#rose-breasted grosbeak
avian-aves · 1 year
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Various illustrations from 2021-2023. Pencil and watercolor.
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oliviarosaline · 3 months
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Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Pheucticus ludovicianus
A very handsome male.
April 23rd, 2024
Jefferson County, Missouri, USA
Olivia R. Myers
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thomas--bombadil · 1 year
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A young, male, Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, still coming into his own and a bit splotchy.  
Soon his adult feathers will come in fully and he will be bolder, less mottled. 
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speakingofnature · 4 months
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Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Migration is done...time to get busy with nesting.
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burkh4rt · 3 months
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julianplum · 1 year
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🌸 🌞 🪶 🕊 ✨ // singing up the sun
sunshine & songbird, gouache on hot press paper
prompt #2 for the bring on spring art challenge! in those early spring mornings it always sounds like the birds are trying to sing loud enough to wake up the sun
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Rose-breasted Grosbeak Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 1
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uwmspeccoll · 1 year
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A Red-Flourish Feathursday
Today we present a chromolithograph of a male Scarlet Tanager (Piranga olivacea), a male and female Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus), and a male and female Eastern Towhee (Pipilo erythrophthalmus) from a painting by German naturalist and artist Anton Goering (1836-1905), reproduced in our 2-volume set of Our Native Birds of Song and Beauty by the late-19th-century director of the Milwaukee Public Museum Henry Nehrling, and published in Milwaukee by George Brumder from 1893-1896.
The Tanager and Grosbeak are currently in the Cardinal family, while the Towhee is a sparrow. All three are fairly common in our neighborhood, but unfortunately, we rarely see them. However, we do hear them, or at least we think we hear them, since the song of the Tanager and Grosbeak are similar, and even worse, they both sound, to our ears, somewhat similar to the very common American Robin, which is an unrelated thrush:
Scarlet Tanager song
Rese-breasted Grosbeak song
American Robin song
Fortunately, the Towhee has a very distinctive call that we find easily recognizable:
Eastern Towhee song
Because German was prominently spoken in Milwaukee through the middle of the 20th century, these birds are also identified in Nehrling's book by their common German names:
Scarlet Tanager = Scharlachtangara
Rose-breasted Grosbeak = Rosenbrüstiger Kernbeisser
Eastern Towhee = Erdfink
View more posts from Nehrling’s Our Native Birds.
View more Feathursday posts.
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sparreaux · 5 months
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I heard an unfamiliar bird call, but it took so long to find the lil guy and even longer to wait for him to turn around. He was at the tippy top of our walnut tree and my shoulders were killing me, so please forgive the swinging camera.
My first rose-breasted grosbeak!
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firebirds-art · 4 months
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but what if they're siblings?
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butcherlarry · 1 year
Exercise Fic Recs 15
Oh god, I’ve made 15 of these.  Welp, better continue!
The Shadow demon series by I_go_by_Faith  (Batman is a literal cryptid, and is bffs with Superman)
Predation (Devastation) by Maximum_Quinn  (More bat shifter AU!)
Author’s Note by Trekkele  (Jason wrote fanfic and Bruce was subscriber.  Jason updates a fic after he died, and that’s how Bruce finds out he’s alive.)
bloodletting by TheResurrectionist  (starwars/superbat fusion)
borderline by TheResurrectionist (bat fam sudden hive mind) 
My Own Desert Places by MemoryDragon  (a reread for me.  Ace Bruce Wayne)
I’ve reached a milestone at the coffeeshop I go to every Sunday.  They know my name!  I’ve finally become a Regular™.  My latte and croissant:
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It’s funny.  The cardinal is the state bird of my home state of Ohio, but I see SO MANY in Kansas.  I have an app that’s pretty good at identifying bird calls, and 9 times out of 10, it’s a cardinal.  
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Along the trails, there are some nice spots for you to sit and take in the view.  I just thought this scene was pretty.
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I have found a new favorite bird.  A blue-gray gnatcatcher!  The are so TINY and ADORABLE.  They also like to hop around and not stay still, lol.
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The tree swallows were out again!
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Another cardinal
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Lol, I just thought this picture of a cardinal and red-bellied woodpecker was funny.
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I ALSO SAW A NEW BIRD!!!  A rose-breasted grosbeak.
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My little white-throated sparrow.
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A brown-headed cow bird.
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I also thought this was a neat picture of a red-bellied woodpecker climbing around on the feeder.
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Some pretty flowers.
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I don’t know what this flower is, but it is SO COOL.
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I just liked the name of this one.
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This guy was super cool too!
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You know me, I gotta take at least one picture featuring running water.
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A neat bridge
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This flower was cool too!
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I also had five finches at my feeders today!  Three were house finches and two were goldfinches.
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A close up of the goldfinches.
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ladyswillmart · 1 year
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A couple autumn migrating birds for you: A rose-breasted grosbeak and a wood thrush!
Sadly the latter species is in severe decline and is a Yellow Watch List bird. I have never seen one before so I guess this is a Lifer for me.
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browncountybirds · 5 months
Male Rose-breasted Grosbeak
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sudden-stops-kill · 6 months
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rose-breasted grosbeak . male v female
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crypitd · 2 years
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Early songbirds caroling, disturbing a sleeping owl on Sleepy Bird Sunday
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lunarrabbitsart · 2 years
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been practicing more birds, and watching John Muir Laws' videos on bird sketches and bird art.
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