rosemarywaterwitch · 1 year
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omg omg i still can’t believe it 😍
After showing my boyfriend tons and tons of photos of altars and telling him how jealous I was of those he went ahead and bought me some of the most gorgeous pieces 😍😭
I’ll have to arrange everything and maybe I will get it done today + some better lighted photos but argh I am so happy!!!
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breelandwalker · 4 years
Your favourite way to „warm up“ and bless a new home ?
Wow, haven’t done this one in a while!
The first thing I did when I moved into my new flat was to clean everything, top to bottom, just to have a fresh start. Then I put away the essentials - dishes, linens, toiletries, immediate-need clothing, and medicines - and started putting up small decorations with personal significance. This makes the place feel like home and gives a sense of ownership.
The first piece of furniture I put in place was the altar bookcase, and even though I didn’t set up the full display until a few days in, I got a candle burning on top of it to cleanse the space and get those good vibes in through scent. I also played music and sang while I cleaned and sorted and unpacked, again to raise that good energy and give that sense of ownership.
Once I had enough space to work in and had unpacked some of my ritual tools, I went around with burning herbs and salt to cleanse the individual rooms, and drew protective sigils in chalk over the doors and windows.
All of this took several days. The actual full (much more complicated) warding ritual didn’t end up happening until about a month later. Most of the procedure just involved claiming the space and making it my own, and laying in basic protections until I had the time, the space, and the energy to perform the full ritual.
I do find that this layering approach works well, particularly if you’re working with limited spoons or a busy schedule. That way, you still get the place cleansed and warded, but you don’t end up exhausting yourself when you still have a mountain of boxes to unpack.
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squonkalicious · 6 years
I just got a reading from the wonderful Blake at @rosemarywaterwitch and can I say, its one of the best reading’s I’ve received. Incredibly accurate and she is wonderful to work with. Thank you <3
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wifeofbughuul · 6 years
Hi it’s me again 😅 I just saw that you also offer tarot readings and yeah my cards just roast me and are not very helpful. Could you give me a reading on my relationship? Only if you feel comfortable doing this please!! ❤️
@rosemarywaterwitch - i’m so sorry for the delay and you probably got a better answer than what I can do. but I finally have the energy. 
I pulled strength. 
What my interpretation is that you should use your immediate impulses to your strength, and create bridges. 
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I offer you an open ear, for every time life drags you down and you need someone to talk to. I offer you a meme for ever time you need something to laugh at (quality and shitty ones tho). If you don't mind, I'd love to get an energy reading from you. I'm blake and a cancer 🦀 The word I'd like to include is flower 🌹🌻 thank you so much Meg!!
I love and accept your offering.
Tides shift in and out, the Moon’s soft glow illuminating their movements. Bits of seaglass are left behind and a lone set of footprints are found in the sand. A pile of small rocks has been piled up and there is nothing but the approaching sea that threatens them. Shards of shattered seashells defend the sea and a cool mist settles over the beach to hide it. 
Offering Basket
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bath-witch-blog · 7 years
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Have some pictures of my recent bath magic!
This is my favorite type of ritual to do, usually centering around self love/motivation (for me anyway). I simply adore creating an environment of positivity and relaxation, and then getting to thoroughly enjoy the fruits of my labors. 🕯️🛀🔮
The first picture is of tonight’s self esteem boosting sigil-charged bath. I drew the (messy) sigils using my two favorite Lush shower gels, Plum Rain and Rose Jam. I thought both of them were appropriate for confidence and love! And the sigils I used were “I am a Goddess” from @rosemarywaterwitch and a Glamour sigil from @ritual-and-chaos meaning notice my beauty and charm". (I focused this sigil towards myself). I also added a few drops off lavender essential oil to help me sleep.
Other items I used in these two baths were Epsom salt for my sore muscles, rose bombshell bath bomb (pictured), tisty tosty bath bomb, a satchel of love related flower petals, burgundy ritual candles, honey and cinnamon(face mask).
I love drawing my sigils beforehand and then activating them by up filling up the tub. I’m curious, what are some ways that you all love to charge your bath water with sigils?
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ruleofmxne · 7 years
Hi! If you still do readings I'd love to have a reading from you 🙈 if it's possible it would be awesome if you can focus on friends and education (university starts next week for me and I am exciteeeed) thank you so much and have a lovely day! c;
Hello dear! Hope you have a lovely day, too! For convenience, I’ll give you two separate readings, one focused on friendships and one on your education. Ready? Go!
The reading on your friendships shows these cards: The Devil, The Sun and The Fool.
You’re a free spirit and tend to be mainly cheerful, but sometimes you might slip and go down rabbit holes that might not be the happiest places in your mind.
The Devil shows that you may sometimes feel uneasy, maybe even anxious when it comes to the friendships that you have. Maybe a friend or some of your friends is not as good for you as you may think - they may be toxic for you, so watch out.
The Sun is a happy card. You’re happy with the group of friends that you have and that’s a good thing. Just be sure not to be consumed by the toxic ones and get rid of them as swiftly as possible.
The Fool puts emphasis on the other two cards: you might not want to lose those friends and trust them blindly, but you have to do yourself a favor: cut. them. off. If you’ve been looking for a sign to do this, then this is it.
The reading concerning your education: Nine of Swords, Seven of Wands and Seven of Pentacles.
The Nine of Swords shows worry and anxiety. You’ll be in doubt, question your choices and your place in the University, but worry not. Your choices are good and you must follow your guts.
The Seven of Wands, once again, show internal conflict - further proving my previous point.
The Seven of Pentacles prove that your hard work will give you what you deserve - you’ll be thriving and be happy with the work put in your education. Just stay on track. 
Remember that my reading can be not accurate, so don’t take my word as the ultimate truth. Take care!
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rosemarywaterwitch · 1 year
I moved. Again.
But this time, things are different. I am at peace. After my last apartment was bs and completely molded, I am finally at peace.
I have a wonderful kitchen with enough space to do things (kitchen witchcraft y’all!!) - and most importantly I HAVE A GARDEN. It’s not huge, but it’s mine.
I can finally grow things. I can build my little zone. And it’s just mine right now. After everything that happened over the years, I finally feel like I am at a comfortable place.
Not in survival mode, not in a fight or flight mode.
just safe.
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Dana you are beautiful! Not just on the outside, but on the inside! I've had the honour to talk to you and I have to say you are a wonderful being 💕 and heck, I don't know a lot of girls that can rock short hair as you do! It's ok if you sometimes can't feel the love for yourself, just know that there are people out here that love you!
Blake, you are so kind. Thank you so much for everything!
💖 💖
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raven-maned-lokean · 6 years
Hiiiii! I heard your working with hel? And I saw some posts tagging fenrir? Niiice to meet you ☠️😄🙈
Hello! Nice to meet a fellow pagan who works with Hel and Fenrir. Although,Admittedly, I haven’t heard from her in a while and Fenrir and I have a uh....complicated relationship, They seriously are the best! Again, very nice to meet you and thanks for sayin’ hi!
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witchblrloves · 7 years
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Shoutout to @rosemarywaterwitch
Submitted by anonymous
- Mod Torque
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So I've been meaning to do this for a while. This is a masterpost of all the witch/ pagan/ supernatural/ that kind of aesthetic blogs I follow. If I tagged you wrongly, or you don't want to be on the list tell me. IDK, of I get enough flack for this I'll probably just take it down. Also, feel free to tag more people that you think I forgot... Here we go
@angelauraoracle @theplantwitch @midnight4ever @the-greenhedge-witch @therewillbegreenmagic @haunted-agenda @gay-germy-goblin @kattheforestelf @ladybrookelleherbalmagick @saccharinegreen @ofwinterwhispers @thatsunflowerwitch @sevenofcoins @sagebetweenthepages @rosemarywaterwitch @sylverra @spiritspodcast @queercultleader @lands-end-ada @pawsonpawsonpaws @witcheshaven @teaberrymagic @scarletravenswood @haunting-hibiscus @cici-the-enby-witch @yourwitchmama @darkwitcher @stormygal-jaderose @theblessedbee @green-garden-witch @witchywinters @the-witches-grimoire @in-her-broomcloset @rabidbograt @moonflowerspirits @crystalcircle @herbs-and-nerds @lululudoeswitchstuff @bookofshadows-grimoire @dainty-delicate-witch @itsanonbinarywitch @magickalwitchling @eith-ne @rosewitchhh @gardenfoxywitch @basil-witch @welcome-the-magick @jacethewitch @queenofspookystuff @sunlightfarm
Um, it won't let me tag anymore people. Is that normal? I still have two and a half more pages to go... So, I guess I'll continue if I don't get roasted by the steak
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fernthewhimsical · 4 years
“Sharable” witchcraft
A question I want to ask those who share their path on social media:
How do you decide what to share and what to keep for yourself?
This is something that has been on my mind lately. In this time I’ve been working a lot on very personal, individual things. Connecting with deity, crafting things that have to do with worship, art magic about self love and acceptance. For the first time in a long time I’ve been doing things just for me, not worrying about if this is something that can be shared on things like social media, or how I could adapt this into a lessonplan for the witchs’ circle that I teach. And I love that. It really feels that for the first time in years I’m reconnecting with myself, and through that, reconnecting with my path.
However, I do want to share things with others. I want to have conversations with other witches and pagans about our personal paths and about magic. So much content is aimed at the beginner witches (which is by no means a bad thing!), but what I’m really interested in is the personal stories. The personal theories that go beyond the 101 and go deeper. I want to contribute to those conversations. I also consider myself somewhat of a teacher, in a way. I feel called to share in that way: to inspire, to educate, to bring a spark of joy and creativity.
What I’m struggling with is where to join the two. What to share and what to keep for myself. It’s been such a difficult time for me lately that everything that happens feels very intimate, very personal. But I do want to put content out there again.
So I guess what I’m asking is: how do you choose?
I’m tagging some people whose input I would love, however, please in no way feel obligated to answer this question.  @mrs-k-cottage-witch @modern-hearth-witch @losgunna @rosemarywaterwitch @stormwaterwitch
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luna-tormenta · 4 years
Dikhomênia Ritual May 2020
For my full moon ritual tonight, I did a "self-love" spell with Persephone. This spell was based off of @interstellarhart spell linked below!
In this spell you chant;
"I am lovely,
I am kind.
Show me that I am Divine"
But in front of "show me", I added Persephones name.
I used all the ingredients of @interstellarhart as well as adding a mixture of flowers as an offering for the guidance of Perse and her help in aiding me in this spell.
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Next, I took some "make your own tags" that I found at Dollar General for $1 (!!!) And painted it black and drew a sigil created by @rosemarywaterwitch (link is below!) https://luna-tormenta.tumblr.com/post/617417476920262656/rosemarywaterwitch-a-sigil-for-i-love-and
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This was my end result! Im so happy with it!😍
Next was my Full Moon offering for Hades, Persephone, Demeter, and Clíodhna, my Deities. As well as offerings for my companions and spirit family, along with Eunice L. who I am glad I met at the graveyard! (She let me take some dirt near her tombstone as well💜)
I gathered some offerings of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, a spoonful of honey and an apple, paired with Non-Alcoholic Rosé Sparkling Juice. Along with Patchouli Incense.
Next, I gathered items that I hold dearly and close for my deities and companions.
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I then spoke to all of them and offered my thanks and love for them all. I thanked them for their guidance and passionate love towards me. And meditated for a few minutes on what my goals are for this month.
Then, I blew out the candles.
This was such a lovely Dikhomênia and I feel so blessed to have so much love and guidance from all that surrounds me.
I hope you all have as wonderful of a night as I have truly had.
Many blessings and love upon you all!💜
-Lúthiena 🌻✨🌜
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ivythewitch · 5 years
What are some of your favorite witch blogs?
My top shout out goes to my amazingly kind, handsome friend with a truly poetic and bardic soul @thebasildruid He has helped me through many a crisis in my years here on tumblr, always checking in on me when I go MIA AND on top of all that runs an awesomely informative and helpful blog. If I could live in both Florida and the Midwest, I would live near him. 
@grayladyofthewell is next on my list, partly because we have been mutuals for flipping ever, even though we don’t talk, they are one of my internet imaginary friends. I am always comforted to see their reblogs, and love to see their study phases that they go through. (I am using they, because I honestly have no idea what their pronouns are) 
@breelandwalker yes she runs one of the popular tumblr witch blogs, but their blog deserves it. They post an insanely awesome amount of information and are always speaking their truth in their posts. Love it. 
@wiccateachings is a blog I have loved following, because they post a lot of informative stuff that I keep my for resource pages and BOS
@eirecrescent and @90377 for their aesthetically pleasing posts
@bekkathyst for her sheer amount of Rocks and Nature scenes and great sales on quality minerals. 
@rosemarywaterwitch I have just followed for a long time, and just really enjoy
I think that is plenty lol. I do not really interact much with other bloggers, even though I would like to, I am just really lazy and a bit shy. Hard to make friends online lol
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madamehearthwitch · 5 years
have you seen the latest ask rosemarywaterwitch got? What’s your opinion on that?
Uhh no? I don’t get the point of this ask? It’s not my business? This feels like a trap.
I got curious, and I’m stupid cuz I was drinking last night haha. So umm.
Gatekeepers suck. Shitheads like that anon stay anon because they know they’re worthless pieces of crap and don’t dare post that stuff on main.
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