you were told, watching how Benedict moved the easel and the chair behind, you heard a bit of noise as the stool and his tools were put in a table, he sat down and looked at you
"Tell me, I know you’re a debutante this season”
You snorted that the sound made Benedict laugh in return “My days have been filled with the preparations for this season and my mama is driving me crazy because apparently, I don't know how to sit and breathe"
“I move my chest too quickly that it looks like I’m always on the verge of an attack, that’s what she says. I never thought controlling my breathing would be a concern in my life but here we are”
How eyes had a mind of their own because they landed very briefly on the straight neckline of your dress and the mounds of your chest and he snapped only to say "She cares about you"
"I know" You shrugged “is just so… boring”
“What? Do you want some drama? Perhaps lady Whistledown-“
“Not the drama inked words can bring” you confessed “I do not know what I want from this season. Last one I was still an espectator and yet the chaos was too much to bear. This time… should I prefer quietness and routine? Or perhaps-“
“A scandal,” he said with a glint in his eyes “I would go for the latter but I'm not you"
"You think it's the right thing to do?"
"No, but I have a reputation to live up to" He smiles and you cannot help but laugh as his shoulders move in amusement "So I am the one to talk, aren't I?”
“Quite indeed you are, Benedict,” you said
“So” he smiled “can you spare some time so I can tell you how I achieved the perspective here?”
“I can spare a day or two”
“That’s real talking”
Benedict has always been keen on you. Your spirit reminded him of Anthony; how sharp and stubborn and your way of talking reminded him of Eloise; how straightforward and full of wit. Every time you found each other alone the conversation flowed like a river; the topics varied and he liked to be surprised, and you liked to surprise in return.
Today he was trying to explain to you how he was working on the perspective and the shading; you didn't understand half the things that were coming out of his mouth and yet you kept your attention on him, it was hard to do so as you saw how he moved his hand to demonstrate or the way he tilted his head with fervour.
It took a gentle few minutes for you to get into the atmosphere you always find with Benedict. The straight posture left your body as you moved your hands from your lap and made your way next to the canvas. Your nose could smell the painting and fresh oil splash on a jar. For all you know, Benedict Bridgerton, the tallest and silliest brother, had a way to make you feel yourself. Indeed with one and twenty years on this earth, you would say you have the closest for at least a solid seven with him: a good friend with good values and good lips, the former an observation you have assembled for the past two years.
“But who says that in the same painting orange and purple must avoid each other?” you asked staring at his fingers and the way he pointed at the canvas "hmmm?"
“You see, my professor said that the tones do not match and rather make the art cheap” he explained
"so" you laughed "if by any chance I decide to follow Lady Featherington's fashion trend and mix orange and purple in my wardrobe... I'll be considered cheap by your professor?"
He smiled looking down and hastily removed the curl from your side and allowed it to frame your face better "He would be mad to even think such a thing but please stay with your beautiful gowns, it makes your skin glow"
You stayed there feeling the pulsation at the back of your neck and the sudden urge to remain silent, the feeling of a blush forming and you were aware.
"Thank you" you whispered and moved away to see the painting closer, your hands behind your back.
"You're welcome" He smiled, not taking his eyes off of you and he saw how you were trying to avoid his stare.
Change the subject. You told yourself.
“Haven’t the styles changed over the years?" you asked out loud and trying very well to follow what your head was ordering "If orange and purple even join each other in the future I would be quite mad that it was not you who decided to pursue such an art transgression”
Benedict felt the most boyish with that compliment that he looked down and snorted all genuinely.
“We will see, I have several canvases ready to be corrupted and you. I mean you?” He smiled “How are your activities?”
Your smile grew large “Let me tell you about this book I’ve been reading, it has six volumes”
“I’m all ears, Miss Ashbourne”
That day apart from receiving multiple comments and opinions from Benedict about the biology books you stole from your father's library, you also received a scold from your mother alas you didn’t return when you were supposed to and you said you were encapsulated with the girls and the tea that tracking time was not good. Lost indeed between the smell of oil paintings and unfinished canvases.
And when debuting finally happened, oh so gracefully in front of the Queen. You smiled when it was over, the simple nod of Queen Charlotte alleviated any woes within your mother. You, Y/N Ashbourne a debutante with an ambitious mama by her side. The season was ready to begin.
A week was when you swore you could not feel your cheeks anymore. You have succeeded and had five suitors calling on you every day. The conversations were just a tad dry like the biscuits served by the Cowpers.
Your squeal resonates only within you as your ladies tightened the corset and followed, as always, your mama’s orders.
“Perhaps this is good, I feel like I might…”
“You are good my dear, tighter” your mother nodded
And the last squeal escaped your lips as you saw in the three mirror dresser how up your breasts appeared. After getting ready, with the greatest olive green beaded dress Madame Delacroix could design, you made your way to Lady Danbury’s Ball.
It was a night as expected. Your first dance was with a Viscount. He was old, not very handsome and didn't talk to you, you only nodded. The second was an Earl, you were thankful it was a waltz because it seemed that he was not keen on anything else than moving back and forth. The third much to your dismay and much to other girls’ amusement the Marquis of Ashdown stepped on your poor toes until you were destroyed not by dancing but by being in front of him.
“Quite young is he not?” Eloise said with a macabre smile
“Shush it, El. I am mostly embarrassed, he belongs in a nursery”
“And yet he is wife-hunting” she snickered “Nonetheless I must admit that if you two marry then you’ll downgrade from Ashbourne to Ashdown”
“Incredibly funny you are Eloise Bridgerton”
The night went as expected, everything as expected and nothing to be surprised about.
“Goodbye!” Eloise almost yelled that even you blinked in surprise and her quick getaway made you sense a male figure was coming your way so you turned and saw Lord Coxingworth, with his light blonde hair brushed backwards he requested a dance and finally your toes relaxed as well as your dancing skill made is debut; with such a dancer such as Lord Coxingworth.
“I may say that this has been a refreshing way to end my night” he smiled
“You are leaving?”
“I’m afraid so, Miss Ashbourne. My mother is not feeling fine”
“Oh my, then you ought to leave immediately. Give her my regards and please send me a letter once you reach home. I pray she recovers fastly and hopefully, your journey home won't take too long"
"I shall" He bowed and you smiled. “And I shall see you once this matter is settled. I shall pay a visit next week, Miss Ashbourne. You look gorgeous tonight"
You thanked him and watched how he disappeared into the crowd. It was the last dance of the night and yet your feet did not hurt as much after the success and your mother approved with a single nod.
You made your way to the back of the ballroom where Eloise was waiting with Penelope. Minutes later to what it seemed between giggles and quick banter, you saw a shadow passing and it stood quite tall beside Eloise. Benedict.
“Ah sister; mother is looking for you; something about at least being seeing for five minutes beside a man”
“I must leave too, my mother is…” Penelope distractedly said “She is… bye”
You turned to see Benedict with his pristine and flattened down dressing robe “They left me in bed company”
He acted hurt “ow how sorry I am, they left me with a good-looking girl” he shrugged “It’s a matter of perspective” he stared at the green dress “You look quite beautiful. How was the night, is it true you danced with the Marquis of Ashdown?”
“I fought a war with his feet, that was not a dance”
“Let the poor kid be, you are a fine dancer, better than anyone I know. So? He is going to pursue you?
You smiled “Only if his governess allows him”
He snorted and made a burning sound “Good girl” he sigh “What about Lord Coxingworth?”
“Oh… I think it went better than Ashdown”
“He said he ought to see me next week”
“Did he?” He sniffed “I think then you have a suitor then”
“Far from it,” you said and looked around “Before the end of this night I must go into Lady Danbury’s library”
“Are you…” he smirked, “Sneaking and stealing yet another book?”
“She once said I could take advantage of her collection”
“yes, only if you are inside the house” he debated with a laugh
“And I am not?”
“But you will not. You’ll get the book and leave the house with it”
“And…” you stood quickly on your tips “if no one sees anything… no one has to know”
He smiled and shook his head but formed an O with his mouth when he saw how swiftly you moved away from your spot. The beads on your dress shifted with you, the curls on your back bounced at the pace and he, the only accomplice in such a furtive task, joined you.
“Perhaps it is better to go back, they might be expecting us”
“Oh nonsense,” you said with the thirst for that book you knew Lady Danbury had, your hand turned the knob and your eyes sparked at the dark of the room that held the shadows of all the books “Eureka”
Benedict stood behind you, a small smile on his face as you searched for the book.
His eyes, like a thief, looked at your curves, the ones the dress did not hide and tried but also sneakily -in the theme of the night- to capture a glance of your oh-so-fast-moving chest your mother thinks you have.
“What is the book?” he asked
“A collection of poetry, not known, written by I believe anonymous people”
“Huh, controversial. Have you read other compilations?"
“Not now but if this one is good, I will try to get a hold of more… unusual editions. This one has the most beautiful cover and I can't help to imagine what it's about"
"I see" he whispered, his voice a bit deeper as his eyes landed on your face
"Do you have a problem?" You turned around to see his eyes were not on the shelves
"No, no, not at all. Let us do something. Open the book on any page and read it out loud. Let us judge it, not by the cover but by one page and one page at all”
You smiled widely at the idea and nodded, you moved around to be in front of him, your left shoulder leaning against a bookshelf allowing yourself to feel more relaxed.
“Alright then…” you cleared your throat and questioned where you could split the book, the beginning, the middle or the end. As your long fingers traced the last page, you told yourself that knowing the ending might ruin the whole thing even if it’s a poetry book “Here” you blindly said and split the book “Let me…” you cleared your eyes amidst the dark room
"In halls of opulence, where high society reigns,
A love forbidden, amidst whispered refrains.
She, a maiden of humble birth, with grace and charm untold,
He, a nobleman of lineage, with wealth and power bold.
Their hearts entwined in secret, amidst societal divide,
Forbidden love's sweet agony, where passions dare to hide.
For in their world of privilege, where status reigns supreme,
Their love is but a whisper, in a world of stifled dreams.
Yet in the hush of moonlit nights, beneath the stars' soft gleam,
They steal away in shadows, where love's light doth beam.
For in their hearts' defiance, they find a love divine,
A bond that knows no boundaries, in a world of rigid line.”
Your eyes darted up to look at him, you didn't expect his eyes to be already on you. His eyes had a certain glint, an emotion you could not pinpoint and as you waited, he cleared his throat.
“That was such a heartfelt piece” he nodded
“Very sad,” you said “I wonder if this person wrote it while going through it or wrote it as a memory of what once was”
“Knowing this world we live in, the latter”
“I enjoyed it” You closed the book and smiled at the cover, you could see the outline of the letters, “I’ll keep it for a while”
“Only if you read some to me too, if I have shared this task I shall share the prize”
You giggled “What a prize, a poetry book”
“Time with you I would say,” he said very quickly in a hoarse voice that he didn’t know he could do
Your heart did a thing, it beat hard and quick but also slow and you felt it was going to be out of your chest.
He was not expecting an answer and so he said "Let's get out of here"
"Yes, let's"
Once outside the room and with the book hidden in your dress, Benedict looked both sides of the hallway and gave you the thumbs up and you both made a run for it, a run for the stairs and to the exit door.
And there you stood, with the cool air hitting your face, with a smile so bright Benedict had to squint his eyes, the laughter came, loud and uncontrollably.
"Miss Ashbourne" He said once the laugh died, the joy in his eyes were still present "and I called myself a bad influence once did I not?”
“I learnt from you, Benedict”
It was the sound of his name coming from your mouth that made him shiver. He didn’t know how or why he felt such a pull. Such desire and such attraction. Unequivocally you were beyond what a diamond could be, the face of an angel he confessed but the natural and free aura that you radiated since he had memory is what made him be there with you at most times.
He didn’t know how it happened but he found himself quite close to your figure, under the night sky, he could see the warm lights crashing against your right side and the darkness hiding the left one.
“What is the name of the book?”
He asked such a simple question but with so much passion that if you were not wise enough to understand the tone, you would have thought he felt compelled to have the book right now.
You blinked at the soft wave of his brandy breath and saw the eyes that stared down -because of the height- and how intrigued he looked.
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kitchenwitchtingss · 11 months
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(And other useful things I've learned over the years)
Hi! This is a list of dos, don'ts, tips, tricks, and other fun things that I've learned over the years. I always love finding more effective and efficient ways of doing things so if you have any cool things you'd like to add, leave them in the comments or reblog. I'd love to read it.
Anyways... On with the list ^_^
Light candles around your kitchen space (just make sure nothing flammable is near you)
Annotate your cookbooks with the correspondence of the ingredients.
Mediating is really good to calm the mind before cooking.
Cut oranges and lemons thinly, dry them, and hang them with twine around your kitchen
Need a cleansing tip? Open all your windows near your kitchen. Let some fresh air in.
Cutting sigils into apples, pie crusts, and carved potatoes.
Save lemon and orange rinds, freeze them, and then use them to clean the garbage disposal.
Make infused oils and honey: Things like garlic honey, lavender honey, herb oil, sun oil, moon oil, dandelion oil, and other different edible oils are very fun and useful to make.
Hid sigils in pages of your cookbooks and kitchen witch journals.
Add some plants! Snake plants and spider plants don't need too much light, and growing your own herbs in your kitchen is awesome too. Basil, lavender, thyme, aloe vera, rosemary, etc. are good fits. You could also add some plants that require more sunlight on the kitchen window sill. Like cacti and succulents.
Bring crystals into your kitchen space such as rose quartz, clear quartz, amethyst, or whatever you want the space's intentions to be.
I keep a small money tree on the sill, along with cacti for luck and protection.
Make a simmer Pot! Mostly because it makes the whole house smell good, easy, and fun.
Stir clockwise for best results!
Learning how to pickle things is actually pretty witchy. Plus, anyone could do it as it requires absolutely no kitchen experience. You could pickle any vegetable, even if you don't like pickles. I originally learned this after having to take shelter from a natural disaster. A person brought a bunch of stuff and taught us how to pickle things with different spices and herbs. Very fun!
Decorate your kitchen with your favorite stuff. Crystals, decor, heat mits, that cool mushroom cake stand you've been eyeing at the World Market for the past 2 weeks, cool looking curtains, sun catchers. Why stop there? Paint the walls, hang shelves full of marked-up cookbooks that are a little too well-loved and thumbed through.
Wanna be the person that has the amazing-smelling house every time people come over? Syrups take some time to simmer down, it's actually a pretty good time to leave it on the stove to simmer. Since syrups have a lot of aromatic ingredients, it acts as a really good-smelling simmer pot.
Hang up herbs to dry with twine from cabinets that are rarely used.
Invest in that new set of plates and cups.
Homemade jams, butter, sauces, and syrups are your best friend.
Crochet or knit your own dish rags, pot holders, etc.
Don't pour extremely hot things into a glass that's not Pyrex, it will break, and you will be very sad about it.
Don't cook anything while extremely upset or emotional (For safety reasons)
Make recipes you want to make, not just because you'll like the effect. Make it because you think it's tasty.
Chinese Five Spice works in place of herbs for protection and luck spells a lot of the time! It's cheaper to buy 1 spice than 4 different spices that total up to 15 dollars when you could just spend 3-4 dollars.
Take a shower before cooking (I don't know how to explain this one other than it makes you feel better)
Don't use microfiber/plastic material clothes on hot burners, it will fuse to the burner and melt. It is VERY hard to get off.
I don't know if I need to put this one but I did see someone do it so nonstick pan = wooden utensils and plastic utensils, metal pan = metal utensils. Do not use a metal spoon in a nonstick pan, please. It can make you very sick.
Keep your pets away from hot oil, open ovens, and hot pans.
You can proof bread dough in the fridge overnight if you don't have the time to bake, or want to eat fresh bread right in the morning.
Need a quick witchy meal for dinner in 12 minutes? Use premade tomato pasta sauce and doctor it up with thyme, rosemary, and garlic, for protection and distilling stagnant energies. Serve with pasta of your liking.
You can substitute Butter for Crisco/shortening, buttermilk for 1 cup of milk + 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, and heavy cream for 1 cup of half and half plus 2 tbsp of butter.
Use leftover animal bones to make bone broth
Teach yourself the art of bread scoring (It's fun, and you can show it off to your loved ones!)
Collect and hoard your own and others' family recipes.
Sometimes the food doesn't have to be a spell, sometimes it just makes you feel good and you don't know why.
Listen to your favorite music in the kitchen, it makes the monotonous things like chopping veggies move faster.
Invest in a vegetable chopper if you don't like chopping vegetables.
Find a really good hot cocoa recipe and make it once a week. Master it. Just for your own happiness because hot cocoa is really good. You could also be the friend/family member that makes the best hot cocoa ever.
Focaccia Bread Lasts a very long time, and it's very easy to make!
Keep a first aid kit near where the oven is, in case of burns, cuts, or serious injuries where time is everything.
Quick Bread and no-rise loaves are simple for beginners, tasty, and take little time. They also feel very witchy to make.
Study a bit of Herbalism! It's fun and really helps better understand the herbs you're putting into your food.
While something is boiling, put your wooden spoon over the pot to minimize the chance of something boiling over.
Try a bit of coffee magick, it's simple to get into, and gives you a boost of energy to take on the day!
If you're over 21, wine-making is a very interesting way to celebrate the sabbats. Just with that, make sure you KNOW what you're doing. With anything fermented, there's always a risk if you don't store things correctly. Apple wines, strawberry wines, dandelion wines, etc. all very cool to experiment with. If you're not over 21, vinegar is a similar way to experiment.
Hang up some witchy things, sigils, photos, cool magnets, and other things that give you joy on your fridge. (Sometimes if you are lucky they have some fun magnets at five below)
If you live in the US, for some reason, there are a lot of books in the book section dedicated to witchcraft and spirituality. At least where I live. And they are all under 5 dollars!
Teas are the cheapest and easiest things you can practice being a kitchen witch.
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yok00k · 6 months
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pairing: pinkcoquette/Sanriolover!oc x bf!jk
genre: fluff, smut
“Sippin' bubbly, feelin' lovely”
Synopsis: you wanted to try the “pink coquette core” on your boyfriend and your poor sleepy dog
warnings: brief SMUT at the end, oc is desperate, clingy, and be waking everyone up @ midnight in the name of coquette core💀, too much love in the air, mention of jk only in his sweatpants, dirty thoughts, (pink bow should have its own warning too imo)
Author’s note: this is my very first work/drabble ^o^ I was mainly inspired by these outta pocket ‘coquette core’ videos on tiktok and it made me think about my man jungkook and my son bam (this is unedited & will probably stay that way, I just write for my own sanity)
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ ⋆
Pleaseeee my kookie? I promise it will be quick” I desperately pleaded to him as I straddled him on the couch. I showered his entire head with plenty of my sweet kisses, trying to convince him to do a foolish video that’s quite trending today. The only response I got are his arms snaking around my lower waist while he continues to watch his tv show, Bloodhound.
Early this morning, I was scrolling on my ‘for you’ page and saw a bunch of pretty and pleasing coquette videos. Essentially, pink bows were wrapped around the daintiest [and most random] stuffs including ramen cup noodles, lip oil, or even a rose toy. Do I get the pattern of the coquette trend? Absolutely not. But one certain thing I’m sure of is that I will wrap a tiny baby pink bow around my boyfriend. And it will happen no matter what it takes.
Since offering him with plenty of affection doesn’t seem to work, I had to go down with my last technique. “I will grant you three wishes if you let me do it” I whispered softly to his ear. Immediately, he grabbed the remote to pause the show that he was so focused on .
“Anything?” Jungkook eagerly asked, two round, shining dark eyes gaze upon me as they search for assurance in my words. “Anything” I guarantee, kissing his pretty nose before getting off his lap.
―୨୧⋆ ˚
“koo stay still” I complained while giggling at the sight of him attempting to awkwardly stand still with a flimsy ribbon flimsy bow that looped around his torso and veiny arms.
‘How cute’ I thought.
While trying to capture videos and a couple of photos of him, I can’t help but to flash a grin. Small things like this really make my heart so full. Spending a solid quality time with him, even if it’s doing something nonsense is a memory I will forever value.
“So cute” I mumbled, staring at my phone as I went through the images I took seconds ago.
After a minute or two, Jungkook, who’s still standing, took a loud, deep breath.
“baby are we done yet?” he whined. “Oh my bad kookie” I rushed to turn off my phone to finally give my undivided attention to him. The ribbon tied around him got unfasten by me. Finally, he can breathe freely again.
―୨୧⋆ ˚
It was midnight when out of nowhere, another light bulb popped out of my brain on what (or who) to use the notorious pink decoration for. And in this case, I won’t be able to sleep unless I accomplish the sudden idea. Somehow, I managed to escape from Jungkook’s arms securely holding onto my waist. I quickly grab two pink short strips and head to the living room. The entire apartment was filled by silence and darkness therefore I turned the mini lampshade in the corner, causing Bam to wake up and immediately have his guards up. When he recognized that it was just me, he put his head down on the floor while holding a gaze on me as if he’s questioning ‘why is she bothering me at this hour?’
“I’m sorry for waking you up this hour bammie, mama just needs to do something real quick ok?” I gently explained to the Doberman. It didn’t take me so much time to delicately tie a not-so-tight bow around his both ears. What took time was taking good pictures of him for the reasons that he’s moving too much and doesn't know what on earth is going on.
“Look at mami bam” I whispered, snapping my fingers to get his attention to look in the camera. The poor dog keeps moving his head, figuring out the thing around his ears are for.
“Baby what are you doing?” an abrupt voice spoke behind me.
Shit. Turning my body around, I got a glance at the half lidded eyes filled with pure curiosity. As I examined his tall and muscular physique, I also didn’t fail to notice that he was only wearing a pair of baggy sweatpants. And when I say only, I meant only so don’t ask me for any color of something.
The things that my mind urges me to do.
―୨୧⋆ ˚
I dropped my knees in front of him, left hand wrapped in his upper leg while the other hand softly palmed his growing tent. I looked into his eyes as I gave his clothed cock few pecks, teasing him. Instantly he gave me a nod before throwing his head back, gesturing to me to keep on going.
I wasted no time and pulled down his sweatpants till an angry, hard cock that slapped his bottom abdomen was released from being suffocated. It’s too pretty, so desperate to be touched. Using my small grip, I wrapped my hand around his shaft, directing it right to my drooling mouth. I gifted his pink mushroom tip kitty licks, then proceeded to gradually bob my head up and down greedily to his cock as if he’s my last meal.
“mmh.. so good baby” jungkook shamelessly groans, the cold room is filled with nothing but dirty, loud moans. The noises motivated me to go on and also to do the best I can to make him feel good.
―୨୧⋆ ˚
“___, you still with me?” he asked again, bringing me out in reality from the filthy thoughts that've been going around the back of my head.
“yeah.. I was just trying the ribbon on Bam” I responded breathlessly as my gaze returned to his beautiful eyes. I just smiled, as if I wasn’t imagining an obscene scene with him a few seconds ago. “let’s go to sleep” I announced as I got up from the ground.
and before we sleep, I made sure to turn my little cute scenario into reality.
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haykawas · 8 months
✩•̩̩͙*˚ 9:23AM – GETO SUGURU.
word count : 1K. tags : fem!reader, domestic fluff, tattooed/pierced suguru, husband!suguru, a bit of nsfw content (not quite but mentions of it).
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You sigh in contentment as the sweet scent of sugar caresses your nostrils, making your stomach growl in hunger. The only thing you can hear in the brightly lit kitchen is the sound of your spatula rattling against the frying pan, the oil fizzling as you finish cooking breakfast. You place the treats on a plate and start to arrange your masterpiece when your breath suddenly catches in your throat. Tattooed arms are tightly wrapped around your waist, holding you in place, and the hint of a smile tugs at your lips as he starts to sway both of your bodies.
You know who’s behind you, the reason your body suddenly feels so warm and light with love. You could recognize him blind, the gentle caress of his fingers on your bare skin enough to spark a raging fire inside of you.
His front fits perfectly against your back, warm and firm, and you breathe him in. You’ve always loved the way he smelled, of rose and musk.
“Good morning, wife. What are you making? I’m starving.” Suguru’s husky voice whispers in your ear, the hot air making your skin tingle as his large hands lovingly trace patterns on the skin of your hips.
Suguru has his face pressed against the back of your neck, a knowing smirk on his lips, before he starts leaving a trail of feathery soft kisses on your shoulder. The pecks are small, his mouth only ghosting over your skin, but that’s all it takes to make you shiver.
The man lets out a deep laugh when he notices how flustered you are from his touch, his eyes crinkling with amusement. He squeezes you against him even tighter.
“Your favorite! You definitely don’t deserve me.” You casually grin at him, and he thinks you’re absolutely right, because you’re a sight to behold. He’s thinking about you, and you about him, trying to ignore how hot he feels against you, how attractive his raspy voice is in the morning, and how pretty he is when he just got out of bed, your love bites marring his chest.
“I sure don’t.” He chuckles, kissing your cheeks before he starts to ramble about his plans for the day with Satoru.
And you’re definitely listening.
You’re definitely not thinking about him, about the way you can definitely feel him pressed up against your backside, hard and ready.
You’re definitely not thinking about how good he made you feel last night, whispering words of love and desire in your ear as he thrusted inside you, moaning your name like a mantra. You try not to. You definitely do, but the marks that ornate his skin aren’t helping you focus.
You squeal as Suguru suddenly turns you around, having noticed how quiet you’ve gotten. He backs you up against the counter, standing tall above you, his muscular arms encasing your frame and making it impossible for you to escape his embrace.
A single peek at your warm cheeks tells him everything he needs to know, and he almost can’t stop himself from cooing at you. He always found it so adorable how you shied away from his gaze even long after you two got married, how your cheeks never stopped reddening when he was looking at you way too intently for way too long.
His eyes are soft as he tucks away a stray strand of your hair behind your ear, his hand gently moving lower so it can rest on your cheek.
You crane your neck so you can get a proper look at him in all his glory. He has this little smirk he always sports when he’s teasing you - one of his favorite pastimes, and his eyes sparkle with mischief, his lips full and swollen from last night. You must’ve been staring a little too hard, because his smile suddenly becomes a grin.
“I know I have pretty lips, love. Now, what I’d like to know is what you’re gonna do about it?” He laughs, his voice low and filled with implications, the grip he has on you tightening as he speaks.
Suguru sees your gaze hesitantly go from his full lips to his clouded eyes, and he almost rolls his eyes, sharply lifting your head so it’s angled with his own, before hungrily crashing his lips against yours in a passionate kiss. It takes you a moment before you respond, your teeth pulling and sucking his bottom lip, and you smile into the kiss as you hear him moan, because you know he likes it when you bite him. You part, your chest rising and falling against his, his pierced nipples grazing against your front.
Your eyes lock, and Suguru sports a smug look, the kind you just want to smack off his face. But it’s hard to deny him when he’s like this because of you, hair all messed up from the improvised make-out session, his lips full and swollen and his skin slightly glistening under the summer heat. Your lips part to say something, the three little words hanging at the edge of your tongue, but he doesn’t let you. He swallows your thoughts with his lips, harshly pulling at your lower lip to have you grant him access, and when you do he doesn’t waste time, deepening the kiss and sucking on your tongue. You harshly pull on his ponytail, a small noise escaping your throat when you feel the small metal bead embedded in his tongue in your mouth. You tug and grab at him, and his hairband finally snaps, causing his long black hair to cascade down his naked back. You immediately grab a handful of it for balance when he effortlessly lifts you up by the waist to set you down on the kitchen counter, the food now discarded to the side.
You tightly wrap your legs around his waist, his slender hands squeezing your thighs as he breaks the kiss, his warm lips now nipping at the skin of your neck, sucking and biting to leave bruises, while his hands are busy unfastening your pajama pants.
“I told you I was hungry, love” He mutters but you don’t hear him, and you don’t need to, because he doesn’t waste any more time before his lips hastily go and find yours again.
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AN : had this timestamp lying around so have this little gift !! (i should def start writing for other characters . satoru or choso next i think . last post before at least a week bc exams)
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bunnyhugs77 · 4 months
I literally cried so much reading Angel Eyes but it's so beautifully writen i loved it! >.< Please tell me u have some happy scenes from them🥺
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The Honeymoon
𓆩♡𓆪 Part of the angel eyes! au but can be read as a stand alone.
𓆩♡𓆪WC: 1.4k
𓆩♡𓆪In my head happy means smutty! lol enjoy
Content Warning: Smut! Honeymoons, fucking making love, jk can't last, oral sex (f! receiving), begging, desperate, dom! jk, making out, alcohol consumption, unprotected sex (newly weds smh), mentions of public sex, reader is a bit bratty (but jk kinda likes it), light teasing.
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The moment the two of you return to your suite from your couple's massage you immediately jump face down onto the bed of rose petals that are redone for you and Jungkook every night of your stay at the all-inclusive resort.
Your honeymoon suite was simply stunning. It was your own little bungalow with an ocean-side view of the very private island the hotel was on with your neighbours being more than 50 yards away.
You couldn't believe you went from saving a view like this into your Pinterest board and now you were looking at it first hand, although it couldn't beat the sight of your handsome husband who groaned a sigh of relief as he walked into the room behind you, leaving his crutches against the wall.
Rubbing his neck he praises the service he'd just received, "Goddamn, I think that's the best massage I've ever had--and I've been doing physio for almost a year and a half."
You weren't listening to him.
His skin was absolutely glowing, it must've been the oil they used or maybe Jungkook was just naturally this radiant. Your husband is hot as fuck, you wouldn't put it past him.
"What's that face?" Jungkook looks down at you with an arched brow. Just when you thought he couldn't get any hotter. In his stupid tropical palm-tree-themed button-down that was left open over the white wife beater that hugged his buff chest a little too well.
Your thoughts had gone straight to a sinful place and you were going to make sure to take Jungkook down with you. There's no way he didn't know what he was doing.
It felt like he'd been teasing you all day, from the way he licked the syrup off his fingers at breakfast to the way he moaned softly every so often during the massage.
"Want you to fuck me." You say, on your back, legs spreading on their own accord letting the flimsy material of your sundress give him a brief sight of the black thong that left little to the imagination.
He clears his throat, suddenly fanning his face. You'd never been this bold before. Even with all the sneaky hospital hand jobs and the quickies in storage closets, he'd never seen you get like this before. So... desperate.
"Yeah? What am I supposed to do about that?" His voice was smooth like butter and oozing with confidence. You pout and he just wants to kiss you, "Fine. I'll do it myself." You quip, dropping your hand down between your legs, but before they could even make contact, a strong hand is gripping your wrist.
"What's your problem today? You've been short-tempered all day." He walks towards you, close enough to be standing between your open legs. "Oh, like you don't know." You scoff and suddenly there's a light spank to your outer thigh where your dress had rolled up.
A whorish whine rumbles from your throat, never wanting to admit how much that turned you on. "Be nice." He warns and you roll your eyes, taking a deep breath before your head turns to the side, facing out the window to the beautiful ocean that reflected the setting sun.
"You've been teasing me all day, licking your fingers this morning, then moaning during the massage." Jungkook had to laugh. You were just so cute when you got like this, he could get used to it.
Carefully working you out of your underwear as he spoke, "I had no idea you got so hot and bothered this easily. Is this all it takes?" Bunching up your dress in his hands and pushing it to pool around your stomach as he slowly drops to his knees.
"Let me make it up to you," He purrs, and you can feel the warm air from his lips hit your center sending chills to creep up your spine.
With such little time to react to the feeling of his tongue working skillfully along your wet pussy your hands reached down for his hair, tugging gently. "Oh fuck, that feels so good." Your voice was airy and breathless as your eyes closed, too caught up in the pleasure to keep them open.
Jungkook was a passionate pussy eater, always has been, and always will be. Some guys try to overplay the role of being a 'giver' in bed, thinking it makes them some kind of next-level gentleman who deserves to be praised, but Jungkook was different.
He'd once come untouched just from eating you out and he couldn't look you in the eyes for a good two hours after that.
His soft grunts send a soundwave through your body and add an extra flame into your burning core, flooding with arousal. "Yeah, j-just like that." You moan, grip tightening in his hair and he has to stop his hips from grinding in the air.
His cock was throbbing beneath his shorts and it wanted nothing more than to find solace in the warm walls of your cunt. Meanwhile, he kept himself busy with the brutal pace he'd set with the wet, flat muscle in his mouth.
Flicking your clit rigorously until your moans became higher and more rapid. "Jungkook!-" Your chest began to dampen with sweat as it raised and fell with shallow breaths as you came undone on his tongue, but he refused to pull away until he'd licked up every drop.
Collecting the last of it on his fingers before standing and making lustful eye contact with you, sucking it off his fingers just as you'd imagined he would at breakfast this morning.
With haste, he shimmies out of the rest of his clothes while you toss your dress off to the side and out of mind. Your brain is only able to focus on the swollen head of his cock prodding at your entrance.
"My wife just has the prettiest pussy doesn't she?" The question was rhetorical, but the official title did things to you. It made you want to do bad bad things to him. The kinds of things that could put him back in that wheelchair.
Pushing in slightly then pulling out, the sounds from this action alone left you scatterbrained. "Jungkook. Please!" You begged, pursing your lips with displeasure and he chuckles.
With his arms caging you in at the sides of your head he pushed in, letting his arms leverage him down to drop a wet kiss on your lips, one that you hardly responded to.
Mouth slightly agape as your walls stretched around his girth, "Shit." You curse, "Are you okay? Let me know when I-" Cutting him off with your lips, making a sound of approval that prompted Jungkook to slowly rock his hips forward.
Your cunt sucked in every last inch of him until he bottomed out. "You feel so good, baby." He pants, the strained tone of his words telling you all you need to know.
He wasn't going to last long at all. Jungkook always tried his best to hold out as long as he could when he was with you, and he's sure he would have been able to before the accident but he just couldn't seem to control himself, especially not with you moaning beneath him like this.
"fuck-" He curses, rolling his hips into you with a steady pace. With every thrust your mind goes blank and your nose scrunches. It was a cute habit Jungkook hadn't noticed till recently. The way your nose would scrunch when you were close to your orgasm.
"I'm-" You warn and he grunts, hips rutting into you, deeper, slower.
"Look at me, Y/n." The use of your name was able to have your eyes fluttering to meet his. The eye contact was all too much for you, to look at him while you finished was overstimulating in every sense of the word.
All it took was one glance and you were moaning his name at the top of your lungs and reaching your climax, suddenly thankful that your neighbours were so far away. With one last squeeze of your walls around him, he felt his composure crumble, shooting his hot cum inside you.
Toppling down beside you. The both of you stare up at the ceiling with laboured breaths before turning to face each other.
"What if I just got you pregnant?" You snort, "You just always have something to say don't you?" He smiles, "I'm serious, you never know." Inching towards him, never breaking eye contact, "I think we can handle whatever life throws our way."
After the last year the two of you had gone through, that was most certainly true.
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Jjk love languages
~Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Maki, Megumi, Choso
pt 2(toji & sukuna)
a/n: sorry if this sucks, I wrote in in two hours(i just realized i left out toji but lmk if you want me to write one for him too). also, please reblog if you can, I'd really appreciate it!!!
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Annoying the absolute fuck out of you(obviously)
You could be lying down reading a book or watching a show/movie and this man will sneak up behind you and try to jump scare you or use his infinity to prank you. When he’s laying on you and you haven't said anything for a while he’ll look up at you and start poking your cheeks or biting you.
On days where his behavior doesn’t resemble a child fueled by 6 bottles of coke, 3 monsters, 8 red bulls, and 10 tons of sugar, he’s extremely gentle and soft with you. Satoru will cling to you and kiss your cheeks, neck, forehead, or hands or caress your face while staring deeply into your eyes telling you that he couldn’t imagine a life without you. 
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Sparring with Maki was never easy and 100% of the time you end up getting knocked on your ass which is a little sad considering she always takes it easy on you. She has a habit of letting everyone know how much they suck and rarely ever encourages those that train with her but with you she’ll help you up and tell her that you almost had her and to not give up with a half soft half cocky smirk. 
Because of where and how she grew up, she’s not the best with emotions but if you’re sad/stressed she’ll rub your back and tell you everything's gonna be okay or let you fall asleep in her arms if you’re at home.
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Princess treatment
If you need something but you're sitting with your legs over Suguru’s lap or laying on him and don’t feel like getting up he’ll sigh and immediately get up and get it for you. 
When you’re out shopping with him, Suguru always pays for everything even when you try to fight him over it. He’ll always buy you food or offer to share his with you even though he ends up fighting the reflex to swat your hand away  when he sees you reaching for some out of his peripheral due to Gojo trying to steal some all the time.
When you’re too tired to get ready or you’re sick he’ll bathe and clothe you then brush your hair while telling you how beautiful you are and that he’ll always take care of you.
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Honestly all i can say is “idk i just work here🤷‍♀️”
In the beginning of your relationship Megumi was awkward. He was a mix between vibing in silence with you and trying to figure out what to say and do. You knew he was never good with his emotions and that was completely fine because he had other ways of showing what he was feeling or thinking. When he missed you he’d text or call to “check on you” but really it was to hear your voice. When he randomly felt like saying ‘I love you’ he would rest his head on your shoulder or lap or play with your hair.
When you’re sick or stressed but have stuff to do he’ll get sassy with you and demand that you stay in bed and that he’ll take care of both everything you need done and you.
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Acts of service and princess treatment
Kento’s acts of love and affection range from small forehead kisses every time he walks by you or leaves the house to you coming home to find a trail of rose petals leading to the bathroom while he’s leaning over the tub, pouring in bath salts and essential oils. He’s always doing something for you like cooking dinner in a pink heart shaped apron and massaging your feet even when he’s the one that had a long day. 
You getting sick is a whole different story. Kento goes from calm mama Nanami mode to uncharacteristically panicked mama Nanami mode. He makes you soup, runs bathes for you, checks your temperature on the hour, and forces you to stay in bed but the second he hears you having a coughing fit his composure goes out the window and he’s by your side in a millisecond rubbing your back and asking if you need to go to the hospital in a panicked tone.
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Another “idk I just work here🤷‍♀️” moment 
Choso is not only new to society and normal people but also to relationships. He has absolutely no idea what to say and when to say it, but he notices that when he acts on his urges that you seem to like it. Sometimes he wants to blurt out how much he loves you, but he feels like it’d be weird so he’ll either hold your hand and stare at you or pick you up, take you to bed, and cuddle.
Choso noticed that you love playing with his hair so when he feels as though you’re not giving him enough attention, he’ll ask you to brush his hair or wash it for him.
When you get sick he breaks down and panics. He’ll call Itadori balling saying that he needs help, you’re dying, and he doesn’t know how to make you better. It happens every time you get sick; panic and call Itadori to come help while he cradles you in his arms, begging you not to die, with his tears dropping on your face while you try to calm him down.
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0hcicero · 24 days
So I just started reading A Court of Thorns and Roses (audiobook), and am I the only one who is wondering if the author did any research into poor subsistence living or the lives of peasants? Because wow, I know Feyre’s family used to be rich, but if that was 8 years ago and y’all are poor as dirt now, somehow in the intervening period you might have learned:
- trap lines in the winter are far superior to active hunting. It burns less calories, you can use it with fish and land animals, and it will save you from frostbite bc instead of sitting in a blind for hours, you can go to your lines at certain times and head home, or drive animals toward your lines.
- buying flower seeds - or any garden seeds - is a suckers game when you’re poor. You only really need to buy seeds once!! Once you harvest, you let stuff ‘go to seed’ and then you collect it and store it for the winter, often trading seeds with your neighbours.
- they let things actively RUN OUT before doing anything about it. That’s absolutely buckwild if you’ve ever been poor — when you’re poor, you know how to make a meal stretch, and you DO IT.
- there is hunting, but no gathering?? This family has not stored any veg for winter, but neither do they go gather mushrooms, rosehips, roots, tubers, nuts, or even fucking bark?? What happened to their cottage garden?? Was it just flowers?! Were they that rich that they don’t understand that a garden produces food? Did they close their eyes as they walked past all their peasant neighbours and their gardens? Bc that’s maybe the wildest thing I’ve seen from both a historical and a ‘grew up so close to dirt poor you couldn’t tell the difference’ perspective!
- She left a whole ass Giant wolf carcass when her family is starving. Nah nah nah no that is the universe smiling on you when you’re subsistence! You will make a travois or somehow find a way to tie that to you and drag it along - that’s double the food, and possibly more money, because you could live off the wolf (which I assume does not taste great) and sell off some of the deer (which is delicious).
- she didn’t at least do a basic clean of her kill out in the woods?! She did not tan the hides?! Y’all, you do not want to be cleaning any kill on the kitchen table. Why? Because cleaning involves removing the intestines and stomach. That means shit and piss and food digestion in different stages, and the gases produced. You do that *outside*, typically at least close to where you made your kill, because you don’t want to have to have any…spills, and because it makes things a bit lighter to carry. Butchering? For sure do it on a table, but cleaning is an outdoor chore. Also, tanning a hide is not just skinning a creature! It’s scraping all the membranes off it, stretching and drying it, and curing the skin - sometimes with smoke, but often with a pretty gross solution (often including brain oil, and historically, I believe urine and/or feces, and other things with the right chemical components). It’s not a simple or quick task!
- soups, pottages, stews, with dried lentils, beans, or peas would have been the staple meals (depending on the climate and environment, but it feels fairly British thus far). Just having roasted venison (def not the best way to eat venison just from taste alone) would likely be a very very rare occurrence, because, as noted earlier, they’re so poor they would need to make it stretch. You would cure it or dry it or turn it into sausage. You would use it sparingly within a meal, not to serve as the whole meal.
- the market. If you were poor, you would likely be a stranger to spices, but not to salt. Salt is deeply necessary to survive in that period, as it’s one of the only ways of safely processing and storing meat with any longevity. And? If you got the money that they did while being as poor and as starving as they were? The first thing you would do — even if you were the most stupid rich person before then — is stock up your stores of dry goods! Flour, salt, honey, dried beans/peas/lentils, vegetables that store - onions, squashes, potatoes, root vegetables like carrots. It’s straight up Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs here - you will not give a shit about a new cloak before you give a shit about saying your hunger. They are said to be ‘starving’. Sorting out your survival comes before sorting out your fashion.
Anyways, this has been me for channel 4, reporting on anachronisms and misrepresentations in fantasy fiction. More news at 10.
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uhrohmuhseo · 5 months
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This exquisite oil is renowned for its stress-relieving properties, offering a natural and aromatic escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Explore the calming effects and bring serenity into your space. Dive into tranquility with Champaca Absolute Oil in aromatherapy.
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Exploring the Aroma of Jasmine Grandiflorum Absolute
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Jasmine Grandiflorum Absolute is renowned for its captivating fragrance and therapeutic properties. Extracted from the delicate blossoms of the Jasmine Grandiflorum plant, this absolute offers a rich and complex scent profile that has captivated perfumers, aromatherapists, and enthusiasts for centuries.
Origins of Jasmine Grandiflorum:
Jasmine Grandiflorum, scientifically known as Jasminum grandiflorum, is native to regions such as India, Nepal, and Pakistan. The plant produces small, white, star-shaped flowers that bloom at night, releasing their intoxicating fragrance. Historically, jasmine has been revered in various cultures for its symbolic significance and therapeutic benefits.
Extraction Process:
Jasmine Grandiflorum Absolute is extracted through a meticulous process to capture its aromatic essence. The flowers are harvested by hand at dawn when their scent is most potent. These delicate blossoms are then subjected to solvent extraction or enfleurage methods to obtain the absolute, ensuring that the fragrance remains intact and true to its natural form.
Aroma Profile:
The aroma of Jasmine Grandiflorum Absolute is often described as intensely floral, sweet, and slightly musky with warm, exotic undertones. It possesses a rich, heady fragrance that is both calming and uplifting. The complexity of its scent profile makes it a prized ingredient in perfumery, where it adds depth and sophistication to countless fragrance compositions.
Therapeutic Benefits:
Beyond its enchanting fragrance, Jasmine Grandiflorum Absolute is revered for its therapeutic properties. In aromatherapy, it is valued for its calming and antidepressant effects, helping to alleviate stress, anxiety, and insomnia. Its aphrodisiac qualities make it a popular choice for enhancing romantic moods and promoting intimacy.
Jasmine Grandiflorum Absolute finds versatile applications across various industries:
Perfumery: It is a coveted ingredient in high-end perfumes, imparting a luxurious and long-lasting floral note.
Skincare: Due to its skin-nourishing properties, Jasmine Absolute is incorporated into skincare products such as creams, lotions, and serums, offering hydration and promoting skin elasticity.
Aromatherapy: When diffused or used in massage oils, Jasmine Absolute creates a soothing atmosphere and promotes emotional well-being.
Spiritual Practices: Jasmine's spiritual significance makes it a popular choice for meditation, rituals, and ceremonies, where its aroma is believed to enhance spiritual connection and inner peace.
The allure of Jasmine Grandiflorum Absolute lies in its exquisite fragrance and therapeutic benefits, making it a cherished ingredient in various applications. However, to experience the true essence of Jasmine Absolute, it is crucial to source it from reputable suppliers. With a commitment to quality and purity, Get Natural Essential Oils offers a premium Jasmine Grandiflorum Absolute that captures the essence of this revered botanical. Elevate your senses and enhance your well-being with the enchanting aroma of Jasmine Grandiflorum Absolute from Get Natural Essential Oils.
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darl1ngpearl · 7 months
Mechanic!Ellie x Motorcyclist!Reader
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warning!!: smut, boob sucking, pussy eating, thigh riding, name usage: ma, mama, doll, dolly, darling, mommy, ect. Reader is female, sub reader, top Ellie.
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You’d be lying if you said you knew even a single thing about cars. Yet motorbikes? Yeah, don’t kid yourself you knew nothing about bikes either. Hence why, you were now stood outside the garage, gnawing at your bottom lip, trying to muster up the courage to step foot inside.
You were more than familiar with this garage, but more specifically, familiar with a certain individual that owned the place. She was the soul reason you felt so nervous, the soul reason why you were seconds away from loosing your bottom lip due to how hard you were biting down.
With clenched fists, and wobbly knees, you made your way through the entrance.
The garage was booming with music, full of a variety of vehicles in various different conditions, parts of vehicles sprawled across the floor, and the clattering of tools came from towards the back. It was a Sunday, so the garage was empty in regard to employees and customers. You can’t imagine that anyone else would be in, other than her. You probably would’ve came in another day, if your friends weren’t so desperate to go on a morning bike ride to the beach tomorrow, hence why you came in today.
You made your way further into the back of the garage, and as the music and the clattering of tools grew louder, the anxious feeling in your stomach grew bigger.
And there she was, well, what you could make out of her. The only think you could recognise was her timberland boots sticking out from underneath the car. She was fixing god knows what, and humming along to some song you couldn’t quite pinpoint.
You stood there for a few moments just watching her work away, before letting out a small, awkward cough.
Almost as soon as you had made your presence known, Ellie was sliding out from beneath the car. She stood up with a grunt, and wiped her oiled coated hands on her, already oiled coated pants.
God did she look good. Her hair was tied back, half up half down. Her freckled face was splattered with, what you could only assume was dirt and oil, and these splatters made their way down to her neck, and further down to her collarbone. She wore her signature wife pleaser with her “men’s working pants”, paired with her timberland boots.
As soon as she laid her glowing green eyes on you, her face lit up and she smirked. She crossed her arms over her chest and began to walk closer.
“Well look who it is, what do I gotta help you with this time ma?”
Oh yes, she was a flirt.
The blood rose to your cheeks as you watched her make her way closer. You were shy, how could you not be? She had such a confident energy, and there was no chance that you could miss it. The smirk on her face only grew as she watched the pink tone on your cheeks grow significantly deeper.
“Gonna speak up dolly? Or do I have to guess?”
“Um, I have a problem with my bike”
Your voice came out small, almost as small as a whisper. Yet Ellie heard it perfectly. Of course she did, because as soon as you spoke she let out the loudest snort known to man. Maybe you wouldn’t be this embarrassed, and maybe she wouldn’t find this as humorous if you weren’t walking into this garage at least once a week with a problem.
Many people who you’ve spoke to about your bike problems have told you to just get a new bike, or told you that you weren’t made to ride a bike. But the thing is, the bike was perfect, and you were more than perfect when it came to riding. Riding was like your talent. You’d been a part of various street races, and won every single one. And just riding around on the streets daily? god you were good. You were perfect. Yet when it came to caring for the bike, that is where you lacked.
Once, a few months ago, you came to Ellie in absolute pieces, convinced that your bike was completely done for. You remember sobbing in her arms for a little while too long, because your precious baby was broken. But god, the look on your face was priceless when all Ellie had to do to “fix” the bike was turn it on. You were completely stunned, and blabbered faster than you could even think about how when you went to turn it on, it wouldn’t turn on. But the more you think about it, the more you realise that the reason it didn’t turn on when you tried, is because you didn’t turn the keys in the ignition.
“What seems to be the problem?”
Ellie raises her eyebrows in amusement, waiting for a response. You look up at her, staring deep into her eyes.
“I don’t know?”
She chuckles and nods, before walking past you, making her way outside to your bike.
“You lil ditz, of course you don’t know”
“Hey! I am not a ditz!”
“Whatever you say ma”
You scoff and follow her to your bike. You watch as she takes a look around, checking the breaks, the tires, the blinkers, and god knows what else.
“Did you remember to turn it on, like… actually turn it on?”
You roll your eyes and nod,
“Yes, I did thank you”
She hold up her hands in defence before looks at your tires once more, crouching down and running a finger along them. You couldn’t take your eyes off her hands. They were so perfect, so veiny and oh so slender. You were fixated on them, so much so that you missed everything she said. She was now stood back infront of you, waving her hand Infront of your face.
“Hellooo? Earth to y/n?”
You look up at her with a deep blush across your face, and she just laughs.
“When you are finished gawking at me doll, I said you need a tire change. I got no clue how you are riding around safely with tires.”
“You’re meant to change the tires?”
“Jesus Christ girlie, how are you allowed on the road huh?”
She begins to push your bike inside the garage, to an empty area where she could begin to work. You follow her once again, like a lost puppy.
“How much is it gonna cost to get them changed els?”
“Hm, depends. You gonna gimme a kiss?”
“Said, you gonna gimme a kiss ma?”
She was teasing. She knew exactly how to tease you, and clearly a little too well, because your cheeks were burning red. She looks over her shoulder to you and winks.
You couldn’t tell if she was joking or just playing but either way, would you ever refuse to kiss her? Absolutely not.
You’d be a liar if you said you hadn’t dreamt of kissing her, on numerous occasions. It was almost the only thing you ever dreamt about.
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You watched as she began to work away, taking the tires off the motorbike before replacing them with new ones. It didn’t take long, and the whole time you watched. You watched as her muscles would flex, and how skilled she was with her hands. You were seconds away from drooling.
One she was done, she stood up and looked at her work with approval, and you did so also.
“Thank you so much els!”
You jumped up from where you were sat and wrapped your arms around her, squeezing her tight.
She chuckles and pats your back,
“Anytime mama”
You blush and squeeze her just a little tighter, not wanting the hug to end.
“So, what is the cost?”
“Well, all depends on wether you’re gonna gimme that kiss or not”
Oh, she was serious.
You looked up at her, arms still around her waist, and you’re met with her infamous smirk. She glances down at your lips, before looking back up at your eyes, and then she licks her lips.
“You’re… you’re serious?”
She scoffs and allows her hands travel down from your waist to your ass, giving it a firm pat.
Once again your face was beat red, and it was now your turn to glance at her lips. They looked so soft and plump, they had a slight sheen from where she had licked them, and there was a small scar on her bottom lip.
“Don’t act like you don’t wanna kiss me doll, you make it painfully obvious”
You roll your eyes and begin to draw circles on her back with your fingers. She hums and lifts one of her hands from your ass upto your face. She tilts up your chin, before using her thumb to toy with your bottom lip.
You stood there in silence for a few moments, before you couldn’t take it anymore.
“Wanna kiss you now els”
She chuckles,
“Oh you do now?”
You nod profusely, and look at her with pleading eyes. She groans and grabs a fistful of your ass, squeezing it tight before using her other hand to now stroke your cheek. She leans in and your heart begins to race.
It’s finally happening. This is what you have been waiting for for months, everytime you came to her garage all you could think about is how good it would feel to kiss her.
As you lean in to kiss her she suddenly pulls away, looking down at you with false confusion.
“Hm, are you kissing me for a discount or are you kissing me because you wanna see if it’s as good as you imagined?”
Oh my god.
You stare at her with your lips parted in shock, not muttering a word.
She forces out a sigh and removes her hand from your ass. The second her hand pulls away is the second that you let out one of the most desperate sounding whines either one of you have ever heard.
“Well cmon then, spit it out pretty”
You couldn’t believe it. It was like a mission for her to try and embarrass you.
You had to say something, obviously you weren’t kissing her for some discount. Hell, you would pay tripple the amount if it meant you could kiss her. But why does she have to make it so difficult?
She knew exactly how to fluster you without a doubt, every time you came to the garage. She could see right through you. Every time you would even attempt to hide something from her, she would know within a split second.
“Don’t wanna kiss you for some stupid discount els”
“Yeah? You sure ma?”
“I’m so sure, wanted to kiss you for so long now, been waiting for so long”
she slides her arms around your waist, her hands finding your ass once more.
“Aw my poor girl, I’m just so mean for making you wait that long aren’t I?”
She once again, waited for you to respond, whilst squeezing your ass just a little tighter.
You pout and nod your head, before she laughs.
“Let me make it up to you then, yeah?”
Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck
She tucks a loose strand of your hair behind your ear, before connected her lips to yours. The kiss was soft, a short kiss yet not short enough to be a peck.
When she pulls away, she smiles at you and you give her a smile back, followed by a shy giggle.
“Strawberry chapstick?”
She licks her lips and nods in approval,
“Definitely strawberry”
She holds your face in the palms of her hands, and once again connects her lips to yours. This time, it’s messy, and ever so slowly, the both of you are making your way towards the ratty old couch that is propped up against the wall, your lips not leaving each others once.
She lowers you back onto the couch, laying you down. She hovers over you, and slowly pulls away from the kiss, a string of saliva keeping her lips connected to yours. Her lips were now swollen, but god does it make her even hotter.
She brushes your cheek with her knuckles and hums in approval, staring at your also swollen lips.
“You want this mama? Cus if not we can stop right now”
“Please els, I want this more than ever”
“That’s the right answer dollface”
She moves from off on top of you and sighs at the sight of you wearing oh so many layers. She needed to change that, and fast.
“Stand up for me”
She switches her position and now manspreads on the couch. You stand up directly in front of her and look at her confused.
“Now strip”
You stare at her blankly for a few moments, trying to process what was just said. She wanted you to… strip?
When it finally came to your realisation, you started to take off your leather jacket. You wanted this and you wanted it now, you didn’t need to stall more than you had to.
She leans back on the couch and hums, enjoying the show.
You give her a shy smile before kicking off your shoes, and then beginning to undo your jeans. She watches you like a hawk as you slide the jeans off the fat of your ass, which made you more flustered than you already were.
Once your jeans were pooling at your ankles, you lifted your top over your head and threw it somewhere on the floor. You shivered at the breeze kissing your skin, and hugged yourself for some warmth.
However, Ellie didn’t like that, she kissed her teeth and motioned with her hands for you to move your arms. And you did so, you let your arms fall back down to your side and you stood still in front of her, letting her eyes explore your almost bare body.
“Do a little spin for me sweet thing”
You felt your arousal begin to pool in your panties. You slowly turning in a circle for her to get a full view of your body. She hums in approval and chuckles.
“God you look so perfect, come here ma”
She pats her lap, silently telling you to sit, and so you did. You sat down on her lap and wrapped your arms around her nape, staring into her oh so gorgeous emerald eyes.
She rests her hands on your ass and stares right back at you. Not a word was said, yet it wasn’t awkward. The moment felt sensual, it felt perfect, and you didn’t want it to be over. But as soon as her lips pressed against your collarbone, you couldn’t wait for the silent moment to be over.
She left soft kisses trailing from your collarbone, to your breasts. This pulled soft whines from the back of your throat. How can a simple kiss feel so good?
You quickly unclasped your bra, for her to gain better access and she chuckles,
“Eager are we ma?”
“Ellie please, shut up and carry on”
She landed a sharp slap on your ass and you jolted forward, whimpering loud.
She manoeuvres your body into the previous position, before going back to leaving soft kisses over your breasts. You close your eyes and let your head fall forward, resting on the top of hers.
“Feels so good els”
“Yeah? Not even started yet mama and already feels that good?”
You nod your head and her kisses begin to turn to sucks. She starts litter hickeys all over your breasts and this makes the pool of arousal in your panties grow even more.
Your pussy ached for her, you needed her more than ever, you needed much more than just hickeys, even if her giving them to you did feel like heaven. So you began to grind on her thigh, attempting to make it subtle in hopes that she wouldn’t notice.
But how could she not? She felt the slow rocking against her thigh the second you began, and this rips a groan out from the back of her throat.
Suddenly, her lips latched around your nipple, and she began to suck and tug on it. You moaned directly into her ear and ground down on her thigh just a little harder, attempting to soothe the ache in between your legs.
She bit down on your nipple and this caused you to yelp, it hurt but in the best way possible.
Her hands moved up from your ass to your hips, and took the grinding into her own hands (literally). She rocked your hips against her in an agonising slow pace, which made you whine and whisper little pleads into her ear.
She was beyond turned on, she needed you more than ever. Her grip on your hips tightened, and she rocked you faster, pushing you further down onto her thigh.
“Oh god! Feels soooo good els, feels so so good”
“Yeah baby? I’m making you feel soooo good?”
You moans grew louder, and you feel your orgasm creeping closer. The feeling of the material of her pants against your clothed pussy felt just right. You began to pant, attempted to move your hips faster to chase your orgasm.
And then, she stopped. She stopped and she held you in place, lifting her head and tutting at you.
Tears began to pool in your eyes, you were so desperate and you were seconds away from your orgasm.
“Tell me, who is in charge here?”
“You are?”
“That’s right darling, so wanna tell me why you were speeding up? I had you at the exact pace I wanted you, and you tried to go faster? Tried to take control?”
You whine and wriggled in her grip. She didn’t like this, and you could tell when the grip on your hips tightened, giving you a silent warning to keep still.
“Was close els, wanted to cum”
“Oh you wanted to cum?”
You felt small. She made you feel so powerless and small with her dominant domineer, you had no control and you knew it. All you could do was nod.
“And you couldn’t wait until I made you cum huh? Had to do it all yourself? Don’t think I’m good enough to make you cum?”
You widened your eyes and shook your head,
“No! I know you can! Was just…desperate”
she hums and in a blink the position changes. You were once again laying down on the couch, and she was hovering over you. You stare up at her and she winks at you. She pecks your lips before trailing kisses down your body.
She kissed your chin, your collarbone, each breast, your stomach, your bellybutton, and then she placed a kiss just above your clothed clit which made you shudder.
“I’m gonna make you cum mama, that’s why we are in this position no? It’s my job now, not yours”
You bite down on your lip and nod at her. She toys with the waistband of your panties and hums, staring at the wet patch that soaked the majority of the underwear.
“Tsk, they’re in my way”
And in a flash your panties were now somewhere on the floor, and her head dove straight in between your legs. She was wasting no time.
You let out a loud gasp as she began to lap up your pussy, eating you out like it was her last meal. Her thumb was placed over your clit, rubbing slow circles.
It felt like heaven, you thought the grinding felt good but, this was a million times better.
Moans began to rip from your throat, and you threw your head back, bucking your hips up into her.
She huffs and uses her other hand to hold your hips down.
She spoke muffled, too focused on eating you out to lift her head. You quickly obeyed, not wanting to be denied another orgasm. She was so skilled with her tongue, so skilled.
Her tongue dove in and out of your pussy, hitting all the right spots. You grabbed a fist full of her hair, tugging on it, which caused her to let out a groan.
She removed her thumb, which caused you to whine from the loss of contact. Yet as soon as she pushed her face more into your pussy, you were no longer whining. Her nose kept bumping against your clit Every time she would move her head. You were in bliss.
“Oh god els!!”
She chuckles, although due to her face being buried deep in between your legs, it barely sounded like one.
You couldn’t help it, you began to feel your orgasm creeping over you once more and you began to buck your hips back into her. Her nose pressed harder into your clit and her tongue reached further into your pussy.
You couldn’t contain your moans, you were a mess. Tears began to brim in your eyes and you tugged on her hair harder. She didn’t push you down this time, she just kept going. She knew your were close, I mean, how could she not tell?
“F-fuck! Gonna cum, please mommy please!”
This set her off, and if it was even possible, she began to eat you out even faster. She was gripping onto your thighs, making a complete mess.
Then, that feeling in your stomach snapped. You came all over her face, and so fucking hard. Moans, whines and curse words came flying from your mouth, you were unable to hold anything back.
She slowed down her pace, allowing you to come down from your orgasm. Once it became too much, she pulled away.
She looked at you with a smirk on her face. Her chin was dripping with saliva and arousal, and even then, she looked fucking good.
You were fucked out. Your chest was heaving and tear stains were visible on your face, drool visible at the corners of your mouth. She looked at you, impressed with her work done to you.
You groan and hold your hands over your face, embarrassed.
“Shut up!”
She laughs and leans over you, pecking your lips.
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She walked you out of her garage, wheeling out your bike for you.
“I’ll message you okay dolly? Be safe on your ride back, try not to lose any bike parts”
You roll your eyes and giggle,
“Thank you again Ellie”
“Anytime mama”
You gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, before she landed a soft smack on your ass, causing you to turn beet red almost immediately. She then tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, and leaned in to whisper to you.
“Next time, mommy will use her strap”
Next time?
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Join my discord server! I made a server for us to talk about the last of us, things I’ve written, future things written, to suggest ideas and so on !! I hope to see you there, it would be greatly appreciated 🥺🩷🩷
Requested by : @3starrosalyn
Tags : @elsblunt @elliestwomissingfingersss @ellieswife-8 @misosoupupup @vster0769
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paddockbunny · 5 days
In his Arms
Summary : Fernando joins you relaxing in a gorgeous warm bath Rating : 16+ Pairing: Fernando Alonso x Reader Word Count : 900 words ONE SHOT!! Trigger Warnings : FLUFF, clean, some small mentions of sex but nothing graphic. Images : curated from Pintrest Authors Note : So there’s one mention of God in this, I am an aetheist but it fitted the story so I hope it’s ok.
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Fernando assured you the dinner wouldn’t go on for too long. He didn’t want to be too late seeing as it was only just the start to the weekend. Initially he wanted you to go with him - he wanted to show you off - but when you found out no one else’s girlfriend (or wife) was attending you wouldn’t be swayed.
Instead, you treated yourself to a massage down at the spa before sending for room service and a bottle of expensive red wine. After all the bill was going to be picked up by AM and Lawrence Stroll had deep enough pockets for you to spoil yourself. Therefore you decidedly went for the Château de Vaudieu (at over two hundred euros a bottle). Fernando sent you a text letting you know dinner was almost over, they were just having a little Digestif before heading back to the hotel and you in particular. You knew all to well what dinner during a race weekend was like for Fernando so although drinks would absolutely be kept to a minimum, sometimes he got back later than he originally planned and you were already sound asleep in bed. Tonight you figured would be no different. So, you decided to traipse through to the gorgeous bathroom and run yourself a bath.
The warm water soothed your skin and mixed with the oils that lingered after your massage making your skin slippery soft to the touch. You sighed, feeling utterly content and serenely happy. The life you had carved for yourself - the one with Fernando - was only going up and you felt so thankful for everything that God had bestowed upon you. Lost in your own mind as you soaked your body in the big hotel bathtub, you missed the sound of the room key pressing against the door. The noise of Fernando arriving home escaped you so you got a shock when you heard him call out for you. The bubble filled water moved in waves across your flesh, your chest, your shoulders.
“In here my love…” You had left the door open, too preoccupied by stepping into the tub to care to close it, and Fernando slowly waltzed in. His eyes cascaded as the water had done moments before. Travelling down your breasts, your navel and below. His eyebrows raised and a smirk danced upon his lips. “Maybe I should have stayed home.” His voice laced with confidence. You noticed his hand behind his back and wondered what he was hiding, concealing behind his body. But he didn’t linger.
“What are those for?” You gasped upon his reveal. A bouquet of stunning white roses were held by his wide tanned hand. “An apology…” he stated and you were relieved when he followed it up by telling you; “for leaving you tonight.” Fernando was a romantic. A real, true, old school romantic. He was always spontaneously spoiling you; bringing you flowers, pieces of jewellery, luxury handbags and other things he saw that made him think of you. He whisked you off to stunning destinations and sent you sentimental voice notices. You felt more than loved by him. You felt adored. And even more so now as his eyes continued to roam across your shiney damp flesh.
“Is there any space left in there for me?” Fernando was cheeky in his tone and it sent a flutter of eager butterflies fluttering down deep in your stomach.
Now it was your turn to play voyeur. Intently you watched as Fernando began to undress. His shirt going first. His masculine, virile body now on full display to you and you felt your mouth water as you drunk him in. He liked you watching him undress - it was something you had established in the first few months of your relationship - and you watched him swallow as he undone his belt. The remainder of his clothes fell down on to the marble floor. His naked form made your breath quicken. There wasn’t a single part of him you didn’t love.
You pulled yourself up from your lounging position and made room for Fernando to sink in behind you. The pair of you had done this before and so you knew exactly where the night would ultimately end up. But for now, you were content just to feel him. He stepped into the water and lowered himself down, legs spread for you to slot between. His body was firm and sturdy behind you as he gently pulled you back against him. His body-heat and soft, supple body flexed as you adjusted so you were comfortable.
Fernando’s arms wasted no time winding themselves around your body underneath the now shared bath water. Palms glided down your ribcage. Fingertips descending lower until they sat lazily upon your stomach. His lips placed a tender, delicate kiss upon the the flesh of your neck after your head rolled back to rest against his shoulder. A relaxing moan escaped freely from you. Just as satisfied now as you knew you would sure be later on after the bath had been forgotten about and Fernando was making your pleasure the ultimate prize. But for now, you were just happy to be in his arms, enjoying the fact he came home to you.
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 8 months
Renaissance!Leon headcannons 🩷☁️
A/N: I could not stop thinking about this. Enjoy my word vomit! At least it's pink..
~Fi 🐝
Warnings: horrendously historically inaccurate, FLUFF, disgustingly sweet, absolutely filthy too, NFSW content 17+, cunnilingus, PiV, creampie, cum eating, my love for Leon is a warning in itself.
Word count: 1.2k
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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Renaissance!Leon who makes sure you only get the best. Silks, velvet, expensive jewelry, the most beautiful gowns you could ever ask for and whatever else your heart yearns for. Luxurious bubble baths with rose petals, lavender oil and goat milk, while your chamber maid gently combs your hair.
Renaissance!Leon who treats you like an absolute goddess, he would do absolutely anything for you, no matter what. He feels like a madman sometimes with all the things he has done for you, and would do for you in the future.
Renaissance!Leon who loves taking off your corset. It's such a sweet and intimate moment, the feeling of the laces gliding over his fingers as he frees you from your prison. He places soft and loving kisses on every new inch of skin he exposes while unraveling the garment.
Renaissance!Leon who takes you to every event he can, solely to show you off. To show all those other noble bastards that you chose him, that you're his and he's yours. Not that they had a chance with you anyway.
Renaissance!Leon who has gotten into many fist fights and duels because a poor noble looked at you even a second too long. He's always victorious, of course, he knows his way around combat and rapiers.
Renaissance!Leon who was always a bit of a rebel, defying the orders of whoever, just because he could. His sense for freedom was one of the many things that made you fall for him.
Renaissance!Leon who loves to have little forbidden midnight rendezvous with you. Before he was officially courting you, you two used to sneak out, just you, the moonlit nights and all the love you held for each other.
Renaissance!Leon who has made love, not fucked, to you under the stars, just to show you much he truly cared for you.
Renaissance!Leon who loves to take you on outings, riding through a nice corner of nature on a sunny day, going on a walk through town and buying you new clothes and accessories, or having a cute picnic on the grounds of his huge estate.
Renaissance!Leon who loves waking up with you. The silky sheets draped around and over your figure while you're being illuminated by the morning sun makes you look ethereal in his eyes, like an Angel. He will watch you adoringly as your chest rises and falls with soft breaths while he litters gentle kisses over your skin.
Renaissance!Leon who loves the feeling of being buried underneath your many petticoats and skirts while he's taking you to heaven with his tongue, nestled between your thighs.
Renaissance!Leon who has fucked you over and on every surface in the house, he just can't help himself when you look so pretty all the time. He's still in the honeymoon phase and he will never leave it. He's addicted to you, his beautiful wife, and will forever shower you in his love and affection.
Renaissance!Leon who is so worked up from how you look, how you act, how you smell, that he just has to fuck you in the carriage on your way to a ball.
Renaissance!Leon who buries his face in your squished up tits, breathing in your intoxicating perfume. You have to stop him from sucking and biting marks on your supple skin, promising him he gets to do all of that later.
Renaissance!Leon who has you seated on his cock while he bucks his hips into you, the movement of the carriage making you bounce in his lap. He almost collapses at the sight, your face contorted in bliss while his entire lower half is covered by your new extravagant dress. One hand is on the back of his neck while your other is steadying yourself against the wall of the carriage as you subconsciously press him closer to your flush tits.
Renaissance!Leon who would love nothing more than to abandon the idea of going to this stupid ball just so he can hear you sing your symphonies of bliss for him until dawn.
Renaissance!Leon who loves the little gasps and whimpers that fall from your lips when he glides his tongue over your tits.
Renaissance!Leon who almost goes dumb when you clench around him, his head falling back and his breathing picking up. He damn near punched a hole in the carriage when you finally came undone around him, making him spill deep inside you not long after.
Renaissance!Leon who is so hot and bothered during the ball, because he just imagines how his cum drips out of you, staining the new silk skirt while you socialize like he just didn't fuck your brains out on the way here.
Renaissance!Leon who cannot concentrate on a single conversation which leads him to take you again in a little dark corner of the library, fucking you against one of the many bookshelves.
Renaissance!Leon who has the noble class wondering how you don't have 10 children yet with the way he's all over you constantly. The answer; Lemon tops.
Renaissance!Leon who basically rips your corset to shreds the second your back in your home. He's on his knees for you immediately, licking the trail of his cum off your thighs before he tastes you and fucks you with his tongue until you're light headed.
Renaissance!Leon who just loves you so fully, it makes your heart feel all fuzzy. Whether it's when you take a joined bath, his fingers gently caressing your skin or when he holds you close and whispers all kinds of sweet things in your ear.
Renaissance!Leon who assures you with absolute certainty that he loves every inch of you. Every stomach roll, every bit of chubbiness and fat that you believe to be in the wrong place (it isn't, and he will fuck those thoughts out of you if he has to), every stretch mark, every scar, every mole, all the body hair that you're unsure about, every little, fickle thing that is deemed imperfect, makes you even more perfect in his eyes.
Renaissance!Leon who cannot believe his luck sometimes. He doesn't know what he did to end up with you, this absolutely gorgeous woman who is so loving and kind and gentle with him. But he's so incredibly grateful each and every day, and he will continue to show you his appreciation.
Renaissance!Leon who loves fucking you, but there's nothing he loves more than to make love to you. Gentle, slow and sensual. Soft and sweet kisses, compliments and praises that make your heart (and pussy) flutter. He will pour his heart out to you while he's so deep inside of you, you can almost feel him in your throat.
Renaissance!Leon who has secretly dabbled in the arts of poetry, just for you. He's never been artistic but you, you made him feel like a lovesick fool, writing down the most cliché lines, purely because you moved him in a way nobody else had.
Renaissance!Leon who would die for you, and will protect you until he can't anymore. He's so grateful for the life you've shown him; that he's worthy of that life. He wants nothing more than to grow old with you and then do it all over again in the next life.
Renaissance!Leon who loves you with no exception. He lives for you, you make him have a purpose. He loves you more than the sun could ever love the moon.
I will definitely make this a whole fic at one point, but I'm working on so many things right at the moment, I needed to quench my thirst somehow until I go Jane Austen on this <3 ~
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slavicafire · 25 days
Hi! I love your posts about perfumes and I was wondering how did you get so into it? You don't have to answer if you don't want to of course, but I was just curious if you can and if so, where u can learn more about perfumes and recognizing the scents, bc it's something I have big trouble with ☺️
oh! my dearest stranger! you have opened the cursed door and let out the rambling plague upon this wretched world—alas, 'tis time to yap.
there are three main components to finding yourself engrossed in the world of fragrances, or really, should I simply say, scents. the basics are just as crucial as the study of ingredients and interactions, and the sentimental and memory-related just as thrilling as simply finding something that smells nice on you and for you.
basics: develop your basic understanding of different scents. find out what you like and what you dislike, and learn to recognise how things smell. it might sound silly but it is actually a very enjoyable experiment, especially if you feel a bit lost and you're not sure how to start.
do you have a favourite smell? favourite flower or fruit or body wash, or body mist, or a cleaning product? maybe it's the smell of freshly mowed grass or a particular baked sweet? learn what it's supposed to smell of and focus on remembering and recognising that smell. seek it out, think about it, know it.
smell things a lot. I mean it: products you use, food you eat, flowers you pass on your walks. smell your books and your sun-kissed skin, smell your pets and your friends. focus on the scents that inhabit every second of your life, and you'll notice there are so so many. smell some nasty things every once in a while, too, you might discover unexpected thrills.
start a basic note exercise. choose three basic notes you find interesting, ones that are simple and recognisable, and smell them on their own - either through an extract, single note oil or perfume, or other medium. as an example, for me it was rose (beloved), vanilla (super recognisable) and sandalwood (classic). remember them, revisit them, and once you get the hang of them, seek them out in different combinations: check out some perfumes with one or more of those chosen notes, and see whether you can spot them there. see how they interact with different smells, in products and perfume and on your skin.
study: develop a stronger foundation to orient yourself in the world of fragrances. learn what ingredients there are and what processes are used to combine them. it doesn't have to be laborious or tedious, simply explore what different notes are there.
start with one of these quick lists: parfumado or fragrancex. you don't have to memorise anything, but do take your time to read through them and learn what ingredients are even used in perfume making and how and what for. if you're hungry for some more, check out the list on perfume society or wikiparfum. explore!
learn about head, heart and base olfactive notes. sylvaine delacourte has a nice explanation, or charlotte tilbury, or olfa originals. test whether you're able to notice how a chosen perfume develops and unravels on your skin: can you spot this change from head to heart, can you recognise the underlying base? it's alright if at first you absolutely can't, there are many variables there and it's not so easy at all!
find a perfume you have access to on fragrantica, and study its accords and notes. read the comments. use the perfume on yourself and see whether you can recognise the notes. maybe the perfume smells like something completely different to you? that's entirely possible and a very fun part of exploring fragrances; for example, I have a rose perfume that for me smells strongly of black olives and not much more. trust me, no shame in genuinely just reading the notes on fragrantica each time you use this perfume and trying to crack it. you don't have to know things by heart or immediately recognise many notes, that'll come with time and experience.
experience: make fragrances a part of your everyday life and explore how they shift and bloom for you. don't assume fragrances are just for special occasions every once in a blue moon or something super complicated you have to focus very hard on. make them a part of your life.
whenever you have the opportunity, try out testers in perfumeries and drug stores and any other places you spot them in. they're there to be used. ask for samples, check out online sales for some discounts, treat yourself to a discovery set. play around, widen your horizons, have fun!
once you have some samples or perfumes, try them out in different weather, different times of year and different times of day. different moods. if you're someone who menstruates, try them out during different parts of your cycle. try them out on somebody else's skin. try them after sex, or before a workout, or right before you go to sleep. see how they change.
scent-code your events. scent is the most powerful part of our memory: choose a perfume you use when you see your best friend, choose a perfume you'll use only during this trip you're going on, choose a perfume to use when going on evening walks in the summer or reading books in winter. you'll have a path paved with perfume to revisit, and you'll thank yourself for it.
but most importantly, explore and enjoy yourself: read, spray, buy or nick fragrances, ask your friends to try theirs when you visit them, and let your friends try yours. have fun and remember that it is a very personal, varied and subjective journey, and there is no wrong way to do it.
best of luck!
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