#rummy cat
sweetaprilbutterfly · 7 months
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Jaime Lannister has been spiraling since an injury took away his passion and livelihood. Society outcast Sansa Stark takes a housekeeper position for a certain lion who is stuck in a rut of regret and self-pity.
Setting: blend of Westeros and America. Takes place in 1950s Westeros which resembles 1950s America in pop culture, fashion, technological advancement, societal norms, etc.
His Melody by rummy_cat
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artemismacaron · 1 year
The Blue Badger is a friend to all!
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spaghett-onaplate · 9 months
I got fish!!!
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petslover8304 · 2 years
Bunny Uber#shorts #bunny #funnypets #rummy 
Order now bunny uber
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cptkphob-archive · 2 years
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Ya !!
[ ID: A drawing of Ylfa, Pinocchio, and Pib. Ylfa is standing on the left, looking down at Pinocchio and Pib with wide eyes. She's wearing a red cloak, an off-white shirt, baggy brown pants, and large brown boots. She has wolf ears, a wolf tail, and a swollen pink eye. She's saying, "Mom says I need more age appropriate friends. Do you play gin rummy?" Pinocchio is looking up at Ylfa with a blank expression and his arms slightly raised. He's a wooden marionette with no strings and no nose, wearing an orange t-shirt and green shorts. Pib is on the right, looking up at Ylfa with big eyes. He's a cat wearing a blue cape and blue boots, both with ruffled hems. The background is white. End ID ]
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shinynewboots · 6 months
Staring at the Sun / Adam x Lute Chapter 4
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Summary: After the battle, Lute attempts to flee with Adam. They find themselves unable to return to Heaven and must adjust to life in Hell.
AN: Welcome to chapter 4! Hope y'all enjoy! I've loved and appreciated each and every comment/reblog/like! Thank you all so much!
Warnings: Violence, gore, 18+ eventually, Adam-typical misogyny eventually
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
It took a few more days of rest before Adam could even get out of bed without worry of his intestines falling out of his body. Lute sat by as an ever-loyal bodyguard, even when Adam told her she should go rest. 
Even when she did find herself dozing, she typically was awakened by a shooting pain up her non-existent left arm. Phantom pains, she had learned, forever reminded her of what she had lost.
The last few days of Adam being awake had been some of the best days Lute could recall, ironically enough. Most of the days had been spent entertaining Adam as he whined about his incapacitated state. Charlie had brought them a deck of cards and Adam had taught Lute how to play Gin Rummy. 
Besides Charlie and Vaggie, the only other hotel occupant the pair had come in contact with those few days was a one-eyed black and white cat. Lute had been resistant at first to let it stay in the room (even less so when Adam had remarked that the cat reminded him of her) but eventually, Lute lost the battle.
The cat, which they later learned was named Keekee, had a habit of snuggling up against Adam in a way that almost made Lute jealous. Lute, jealous of a cat? The cat would give loud purrs and bump her head against Adam’s side until he gave her pets and chin scratches.
As long as Lute could remember, Adam had always had a certain softness for animals; this one-eyed freaky animal was no different. 
The pair also spent their days planning how to return to heaven. The embassy would be their first in an attempt to get Heaven’s attention. There was a good chance no one knew they had survived the battle and fall. Adam was more optimistic than Lute; he hadn’t seen the portal to Heaven close in an almost deliberate manner the way she had. She wouldn’t tell him that, though, and ruin his hopeful plans. 
Lute had not yet gotten a feel for their status in the hote (prisoners? Begrudging guests?)l. Charlie treated them as though they were transient guests, only around for a vacation. Vaggie was…well, Vaggie. And the shadow creature that had engulfed Lute on that first day hadn’t made an appearance again. However, Lute doubted they would just be allowed to walk out of the hotel without running into any issues. 
Her thoughts were distracted as Adam pulled himself to the edge of the bed, gripping his abdomen tightly. 
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Getting out of this fucking bed and trying to stop being a fucking invalid.” He answered, groaning in pain. Bandages were still wrapped around his chest and abdomen, hiding most of his torso from view, but Lute could still glimpse the trail of dark hair that made a trail down into his sweatpants. 
Adam wasn’t necessarily the most fit in heaven, his stomach soft and his muscles hidden. But Lute knew him to be much stronger than he looked, and there were many a day he spent training with the Exorcists. However, she also knew she could beat him in training any day of the week.
At least she could before she had lost her arm. 
“Can you hand me a shirt?” He asked, his breathing slow and controlled in an attempt to reign in his pain. Lute walked over to the dresser that Charlie had stocked full of clothes, the shirts picked for Adam being band tees. Lute picked up the top one ( Vacay to Bonetown by Versosika Mayday) and gave it to Adam. He grabbed the shirt and pulled it on slowly, grunting as he did so.
Adam looked down at the band tee on his body and smirked. “Nice.”
Lute rolled her eyes and moved to help him stand by throwing one of his arms over her good shoulder. He must have been in a lot of pain because he did not put up a fight. She could feel the shirt she was wearing begin to ride up. As expected, she and Vaggie wore similar sizes and so she had been given some of Vaggie’s clothes since her own were covered in blood. Of course, everything Vaggie owned only covered up a fraction of her skin, leaving Lute feeling very exposed. 
“Oh my Satan, Adam you’re up and moving!” Exclaimed Princess of Hell herself, standing in the doorway. She clapped her hand, a dumb excited look on her face. Vaggie was not with her. Surprise. “You guys are just in time for our activity today!”
Adam eyed her warily, his face looking paler than it had been before standing. Lute felt him sway against her unsteadily so she pushed more of her body weight into his side. “You know we’re not fucking guests here, right babe?”
Charlie continued to grin. “Well I mean you’re staying here and eating our food and using our stuff, totally cool with me by the way, and sometimes a spade is just a spade.”
She crossed the room and mirrored Lute, putting an arm under Adam to give him more support to stand. “And I think an activity would be perfect than just spending your day in this boring old room.”
That was how Lute and Adam found themselves in the hotel lobby, eyeing the other occupants from the other side of the couch. The only occupants who seemed comfortable crossing the unspoken line between the groups were Charlie (as expected) and Keekee, who rubbed her body against Adam’s leg.
Charlie glanced around the room, a trying smile on her face as she sensed the hatred of all parties involved. “How about we go around the room and introduce each other before our activity? Ooh and a fun fact! I’ll go first!” 
Charlie cleared her throat and clapped. “My Name is Charlie and my favorite color is red!” 
She looked over at Vaggie, who stood beside her and grabbed her hand. She loudly whispered, “Your turn.”
Vaggie gave her a soft smile. “My name is Vaggie and I like 80s rock.”
It was silent for only a few seconds before Adam chose to speak. “My name is Adam and I think this is fucking stupid.”
Lute looked over at Adam, and she saw him immediately put on his mask of bravado and masculinity that he typically chose to wear in Heaven. Vaggie bristled. “Hey Asshole—”
The spider demon raised up the top set of his hands and stood from the couch. His chest was pushed out and the second set of his arms were on either side of his hips. “No no, my turn. My name is Angel Dust and we all hoped you fucking died.”
Lute immediately bristled and pulled out the concealed fork she had hidden for the first sign of trouble. She jumped from the couch, fork pointed directly at the spider demon. Angel Dust looked down at the weapon and smirked. “What are you going to do, fork me to death?”
“It’s more than you deserve, Porn Demon.”
“Porn Demon? Is that what they’re calling me in heaven? Like a fucking overlord, I’ll take it” Angel Dust replied, laughing at the title. He winked at Lute, who sneered in response. Charlie jumped between Lute and Angel Dust, her hand placed on Angel’s chest. 
“Why don’t we try and be civil and finish introductions?”
“Hard to be civil with fuckers who tried to exterminate us,” The cat demon whispered, taking a sip of the liquor bottle he held. 
“Husk, not helping!” Vaggie exclaimed. “Lute, put the fucking fork down.”
Lute narrowed her eyes at the fallen angel. “Fucking make me, bitch.”
Vaggie came closer, her eyes trained on the fork. Before she could respond, however, shadow tendrils popped up from seemingly nowhere and wrapped around Lute’s wrist, releasing the fork from her grasp. That same heat-sucking feeling came over her, and Lute was taken back to the experience that first day in which was gasping for breath as though she were drowning in the shadows. 
“Now, now, let’s all play nice.” The Radio Demon said, revealing himself from a shadowy area of the hotel. His static voice was unnerving, and Lute could feel the shadows tightening around her legs as well, leaving her immobilized. Even the other hotel guests shivered at the chill in the air courtesy of the Radio Demon. 
“Let her fucking go!” Adam exclaimed, leaping from the couch despite his wounds. He extended his wings, something he hadn’t done since being injured, and furled them around himself and Lute. The shadow creatures seemed to recoil from the wings as they quickly released their grip upon her. Lute found her back to Adam’s chest, as his wings held her close to him. 
The Radio Demon’s eyes narrowed, though the smile never left his features. The other hotel occupants, in Adam’s show of strength, had jumped back from the pair, lest they be hit with a wing. 
“Alastor, Adam! Stand down,” Charlie exclaimed, her voice lower and more threatening than Lute had ever heard. Her patience seemed to be hanging by a thread and her eyes had taken on a reddish hue, similar to how they looked the day of the extermination. Adam refused to back down and continued to stare down the Radio Demon. Lute looked up at him to see his golden shining with fire. 
Lute was so close to him that she could feel his heart beat quickly in his chest. She felt the rise and fall of his diaphragm. And she could also feel something wet seeping from his abdomen. Fucking dumbass had opened his stitches again. 
“Alastor,” Charlie warned once more. He looked at her and sighed before calling back his shadows.  The warmth returned to the room and a collective sigh of relief was taken. Adam still had yet to unfurl his wings. 
“Adam?” Charlie asked, her tone softer than the one she had used with the Radio Demon. He looked down at Lute as if asking for permission. She stared back before nodding. Adam unfurled his wings and let them once again hang behind his back. Lute touched his shirt, the word Bonetown covered in golden blood. 
He looked down at her fingers on his abdomen. “Shit.”
“Hm, looks like you’ve made a mess. I’m sure Niffty would love to help out.” Alastor as he picked at his fingernails, his smile never leaving his face. As if being summoned, a small one-eyed demon appeared in a red dress. 
“A mess?” She exclaimed, running towards Adam at lightning speed. He let out a rather shrill scream and it was by sheer luck that Lute was able to catch the little creature before it made contact with Adam. 
“Keep that little monster away from me!” He yelled. The demon, Niffty, had been the one to deliver the stabs to Adam that almost left him dead. Lute heard two demons laugh (Angel Dust and Husk?)  at the sight. Adam jumped back up on the couch, further causing his stitches to pop, leading to more golden blood soaking into his shirt. Niffty struggled in Lute’s grasp, who held her at arm's length, as she tried to escape to get closer to Adam.
“THE MESS!” Niffty screamed, clawing against Lute’s grip. Alastor stood back and took in the chaos. Charlie frantically looked around the room as her group activity descended into madness.
“Alastor are you fucking kidding me,” Vaggie exclaimed, finger pointed at the Radio Demon. Angel Dust and Husk continued to laugh. Tears were streaming down from Angel’s face, which he wiped away with his second pair of hands. 
“What? There was a mess and I told our dearest maid about it.” Alastor shrugged.
“Scared of a harmless little thing like Niffty,” Angel laughed, walking towards Lute and Niffty. He grabbed the struggling Niffty from Lute’s grasp. 
“That’s it!” A low voice exclaimed. The lights flickered and the room temperature dropped 10 degrees. All occupants looked at the source of the voice and found it to be Charlie, her eyes red with rage and horns having grown out of her head. “Angel, Niffty go to the bar, the garden, or wherever! Just go! You’re not helping the situation. And Alastor, I don’t care where you go, just stay away from Adam.” 
“And Lute, take Adam upstairs and fix his stitches! I will not have Heaven come down on us again because we let him get an infection. Husk, fix me a drink. Please.” Charlie continued, the voice becoming closer to her normal tone on the ‘please’. The occupants in the room looked at her in disbelief aside from Alastor, who could do nothing but laugh maniacally.
“Our dearest Charlie, growing a backbone,” The Radio Demon laughed before disappearing into a swirl of shadows. 
“Uh, come on Niff, let’s go see if we can find some bugs for you to kill in the garden,” Angel said sheepishly, still holding the one-eyed demon in his hands. Niffty nodded her head enthusiastically. 
“Roaches,” She exclaimed as the pair left the room.
Husk moved to the bar and began fixing Charlie what appeared to be a very strong drink. Vaggie seemed to be going over breathing exercises with Charlie to further make sense of the situation. Sensing the need for a hasty departure, Lute turned to Adam and held out her hand.
“Let’s get you patched up,” She said, giving him a sharp look that indicated “no arguing”. Still shaken by the one-eyed demon that had almost caused his demise, Adam nodded.
“Uh yeah, fuck that fucking hurts.” He said, taking her hand and stepping down from the couch. The pair walked slowly back to their room (their room, since when had it been “their” room?), Adam put more weight upon Lute with each step. Once they made it back to the room, Adam collapsed into the chair beside the bed and let out a long sigh. The bleeding from his abdomen seemed to have stopped but she would still need to recheck his stitches. 
“Shirt off,” Lute said, grabbing at the first-aid kit that Charlie had left for them to change bandages. 
Adam wolf-whistled, though it was half-hearted as he hissed in pain at the effort. “If you wanted me naked, all you had to do was ask nicely.”
Lute rolled her eyes and grabbed the alcohol, gauze, and suture kit. Adam slowly removed his shirt, revealing the soaked-through bandages on his skin. His forehead glistened with sweat and his breathing was going at a much quicker pace than she would have liked. Lute frowned and began to remove his bandages. 
“Sit up,” She said, looking over the damage. Adam looked at her with an odd look in his eye before smirking. “Yes, ma’am.”
She rolled her eyes once again and began to slowly remove the blood-soaked bandages. Once they were removed, she was able to get a good look at his chest. While much of the tissue had begun to scar over, some of the deeper wounds still looked as though they had a good ways to go and wept golden blood and serous fluid. 
Lute handed Adam the gauze to hold in his hand. She grabbed the bottle of alcohol and opened it with her teeth. She was adapting to life with only one arm, as slow as it might be. She poured the alcohol on the gauze Adam held, grabbed it from him, and began to pat his chest to sterilize the area. 
“Fucking cunt,” Adam hissed, his body braced in pain. 
“It will be worse before it gets better,” Lute said, putting down the gauze and picking up the needle and thread. “It’s not terrible, most of the deep stuff seems to have closed.”
Lute examined the wound further and decided on a subcuticular stitch. Like she had said, most of the deeper layers seemed to have closed leaving only the dermis and epidermis to be closed. A subcuticular stitch was typically more aesthetic and would scar less. It also was easier for her to do one-handed, as she didn’t have to worry about the constant restarting that an interrupted stitch would require. A subcuticular was a favorite of some of the more appearance-conscious exorcists. 
“Hold still,” She said, beginning to place her stitch. Only one of the gashes, the biggest one, had reopened, so she only had to worry about one. 
“Fuck,” Adam replied, gripping the sides of the chair with pale knuckles. He bit his lip to hold back a scream. 
“Fucking shit Lute, how do you know how to do this,” Adam asked, trying to focus on anything but the fact that Lute was actively sticking a needle into his skin. Lute laughed, continuing her stitch. 
“Training. It doesn’t happen often and not whenever you were there, but sometimes someone would get a lac that didn’t automatically heal with heaven’s magic. Sutures just expedited the process.”
“Fuck, you guys were going that hard at training?” Adam breathed out. “ How in the shit balls did I miss that?”
Lute shrugged. “Easy to hide when we didn’t want you to find out how weak we were. A lot of the girls just wouldn’t make a fuss until after training when you had left.” 
“Hm,” Was Adam’s reply. He appeared to be in deep thought. He had held that expression more often recently, ever since they had been stranded in Hell. 
“Done,” Lute said, finishing off the stitch by throwing a few one-handed ties to keep it in place. Adam looked down. 
“Fucking shit, that looks great!” He exclaimed, running a soft hand over the scar. While it still bore the prior stitch scars, Lute had stitched and pulled the laceration together in a way so that the pieces of skin came together smoothly with no visible scar lines aside from the knot. 
Lute only smiled and sat on the bed so that she looked at Adam head-on. “What’s our plan, Sir?”
“Don’t fucking ‘Sir’ me Lute, we’re past that.”
“Alright, what’s our plan then, Adam?”
Adam nodded and thought for a few seconds. “I think I need a week or two. I hate to fucking say it but there’s no way either of us is going to make it to the Embassy right now. “
“I could fly,” Lute offered. Adam shook his head.
“And risk someone finding out there are two angels still roaming around? Absolutely not. We need to be smart about this.”
Lute nodded. Adam ran a hand through his hair. “I think we should lay low. Do whatever fucking Hell Princess wants. Play nice. Get on her good side. And then maybe she can make getting to the Embassy easy for us.”
Lute frowned. “And you think Hell Princess is just going to let us leave and waltz our way to the Embassy?”
“No, not without good reason. But she still believes in her stupid ass redemption plan. And what better way to kickstart that plan than to get back on Heaven’s good side by helping save two angels?’
“I mean, it could work,” Lute said, unsure of the plan. But, she trusted Adam. And she would follow whatever plan or scheme he came up with. She would follow him to the end if he asked it of her. She almost had. 
“Trust me, Danger tits,” Adam said, holding a fist out at her. Lute looked at it before sighing and returning his fist bump. 
“Fuck yeah, that’s what I’m talking about!” He exclaimed. Lute rolled her eyes once more. 
“Get back to bed. If you pop those stitches, I’m leaving you to bleed out and rot.”
Adam sent her a mischievous look. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear you loud and clear.”
Adam returned to bed and was immediately taken by a nap, the events of the day finally catching up with him. Lute stayed awake, however, as she always did. They were so close. So close to returning to Heaven that she could almost taste it. 
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Meeks and Pitts Headcanons (except it's me projecting in all of these)
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-> Both of them know how to solve a Rubik's cube and almost always have one around to do something while they're bored. Probably one of them learned it first for whatever reason, then taught the other. And they also like to race to see who solves it first. (and i'm saying this as someone who won't go anywhere without my cube. It's a life style y'know)
-> They're both very geek and nerdy, but Meeks is more of a nerd and Pitts is more of a geek.
-> "Don't worry, I didn't have time to study for this either," they say, but know the whole subject by heart.
-> While Meeks is very sociable, Pitts used to be pretty socially awkward and it took him a while to get genuinely comfortable with all the poets. He is that type of person who's very reserved and quiet, then as soon as he gets used to you he suddenly becomes the most talkative and annoying person in the world.
-> They definitely like boardgames and the rest of this post will be about that, as someone who LOVES boardgames with my whole heart. I know dps takes place before most cool games were invented, but let's just pretend they got to have those in their teenage years. Most of this fandom is constantly pretending stuff didn't happen like canon anyway.
-> Meeks is the type of person who would love games that need tactics and strategy, specially card and deck building games. He would be that type of player that makes the biggest combos (there's always one like that and it is so annoying to everyone else, but he has the time of his life). Like, every single round he manages to do some crazy logical move and win more points than all the others combined.
-> Pitts, on the other hand, likes games with plots, characters, maybe even roleplaying. From more simple games, like Coup to some more complex ones, like Above and Below. And I think he would be more into cooperative games rather than competitive.
-> I particularly think both of them would like space themed boardgames, for some reason I can't explain. Games like Terraforming Mars and Nemesis (I only played this one twice, and each time took like 5 hours, but I swear time FLIES in these games. The other poets would surely complain every time Steven and Gerard decided to play those, because it would take the whole afternoon/night.)
-> Sometimes the other dead poets would agree to play with them. Usually after days of them begging for it. When that happens, they would probably play party games. Those games are faster and easy to learn (there's always someone who struggles to understand the rules, and I think it would be Charlie and Knox, but Charlie would get it as soon as they actually start playing). Games like Exploding Kittens, Cards against Humanity, or even Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza (one of funniest games ever btw).
-> Normal card games (like poker, rummy or canasta) are mostly Meek's thing though and he takes it very seriously, although I don't think he'd go as far as betting money on it.
-> Both of them would love RPGs so much.
-> All of those nerdy things might sound stupid to others, but to them, it's a huge bonding moment and it means a lot when they get the others to engage with their hobbies.
This post feels SO NICHE, bc it has both my love for these two specific characters but also for boardgames. It was fun though, so it's worth it ^^"
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sea-buns · 1 year
Headcanon that Pib visits everyone every now and then and mostly just chills.
He does that cat thing where you walk into a room and they're just on a very tall object and you have no idea how they got there. Rosamund walks into her room at the castle and hes sprawled out on the stone of her windowsill that's been perfectly warmed by the sun. None of the guards or servants ever see him enter and her room is at the top of a tower like 3 stories up. She acts like this is absolutely normal any time it gets brought up.
He lies under a tree with Timothy or sits in Henry's lap on the porch as he rocks in a chair. Sometimes he'll follow at Jack's heels during deliveries or just around town. Everytime Jack'll start to veer towards a not-so-great decision, Pib gives him a little nudge in a better direction and some advice.
He'll wander into Gepetto's workshop and just fuck with shit. The man is constantly having to put stuff back on tables, just for it to get knocked down again when his back is turned. He'll play games with Pinocchio as he grows older, offering him help and advice when it's relevant. Just spending time with him in general, whether it's hanging out at Pinocchio's house or getting into whatever shit he's schemed up that week.
He'll join Gerard on adventures and occasionally ask his help for something with the people of his kingdom. When he hears Gerard trying to start a gossip session with Timothy, he gladly chimes in with his own shit-talk about the various people he encounters. This quickly becomes a regular thing for them.
Pib schemes with Ylfa and joins her in her many endeavors to absolutely fuck shit up for adults and people in power. Anyone so much as breathes wrong in her direction and he's popping out of her hood like a second head to give the most seething, feral hiss. Anytime Pib, Ylfa, and the Baba Yaga are together, no one is safe. He'll occasionally join her, Gerard, and Pinocchio for gin rummy. As a rule, any game night at Baba Yaga's hut ends with toppled tables, holes in windows and ceilings, and at least one person sprawled out on the roof and/or front lawn with no memory of how they got there.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 8 months
Pick a blorbo vibe!
In the Forsaken AU, Zelda and Gerudo Link are conspiring how to get Mystery Link to reappear after vanishing in the Lost Woods (Zel: Ok, so what we need is a damsel in distress--you'll do just nicely // Gan: I AM NOT PRETENDING TO BE A DAMSEL). They're whispering heatedly in Zelda's fancy royal tent (that Gerudo Link has to assemble for her) just outside the Lost Woods.
In Breath of the Sky, Cloud and Zel are slowly making their way over to the picnic that Princess and Champion set up for everyone. Champ is nervously eating all the food. Mipha is hovering in the distance hoping everything is ok. It's sunny and warm and pleasant outside, at least, despite all the drama.
In the Imprisoning War Era, Hemisi and Link snuck out of the castle while he's still sick because Link wants to spend time with Hemisi and she 100% plans to kidnap him to the desert (or at least to the Gerudo designated quarters so he can be taken care of until he gets better). Ganondorf is exasperated. Impa is too. Hemisi and Link look like drowned cats because it's pouring outside and they definitely were not crawling across the walls and roof of the castle haha nope!
In the Wild Spirit AU, Abel, Link, and Lyra are getting ready to fight Calamity Ganon. Abel hears his boy's voice again for hte first time, but there's a giant malice monster to deal with, worry about that later, Abel! The castle is dark and ominous and cold, it's starting to storm outside, it's time to get to business!
In a Hyrule fresh from the Calamity, Abel and Tilieth are starting to make plans for the next part of their journey. Abel definitely keeps waking Link up simply because he can, because he needs to after going to Blatchery Plain, and Til has to eventually get on his case about letting their poor son sleep. It's daybreak in Kakariko, it's time to hit the road again.
In Zora's Domain, a little four-year-old is about to explore the great world around him and his father will absolutely have a heart attack over it. But Link's ready to have an adventure!
In the Dad Squad, the dads are having an intense game of rummy and literally nobody can get the rules right. Abel's pretty sure Rusl's cheating, Rusl can't be cheating because Abel's playing it wrong, and Fierce just wings it while also wondering what the purpose of this entire ordeal is (this doesn't seem very conducive to strategy building, but perhaps it's for little immature mortal minds and the adults just do it to keep up the skills they learned as boys).
In LU in Healthcare, Sky's napping and therefore misses Wind frantically texting him about Warriors, but the rain is so gentle on the roof, the forest is quiet, and he's exhausted. Time, however, gets the messages before going into surgery, and soon it'll be time to pick up the pieces.
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felicitywilds · 4 months
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Every month, a volunteer host announces a new prompt, and each interested participant must write a ficlet inspired by that prompt in less than 500 words.
This May marks 6 months of me writing for the Soft Omens Snuggle House's "Guess the Author" challenge, so I thought I'd share everything I've written so far! It's been a great exercise working in such a small word count limit, and so much fun seeing what everyone comes up with!
Read the series so far on AO3! | Individual works listed below the cut!
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stretch. and stretch 2.0 (900 words)
Rated G | Tags: Domestic Fluff | Sleepy Crowley | Dining at the Ritz
Crowley shook the feeling back into his limbs and splayed out even further– felt the muscles ache wonderfully after their brief period of disuse. He arched his back, cocked his knee, curled his arm into the crook of his neck to flex it just right– Aziraphale giggled. The stretching stopped abruptly. Crowley scowled. “Wot.” The angel shooed him with a lazy wave. “Oh, it's nothing, dear boy. You look like a cat sometimes, stretching the way you do. It’s amusing to watch.”
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Rated G | Tags: Domestic Fluff | Post-canon | Dancing
It was a nice night. All the nights had been nice. The days too, for that matter, after Heaven and Hell finally decided to leave them alone for good. But the clouds massing east of St. James’ park– the locale for tonight’s particular moonlight stroll– had put something of a damper on the evening by blocking out the moon entirely. So while it was a nice night, it really could’ve been nicer.
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Rated T | Tags: Established Relationship | Domestic Fluff | Dining at the Ritz
Crowley agrees to play one more round of rummy with Aziraphale before they leave for dinner at the Ritz for a special surprise. He does his best to make it go as fast as possible.
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Rated G | Tags: South Downs Cottage | Mild Angst | Comfort
Crowley drops the last box haphazardly on the stack in the bedroom with a soft thud and a hearty groan. The groan is less about the pain incurred by carrying the box, and more about expressing his displeasure at having to carry it at all. “Careful,” Aziraphale warns from inside the closet, where he’s dutifully unpacking a different stack and ticking items off his list as ‘arrived’. “They’re clothes, angel.”
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Rated G | Tags: Historical | Mild Angst | Post-London 1941
Crowley digs his toes into the sand to bury his feet in the coolness of it. Warm sea water rushes up to meet them, washing away his hiding place, so he digs them in again. “This is quite nice, don’t you think?” Aziraphale asks.
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Rated G | Tags: Historical | Canon-typical Banter | Post-Paris 1793
Aziraphale nibbles primly on his crêpe, trying very hard to look unbothered. Across the table, Crowley is leveling him with a very practiced judgmental stare as he lounges back in his café chair, in an equally-as-practiced casual sprawl. The angel’s changed outfits again, you see.
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melissa-titanium · 5 months
dd hc organizerrrr
biggest basis for their makeup is essentially. birds and cats, with a little bit of wolf wedged in. they're somewhere inbetween solitary and pack predator, not quite social enough to actively search for bigger groups to hunt with BUT not solitude enough to hunt solo. three or four is the average for squads, two being the absolute minimum. to be seperated from your squadmates is a highly traumatic and stressful experience regardless of your opinion on the squadmate you lose. the feeling can be softened by replacing the squadmate. (eg; what happened with j and uzi. the alphabet gang's squad was a three-drone squad, and with j's death, uzi 'replaced' her in n and v's coding. not the same for j, though, because that means she was booted from the squad and it really hurt!!!)
dds are predators that tend to try and stay out of plain sight if need be, but they're already strong and fast enough to catch and kill wds without any struggle. BUT, if they were facing something they needed to surprise for whatever reason, they'd hide themselves rather than try and stay quiet. dds are already naturally nearly-silent (as shown in how n beats the shit out of uzi completely silently in pilot AND the way he basically DISAPPEARS when he sneaks into the vents during gin rummy) so they have no need to try and be more quiet, BUT the issue with their design is that they are. very, very flashy. they have warning patterns plastered ALL across their bodies and are basically glowsticks, and once they're in sight, you know where they are regardless of how dark it is. tl;dr: they rely on their silence to surprise prey.
i did a huge fucking chart on n's height a while back but i literally dont think i could find it. i think, canonically, dds are like... 5'0 exactly? but imo i think they're more around 6'6. there is minor variation in wd-frame dds, so height can differ from dd to dd.
i think dds are split into two different types, those being standalone and wd-frame.
standalone are dds through and through, retaining no worker drone memories because they HAVE no worker drone memories; they were built by the solver solely for the purpose of being a dd, therefore they never were a wd.
wd-frame are dds that have been built over an existing wd (n, v, and j for example.) they can on occasion retain memories (like v, depending on whether the solver wanted them to or not,) and usually retain the 'growth???' code of worker drones, allowing them to grow and change in response to their organic insides.
a better comparison would be; first gen worker drones to second gen worker drones. first gen drones (alice, khan, yeva, nori, etc) are all built off of one frame, leaving very little variation in bodyshape outside of built-purpose (eg; i think nori and khan were built for heavy-lifting and such, meaning they're shorter and heftier, while drones like yeva and alice were built for personal use, which makes them look more. human-like. i don't klnow does that make sense>>>??)
physical traits;
they have black teeth, stained with oil.
their true eyes can be individually taken off, as can the headband (the headband acts like the cap of a lightbulb.)
standalone dds (dds not built ontop of a worker drone frame, there are no canon examples of this) do NOT have whiskers. wd-frame dds (n, v, and j,) have whiskers.
... just like wds, dd hair is just a ton of whiskers bunched up into a hairstyle. does this mean standalone dds are bald? yeah, probably.
dd tails are segmented and interlocked by bendable joints (FLESH joints, dds are half-organic after all) that can extend and flex comfortably to reach further targets. the joints click and bend with each movement.
this was a trait in my old iterations of dd designs so idk if ill keep it, but, dds have heat-regulation spines poking out of their seams. they resemble the centipede-esque limbs on materials collection holo-spooky-snake-crabs.
their wingblades are shaped like fish-hooks, meant to latch onto prey and reel them in.
in addition to this, the wings whistle VERY loudly when flying. they have gravity propulsion (?) devices under their wings arm (not forearm) that make it so they don't actually have to flap their wings (like they fucking COULD?? look at those things dude) but the wingblades themselves are also used as means of steering. the air/gravity around them can be more easily manipulated with the wingblades because each blade has individual muscle control.
HUGE barrel chests. they're used to protect the core. they're split into two parts, a very hard steel-material (that also goes to the shoulders) and a bullet-proof black glass that allows you to see the corelight. and, yes, i know, they look like boobs but i'm nice and love feminism so it's only accentuated on n's chest. yes, his boobs are naked.
drones in general have a zip lining their abdomen, but the rubber material on disassembly drones is much lighter and malleable, allowing dds more flexibility than wds, but also less protection for their insides (which makes sense, because why would they need to protect their insides when they can just regenerate anything that broke? the rubber itself holds the stomach and other organs, but can be unzipped for maintenance.
there are four "sections" of a dd's tail. for organization purposes, i'll call them a, b, c, and d. section a is the joints of the tail itself, which can extend and flex. the tail sections and joints are considered one section. section a filters nanite acid along the dd's spinal cord down into section b section b transfers the filtered nanite acid from section a into the acid tank/storage section c transfers the acid from the tank into section d, and acts as the sheathe for section d section d is the syringe, which can extend in and out of section c
like dd's eyes, their ears are interchangable/customizable. UNLIKE dd's eyes, the ears are actually meant to be customized. the external ears themselves aren't particularly useful, and are dds only means of personalization.
i can;t think of anything else to add here rn UHHH
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prxckedradiolove · 9 months
Things my friends called the jellicles when i watched cats with them:
Rum tum tugger - Tutu, Rum, Rummy
Jemima - Aunt Jemima, Jo momma
Bombalurina - Obama’s momma
Macavity - The Red Grinch
Jellylorum - The Hoo
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levinbolts · 1 year
we bought a zoo ass roundup under the cut (aka introducing 80% of my and my partner’s pets)
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sebastian (sebby!). 10yo. the favorite and is very aware he is the favorite. shy around strangers but very sweet and clingy with people he’s familiar with. if one of us is on the bed, he has to be on or touching one of us at all times. very chatty and trills to his name being called every time. will literally let us move and toss him around without complaint he’s so chill. very mean to other cats when there’s treats or catnip involved.
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sherlock (sherl!). 9yo. absolute chonker of a cat (20lbs). loves head rubs and belly scratches and WILL demand them if you’re in his sight longer than 5 seconds. announces every time he uses the litter box?? so we’ll know??? has his head in the food bowl or asleep on a pillow 99% of the time. only meows when he’s going to the litter box or wants pets.
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prompto (prommy!). 3yo. MENACE. wants to play all the time and will swipe at you if you walk past him too many times in a short time span. thinks any small sudden noise is a toy and will run over to pounce on it every time. teeniest tiniest meow i have ever heard oh my god it’s so cute. likes to snuggle and suckles on patches of his own fur while he does it?? but then he falls asleep while he’s doing it and it’s real cute.
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misty (mismis, ms. miss!). oldest animal in the house at 14yo. can’t see very well at all, so we think she’s going blind. very sweet and loves to be around people. comes running in to say hi when she hears us in the kitchen or living room. also loves head and belly scratches. does NOT like other cats so she doesn’t come in the bedroom even though she really wants to :(. we’re worried she’s on her way out.
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rumlow (rum, rummy, rumple!) the only dog ! 3yo. clingiest dog i’ve ever met. literally has to be up someone’s ass at all times if he can see or hear them or he’ll die (whine and bark nonstop). thinks he’s a teeny tiny puppy still and not a 90lbs adult dog and tries to climb into people’s laps. has a big scary bark but is so sweet and lets the cats bully him (he’s terrified of prompto). neediest animal in the house honestly.
BIRDS (idk exactly how old any of them are so they won’t have ages)
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matcha. my personal favorite of all the birds (i got to name him). chatty chatty chatty. knows how to say a lot of things but his favorites are “pretty bird” “pretty boy” and “gimme kiss”. he will actually give kisses if you put your finger up to the cage (sometimes he’ll bite instead if he’s hungry or cranky tho so you win some, you lose some). loves to be around people. WILL try to take your phone if he sees it, whether he can carry it or not. loves to splish splash take a bath.
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bucky. sweetest of all the birds honestly. only has one little foot so he hops around everywhere. loves the color red and will sing to you if you have something red in front of him. knows the andy griffith theme and the addams family theme. loves head pets. the best flier of all the birds, though he doesn’t do it much. mostly just wants to be held.
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pineapple. used to be in the same cage as bucky but bucky didn’t like her so we moved them. she’s still obsessed with him though and spends most of her time staring at him from across the room. pretends to be mean but mellows out after a couple head pets. terrible and landing when she flies and just smacks into shit. the only other bird that likes her is ramen noodle.
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ramen noodle. hates everything but his bell toy and pineapple (who doesn’t even like him). very quietly mimics all the other birds and they hate it. usually if the other birds are screeching and we can’t tell why it’s because of him. idk he doesn’t do much else.
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apple jack(lyn). i couldn’t get a good picture of her because she’s a bitch and wouldn’t be still. meanest bird of all time. yells at anyone that walks in the room. will try to bite you if you come within 8 feet of her cage. obsessed with her little bell ball toy and will get PISSED if you touch it for any reason. we thought she was a boy but when we found out she wasn’t, she became apple jacklyn instead of apple jack.
you’ve already met snapple in my last ask so i won’t put him here but he looks very similar to apple jacklyn
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cptkphob-archive · 2 years
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Time 2 cause trouble !!
[ ID: A drawing of Ylfa, Pinocchio, and Pib. Ylfa is standing on the left, looking down at Pinocchio and Pib with wide eyes. She's wearing a cloak, a shirt, baggy pants, and large boots. She has wolf ears, a wolf tail, and a swollen eye. She's saying, "Mom says I need more age appropriate friends. Do you play gin rummy?" Pinocchio is looking up at Ylfa with a blank expression and his arms slightly raised. He's a wooden marionette with no strings and no nose, wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Pib is on the right, looking up at Ylfa with big eyes. He's a cat wearing a cape and boots, both with ruffled hems. End ID ]
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Below the Surface: A 2023 Lackadaisy Fanfiction...now posted here, there, and NOW on Tumblr. Enjoy!
TW: poisoning, blood, vomit, violence and gore: If you are uncomfortable with these things, SKIP AHEAD. While the gore and blood is at the end, I will mark it accordingly.
---"Too many of us treat guns with genial familiarity. Guns should give us the heebie-jeebies. They are killing machines. That is all they are. We should dread them the way we dread cancer and cyanide and electric chairs." - Author: Kurt Vonnegut Jr.---
"His voice means to deceive you...my voice just wants to lead you...Below the Surface."
A night of witnessing poker playing and other gambling games increased his headache.Yet Mordecai Heller still remained by Asa Sweet’s side for that night. All these rich people, wasting their time and wealth on betting games. Occasionally, Asa nudged him into a game or two.
“I’m uninterested in such a rambunctious activity, Mr. Sweet,” Mordecai told him in a flat tone, and Mr. Sweet would only reply with a smirk and a shrug of his shoulders, before returning to his gambles.
“Aw, really? I thought you were the type of guy to be exceptionally good at gin rummy~”
Mordecai’s ears flicked up slightly, turning his head to face the Savannah cat in front of him: Silas Tueuse, French actor. 
“I can assure you, I would rather not.” He remarked in disdain, trying to keep himself up to be professional, yet somewhat polite. “Besides: I am not one to lose myself over such antics.”
“Aww, what a spoil sport.” Silas inched closer to the tuxedo cat, his own ears flicking upward, and his tail fluffed up. Mordecai looked into his yellowish green eyes, and his frown deepened. He watched the Savannah cat breed carefully and very closely. He watched his neck length, brown and highlighted hair, seeing how much it bounced as Silas moved and turned his head.
“That’s what I keep telling the boy,” Mr. Sweet chuckled, giving Mordecai a gentle nudge. Mordecai suppressed the urge to roll his eyes yet again, but despite that, he couldn’t help but to give an unnoticeable smirk at his boss’s remark.
“I can always help loosen you up~” Silas offered, leaning back in his chair, his legs opening slightly. Mordecai had a close–mouthed grimace curl onto his lips, his ears flattening against the back of his head. He and Mr. Sweet shared uncomfortable glances of the innuendo Silas proceeded to practically shove into their faces.
“I like to decline that, very much.” Mordecai cleared his throat, turning his head away. Silas shrugged with his right shoulder, leaning back more.
“Your loss, then.” He ran his tongue on the top row of his canines. He turned to face another hotel member, now chatting away. This hotel member was named Roberto, a quiet and shy type of man. Silas was trying to flirt with him and get him out of his shell, in order to do unholy things.
“Uch…” Mordecai pinched the bridge of his nose, and felt a gentle pat on his arm from Mr. Sweet, and it somehow eased him for the given moment. The rest of the night was still rather loud, but eventually it all ended. Silas brought some poor unfortunate fellow along to God knows where, and the office had been emptied, aside from Mr. Sweet and Mordecai.
“Well, they certainly got their money’s worth.” Mr. Sweet spoke up, leaning back in his chair and sorting out the dollars he had. He lit up a cigar, intaking some of the smoke, then exhaling out his nose.
“I have yet to commiserate with the fools and how they spill out their wealth over a simple game of gin rummy.” The tuxedo cat finally brought up.
“Ah, don’t act like you don’t enjoy a round of gin rummy.” Mr. Sweet chuckled, pulling out his cigar from his mouth. “You’re quite good at it, you know.”
Mordecai’s ears flattened further on his head, eyes narrowing more. His sharp and cold glare softened, just for a split second, before shifting back to the cold and stoic gaze he always harbored. “...I don’t play gin rummy much anymore.”
“Painful memories, eh?”
“Very much so.”
There was more silence, aside from Mordecai taking out his pocket watch and flicking it open to notice the time. He rolled his eyes and flicked the lid of the pocket watch shut with a loud click.
“Son, there’s been many things going on in the shadows of St. Louis.” Mr. Sweet finally sat up fully, turning to face Mordecai.
“Isn’t there always, Mr. Sweet?” Mordecai cocked a brow, putting away his pocket watch.
“Not like this��amongst us rum–runners is something dangerous…more dangerous than usual.” Mr. Sweet leaned forward, gesturing with his free hand. “I’ve had too many employees rush into my office to tell me that my hotel residents are dying in their rooms.”
Mordecai faltered, blinking once, twice, registering the words his boss had spoken. “Dying?”
“Killed, it doesn’t matter how: what matters is that they’re dead. Unmoved. Complete cadavers.”
“I understood that part completely, Mr Sweet, you needn’t explain a thing.”
“...do you remember Mrs. Smitt?”
“Quite well, in fact. She was the kind and feeble elderly woman who came in to spend the night here after her daughter’s baby shower. That way she could hop on a train to return safely to Detroit.”
Mr. Sweet’s eyes dulled: “...she’s dead.”
“...excuse me?” Mordecai paused again. “...she’s dead?”
“Staff found her with a slit throat in a pool of her own bloodied water in the bathtub.”
“It was one of the grizzlier murders…like something you would’ve done on command.”
“When was the murder, sir?”
“Two days ago, eleven–thirty pm, sharp. ”
“I was right beside you while you were busy playing roulette.”
Mr. Sweet gave a hearty chuckle, clapping the other’s shoulder. “I’m well aware. You never left my side during nights like those.”
“It’s my job, after all.” Mordecai gave a single, firm nod. Mr. Sweet gave him a genuine grin, and Mordecai’s expression finally broke out into a small smirk. It quickly faded into a nonchalant expression as he gazed forward. He pursed his lips tightly, keeping himself silent. The news of murder circulated in his thoughts, turning cogs in his head as he began to wonder who Marigold was dealing with…
The poor man had no idea what hit him.
Roberto stole each kiss from Silas, being lured away into a pool room, tucked away into a further corner of Hotel Maribel. Silas giggled at Roberto, stroking his chin as he pressed him against the pool table.
“Ah, damn…” Roberto let out a shudder, feeling Silas’s hands rove across his chest. Silas gave a crooked grin, baring his sharp fangs.
“You like that, don’t you?” He chided, bringing his lips closer to Roberto’s neck. Roberto let out a shriveling moan, leaning into the bite.
“Y–yes…” He admitted softly, gently. He hastily gripped onto Silas’s top, but Silas guided the hands away.
“Nah–ah–ah…not until you had a drink. Just one more: for me?~” Silas stroked Roberto’s chin, then strutted away to shut the double doors, then sauntered over to a drink cart. Roberto slumped against the pool table, letting out a small, unheard whimper. Silas kept his back turned, hiding the fact that while he was pouring Roberto his favorite gin, the Savannah Cat slipped in poison. No…
…he poured in cyanide. Yet Roberto was too blinded and a bit too drunk. Silas hummed a haunting tune, slipping the cyanide bottle into his pocket, then swung himself around, holding Roberto’s whiskey and giving it to him, gently caressing his shoulder. 
“Drink up,” Silas hummed, “we don’t want you to get parched~” He planted one last kiss on his mouth, then strutted to get a pool stick. He got a chalk cube, chalking the cue slowly, deliberately, gears shifting in his head as he heard the ice clink against the glass when Roberto took a drink of the gin, the gentle gulp or two. Silas’s ears flicked at the sounds, and he grinned deviously: the cyanide would later take place…
Mordecai’s eyes snapped open, and his head whipped up. When did he fall asleep…? How did he let this happen? He was scolding himself…until he realized and felt the gentle draping of a jacket over him. He met yellow eyes and slit pupils, his shoulders dropping at the sight of Serafine. He gave a deep frown, sitting up slowly in his chair. He massaged his temples with his fingers, muttering something incoherently.
“I thought I locked the door.” He then brought up.
“Ya didn’t…I guess dat you felt too tired.” Nico chimed in. Mordecai stared at the Savoy siblings with dulled eyes. He gently took off the jacket, realizing that Serafine was wearing only her red undershirt, with her necklace of bones dangling almost elegantly…in a haunting manner. Ah…said jacket was hers.
“Which is rather indecorous of me, considering the current work location and time.” He handed it over to her, though a glimpse of gratefulness flashed through those olive eyes of his, before quickly fading.
“Mmh, you an’ your fancy words…don’ you get a bit tired of keepin’ all dat up, chér.” Nico gave a quick eye roll. There was a gentle clink of a mug on Mordecai’s desk, with a nice scent wafting into the trio’s senses.
“...did…” Mordecai stared at the mug of tea, his favorite, no less: Earl Gray. He eyed it skeptically, pursing his lips tightly.
“We listen, chér. No matter how much talkin’ you do, we listen .” Serafine slid the mug over more, just slightly. Mordecai blinked.
“...that’s rather unusual, coming from you and Nico.” His fingers curled around the handle of the mug, and he brought it over cautiously. “...no pranks? No Winchester sauce poured in as one of your practical jokes?” He raised a brow, smelling the fragrance: it was the usual, subtly citrusy scent, and his shoulders noticeably dropped. He felt relaxed, at least a bit more. Though he is going to be fuming if he finds that damn sauce in his tea… again. So reluctantly, he took a sip…and it tasted good. He was in pure shock. “...my apologies. I assumed before I found out.”
“No apologies, we don’ need any.” Nico shrugged it off. Mordecai took another sip, and he sighed, setting the cup down and he took off his pince–nez, rubbing his eyes with two fingers.
“...what are you doing here, anyhow? Don’t you have to attend your cult with…your chicken.” Mordecai used hand gestures. Nico and Serafine shared a fit of laughter, ringing through the tuxedo cat’s head.
“We’ve been stuck wit’ Mr. Sweet, jus’ like you, chér.” Serafine then slid her arms through the sleeves of her jacket, now adjusting how it felt.
“That’s rather unfortunate.” Mordecai deadpanned.
“Someting we can both agree on.” Serafine raised her brows slightly.
“A shocker.”
“Oh don’ tink dat you’re better than me.”
Both of them gave each other withering glares, with Nico staring with a somewhat wide–eyed stare. Serafine cracked a genuine grin, her eyes squinting: showing that she was thoroughly and honestly enjoying the banter she and Mordecai had going on. Mordecai gave a smirk, raising his own brows out of surprise.
“Hm. I wasn’t the one who carved a loa into someone’s chest.” He held a hand up. Serafine flicked her knife out, pointing at Mordecai as she watched his eyes narrow, and his tail fluff up in alarm.
“...hm. You learned a ting or two.” Nico hummed. “Dat’s a start.”
“Mhh, I suppose.” Mordecai swished around the tea in his mug. The office was quiet, now…despite the literal embodiments of chaos known as the Savoys standing directly in front of him. He couldn’t help but feel enlightened…barely.
The three heard footsteps, rushed, panicked even. Mordecai quickly moved to answer the door, and noticed how Mr. Sweet was now in front of him. There was an uncanny look of urgency in his boss’s eyes, and that meant something awful happened. Mr. Sweet put a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it a bit.
“...there’s another victim of homicide, Mordecai.” He kept his voice lowered. Immediately, Mordecai let out a small noise of disturbance, then he gave a firm nod, pulling out his M1911 and gripping it tightly. Serafine’s head whipped to face the other two, as they rushed out of the room. She followed with curiosity eating at her, quickening the pace with her brother by her side.
“How did this happen?” Mordecai kept himself collected, being led by Mr. Sweet.
“Nobody knows what exactly happened…but there’s…” A look of disgust crossed Mr. Sweet’s face. Mordecai bit back the urge to grimace, but he continued forward.
“Peekon, what’s goin’ on?” Nico walked by the tuxedo cat, and Serafine wasn’t too far behind.
“Murders have been going on in the hotel. It’s becoming apparent that we are a target to this predator.” Mordecai took a sharp left, and the faint smell of vomit wafted into his nostrils. He let out a growl, ears pinning on his head as he reared back, bringing his arm to his nose and mouth, turning his upper body to face the other direction as he halted in front of closed double doors. He was missing the scent of his tea now.
“Ugh, what crawled up an’ died in dere?!” Serafine let out a quiet retching noise, suppressing a gag. Mr. Sweet swallowed thickly, then shoved open the doors to the secret pool room. When he showed the Marigold Trio what was causing such odors, it was apparent now. Crystal clear, and it made Mordecai’s stomach twist into knots.
(TW: blood, vomit and gore below!)
“What the hell?!” Serafine backed up, jerking away violently as she hit the back of a lounge chair. Nico reached for her, his ears pinning against the back of his head. His eyes were widened. The horror scene in the pool room. Blood splattered on the floors, but that’s not all. A pool stick was stabbed into Roberto’s right eye as he slumped against the wall. Vomit was on the floor, nearby his feet, and bits and pieces of bile caked the corners of his mouth. His mouth was open, as if he was trying to gasp for air before he was killed. His face was slightly tainted with blue and purple, due to suffocation. Cartilage from his stabbed eye stuck out and curled around the pool stick in a disgusting fashion, occasionally dripping blood or sloppily falling onto the floor in pieces.
(TW: blood, vomit and gore warning over!)
“Son of a…” Nico trailed off. Then, his brows creased as he tilted his head to the side: confusion crossed his face. He had no clue who was going this far to take such measures to massacre people like this. Serafine looked concerned more than she had ever seemed: her brows were angled, she dug her heel into the ground and planted herself. Mr. Sweet was tapping his foot rapidly, sweat beading his forehead over the situation and how there was, yet again, another murder in his hotel…and for the first time for the elaborate triggerman, hatchetman, ferocious shadow of Mr. Sweet, Mr. Mordecai Heller…
…his gun slipped out of his hand and hit the floor, and the world went silent and deathly still.
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infodumpingaboutnature · 10 months
I’m currently visiting my bf in Florida for two weeks while we’re both on winter break and he’s just as crazy about animals as I am so here’s all of his pets.
1. The fish tanks
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He has two fish tanks: a larger personal tank that he keeps at home and contains neon tetras, panda corydoras (that I couldn’t find because they like to hide in the plants), cherry shrimp, and ghost shrimp. Then there’s his smaller tank that he usually keeps at his dorm which also has some shrimp, some limpets, and bladder snails, but also has some rummy-nosed tetras and three African dwarf frogs named Fufu, Fumbwa, and Frank Sinatra. However, since that tank doesn’t have a lid and he didn’t want the cats messing with the fish and frogs he moved them to his larger tank over for over break.
2. Ganüsh the White’s tree frog
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He usually likes to hide so it’s hard to get pics of him.
3. Bocaj the Chahoua gecko
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His name is literally my name backwards because when he was a baby he hated me and would always bite me and no one else but now we’re friends and he lets me hold him sometimes.
4. Keshet the Brazilian rainbow boa
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She’s absolutely stunning and I wish I could get a full body shot but this was taken right before she was fed and now that she’s eaten I don’t want to disturb her while she’s digesting. She’s still a baby but she’s grown a lot since he first got her. She also has a hidden Mickey on her but I don’t think you can see it in this pic.
Those are all of his pets though his parents also have two dogs and two cats. The cats are named Winter and Priscilla and I love them despite being allergic to them. The dogs are both white golden retrievers named Willow and Aspen. Willow is a gremlin and she scratched my foot but Aspen is a nice old man so we’re chill.
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