#rr gen 2
tamtam-go92 · 7 months
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Thank you for being such a quirky couple, Luna and Beth. Thank you for being the first real werewolves I played on over 15 years of playing the Sims. Thank you for keeping your sanity while being werewolves and family sims at the same time.
You raised a great pack of beautiful wolves. You were played by three simmers and somehow didn't become corrupted. I'm proud of you. May you two rest in peace side by side.
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rotiaftermath · 1 month
Been thinking about doing writing requests off and on but like. Would anyone even want to send some in??
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totaled-drama · 1 year
If you have any Little League AU ideas/requests, you can send them in the ask box if you’d like :) I’ve been doodling some ideas for the LL AU today
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trustinisms · 1 year
tdi-tdwt — gen 1 (16-19)
tdroti — gen 2 (16-17)
tdpi — gen 3 (16)
tdrr — gen rr (mixed ages)
td23 — gen 4 (16 but like 15 years after tdi)
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nocofamilyau · 2 months
Hey I know that this is a noco comic but is there any td characters that will show up besides Owen, gidgette, and lyler? Will there be characters that do not show up ever? Also I like the pace of the reconnecting between noco.
YES there will be,, this may sound like a bit of a stretch but i'm gonna try and include at least everyone from the main Total Drama series at some point (RR characters WILL show up but idk what I would do with a lot of them)
get ready for an ever-loving shitload of Gen 1, 2 and 3 characters showing up (since Gen 4 are like, still literal babies, most of them will probs show up later down the line, but i'll include a handful of em here for now)
(also thanks!! been getting better at writing comics, sucks that i'm still painfully slow when it comes to creating them...)
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srbachchan · 6 months
DAY 5888
Jalsa, Mumbai Apr 1/2, 2024 Mon/Tue 10:06 AM
.. late as usual .. but got in late from the game IPL .. MI v RR .. and disappointed at MI loss , so grieved and retired .. but now ready for another day and another living ..
the information machine of the modern times is a powerful tool in your hands ..
hands used to be the symbolic expression of expectation, work, labour, effort .. in my early days the expression often used was :
अब सब कुछ अपने हाथ में है, या अब सब कुछ तुम्हारे हाथ में है !
" now everything thing is in our hands, or in your hands .."
but how true in reality has it become ..
from symbolic to the reality of the present .. the MOBILE !
everything in our hands .. EVERYTHING .. connect , advice, meaning , reference ... ALL ..
what the World has become .. and the fortune of one that has lived for over 80 years to have had the experience of .. THEN and NOW !
THEN is now a metaphor .. NOW a practical reality .. achieved and functioning .. the hope of the yesteryear , now present in form and operational ..
Had dreamt THEN .. come true NOW ..
The World changeth .. the order changeth .. the thinking changeth ..
where to from here .. not in my time though, but shall be seen and experienced by the next generation .. the progeny of our next ..
What shall their thinking be .. their experience, compared to the past .. they may never compare .. as is often the refrain heard from this GEN ..
'that was then , now it's this' ..
they do not want to be dragged back - they look ahead to the NEXT ..
May the AHEAD be even more evolved and in beneficial in living thinking and prosperity ..
We can just pray for it now in our limited time ..
That is how it has been .. that is how it shall be ..
My love 🚩❤️
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Amitabh Bachchan
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fraudulent-cheese · 4 months
Oooh Gen 1 then (for gender and sexuality headcanons)
- 🦴
Ok i'll go in elimination order again!
Ezekiel: Hmmm... I'd say he's cishet but i have seen neat art of transmasc zeke soo idk!
Noah: cis bisexual, but transmasc HC is neat
Justin: cis bisexual ace, but intersex Justin's really good too (edit: nevermind im adopting the intersex HC now)
Katie: intersex fem lesbian
Tyler: cis bisexual with a heavy preference for women (Alejandro was his awakening because funny)
Cody: cis bi who realised it because he was crushing on both Trent and Gwen
Beth: you know what enby Beth's winning me over! pan too
Sadie: cis bisexual
Courtney: cis lesbian who was in denial about it for a longgg long time
Harold: transfem lesbian ace
Eva: cis graybisexual
Trent: non binary aromantic pansexual
Bridgette: cis bisexual (and polyam!)
Lindsay: i like her being aroace but bi is good too. also transfem!
DJ: cis aroace? or at least arospec.
Izzy: genderqueer (she/they/it, presentation fluctuates) aroace, who's not particularly invested in romantic relationship but will roll with it if she likes the person enough
Geoff: transmasc pan (and polyam!)
Leshawna: cis lesbian
Duncan: cis bisexual who's very deep in the closet
Heather: oh boy... she really struggled with her identity growing up so she'd most likely keep it unlabeled entirely since nothing really fit (and she isn't chronically online like sierra or zoey), but personally i see her as being somewhere on the girl spectrum, and a demiromantic asexual lesbian.
Gwen: Honestly the trans HCs all rule and so do the aromantic headcanons, but my personal ones are enby + bisexual ace
Owen: cis bisexual, like he's so bisexual it's crazyyy
Sierra: cis, and i tend to ping pong between aroace and just lesbian ace? or aro lesbian. POINT IS, on the ace and/or aro spectrums and she likes girls
Alejandro: OH BOY 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO Like Gwen i like all the trans HCs, there's no way this guy is cis and if he seems like it in any of the content i make it's because he hasn't had the gender crisis yet, or he's transmasc. Generally i default to enby though, like the kind that really doesn't give a fuck about their gender. As for orientation, like Heather he wouldn't care much to label it but i tend to think of him as demiromantic ace who likes guys.
And you know what? i'll include a couple RR characters too!
Emma: cis lesbian
Kitty: cis aroace (i WILL not budge on this one)
Brody: cis bisexual (and polyam!)
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the biggest genderfuck of each generation:
gen 1 - it was a tough choice, but i'm going with alejandro
gen 2 - jo. i don't see it necessary to explain why
gen 3 - sky, mainly because of the mrs nice guy stuff. shawn is a close second to me
rr - the goths. it's the gwen-type genderfuckery multiplied by 25000
gen 4 - bowie. duh
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misiahasahardname · 9 months
i’ve had this long list of td surname headcanons (and i guess some of them are nationality headcanons) for a while and haven’t done much about them, so…
here are each generation’s surnames! (except for rr since i’m not too confident about them)
gen 1:
harold norbert cheever doris mcgrady V
cody emmett jameson anderson
lindsay tyson
noah könig (german)
eva barta (czech)
izzy clark
owen fraser
trent evans-grant
gwen kennedy
heather ryeo
bridgette summers
leshawna simelane (south african iirc)
beth spring
devon ‘dj’ joseph
alejandro burromuerto (spanish)
sierra kauffman (german)
tyler wilson
ezekiel miller
courtney cortez (spanish, or from somewhere where they speak spanish primarily)
duncan butcher
katie wan (malaysian)
sadie peterson (originally was gonna give her a romanian surname but here is peterson)
justin kāne (hawaiian)
geoff jasper
gen 2:
josef ‘jo’ kaczmarek (Polish)
brick macarthur
anne-maria chahuán (chilean)
michele ‘mike’ russo
cameron corduroy wilkins
rudolph ‘lightning’ jackson
staci sterling
zoey gates
dawn oakwood
scott brackin (irish)
dakota milton
sam stevens
beverly ‘b’ jones
gen 3:
ella ito-courtemanche (japanese and french)
scarlett montgomery
max mayhem (yes. i’m actually giving him that as his surname. get sillyed)
jasmine reynolds
shawn tremblay
dave korrapati (indian, more commonly in telugu-speaking areas)
sky sanderson (i was a bit uhm. stuck with this one. i looked up ‘cree surnames’ but found only three. i went for this one but i’m still uncertain.)
amy martin
samantha ‘samey’ martin
topher mccann
rodney rogers
sugar silo
beardo mbomio (equatoguinean)
leonard howe
gen 4:
nichelle ladonna (italian)
bowie davis
emma fletcher
julia hartwell-hughes
priya khan (indian)
millie carter
chase boonmee (thai. it means ‘reliable, generous, loyal’. ironic)
raj ghosh (indian)
wayne watterson
mary-kate ‘mk’ yí (chinese. in honour of fai yí, my beloved)
damien reid
hezekias ‘zee’ guzman (argentinian (it means ‘good man’ which is what he is!!!))
rhinffrew ‘ripper’ bowen (welsh (WELSH RIPPER REAL))
caleb garcia (hispanic)
axel sanchez-guðmundsdóttir (hispanic(?) and icelandic. yes, apparently ‘axel’ is an icelandic name!)
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kinderartifact4 · 7 months
A list of my Total Drama AUs because I love them all wholeheartedly, feel free to ask questions about any of them.
Animal Mutant AU 🐾🧬
+this AU was just an excuse to make Noah an owl person
+canon divergence happens shortly after Action/before World Tour
+The mutations are a worldwide phenomenon, it’s happening to everyone and no one knows why
A Bloodsucker and A Mutt🩸🐺
+Alenoco AU
+Show goes on as normal for the most part
+Noah’s a vampire
+Alejandro’s a werewolf
+Cody’s just there
+made this AU for fun
Magic AU ✨
+Magical creatures living amongst humans type thing, but it’s my takes on them
+Like we got merfolk, satyrs, angels, demons, elves, harpies, that kinda thing
+It’s like an assimilated society thing, they’re mostly at peace with each other with some mild species specific discrimination mostly courtesy of humans
+mild feels like an understatement
+everything’s got so much lore
+and of course, we got ✨magic✨
+there is a war that happens later on in the AU, so there’s that too
Assigned Species: Gen 1 Cast, Hosts, Emma & Kitty
Assigned Species: Gen 2 Cast
Assigned Species: Gen 3 Cast
Assigned Species: RR Cast pt.1
Assigned Species: RR Cast pt.2
Assigned Species: Reboot Cast
Monster Apocalypse AU 🏚
+It’s an apocalypse, but not with zombies, these things are smarter than zombies
+People do die, so warning for that I guess
+Almost nobody is having a good time
Duncan’s Group
Emma & Kitty’s Groups
Shawn’s Group
Cody’s Groups
Tyler’s Groups
Gwen’s Group
Fic Snippets
Mike’s Old Group
RR Beginning Groups pt.1
RR Beginning Groups pt.2
Sky & Scarlett’s Groups
Reboot Groups
Drider! Duncan Dunoah AU🕷
+Sort of a high school AU? Most of them go the same school since a lot are kept human for this)
+Just a clingy drider with abandonment issues and his human bf who doesn’t actually understand how he got here
+definitely more of a self indulgent AU
+I don’t remember why I made this AU but now I can’t get rid of it
Godly Patron(?) AU ✨🙏✨
+Some of the cast each has a god that has taken a liking to them
+they’re my take on gods because I like having full creativity, so none of the ones people usually know about are here(like greek or norse gods)
+Alejandro is not having a good time
+Noah has the oldest god
+Alejandro’s got a lot more lore than he was originally going to have
+Made this AU because I wanted Cody to have a proper parental figure, then it kinda turned into this along the way
+Aleheather got that “Doomed Love Trope” vibe going on
Assigned Gods pt.1
Assigned Gods pt.2
Fic Snippet
Wings of Fire AU 🐉
+My favorite book series combined with one of my favorite shows
Assigned Tribes: Gen 1
Alejandro’s Design | José and Carlos’ Designs
Trent’s Design | Bridgette’s Design
Heather’s Design | Cody’s Design
Tyler’s Design | Justin’s Design
Geoff’s Design | Lightning’s Design
Zoey’s Design | Noah’s Design
Owen’s Design | Fic Snippets
Harold’s Design | Gwen’s Design
DJ’s Design | Izzy’s Design
Cameron’s Design | Lindsay’s Design
Katie & Sadie’s Designs | Duncan’s Design
Trollhunter Cody AU🧌🗡
+I just thought it’d be fun
+Cody would be the type of guy to say “crispy” wouldn’t he
The only post I have
Project Cythraul AU💉
+The whole concept is old, like 2019 old, but it has since then been revamped
+The entire WT cast goes missing like halfway through Egypt, with almost no trace other than what’s on the plane and something left in the sand
+They stay missing for 2 or 3 years before one of them finally shows up again with amnesia
+Main premise of the AU is a secret facility that specializes in DNA manipulation
Hidden Magic AU 😶‍🌫️✨
+AU is otherwise known as “A group of immortals build a camp in a magic pocket dimensional forest for some reason and end up with a bunch of kids”
+there are other residents but the amount of children that show up there is concerning
+humans are quite irrelevant here, we don’t see them much
+the lore for most of the characters is a bit dark, but hey
Reassigned Species
Nivi AU 👽
+This AU was an excuse to give Cody a best friend, and that friend is my OC Nivi!
+Nothing really changes, even though she’s in World Tour
+This AU has since evolved into “Alejandro and his gaggle of idiots”, ie. Alejandro, Nivi, Cody, Duncan, and Lexi(OC/Nivi’s girlfriend) all share an apartment. It’s an interesting concept.
+I think of this AU often
+During Island and Action, people don’t really think Nivi exists because “Cody couldn’t possibly have actual friends outside the show!”
+This makes Nivi feel like some kind of cryptid and she loves it.
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tamtam-go92 · 7 months
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Long story short: I've lost almost all other pictures of this round. Poppy and Aribeth are now the prime care takes of the household. And in one picture Connar is still a teen...
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ladytauria · 5 months
wip ask game
tagged by @anawrites3 <3333 thank you!!
Rules: Reveal the titles of the documents in your wip folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
i will not be tagging as many people as i have wip documents <3 i simply shan't
also i'm including what ship each of these fics are for because if i were to include the full title it would look something like: [batfic | ship] wip name. so xD
(edit: OOPS i missed some)
(gen) needing and wanting
(gen) pack
(gen) red hood's robin
(gen) rr vampire au
(brucatherine) i just want your hands on me (prompt fic)
(dicktim) lap kisses (prompt fic)
(jay-centric) jason sexploration
(jaycest) untitled
(jaydick) a small kiss (prompt fic)
(jayroman) pre-aftermath
(jaysteph) a kiss that tastes of the food/dessert they were eating (promptfic)
(jaysteph) meet-cute (prompt fic)
(jaysteph) untitled smutfic
(jaytalia) untitled oxa fic
(jaytalia) public sex + trans jason
(jaytimsteph) falling in love with your best friend's partner (prompt fic)
(jaytim) 5+1
(jaytim) aftermath
(jaytim) another night, alt
(jaytim) arms
(jaytim) as you are
(jaytim) baby bird
(jaytim) bratty alphas
(jaytim) discoveries
(jaytim) empty promises p. 2
(jaytim) do you love me? (prompt fic)
(jaytim / gen) double mer
(jaytim) drake industries mer rescue program
(jaytim) ghost hunters
(jaytim) got your back
(jaytim) hope one day i'll be enough for you to stay
(jaytim) icy hands, icy hearts)
(jaytim) if you keep looking at me like that (prompt fic)
(jaytim) jtw2024 wingfic
(jaytim) leave the world behind
(jaytim) neither a bang nor a whimper
(jaytim) slip of the tongue
(jaytim) surprise, surprise
(jaytim) teenage fantasies side a
(jaytim) teenage fantasies side b
(jaytim) the color of hope (canary yellow)
(jaytim) the sweetness of honey, chapter 9
(jaytim) the tenderest of touches (break the hardest of hearts)
(jaytim) to be yours
(jaytim) used to being lonely
(jaytim) you try so loud to love me (i cannot seem to hear)
(sladejay) post-fight (promptfic)
looking at this list and crying TuT
no pressure tagging... @lollilollipop99 ; @paprikadotmp4 ; @n1ightw1ng ; @this-was-a-terrible-idea ; @bi-bats ; @jpeg-dot-jpeg ; @generatorcat ; @glaciya &... anyone else who looks at this list and wants to do it <3
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al-luviec · 3 months
Also here are the gen 1 + gen 2 contestants sorted by their average placements. (The lower the number, the better). Since some contestants were only in one season, their results are a bit more skewed...
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And then I went through and calculated every contestants total team wins (first image) and their total individual wins. RR is not included for Noah and Owen. Here, the greater average number, the better.
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Some fun facts;
- All of Zoey's individual challenge wins were in a row, one of which was because Mal dragged Alejandro out of first so she could win. Alejandro would have an average of 1.5 otherwise.
- Mike is the only finalist (gen 1 or gen 2) that didn't win a single individual challenge in any seasons he was in.
- The Toxic Rats is the team with the largest losing streak of six. Team Victory is a close second with five loses in a row.
- It's almost 7 am as I write this.
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Hey I'm a little confused how the gens are separated for total drama, if its not too much trouble could you break down what's considered each gen?
gen 1 = total drama island (2007) cast. alejandro and sierra (and blaineley?) are generally considered a part of this gen even though they joined the cast in tdwt, i've also heard them referred to as gen 1.5
gen 2 = revenge of the island cast
gen 3 = pahkitew island cast
gen 4 = total drama island (2023) cast
the ridonculous race is where things get a little more confusing. they don't really have their own gen number because they're on a spinoff show, and characters from previous gens (noah, owen, geoff, leonard) are a part of it. so i tend to think of them as the rr cast. ive started going off of how the characters are separated on the td wiki main page (just scroll down a little bit). i hope this helps!
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loonyrose · 10 months
Total Drama timeline theory
So the timeline of total drama isn't very clear, mostly in later seasons, and I've been thinking a lot about how much time takes place between each season. So here's what I think
Island takes place during the summer, obviously, and lasts eight weeks. I'm assuming it ends like mid August or early September. End of summer.
Action takes place only a few days after island, mostly happening in the fall and maybe late summer.
World Tour begins January or February of the following year, a few months after Action, because in the celebrity manhunt special they mention the Drama Brothers hit single from "last year" so World Tour has to be after new years. The finale of World Tour is on April 2nd, the day after Cody's birthday, which is two episodes prior in the Drumheller episode. Sierra says that Cody's birthday is April 1st in the beginning of the season.
Revenge of the Island probably takes place during the summer, since they're back at Camp Wawanakwa which is a summer camp. The question is though, is it the summer that happens a mere two months after World Tour? Or a whole year later? In All Stars, Alejandro mentions being stuck in the robot suit for ONE year. Meaning that there is one year (and a few months) between World Tour and All Stars. Chris also says in the beginning of All Stars that he was in jail for a year. Since he was arrested at the end of Revenge, that means there a year between Revenge and All Stars.
(Sorry if this is confusing lol) ALL OF THIS PUT TOGETHER means that World Tour and Revenge of the Island are only 2 - 3 months (ish) apart. And All Stars is the following summer, one year later.
In All Stars, the majority of the Gen 1 characters are 18 years old, and the majority of Gen 2 characters 17. Noah and Owen are Gen 1 of course, and confirmed to be 19 in the Ridonculous Race. So RR is a year ish after All Stars.
On Pahkitew Island, Leonard is 16 years old, and is still 16 during the Ridonculous Race, meaning it's less than a year later. Pahkitew Island takes place somewhere between All Stars and RR, probably closer to RR.
And of course the reboot takes places in 2023, 15 years after TDI.
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mangora · 11 months
Fuck it. Full TD queer headcanons list. No one get mad at me for not having enough cishet people I don’t care
Gen 1:
Gwen: They/she/he, lithromantic bisexual, non-binary AFAB
Courtney: She/her, lesbian, cis girl
Duncan: He/him, arospec bisexual, trans guy
Heather: She/her, arospec bisexual, trans girl
Owen: He/they, bisexual, trans guy
Noah: He/him, mlm & asexual, trans guy
Izzy: Any pronouns, arospec pansexual, not cis I’ll tell you that
Eva: She/her, lesbian, cis girl
Sadie: She/her, lesbian, uhhh girl(?)
Katie: She/her, bisexual, trans girl
Lindsay: She/her, pansexual, trans girl
Tyler: He/him, bisexual, cis guy
Beth: She/her, pansexual, trans girl
DJ: He/they, arospec biromantic asexual, trans guy
Geoff: He/him, pansexual, cis guy
Bridgette: She/they, pansexual, intersex girl
Sierra: She/they, lesbian, girl(?)
Alejandro: He/him, grayromantic pansexual, trans guy
Ezekiel: He/him (later he/it), gay asexual, non-binary
Harold: He/they/she, lesbian, genderfluid
Leshawna: She/her, bisexual, trans girl
Trent: He/him, aromantic asexual, guy(?)
Justin: He/him, greyromantic gay asexual, agender AMAB
Cody: He/him, bisexual, trans guy
Gen 2:
Cameron: He/him, grey & demiromantic biromantic asexual, trans guy
Zoey: She/they/bun, panromantic asexual, trans girl
Mike: He/they, biromantic asexual, guy(?)
Mal: He/they/xe/it, aromantic asexual, masc agender/genderpunk
Manitoba: He/they, abrosexual, masc genderfluid
Svetlana: She/her, asexual lesbian, trans girl
Chester: He/she/they, aromantic asexual, genderqueer
Vito: He/him, bisexual, cis guy
Brick: He/him, gay and asexual, trans guy
Jo: She/they (sometimes he), lesbian, non-binary
Anne Maria: She/her, bisexual, trans girl
Scott: He/him, arospec pansexual, cis guy
Dawn: Any, arospec lesbian, unlabeled but definitely not cis
B: They/them, aromantic asexual, transmasc agender
Dakota: She/her, bisexual, trans girl
Sam: He/him, biromantic asexual, trans guy
Staci: She/her, lesbian, trans girl
Lightning: He/they, gay asexual, AMAB genderqueer (but he’s so closeted)
Gen 3:
Sky: She/her, arospec asexual lesbian, trans girl
Shawn: He/him, bisexual, trans guy
Jasmine: She/her, bisexual, trans girl
Dave: He/him, bisexual, cis guy
Sammy: She/her, asexual lesbian, trans girl
Rodney: He/him (later she/her), pansexual, cis guy (later trans girl)
Topher: He/him, pansexual, vaguely masculine?
Amy: She/her, don’t care, cis girl
Ella: She/her, panromantic asexual, transfem non-binary
Beardo: They/he, aromantic asexual, agender
Leonard: They/he/she + neos, pansexual, non-binary
Sugar: She/her, arospec lesbian, girl
Max: He/they/it, idk, transmasc
Scarlett: They/she, arospec asexual lesbian, fem agender
Brody: He/him, mlm, guy
MacArthur: She/her, lesbian, cis girl
Sanders: She/her, lesbian, cis girl
Miles: She/they/he, lesbian, genderfluid
Laurie: She/her, pansexual, cis girl
Ellody: She/her, asexual lesbian, uhhh girl
Mary: She/her, asexual lesbian, trans girl
Dwayne: He/him, bisexual, cis guy
Dwayne Jr: He/him, idk he canonically likes women, trans guy
Lorenzo: Don’t care
Chet: Still don’t care I don’t care about the stepbros
Pete: He/him, gay, guy?
Gerry: He/him, gay, also guy
Rock: He/him, bisexual, trans guy
Spud: He/they, gay asexual, transmasc agender
Kitty: She/they, aromantic asexual, transfem
Emma: She/her, lesbian, girl??
Kelly: She/her, idk, also idk
Taylor: I don’t care i do not like her
Tammy: She/her + neos, idk, idk
Tom: He/him, gay, cis guy??
Jen: She/her, lesbian, girl??
Jacques: He/him, bisexual, cis guy
Josee: She/her, bisexual, girl
Carrie: She/her, panromantic asexual, cis girl
Devin: He/him, bisexual, cis guy
Crimson: She/they/it + neos, arospec bisexual, something funky that’s for sure!
Ennui: He/they/it + neos, arospec bisexual, also something funky!!
Stephanie: She/her, bisexual, cis girl
Ryan: He/him, we found him guys the one straight man, cis guy
Jay: Idk. Aroace. Trans man. Fuck it we ball
Mickey: Also idk. I legit don’t know
Gen 4:
Priya: She/her, biromantic asexual, girl
Millie: She/her, lesbian, also girl
Damien: He/him, straight asexual, trans guy
Scary Girl: She/he/they/it + neos, arospec bisexual, intersex genderfluid
Bowie: He/they/she, gay, AMAB genderqueer
Emma: She/her, lesbian, AFAB demigirl
Chase: He/him, bisexual, cis guy
Ripper: He/him, arospec biromantic asexual, trans guy
Julia: She/her, arospec lesbian, girl
Raj: He/him, gay, cis guy
Wayne: He/him, he is an enigma baby
MK: They/she, arospec lesbian, AFAB non-binary
Caleb: Deadass I do not know
Nichelle: She/her, asexual lesbian, cis girl
Axel: She/they/xe, asexual lesbian, demigirl
Zee: She/he/they, unlabeled, intersex & non-binary
Blaineley: She/her, lesbian, girl?
Chris: He/him, gay, trans guy
Chef: Any, bisexual, AMAB genderqueer
Josh: He/him, ???, guy
Don: He/him, gay, guy
Jerd: Jerd my beloved :) Jerd my sweet hi Jerd!!
Ok that’s it these may change in the future I just thought it would be fun. Also yea half of them are arospec because I’m aromantic and I think it’s fun it’s a fun label and I like it
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