#rune factory leann
bokumonocosplay · 8 months
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Part two! The kids have joined in too!
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Hi hello I'm back! I got myself lost in the hype of Rune Factory 3 rereleasing so I disappeared for a bit. But Im back now! Heres the Bracelet Girls dressed as some of the bacholorettes!
Standalones and inspirations under the cut!
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Yuzu! I was debating between going for either Shara (flower girl vibes) or Pia (in reference to my mermay piece, pink hair, and the fact that shes the girl im going for in my current run), but ultimately thought Shara fit her better.I absolutely adored Shara as a kid, and when RF5 came out last year, I always wore the Shara outfit. And Yuzu looks great in it! Im very happy with how it turned out, it really fits her aesthetic.
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There was only one of the bacholorettes that I was gonna go for with Serena, and that was Raven. They have the exact same vibe in my opinion. I dont know if Raven's outfit really matches her color pallet, but eh. I like drawing Serena with her hair down.
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RINRIN♡ Rin started this whole idea for me. I originally compared her to Carmen, and then thought she was quite a bit like Marian as well. I decided to go with Marian because Wind Witch vibes. This started out as my least favorite when Id sketched it, but i ended up really happy with the details when Id finished the coloring!
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In my opinion, Ruri doesnt really have a bacholorette in RF3 that I can compare her too. She reminds me more of Felicity in RF1 or Leann from RF2. So it was down to whichever RF3 bacholorette I thought her aesthetic matched to the best- Sofia or Sakuya. I went with Sofia because I think the colors of the outfit would go better with the rest of the girls. I feel like im not really great at drawing Ruri though, so I hope to draw her more in the future.
If youve made it this far, thanks for reading! Next piece of fanart, Id like to draw Yuya dressed up as RF3's main protagonist, Micha. Thanks for sticking with me :3
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tuunafactory · 4 years
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I have not heard of PIZZA...
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two kids and a flower festival
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belleofhell · 5 years
@rfweeks This is pretty short and I’m pretty sure all of my entries will be, but here’s my entry for day 1! I don’t mention the color pink, but I focused on Leann, who has a lot of pink in her color palette. I’ll be doing something similar for the rest of the days as well.
Leann’s first crush was at the young age of four years old. In a delicately bound storybook lived a princess with golden hair and a golden heart. Her eyes sparkled even in the artwork of the pages. Leann could spend hours tracing the details of the princess’s soft, round face. She definitely spent hours curled up with her parents, having them read the book over and over and over.
Leann’s first real-life crush was when she was seven, on the girl with strawberry hair who acted like she was mother of their little group of friends when in reality she was the most reckless out of all of them. Cammy was loud and liked to play dirty and was everything Leann wasn’t. Leann admired that about her. Cammy was older than most of their friends, besides Roy, so Leann kept her crush at a safe distance, tucked into her heart. It passed soon enough, as most first real-life crushes do, but Leann will always fondly remember when Cammy would compliment how smart she was, surpassing Cammy even though Leann was so many years younger.
Leann first held hands with a girl when she was ten. Aria had asked if Leann could tutor her and Leann agreed. Aria had a knack for Barrett’s classes, but struggled with Mana’s. Aria was Leann’s best friend, so she never dreamed of saying no to tutoring her. They sat side-by-side in the library, whispering to each other since they were fairly certain Orland was studying in a corner somewhere and would get mad if they made too much noise. Eventually Aria ran out of questions and they worked on their worksheets in peace and quiet. Aria hated peace and quiet. She set her pencil down, the movement catching Leann’s eye and causing her to do the same. Aria was so much braver than Leann could ever hope to be. She grabbed one of Leann’s hands without fear and squeezed it while thanking her for her help. If they kept their hands like that for the remainder of their tutoring session, only them, and maybe Orland, needs to know.
Leann’s first kiss was when she was fourteen. It was with an exchange student from the capital. Her eyes sparkled like those of the princess from Leann’s storybook, though the rest of her appearance was different. Her skin and hair were darker and her features were more angular. They had known each other for a few weeks when the girl shyly invited Leann to spend time together by the small pond by the school. It was secluded, so they had the area to themselves. They chatted and laughed, with Leann doing most of the talking. Eventually the girl straightened up like she had something important to say, but instead grabbed Leann’s shoulders and slowly brought their lips together. It was short and sweet, though a little awkward. The girl pulled back, blushing, but Leann was blushing too. They spent the rest of the school term together. When the girl had to go back to the capital, Leann also felt her first heartbreak.
Leann first said “I love you” when she was seventeen. Aria took her to a clearing in Messhina Valley that she knew would be clear of monsters. She laid out a blanket and they ate together, watching the sunset bounce off the autumn leaves. As it grew dark, Aria kissed her, then whispered those words in her ear. Leann happily returned them. They went back home soon after, happiness clutching at their hearts.
Leann got married for the first and only time when she was twenty-one. Surrounded by friends, family, and Aria, she felt joy she never thought was possible.
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forestofbeginnings · 6 years
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[ Rune Factory 2 - Pre-Order Booklet ]
Leann and Orland
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Just freaking BUTCHERED this damn RF2 eating festival. Seriously, Herman? You expect a 7 year old to eat more than 35 bites of your crap cooking in under 5 seconds?? You monster.
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Rf5 spevulation
De Sainte-Coquille candidates
So far we have no idea if there is going to be a member of the De Sainte-Coquille family in rf5, though seeing that in every single game (including side games) include this family, I'd think there would at least be one member of this crazy family in rf5.
The candidate with the most evidence is Priscilla. Firstly her bright pink hair is in line with the family, as all of the bachelorettes always have some type of brightly coloured hair. She is caring (from what info we have on her) which again is a trait shared with other members of the family, and her clothes are fairly rich esc. looking, not as much as previous members but with the gold and how modest it is.
Though Priscilla is a good batch for a De Sainte-Coquille family member the more interesting choice is Lucas.
Lucas is described many times as a 'gentleman' which is usually someone with a wealthy family so that's a good connection. His outfit is the most richest out of all of the bachelor's with how its styled and his gloves. Though for Lucas that's all we know due to his amnesia, in general I'd think the idea for him being the De Sainte-Coquille family member would be kinda cool, a lost link of the family though there isnt much evidence it's just a theory.
Who do you think is the member of the De Sainte-Coquille family?
Guest Characters
In all previous rune factory games (except for 1 & 2 (I guess?)) we have had past characters return in the most recent game, for main series games it's only main series character. We dont know how many characters will be reappearing but for my guessing, I'm guessing a character from each main series game. Also there is going to be a "special" rf4 character appearing if you link up your rf4s save to 5 so yeah.
Info about guest charcters
• usually a bachelorette from a previous game
• if a female character has appeared then a Male character will appear next (yue >> Barret, Mei >> Ethelbeard)
• characters from rf1 will be considerably older
•characters from rf2 will be older
Past guest characters
• Yue
• Mei
• Raven
(Also tabatha as she appears in rfO but she was in rfF as a bachelorette but it's a but iffy. And Cecelia to, she appeared as a character in rf1 and was a bachelorette in rf2. So eh)
My speculation
Rf1 character:
Okay I've gotta explain myself. firstly with the changing of genders, the rf1 character would be female so sabrina would be good there. Also with the aging up of the characters her son would be older and he could of taken over her shop so she could roam the world. She could be roaming around looking for different fish and helping newcomers to fishing. As so far there isn't a fishing character she could be your mentor in a sence.
My second choice would be Zavier.
Rf2 character:
I'm not picking a character as I don't know a lot about rf2 but I think it would be cool if a 2nd gen kid could appear as a adult. Out of them I'd think leann would be cool and could be the De Sainte-Coquille character.
Rf3 character:
I generally like zaid as a character (so that's one reason I want him in rf5) also with him being a fighter in rf3 (in the main quest and in some side quests) he could be a cool fighter as a lot of rf5 characters can fight.
Also theres no dwarf characters in rf5 so far (ya give us furrys but no dwarfs)
My second choice would be Gaius (with Raven referring multiple times to Gaius it would be cool).
Rf4 character:
Seeing as she initially left the elf forest to travel the world it would be cool to see her carry on that idea.
My second choice is Arther (though he was initially my first choice though with the girl, boy character introduction he wouldn't follow the rules).
What characters would you like to see again in rf5?
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jake-marshall · 4 years
M-A-X de Sainte-Coquille for the ask meme? :D
Aw hell yeah here we go. Max! (with an X!) de Sainte-Coquille How I feel about this character: Okay when I first played RF2, I really liked Max, and then when I REPLAYED it a few years later, I was like.... do I really like Max as much as I remember?  THE ANSWER IS YES.  I find Max a pretty unique character, I mean, he falls into a couple tropes, like the pretty rich boy, and all that, but he does come across as more well-rounded than that.  He actually is nice, even though he’s fairly self-involved, and also just completely ridiculous.  I wish RF2 had the same depth as RF4 because can you even imagine the dialogue we’d get from Max, based on what we already have in RF2?  In short, I adore him and always will and I don’t think that the Rune Factory series will ever make a character I feel the same way about. All the people I ship romantically with this character:  I do like the canon pairing of him and Julia a lot!  Although - and this is kind of the game’s fault since it doesn’t go in depth with the rival pairings - I feel like the issues brought up in Julia’s Kyle!marriage events wouldn’t work in the same way, with Max, and so I wonder how much growth Julia would go through before she marries Max.   I mean I think they’re really cute and sweet and would care about each other a lot but there would be some Problems.  (lmao this is my brain being too deep in my own fanfic.) I also ship him with Barrett for the lulz… it’d be interesting although I do not see that as a relationship that would last a long time.  Them getting together and sorting through their feelings is some good shit though, at least in my mind. My OTP with him though is Meg, again, because of my own goddamn fanfic.  I meant for them to be Just Friends but I feel they ended up with some really good chemistry and could see them working out long-term as long as they both deal with their ~issues~.  But I came up with a fan!kid for them and everything, lol. My non-romantic OTP for this character:  Rosalind, of course!  My soul for more dSC sibling content, I’m begging.  Rosalind’s stories about Max in RF2 (if you manage to get the right dialogue) fucking kill me, lol. My unpopular opinion about this character:  Max > Barrett, fite me One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:  This is all-encompassing for RF2 but as I said, rival marriage events.  Also, bring Max or at least Leann back in a future game.  I would die for Leann to be an adult/marriage candidate in RF5 and her bringing up Max a bunch of times. (Although I do feel very #blessed Max gets a couple mentions in RF4, that’s more than a lot of my faves get) Thanks for the ask Sydney!! Send me a character for this meme!
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a-lvarna · 7 years
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sauronbo · 7 years
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Working on the layout of my Rune Factory town called Avarine. This is the best shot I can get with the highest render setting. Worked on some bit of the chapel, but that was mostly to get the shape down. Now back to making more foundation for shops and houses. The town’s design was inspired by the Selphia design, but I modified it to satisfy my OCD.
The houses that already have foundation. (left to right top) Max, Julia, and Leann Barrett, Dorothy, Leonel, and Yuri Colette and Margaret (roommates) Cephen (Micah) and Gaius (left to right bottom) Lady Trupin and Tart (roommates) (Book Store) Ondorus and Kiel (roommates) Bado and Blaise Dolce and Raven
Cammy and Roy live in the chapel. I’ll talk more about this little town of mine later on. (Little. Haha. Sure it is. The roads need ice just so I can travel faster) A road at the very top still needs to be added that’ll lead to the farm. This is basically a fanfic of mine but set in a new town with people from Alvarna, Sharance, and Selphia. Population is 62 (with Yue occasionally visiting).
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gatetoglimmer · 5 years
In terms of HM games the list of people I married is so long and my type really did change growing up no shame
AWL - Celia ANWL - Gustafa AWL: SE - Lumina Mineral Town - Popuri, then Karen More Friends of Mineral Town - Cliff then Grey HMDS - Flora then Leia HMDS Cute - Skye then Griffin Magical Melody - Eve then Ray then Basil but I don’t think I ever finished the file Tree of Tranquility - Cathy and Luke, however, I wanted to marry Calvin but there was a pretty big glitch that prevented that Animal Parade - Calvin/Wizard, Cathy (i’ll never give you up bb) Two Towns - Georgia (I never finished this game however)
I wish I could play the modern games but I don’t have the mental patience to play HM on the reg anymore...though Stardew Valley I sunk easily 200 hours in if not more. Not sure if that has to do with the way the new SOS games are made.
Also - Rune Factory Bonus Round
RF1 - Rosetta and Sharron RF2 - (this was the HARDEST ONE FOR ME) Alicia, then Julia and then Cecilia for gen 1. gen 2 was Leann, Orland then Leonel which explains the order in which I had to do the marriages RF3 - Karina then Pia RF4 - Forte and Leon.
If RF5 lets you play as the weirdly nameless and genderless child of Raguna I might die of joy
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tuunafactory · 4 years
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Does her best!
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tuunafactory · 4 years
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!? My wife...?!
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belleofhell · 3 years
Prompt: Warmth Pairing: Leann/OC (kind of??? it’s one of Vishnal’s sisters so she’s basically an OC)
This one was so fun to write!! I hope you guys enjoy it. In the last Unleash the Gays event, I used Leann for one of the prompts, and that’s actually how I met my good friend Leanne!! I decided using Leann again for Unleash the Gays 2 would be a fun throwback. I’ve got more fics planned for this week, and thanks as always to @rfweeks for hosting this event!
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jake-marshall · 4 years
You’re My Light - Chapters 9 & 10!
Hey Rune Factory 2 fans, check out the latest entries from @unapologeticbisexual and myself in our Everyone/Everyone ficlet collection, You’re My Light. Chapter 9 - Barrett/Cecilia by Sydney, and Chapter 10 - Dorothy/Rosalind by yours truly, Leanne.
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