#rules for spies
khruschevshoe · 7 months
Starkid is one of the absolute best arguments for supprting independent art. The fact that the shows you're invested in can't get canceled by Big Daddy Streaming, the quality is always amazing, the love of the cast and crew doesn't get squeezed out by surprise budget reductions, the fact that since crowd funding provides almost all costs up front (plus the presence of voluntary digital ticket/in person tickets for additional funding), the fan base can access the full material for whatever cost they can contribute (even if you can give nothing monetarily, you will still get a professionally shot version of the material eventually, without surprise fees or password crackdowns, AND with captions/completely accesible regardless of location). The same goes for Tin Can Bros, Shipwrecked, and all the other associated theater and web series companies loosely connected to Starkid. Like, I cannot believe the amazing content provided to us at the same level as Broadway or streaming services with billion dollars at hand, with almost none of the catches that come with others. Like, I cannot believe that we get all of this right at our hands.
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cowardlykrow · 4 months
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A conversation between my mother and sister
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bumblingbabooshka · 3 months
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Faces you can Trust. [Patreon | Ko-fi]
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usernose · 3 months
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A shitpost @francesthetraveller made in my friend's Discord
Context: We made a headcanon that Killian is Roxanne's father. I made the headcanon that Killian and Obake are brothers.
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ask-ozai · 6 months
I have heard some people say that you had a harem ? Did you ?
Iroh being a lazy womanizer damaged the family's public image irremediably, I see. Some of us have honor. I was busy ruling a country and trying to expand our Empire to finally fulfill the dream of my ancestors. I definitely had no time to pursue women (like Iroh). I was also not only a proper Prince, but a married man too. You should be asking Ursa if she didn't have more playthings hidden somewhere apart from Ikea.
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rpking99 · 1 month
Action Cartoons Part 1
Ben 10
Jen 10/Jennifer Tennyson (genderbent)
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Gwen Tennyson
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Gwen Tennyson is half alien, half human and half Anodite. Anodite's being a species of energy beings, and she can use her alien powers to manipulate mana in order to do magic.
Gwen 10K
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A future version of Gwen Tennyson
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Charmaster is a Spellcaster from the realm of Ledger Domain. She is not…. All there mentally, but is also very confident and flirtatious
Albedo (genderbent)
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Helen Wheels
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Julie Yamamoto
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Lucy Mann
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Vilgaxa (genderbent)
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(Also using Myaxx as a slight face claim alongside genderbent art)
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Danny Phantom
Dani Phantom/Danielle Fenton (genderswap)
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Maddie Fenton
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Sam Manson
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Totally Spies
Clover Andersson
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Sam Sullivan
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Alex Huang
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Mandy Luxe
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Britany Tang
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Kim Possible
Kim Possible
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Xiaolin Showdown
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Total Muses: 30
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the-hawks-rye · 1 year
just realized that the naberius clan probably has no idea that kalego is iruma's familiar bc if they did that info would've gone to narnia and narnia would lose his shit.
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aupermittymeowmeow · 1 year
yall cannot tell me you did not think that one scene was Christain Brutal Sniper in Emesis Blue
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bluedrawsanddreams · 2 months
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Day 10 of my OTP Challenge I had no idea which version I liked best, so I figured, why not all?
Genderbent!Walter x Phoebe
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verdemoth · 1 year
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[ID: a blessing from the Blaseball website, won by the Houston Spies with 2.6317888188850787% of the total votes. The text reads: Strike Zero. The Black Hole Burps out Shaquille Torres to the Chicago Firefighters! The Houston Spies reciever Strike 1. End ID]
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[ID: two screenshots of the Houston Spies team page. It lists the earlier modifications Scattered (This Team Was Scattered. Official Review Pending…) and Party Time (This Team Has Been Eliminated From Postseason Contention And Must Now Party), alongside a new modification called Strike One. Strike One has no description. End ID]
uhhhhhh so how about that wimdy, huh ':)
spies dragged into the plot against our will (despite being very firmly against inflicting strike zero upon our division). sorry firefighters hope you have fun with your new guy o7
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scattered-winter · 1 year
is ur 911 spy au based on totally spies bc i think it should be
believe it or not i actually havent seen the big names in the spy genre but i believe in their beliefs as it were. so no its not based on totally spies its just a cocktail of my favorite tropes and situations mixed in with what i think spy aus should look like <3 HOWEVER i am open to suggestion so if you'd like to elaborate on totally spies i could be convinced to add some elements to it...
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amtrak12 · 2 years
This AO3 fic note has got me side-eyeing so hard. “Originally just a ficlet posted on Twitter” like I’m sorry -- you post FIC out in PUBLIC??!!
what the everloving fuck is wrong with this next gen
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usernose · 3 months
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A shitpost @francesthetraveller made in my friend's Discord
Context: We made a headcanon that Killian is Roxanne's father. I made the headcanon that Killian and Obake are brothers.
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firebirdsdaughter · 2 years
For the TV show/movie ask list, I definitely feel a need to know your list for MacGyver 😁
My recently remembered obsession. ^^
favorite male character: Pretty equal for Jack and Mac.
favorite female character: Def Riley, although I think Matty, Patti, and Cage rank pretty high.
least favorite character: Hard one. Nikki on a personal level, although maybe my indifference towards Russ counts?
prettiest character: That's not far, they're all they're own kinda pretty.
funniest character: Probably any combination of the og squad, including both Patti and Matty.
favorite season: 1 and 2, w/ certain episodes of 3.
favorite episode: That's a tall order, the really strong Mac and Jack eps are always a standout for me, the ones that come to mind being Wind + Water and Tower - Power, but I know there are others.
favorite romantic ship: Don't… Really have one. I guess by default it might be Bozer and Leanna in the name of they were the only attempted canon romance that didn't set me off in some way. They were sweet.
favorite family ship: Father Jack and kids Mac and Riley! Matty is the serious but fun aunt while Patti's a little closer to mom.
favorite friend ship: Bozer and Leanna and Mac and Riley.
worst ship: Mac and Riley for me, at a glance, to me they're purely siblings, although if they started earlier, I could have bought it. Choices made mean I'm not fan of Mac and Desi but that's more meta/due to the writing.
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nobodydrawsdaily · 1 month
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Day 228: Savage Sam NSFW Ver.
Character: Samantha
Show: Totally Spies!
Anon Request.
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capaldiera · 2 months
i think i find the cardinal and the kings relationship so interesting because it's hard to define like you could just say oh hes the king's evil advisor who runs the country which wld be true but it doesn't say much and it's not exactly a common enough relationship type to be a good frame of reference. you could point out that louis has relied on richelieu as a guiding influence presumably since he was very young and he is in many ways still like a child so richelieu is a kind of manipulative parental figure and that would be true. but louis is not a child and doesn't see himself that way and i don't think He views their relationship that way. he would probably say they are friends. but also he's the king and the cardinal may be second in command but he's still his subject. when louis calls him armand is that the use of first names between equals or is it familiarity he has the right to because he is the king. but also from memory he only does that when imploring the cardinal to tell him what to do. there's just so many layers of different kinds of power dynamics at play. and obviously the cardinal is the one with the true power but that doesn't negate all the rest of it. fucked up jeeves and wooster to me
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