#rune factory aaron
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Cozytober - Day 2 - Pumpkins
Hold on, it's almost perfect...
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bokumonocosplay · 11 months
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Part two! The kids have joined in too!
Official site
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sassyfever · 1 year
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this is 2 years old but I just realized I never posted this here
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kendricksilver · 2 months
Part 2 of editing RF children portraits to match my favorite bachelorette/bachelor~
This time we have Rune Factory 2 and Cecilia!
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I know that Aria and Aaron would technically be quarter elves, but Orland gets his elf ears when Jake marries Yue, so I think they deserve elf ears too (even though the ears were a pain as usual 😭). I always find it funny how the game treats Orland as more of an elf under these circumstances, even though they're both quarter elves.
I found Cecilia really entertaining. Her proposal is so odd, and I love it. I always collect round stones in RF4 because they remind me of her. I also love how she's a returning character from an earlier game, because it's fun to see her story expanded on. Her design is amazing too. Knowing my preference for Tabatha in RF1, I seem to have some sort of bias for elf maids (weird that it happened twice ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ )
(You can request an edit for your favorite bachelorette/bachelor from any game, if you're interested!)
Unedited images and Cecilia for reference under the cut
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pinkcatflower · 1 year
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patakoo · 2 years
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i actually really like that they covered the part where how ridiculous it was putting up a gigantic school in a town that only has 8 children
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loraluna · 10 months
Rating Rune Factory Children
(Because I play favorites)
Rune Factory (1)
Cute but not much else to say. You have to wait a ridiculous amount of in-game time to get one short cutscene meeting your genderless nameless child (Game doesn't even bother to give them pronouns) and then never get to interact with them again. Disappointing.
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Rune Factory 2
A unique idea that the series has yet to implement again, this game let you play through the second half of the game AS your child from the first half, and honestly It was a cool concept even if the gameplay got a little wonky and unbalanced near the end. The game also introduced the first female protagonist to the series, Aria (left). She and her twin Aaron (right) actually had some personality of their own and even had unique interactions with the other villagers and children of the town. Cool concept and solid designs. I just wish you could interact with them a little more as a parent before the timeskip.
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Rune Factory Frontier
I may be a little biased here, as this was my intro to Rune Factory, but I love these kids. Default names; Leif and Leona, are the first, and so far only, RF children you can interact with at multiple stages, these kids have several cutscenes documenting different milestones and are quite cute to watch. Once they reach the final stage, they don't do much besides toddle around the farm and look cute. You can gift them certain items but that's about it. Still, It's refreshing to watch your kid grow over time as apposed to the usual montage you get with RF kids.
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Rune Factory 3/ Rune Factory 3 Special
They get bonus points for being the first in the series to let you have multiple kids (up to three) problem is, there's not much difference between em. The birth of each one plays about the same and while there's technically some different "personalities" it's more like each kid get a random lot of four or so unique lines of dialogue and that's it. There are also just the two sprites so if you have two or more of either gender they'll be identical, no matter the age difference. You can't gift them and they don't sleep, leave the house or even show up on the map. Honestly they're little more than cute house accessories.
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Rune Factory Tides of Destiny/ Rune Factory Oceans
First off, please pardon the crappy quality. This game doesn't have traditional character portraits so it's hard to find decent quality pics. Tides of Destiny kiddos were the first in the series to inherit physical features from the player's spouse. (Pictured are Electra's daughter and Sonja's son) They appear to use the same child models as Frontier with some minor cosmetic changes but I liked Frontier's kids so no complaints there. I do wish they had real portraits and more dialogue but they're okay. At least they'll accept gifts and the events leading up to their births are quite wholesome.
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Rune Factory 4/Rune Factory 4 Special
RF4's kids are darn near perfect. Luna and Noel have identical dialogue but they have more to say than any RF kids before or possibly since. There are TONS of unique exchanges and events with them, they participate in festivals, and most interesting of all, you can equip them with gear and take them adventuring! These babies are really something special. If I had to pick one complaint, I'd say I wish they looked liiiittle more like their concept art. They look like they both got aged up a little, which isn't bad but they do look barely younger than some of their possible parents...
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Rune Factory 5
Rune Factory 5's children are right up there with Noel and Luna, but they get a slight advantage when it comes to customization. Like RF3 this game lets you have up to three kids, but unlike that game, these kiddos are treated like actual characters. Depending on your choice of spouse and your answers in a particular conversation, your kids can have a variety of looks and personalities, including the fan favorite feature of inheriting hair and eye colors from the spouse, and continuing along that customization train, these babies can once again go adventuring! My one, one small gripe...It'd be nice if your eldest could grow a little by the time their siblings are born. Heck, it'd be cool if the villagers kids could grow too. I'd love to see teenaged Julian and Hina~
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So there's my thoughts on the Rune Factory children. I hope future installments continue the trend of more giving their kids more personality and better customization, maybe someday we'll even see kiddos inherit traits from non-human parents? How cool would that be if your kid could actually look half elf or mermaid or furry wereanimal? XD
If you agree with me (or strongly disagree) feel free to comment. Always up for discussing my favorite franchise~
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mistyfarm · 1 year
My wishlist & ideas for a hypothetical Rune Factory 2 Special:
- Option to choose between a male or female protagonist in first generation. FEMC’s name can be something lame like Kylie or Kyla or Kira idk LMAO
- All the rivals will therefore become bachelors! Yayyy the barrett girls will finally win
- The non-chosen protagonist will show up in the game as an NPC (think, like, pokemon.) They will stay at the Eagle Inn, their gimmick being some sort of mysterious, wandering vagrant who gives the player the ability to change their name (Basically a combination of Lukas and Ivan from RF1, and Mistress Trupin from RF4.) They are non-marriageable but, if befriended, the player can get a few hints about their past.
- ALTERNATIVELY: They could be the bartender of a hypothetical bar in town? Multiple characters in game are referred to as drinking buddies and there’s a whole event (the flower festival) that’s seen as an opportunity for people to get drunk, so it honestly kind of confused me there was no bar in Alvarna. I know these are E10+ games but honestly if RF1 had a bar there’s no reason RF2 can’t have one as well lol. It could be like the bar in stardew valley too! have everyone gather there on friday nights for easy gift-giving access, it’s perfect
- Additionally, if Kyle is the non-chosen protagonist, he will marry a bachelorette if her intended husband is already married to the player.
- Not really sure how rival heart events would function in RF2’s system but fuck it, any candidate with a rival will have heart events with said rival. For the drama
- We don’t need to lock EVERYTHING behind the second gen wall. At least let us forge weapons or brew medicine in the first gen. Maybe have these be something that the player can unlock if they befriend tanya or natalie? I always make kyle befriend those two so maybe I’m biased LOL
- Alternatively: give the gen 1 player access to a small kitchen, at the very least. Herman is nearly impossible to befriend in the first generation because all of his gifts are cooked dishes and it sucks because if you are ME (insane) you try to befriend everyone in every single playthrough
- Updated gen 2 portraits for most, if not all, of the cast. It’s understandable if older characters like Byron or Gordon look relatively unchanged after the timeskip, but the younger characters should have updated portraits! I think it would be cute if Dorothy’s portrait changed to show her eyes since she’s now a confident nurse, or if Mana and Barrett dressed differently after becoming teachers, or if Roy and Cammy had visibly grown into their awkward teen years. There’s possibilities!!
- Have more characters acknowledge your child as their relative if you marry a member of their family. It’s very cute that Max acknowledges this but I want all characters to express it because its very fun for character building
- I think it should be harder for your child to access the dungeons in the 2nd gen. every character is like “dont go into the dungeons!!!” and then you can just turn around and walk in. i want aaron and aria to do some solid snake shit to get into these dungeons. i need to see cardboard boxes. sunglasses and trenchcoats. perhaps even false identities. lets get silly with it (i fully acknowledge this would be a terrible design decision) (i dont care)
- remove the marriage events from the second generation, they feel so arbitrary compared to gen 1! The themes of second gen are family ties and the solidarity the kids build with each other, so i think friendship and story events should be prioritized instead
- Bring social services to Alvarna because honestly your child is so neglected by both of their parents its tragic (this is a joke) (kind of)
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rfdescriptions · 2 years
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Hello hello, thank you for doing these match ups for us! Never done one of these before so I'm excited to see who I'll end up with. 💕
- What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
Great Wide Unknown by Pealeaf. Technically, I love the lyrics in their entirety but especially this: 'There are things we'll never know
Wish I could find a way to live like this forever
But there's a burning in my soul
And these days, it burns brighter than ever'.
As well as
'These stars were never mine to chase
I'll chase them anyway
Take me to a land far away
This path was never mine to take
Was my fate set in stone
Or just one thread in the great wide unknown'
Because after years of not getting anywhere in my life, I'm finally moving forward.
- Enneagram/Mbti:
The Loyalist, INFJ-T
- Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
Does currently watching Hardcore Singular Type Pokemon Nuzlockes count? If not, then I enjoy essay videos on revitalizing abandoned landscapes.
- What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
Laying on my side. Sometimes, I put on a yt video.
- If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why?
If I had to, I'd choose Inga, cause that's what my mom would have named me (it was dad's turn for me :p ) and I think it's a cute name.
- What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why?
Torn between 'caught stealing your alpha werewolf boyfriend's hoodie' and 'your yandere friend wants to be closer to you'. For the former, I love the sweet vulnerability and the casual touches, the relaxation and bone deep love. For the latter, the way Blake helps the listener fall asleep works so well for me, him humming softly at the end... and I love manipulative/gaslighting characters. :')
- What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for.
Eeeh. Aaron, I suppose?
- Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
Lord of the Rings (Movie Edition). Especially Return of the King.
- Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
Asher. Sorry, David, I hope you can share. Or Huxley. He's the actual sweetest dude who deserves the world and then some.
- Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it?
No, I just get grumpy when I'm tired.
- Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
Eeh. Salty Pringles and a cola/orange fanta combo drink.
- Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment.
Freelancer season 1 and Fallen Empathy Daemon. Yes, I am unable to decide once more. Outside of that, my Favorite Video Game Music playlist featuring mostly calm bgms and the occasional boss theme.
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
Any type of dating game with yandere characters. I like the psychological horror aspects as well as the devotion. Is that kind of relationship toxic irl? Hell yeah it is. Do I still love games about the topic? You bet I do. Also, farming simulator games like Stardew Valley or Rune Factory.
Anything else?
Perfectionist (but slowly letting go of that), late-bloomer, creative. Whenever I have a moment, I get lost in my head, thinking up scenarios or plot for a new fanfic I'll never write. A cuddlebug but I feel more comfortable initiating and I prefer it if people ask before they touch me. I work with kids and I genuinely love my job despite the mental and physical exhaustion. I've got a very dry sense of humor and I actually love silly puns and humor.
Hope you have a good day!! ♥️
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I know Fred and Bright, like, aren’t actual children (I imagine them as no older than twenty but still), but they’re basically Sam’s kids, and I just think he would more than appreciate a partner who likes kids and wouldn’t mind dating a single dad /hj
Something I think works well between Sixes and Eights (which is what I strongly hc Sam to be) is that both of you can be so… I don’t want to say guarded but careful with trust and intimacy. That shit has to be earned, and when you do get to know one another, you’ll learn how well-matched you are. Sixes are fueled by the desire to have security and stability, and Eights are fueled by the desire to lead and protect. Fundamentally, you are uniquely situated to be everything the other needs. 
I also think Sam would be the perfect cuddle partner for you. Ever since that second video where he politely asks permission to lay hands, even in an emergency, we’ve known for sure he’s so careful about consent and boundaries. I can easily imagine the two of you settling down for a LOTR movie and him waiting with open arms for you to reach out at your pace and comfort level. (Gosh, wouldn’t that be so cute, you showing him the trilogy for the first time and excitedly telling him about how Viggo Mortenson broke his ankle?)
But here's a map, here's a shovel/ Here's my Achilles' heel/ I'm all in, palms out/ I'm at your mercy now and I'm ready to begin/ I am strong, I am strong, I am strong enough to let you in
Thank the lord for you, I have been waiting for someone I can match with Sam because this is my Sam song; I think of him every time I hear it. In my head, this is his internal monologue as he confesses. He’s lived such a long life of being hurt and protecting himself from more; trusting you enough to let you in, to not hurt him more, to acknowledge that risk is the greatest act of love of which he is capable. 
Milo’s a really cute possibility, because Sweetheart also strikes me as a recovering perfectionist, so I think he’d be a really supportive partner in that respect. “Who’s expectin ya to do all of that? It certainly ain’t me and damn sure shouldn’t be you.” is something I can hear him saying in his voice, if that makes sense. Also, I see your love of yanderes, hence Flyboi!Ivan. I ain’t pairing you with someone who got all them tendencies, because I love you, but we can have a little of that, the potential of the crazy as a treat /affectionate
Note: unrelated but bruh how you feelin after that Balance season finale because wowee Blake
Want a match-up of your own? Read this post, and tell me about yourself! 💌
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runefactorynonsense · 11 months
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Cozytober - Day 21 - [MORE] LEAVES
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nerdtokwa · 5 years
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Rune Factory out of context
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bokumonobigbang · 3 years
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Our next preview is from the world of Rune Factory 2! 
Writer Sketch ( @sketch-witch, AO3/Twitter @ SketchWitch ) takes us back a few years in the Rune Factory series with this intriguing excerpt from a school AU set in Alvarna! This vibrant sneak peek of artwork by artsylightfixtures ( @artsylightfixtures ) fits perfectly with this piece.
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