#rowena drabble
verobatto-messy-art · 8 months
Suptober23 by @winchester-reload
Day 13: Flirt
Rowena is at it again, shamelessly throwing those heart eyes to Castiel.
Thanks Chuck Cas is clueless like a newborn. However, sometimes, Dean could swear the fathered beauty blushes, like an innocent schoolgirl that had been praised.
Funny, with each flirtatious comment from Rowena, Castiel's eyes dart to Dean.
Is my anger showing too much?
"Good bye! My devastating handsome angel!" Rowena says and Dean flinches. The call ends.
"What with that face?" Sam asks, with a cocked eyebrow.
Dean grits his teeth. "That's my line." He mutters, and Cas glances at him once more.
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He Can't Get This
Chapter 1
♡Set in Supernatural S14 Ep14. I recommend rewatching the ep or the crime scene bit ;)♡
"That baby cop, he liked you." 
Dean Winchester slammed the door of the impala closed and reached to start her, his jaw tense and lips slightly drawn as he turned the key. 
Castiel tilted his head towards the hunter from his passenger seat, a little lost. "I'm sorry, what?" He shifted a little, adjusting his coat as Dean put the car in reverse, voice blunt but unassuming.
They'd just figured out that the Gorgon couldn't sense Castiel and Jack with his eyeball premonitions, for lack of a better description (most likely because they weren't human) So Cas and Jack would have to lead the attack when they tracked down the gorgon again. Whatever Dean had said made no sense to the angel. 
Cas' voice was that consistent gruff lull and his hair was stuck up at a little part in the back. Dean practiced restraint for the instinct to reach out and smooth it. 
"Mr. Twunk over there," He retorted, throwing a half hazard gesture towards the crime scene. Cas squinted through the windshield and saw a vaguely familiar blond head of hair popping out of a patrol car. The young officer they had spoken to earlier.
"Probably fresh out of academy too." Dean added, his tone short and irritated as he intrigued Cas' full attention, who furrowed his brows and leaned up in his seat.
"Oh, come on," Dean shot Cas a look, "he totally creamed his pants when you pulled the whole 'deep commanding voice thing', he went stiff as a board, don't tell me you didn't notice." He let a soft huff out of the corner of his mouth, his pink lips upturned in a small smirk, though still betrayed by his wound-tight words as he glanced from the road to Castiel. 
"I was more focused on the demi god and his victims, Dean." Castiel explained slowly. 
"Yeah, sure, not the young guy you got all hot and bothered." 
Cas squinted at Dean suspiciously, "Is this merely about your dislike for police officers, Dean? Or is it something else?" He questioned.
Dean forced out a laugh, "It's not anything Cas, just an observation." 
"That seems... untrue."
"Yeah." Dean chided, "And what are you gonna do about it?" 
Castiel's patience had run thin. "Dean..." he tested firmly. 
A blush crept up behind Dean's collar and he gripped onto baby's steering wheel, adjusting his seating, "I just didn't like the way he looked at you, okay, sue me." He threw his hands up for a breif moment before returning them to the sleek black wheel.
Cas titled his head, the line of his jaw catching a fragment of the afternoon sun as they passed by storefronts with big glass windows. "How did he look at me?" 
"Like he wanted you to bend him over and fuck him into next week." 
"Like how you look at me." 
Cas' voice was wet gravel. 
Dean halted on the brakes, jolting them forward, scarlet blush deepening, "What, no! You.. you know that's not- and before you say a word about what we did that one time in lebanon that was different okay! I don't gawk at you all the time Cas."  
"Different how?" Cas challenged. 
The trafic light turned green and a car behind them honked impatiently, "Okay, geez," Dean muttered as they started moving. "Because... I was super horny and hadn't seen you in what, four months?" he continued, "And you're my best friend dude and you were looking particularly moody that day and yeah, maybe I'm just jealous and a little bitch." He sighed, defeated. 
Cas let out a low chuckle. 
"Oh shut up you smug fuck," Dean reached out and shoved a hand over Castiels face, his own now a particular shade of pink. 
Cas cleared his throat and picked up a level tone as Dean's hand fell away, "You know you can always ask to..."
"Oh yeah, I know," Dean interjected, "Just check in between hunts and saving the world and having Micheal locked up in my head and raising our kid to be like 'oh Cas,' I miss the feel of my skin against yours and how you make me act like a dumb teenager and that night in the cowboy hotel was the best of my life and I can't get you off my mind every time you leave. I got Sammy breathing down my neck constantly cause he knows and just wants to rub it in my face but I won't say anything because I refuse to talk about feelings with a sasquatch or like you know ever and I-." Dean's words started out sarcastic and ended with a desperate pout and Cas gave him a kind look, reaching to rest his hand gingerly on Dean’s thigh as the hunter let out a heavy exhale.  
Cas knew life was never easy, for any of them, but Dean was the most important thing to him, no matter how closed off or stubborn he could be. 
"So, you got jealous when a man looked at me with sexual intentions?"
"Cas, you're making me sound like a little bitch again." Dean huffed, the peachy blush crowding against his freckles a complete contrast with his deep manly tone and set, sloping jawline. 
"My apologies, Dean." Cas stated, his eyes soft, "I wanted to know what was going on, and that only works when you tell me." 
"I know, I know." Dean exhaled, "You know I'm not good at this stuff Cas, but I have missed you.. All this running around.. 'drives me crazy sometimes." Dean nodded his head down and looked up at the road through his eyelashes.
Cas silently noticed how after all these years Dean still seemed to physically shrink in on himself a little, anytime he showed vulnerability. Or rather, he wondered with disdain, who exactly had taught him this trait. The only time he seemed to release himself from those instincts is when he let Castiel have him in bed. And oh, how beautiful Dean was then. Bare and trembling under his hands. Never trying to be smaller.
"I've missed you too, Dean." He comforted, knowing no words could come to match how he felt being so often pulled from the man. He looked out the passenger window, watching the landscape slide by, "You know-" he thought aloud, an idea still churning in his mind, "Rowena still needs time to prepare the tracking spell.." He lowered his voice and gave Dean's thigh a gentle squeeze. 
Dean swallowed and tensed his hands around the steering wheel, seeming much more determined to get to where they were going. 
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ooo rowena and a plus size girrl does seem interesting would love to read
fem!plus size reader, wc: 290.
a/n: i tried to capture her accent well but im a little unsure because i've never written for Rowena before!
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In your defense, you had no idea Rowena was a witch, let alone Crowley’s mom. So, you can only imagine how awkward it is to explain to your two roommates that you had slept with the immortal just a year before.
“Ah, _______! How are ya lass!” Rowena piped up with a smirk on her face. She could see the panic forming in your features as she addressed you so personally. It wasn’t as though the men didn’t know you slept with women, the same sex usually being your midnight endeavors whenever the three of you would go out to bars after a successful hunt. You just didn’t think it’d blow over all that well with the two of them if they figured out you had slept with the enemy. If it makes it sound better – she was damn great at it.
“You know her?” You heard Dean ask you. You squeezed your eyes shut for a moment, massaging the bridge of your nose, but before you could answer, Rowena answered for you. “Aye! We are quite well acquainted. Isn’t that right dearie?” You could feel the two Men of Letter’s eyes burning holes into your body. “_____, what does she mean?” Sam prodded. You let out an embarrassed sigh, opening your eyes so that you could glare at the enchantress. “We’ve slept together before.” You said crudely. “Just great!” Dean exclaimed. “It was an accident dickweed! And plus, it was a year ago! Doesn’t that account for something?” Dean’s jaw clenched, “That doesn’t account for shit!”
“I didn’t mean to cause a rift between friends.” She chimed in, but there was no remorse in her voice, just pure mischief.
“Shut up, Rowena!” All three of you said in unison.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy
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💔 be still, my beating heart ❤️
jorowena ficlet - 1074 words - rating: T - cw for blood and stabbing - read on ao3
Rowena’s chest hitches, then, her mouth opening as if to speak, and Jo doesn’t think twice she just takes her father’s knife, which was so heavy in her hand and now is lighter than ever before, and throws it, hard, straight into the witch’s chest.
Or the Jo stabs Rowena homeoritcally in the heart fic.
Jo waits, knife in her hand in the center of the hallway. It’s all she can do now; there’s no use running from a witch this powerful. She’s heard the stories of witches before. Every hunter has.
Most hunters have faced one before, though, too. Well, there’s a first time for everything.
The familiar cold clink of high heels on stone echoes along the corridor, slowly gaining ground. Nearer and nearer the door, nearer to Jo. 
It’s beginning to feel a lot like the end. It always does, Jo reckons, when she stands and fights rather than runs. It’s strange, not to give in to the instinct at moments like this, when she’s been running her whole life. 
The clinks of footsteps come to a stop.
She hadn’t bothered bolting the door, there’d been no time, so it creaks open slowly and easily. The witch is revealed bit by bit, coming into startling view from the grainy dark of the doorway.
Then she just stands, facing Jo, calm as anything.
It feels a bit like a shootout, like the moment in a Western when the two gunfighters stand amid the blowing sand and stare at each other until the time comes. Until someone strikes first.
So Jo stands amid the cold breeze of the stone hallway and stares at the witch. 
She isn’t hard to stare at. She’s a compelling woman - no taller than Jo, somehow handsome and pretty all at once. Hair, a little too red to be ginger, unfurls in ringlets down her back. 
And Jo is no stranger to a little black dress, but she’s never seen someone wear one with a cape before. 
Rowena stares back. There’s the barest hint of a sly smile unfurling at the corners of her mouth, but it might be the fleeting light. 
Jo looks again, and the witch’s face has lost all trace of humor.
Rowena’s chest hitches, then, her mouth opening as if to speak, and Jo doesn’t think twice she just takes her father’s knife, which was so heavy in her hand and now is lighter than ever before, and throws it, hard, straight into the witch’s chest. 
It hits bullseye, right in her heart.
Jo never misses, after all. Like the archery set out in the garden when she was a kid. Shooting and aiming for the heart. 
Daddy’s little cupid.
Rowena blows a sharp pant of breath after the dull thud of the impact, but she doesn’t even take a step back. Just stands there, face unreadable. Maybe a little smug. Blood starting to drip down her little black dress.
The only sign that shows that she’s really felt anything is the way she folds her hands up to her heart, around the knife, like it aches. Or maybe like she wants it to sit deeper.
But she shouldn’t be wanting anything at all. She should be dead.
Jo never misses.
“You’re still alive,” Jo whispers, the words drawn out of her like the goosebumps all along her arms.
The witch hums, deep and rich. Now, there’s a hungry smile playing around her mouth. “I have been for a very long time,” she murmurs; her lips fall around the words in an accent Jo wants to taste. “Maybe I’ve been waiting for someone.”
The words are solid and the air is still after that. Hanging, mid-moment.
Rowena steps forward, her heels clicking boldly against the stone. The knife still in her heart never wavers. 
She comes continually closer, and with every step, Jo feels the instinct she has felt her whole life, the instinct to run, fall away. Or maybe this is instinctual now, instead. To stand so close to Rowena that Rowena could reach out and touch her. 
And then Rowena does. 
The blood on her hands glistens in the low light as she brings them away from her wound and reaches down, down to where Jo’s hands are tense by her side.
For some reason, and she doesn’t quite know why, Jo lets her take them. Lets the witch take her hands, the blood slick between them both, working its way into the love and life and fate lines of both their palms. 
The knife is still stood, pierced deep into her breast.
Now the witch’s blood is on both of their hands, and the handle of Jo’s father's knife, as Rowena cradles Jo’s hands with her own around the sheath and guides her to tug. Her fingers are taut and strong around Jo’s, deft amid the blood. The edges of her manicured nails scratch lightly against Jo’s skin. 
Jo’s hands feel inadequate. Deep in her gut she wants the witch to hold her harder.
The knife comes out slowly, with a wrench and wet noise almost overpowered by Rowena’s shuddering gasp of pain. 
So she is alive, but not unfeeling.
Rowena’s torn gasp settles itself on Jo’s neck, the movement of air flush against her skin, the witch’s quivering lips a movement away. She’s still got her hands wrapped around Jo’s, both of them holding the knife. Jo can feel the warmth on the blade still, from where it was in her chest. 
Her mouth must be warm too. Her breath is.
“Waiting for someone?” Jo asks, a little ruined. Blood is dripping from their hands to the floor.
The witch loosens her grip on the knife and so Jo does too, it clattering needlessly away to the ground. It’s loud, but she barely hears it. 
The witch has pressed her hands up to her breast, taking Jo’s with her, covering the stab wound. Blood is pulsating sluggishly out still between both their fingers. It’s a dark red. Darker than the lipstick on the witch’s lips.
Jo’s never really used lipstick before, never tasted it on someone else, either. Does it taste different on a witch? On a woman?
Her knees are getting weaker with the every beat of Rowena’s heart Jo can feel through her bloodied palms. Trembling, almost, now, but the witch seems to return it, and as if with gravity, she sways closer too. 
Words spill from the witch’s lips again, out from around her tongue in that foreign accent Jo wants to push her fingers inside of. 
“Someone like you,” Rowena says. There’s barely any sound to her words. 
Just air.
Just the warmth of her heart, her blood, in Jo’s hands.
And then, the heat of her lips crashing into hers.
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deanncastiel · 2 years
Drabble Day 9: Magic
Prompt from @deancaskiss' s drabble writing challenge
Magic was clean.
That was the first thing Rowena remembered thinking when she cast her first spell. Magic didn't care about your past, where your family came from, how much money you had, or who you slept with. It was pure, logical, followed a strict set a rules that you ignored at your own detriment. Magic was the only thing that had ever felt true to her. The thing she dedicated her life to, that had never failed her. Rowena believed in magic more than anything, and so she wasn't afraid.
As she walked towards the rift, Rowena reflected on her life and the choices she made. While she couldn't say she regretted nothing - Fergus being the main contender there - she could say honestly that she was satisfied. She had crossed oceans the village folk could only dream about, met and influenced hundreds of powerful men (and a few women), started and ended wars, saved the world, and fell in love. What other village girl could say they managed all that, let alone also becoming the most powerful witch in the world?
Yes, Rowena believed in magic. So with a deep breath, she closed her eyes and fell.
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outofthecavern · 2 years
Dean gets sent back to hell for whatever reason (another deal maybe to save cas or Sam? Who knows lol w/e ) and he just becomes like the Knight of Hell and rules with Rowena until Castiel can come get him
“Thanks for a good time, Rowena, had fun”
“Now don’t be strangers boys, come back to play anytime”
And cas is like… very confused and also horny at the same time
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Discord Weekly Drabble Challenge Prompt: Wedding -------------------------
Ruby: Victory 
(When the story is told, your part will be remembered, but you will be forgotten. Will you sleep well in your grave, knowing this?) 
She would go to her death gladly, again and again, for the privilege of bearing Sam’s broken gaze. 
(John prodromos would have looked at you that same way, from the platter: gauzy-eyed and holy.) 
Lilith’s body lies on the stones, but the sacrifice is hers, and the triumph: an anchorite finally blessed with the presence of her God. Her exile, her unwavering faith – all rewarded.  
(You know what it is, to be a pawn, for your mother’s name is vengeance; you know, too, what it is to be loved, for your father’s name is power. But what is it you want for yourself, o peaceable daughter? 
Do you know what it is to be remembered? What is your name?) 
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imaginesforfandom · 6 months
A Messy Christmas Surprise
alright so i'm making little christmas drabbles for Dean, Sam, Jack, Cas, and Rowena! for all of the Dean lovers out there, here is a special little treat!
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Dean Winchester x Reader
No pronouns used!!
Summary: Dean and the reader are baking Christmas treats at the bunker while Sam is on a hunt. Amidst the festive chaos, Dean cracks an egg on the reader's head, leading to a playful flour fight. Dean then picks the reader up over his shoulder, and they share a laughter-filled moment. Sam returns, finding the kitchen in disarray, and discovers Dean and the reader surrounded by flour and baking ingredients. The messy holiday surprise becomes a memorable Christmas memory for the Winchester trio.
A Messy Christmas Surprise
The bunker was adorned with twinkling lights, and the aroma of cinnamon and vanilla filled the air as Dean and you gathered ingredients for your Christmas baking extravaganza. Sam had headed out on a solo hunt, leaving you and Dean to tackle the holiday treats together.
As you worked side by side, measuring flour and cracking eggs, the atmosphere was festive and filled with laughter. Christmas music played softly in the background, creating the perfect backdrop for your baking escapade.
With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Dean slyly reached over and cracked an egg on your head, leaving you stunned and dripping with gooey egg whites. "Dean!" you exclaimed, wiping the egg off your face. He burst into laughter, thoroughly amused by his impromptu prank.
"Oh, that's payback for all those times you beat me at poker," Dean chuckled, still laughing at his own cleverness.
You shot him a playful glare before concocting a plan for retaliation. Grabbing a handful of flour, you tossed it at Dean, coating him in a powdery white cloud. He blinked, momentarily taken aback, before breaking into a grin.
"You asked for it!" you declared, holding back giggles. Dean mock-growled, attempting to feign anger but failing miserably as he burst into laughter once again.
The flour-covered kitchen now looked like a battleground of holiday chaos, but you were both having the time of your lives. However, Dean had one more surprise up his sleeve. With a swift motion, he scooped you up over his shoulder, causing you to squeal with surprise.
"Dean Winchester, put me down!" you laughed, lightly smacking his back.
"Nah, you've got flour on your hands. Can't risk you retaliating again," Dean teased, carrying you around the kitchen as you continued to protest.
Just as the two of you were lost in your playful banter, the bunker door swung open. Sam, covered in dried blood, walked in with a tired yet satisfied expression. He took in the scene before him – the messy kitchen, the flour-covered couple, and the unmistakable sound of laughter.
"Am I interrupting something?" Sam asked, a bemused smile playing on his lips.
Dean, still holding you over his shoulder, looked at you with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Just a little Christmas baking surprise, Sammy."
You grinned, feeling the warmth of the holiday season and the joy of being surrounded by family, even in the midst of floury chaos. As Sam chuckled at the sight before him, Dean gently set you down, and the three of you shared a laughter-filled Christmas moment in the bunker.
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1000roughdrafts · 4 months
Supporting Characters x Reader Master List
Lots of stuff in here - Gabriel x Reader, John Winchester x Reader, Rowena x Reader, Charlie x Reader, Donna x Reader, Crowley x Reader, and more (general/no pairings)
Remember that there are some 18+ explicit works, so please heed all warnings!
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Gabriel X Reader
💘Coffee Shop ~ fluff, Gabriel is very much alive and just full of surprises, isn’t he?
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John Winchester x Reader 
Mini Series xx 
💚Stop Asking Me To Come Back ~ flangst, kissing; Y/N and John have always had a cat and mouse chase type of relationship, where one runs and the other chases, and vice versa, but typically fall into a Dom/Sub type of relationship. John is tired of the games and when Y/N realizes she wants something more she’s too little too late. 
💚Stop Asking Me To Come Back (2) ~ 18+, smut
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Wayward Women x Reader 
Charlie x Reader 
💖Confessions ~ one shot, flangst, heavy topics; You were best friends with Charlie since elementary school. One day, she just vanished. During the years you spent without her, you went down a dark path that brought you onto a road of addiction. Now she has returned to spend a day with you and talk about all the years that have passed without each other.   
Rowena x Reader 
💖What Happens During Research ~ fluff; no plot, just silliness 
💖 You Look Yummy ~ 18+ 100% smut literally nothing but sex
Donna X Reader 
💖Don’t Leave Me, Not Again ~ flangst; When a hunt in Minnesota goes awry and the Winchester’s go silent, you ask your ex-girlfriend, Donna, for help
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Crowley x Reader
One Shots xx Both 18+ / Explicit
Hush -  unprotected vaginal penetration, oral sex (female receiving), BDSM, this isnt ddlg but it kinda has that vibe, a bit of an OOC Crowley,
A Night With The King - Request from Anon: Can I have Crowley flirting with a v nervous and quiet reader? Maybe w a splash of Dean jealousy because he’s been pining after her forever?
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General:Supernatual x Reader (no pairings) 
💛Cop Car ~ (Dean, Sam, Reader) Drabble; reader stole a cop car and Dean wants to drive it. 
💛Saving Dean ~(Dean, Reader, Sam) imagine 
💛Live and Let Die ~(Sam, Dean, LittleSister!Reader) angstish,fluff; After years of arguing with your older brothers, they finally let you go out and hunt on your own, but it was nothing like what you expected. After killing your first demon, you call them up for some comfort.   
💛Cherry Pie ~ Drabble; Dean loves pie, what else can I say?
💛It’s Time to Let Me Go ~ angst; Raphael has started a war with only one request to end it all: you. Are Sam and Dean willing to let you go to save the world?   
💛Hi Dad ~ Drabble; based off of this prompt -  “She stared at him, holding her favorite teddy bear in one hand and his pistol in the other. “Hi dad,” she whispered.
💛Little Tree Part One | Part Two ~ Being a sheriff in a small town, you were surprised when a body was found, making it the first murder in over 50 years. The alarm bells really went off when the FBI showed up as quick as they did. Despite your initial thoughts, you were lucky that they had. (completed)  
💛 Coming Out - Request from @the-nb-florist "I was wondering if you could make a brotherly sam and dean where the reader comes out as Non Binary? The Reader is like Fem but they identify more with mass stuff. I just want supper fluff and sweet. Thank you so much!!"
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spntoxicfemslashevent · 5 months
full prompt list
hey everyone! this is the full february prompt list for this event. we're going to have six prompts every day, so it's big! smaller versions containing only some of the prompts are forthcoming. ideally a piece submitted for a certain day should be inspired by at least one of the prompts for that day.
[conceptual prompts only] [pairing prompts only] [format/style prompts only] [prompts by date] [submission guidelines] [intro post]
conceptual prompts:
feb 1: manipulation || rot || political play
feb 2: tied up || burning flesh || jealousy
feb 3: suburbia || betrayal/judas kiss || doll
feb 4: blackmail || cannibalism || age gap
feb 5: blasphemy || executioner || genderless
feb 6: “...and it felt like a kiss” || on the rack || handmaiden-feudal lord
feb 7: sainthood || blood || isolation
feb 8: poison/drugging || barefoot and pregnant || murder suicide
feb 9: scars || heaven and/or hell || voyeurism
feb 10: shallow grave/midnight gardening || exes || serial killer(s)
feb 11: crossdressing || corpse || brat
feb 12: war/opposite sides || soulmates || guts/gore
feb 13: demonization || immortality || "forgive me father"
feb 14: unrequited || butch || imprisonment
feb 15: high school sweethearts || justifications || resurrection
feb 16: stabbing || masturbation || somnophilia
feb 17: turn the straight girl || kidnapping || ritual sacrifice
feb 18: stalking || substance use/abuse || comp het
feb 19: amnesia/mindwipe/lobotomy || flogging || forcefem
feb 20: vessel || make each other worse || gothic
feb 21: mistress || forced marriage || petplay
feb 22: demon deal || power imbalance || state of mind/dreams/confusion
feb 23: experiment || bastard child || what happened to her first husband/wife?
feb 24: curses || possession || infidelity
feb 25: controlling || temptation || "i ran into a door"
feb 26: victim || right hand || true crime
feb 27: humiliation || dubious consent || brainwashing
feb 28: family || true form || obsession
feb 29: closeted || sins of the father || not passing the bechdel test
pairing prompts:
feb 1: rowena mcleod/billie
feb 2: linda tran/ofc
feb 3: hannah/naomi
feb 4: rowena mcleod/alicia banes
feb 5: raphael/billie
feb 6: amelia novak/naomi
feb 7: abaddon/colette mullen
feb 8: ruby/astaroth
feb 9: cassie robinson/fem!dean winchester
feb 10: linda tran/mary winchester
feb 11: cassie robinson/meg masters
feb 12: linda tran/abaddon
feb 13: risa (endverse)/meg masters
feb 14: kelly kline/dagon
feb 15: linda tran/tasha banes
feb 16: billie/amara/the empty (meg)
feb 17: meg masters/jo harvelle
feb 18: patience turner/claire novak
feb 19: mary winchester/antonia bevell
feb 20: lily sunder/claire novak
feb 21: bela talbot/ruby
feb 22: patience turner/magda peterson
feb 23: fem!castiel/fem!crowley
feb 24: missouri moseley/ellen harvelle
feb 25: jody mills/donna hanscum
feb 26: lily baker/lilith
feb 27: hannah/caroline johnson
feb 28: raphael/naomi
feb 29: eileen leahy/mary winchester
format/style prompts:
day 1: canon divergent || drabble (exactly 100 words)
day 2: canon character/oc || traditional art
day 3: scifi au || non-traditional art medium
day 4: post-canon || gifset
day 5: canon compliant || metered poetry
day 6: reverse!verse/roleswap || sketch
day 7: epistolary || flash fiction
day 8: episode rewrite || fanmix
day 9: gender changes - het to femslash || script format
day 10: canon a little to the left || headcanon
day 11: outsider pov || fancam
day 12: 5 + 1 || exquisite corpse/round robin
day 13: for want of a nail || sequel
day 14: dark fluff || webweave
day 15: vignettes/fragments || fansong
day 16: polyamory || abstract
day 17: unreliable narrator || screencap edit
day 18: meta plot/metafandom/carver edlund novels || non-song based fanvid
day 19: crossover/fusion || multimedia
day 20: trans headcanon || podfic
day 21: humor || amv
day 22: au || fiber arts
day 23: gender changes - slash to femslash || comic
day 24: pre-canon || digital art
day 25: omegaverse || sentence fics
day 26: mundane au || photography
day 27: selfcest || freeverse poetry
feb 28: character study || fanwork-of-a-fanwork
feb 29: rashomon style || fic rec list
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oldshrewsburyian · 9 months
Fic Writer Meme
AO3 Name: OldShrewsburyian
Fandoms: An embarrassing number because I often find myself needing to write One Specific Thing, but led by: Sherlock Holmes (assorted versions, but especially canon); Timeless; The Hour (still not over it); Foyle's War (mysteriously perfect); Merlin (...I don't have an excuse, I just rewatched it early in the pandemic.) The Wimseyverse and the Morseverse also account for several fics each.
Number of Fics: 134 (oops?)
Fic I spent the most time on: I'm honestly not sure. Writing novella-length fics that require research is a (bad?) habit of mine. The most recent of those is All the Powders of the Merchant. ...It might be a still and woven blue though.
Fic I spent the least time on: ...I'm also not sure. I will say (confess?) that I just whipped The Hands File together for an informal Holmestice round without thinking about it too hard. It was fun!
Longest fic: The Craven Hive
Shortest fic: I have podfics, 3-sentence ficathon fills, and quite a few drabbles!
Most hits: and history immeasurably is wealthier (this is partly due to good timing, I think; the second season of Timeless had ended, and we were all excited by possibility and full of hope.)
Most kudos: Rightwise Born (this is largely due to the size of the Merlin fandom, I think; it's not a popular fic in the grand scheme of things.)
Total Word Count: 516,053 (that's five academic monographs of words; nobody look at me)
Favorite Fic I Wrote: I usually answer The Craven Hive (we write fic for ourselves first and foremost, and this is my "the Holmes-Watson partnership is about everything that is most important in human relationships actually and here's how human love survives cataclysms and also I have a lot of feelings about WWI" fic.) I will also, though, mention that The House of Magic is the only fic for Guzaarish on AO3, and I'm proud of filling that void. Also, several other people have said they're glad it exists.
Fic You Want To Rewrite/Expand On: ...I do also occasionally think about expanding The Craven Hive. Or taking the plunge and writing out my post-canon "here's how my ship can still win" series following on from Only To Uncertain Days (Foyle's War.)
Share a Bit of a WIP or story idea you are planning on: I'm currently writing... an Ivanhoe AU set in 1930s NYC, which is either unhinged or entirely predictable of me or somehow both. @halfbad-333 generously let me run with the idea, and @counterwiddershins is generously beta-reading. It contains the Rebecca-Rowena friendship we deserve, and thus paragraphs such as:
Rebecca folded her hands on the desk. “Rowena, you know I love you, and I love that you always see the best in people — and in the world — but you do realize that I have hired this man because he knows how to use a gun, and how to intimidate people without one?”
I was kindly tagged by @mudlark2019; I tag in turn, in the usual non-obligatory fashion, @gaslightgallows, @sanguinarysanguinity, @tinydooms, @shredsandpatches, @mercurygray
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Adventure: Dreamy Drabble, 12 June 2023
special big huge Thank You! to @starcrosseddeancas for the awesome prompts, cheerleading, and running this Dreamy Drabble ❤️
deancas ust, 100 words
"I'd go on any adventure with you." Sam's sincerity made nearby diners gasp.
Dean gritted his teeth.
Cas, hand clasped in Sam's, nodded. "Of course I'll marry you."
The restaurant burst into applause. Dean considered fratricide.
Elsewhere, a dozen trays clanged to the floor; Rowena appeared tableside, hands covered in bloody glitter.
"Gentlemen, we need to hurry." She fled through the fire exit. 
"Thanks for helping with the distraction," Sam told Cas in the alley.
Dean said under his breath, to no one, "I could've gotten engaged to Cas too, you know."
"You still could," Cas pointed out.
Dean hiccuped.
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glygriffe · 11 months
Summer Fic Recs
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I'm busy with writer's block on my WIP and being an artist in my first Big Bang, so I haven't read much lately. It is surprising how doing nothing and waiting around can detract from reading time.
Instead of making a monthly list of 3 fics, I've decided to make a summer list. Have a good read, y'all!
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One Little Word: Wanting a friend to be at peace is too vague a sentiment for his spell to work. Sam has to figure out what he really wants. And Rowena is there to help. By @posingasme (Sam, Rowena)
Fly with me: I read the first chapter of this fic as a stand-alone some time ago, then got sucked in all the love the characters have for each other in the expanded version of this parkour universe by @posingasme. (Castiel x Sam)
Memorial: With Castiel losing his memory in the Men of Letters bunker, the angst is strong with this story by @posingasme (Sam x Castiel, Dean)
(a bit of a Posing as Me festival, this summer, ain't it?)
I Promised: Dean always keeps his promises. A different take on hunter's life by @deanwinchesterswitch on AO3 (Dean x Reader)
To See the Future Past: When Dean went universe hopping in The Winchesters, he left a definitive impression on his parents. A story by UnderstatedCactus on AO3. (older prequel John, Mary)
Beyond Death: What happens when Dean dies and becomes Death himself? A wonderful multichapter story by @bobwess on AO3, set after the finale of the show. Most of our beloved characters are in there. Go subscribe to that fic!
Separate Showers: a piece of Men of letters bunker’s domestic fluff (Sam x Reader) by @samsexualdeancurious
Iron Chef: A Stanford Era heartfelt story about Dean's loneliness by @agenthellcat (No pairing)
An Idiot's Guide to a Successful Love Confession in Two Words or Less: A wonderful in-character (and sexy) love confession from Dean by @winchester-reload on AO3. With beautiful art and Led Zeppelin song suggestions as a bonus. (Dean x Castiel)
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Other Fandoms or Original Works
The Sandwich Story: Hobbes is talking less and less... Or is it Calvin who is changing? A wonderful story about childhood by Meredith on AO3 (Calvin & Hobbes)
Untitled: @ilikegaypeople73 started to write drabbles inspired by fellow Tumblr users. What a fun idea! Here is one based on Deadly Essence whispers (No pairing)
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broomsticks · 1 year
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@nanneramma queen of RANGE, queen of rare ships, queen of big, big feelings in small moments. the hpsaffics summer exchange was the first time i got to read (and write for!) nan and it was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT and i love that we’re both baby mods there now.
baNan is so caring and supportive and ridiculous and someone you can absolutely count on for ‘yes and.’ i love how fully you embrace everyone’s insanity uniqueness, and you brighten the day of everyone who’s fortunate enough to know you — well except mine the few times you manage to snipe beta requests out from under me. 💝
nan writes such a diversity of characters and ships and genres, and they’re all such gems that choosing was LEGIT TORTURE, BUT:
getting steamy in this hot sweltering greenhouse: Bloom • Neville/Blaise • 17k, E. fluff, angst, smut, pining, guilt, humor, friendship, there are a million feels in this one and nan hits all of them perfectly. p.s. my heart always for background ginsy. there’s also lots of exceedingly lovely and thoroughly well deserved comment love on this piece if you too are into perving on that XD
the loveliest little bit of warmth by the cold Scottish sea: Landlocked, Oceanbound • selkie!luna x pansy • 7.5k, T. both luna and pansy are brilliantly characterized here — luna with a perfect blend of serenity and strangeness, and pansy with just the right amount of guilt, hesitation, holding-back. nan has a way with descriptions and turns of phrase that’s just magical; the selkie au feels come through in every other line.
this one hurts. And All I Loved • Bellatrix character study • 5k, M. get into bellatrix’s dark desperate hauntingly lost mind, full of pain and horror, and feel for her!! such terrifying pictures here of her in the Forest, in Black Manor, in the Hogwarts halls, and eventually, to Voldemort.
best twist. Child's Play • George/Oliver • 2k, M. one of those fics i am truly struggling to come up with a rec for because there’s so MUCH in here! is it hopeful, exhilarating, excitement with our favorite quidditch boys, or is it uhhh not that? read it. you’ll feel things. you’re welcome.
‘read it. you’ll feel things. you’re welcome.’ x2. ad te omnis caro veniet • Pansy/Tom • 1.3k, M. "Pansy wants to finish her masterpiece. Tom helps her—for a price." no really i genuinely don’t know how to rec this. the buildup is impeccable. don’t let the tags put you off. you’re in good hands.
tiny bites of sheer heaven. i am tired, i am yours: saffics summer exchange double drabbles // 200 words, misc pairings and ratings. each and every one of these is perfection in a neat little package. such a range of pairings and feelings. some of my favorites: Menagerie (eighth year pansy/ginny flirting), Rather Have You (helga/rowena smut), and The Upper Hand (cho/ginny slow burn romance!! i stg! the buildup you manage to get in 200 words!)
for an explanation of why i just wrote you a whole ~thing~, check out this post & the ‘mutuals march’ tag below!
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eileenguy · 1 year
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hello everyone<3 thank you to everyone who participated in this event and made it a success! summer has ended and monsoon has begun here for me, so i thought it was time to compile all the things all of you made for this event into one post! everything's listed under the cut <3
castiel body horror by @arabriddler
lobotomised sam by @anhedonicsam
werewolf eileen by @ren-makez-art
digital painting of cassie robinson by @ren-makez-art
eileen mandala art by @casbbage
pre-show eileen fanart for this event as well as for 30k eileen by @fruitmixtape
S1 MOTW gifset by @ghostsam
eileen leahy in "last call" by @youre-only-gay-once
favourite episodes per season by @ghostsam
"memories" by @ghostsam
water + cinematography by @ghostsam
eileen + episode posters by @ghostsam
gothic rowena moodboard by me <3
castiel x junji ito edits by @bisexual-joseph-joestar
brown-eyed girls of spn by meee!
letterboxd-style favourite episodes edit #2 by eileenguy <3
eileen kpop-style photocards by @shivroyslut
letterboxd-style favourite benny episodes by @loverbearbennylafitte
4x05 x the twilight zone theme by @shivroyslut
saileen x f(x)'s pink tape art film by me!💕
water + cinematography amv by me again! :D
ellie from season 8 fancam by meee :0!✨
eileen leahy spin-off trailer by @girlboy-danielcain
deanbenny drabble by @loverbearbennylafitte
dean's top 13 T.Rex traxx by @shivroyslut
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outofthecavern · 2 years
I adore Rowena and Sam, not as a couple, but as a mother and son dynamic. Sam never grew up with one of course, and when Mary came back it was kinda awkward. But with Rowena, she’s just teaching her craft to Sam. Sam is her little protégé and Sam, being the book nerd he is LOVES It. He would have been the best witch there ever was. Sam the witch and Eileen the hunter.
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