#roxy: WHAT???? NO I HAVEN'T!!!
monty-glasses-roxy · 7 months
idea: Roxy goes into excited puppy mode when Cassie gets off the school bus and the other kids all yell "HI ROXY" and she is just THRIVING. the BEST part of her day
Cassie's first day back at school has Roxy waiting for her to come back all day long and all that pent up energy from the day just explodes the second Cassie is back... Laying on the couch staring sadly at the door, waiting for the moment Eddie comes to get her so they can go pick her up from school or the bus stop or whatever. She hates school with a burning passion because Cassie should be able to do whatever she wants forever! This is such bullshit why can't Cassie stay and fuck around with her all day instead?! That's so unfair!!!
Honestly this is giving me the mental image of the bus passing the Plex and the second it does, Roxy leaps through the broken window and floors it down the street after it. Meteors Roxy (cause she's stuck in my brain) specifically just running full speed on her fours as fast as physically possible to reach the bus stop before Cassie's bus. First few times she does it, she howls a bit so Cassie definitely sees her running on the path beside the road, and now it's a daily thing lmao
Just a bus full of kids either cheering for the bus driver to go faster or cheering Roxy on as she races the bus everyday. Cassie is, of course, on Roxy's side every time, and it's actually remarkable how often she wins. The bus driver has taken to it and plays along sometimes, speeding up when the roads are quiet so the kids start cheering and slowing down to let Roxy catch up if something's caught her up like a group of slow walkers or something. They honk the horn as they go past the Plex and it's become the start sound of another race starting. They hear the beep beep of the bus and the kids swarm the windows to watch Roxy catapult herself out of the Plex window and rocket after them. The driver thought they'd had her one time, but she fucking barrelled around the corner and only just made it before the bus did lmao she got a congratulatory handshake for that one too she really did just rob them of the win dnjdnd
Cassie gets off the bus and is immediately flying tackled by a very out of breath Roxy. She's swept off her feet in a spinning hug, and if Roxy loses the race and is still running when Cassie steps off it? Well she meets her in the middle and they get to tackle eachother! It makes her feel so important and so loved it's unreal, especially because she knows one hundred percent that Roxy really does love her to bits and wouldn't go to this much effort for anyone else. The feeling is mutual, Cassie just can't fucking race a moving vehicle to show it lmao nsjdn. However, they've both been told they need to dial it down a bit because Roxy has bruised both of them a decent number of times with how hard she crashes into her... Cassie doesn't really care though, it just sort of stings after the fun wears off and later on when she pulls it too much. Totally worth it though!
And if there's a kid that doesn't believe that Roxy is Cassie's sister now? There's a whole bus load of kids that witness her racing the fucking bus everyday so she can see her again as soon as physically possible that can back them up lmao. She's a favourite among the kids on that bus, the door opens to kids cheering for her whenever she wins the race and for the bus driver whenever she loses. It's so fucking fun and the highlight of her and Cassie's day! It's something to look forward to for the kids at the end of the school day too, her antics are a little mood boost for some of them it's great! She sometimes wears a silly hat or costume for the added surprise of it lmao. That part was Sunny's idea of course, and Chica and Bonnie help her do it.
Ya know what too? If Bonnie or someone changes in Meteors and also starts doing it on occasion, the kids go wild cause now it's a THREE way race!! And holy shit Roxy is somehow faster than a giant rabbit how is that even possible?! She tells anyone that asks that it's pure skill, but Bonnie always says that she's so excited to Cassie every day that it lets her do the impossible with ease... Roxy doesn't really like that explanation cause it makes her sound soft as fuck but it also makes her sound pretty cool being able to do the impossible so... She's a bit torn lmao
And if Roxy isn't there for whatever reason? Everyone's asking Cassie what's wrong. Roxy got sick for a while and Cassie came back from school one day during that with a bunch of get well soon presents for her, Roxy feels so loved by this group of ten year olds she's never met lmao. Would be extra sweet if Roxy made a point to make something to give them all in return too as a thank you, like she and Cassie made cupcakes for everyone on the bus when she was feeling up to it or something. She's gotta make sure her adoring fans know she appreciates them, right? And Cassie doesn't mind being the middle man here. She finds it pretty satisfying to be able to have large groups of kids listen to her and be excited to see what she's brought them. It's pretty fun honestly! She enjoys it more than she expected to!
Cassie is just so important to Roxy that she'd race a bus to say hi... By sweeping her off her feet and swinging her around with joy because CASSIE'S BAAAACCCKKK!!!! WOOOO!!! BEST PART OF HER DAY, YOU RIGHT ANON!!! ESPECIALLY IF SHE BEAT THE BUS TOO!!! SHE'S WINNING AT EVERYTHING!!!
#fnaf security breach#roxanne wolf#meteors roxy#meteors au#because its most applicable to that au#but oh boy has this given me some cassie story arc ideas!#i just need to get a good solid grasp on Cassie's character i think#i mostly have one but i don't talk about her enough for it to be that solid#i love Cassie... and so does Roxy!!#and if you're wondering why roxy doesn't slow down to minimise damage to herself and cassie...#1. she forgets and 2. she doesn't actually realise she's doing it#she has to be told and shown the evidence for her to understand that shes the one doing it#and cassie isn't getting hurt at school or getting up to other stuff without her#eddie: roxy. you've bruised yourself from here to here.#roxy: psh its fine its worth it for cassie!!#eddie: you've bruised cassie too.#roxy: WHAT???? NO I HAVEN'T!!!#she's DEVASTATED nsjsndj#it's not that bad or anything but she's acting like she's fucking stabbed her djjdnd#stops tackling her but she's so focused on not doing that she ends up just vibrating in place dnjdn#Cassie just... tackles her with every ounce of strength in her body#which also bruises cause shes stronk#so now it's a lost cause and they go back to flying tackling eachother instead but with a little pillow to soften the blow lmao#snjdndj oh yeah and roxy could also like#make gifts in return for the get well soon gifts that match what they gave her#for example she gets given a bracelet so she makes a bracelet with Cassie's help in return#someone draws her some stuff and she spends ages drawing something just as good to give them back#except roxy isn't great at any of these things so she's trying so hard#bdkdndid wait what if she ends up with a back and forth with some kids#like pen pals!! but its with the kids of the bus!! and cassie gets to be their messenger!!
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chipistrate · 6 months
Kinda weird that we haven't seen a hint of Monty so far in Help Wanted 2 promo-
His VA already confirmed he's returning for the game, but it almost feels like they're hiding him,,,
I'm probably looking too far into it though lmao
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ineffable-gallimaufry · 10 months
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okay putting the storyteller au character designs all in one place. firstly the kids. i might do a world building dump after i reblog this with the trolls
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4lph4kidz · 10 months
the problem with 'why don't you just make an oc' with homestuck specifically is that so much of what i like about homestuck's characters is reliant on the text to the point of being impossible to extricate or replicate. if i wanted i could absolutely take some of the elements i like to make ocs, and i probably will at some point, but it's not just the characters and their traits on their own, it's their place in and treatment by the text itself that is compelling to me
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askhugsworthy · 2 years
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hinotorihime · 1 month
i'm honestly not sure exactly why he gives me these vibes* but i do genuinely think that canon dave** is not religious because he never got exposed to actual religion beyond general cultural osmosis rather than because he's actively not religious??
in particular, i love me some jewish strilondes, and dave feels to me like the most likely one of them to be genuinely observant if he got the chance, so i've been enjoying exploring that in a couple of my wips where the context allows for it.
*beyond, like, personal projection, and some nebulous thoughts about his extremely antagonistic relationship with his aspect
**in a watsonian sense, i mean. the doylist reason real-world religion isn't ever discussed in hs beyond a few dumb jokes is because that wasn't something the author was interested in exploring, which i am grateful for because come on, would you trust him of all people to handle that well
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2ndsk8terboy · 4 months
Roxie called you silly!
-tattletale anon
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navybrat817 · 1 year
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A little steam to power you through your Monday?
I barely made it, but I will take him. And a little something because I appreciate you.
Strike a Pose
Pairing: College!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: You get a front row seat to your roommate's latest photoshoot, which happens to feature your boyfriend.
Word Count: Over 1k
Warnings: K-I-S-S-I-N-G, college AU, nicknames, Bucky Barnes (yep, he's a warning)
A/N: A little more Titan and Starshine that no one asked for!❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You were a bit surprised when your roommate, Roxy, messaged you to come to her recent photoshoot. A photography major who captured exquisite images, she was hardly ever without her camera. But she typically didn't ask you to show up for a session unless she specifically told you she planned to take photos of you. She hadn't in this case. She also ambushed you at the door of the studio and you wondered what was going on.
"Is everything okay?" you asked as she ushered you inside. 
"Just fine, but wait. Before you go any further," she replied, stopping you before you could take another step. "Did you talk to Bucky this afternoon?"
You raised an eyebrow and tried to get a read on why she was asking. You didn't go a day without talking to him and it still made you giddy that he usually reached out first. "Yeah, we're supposed to meet up in an hour. Why?"
"You know how I'm doing an athletic spread for my next project?" she asked before you nodded. "Well, one of my 'models' got sick today and I bumped into Steve and I asked if he wouldn't mind me taking some photos of him and he also suggested Bucky and-"
"They both agreed?" you guessed. It made sense that she asked. Steve and Bucky, especially with his boxing background, were both in amazing shape and certainly had the looks of models.
"They did. Steve should be here in a bit, so it's just Bucky and I for now."
You didn't feel a surge of jealousy or nervousness. There was no reason for it. "Unless you're hitting on Bucky, I don't see what the problem is," you teased. You trusted them and hoped you hadn't given either of them a reason to think you didn't.
"Hey! I take offense to that. I know he is your man and we both want you here," she huffed, making your heart flutter. Bucky Barnes was your guy. "He keeps looking at the door to make sure you're coming. He's down so bad for you."
That made your heart beat faster. He was waiting for you? "I was kidding about you hitting on him. I know you wouldn't do that," you assured her. You didn't want to hurt her feelings with a bad joke.
She flashed you a huge grin after a moment. "I know you were kidding. I was just giving you shit," she teased. Of course she was. "But speaking of your man, it is my duty as your roommate and friend to prepare you as much as I can: He's going to ruin your panties. I'm not kidding. Soaked. And it's only fair that as his girlfriend you should witness him in his glory before the film develops."
You almost sputtered as she practically dragged you further into the studio. "You act like I haven't seen Bucky... Fuck. Me."
"Right here, Starshine? I'm game if you are," Bucky winked.
Your boyfriend sat in the middle of the room surrounded by steam, looking the part of a young, modern king. It was unbelievable how he looked so commanding and he wasn't standing. Was it the sleeveless shirt that accentuated his muscular arms or the way.the light made his brown hair shine? Or was it confidence in his blue eyes as he unashamedly looked you up and down?
The whole package.
"Told you. Soaked panties," your roommate said as she checked her camera. "And for the record, I haven't seen Bucky fuck you, but if he keeps eye-fucking you like that, I just might."
"I can't help myself," Bucky said, licking his lips as he beckoned you closer with his finger. Your feet moved forward on their own accord. "She should be the one being photographed."
Your stomach did a funny flip. While you wouldn't say you lacked confidence, you wouldn't call yourself glamorous either. "I'm no model," you protested. 
"You could be," he said, taking your hand the second you were close enough. "You're so beautiful and I don't have enough pictures of you. It isn't fair. You're depriving me."
"You're ridiculous," you giggled before he pulled you into his lap. "This is an athletic photoshoot."
"Should we show her how you can put your legs behind your-"
"No!" you giggled more. 
"Okay," he chuckled, bumping his nose against yours. "But you really could be a model if you wanted to. Or maybe a ring girl."
"You'd let me walk around the ring in a bathing suit with no objection?" you asked, knowing Bucky would support you if you really wanted to. Lucky for you, he was the right kind of possessive boyfriend. He treated you with respect instead of like an object. 
"I would because I know you're leaving with me at the end of the night, Starshine," he said.
"Whatever you say, Titan."
You inhaled when he gripped your chin and forced you to meet his gaze. Your cheeks were so hot you were shocked you didn't burst into flames. You could try and blame it on the steam, but it was all him. 
Your Titan.
"Wait! Hold that pose!" Roxy ordered. "Ahh! This might be my best shoot yet!"
With Bucky as her model, you knew it would be. 
You paid no attention to the camera going off as you continued to gaze at Bucky. Beneath the flirty surface was tenderness in his eyes, a private moment amongst the flashing lights. Maybe you could get Roxy to make a couple of copies of the photos. One set for you and one set for him. 
"Now KISS!"  
And there was no hesitation when Bucky surged forward, capturing your lips in a devouring kiss. You moaned softly as he moved his tongue with yours in a heated dance, having to remind yourself that the two of you weren't alone. There was no way for you not to crave him though. 
Isn't that part of what young love is all about?
Except you hadn't said that word yet. 
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Oh, these two. More of them here. 💙 Love and thanks for reading! 💙
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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julius caesar but i've never watched it
...either the play or the actual man. I am not a time-travelling voyeur. Why does that give Doctor Who vibes? I haven't watched that either.
Anyway, happy Ides of March, tumblr. I am about as enthusiastic about the celebration as Neil Gaiman is, but here we are. Doing what I do worst, making a summary of things I have no authority to summarise... WAHOO LET'S GO. Whatever it is I know about the play:
Caesar was vibing sometime around the '40s. 0040s, not 1940s.
He has a wife named Calpurnia. A maggot wants to be her because and I quote 'no one ever listens to me either'.
She tells him not to go to some kind of coronation or speech or something on the Ides. He's like nah wifey 'sall gucci.
I regret saying that sentence. As did Caesar, because he went and got stabbed in 44. Spoiler alert.
People ship Mark Antony with Caesar but some ship Brutus and Caesar. *youtuber voice* Comment below with your favourite ship.
Don't do it I don't want to know. Anyway, he's also married to Cleopatra, who is killed by snake venom that may not have been snake venom or something.
Idk they were cute. They had a kid that ran away and Asterix and Obelix had to take care of him. Caesarian?
There is a soothsayer. He tries to soothwarn Caesar.
Caesar does not soothlisten. Caesar is a lil bitch.
On the Ides of March, Caesar goes up to the soothsayer who is lurking on the steps of the maybe-coronation place. He soothsays The Ides of March are come!
The soothsayer soothsighs and soothsays Aye, Caesar, but not gone.
The senators, otherwise known as the soothslayers, have been plotting for a while. Brutus is a very dear friend of Caesar. He thinks Caesar slays.
But the other senators convince him this is what's best for Rome. So he thinks Caesar should be slayed.
So now the soothslayers at the maybe-coronation gather around Caesar and start stabbing him. Et tu, Brute? and all that (though I remember something about that phrase not meaning the same thing as it does in popular context...).
The soothslayers are a bit extra. Like bro. One stab to the heart would have soothsufficed.
Anyway, Caesar is soothslayed like the soothsayer soothsaid.
There is a funeral thing. The People of Rome are cranky.
A maggot once said Moots, maggots, countrymen! and it lives rent-free in my head.
So he gives the soothspeech and everyone is emotional. IF YOU HAVE TEARS, PREPARE TO SHED THEM NOW. Damn bro. It's like playing villain music just as the camera focuses on the villain.
Anyway then there is a lot of chaos and blah blah blah Mark Antony does some stuff Caesar's adoptive son Octavian does some stuff.
There's some bloke named Augustus who may or may not be Octavian (if he was sorry for the deadname Auggy my bad).
Brutus is killed? Or he kills Mark Antony? One of them die.
They were totally not fighting over who was a better lover to Caesar.
Roman Republic gone byebye as I say to Roxie. Roman Empire starts. The end.
That was a thing. I rather like summarising my homeboy Shakespeare haven't read him in a while and I only read his comedies. Maybe I should do more in honour of the Globe Theatre Maggots.
Happy Ides. Please don't soothslay me. I've been a good Maggot Prince to you, haven't I?
*runs just in soothcase*
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 month
Just had the idea of doing a Roxy askblog that's based on it being a secret blog she's not allowed to have and every so often if someone asks her something she just says stuff like "To the Fazspy reading this, I'm not the real Roxy." to try and throw the staff off her trail lmao
Will probably never make a blog like that, but it could be kinda funny. Maybe I bring the idea of an 'ask Roxy anything' game back where I draw the answers for it instead so it's not a whole ass blog dedicated to Roxy being a sneaky lil shit on the internet
#there's several reasons I probably won't do it but it's a fun spin on stuff#roxy exploring the closed off parts of the plex in first person lmao#taking pictures like 'look see? its right there!' and she's pointing at literally nothing because the camera doesn't see what her eyes see#could be funny!#but doing things is... I would say it's improving but not really#it's improving in a maybe it is maybe it isn't sort of way so who knows if I'll ever get to do it anyway#ANYWAY yeah I'll probs not do this. literally no one would interact with it#the people are bored of my plex history stuff anyway so like... yeah it's cool I know when something won't work#an askblog only works if it gets asks and uh yeah the amount of askblogs I've seen die off within a week here because of that is crazy#no thank you to that I think!#I'm not putting the effort into something like that just to have it die so fast#hi if you read this far go find an askblog and pester the shit out of them it's fun#I haven't seen any around for a while but I also can't view half of tumblr on my phone#so it's really fucking hard to see them even if I follow them :(#but yeah if there's any sb askblogs out there or anyone that wants to have a go at it tag me in a post.#I WILL show up to be silly in your inbox though I may not always remember the plot if there is one#again. I can't see half of tumblr on mobile and that includes blogs but I'll do my best man#askblogs are fun! they're goofy and chaotic!#highly recommend!! I haven't ran one in years but they were very fun!!#ANYWAY Roxy just making posts like 'Jerry. Sandy. I know what you two keep doing in the Gator Golf caravan. :)'#just name dropping random plex guests to be like 'I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE' for shits and giggles#'who are they?' 'oh just two morons that dont know I know Everything Ever. Don't worry about it.'#ya know?? fun! goofy shit! could be funny!#random pictures from inside the plex like 'lmao they think I cant see them' and its just a fucking wall like yeah I wonder why#maybe it's the fucking wall in the way who knows? it's a mystery sdfdsf#pop rox talks
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factual-fantasy · 7 months
26 ASK! :DDDD🎉🎉🎉
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I do not.. :/ Sorry!
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:DDD Thank you!! ☕ I'm hanging in there as best I can <:) Thank you for the well wishes. I hope the same for you!
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@boxofcreampuffs (SKJAJD HORSE XDDDD)
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@chaotic-public-menace (Post in question)
<XD While that is true, this comic is way overdue. Its taken me some weeks to make and it should have been up like a month ago! I just wanna get it done already so I'm trying to not get distracted by FNAF and other drawing ideas-
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I haven't actually decided on whether or not the other Addison's were good or bad guys. This would change their reaction to seeing Spamton.
I had this idea that Spamton's world is a lot like Seam and Jevil's. Its more cruel and wicked than the original Deltarune.. And Spamton might not have been particularly close with the other Addison's.. They had no time for bonds or relationships. It was a dog eat dog world, every man for himself.
Branching off of that, one idea I had was the other Addison's had become jealous of Spamton's success and tried to kill him by pushing him into the acid pools.. Only for Spamton to survive and reemerge as a horrific looking creature..
If I go with the evil Addison story.. some Addison's might run away in fear just because of how horrific Spamton looks. Though some might deliberately abandon him becuase they hated him/were jealous of him and felt like he deserves this.
If I go with a story where the other Addison's weren't responsible for the acid fall.. they might still run away in fear. Seeing this horrible beast.. not realizing its one of their own.
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XD No problem! Soft boi Gregory is best Gregory!
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In my AU, none of the other Glamrock's know that Gregory exists. But if they did, maybe Roxy would envy it a bit..? Having someone look up to Freddy and not her might hurt her ego a bit.. :(
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Oh no no, his top and bottom row of teeth are separate. Like these pictures here show,
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(Post in question for the pictures)
The top row of teeth all fused together and became one big cracked tooth. And the bottom row did the same. But the two rows are separate and he can still open his mouth.
To think that if while he was initially melting, he had kept his mouth closed? His teeth would have melted together and he wouldn't be able to eat anything easily.. if at all.
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Please don't draw fanart of any of my stuff. There are no exceptions.
(Also thank you💖)
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Thank you! :DDD
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You just made their night XDD
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Thank you! I'm hanging in there 😅 I hope you are well too! :}}
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They're dry :x
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I imagine that Bonnie Bowl might have a flashlight.? And Pirates cove would have a box of confiscated Bon-cams XD
I don't really remember what the other collectables were in the game so I don't really have a reference to go off of..
Buuuut,,, maybe from Bonnie bowl you could also get one of Bonnies signature bowling balls? A purple bowling ball with a rabbit ears print on it somewhere.
And for Pirates Cove perhaps a cheap pirate captains hat? I had this idea that there's 100s of these cheap captain hats that Foxy gives away to the kids every day. So maybe that could be a collectable too? :00
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XD Once I'm done with this project that will be me. Posting the most painful angst I can conjure up
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I have not. But something tells me its about Hares/Rabbits XDD
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Yeah, me and some friends theorized about that. We thought "Maybe Vanessa or William is taking care of the animatronics and keeping them clean"
But even if they were, you cant help certain wears and tears. They would look noticeably worn, stained, torn in some places and a bit brittle in others after so many years of just existing.
They also missed out on a lot of scares by making them pristine. Bonnie's face could have had a crack/split down the side. "Oh yeah that's been there for a while, its fine" Only for it to fall of later in the movie revealing these piercing red eyes and a Childs head lodged in Bonnie's face/jaw.
Or Chica could have her beak come off or dangle down and reveal colorful wires hanging down.. and.. is that a childs arm.?
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(Post in question)
Oh yeah, he'd be scared. Even the Captain is spooked in that AU XD
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@kaiserdarken (WAAA SORRY FOR ANSWERING SO LATE! I was originally going to draw something as a response to this but I never got around to it and it got burriedddd.. my apologies. Better late than never I suppose-)
I do celebrate Halloween, which means Bibi and Jangles would as well XD For Halloween I like to dress up in some way and carve pumpkins. Although I forgot to carve any this year and didn't have a good opportunity to dress up unfortunately-
I can see Bibi wanting to dress up and carve pumpkins too. But he might not actually be strong enough to puncture a pumpkin to carve it <XD He'd need some help-
Jangles would just eat all of the candy. Plus pumpkin pie and more candy-
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(Again one of those asks I was going to respond to with a drawing but never got around to ittttt.. I'm sorry-)
Its been so long since you sent this I cant actually remember what it was referring to.💀 IM SO SORRY! Its still funny though! <XDD
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(Another ask I was going to respond to with a comic- sorry for the lateness!)
Thank you so much! And yeah, "Jangles looks like Papyrus," I get that a lot <XD
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(Yet another late ask that was meant to have a drawing attached😭 Sorry!)
(Bibi sweating profusely) "PLEASE do not die for me- I prefer you were alive--"
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@minnesotamedic186 (ANOTHER late ask meant to have its own post but I got lazy😭💔Sorry!)
The basic idea for my Kirby AU is that I took the other metaknight's and added them to the Kirby Right back at Ya universe :00 I cant remember what info I shared before because this ask was sent so long ago.. but I'll just recap Axe Knights story because it has the most detail!
Axe Knight was Metaknight's first follower, and best friend. He was with Metaknight from the very beginning. They became star warriors together when they were both a bit young. Axe Knight truly believed in Metaknight. He saw greatness in his friend, he saw a true hero. And he truly believed Metaknight was going to end this war and save the world. Its because of this adoration and belief, that Axe Knight devoted himself to Metaknight and proclaimed himself to be his first follower.
It was not too long after when tragedy struck. A battle broke out and Axe knight sacrificed himself to protect Metaknight. As he lay on the ground, dying from his sacrifice.. he saw Metaknight too laying on the ground nearby. Unmoving, and in a pool of his own blood. Axe knight died with his heart twisted in grief. Thinking that his sacrifice had failed. And that his best friend had died.
Metaknight of course survived, and Axe Knights sacrifice was the only thing that saved him. But Axe Knight didn't know that before he died. Metaknight buried his best friend and left that planet in grief. Forever changed by this loss..
But Axe Knight.. wasn't totally gone. Axe died grieving, thinking that this world lost a great warrior; Metaknight. Thinking that it was so cruel Metaknight didn't get to live longer. To travel the universe and save lives. They were robbed of a hero. Because of Axe Knights failure. His soul was so disturbed that it couldn't move on. He later crawled out of his grave, with a fiery determination to make things right. To go out there and save as many lives as possible. To protect anyone he can and to help all who need him. Because that's what Metaknight would have done.
Eventually after years of blindly wandering the universe.. battling monsters and saving innocents.. he crosses paths with dreamland. He finds himself in a little town full of Cappys.. And then he runs in to a familiar face...
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I was going to draw a comic of Jangles making a vlog style video. "Hey guys, welcome to pranking with Jangles. Today I'm gonna prank Bibi by throwing this cheese slice at his face!"
He sneaks up behind Bibi who is sitting on a beanbag and reading or something- "Hey Bibi" He turns around
Jangles throws the cheese slice and it completely misses and just splats on the ground. "Oh oops"
Bibi: "????"
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@uay778 (The last ask that I was going to draw something for and never got around to. So sorry!)
I was going to draw a comic to this where I replace the bandages with clean, fresh ones. But then they immediately get soaked with blood again XDD Its just a part of my design!
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hello-autoresponder · 6 months
hey! everything should be all set up for you now. i was nice and decided to give you two whole dimensions to exist in
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What? This is Roxy, right? What's going on?
oh i'm not roxy! we haven't spoken before. this might seem confusing at first but you should be okay! just have fun and be yourself :-)
okay i should really get going...
No, it's cool. I don't actually want to be stranded in this endless void by myself. Mind sticking around?
don't worry! i'm sure there are plenty of other people who will want to talk to you. they'll keep you company!
[link to send asks!]
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roxtron · 4 months
Anyone ever think about the idea that the mimic is mimicking what it did to gregory before being trapped?
probably, I'm sure I'm not the only person to think about this. but am I going to talk about it anyway? absolutely. Okay so basically.. a couple of the mimic's voicelines are copy-pasted from Security Breach, right? While this is the first time we've seen the mimic copy anyone before, I believe most of his voicelines do come from somewhere. Sorry, that sounds vague. What I mean by that is I don't believe everything the mimic says is 100% a lie it created. For example a lot of people joke about the mimic being more whiny when pretending to be Gregory. Joking about how it's the biggest red flag because Gregory was never really that scared in Security Breach. But did it really just come up with that on its own? What if it's mimicking Gregory in the state he was in when he left? What if Gregory was that scared when dealing with the mimic? And it's not just that, I think some voicelines actually give a bit of hint to this too.
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"Help! Something grabbed me! It won't let me go!" I feel like this line and others like it may actually describe what the mimic did. The way Gregory refers to the mimic as "that thing," and the only other 'thing' it could be pretending to be afraid of is the blob, which already tunneled out by the time Cassie gets here. And while the mimic isn't the best at keeping its story straight.. (Claiming to be running/hiding from Roxy while it's trapped under the sinkhole, though I believe that could be him trying to cover up the real Gregory attempting to speak to her, regaining control of the situation. After all if that voice line was the mimic why would Roxy run in the opposite direction of the walkie talkie to go chase him?) I feel like if the mimic was pretending it was the blob that grabbed him, he wouldn't also admit that it tunneled out later on. (I'll get to that don't worry.) Sure, this is a fabricated lie to lure Cassie, but my point is, what story is the mimic trying to create here? What is the mimic trying to claim happened to it/Gregory? I was going to bring these screenshots up later, but..
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(Original screenshot + edited version to see the handprint better.) The handprint on the vent outside where the mimic is trapped, with Gregory's backpack underneath it, if you haven't seen theories about it already it seems to clearly imply Gregory lured the mimic in through the vent, that's his handprint. Why I'm bringing this up here though, that handprint looks bloody, doesn't it? Maybe it's just me, maybe it's just the lighting, but I feel like that looks more like a bloody/liquid stain smear than a smear of dust or something. So what if what happened was what the mimic described? It grabbed Gregory, and didn't let him go, causing his arms to get stabbed through and bleed after he escaped through the vent. (If you can't picture what I'm saying or just want a cool visual of this happening, go see this post it's cool and basically shows what I'm talking about, I only thought of this detail because of their post, also the art is cool.)
Anyway, moving on..
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"That thing is here again. I gotta hide. Save me."
What if getting the mimic to that specific room wasn't all of the luring Gregory had to do? What if he periodically had to deal with being chased/hunted by the mimic while trying to get it to follow him to that area of the pizzaplex? (This is probably the most speculation, there's not a lot you can get from this line, but it's still a cool idea I think.) OR, an alternate take.. The mimic is being interrupted by the real Gregory's attempts to reach Cassie, and the mimic is using this opportunity as an excuse while it attempts to block his signal. (I've theorized about the differences between each speaking a bit before, but basically, I find it notable that the only times the real Gregory seems to get through to Cassie is when the mimic is busy/distracted/unavailable. So the mimic likely has to make an active effort to block his attempts, hence why he ends up using other signals to try to reach her, like the hacked staff bot. Again this is heavy speculation, but I find it interesting if he's basically telling the story in real-time and sort of swapping him and Gregory.)
Overall there's not a lot you can gather out of this line that I haven't already mentioned in the previous one, so let's move on.
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"Something tunneled out.. broke everything. Now I'm stuck here!"
Before I go over this, take it with a grain of salt. Yes I think this is him referring to the blob tunneling out, causing the 'earthquake' that broke the pizzaplex to the state it's in when Cassie arrives. Considering the tunnel in the sinkhole and seeing the blob in a tunnel early in the game, this adds up. However.. I think there might be a double meaning here. It's a bit of a reach, but what if it's also referring to Gregory a bit here? "Something tunneled out," it's implied Gregory used the vent (sort of a tunnel) to escape the room the mimic is trapped in. "Broke everything," ruined the mimic's plans. "Now I'm stuck here," well, that's self explanitory. Gregory used the vent to escape, ruined the mimic's plans, and trapped it there. I also find it interesting this seems to be the final time the mimic mentions something else down there with it. (Even during its final pleas in Roxy Raceway, it only says "Save me, it's so dark down here." Nothing about that "thing" putting him in danger.) Do I think this line is specifically the mimic talking about Gregory? No, I think its main purpose is to explain where the blob went. But I do think it's possible there's a double meaning to it, intentional or not..
Like I said that's the last line of dialogue where the mimic mentions something else down there with it, so there's not a lot more to talk about. My biggest points and evidence were in the beginning tbh, it probably would've been best to cover it at the end of this post but I wanted to go over the voice lines in chronological order to when they appear in-game. I know some of the stuff I said is reaching a bit, I'm not 100% confident that'd be the correct interpretation.. but it's something to think about, that's my point. Whether I'm right or wrong I think the theory is worth considering. If you read this far, that's cool, I hope this was entertaining or had some kind of value to you. I like writing analysis stuff like this so it's always nice when other people enjoy it too. :)
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slipperyskell · 10 months
What if it was Roxanne?
Alright, alright, this one is a hell of a stretch since there’s little evidence that really supports this, but this thought hasn’t left my mind since I first found out about Bonnie’s appearance in Ruin and I just need to get it out there.
what if it was Roxanne that killed Bonnie? while she doesn't have the same claws as Monty would have (which again he did not get until after Bonnie was killed) she does still have them, as does Freddy. Her claws are also green, which might explain the plastic rub/paint that is across his chest. Not to mention in a lot of Roxy's animations, she uses her claws for a ton of things. The only time monty really does is when he's destroying the gator guns. Otherwise he's just punching shit. AND the fact that Roxanne’s green claws are the only ones to have survived up until ruin - not even Freddy’s did. Gotta be pretty durable considering how hard she’s been trying to look for Gregory.
Roxy Raceway is also RIGHT NEXT to Bonnie Bowl, albeit below. That probably doesn't matter much given that they'd all be in Rockstar Row anyway, but afaik after Bonnie went missing, the rest of the glamrock crew weren't allowed to leave their green rooms. I don't remember where this is mentioned in game but i want to say it's a line of dialogue freddy has.
Roxanne's an integral part of the security system being that she is the only one with a secrutiy node built into her system where all of the others don't appear to (assuming their deaths didn't deactivate their portions of the security stuff). Not to mention her eyes are very specifically designed to see things that other people can't, though the description discussing her upgrades also mention that it was just to help her win races (??? sounds like bullshit to me but okay)
Now I haven't been able to find what bowling ball model was used for the broken one around Bonnie's head, but Roxanne's are usually either red with purple swirls or solid purple. Monty's are either solid green, or green and purple swirls. And there's the giant roxanne bowling ball that's crushed much of the bowling alley in the lanes itself when you have the vanni mask on.
WHAT IF. Bonnie, being a prototype (as is implied in the description of one of his plushy collectibles), had been hacked by the Mimic, who learned, through afton, to associate itself with rabbits. Roxanne saw something was up, confronted him, they fight, and Roxanne takes him out. It's obvious she's not afraid to throw hands against other bots, and that leap of hers could have easily knocked Bonnie into the wall, causing that impact mark in front of him as she clawed into him. The only thing that really doesn't explain is why he died facing the wall on his back, Unless he was attempting to scoot back when Roxanne took the bowling ball and crushed his head with it.
Again, there really isn’t anything more that supports this theory than this that I know of, so I know this is a huge stretch, but I feel like, given the amount of things not adding up with Monty being the one to kill him (ESPECIALLY if it was merely out of jealousy and nothing more), I feel like Roxanne being the one to have killed him to protect the others is a more solid motive. If there was something wrong with Bonnie, she’d be the first to know and likely the first to act on it.
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dizzyhslightlyvoided · 5 months
Based on previous feedback
Ramona, trying to be subtle: What do you think your name would be as a girl, Scott?
(Thought cloud above Scott with "Ramona" and "Roxie")
Scott: Uh, "Rhoda", maybe. Why?
(there's a panel without any dialogue where Ramona just exchanges a look with Wallace and Kim)
Kim: ... Scott, have you ever wondered if you might be trans?
Scott: Haha, absolutely not! I'm definitely a guy! Uhhh totally a manly man here!
Caption on Scott: Just happened to have a feminine name for himself off the top of his head
Ramona: ... You're sure?
Scott, deflating, but only a little: I dunno, Ramona. Like. I mean I've wondered if I was trans like you and Roxie, but I mean. I ... think it'd be more obvious, right?
Wallace: To yourself, you mean?
Scott: ????
Ramona: Scott, I'm just gonna come out and say it ...
Scott: Yeah?
(whole entire wide panel showing everyone in the room, including a surprised Scott)
Ramona: I think you're trans.
(a catgirl speedrunner (whom I've named Susan Smalls) noclips through the wall, fist swinging at Ramona. The panel is otherwise identical to the previous one to indicate that time has gone backwards.)
SFX: Netcode Rollback!
Ramona: I think ywhoa!
Scott: Huh!?
(Scott and Ramona, in perfect sync, block the punch and knock Susan back.)
SFX: Perfect Tean Parry! Team Counter!
Susan, landing with catlike grace and glaring at Scott: And you are?
Scott: I'm ... Scott??
Susan: Nice name! Did your mom pick it out for you?
Character intro caption: SUSAN SMALLS, Age 32, Enforcer for the Canadian High Council of Trans Women, Also She's A Trans Woman
Ramona: Susan Smalls!?
Susan, pointing: You know the Prime Directive, Ramona Flowers!
Ramona: The Prime Directive has been twisted! It's gone beyond it's original purpose of stopping us from being so pushy it drives someone away!
Wallace, casually: Oh, is Scott about to ...?
Kim: Yeah, I think so.
Susan, leaping towards her: That's not your decision to make, Ramona! The Council has spoken!
Scott, blocking: What is she talking about???
Ramona, also blocking: I think you're trans!!!
Susan, horrified, hands on her head: NOOOOOOO--
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Susan: --OOOOO‌oh?
(Scott undergoes an entire magical girl transformation. When it finishes, there is no visible change whatsoever.)
Character intro caption: RHODA PILGRIM, Age 24, Also She's A Trans Woman
Kim, to Wallace: You owe me five dollars.
Wallace, deadpan: Darn it.
Susan, now grinning: Ooh, magical transformation sequence, huh?
Rhoda: ... What? That's it? I just decide I'm "Rhoda" and then ... nothing?
Caption on Rhoda: No Change To Appearance Or Voice
Ramona: Yeah, sorry -- figuring yourself out is just the first step.
Susan: Yep! It's gonna be tough-tough, not gonna lie, but I hope you find out that it's worth it!
Susan, threateningly wrapping her arm around a suddenly-nervous Ramona's shoulders with a sarcastic grin: But in the meantime, regarding someone's breach of the Prime Directive ... ^u^
Rhoda, threateningly wrapping her arm around a now-somewhat-nervous Susan's shoulders with a similar sarcastic grin: Oh, you sure you wanna be playing that game? ^u^
Kim: Yeah, Susan, right? Sc-- Rhoda's the best fighter in the province, y'know.
Susan: [angry cat noises]
(that is, the speech balloon literally says "[angry cat noises]" in brackets)
Susan, noclipping away back out of the room: You haven't heard the last of me! ... I mean seen the last of me!
(There's a moment where everyone just processes all this.)
Rhoda: Ahahaha ... uhhh wow!
Ramona: Yep!
Rhoda: So, uh, what now?
Ramona, putting her hands on Rhoda's shoulders: Lots and lots of bullshit.
Rhoda, nervously: ... will it be worth it?
Ramona: You have to be the judge of that. But it was for me!
Rhoda: ... Are you still my girlfriend?
Ramona: Of course!
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cringefail-clown · 1 year
I'm so fucking invested in your turnabout au I'm going to explode please just like ramble if you up to it
hoo boy lets do it
so atm my favourite part of the au to think about is post scratch bro and his relationship with hal, post scratch roxy and what dave would think about him. like for example i don't think he'd be this big superstar like post scratch dave was in canon, his work against the condence would be much more subtle. i imagine him working much more closely with roxy and grandpa jake - its not clear in canon how much dave, rose and jade collaborated together, they for sure were in contact, but its honestly up to interpretation. those three in the au would probably work very closely together, maybe roxy and dirk could help jake with building up skaianet - dirk as an engineer and rox as a programmer. they'd also have their own gigs on the side, roxy would sure as hell hijack crocercorp with malware every chance she got, and dirk would have some obscure websites that'd spread propaganda against condence under the veil of weird puppet stuff and insane chatbots. he'd probably write some kind of this universes detective pony parody book and get it published and it'd become one of the most recognisable pieces of literature documenting the takeover of the troll empire and the rebellion against it
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(some quick designs of hal and bro i pulled outta my ass)
honestly he'd probably become some sort of vigilante batman-esque figure in this universe?? he'd show up unexpected, blow some crockercorp warehouses and disappear into the night. and after hal joins him when he builds him a body the media would paint them as some sort of twin antiheroes lmfao
oh man and hal. it'd go simialrly as it was in canon, dirk would fuck around and copy his brain at a young age and they'd HATE each other at first. like dirk would feel responsible for creating hal, and hal would resent the shit outta him - like how dare he be the one who gets to keep the body and hal must be stuck in a pair of glasses, trapped with no means of escaping? but they'd start working together when they find out about dave and the future to ensure their lil bro has the best chances of survival, and in time they'd bond over it and their shared work against condy. they'd come up with a plan so that hal goes into sleep mode until the arrival of the meteor (bc no way in hell dirk would make hal go through hundreds of years of lonely existance, watching as humanity slowly ceases to exist and unable to do anything about it, he'd go nuts).
and the day finally comes when dirk would have to go face the batterwitch so he'd put hal in the apartment and they would tell each other one last goodbye and dirk would put hal in the sleep mode. and hal would wake up like only seconds passed, not years upon years, only the vast ocean streching as far as his eyes could see behind the dirty, dusty windows, and he'd know his one brother is long dead, gone while facing the enemy he was destined to lose against but had to do it anyway, and the other one moments from crashing into the waters below on a meteor sent by some insane video game that creates new universes. he'd sit there for a while, reality slowly sinking in, and he'd probably desperatly wish like he hasn't in years, to be human again and to mourn his losses the human way, because as advanced as his robotic body was he haven't thought about updating it with some goddamn tearducks.
on a lighter note, imagine dirk crunching numbers for three days straight to figure out how much food he'd have to stock in the apartment to make sure dave doesn't grow up malnourished, desperately googling "how much calories does an *insert age* year old need". he'd be banned from every supermarket in at least two states. he would walk into the store and employees would start weeping at the sight of him. i think about it a lot
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