1rabbitdaily · 2 years
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🐇 Mar 4 2023
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mekanikaltrifle · 1 year
What's your pronouns?
Couldn't find any and my brain is mushy so can't remember other posts
Its a sponge with bun facts and not much else XD
I'm very pronoun indifferent so you can use whatever you like (tho I prefer not to be called it or anything like that. Just not for me.), and my gender is somewhere between 'butch' and 'woman until it pisses someone off that i might be something else and then I am whatever it is that's pissing them off', which I suppose is another way to say not very fussed.
Gender is also sometimes 'wee little guy (androgynous)' so. Really take your pick :D Generally queer, and generally not fussed is the aim of the game here.
Bun facts are a great reason not to have space for other things so I entirely understand
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bunnysmooch · 1 year
Your Smooch reminds me of my Dutch, Amber.
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Are they orange or agouti based (brown grey in Dutch)? I can't tell from my phone screen (my phone sucks)
Just wanted to say that Dutch are awesome and I'm happy to find someone who thinks so too!!!!
Hi from Amber and my other buns and I too!
hi! Amber is such a cutie!
yeah it’s hard to tell from the pics, but he’s def more agouti. he was a bit more orange when we adopted him about 4 months ago
i took a bit to respond because right around the time your ask came in, i noticed he was changing color! for some reason, his fur is turning to a darker brown (you may be able to see it in the picture i just posted of him) so when you asked me his color, i was like “i don’t know how to answer this anymore!” lol
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abybweisse · 2 years
Obviously Eric and Alan are dead. But I hope to see Sascha and ludger in the manga later on. That image with all the reapers in it gave me hope of seeing them ag ain. It means their not forgotten, yet. I was wondering if your Eric and Alan getting placed back in the system will come true? Like it didn't make sense that a punishment for suicide for eternity (obviously none are redeemed, those poor reapers) to be stepped around by murder suicide . Or more reapers could do it after finding the higher ups lied and manipulate d them.
Reincarnation woes
I also expect to see Sascha and Ludger again; why introduce such interesting characters for bit parts, never to return? I have a feeling it will require all the reapers they can muster to deal with Undertaker when they have a final showdown with him.
As far as Eric and Alan go, I do expect they would end up back in the system, or at least Eric would. In the musical, Eric actually chooses to die by Sebastian wielding a death scythe. Alan has a chance to pass along, though, since he had come to terms with the Thorns of Death while continuing to do his job. And, even though he deserted his post near the end, he died by accident, trying to stop the fight between Eric and Sebastian.
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robotslenderman · 2 years
Hi weird question about blocked tumblrs, I can't find a mutuals blog on Tumblr anymore. But can on Google. I can send them a message and I get no error message but do get one when I reblog. If your blocked do you get an error when messaging? I don't think I've done anything offensive, I just post and reblog bunnies. But if I have been blocked, that's fine. I'm just asking as this has suspiciously happened while my phone has been playing up. Especially funny with its apps. I'm just worried it's a problem on my end. Thanks.
I was gonna test this out using the blog of a Yank who I really made mad one time when I called them a Yank and said that Australia has a culture for pranks, because for some reason that somehow meant I was accusing Americans of not playing pranks ever, but apparently for some reason she unblocked me and now I'm sad.
So gonna have to shoot this to other people, anyone know?
As for being blocked -- since it's a mutual though I'm thinking if you haven't done anything controversial, it's probably the app messing up. From what I've seen mutuals tend to remove each other through soft blocking (blocking someone to make them unfollow you, then unblocking them so that lines of communication are still open if necessary), I have the impression that it's rare people outright hard block each other when there hasn't been any actual conflict or hot takes involved. But I don't have any actual numbers, I could be wrong.
I wrote a whole post about how people use blocking to curate their online experiences but it only really applied to strangers and I wrote it for like half an hour not realising it was a mutual before I reread your ask OOPS
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hopehedgehog · 1 year
Your rabbits look like rex.
Can't tell size, are they mini rex or standard?
I believe they are mini rex! The papa comes to about 4 pounds and hasnt gotten any bigger, so the babies should be the same. Thanks for the question!
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bun-a-day · 1 year
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146🐇05.26.23 for @roseate-lagomorph , their baby mini rex bunnies !
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themarginalthinker · 1 year
@enquiringangel @kentuckycaverats
So, there are a couple of groups that I'm gonna detail! Some will only appear briefly in the main stories of YCCM and its aside Flight Feathers, and others will play a larger role.
Also, @roseate-lagomorph I have considered turning these into vtm ocs! We shall see. :>
Group 1: The Santa Carla Scroungers
This group is based off of the scrapped idea that the kids Lucy tells Sam to give money to in the opening of the movie are vampires too, as well as that one shot of the girl...licking? kissing?? the rat. I've combined the two into the Scroungers.
Andy (Andrea), and Zeke. Andy is the girl with the large army jacket, and Zeke is the rat she's holding. Andy's main ability is the gift of being a daywalker - a very rare boon that allows her to be in direct sunlight (though usually only for an hour or so, before she needs to get out of it.) Zeke's power is animal transformation, and his shape is a rat.
The pair end up in Santa Carla due to some pretty unfortunate circumstances. They're missing the third member of their pack, killed by a hunter group in San Jose when another, larger pack rolled into town and were idiots, attracting attention, and their little three-man-band was simply caught in the crossfire.
Group 2: The Band Nomads
This is a pack The Boys will encounter on their trek across the Rockies and back into David's home territory of the northern great plains. While deciding to pick some people off during a music festival, they run into another pack who had the same idea, and in fact, have been following the tour of some of the groups playing like hunters following the herds of prey.
Martin, Delilah, and their sire Maya. I have not decided what their abilities and banes are, mostly because the Boys don't really interact with them enough to see much of them, but an interesting detail I have decided is that Martin is blind. It goes along with the headcanon that becoming a vampire can heal some things, but not congenital issues.
The Boys end up sharing a hunt with them, and exchange information, possibly getting intel on what the situation is like where they're headed, and giving the Band nomads info on what they can expect further west. It's also a chance to expand the worldbuilding of different kinds of vampire lifestyles.
Group 3: The Sarahs
Ironically, I'm not going to say too much about them, as there are things I want to keep for the actual story ;)
The Sarahs are a coven, rather than a pack or clan. Another group of three vamps, all of them named..well. A form of 'Sarah.'
Elder Sarah is over three hundred years old, Mother Sara being about as old as David (150-ish) and Weird or Silent Serra. being the youngest. She also doesn't speak, using her boon of telepathic communication to speak to people (which is. very disconcerting).
There's a lot more too them, but they interact the most with the Boys in the story, so unfortunately, I can't say much more for them.
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coin-locker-art · 1 year
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black otter practice for @roseate-lagomorph! it was really fun working out real coat morphs :D
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roseate-felidae · 11 months
Changed name from roseate-lagomorph to roseate-ailuros.
Lagomorpha is the genus of rabbits, hares and pikas.
Ailuros is the Greek name for Bastet (Ancient Egyptian goddess of cats). Also Ancient Greek for cat.
Ironically the first name for this Tumblr was Roseate-pussycat.
@robotslenderman @mekanikaltrifle @themarginalthinker
Just letting you know I changed tumblr names.
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owsalfa · 2 years
I should really talk about this, since its very interesting, but as always I just put it off and think "Oh I'll do it next time" but then never do. Lets talk about the Original/Pilot episode/original style etc for the Watership Down 1999 series, since the last couple of posts have got me going again.
So, every show has to start somewhere, sketches and mock ups of characters and episodes and Watership 1999 is no different. But we haven't gotten to see much of it. From early promo images, we can see that watership had a pretty drastic style change.
Note that I'm only talking about Seasons 1 and 2, because Season 3 is a different ball game.
We know the style Watership has now -
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But in its early stages, the animation was softer, "older" looking. It reminds me of The Animals Of Farthing Wood.
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Heres some images showing this older style.
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And what seems to be an work in progress logo.
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(Also fun titbit, news articles have always used these above pictures when talking about the show, and never any of the final style.)
We don't know exactly how far into production this style went. A video found by @roseate-lagomorph seems to show the characters animated, and I think this means the production team got as far as a pilot episode with this style! [Click here for video link]
There are also cardboard cut outs of this style in the background while voice actors record their lines, as seen in "The Making Of Winter on Watership Down" from the VHS -
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But again, they didn't stick with style for long. During the same special we can see some storyboards and character reference sheets in the style we are all used to
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Even in an earlier episode, we have the same style characters. (This is a storyboard from The Mysterious Visitors."
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So I wonder where the cut off point was? How far into production and why did the style change?
Speaking of changes, you can see in the earliest versions there was clearly a Dutch Rabbit character to be involved in the main cast.
This guy was definitley a cut character, who exactly they were meant to be, I can't say. I remember from many years ago an article I read named them as "Thumper," but without refinding that ancient source, I wouldn't say it's official in any way.
www.mirror.co.uk webneel.com blogs.telegraph.co.uk www.petercolley.com filmguide.co.nz dailymail.co.uk Waybackmachine
I have an older notepad file I wrote containing my sources on the watership archive, if you want a direct link to that HMU!
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1rabbitdaily · 2 years
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🐇 Feb 22 2023
Request from @roseate-lagomorph of their rabbit Amber.
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mekanikaltrifle · 1 year
As I work retail, I sometimes see Scottish notes.
I am so jealous of your notes.
I think the otter one (£10) is the best!!!!!
haha they're lovely aren't they? Because Scotland is in a funny position regarding who can make/print notes (i.e it's not specific to a government, it's actually handled by three banks in the country-- Bank of Scotland, Clydesdale Bank and Royal Bank of Scotland) (yes there's two very similarly named ones.... it's not my first choice of naming but there you go.), there's a good bit of variation in the notes past and present. However! the best ones so far are the ones you mentioned, which afaik are the RBS ones with the animals on the reverse!
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Aren't they lovely?
This was all part of a collaboration between RBS and arts collectives-- this one known as Timorous Beasties, named for the Rabbie Burns poetry (because of course they are)-- and is a welcome change of pace to the usual banknote looks we have had in the past. Iirc the 'head' side of the note does still have the ol' mugs of famous people on them but is also notable for being the only banknote series in the world to have a run with all women on the head side! Which is cool.
Idk if it's all the RBS notes or just some of them that are like this or what but still, makes a change from the ever running cycle of wee Rabbie Burnses and Robert the Bruces and Alexander Flemings one usually sees when opening a till in a Scottish high street shop. And this is to say nothing of all the fuckin Lizzie the Seconds the notes usually had. Or the fucking metric fucktonne of Lord Ilays... that face can go away forever. Him and his big dumb wig.
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(one thing that makes me glad of not working retail/hospitality anymore is not having to see a billion Rabbie fucking Burnses gurning out of the plastic drawer at me. fuck off Rab)
Now if the English could stop pretending our money isn't real and pushing Scots to have to get their money exchanged to use cash down south, we'd have won entirely :D
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bunnysmooch · 1 year
Your response of he's more orange and sometimes agouti makes me think of this Dutch colour- tortoiseshell
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Is he close to these?
These are tortoiseshell.
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While this is agouti (brown grey Dutch).
Which is he more like?
OH then yes he's definitely a tortoiseshell and not agouti lol sorry, he looks a LOT like the first pic but the darker color is inching up his back
which is strange since i didn't notice the multiple colors before, but he's not even a year old so that's probably why, I know other creatures can sometimes "grow into" their markings
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abybweisse · 2 years
hi, what is your idea on why the bizarre dolls need new blood? I know when they brought a dog back to life (in real life), they had to cycle it's blood with a machine. But then they could stop it after its heart could do the process again. Back to kuroshit now, Maybe due to them being a corpse, their blood stagnates. But I don't see why that's important to a bizarre doll? Then again, we don't know much about the nature of them yet..... Maybe soon with the "brass" getting one!!! That's my idea at least. What's yours?
Why do BD's need fresh blood?
This is something I've answered before. I've discussed it a few times, actually. I'll see if I can find links to older posts about it.
Short answer: Othello says something isn't 100% about the process Undertaker is using, and I suspect it's a matter of kidneys that don't work to clean out their blood. That's probably why the same machines are being used for renal failure patients who were making donations to the Aurora Society. Undertaker is possibly trying to perfect the process for reviving humans... not just reanimating them.
I've previously posted that real Ciel might need a kidney transplant, and that our earl might be needed for that. On top of the possibility that Undertaker might want to transplant our earl's soul into real Ciel's body....
At least some of those posts would also mention Josef Mengele, the "Angel of Death" doctor with the Nazis. He was obsessed with doing medical experiments, particularly on twins, and transplants were one of his specialties.
But please check the tags on this post and look around my blog for previous posts about this.
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evergreen-lyricist · 1 year
Nine People Tag Game!!
i was tagged by @camillenrose ✨️
rules: answer the questions below & tag nine people to do the same.
tagging (no pressure ofc): @which-star @laz-laz-ace-pilot @windwardstar @longsightmyth @lesbiansayaishii @americiumam @roseate-lagomorph @dear-yellow-legal-pad @sheslashgirlpronouns
3 Ships: Blyla (my beloved), mjeted (my beloved), and of course the Leverage Trio (my most beloved) 🥰
Currently listening to: House Ambiance Noises™️, most recent song is Tempting Fate by Beth Crowley
Last movie: Mission Impossible 2 (my sister is determined to watch all of them in preparation for seeing the newest one in theaters)
Currently reading: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (rereading but it's been a few years, so)
Currently watching: nothing in particular atm
Currently consuming: sparkling lemonade water (good af btw)
Currently craving: rabbit snuggles (desperately)
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