#rose my angel my fav
gingerandcelery · 10 months
ALRIGHT i have seen the new episode!! if you dont want spoilers apologies but they will be here
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rocketqueen1989x · 8 days
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my baby
my baby
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iknowimdespicableme · 3 months
My top 5 Doctor Who Episodes; And why!
DOCTOR WHO SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT!! I say the season and episode before I start analyzing, so feel free to skip some.
5. Vincent and the Doctor [5x10]
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This episode was so touching to me on many different levels. Firstly, as a creative person who deals with mental health and ostracization, seeing a version of Vincent Van Gogh on screen felt almost healing. Acknowledging the hurt he experienced while not ignoring his joys was very special. On a technical level, the way that the episode visualized a way Vincent Van Gogh may have seen the world was incredibly eye opening and better allowed me to appreciate his art. Furthermore, the confusion Amy experienced during the episode regarding her memory was such an experience for two reasons; Firstly, it proved to us, the audience, how much she has grown to love Rory. Before, she was dating him because he was the only half-decent guy around. But, after learning more about him and spending more time with him, she is truly in love with him and this episode gives proof of that. Secondly, I experience dissociative fugue, wherein I may forget large aspects of my life, and this episode was so comforting regarding that experience. Yes, sometimes there are things you can't remember that make you happy or sad. You should embrace the feelings rather than ignore them or feel scared. And, finally, the moment where Vincent Van Gogh is able to see what the future of his art holds is a touching moment; and I like that it didn't save him in the end. Like the Doctor said, “The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't always spoil the good things or make them unimportant.”
4. The Husbands of River Song [2015 Christmas Special]
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I looked forward to finally watching this episode for so long leading up to it because I had heard such flattering things about it; and it didn't disappoint. After many episodes that felt lacking or one dimensional, this special brought back an element of camp, humor, and fun that had been missing, all the while including beloved characters and dramatic sequences. Allowing the Doctor an opportunity to see how one of his companions, especially River, acts when he is not around gives the audience so much more insight into her character and the Doctor a chance to learn and grow. Asking her about himself and learning that, although she may be worried or grieving, she finds these feelings worth it just to keep loving him. Considering how much River puts a mask on around 11 to not show her age and sadden him, it was refreshing to see a new side of her. Not to mention, the storyline for the special was interesting and compelling without being overwhelming in a way that took away from the characters. Although it's unlikely that the Doctor doubted River's feelings for him, this episode gave ultimate proof regarding how much she cares about him. Unfortunately, it also showcases how little River thinks of herself in relation to the Doctor. And, yet, there 12 is to prove her wrong when it mattered. Best of both worlds! Finally, the tenderness mixed with grief and understanding that we end the special with is such a perfect conclusion to River's story with the Doctor as it reflects their whole saga together perfectly. River's argument to the Doctor that, "Happily ever after doesn't mean forever, it just means time." was so special and the Doctor finally allowing himself to settle down (if only for a little bit) was exactly the kind of growth the character needed.
3. Wild Blue Yonder [2nd 2023 David Tennent Special]
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I watched this episode yesterday and by gods it quickly skyrocketed to one of my favorites, where do I even start. Within the first few minutes of the episode, we are given many similarities and differences when comparing this Doctor and Donna adventure to their previous excursions. While they still compliment each other well, offering understanding and push-back, it is also clear the ways they have matured. Donna seems more in touch with her emotions and how she is truly feeling. When we first met her, she had a lot of anger and frustration within her from constantly being scrutinized and ignored. Now, we can see she is more peaceful and secure, even if below the surface some hesitation still lingers. Whereas, in the Doctor's case, he is so much more open to affection and vulnerability. The lessons he learned as 11 and 13 showed him that he could trust others, even if it is slowly. Although he is still trying to ignore or repress many things that have happened to him, he is at peace with them more than he was as 10. They both are less rageful. So, from a literary standpoint, just the beginning of this episode was wonderful. The classic "TARDIS fucks off somewhere leaving the company stranded" and "Doctor loses his sonic screwdriver and doesn't know what to do with himself for a bit" tropes came back swinging, and the way it affected the duo was wonderful to watch. The reality of the situation wasn't quickly swept under the rug or ignored because of a bigger problem, they got to sit in their fear for a while which was beautiful. The slow realization throughout the episode as if the audience is figuring out the answer at the same time as the Doctor just felt satisfying. Small, seemingly disconnected things coming together to form a compelling mystery. And, because it takes so long to give us the answer, we feel the carnal fear of the unknown just like the Doctor and Donna. I was tense when I realized they weren't talking to each other, but copies. I was scared when they were separated. And, the best part of the whole fucking episode, I didn't know who was who. That was terrifying! Up until the last second, I thought the Doctor had made the right choice, too! It kept me on the edge of my seat, informed me so much about the characters, explored a terrifying "what if" in a way only sci-fi can replicate, and was silly as hell. Loved every second. Also, the little robot guy was cute as hell.
2. Heaven Sent [9x11]
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Explodes everywhere I love 12. This Doctor is characterized as a less nice, but still very kind regeneration. He holds so many conflicting feelings regarding the loss of the Ponds, his changing relationship with Clara, his perception of himself. I loved how he acted in his episodes. as socially confused, because it felt very familiar to me. The way his brain always seemed too loud and his loner energy was such a switch-up compared to 11. and yet so in character all the same. This episode carried this perfect essence of Doctor Who that felt lost in the majority of the last couple seasons. An entire episode where the Doctor is alone, and grieving, and loving, and problem-solving all at the same time was so compelling. Although it is clear I am more of a fan of episodes that focus on the characters and not the current storyline, this story was enthralling even if it took away from character moments sometimes. Do I wish we had more chances at the beginning/middle of the episode to properly address or reminisce about Clara? Yes. But, after watching the whole episode, it is clear why it was done. The setting for Heaven Sent was so intriguing, and the whole episode we are just wondering as much as the Doctor is; Why? Why is he being chased, why was he brought here, why are there shovels? It reeled us in. And then, once we realize the torture he is putting himself through, the dramatics, character information, and emotion we are given is so heart-wrenching. Evidently, Clara gave the Doctor a comfort greater and worth more than 5 billion years of torture. Could you imagine that? The depth of his love for Clara is given so much of a spotlight in this episode, and I am frothing at the mouth for it. Especially considering how they may frustrate or hurt each other, they still know each other. They help each other. And goddammit, he is not going to let her go. But, this stubbornness isn't necessarily a good thing. One important thing about loving someone is knowing when to let them go. This love for Clara was selfish the same way her love was for him in these intense moments where they sacrifice themselves for each other. They were doing it to prove something to themselves, to get the other back because they couldn't accept they were gone, not because it would be a better existence for the one in danger. Clara didn't want to be saved, she was being brave. And this imperfect grief the Doctor experiences was so achingly realistic. When I lost my cousin, it was so hard to accept. I wanted to ignore it, I wanted to be angry, I wanted him back. But, in the end, it was his time. This journey the Doctor goes on regarding yet another loss felt so powerful. He was forced to feel this and it hurt, he couldn't just try and quickly forget about it or sulk on his own terms. At the same time, the revelations he comes to throughout the episode were so reassuring to hear someone outside of my own head say. "It’s funny. The day you lose someone isn’t the worst. At least you’ve got something to do. It’s all the days they stay dead."
Turn Left [4x11]
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This comes as a surprise to no one as someone who has been PREACHING character > story. This episode, while being a perfect set up for the finale, tells us so fucking much about the Doctor and, more importantly, ABOUT DONNA! Without Donna, there's no Doctor. Without the Doctor, everything goes to shit! Seeing as we, the audience, are usually seeing the universe by following the Doctor, a companion-focused episode was so refreshing. We got to learn so much about who Donna is, what her life back home was like before we met her, and gave realistic consequences to her actions. FUCK YEAH! It felt grounded, it felt interesting. I also adore the theory that every action we take splits us off into a new universe or timeline, so this episode was so perfect for me. DONNA'S INTERACTIONS WITH ROSE!!! Their comradery and understanding, the way Rose takes Donna under her wing, a moment where we see them as real people without the Doctor intervening or affecting the discussion. The importance of Donna to the universe being made so clear. WILF'S FLASHBACKS!! It's been forever since I saw this episode, but it is so rewatchable and makes me so interested every. single. time. The end of the episode is bone-chilling, with her literally killing herself to save the universe. And then!! The Doctor being out of the loop for once and understanding the severity of the situation with the return of the Bad Wolf. Explodes everywhere, words do not do justice the pure love, respect, and admiration I have for this episode and every actor, producer, tech person, writer, involved. Thank you GODS for this episode, I love you turn left. This lesson that every single person is indispensable and important sets up that conversation in later seasons and eventually becomes the main reoccurring theme of the show. Every Donna Noble, Rose Tyler, and Martha Jones of the universe is important and loved and unique and dbiubibjbjbgiufgbfgu you get me?
Honorable mentions:
The Parting of Ways [1x13]
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The first finale of new who, and it was so gooooood!! Tied up the Bad Wolf hints, gave interesting endings to the TARDIS crew, told us so much about the ninth doctor, gave us confirmed ninerose, had a compelling storyline behind it, and just a classic good episode to go back to.
Tooth and Claw [2x2]
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I know I've been mostly talking about the character implications of my favorite episodes, but this one was just interesting and fun. I loved the dynamic between the Doctor and Rose, the adventure, the silliness, the royal family being involved. Just a good, well-paced, wonderful episode.
The God Complex [6x11]
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This episode was so yummy. While I was watching 11's seasons, I did get the vibe that Amy looked up and admired the Doctor in an unhealthy way and I loved how this episode addressed this. The idea that this thing was taking the forms of people's worst fears, the mystery of what the Doctor saw, the interesting characters, the understanding on what a God Complex actually was, its wonderful!!
The Timeless Children [12x10]
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This may be controversial and I don't care!! I loved the way this episode was structured. I was confused and interested the whole time and when it fell into place I actually had to pause and pace around because OH MY GODS!!! it was a well-done reveal that had such interesting implications and I believe every reaction was in character and made sense. At first, I was upset about the loss of the former perception of the Doctor; Just a regular ol' guy who decided to act out and, above all, be kind. Suddenly, she was from another universe and was the original timelord and i was a little sad. But, the way it has been handled after feels so fitting, and it puts the rest of the show into perspective. All of the confusing things that set the Doctor apart from the others, it made sense now! I loved this episode, I thought it was a great.
The Village of the Angels [13x4]
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I LOVED THE FLUX!! getting to have a old-school style season wherein the who season was just one problem was so cool and allowed for so much information! This episode specifically was so compelling. I loved the Professor Jericho; was SUCH a great addition to the TARDIS crew, and the way the handled the angels was arguably better than Time of Angels + Flesh and Stone. They were terrifying, the mystery was intriguing, and the characters were interesting!!! The only difficult part of this episode was keeping track of who was who as someone who has difficulty recognizing faces. Besides that, I fucking loved The Village of the Angels.
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orangeslushies223 · 3 months
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"Roses my beloved"
Heres more Mark because I love him so much and he deserves some spotlight once in awhile because he's amazing and I love him and I can go on forever about him but I won't cause I don't wanna write a whole paragraph rn after hours of project sekai :p
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heart-shaped-pupa · 2 years
No good al joad by hop along is the blake rose song ever
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jinkiezzsstuff · 7 months
Alastor watching the princess and the frog by Disney ? It’s in lousiana in the 1920s so it would be perfect for him
absolutelyyyyyyy the princess and the frog is one of my fav disney movies from characters to soundtrack, so this one’s a bit longer. also kind of a part two but also not exactly
history ramble below
also i did some light research on new orleans history because if im gonna write alastor i should know. doggy i love me some history and this history is rich, depressing at times but also rich and meanful to know so i thought id share a little. from talking about the free the peoples movement, to the way women got their rights to their hair back that they didn’t have when enslaved only to have a law banning natural hair and hair wraps and so they decorated the wraps and used coloured fabrics effectively rendering the law useless, to the wealthiest black man of the 1870s for being a prospering business owner, the origins of how voodoo and other spiritual practices mingled perfectly with the pre established voodoo and how voodoo was predominantly black women who were highly respected, the first black man to be govoner in the united states in only 1871, a black woman named Rose Nicaud who opened the first coffee stand in 1800 and made enough to escape being ensalved. then there’s lighter topics like some of the jazz history and how it made various black stars like louie armstrong, and also how the language mingled to make the cajun french that’s sadly dying out, to the architecture that flourished through the varying clashes in culture between african, european, native and haitian peoples. if it’s not too upsetting to read i definitely suggest this page to have an insight on some of the quick history on new orleans, i enjoyed learning about the strength that many had during this time.
United teachers of new orleans < page i was reading
Warnings: jealous Al teehee, reader crushes on naveen and dr facilier (don’t mind me just projecting), cuddling, swearing, alastor doesn’t really know emotions good, fluffy banter, just some ushy gushy mushy tushy
Word count: 2k
The movie Bambi didn't even finish playing before the patrons started to filter out of the room heading to bed. First to go was Vaggie carrying a sleeping Charlie, Sir pentious promptly following along telling his fussy egg boys it was long past their bed time. Then it was Niftys turn to disappear, however she never said a goodnight only sped off leaving behind her vacant swishing rocking chair.
Then once Angel and Husk left, you had decided to just call it quits on Bambi, Alastor hadn't moved much or objected to you turning off the movie, only watching the projector as you scrolled through the app.
You stopped on the princess and the frog, grinning toward Alastor he sighed, getting a glimpse of your mischief from the corner of his eye. "Now what's this about darling?" Turning your body towards his fully facing him, you waited for his gaze to finally meet yours, and reluctantly it did. "Allow me to introduce you to one of, if not, thee best disney movies of all time; the princess and the frog," Alastor's finger rose as he took a breath to speak, but before he could say a word you interrupted him.
"Yes I know princess yuck, whatever Al. It takes place in New Orleans, its main focus is actually in the poorer area with the shotgun houses, and throughout the movie Tiana, the princess, travels through the bayou, oh! With Naveen one of the hottest princes, also it takes place in the twenties, oh!-" Before you could continue Alastor gently gripped your cheeks, your lips puckering involuntarily as he did so."What did you just?"
"Takes place in the nineteen twenties?" You asked, voice muffled from Alastors grip on your cheeks. "Before that dear." Your eyebrows raised looking at Alastor not trying to hide your confusion. "Naveen? One of the hottest princes?" Alastor hummed, booping your nose. "Yes dear, that."
"Yeah. duh dude he's one of the few princes that deserve the princess, he changes for Tiana, he's charismatic, funny, but nevermind that back to what i was saying. There's varying New Orleans culture littered through that might make you feel closer to home, all the music is jazz obviously." Opening your mouth readying to rant on about the Voodoo man that you adored, Alastor hushed you with his finger up to your lips.
"My sweet dear, I will watch this silly picture show so long as you stop rambling about it." Alastor wasn't truly done with hearing your rambling, he was enjoying hearing that you were such a fan of something that centred so close to home when it came to him however if he was going to watch it he rather not have it spoiled.
Giddily you clasped your hands together and hit play, your love for the film and excitement to see Alastors reaction may have made you slightly over enthusiastic just a bit. As the movie began you curled your feet up onto the couch, inching yourself closer to Alastor looking up to his face and back to the movie.
When Naveen got introduced on screen you accidentally gripped Alastors arm tightly shaking him. "My mannn~" You squealed happily, letting go of Alastor once you heard the unmistakable rattle come from him, a growl sounding out of his chest. You didn't pay much attention to him though, instead turning back to the projector and backing off Al. However Alastor wasn't too frustrated with the fact you touched him, but because you were being so ushy gushy over some fake man.
He was easily the same if not better than Naveen. Alastor was charismatic, charming, he could sing, play instruments, he didn't quite understand why you were so particularly interested in this Naveen. Hell, even Alastor had a similar outfit back when he was alive, he could've been Naveen when he was alive.
You didn’t notice Alastor having a mini tantrum in his own world, you were too engrossed in the movie. Suddenly you’ve gripped him again, pointing at the screen. "The shadow man, Al this is your kin!" You egged laughing maniacally at your own words.
Alastor’s face however brightened at the display of the voodoo man. "One of my fav songs." You whispered as Dr. Facilier began singing on screen. Cocking his head to the side Alastor looked down to you bouncing along to the song. "This fellow sounds similar to Husk." Alastor mentioned, watching intently at the shadows that crawled around Dr. Faciliers room, much like Alastors own shadows. "Yeah it really does sound like Husk. Strange, anyways, Dr. Voodoos hot too." Alastors static buzzed around the room and you had to hold back a giggle at the frustrated look on his face, despite the smile it was obvious he wasn't too happy.
"What's up Al, not liking the movie?" Static crackled around the two of you as you questioned him a little slyly as you could tell he wasn’t hating the movie. “No dear, it’s pleasant in comparison to some things i’ve grit myself through, however,” He paused watching you ogle at both the Dr and Naveen. “I can’t understand what’s so great about this Naveen you like. He’s a fool,” You scoffed at Alastors distaste for Naveen, you didn’t mean to make him feel frustrated at your adoration for the characters but it was endearing to see.
“What’s not to like about the man?” You state confidently but Alastor simply shrugged while humming indifferently. A beat of silence passed, the ending of the song playing out of the projector. “It’s just that,” Alastor started up again after a moment of silence, turning his body to face you hands folded in his lap politely. “You clearly have the odd reaction towards these gentlemen and I can't see why,” To give him credit he did look genuinely confused, and just as you were going to speak up he interrupted.
“And please do not say it’s because he is funny, charismatic, musically talented or sweet because I happen to hold all those same qualities!” He finished, hands thrown in the air like he said something especially spectacular. You had a soft smile present on your face watching him work through the sentence theatrically. “Well, Al you are, maybe i think the same about you?” Record scratch.
You cackled at his frozen state, patting his arm gently, cooing that you were only kidding, you turned back to the TV and the two of you decided to leave it at that.
Later on in the movie, when Tiana and Naveen are with the alligator going down the bayou singing about being human, you stared over at Alastor, your heart thumping at the sight of him. His arms were resting along the back of the couch, legs splayed out comfortably, posture sunken in, and his eyes lidded with a closed calm smile. His ear twitched and soon his eyes moved from the movie to you, quirking a questionable eyebrow at you.
Feeling slightly embarrassed for eyeing him up you tried to play it off by asking him a question. “Is there bayous in New Orleans, is that real?” You ask kinda dumbly, of course they were, you scolded yourself. Alastor didn’t seem to mind though he smiled widely, a chuckle reverberating out of him. “Why yes dear! Of course, I personally never lived close to the bayou, but it surrounds New Orleans, and I have been. It’s quite beautiful during a sunset but there’s tons of alligators.”
You leaned forward interested, but it seemed he’d stopped to refocus on the screen which you wouldn’t complain about. You not so discreetly leaned into his torso, arm still on the back of the sofa behind you, and thankfully he didn’t move when you leaned your body into him, instantly decompressing into his side.
They got to the scene where the gang is on the boat going through the bayou, the crocodile fitting in and playing jazz, when you turned to look up at Alastor seeing him already looking down at you. “What’s up?” You asked, watching as he scanned your face. “Well dear you’re just reminding me of home tonight, it would’ve been interesting to be able to show you where I lived, where I worked. Y’know when i did radio, most people didn’t know what I looked like so it came as quite a shock to some that I wasn’t what they imagined. Some were cruel, but my mother always taught me to be respectable if not respectful, so I managed to keep my grace.”
You giggle at his explanation watching him move his hand in all different directions, the radio host coming into play just at the mention of his job. “I’m flattered you would’ve wanted to show me your home n stuff, i wish it were possible.”
On the projector in front of you two, was the scene between Naveen and Tiana’s first date, where Naveen was going to propose. “They always get married so fast in these movies, you spend three days as a frog and suddenly it’s eternity!” You exclaimed humorously, Alastor scoffed an array of instrumental sounds electronically sounding out from him. “My dear it was common back in the day to get married quick, none of this lollygagging.”
You rolled your eyes blowing out air. “Would you get married to someone you knew for three days?” Alastor hummed, tapping his finger against his chin in exaggerated thought. “If it were you, perhaps, otherwise i’d attempt to lengthen it just a bit.” He reviled in the sight of you bashfully turning your head away, shy at his broad flirt. “You’d marry me, after only three days?” You questioned in disbelief, he hummed wrapping the arm he once had behind you, around you pulling you into him.
“Well I found you to be quite a treat the first day i met you, and decided i wanted to be around you for many days on. Is that not marriage worthy?” This confession shocked you slightly. You never expected him to say that he preemptively planned your blooming friendship nevermind that he equated that to being worth marriage. The movie played on in the background as you both watched each other’s faces.
“To me, dear,” Alastor started a smug smile stretching across his cheeks replacing the calm smile that stayed for so long. “It seems like you may unconsciously feel something towards me too.” Jaw dropping you stared at him confused. “What?” You scoff but Alastor only looked smugger.
“Come now, New Orleans centred movie? Jazz, cooking, even that dumbo man Naveen speaks french loves jazz music and dancing, oh and of course the ever so obvious voodoo, it’s almost like this movie is me, haha.” He laughed manically, eyes crossing as his body shook. It was quite the egotistical assumption on his part, but he wasn’t wrong.
You put it on for him but it seems for you too, you paid more attention to him half the movie, and you’ve been more interested in knowing real life facts about his home during his time then what story the movie was trying to tell. Maybe he was right, but even so what did him pointing it out accomplish? “Well that’s why i wanted to show you it, it’s got many aspects you’re involved with in it.”
You mentally gave yourself a pat on the back for such a good save, however Alastor was keen and knew you long enough to catch your lies. “Sure dear, sure.” Al gave you a condescending pat on the head and you speedily swatted at him. The movie played on you once more captivated by Alastor’s reactions more than the movie itself, you’ve already watched it enough to know.
Tucked under Alastor’s arm, warm and comfy, you barely caught the sound of Alastor huffing out chuckles, gazing up towards the projection you playfully hit him. “Don’t laugh at his death!” That only made Alastor properly laugh, dropping his head back, neck cracking grossly. “My dear it was a lightning bug in love with a star! He got stepped on that was hilarious!”
Sounds of prerecorded laughter sounded out with his natural laugh, you didn’t actually care that he found it funny, only pretended too as you gave him a disapproving glare. As the movie closed in you felt a weird gloom wash over you, it was nice being alone with him by his side while you two relaxed. You didn’t want it ending, but alas Tiana and Naveen kissed turning them human, with the reveal that with marrying Naveen, she became a princess effectively breaking the curse, and the movie started with the end song.
“Well dear I did enjoy that, the voodoo was pretty boringly unrealistic, but it’s for children. I did enjoy the mentioning of foods, very common dishes even I enjoy, like gumbo. But alas it was still a pathetic little movie about mortal love.” Standing to his feet when he finished speaking, Alastor dusted himself off and snapped his fingers making all around you revert to what it was before movie night.
“Do you not want to be in love?” You ask softly partly hoping he didn’t hear you as by the time you stood from your spot, you regret saying it. “Well I certainly haven’t looked. Why disappointed?” Alastor bent himself backwards to look at you since you stood behind him readying to exit. Looking down into his eyes you felt hazy, maybe a little drunk on desire as you gently caressed his cheek. “Maybe I am,”
“Darling.” Alastor said sternly as he cracked himself upward, he bent down facing you this time and before he could talk you once again interrupted. “Can’t blame me can you?” Alastor seemed momentarily taken aback, gazing around lazily trying to collect his thoughts. “My dear, I'm uncertain with emotions like this as well as expressing them, love is foolish, however… if you were to tell me ‘i love you’ i would say it back.”
It confused you, what Alastor said, you couldn’t tell if he was mocking you and telling you he was going to lie about his emotions to spare you, or if he was egging you on attempting to get you to tell him your true feelings. Regardless you swallowed down any worries for the future instead focusing only on the now, and looked deeply into the soft red glow of his eyes.
“I love you Al,” With a cheeky smile you watched him stutter, the visible shock was clear, and you wondered if he actually expected you to say that. Just as you began to worry you fucked up, he bent down to your height. “I love you too my dear,” And with that he gave you the chastised kiss on the lips, before standing to his full height materialising his microphone. “Got to go dear! Duty calls!” And with that he seemingly disappeared into the shadows, leaving you to waddle tiredly to your room. Little did you know that Alastor whisked himself away to have a minor panic attack in the safety of his radio tower, not believing himself and his broad actions, nor could he believe the pounding in his chest and flutter in his heart.
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snookienthusi4st · 2 months
HCS for Kyoya x female reader? ✨╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯
absolutely hope you enjoy!! i love him he’s so mommy
kyoya x fem! reader hcs
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warnings: smut, cockwarming, oral, tamaki slander
nsfw under the cut
• you guys met through haruhi
• like you’re one of her closer friends and you tag along with her one day to hang out and see her workplace for the first time
• and you were immediately bombarded the second you both walk through the door
“this is such a nice place, haruhi!”
“thank you, but don’t say that too soo-” “HARUHI, YOU’RE HOME!! :3”
• and then yk tamaki interrogates you, compliments you, probably picks you up and spins you around at least once
• after that haruhi gives you a tour around the place and introduces you to everyone else
• and then you meet him
• he’s polite and does the whole ‘nice to meet you shake your hand’ thing, but incredibly focused and doesn’t pay much mind
• he’s busy budgeting and whenever he’s working his full attention’s right there
• and you didn’t seem like anyone to be heavily involved in, so he continued working and let you be as the other hosts were introduced to you
• until you came back
• and you actually helped him
“what’s this for?”
“it’s for the host club’s finances, what i’m constantly keeping track o-“
“because if you’re trying to save more you could cut down on those and use that money to pay for more on the trips you guys go on, then it’ll be equal.”
“that won’t work.. that will work. it does.”
• you’re smart
• that’s the first thing he knew he liked about you
• so naturally he thanks you and you leave with haruhi once the club hours are done
• and then he couldn’t get his mind off you
• after a week or so haruhi tells you that he needs help with another budget
• she leaves out the amusing conversation they’d had prior
“you want me.. to bring y/n again?”
“there’s something i’m missing on this. it’s my best choice, she’ll probably know what to do.”
“you sure that’s the only reason?”
“..i know what you’re implying, haruhi, but i can assure you this is strictly professional.”
• we’ll overlook that he said that in the most unconvincing tone haruhi’s ever heard out of him
• so you come with her and see him, politely greeting him and helping out again
• he actually looks at you and takes you in this time around; how you talk, your facial expressions, the sound of your voice
• this happens maybe two or three more times before you decide to join the host club and work the same job as him
• so you can spend more time with him and haruhi and he can have you always available to him instead of having to use haruhi as a messenger
• tamaki’s ecstatic ofc because you’re a pretty girl and you’re in the host club, an angel has gained its wings in his eyes
• you’re amazing for business too, even more so because you help with finances and regulating expenses
• you spend more time with kyoya since you share an office, your budget talks slowly bleeding into more heartfelt conversations
• takes maybe two months for him to ask you out, and the whole exchange is really sweet
• i don’t see him as the type to tell you upfront, bc even he gets nervous smtimes
• so he probably leaves a rose or your fav flower on your office desk before you come in
• he’s the only one that has the same key, since you both work the same jobs, so it’s obvious who gave it to you once you show up and see it
• that little smile on your face when you noticed made his whole day better
• and after work, when he’s about to leave, you gently tug him back and kiss his cheek
• so you’re dating now, mission accomplished
• pda isn’t very common for you guys, especially since you guys are working most of the time
• but every now and then, he holds your free hand while your other hand taps at your keyboard
• kisses your nose and your forehead
• his head is always tucked against your neck and shoulders when you’re cuddling
• he doesn’t blush
• like he physically can’t, he’s too cool for it
• but his eyes open a bit more when he’s flustered and after a while, you’re able to tell what gets him like that
• he’s the most flustered whenever you initiate any type of contact
• bonus points if you’re shy or reserved and it’s a rarer occurrence
• he’s canonically 5’11 so if you’re shorter like me, sometimes he’ll poke some fun at you
• would absolutely melt if you pulled him down a bit by his tie to hear him better
• he seems like the type that’d enjoy convos while you’re working
• even though he’s focused he likes getting to confide in you as well
• he talks to himself as he works fs
• sometimes you crack a flirty joke or a compliment just to see the look on his face when his words die out
“if we put more savings into this account, we can use the other funds to pay for that all expenses paid vacation that tamaki’s been rambling about-“
“did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”
• i feel like he’s into novels
• if you’re into reading too, you guys have library dates
• even better if you’re into less serious books, the dynamic would actually be hilarious
• like you’re at the same table and he’s reading some beautifully written poetry and you’re reading dork diaries LMAO
• you guys never rlly did announce your relationship, but if anyone ever asked, you told them
• he’s incredibly proud of himself for being able to be your boyfriend so even though he doesn’t blurt it out, he’ll bring it up when he gets the chance
• when tamaki finds out he’s the best at candid photos of you guys
• and kyoya probs keeps one that he took of you two in his wallet or in his phone case
• calls you darling
• whenever the host club has those little balls, you guys always sneak a dance or two
• you guys play logic games like chess and checkers
• he normally wins, but sometimes he lets you
• doesn’t speak with you much about his family for obvious reasons
• if there’s an occasion where you have to meet them, you’ll happily accept
• if it’s like a dinner or sm and you’re nervous, he’ll hold your hand under the table
• he could honestly care less about what they think of you whether it’s good or bad
• even though it’s probably good because you’re smart and respectful etc etc
• he loves you and his absolute dickhead of a dad can’t say anything to change that
• compliments are fleeting but not uncommon
• like sometimes you’re both working and one just slips out
“honey has a cavity, so if we act on it, there’s a chance we could save up a lot since we’re not spending money on sweets-“
“you look nice today, darling.”
• if you get flustered by compliments like that, there’s probably gonna be a slight smirk on his face at your reaction
• incredulously heavy sleeper
• you’re probably the only person he’ll ever let wake him up without a fight
• you have to be soft with it though, playing with his hair or running a hand over his shoulder
• if you shake him awake, he will definitely contemplate killing you until he’s more aware
• whenever tamaki needs him for anything he’ll send you to go wake him instead bc he’s a scared little twink
• drinks coffee religiously
• this is random but i don’t think he’d like any sodas
• sex
• top every single time
• if you wanna top he won’t be against it, but somehow he’ll still find a way to be in control
• both of you work a lot so whenever you get a chance, he’s always gonna take his time
• everything in his life feels so fast paced, so best believe he will take it incredibly slow given the option
• aftercare god
• tamaki doesn’t let couples stay in the same rooms even though he sneaks into haruhi’s every night like the creep he is
• so sometimes you sneak, and other times you come in and wake him up in the mornings
• lazy morning sex and comfort sex are probs the best for both of you
• waking him up in the mornings and getting carefully but abruptly pulled into his arms
• and feeling him kiss your neck and coax you into staying
“kyoya, you’re gonna get us in trouble. what if he comes in and sees us?”
“his fault for coming in then.. relax, let me take care of you.”
• or when work is stressful he’s always there to make you feel better wink wink
• with his fingers gently but firmly working against your core while he seals your sounds with a kiss
• such a sweet talker
• like sometimes it doesn’t even sound like him
“that’s my pretty girl.. just a little longer for me, can you do that?”
“taking me so well, darling.. i can feel how close you are, you can let yourself go.”
• lowkey think he’d be a talker even when you’re giving him head
• constantly making sure you know how much he loves you
“god, you’re perfect. just like that, you’re doing so good..”
• since you guys are always so caught up with work, he’s def into cockwarming
• like having you sat on his lap while he works, his hand gently running through your hair and down your back like a silent promise that he’ll give you what you need when he’s finished
• i’m such a whore for him it’s actually crazy
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rabbitsrams · 7 months
soft dom ted smut, celebrating a birthday? a milestone? streamer award win? anything just celebratory sex
YESSS NONIE i love this!! my birthday is in three weeks so it will be bday theme hehe
nsfw under the cut, minors dni!! 18+ only.
teddy is absolutely the kind of guy to surprise you on your birthday. sprinkles rose petals all over the house leading to the bedroom where he's lying on the bed in nothing but boxers.
"lemme take care of you, angel. it is your birthday after all."
takes your clothes off for you, touches you all over. wants to make you feel sooo good <3
kisses all over you and takes note of your favorite spots, making sure to give more attention to those spots.
"yeah, you like that?"
gives you soul-sucking head im so serious
i think i've said this before but ted seems like the king of pussy eating like he is sooo attentive and gets all the right spots and stuff like omg. eats you out like it's his last meal (also bonus his glasses fog up after being between your legs)
as for partners w/ a cock it's the same!! worships ur dick smmmm <3
goes for as many rounds as you want, ik u said soft dom but ted is also def a service dom as well <3 mans lives to make u feel good especially on your birthday
makes sure you come before he does
"you're so pretty bouncing on my cock."
"that-a-girl/boy... make yourself feel good f'me."
"good girl/boy" (sooo much of that omfg i need)
and of course, aftercare is the sweetest <3 draws you a bath with your favorite salts/scents/bath bomb/etc.
birthday sex with ted is your fav birthday gift <333
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lotus222 · 1 year
I have a theory…
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Everyone is up and arms about the elriel v. gwynriel debate so if you get easily triggered about those ships pls avert your eyes cause I’m gonna be unapologetically brutal.
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I just finished reading CC2 (ik I’m behind) and it opened my eyes to something SJM has been saying since the beginning.
Now, while reading this massive book, I had a continuing foreboding feeling that Hunt was going to be replaced by Ithan as Bryce’s love interest. Bc as we know SJM always switches up the MMC after one book or so, so I was scurred. BUT
I was pleasantly surprised to see that SJM did all in her power to reinforce the idea that these two are endgame, by having Bryce CHOOSE Hunt and vice versa — going against her arranged marriage, the royal lineage requirements, and the added complexity of mates for fae, angels, and wolves
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It was refreshing to see Bryce and Hunt come together out of true love as opposed to SJM’s usual trope of “oh they were destined so they have to be together”. Don’t get me wrong, I love her other couples too - but Bryce and Hunt have always been my favs bc of this fact.
Then, imagine my surprise when I see that Bryce and Hunt CHOOSE to be mates. Simply bc the title bf & gf didn’t work for them. THEN, they’re revealed to be true mates, and their love for one another simply forged this unbreakable bond where now they have the same strength (if not stronger) then preordained mates.
Here’s where the ACOTAR ships come in…
Now…i don’t care who mrs Maas decides to put together. I have loved every single couple she has produced so ik I’ll love the next inner circle couple. BUT ik in my heart of hearts and based off of common sense that it’s going to be Elain + Azriel
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(Also pls keep in mind that the ACOTAR fae are the ancestors of the CC fae, which means whatever Bryce and Hunt can feel/do/etc, first originated or was discovered in the ACOTAR world) which means this true mates thing that Bryce and Hunt have can have originated with Az & Elain
CC3 takes place after ACOSF, where we all know there are things needing to be addressed. Bryce wakes up on the lawn of the townhouse where Az is and there’s fresh bread & roses in the air…then everyone else arrives later. Meaning Az was at the townhouse by himself…with the bread & roses (Elain).
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Some of y’all might think that’s a stretch or irrelevant, but I think it’s fully intentional that SJM put CC3 before the next ACOTAR book. It’s bc everyone in the ACOTAR world up until this point has followed the rules of “be with your mate and love them”, but now Bryce is there as a clear example of having a mate not chosen by some stupid bowl, but by herself and her heart. Which is something I think will strike a chord with Elain and Azriel.
Az has NEVER been chosen, and I don’t think (even if gwyn is his mate or his backup singer or whatever y’all are calling her now) he will be satisfied by someone being thrown to him, forced to love him bc of a bond. He wants them to choose to love him like his dad and Mor didn’t (sry Mor stans but she didn’t, she admitted so herself in ACOWAR)
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Rhys (sry cause I also dislike him after ACOSF) is just like Bryce’s bio dad and is trying to place a barrier between the couple in the name of politics and what is usually done, but just like Bryce (I.E. WHY THERE IS A BONUS CHAPTER W HER, AZ, AND NES (THE ONLY 2 (-Rhys) WHO WILL KNOW ABOUT AZ’s FEELINGS)) Az/Elain will choose to divert that standard, motivated by the love Bryce expresses for her chosen mate, Hunt.
Plus, can I mention y’all also acted this way with Cass met Emery at the end of ACOFAS…and thought they were gonna be together before ACOSF came out and now y’all are doing the same to Gwyn. I personally think Gwyn has been traumatized beyond belief by men, and I don’t think what she needs in her life to heal from that is the man that saved her from that trauma. She doesn’t need to be saved or reminded of that time in her life anymore. Like, girl could still not bring herself to leave the house of wind at the end of ACOSF. Idk about y’all but I wouldn’t fall in love with the cop who saved me from that kind of crime, I’d move on and find love for myself.
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No matter if you’re a gwynriel stan or not, we can all agree that the kiss at the end of ACOSF cannot be ignored, and this relationship between Az and Elain has been building up for THREE BOOKS. Gwyn has only been here for one. Take it from me my lovely gwynriels, and be prepared for disappointment.
NOW, where does Lucien fit in all of this? I think Lucien takes the same stance as Ithan from CC. Elain doesn’t know the sassy, caring Lucien we know bc the only interactions she’s had with him were when he sold her out to Hybern (mind you: when she was ENGAGED) and when he’s been around her bc he felt this need due to a mating bond. It’s fair that she doesn’t love him, just like it’s fair that Bryce doesn’t love Ithan. Just because there’s a bond, in whatever form, doesn’t mean that entitles another to that female’s love.
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Lucien deserves someone who wants to be with him and as a fan of his character, too, I don’t want him stuck with Elain. Especially when she’s made it so clear she doesn’t want him. I think Lucien accepting Elain going with Azriel will lead him back to the Spring Court (cause it’ll still hurt, and he’ll need space) and give y’all that Tamlin redemption arc you’ve been dying for for some reason.
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Either way, the answer of who is Az’s mate is a big topic, so I think SJM doing the same thing with him that she did with Bryce and Hunt in CC2 would be so bomb. Plus, she’s always said that the books she writes will be with the female at the forefront, so sry babes, there’s no Azriel book.
So book 5/6 (incl ACOFAS) in the ACOTAR world will be Elriel, then it’ll be Morr/all of the couples, and the novella will probably be Spring Court (i.e., Vaasa/Tamlin/Lucien). Don’t quote me on anything past the next ACOTAR book, I’m just guessing on those
Anyway, that’s how I think it’s going to go but I’m not the author or anything, so take this as you will
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aziraphales-library · 3 months
helllooooo! so my fav thing to read is aziraphale getting hurt (metally or physically) (im deranged i know) and crowley comforting him, i was wondering if yall had any favs? i have read a lot and are looking for new fics with this basis:))))
We have several tags with loads of fics you can check out: #hurt aziraphale, #aziraphale whump, #aziraphale's trauma, and #protective crowley. Here are more to add...
Penance That Comes With the Lack of Proper Closure by midnightdragons (T)
“I – Crowley, I –,” Aziraphale floundered with his words, grief and guilt and sick shame burning at his chest. He wrung his hands together tightly, biting his lip and squeezing his eyes shut as he spoke, almost feeling as if he was making a confession to a priest. That same sick feeling rose in his throat, and he swallowed it back, his hands clammy where they were clasped together in front of him. “Crowley, I do not know if I deserve to be called that anymore.” He risked opening his eyes again when there was nothing but silence and heavy breathing, and he saw that Crowley’s mouth had dropped open, and his eyes were flashing something dangerous. “You – what? Called angel? You – you don’t – you think you don’t deserve –?”
After the averted Apocalypse, Aziraphale forgets himself and sends a report to Heaven. This does not go over well, and Crowley is there to help Aziraphale process through the grief of being unwanted by his God.
To Be Safe And Loved by LokisQueen01 (T)
Aziraphale hasn't been in Heaven long when he is told the details of the Second Coming. He decides he is not the right Angel for the job and tries to leave. The Metatron is not happy and Sandalphon steps into the picture. All Aziraphale wants is to go home. My summaries suck and I am still learning tagging. Mentions of Blood and Torture. This is my first Good Omens fic and my first fic in awhile. Please be gentle and kind!
To wash it white as snow by HolRose (T)
After all the noise and chaos had died down in the aftermath of the failed Second Coming, Crowley takes care of his wounded angel, and together they help each other on the road to healing. A gentle, loving Post Season 3 comfort fic
I've Been Loving You by acup_oftea (NR)
The laws of physics suggested that the Bentley shouldn’t have been able to drive more than seventy-or-so miles per hour in London. The laws of physics, however, did not account for the Bentley’s strong preference for protecting certain ethereal beings who had a tendency to overthink absolutely everything save for their own personal safety. Crowley made it to the bookshop in under five minutes, his mind racing and his heart hammering as he took in the fact that he was actually coming back. He couldn’t face this, couldn’t be in this place without sinking into its familiarity, without closing his eyes and inhaling the scent of the shop, without covertly staring and staring at its owner. But he was up and slamming the car door shut without stopping, trying to calm the dull panic in his head. OR It's been seven months, & Crowley has taken to drinking himself into oblivion & solitude. But when he gets a panicked call from Muriel telling him to get to the bookshop right away, he is forced to confront certain misunderstandings he may have had as the threat of danger lurks- & he'll do anything to keep his angel safe OR The author is TIRED of reading s2 fix-its where Aziraphale is the bad guy
A Price Paid For Love by tincturedwords (M)
Angered over the events of the ruined Armageddon, the Archangels Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, and Sandalphon argue over why Aziraphale hasn't Fallen yet. He is a traitor to all of Heaven and God Herself in their eyes. He has stopped the Great Plan from taking place and has been toeing the line of their rules for centuries, hedonistic and befriending a demon were only a few on the list they held against him. Yet the Almighty is silent on all that's happened… Thus they decide to take matters into their own hands. However, they may not have the power to make an angel Fall as God does, they do possess powerful miracles, especially when their strength is combined. So in order to teach the wayward Principality a lesson, they simulate what it's like to Fall for Aziraphale so that he may understand what his fate should have been. Except they fail to inform him of this punishment, thus Aziraphale doesn't know it's not real.
Subterfuge by The_Bentley (E)
War has come to Europe and many are suffering under the Nazi Regime of Germany. Aziraphale, unable to sit by and watch this happen, has plans to save as many as he can but he needs help. Crowley, miserable in his new mission which has him infiltrating the Nazi government to further Hell's causes, just might be the partner he requires to implement his plans. But when Aziraphale ends up imprisoned for his actions, Crowley's rage will have him raining Hell down on those who hold his angel captive. Both will also have to learn to deal with the trauma that comes with being embedded behind enemy lines as the toll the war takes on them has Crowley and Aziraphale depending on each other for support.
- Mod D
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wrongcaitlyn · 6 months
okay fuck so i got an anon ask for solangelo fic recs and then i made a draft on my phone but then deleted it bc i wanted to type it out on my computer but then that deleted the ask too so!! hopefully this reaches the anon i apologize deeply for losing your ask😭
so first of all if you wanna check out my ao3 i have a bunch of recs in my bookmarks (57 solangelo ones im pretty sure)
but here are some of my favs
i'm put in awe (of something so flawed and free) by CordeliaRose (@cordelia---rose)
archaeologist!Nico & trauma surgeon!Will AU. this fic is. ohmgyod. nico's internal dialogue is just absolutely perfect in this fic and i laughed so hard and god it was just so beautifully written?? but also solangelo are literally so cute. like. ahglskdf. i gotta reread this actually but anyway (also anything by this author, absolutely hilarious, such good writing)
dumb, dumb love by thegoldenappleofdiscord
five times nico and will are dumb and in love, and the one time they are totally 100% dead serious. i love a good outsider's pov, and this fic is just gorgeous. it's a bunch of different perspectives into solangelo, and it's pure fluff, and it's got some of my favorite solangelo quotes (like, when i read fanfic i screenshot parts i rlly like and i practically screenshotted this entire fic), and their characterization is just so so accurate they're so so in love
paris by ethannku (@ethannku)
Nico has a travel YouTube channel. And a crush on one Will Solace. i'm such a sucker for socmed au's and this one is done SO so well. my all time favorite. and it's sequel too!! the formatting i am in awe of, but other than that, it's just a really good time and i just love all the little details. i've reread this too many times to count and was SO excited when a sequel was published, and i can only hope that there's more to the au in the future!! (also this author writes incredible solangelo fics and even more valgrace fics which i recently just bingeread and are soo good)
Perfect Places by buoyantsaturn (@buoyantsaturn)
“My name’s Will,” he started - so far so good - but then continued, “and I guess my favorite food to cook would be, um, frozen pizza.” Was Nico only attracted to idiots? this one's fucking hilarious. i can't even put it to words like their dynamic in this fic is so funny and yet so cute and nico is honestly just like. shocked that will is somehow still alive?? will's a safety hazard. but also piper and jason in this fic are so funny too, it's honestly just such a good, fun read (and, once again, this author's incredible. read everything by them)
I Can't Help It If You Look Like an Angel by the_oncoming_stormaggedon (@lordstormageddidnt)
Will Solace is a pre-med student whose friends run a true crime podcast called "Nothing to See Here". Nico di Angelo, despite not realizing he's a missing person, is the subject of one of the episodes. They meet by chance in a random bar, and shenanigans ensue. i mean, if it's got a taylor swift title, i'm already sold. and then it's part of a series called "Hey Stephen is a solangelo song and i will die on that hill" which is the realest thing ever?? but ASIDE from that, i could honestly rec this entire series (+ the other series it's a part of, "Nothing to See Here" which is all part of the same au) and also everything by this author - it's hilarious, i just love the premise, and the writing is so good!! and hey stephen is a solangelo song, thereby reinforcing my "fearless is will's favorite album ever of all time and i will die on this hill" argument
Even When the Music's Gone by the_oncoming_stormaggedon
It's the 74th Annual Hunger Games, and Nico and Will are the last two tributes alive. haha this is pure angst. just gutwrenching angst. love a good hunger games au and some MCD!
can i handle the seasons of my life? by buoyantsaturn
“I think that most people your age finished high school, and whether they knew what they wanted to do with the rest of their life or not, they went to college. That was their version of ditching everything they knew in order to find themselves. Maybe it’s time for you to stop taking advice from other kids who grew up the same way you did, and take it from someone who used to be normal.”  FAME AU FAME AU FAME AU FAME AU i mean, not REALLY about the fame aspect of it, but i still love it so so much. will's essentially a nepo baby turned not-nepo-baby turned college student and nico's naomi's driver, and there's even... there's EVEN A VERY BRIEFLY IMPLIED POLLEN. yeah they're relationship is just so cute in this and i love the au and i love how it's written and ugh i need more fame au's in my life
so it turns out teachers don't live at school by RegretfullyRegretful (@marbleheavy)
Nico's TA and students are determined to figure out something, anything about him. Of course, it would all just be a lot easier if they asked. Either way, Professor di Angelo is decidedly a lonely hermit. (Someone should really tell his husband and baby that) this was one of the first solangelo fics i ever read, and it's just. so. funny. another outsider's pov bc i love it, and just... the assumptions abt nico, the fluff of solangelo, and then their story of how they got together is so...ahhsdlkjs this author is just a master at tooth-rotting fluff go read everything they write
my lover's the sunlight by demigodbeautiies
Figure Skater Nico di Angelo has a run in with Ice Hockey Player Will Solace. It doesn't go too smoothly, but then again - when does it ever? OLYMPICS AU. FAME(ISH) AU. IM OBSESSED THIS IS WRITTEN SO WELL and like... the very brief part where it feels a lot like a fame au like i just i'm obsessed can you tell. the writing is just beautiful in this, i love nico's internal dialogue, and... i mean, it's an olympics au. ofc its perfect
The Stolen God by TsarinaTorment (@tsarinatorment)
Python is defeated. The prophecies are restored, and Nero has fallen. Apollo has not been seen since. His trials are over; why isn’t he back on Olympus? okay so. this is a bit of a longer fic. and it's a post-toa, pjoxmcga crossover, and it's not *entirely* focused on solangelo - but when i tell you that this fic, if i weren't reading it on ao3, i would truly and full-heartedly believe was a real life published novel - i am NOT LYING. i rec'd this to my friend right after i read it bc i was just like so so obsessed with it and it's literally just. the plot?? is insane. i'm in awe of the author, bc this isn't even the only novel-length fic that they've written with an insane plot too (their fic Eclipse is also phenomenal, but it's more focused on apollo and hades so i didn't rec it here) there's some fierrochase here, lester being lester, and some very very very cute solangelo! and meg! i think sometimes you read a fic and you're like "oh, shit, that could be a novel, and i would think it's better than some actual novels i've read" and this is one of them
(Please Don't Let Me) Fade Alone by TsarinaTorment
Please. Don't let me. the summary's really short here so it's basically that will gets very very very injured and then apollo saves him (rip, i'm sorry, i suck at summaries) once again this isn't necessarily nico focused... it's much more will & apollo. this author writes the absolute best stuff for the apollo cabin, genuinely, if you love will/cabin 7/apollo PLEASE read everything they've ever written but this is just so angsty and the hurt/comfort is so real and goddd it's so good
he was seen on occasion (pacing the rocks, staring out at the midnight sea) by stargirltv
Nico di Angelo is a completely normal eighteen year old. He attends high school, has a socially acceptable amount of friends for a social outcast and has been in a relationship for the past four years with the guy he’s pretty sure he’s going to marry. He also happens to be the world's biggest bedroom pop artist, ‘Hell’s Angel’, with a fan base that will stop at nothing to uncover his true identity and a Father that continually pushes him to be better. His boyfriend freaking out under every single one of his tweets is making it a bit easier for them to figure it out. so. fame au. y'all already know the premise of this is just absolutely hilarious and the interview?? the posts?? will just being will and i absolutely love his characterization?? and the friend group?? this is one of the funniest things ever but also just written so well anddddd yes yes yes it's a fame au POPSTAR NICO RIGHTS except he's not *really* a popstar in this one but like close enough oh AND it's a taylor swift title??? like this fic was made for me basically
okay that was MUCH longer than intended but i hope you enjoy some of the fics on here!! pls let me know if y'all ever want more recs i read literally so many fics - and if you guys ever want to give me any recs, feel free to do so! as of today, i have read *checks fic tracker bc i'm obsessive and need to keep track of everything* about 7.3 million words of fanfic this year. and that's actually less than normal (for me)
also if anyone reads patrochilles please read this fic it's literally been in my head nonstop for the past few weeks since i've read it and it's one of the best things i've ever read and like holyshit if you read patrochilles read it read it read it
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justm3di0cr3 · 7 days
Fav blog on tumblr and why 👀 (being moots dont count)
Sorry anon I got multiple (sequence means nothing)
-> @midnightmah07 : She is actually so sweet and understanding, plus her oc x canon makes me scream into my pillow because they are just that cute. Her art style is so unique too and I love how distinct it is. She was also one of the first blogs i got introduced to on tumblr so i feek like i continued using it because of that since my anon-ed interactions wuth her always felt genuine
-> @4necdote : GREAT👏 WRITER👏She was actually my inspiration to start writing myself and It really helped ne improve so I owe that to her. Besides again, the sweetest person ever cuz me crying because of smth nice she said isn't allat uncommon. Also her aesthetics are always top-tier.
-> @natsukishinomiyaswife : Great writer part 2 because her fics have caused me to need to go outside for fresh air and try not to scream my lungs out. Not to mention, she is very giving when it comes to her mutuals and cares alot about ppl who support her work (isn't prideful at all when lowkey she has a right to be cuz wdym u wrote all that... I thought it was some hidden masterpiece literature.. )
-> @boopshoops Ok can yall blame me for adding dear shoopy here? This feels like an unnecessary explanation because the quality of her art and writing speaks for itself. Another person who is so giving towards the community cuz I will never forget her taking as much ocs she could and making that 40 hour piece. I would've cried if that were me. Bailed half way so gotta pat her on the back for that motivation.
-> @oya-oya-okay : recently got introducted to her but I've seen their blog alot on my feed as a Black butler and twst fan. Somehow her art of azul is tolerable so much so that i dont scream roach when I see him on their blog but this isnt about 🔵, it's about Oya whose art and oc x canon are just pookiest, wookiest, cutest things I've seen. They are at 2,000 followers FOR A REASON 👏
-> @skibidibabygirl : i love her sm chat... Sobs. She is so fun and sweet to talk toand if you have interacted with her yknow what im talking about. The first time i saw her art, i ended up staring at it for a hot minute and I have a certain attachment to her ocs and blog. Plus as a POC, her to go above and beyond to make her ocs representative is commendable.
-> @twtysevapr : HAVE YOU ALL SEEN HER ART?? ITS THE PRETTIEST EVER 🙏 and she has made interactions so fun for me to the point, talk with our ocs (mainly marx, mina amd cass) is actually smth i look forward to sm that i cant put it into words. Besides im biased as hell and rapunzal has always been my fav so-
-> @le-monchou : this is my first tumblr moot chat and she is studying literature and it shows. First twst fics i read were from her and ive never been the same /pos. Sometimes i lay awake and think about that one fic she wrote for my oc x canon in an event of hers. Plus her sense of humor really resonates with mine (and we also live in the sane region) so it always makes me feel nice.
-> @catboiie16 : Cat is actually so sweet that my teeth are falling out. Her art is so pretty that it is actually my phones lock and home screen wallpaper rn amd she knows im not joking. Another thing is her way of writing and how she carries the narrative that encourages me to get better. Also sephie. Yes that is a reason and a valid one.
-> @seuing : she doesn't really post anymore but her art is so so shsjshs. The twst slander on her blog is smth I would frame. She has been my bff for two years and her art has sent me throu a spiritual ascension where I high-fived Jesus and had a tea party with the angels. Trust me if she posts art here again, you guys would understand.
-> @xxoomiii : This girl is so sweet and I love her design choices in ocs (curls that look like roses GAHDAMN ) ANDTEH WAY SHE COLORS HAS ME HOOKED. HAVE YOU ALL SEEN THE OUTFITS SHE MAKES. Actually so gorgeous that it hurts. Bonus points for being a Riddle kisser.
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reveluving · 1 year
just a nip ; peter hale x reader x deucalion
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summary: you don't understand your husbands' obsession with your fangs, and you most certainly don't question it.
warnings: some s~mut (kinky husbands, so minors DNI!) + soft & sweet!
a/n: more of our fav canine duo and their vamp wife! had this lil' idea for MONTHS so I had to let it out eventually hhhh don’t forget to leave some sugar! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
» fancy reading the series? check out the m.list!
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» smut includes; kinky soft dom husbands, unprotected sex (p in v), petnames ('pretty girl', 'sweetheart', 'angel'), mentions of making a facial mess, mild edging & punishment??
'A sight that they will forever treasure.' ;
Their obsession with your fangs goes beyond your expectation but for different reasons. Peter likes the surprised look on your face whenever he sticks his finger in your mouth as you yawn the way an owner would to their cat. Whether you’re in a jolly mood or going through your worst day so far, you can’t help but share the amusement he has for his habit. Deuc, on the other hand, is no stranger to doing the same but often, in a more, intimate setting. If you happened to be riding his cock? Oh, it riles him up like no other. He’ll be straight-up kinky; shoving a finger or two in your mouth to lightly run them across your little canines. He’d be smug, especially if you’re staring back into his eyes as yours glow unnaturally, wishing you could wipe the smirk off his face. 
That’s not to say they’re not in the mood to switch; Deuc loves seeing your pupils contract into slits as he teases you about your cat-like behaviour the same way Peter enjoys feeling your fangs when you go to town between the sheets, but you can tell they have their own preference over the other. 
But there is one in particular that despite never admitting it, not especially amongst each other (at least, not outwardly) is ingrained in their heads, a sight that they will forever treasure.
They have a love-hate relationship with the way you bite down on the pillow/sheets, almost shying away from one's heated gaze and obscene praises while the other growls in your ear as they pound into you from behind.
"Such a pretty, pretty girl."
"Aw, was that a little shiver I felt? You love it when I growl in your ear, don't you?"
"Don't close your eyes, sweetheart. I want those pretty eyes in me when I cum all over your face."
"You better not cum just yet, angel. You remember what happened the last time when you came without our permission, don't you?"
On one hand, they get off on the fact that the usually level-headed and sometimes bashful mother of the pack is losing herself in the sheer pleasure that only they can offer, but on the other hand, they wish to hear you scream at their mercy. Either way, they just loved how submissive you looked.
Absolute menaces.
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» gorgeous rose divider by @firefly-graphics ♡
a/n: I hope my ian/gideon enthusiasts are doing fabulous, y'all better take care, ily! 🫂❤
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hatelangdon · 1 year
Omg just read your fav genre is whump and i literally never seen any whump blog for American Horror Story, lol...
As someone who is also obsessed with AHS and whump myself, can i possibly request a whump story for Kit Walker inside Briarcliff pls? That poor babe just suffered so much in there, but i gotta say i just love the dramatics 🤭
Tysm, I'd really appreciate that!
Kit Walker x Fem!reader ✩ 1.2K words
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Summary: Dr Arden was never a merciful man, Kit soon became an interest of his. Someone needs to extend him some kindness and nurse him back to health.
Angst, Hurt-comfort, semi-fluff
**Not proofread and probably an insane amount of commas and other errors but it'll be aight.
Warnings: (🚨 Talks about infected wounds, fever, bruising, medical abuse, Mental abuse, physical abuse, asylums, bleeding, and time period inaccuracies probably 🚨)
(A/n: Kitson, my angel, my beloved. I hate hurting him but I love the angst. Thanks for the request I didn't know what kind of whump you were interested in so I tried to combine all aspects 🤭 I was gonna k!ll him but I was feeling nice)
You and Kit weren't too different from each other, both convicted on crimes you did not commit.
Female hysteria. That's what they call it when a woman was too smart, so a man locks her up to keep her quiet.
This was a cruelty that was extended to you by your own husband.
Kit was thrown in on convictions of murder, bloody face is what they called him. People wanted someone to pin a string of murders on, it was a convincing smear campaign that even you believed at first.
 But as you got to know kit as a person, as you got to know his heart, you realized he could never be capable of inflicting so much pain, especially on a woman. His character proved his innocence.
A friendship blossomed quickly between the two of you, and a delicate love that remained unspoken. It communicated itself through stolen glances and kind words
It was something just for you two to understand.
Kit was always a gentle and kind man. He always stood up for what he believed was right which is what often got him in trouble, he was too headstrong.
It had been three days since the last time you saw him, he had been dragged away by the guards for “inciting a fight” after some pervert had tried to grope one of the newer patients without her consent, you were hoping that he had just been bent over sister Jude’s knee and caned a few times, although she was harsh she sometimes had an understanding side to her
but alas, Kit hadn't returned.
That was until today, when kit was dropped off in the community room completely unraveled from his usual charming self. His eyes were glassy and seemed to stare into a void, and his body was scuffed, scraped, and bruised all over.
“Maybe that fried some sense into you walker” The guard chuckled as he dropped kit’s limp body onto the floor right in front of the couch where you sat.
You felt your throat tighten as the tears welled up in your eyes. You kneeled down to comfort him.
Immediately you pushed his hair back, your hands gentle and forgiving against his damaged skin, you could see where the metal from the shock therapy had burned him, he must've been under it for a while. His cheeks were flushed and feverish, his breaths shallow, you could tell it was hard for him to breathe from the way he winced as his chest rose and fell, the bruises on his back made you wince, the purple wounds spread across the sides like an angel that had its wings clipped.
He leaned into your touch, scanning your face like he was trying to remember who you were, if you were kind or if you would also cause him pain. His eyes were empty and lacked their usual warmth he tried to speak to you, his attempted words becoming sobs when he noticed how you were looking at him. How you pitied him.
"y/n-" he started, his voice hoarse.
“You’re gonna be okay kit, you gotta be okay. Can you walk? I can help you, but I need to get you out of here," You shushed him
He nodded, holding onto your shoulders.
You wrapped your arms around his waist, feeling a wet spot as you pressed your abdomens together.
You looked down...Kit was bleeding, a lot.
",we're going to our special place, okay? I stored some of my things in there"
There was a small storage closet hidden away in the corner that was accessible just down the hall, it was empty except for a couple of desks and chairs from when Briarcliff used to be a school. You and Kit would usually sneak off to smoke together and talk about what you would do when you finally got out of this hellhole.
Since you were technically a non-violent case you weren't searched as thoroughly when you arrived, In school you had received a bit of nursing training, you knew Briarcliff could be rough, you heard the stories and rumours, so you brought a first aid kit in your bags and stored it away the first day you were allowed in the common room.
You two took small unsuspecting steps towards the room making sure that the guards were not looking, as you slipped into the closet, closing the door behind you. 
“Kitson, I'm going to put you down OK?” you warned him
He nodded as you gently lowered him onto the cold ground. He winced feeling the pressure against his bruised back. 
You pulled the first aid kit from its hiding place in one of the desks. It was complete with some gauze pads, rubbing alcohol, a spray disinfectant, rags, medical grade needle and thread, and and a roll of bandages.
 You rolled up his shirt to examine the site of the bleeding, he had been practically cut in half and badly stitched up. The wound was jagged and puffy, it was definitely infected or on its way to being.
"It was Arden," Kit managed to speak up, tears falling from his eyes as he tried to catch his breath "If this takes me, you gotta tell 'em it was Arden." He cried out
"I won't let you die Kit, i'm going to save you," you tried to sound confident, for both of your sakes. You pulled one of the rags out and folded it into a thick square, placing it in between his teeth "This is going to hurt angel, you're gonna want something to bite down on."
He obliged, fully trusting you and biting down.
"Just keep breathing, it'll be over before you know it."
He looked up at you wide eyed as you shook the can of wound wash.
"3....2...1" with that, you sprayed the wound down.
Kit struggled against it, immediately crying out, his face turning bright red as the stinging engulfed his body in what felt like the fires of hell, pure agony.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It's to stop the infection. The hard part is over!" You graced him with a kiss to the forehead, as he sobbed.
You covered it in some gauze, applying slight pressure to soak up the fluids of the wound, before gently wrapping his abdomen in bandages to keep it safe from further harm.
"We'll have to change this out in a couple of days instead of everyday. We don't want to run out" you sighed, removing the rag from kit's teeth.
He was still in massive amounts of pain from all of his injuries, the road to recovery would be difficult.
After laying there for a couple of minutes, while you cupped his face, gently rubbing his tears away with your thumb and cooing to him, he spoke up.
"...Arden says I got two days to recover. Then he's gonna continue his research." He swallowed, his tears falling rapidly.
"That's not going to happen, my love," You pressed his hand to your lips ever so gently "save your strength, the rumours of a tunnel to the outside are true, and I know exactly how we can get through them."
Kit looked into your eyes, a glimmer of hope shining. He even managed a small smile.
"I believe in you doll, I always have. I always will."
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years
stranger things masterlist
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return to the main masterlist
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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fluff - 🪶 
smut - 🗝️
angst - 🐑
dark - 🕰
au - 🧦
blurb (under 500 words) - 🦔
series - 🧺
lea’s favs - ☕️
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daisy 🧺☕️
close your eyes and hold out your hand 🪶 
what happened between us? 🪶
wool 🪶 🐑 
ophiocordyceps unilateralis 🗝️🧦☕️
you said I was your friend 🪶 🐑 🦔
you did not just die again, did you? 🗝️🦔🧦☕️
paint it, yellow 🪶🧦
a bucket of apples 🪶🧦
apple cider 🪶🧦🦔
pumpkin, you need to stop for tonight 🪶
that was… scary 🪶🐑🦔
um, I was on a walk 🪶🧦
my feet feel like cement 🪶🦔
nsfw massage therapist!steve hcs 🗝️🧦
dreamboat 🪶🦔
hot chocolate 🪶🦔
you wanted to play with me 🗝️🦔🧦
snowed in 🗝️☕️
buddy 🪶🦔
stick to the script 🗝️🦔
okay 🪶🦔☕️
the whole shebang 🗝️🦔
tomato faced 🗝️🦔 ☕️
you’re not the one accidentally asking your friend sex questions! 🗝️☕️
get back down here, we're not done yet 🗝️🦔
the wall between us 🗝️🧦
let me take you home 🪶🦔
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rose 🗝️🧦☕️
every npc wants to bone her 🪶🦔
arcane adoration 🪶🧦☕️
infatuating incantation 🪶🧦
garlic 🪶🦔🧦
you make it sound pretty metal 🪶🦔
try and get some rest 🪶🦔🧦
headache 🪶🦔🧦
who knew someone could be crazier than eddie munson? 🐑🧦
heather 🦔🧦
she’s okay 🐑🦔🧦
turn into a popsicle🪶🦔🧦☕️
pink tulle 🪶🧦🦔
stick and poke 🪶🦔 ☕️
why do you never have enough sugar? 🪶🦔
I thought you were taking me home 🗝️🦔
not like it’s rocket science 🪶☕️
you’re gonna owe me like you never have before 🪶🧦🦔
I just really like you 🗝️🦔
magical mimic 🗝️🧦🦔☕️
you want me to be your boyfriend, huh? 🪶🦔
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tulip 🗝️☕️
nettle 🪶🐑☕️
boo! 🪶☕️
streamers fight 🪶🦔 
angel & devil!steddie au 🧺🕰🧦☕️
virgin sacrifice 🗝️🕰🧦
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© 2022 thyme-in-a-bubble
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atrirose · 4 months
moots as flowers
this is so cute i love this ask ㅠㅠ it’s like showing them how i see them and how i feel abt them.
@odxrilove : pink lily bc she is pretty as one and i always associate her w it
@isoobie : peony ! ri is so adorable as them so beloved and spring vibes
@okwonyo : pink tulips, i love them !! they are one my favs and they r so lovely like jiah
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@boyfhee : bit biased but i always associate her with lily of the valley
@hoonvrs : dahlia , she is so complexly beautiful like those people who always makes you laugh and are hard to understand but strangely so attractive
@okwons : vi is as beautiful as a carnation if not more
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@bywons : roses ! i love roses they are my fav and something abt srubae always gives me red badass vibes so yeah her ( also she is very lana del rey coded )
@tyunni : calla lily, may is so pretty and angelic like that flower like if you haven’t seen may i feel sorry for you, i have never seen anyone as beautiful as her
@neos127 : hyacinth ! she is like a sweet scent, so sweet and so colorful
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@diaryujin : daisy! my lovely babe my sweetie is so pure like one
@nwjws : white roses, you are so fairy like to me and those flowers js radiate mi energy
@lcvclywon : orchid !! they mean passion and admiration and i find yuyu super lovable like the flower,, its such a pretty flower btw vanilla comes from a species of orchid ( sorry i turned into a nerd )
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