#rotted my critical thinking skills away
sibella · 1 year
watching us tour + choncert in like a 2 week span did very bad things to my brain
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byunpum · 11 months
Some Brain rot I liked to share
For " I can be a better father " series is my fave and since MC is technically the eldest out of all her siblings, I liked to think Neteyam looked up to his older sister to able to adapt and skilled with almost everything to hunting, warrior tactic ( even if she can't join in with the war party she dose strategies in aid and it mostly works as she good at planning), healing with medicine and improving it, arts like weaving and pottery, and taking care of children
Even if she is human she adapted well with her adopted brother Spider
But what make him consider the elder sibling is because as there an incident that his sister saved him but it leaves her critical injured and it made him very protective of her as she is not Na'vi liked them or the others
She and Spider will die if they are not careful enough, a fear he developed from that incident in secret
I love it, I think the incident that awakened these overprotective intents of neteyam. It was a hunt, which you and neteyam had been planning for weeks. It was a secret thing you were going to do, tsu'tey never used to let you go out hunting alone. He knew how good you are, and that you could defend yourself. But it was still too dangerous for you. And so it was, the attack of a thanator, wounded you heavily. The creature had Neteyam cornered in a log, the boy tried to defend himself but in useless. It wasn't until Y/N drew his bow, and with a single arrow he hit the creature in the head. The beast had enough time to turn around and run towards Y/N. Causing her to fall to the ground, and tearing her with its sharp claws. This left you badly injured, almost unconscious. Luckily for both of you, the creature fled through the wound Y/N had inflicted, running away and getting lost in the forest. Neteyam ran as fast as he could to his sister, he had tears coming out of his eyes, he felt so responsible for this. He was to blame for everything, he was supposed to take care of you and here you are. Neteyam held you in his arms and ran as fast as he could to the village.
From that day on, he promised to take care of you. Not only you, but spider. You might be older than him, but it was his duty to take care of you. I think after that incident he would look up to you a lot more…you saved his life. And you risked yours, you almost died. And yet you were now combing his hair, only 4 months after the attack. You were his role model, neteyam promised to be the best warrior of the clan to protect you. Because no one and nothing was going to touch his great sister.
I always talk about spider and Y/N. But I think in the lifetime of Y/N. Neteyam and Y/N would be very close, even closer than spider. This would cause stupid jealousy between siblings. But they would calm down…neteyam and y/n are so much alike. They have almost the same taste…some would say they are twins but from other species.
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spammynegrutou · 8 months
Hi! Once again the Riku brain rot has consumed my entire being, so here's some headcanons I've created (not in any particular order).
He's Handy! He can fix almost anything. He loves tinkering with his Gummi Ship!
His favorite food is grilled fish! White fish specifically, like flounder, sea bass, tilapia, etc. And he has a taste for savory treats, which combats Sora's sweet tooth.
He comes from a loving home. He loves his parents, a lot and they love him. However, his biological mother passed away when he was 7ish (after BBS, but before Kairi arrived). His father became emotionally unavailable for a while, until he met Riku's stepmom. She filled her motherly role over Riku and he thanks her for it. He loves his step mom!!!
His dad taught him a variety of things like: self defense, how to fix common things, fishing, basic survival skills, and the basics of building
He moved out after KH2, and got his own place. The reason why is because after everything he's been through he needs his own space to brood about how small everything is. Albeit sad, his father approved and has the land lady check up on him every so often 🥺 Riku helps outs his elderly land lady and pays rent on TIME! He's a responsible boy 😊
Riku isn't all into fashion but he can DRESS. He loves a good "urban/street wear" look, and fucks heavy with grunge. He appreciates the chains and skull designs that come with "punk" fashion but doesn't think he can pull it off
Riku doesn't spend a needless amount of time on his looks. He has gel for his hair, a skin care routine, and a nighttime ritual to keep his hygiene up. He's very much a pretty boy in our eyes, but that's just his genes. He does the bare minimum to keep himself looking presentable
Speaking of his looks, he surprisingly gets his good genes from his dad. The muscles, the hair, the jaw line, all from his old man. His father was most definitely a looker back in the day! That being said, Riku has his mother's smile and her eyes. He also carries her temperament with him.
Along with tinkering being a hobby of his, he likes video games too! But he's not a complete shut in video game nerd. Riku LOVES the outdoors. The wilderness calls him like he's a feral animal !!! He likes camping, and fishing! He's the main guy on the islands you'd go to for some handy survival tips. He knows a good amount of edible plants, fungi, berries, leaves, and etcetera to eat if he ever got stranded. He has one or two books on that kind of stuff but he doesn't read it anymore.
After the events of KH2, Riku didn't go back to highschool. Instead he got a GED (or KH equivalent) online and started taking community college courses. He's doing it to make his dearly departed mother proud.
To add on to that, Riku is a fast learner. He's quite intellectual when it comes to mathematics, some history, and biology but please don't ask him why the author made the curtains blue 😭 the boy is emotionally stunted. He is NOT using critical thinking when it comes down to poetry or thick prose. He has some emotional intelligence but compared to Sora, he might as well have the emotional capacity of a brick wall 😭
Alright! That's all I have for now (it's 5am, I should be sleeping) if I have any more I'll post em lol
XOXO Mx. Jade 💕
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chiwhorei · 8 months
The half assed, idiotic, and completely off topic arguments that I have seen on that post is truly disgusting. You should run for office with the level of critical thinking skills and abundance of moral superiority you have. I hope you sleep well at night thinking you saved the world. I hope that feels so much less confusing and out-of-your-control than simply leaving something alone.
I hope the people that think works of fiction are CP can re-educate themselves. I hope that if you got bated into such a sensationalized post, that you can start seeing past scary words and delete your reblog.
And if anyone, anyone utilized the fucking phone numbers at the bottom of that horrendous call-out to report fiction to an already overburdened system— I hope you rot in hell. And I mean that with my whole heart, because you literally took away the time and recourses that could have been spent on actually CSAM/child abuse.
I know that it feels good to be on the side that seems like it has it all figured out. And I know it’s very palatable to have a villain to all fight against, but this was one of the biggest L takes I’ve seen in recent memory.
I hope I never find out who OP really is, because whoever it is? One of the most calculated fucking idiots I’ve ever seen shit on this dash in real time. Sincerely, on main and with my whole heart and soul, go fuck yourselves. (Plural because I think this was a coordinated effort from several people.)
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byte-the-bullet · 6 months
A slacker’s philosophy
Page 1-Motivation and Yue
Don’t do anything more than you’re told to-you might have extra pressure put on you.
Never say no, but only do what you’re asked to-do not take initiative.
Live comfortably and relax, who needs stress when you’re doing just fine as a doormat?
Do the bare minimum. Never turn things in early and make sure everything is done to the minimum standard.
All play, no work-find a way to escape responsibilities at all costs. No matter who you see, are they really happy? The overachievers, who try everything to their fullest.
The advanced, being told they’re gifted.
The talented, worshiped by those beneath them.
The famous, with lives of sparkling gold.
But the slacker? The failure? Those who are called lazy, and ignorant?
Ignore them, we are told. 
They are useless scum, we are assured.
But then we see those people who have told us these things.
The overachievers, who will soon meet failure-tears streaming down their faces.
The advanced, thrown away and exhausted-told they are broken and needy.
The talented, crumbling at jealousy and dwindling skill-dropping dead at a hint of criticism.
The famous, surrounded by controversy and lies-brought blood by those who once loved them.
See, the slacker who spends all day in blissful rest.
See, the failure who has no worries about their future.
See, the ignorant who are unaware of the things others think. 
They all share in common these things, they do not fear death, they live life without regret, they exist not to be great-but to be happy. ‘Slacker’ is a compliment, to be a failure is to be happy.
And he is happy. This ‘Slacker’ is named Yue Lynne, a young man with the gift of being completely, and utterly, useless. Yue is the very definition of a slacker-he sits around all day, every day. A middle school dropout who used to be a prodigy, now going around living in a run-down tiny house without heating and without electricity or water, not old enough to drink, and without a driver’s license. He works part time at a call center, and just kind of… Exists. Yue doesn’t worry, he doesn’t stress, he just casually exits. Well… Today is just another day, Yue is just lounging around in the break room at his work, taking his sweet time falling asleep in the not-so-comfortable plastic chairs, looking at the peeling light gray walls and the dust-packed vents, the refrigerator he’s stolen food from so many times before, and the stupidly heavy metal door. Yue stands up, yawning and walking over to the dirty white refrigerator-he only stood up because he had to eat something-and so he pulled open the refrigerator door, eyeing up someone else’s lunch and quickly snatching it, making sure to avoid the unidentified rotting substance near his hand. He popped the food in the microwave for about a minute, then proceeded to eat it without even bothering to read the label on the container or check what kind of food it was. He didn’t even take a second to taste the food, instead wolfing it down until there was nothing left-only to come to the realization that there was another man watching him eat. “Yue.” And that other man looked very upset. “That was my lunch, you bastard…” Yue, however, completely ignored this-responding with a quick-“Oh? Okay, I won’t do it again.” Of course this was a lie, but the other man simply shook his head and walked off with a sigh. By now it was about time to leave, it’s not like Yue ever stuck around for the full work day-especially not when he knew that he was getting paid to do nothing; he’d disconnected his company phone and computer years ago on his first day. And of course everyone knew; and everyone wondered how Yue was getting away with it… Maybe he’d somehow cornered the company, or maybe their boss just liked Yue? No, Yue hadn’t done anything like that-he’d be too lazy to come up with some elaborate plot. But there he was. Four years of doing absolutely jack shit, hired at 18, turning 21 in September, with a cozy life of daydreaming and sleep ahead of him. He was the definition of a slacker, an eternal laze without wants or needs, someone unbothered by the world and people around him… He could go wherever he wanted on foot, do whatever he wanted with a hundred in his pocket, and exist in peace forever. On a whim, he decided to go to a nearby church, peering inside he couldn’t help but laugh to himself-so many people all putting in such an effort when a good 70% don’t even believe all of it. He shook his head and kept walking, stopping dead in his tracks as he looked over at a poster-a new art gallery? Here? In this flavorless city? He had to see it, so for once in his life he made an effort to get there.
Kicking trash out of the sidewalk and putting it in dustbins as he walked, collecting the occasional old coin or ripped paper bill, all the way until he made it to the gallery-an art museum he’d been to many times before just to laugh at the people dissecting a paint splatter on the floor. At one point he glued a shoe to the ceiling and watched stuck-up critics praise the ‘creativity’ and ‘excellence’-only for Yue to be unable to hold in his laughter. This time however, he was greeted by a stunning ceramic sculpture of some kind of ancient dragon ten feet tall, an impossible feat to be sure. He stood there for a good thirty minutes, just staring at it, taking in the sight. His human, pale green eyes locked on the dragon’s light blue eyes, his pale skin shimmering like the beautiful sculpture’s cold white scales, his hand reached out to graze the sculpture- to trail over it’s carefully crafted teal ceramic fur, despite the twenty or so ‘DO NOT TOUCH’ signs pasted around it. He was awestruck, only to be pulled away by one very confused looking woman. “Are you alright sir?” Yue ignored her, completely enamored with the sculpture until he was smacked on the head. “Snap outta it, I get that it’s pretty but it’s just a sculpture.” The woman was now crass, rolling her eyes. “You art geeks sure are a weird ass bunch.” She proceeded to walk off, leaving Yue significantly confused and now slightly concussed. After taking one last look at the dragon, Yue had to remind himself-“Just… Just a sculpture. Nothing more.” And he began walking to observe the other new exhibits. Each piece was intricate, all forming something incredible-he now stood in front of a clay landscape of deep China blue and cold white, detailing a heaven that was far too beautiful for him to avert his gaze from, each ceramic animal was so detailed, gazing over a lake of mirror, and a waterfall stopped in time made of stunning silver glass-each and every leaf or blade of grass was delicately sculpted and polished-and Yue just… He couldn’t look away. But again he was interrupted, this time by a young man his age-“Do you like it?” The young man’s head tilted, and Yue responded quickly this time-“Yes, I-I… It’s beautiful.” The young man gave a slight giggle, “Oh, you do? Then tell me why you think it’s beautiful.” Yue didn’t spare a moment before again responding-“Because it must’ve been ridiculously stressful.” The man’s eyes narrowed a little bit in confusion, and he quietly responded-“Well… That’s certainly a… ‘Unique’ view..? Why do you think it’d be stressful..?”
Yue again responded instantly, “Nobody would put that much effort into something without a reason to, so it’s safe to assume that the reason was some kind of pressure.” Now thoroughly baffled, the young man responds-“Well… I guess that makes sense..?” Yue looks at the younger man fully now, he’s around the same height as Yue with pale freckled skin and doe like hazel and green eyes, thin eyebrows and a rather tiny frame too. The young man’s bitten down nails are attached to soft looking hands grasping a studio camera, and his relaxed shoulders carry a small leather messenger’s bag. His hair is a rusted umber color, held in a short ponytail and accompanied by sideswiped bangs. “Are you some kind of photographer? Do you work for the museum?” Yue stepped back, and the other man now stepped forward with a smile. “Yes! I’m a photographer, I mean- I don’t work for the museum but- I do work for a few arts magazines! My name is Leo Mux!” Yue hadn’t heard his name before, other than the occasional mention from the magazine’s his mom had kept, but he attempted to meet the enthusiastic reply-“Oh, my name is Yue Lynne, I think I’ve heard of you…” Leo immediately lit up even more, now directly invading Yue’s personal space. “Really?! That’s great! I had no idea that anyone all the way out here would know about me!” Leo seemed all too excited, and was now only half a foot away from Yue-who not only didn’t mind, but enjoyed being able to talk to someone so energetic. “I’ve seen your name on a few magazines, yeah.” Yue responded, and Leo happily nodded and backed away-this time Yue was the one to close the gap and get closer to Leo. “Wow… I had no idea..!” Leo’s response was a bit too enthusiastic for Yue, but he tolerated it well and kept talking to him. “So… Leo, what do you like taking pictures of?” Leo finally quit moving around so much, seeming a lot calmer. “Just about anything I can get pa-“ Yue cut him off with-“No, what do you like taking photos of?” And Leo paused, a little stunned, then responded with a bright smile, “Everything! Sometimes I just run around with my old cheap camera and take pictures of everything in sight…” ‘He’s like a little kid.’ Yue couldn’t help but think, before getting an idea. “Oh? Everything? Then if I took you around the city, you’d end up with a bunch of photos at the end of the day, right?” Yue’s idea was simple-and just about the most effort he’d ever put into anything; take Leo, and drag him around the city, post the photos on the city hall’s webpage (and a few social media sites) and hopefully get one or two new faces into the dreary ass place. Yue didn’t really understand why he was exerting so much effort, but he had the time, and the energy, and now… “Yeah! That’d be amazing-thanks for offering!” He had Leo’s response. And so Yue went home after securing Leo’s number, and spent the rest of the day doing absolutely nothing.
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lordoftablecloths · 1 year
vent post i guess i dont know i just wanted to write stuff down instead of just go ing to bed and crying over it you can just scroll past it
im fine im sane im noramal im so unbleiveably cringe ,, the only person i have irl- fuck, or even online for that matter- to show the dumbass things i write is my silly little dumbass younger brother who doesn;t understand what im trying to get at and i guess its not his fault, i seriously doubt he's spent unhealthy amounts of time making various short scenerios in his head about charcters he came up with and eventually trying to give them a story and write little things about them in google docs because where else am i supposed to put this and its just ,, he doesnt know wht im trying to do and i dont know how to explain it to him because the "history" i gess behind it is so fucking complicated by now that these characters arent even the same characters as they were when i originally created them, other than some physical attributes and their names and he just knows them as the random cringe shit i made up in middle school but so many years have passed by now that these stupid fuckers whose only purpose to serve is to make me stop remembering that i exist and ive gotten too attatched to them because who else was i supposed to get attatched to when i was going through an identity crisis at the time- and, quite frankly, still fucking am- and it was so much easier to pretend i dont exist and just project my flaws and insecurities and underlying subconcsious thoughts into these charactes that no one knows about except me and oh god im just created a long ass vent post on tumblr that no one's going to read and no one understands the story behind fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck whatever ill go ahead and post this unfinished thing because no one's going to get it either way ill probably delete it later if it doesnt get buried under reblogs
dont think too much about this i just got sad because my brother was giving me a bunch of criticism on an outline of a story i was working on- which is fair, i need to take criticism- but he only knows the characters in it as their semi-formed cringe versions so i chickened out half way and now i feel bad because i was really proud of this thing for the whopping span of like one day before i decided to show it to another human person instead of letting it rot away inside of me like i usually do and now i feel bad about my writing skills
im trying so hard to just take his words with a grain of salt because this kid does not have nearly as much experience with writing as i do, but i feel like im copying too many of my inspirations (DnD, generic fantasy story about defeating evil creature, silly tropes, etc,,) which sucks because that was just like the first two pages of the outline and theres nine fucking pages and like the second half of it was what i put the most effort into and i felt like the ideas were really origianl but i could make myself let him naturally get to that part of the outline because i was starting to feel really bad and wieerd and oh god he is looking at ideas i havent ever expressed to another human person even though i am very familaiar with because i came up with them and they havebeen in my head for at least a year or two by now and have been haunting me ever since so instead of skipping ahead to the parts that were really good in my opinion but would have made no sense without context i just told him to piss off i gues s
i dont know. i feel dumb. i feel stupid. ive put so much effort into this stuff and the concept that ive been wasting my time feels like too heavy of a weight to handle. god none of this porbobably nmakes any sense ,,,,,,,,, i guess this is why i feel miserable when the fanart and shitpost memes i post get a comically larger audience and attention than the art relating to my silly goofy ocs, because these stupid fucking characters are all thats keeping me going . call me cringe, but is it still cringe if the concept that maybe i too can be around people that love me and instead of having to like me in spite of my faults love me for them keeps me from fucking killing myself is it still cringe?
if a tree falls in a forest and no one's around, does its fall even make a sound? (shit piss fuck sorry i dont remember the original quote and all i can remember is tha t one line from that one musical i dont remember what it was)
if an autistic moron that cant even talk to a cashier without having a panic attack makes a universe full of fictional characters of his own cfreation then an alternate universe, then several alternate universes, then a spin off from that original universe and etc etc but its all just on google fucking docs and no where else except deleted excerpts from a dead wattpad account, did he ever even create anything at all?
its pointless. its all so fucking pointless. its a waste of time. why do i do this at all. its so fucking pointless. it makes no fucking sense. you cant just make a story with characters in it, then make a fucking fantasy au of that universe with the same characters but with different designs and wildly different personalities and then make a whole fucking complicated lore-filled story about the fantasy au version while the original universe's story is still left mostly unfinished like forget about a first draft of the text i havent even finished the first ddraft of the outline yet buckarooooooo
okay fuck you guys thats all i want to tell you im going to go pretend to myself to try to go to sleep and then cry now
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When it comes to ghouls becoming feral, I imagine it's a slow process.
Since feralization is the process of the brain quite literally rotting away, it's likely that before it gets advanced, symptoms would include:
Prone to violence
Degradation of critical thinking skills
Short term memory loss
Hallucinations, auditory and visual
Issues in balance
These are just of the symptoms of early stage feralization. I don't believe the brain to be completely destroyed because it's clear that Ferals have some memory left, likely the long term, and would most certainly need the brain in order to move around. Saying that, I also believe that we do see a ghoul in the process of becoming feral.
I present to you, Roy Phillips. He's an unhinged ghoul who upon being helped will both murder everyone in Tenpenny tower, and give you mask made of ghoul flesh. Those are not the reactions of a sane man. So it is my theory that he is becoming feral. He is in the very beginning stages and likely has poor decision making skills as a result, and his hatred of those in Tenpenny has been blown out of control.
I think Dashwood was likely killed by Roy himself, as a result of Roy no longer being able to distinguish between those who don't mind ghouls, and those who hate them. Sure Roy is neutral with the player, but the player has shown Roy they can be trusted, while Dashwood only has his word.
Now later stages is where things get funky for ferals. Due to the brain's degradation, sepsis is highly probable and is likely what creates the ghouls with pustules and cysts the size of melons. Those who don't will slowly lose the ability to speal beyond simple sentences, and will likely act very similar to a lobotomized patient. As they degrade more and more they rely more on their instincts.
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huntingknife7 · 1 year
i know this is all i ever talk about regarding art but if i don't ill just have all the thoughts repeating on a loop in my head and i explode. anyway being such a cripplingly self critical person is hell when it comes to. okay anything but creative endeavors especially. im so fucking jealous of other artists but i feel really shitty about it because it is really childish. nobody gets where they are without actually doing the work uknow. i just cant even fucking begin because i get so so so so frustrated and angry at myself for not being good enough. its so stupid!! ! ! i dont feel theres even a point to making art if it fucking sucks always and im not gonna show anyone anyway which is obviously a really unhealthy mindset LMAO. i see art by other people and instead of being inspired i get upset because i know ill never be able to make art like that. i dont have the brain for it im not creative enough and i dont have the skills and my brain sucks too much for me to even try. its such a fucking cop out too like what is my fucking problem!!! each day i dont make art i feel my fucking soul or whatever it is i got rotting and decaying away and i feel more and more stuck and anxious the longer it goes on. thinking about drawing makes me feel bad. drawing makes me feel bad. not drawing makes me feel bad. i shoukd just die at this point tbh. the only productive thing ive ever done and i cant! do it! dont read this btw
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joosbasschick · 2 years
💗Pink Bunny🐰
Warnings: bf!Ivan x gf!reader, tooth rotting fluff, brief moment of crying, use of king and real names interchangeably, former member mentioned, gentle kissing, use of pet name (honey)
A/N: Yes, this is totally self-indulgent but after I saw Ivan perform with his new pink hair, I cried my eyes out remembering his pink hair pre-debut with the 8 Letters cover they did. I had to write this for my own sanity, so I hope you enjoy my emotional drabble that was TOTALLY not written at 3-4am... Feedback is always appreciated!!!♡
Looking at the tall idol in front of you, nothing could stop the gentle tears streaking down from your cheeks with light sniffles following behind. The panic on his face was so endearing and priceless in the moment. You couldn't hide the small giggle that escaped your quivering lips, making him worry even more.
"Honey, why are you crying?! D-does it not look good, i-is it that bad?" Yoosung quickly grabs your upper arms and pulls you closer, eyes darting all across your face with extreme worry.
This only caused you to cup his cheeks and press a gentle, soothing kiss to his. You could quickly feel his tense muscles relax as his hold on you loosens. Pulling away you quickly give a warm smile to your boyfriend, feeling Deja vu wash over you in the blink of an eye.
"Y/N! Look at me, my hair is really bright now!" Yoosung bounces over as soon as he spots you walking into the studio where their first official profile photos for Kingdom were going to be taken. His smile was bright, and the makeup was done beautifully, but the one thing that stood out was his bright pink hair. "Doesn't it look pretty? I'm so nervous for Kingmaker to see it..." He suddenly voices aloud.
"Nonsense, it looks so adorable on you. Just didn't think the corrupted King Ivan would sport bubble gummy pink hair." You tease, ruffling it totally forgetting he was getting pictures done soon. A stylist comes over and gently scolds you before fixing it. "I love it, this is going to be the start of your dream! You will be an Idol Yoosunggie!"
He beams a bright smile and giggles nervously, "Are you staying for the cover we worked on? I wanted to surprise you with it since we are going to film it for Kingmaker! It was our final evaluation song." He fiddles with his fingers nervously, praying you would have time since they really worked hard after such harsh criticism.
"Of course, I am! I was going to hang out at the dorm and help cook tonight, remember? Do you really trust Dongsik and Seungjun in the kitchen?" You scowl, chewing your lip nervously. Yoosung laughs, shaking his head in agreement that indeed, it was a terrible idea.
Soon enough Seungbo called everyone over to start the photo shoot. The group shots breezed by fairly quick with exellent and before you know it, it was time to hear your boyfriend sing with his group before they continued with solo shots. This would be the first time you got to actually hear him do anything with Kingdom. He was not at all confident in his skills in dancing, so you never saw him practice around you. He would sing for you all the time, loving to watch you smile and praise him for his high notes when he would belt out songs in karaoke for you. Yet he refused to show you anything he did with the group, excuses left and right. Now as you watch him focus on recording the cover with his members, you understand he wanted to make you proud and surprise you. He wanted to show you he was a king.
Once they got the okay for the recording, they disperse and you head straight for Ivan, wide smile as you tackle him from behind in a bear hug. He stumbles but keeps his balance as Mujin laughs from the affection.
"You did so wonderful, Vannie! I've never heard you sing like that before. It's like the hair color gave you super vocals!" you tease, giving him loads of praise before you turn and compliment Mujin and Jahan who were next to him, "And I didn't know you two have vocals like that, especially you Jahan!" They shyly bow in thanks until Arthur calls the two over, leaving you alone with Ivan and grinning ear to ear.
"So, you really liked it honey?" Yoosung asks, his voice even cracking out of pure nervousness. His hands find purchase around your waist to tug you closer, taking the alone time to get more intimate without being teased by the cloud king, Chiwoo.
"Liked it? Ivan, I loved it! It was perfect, you all sounded wonderful. The snow king has the prettiest voice to me, though..." You coo, arms around his neck to pull him down for eskimo kisses. He laughs, embarrassed before he gently presses a kiss to each corner of your mouth before pressing them your lips. From that day, you were utterly in-love and the proudest person of King Ivan.
"No Ivan, it's perfect..."
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
WIP Sunday
Woof I barely made this in time. I'd made a snarky comment about how WIP Sunday doesn't need to be 1200 words and then turned around and am offering 1800+ words. I am an actual clown. This one is a very rough ride, NGL.
Slick and Cody are both super angry and being enormous dicks to one another. And I know some idiot reader is going to read this and prolly accuse me of demonizing the Jedi because of Slick's very loud and critical takes on the Jedi. Just like...ignoring that is the character traits he's been given in canon. And maybe I'm being a little harsh labeling them as being an idiot but strawman tumblr arguments or ones made deliberately taking things in the worst amount of bad faith whilst ignoring the nuance of the topic is exhausting and I don't have the time or patience to engage in that bullshit.
So please, don't come for my throat, I don't espouse his radical ideals even if I do understand his message wasn’t completely wrong if you squint and turn your head to the side. Though at the end of the day, at its core it’s still very much a bad faith straw man argument.
As always this is super rough, has not even begun to be edited and I will prolly change it before it actually gets posted yadda yadda
When Cody came to, it was a confusing and slow process as his sluggish brain struggled to interpret and process what was going on. He was laying on a soft surface, the softest surface he’d felt in weeks of sleeping on duracrete with the thinest of threadbare blankets for padding.
His brain recognized it as a bed and noted the other subtle changes such as the fact that his arm didn’t feel completely on fire. He still felt like he’d been run over by a Walker but in comparison to how he’d felt earlier, even with the low-grade headache that always accompanied being stunned, he still felt markedly better.
Then the realize he’d been stunned set in and the memory of Slick standing over him glowering returned and Cody immediately tried to sit up only to find himself impeded by the fact he seemed to be strapped down to the bed.
When he looked down, it didn’t appear to be traditional binders so much as hastily tied rope and even strips of fabric in places. This gave Cody some hope because, with enough work, he might be able to squirm and wiggle enough to loosen the knots enough he could make his escape.
“Calm down, Commander. Those are just to make sure you don’t try and attack me while we’re talking.” Slick’s voice came from the foot of the bed, and the unfriendly-looking clone stood there, having appeared seemingly out of nowhere with his arms crossed over his chest.
“What the hell is this, Slick?”
“Some would classify it as helping though I doubt you’ll appreciate the amount of effort it took for me to cart your unconscious ass all the way back here.”
“Where is here?” Cody just glossed over that complaint, refusing to even acknowledge it.
“My ship, clearly.”
Cody couldn’t quite mask his inhale of shock as that news reached his ears. How the hell had Slick managed to pull that off?
“How…how are you not rotting in a prison cell right now?”
The other clone’s expression shuttered before his eyes and he was suddenly completely unreadable. “That’s really not any of your business.”
“Cut the bantha poodoo. You clearly escaped somehow but you actually seem to be thriving.”
“Ah, so you’re jealous I found my feet as a free man while you quite literally rotted away in some lower-level death trap.” Slick mused with an edge of vicious satisfaction. “I guess all those years of kissing the boots of your Jedi master didn’t really teach you any useful skills for anything beyond being a soldier.”
Anger kindled in Cody’s heart in the face of those taunting words. “If you think I give a whit for the words of a traitor, you’re vastly overestimating yourself.”
“Of course not. You’ve always been a sanctimonious prick. If you’d listened to me all those years ago on Christophis maybe you wouldn’t have to lead your men into literal slavery courtesy of the Empire.”
“You-” Cody looked absolutely apoplectic as white-hot rage welled within him and the sudden need to find a way to free himself and punch this shabuir in the mouth repeatedly until he couldn’t spew his bantha shit suffused his entire being. He started to yank at the bindings holding him to the bed with rage-fueled aggression.
He wanted to feel an ounce of satisfaction when Slick started to look at him warily and his hand drifted down to the butt of his blaster. Cody didn’t want to get stunned a second time in one day but if had even the tiniest of chances to punch Slick in the fact, he’d take that tradeoff.
“You don’t get to speak to me about Christophis ever. You betrayed your brothers and fellow soldiers and assisted the people trying to kill us. You got your brothers killed!”
“I’m a traitor for refusing to assist the bastards who enslaved us and used us as literal cannon fodder in their bantha shit war? Over more territory they were trying to steal from people who refused to give in to their expansionist ideals!”
“We weren’t slaves!”
“We were you’ve just got your head so far up your ass you cannot even recognize that even now, we’re still slaves. The Jedi and the Republic had years to fix our situation. To pass legislation to give us personhood, but instead, that was too damned inconvenient because Little Gods forbid their meat droid soldiers to get radial ideas like not wanting to perpetuate their bloody wars on the backs of their dying brothers.”
“Sithspit, you’re just trying to justify your selfish actions during the war!”
“The same could be said for you, vod.” Slick spat that word like it was venomous or unclean. “You’re just as complicit in the slavery of your own brothers. You should have been advocating for us from the start. If even a handful of you kriffing Clone Marshals had put your foot down and fought for us then maybe we wouldn’t be in this position now where our brothers are being treated as the actual property of the Empire.”
Those words hit especially hard, and Cody couldn’t suppress his flinch when they struck true and dug bloody barbs in his heart. Slick’s words only echoed the things that had been running through his mind for months now.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said somewhat lamely.
“I know firsthand what I’m talking about. You wondered how I escaped prison? I didn’t, the Empire gathered all of us imprisoned clones and were going to ship us off to some place where they were probably going to dissect or experiment on us. It was sheer luck that they got intercepted by a cell of brothers who were freeing us before we could disappear into an Imperial blacksite.” Slick stated flatly, his expression and eyes deadly serious.
“If Captain Howzer and his men hadn’t found us, I doubt I’d be alive.”
Cody’s eyes went wide with shock. “Howzer is alive? I thought we’d lost him on Ryloth.”
“Nope, he questioned his masters too much, and they threw him in an Imperial prison. He was going to suffer a fate similar to mine when he was rescued by a team of rogue clones rescuing other clones. That’s what I’ve been doing for the past few months. Trying to find and rescue as many brothers as I can and getting them off of Coruscant and out of Imperial captivity.”
Cody found himself frowning as he ceased pulling at his bindings. He hadn’t heard anything about this in his time. There had been a marked increase of clones who had defected, and he’d chalked it up to them getting fed up with the Empire as he had.
Maybe some of them had ended up being exfiltrated by clones like Slick, of all people. For some reason, that thought unsettled him to his very core.
“And what? Now you’re suddenly a freedom fighter trying to rescue as many clones as possible?” He didn’t even bother to try and mask his skepticism.
“I’ve always been a freedom fighter for our brothers. And unlike you lot living in your lofty towers above the rest of us, I’ve actually been making effective changes in the lives of our brothers.”
“I’m sure you thought of our brothers when you took Ventress’s blood money.”
Slick’s jaw went tight enough that the muscles in it bunched up as he bit down on his molars hard enough he very nearly broke them.
“Yes, I karked up, I’m man enough to admit that, unlike certain people in this room. But I spent nearly three years enjoying Republic hospitality, I won’t rest until every clone has been rescued from Imperial captivity. Including sanctimonious little shits like yourself.”
“I’m sure you’re doing this from the kindness of your own heart and not because you’re playing yet another angle.”
“You could never understand my reasoning because even now, you continue to propagate this myth that the Jedi were these wholesome, perfect people who could do no wrong. Rather than facing the truth that they let us remain enslaved because it was convenient for their war efforts, and even if they were sympathetic to our situation, they still stood aside for three years. They didn’t advocate for us in any way.”
“You’re completely wrong about the Jedi. They did try and improve the lives of clones and were fighting for our rights. The damned Senate wouldn’t listen.”
“Then maybe you Clone Marshals should have kriffing done something. If you’d refused to follow their orders and stopped fighting their war, they would have had to do something. Instead, you licked their boots like good little akk hounds until their fragile house of cards came tumbling down. Despite the fact their own brothers and sisters were wasting clone lives and even turning us against one another. Do you really think a mudscuffer like Pong Krell was the only Jedi to abuse his authority?”
“How could you possibly know about Pong Krell?”
“From a rookie I met in lockup of course. He actually did something proactive to protect his brothers by shooting that traitorous sleemo and what does he get for his courageous act? Life in prison? Execution? Yeah, your Jedi masters were truly the epitome of kindness and fairness.”
“Dogma murdered his superior officer. And Kenobi and the other Jedi were torn to pieces by what happened along with the rest of us. They fought to keep him from being decommissioned.”
“By locking him in a hole and throwing away the key. Truly, compassion at its finest.”
“I’m not saying what happened to Dogma was fair. It was a karked situation all around. Everyone was devastated by what happened on Umbara. I personally lost one of my closest friends to Krell’s treachery.”
“My heart weeps for you.” Slick drawled scornfully.
“Kark you.”
“Not even if you were the last sentient being in the universe. We all lost friends and batchmates in that damn war.”
“Which makes what you did ten times worse. How much different are you from the likes of Pong Krell, huh? You both betrayed our brothers for Sep blood money. At least Krell was honest about how karked his motivations were while you try and justify your actions like you’re some freedom fighter for the clones.”
Something dark and angry flashed in Slick’s eyes. “I’m done wasting my breath trying to talk any sense into you.” The blaster came up again and Cody didn’t even have a chance to try and flinch away from the blaster bolt. Bright blue energy enveloped him as the stun bolt hit him, and sent him back into the blackness of unconsciousness for the second time today.
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1valentine19 · 1 year
May 12th, 2023
Friday night
It’s been two weeks since I’ve come home from school. Two weeks which I’ve spent rotting away in my purple, lamplit bedroom, listening to music I first discovered riding in the backseat of my older sister’s best friend’s car and consuming media from thirty-something-year-olds hell-bent on subverting neoliberal ideologies by edging near extreme right-wing rhetoric. If you can’t tell from that sentence alone, I’m staring down the barrel of nineteen, only a few more weeks until I enter my last year of teenage girlhood. 
The idea of not being, well, this version of me, is fucking terrifying and I’m not handling it well. To be clear, my not handling things well does not have any correlation with the more than questionable media I’ve been choosing to consume, and if it does I’ll be refusing to acknowledge it, thank you very much. So you can forget about trying to talk some sense into me. I’m disillusioned and tired and maybe I just want to hear grown men say things they’re not supposed to say with a smoke signal security blanket of irony that can somewhat soothe my morals. Is that really so wrong? 
The answer is probably yes, but that’s something for 24-year-old me to figure out. 
Anyways, I’m turning nineteen soon and I’m probably going to be super anorexic and inconsolable about it. Ever since I was young, teenagers seemed to exist in a way no one else did, and now that I am one, I’ve spent years making sure I didn’t take the magic for granted. At least since sixteen, I would say. I’ve done the teenage things, all but fallen in love, and I’ve grown to adore this stint of my youth. I know I should’ve known better than to get attached to fleeting, transient things, but I am my mother’s daughter and I grew up loving trains only to end up crying on station platforms after they took me away from the ones I loved most. 
And I know I’m not special, and neither is any of this pain and that I’m at most a cliche of every mentally ill almost-nineteen-year-old who made the mistake of believing their pitfalls were a characterization of their youth and not their own DNA-engrained issues, but I’m still upset and I’m still going to be. Sometimes knowing better doesn’t stop you from doing better. That’s a lesson I keep on learning lately. 
I don’t know what it is but I feel like I’ve lost every ounce of my critical thinking and basic instinct, like they’ve slowly rotted away somewhere around last October. I was so smart when I was seventeen, I knew what was wrong and what was right and what I should and shouldn’t do. I feel like I’ve lost every good decision-making skill I had. The truth is, it’s easier to have perspective from the outside looking in, and I feel like I spent a good chunk of my time until eighteen looking into my life from a bird's eye view, never an active enjoyer or participant in any of it. 
As nineteen steadily approaches, I’ve been more and more interested in absolutely wrecking my life. I think I want to make the worst decisions I could possibly make and I think I’m going to let everyone rip me apart, thread by thread until I’m a fucked up mangled canvas with love and guts spilling out onto the floor, making a pathway of blood that leads right up to twenty. Quite the turnaround from the last soon-to-be nineteen years of never letting anyone in ever, but grey areas are for losers and I only deal in absolutes. I’m not in the air of half-assing anything, and I won’t let my destruction be the first thing to fall from my expectations. If I’m going to hit rock bottom, I might as well hit it fucking hard. 
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ok taking a break from the essay I should be writing to wax poetically about the Primordial Beasts at the center of the world of loam (a fun fictional world-building project of mine, for those who missed Dr Jackal's introduction post lmao)
under a cut because this is probably going to get long, but feel free to read! I'd love any constructive criticism or ideas people feel like suggesting since the whole concept is still very nebulous in my head, and I want to get it ironed out more so I can really focus on the more modern structure of the world
before anything, before time or space or death, there were monsters. Huge Primordial Beasts with only the basest animal desire; to devour. They consumed and killed but never truly died because death didn't exist yet.
until something changed, and they stopped coming back after death. The time of monsters ended with the last Great Beast starving, having consumed all the others. The corpses of giant, unknowable animalgods rotting away into the stardust that would form the whole universe.
But you cannot truly kill a god. Over billions of eons, their souls started walking up. Becoming immensely powerful forces in the world they now inhabit, almost like if radiation had a brain. As they stand naturally, they cannot exhibit their will onto the land in any actionable way but are instead bound to how people interact with them. I'm thinking that if enough particles originating from one specific Beast find their way into one spot, they condense into something physical, but it's different each time.
Dr. Jackal accidentally fused with the soul of a Beast, and now they share one mind, essentially becoming a new person. The unfiltered power and ruthlessness of an animalgod combined with the consciousness and planning skills of a human genius, with memories stretching back to before creation.
There is another force called the huntsman who is like an oil slick or tar pit, trapping poor creatures that get too close and possessing them, completely overwriting their mind and body to fit the needs of the Beast. Because it's not fusing with them, it doesn't gain any mental faculties, its only drive is still to consume. It's like if an oil spill was hungry and also a parasite.
then there's the Beasts that haven't quite "woken up" yet. An entire town who worships the giant crystal at the center of their settlement. Extended exposure to the Primordial Radiation has turned them into a single hivemind, headed by the cult leader "queen". They have no interest in expanding their hive, though they will gladly take new converts trespassers and help them see the light.
A black spire miles high with a single door. the inside is an evershifting labyrinth, though no one who hasn't been inside would know that. And no ones ever made it back out.
A radio tower in the desert transmits an unsolved, repeating code.
all of them still hungry. Still looking to devour
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it's been a year since I first got that designer job
that I was let go of three days later
those three days were so amazing
it was fun hearing myself called a designer
I've always been a writer a designer and artist
but it was fun being recognized as one
I need to remember that
I also remember how it felt
knowing that I risked everything
all my energy poured into that project
and the burnout that happened after she let me go
since I'm playing nurse today I'll have time to think
about all that disappointment because shit
last year at this time
I truly thought all my dreams were coming true
and I was finally leaving this fucking hellhole
of a situation and this rotting environment
where these stupid anxious dudes think their only role
in my life is to tell me where I'm going wrong
because that's all their stupid dads could tell them
mine may not have been able to tell me often
what he liked about me either
but he was at least quiet about what he didn't like
yeah, there's a lot of messy emotions here
but maybe just maybe just maybe
I'll get through these next three days
feel whatever the fuck come to the surface
process it and embrace is and treat it with compassion
and something will finally move inside me
so I can get the absolute fuck away
from my stagnations and procrastination
maybe I'll get that fire back that I've been reaching for
for so fucking long
if not I'm gonna have to steal it prometheus style
because fuck this place and these people
living without the continuous threat
of someone else's criticism
even with well practiced detachment
will be such a fucking relief
Arkenstone Creative
I can pull everything together
get organized
and make something of all these skills
and myself and everything
three days
feel what I gotta feel
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cybermoonmoon · 4 days
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I was on a chat where the problem of how to get by if you woke up as one of the few people left on the planet. Others vanished. Gone. Of the current near 8 billion. Earth now has 700 thousand folks scattered over the globe. Human population during the Ice Age.
"Getting it Right"
First things first. Where do I get food fresh water for the rest of my life. How long will antibiotics be fresh? What are natural substitutes? Zombies and biker gangs are features of civilization. Which is now gone as are most violent sociopaths. These are unlikely to show up and ruin your day.
Water systems will run till the power fails. If you're in a region with hydroelectric you're good for a few months to a year. Other places hours if lucky days weeks. One must learn to think long term. 'Very long term'. Your life depends on it. This is why so-called primitive folks do this. Careful planning if one wants to live.
Besides the needs of the body. Health of the soul is critical. You need reasons to go on. Mourning. You've not only lost loved ones but your whole world. Some may not cope and will perish. Others will find a way. My life experience has shown me that hope can be found in even the worst of circumstances. Purpose partly found primal practicalities will assert themselves.
Wildlife came through the event. So you'll need to learn to hunt fish dry smoke salt and save what you caught. As your ancestors and Native peoples did. Predators will become a problem.
Firearms. Pistols a long rife. Nothing stupid fancy. Simplest sturdiest you can get with repairing spares cleaning oiling items. Ammo. Careful what kind. Heavy weight one shot one kill. Don't want a pissed off wounded Mountain Lion coming at you. You will need all this to stay alive. City slicker no experience? Read the damned books and practice! You won't disturb the neighbors.
If a rural person you're ahead of the game. You know most of this. If like me. Books! Everything you need to know is in them...libraries will save your life. If not a reader or never had respect for knowing...you are dead. Period. Canned or dried food are only good for few years. No one is coming to help or protect you. You'll be a farmer/hunter. You'll learn these skills or die. Nature has no sense of humor. Just survival.
Life in the city will be too dangerous in time. Infrastructure prey to storms earthquakes rot. Poisoned residual water bad food encroaching predators. Study plan leave. On foot bike or car leave while the roads and bridges are still stable. I live in Brooklyn. I'd get as far away from that toxic waste dump as I could.
Take care where you decide to settle. Your goal is a rural sturdy cabin with a well. Find several as backups with wells in walking distance of each other. That and each with good drainage healthy soil, you'll learn how to spot these. Also a defensive field of fire...just in case.
You'll learn that a flood plain is called that for a reason. Be near but not at a stream. Never a river these floods. Fish and game will be a major calorie source. You'll mix your diet as the crops ripen. Mixed protein intake matters.
Tools seeds a root cellar dug all the preindustrial basics. If educated, and paid attention you'll know what books to look for. Libraires aren't called the 'fortresses of civilization' for nothing.
Who lives? I think a very young urban/suburban person of the 21ost century may not make it past a year. They wouldn't even know what questions to ask. They'll die of injuries infections tainted food water poisoning or an animal attack.
I'd say the best survivor would be rural quick witted educated by life strong. Mid-20's through 40's. Before or after that it gets seriously dicey. Not impossible...but.
Food water shelter. Commercial seeds will start to go bad within six to ten years. Even the newer stuff. This is why a farm plot will be your savior. You'll need to harvest not just the crops, but their seeds, and have a surplus of two years of planting seeds and dried veggies fruit. Perhaps when things stabilize keep bees. Honey wine. Planning.
The homestead will be hard work but can be done. Native Peoples and your ancestors did so with far less. Some like you...alone. Prepare for storms or other natural disasters that could wipe you out. You have backups that might survive but expect the the worst. Nature is life and death. But nature gave you that brain that purified water and imagined then found Black Holes.
Life and times. My nearest neighbors might be in da Mid-West or Canada. So except for cats, and hunting dogs it's just 'me'.
Art. Figure how to play da fiddle. Folks did this in colonial days so can you. Make up songs dance write. You can critique your own stuff now. Bleep the New York Review of Books. This will keep you emotionally healthy and center your sanity.
Go to nearby towns for new tools supplies while they're still good. I'd get sturdy off road bikes with tools and spares. None of that electric stuff. Find a classic Land Rover keep it in tune. These and similar not too uncommon in rural areas. Good four-wheel drive proven all terrain ride. Enough spares could last years.
Haul bikes and supplies with it. Major even dangerous expedition but worth the risk for long term value. No SUVs. These gas guzzling gaudy toys packed with electronics won't survive. Neither will you if you get one. After the gasoline no longer clicks. This happens. Rovers' can use other mixtures...so I've read. Again reading.
Land basics. One has to know where you are how to get back if you broke down. This is why you have bikes on your Rover. Maps. Local stock and make 'your own'. Things will change as time go on. Roads no longer passable...fallen trees wash outs. Bridges unstable marshy land expanding. Remember there is no one to save you. How long one lives will be the same as our ancestors...dumb luck, and your hard work.
Another possible reason to go on besides working the land hunting writing bad novels talking to the cats would be human company. 12 years into this farming life perhaps a change. A hunter gatherer group slowly traveling east all these years might stumble on you. Unlike in the violent end-times films. This would be a pleasant encounter. Neither you nor they are competing for resources with a whole planet to share.
You'll meet trade laugh exchange tales of survival fuck dance perform your bad poetry. Hang out for some days, and they'll move on. Though now they know you're there and will come back every few years. In time others might show up. Same thing laugh perform trade drink honey home brew, and they move on.
One day some of these bands come back with your daughters, and sons. I can see an annual solstice meeting of clans developing as your children, and grandchildren return to your homestead for the festival.
If this were me, I'd be taking my extended families around the farm in my aged Land Rover. The little ones amazed having never seen a car actually running. I'd play Little Richard and da Beatles for them on my iPhone. Powered by them solar panels I scrounged up. So humanity at least in the first post event generations lives in peace. In the future villages city states.
Though this time we might get it right.
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uncleweed · 3 months
My comment
Great practical information… Can I add a few notes?
If you are moving into a new area, very important to go around to the neighboring houses, give a formal introduction and bring a gift (there are certain protocols of what is appropriate gift)
What seems like "basic things" are really a big deal in Japanese neighborhoods like: the protocols for sorting trash and recycling, attendance and participation in community cleanup projects, contributions to festivals and other activities
If you're not familiar with Japanese language and culture, very important to start your Japan life in a slightly more populated but smaller city… I'm a big fan of the "Minor provincial cities" which are big enough to have transportation links, immigration offices (you'll thank me for this later), and for foreigners not being a big shock but, not being so common that you can get away with being in a "foreigner bubble" once you get some language skills, some cultural understanding and decide which area of the magnificent archipelago really appeals to you, you can take your time to find your perfect place
About the very important point of "hiring local staff to manage your short term rental" keep in mind there's not a glut of young eager easily employable population in Japan. Especially in areas outside of the "big three"and these people are expecting a proper job not a casual side hustle for the most part
Regarding transportation link: the cheaper the house the more likely it is to be away from train and bus routes and if the house is located in a city, does not necessarily include parking spaces. and drivers license transition is a complicated situation in some cases depending on where you're coming from. Can take months to do it and several times going through tests. Also car ownership is a little bit of a different situation with mandatory "inspections" which are not just cheap and cheerful but rather expensive and comprehensive tests for cars over 10 years old.
So, having access to bus service or train service is critical for taking care of the logistics of life (shopping, post office, etc.) Postal Service and shipping is fantastic but the farther away you are from centers, of course the more complicated this gets
Also, if you're moving from abroad with kids, it is possible but my goodness, there's a lot of parental participation in schools and, aside from a few very distinct areas (places with factories employing a lot of foreign workers and some core areas of Tokyo/Kyoto) Your child will likely be the only international in the school which is conducted entirely in Japanese obviously. There are international schools but those are centered in certain cities and extremely expensive and cure to high wealth individuals and/or children of diplomats, executive foreign workers and so on
The idea of "swoop in" buying a bunch of cheap properties and expecting they will just go up in value naturally is full hardy. If your property is left with weeds growing, and maintain, you quickly realize the problems with mold/mildew, rot, bamboo growing through floors (seriously) and all kinds of pests settling into your country house. The older houses are all made of natural materials, and are designed to "breathe" and do not have a poured concrete foundation… All these means that the houses require all kinds of maintenance and simply to be lived in in order to be kept up.
Final note: in many cases, vacant/abandoned houses are sold with "all the previous owners stuff/crap "left inside and, disposal/dumping is complicated and can be rather expensive as well as a huge project. You might think you'll come across some great antique treasures, you're gonna be cleaning out junk – so again, if this is your first house purchase in Japan, you're probably better off buying a "ready to go" house (which still can be obtained a very reasonable price compared to many other countries) in a delightful smaller city and living for a spell to see if this is for you.
I have more to say about visas but I've already said too much for now :-)
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reno2005 · 5 months
When did you begin playing Resident Evil?
Why is Leon your favourite?
Top 5 favourote RE and/or Leon facts?
Do you have any headcanons?
It’s kinda long, sorry lol but thanks for reading if you do!
1. An older brother of mine showed me a video of a comedian at a gaming convention and the whole joke was how cartoony kingdom hearts was compared to how hardcore resident evil 4 was.(it was a different time for sure) so I was fascinated with how hard this game seemed.
One day I went to a swap meet with my dad and this man selling used video games had a copy of RE4. At the time I was too nervous to ask to get it since my dad was… not the kindest to put it lightly. Anyways I saved up the money, I begged my dad to go back to the swap meet to get the game, and luckily it was still there.
2. I had gone into RE4 hearing how cool Leon was.(like I said it was a different time, a lot of people on tumblr think he’s cute but back then he was Chad McGee, I still think he is but whatever that’s just me, don’t think I’ll judge anyone for how they see him)It was probably the hardest game I had ever tackled at the time so having gone through everything the game throws at you blew me away. Like, I’d never seen a man jump like 10ft out of a mining cart and climb to safety. I was so blown away in fact I had shown a friend of mine that one scene in particular like it was Jesus walking on water lol
Leon had such cool lines and his look was pretty cool too(as a kid of course I was “discovering” myself and my tastes). Y’know as a kid you see someone you admire a lot and you want to be just like them and him and the game as a whole was an escape from my pretty bleak childhood. If Leon could get through all that and still win and look that cool while doing it I wanted to be as cool as him. I wanted to look like him too, I discovered I was trans without knowing what that was until a friend told me about transitioning years later.
Right afterwards, because I couldn’t get enough of this guy I found out he was in RE2, so I bought that for the psp. Idk about you, but if I had to go through that shit, that licker would have killed me at the beginning.(which it did, a lot lol) I was fascinated with the game and I would start new games just to run around as Leon shooting stuff. It’s why I believe he’s so cool myself. You don’t get RE4 cool Leon without being already a bit cool.
Also a random addition, I think he’s really kind and caring.
In conclusion, he was my childhood hero.
3. I think it’s pretty cool he graduated top of his class and had extraordinary marksmen skills.
Something about him wanting to solve the disappearances in RC tells me he has an observant and critical mind.(which is why I don’t get why people call him dumb? Or maybe I’m just “old” now and don’t “get the joke”)
The “John Wick” thing Leon does is called the Center Axis Relock(CAR) and the cool swish swoosh stuff he does with Krauser is called Kali. We know he knew kali in OG 4 but with the addition of CAR in 4 remake we can assume he learned that back then as well.(which I’m happy about for preferential reasons)
Leon knows several different Martial arts styles. I don’t know the names but I used to watch martial arts movies a lot when I was younger.
From what I remember reading, his outfit in RE2 is a combination of different parts of varying types of police clothing (winter, summer, etc). Which makes sense since he’s trying to cover himself up as much as possible to avoid bites and grabs.
4. I think he’s a coffee guy.
He’s clearly a meat guy. If I saw a rotting cow carcass and thought of cooked juicy meat, I mean lol to add to that I always imagined he’s a decent cook.
I’d like to think he gets his hands on Matilda and then continuously gets it taken away in some form or another. Poor guy can’t even keep his favourite gun.
Maybe at first it was a new thing to him, but I feel he developed a taste for working out.
Not that he doesn’t like other genres, but if he’s a rock fan he has to like classic rock as well. It just makes sense.
I think he’d actually be pretty good with social media,memes, jokes, and etc.
Not that it’s his whole world, but he gives the impression he cares about fashion/his look to some degree.
I think he likes a fun lighthearted challenge just going off of his lines after completing merchant tasks and if he actually canonically stops by the shooting range.
I’m not sure how to word this one, but he seems nervous about rides and such if they’re out of his control. On the minecart and castle seat shortcut he either audibly shows distaste or uncertainty at the experience the ride will give. But on the jet ski he gives a cool reassuring line with no hesitation.
That being said, I do not think he’s bad at driving, steering, etc. but I’d rather not say anything more than that.
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