#please check my blog for older posts on the subject
epicspheal · 2 months
Let's Have A Champion Time! A Leon Analysis
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Leon…he’s the reason why this blog even exists. He (and the entire cast of Galar) are THE reason why I’m really into modern Pokemon outside of Pokemas and Alola Reguri. Let’s talk about the great (formerly) unbeatable champion of Galar. Ever since he was announced he was subject to a lot of conspiracy theories (remember all of the “Leon is a fraud” and “Leon is actually evil” threads pre-SwSh) and even after the release of SwSh people had a lot of interesting takes on Leon (“Leon’s a himbo”, “Leon is still a fraud”, “Leon is a bad brother”, “Leon is a bad friend”). But a lot of people have seen the good in Leon and how wonderful of a character he is and I just wanted to add my two cents to the “Leon is an amazing Pokemon character” bandwagon Please note for the sake of this I’m only discussing game!Leon (so Pokemon SwSh and Pokemon Masters EX) otherwise this analysis would go on forever.
Now onto the analysis! Let’s start of course with Leon’s name. While Leon is an actual name, for our beloved directionally challenged champion it actually derives from Dandelion. And dandelion surprisingly has a lot of symbolism such as
Wishes coming true: Leon certainly has a wish to see the trainers of Galar be the strongest in the world
Surviving difficulties: Leon managed to be an unbeatable champion in what is probably the most difficult gym challenge circuit in the Pokemon World. Not to mention all of the other burdens that come with being champion
Heat/the power of the sun: Charizard 
Happiness and Joy: Leon is certainly truly happy when he’s in battle
I also wanted to take a bit of time to point out an older post I made regarding Leon’s Outfits because it’s actually chock full of symbolism that I think often gets swept under the rug because his champion fit is seen by many to be a bit goofy! I encourage you to check it out but in short summary it definitely symbolizes the image he has as champion and the burdens that come along with it.
Now to his team! Leon is one of the few champions (other than Blue, Trace, Nemona, and technically Hau, N, Kukui) to actually have a dynamic team that changes based off the starter you pick. Notice how the vast majority of the ones with a dynamic team occupy the rival role? Well this is actually important because while Leon is the standing champion of Galar, this dynamic team shows that he views himself as much of a rival to the player as he does the Unbeatable Champion. His team is also very British- er Galarian. Which makes sense given the fact that he is very much a symbol of the Galar League which defines the region’s culture, so it makes sense that his team also define the region’s culture as well. He leads with an Aegislash which is a sword and shield and the line itself is linked to people who have leadership qualities and Leon shows he’s a capable leader throughout. Also there’s knight qualities associated with Aegislash that apply to Leon, as Rose during his Darkest Day part 2 even calls Leon a knight.
Speaking of knights, I’d also add the Rookidee that Leon catches as part of the catching tutorial to Leon’s motif as the knight of Galar. Of all the early route mons they could’ve had Leon catch, it’s no coincidence they made him catch the one that’s line is also based off a knight. 
 He also has two powerful dragon types in Haxorus and Dragapult. Dragons are big in British culture and not only that his dragons are based off of weapons, a battle axe and fighter jet. This again points to Leon being essentially the line of defense for Galar. Rhyperior and Seismitoad also have motifs related to battle/war. Rhyperior has a drill and club while also coated in armor while Seismitoad can secrete various chemicals and packs a powerful punch Mr. Rime leans back into British Culture with clear design inspirations from Charlie Chaplin a famous British entertainer. While Leon aims to win, he also wants to put on a show for his fans so Mr. Rime definitely embodies this aspect. Mr. Rime also takes some inspiration from the yokai Haradashi which is known for cheering up sad and lonely people.  More entertainment can be seen with his Cinderace which is clearly derived from a soccer player (er I mean football, sorry I'm an American force of habit). Soccer/Football is absolutely huge in Britain so and it’s very entertaining (and fun to play) so this again points to Leon wanting to entertain people with his battles.
Leon’s Rillaboom (which became quite infamous in his anime counterpart) actually straddles the line of both entertainment and battle. Rillaboom has a whole drum set and there are many famous rock bands from Britain but also there’s the fact that drums were used in war a lot especially in Britain.
Another Pokemon that straddles the line between entertainment and battle is his Inteleon. Inteleon is based off a spy and a sniper both of which have clear ties to war, but also the spy part is a throwback to James Bond who is a very famous British fictional character.
And lastly we can’t talk about Leon without mentioning his Charizard. Charizard is draconic which again ties back to battle but it’s also (to some people’s chagrin) a very popular and entertaining Pokemon. Most notably the very first protagonist Red in many canons tends to have a Charizard. Leon in many ways is a homage to Red as he was also young when he became champion and they are both known to be some of the greatest trainers to have ever existed. He’s an example of what could’ve happened to Red if he had chosen to stay in the limelight as Indigo League champion instead of disappearing to Mt. Silver.
To further look at his team we can take a look at his movesets (linked here). We can see his approach is very offensive but he has a lot of coverage ensuring he can hit all types for a lot of damage. When he does opt for non-damaging moves he does seem to prefer status such as confusion through Teeter-Dance and Badly Poison through Toxic showing he aims to disrupt opponents and inflict as much damage as possible. His highly offensive tactic is straightforward but no less threatening and it fits with his genuinely kind and straightforward personality.
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I want to take a moment to discuss two key pieces of information about Leon from Sonia and Opal "Thanks for always taggin' along with Hop. I hope you can keep it up. Leon really worries about him, too. He practically raised him, after all." - Sonia in the Motostoke InnThis is an optional piece of dialogue but it reviews a lot about how even when Leon was young he had a lot placed on his shoulders. Leon was definitely a parental figure in Hop’s life which no doubt contributes to the idolization we see Hop have of him throughout much of the game. This also adds to the meaning of the cape he wears as he has had so much riding on his shoulders.
"Your talent in Pokémon battles is beyond anything I've ever seen, but you're rather hard to read..." - Opal’s audition notes
We know Opal is very astute and can read people as well, but for her to not be able to read a then 10-year-old Leon says a lot. It shows even at a young age Leon kept up a facade in order to maintain the happiness of those around him and just shows how much pressure he’s been under pressure for as long as he can remember.
"Hello, hello, Wedgehurst! Your Champion, Leon, is back! I promise I'll keep doing my best to deliver the greatest battles for you all to watch!"
I really liked this quote as it’s very straightforward but planned. This is Leon in full champion-mode as he’s addressing the public in this part. I know during this speech a lot of people who played SwSh started to get annoyed with him because of his references to being a champion and unbeatable but I feel like people missed the fact this is him playing up a persona. The people over the years have clearly liked him talking about his being unbeatable and so he leans into that to give the people what they want.
"Look at you, Hop! I reckon you've grown...exactly an inch and a quarter since the last time I saw you!"
This line right here should’ve honestly quashed any ideas that A) Leon was dumb and B) Leon was a bad  brother. This line clearly shows him being observant (which many people who are dumb don’t do) as well as mathematical and he makes a point to notice the little things about his brother who he doesn’t get to see a lot. If he didn’t care about Hop he wouldn’t make note of something like the amount of height he has obtained since they last met up
"I bet you will be, Hop. That's why I brought along these Pokémon for you and <player>. So the two of you can battle and train and grow stronger together...to try to reach me!"
Another thing that people that seemed to make of Leon was that he’s unreasonably arrogant and self-absorbed. But here we see that he has a vested interest in seeing Galar trainers grow and maybe one day actually reach and surpass him. Yes in the entirety of the speech he does play up the unbeatable champion persona a bit but he is doing that to motivate not downplay and discourage.
"Your moves passed right through it? So, the fearsome Pokémon they say live in the Slumbering Weald...Are they actually illusions or something? Get strong enough and maybe the two of you could be the ones to reveal the truth someday. For now, let's simply get out of this place. You'll be alright now that I'm here with you!"Again this is another example of him being supportive of both Hop and the player growing and improving by giving them another goal besides just beating him, but to discover the secrets of the Slumbering Weald. This bit of motivation actually lowkey helps Hop get to his eventual path of being a Pokemon Professor
"Good to see you, too, Yamper! Yamper here is a real champ when it comes to helping you find your way around. He came to my rescue plenty of times back in the day, when I got lost on the road. Oh yeah, and that's his Trainer, Sonia. What can I say about Sonia? Well, I like the way she cooks. She makes food you can gobble down in a flash."I loved this quote from him because it shows the tension he and Sonia currently have due to their strained friendship but that he also still appreciates her and her Yamper for how they helped him during his own gym challenge.
"But Hop... Did something happen with him? He was acting really odd when I ran into him. He took one look at me and immediately was like, "I'm so sorry, Lee!" It might be the first time I've heard him apologize for anything, and I've no idea what it was for! Maybe he's feeling down because he's had some hard losses in battle?"Again this line shows how much concern and attention he pays towards Hop. Despite them not always having a lot of time to spend with each other he still knows Hop well enough to know when he’s acting oddly and he genuinely wants to know what’s going on. The reason why he DOESN’T know the full story because Hop didn’t actually explain what was going on…not that he didn’t pay attention
"I already told you, didn't I? Keep your eye on the goal! And for you, that's winning the Gym Challenge! The only Gym Badge left is the one you'll get from the Dragon Gym's Leader, Raihan. Right? Raihan is the only Trainer out there I consider a real rival. He's that good, you know!"
Here we see more of Leon trying to motivate the player into aiming for him, even if it means he takes on the threat of the random Dynamaxed Pokemon all by himself. And here we get a chance to see him talk about Raihan, the only person who actually makes him sweat even a little in battle. He’s showing a lot of respect towards Raihan which again beats back the claims that he’s exceedingly arrogant as most arrogant trainers tend to act like they have no peer in terms of strength. This again furthers the parallels between him and Red as Red also has exactly one person he views as a real rival, Blue.
 “Thanks! I appreciate the thought. But all I could ever ask of you would be that you join me in the greatest final match ever. I'll do my part to make that happen by keeping everybody's future safe. So you just keep on doing your part by winning your way through the Gym Challenge!"Once again Leon is trying to keep Hop and the player out of danger which shows his concern for his brother and friend but also a bit of his savior complex, something that was built on him being the strongest in Galar for so long. I know by this point many people were a little frustrated by him keeping the player out of danger but it shows how he really takes the job of protecting everyone else seriously.
"That was incredible. Brilliant. Honestly...there were even tears rolling down my face before I knew it. To think that the two of you set out together from the same town, built up the greatest teams, and arrived here at this point to throw everything you had at one another... That burning desire to win... Those moves filled with undefeatable passion! It was battling at its very purest, in every possible way! Even though there were some Trainers who weren't sure whether you were fit to be endorsed for the Gym Challenge at first..."I remember playing Pokemon Shield for the first time and having such a huge grin reading this set of text. Once again Leon at the end of the day, loves his brother and loves seeing trainers grow. And this battle, although the end of the road for Hop in the gym challenge, gave Leon a bit of what he wanted. To see his brother grow and see someone (the player) that could actually reach him. As someone who has a (forced) smile most of the time getting to hear an account of him having a bout of genuine emotion is actually touching. Plus him admitting he was wrong for doubting their ability to be endorsed in the first place shows humility and that he's able to have his mind changed on certain topics. 
"I think I understand well enough. What I don't understand is why we ought to cancel tomorrow's tournament in order to solve a problem that's a thousand years away from affecting any of us! What difference is one day going to make? My duty as Champion isn't this...this madness. It's to carry out that Championship Match! That's what Galar wants—and what I want! It's what we've all been looking forward to for so long!"The argument between him and Rose about the future of Galar for many seemed odd and pointless but I think these lines actually show a lot about Leon people don’t consider. Once again we see that Leon does indeed understand there are energy issues that are plaguing Galar but also we see a side of him we haven’t seen thus far. We know he has the wish to see Galar trainers to be stronger but up until this point that wish hasn’t really been threatened. But it is with Rose trying to cancel the tournament and here we get to see our usually compliant champion say “that ain’t in my job description” in regards to the match being potentially canceled. The part where he said “That’s what Galar wants- and what I want” is really striking because yes once again he’s putting the wants of Galar on his shoulders, but also he even directly states he wants to see the match through. Given the emotions that we saw from him with the Hop vs Player battle we can imagine that this year in particular he was itching to see the match. Sure Raihan always gives him a run for his money, but the player is shaking things up and after years of being undefeated this had to be very exciting for Leon. And while we’ve seen him state his wishes of strong trainers to the public, for him to say that Rose of all people was actually really powerful. He’s not just looking forward to the battle for the sake of his fans, but for his own sake as well
"The tense, still air on the pitch... And the exact opposite from the audience, cheering and yelling... They're both fantastic, wouldn't you say? But remember, the audience is also a bit cruel... They want nothing more than to see one of us lose, after all! It can fill you with fear knowing that, but I absolutely love pushing past the fear. I love giving it everything I've got as a Trainer and seeing my team give everything they've got to seize another victory! It's the greatest feeling in the world, and I can't get enough of it! I can feel my partners itching with anticipation inside their Poké Balls... We're going to have a real champion time. I'm the Galar region's Champion, Leon! Me and Charizard, and all the rest of our team, will use all our knowledge and experience to crush you completely!"This line right here gives me chills. It’s a speech very reminiscent of the champions of previous regions in it shows Leon as THE obstacle to overcome in Galar. His mention of the audience having the cruel want to see one trainer fall was intense because it brings back into focus how much of a spectacle the Galarian Gym challenge is compared to other regions in the game verse. I love the mention of how at times he might have felt fear knowing the audience wanting to see one person fall showing another vulnerable side to him besides his ability to get lost easily. Also the emphasis of Charizard being his ace as he’s the only team member he names outright just shows how deep the bond he has with his starter Pokemon
"You came to help me in spite of the danger? Thanks, Hop. And you, <player>. You two really have grown tremendously! But no need for you kids to worry. It seems like some power of Eternatus's was keeping my team from Dynamaxing, but...we've had a champion time all the same!"
Ahh, the famous lines before Leon gets knocked out! Once again we see him encouraging Hop and the player by commending their courage and growth. But also we see his champion persona coming into play here as he seems to make light of facing down Eternatus. He’s trying to keep the kids from being too worried while also showing them how strong he truly is. And to be fair, he almost single handedly tamed Eternatus which is impressive when you realize how far got on his own when it took Hop, the player and the two wolves to actually bring Eternatus down. Some people have used him getting knocked out to pain Leon as a fraud, but in reality this scene shows how truly powerful he is. Not to mention he’s one of the few champions who actually actively tries to intervene
“And now that you've grown so strong, perhaps it's time I started looking ahead myself. It's time we adults started working on improving the here and now, for the sake of all that's to come!"
I really like this part of his speech after you beat him because you see even though he’s had his world turned upside down by getting his first official loss, he’s not stuck in the past so to speak. He’s not worried about trying to regain his crown as champion. Instead he’s more than happy to pass the torch to the new generation and think of ways he can support upcoming trainers all the while now having a new goal for himself. Instead of being the obstacle to overcome now Leon has his own obstacle. The player.
"As your older brother… No, as your rival, you have my full support!"This was such a sweet line from Leon once Hop decides to become a professor. You could tell in this scene it meant the world to Hop to know that Leon supported him changing paths but also views him as a rival. Bad brother Leon, where?!
"<player>! I've been waiting for you. Always knew you'd be able to win your way here. Now, how about you take on Challenger Leon with everything that you've got?" Again going back to his lines after being defeated, Leon is just over the moon about now finally having an obstacle to overcome instead of being the insurmountable obstacle that came with being the Unbeatable Champion. Even when he shows a bit more raw frustration in his defeat animation in the battle tower, you can tell he enjoys having someone who pushes him like the player does. So much so that if he DOES win we get treated to this line: "Come on—remember our final match! Is this really the best you can do?!" "Hah! Don't you start on me, Raihan! I'm really trying here! See, I've spent my whole life battling with myself to become the greatest Trainer... And then I saw how <player> grew so strong by competing against my little brother, Hop... and how much it made Hop grow, too. It really proved to me how much further you can go when you're battling against a proper rival! And now that I've taken over running the League from Chairman Rose... I'm thinking I want to bring even more thrilling battles to our wonderful Galar region! So for both these reasons, I've called you all here today to tell you that... I'm declaring the Galarian Star Tournament open!" I liked this quote from Leon a lot because it shows his own reflection and growth. Even though he acknowledged Raihan as a true rival, he admits that he was mainly competing with himself in regards to improvement as a trainer. But Hop and the player’s rivalry inspired him to look at competition with others in a different way. And now that he’s at the helm of the league he wants to continue his dream of making Galar’s trainers stronger by allowing them to work together in battles!
Alright so we’ve gotten through the quotes I wanted to focus on from SwSh…but now I want to talk about some quotes from Pokemon Masters EX
"I'll always be around to make sure we have a champion time! I won't let anybody down!" - Sygna SuitWe know Leon really cares about making sure everyone else is having a good time and we can see even though the Leon that was brought to Pasio has been through the Darkest Day, that he still very much concerns himself with others’ wants
"I trust you too, Hop. I'm proud to be your brother."
"Me too. But y'know what? We were always together, even when we were apart." - From the Galar Legendary AdventuresI really adore these pairs of quotes because again it shows just how much Leon adores and respects his brother Hop. He recognizes that they don’t get to spend a lot of time with each other but that doesn’t matter to him as their bonds are still as solid as ever. As someone who has older siblings who I also didn’t get to see much growing up (let alone now as an adult) I can really relate to Hop and Leon’s dynamic and it honestly made me and my family feel seen through a Pokemon Game of all things.
"It didn't look like they were lying or trying to play innocent..." - Galar Villain ArcAgain putting to rest Leon not having a lot of brain cells, Leon was able to correctly ascertain that the Oleana and Rose who were transported to Pasio hadn’t yet tried to reenact the Darkest Day. This again shows his keen observation skills that quite frankly allowed him to remain champion for so long. 
‘That's why, before anything like that can happen, I want to properly tell him this time that...we can change the future together—not alone!" Leon here is reflecting on a flaw that both he and Rose shared in that they both felt the need to shoulder everything themselves. Yet since this is a Leon that had already been through the Darkest Day and getting knocked and seeing how the team work of Hop, Gloria, Zacian and Zamazenta actually solved things, he wants to bring this message to Rose.
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"Your way of doing things shuts other people down. And with that, your valued partners will drift away."
I really like this dialogue of him confronting Chairman Rose about how he acts. The fact that he mentions “your way of doing things” shows this is kind of a pattern Leon himself has dealt with during his time working with Rose. We know he respects Rose and appreciates the opportunity from the endorsement he gave him all of those years ago, but that doesn’t mean he can’t call him out on his BS. Honestly I would love for a SwSh remake to expand on this line leading up to Rose unleashing the Darkest Day to better improve that plot
"My little bro always used to say, "I want to be just like you, Lee!" But the two of us are really different people. After lots of frustration, he finally found his own path. That's why he's doing so brilliantly now. There's nothing at all wrong with being different!" - It’s All Good, the Free Spirit EventI wanted to end off the quotes with once again showing how much Leon looks after Hop and how proud he is of little brother. You can see through this quote that the reason why he took a more hands-off approach in guiding Hop was so he could find his own path without feeling like Leon was steering him in any one way.
Phew, that was a lot and honestly there’s a lot more I could add but for the sake of not making this Tumblr post too long and getting this out for Leon Day, I’m going to end it here. Leon is a great champion and overall character and I hope people come to appreciate him more as the years go on! 
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batsplat · 2 months
just so you know bc I don’t think enough people tell you this but every time I check your blog (a bit compulsively at this point? your compilations and opinions are very enlightening on the general psychology of those crazy motherfuckers and also the uhhhhhhhh other part) and see that you answered another ask I honestly break into the hugest grin and settle down at the next given opportunity to read the newest batssay (batsplat essay) like it’s an academic paper (it is to us sports scholars, I believe)… please never feel the need to cut short your thoughts on any subject. the longer the better! connect all the dots, bat! we are listening!!
thank youuuuu this is so sweet, I know this ask is a little older but trust whenever I get something kind in my inbox I very much read and appreciate it and it very much makes my day. and I love the term batssay. a lot
so I thought it'd be fun to do a follow up post to the casey/jorge/valentino one where I just dumped a bunch of photos with a wee bit of context... for the culture, y'know. and I'm doing this with just casey/valentino, mostly for 2007-09 but with one 2005 photo chucked in as. build-up. for flavour
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we know from the #archives that the two of them did have like. a reasonably warm dynamic pre-casey's motogp debut. they'd talked... also at least one race where casey shows up to valentino's podium and chats to vale's crew chief and fellow aussie jb... I think about it often. what did it all mean
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casey's first win!!! qatar 2007, very first race with ducati. he'd gotten very close to a win before - in his third ever premier class race at turkey, lost at the final chicane. casey's goals going into that first season with ducat had just been winning a few races... he notes that valentino congratulates him warmly, but reckons it's just because valentino didn't take him seriously as a threat, which. I don't think that quite stacks up with supplementary evidence from the time, but we'll allow it
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one of my fave photos for a reason, idc it's sweet. I was trying to figure out when this photo was from through like, normal means of reverse image search, but then instead I had a horrifying moment of 'oh yeah I'm pretty sure I remember that specific presser backdrop is at mugello that year' and. I was right. which. god. anyway yeah mugello 2007 pre-event presser. by this point casey was 21 points clear in the championship standings
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more mugello 2007!!! look at casey constantly sipping from his lil cup. this will have been after qualifying, where casey snagged pole. I'd forgotten valentino actually makes front row in qualifying because he makes a typically horrendous start. I'd also forgotten that this race is like. proper good. one of the best that year. slows down eventually but the first ten or so laps are some of the most exciting of the entire alien era
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catalunya 2007, which unfortunately I also dated solely through the presser backdrop. idk I just like the vibes of this photo. anyway!! this race is ofc the one where casey won an all timer late race duel against valentino (+ dani). it is after this race that valentino said casey was, and I quote "riding like a god". a seminal moment
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the championship is already extremely over by the time they get to estoril, but casey still needs to formally wrap it up: this is his first match point race. depicted here is valentino getting one of his few Ws that season. an account of this event: “valentino was playing table football in the yamaha hospitality and somebody spotted casey outside. so they invited him for a challenge. it was all good fun”
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motegi 2007. valentino had managed to put off the inevitable the race before and temporarily stopped casey from sealing the title, taking his last win of the season (cool duel with dani in that one). but motegi... well honestly it's just a bit of a flop all round, nobody's bike is working the way they want it to, casey seals the title with his worst result all season of a sixth place (the horror) and in his autobiography he was kinda like 'well I was very happy but also. meh race' (I paraphrase). but really, who cares, he had his title
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bit of a time skip!! after both of them have put their sketch early 2008's behind them, the pair of them had a proper fun fight at catalunya for p2. a continuation of the battle the year before with valentino once again coming from lower down the field, this time he gets the better of casey. still, things are finally looking up at ducati... and the post-catalunya test might be enough to put casey right back in title contention. the above photo is from donington, where casey confirms the progress ducati made by winning his first race of the season after the opener in qatar
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still donington, both of them watching each other etc etc. valentino is in a much better place than the year before, given both casey's rough start to the season and how they're both now on the same tyres. but it's not a good sign if casey's hitting his stride... at assen, valentino makes his one mistake of the year and crashes on the first lap, remounting to finish eleventh (he still beats casey's teammate melandri). this puts dani in the championship lead - and with casey's second win in a row, he is now very much closing in
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look at them chatting here!! cute imo. this is casey's third win in a row, at the rainy sachsenring. dani crashes out from a few miles in the lead - while casey had stayed sensible and brings it home for a pretty straightforward victory. valentino needed to fight his way through from further down the field and in the end he loses too much time to put any serious pressure on casey, but it's still damage limitation and he retakes the championship lead from dani (who will miss the next race due to an injury sustained in the crash). and yet, momentum really is firmly on casey's side now... and the rest of the calendar does looks like pretty casey-friendly territory. next up, they're headed to a race track where casey had won very comfortably the year before. would he seal his fourth consecutive win at laguna?
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now with my sincere apologies to casey stoner, every photo that came out of laguna 2008 is objectively pretty funny. I have limited myself to a mere two podium photos, but lbr there's a full collection. casey had already rejected valentino's handshake in parc fermé - which some might have taken as a social cue to give him some space. whereas valentino, local dickhead, just will not stop yapping at casey on the podium. this is quite possibly as genuinely delighted as he gets after a race, and it's simply a beautiful contrast with casey who is not quite rude enough to actually tell valentino to shut the fuck up - but may be fantasising about pushing valentino off the podium. this, to me. is art
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gather around body language experts, we need to have a conversation. this is at the pre-event presser of the race immediately after laguna, aka brno. by this point, casey's less than flattering remarks about valentino's riding at laguna had already been distributed near and far... everyone's been talking about them, people have Opinions. the captions for these photos are all something along the lines of 'stoner extends olive branch to rossi to apologise for his post-race comments after losing laguna'. now, I don't know if he literally is apologising in these actual photos - though of course he did publicly walk back his comments, saying all riders can react badly to losses and that he'd overreacted when he'd said he'd lost respect for valentino. he has since walked back his walking back, doubling down on his criticisms of valentino's comportment at laguna
still, for all the talk that the feud properly started after laguna, it's kind of fun to have the presser immediately after it showing... well, it does look like casey is actively engaging valentino in conversation, right? whether he's apologising or not - this isn't just valentino yapping at him, if anything it's the reverse. laguna had been right before the summer break, so casey had been given a month to cool off... and also be viciously criticised by the press. brutal, isn't it? it's not just the loss that sucks, it's also being excoriated by the press and fans for having the audacity to get mad over it. is all of this just him being forced into pretending to play nice to get the press to leave him alone? were there any genuine regrets over his laguna comments? what ARE the vibes between them like at this time? what story do these photos tell us
casey went on to crash out of this race from the lead, the first time he had done so in the premier class and his first dnf with ducati after their one and a half seasons together. when he crashed, he'd had a fairly comfortable lead over valentino - though valentino was steadily closing in, and the commentators were already rubbing their hands in anticipation of another laguna
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the next race is at misano - and casey is struggling with an old hand injury, see the bandages in the photo. the previous year had been the first time valentino had gotten the chance to race at this circuit, so close to his home... but he'd suffered a mechanical dnf, not his first or last in a frustrating season. this year, everything is different - and casey once again crashes out of the lead as valentino takes victory in front of his worshipful home fans
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another trip to america, this time for indy: their first time racing at the track. after the double whammy of brno and misano, casey's title charge is essentially over... but you never know, right? indy kinda gives off the vibe of being a good casey track
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in the end, the race is extremely wet and very, very windy and is eventually red-flagged. because of how many laps they still have to go, it is initially unclear whether they would restart... at which point first valentino (who was leading), then casey (in fourth) go to dorna ceo ezpeleta to tell him they have less than zero interest in going out in that weather again. a beautiful moment of solidarity - long live the power of unionising, capable of overcoming even the bitterest of feuds. blast the internationale over the footage, I've seen enough. the race is called off and valentino wins his fourth consecutive race
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by the time they get to phillip island, valentino has already won the title, courtesy of his fifth consecutive win at motegi - the same circuit casey had won the title at the year before and the home race of valentino's old enemies at honda. a couple of nice photos of jorge congratulating his teammate and casey spraying vale with champagne here. casey, known phillip island goat, would of course finally end valentino's win streak at that circuit, which is where the photos are from. idk they're fun to me, like this is still not that long after laguna. I'm aware being able to chat normally with your coworkers and share a smile with them isn't normally that high a bar, but canonically valentino has been known to completely blank some of his rivals. it's not like casey is particularly cold towards valentino either, eh
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case in point. this is from sepang 2008. #TheEstablishment does not want you to know casey and valentino canonically still regularly yapped in pressers post laguna. they won't silence me. sepang was valentino's last win of this season, after a good scrap with dani - and the season is rounded off with a casey victory at valencia
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jerez 2009, where valentino gets past casey with a block pass at the final corner on his way to victory. unlike in 2005, he actually manages to not barrel into his rival. this is just a fantastic photo... I don't even have much to say about it. a+ vibes
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a lot of the photos from this season were already included in the jorge/valentino/casey post, which reflects how casey wasn't consistently a factor in the same way the other two were. this one's from assen, the race right after catalunya when all three of them were tied on 106 points. very good side eye here, excellent job casey. unfortunately, casey is now in mystery illness territory - and he can't really compete with the two frontrunners in this stretch of the season
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this is the first race after casey's return to competition - valentino goes up to casey after qualifying at estoril to congratulate him for his front row grid position. casey would win an early race scrap with valentino in the race itself, eventually finishing second behind jorge and swiftly silencing all the people who had declared him mentally weak and done for in his absence. a race that brought back suspense to that year's championship
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phillip island 2009, another important moment in the canon where I've limited myself to just the one photo. casey wins just his second race back - and he also hugs vale pretty warmly in parc fermé. jorge was kind enough to crash in the opening lap, meaning valentino can very much be pleased with a second place here
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and at sepang, valentino seals the title, while casey wins another race. casey ended up crashing in the warm-up lap of valencia, apparently due to an issue with the tyre warming? just kinda... the general vibe of his 2009, really. valentino closes off the season with another podium at his least favourite track, while dani takes the win
anyway after that they spent three years getting into increasingly. dumb arguments. like. so dumb. by the end of 2012 you feel you're killing your brain cells by even engaging with this stuff. it's beyond undignified. there's zero competitive justification, but they just couldn't shut up about each other. that being said, they're still capable of doing a small talk with each other even during the dark years, so that's something. maybe one day they'll finally be able to get that dinner and talk about all the good times
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wild-karrde · 1 year
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The goal of Fandom Friday: provide a place where people can shout-out their favorite creators from the week, whether it’s a piece of fan art that made you smile or a fanfic that moved you. Drop a link to your favorite creations this week into my ask box along with what you loved about it, and I will give them a shout! It doesn’t have to be Star Wars either! If it’s on another website (AO3, Twitter, etc.), please be sure to state that as well.
This happens each week, so don’t feel like you’ve got to get out everything in one week. Just keep track of them throughout the week or send me an ask whenever you find something, and I’ll drop them all on Fridays (or throughout the weekend if I get a lot). You may submit for this week until THURSDAY MORNING (I’m in the Pacific timezone). Anything received after that will roll to the next week. A summary of the weeks’ recs will get added onto this post on Saturday, so check back here for all of the awesome fics and art! And be sure to go give the creations on that list some love (and don’t just share the ask responses I put out).
This week’s submissions will start posting on Friday, October 6 13.
Rules and additional details under the cut! PLEASE make sure you read the rules before sending something in. If your submission violates any of the rules, I will delete it.
Please send submissions to my ask box (sending them all to one place makes wrangling them easier each week). In your ask, please include the creator’s handle, a link to their work/post (if links aren’t working for the ask, please DM me them), and what you loved about it!
Please ensure the link is to the creator’s original post and not your own reblog or repost of their work (if they’re on another platform). The idea is to drive people to visit the creator’s page!
The creation does not have to have been posted this week! It can be something older. Also, don’t worry about whether or not a rec is a repeat from a prior week. Just looking to celebrate things that made an impression on you this week, whether you’ve seen it before or not!
NSFW is alright! Just make sure you note it in the ask so I can flag appropriately! Since I’m including 18+ material, minors may not participate. 18+ posts will be tagged with NSFT/lemon/lemony lemon (trying to cover all my bases).
NO incest, underage, cl*necest, master/padawan (or similar power dynamics), dub-con/non-con/rape. Also, no H*rry Potter. There are a few others that I also won’t share due to my discomfort with them (i.e., R*xsoka), so if you’re not sure, ask. Also, many of you submit multiple works at once, and that’s fine, but if one of those works contains something that violates the rules, I will delete the entire ask, so something to be extra careful about when submitting!
If your rec involves spoilers from a show that’s currently running, please include that info in the ask so I can tag it appropriately (I will normally tag a few different ways, but I always use #&lt;show title> spoilers if you need to filter, for example: Andor spoilerswill be tagged #Andor Spoilers). I will stop tagging spoilers two weeks after the show stops airing.
You can submit GIF sets or edits, but please ensure you are submitting from the blog that actually created them. Wanted to add that caution since there’s been a lot of people stealing/reposting GIFs and edits in particular recently. So just be cautious.
Try to avoid commentary in your ask that might make others feel bad (“the only person who knows how to write XXX correctly…”). It’s important to be able to appreciate creators without making others feel bad, so let’s try to keep the commentary complimentary without being off-putting for other creators.
Self recommendations are allowed and encouraged! Shout out your own hard work! You deserve the recognition!
*Rules subject to change so PLEASE make sure you read them before sending something in. If your submission violates any of the rules, I will delete it.
**If you have any questions about any of the rules, don’t hesitate to DM me!In addition to sending me asks, I highly encourage you to go either leave a comment on and/or reblog someone’s work (tag me or use the #Fandom Friday tag if you do!). Let’s get the interaction back up on this website and show the creators that work so hard on their stuff some love!
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echo-bleu · 7 months
Intro post
Welcome to the new people who found me through the radar! I've been meaning to do an intro post forever so this is a good time.
Hi, I'm Echo! I mostly use they/them but any pronoun is fine, I'm queer and autistic and I draw and I write fanfiction (and original things occasionally). This post will be pinned and is subject to change.
Links: My AO3 is EchoBleu. I'm also on Instagram as florilegeart.
My art: I mostly draw digitally. The tag is #echo's drawings. My commissions are open! Information here.
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Please feel free to send me random (nice) asks about my fics or my art or anything else, I love chatting about what I do and the fandoms I'm in.
Blog navigation under the cut.
The quote of my blog title is from @chthonion's The Harrowing because it deeply amused me and because their fic is my current favourite thing.
Fandom: My main current fandom is the Silmarillion, and by extension everything Tolkien. You'll find things on my blog from my previous fandoms as well (Witcher, Shadowhunters, Hamilton, etc) and from fandoms I occasionally dabble in (Leverage, Discworld, etc).
All Tolkien things are tagged with #tolkien as a meta tag. I have far too many WIPs but my niche in this fandom appears to be drawing and writing disabled characters, so you can check the tag #disabled tolkien characters for that (and also #queer tolkien characters).
My fics are all on AO3, though I post most one-shots and some longer fics here as well under #echo's fanfiction. I like posting snippets here too (same tag) and sometimes meta under #echo's writing thoughts. Longer fics and series are also tagged by title, currently you can check out #the bark of our bones, #those towers we built, #on that tree i'll carve your name, #elrond vs the valar, #shine still brighter, #silm xmen au, #the imperfect, #werewolf finrod, #queen nerdanel au (all Silmarillion).
#beautiful art and #fic rec are for other people's wonderful creations. I don't always have the spoons to leave gushing comment tags but if I reblogged it, I loved it.
I tag most other things as #[something] things. The most used are probably #autism things, #neurodivergent things, #aro things, #ace things, #nonbinary things, #queer things. And not following the tag rule, #linguistics, #tall ships. All fandom things are tagged with the fandom, plus the characters if it's a fandom I'm in. #echo's ramblings is my tag for random things about IRL or rants (which is why I'm not linking it, but you can mute it) and #real world things for reblogs of current events (that you can also mute).
I try to tag CWs and TWs to the best of my ability, usually with #cw [thing] but please warn me if I miss something. I'm unlikely to post or reblog anything explicit but if I do it will be warned. My own images have IDs in alt text, or in plain text for older posts. I don't have the energy to add IDs to other people's post very often, and I do reblog undescribed images, but I try to make my posts as accessible as possible.
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
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meowdy! my name is deer (they/it). this is my xenofiction rambling blog with a heavy focus on battle cats. i enjoy being critical of things i read so if that isn't your thing, this might not be the spot for you. you can find my rambles under the tag #deer rambles. i generally rate this blog 16+ (though im not gonna go out of my way and check tbh) as more mature subject matter sometimes does arise during discussions.
i also really enjoy art! you can find stuff i've drawn under #deer scribbles. My commissions are currently closed.
other links:
art blog
my clangen blog
main is @fawnydoe
I get a lot of xenofiction recommendations and Tumblr’s search system is straight up ass, so I’ve compiled them into a post! Click here to read through and feel free to send suggestions :)
blog specific info under the cut
Important Documents Pertaining to Warriors:
Warrior Cats and Anti-Indigenous Writing
The Feather Issue Doc
i’m very loose with tags but i do try and get the general stuff, feel free to shoot me an ask if you need something tagged
if you want me to reblog your art, feel free to tag me in it!
i like to complain about this series a lot more than praise it. i find warriors really fun to pull apart, i think it's awful and deserves every nitpick it gets.
if you send me an ask and you want it to be answered privately, please tell me
this is a WC SPOILER ZONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! currently i am only tagging spoilers for the newest wc arc, you can block the tag #asc spoilers to avoid spoilers for it!
some general requests for when sending me asks/messages:
#1 rule is always be nicies to me
please avoid personal anecdotes. i understand sometimes discussions on here veer into personal territory but i am a stranger and i don't always know how to handle responding to that.
it takes me a bit to post some asks. the longer it is, the longer it'll take me to get to it.
i might not respond at all if i don't want to deal with potential discourse and/or i just don't know how to reply to it.
sometimes this blog veers into topics outside of battle cats/xenofiction, i don't really want to discuss general discourse if i don't have to. i do not want to argue about online lgbt+ discourse, that's exhausting.
you can disagree with me, i like to hear other people's opinions. but don't be nasty about it, that's a one way ticket to get yourself booted from here. i love discussions, not people trying to rag on one another.
banned topics: nightheart, mapleshade's vengeance
here are some stories i have going going that i love to talk about:
#honey's horrible time - A work-in-progress story about a human being who is killed and reincarnated into a warrior cats rip-off series where she possesses the body of one of the minor antagonists in the book. All information on this story is available in this masterlist.
#poolverse - An nextgen AU revolving around an alternate AVOS cast. It's set in the aftermath of a very different OotS where the Clans decide to abolish the borders and attempt to live peacefully...to mixed results. This is a soft reboot of my older "new generation au"!
#fallen stars au - An alternate universe for The Darkest Hour in which Firestar must flee the forest with friends. All information on the story + archived art from the former ask blog can be found here.
#ask bean - my wc oc named bean who becomes the clan's mediator after the events of squirrelflight's hope. i used to run an ask blog for her but i didn't have the energy to maintain it. you can see the old asks here.
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uneasy-itto · 5 months
". . ."
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((This entire post past this is ooc.))
Welcome to the blog!This blog serves as an ask and rp blog involving for my spooky month oc!
This blog will contain spoilers for spooky month episodes one through six,so viewer discretion is advised.
Blog/oc info:
•Ittoku Kattou is my oc.He is 15 years old,and in high school.He works 2 jobs one is babysitting skid and occasionally pump when skid and pump hang out,he also works part time at the candy club.He is "friends" with Roy to a degree they only really hang out when their parental figures(Carmen,and ittoku's older brother Irima) hang out,he and roy needless to say aren't very close.He struggles socializing but he tries his best.(more info about him here)
•This blog, as stated before, is in the spooky month universe,and characters and plots from the show will be at least somewhat involved in this blog,as Ittoku has interactions with Canon characters.
•Ittoku and his brother moved to the town realitivly recently,as they only have lived there the last few months or so.They live next to Ignacio.
•This blog is in the universe/continuity as my Ignacio blog(@irritated-incendiary ) and my oc's Roswell blog(@the-prophet-of-the-universe)takes place in the same time frame as that blog
•Posts will either be text accompanied by art,text accompanied by crude doodles,or just text
•I will also be using this blog to rp with others on other blogs :)
•as stated his is an ask/rp blog,so if you wish to ask or rp with canon or original character,please do so,it's welcome and highly encouraged.
•No racism,Homopohobia,Transphobia,bigotry of any kind,pedophila,proshipping/comshipping,etc,etc.
•No suggestive ask/rps with Ittoku,he is 15 years old that's weird and gross.Only mildly suggestive asks/rps involving Irima(Ittoku's brother).
•Romantic asks for Ittoku and Irima are fine,just make sure when you send Ittoku romantic asks and whatnot you or the character you are playing is 18 or younger.Romantic asks and whatnot may not be reciprocated by Ittoku or Irima.
More rules are subject to be added in the future if needed .
How i will rp as Ittoku and Irima:
All dialouge will be in "quotation marks"
All actions/descriptions will be in *asterisks*
Ittoku's text will be in "blue"
Irima's text (when he is apart of the blog) will be in "red"
How I will talk ooc:
All of my text will be in "pink"
All ooc text will look like ((ooc:this)),((this)),(ooc:this),(this),((this)),or (this)
Mud/Mod info:
Me ,the mun's name is Luigi,I use he/they/it pronouns.
Main blog: @monsieur-fisch
Other blogs: @the-prophet-of-the-universe (I have yet to get everything set up over there yet but if you wanna go check it out go ahead) , @monsieur-luigi-fisch , @irritated-incendiary , @the-prophet-of-the-universe , @dexter-the-exterminator
Friends blogs: @blood-guts-goreeee , @father-gregors-guidance ,@alicethescenequeen ,@xachanimations
If you need to contact me regarding anything to do with this blog,send a message or ask to my main blog or this blog.
I will try to respond to asks an rps as soon as I can after they are sent to me,unless I'm asleep of course,I'd get to those the after I'd wake up lmao.
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unorcadox · 10 months
On the subject of being old... I'm 30, and I feel like I don't belong anywhere anymore.
I had a bad home life, so I moved out when I was 17 and I was fully stabilized by 19. My life has changed since then, but how I feel has not. I still have the same hobbies, I think the same thoughts, I like the same things. I'm just more tired now, and it's harder to make friends because I don't have kids and don't plan to. I still go to work, pay my bills, take care of my pets and spend time with my partner, same as I did when I was 20.
When I was younger and people would say "you're only as old as you feel," I still thought I'd feel differently at 30 than I did at 20, but very little has changed. I still feel like I'm 20, I'm just in a body that gets tired more easily and hurts more often, and it's a lot more difficult to find other people like me.
Hell, I don't even feel like I belong on Tumblr anymore. It's been a hobby for me since 2014 but now I'm afraid to follow anyone without meticulously checking their blog first, because some people have "25+" in their DNI. Like once you pass the "25" threshold you're automatically a creep. I don't even do anything NSFW on this site, but I always check, just so I don't accidently offend someone by... being old, I guess.
When I was 21, I had a friend at work who was in his 60s. He said that once you pass a certain age, you're pretty much the same. It's not like when you're maturing from childhood into your early 20s and you're changing by leaps and bounds; the only thing that really changes is your body. Aside from the impact of major life events like having kids, you're no different. It's surreal to be experiencing that now.
I guess if you're someone who likes clowing on people for being older, maybe consider that one day you might be waking up feeling exactly the same as you do now, but your body will be older, and people will think you're less valuable even though you're the same as you've always been. It's a good opportunity to learn some empathy.
I'm sorry for this long rambly ask. I've been feeling very isolated lately and your asks/posts about age struck a chord with me. I love your blog, please keep doing what you do for as long as it brings you joy.
hey honestly no you're so right. i can't speak from personal experience obviously but this is the common sentiment i've heard, so like cosigned cuz that's some real shit you just said.
thank you tho! glad to help you get those thoughts out of your head :) with a free benefit of being the exact point i wanted to make but couldn't speak on directly LMFAO
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creativemodetsel · 6 days
Welcome To The Library :3
The Library Features A Variety Of Content And Subjects Such As Sneak Peaks of Certain Fanfiction And A Book That Is Being Worked On, Our Artwork, Any Other Creative Projects We Decide To Share, And Any Projects You'd Like To See Us Do. A Meet The Librarians Section Will Be Included Somewhere Below.
Our Wattpad And Ao3 Are Both @/thestarryeyedlovers
Current Writing Projects:
Fanfiction- The Kingdom Of Ivory And Crows (Royal!DSMP AU Based Off Of Dragonhearted By AdorableAxolotl On AO3)
Books- The Kingdom Of Ivory And Crows (Same Name But Different Themes. Self-Insert Version Of ACOTAR But Irish Folklore? Oh And In The POV Of The High Lord. Completely Different Storyline. Check Our Wattpad For More Details.)
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Prompts/AUs We Plan On Doing Eventually:
Anything Similar To @/simpingboisinc Prompts On Twitter Anything Related To SBI (Another Adoption AU Anyone??) C!Tubbo (And/Or Ranboo) But A System (Inspired By Metfell) C!Wilbur Before L'Manburg And After Sally (Depression Personified But He Loves His Kid To Death) C!Wilbur. Just, Him. Any Situation. C!Wilbur Our Beloved (NOT The Content Creator By The Way) Transfem!C!Tommy And Transmasc!C!Tommy TNTDuo Angst With Ending Fluff. Technoblade Gets Sent Into Minecraft In His Sleep And Turns Into His Character/Persona. (Like The Discontinued Fic On Ao3, 'The Blood God') C!Tommy AU Where He's A Long Forgotten God Of The Overworld (Like 'Purple Hyacinths And Dark Pink Carnations' By Cupqueencake And 'I Am Creation, Both Haunted And Holy' By An Anon. Both On Ao3) AU Where Techno Is A Detective And Tommy Convinces Him To Help Him Look For His Missing Brother, Wilbur. (Based Off Of 'Tomorrow Night' By Meridies On Ao3) AU Where SBI Are Avians, But Techno, The Middle Child, Does Not Have Wings, Or Any Avian Features For That Matter. (Inspired By Dragon_Scales_And_Fairy_Tales On Ao3)
+More To Be Added As Time Goes On. If Anyone Has Any Suggestions As To AUs/Prompts We Could Write About, Don't Hesitate To Tell Us.
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Meet The Librarians!
Hi! I'm N! I'm An Age Slider And Slide Between 18 And 20. My Pronouns Are Hy|They|Shy|It|Pup|Robot, I Am Bisexual, Use Xenogenders, And Am In A Wonderful Relationship With My Girlfriend And Fellow Librarian, Uzi. Oh! Also, I Am Dogkin And Angelkin.
Yo, I'm Uzi, I'm Dualage/DualChrono And Am Simultaneously 19 And 20 Years Old. I Am Bisexual Like N, And I Am Nonbinary And An Azuregirl Who Uses Xenogenders. My Pronouns Are She|They|It And Some Neopronouns I Have Yet To List. I Am Alterhuman And Use The Label Raccoonkin Because I Am THE Trash Panda. If You Don't Like N And I You Can Bite Me.
Now That We've Introduced Ourselves, Please Ask If We Need To Provide A Translation Due To The Text Being Colored Let Us Know.
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Sometimes We Will Showcase Some Of Our Art In The Library. Not Very Often Due To Art Block But We Will Post Some Of Our Older Art As Well. Both Digital And Traditional Art Will Be Featured.
We Do NOT Take Commisions! If You Recieve Our Art It Is Because We Used It For Our Build A Headmate Blog And Gave It To The Headmate As A Faceclaim.
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Image Translation: "DNI: Basic DNI, Fakeclaimers, Anti-Nontraumagenic Origins, Pro/Neu/Com Contact For Harmful Paras, NSFW Accounts, ED|SH Accounts, Radqueer/TransID Users|Supporters, Xenosatanists, Pro-Psych, Anti-MCYT, Supporters Of The Following Content Creators: Wilbur Soot, Dream, GeorgeNotFound, Sapnap, And Minx"
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solsticevanfleet · 2 years
strawberry vines; s.f.k.
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chapter one
Pairing: Sam & female!Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: You had always been passionate about music and marketing, so when your final capstone university project is to create an exhibit with a specific muse, your chance encounter with a small local band leads you to an epiphany for the showcase. You never meant to mix work with play.
WARNINGS: Mild swearing, alcohol mention.
Notes: Hi guys! This is my first time posting fanfic for this fandom and I’m kinda nervous lol. This is an intro chapter to what will become a series. I hope y’all enjoy this plot layout, please let me know what you think! My asks are always open to comments, concerns, and suggestions!
It had always been cold in Clark, but never like it was today. You always brought an extra sweatshirt (sometimes a blanket) in the winter, but today it was nice outside, so you didn’t think too hard about it when you showed up in a flannel. The wind outside was warm, a nice 76 degrees that felt like a Californian beach-side haven compared to the 59-degree library. Courses had begun a week ago and being a senior, graduation could not come faster, though you were pleasantly surprised when the senior advisor offered a new capstone course. Opting for what felt like the ‘easier’ option, you decided to capstone in “American Magazines” rather than write a 25-page paper in some nondescript writing seminar. All magazines are is journalism of some sort… and it fits almost too perfectly considering your little hobby blog kickstarted pretty well this concert season.
It started as a way to get your writing out, a way to combine your love of music with your dream of working in music management and social media. Snippets of concert reviews and novice photos taken on your cheap Nikon camera were littered throughout the blog, as well as album reviews and interviews with amateur bands and musicians. A blog is basically an online magazine, right? You sat down in the surprisingly comfy library chair and skimmed the class’ syllabus, “END OF YEAR EXHIBIT” was displayed in bold caps and seemed to be the assignment of the year: an exhibit dedicated to the subject of your choice, paired with a homemade zine to be handed out to spectators at the show. 
Subject of your choice… you wracked your mind, flipping through the mental trading card binders of the musicians you’d worked with in the past, you were sure one of them would be up to the idea of being this semester’s muse. 
Lecture hall never got better, no matter the course or the people around you. But why would it? It was a lecture hall, but at least your professor seemed nice. Dr. Richards was an older eccentric man who wore his gray hair in a slicked back ponytail. He looked as if he was meant to teach in the fashion department and not in communications, but it made sense as he explained his requirements for the class. After going over the bulk of the syllabus, he went over the end-of-year exhibit in finer detail. It was meant to be a multimedia project where students needed to tie in their overall career goals with, something that reflected what the student had learned in the course as well as their own personality and aspirations. You smiled slightly to yourself, excited about the creative liberties you were being given for the project, and the prospect of being able to design your own exhibit for the public. You hadn’t realized that class ended, and you quickly gathered your things as you rushed to get out, not noticing the tall figure gazing toward you. You looked up and came face to face with your TA for the class. 
“Hey, I’m Danny, I noticed you were kinda zoned out for a moment there and wanted to check in,” he chuckled lightheartedly. His hair was done up in what looked like a turquoise claw clip, his curly bangs and front pieces tousled and frizzy. He radiated what could only be described as pure joy, as if he wanted to help in whatever way he could. 
“Oh my god, sorry, I do that sometimes, you know, lost in the mind of an artist or whatever, I’m just wracking my brain trying to think about what to do my exhibit on…” You cringed at yourself, “You know what, just ignore me. I’ve seen you around before, actually.” Danny looked surprised, and you could see the wheels in his head turning until his eyes lit up. 
“Wait, yeah! I think we have a few mutual friends, small world UMich is. About your exhibit, do you have any ideas so far?” 
“Well, I review local musicians and write about their gigs, usually free ones at bars or restaurants. I was thinking about possibly setting something up with maybe a band of students but I don’t really know where to search for one.” You saw Danny’s eyes light up for the second time.
“It’s funny you say that, I have a band and we perform quite a few times a week at The Garage Bar on Church Street, you know the one right?” You nodded as he spoke, a silent yes to his question. “We’re called ‘Greta Van Fleet’. I don’t think my bandmates would mind you coming in for a few practices or gigs, to be honest, I think Josh would love that. Why don’t I give you my number and we can talk about it more later, I’m running late for practice, actually.”
Danny scribbled his number down on a piece of paper and ripped it out of his notebook, handing it to you with a smile and a nod as he rushed out of the hall. You were alone as you gazed down at his hurried scrawl, who the hell is Josh?
Thursday night rolled around and you found yourself staring at the mirror, for the millionth time it seemed, deliberating over your outfit. You didn’t care what you wore, really, but you couldn’t help but feel self-conscious all of a sudden, they wouldn’t scrutinize you, right? They’re just a group of young guys- possibly young? Who were you to know if it wasn’t just your TA and a bunch of grandpas? Or maybe dilfs? Who knows, though you semi-wished for dilfs.
You finally settled on a black mini skirt and a plain orange tee with a jacket thrown on top, something safe but still giving the illusion that you might have gave a fuck about your appearance. As you walked out into the brisk autumn air, you shivered and pulled the jacket closer to you, berating yourself for not dressing warmer. It wasn’t too long before you showed up at the address Danny had sent to you a couple of hours prior, accompanied by a few dancing emojis – he was a frequent user of emojis, you had discovered, with the few texts you two had exchanged. You weren’t expecting google maps to take you to a house, maybe a bar or a practice hall of some sort, but it looked like your typical college-aged boys home. Fairy lights which were strung haphazardly over the porch, lawn chairs on the patio, and a turned-over welcome mat greeted you as you rang the doorbell. You could hear the plucking of off-key guitar strings and chatter coming from behind the door, which only heightened your anxiety about this whole evening. You brought along your laptop and camera, hoping maybe to get some off-the-clock practice shots if the band agreed to work with you on the project.
The door suddenly opened and jarred you from your thoughts, a flash of warm light came from inside the house and a curly mop now stood in front of you. Attached to the mess of curls was a bright white smile belonging to a handsome young guy; he couldn’t have been much older than you, 3 years at most. 
“Welcome, welcome! You don’t have to stand outside, come in and make yourself at home. We have beer and seltzer in the fridge if you want, or apple juice,” The guy blabbed, ushering you inside the foyer leading into the kitchen and living room. 
“Don’t be a dick, she doesn’t want apple juice.” The voice came from beyond the door frame, yelling almost as it berated the man in front of you. As you opened your mouth to speak, almost the exact same motherfucker walked out of the kitchen, “Sorry about Josh, he can be a bit overbearing.”
They had the same look, though this one had long wavy locks and his presence was not as bold, yet he shined as he entered the room. “I’m Jake, and this one is Josh, obviously, I assume youre the girl Danny’s mentioned.” You instantly felt at home, with the yin and yang nature of their contrasting personalities, and you nodded as you looked between the twins. 
Josh knocked the back of his hand into Jake’s shoulder, “Lighten up, will ya?”, he turned back to face you. “Let’s go, Danny and Sam are downstairs tuning. Did you need a drink or anything ‘fore we go?”
“Honestly I’m okay, thank you for asking though. Do you have anywhere I could plug in my charger, though?” 
“Yeah, just follow me.”
You made your way down the narrow staircase into what felt like a make-shift man cave of sorts, traffic signs, and rock ‘n’ roll memorabilia coated the walls as you entered the dimly lit basement. It smelled of incense, alcohol, and a hint of cologne as the boys ahead of you went straight for their bandmates. There sat Danny, and who you could only assume was Sam. He was hunched over what you thought was a guitar, only it was a light blue, almost green color, something you didn’t usually see. He had long brown hair, brushing his shoulders and wrapped like a halo around his face as his eyes were focused on the strings and his plush lips were mumbling something quietly, too quiet to hear. He seemed to be closest to your age, maybe a bit older, but nothing too crazy. Jake gestured you to the couch, where the outlet was sat directly next to, and you took a seat next to him. 
“Nice guitar, I love the color,” you uttered loudly, loud enough to get his attention. He was the only one who hadn’t immediately perked up at your presence, even Danny had greeted you so welcomingly, now occupied with the brothers. This one was seemingly too entranced by the sounds coming out of his instrument as he tuned the strings. At the sound of your voice, he slowly looked up, and you could see he had large, downturned chocolate-colored eyes. He smirked gently, one side of his mouth lifting as he scoffed.
“Thanks, but this is a bass. I understand the confusion though, especially since it is customized. Though, it does look almost brown to me... You don’t get much of those out in the wild.” His eyes quickly scanned your appearance, looking for a comment of his own. “Nice… leaves?” 
You glanced down confused by his comment on the color but noticed your tattoo peeking out from under your skirt, “Oh, thank you, they’re berry vines, strawberries actually. You don’t get much of those out in the wild, either.” He chuckled as you smiled to yourself, pleased with your quick wit. 
“Well, Berry, it’s nice to meet you. Daniel over here has been talking about you coming over for a week now and I think we’re all a little interested in hearing about this little project of yours.” 
“Nicknames already?” Danny chimed in, Sam’s head turning to meet the sound of his voice. “We can talk about logistics later, I have class in the morning so let’s get this shit started.”
The boys all made sounds of agreement and got into position as you looked around and decided to sit on a large purple bean bag chair on the floor, near where Jake was messing around with the pedals next to his feet. It was then that Danny counted them in and Josh’s vocals came in, loud, raw, and powerful, something you didn’t expect to come out of such a small man. The combination of Jake’s electric riffs, Danny’s pounding beat, the smooth and sexy bass lines, and Josh’s voice, you were quite frankly surprised and pleased. When Danny had mentioned a band, you had expected an amateur bunch of musicians trying to mesh their different sounds together, but this band was amazing, sounding as if they had been practicing for years and years together; their chemistry was addicting. As they finished off the song, Josh looked over at you for approval, grinning widely with a sparkle in his eyes really only seen in people who were truly passionate and into their craft. Your only reaction was a dropped jaw.
“That was… insane. Like, I’m blown away to be quite honest, you all work so harmoniously together- how? I mean, you’re all so cohesive.”
“I mean, we’ve been playing together since high school, we got a small following back home because of it but there’s always room to practice.” Jake was so genuine with his responses, probably the most level-headed out of the bunch. You nodded, urging them to tell more. He continued, “It’s been a rollercoaster but we’re looking to reach outside of just local bars and lounges.” 
Sam chimed in, “Yeah, I’m kind of sick of college.” he flashed you a smirk, which made your cheeks heat, but you ignored the urge to keep eye contact with him. “Well, I would love to work with you guys this semester… I’ve got good social media skills too if you’d like this to branch outside of academics…,” Even asking the question felt embarrassing to ask, but something inside told you to stick around. 
The boys looked around at each other, communicating with their eyes, silently agreeing with nods of approval and shrugs before Josh spoke up, “I think we could swing that.”
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Yuri!!! On Ice Mythbusting!
Did Yuuri buy one ring or a pair?
There’s this persistent myth going on in the Yuri!!! On Ice fandom that in Barcelona, Yuuri bought only one ring, and Viktor secretly bought the other one earlier, despite the rings being described as a matching pair in the anime. So which one is true?
Let's do some mythbusting!
In her episode commentary for the Go Yuri Go!!! official fanbook Mitsurou Kubo talked about the rings and explained why she and Sayo Yamamoto decided that Yuuri buys a pair. This is a recent translation of this paragraph done by rikeijo:
The rings that Yuuri bought are pair-rings. [I chose pair-rings] because when I did some research I saw they are cheaper when you buy two (laugh) and if they were to have matching items I thought that rings are after all the most fitting item. A lot of real world skaters also wear accessories as protective charms. But more than that, Yuuri, who has surprised Victor many times in the show, wanted one more weapon, or should I say a new item to fight in the final battle. When I proposed this idea of rings to Yamamoto-director, she answered "Yes! This is it!!" (laugh). We started talking like: an athlete in a stressful situation would definitely do something like that! So it was closer to something like "let's wear the same items as members of the same club [bukatsu]", rather than meaning marriage.
(For a full translation of Mitsurou's commentary, please check out rikeijo's blog!)
In older translations like this interview in the 2017/3 issue of PASH! Magazine, she also talks about a pair, and if you check Google, you will find even more translations on this subject. While they all differ in wording, they agree that Yuuri bought a pair. As many characters in episodes 10 and 11 point out, these rings perfectly match each other. In the restaurant scene, Viktor says they’re a pair. As it was revealed after the broadcast of the series, the rings have engravings which, when put together, form the image of a large snowflake and two smaller ones.
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If they had bought two separate rings, they would need to go through a lot of effort to make them match (or search all the jewellery shops in Barcelona and hope to find the same design). The poor jeweller would need to adjust the design and engrave the snowflakes—and this is time-consuming and probably expensive. I doubt the rings would have been ready in time for the GPF. It's not an impossible theory, but it’s quite a stretch. I don't see a benefit in this, especially since Yuuri wants an omamori for the Grand Prix Final. Omamori are amulets or charms, which are sold at Buddhist temples and Shinto Shrines. They come in various forms and purposes. An ordinary omamori wouldn't do because Yuuri's skating and feelings for Viktor are intertwined. He has been very vocal about his desire to form an inseparable bond with Viktor at the press con in episode 5. Therefore, the item of his choice must combine all these different requirements. This article gives a brilliant overview of the various kinds of omamori. A certain omamori is for couples who wish to stay together and is sold as a pair. Yuuri thus creates his own omamori, using a matching pair of golden rings.
According to my current understanding of the spiritual aspects, two individual rings would violate the concept of omamori, i.e. would not be able to bestow good luck and thus would be unsuited for Yuuri's purpose.
The multi-layered meaning of the rings has been analysed in depth before. Please check out this fascinating post by sachiro and this no less amazing post by lazuliblade to fully appreciate the value these rings have to Yuuri and Viktor. Two individual rings could never reflect all this.
I suspect that this screenshot, which has confused Western and Japanese fans likewise, is keeping the ring myth alive.
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Yes, that's right. This bill says that Yuuri only buys one ring, which is curious because a few seconds earlier he says “Can you show me these two?” But why would the production team change Kubo-sensei’s ideas when she and Sayo Yamamoto were head over heels for it and wove a multi-layered meaning into these rings?*
I suspect that whoever created this bill made a translation mistake because—plot twist—the Japanese language doesn't have a plural form for nouns. Whether it’s ‘ring’ or ‘rings’, it's the same in Japanese. A counter is added to the word if the context requires specifying the number of items. No wonder fans in and outside of Japan got headaches over this!
So, the small but important bit that it’s a pair was likely lost in translation when this bill was created.
I hope I was able to debunk this myth and convey why we can safely say that these rings are a pair! If you know more about the spiritual background of omamori, the making of the scene in the shop, or the creation of the bill, please let me know!
* If you carefully read the interviews in which the rings are mentioned, you can infer some of these meanings (apart from the obvious one meaning).
If you enjoy my meta posts, please consider giving my blog a follow or checking out my works on AO3(link in bio). You will find the results of my meta musings in there!
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sleepyjim · 1 year
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🎉 leo/clancy/clovis ★ xe/him + sol/sols pronouns 🎉
link to my pronouns.page ★ link to my last.fm ★ link to my art blog! (@sleepyjimart)
★ minor , system , autistic + schizospec , kts/cloves syndrome , pots. ★ intersex transfemasc + aro + objectum :3 ★ please tag flashing, eyestrain, loud noises in videos/etc, irl animal harm/death , and unreality ! 💛 ★ terfs/radfems/bigots/exclus and ed/ana blogs get off my page !! south park, dream, hp/jkr fans dni 🙏
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stuff i like:
★ twenty one pilots , mcr , daft punk , fob , phoenix , owl city + other projects by adam young , coldplay , aberdeen is dead + mudd puppies ★ pjo + spinoffs , danny phantom , spiderverse , coraline , dragonvale ★ spongebob + sbsp broadway , garfield , sanrio , snoopy/peanuts , wild kratts + zoboomafoo + kratts' creatures , odd squad , kities and oupys :3 ★ computers/tech , plushies , roller coasters + theme parks in general , kandi
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i tag triggering content as #tw [subject] . if you need anything tagged just send me an ask or a dm ! 💛 :3
i also tag most fandoms and people/etc involved in posts for organization and blacklisting ^_^
if i like your art without reblogging, it's likely in my queue somewhere!! :3
other tags and info :
★ #text - original posts, signed off sometimes as #[alter name/initial] (pronouns) ★ #my art - art tag :3 ★ #my moodboards - moodboard tag :3 ★ #hunter tag , #chester tag , #pluto tag - pupy images, and other posts that remind me of my dogs!! all basset hound rescues :3 i love them so muchg (pluto tag is only older photos though :( ★ #me and the gf - posts that remind me of my girlfriend max and i :3 ! as well as posts to show her later💛💛 ★ #sam tag , #hector tag , etc - posts to show irl friends ★ #jason rambles - frantic liveblogging when im in Anxious Situations or when i just need to get stuff out of my head (for blacklisting) (sometimes i forget about this tag tho sorry) ★ #vent post - also for blacklisting ★ #q - queued posts ★ #sleepyposting - posts about eepiness that i relate to on account of i am just an eepy guy
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★ #ask - talk to me talk tome talk to me talk t ★ #leo reveal - leo leonidas real irl ⁉️ only like .a couple posts on here bc idk how to take selfies 💔
ty for checking out my blog yayy :3
please feel free to send me music recs btw! my favorite kinds of music at the moment are electronic pop as well as ambient , post-rock , scores , etc :D
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Hi. I'm just curious. Maybe You can explain it or telle.how it works!? I have no idea...
There is a thing with new blogs or blogs that are not 100% arcana related that make really nice fan arts or headcanons or memes that are totally lacking in likes and reblogs and then some posts just randomly hit 200 hearts in one day. Does it have something to do withcreator past on Tumblr or there are some unwritten rules or it's just magic of followers and users not checking the arcana tag in main searching bar ? Because sometimes I see good content (or something that looks nice for me) and I don't know if I should like or reblog it because there moght be a secret thing a untold story of person x being problematic in past or something and no one tell others or it's just accidental lottery of what will be enjoyed by mass or what will stay in shadows? Please I'm sometimes literally afraid of liking something if main popular blogs don't attest it before me as nice or safe.
An Arcana Brainrot Essay
Hiya friend!
I get where you're coming from, and to be completely honest, this is something I struggle with a lot in fandom spaces too. I'm going to go ahead and write my little (700 word) essay response in hopes that you find something useful here. I don't have all the answers, but I do have a few tips that have helped me. :)
(You can skip straight to the bold part for my older sibling thoughts on toxic fandom spaces)
About the random posts blowing up, tumblr as a platform works differently from other social medias in that it doesn't really have an algorithm. You encounter new content mostly through what the blogs you follow post/reblog and through the tags you follow. Don't feel weird about checking the tags too often, I scroll through the Arcana's tag at least four times a day because I like to obsess like that. ^.^
Newer blogs also won't have their posts show up until they've been posting regularly for some time (I think it took mine two weeks), and then there's factors like blaze and different posting times to consider. It's not weird to engage with something that has very few likes. It most probably just means that other people haven't had the chance to see it.
About problematic creators and the toxic side of fandoms:
One of the special things about being part of a fandom is sharing an emotional investment in the same content with a whole group of people. Fictional characters, situations, and stories have a capacity to speak to us from inside our imaginations and emotions in a way that most real people can't. It's what fuels such a deep attachment to the content we enjoy together.
It's also why seeing content that you find problematic or maybe just don't vibe with can feel so upsetting. It's easy for creators to say "if you don't like it, scroll past," but that can be hard to do when it concerns a character you're deeply invested in. It takes a decent amount of emotional maturity to agree to disagree with someone's opinions or viewpoints when it's about something that's personally impactful.
The way people follow through on that really ranges. Some people like characters that make them feel safe or comforted, so they stick to the parts of the fandom that focus on canon-typical things and don't delve too much into personal opinions and interpretations. Other people really benefit from using characters and dynamics they relate to to unpack certain things, and that's where you'll find a lot more opinionated discourse. And where you find opinions, you'll find disagreement, and when that disagreement concerns emotionally charged subjects, things can get heated and hurtful.
My point is that different types of content engage different types of conversations. Feeling fear or anxiety around which conversations you find yourself in is completely valid, especially when you're not sure who you're listening or talking to. I have two pieces of advice for this:
First, choose wisdom over fear. Make wise choices. If you see something you really like, don't engage with it mindlessly. Think about what you're looking at and recognize what it means to you, and then any engagement that comes of that is a decision you can grow from. If someone asks you later, "why did you like this?" you'll have a good reason, even if it wasn't well informed.
Second, know what you're looking for. All fandoms have toxic and problematic sides, just like how all people have toxic and problematic sides. What makes a difference is what you choose to do with it.
When you want to know if something is good but you're not in a position to judge it, take a look at the space around it. Take a look at the effect it has on other people. Who would feel welcome on this page? Who wouldn't? Who would feel respected by this creator? Who wouldn't? Why is that?
This sounds like a lot of work to do when all you want is to enjoy something you love with other people who love it too. For what it's worth, it gets easier as your brain builds these thought habits. You'll find your space and your people in good time. That's what fandom is really all about in the first place!
If you can't find a logical reason but something or someone just gives you the ick, trust your gut.
Even when you see something that hurts your connection to a character or story you're invested in, learn how to step away.
If you find something new and you're not sure what to think, keep your mind open and engaged.
And finally, be ready to make mistakes. Be ready for the creators you admire to make mistakes. Learn how to forgive yourself, and you'll find that forgiving others comes a little bit more easily too.
Cheers friend, and may you find every good thing you're looking for!
- brainrot
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wild-karrde · 1 year
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The goal of Fandom Friday: provide a place where people can shout-out their favorite creators from the week, whether it’s a piece of fan art that made you smile or a fanfic that moved you. Drop a link to your favorite creations this week into my ask box along with what you loved about it, and I will give them a shout! It doesn’t have to be Star Wars either! If it’s on another website (AO3, Twitter, etc.), please be sure to state that as well.
This happens each week, so don’t feel like you’ve got to get out everything in one week. Just keep track of them throughout the week or send me an ask whenever you find something, and I’ll drop them all on Fridays (or throughout the weekend if I get a lot). You may submit for this week until THURSDAY MORNING (I’m in the Pacific timezone). Anything received after that will roll to the next week. A summary of the weeks’ recs will get added onto this post on Saturday, so check back here for all of the awesome fics and art! And be sure to go give the creations on that list some love (and don’t just share the ask responses I put out).
This week’s submissions will start posting on Friday, September 15.
Rules and additional details under the cut! PLEASE make sure you read the rules before sending something in. If your submission violates any of the rules, I will delete it.
Please send submissions to my ask box (sending them all to one place makes wrangling them easier each week). In your ask, please include the creator’s handle, a link to their work/post (if links aren’t working for the ask, please DM me them), and what you loved about it!
Please ensure the link is to the creator’s original post and not your own reblog or repost of their work (if they’re on another platform). The idea is to drive people to visit the creator’s page!
The creation does not have to have been posted this week! It can be something older. Also, don’t worry about whether or not a rec is a repeat from a prior week. Just looking to celebrate things that made an impression on you this week, whether you’ve seen it before or not!
NSFW is alright! Just make sure you note it in the ask so I can flag appropriately! Since I’m including 18+ material, minors may not participate. 18+ posts will be tagged with NSFT/lemon/lemony lemon (trying to cover all my bases).
NO incest, underage, cl*necest, master/padawan (or similar power dynamics), dub-con/non-con/rape. Also, no H*rry Potter. There are a few others that I also won’t share due to my discomfort with them (i.e., R*xsoka), so if you’re not sure, ask. Also, many of you submit multiple works at once, and that’s fine, but if one of those works contains something that violates the rules, I will delete the entire ask, so something to be extra careful about when submitting!
If your rec involves spoilers from a show that’s currently running, please include that info in the ask so I can tag it appropriately (I will normally tag a few different ways, but I always use #<show title> spoilers if you need to filter, for example: Andor spoilers will be tagged #Andor Spoilers). I will stop tagging spoilers two weeks after the show stops airing.
You can submit GIF sets or edits, but please ensure you are submitting from the blog that actually created them. Wanted to add that caution since there’s been a lot of people stealing/reposting GIFs and edits in particular recently. So just be cautious.
Try to avoid commentary in your ask that might make others feel bad (“the only person who knows how to write XXX correctly…”). It’s important to be able to appreciate creators without making others feel bad, so let’s try to keep the commentary complimentary without being off-putting for other creators.
Self recommendations are allowed and encouraged! Shout out your own hard work! You deserve the recognition!
*Rules subject to change so PLEASE make sure you read them before sending something in. If your submission violates any of the rules, I will delete it.
**If you have any questions about any of the rules, don’t hesitate to DM me!In addition to sending me asks, I highly encourage you to go either leave a comment on and/or reblog someone’s work (tag me or use the #Fandom Friday tag if you do!). Let’s get the interaction back up on this website and show the creators that work so hard on their stuff some love!
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themasterofmischief · 6 months
Please do not spam like my posts, I will block you.
Information about this blog, FAQ located under keep reading.
This blog will contain things such as swearing, and slightly more adult jokes on the occasion, there may also be darker subjects here and there, so be warned.
This is a multiple Masters blog, set after Delgado's time, but before the Tooth, it will often bounce between times because of this.
This blog is run by @ghostsonthetardis,I also run @prisonofgold, and @codemagister, both of which are part of this same AU, lore drops will be tagged with #master of mischief au lore.
The Masterlist:
Ainley - Haraldr
Roberts - Harrison
Jacobi - War Yana
Jacobi - Yana
Simm - Harold
Simm - Older Harold
Gomez - Harriet
Dhawan - Hawthorn
Roberts - Aspen
All of them can be shortened to "Harry," none of his bodies are stolen.
Aspen does not go by "Harry," nor does he count himself as "Koschei."
For information on how to interact with me, please check one of the other two RP blogs associated with this AU.
More information will be added when needed.
Q - Does Master is gay? A - Yeah.
Q- If lore is revealed in a post, like as a comment towards something, will we get a more in-depth view on it? A - Eventually yes.
FAQ to be added to when reoccurring questions appear.
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fandomsnfluff · 8 months
hello!! my name is noah (he/him preferred, they/them acceptable) and i’m a 23-year-old trans guy and a fanfic writer! after months of reluctance, despite stealthily making my way across other t-word related blogs on this platform using other accounts, i finally decided to officially join the t-word™ community on tumblr! i’m still in the closet with my close friends outside of this corner though honestly. (so please don’t interact if you know me/think you know me outside of this part of tumblr or talk about this with me elsewhere!! i would greatly appreciate it! <3)
i don’t really have much to say but this is just my own personal corner to explore my interest with tickling (which for some reason i’ve had a bit of a fixation with for about 10 years or so now) so if you’re interested please send me a dm or an ask just to talk or even send headcanon requests since they’re open!! if you’re 18 or older you’re also more than welcome to privately message me! i ask that you stick to sending me things via my askbox if you’re under 18, however, simply due to comfort on my end!
please remember to read my about page before interacting, and if you’re interested, please feel free to follow me, send me an ask and/or a dm! PRIMARILY NSFW BLOGS WILL BE BLOCKED. THIS IS A SFW BLOG AND MAINLY EXISTS TO PORTRAY TICKLING IN SFW CONTEXTS.
please click “keep reading” below to read my guidelines and see prompt lists i am currently accepting, as well as check out my masterlist and other important links!
headcanons: CLOSED. prompts: CLOSED.
please make sure to read my about page for byf/dni info before requesting! (and interacting too of course)
the fandoms i have written for are as follows: voltron, obey me, sk8 the infinity, a3!, b-project, and utapri. right now my hyperfixation is stranger things (despite posting little to no original content since falling back into this rabbit hole), and since i’m currently in the process of slowly phasing myself back into writing on this blog, please only send requests concerning this fandom! this list will also be updated as i join more fandoms and is subject to change.
when i write x reader things, i tend to refer to you as “mc” (for obey me) or “x character’s s/o/friend” (depending on the type of request) in fics/headcanons and will stick with they/them pronouns. i want all folks of all genders reading my stuff to feel like they’re there and that they’re included <3 that being said, i kindly request that you not ask me to write anything where the reader has a specified gender (ex. putting “with female s/o” at the end of your request). thank you!
i write headcanons, drabbles, scenarios, and “fics.” (i’m putting fics in quotations because i write these in full fic format but tend to have more of a drabble-like length.) when requesting, please specify which of these three formats you want me to use!
all triggers will be tagged using the following format: tw: (trigger name). please blacklist when needed using this format! if you need anything to be tagged, let me know!
do NOT send any requests concerning ANY form of bigotry or my triggers (listed in my about page linked above).
you are only allowed to send me ONE request within a span of 48 hours, including from other blogs that you run. if i suspect one person is sending me multiple requests under anonymous within this time period, i reserve the right to turn off anonymous asks.
you can ALWAYS drop into my askbox to chat and/or share some headcanons of your own! i’d love to hear them!!
i also want to reiterate that you’re more than welcome to send me a private message, but only if you’re 18 or older. if you’re under 18, i prefer that you stick to sending me messages via my askbox. it’s just a comfort thing for me on my end c:
PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THESE GUIDELINES ARE ALWAYS SUBJECT TO CHANGE! and, most importantly, have fun, and i hope you enjoy the content here! <3
prompts & headcanons are currently CLOSED as of 6/28/2023.
fic prompts
tickle fic prompt list
30 more tickle prompts
underused adorable prompts
random tickle sentences/prompts
headcanon prompts
character dynamic headcanons meme
character tickling ask meme
character + body part meme
body part + tickle method game
200 followers game → event tag
last updated 1/30/2024.
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peletier · 4 months
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— ABOUT.   Mun is 35+. ANYTHING SHIP OR SMUT RELATED IS A NO-GO for people under the age of 21. If you are easily triggered, this may not be a blog for you. Mature or potentially triggering subjects present ranging from mental illness, blood, gore, sexual situations, gas lighting, mental manipulation and control, violent imagery, war, horror themes, murder, torture, suicide, self destructive behavior, loss of limbs, family loss, questionable intent, abuse, zombie apocalypse materlal, and mentions of drug and heavy alcohol use.
— PRIVATE / MUTUALS ONLY / DNI.   Please feel free to approach! Homophobic, transphobic, racist, Tr.ump/Pu.tin supporting, hating people based on their religious beliefs and generally crappy shit like that isn’t welcome on my dash!
— SHIP AGES. While there is no hard limit on age caps. I reserve the right to restrict age limits on fc's and characters. Especially when it comes to shipping.
— RELATIONSHIPS/KIDS/ETC.   I roll with chemistry. Highly dependent character. Canons may have various outcomes. Platonic relationships encouraged! I do not accept any oc children for Carol. From my personal headcanons, I won't write with Sophias that survived. Her death changes the course of Carol's life in the most pivotal way on the show and I want to keep that essential part of my Carol. OCs loved with plotting so we can make it stick and have all the good things! Send me your ladies! Older muses loved and adored! I won't do pregnancy plots or Carol taking in any more children as adopted kids. After Henry? She'd rather support the children around her that need it in the ways she can while not becoming their 'mother'. Aunt Carol is way open for grabs on a limited, we gotta jive basis!
— FOLLOWING.   Give me a little bit to check out your blog if you follow. I like to know your rules out of respect! If I’m following, I want to interact.
— AFFILIATES, EXCLUSIVES AND MAINS.   Accepting on a limited basis for mains and a very limited basis for exclusives. My requirements are: We must be posting together regularly and be mutuals. Affiliates will come naturally. I don't mind being approached or approaching! I, normally, keep the number of the same characters I write with down to a small amount out of personal preference!
— NAUGHTY STUFF.   I enjoy writing mature threads. But will only do so with familiar partners. If it’s not your thing? We can fade to black! I’m 10000% fine with either. I do have a sideblog where all of my spicy threads go. TAG TO BLOCK ALL CONTENT OF THAT SORT ACROSS ALL MY BLOGS IS TW OOH LA LA! 
— MEMES, POST INFO & SPEED.   Memes are a great way to for mutuals to start interaction. If they are on my blog, they don't expire! I match my partner. There are times when I get hella inspired write bunches. I don’t do one-liners. I use small text and one icon that is static and the graphic changes per month. I can enlarge your text if needed. Blog will fluctuate in speed. If I don’t heart your reply, I might not have seen it. Sending me a link is great. Poking me to remind me about an ask is fine!
— PLEASE NOTE.   OOC drama won’t be tolerated. Constant negativity, bullying or harassment are a strict nope. Anons are always off! Open communication regarding any issues is welcome! I don’t have hidden passwords in my rules. Nor will I send in one from yours.
— GRAPHICS.   Icon template / promos / banners / theme are exclusively for this blog by me with a psd by vc-resources. DO NOT STEAL! Icons made by me. Capped by homeofthenutty.
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