#roxto x y/n
milequaritchsslut · 1 year
I neeeeeddd a roxto fanfic fluff oh so much fluff
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Note: I can never get enough of Roxto omg! I loved writing this request girl thanks!
Warnings: Alcohol, and Roxto being a sweetheart, characters are aged up!
“I like that one” sitting on the edge of your bed watching you try on jewelry in your shared marui pod.
“That’s what you said about the last one!” Annoyed you quickly undid your necklace to continue looking for another one.
“Because you look good in everything love” he responded, only getting an eye roll in response.
It was your little sister Tsireya’s birthday celebration tonight, she had finally turned of age to have a mate and the clan decided to have a big celebration for it.
You usually weren’t picky about what you wore but you wanted to look your best tonight and Roxto wasn’t being much help.
“We are going to be late y/n pls pick one” standing up to walk over and snake his hands around your waist as you locked eyes in the full length mirror in front of you, placing his head onto your shoulder.
“You look amazing in all of them yawne” wishing you’d see just how pretty you really were
“I am just nervous Roxy, I do not want to look bad” turning to face him, you laid your head on his broad chest.
“You never need to worry about that you always look perfect” running his hands through your wavy locs.
“Ok we must go we’re already late” pushing away as you walked out.
The walk to the party was short. Letting the sandy air hit your warm face as you walked down the path. Looking up at your mate you giggled at his stiff stance. Whenever he was around your family he tried to be as confident as he could. Even though you grew up together he still thought he had to make a good impression on them.
“Yk you don’t have to impress anyone Roxy” letting a slight giggle escape your throat causing you to burst out laughing.
Now confused your mate untensed his body at the sight of your laughter “oh I know your not talking love” giving a slight push to your shoulder as he walked next to you.
“Hey!” You protested giving him a push back, causing him to stumble on his feet. That only causing more laughter out of you at the sight of your mate stumbling by your own actions.
Only rolling his eyes, he was happy you were happy. Though you were anxious just minutes ago gave him hope this party would be fun. As you got closer to the party the noise got much louder. The sounds of glasses clinking together, the smell of crackling fire filled your senses as did the smell of meat. Grabbing your mates hand you started running closer too eager to go and dance with him.
“H-Hey slow down y/n!” Stumbling on his words at the sudden pull of movement. Running into the crowd you quickly pulled him into you as you started lifting your feet from the ground, and swinging your head to the beat of the music. Looking up at your confused mate at your sudden mood change you offered a smile of reassurance bringing his hands up to make him join you in dance.
“C’mon dance with me Roxy!” Now having to yell from how loud the crowd was.
“Alright babe” Joining your quick movements he let go of your hands and let the music sway his body side to side and every which way never breaking eye contact. This making a faint blush spread onto your light blue skin.
The rest of the night was a blur to you. All you knew is that you had one too many drinks and found yourself swept off your feet and into your mates arms as he carried you back to your pod. You felt as if someone was pounding a boulder onto your head from the drinks, even though your mate had started to beg you to stop about 7 drinks ago you had nobody else to blame but yourself. Your thoughts weren’t anymore clear then your vision everything had an aura around it as you were carried.
“S-so ho-how was was the party Roxy!” You slurred, turning your gaze to your mates annoyed face while you kicked your feet as if you were a teenage girl again getting hit on by a boy. You gave him a messy smile with your mouth open leaning in for a kiss only to be stopped as he turned his face the other way not wanting to smell your hot breathe.
“Aw c’mon rox don’t be like thatt!” You teased, not giving up as you peppered kisses on his cheeks.
“Y/n you are drunk please stop playing around” giving you a stern look before turning his gaze in front of him nearing closer to your pod. You were not gonna have his attitude, not one bit. You didn’t stop your teasing till Roxto laid you down on your bed.
“Roxy can we cuddle tonight!” You asked, eager to hold your mate in your arms. You were completely wiped out from the night and the only thing you wanted was to feel your mate wrapped around you.
“Yes baby, let me get you ready first” he gave a smile, before sitting you up to take your necklace off. You just watched him the whole time with a goofy smile on your face. He was so careful with you, like he was scared to break you.
“I had so much fun tonight Rox!” Lifting your arms up in the air as you fell back, taking your mate with you as you collapsed into the sheets. Laughing with your mate now laying on your chest you held him close as he looked up at you melting from your touch.
Moving up to your face he cuddled into the crook of your neck after he placed the necklace on the ground, trying not to break it in the process. You nuzzled into his neck as you situated you over, now on his chest as he brought his hands onto your back.
“I love you yawne” he mumbled into your ear as you fell asleep in his arms.
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Cloud 9
Roxto gains the confidence to tell you how he feels.
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"Have you asked Y/N on a date yet?” Tsireya asks Roxto.
“No,” he sighs. :”What if she rejects me?”
“She won’t.” she says, grabbing his hand. “I’ve seen the way you both look at each other.”
So Roxto took her words to heart. He stopped by his mauri to get the arm cuff he made you then went to go look for you. When he found you he saw you standing in shallow water collecting some fish.
“Y/N!” he calls jogging up to you.
“Oh hey, Roxto.” you smile. “How are you?”
“I’m doing well.” he blushes. “I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with me.”
“I’m sorry. My siblings and I are supposed to spend time together.” you tell him apologetically. Then suddenly your face lit up like you had the best idea. “You and the other’s should join us.”
“That’s ok we can try another time.” he tells you. “I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“It’s no problem. It will be fun.” you beam, holding you pinky out to him. “I promise.”
He just stared at her in confusion. She giggles, takes his hand in hers, and then wraps his pinky around hers.
“It’s a pinky promise. It is something I never break.” you tell him.
“Now let’s go find Tsireya and Ao’nung.”
After finding the Metkayina teens you lead the group to the clearing where you and your siblings wanted to meet up. All their smiles drop once they see Ao’nung.
“What are they doing here?” Lo’ak huffs still staring at Ao’nung.
“This is supposed to be family time.” Kiri adds.
“I thought since they taught us their way of life we can show them part of ours.” you explain while wrapping an arm around Tsireya’s shoulders. This takes Lo’ak focus from Ao’nung and shifts it to Tsireya. “I’m sure Tsireya is excited to ride with you Lo.”
Everyone lets out a small giggle as they shyly blush at each other. The riding buddies were decided. Ao’nung would be witch Neteyam, Tsireya would be with Lo’ak, Roxto would be with you, and Tuk would be with Kiri. After that you and your siblings call for your ikran. The Metayina teens backed away as the rest of you welcomed your beloved animals with kind words and fish.
“It’s alright. They can be really sweet.” you say holding your hand out to Roxto. “Come here, Roxto.”
How could he say no to you when you smile like that? Your smile makes his knees weak. He would fight an pxazang if it meant he’s see your smile every day. So Roxto slowly took you hand and you helped him on the creature.
“Is everyone ready?” Neteyam asks, looking around.
Once everyone is settled we take off. The air was filled with screams and excited calls. Roxto was clinging to you tightly and when you looked back at him you saw that his eyes were shut
“It’s okay. I won’t let anything happen to you.” you tell him as you place your hand gently over his. “Plus if your eyes are closed the whole time you’ll miss everything.”
Roxto keeps his tight grip on you but slowly opens his eyes. It was incredible up here. He knew the village was a beautiful place but he’s never seen it like this. He can see everything from his mauri to the vast sparkling, clear ocean. You fly between Lo’ak and Neteyam.
“How are you both doing?” You call.
“This is so amazing.” Tsireya cheers.
“This is boring.” Ao’nung called. But you can see he has a tighter grip on Neteyam than Roxto has on you.
“Really?” Neteyam asks giving him a side eye. “I’m glad I don’t have to hold back anymore.”
Suddenly, they take off ahead of the group. Then Neteyam started showing off, such as doing loops and falling from the air, then flying at the last second. Everyone laughed as Ao’nung was screaming the whole time.
Eclipse neared and everyone decided it was time to end the flying sessioln. We say our goodbyes and start to head home. But Roxto grabbed your hand before you could take off with your siblings.
“I had a lot of fun.” he says shyly.
“So did I.” you smile. “If you ever want to go for a fly, just let me know.”
“Definitely.” he nods.
You turn to catch up with your siblings. You don’t make it far before he stops you again. You look at him confused. It’s obvious that he wanted to say something but he was hesitating. This is the perfect moment to express his feelings. But this was scary, scarier than the ikran he just flew on with you. But he takes a deep breath, takes your hand in his again, and puts the other on your cheek.
“Y/N…I….I see you.” he breaths. “Your smile is brighter than the sun, you have a beauty that is like no other. And I am glad you came to the reef.”
There was a pang of worry in him as you took in his confession. But he was pleasantly surprised when you threw yourself on him in a hug, which sent you both tumbling onto the ground. Then he offered you the cuff he made. You put it on and  give him the biggest smile he’d ever seen.
“It took you long enough. You’ve made me the happiest na’vi to ever live.” you say, putting your forehead to his. “I see you.”
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sugarloofy · 1 year
Valentine's Day Hcs for the Avatar boys (Modern! AU)
(Seperate) Neteyam, Lo'ak, Ao'nung,& Roxto x gn!reader.
reader and the character is implied to already have an established relationship with each other!
This is my first time writing something like this, I hope you enjoy it :D
I apologize if anything is ooc 😭
Also i was supposed to post this like... Months ago but i didn't have the balls, so um.. Enjoy this post 👍👍
- Hana☆
Neteyam ♥
Would prepare a lot beforehand
Like it would be a few weeks before Valentine's and he'd be sweating and thinking about it, change my mind.
His siblings just gotta hear all about it, all the time lol. "do you think [name] would like this color??"
Asks you totally non-suspicious questions regarding about your favorite deserts & flavors a few days before Valentine's...
" Say, do you like cookies or meringues more?" "Do you like chocolate or vanilla? Or maybe strawberry, blueberry... "
Handmade deserts all the way>>>
Definitely uses a box with hearts and stuff on it (he's so cute i, I just can't)
Gives you heartfelt letters + storebought chocolate + homemade deserts + flower bouquet (ABSOLUTELY BOYFRIEND MATERIAL???) (Marry this man already.)
He'll be shy n all when he gives you the giftbox <3 (such a sweetheart istg)...
You were... Safe to say really flustered by the sudden gift from him. You were blushing, and so was he.
You accepted the gift from him happily! Then you decided to hug him, you were just so happy... He was surprised at first but then he welcomed you in his arms, returning the hug with a smile ♡.
Lo'ak ♥
Bro would forget about it until one of his friends or his siblings talk about it 💀
Would absolutely speed run to the nearest supermarket to buy you some chocolate bars and some snacks/drinks you like tho <3
(Accidentally tripped at some point 😭)
Writes you the most cheesiest ass mf Valentine's Day note known to man (would include some cheesy pick up line too omfg)
Comes to you all scuffed and sweaty from all that running. He's outta breath while handing you the things he bought. (He's so silly)
Is being bold and cool about it but he's actually screaming inside.
At first, you were kind of confused. Like?? Why are you out of breath lol??? You asked him but he dodged the question and averted your attention to the gift.
You then accepted the gift while laughing a little because of how ridiculous he looked. He may have almost forgotten that it was Valentine's today, but either way he still made it and you're happy ♡ it's a win for him.
Ao'nung ♥
He would remember about it but pretends to be all clueless and shit about it to you. (MENACE...)
If you ask him about it, he'll tease you for wanting gifts from him.
Actually led you to believing that he didn't prepare a gift for you because he kept dodging the question.
Actually prepared you a big-ass giftbox for you full of your favorite snacks & drinks and some chocolates. (Tsireya told on him lmaoo) (SIMP ALERT 🚨)
(When Tsireya told the big news to you, you couldn't help but smile ♡ just still a tad bit annoyed that he pretended not to remember. /he's so silly)
Roxto & Tsireya keeps teasing it about him the whole time lolol
Ends up giving it to you at the end of the day. Tries to act all cool about it but we all can see you blushing, Ao'nung. ♡
Roxto ♥
Remembers about it and definitely planned on buying you chocolate on secret.
There were so much selections he actually got confused on which one to get but didn't want to spoil the surprise by asking.
Calls Ao'nung for help (spoilers: it did not help) , ended up buying based on what he thinks you would like... He went through many many stages of overthinking. (Stayed long enough for the store employee to approach him and offers to help 😭😭)
"Hey this one looks good.. But what if [name] likes the other one better???" "For Eywa's sake Roxto just pick one!"
Halfway through he overthinks and is hella worried you might not like the stuff he bought. (Tsireya & Ao'nung convinced him that it's the thought that counts!!!).
Just like Ao'nung, he'll try to be cool and sincere when giving it to you, but bro's avoiding eye contact and messes up his words.
(You can see Tsireya & Ao'nung cheering for him in the bushes with their poorly made disguises... )
But at the end of the day, you accepted his gift and gave him a kiss on the cheek for the effort ♡♡
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httpsjeonglvr · 1 year
Would you guys want to see more oc fanfics or just x readers?
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
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ma-yawntu · 1 month
mine, all mine.
chapter one: paradigm
pairing: neteyam x female!metkayina!reader
summary: You had your routine down to a fine art until he and his family threw a wrench in the works.
word count: 3.6k
warnings: mentions of injury, weapons, sneaking out, you're a menace fr. NO USE OF Y/N!!!
now playing... home by good neighbours
metkayina face claims
chapter two
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It was early in the morning, long before the sun peeked over the horizon and bathed the village of Awa’atlu in a soft golden hue. You were silent as you crept toward the entrance to your family’s marui, placing your feet ever so carefully as to not disturb your siblings and parents and undoubtedly cop a string of questions as to why exactly you were up so early. You’d lie your way out of it, as usual, but you would remain under suspicion for far too long. But by now, you had this sneaking out business down to a fine art. Your mother’s duties as Tsahik had her awake fairly early most mornings and your father– well, you were sure the entire village knew when he was asleep given his occasional thunderous snores that you heard even in your dreams (or nightmares depending on your persuasion). 
There was a short expanse of time when both your parents slept soundly and you could get away uninterrupted and unsupervised for secret little training sessions with one of the village elders, Teyoa, who was a total thorn in your side but he was the only one who agreed to train you. Your father was sure there was no need for such things as learning to fight or use an array of weapons for anything other than hunting– the Metkayina were not at war. But even from a young age, you were fascinated by the stories of warriors and the battle with the great Toruk Makto that the elders would secretly tell the children. You were sure you wanted to be a warrior, fight to defend your people. But being the oldest daughter of the Tsahik and Olo’eyktan meant there was a heavy responsibility on your shoulders. You were the tsakarem, destined to be the Tsahik one day– a far cry from your dream of being a warrior.
Then there was the total mess of having to be mated one day, you considered that to be absolutely appalling– of course, your mother would scoff and tell you off for being dramatic– but you did not want to be mated to some random boy in the village, all of which you had the utter displeasure of growing up with for the most part. You dreaded the day you passed your Iknimaya– which was a breeze by the way– but it also meant you would be an adult, able to be courted and approached by the absolute meatheads that lived in your village.
“He’s a nice boy,” your mother would comment as you rolled your eyes so far back you saw your equally displeased brain.
“He also gave Ao’nung a bald patch when we were children,” you scoffed, pulling on the intricate and almost suffocating neck piece your mother insisted you wear when boys began courting you. 
“Must you have an excuse for everything?” Ronal would sigh, pressing her hands together as if praying to Eywa for the strength to not throttle her eldest child.
“Mother, A’tok is boring at best. Father would not approve of him being the next Olo’eyktan,” you would reply with a shrug, finally untying the neck piece and replacing it with the simple beaded one Tsireya had made for you many eclipses ago. 
“Eywa, give me strength,” Ronal would mutter, eyes glancing up at the sky as she returned to the healing tent to tend to the wounded hunters. 
Your parents were sure you made it impossible on purpose. You would avoid courting boys from the village like the plague, using your sister or tsakarem duties as an excuse almost every time. But Tsireya loved love; she would point out some of the cute village boys that came to court you, noting the gifts they had bought or their kind demeanour– she was too sweet for her own good. You had dirt on almost everyone, noting the times some of the older boys had bullied Ao’nung or bad mouthed your sister or parents– you held a grudge. 
Your mother tried to busy you with tsakarem duties if you were so adamant on borderline bullying the Metkayina boys into leaving you alone. You found it boring at times, wishing you were out hunting or practising your weaponry skills with Teyoa. Of course, you wanted to honour your family and your clan, but you wanted to learn to defend the land and your spirit brothers and sisters the tulkun too. Interpreting the will and Eywa and being a healer wasn’t exactly where all the action was. Tsireya would have been a better tsakarem than you. You had heard of villages where sisters lead their clan alongside each other as Olo’eyktan and Tsahik– you would lead them in flesh and your sister could lead them in spirit. But that’s not how the Metkayina did things and Eywa forbid you mess with tradition. 
So you paid attention for the most part, learned to look for ripe fruits, herbs and created healing balms and practise healing techniques. But you found it so uninteresting and boring, but you loved your people and your parents, so biting your tongue and carrying on would be enough for now. 
But it only lasted so long before you wanted to sit at the bottom of the reef in an act of protest and ignore your never ending list of responsibility as the tsakarem. When you went around begging some of the elder warriors to train you, they feared the wrath of your parents (mostly your mother) and told you to stop behaving like a child. Teyoa thought you were amusing and decided to teach you, but his teaching methods were weird and required the patience you simply did not have.
“I do not see how hitting this poor defenceless bag of sand is effective,” you would grumble, burying the end of your staff into the sand, leaning on the thick weapon. Teyoa circled around you as you ‘fought’ this bag of sand, not even using a ‘real’ weapon as you so eloquently put it.
“You must be patient, child. A good warrior and hunter is patient,” he lectured, picking the staff up out of the sand and handing it to you. “Again.”
You let out a sound of annoyance before you forced the stance Teyoa had ingrained into the fabric of your soul, holding the staff toward your enemy (bag of sand) and beginning your usual fighting techniques. Teyoa had his arms crossed as he watched you, studying your form. You had a strong heart and will, always wanting to prove yourself and while he had never seen someone with such a keen heart, you were impatient but he was sure you would see it one day.
Your hands were always covered in blisters and small bruises from your training with Teyoa. He told you that warriors had tough hands, they needed the strength to wield any weapon and battle any odds. Your eyes would sparkle at the thought and you were always proud of the injuries from your hard work– though hiding it from your parents proved to be a challenge in itself. Teyoa knew he could probably get into trouble for teaching the Olo’eyktan’s daughter to fight, but you were so adamant and protective of your people, it was hard to say no.
That was the routine most days– rise early to train with Teyoa and be back before your parents even realised you were gone. You had gotten better at fighting, you would easily hold yourself in a fight and wanted to prove yourself to your father but seeking out a fight wasn’t exactly the mark of a good warrior.
“Where are you going?” Tsireya asked quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. She rubbed her eyes tiredly and you stopped dead in your tracks, turning painfully slowly to face your little sister.
“Nowhere,” you replied pathetically.
She gave you a look of confusion as her gaze shifted from your head to your feet. Your tail twitched anxiously as she watched you, “it doesn’t look like you’re going nowhere.”
“Go back to sleep, Reya,” you whispered, heading toward the entrance of your family’s marui. Tsireya stood up from her mat, wrapping her arms around herself as she met you in the middle of the marui. 
“I see you do this every morning, sister. You’re worrying me,” she pouted. You sighed softly in defeat, turning to face your sister.
“I’m seeing a boy–”
“I do not lie,” you replied, offended. 
“You lie all the time,” Tsireya retorted, “and you do not like any of the Metkayina boys. I see through your lie and I demand you tell me the truth,” she said a little louder. 
You sighed, running your hands down your face. It was impossible to lie to your sister, she knew you too well. “I’ve been training with Teyoa.”
Tsireya battled with the confession for a moment, “the old warrior?” she questioned.
“Yes, he’s been teaching me,” you replied.
“Mother and father will not be happy,” Tsireya commented, folding her arms over her chest.
“I’m aware, hence the leaving at stupid times in the morning,” you said with a huff. Tsireya gave you that look she always gave when she was worried and you felt your heart squeeze. “I am careful, Reya. He has taught me many things, I feel I can defend our people and– and the tulkun.”
“We are not at war,” she quickly said, grabbing your hands and squeezing them in her own. “You do not need to fight. We are safe here–”
“The tulkun go missing, Reya. The other clans speak of their spirit brothers and sisters disappearing, I cannot let that happen,” you replied, holding Tsireya’s hands tightly. She looked at you with such worry in her eyes. “I feel it,” you said quietly, “I feel something is wrong, that something is coming.”
“You cannot be sure,” Tsireya sighed, shaking her head.
“I am the future Tsahik, sister. I think I know when Eywa speaks,” you teased. 
“You would be a good Tsahik,” she said after a beat, knowing how you felt about your duties as tsakarem. You smile at her words, cupping her cheek softly. She knew how you felt about your tsakarem duties, wishing so desperately to be a warrior instead of a healer. But you were soft when you wanted to be, she was convinced you would be an excellent Tsahik one day. 
“I must go,” you whispered, letting go of her hands. 
“Be careful,” Tsireya sighed, “you cannot be so sneaky forever.”
You turned around just before stepping outside your family’s marui, “watch me.”
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You sat on the beach of the neighbouring island of Awa’atlu. Your legs were covered in sand as you worked on crafting your heavy bow. Metkayina preferred to use spears, but Teyoa taught you how to make a bow, a dying art in his opinion. You had been working on it for a couple of days in secret, not wanting your parents to find out you were spending your time making weapons instead of learning to perfect your healing techniques.
“Looks good,” Teyoa commented, holding a spear and woven basket of fish in his hands. You glanced up at him and let out a sigh.
“I cannot get the string tight enough, hardly a weapon for a warrior if you ask me,” you huffed, your fingers red and tired from the thin string that was steadily starting to wear at your poor fingers from how hard you’d been trying to pull it taut. 
Teyoa silently sat beside you on the sand, the heavily tattooed elder Metkayina fixing your sloppy handiwork in a matter of seconds. “Now it is a weapon fit for a warrior,” he grinned as he handed it to you. You stood up, feeling the weight of it in your hand. “It will take some getting used to–”
You lifted one of your crafted arrows, pulling the string taut before releasing it on an unsuspecting fish in the shallows of the reef. You ran toward the water, pulling the fish out with a grin on your face. Teyoa began to laugh softly.
“You overachieve,” he shook his head.
“Was that a compliment?” You teased.
“Hardly, child,” he chuckled. 
You practised your aiming skills in the shade of the forest, Teyoa occasionally correctly you but leaving you to practise for the most part. You definitely lost track of time because by the time you returned to the beach, the sun had risen over the vast horizon of Pandora, a grim reminder of the fact your parents were definitely awake and you were definitely not in the village.
“Oh, Eywa, no!” You almost yelled as you started running toward the beach, clicking your tongue to get your ilu’s attention. Teyoa stayed behind, picking up his woven basket full of fish he had caught earlier and watching as you scrambled through the water.
“I’d like to see you lie yourself out of this one!” Teyoa sang from behind you. He never took much seriously, he was too old (his words) to care much about ‘getting in trouble’. You, however, cared a lot. 
You dipped into the water with your ilu, quickly making tsaheylu as you tore through the water back toward your village– you were so dead and while your sister would try to cover for you; Tsireya was a pretty bad liar. Your ilu zipped through the coral reefs, pushing itself as hard as the poor animal could for your sake. You quickly surfaced, taking in a deep breath of air when you heard it– the loud horn you knew all too well.
That horn meant a few things: the tulkun were back, a ceremony was beginning or someone was missing, and given where you were and the fact that your parents had no idea, you were sure it was the latter. You dipped back before the surface, hoping and praying to Eywa your mother wouldn’t skin you for this one. 
You swam in through a small opening in the twisting branches around the reef, watching as your village gathered on the sandbank, probably copping a not-so-subtle interrogation from your father about your whereabouts before he sent out the search party. 
You definitely couldn’t lie your way out of this one.
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Tsireya shifted anxiously as she stood by her brother, glancing around the crowd for you. She only half listened to her father as he spoke to these strangers from the forest, their sudden appearance in their village frightening the Metkayina. They were seeking uturu and while your father seemed to consider the idea, your mother scoffed at such an ask. 
After a few uncomfortable minutes, Tonowari made the decision to let Jake Sully and his family stay in their village. Tsireya knew it would be difficult for them as forest Na’vi learning the way of water, but she was eager to teach.
“Our children, Ao’nung, Tsireya and…” Tonowari let out a sigh as his eyes fell on only his two youngest, with you nowhere to be seen. Tsireya winced uncomfortably at her father’s gaze. He looked around for a moment before finishing, “they will teach your children our ways.”
“Where is your sister?” Ronal asked, pulling on Tsireya’s arm. Tsireya felt like she was going to explode, unable to form a single coherent thought that wouldn’t totally expose your little routine.
“I am here!” Your voice broke out across the beach, the crowd parting for you as you made your way toward your parents. You were out of breath, your chest huffing up and down and your hair a soaked mess from your panicked race home. “Mother, I am sorry, I–” You trailed off at the sight of foreigners in your village. You recognised them as forest Na’vi– why would forest Na’vi be here? There were six of them; a family. 
The forest was exceedingly far from your home in the reef and the family before you looked noticeably tired from their journey and you could only imagine how out of place they felt in your village. The youngest forest Na’vi looked at you curiously, hiding behind her father’s leg as she watched you, you smiled softly, the little Na’vi grinning back and holding her father’s leg. 
“My daughter,” your father said, your attention snapping back to him, “how nice of you to join us.”
You winced at the comment, some of the younger Metkayina snickering at the comment, your brother doing the same. Tsireya swatted at his arm, effectively shutting him up. You stepped toward your father, “Father, I–”
He held his hand up, silencing you. You were going to hear about this later, you were absolutely sure of it. “Help your sister move Jake Sully and his family into their marui,” he said lowly, to which you nodded, not daring to argue with him. “I want you to teach their children our ways,” he looked at Jake Sully and his family, “so they do not suffer the shame of being useless.”
Your father gave you a look, a look that silently asked you where you’d been while simultaneously telling you he didn’t want to hear it. Tsireya came to your rescue, quickly grabbing your hand and turning to smile at the forest Na’vi. “Come. We will show you our village.”
You walked alongside Tsireya through your village, watching as she peaked behind her occasionally at what you assumed was the youngest of Jake Sully’s sons. You followed her gaze, grinning softly at your adorable sister. She caught you watching her, becoming embarrassed. 
“What?” She questioned, completely unprompted.
“I said nothing,” you replied, trying not to laugh. You carried a few of the Sully’s belongings to the empty marui near the edge of the village, at least you could give them a little bit of privacy while they adjust to their new home. 
Tsireya shuffled into their marui, placing their things down, “this will be your new home,” she grinned sweetly. You trailed behind her, finally getting a good look at the entire forest family. You stared at them curiously, noticing their thin tails and arms, their darker blue skin and piercing yellow eyes. You had never seen Na’vi like this before and it intrigued you.
“Thank you, this is nice, right?” Jake turned to his mate and children, smiling through his wince as his mate dropped the rolled hide on the floor with a huff. Jake turned to you and your sister, “Thank you, Tsireya and… I’m sorry I don’t think I caught your name.”
Your ears perked at the sudden attention on you and you quickly told him your name, bowing your head softly. Your tail swished behind you as Jake introduced his family to you and your sister, “my mate, Neytiri,” she seemed displeased with the arrangement and was rather… intimidating. “My daughters Tuk and Kiri.” Tuk waved happily at you, to which you returned with a small smile while her sister Kiri seemed uncomfortable, pulling on the corners of her shawl. “And my sons Lo’ak and Neteyam.”
Tsireya smiled at the ground as Lo’ak caught her eye, smiling softly at your sister. But your eyes lingered on his oldest son, Neteyam. He watched you curiously and he was hard to read, he looked you up and down and you almost frowned. You stared back at him for a fleeting moment, wondering what his problem was.
“Right, well,” Tsireya said, pulling your attention to her, “we will leave you to settle and get some rest, we can go swimming in the reef later on,” she smiled politely, nodding her head as she grabbed your arm, pulling you out of their marui. 
You felt Neteyam looking at you as you left, turning your head to peek back at him. Eywa, what is his problem? You thought, making a face of disdain as you caught up with your sister. 
“What’s his problem?” You grumbled. You walked shoulder to shoulder with her as you made your way back to your parents in the middle of the village.
“You mean Neteyam?” Tsireya asked. You gave her a look and she giggled, “he was checking you out!”
“What? No, he wasn’t,” you frowned, a feeling of disgust pooling in your chest. Tsireya nudged your shoulder with a laugh.
“Oh, my sister. You may be a great warrior, a Tsahik in training and have a gift for scaring boys away, but he was definitely checking you out,” Tsireya babbled on and you rolled your eyes. You weren’t exactly unpopular when it came to boys wanting to court you, if anything, you did pretty well for yourself. But you simply weren’t interested in finding a mate any time soon, you were only sixteen, it felt ridiculous to rush into things (even though your parents pestered you about choosing a mate). 
“How ridiculous,” you retorted. “He is a forest Na’vi, we are reef Na’vi, I’m sure he was more preoccupied with our staggeringly different appearances,” you attempted to explain the reason for his lingering gaze but your sister really wasn’t having a bar of it. 
“Are you saying you didn’t think he was cute?” Tsireya asked, quirking a brow at you. You stopped in your tracks, giving her an unimpressed look. She let out a dramatic gasp, “you do think he’s cute!”
“I do not,” you retorted childishly.
“Do not lie!” She squealed. “I never thought I would see the day!”
“You pain me,” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“My sister likes a boy!” She sang.
“I do not like him,” you grumbled as Tsireya danced circles around you with a grin on her face. She tugged on your arm as she jumped up and down with excitement. You would admit that he was cute but you were allowed to admire and ignore– that’s what you did best, because boys are usually cute until they open their big dumb mouths. 
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a/n: hi! this is my first time writing for avatar, i hope you like it! i know there wasn't much of our teyam in this but there will be more! only if this does well tho :3
dividers by @/cafekitsune
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shkudss · 1 year
Weakened by Eywa Pt. 1
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Summary: Ao’nung finally realizes that his actions have consequences
Warnings: curse words, bullying, mental breakdown, English isn’t my first language
Author’s note: it my first Avatar writing, so I hope you like it! This idea was spontaneous and I’m not really good at writing, but I hope you’ll enjoy it! I’m still learning how to use Tumblr properly since I don’t really use it 🥲
Yawntutsyip - darling, little loved one
Yaymak - foolish, ignorant
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You thought that all these days when you flew to the water clans were the hardest in you life. Little did you know that life with Metkayina would be harder. You expected to finally live a normal life, doing your chores without being sacred to be shot by sky people. Now you’re safe, but things didn’t get better.
Since your arrival, these boys were bullying all your siblings, including you. You have no idea why it is important for Ao’nung to see totally similar to him Na’vis. You all are same avatars with slight differences that were unavoidable due to the environment you’re supposed to live in. Oh, yeah… supposed to live.
“What are you even doing here?”
“You’re so useless to our tribe”
“Go back to your monkey house”
All these words almost engraved in you mind without leaving space for other thoughts and hope. It’s been two weeks since you arrived and you still haven’t ridden an Ilu successfully, you can’t hold your breath as Metkayinas do. This makes you feel horrible and believe all these mean words.
“C’mon, Y/N, you can do it!”
Neteyam is trying to teach you how to deal with ilu and his voice is so calming, he really believes in you as an older brother. You wish you could just believe him, but insecurity lays too deep and securely in your mind.
“I don’t know… I can’t…”
Your voice was really soft and quiet as you’re the calmest child in your family. You don’t like loud sounds and fast actions. That’s just the way you are. Neytiri says that Sylwanin was just like you.
Despite being slower and more sensitive that other Sullys they loved and protected you with all their heart. Jake knew that Kiri and Tuk are different, they can deal with their problems a lot easier, while you cannot. When something bad to your family or yourself happens, you worry a lot and you won’t tell anyone about your worries unless they make you to. That was the hardest part of you character.
“Hey, are you okay? Do you need to take a break? We can continue tomorrow, don’t worry yawntutsyip.”
Neteyam was worried about your mental state, you were too quiet these days and it never meant anything good. Trying to make you speak about your feelings was completely impossible. You always think that your family has too much to worry about to burden them with your own issues. You want to be like Kiri and Tuk. That’s hilarious, Tuk is way younger than you but she’s able to deal with her emotions way easier than you.
“I’m good. Can we just take a break for like half an hour? I think my brain melts.”
You awkwardly smiled at the end trying to lighten the mood. Neteyam smiled back, feeling relief as you seemed to be just tired. He didn’t want you to hide anything from him and your family.
“Okay, yawntutsyip. I’ll go find Lo’ak and make sure his ass hadn’t get in trouble again. Kiri is on that side of the beach by the way. You can join her, she’s probably flirting with plants again. Let’s meet here in an hour.”
You laughed at his little joke about Kiri. But that’s a fact. Since you arrived here all she’s been doing is examining all local flora and fauna. You missed your time together in the forest, maybe now you’ll have a chance to talk and just be together.
“Tell me if something goes wrong.”
You knew this look. The big brother look. Sometimes you think how hard it would be for you to live without your family, the way you’re connected to them something really fascinating. And one of your love signs is time. Spending time with your family and each member is the way you show love, the way you feel protected and loved.
You see Kiri laying down in water and looking for something. She didn’t see anyone around, attracted by… water? You didn’t try to understand what’s going on in her mind.
“Hey, pandora geek.”
You stood in front of Kiri and the shadow from your body covered her. Only after that she raised her head and squinted at you.
“I thought you’re with Neteyam. What’s wrong?” She sat on the sand, water was covering her legs a little. You did the same thing, hugging your knees and placing your head on them.
“We took a break, my brain doesn’t work properly. I still can’t ride ilu.”
Hopeless sigh made your sister chuckle, but then she saw your eyes. They were full of sadness, you were not happy. Kiri felt guilt, as your sister she had to be with you, she forgot that Sullys stick together.
“What bothers you?” You were not sure if it’ll be okay to tell her everything. But you family always encourage you to speak what lays in your heart, so you decided to do it.
“There’s a lot… I miss home, I miss flying with you, Neteyam and Lo’ak around Hallelujah mountains.” You were vulnerable now and this is one of those rare moments when you opened your feelings easily. Kiri was the only one you did it with. You could feel tears coming to your eyes, you needed this. “I just miss our way of life. I don’t know why it’s so hard for me to get used to it. Especially, when you always hear…”
“Hey monkeys! Still can’t ride ilu? How can you be so yaymak? You’re both freaks!” you could recognize this voice in millions. “One sister has demon blood, another is too dumb to do things that even infants can do!”
Ao’nung and his friends were coming towards you. Kiri’s body immediately tensed, you could feel it.
“What do you want? Is there nothing to do?”
Ao’nung and his friends came closer and you both stood up. Kiri was looking at him angrily, ready to fight. You were supposed to have such a good conversation, opening each other your soul, but this bully spoiled everything.
“My goal for now is to get rid of such fake Na’vis like you two and your stupid little brother.”
You were furious, how dare he talk like this about your family. Yes, he did say mean things to you, but he still picked his words. Now it’s too much. Nobody can talk about your family this way.
“Shut up and don’t get close to me and my siblings!” You tried to get into protective sister mode. Kiri was shocked by the way you raised your voice. She’s never heard such tone from you before.
“Look at this! Little girl knows how to talk?” Ao’nung was teasing you and laughing with Roxto and the rest of his friends. “Maybe you’ll learn how to swim properly soon by the time my future brother or sister will turn 10. Hopefully.”
You clenched your fists, trying to hold all your emotions. Anger, offense, sadness. It felt like a hurricane of extremely high spectrum of emotions, which was hard for you to bear.
“Don’t you dare…”
You didn’t control yourself that you were coming closer and pushing him. The reason why you felt this way was in him.
He did this to you.
You didn’t care that he was taller than you and all you faced was his shoulders. You didn’t care that he barely moved as you tried to hurt him as much as he hurt you. All he did was laughing. It seemed like Ao’nung didn’t understand anything you said, like he didn’t see you breaking into pieces right in front of you.
“Calm down, you little skxawng!” It was a joke for him. For you it was your last piece of composure.
“You’re dumb! So dumb that you can’t even understand how much pain you give me! Every day I wish I don’t meet you so you won’t shower me with all your shit! Every night I cry myself to sleep because all your mean words you’ve said hurt me! And you don’t understand me, how can you be so mean?”
You were screaming at him and trying to hit, mental breakdown took over your senses. You could physically feel how your heart hurts and legs weaken. All sounds were heard as if from under the water, you didn’t see what’s going on around you. Someone’s holding your shoulders and pushing you to their chest to not let you fall on your knees.
“Don’t touch her!”
Furious voice sounded from afar. Neteyam. Your brother who always protects you, surrounds you with love you need. That’s why he calls you yawntutsyip. Little loved one.
You could feel your brother as he came closer to you. His steps were as heavy as his mood. When he saw you breaking down in front of this asshole and because of this asshole, he almost lost his temper. The way chief’s son was holding and looking at you, finally realizing that his actions have consequences. He had to drive you crazy to understand it.
“Back off! Now!”
He pushed Ao’nung as he got closer to him, taking off his hands off you. You didn’t realize it was him, who held you all this time. Was it long? Actually, everything happened in less than 2 minutes, but for you it was like an infinity.
“What happened?”
Lo’ak was here, he saw you crying in Kiri’s hands and Neteyam fighting with Ao’nung and his friends. He didn’t need to check on all details to punch Roxto and other guys.
“It’s fine, we’re here. Don’t worry.” Kiri was sitting with you and slowly swaying, while tapping your head to calm you down.
“I’m sorry, I…” that’s all you could say.
Neither you nor Kiri noticed how the fight stopped until Neteyam came closer and examined you. His eyebrow was cut so as his lower lip, but he didn’t care. Now he could feel only your pain.
“Yawntutsyip… my sister.”
“I’m sorry, Neteyam. I didn’t…” You were gasping for breath from crying, not being able to collect your thoughts.
“Shhh, that’s fine, you’re fine. We’re here, nobody will hurt you again.” Kiri gave you to Neteyam, he was calming you down repeating the same moves as Kiri did. You were crying, letting all pain, that was suppressed inside of your soul, to flow through you.
Your siblings knew that you need to feel it to let it go. That is the only way for relief.
“Let’s go home, yawntutsyip?” Neteyam’s voice was calming as always, he hated seeing you crying.
You just nodded in agreement, hiding your face in brother’s neck and holding him as if someone can take you from him in any moment.
Yes, most Na’vis are brave, ready to fight and protect their beloved ones. But you just can’t do it. You are the one who needs to be protected. Eywa created you that way and you can do nothing about it.
“Don’t ever come to our sisters, you little bitch! Are you so insecure that you’re afraid to battle with me and choose those who are weaker than you?” Lo’ak didn’t miss to say the last goodbye before following after all of you. He didn’t wait for the answer, he didn’t need it.
Ao’nung was standing up there and looking as your figures disappear. No words are in his mind, except for one.
I hope you liked it! I’m not sure if I’ll write the second part🫣 I have an idea but idk if it’s worth it, we’ll see!
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leclercstarrs · 1 year
𝐉𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐘 - ( 𝐩𝐭𝟐 ! )
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characters -> kiri ! neteyam ! lo’ak ! tsireya ! ao’nung ! roxto !
synopsis -> how the na’vi girls / boys react to another metkayina member flirting with you !
warnings -> none !
layout ib -> the lovely @qvrcll !
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ଓ — kiri
kiri doesn’t really get jealous, she does however, get insecure. she starts noticing one of the metkayina members flirting with you and she instantly wonders if you’ll leave her for them or if you like them instead of her. it’s something she can’t help but panic about, needing reassurance from you.
ಇ — neteyam
he gets jealous, not super often though. today is different, it seems, as he can’t stop glaring daggers at the metkayina member that keeps trying to flirt with you. he stays silent for a decent amount of time, until it’s just him too much and he pulls you aside and away from them, snapping at you about his jealousy. this situation is followed up with an apology and neteyam feeling guilty.
ಇ — lo’ak
he’s the definition of jealously. anytime he sees one of the metkayina members flirting with you, he wants to punch them. this time, he wants to punch ao’nung. ao’nung is teaching you how to ride an ilu, but he’s also being very close and flirtatious with you. you pretend not to notice, feeling awkward and uncomfortable, glancing at lo’ak for help. now, this is what made him break. he immediately stomps towards you and ao’nung, gently grabbing your arm and taking you away from him, turning around quickly to send a warning glare to ao’nung.
ଓ — tsireya
she gets insecure more often than jealous. when she sees the metkayina member flirting with you, her immediate reaction is trying to stay positive and trying to keep it together. later, when the two of you are just sitting on the beach and talking, she brings the situation up. tsireya likes talking about her feelings, so you just listen and comfort her as she rants about how it made her feel. after that, you always remind her that you love her and no one else.
ಇ — ao’nung
oh lord, don’t even go near ao’nung when he’s jealous. he gets so possessive sometimes, constantly arguing with anyone who even tries to make a move on you. this time is even worse as lo’ak is the one flirting with you. you pray for lo’ak as ao’nung walks over to him, staring him down and ready to punch him. before he can do anything, you scoff and grab him by his arm, taking him away from lo’ak.
ಇ — roxto
he doesn’t really get jealous, but when he does, he tells you. you and roxto have a very strong relationship with lots of communication, so when he sees another metkayina member flirting with you, he immediately pulls you aside and you have a open and honest conversation.
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itzymaeee · 1 year
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*A rare video of lo'ak,aonung and roxto practicing dancing wet by bed so lo'ak can ask tsireya out for a date.
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milequaritchsslut · 1 year
Hey💗 I was wondering if you could write a rotxo oneshot where reader and him kiss for the first time. Sadly there's not much rotxo on Tumblr😔 I would really appreciate if you write it💕
Ofc girl! I love writing for little Roxy he’s so cute. Your so right, there is not enough Roxto on this app sadly 😔
“Hey Roxy!” You yelled, noticing your boyfriend across the beach. You were planning on going for a swim today. But your plans were soon discarded by your boyfriends presence. Letting your feet move you, you ran towards him letting the wind blow your hair every which way. The sun was particularly hot today, this causing the sand to burn your feet. But the running helped, so you weren’t too worried.
“Y/n!” He yelled back, watching your figure grow closer by the second. As you stood in front of him he took in your presence, it wasn’t unusual for him to become anxious by you just standing here. You were intimidating, and he loved every second of it. People called him your little bitch, but he didn’t mind it. He loved it in fact, he loved being yours. Your presence warmed him, and his senses heightened by your scent.
“What’re you doing here?” He asked, admiring your out of breathe state. You were already sweating before you started running. The sweat dripped down your coarse neck, leaving a trail down the length of your body.
“I was planning on swimming, but now I can swim with you!” Excited you didn’t leave him any time to argue. Quickly grabbing his soft hands, and pulling him into the warm water. Almost stumbling from the sudden movement, his arms turned to jelly at the feeling of your touch. Your skin was warm and delicate. You were a delicate flower in his eyes, too beautiful for this planet and it’s people.
Running out of the water you quickly looked behind you as your mate was chasing after you. The water splashing behind you, signaled to you he had gotten closer. Picking up the pace you ran too fast and tripped on the hot sand, causing you to fall backwards and right under your mate. Stopping his movements he came to your beck and call “Y/n are you ok?” He asked, rushing to your side.His hands came to the sides of your head, bringing it up for him to see. A worried look flooded his expression, anxious that his mate got hurt. “Do not worry about me Roxy” you assured your mate, not wanting to worry him.
Looking into his eyes, you noticed a subtle sparkle in them. It turned you on, wanting more of it you turning your gaze to his soft pouting lips. You had this urge to kiss him, but you didn’t want to frighten him. You knew how sensitive he could be, he was your precious mate. Though you didn’t quite know what to do, it didn’t matter. You darted to entangle your lips with his. Catching him by surprise, he was hesitant at first but soon kissed you back. Letting your taste overflow his senses. You tasted good, and he wanted more. Holding you closer into his embrace, your position rapidly changed. You were now sitting in front of him, with your hands wrapped around his neck. But your lungs had decided to fail you at the worst timing. Coming up for a breathe, your chest heaved in anticipation. Waiting for what was about to happened next, the sun had hit your amber eyes. Causing you to squint in front of your mate. Pulling back, his chest also rose and fell. You had never kissed him before, it was new to the both of you. Smiling at him you sent a tingling feeling down his spine, your hands still resting on his shoulders. “So am I a good kisser?” You asked, a smirk growing on your soft features. “Yes you are my love” he said, giving you a small peck on the cheek.
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onskepa · 1 year
Can I request a headcanon for A'onung with a shy and like softie reader? Pls-
_(:3 」∠)_
Heeeeeeeeey! thanks for the request! hope I did justify your desire!
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I think we can all agree that ao'nung is a cocky little shit that sweet tsireya has to deal with every day.
But she doesnt have to deal with it alone. Oh no. When there is a sweet, there is a sweeter one.
A shy girl lives amongst the Metkayina clan. She is very quiet and more than often keeps things to herself.
It's not that she is anti social, its just she is painfully shy. When she tries to talk to others, her words get all jumbled up and anything that comes out of her mouth sounds like odd sounds.
More than likely, everyone knows she is around, but doesnt do much to talk to her. Except for surprisingly, Ao'nung.
Ao'nung has known the shy girl for a while. Was surprised that he never known nor met her in his entire life, despite both living in the same island, in the same clan.
He met her in a form of wanting to trade the fish he caught for some pretty shells the girl had. But the girl was so painfully shy that she just dropped her basket and ran.
After some time, and actual effort, Ao'nung managed to get the shy girl to speak to him, via a bit stuttering, but managed to complete sentences and be a bit more confident to speak to him.
Despite his brash attitude, Ao'nung likes the shy girl, her little quirks and the way her ocean eyes look at him, and only him.
He enjoys the little things she does to get his attention, be it a little tug on his tail, small taps on his shoulders, or just looks at him waiting to say something.
Despite being shy, the metkayina girl is really good at creating jewelry from seashells and other materials. She would give away her creations and not ask anything in return. Rather just enjoy the smiles and happiness other na'vi So it is no surprise that she would often gift Ao'nug jewelry as gifts, as means to show affection and gratitude from being her friend.
Sometimes Ao'nug is so proud he will parade around the village to show off was his shy friend did for him.
In time, Ao'nug developed a soft, loving, caring, very protective side for his shy friend. Would begin to nick name her "Yuey".
"good morning ma'yuey", "where are you going yuey? mind if I join?", "did you make something for me ma'yuey?", "ma'yuey why must you be so cute?"
Would tease her by addressing her with "ma". To slowly display his real affections towards her, slowly as to not scare her or give her the wrong idea.
She does blush every time he does, and ask him to stop or not to say it in front of others. But he loves the blushing look so much, he would do it on purpose in front of everyone and smile as his yuey weakly hits him. Which feels like mere tickles.
Should anyone bother, or mistreat his dear Yuey, he wont hesitate to start a fight. Which has happened, thankfully, not all too often.
But the times it has happened, Rotxo would join in those fights. Tsireya would try to stop them but it be the shy girl to disrupt the fights with a simple tear. Making Ao'nug quickly stop. And treat any small wounds he has.
She wont stay mad at Ao'nug, pout definitely, and be annoyed with Ao'nug calls her pouts "cute" and "adorable" and would poke at her cheeks.
"your cheeks are so cute ma'yuey how can I not?", "I'm sorry yuey", "ma'yuey, can I pinch your cheeks?", "yuey, you're adorable when you pout"
Ao'nug for sure begin to see a future with his lovely Yuey, perhaps with a steady flow, get his yuey to be more confident in herself, but still be gently, and soft to the others.
Heck, Ao'nug would begin to secretly make courting gifts, and perfect and hone his skills as to impress his yuey, and pray to Eywa that the shy girl sees him the way he does to her.
But he wont present them until his sweet girl is ready or begins to show her feelings for him.
Which we all know, she low-key down bad for him. But wont say anything due do over thinking of the possibility of being rejected.
When will they confess? only Eywa knows the answer to that.
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Yuey = beautiful [inner beauty]
Thank you Mandomaterial for this request! I hope it is to your liking!
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themastaralex · 1 year
Part 6-
All I'm gonna say is kiri is one downbad mf in my tweets, enjoy
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queentheweeb · 1 year
Rotxo X Fem Metkayina Reader X Aonung
A/N: This takes place between Avatar 1 and 2, roughly 2 months before the Sullys get there. Also, I made Aonung and Rotxo 17 years old here.
You had grown up together with Aonung, Tsireya, and Rotxo, all of your parents rather close too. Tsireya became your best friend and you got special treatment from the Tsahik and Olo'eyktan as well as Rotxo's parents. It was nice knowing that you had adults you can go to whenever you couldn't go to your mom and dad. There was nothing wrong with them but, sometimes it was nice to get an outsider's opinion on things. 
"Syalung! Where's your head at?" You jumped turning around on your Ilu to see Aonung had come back from whatever his father had him doing. He was being taught and prepared for his Iknimaya which is a year from now. Everyone had to go through it once they turn 18 and will be considered a man or woman once they completed it. Rotxo normally went with him since they both were 17 but, Aonung turned 18 first in about 7 months and Rotxo a month later. Your 17th birthday was actually next month. 
"Just thinking how yours and Rotxo's Iknimaya is getting closer and closer." You smiled as he got closer pulling you off of your Ilu and placing you on his in front of him. He always did this. If it wasn't him it was Rotxo the two fools taking turns with you whenever the three of you weren't together. 
"Yeah, right? Then I'll finally be a man with him right behind me." This side of Aonung was very sweet, he can be an asshole when he wants to be especially when he is with those other Metkayina boys. You didn't like the Rotxo look-a-like and his friend more than anything, they always made sly comments about something and always had something to say about someone. You wondered why he would even want to be associated with people like that but, then again you understood because one day he was going to be Olo'eyktan and will lead everyone here. 
"That means you will get to choose a mate." You turned to face him to see that his face was decisively blank as he looked at you. "Do you have one in mind already?" The thought of him choosing a mate made your stomach turn uneasily. 
"Maybe." You schooled your face into a smile refusing to let him see the turmoil you were going through. 
"Whoever they are, will be lucky." You turned away from him staring out to the water trying to see if you can find Rotxo anywhere. You shifted to get comfortable when he pulled you in closer leaning his chin on top of your head. You forgot sometimes how tall he actually was, then again his dad was almost 10 feet himself. You heard splashing to your right and you looked to see Rotx popping up out of the water with that large grin of his. Everything grew on Rotxo from his hair to his fangs and his body. He was Aonung's height now, his hair flopping down to his shoulders now. Still the same sweetheart you grew to be in love with though. He smiled cheekily at the both of you extending his hands out to the two of you 
"Hi Xo, what's this?" You opened your hand watching him place a pretty pink and sky blue jewel in your hand and out of the corner of your eye you saw how he handed Aonung an orange one with glitter.  He always managed to find the prettiest jewels and shells to gift you and Aonung. "This is so pretty! I love it so much, I'm going to add it to one of my bracelets." You extended your arms out to him and Rotxo instantly wrapped you up in a hug pressing your face into his chest. You squeezed him missing the loving looks that Rotxo and Aonung shared before looking back down at you.
"It is pretty, he always finds the best ones." You let go of Rotxo as the three of you stood there talking for a bit before hearing a throat clear. The three of you turned around to see Tonowari staring at you making the three of you scatter to do something. Aonung and Rotxo dived to get stones, jewels, and shells while you grabbed netting to weave. You turned back to Tonowari with a sheepish smile as he fondly rolled his eyes with a light smile of his own at you. You turned back to the weaving missing the knowing but, fond looks he would give to you, his son, and Rotxo.
Ever since Rotxo gave you that pretty pink and blue jewel he and Aonung have been acting weird or maybe you were reading way too much into their behavior because of your crushes on them. At this point, you doubt it's a crush, it's love. You were in love with both of them and you can admit that to yourself at least. They haven't been avoiding you, they've been doing the opposite. Literally everywhere you were, they were right there behind you, beside you, or in front of you. Whenever Aonung and Rotxo would go hunting together they would bring back a huge fish each just for you to eat.
"If I keep eating like this, I'm going to get fat." Gaining weight never bothered you but, you were worried about what Aonung and Rotxo might think if you do gain weight. Aonung smirked pressing a hand against your stomach 
"It'll look good on you." You felt yourself blushing so, to distract yourself you grabbed the fish from him and turned only to bump into Rotxo who looked at you with a head tilt. 
"You would look good no matter what size you are ma Y/N." You whined tapping him on the chest and grabbed the fish to walk away ignoring their whispering while feeling their burning stares on your back. You hope it was your back anyway. 
This is how it all started, both of them were heavily flirting with you to the point that you couldn't even pretend anymore. They were the absolute worse when alone but, together? They tag-teamed you to the point of not being able to focus on anything you were doing. It was a dangerous game the three of you were playing. This time though you felt like a stone was flipped over, feeling an electrical charge between the three of you. It was already eclipse and you were sitting squished in between Rotxo and Aonung on a secluded part of the beach. There was no space whatsoever, being touched from the top of your shoulders all the way down to your toes. Everyone in the clan was just about asleep or going to sleep so, the three of you didn't have to worry about any interruptions.
"Usually, the two of you would be talking up a storm. Is something wrong..." You trailed off when you looked back and to the side to see that they both were staring at you unblinkingly. You felt yourself blinking dismissing the urge to rub your face or neck thinking something was on you but, they were actually looking into your eyes. It felt like they were looking into your soul almost. 
"You know how you asked me if I was interested in a mate?" You turned to Aounug feeling the urge to back up as he sat up crowding your space. You made it as far as Rotxo's arms feeling him spread his legs to fit you more comfortably and pull you in by the waist to lean your back against his chest while Aonung leaned forward a few inches away from your face. "And I told you maybe." You felt your throat dry up a little bit as you nodded your head in anticipation. You felt it in your bones, you knew it, you knew it. You weren't crazy or digging too much into it after all. "Use your words next time but, I think you figured it out." Before you can even think and process he pressed his lips against yours firmly urging you to kiss back and kiss back you did. His lips were definitely softer than they looked and he tasted like fruit and the ocean.
"It's impolite to keep someone waiting." You forgot about Rotxo for a second but, he reminded you when he pressed a hand under your chin urging your head back as he leaned down to kiss you with more force. The kiss did not match his personality but, you were not about to complain. Once he pulled away you were in blissful shock. You couldn't believe it. You couldn't believe what just happened. 
"I know we have to wait but, I needed to make sure we all were on the same page. I wanted you to know how much we want you." Aonung had planted his face into the right side of your neck staying there. 
"We planned this. Me and Aonung when we finally figured out how much you wanted us to. We discussed sharing...as long as you don't mind." Rotxo's confidence definitely increased but, he was still shy when it came to you. You and Aonung are his weakness.
"Of course, I want you both. Don't be silly." Rotxo huffed out a laugh laying his head on your left shoulder. You knew you guys had a lot of explaining, and a lot of training but, in between that there will be bonding and getting to know each other on an even deeper level. You couldn't wait.
There are not enough Rotxo fanfics so I will help add to it! 
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓼
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐡𝐢𝐦. 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ɴᴇᴛᴇʏᴀᴍ x ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ! ꜰᴇᴍ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ꜱᴏɴɢ: ʟᴀɴᴀ ᴅᴇʟ ʀᴇʏ- ʏᴇꜱ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀᴠᴇɴ
Tw: not much spoilers but teens being teens, mentions of bullying, nudity because of bathing. reader is a mama’s girl, Flashback
Author’s note: You guys wanted a part two, so I give you a part two :3 I stayed up late because I couldn’t sleep plus I had a lot of Ideas in mind that I could not wait to write the next morning. I know nothing of na’vi hygiene so I made stuff up. I like reading the comments even though I can’t respond to them, leave as many comments as you want ^^ if you wish to be added in the taglist just comment and ill ad you on my up coming work. 
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When you return back home, you saw your brother, who had some bruises on his face and body. You asked “What happened?” you sat your bag down on the small table. “Your brother made fun of the Sully’s and got a beat” your father said as you looked at your brother disappointedly at him. “Oh Ao’nung” you said as you sat next to him as your mother had served everyone there dinner and sat down to eat.
You all talked about your day along with the process of the Sullys. After dinner, you helped clean up and went to bed with your sister in your shared room. That night you fell asleep, you had dreamed about water with stars in them, you weren’t sure if that was some kind of vision or just another dream but you felt as if it shouldn’t go ignored.
Ronal was holding the human infant in her arms, she had never cared for a human baby, she assumed it would be difficult but surprisingly not. Y/n was just like a regular Na’vi baby but smaller and different features. Ronal couldn’t help but be very protective of the infant, though the baby wasn’t her blood she still felt as if she needed to care for the child. 
Tonowari had grown a soft spot for the human baby, he has never seen such a small creature in his life except for his daughter Tsiyera when she was still a baby, now a toddler learning how to talk and walk on her own. Like his mate he thought raising a dreamwalker child would be hard but the baby was just a baby.
Tonowari and Ronal had been teaching both Tsireya and y/n how to swim underwater, they had to teach them at a young age so that they could develop faster later. Ronal was worried that y/n would drown due to how small she was but surprisingly the infant had managed to swim in the water. “You did wonderful Y/n” Ronal praised the human infant lifting her up in the air causing the baby to giggle. Tonowari looked over at his mate seeing her interact with the infant while he has Tsireya on his shoulders. It warmed his heart seeing this.
A bit much later, Ronal had fallen pregnant again, Tsireya was now 4 years old and y/n was 3 years old. While Ronal was teaching Tsireya how to free-dive, Tonowari was teaching you how to hold a spear along with how to use it. He believed that since she was smaller, he would teach her how to be strong. He had let you hold his spear which was heavier then the smaller one that he made for you. “Okay y/n, be focused” the male said to the small child as she continued to held the spear with both hands. The little girl was slightly shaking do to the heaviness of the spear “now, throw it as hard as you can” he said as the girl did what she was told, though the spear didn’t go that far, it felt flat on the sand missing the target which was accouple feet away. “I missed” she said looking up at her father. “That’s fine, that why we’ll practice until you get it.” He said ruffling her hair. 
The next morning, you woke up really early to go bathe with your mother and sister. You gathered some things such as your comb, some beads, wooden tin cylinders that contained both shampoo and conditioner, a bar of flower scented soap, another wooden tin that contained seaweed slime and a change of clothes. 
Once you were ready to go, you left to the hot spring. The hot spring was surrounded by trees as a form of privacy, this was the women’s hot spring while the one for male’s was a bit further. As you all walked towards the hot spring some women stepped out while others went in. 
When in the hot spring you greeted the women were there either bathing, talking or relaxing in the hot water. Some were helping their children bath and others were playing in the hot water. Some girls your age were in a small group talking, they were probably gossiping or talking about boys.
You had stripped from your clothes and stepped in the hot water. You and your sister helped your mother into the hot water, along with carefully getting her to sit. Your sister helped you take your hair down and wash it, she enjoyed washing your hair like you do hers. When she was done with your hair you then turned to her and also wash plus conditioned her long hair. 
Then you moved to washing your body with the bar of soap, removing the scent of salt water, you’ll probably smell like sea salt later but you didn’t mind. Once you had removed the soap from your body you heard your mother “y/n come here” she said as she had finished with Tsireya’s hair, she had styled it the same like yesterday. You sat on her lap as she then began to comb your hair out. “How do you want it?” She asked as she began to apply aloe on your hair. “Anything is fine” you said as she began to work on your hair. Her hands were very gentle on your scalp, it felt like when you got your tattoo, at first you were afraid because the tattoo would hurt but she manage to make it feel as if a feather was going across your face.
You sat on her lap for a little bit as Ronal continued with your hair, meanwhile you were playing with the water in front of you, while your sister was now getting dressed. Whenever your mother did your hair you felt like a child again, even though you were of age, you would always be your mother’s baby. “Done” your mother said as you reached up and touched your hair feelings six sets of braids on your head with beads, while the rest of your hair was down reaching your mid back. “Thank you mother” you said turning to smile at her, she smiled at you and kissed your small forehead. She may be harsh and stoic around others but in private, she was a loving mother who wants the best for her children.
Then you stepped out of the hot spring and got dressed, you wore a pale colored top that was made with both thin rope and white pearls, the top was a gift from your mother, she made it herself. As for the bottom you wore a hip scarf that was the same color of your top with shells. When you were done you took a the wooden tin with seaweed slime and began to apply it on your skin, to keep it moisturized, the others didn’t really need it but you did since your skin was different. 
Once you were done you and your sister began walking back to the village to find the Sully’s. “So, where were you last night?” Tsireya broke the silence as you looked up at her “oh, I was out...” you said feeling your face go hot then you saw your sister smile at you “are you interested in any one?” She asked the smile growing wider, making you nearly trip “I’m not sure... maybe?” you said shyly as she giggled at your shyness. “Its okay, I am also into a boy” she said making you gasp and turn to her. “Really?! Who is it?!” you wanted to know who it was but she just smiled at you, leaving you to wonder who her crush was.
That morning you had went swimming before meeting with the Sully’s, you swan where you normally swan. Seeing that the fish had woken up and went on to swim around, it made you happy seeing the schools of fish swimming around you, sometimes even swimming through your fingers or hair. Once you swam up to the surface to catch your breath, you saw your sister, brother, Rotxo, Lo’ak, Kiri, Tuk and lastly Neteyam. You smiled and greeted them “Good morning, how was your sleep?” you asked 
“It was alright, thought Lo’ak snored all night” Kiri complained causing her brother to whine “No I didn’t that was Neyetam” he defended himself, which made your sister giggle at him. You noticed how when Tsireya would look at Lo’ak her eyes dilated, she also smiled more than usual, this caught your attention. 
The small group of teens and child swan around the reef, Tsireya had been showing them places which contained beautiful plants along with other kind of fish to see. Mean while, Neyetam stayed close to you. Sometimes he’d need ‘help’ moving around by grabbing your small hand and let you guide him around. The evening was fun, no one was fighting, everyone was getting along. It made you smile, seeing that everyone was laughing and having fun with one another.
After that evening, Kiri and Tuk went home, Ao’nung and Rotxo went to find their other friends, Tsireya and Lo’ak went on their own way, suspiciously together. Leaving you and Neteyam. You were both sitting on the beach, watching the other villagers doing their daily tasks. 
You then began to have a conversation about the things you liked such as food, weapon of choice and other stuff. You noticed how the forest na’vi paid close attention to you talk while you did the same. He told you about his adventures in his old home, he seemed to really miss his home. You wanted to be in his place, you wanted to know how he felt due to being in a place that wasn’t his original home. 
Neteyam had all his attention on you, he looked at every small detail of yours. How you had a small scar on your lip along little ones on your hands,they must of been your hunts or fishing. He also noticed how you were a bit muscular. What caught his attention more was how when the sun reflected on you, you glowed like those fishes under water, beautiful. He had to contain himself when asking other questions, he didn’t want to offend you with a question he had been thinking since the day he saw you.
“Could I ask a question?” Neteyam asked shyly as you nodded, looking into his eyes. “Do you ever feel out of place? Since you’re different than the rest?” He ask. You nodded “yeah, in a way... I always wondered why I didn’t have the same skin like everyone, or tail, same with eyes and height. I would ask mother and father about it, but they’ve told me that Eywa has put me in their path for a reason.”
You answered honestly, your parents were fully honest with you. It was obvious that you were not their flesh and blood, but they love you as if you were. “My mother may not have given birth to me but she is still my mother, she was the one that raised me along with father, he took care and protected me like father does to a child.” You said as Neteyam listened closely, he did not want to miss any details. “Do you ever wonder who your parents are?” he asked as you then responded “sometimes, but I know that they had made the right choice in leaving me in good hands, I have two wonderful parents and siblings, another one coming on its way” you said happily, you loved talking about your family since you loved them dearly.
Neteyam couldn’t help but smile, he had already fallen in love with that lovely smile of yours. For a moment locked eyes with him again, those wide beautiful yellow orbs reminded you of the sun, you had noticed how he looked a lot like his mother, from his eyes, nose, fangs and hair, he was a carbon copy of her. But he also had his father’s features. That was the thing that you dearly wished to have, to look like both your parents like your siblings.
Tsireya looked a lot like father, but more gentle and feminine while Ao’nung looked like a carbon copy of your mother but masculine, but yet, they also had other features from both parents. 
Just like yesterday, at night you both went for a swim, you worried he’d get in trouble but he told you not to worry. You both swam and played in the water for a what felt like a while. You both were playing a game of hide and seek under water. Neteyam had a heard time finding you since you were small and could fit anywhere. You’d normally jump out and surprise him causing to laugh. You had also noticed how his little spots on his face would glow, like stars in the water, he looked so heavenly under the water.
Afterwards he walked you home, as you walked towards your mauri, you both were joking each other quietly, not wanting to disturb the now sleeping villagers. Once you arrived you stopped to thank him. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow” you said shyly, staring at him. Neteyam nodded smiling, finding your shyness adorable “yeah, have a good night” he said as he gave you one final smile and began to walk away. You watched him walk away, you continued to watch him until he was gone. You felt fish swimming in your stomach, he was the one, you just knew he was the one. That night when you laid in bed, you practically begged Eywa to destine you and Neyetam on being mates.
Taglist: @byunpum​ @moony-artemis​ @somewereinthegalaxi​ 
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ma-yawntu · 1 month
mine, all mine. ii.
chapter two: paradise
pairing: neteyam x female!metkayina!reader
summary: As a punishment, your parents decided you and your siblings would have to teach the forest Na'vi the way of water; you weren't sure why he got under your skin so much.
word count: 4.0k
warnings: mentions of a blade, parental scolding, one swear, idk it's cute, NO USE OF Y/N
now playing... saturn by sza
chapter one
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“I am here!” The attention of the entire Metkayina clan seemed to snap to the source of the declaration, Neteyam and his family doing the same. The crowd parted for you, a telltale sign of the status you held in the clan. You were clearly the oldest child of the Tsahik and the Olo’eyktan, the spitting image of your mother and sister. But there was something different about you; the way you held yourself and took every step with such certainty. You were intimidating, not as much as your terrifying mother, but just from looking at you, Neteyam could tell you weren’t to be pissed off.
And it was at this point that Neteyam was so utterly sure he had never seen a more beautiful woman in his life. Sure, there were a lot of pretty Omatikayan girls, but he was always so preoccupied with learning to plan hunting parties and raids that he never had time for any of that stuff– not that he was ever really interested in the first place, but you– you were the picture of beauty. You were soaking wet, your hair a total mess but honestly, it fit you. He peered around his father to get a better look at you, trying to be subtle about it. You had delicate intricate tattoos similar to your mother’s on both of your ribs, disappearing beneath the woven and beaded material of your top. 
Lo’ak caught his brother’s staring, trying to suppress a grin as he followed his brother’s gaze to you. The two brothers clearly had a type. Lo’ak let out a small laugh, hiding it with a harsh intake of breath through his nose. Neteyam looked at his brother with an unimpressed expression, swatting his arm to get him to shut up and behave. His tail swished behind him anxiously as you peered at him and his family curiously, studying the unique appearance of the forest Na’vi. 
Neteyam found he couldn’t take his eyes off you, watching the gentle sway of your tail in rhythm with your hips as you walked. Your hair dried remarkably fast, small ringlets of hair framing your face from where they fell out of your messy braids. The stark contrast between you and your sister was staggering. Your sister was so well-kept, her braids looking as if they were redone regularly while the rest of her hair was out in perfect curls down her back. 
But you; you had a freedom about you, your hair was loose and curly with messy and loose braids keeping the hair out of your face. Small pearl beads and coloured twine were braided through your hair, and you seemed so carefree and fun. Neteyam felt his eyes unable to let you go, fascinated by your mere presence. He felt somewhat excited knowing you were going to be teaching them how to be reef Na’vi– well, you and your siblings.
“Mother,” you greeted, bowing your head as you always did when you greeted your parents. You moved further into the healing marui, becoming acutely aware of your mother’s stern gaze upon you. Tsireya trailed behind you and you prayed your mother wouldn’t send her away to tear you a new one about your disappearance off the island. 
“Tsireya,” Ronal said sternly. The two of you felt your shoulders stiffen, ears pinning back at your mother’s commanding voice and presence. Tsireya let out a nervous breath, giving your mother a tight-lipped smile.
Tsireya turned to look at Ronal, knowing what was coming. “Mother?”
“I wish to speak with your sister.” That was enough said for Tsireya to nod her head, give you an apologetic smile and scamper out of the healing marui. Ronal waited for her youngest child to leave before she dropped the healing salve she was working on and gave you a stern look. 
“Mother, I–” you started with a shake of your head.
Your mother held up her hand, “you do not speak,” she raised her voice. You curled in on yourself, bowing your head in shame– though you were more upset that you had been caught. “Where were you this morning? What keeps your attention so occupied that you disappear? Ignore your duties as the tsakarem?”
“I was hunting outside the reef,” you quickly said, your voice meek under your mother’s intense gaze. While going outside the reef wasn’t exactly forbidden, it was only meant for hunting parties and experienced hunters– not the daughter of the Tsahik and Olo’eyktan. 
Your mother didn’t seem to believe you, her harsh glare boring into you as you stared at the ground, fiddling with your fingers as your tail swished anxiously. She stared at you for a moment longer before shaking her head with a sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose as she turned her back to you. You raised your head, watching your mother pace. 
“You will teach those forest children our ways, ‘ite,” your mother said authoritatively. “Every morning; I expect you to be punctual.”
You wanted to protest, mornings training with Teyoa were the one thing you looked forward to, a reprieve from the endless duties you were plagued by. But now your mornings would be occupied by the forest Na’vi and their childlike abilities when it came to living among the reef Na’vi. “Mother–” 
“I have spoken,” she interrupted, her voice slightly raised as she spun to look at you. You knew better than to argue with your mother. Your father was a little softer than her; he was always weak for his daughters and you were able to sway him occasionally. But your mother, she was a force to be reckoned with and you undoubtedly got your rebellion from her. You wanted to make your parents proud, live up to their expectations and be the perfect daughter– but you held so much passion and fire inside you with nowhere to go. You wanted to hunt, be a warrior, provide for and protect the clan. But your parents did not see that. They did not see you. 
“Can I go?” You muttered, eyes glancing at anything but your mother as you bit the inside of your cheek, trying to stifle yourself. Ronal sighed, closing her eyes for a moment before she looked at you again, nodding her head toward the opening of the marui. 
You didn’t stay a second longer, making your way out as you tried to breathe through your anger. It was not the Sully’s fault for seeking uturu, but you did not want to be a babysitter to their four children– that hardly seemed fair. You brushed past the opening of the marui, your eyes almost instantly rolling when you saw your brother Ao’nung and his friends.
“In trouble again, sister?” Ao’nung teased with an amused grin.
“Being a nuisance again, little brother?” You questioned, your shoulder knocking with his as you pushed past him, going nowhere in particular just away from him. When you were younger, your brother used to be somewhat of a crybaby– always sticking to your mother’s side and pestering you, his big sister, to play with him, braid his hair or hold his hand. Now that he was grown; become a man– he was a pain in your ass at the best of times, always sticking his nose in your business. 
“You know,” Ao’nung started, following behind you with Roxto and his other friends on his tail.
Here we go, you thought, rolling your eyes once again. Your brother liked to pick a fight and bicker with other young Metkayina. He never picked on your little sister, she was soft and sweet, but you and your brother shared the similarity of being competitive, always picking on each other. 
“I have always wondered what else you manage to get away with,” he teased with a laugh. “Considering you’re always disappearing and blatantly lying to our parents who are–” he turned to his friends, “–none the wiser!”
You spun on your heel quickly, “must you pester me? Surely you could be doing something more productive with your time instead of talking out of your ass,” you replied sternly, giving him an unimpressed and slightly annoyed glare. Your brother stayed quiet for a moment and you gave him a sarcastic smile, “thought so.”
You began to walk away when your brother yelled an insult from behind you, “skxawng!”
“Vonvä!” You yelled back just as childishly, turning a few heads. 
You found yourself on the secluded part of the beach, having retrieved your heavy bow from its hiding place beneath the rocks in the reef. You sat in the sand, carving the details of your spirit sister’s tattoos into the wood of your bow. Teyoa always told you warriors made their weapons their own– and you thought what better to make it your own than the tattoos of your spirit sister Nanti. You had studied her markings so many times during her visits that you could easily picture them in your mind. 
“What are you doing?” You almost lept out of your skin at the sound of a child’s voice. Her voice was high and she began to giggle when you jumped in surprise. You turned to face her– it was the youngest forest Na’vi– Tuk was her name. How did she find you? Who was letting her wander this far away from the village?
“Should you not be with your family?” You questioned with a grin, knowing you were equally as curious at her age. Tuk shrugged, her tail swaying behind her as she walked down the beach, taking a seat beside you to look at your bow. 
“A bow!” She beamed, “I didn’t know reef people use bows,” Tuk said, looking up at you curiously. 
“They don’t,” you replied before bringing your finger to press to your lips, “it’s a secret,” you whispered.
“Oh, I’m good at keeping secrets,” Tuk replied with a stern nod. 
“Well, that is very good to know,” you said with a smile, continuing to carve small details into the wood with your worn blade. Tuk watched you with curious golden eyes, her tail tapping against the wet sand. You carved one more small detail into the edge, refining the design before holding it up for the two of you to inspect. “What do you think, Tuk?”
“I like it!” the little Na’vi smiled, her toothy grin making your heart swell. You may be hard-headed and rebellious at times but you were always notably good with children– the little Metkayina children were always drawn to you, adorning your hair in handmade beads, giving you bracelets and braiding your hair messily whenever you went to visit the children learning to weave or prepare food. 
“What are you doing all the way out here, little Tuk?” You asked again, peering at the girl with a curious eye. 
“I wanted to explore,” Tuk replied, drawing with her finger in the sand. 
“Well, you better keep this place a secret, too. I don’t want anybody else knowing about it,” you said softly, “but I like you, so you can stay.”
Tuk beamed at your words before nodding her head with a smile, “I won’t tell anyone!” She drew a cross over her heart. You gave her a questioning look and she quickly explained, “my dad said it means to promise.”
“How strange,” you giggled.
“My dad used to be one of the Sky People, you know,” Tuk said, “he says a lot of funny stuff.”
You had heard the stories of the man who became a Na’vi, born of the Sky People but learned the ways of the people. The same man who was Toruk Makto– the very story you were obsessed with as a child. You stood up from the sand, picking your bow up before reaching your hand out toward Tuk.
“Come,” you said softly, “your family may start to worry.”
Tuk stood up, wiping the sand off her legs before grabbing your hand, happily skipping along beside you as you guided her through the mangroves back toward the village. You stashed your bow in the nook of a tree, Tuk talking your ear off the whole journey back. You let her ramble on, finding it endearing how she felt comfortable enough to talk to you. She talked about her life back in the forest and how much she missed it already, she talked about her journey across the sea and about her family’s ikrans. You happily hummed along, replying enthusiastically with your own stories and comments. 
Tuk asked you a lot of questions about your clan as her little fingers toyed with the songcord wrapped around your wrist. She asked you about the different beads you had earned, the most recent earned from passing your Iknimaya and getting your first tattoos. She also asked you about the meaning of your tattoos, telling you how much she admired them, which you thought was adorable. 
“Did they hurt?” she asked curiously.
“I didn’t think so. Though, many of the men say they are very painful,” you replied with a small laugh.
Just as you arrived on the outskirts of the village, you saw Tuk’s oldest brother Neteyam frantically looking around as he called for his sister, “Tuk! Tuk, this isn’t funny!” You hadn’t heard him speak until that moment, he had a slight accent to his voice, probably due to the differing dialects between the forest and reef Na’vi. 
“I told you you would worry your family, little Tuk,” you said matter-of-factly, Tuk’s hand still squeezing your own.
“I just wanted to look around, Neteyam always gets so worried,” she sighed, pulling you toward the edge of the mangrove forest. Neteyam spun around at the sound of leaves and branches rustling, relief flooding his body at the sight of his little sister. But he soon felt his shoulders tense again at the sight of you. You seemed to move in slow motion as you moved some of your hair over your shoulder, glancing down at Tuk with a gentle smile. 
“Tuk,” he sighed with relief, quickly walking toward his sister and crouching down in front of her to inspect her for injuries.
“I’m fiiiine,” Tuk whined as Neteyam pulled on her arms, spinning her around to inspect her back and arms. Tuk swatted at her brother and you covered your mouth as you laughed, the scene reminding you of you and your siblings when you were younger.
Neteyam’s golden eyes looked up at you as you laughed softly, the sound like wonderful music to his ears. He found that his eyes were lingering on you for a little too long and he quickly stood up, clearing his throat, “thank you for finding my sister.”
“He speaks,” you teased, tilting your head at him. 
Neteyam let out a huff of a laugh, “I apologise,” he said.
“Only teasing, forest boy,” you smiled teasingly before turning your attention back to Tuk, crouching down to her eye level. “Now, little Tuk, don’t go wandering off again,” you grabbed her hand gently and she listened to you intently, “remember to keep our little secret place to yourself,” you whispered, but you knew Neteyam heard you. 
“Promise,” Tuk whispered back with a little nod.
You stood back up, glancing at Neteyam for a moment before brushing past him to return to the village, leaving him to revel in the scent of your hair. It smelled like sweet fruits and sea water, a perfect mix in his opinion. 
“Why are you staring at her?” Tuk asked comically loud, staring between you and her brother. You heard her words and laughed to yourself, peering over your shoulder at Neteyam who seemed utterly embarrassed by being caught and called out by his kid sister.
“Thanks for that, Tuk,” he replied with a sigh, quickly grabbing her hand and pulling her back toward their family’s marui. 
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Being beneath the water was always where you felt most as home. Though it was fitting you felt that way considering your entire body was designed to thrive in the water. You enjoyed the silence and solitude of being beneath the waves, curious eyes exploring the reef and gathering shells and various plants for your mother’s salves. You worked quickly to gather plants into your woven bag, various creatures brushing past your arms and legs as you worked. 
The sound of the surface breaking above you caught your ear and you turned to see your sister waving at you happily as she swam toward you, Ao’nung and Roxto not far behind her. You moved the sash of your woven bag over your shoulder, quickly signing at your sister.
‘Teaching the forest Na’vi?’ you signed, your eyes glancing toward the surface where the three siblings treaded water in a rather unorthodox way. You peered back and watched as Kiri swam around happily watching the creatures in the reef.
‘You must join us, sister,’ Tsireya signed back. You frowned at her, shaking your head. She gave you a pleading look, ‘you are a good teacher.’
‘I don’t want to babysit,’ you signed.
‘They are trying,’ Tsireya frowned at your words, signing back quickly.
You looked up at them for a moment, noticing how all of them had their heads underwater, watching you sign with your sister. Your eyes moved to Tuk who quickly waved at you. You let some bubbles out of your mouth, the little pockets of air bobbing to the surface, ‘fine.’
Tsireya smiled happily, squeezing your hand tightly before she began swimming to the surface. You watched as Roxto and Ao’nung signed to each other, making fun of the forest Na’vi’s diving abilities. You rolled your eyes at them before following your sister to the surface.
“You guys are too fast, wait for us!” Tuk whined, rubbing her eyes. You tilted your head at the little Na’vi resting your hand on her shoulder.
“It is okay, Tuk. We will go slow,” you smiled, moving one of her braids out of her face. Ao’nung and Roxto suddenly surfaced behind you.
“You guys are not good divers,” Ao’nung snickered, “may be good at swinging through trees but–”
You quickly swatted the back of your brother’s head, splashing him in the process as Roxto laughed, “you would be wise to shut your mouth, brother.” Ao’nung made a face at you, rolling his eyes.
“We don’t speak this–” Neteyam vaguely gestured with his hands, “–finger talk. We don’t know what you’re saying.”
Tsireya looked at you for a moment, “we will teach you, won’t we?” She looked at you again with a pleading smile.
You sighed and rolled your eyes, “yes, we will teach you,” you nodded. “But first, if you want to swim with us, you must learn to do it properly.”
“We are swimming properly,” Lo’ak replied.
You chuckled softly, “I wouldn’t call flailing your arms about like that, swimming,” you replied. “Move with the water, use your arms like this–” you motioned with your hands as the three Sully siblings listened intently. 
“Come,” Tsireya smiled, “we will move slow.”
You spent most of the afternoon showing the siblings how to swim, Tuk occasionally reaching for your hand so you could swing her forward through the water, the little Na’vi finding so much joy in speeding so fast through the water. You watched as Neteyam seemed to find it a little harder to adjust to swimming, finding it more frustrating than anything. 
You sympathised with them, understanding it must be hard to adjust to a new environment which their bodies were not adapted to. Tsireya swam with Lo’ak slowing down so he could keep up with her and you felt a responsibility to check on Neteyam.
“Are you alright?” You asked, surfacing just behind Neteyam. He turned to look at you, seeming slightly tired from all the swimming you had been doing. 
“I’m fine,” he replied with a sigh, “I just can’t seem to get the breathing part.”
“It’s okay,” you said, sort of hating how genuine you sounded to your own ears, “I will show you.”
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“We breathe from here,” you pressed your hands flat against your chest and stomach, sitting in front of Neteyam. He watched you closely as you showed him how to breathe, your sister and Roxto showing Kiri and Lo’ak not far from you. Tsireya watched you teach Neteyam one on one, grinning softly to herself which you quickly rolled your eyes to. 
You glanced at Neteyam but he was already looking at you, his golden eyes were rather beautiful you thought, though you would never tell a soul. You cleared your throat and he quickly snapped back to reality, “sorry, sorry.”
“From here,” you repeated, taking in a deep breath to fill your chest and stomach, “in and out.”
He did the same, fixing his posture to copy your actions. He wasn’t able to take in as much air as you, but it was a good start.
“You must slow your heart,” you said softly, “focus on your breath.”
“Right,” Neteyam muttered. You scooted forward slightly, reaching your hands out to press on Neteyam’s stomach and chest.
“Breathe in,” you breathed in with him before nodding your head, “and out.” You noticed his heart beating rapidly under your palm, a smile pulling at your lips, “Neteyam, your heart is fast. You must focus, try to slow it down.”
“Yeah, right…” Neteyam quickly nodded at your words, “I’m sorry.” He was so glad there was no one else around to hear what you said, feeling slightly embarrassed that he’d been caught.
Okay, maybe your sister was on to something. He was a little cute. 
“I want you to keep practising,” you said, pulling your hands off his body, “you must learn to breathe if you want to keep up with us.”
“Right,” he muttered before he looked at you curiously “...will you still be teaching us?”
You tried to suppress a smile, “yes, it’s my punishment.”
“Punishment?” Neteyam asked curiously, “we can’t be that bad.”
You laughed softly, “It is not like that, forest boy,” you stood up, brushing some of your hair over your shoulders as you walked back toward the village. 
“Well, what did you do to earn such a punishment?” Neteyam asked, running to catch up with you, almost slipping on the wet rocks. 
“You like to ask questions,” you said.
“Just curious about you is all,” Neteyam shrugged.
“About me?” You turned to him with a curious look. You noticed how Neteyam towered over you, so did your brother but Neteyam staggeringly so. You thought it must be because forest Na’vi were lean and tall by nature. 
“Is that not allowed?” He asked, trying to suppress a grin as he tilted his head at you.
You watched him for a moment, wondering if you should toy with him or tell the truth, you decided the former would be more fun. “I was sneaking out,” you said with a shrug before turning on your heel, making your way back toward the village.
“Sneaking out? What for?” He asked through a chuckle. 
“I think that’s enough information for now,” you replied.
“But I wish to know more about you,” Neteyam called behind you, struggling to keep up with you. You had walked across these slippery rocks more times than you could count– Neteyam not so much. “Oh, shit!” 
You heard a loud splash, whipping your head around to see that Neteyam had disappeared from behind you and slipped into the water, a mass of bubbles indicating where he had fallen. You stood for a moment, waiting for him to surface.
“Neteyam?” You called. No answer. Oh, no. “Neteyam!”
You quickly dove into the water, bubbles of air forming around you as you whipped your head around, looking for him. You swam down toward the reef, thinking he had hit his head and was sinking toward the bottom. You had fear written all over your face before you saw him, slowly swimming toward the surface. You let out a noise of annoyance before quickly rising to the surface.
“You scared me!” You scolded, splashing him with water as he laughed. 
“Those rocks are slippery,” Neteyam simply said.
“I thought you hurt yourself,” you frowned.
“And you came in to save me?” he grinned.
You stared at him with an unimpressed expression for a moment, “don’t flatter yourself.”
Neteyam could only laugh in response as you pulled yourself out of the water and back onto the rocks.
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a/n: hope you like this one! let me know if you want me to continue with these two :)
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neteyamslovrr · 1 year
for lovrr's 2k event🫂:
(i wasn’t sure if we could send two numbers)
rotxo + fluff + 12 + 39 (or just one) 🥹
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first 2k event request!! and first rotxo fic AHHHH hope u enjoy bbys
fem!metkayina reader, 600 words <3
──── ⑅*❀*⑅ ────
You and Rotxo were never that close as kids. You stuck around with Tsireya while he hung around with Ao’nung. Though as you got older you couldn’t help but feel your eyes constantly drift to the shorter boy.
It wasn’t long till you started to look at him a little longer, think about him a little longer. Your heart fluttered when he chuckled and it felt like your stomach did backflips whenever he talked to you.
A talent you always had as a kid was your artistic side. Whether it was weaving, braiding, or creating little pieces of art, they were always amazing. Something your mother taught you was that if you crushed bark from tree it would form an ink, resulting in you drawing on scraps of wood constantly leaving them littered around your marui.
Rotxo was amazed by your skill. It mesmerised him. Seeing you concentrate, your eyes squinting, and lip sucked into your teeth. He thought you looked stunning. Even as a kid he always found himself drawn to you, he figured it was just because he didn’t spend as much time with you as he did with Ao’nung and Tsireya. Though when he started to catch your eyes with his, he realised that it was because he longed to spend more time with you, something he had been trying endlessly to do.
You tended to sit on the shore, resting against a large tree that had sprouted many eclipses ago. It was a place you found peace, a place you tended to take your crafts and work away. Rotxo always saw you from afar, in his gut he knew he had a little crush on you, what was the harm of acting on it?
He walked behind you, noticing you were scribbling away on a piece of scrap bark. He wished he could see your cute, concentrated face but this way he was seeing your talented work. Getting closer he realised you were drawing a detailed portrait, of him? His heart did flips at the thought of you thinking so much about him to illustrate him.
“Is that a drawing of me?” Rotxo’s quiet voice queried behind you. You let out a loud gasp, jumping up to face him, hiding your drawing behind his back.
You didn’t expect to see him here, you definitely didn’t expect him to see your drawing of him that you had started in a daze of infatuated thoughts.
“No! Noooo. Nope.” Rotxo giggled at you, watching the way your face had turned a deeper shade of blue as a result of his presence. Eywa, you were adorable.
“Show me. Please? You are very talented.”
“Show you what? I have no idea what you’re talking about. Maybe you should see Tsa’hik, you are having delusions. It’s not good, how about you walk there now while I get rid of the drawing that doesn’t exist because you’re getting sick-”
“Your rambling is adorable, you know that right?”
“Shut up! Oh my Eywa you’re making this so embarrassing.” Rotxo tried to hide the huge smile that was covering his face, but you were just so cute.
“Can I see please?”
“No. You were not supposed to know about this.”
“What? That you like to draw my cute face?”
“Shut up!” You hit his shoulder softly, the heat of your embarrassment spreading all over your body as you slowly got the drawing from behind you.
Rotxo took the drawing and gazed at it with wide eyes, you had drawn him perfectly, like you had been staring at his face for years analysing every spec of detail on him. “This is insane. You’re so talented. It’s so good.”
“…Thankyou.” You couldn’t hide the giddy smile on your face as you looked up at the amazed boy.
“Will you show me more of your drawings?”
“Of course I will.”
──── ⑅*❀*⑅ ────
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