#runa (dangerous love)
sweetjirai · 10 months
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anti-kawaii-daily · 5 months
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Today's Anti-Kawaii Character of The Day is Runa from the oneshot manga, Dangerous Love!She wears Dark Girly most of the time but she does wear China Kei at the Cafe where she works, she also fits into the Yandere archetype!
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j-fashion-wearer-otd · 8 months
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Today’s J-fashion wearer is Runa from Dangerous Love! She wears dark girly!
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PART TWO (part one is here)
**please be sure to read any/all warnings attached to recommended fics prior to reading**
🔥 - explicit/mature content
Moon Knight
🔥cocktails (Jake Lockley x Shy!F!Reader) - @runa-falls
🔥house of balloons (Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @whatthefishh
🔥Death to Dignity (Marc Spector x Reader) - @juneknight
🔥Heat (Alpha!Jake Lockley x Omega!F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
Walk You Home (Steven Grant x Reader) - @writingsoftheloser
Boy Meets Cat, Boy Meets Girl (Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @spacecowboyhotch
Burn (Jake Lockley x Reader) - @soft-girl-musings
Museum Date (Marc Spector x Reader) - @reallyrallyauthor
🔥Good Boy, Steven (Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
The Lake (Steven Grant x Reader) - @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
Stitches (Marc Spector x Reader) - @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
Cry (Marc Spector x Reader) - @soft-girl-musings
🔥Praying for Love (Marc Spector x F!Stripper!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
Cheat (Marc Spector x Reader) - @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
🔥Bonfire Night (Uni!Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @reallyrallyauthor
March the 9th (Marc Spector x Reader) - @ivystoryweaver
Comedy of Errors (Teacher!Steven Grant x Teacher!Reader) - @soft-girl-musings
Salt & Pepper (Moon Boys x Reader) - @soft-girl-musings
Perfect Find (Steven Grant x Reader) - @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
Sprinkles (Marc Spector x Reader) - @spacecowboyhotch
🔥What You Like (Marc Spector x F!Reader x Steven Grant) - @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
Not Enough (Marc Spector x Reader) - @spacecowboyhotch
Stranger Danger (Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @soft-girl-musings
Searching (Marc Spector x Reader) - @spacecowboyhotch
Thank you to all the wonderful writers for sharing their stories with us 🥰❤️
*For more recs, please feel free to check out my fic rec tag.
**If you’d like to have your fic removed, please just let me know.
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sweetheart09 · 11 months
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"Wake up, wake up little bird"
Part one
Warnings: This story contains: Mention of killing, mention of affair, mention of Student/ Professor relationship, mention of death and torture, mention of sexual behaviour.
~read at your own risk also please keep in mind that english is not my first language, so be kind ^^ ~
Runa woke up drowsy and sleepy. Her head pounds like crazy and it was hard not to fall into unconsciousness again. Time went by and Runa snuggled back into the soft mattress and pillow. It was comfortable and just to good to wake up now. At first Runa did not noticed it….the unfamiliar scent….and the way the room was just too quiet....it was not Carols scent…like normal….or the sweet and fresh scent of Runas own laundry soap. Runa groaned as she rolled over….hoping to feel Carols warmth on her arm…but nothing. Runa sighed….she was maybe up again….doing work…or cleaning the apartment. Carol Danvers was always a organized and controlling woman….she always made sure to make the bed fresh, to clean the kitchen when Runa was over. She does not want her Husband Clive to know that she was having an affair with one of her college students. It would ruin her…it would ruin both of them....their life, her carrier…but still….the taboo….the secret Carol needed to keep, It was just to good. Runa loved it too…the affection….the little secret…the sex. It was all just too good. She opened her eyes….everything was blurry…and the bright light made her headache even worse. Like a hurted animal…she whined and turned around again to shut out all sources of light again. Thats when the girl noticed it…the small rustling and the tightness on her wrist….chains. They were warm against her wrist from her own body heat. Did Carol used handcuffs last night? Not that Runa can remember…and normally Carol was removing everything after the little hours of fun. Runa was confused…her heart skipped a beat…as a feeling of unwellness overcomes her.
The headache…the sleepiness…it was not normal for Runa to be that sleepy….to not get up for hours….She was normally a great morning person... She took a deep breath….it was nothing to worry about….maybe Carol was in the bathroom or already in the kitchen prepairing late night snacks or even early breakfast. Runa tries to keep calm...sleep overtook her soon again....letting her drift away in her own little world...in her own little memories...dreams of the next days in college...with her few friends....and then the evenings with her professor. The way Danvers would touch Runa, kiss her....the way Carol fingers would gracefull- Suddenly Runa gasped for air, as something or someone took her by her neck and squeezed her throat tightly....Runa opened her eyes wide in reflex...starring at the bright light bulb hanging from a grey concrete ceiling. The light is bright like the sun, burning in her eyes and making them water....the pressure increased and Runa tries to free herself from the choking grip...only to realize that she was still cuffed onto the bed.
"Wake up sleepy beauty" A raspy and deep voice chuckled. Runa looked frantically around the room until her eyes landed on a dark figure beside her. The womans face was halfway covered from a dark mask, only her green orb like eyes can be seen, shining sadistically. Runa wimpered in fear as she sees the dangerous, sociopath like glint in her eyes. Red lock bounced as the woman continues to choke Runa. Runas body arched as the lack of oxygen slowly became to much. Soon the students eyes began to flutter, her face was red....and her body stopped struggeling....but before Runa can fall unconsciouses again....the woman let go. Runa choked, breathed and even drooled slightly as the fresh oxygen burned in her lungs. It was salvation, the air filling up her starving lungs like it was their last meal. Runa coughed hardly as drool escape her lips and slips down her chin and cheek. The other woman chuckled like it was fun to her to bring people on the edge of death..
"Was fun, wasn´t it. Finally you are awake..took you long enough..." the woman chuckled again. Runa was in distress....trying to look at the womans figure but also trying to keep her breathing on a normal level. The woman walked gracefully and silently like a predator towards the tied up student. Runa trembled as the Stranger came towards her. Runa wanted to speak, to ask her who she was and what she wanted from someone like her...but Runas mouth was dry and speechless. "Such a pretty thing.." Natasha cooed and stalked towards the defenseless student. The Black Widow carefully climbed up the bed and leaned over the still breathless Runa Jones. "So pretty....with all the marks.." Natasha purred dangerously and softly touched Runas neck. Dark purple marks starts to appear from the past choking....fingerprints of abuse and pleasure. Runa looked at the Woman on top of her...she tries to squirm, hoping to get as far away from the others body as possible. But it had no use...Natasha grabbed Runas shoulders to keep her still and pretty.
The Woman smiled...it is even noticeble with the black mask on. Her eyes glint with pure ecstasy and even pleasure. Runa whined as the woman suddely pulled a knife out of one of her thigh pockets...holding it up in the air. The dull light of the bulb above them glistered in the sharp metal blade. "no..please.." Runa whimpered with multiple thoughts in her head. Everything spins and fear creeps up her bones. Will the woman kill her? The woman chuckled again...and softly pulled up her mask...Runa would have gasped at the beauty of this woman, if she was not in such a dangerous situation. Forest and dark green eyes, fire red and curly hair....her lips are plum and lookes soft. Runa would have been stunned by the womans appearence....if there wasn´t the frightening and murderous glint in her eyes. "So pretty when you beg..." Natasha wispered and with steady hands guided the sharp blade closer to Runas chin. Runa whimpered as the cold metal scratched her skin...it does not hurt..but still feels uncomfortable.
The tied up woman tries to stay still...letting the Assassine do whatever she wants... "You know...if you would not be so pretty....i would have killed you right away..." The assassine wispers slowly letting the blade run up and down Runas chin...softly slicing away any small hairs. Runa did not dare to breath....she did not even dare to think... "Beg for me again....now" The woman commanded sternly but also with a tiny sadistic smile.
Runa swallowed and opened her dry mouth to speak.. "Please...no...do not hurt..me" Runa croaked out and was embarassed of herself in this moment. The Widow seems to be satisfied by the small amount of words and softly removed the blade from her victim...even if iNatasha wanted more. Natasha would love to slice her Name right away into Runas shoulder....or ven stomach...but she waits first....maybe another time.
Natasha leaned down watching Runa like a prey...before leaning down and kissing her lips softly. Runa tries to lean away...but strong hands keep her still. Runa tries to not lean into the soft and plum lips of her kidnapper....but she can not lie...the kiss was good.
Runa was to suprised to think straight in this moment...she just let it happened. Adrenalin and also fear rushed through her vains....but still she somehow enjoyed the kiss. The collage student was glad that the assassine did removed the blade from her breakable neck and was now a bit more gentle. With a little tuck Natasha pulled away, leaving Runa breathing for air- Questionable...she was missing the kiss...her lips..and tounge. Natasha chuckled as she saw her victim out of breath and still being tied up. Her long fingers slowly start to caress Runas neck and went futher down Runas chest and under her shirt. Runa sucked in the air, being uncomfortable with being touched by the woman who took her.
"Now, be a good girl and hold still.." Natasha breathed out before she lowered her head towards Runas neck...softly starting to nipple the sensitive skin. "I will have so much fun with you..."
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yandere-fics · 1 month
♡ Runa With An Idol Darling ♡
(5,048 words, this tops my record lmao.)
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Idols in the city usually had a very short lifespan to their fame. They'd spend a year or two training, and then have at most two years of actually performing before at their first major concert a supernatural in the crowd would lock eyes with them and realize they were their soulmate. Of course there were those that managed to make it past that point and would be afforded a much longer career before retiring from the spotlight as soon as they'd made a decent chunk of money, not wanting to tempt fate any further because every second in the spotlight was a second a supernatural could find them, their plans of retirement usually didn't help though as you often heard they were snatched merely a month later when they were just going to buy groceries.
You'd been an idol from the time you turned 18 to now when you were currently 37, almost 20 years in the business and you were determined to go down in history as an idol who was so well loved that even as they got old, their concerts still sold out. The key was audience interaction, as long as you stayed on top of what was happening in your fandom forums, you could never lose, those fools who retired just didn't understand how important fans were, you couldn't be an idol for even a year if the fans didn't like you and you honestly enjoyed the interactions with the fans. The ones who were the most active on the forums even knew your username, "PurpleButterfly", a bit generic but when you debuted your costume had a purple butterfly embroidered on it so it made sense.
Of course this meant some fans would make their username based around yours but none was more active than one in particular going by "XxPurpleButterfly'sRuruxX", she even visited all your livestreams, an elf which was somewhat uncommon in the city so it made her stick out more to you. She even attended all your livestreams and occasionally you'd seen a photo of her that she'd post asking you if you thought she was pretty enough to ever find her soulmate before quickly deleting the photo out of embarrassment when she realized you weren't the only one on the forum who could see. You were sure she was definitely your number one fan which is why it saddened you that she was never able to attend any of your concerts.
What occurred was really your own fault, she had said for years she was much too shy and socially anxious to ever come to a concert but you just couldn't help but want her there and so on a livestream you'd decided she would be the fan who would be gifted front row tickets and backstage access for free, you'd even promised you would give her free merch while she was there and an hour where she got to ask you questions, really anything for the fans, especially for one of your biggest fans. You really shouldn't have had such an anything for the fans attitude, even if it hadn't been this one day that was going to get you in a lot of danger.
It was only after the concert had ended that the problem came though, you'd gone back to your dressing room to change into something more comfortable to meet your biggest fan in, though something still cute when your manage rushed in, a grim face on. Not good news but you assumed it wouldn't have had anything to do with the girl, she had been so well behaved at the concert, looking up at you as if in a trance, not even able to do the fan chants because of how stunned she was, a girl like that wouldn't cause issues for you.
"Y/N, there's a problem." She ran a hand through her hair and leaned against the wall after making sure your dressing room was locked. You perked up and nodded for her to continue. "The girl you invited to the concert is claiming you're her soulmate. They're running the tests now just to confirm she isn't lying to capture her favorite idol."
Your eye twitched just a little bit, you'd done a kindness for this loner but she had turned around and tried to end your career? You'd let the forums know about how severely disappointed this incident had made you later, for now you needed to deal with the pest. You took a deep breath in and out, you couldn't get mean, sure this was upsetting but you weren't supposed to be angry at the fans, you were supposed to care for them, even the most misguided ones.
"Well the tests will show up negative, I'm sure of it, beyond that she's just an elf, elves aren't the most vicious when it comes to their mates, even if she is mine we'll sweep this incident under the rug and the show will go on." You wiped off your performance make up and got to work on a more natural look. Performance makeup was meant to be seen from the crowds meaning it looked tacky and gaudy if they saw you up close so since you would likely have to go out there, you needed a much lighter look.
"It's not that simple. Look the management company has decided they want this next album to be your last, you've had a good run, it'll be your twenty year anniversary album, it's time to make room for new-" You swiveled around in your chair glaring at her.
"How fucking dare you, if you won't represent me anymore, I'll find someone who WILL. I'm not old yet, I will not be pushed out. Now if you excuse me, I have to go deal with this, but we will discuss your insubordination once this is resolved." Great, you'd been mean and angry twice today and both times were caused by this elf. You were really starting to dislike her.
She was in the backstage area with two guards blocking her from approaching you while she glared at them, you'd thought she was just a shy little elf but now you could really she she was a two faced bitch trying to end your career while acting as a fan, it felt easier to be mean to her now that you finally knew she wasn't a fan at all.
"My love! You're finally here! They kept telling me I had to wait to see you but-" "Stop talking. Why are you doing this? Are you trying to kill my career?" She let out a whimper as the guards finally released their barricade. She thought about running into your arms but you can see she was on the verge of tears eyes darting rapidly for a way out of this, so she wouldn't have to see you glaring at her anymore.
"No- I w-wouldn't- I wouldn't d-do that to you, love! I wouldn't do it! I just wouldn't!" She screamed her hands on her ears and the guards quickly restrained her before she could start throwing things. If you didn't like her before you definitely didn't now, next time you wouldn't be so friendly to such a weird person, you wouldn't find their behavior cute.
"Escort her out of here, I don't want to have to see her again. I will contact you IF the test tells me you're telling the truth but I don't want to see you until then." You were honestly very lucky, most got taken same day by their mates but since you were such a prominent figure you were allowed a test since some might want to lie and just claim you as their mate despite you not actually being theirs. It was the only reason you weren't going off with that lunatic right now. The problem would be gone soon though, the test would come back saying that she was lying, your career would go on. Except that didn't happen.
The test came back the next morning, she was telling the truth. Your manager had been there first thing in the morning with a coffee and cake in their hands.
"Put that garbage away, I'm too disgusted to eat right now." You would also prefer your manager not being in your apartment right now but you really hadn't been getting what you wanted as of late. You had to assume she wasn't just here to gloat about how your career was probably finished with this news, but if she didn't get to the point soon you were going to scream.
"This isn't for you, Miss Y/N, this is for the elf girl." You shot her a dirty look, this really wasn't the time for jokes, at least you hoped that was a joke, a really bad joke, there was no way you could bring yourself to see that stupid fucking elf today. "Just picture it, the elf who likely had a rough night, having to sleep without her mate by her side, but in reality her mate had just been planning a day long date for them all along and they bring a cake to her door as an apology."
"Ha ha, very funny, now quitting joking, be serious, there's no way I'm fucking doing that." Your agent sighed and set the box down on the counter, taking a long sip of her coffee.
"I was trying to be light hearted, look you don't have a choice, the agency is only willing to give you one more album if you do this, it'll be your album dedicated to your soulmate, they want a huge spectacle showing how in love with your mate you are, you won't be doing a concert for this one either but it'll be a longer album. It'll sell like crazy. Or you can choose not to do this, likely be dragged to your mate anyways and not be allowed the final album. We already found her apartment, what's it going to be?"
"I'll get my coat." You were getting that album no matter what, you were sure after the fans heard it was your final they'd beg for more and the agency would have no chose but to extend your career, this elf was not going to be the end of you, you were determined to perform until you were on your fucking death bed.
"Good choice. Look she's a bit of a freak, all sorts of nasty rumors, some of her neighbors think she's a serial killer but you're her mate so she's not harmful to you, we wouldn't do this if we assumed she would harm you, too much." You pretend to ignore that last part she said. Great you were tied to a fucking serial killer who might hurt you and your management was making you go along with it. You should have picked a better agency.
Her apartment wasn't that bad if you were being honest, sure it wasn't in an area you went often but she could still afford a decent place, it was the inside of her apartment that was a mess however, you saw inside as soon as she opened the door, only for a brief second though as she immediately came outside and slammed the door shut not wanting you to see it. It was clear she had destroyed nearly everything in it though except for a shelf where all of her merch for you laid.
"M-my love? Y-you came for me! Oh you came for me!" She tossed herself into your arms and you bit back a scowl in front of the camera's. Your most dedicated fans would know that you clearly were uncomfortable and even someone who had only pretended to be your fan could see you were not happy to be here. "G-get those camera's out of h-her face, you're making her uncomfortable!"
You weren't sure how she came to that conclusion but it was still good to get the fucking camera crew out of here, at least then you wouldn't have to control your expressions so much, still you knew your manager still had a wire on recording all of the noise so you still had to watch your words.
"L-look, I made them go away, it's o-okay my love." She frowns though, wondering why you were here now and why'd you been so mean to her the night before, was it those people's fault, if that was the cause she'd kill every single person who was backstage last night. You really didn't like the look on her face but you just had to push past it and deal with today.
"I was busy all night preparing a date for us today. Would you like to go get ready for it?" She was a complete ugly mess, her hair was everywhere, you really hoped you wouldn't be forced to kiss her today for a picture, you made a note to scrub yourself and throw these clothes out late now that she had touched you. Hopefully while she was in there she'd change into something less... repulsive than her over worn shirt from your Magical Kitty album tour, it was one of your least favorite outfits you'd been forced to wear so of course it was the creeps favorite. Much to your horror though she just stayed put and made no move to change. Great you were going to have to walk around looking well dressed up meanwhile your forced date could being bother to try to look presentable.
"N-no I'd just like to e-enjoy our d-date as much as possible. D-does your manager h-have to be h-here?" No your manager didn't technically have to be here, you could have been the one fitted with the mic but you forced your manager to do it to ensure she wouldn't leave you all alone with this freak. So yes she did have to be here, it was for your own safety and so you didn't say something mean to this person who could potentially cause you harm.
"She helped me plan everything, she has our passes for everything, don't worry you won't even notice she's there. Also silly me, I just realized, I don't know your name!" You smiled at her and took her hand, you had to keep her calm on this date or everything might blow up in your face, you needed her so you could have your album, you were going to use her to keep your career strong and steady, who knows, maybe you could confide in one of your true fans about how she's hurting your career and then they could kill her for you. Morbid thought but she really had it coming for fucking things up, something about her made you mean, you didn't like thinking such cruel thoughts.
"O-oh m-my name is R-runa... t-that makes sense. W-well where to first?" You had to look away from her so she would see your scowl, god you hated how it felt to have this leech clinging to your arm. Composure, you must regain your composure. You couldn't be mean to her, she was dangerous.
"Well you've never been to any concerts apart from the one last night so our Y/N here thought it would be a fantastic idea to put on the costumes from those tours and sing a couple songs for you! She felt so bad you'd been excluded." You scowled when she said that, Runa was scowling for completely different reasons however, you could only assume she was offended you'd been called "our", guess elves did still have a possessive streak in them, you kind of liked her slightly more that way but you still couldn't stand her.
"R-really? T-thank you m-my love!" It was revolting to think about being back in those outfits, let alone in front of this freak. You remembered how tiny the outfits had been back in the day, it had been hard to feel comfortable prancing around on stage with your ass out back then knowing there might be creeps in your audience even if the majority were your adoring fans but it made you feel sick to think about how Runa was going to get to see the tiny skirts up close and she might even try to touch, absolutely nasty.
"Of course, I wish all my fans could see every concert, it's sad when they can't." You lumped her in with the others, you really just wanted to let her know this wasn't special, you often put on the often of whatever concert you'd done the most recently just so sick and elderly fans would get to see it, you just didn't usually but on the older ones, still she wasn't special in the slightest, she should not feel special just because of this. You tried not to grumble too much as your manager led you to a studio they had cleared out in the building next door filled with all the costumes you had worn, including the one that was clearly Runa's favorite because she almost jumped for joy when she saw the cat ears from your Magical Kitty tours nearly 15 years ago.
"Alright I'll go get dressed." Runa whined as you yanked your arm away from her and walked towards the dressing room. You just had to think of this as a magazine shoot with a gross photographer, that's all this was, you wouldn't have to deal with her very often, you'd only deal with her enough for that album and then everything would be all good. "Hand me the first outfit."
"Well, you're our guest of honor, which outfit would you like to pick first?" Your manager asked Runa and you let out a big sigh, it was clear what the freak was going to chose why did she even bother asking, it was literally the stupid ass t-shirt she was wearing, you weren't even sure where the freak had found that shirt in the first place, that tour was 15 years ago and you were sure Runa was younger than you, sure it took forest elves a long time to grow but city elves aged quicker which was part of why they looked sickly when forest elves looked beautiful because they'd had enough to grow. She must have been a fan from a very young age or had found it used, the little freak.
"M-magical Kitty!" She seemed excited though something in her tone told you she was a bit fed up with your manager. At least you had that in common, the hatred of your manager, you could bond over that if you weren't planning on ditching her or having her killed pretty sure after this.
"I don't want to wear that." "Y/N, we talked about this, put it on." "Runa will you please pick something else?" You heard her huff outside the dressing room and moments later say the outfit being passed over the stall again.
"I-it's always been my dream to s-see that outfit in p-person. W-would you wear it f-for me?" It looked like you weren't getting out of it so you let out a huff and just put it on, excluding the stupid fake eat headband, there was just no way you could put it on.
"Miss Y/N, you're forgetting something." As soon as you opened the dressing room door the manager snatched it from you and popped it on your head which got her a brief glare from both you and Runa before Runa turned her head towards you in delight.
"W-wow, c-can you say the catch phrase from that t-tour please?" You sighed and glared at your manager. It was all her fault that this was happening. You honestly should have made sure the original costume got burned to a fucking crisp, this was nasty.
"I'm your little kitten idol, nya." You couldn't even remember what you'd been thinking at the time when you seriously thought a phrase like that was a genius thing to say, you wanted to strangle your past self, it was her fault you were here doing this. Runa could sense you weren't pleased about this either though cause she started to frown.
"Now now, Y/N, don't be like that, say it with more enthusiasm for the girl." Your smug bastard manager probably thought she was going to make a crap load of money from this recording. You hated her, trying to push you out of the industry but since making bank off of being your manager, you'd fire her after this and sell the clips to the highest bidder just to spite her.
"D-don't fucking talk to my love. G-get out of here!" She pulled a knife out from her pants pocket, your manager immediately scrambling back and looking to you to mediate the situation. "Get out! D-don't look at her!!"
"Fucking shit." You sat down on the couch trying to take a breather and just think about what had just occurred, well now you didn't have to fire your manager and she wouldn't be able to market the tapes to anyone because even if the end was edited out the clips hadn't gotten enough to be marketable. Hopefully failing to do this would tank her career at the company too.
"S-she's gone now m-my love, you c-can say it-" "What the fuck are you talking about?" She was still holding that stupid knife for some reason but you were pretty sure she had no backbone for you now at this point since she'd only threatened the manager over your lack of enthusiasm, and even if she did stab you, you honestly wouldn't care at this point, your career was unsalvageable. They weren't going to give you more years.
"You can say the thing, I k-know you were u-uncomfortable to say it in front of h-her- w-why are you laughing?" You hadn't even realized you'd begun to laugh, her saying that was just the funniest thing you'd heard ever, she thought the manager was the problem? You couldn't help but cackle at that thought, she was so fucking unaware that she was the problem the entire time. It was just so incredible someone could be so fucking dense.
"You fucking idiot, do you think I like you or something?" She whined as you stood up and walked towards her, the knife falling out of her hands and you picked it up off the floor. So cute that she brought this, was the loser planning on using it on you later, that was really too bad cause you were going to use it to punish the little freak for ruining everything.
"We're m-mates so you m-must l-love m-me right?" You laughed again, bringing the knife up to her cheek and lightly pressing. She did bleed really pretty for such a fucking freak. Perhaps how much you hated her was starting to make you a bit of a sadist. You'd ignore that revelation for the time being, perhaps you could revisit that later with someone you actually liked.
"Love you? How could I when you've destroyed everything I've ever worked for?" She took another step backwards as you continued to approach, tears streaming down her face as she gave a sniffle every few seconds.
"I-I don't u-understand..." Her back hit the wall and the knife cut deeper into her cheek. Freak was still blushing though, you bet the freak was probably wet too. Disgusting. You didn't think it was possible to hate someone this much and yet be sexually attracted to them at the same time.
"I spent years of my life devoting everything I had to being an idol and then you show up one day and suddenly the company tells me I can't perform anymore, I only get one last album, you ruined my 20th anniversary of being an idol so of course I despise you, every single part of you revolts me. I just wanted to be able to keep singing and dancing, you ruined it."
"Y-you could still perform f-for me! I-I'd l-love to w-watch you perform every s-single day o-or night! I-I'll even get costumes if you w-want." You laughed as you suddenly got an idea, if the freak thought it was so easy to just perform then you'd make her do it.
"No, I'm done performing, now you're going to perform for me." You walked away from her, walking to the costume box and finding a pair of dog ears, collar, and a mini skirt in there, the dog ears and cute pink collar had been a forgotten idea for a costume and the mini skirt had been so short even you hadn't been willing to put it on even at the beginning of your career. "Put these on." You turned back to her as she whined and tried to wipe the blood off her face, the wound starting to scab a bit.
"W-what?" "Don't 'w-what' me, put these on now bitch. Only these." She blushed and walked to the dressing room before you stopped her. "No, put these on where I can fucking see. Bitches don't get privacy."
"Y-yes my love." God you were right, the freak was wet, you'd cut her cheek open and she was wet about it, you had humiliated her and she was turned on, she was so nasty, but maybe you were too cause seeing this made you happier, you'd been tense all day but now you were getting some revenge on her for coming through and wrecking everything in your life. And you had to admit she looked... cute almost in just the leather mini skirt, a dog collar and ears. She'd look cuter panting on all fours like a proper bitch though. Well you had the power here, you could just make her.
"Down on your knees, like a proper bitch. If you do a good job maybe you'll get to hear me say it later." You sat down on the couch, this had to be properly savored. It looked like it hurt her to get down like that, she was clearly just a bit fragile but she was doing her best. "Present for me, I want to see how wet the bitch is."
God she was so gross, she turned around to show you her soaked hole but that was when you heard it, she just... she just let out a fucking bark. The freak just fucking barked for you. Disgusting, you wanted to hear more. You wondered what other things you could say to get her to bark for you, but also you wanted to see her slobber on you like a fucking dog, you'd give her what she clearly wanted but she had to act like a dog to get it.
"Runa." She turned around instantly, her tongue sticking out as she tried to maintain the dog act as best she could. "Do you want me?"
"Y-yes my l-love more than anything-" "Bitches don't speak, they bark." You threw a nearby vase at her causing her to whimper and flinch. It was her own fault, stupid bitch should have listened to you. She nodded and started to bark loudly, slowly approaching you as you removed your underwear and lifted the skirt on your outfit as well.
"Go ahead, you stupid mutt, maybe if you make the kitty happy enough, she'll go nya for you just like you wanted." She pounced onto the couch immediately positioned herself so her thigh was rubbing against you while she was rubbing herself all over your leg. God this was so fucking gross, you loved it so much.
"I-I love you." She let out a moan as you bit down on her ear hard, you'd heard elf ears were sensitive and so if they got hurt then they'd only hurt more, you guess the freak turned out to be a masochist. You were going to enjoy hurting her so much. You needed this, if you hurt this stupid freak then you wouldn't even be sad about your career anymore, and luckily the stupid bitch didn't seem to mind it with her stupid ideas of you being in love.
"Bitches don't speak. If you need to make noise, bark, like the stupid mutt that you are." She whimpered, her grinding on your leg getting faster, she was obviously getting close and you just let it happen, it would give you another thing to punish her for. She let out a loud howl as she came all over your leg panting and licking your face.
"Stupid bitch, I didn't get to cum, you're so selfish. Lay down, I'm getting what I want." She whined as you repositioned yourself into the 69 position but instead of beginning to eat her out, you grabbed the knife from the side of the couch and started to slash her thighs and really any part of her you could reach as you forced her to eat you out. "Wow you're really bad at this. I might fall asleep."
She let out a soft cry trying to go faster with her tongue on your clit, you were lying, truthfully you'd never been hornier than you were now but she didn't need to know that and even if you did cum she wouldn't know because you could hold back any sounds, it paid in be well versed in acting and keeping a straight face at all times.
"I know, maybe if you bark then I might actually feel something." You were joking but you didn't expect to actually feel and hear her bark against your cunt. Fucking idiot thought you were serious. Wow maybe she really was a stupid mutt, you thought elves were supposed to be smart. You sat up a bit, no longer cutting her legs. You may as well throw the dumb dog a bone and let her know you'd actually cum instead of just hiding it from her and acting like she wasn't affecting you in the slightest. "You're such a stupid doggy nya~ I can't believe I'm cumming on such a stupid mutt's tongue."
You could afford to be nice to your fan for a second, anything for the fans after all, especially after you'd just marked this one as yours.
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santoschristos · 28 days
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Today, May 14th, we enter the period of the Runa Inguz manifestation,
period that will last until May 29.
Inguz symbolizes the Beginning, Good News and Fertility
The Runa Inguz (or ingwaz) represents the continuity of life, development, progress. This rune can be compared to the DNA chain that contains all the information needed to create a new life. It heralds the completion of a favorable period and the beginning of a better one. It can also mean the realization of a project you were dedicated to all your life. In any case, the extraction of the Eng rune indicates the possibility of something positive happening that could change our existence. It also represents family union and lineage.
Inguz reminds us that in everyone there is the source of creativity, which allows to start new projects and ideas: you can, therefore, improve at any moment if you feel necessary.
The fire of creativity lives in everyone, but you need to feed it to light up every moment of your path.
If in the phase of divination the appearance of Runa Inguz indicates that she has reached the end of an important stage in her life, and this may mean that she is facing equally important decisions, that she is about to reach a goal after long efforts or that now we can clearly see the right direction to go.
In any case you are experiencing a sense of inner well-being, probably the result of these impending changes. Inguz's advice is then... if you wish to break your daily routine without delay, introducing new activities and, above all, new interests that make you feel alive and stimulate your creativity (it can be useful to visit craft laboratories, attend conferences, walk in the middle of the countryside, spend time with friends or your own family).
Curiosity to know and discover new things will be an ally, as it will stimulate your own receptivity making you feel ready to welcome changes.
This attitude will lead to new things that will enrich your lives in every aspect, especially when it comes to spirituality.
Regarding love, Runa Inguz recommends caution before embarking in a new romantic relationship.
It tells us that you need to get to know the person next to you well, observing them, talking, sharing experiences. This is the only way you will be sure that you are about to start a serious relationship, without danger of being fooled.
Regarding the working sphere, Inguz suggests that you can find a new job or change your position in your current employment, which will provide great satisfaction and perhaps significant earnings.
We need to face these news with a positive attitude.
And finally health: regarding health Inguz warns us that, in this moment of change it is normal to live in a state of tension and anxiety.
You need to devote some time to relax (yoga tai-chi-chuan, meditation) exercising outdoors or in a gym.
Syllabus: of
God willing : Freyr
Tree : apple
Weed: Heliotropy
Crystal : Amber
Color : Yellow
Zodiac sign: .
Animal : Bee
Tarot cards: Major IV - The Emperor
I Ching: 24th hexagram, Fu - The Return (The Breakthrough).
Astrology ogham
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itbmojojoejo · 3 months
CoP - A Proposal Of Sorts / Sihtric x OFC
Pairing: Sihtric x OFC (Runa)
Warnings: NOT BETA READ, BARELY EDITED. Uhhh fluff? It's definitely not angsty. Just a little conversation really.
Wordcount: 460. (teeny tiny)
Authors Note: Just a little tiny short kinda empty something, I've had the idea of a sequel for Crimes Of Passion bouncing around in my noggin' and this was going to be the opener of the series but I don't know if it will ever happen - BUT - I didn't want to leave this gathering dust in my wip folder never to be read.
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Cold night air leaking through the bedroom’s single-paned window bit at Runa’s exposed skin. Sihtric was her only source of heat, lying between her legs, head resting on her chest as she idly played with his hair. 
Twisting his face into her skin he mumbled incoherently, breaking their comfortable silence.
“What was that?” She asked, amused.
Sighing dramatically he propped himself up on his elbow, a smile playing on his lips, “Marry me.”
“No,” Runa laughed, shaking her head. 
A crease formed between Sihtric’s brows, “No?”
“Why not? Do you not love me?” 
She scoffed, “You know I love you, but-”
Sihtric cut her off with a groan, “No, no buts,” slumping back down onto her and hiding his face.
“Yes, buts. I’m already considered my brother's burden - property even! I don’t want to do a change of ownership, it’s degrading.”
Quickly propping himself back up he frowned deeper, “You think marriage is degrading?”
“Yes! I can’t work as a married woman, I’ll be expected to become a housewife and a mother and all the shit that goes along with that.” 
“First of all, you aren’t legally employed and you’re paid in cash. I refuse to believe you trust your brother enough to put your money in his bank account. Second of all, I didn’t realise you were such a feminist, that’s a dangerous thing to be.”
Runa laughed again, slapping her hands down on the mattress making Sihtric raise his eyebrows in amusement.
“I’ve killed for you but you think being a feminist is what makes me dangerous?”
Her question had him pause for a short moment. 
“Ok, new argument - you’ll kill for me, but you won’t marry me?”
“How many other women can say that? I think that’s romantic.”
All signs of amusement left his eyes as he shifted from between her thighs, moving to his side of the bed and staring at the ceiling. 
“That’s not romantic. That’s insanity, Runa.”
“Are you mad at me?” She asked incredulously, leaning up on her elbows to look over at him. 
“I’ve just proposed and you said no!”
“I didn’t think you were being serious!”
He turned his head to look at her, his voice calmer, “Would your answer change if I said I was and got down on one knee?”
She stammered unsure of how to answer.
“Probably not,” Runa sighed. 
“Yeah, I’m mad at you.” 
He rolled over and turned the bedside lamp off, plunging the pair into darkness. 
“Sihtric!” She laughed, tugging on his shoulder trying to turn him back. 
“No, go to sleep.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“You called marriage a change of ownership. You aren’t a house deed, you’re a woman.”
“Exactly. I may as well be a house deed.”
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can we....can we hear a little bit more about Sig? 👀
CAN you! absolutely!
first of all, it has to be said, i was not thinking about the fact that loki's mythological wife's name is sigyn when i named this guy sig, i just did what i did for all of my asgardian OCs and looked through a list of norse names until i spotted one that felt like it fit. also my childhood crush on sig from the jak and daxter games may have had something to do with it shh
ANYWAY. sig is my obligatory "regular asgardian citizen" viewpoint that we don't really get if we're always focusing on thor, loki, val, or heimdall. any of the asgardians are many times stronger than the average human, but he doesn't have magic like thor and loki do, and he doesn't have centuries of training like val does. he DOES have centuries of smithing behind him, so like, he's not a twig, but until ragnarok he'd never really seen any serious battles, and he'd certainly never killed anyone - that marauder he killed with loki's sword was the first. he's gonna get through that with minimal angst though, because asgardians have different perspectives when it comes to killing in battle, and also because he's got his daughter to worry about, so there's bigger fish to fry. like, this man will try to 1-v-1 against the collector if given the opportunity and if his daughter's in danger. asgardians are brave idiots and he is no exception, and also, after ragnarok, runa is literally all he has left
so like, sig is a dad above all else. he's a nurturing kind of person, he's really good at talking to people and kind of coaxing them out of their shells (hence his first interaction with bruce) and he's sort of taken it upon himself to look after runa's friends, since their parents didn't make it through ragnarok. he's not the only person caring for runa's friends, since asgard has sort of by necessity become more of a communal situation where there's a lot of childless parents and parentless children, but he's always keeping an eye out for them (when he's not light-years away being dragged on an adventure to save his daughter from an infinity stone and a bunch of bounty hunters and a superpowerful megalomaniac, anyway)
as far as his relationship with the revengers: he sort of implicitly trusts thor, because that's asgard's golden boy and everyone is sort of in agreement that they'd all be dead if thor hadn't shown up in a blaze of lightning and fought hela off while they escaped. he VERY implicitly trusts heimdall, and honestly no one on that ship doesn't after he kept them all safe during hela's attacks. he's a little starstruck about val but manages to be cool about it, and he loves that there's an honest-to-god valkyrie on the ship with them, because it certainly makes their precarious situation feel a bit safer. bruce, he's immediately bonded with and now considers a friend. and loki... okay so it helps if you know that my headcanon is that all the asgardians knew or at least suspected that it was loki posing as odin that entire time, they just didn't care because there were no wars going on and he wasn't actually doing a bad job as odin, so they just sort of... let him get away with it?
so, you're sig. your planet's been destroyed, you're grieving your wife and your home and the rest of your family, you're trying to keep your daughter safe, but now she's been possessed(?) by an infinity stone and the only person who can probably help her is the guy you'd only heard stories about before, who was impersonating the king for a few years and also might have committed some treason at some point, you don't really know the details. but now he's teleporting you and your daughter across the cosmos, and he's definitely saved you and your daughter more than a few times even if he's being kind of standoffish about it, and also he might be suffering from a little infinity stone possession of his own, but shit, you don't know how any of this works, he's the magic guy, but also it's a little concerning that the guy who's supposed to be helping you with your daughter's infinity stone problem also kind of looks like he's got a foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel, and his eyes and his veins keep glowing blue which, i mean, that can't be a good sign, can it?
fast forward way past the events of the revengers to avoid spoilers, but i like to imagine that eventually, the little mini-oneshot i posted on tumblr happens (you'll find it under my "revengers: the show" tag if you haven't already seen it) where runa seeks out loki years later and demands to learn magic because the whole infinity stone situation sparked an interest in it, and she wants to know how to do all that stuff he does, and THAT would be the "meticulously crafted 100K of slow burning build up" that i was referring to earlier, where loki's teaching her magic and sig's, like, VERY reluctantly allowing this to happen. because like, yeah, he and loki are cool now, but he's seen how out-of-control magic can get, he's seen how reckless loki in particular can be, and this is his daughter. loki is on thin ice forever as long as runa's involved.
but yeah, that's sig. and you may have seen me mention this before, but i've fancasted him as dev patel from the beginning. it just feels right, and that's who i'm picturing when i'm writing his scenes :)
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yyunari · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS . From the day she got her powers, Y/N knew they were given to her because she was meant to use them to get what she wanted. After all, sirens were notorious in Greek Mythology for hypnotizing sailors and leading them to their deaths. She would be a fool to waste her abilities. If you were gifted like her, wouldn’t you do the same?
GENRE . Angst, fluff if you squint, greek mythology AU, highschool AU
PAIRING . Kim Sunoo x Fem! Siren! Reader
WARNINGS . Depictions of violence, vulgar language, Y/N is kind of manipulative sawry <3
A/N . my entry for @iyeonjuni’s power of love collab !! this was rly fun to write hehe <33 i guess this is also my celebration for 700 bc it’s the first written fic i’ve written for a while so :)) the idea that i’m more than halfway to 1k followers is insane like i can’t believe it :(( ily narinators take this as a thank u bc i love u all 🤍
TAGLIST . @muhwaa @hoori @yizhoutv @ja4hyvn @koakyuu @carayat @one16core @enhacolor @jangwonie @soobin-chois @moaengenesworld @en-boyz @msxflower @ohmy-fandoms @yunki4evr @centheodd @jungwonize @yeongwonie @strwberrydinosaur @duolingofanaccount @butterflyy-ningg @yjwonz @jaeyunnsworld @sunsunu
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her hair waving elegantly through the wind. However, her intentions were anything but elegant, or kind for that matter. The quivering first year a few feet away from her was surrounded by walls, as the malevolent girl sauntered forward with seemingly no care in the world. The younger was petrified, and Y/N loved it.
As heinous as it was, Y/N bathed in the fear she caused others. It was nothing but a pastime to her. Backing people into a corner, messing around with them a little, and getting them to do things for her. Her powers made it too simple.
"P-Please! leave me a-alone! I'll do anything... just please stop!" The first year, a girl named Hana, begged. She was crouched down with her hands in a pleading position.
It was pathetic.
Seeing her at such mercy only made Y/N feel high with exhilaration. All that begging just for her to leave–
Y/N couldn't get enough.
She knew it was immoral, sure, but she could care less. She was gifted with the power to control whoever she wanted after all, it would be a waste to not use them. Getting people to do her bidding was just how she went about using her powers. Besides, no one ever got hurt. It was all in good fun! Just as long as she never got caught.
Y/N put a hand to her chin, feigning thought. "That's a good idea, Hana! I should do that!"
Hana’s eyes sparkled with relief, delighted to be out of danger. It was almost saddening to see how quickly she thought she was safe. As Hana stood up to say 'thank you', Y/N started vocalizing.
"Ahh, ahh~'' Her perfectly pink lips excreted the spell that made people's knees weak and clouded their minds. She started to approach closer to Hana, and eventually encased her in her arms. Essentially 'kabedoning' her. Y/N’s petrifyingly sweet face was close enough to Hana that she could make out every small detail, every crevice.
Her voice is so nice, Hana started to think. I could just fall a...asleep.
Just a bit more.
Y/N continued to hum her song, as the people passing by stayed blissfully unaware. And anyone who did notice assumed that the two girls were having an intimate moment in a dark alley. Normal high school things.
They couldn't be more wrong. Poor Hana was being hypnotized right under their noses.
Y/N continued her song until Hana was fully under her control. As soon as the victim's eyes turned dull, she smirked.
"Whoops, my bad.”
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"That’s it for today, your homework is to annotate the worksheet that you received.”
Everyone thanked the teacher as she left, then dispersed amongst one another to head to lunch.
"N/N!" Runa called out, grabbing onto the said girl's arm. Runa was Y/N's self proclaimed best friend, and an exchange student from Japan. Truthfully, Y/N didn't care much for Runa. But she had to pretend that she did, because she planned to use something for Runa.
She wasn't quite sure why Runa clinged onto her in the first place- seeing as Y/N was dubbed as both terrifying and intimidating. Even if she was doing something casually, there always seemed to be a glare that graced her face at all times. All the students feared her, and often cowered in her presence. Her sharp eyes glared into their souls, intimidating others to no end.
Runa, in contrast, was the sweet beauty. Everyone loved her, guys and girls alike. Her deep brown eyes and shiny brown hair were captivating in their eyes. and her angelic personality was a plus. Runa was all around, utterly perfect.
Y/N hated it.
But she faked their friendship for an entire year.
"Hey, Runa." Y/N groaned out. Runa always dismissed her dismissive behavior because of her reputation. "I need to meet Kim Sunoo during lunch for a project, so i won't be able to sit with you"
"Sunoo? Isn’t he a third year?" Runa scratched her chin, recalling the tall senior.
"I take third year Chemistry." Y/N answered. Despite popular belief, Y/N was incredibly smart. However, she didn't feel the need to take the test required to skip the second year science class, so she used her powers on the principal to help her move into a specific chemistry class. the one with Kim Sunoo. her crush.
Somehow, even the heartless Y/N could harbour feelings for someone. She wasn't sure how it developed, seeing as she had no other connections with the cheerful male besides the one class they had together. But seeing him in the halls made her chest thump and her mind fuddled. She had feelings for him, and she would do anything in her power to be with him.
Maybe it was his captivating smile, or maybe it was the way he made it his own personal mission to befriend everyone in the school. Whatever it was, Y/N constantly found her eyes drawn to the schools’ resident ‘sunshine’. No matter what situation she was in, her gaze never failed to wander to him. It was annoying, really.
But Y/N never minded. After all, Sunoo was just the most enchanting person to be infatuated with.
Unfortunately, her powers weren't strong enough to make someone love her back. Trust her, she's tried. She figured it was due to the fact that being in love was such a powerful emotion— one she hadn't experienced yet. She liked Sunoo and was deeply besotted by him— but she wasn't in love with him. Not yet.
It was a miracle that Sunoo was the one to approach her for the project. She would've used her powers on him, but luckily she didn't need to.
"Oh, okay then! I'll see you next class!" Runa smiled her beautiful smile and left.
Y/N hated that smile.
But she softened at the thought of spending time with Sunoo. She kept this fondness internal, just to protect her notoriety.
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"Y/N" a whisper came from a table at the back of the library, trying to grab the delinquent's attention. His whispers traveled to her line of hearing, and she turned to see him. Her one and only crush, Sunoo. "Over here!'
Mentally, Y/N's lips tipped into a grin. "Afternoon." she nonchalantly greeted, which contrasted the rapid beating of her heart.
"Good afternoon! You brought your chemistry book, right?" Sunoo asked, sliding her chair back for her to sit.
Such a gentleman... Y/N inwardly blushed, but quickly shook it off. "Yeah, it’s in my bag."
The surprisingly excited third year ruffled her hair. "Good! Let’s get started then.”
These small actions Sunoo did confused her. Did he like her back? Or did he do this to everyone? Her brain stayed multitasking as she focused on both the project as well as what Sunoo may have thought of her. Deep down, she knew no one would bother to spare a second thought for her besides being frightened. She understood them. as much as she knew, she couldn't bear to consider the fact that Sunoo didn't share the same feelings as her. So she pretended that wasn't the case, and opted to believe he liked her back.
“So it comes from the gaseous particles in Earth’s atmosphere and charged particles in the sun’s atmosphere colliding. And colors come from the type of gas particles.” Y/N explained the magnetism behind the Aurora Borealis to Sunoo since he had asked about it. “For example, the greenish yellow color comes from oxygen molecules, and red colors come from high altitude oxygen-”
Y/N’s explanation was cut off by Sunoo’s (not so) subtle laughter. Before she could ask why he was laughing, he answered for her.
“Sorry for laughing, I just find it a little funny that one of the most scary people in our school is a Chemistry nerd.” Sunoo teased. “But it’s cute! You should show this side of yourself more often.”
If it had been anyone else who said that, Y/N would have rolled her eyes at them and walked out of the room. After all, how could anyone tell her what to do? She was always the one telling people what to do, which made her automatically above everything. She would only abide by the rules when she wanted to. And if she wasn’t in the mood on that particular day, she would hypnotize who she needed to get what she wanted. It was what sirens did.
But somehow with Sunoo who told her, she surprisingly didn’t mind. In a way, him calling her cute made her feel bad about her resentful persona. If cute was what Sunoo wanted, then she could be cute. She would just have to… try a little harder.
As their study session progressed, Y/N gathered a strong emotion radiating off him. On one hand it was good, because she fed off of the strong emotions of others in order to strengthen herself and her siren powers. On the other hand, she was quite worried. For the emotion Sunoo felt, was love.
Love towards whom? That she didn't know. But she could only hope it was her.
“So Y/N,” Sunoo began speaking as he typed his part of the project on his computer. “I feel like we don’t talk a lot during class, and I want to get to know you more.”
His statement caught Y/N a bit off guard. He wanted to get to know her? It somewhat made sense, since Sunoo was a well known social butterfly and was friends with many people in her grade, but it still didn’t fail to make her feel giddy inside.
Kim Sunoo wanted to get to know her….
Maybe she could act normal just for a little bit.
“What do you want to know?”
“Hm… anything?” He shrugged, and looked over at the section of books next to their table and noticed a cookbook. “What’s your favorite fruit?”
“Strawberries.” Y/N answered. “My second favorite would be mangosteen though, because they’re fun to peel and also look like butts.” She let out a small chuckle at her juvenile joke, and she felt proud when Sunoo laughed at it as well.
She’s loosening up… Sunoo smiled.
“Butts? Seriously? I’ve always thought they look more like onions.” Sunoo said.
“Have you ever seen one before?” Y/N couldn’t help but pull up a picture of a peeled mangosteen to show him. “Look, doesn’t that look like a buttcrack to you? They’re really juicy too– not in a weird way though.”
Towards the end she realized what she was saying. Was she really trying to explain to her crush why she thought mangosteens looked like butts? The fact that she was showing any emotion besides anger or indifference was surprising enough. But Sunoo just had the ability to make her act more like a normal person and not a supernatural being. It was relieving, in a way.
To Y/N’s surprise, Sunoo burst out into a fit of laughter. “Hey! Do you even know what you’re talking about? It looks nothing like one.”
“It does though! Next thing I know you’re going to try to tell me that lychee doesn’t look like a vagina.”
Sunoo pursed his lips. “You’re going to ruin eating fruits for me.”
“Hey, you asked a question, and I answered. That’s on you.” Y/N shrugged. She noticed how Sunoo kept checking the time every so often. It was as if he was in a rush to get somewhere. But that couldn’t be right. After all, he wanted to be there, right?
It didn’t matter either way, she would just have to try even harder than before. “Do you like mythology?”
The question surprised Sunoo. He hadn’t expected that she would start the conversation, but he wasn’t complaining. It made his plan a little easier. “It’s not something I actively indulge myself in, but I think it’s very interesting. Are you into it?”
“Yeah, especially Greek Mythology.” Y/N answered. “Percy Jackson got me into it in elementary school, and I’ve been studying it ever since.”
Sunoo pushed aside the neglected chemistry project and leaned on the table ever so slightly. “Tell me what you know then.”
Y/N pulled out her book on different creatures in Greek Mythology, and handed it to Sunoo. “Here, you can flip through it.”
“You really carry this around? You’re an even bigger nerd than I expected.” Sunoo mumbled the last part, and opened to the page about the Hydra. “The hydra is a serpent-like creature, born as the child of Typhon and Echidna. It dwelled around Argos and bore multiple heads. However, anyone who tried to cut off one of the heads would soon find out that two more grew in place of it. Inevitably, the hydra was killed by the Greek hero Hercules.”
“I love Hercules! Like, the Disney movie.” Sunoo giggled. Y/N mentally facepalmed at that. Of course the Disney depiction of Hercules was wildly inaccurate, but she couldn’t complain. It wasn’t as if they had a way of knowing the full accuracy of everything.
Sunoo then turned to the next page, which was about sirens. Ironic, wasn’t it? “Sirens? As in, from My Little Pony- Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks?”
Y/n actually really liked that movie, because it was more accurate as to how she acted as a siren. So of course, Adagio, Sonata, and Aria were her favorite characters (heavy on Adagio, that girl was basically a cartoon version of her). “No, but that’s a really good movie.”
“It is, isn’t it?” Sunoo looked back at the book. “Sirens are creatures of Greek Mythology. They're seductive creatures, embodied as half-woman and half-bird. Their intoxicating voices lure sailors towards the 'sirenum scopuli' islands in which they reside. These sailors were led to an unfortunate fate, as the captivating singing of the sirens distracts them and ultimately leads them to crash into the rocky islands.”
Sunoo closed the book when he finished. “That’s horrible, honestly.”
“Oh? How so?”
“Well, it’s one thing to outright attack people. The hydra for example, at least it can’t trick you. It’s moves are predictable and you can create a plan to get around it. With something like the siren, you’d never be able to predict when they hypnotize you. And once they do, you can’t snap yourself out of it.” He explained, not aware that the girl he was explaining it to was a siren herself.
To say she was a little offended was an understatement, but she easily concealed it. “I’m sure the sirens have their own reasons.
“...They’re seductive killers, Y/N. I’m sure any reason they had would be completely one dimensional.”
“That’s true.” Y/N pursed her lips and stood up. “I’m going to the bathroom real quick, I’ll be right back.”
“Come back soon!” Sunoo whispered out when she left the table.
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I can’t believe Sunoo and I are getting along. Y/N thought, as she walked back to the library from the bathroom. I knew talking to him wouldn’t be hard, but I didn’t think it was going to be this easy! It’s almost like we were made to be friends…
The idea humored her.
She never realized how easy conversation came with Sunoo, but it just did. After they got past the initial breath of awkwardness, and when Y/N decided to drop her tough girl act, it was as if the two were made to be friends.
Or maybe it was just the fact that Sunoo was an excellent conversationalist. Whatever it was, Y/N felt extremely comfortable in his presence which was surprising considering the nature of her crush on him and the nature of her character. She didn’t feel the familiar racing of her heart that she normally would’ve if her and Sunoo interacted, nor did she feel her body temperature change in any way. She didn’t feel the need to use her powers on him for her own selfish needs. She just felt, normal.
"It’s going according to plan!”
As Y/N rounded the corner to go back into the library, she heard Sunoo speak on the phone. And maybe it was a little rude, but she was curious and decided to eavesdrop. How bad could it be?
“Yeah, we’re becoming good friends. You know, she’s surprisingly nice when you get to know her.”
That made Y/N feel happy. Sunoo thought she was nice… how could she ever go back to her old ways after hearing that?
Well that was an overstatement, but maybe she would tone it down. Just for him.
“I know right? I was really shocked when she started a conversation with me.” A chuckle was heard from the other line. Perhaps it was Park Sunghoon, Sunoo seemed particularly close with him. “Maybe I’ll introduce you two. I feel like you would get along.”
He’s not Sunoo but if Sunoo wants us to be friends… I’ll consider it.
“Runa?” As she heard that name come out of Sunoo’s mouth, Y/N’s gaze hardened immediately. “I’ll ask about her soon. After all, I can’t make it seem like I’m just using Y/N to get to Runa.
Y/N was about to sigh in relief because surely, it was a misunderstanding? He didn’t want her to think he was using her to get to Runa because he genuinely wanted to be friends with her. Surely that was the case.
But Sunghoon’s words made her break on the inside.
“Isn’t that what you’re doing though?”
Y/N could hypothetically feel her heart crack. Right down the middle. She couldn't speak or think, her mouth was shut tight. Her breathing slowed and stayed heavy. It was a new feeling, one that she wasn’t particularly fond of. Was she experiencing her first heartbreak?
No! she internally yelled. It’s not supposed to happen like this! I'm supposed to break hearts! I don't get heartbroken.
But if that was the case, then why did it hurt so much? Why did she want to crawl into a six feet deep hole and stay there forever?
“Well yeah, but if she catches on then she’s going to tell Runa. Then I’ll never get a chance with her.”
Before either Sunghoon or Sunoo could say anything more, Y/N decided to make her presence known.
“Is that how it is?” Y/N clutched her heart, as she stepped out of the shadows. Sunoo, who was previously holding his phone to his ear, dropped it out of surprise.
“Y/N! H-How much did you hear?”
Y/N looked at his eyes, the eyes she once held dear to her emotions, and gave him the coldest stare she had ever given anyone before. “Enough.”
“Listen I-”
“It’s okay, I understand. Runa’s perfect in every way. She’s kind, cheerful, and pretty. I don’t blame you for doing what you did. After all if it weren’t for me, Runa would never give you the time of day.” Y/N spoke with indifference laced with her words. “We can finish the project another day.”
With that, Y/N stormed out to find her best friend.
It was the first time she had ever felt hurt. It made her feel shitty and unwanted. And frankly, she never wanted to feel it again.
Runa Minami.
I hope you eat shit.
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"Oh, N/N!" Runa giggled and waved at her friend. Y/N turned to see the person she despised the most. the one who took Sunoo away from her. the one who hurt her.
"Runa" she disgruntledly huffed out. "Meet me in the abandoned hallway in ten minutes"
She didn't pay another thought to how suspicious she sounded. All she wanted was to teach Runa a lesson.
The innocently unsuspecting girl agreed, and let Y/N saunter off.
Runa followed Y/N's orders and turned the corner to the infamous abandoned hallway ten minutes later, notorious for being the place where couples made out. The invitation confused her, seeing Y/N wasn’t the type to be into romance. But Runa cared about Y/N because she reminded her of herself in elementary school.
Cold, indifferent, and unwelcoming.
It was the reason as to why she stuck with her for their first year, and the reason why she was so quick to dismiss her cold behavior.
She thought Y/N was about to confess to her, which is why she followed her to the hallway. Even if that wasn’t the outcome, she was curious as to what it would be.
"Hey N/N—"
"Come closer."
Runa's breath got hitched in her throat, as she approached closer. to her, the atmosphere was intimate. if you take into consideration the context of the hallway, you might think so as well. But to Y/N, it was anything other than intimate.
In a flash, Y/N had slammed Runa against the wall. In truth, she had a thing for kabedoning girls. It was, for a lack of better words, hot.
But that was besides the point. there was a confused glint in Runa's eyes, one that Y/N desired to crush.
Just as Sunoo had crushed her.
She knew it was cruel. Runa wasn't in control of Sunoo's feelings. She didn't even know the male liked her. And in all honesty, Y/N really did not want to harm Runa.
But she couldn't hold back. Her heart ached too much to not do anything, and she would rather hurt Runa than Sunoo. God forbid she do anything to him.
As sorry as she was, the bottom line was that Y/N was angry. Y/N was angry, and jealous. She needed to ease the pain. and the only way to do that was by inflicting pain from the source of all her problems.
"Sunoo likes you.”
Runa leaped back, not expecting that to be said. Her heart stopped when she realized what the situation was. Her friend got her heart broken, and it was all her fault.
"Oh... does he?" Runa answered, still stunned. She barely even knew the guy, after all. "That's good for him"
Still muddled with her resentment to her friend, Y/N kneed her stomach, and Runa fell to the ground as a result. Y/N placed her foot over Runa's head.
"N/N?" confused, she looked up at Y/N for the answer she so desperately seeked. "What’s going o—"
"Shut up! Just shut up!" Y/N yelled. "Fucking hell— shut up for once!"
She let out a large breath, before not hesitating to throw a punch at the defenseless Runa below her.
Runa, who was untrained in self defense, could only take the pain as the girl she cared for attacked her for seemingly no reason.
By the time she had asked why, Y/N burst.
"Why!? Because he chose you over me! The one guy I actually like chooses my friend over me??" Shegroaned and continued to strike at her. "I'm Runa, I'm perfect and everyone loves me!" she mocked Runa's voice. "You’re so annoying— god! I can't stand you!"
She didn’t blame Y/N for hurting. Maybe she was too careless and didn’t care enough for her as much as she thought she did. Maybe she neglected Y/N’s feelings too much and prioritized her own. After all, it was usually Runa who dragged Y/N around to go out.
But in any case, wasn’t Y/N going overboard?
Runa's chest started to hurt. not from Y/N's fists, but from the emotional pain she felt.
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Yelling. Yelling was all she heard. Yelling from the principal. Yelling from her parents. Yelling from Runa.
Yelling from Sunoo.
Y/N had ended up in the principal's office, in a situation in which she couldn't get out of. She couldn't help it! She had been emotionally hurt for the first time, and didn't know how to handle it. But her actions were far from forgivable.
Although she was a bully, she only went after people's emotions. She never physically hurt anyone. At least she had some morals. But this time, she let her sentiments get the best of her. and Runa came out hurt in the end.
"Wait— you like Sunoo? Never mind, doesn't matter. Did it ever occur to you that i don't even like him back?? I don't even like men!”
The words that Runa had spoken to her stuck in Y/N's mind all while she was being berated by the school staff and her parents. It had never occurred to her that Runa wasn’t into guys. Perhaps that may have been why Runa stuck to her throughout their first year, because guys would never approach Runa with Y/N there.
Guilt had begun to seep through, once she realized the weight of her actions. I’m getting expelled, my parents are mad at me, Sunoo hates me, and my now ex-best friend got her heart broken. By me. Her head throbbed. She couldn't handle all of it happening at once.
And so Y/N stood up with such hostility that made everyone in the vicinity jump. She didn't pay any mind to it and snatched her bag, then proceeded to storm out of the room. It didn't matter anymore. She was bound to be expelled anyway. She would handle the scolding later.
She wondered why she felt so guilty, seeing as she was a siren. She was meant to cause misfortune upon others. She was somehow granted with such powers, the least she could do was use them properly. Properly, as in seducing others with her voice and then using them. And generally, she never felt regretful of her actions. Instead she would be proud when she saw others fall to her command. She thought she would be especially content too, due to the fact that she didn't care much for Runa.
But no. the moment she retreated, Y/N felt like, for a lack of better words, shit. The pleasing feeling she usually felt when she inflicted distress on people was not present, but rather replaced with guilt.
Did that mean that she would learn from her mistakes and use her powers for the better?
Of course not.
At the end of the day, Y/N knew she would always be the same disgusting creature that held such powers. no matter how much she tried to sugar coat it, that fact would never change.
Sunoo stood outside of the room and waited for Y/N to leave. Once she did, he grabbed her arm.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” Y/N yelled as she ripped her arm out of his clutches.
“Everyone was right about you. You’re cold, heartless, and selfish.” Sunoo glared at the girl he once almost considered a friend. “I can’t believe I ever wanted to befriend you.”
That made Y/N laugh. “Wanted? You only talked to me because you wanted me to help you get closer to Runa. Even if I thought we were getting closer, you only had your own interests at heart.” Her glare on Sunoo hardened. “If I’m selfish, then so are you. I was just more physical with it.”
“And that makes it any better?!”
“I’ll never deny that I’m a horrible person. You, on the other hand, act like you’re innocent when in reality you’re not.” Y/N pulled out her book of mythology. “Remember sirens?”
“...Yeah.” Sunoo hesitantly answered.
Y/N took a breath out of her nose. “You said that it was horrible that they lured people to their lands so they could kill them. But it’s okay for you to do the same thing? You acted like you genuinely wanted to be friends, and then you broke my heart. And all of a sudden, you think you can high road me?”
“Still, you hurt Runa. She was your best friend.” Sunoo criticized.
“I know I did and I feel extremely guilty about it. But there’s nothing I can do to atone for it, so it’s better if I just leave. I’m getting expelled anyway.” Y/N mumbled. “I’ll apologize to Runa before I leave, and I’ll face any punishment the school gives, but I don’t want to hear you of all people criticizing me for it.”
“So you’re just going to leave?” Sunoo inquired.
Y/N looked at the injured Runa, who was woefully scrolling through her phone, and sighed. “Yes, it’s for the best. And I’ll stop liking you, so don’t worry about that.”
“Goodbye, Kim Sunoo. Thank you for being my friend, even if it was just for a moment.”
Something that most people would see as a blessing ended up breaking an innocent girl beyond repair.
And Sunoo realized one thing. That he never truly knew Y/N L/N at all.
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I...I made a supporting cast for the SMG ENA universe. I hope you like them.
But before I show them, here's some lore I came up with.
Within the ENA universe there are rivers of code. No one knows where they came from. Some say that they're from The Great Runas dreaming of other realities, others say that they're just the result of the Admins attempting to fix their already bugged world. One thing is for certain though, if you fish in said rivers you never know what you're going to get. The code comes from other universes. Code that is either forgotten or in so much overabundance no one would realize or care that it was missing. Be they objects, memes, animals, video game enemies, or (on rare occasions) people.
Just thought I should establish that before moving forward.
Anyways onto the cast:
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Moony: ENA's best friend. They are mostly unchanged from their canon counterpart. Though they have mellowed out slightly. They often act aloof and they aren't that good at being nice, but they care.
Taski: INA's (BBQ ENA) most annoying customer. She's a gremlin and enjoys causing problems on purpose. She knows she's annoying and enjoys every minute of it. Occasionally enables Smg38's chaos.
Anon: Moony's skating buddy. Not much is known about them other than that they sometimes sound like multiple people speaking at once. They use 'we' and 'I' interchangeably. There's more to them than meets the eye.
Ember Podoboo: Was once a Lava Bubble that Smg38 caught while swimming in the Code River (why they thought that was a good idea was anyone's guess). She kept it and called it her "Fire Buddy". Somehow the Lava Bubble ended up eating a Super Crown and became Ember. Despite being made of fire, Ember is easily the most 'chill' of the group. She takes a big sister/motherly role to their younger members. She enjoys puns and funny wordplay. She makes a living by fishing in the Code River and selling whatever she finds (that isn't dangerous or sentient).
Chem: A sanitized octoling that Ember fished out of the river. She's trying to figure out her sense of identity and is struggling to understand her own emotions. She clings to Ember and RK often. Chem isn't helpless though, once she gets ahold of a weapon it's like a switch is flipped. She suddenly has the skills and brutality of a trained soldier. That state terrifies her.
RK: A kid that Ember kidnapped from the Dark Web. Has an obsession with Nomes and a fear of water (getting him to take a bath isanightmare). Doesn't talk much, but is a great listener. He loves his new friends and family.
(Effi response below)
These are all so neat!! I love their descriptions.
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sonicnerd · 1 year
Miles Form Tomorrow Art! OC! Shatter! + Miles!
Info: Shatter is Mirrandos older brother and he's like 20, and he has a nickname for almost everyone, for Miles he calls him 'Princess' most of the time and if their on a special mission he will call Miles a name of on of the princess.
Mirrandos nickname is Mirri
Huruna nickname is Runa
Loretta nickname is Retta or Smartie
Blodger nickname is Slime Boy
He's carefree most of the time but he's very serious when he needs to be, especially for dangerous missions and when it comes to protecting his friends and younger people/alien's on the TTA, he loves messing/teasing everyone he comes across, but if it comes to a point we're the person/alien is getting mad or sad, he'll stop and say he's 'terribly sorry'
The first picture of Shatter, just a simple front veiw
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Then this one is him on a snowy planet and he scares Miles by hanging upside down on a tree, he calls Miles "Elsa" since it's a snowy planet
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This is just a quick sketch of Miles with a Cloke Shatter made for him
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That's all I have for now!
Have a good day/night!!
March 13/2023
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yandere-fics · 4 months
♡ How They Force An Alpha Darling To Be An Omega ♡
(Miriel is excluded because she's an omega, Runa is excluded because she would try to bitch herself since she's a beta, Nikki is also excluded because that just sounds like a lot of work, sure you're an alpha, now come take a nap with her.)
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♡ Gosh you're such a silly puppy, you're not an alpha, she can barely even smell a whiff of alpha on you, you smell so weak to her there's no way you're an alpha. Of course you're not an alpha silly puppy, she just has to show you that. Sure your scent isn't as sweet as an omega's is usually but that's just because you have no alpha to provide for you at the moment and you aren't nesting, you're probably dangerously close to a omega depression which is why you haven't gone into heat in awhile, she's your loyal doggy though so don't worry she'll fix all these issues. ♡
♡ The first thing she has to do is get your scent under control, it's not sweet enough like it should be, which means for the time being she's going to be releasing her pheromones at a high level until your body starts responding and releasing the smells it should be, hopefully smelling your soulmate will put your body at ease and you can finally start smelling like you should. She also has to fix your nesting issue, she doesn't know much about nests but she knows they're very important for omegas to make and sit in so she's going to force you to make one and sit at the edge of it forcing you to stay in there, until you get used to it, she won't try to get in because you first need to get used to it on your own as much as she would love to sit with you. ♡
♡ She's very confused when your heat doesn't start even after your scent starts to become a bit sweeter but then it dawns on her one day, you probably need your alpha's bodily fluids in order to get it started. She does start cooking you things with her saliva and cum mixed in which helps your scent but you still don't start heat which is confusing especially since she marked you which is supposed to induce heat in ones soulmate but the mark didn't last very long. Eventually she does decide she needs to get straight to business and just breed you anyways without the heat which luckily for her solved the problem. Finally all this alpha confusion is cleared up! ♡
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♡ Unlike Eliza, Kassien is not in denial about you being an alpha, she's pissy about it but she can't actually deny it, plus she knows she needs to be sneakier about it. It's okay she can slowly fix this, it's just going to take a bit of patience and she can handle being patient. Your scent is weaker than hers which is good, you're still the lesser alpha so it won't take much coaxing on her part. Plus she's close enough to the boss to get some favors, some black market medicines sure to turn any alpha into a whining omega in heat. ♡
♡ She brings you food every day as any caring soulmate would and makes sure she always has a second coat on hand since you seem to be forgetting yours just so often, ignore how this coat she's given you as a replacement smells heavily scented and you're starting to feel weakened after you eat lunch everyday, almost like you need to go home and curl up under a few dozens of blankets. You almost whine in pain when the two of you part ways everyday but Kassien can't give in yet, the needier you get for her the closer you get to going into heat. This work would be for nothing if she came in and cuddled you after work, then your mind might clear and you'd have time to think about how weird all of this is instead of just thinking of how much you need your mate. ♡
♡ It finally happens about two months into meeting her which was fantastic since she was beginning to become desperate waiting for the effects to start to kick in. You didn't come in for work that day and she got a very tearful call from you telling her that you weren't feeling well and couldn't come in. She had told you she was going to swing by on lunch break to check on you but honestly although it would have made you even more whiny underneath her she really just couldn't wait to reap the fruits of her labor so she immediately headed towards you. You were hiding in a makeshift nest that you had struggled to throw together in your closet, in heat and likely about to go into an omega depression, it's a good thing your mate just happened to swing by earlier than planned. No she doesn't know what's happening to you either but she's always willing to help sweetness. ♡
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♡ Nora isn't sure if she wants to, she really shouldn't after all she's pretending to be a beta just so you won't be afraid of your girlfriend being an apex alpha but the more she thinks about it the more it itches in the back of her brain, she can't let you stay this way, it's just wrong you have to be an alpha even if it means she has to break facade a bit, she just won't let you keep walking around as an alpha, your alpha pheromones honestly are putting her on edge and she has to fix this. ♡
♡ She confines you to her apartment the moment she decides what she's going to do and while she does feel bad about this her instincts are super pleased about this so why should she stop now, it wouldn't feel this good if it was the wrong thing to do. If she leaves you as an alpha you could leave her but if she makes you an omega you'd be completely unable to escape your apex alpha girlfriend and you'd probably be happier like this right? She goes the Eliza route of feeding you foods mixed with her bodily fluid every day until you start to feel weaker but she takes the adding step on forcing her cock in your pretty little mouth every time she's going to cum and forcing you to swallow. She's much too big to make you take it down there until it starts to take effect so for now this will have to do. ♡
♡ The day you start producing slick is a joyous day for her, she's felt really really guilty about all this and was starting to think it would never work but this is just evidence it's working very well. She can't wait for you to go into heat, she has to kick it up a notch now, then she can stop feeling guilty and you can stop crying every time she touches you to inspect if you've changed yet. ♡
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♡ Sawyer snaps her fingers and just changes you before you even introduce yourself, she doesn't do it all of a sudden because she would want to hurt you but she wants you to have adapted to life as an omega before she introduces herself to you as your mate. It's rather frightening, you just slowly feel yourself getting weaker everyday, your scent is becoming more and more like an omega's and you feel yourself wanting to create a nest for the first time but crying because you've never done this before and you never seem to get it the way you want it to be with the blankets you already have so you have to finally venture into speciality stores to get new blankets for soft omega skin which helps but you still can't seem to make anything work for you. ♡
♡ Then a month into these changes your find your soulmate but it's when you're outside about to go into heat and crying because you don't understand why these changes are happening to you and while you would normally take your time getting to know your soulmate, likely freaking out because it's The Boss, you're just so relieved she's there, your soulmate is the only one you can trust not to hurt you in this scenario and so you allow her to help guide you through your heat, waking up happy but confused with a brand new mark and starting to come to grips with the fact you were probably never even an alpha to begin with since one day you randomly started to turn into an omega. ♡
♡ You still don't understand this whole omega thing but who better to help you adapt to it than your alpha soulmate, she makes sure you have everything you need to help you adapt to your new omega life and she even lets you build your nests in her office, how sweet of her! You still don't fully get the scenting stuff and it still makes you feel a bit weird seeing as two months ago you were an alpha but she's gentle with you even when you sometimes want to cling to your old alpha ways. Really you couldn't have asked for a better soulmate during these confusing times. ♡
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bluecadash · 1 year
OC Associations Meme
Much love to @dungeons-and-dragon-age for the tag 💙
Tagging: @razumairon @a-drama-addict @varric-tethras-editor @fade-and-loathing-in-thedas @palepinkycat @dreadfutures @rosella-writes @little-lightning-lavellan @emerald-amidst-gold and everyone who'd like to do this too! As always, no pressure or obligation Also, I'm kinda late with this, so if you already did this and I tagged you again, I'm sorry 🙈
Runa Cadash
Seasoning: Paprika, garlic, thyme, and sugar (simple af, Josie thankfully introduced her to new seasonings)
Weather: Cold sunny day with a clear sky
Colour: Dark blues, purple and silver
Sky: Clear night sky
Magic power: the power to generate and manipulate wind (she'd love that)
House plant: String of hearts
Weapon: Rusty daggers, self-made bombs and traps, sketchbook
Subject: Art and chemistry
Social media: Tumblr xD
Make-up product: Dark eyeshadow
Candy: Mulled wine and freshly baked bread (not really candy but still something sweet)
Fear: Fragmentation, confinement, dying
Ice cube shape: Sphere ice cubes with edible flowers
Method of long distance travel: walking and climbing mountains
Art style: Impressionism
Mythological creature: Moon rabbit
Piece of stationary: Charcoal pencil
3 emojis: 💙🤗🔥
Celestial body: Moon (specifically Saturn's moon Titan)
Tarot card: The Tower: sometimes interpreted as meaning danger, crisis, sudden change, destruction, higher learning, and liberation. It represents change in the most radical and momentous sense. Scary card but I like to interpret is as "not everything is or has to be under my control". If something doesn't work, we can start over again. If it crumbles down it is because it just didn't work or wasn't meant to be.
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pietys-arch · 1 year
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@unmeiha : “ ... runa ─── you need to leave now, understand? worry not for me. they will need to be trying a lot harder if they want to keep me from protecting you. “
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❝      i-i      can't,      ❞      words      trembled,      hands      gripping      tightly      'pon      war      quoits.      true      bravery...      true      bravery      came      in      the      shape      of      koharu.      but--------------      what      was      she,      if      not      a      fool      for      following      in      her      example?      ❝      if      i      learned      anything      from      a      certain      au'ra...      it's      that      true      strength...      it      comes      when      someone      you      love      is      in      danger.      ❞      knuckles      are      balled      white,      and      her      body      is      tense.      it      aches,      oh      god,      how      her      arms      and      legs      wish      for      rest.      her      heart,      pounding      so      loudly      within      her      ears-------------     this was it, wasn't it?
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❝      please...      just      trust      me.      i'll      be      the      one      protecting      you,      koharu.      ❞
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medea10 · 2 years
My Review of Love Live Nijigasaki School Idol Club 2nd Season
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Season One Review
Welcome back to Idol Hell!
Love Live, much like the Idolm@ster franchise will never die (for now anyways). In the last couple of years, we were given a few new Love Live series since the original and Sunshine are finished. Nijigasaki and Superstar got their chance in the anime realm and surprisingly, the reviews were mostly positive. I can’t complain, I thought both Love Lives were good as well. Let’s see what’s going to happen with Ayumu, Setsuna, Kasumi and the rest this season.
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HISTORY: Unlike many of the other Love Live series, Nijigasaki has got something that the other school settings don’t. A profitable school that is not in dire straits or in danger of shutting down! So we can forego any plot of the girls of the group starting an idol club in hopes of getting more attendance. These girls wanted to become idols because they just wanted to! Ayumu saw Setsuna perform one day and was inspired to join the idol club at her school. Unfortunately, the club was disbanded due to a lot of inner conflict with the members. Another thing that differs from the other series is that the girls of Nijigasaki are more comfortable doing solo projects and will only collaborate with the other members every now and then. Though there are plenty of songs now where the whole cast sings together! Anyways, we have the standard nine members for the group; Ayumu, Kasumi, Shizuku, Karin, Emma, Kanata, Ai, Rina, and Setsuna. But again, this series is far different and has an unofficial 10th member, Yuu. She isn’t really an idol, she’s just there for the girls.
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SEASON TWO: The girls of the Nijigasaki Idol Club are coming off the success of their idol festival (from the previous season). Their next chance at showing the school what they’re really made of is the school’s own festival. With a little help from the student council (like member Shioriko), things were able to go off without too many hiccups. There, they meet a new exchange student from Hong Kong named Lanzhu. She has a heavy interest in idols and wants to join the group. However, she has different views on what it means to be an idol than the other girls. Like she really doesn’t see the use of having Yuu on the idol team when she doesn’t contribute like the rest of the girls! Aside from Lanzhu, she is also joined by another exchange student named Mia. She’s not as outgoing as Lanzhu and prefers to stick to songwriting.
LICENSING: FUNimation still has a strong grip on the Love Live series while letting some of the other series slip through the cracks. With the partnership between them and Crunchyroll, this series was able to receive a wider audience as Crunchyroll was able to give this series to people in other countries. Since my posting of the first season review, an English dub has been released. As my previous review didn’t contain that list, here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
ENGLISH CAST: *Ayumu is played by Suzie Yeung (known for Milize on 86, Sumi on Rent-A-Girlfriend, Koito on Wonder Egg Priority, and Doppelganger on Railgun T)
*Yuu is played by Madeline Dorroh
*Setsuna is played by Laura Stahl (known for Ray on The Promised Neverland, Hayato on Jojo’s Pt. 4, and Mami on Rent-A-Girlfriend)
*Kasumi is played by Kayli Mills (known for Emilia on Re:Zero, Megumin on Konosuba, Alice on SAO: Alicization, Eosinophil on Cells at Work, Kaname on Tonikawa, Runa on Kakegurui, and Fiore on Fate/Apocrypha)
*Shizuku is played by Jill Harris (known for Noelle on Black Clover, Aura on Overlord, Mayaka on Hyouka, Lamy on Fairy Tail, and Mandalay on My Hero Academia)
*Kanata is played by Lindsay Seidel (known for Eris on Mushoku Tensei, Gabi on Attack on Titan, Nagisa on Assassination Classroom, Ruka on Steins;Gate, Romeo on Fairy Tail, Vanica on Black Clover, and Himegami on Index)
*Ai is played by Daisy Guevara
*Rina is played by Hayden Daviau (known for Onna on Goblin Slayer)
*Emma is played by Lisa Reimold (known for Rion on Yashahime)
*Karin is played by Shara Kirby
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NEW CHARACTERS INTRODUCED: I already knew these three were coming due to playing hours and hours of the rhythm game. Shioriko (on the right) is part of the student council with Setsuna (who is in disguise as Nana). She’s had a fascination with school idols since she was younger and watching her older sister compete. Lanzhu (in the middle) comes from Hong Kong and is totally into the idol scene. She knows Shioriko and is friends with her. And Mia (on the left) is an exchange student from America who is kinda dragged against her will by Lanzhu. She writes songs for Lanzhu to sing, but she doesn’t sing herself.
Oh, I should probably talk about this here as well. There was a little uproar in the Love Live community about Mia. Fans would have preferred if Shuu Uchida would reprise her role in English as she’s very fluent in the language. That’s cute, guys! Unless she’s playing a Pokemon ain’t no way she’s going to be used in the English version to ANYTHING. Dude, FUNimation won’t do that! It’s a lot cheaper for them to use local voice actors in their union. Plus, if they didn’t use those authentic Australians from the second season of Free! in their dub, what makes you think they’d have Shuu Uchida voice Mia? Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Shioriko is played by Moeka Koizumi (known for Shiho on Odd Taxi)
*Lanzhu is played by Akina Houmoto
*Mia is played by Shuu Uchida
ENGLISH CAST: *Shioriko is played by Caitlin Myers
*Lanzhu is played by Courtney Lin
*Mia is played by Lindsay Sheppard (known for Aria on Pokemon XY)
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SHIPPING PART DEUX: I see what you’re doing, Love Live.
You know what? I wasn’t feeling too shippy this season. Don’t get me wrong, Nijigasaki has some ships I will ride-or-die on. Karin x Emma is my OTP and no one can detour me from that. I just wasn’t feeling it this season. Plus, there weren’t any crazy-ass scenes like that Ayumu x Yuu moment from last season.
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SUB-GROUPS: If you play some of the Love Live game apps, you might be familiar with sub-groups or sub-units. These groups usually consist of 2-4 members. I don’t recall the previous animes touching upon them that much or even using the names of the units, but I remember the songs from the app games and the single CDs. In this Love Live, the girls are mostly solo artists and only for special occasions will they do things with all nine members. This season, we got introduced to the sub-groups like A*ZU*NA, QU4RTZ and DiverDiva.
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It’s about fucking time! Do you know how awesome it would have been in the previous seasons if we got to hear songs from the other sub-groups? I would have killed for a performance from either Azelea or BiBi. I realize neither group I mentioned featured my favorite character, it’s just that Azelea and BiBi have the best bangers. They’re the best units, don’t at me!
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ENDING: This season, we got introduced to sub-groups and more idol groups from schools nearby. If you played Love Live School Idol Festival, you might recognize a lot of these girls. They’re not SSR players or anything like that, but they still exist. In fact, Emma, Kanata, and Shizuku were those random characters you’d see.
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Besides that, we’ve had Setsuna and Shioriko go through their own character growths. Setsuna finally revealed to everyone (including her mother) that she’s an idol. Shioriko on the other hand came to the conclusion that she still wanted to become an idol even after her older sister couldn’t make it to the top years ago. And then the long-time holdout of the season, Lanzhu! No doubt, she’s a great solo idol. But she felt inferior compared to the Nijigasaki girls. What do you expect? Tokimeki Runners is a banger, especially when the song has all the girls singing! Lanzhu decides after the idol festival that she was going to return to Shanghai. Of course, she was met with resistance from Mia, who is working through her own issues of performing in front of people. Mia tries to reach Lanzhu through her own gift and succeeds.
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So, we have a couple of episodes left and we’ve managed to get through Shioriko wanting to become an idol, Lanzhu officially joining Nijigasaki, and Mia finally singing. What now? Well, the girls are examining their past as a group and what they want to do for the future. Some of the girls have come to some important decisions for the upcoming future. Mia is going to stay in Japan a little longer than she was originally going to stay. Setsuna’s not going to run a second time for student council president. Shioriko decides to run for Setsuna’s president seat and also continue being a school idol. With all of these new changes, Karin comes up with an idea to put on a concert where it's just Nijigasaki performing. This will actually be the first time where Nijigasaki wasn’t collabing or piggy-backing off other idol groups or the school. All of the idol festivals up to this point have involved the other schools in the area and featured many of the non-memorable characters you’d see in the rhythm game app Love Live School Idol Festival. They set their big concert for New Years Eve.
Seeing as we are nearing the holidays, I feel like this school year is inching closer to the end. Normally around this time, it would be time for the third years to prepare for college and that’s usually the end of the idol group. This series does not talk about that! The ones about to embark on a big adventure are Yuu and Ayumu (who are second years). Yuu has plans of entering a contest for songwriters. And as for Ayumu, she has plans of spending the next school year in London.
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The day of the concert went nearly flawless. Nearly! The only major hiccup was that Rina’s headgear malfunctioned and she didn’t fix it in time for her set. And the audience saw Rina perform without her electronic face. Well, the audience loved Rina regardless and that’s what’s important. It was an episode of songs and a big surprise for fans from the Philippenes as the Mega Mall was featured in the episode during the closing number. Believe it or not, the Philippenes are the biggest fans of Love Live and possibly any other idol anime. No, seriously they are! We end the season with Ayumu going to London, no word on a sequel movie or season, and Nijigasaki didn’t enter Love Live.
Yeah, how about that?! Nijigasaki DID NOT enter in a Love Live contest. Yo, isn’t the name of this series LOVE LIVE? However, some of the minor characters (including Kanata’s sister) entered. The characters that are like throw-aways in the rhythm games! I truly don’t know how to feel about that. Every other group has entered or has attempted to enter at least once. Even Liella!
Aside from my grumblings about that, the second season kinda feels finished and yet not. It’s probably because of the final episode with the big concert and we end with seeing things like Shioriko head of student council, Ayumu in London, and some of the other girls exploring other things. But then you see many unfinished things that this anime could have touched upon. At least three of these girls are exchange students. Who the hell knows when Lanzhu will go back to Hong Kong? Ditto for Mia going back to the states. Emma, Kanata, and Karin are all third years, plus Emma’s an Italian exchange student! When the hell are they graduating? And still, a LOVE LIVE?! I mean, it is the name of the series. LOVE LIVE!
Once again, Nijigasaki is that one series in the Love Live franchise that’s got to be different from the rest. They have the most members out of all of the groups, they’re the only group that has yet to compete in a Love Live compition, they don’t really have a group name as most of them prefer to be single or in sub-groups, and their school was never in any danger of shutting down like every other school in the Love Live franchise.
But what if it was? Bear with me on this one as I’m thinking out loud. What if hypothetically, they do a Nijigasaki movie where the entire school is wrecked due to a typhoon or fire or earthquake? And the girls put on a benefit show and have the other girls from the other schools come and do the show as well? Add the Love Live festival there while you’re at it! Boom! Let’s make that happen. In the meantime, I’ll go back to playing the rhythm apps and watching the new season of Love Live Superstar.
If you want to check out Love Live Nijigasaki, Crunchyroll has every episode (sub & dub) available to watch. Other Love Live properties are also available through Crunchyroll’s website as well (except for the original Love Live).
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