#russia x fem america
odi-olio · 9 months
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there's this redraw this in your style trends in twitter and i have to join. lmao
it's based on @_K0TTERl_ comic Veil. the english translation gonna release soon! i can't wait <3
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bishopsbeloved · 8 months
the art of falling in love (part four)
natasha romanoff x fem reader
best friend!yelena belova, aroace!yelena belova, internalised homophobia, found family trope, coming of age, angst, fluff (eventual happy ending)
part one | part two | part three | part four (4k words) | part five | epilogue
read this fic on ao3!
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Natalia Romanova has lived her whole life in maybes.
When she was five years old and first banished to an orphanage in a far vast snowy corner of Russia, she thought to herself, okay. Maybe this will be the place that I find my forever family. Surely no place can be worse than that which I have come from. But the other girls she lived with were taller and crueler, and almost a year passed before a certain scraggly blonde rascal stumbled into sharing a room with her. Without hesitation she began causing havoc for every single resident. Natalia liked her immediately. It was not long before the two would share a bed at night and call one another sister.
Maybe I was right, Natalia would think to herself sleepily, as she and tiny Yelena huddled together beneath a duvet to survive the cold winter nights. Maybe this is my forever family.
It only took one day for that to fall apart for her, though. It hadn’t even occurred to her that someone might adopt Yelena without her too, or vice versa. And when that happened, and Yelena was torn away, she was at a loss.
“Не волнуйся,” Yelena reassured her as she sped around their tiny bedroom, gathering her many trinkets and treasures into a bag. “It’s okay. My mama and papa, they are very lovely, they promise they will come back for you. We will be a family together, in America. A new start. Together.” She held out a pinky earnestly.
“Together,” Natalia repeated, sealing the deal.
But two years after Yelena’s departure, she began to wonder if maybe her sister had been wrong.
She still can’t remember much of the day that they finally, finally came back for her. She was eight, and you and Yelena were both seven. Of course, she didn’t know you even existed at first — not until the long journey back, gazing down at the motherland below them as they left it behind, when Yelena babbled endlessly about her new best friend she’d made in Ohio. She doesn’t remember much of that, either — the whole day felt too perfect to be real. It’s all a blur. But still to this day, proudly framed by Alexi and hung above the fireplace, are the photos he took the day she came home.
Only a week into her life in Ohio did she ask her mother if she could change her name. Natalia Romanova was too difficult for Americans to pronounce, and it didn’t feel American. It felt as though it were just another of countless things that screamed I don’t belong. Maybe it would help her feel more acclimated to her new home. And when she worded it like that, who was Melina to deny her? So Natalia Romanova became Natasha Romanoff. You barely even batted an eyelid when the news reached you, and she’d often catch herself smiling when you went out of your way to use her full name in any situation you could.
Although it feels as though she’s loved you forever, it’s true that she was wary of you at first. That fateful moment she first met you, you came tearing into her new home to spend time with her sister and she was scared you’d take her away — but you didn’t. You shared her. And as time went on you began to share parts of yourself with Nat, too.
She’ll remember the day you won her over until her dying breath. December 3 — almost six months since she first moved to Ohio, and her first birthday there. You’d stayed over the night before, as you often did even then, and in the morning you approached her with wide adoring eyes and something clasped carefully in your hands.
“Natasha,” you began, with a slight tremor in your voice, “um, it is your birthday, obviously,” you glanced over at the gaudy banners Alexi had strung proudly around the house in declaration of this fact, “and, uhm, I know we haven’t known each other super long, or anything, but, yeah,” you finished lamely, and held out your hands to her, opening them up. “I found this super cool rock. Alexi helped me clean it. It’s pink.”
It was super cool, Natasha decided. Pink had become her favourite colour as of late — ever since she’d learnt that in America it’s for girls. She looked from the sparkly rock to your earnest, hopeful face and back again, and decided then and there that she loved you. (And maybe you even loved her back.)
The nature of said love did not make itself known to her for a good few years; even before it did, she made her best efforts to dismiss it, though. She very quickly learnt just how American girls were supposed to be — which did not include bright blue hair, or a desire to kiss other girls. Within just a few days of starting public school Natasha had bleached the dye from her hair, quashed down any potential interest in Daphne from Scooby Doo, and at night would carefully practise the American way of pronouncing words in the mirror — without her gentle Russian tinge. She tacked up posters of male pop stars in her room, and began to strategically pick which boys in her class she’d be crushing on next. Maybe, just maybe, if she kept all of this up then she’d be able to fit into her surroundings the way she was somehow never able to in the orphanage.
And for the most part, she did. She found herself becoming one of the most popular girls in class. She’d discovered that actually she was very good at fitting in, as long as she paid enough attention to everyone else. And she felt good about herself — as long as she didn’t pay attention to you and Yelena, who were entirely unbothered by the social norms she adhered so much to, and seemed a whole lot better off for it. It was entirely uncool to be so close with your sister. Her annoying little sister, and her quiet lovely best friend. Yes, as long as she avoided the two of you wherever she could, she’d be fine.
That’s how the years passed, for a long time. Natasha eventually outgrew her desire to distance herself from Yelena, and she returned to the protective tendencies she had harboured for the blonde when they were so young and alone, but what she didn’t outgrow was her need to fit in. That followed her way into high school. By sophomore year she was cheer captain and everyone in school knew her name. (She wasn’t mean, though, she always made sure of that. And she made it known that if anyone were to mess with Yelena — or you, by extension, as by this point people had started referring to you as the twins — there would be consequences.) She had friends, she had boyfriends, she had invites to parties. And as long as Natasha pretended she didn’t have a massive interest in you or a mental list of your likes and dislikes, she would be fine. Probably.
When she was sixteen she realised with startling clarity that the massive interest she acted as though she didn’t have in you was love. She and two of her good friends, Sharon and Maria, were animatedly discussing whether Sharon really loved her boyfriend or not. And the way love was described, romantic love, was identical to what she felt for you (and what any idiot could tell you felt for her, as much as everyone seemed to have agreed to pretend that you didn’t). An inexplicable attraction drawing her to you, an interest in anything you were interested in (see that time she was ten and stayed up all night researching your favourite cartoon just so she could discuss it with you over breakfast the next morning), a desire to just be with you forever. That was love. She loved you.
Oh, shit.
“You’re awful quiet, Nat,” Maria commented. Natasha cleared her throat and took a sip of juice. “Anything on your mind?”
“Just that Sharon needs to dump her shitbag of a boyfriend,” she replied shortly. Maria clapped her hands together in triumph, while Sharon let out a huff of annoyance.
“That’s what I keep saying,” Maria told her proudly, as Sharon spluttered in protest. The discussion resumed and the matter was forgotten. Natasha shoved her discovery to the back of her mind, hoping and praying she could un-discover it. Maybe if she did, things would stay okay.
Try as she might, she couldn’t, but she has tried; more determined than ever to be the perfect American girl. Over dinners she pretends to be annoyed at the teasing, saying that her accent’s gone, she’s no Russian, the American agenda has got her, that she’s almost as American as you.
“Our token Yankees,” Alexi often says merrily, to this day, clapping both you and her on the back with force that makes you wince and her giggle. She’ll whine and wrinkle her nose at him (while you just sit and blush), but secretly revel in the praise that her efforts have been so fruitful.
Barely any time into this school year, her senior year, she realised that she hadn’t had a boyfriend for a suspiciously long time.
“You and James would be cute,” offered Sharon, pointing with her fork at where her good friend and fellow Slav sat across the cafeteria, laughing about something.
“Yes,” came Natasha’s thoughtful reply, “we would, wouldn’t we?”
Every single aspect of her life was coldly calculated, unfeeling, sterile. Natasha Romanoff knew what she wanted and she would obtain it. Her pursuit of Bucky Barnes was no different. He was politely reciprocal at first, and the two entered what Nat’s friends called a situationship over the coming months. It wasn’t until a Stark house party that he turned her down.
“Natasha,” he said gently, and the word was so loud despite the music that blared only a few rooms away. He only had to say that and she knew. She sighed, and sat down on the bed in defeat, only to look up in surprise at his next words.
“I don’t… I like Steve.”
Not even Natasha could understand why she started crying. But Buck was so kind, so patient, and he held her until her tears dried. When she could speak evenly again she opened her mouth and everything came flooding out. The way she felt for you and her deep, innate fear of being different.
Bucky was quiet for a few moments in contemplation. Then he said, “I’m scared, too. Me and Steve are like you and Y/N, we known each other all our lives, and it’s like, what if whatever I do or say or feel ruins that? But you gotta… it’s…” He scratched at the back of his head. “You gotta trust it’ll work out. If you love each other proper, then even if she don’t like you back, you’ll still have her. In your life. It’ll be okay, you know. You just gotta have faith.”
Of course, Natasha knew without a shadow of a doubt how hopelessly head over heels you were for her. Rejection wasn’t what she feared. But she wasn’t sure how to word that to Bucky without sounding entirely conceited, so she just nodded. After that night, though, the two were a whole lot closer, and in no time at all they established a kind of beard situation — they’d act ambiguously involved in public so that in private they could affiliate with the ones their hearts truly desired. It wasn’t as though there weren’t queer people within their school, because of course there were, but both feared for the loss of their social standing so intensely that they saw no other option.
It was Bucky who pushed Nat to kiss you at the New Year’s party.
“If it goes wrong, come find me and we’ll drink,” he shouted over the blaring music. Both of them knew it wouldn’t go wrong, though.
But she drank anyway — for luck, she told herself, downing an impressive amount in one. She was Russian, even when she pretended she was not. A perk of that was being able to handle her liquor.
The New Year’s kiss famously went swimmingly, and Nat felt so giddy the next morning that she marvelled she hadn’t done this sooner. The two of you began to sneak around, which pleased her greatly, but she felt the words you didn’t say during the silence that would sometimes descend on the two of you. Your slight twitchiness, the way you would work yourself up to say something only to dismiss it at the last second. You didn’t want to ask what are we? for fear of the probable answer — and Natasha didn’t have an answer for you, anyway. She liked the way things were now; she had a pretty girl wrapped around her finger who she could sneak around with in private, and she could simultaneously maintain the social status she’d always had in public. She was certain that if you were ever to make her pick between the two she would spiral. Eventually you seemed to take the hint, and the hopeful silences stopped.
It never really occurred to her that she wasn’t treating you well until quite a few months into your relationship — around June, after Stark’s spring break party, once Yelena had started teasing you about a mystery girl. Every time it was mentioned in front of her she would tense, but you handled it with surprising and admirable nonchalance, and her sister seemed to have no suspicion it was her that was spoken of.
Natasha came back late one night from a hangout with friends. She’d forgotten her key and, assuming everyone was asleep, decided to let herself in through the garage rather than disturb anyone. But you and Yelena were still up and enjoying a quiet night in, as the two of you often did, huddled together under blankets on the sofa in a way that would make Natasha reminisce on the way she and Yelena used to do that in the orphanage — except they had done that to survive the bitter cold, whilst the two of you did so merely to enjoy reality TV reruns. It warmed Natasha to see her baby sister happy, at least.
The noise of one Kardashian fighting another (Natasha always got them mixed up) drowned out her quiet arrival, and the two of you were mid-conversation. She made for the stairs, not really wanting nor caring to intrude, but froze as she tuned into Yelena’s next words.
“You never really mention your mystery girl anymore, anyway,” the blonde was saying. “Did something happen? I can hurt someone.”
Natasha craned her neck to catch your next words.
“Nothing happened,” you said quietly. Defeatedly. “I just… I don’t know. I don’t think she likes me as much as I like her.”
“Ah, конечно нет, impossible,” drawled Yelena. “You are adorable, утенок. Everyone likes you.”
You murmured something unintelligible, and Yelena scoffed, but Natasha didn’t need to hear any more. She crawled up the stairs as if the world were about to slip away from beneath her feet. Suddenly everything around her was so overwhelmingly real, and she realised with sickening clarity that you were real, too. She spent the rest of that night lying in her bed, unsleeping, unmoving, counting the paint strokes on the ceiling and wondering if she could’ve gone her whole life without knowing that she’s a bad person. Maybe she has. 
That was probably the beginning of the end. When she looked you the next morning it was as though she was seeing you for the first time — you were quiet, you were pale, there were dark circles under your eyes. You were smaller somehow, as though something had defeated you completely. And Nat knew in that moment that she was too much of a coward to give herself to you, so the kindest thing she could do was let you go. If she was lucky then maybe, just maybe, she wouldn’t lose you completely if she set you free now.
Right now it’s prom night. Seeing you dancing with Sam was one of the most gut-wrenching sights she’s ever endured, but he at least seems to make you happier than she ever did. It didn’t make her very happy to look at, though, so she convinced Buck to drop her home on his way back to Steve’s. (Prom was their first official date and, as Buck informed her with a proud grin as she left the car, it went fantastic.) Melina and Alexi are out — every other Friday is their date night, and while Yelena groans and gags at how ridiculously in love their parents are, Natasha just finds it sweet and hopes she’ll have something like that someday. But you’re the closest it’s ever come to that for her, and she’s fucked that one. Royally.
“Hi, Liho,” she opens the front door and mumbles to the cat, who is sat in the hall expectantly. His haunches rise defensively, and Nat just sighs. He is very much your cat, not hers, and in recent times he seems to have been picking up on the turmoil she’s been putting you through. “Look, man, she’s out being happy, without me. Isn’t that enough?”
Liho hisses, and stalks with his head held high out of the front door.
“Yeah, whatever, leave then,” Nat grumbles, and kicks the door shut behind him. Even through the thick oakwood she can hear the noises of annoyance he makes back at her.
She kicks off her heels and throws herself onto the sofa, and lays there for a long time. It would be nice, she thinks to herself, if she could just stay here forever, and never have to face the world again. And she does for a while, but eventually the front door slams, bringing in cold air and with it the announcement that you and Yelena are home. Nat tenses as she recognises the sounds of your crying, and leaps to her feet, sliding across the smooth wooden floors in her stockinged feet towards you.
“What’s going on?” she pants, taking in the scene. You’re cradling something dark and vaguely furry to your chest, and Yelena is fussing over it worriedly. She realises like a punch to the gut that it’s Liho you’re holding. “Holy shit, what —”
She freezes as she realises she’s the one who let him outside. Is he supposed to outside? She doesn’t know anything about this goddamn cat, he’s not hers. Shit. 
“Call Alexi,” you choke out. Natasha stands still frozen in shock, so Yelena lets out a mutter of “бесполезный” and charges towards the landline herself.
“Are you— okay?” Nat tries uncertainly. “What —”
“Piss off, Nat,” you cry. Ouch. Okay, she probably deserves that.
“Sorry,” she says quietly, and steps back from you. You stand in silence for a few moments until Yelena comes skidding back out into the hall.
“He’s nearly home anyway,” she pants. “He says don’t call the vet, not until Ma has looked him, we should just stop the bleeding. It was definitely a car, probably a hit and run so he said to check the doorbell camera thingy. What is their name?”
“That is the scientific term, yes,” Natasha nods, and you make a noise that’s both a laugh and a sob. “Um, I think Dad has the app on his iPad.” Not that he knows how to use it. He’s such a comedically giant man that seeing him trying to navigate the tiny device offers her a steady stream of entertainment. (“Глупый кусок жести. Делай как я говорю!”)
“On it,” Yelena nods, and sprints off to where she last saw the device.
“I’m sorry,” Nat offers again, once her sister’s out of earshot.
“Not now, Nat,” you sigh tiredly, and you sound so broken that she just wants to scoop you up and protect you from all the evil in the world. But she’s subjected you to that evil, whether she meant to or not, and now she has to deal with the consequences.
Yelena is gone and oddly quiet for a suspiciously long time.
“You okay?” you call, cupping the cat desperately to your chest as you pad off in search of her. Unsure of what else to do, Natasha follows you, hanging behind awkwardly and making sure to give you enough space.
Yelena is stood still as anything in the kitchen, staring at the iPad propped up on the counter, rewatching one clip over and over on the security camera app. Nat can’t tell what it’s of, at first, but the exact moment you realise you let out a squeak, and squeeze Liho even closer to your chest. Only a moment later does Natasha understand what it is.
It’s from quite a while ago — the timestamp says sometime late at night in March. In the clip Nat’s car pulls up onto the driveway, with her at the wheel and you in the passenger’s seat. Once the car stops, Nat leans over and she kisses you. And you kiss back. On camera.
Liho lets out a noise of pain at how tightly you’re gripping him to you. Yelena stares blankly at the screen as the video plays over and over again.
“Lena?” you ask quietly, and when the blonde turns round her eyes are glossy. “I don’t —”
The next thing Natasha knows is a sharp pain shooting through her nose, and she steps back in shock, because there’s no way Yelena’s just hit her.
“What the fuck,” Yelena says, and there’s that scratchy sound to her voice that’s only ever there when she’s trying not to cry. “The one person who is off limits and you just couldn’t help yourself, could you?”
“Lena,” you cry out in alarm as the blonde raises her fist again. “Don’t, it wasn’t — it was an accident —”
“Oh, what,” she’s rounding on you now, “so you just slipped and fell into my sister’s —”
“No,” you plead desperately, “it wasn’t like that.”
“You were the mystery girl all along,” Yelena shouts, and presses her lips together with her eyes screwed tightly shut. “All the time you were right there. You lied to me.” She raises her fist again, but Nat is prepared this time and catches it neatly in her own.
“Don’t,” she says evenly, but she isn’t prepared for the hatred that burns in the green eyes that meet hers.
“How many months were you sneaking around behind my back?” Yelena hisses. Nat still holds her wrist tightly, so she merely turns her head to address you next. “Ты - лжец, how long have you been using me for her?”
“I wasn’t,” you plead, and whatever is shouted after that is indiscernible. After a few moments of noise the front door opens again, and Melina and Alexi stumble in, with a sense of urgency about them.
“Oh goodness, what is all this shouting, girls?” Melina asks loudly, and at the sound of her raised voice you all instinctively fall quiet. “In fact, this is not important. Where is this poor cat?”
You hold out the bundle of bandages and fur to her, face shiny with tears, and she scoops him up gently. “Will he be okay?”
“I don’t know,” she says shortly. “I will get him to the vet. I’ll call you.” She kisses your forehead, then Yelena’s, then Natasha’s on the way out and the front door slams behind her.
Yelena turns on you again with no less venom than before.
“You,” she says, “are not my family. And neither are you,” she adds to Natasha. “Do not speak to me.” She storms out of the room, and you, Nat and Alexi watch her leave, stunned.
“Well,” says Alexi with a jovial chuckle, clapping his hands and rubbing them together, “she seems a little upset, да?”
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merbear25 · 6 months
Can you do Hetalia Axis x female reader x Allies? They are all figthing for the reader's love.
Hello! Even though this is more than the 3 character limit, I realize it would kind of defeat the fun and purpose of the ask to limit it. Instead, I decided to put them on a scale of most to least competitive with blurbs. Hope you like it!
CW: SFW, fem!reader in mind but nothing specific mentioned
Most to least competitive with a shared romantic interest (Axis and Allies)
Italy: He'd constantly be around, chatting with you, being touchy feely, and overall hard to ignore. This might be his greatest advantage: you would have constant exposure to his silly ways which would make him hard to forget.
France: It was hard deciding if he'd be more or less competitive than Italy, but his means of getting your attention are far less of a resemblance to spamming. He'd rely heavily on romantic gestures, which may just do the trick.
England: In spite of his moments of self-loathing, he'd be confident enough to pursue you. He couldn't bear the thought of any of the others being with someone as lovely as you. You deserved a gentleman, and he'd be good and ready to fit that.
Germany: Even though he's more reserved and quiet, he's a go-getter. If he wanted something, he'd go by whichever means to get it ―this would include you. He'd be thoughtful about how he got your attention but would still be super nervous about his feelings for you.
America: Despite dominating nearly every conversation he's apart of, he wouldn't have the easiest time maintaining your attention. Sure, he'd be one of the first to come chat you up, but he wouldn't be the most suave with his flirting. He'd try but it may be a hit or miss.
China: Not nearly the loudest of the first half but the loudest of the last, he'd be insistent on working in time to see each other. He'd go the most mature route when it came to actually getting your attention, but when amongst the others his overall patience would run thin.
Japan: Self-assurance is something that has never been an issue for him. He wouldn't be the most successful when getting your attention in a group setting, since he's more reserved. If he was able to find you off by yourself, he'd feel confident going up and exchanging pleasentries.
Russia: He'd be slightly hopeful at first based on your interactions with him, but he'd ultimately lose steam as the others practically bulldozed their way to you. If he felt strongly enough towards you, and if you reignited his hope, he'd be ruthless. However, that'd be a big 'if'.
Canada: Unfortunately, his only real hope when competing for your love and attention would be if you were similar to him: the quiet and soft-spoken type. His confidence, when compared to the others', does not measure up in the slightest, leading to him discouraging himself.
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headingalaxys-spicy · 8 months
America's Master List
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The First of the new Master Lists for 2024! It still needs to have all of the newest works but some of them are on here already! Thanks for reading! There are so many of there crazy things their might be multiple for America XD jebus. But this is for you, like me, Alfred F. Jones simps, who need their content.
America and England with an S/O (Human AU)
Cardverse Senario
Cardverse Scenario: White Queen Taken from a Different Kingdom
Yandere America Cardverse
Yandere Demon America Headcannons
Demon Games: America
Spicy Yandere! Demon America  
Yandere Demon America w/Strong Escapee S/O 
Yandere Demon America with a Priestess S/O 
Yandere Demon America w/ a Yandere S/O 
Demon America w/ S/O that won his Bloody Money Game 
Demon America w/ Jealous S/O  
Demon America w/Stupid S/O that kept his coins  
Demon America w/Stupid S/O that kept his coins pt.2 (Spicy) 
Yandere Demon America w/ S/O who has awful parents  
Yandere Demon America w/ Demon Princess  
Yandere America x Reader (That has traits similar to Francis)  X Yandere France 
Yandere America with a Metal Head Darling with a Guitar
Yandere Mob Boss America 
Yandere Spain, Germany, America, North and South Italy with a wife who just found out that they're a mob boss
Yandere Demon America, England, Russia w/Ghost Reader  
Yandere Demon America w/ Smart human 
Yandere Demon America w/ Yandere Demoness S/O that captures him  
Yandere Demon America w/ Ancient Monster Darling 
Yandere Demon America w/ Angel Darling  
Birthday Drabble Demon America Club 27  
Yandere Demon America w/Dark Witch Darling 
Yandere Demon America: Family life with S/O
Yandere Demon America vs Demon Canada that love the same S/O 
Yandere Demon America & Russia w/ Supernatural Hunter Reader  
Yandere Demon America w/ Witch Darling pt.2  
Yandere Demon America x Right Hand Demon Darling  
Yandere America X Male Reader X Russia Captive  
Yandere Demon America x Dumbass reader 
Yandere Demon America claiming them for the first time after kidnapping  
Yandere Demon America x Dark Witch Darling p.3  
Yandere Demon America vs Demon Russia  
Yandere Demon America with Chaos Lord p.2
Yandere Demon Germany & Russia with a Chaos lord 
(I'm sure you're tired as hell from seeing the word 'Yandere' aren't you? America vs Russia as demons 
Yandere Demon America X Doomguy reader 
Yandere Demon America with a Succubus reader 
Yandere Demon America x Chaos Lord 
Yandere Demon America with an escapee human 
Demon America w/ Pervy Sage like S/O  
Yandere Demon America with a Heathen Goddess darling 
Yandere demon America with a Nephilim Darling 
Yandere Demon America and Japan with an Oni darling 
Demon King America with an experimental dragon darling 
Yandere America with Platonic Yandere Demonness 
Yandere Demon King America X Reader : Someone tries to assassinate you 
Yandere Demon America with a Half Human / Half Demon Darling 
Yandere Demon King America X Reader X Demon King Russia: Right-Hand Woman p.2 
Yandere Demon King America X Reader X Demon King Russia: Right Hand Woman P.3
Demon America with a Fem! S/O and a box of Chocolate
Yandere! Angel America & Germany in Luv with a demon 
America X Reader X Britain p.1  
America x Reader X Britain p.2 
America X Reader X Britain p.3 America Ending 
America x Reader X Britain p.4 England Ending  
Epilogue w/America  
Yandere Alpha 2p! America Headcannons 
Yandere America rejecting his Omega S/O only to realize that he misses them
What dog breeds that the Allies and the Axis are in the Omegaverse
Omega America Headcannons 
Yandere Alpha America and Germany w/ a darling that committed suicide 
Yandere Alpha America with an Alpha Darling 
Yandere Alpha America with an Alpha Darling p.2
Omega America tormenting his darling 
Differences between Yandere Alpha America and Yandere Omega America
The Emperor for Evil America 
The Sun, The Devil, Temperance, & Tower America, France, Romano, Spain, & Russia 
The World and High Priestess with the Allies 
Justice and the Devil 2p America
Club-27 pt. 2
The Longer Series (Or Lore within the stuff I write) I'm trying to work on: The Golden Nightingale, Peacekeepers (Omegaverse) and possibly Mating Season (Demon AU however that's likely to be more headcanons than storytelling)
Golden Nightingale Intro
Chapter 1: Tourmaline Daydream
Chapter 2: The Chaos
Mating Season
Yandere Demon Kings Lands 
Just more ramblings about how the Omegaverse AU is written 
Explanations on how you’re categorized in the Omegaverse 
Omega America on suppressants 
When two Alpha’s fight over an Omega 
How the capturing process works in the Omegaverse 
The successful Omega Rebellion hypothetical
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coralcatsea · 11 months
Okay, a while back I saw a tag game where you list WIPs and tag someone for each WIP. Then people can ask questions about any of the listed ones they want!
1. Disney Fairy Russia
2. HWS character as Scarecrow (Batman)
3. Greece telling stories at a meeting
4. 22 different chibi HWS characters in my Disney Fairy AU 😩
5. Fem England laugh animation
6. Get Jinxed Fem America animatic
7. Mythtalia
8. Lolita Fem Japan & Gothic Lolita Fem England
9. 18 Animal Crossing Hetalia characters
10. Fem Greece Catwoman
11. Hitman Jones
12. Disney Fairy Fem England hobbies
13. Winxtalia
14. BTAS USUK + fem USUK
15. Catwoman redesign
16. 2p Nyo England
17. Coloured nsfw alternative version of that naga fem England x captured fem Prussia line art I did a while ago
18. Spider fem England x captured fem Prussia line art I made a while ago that am CONSIDERING colouring
19. Shoujo manga style fem England
20. Shoujo manga style fem America
21. Disney Fairy America chasing sprinting thistles while Italy flies away from them
22. Zombie USUK
23. Disney Fairy Fem England explaining why water is dangerous to fairies
24. Arthur and Alfred embracing
25. Short Corpse Bride roleplay-inspired drabble(?), probably USUK
26. EngBela Wytches' Brew part 2
27. Disney Fairy Fem England (ball gown version)
28. Disney Fairy Fem England, Fem America, Fem Prussia, Belarus, Japan, and Romano
29. Disney Fairy Fem England (favourite things about her talent)
30. Map of the HWS characters’ homes in Pixie Hollow
Literally ALL of it is Hetalia related and then there's just one random Catwoman.
I'm about to be such a nuisance. 😆 Just ignore this if you're not interested!
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geekfanficwriter · 2 years
Caught Somewhere in Time- Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader Part 13/?
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Summary: You end up in the 80s, 20 years earlier than it should be luckily a certain metalhead is about to make your time in the 80s much easier. Words: 2.2k Warnings: Suggestive themes but no actual sex.
Part 12 Part 14
Author’s Note: I’m finally updating again! I’ve ended up cutting Season 3 into two parts so this is only half of it but I’m doing NaNoWriMo so the next part will be out soon!
30th June 1985
‘Do you speak Russian?’ Steve asks as you arrive at Scoops’ Ahoy. You had taken to visiting him during your lunch breaks from work which is what you were currently doing.
‘Why the hell would I speak Russian?’ You ask, looking at him with confusion.
‘I don’t know, maybe they taught you in the lab.’ 
‘Let’s not talk about that place. Why are you asking anyway?’ 
‘Dustin accidentally tuned into a Russian broadcast so we’re trying to figure out what it says.’ 
‘Great you’ve managed to get a broadcast of someone’s shopping list.’ You reply sarcastically.
‘You don’t know that.’ 
‘Whatever I’ll try to help.’ You say pushing past him and heading into the back room. You sit down at the table, greeting Robin and Dustin before trying to help them decode the message.
You have to leave before the message is fully decoded due to your lunch break being over but you head back down after your shift, helping to decode the message. Once the message had been translated the four of you left. You listened to the three of them argue about the message being in code until Steve stopped digging through his pockets for change.
‘What are you doing?’ Robin asked him.
‘It’s a quarter. I need- do you have a quarter?’ Steve asked, still looking through his pockets.
‘Are you sure you’re tall enough for that ride?’ You laugh at Robin’s comment.
‘Quarter!’ Steve yells and Robin tosses one to him. He puts it into the machine and the ride starts up. 
‘You need help getting up, little Stevie?’ Steve shushes Robin and you listen closely to the song.
‘Oh my god.’ You say realising what the music is. 
‘Holy shit. The music!’ Dustin yells pulling off his backpack and grabbing the recorder, playing the recording.
‘I don’t understand.’ Robin said confused.
‘It’s the exact same song on the recording.’ Dustin points out as you listen to the song.
‘Maybe they have horses like this in Russia.’
‘Indiana Flyer? I don’t think so. This code, it didn’t come from Russia. It came from here.’ 
‘And how do you know it didn’t come from one of the thousands of other malls in America?’ You point out, still sceptical.
‘Look trust me. It’s from here.’ Steve said as the four of you walk out of the mall.  
‘How can you be certain though?’ Robin asks.
‘I’m with Harrington on this one.’ Dustin said as you arrive at his and Robin’s bikes. 
‘Thank you. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.’ Steve said as Robin and Dustin get on their bikes while you and Steve walk towards your cars.
‘So how did you even get this recording?’ You ask Steve.
‘Dustin got it while trying to talk to his girlfriend.’ 
‘Dustin has a girlfriend?’ You ask confused.
‘She lives in Utah.’ Steve said giving you a look.
‘Ah, so she’s not real, got it.’ You nod your head. ‘Speaking of girlfriends, when are you going to ask Robin on a date.’ 
‘Never, I don’t like Robin that way.’ You roll your eyes at his denial.
‘First of all, you so clearly do. Second, why wouldn’t you like her? She’s funny, cool, good-looking, smart.’
‘Okay, it sounds like you want to date her.’ 
‘I have a boyfriend, but seriously you should consider asking her out.’ You shrug as you reach your car. 
‘Yeah never going to happen. I’ll see you later though.’ You waved bye to him as you climb into your car heading towards your trailer. 
When you arrive at your trailer you see the light is on and realise Eddie must be inside. You walk inside to see Eddie sitting on your couch, watching tv.
‘Hey, you’re home late.’ He frowns, standing up as you drop your bag on the floor and shrug off your coat.
‘Yeah, I was helping Steve with stuff.’ You say wrapping your arms around him and giving him a quick kiss. 
‘Okay, well I made you some dinner. It’s in the oven.’ 
‘God, I’m so hungry. I love you so much.’ You groan as you kiss him again, before removing your arms from around him and walking over to the oven.
‘Oh, so you only love me because I made you food.’ He jokes.
‘Yep, you’re an amazing housewife. Making me food after a long, hard day at work.’ You joke as you pull the hot plate out of the oven.
‘You know I’ve also been working right?’ Eddie said as you sat down at the counter to eat your dinner.
‘I know and thanks for helping me out.’ You smile at him.
‘That’s what we do. You help me, I help you. I’m pretty sure that’s the point of a relationship.’ He says wrapping his arms around you from behind.
‘I love you, Edward Munson.’ You say leaning your head back on his shoulder.
‘I love you too, Y/N L/N.’ He places a kiss on your forehead, resting his head on yours, his eyes filled with love for you. 
2nd July 1985
A few days later and you were sitting on your bed with Eddie, smoking a cigarette. Both of you were in your underwear due to the heat in your trailer. Neither you nor Eddie had air conditioning so with the summer heat you were both struggling. Your record player was playing quietly in the background but neither of you were really paying attention to it. Eddie reached over, wrapping his arms around you but you pushed him off.
‘Eddie, babe, it’s way too hot right now and you’re all sweaty.’ You groan. 
‘But I love you so much.’ He said, wrapping his arms around and squeezing you against him.
‘Urgh, get off me.’ You said, struggling against him. He relented and let you go as you placed a kiss on his shoulder pulling away.
‘You know maybe if we both chip in we can buy an air conditioner for one of our places.’ He said, lighting up a cigarette.
‘Yeah, with our wages we should have the money by August… 1999.’ You reply sarcastically.
‘Hey, come on. We won’t be living here in then, we plan on moving out of Hawkins when we both graduate.’ 
‘Which will be this year, right?’ 
‘Yeah, I was obviously just waiting for you to also be a senior.’ He grinned at you and you rolled your eyes.
‘You were waiting until you could copy my answers you mean?’ 
‘I like to think of it more as helping the love of your life.’
‘Who said you’re the love of my life?’ You joke, making Eddie pout at you.
‘Wow, and I was about to ask if you wanted to go to the carnival on the 4th after work.’ Eddie said, dramatically standing up.
‘I’m kidding, I love you.’ You say moving to wrap your arms around your waist. ‘Besides I have no choice but to be with you forever, you branded me.’ You point down at your ankle.
‘Fine, I guess I can still take you.’ He sighed dramatically before flopping down on the bed on top of you.
‘And you’ll win me one of those big stuffed teddies?’ You ask looking up at him.
‘You actually want one of those?’
‘Yes, Edward, sometimes I can be a stereotypical girl.’ 
‘Wait, you’re a girl?’ He replies in mock shock.
‘I hate you.’ You pout.
‘No, you don’t.’ He said leaning in to kiss you. At first, you didn’t kiss him back, pretending to be upset but he kept pressing kisses to your lips until you started smiling and kissed him back. His hand when to your bare waist and you wrapped your hands around his neck, about to deepen the kiss when the phone rang. You let out a groan as Eddie got off of you, laughing slightly. You stomp your way through to the living area and pick up the phone.
‘Hello.’ You asked, pissed off.
‘Hey.’ Steve said on the other end of the phone. ‘Remember that whole Russian thing, well we need your help with breaking into their base.’
‘Absolutely not, Steve. That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard and besides, I’m busy.’
‘Making out with Munson does not count as busy and we’re doing it with or without your help.’
‘Okay, enjoy doing it without my help.’ You say going to put the phone down.
‘No, no, no. Please we need your help.’
‘Well, I have no way of getting to the mall, my car’s broken down.’ You say pulling the phone back to your ear.
‘I can give you a ride.’ Eddie said poking his head out of the bedroom as you glare at him.
‘I heard that. I’ll see you ASAP.’ Steve hung up the phone before you could protest more.
‘Why did you have to say that?’ You groaned, pushing past him to get into the bedroom and grabbing your shorts and a t-shirt, pulling them on.
‘I figured he wouldn’t stop asking and the quicker you go, the quicker you’ll be back.’ Eddie said, also pulling on some clothes.
‘But I don’t want to go at all.’ You pout as you slide on your boots.
‘I can come with you if you want.’ Eddie said kissing the side of your head.
‘No, it’s alright. You can just come back and I’ll get Steve to give me a ride home.’ You say leaning against him. ‘Now, let’s get going.’ You pull away, grabbing your bag and heading out of the
You pull up outside the mall at the same time as Robin who seems to be carrying some sort of documents. You follow her through to the back room of Scoops Ahoy, where she explains the plan, to go through the air vents into the secret room. 
‘Can you fit through the vent?’ Steve said looking at you.
‘No!’ You throw your arms up. 
'Well, I guess it’s got to be you.’ Steve said, looking at Dustin. ‘I’m going to grab a ladder.’ 
Steve comes back with a ladder and unscrews the vent before attempting to push Dustin into the vent but failing.
‘I have an idea.’ Robin said looking between you and Erica who was hitting the bell on the counter as the boys struggled.
‘Please tell me your idea doesn’t involve a 10-year-old.’ You say also looking at Erica.
‘It might.’ Robin smiled at you, before heading out and speaking to Erica.
‘Steve, Dustin, get back down, he’s clearly not fitting.’ You yell at the two of them and they make their way back down the ladder. 
‘Can’t you use your powers on the vent, make it bigger somehow?’ Steve asks you and you look at him bewildered.
‘No, none of my power could do that.’ 
‘Well, what’s even the point of you being here?’
‘I can leave if you want.’ You cross your arms over your chest.
‘Can you two stop, you’re like children.’ Dustin yelled at the two of you and you both mumbled apologies as Robin led Erica through to the back. Erica demanded something in return and the five of you headed out to one of the booths, Robin and Steve serving Erica a large variety of ice cream. Eventually, she agreed and the five of you headed through to the back to make up a plan.
Once, the mall had closed and everything went quiet, you, Steve, Robin and Dustin, all headed out to watch the door while Erica prepared to climb through the vent. You checked through the walkie that Erica was ready and then waited for her to make her way through the vents. 
‘All right, nerds. I’m there.’ You hear through the walkie and you immediately perk up.
‘Do you see anything?’ Robin asks excitedly.
‘Yeah, I see those boring boxes you’re so excited about.’
‘Any guards?’
‘Booby traps?’
‘If I could see them, they’d be pretty shit traps, wouldn’t they?’ You looked at Steve shocked that she was swearing.
‘Thank you for that.’ Robin replied sarcastically. There was a few moments of silence before the walkie turned back on.
‘I’m in.’ You all heard through the walkie and you sighed in relief, before sneaking your way down. Nobody stopped you as the four of you approached the door which slowly opened to reveal Erica. You head inside and Steve opens up one of the boxes which contain some strange containers. Steve and Dustin argue for a moment before Steve pulls one of the containers out to reveal it’s filled with some sort of green liquid. Before you even have a chance to say anything the room starts shaking, and everyone starts panicking.
‘Y/N, do something use your powers!’ Steve yells at you and you look at him.
‘What the fuck do you want me to do? Set the room on fire?’ You scream back. 
‘What’s the point of having powers if you can’t do shit!’ Steve yells as he slams a button on the wall. Suddenly you all feel the room rapidly drop and realise that it isn’t a room, it’s an elevator and you’re trapped in it.
Taglist: @michaelfuckinglangdon @taygra5shaon @eddiemunson4ever @little-diva-gurl @oxbunnehxo @fentyreligion @bellegirl16 @smol-book-nerd @pbeckn26 @luvfrlslou @maicclg @ruinedbythehobbit​  @lillyof-thevalley @yourdailymemedelivery​
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bobawitch · 2 years
His Favorite Case
(this is a fem reader x late season 5 reid)
warnings: this story does contain talk of murder, stalking, and overall some triggering topics, please read at your own risk.
A/N: i am more than willing to take requests for upcoming chapters but i will also write smaller fics on the side if anyone has specific requests! <3
Chapter one
You had never known an easy life. It seems fate just didn’t have that out for you. You were made to be in and out of therapy throughout childhood and the early stages of your adulthood. It was when you were around 6 years old that your parents were killed. The killer had locked you in your room and left you with a music box that played the swan lake. It wasn’t loud enough to block out the sounds of your parents but it was definitely calming. Police had arrived as fast as they could but they couldn’t save your mother. Your father was in critical care for a few years but eventually died which left you under the supervision of your aunt. She moved you to her townhouse in Russia where you grew up but once you were at 18 you found yourself wishing to come back to America and so you did. It had been easy since you had excelled as a ballerina and just about any dance studio was just about dying to get you. You finally found one you liked in Virginia, Quantico to be more exact. Your aunt made sure you were comfortable in your new apartment before she left you again. Now you were on your own, enjoying your own life. 
Now for Reid, there was a new case and Garcia was at the end of filling them in on it and Reid was extra interested. It was obvious that the unsub had a type and a very specific surrogate he was looking for but how long it would take before he was ready to confront that surrogate was too soon to speculate on. 
“He seems to like ballerinas, specifically ballerinas with h/c’s hair and e/c eyes.” Reid spoke and Morgan nodded, his brows still firm in thought. 
“It’s local so we should start by looking into how many ballerinas in the area have a history with a stalker.” Hotch looked at Garcia, making it clear she was to look at that immediately.
“Morgan and Rossi, you go to the first dump site, Reid and Prentiss start visiting ballet studios, see if we can find anyone that might know this guy.” Hotch finished his orders, standing as Garcia scrambled off to her computer room. 
It didn’t take long for Reid and Prentiss to get to the well known studio you worked at. The manager of the studio came and grabbed you to speak with the FBI and you hurriedly pulled on your hoodie over your leotard. You scurried to the man and woman, looking over the woman quickly before resting your eyes on Spencer. He gave you a half smile in his awkward manner.
“Uh hi, I’m Dr. Spencer Reid and this is Agent Emily Prentiss. We’re from the FBI.” Reid nodded and gave a hand for you to shake. You took it and gave a kind but firm shake, then doing the same to agent Prentiss.
“We’re sorry to bother you but we were hoping we could ask you some questions?” Prentiss had a kind and very understanding voice that soothed you and your nerves. 
“Yeah of course, here we can go sit.” You smiled at the two before leading them to the various seats in the audience.
“Thank you, we were wondering if you’ve been stalked before?”
You looked at Reid with a blank but anxious look, swallowing hard and nodding slightly.
“Nothing confirmed but I used to get these letters that never had a return address. They always asked how my life was, what I was doing.” You felt your voice shake as you spoke. You had of course brought this up in therapy but nothing was ever done about it, instead you just kept throwing them away and getting stronger security at each letter. You felt a bit safer but about 2 months ago you stopped receiving any letters. 
“How long have you been getting these letters?” Prentiss continued the questioning but you could feel Reid staring at you, a thoughtful expression upon his face. 
“Uh, ever since I moved here about 6 months ago..”
Prentiss and Reid exchanged looks.
“Thank you, uh, what’s your name?” Reid asked.
You gave him your name before you watched them leave, now more nervous than ever. Reid had given you his number so that you could get in touch easily if you got another letter. 
“Garcia I need you to run a background check on someone, her name is y/n l/n.” Reid spoke into the phone outside of your studio, Emily was now in the car, updating Hotch.
“Alright, give me just a moment… aaaaand done! Ok she seems like your average 25 year old, moved here 6 months ago, lives in a studio apartment outside of downtown. She was born in a small town in New York and.. Oh…. oh my god. Her parents were killed in her old house, she was the only survivor..” Garcia’s voice shook enough through the call that Reid frowned, still deep in thought.
“Ok, thanks Garcia.” The call ended and he climbed into the car, updating Prentiss and Hotch before heading back to the office. 
That night you found it hard to sleep, which wasn’t super uncommon but it still wasn’t comfortable for you. You blink at your ceiling before sighing and pushing yourself up and out of your bed, walking through the hall and grabbing a glass of water from the fridge. As you shut the fridge door you heard a hard thump which spiked your adrenaline. You reached for your phone, dialing Reid’s number and making your way to the front door of your apartment. It couldn’t have been later than maybe 11:30 so you were near confident that a neighbor would be awake enough to let you in. When you got to the front door you quickly unlocked all the pieces you had installed to ensure your safety then swung the door open. Reid picked up as you ran down the hall.
“Reid he’s here. He was in my apartment, I’m getting in the elevator now, please send help.” You were rushed in your words, cutting off his confused tone and the beginnings of “who is this?”
You could hear some scrambling in the background as the elevator doors closed before Reid spoke.
“Ok, I just told my team we’ll be there soon, where are you gonna go?”
“Uh, I didn’t think about that, maybe the lobby?”
“Ok, that’s smart, just go to the lobby and hide behind the front desk we’re on our way.”
Tears were flooding down your cheeks now and you could feel your breathing deep in your head.
“Ok.. will you stay on the phone with me please?” You felt your voice crack but your ears weren’t pierced with the noise as they usually would be.
“Of course, yes I’ll stay on the call until we get there.”
You mumbled a soft thank you before sitting behind the front desk, crouching with your knees hugged tight to your chest. You were shaking as you tried to calm your breathing so the man couldn’t hear you when he eventually got down to the lobby. You snapped out of your pure fear when you heard Reid’s voice again. 
“How long have you been a ballerina?”
You were a little stunned at his question because it really didn’t make sense in the situation.
“I uh- I’m sorry what?”
“Oh, sorry just trying to distract you, try and calm you down. This guy feeds on fear so if we can keep you as calm as possible it will make him more likely to just leave.”
You nodded although Reid really couldn’t see that.
“I’ve been doing ballet since I was 10. So 16 years.” You were still crying but your voice wasn’t as shaky.
“Good good, that’s super cool. I never understood dancing, it’s not like math so I’m a bit lost at it.”
You giggled at his words, still hearing dead silence in the lobby until you heard faint sirens. You perked up with a smile, wanting to look around the lobby but it was then you heard the elevator doors open and a heavy step walking around the lobby. 
“Alright y/n we are almost to your building, are you still safe?”
You would have whispered but the man was close enough that you couldn’t even try it. You shut your eyes tight and kept repeating that you were ok, hoping that maybe by some miracle that Reid would get your thoughts.
The line stayed quiet for a few more seconds as the sirens became blaring. You heard various hurried footsteps until the doors swung open and you heard deep voices yelling for the unsub to drop his weapon. Your eyes opened and you looked around until Spencer came into view, he kneeled by you and set his hand on your shoulder.
“Y/N! Are you ok?” He spoke in a worried tone as the other agents made the arrest.
You nodded and took his other hand that was telling you it was safe to stand but when you did you saw the man and he was not the man that killed your parents.
“Todd? What the fuck!” You spoke angrily, starting to walk towards him though Reid was holding you back very confused.
“Y/N who are these people? What do they mean murder?!” Todd spoke confused and also angry.
You turned to Hotch, bowing your head gently, “I’m so sorry sir, this is just Todd, my ex boyfriend.”
You heard a scoff from behind you and turned to look at Reid who looked a bit embarrassed at how unprofessional that was. Hotch sighed and nodded, “We’ll still need to take him in for questioning.”
“He also now has breaking and entering, even if it's not murder we can hold him.” Spencer chimed and you looked at him again, smiling. 
Reid took you back to your room as of Hotch’s orders, telling him to stay for the night. You were a bit embarrassed since your apartment wasn’t the most clean place on Earth but you let him in nonetheless.
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warstvrm · 4 years
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the hetalia fandom might be dead but my love for fem!america never will :))) someone pls write more content for fem!america i’m begging you
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airi-x · 5 years
There is something about her, something that he cannot place. USSR/Fem! America. (RusAme) Cold War AU. M Rated. Oneshot.
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odi-olio · 2 years
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using base pose for this. 
i’m just so thirsty over this pair ok :’))
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frenchtoasties123 · 7 years
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I’m sorry. *cough* not really
I like Amelia and Ivan T_T Scratch that, I just like Amelia.
“But have you seen him? He’s sooooo big! So what if he’s got issues, he just needs a big ol’ American hug! Oh my gosh, maybe I can invite him for a Starbucks date! Like, hashtag super-power-besties!”
“He needs something nice in his life. Like sweet tea!”
“Alfred, you didn’t tell me Ivan was coming over! Oh my god, oh my god, I need to fix my hair! Wait, do you think he’ll notice if I come down in my pajamas? Because dang it’s still before noon. I need my cup a’ joe.”
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pappydaddy · 3 years
Terror at Starcourt Mall i (s.h/r.b)
a/n: this request for the lovely @notsolong-pause took a bit longer since i wanted to make sure i researched russian culture and (especially) the conflict between russia and the states. i tried to focus mostly on the reader's conflict of being confronted with russians who fit the "evil russian" stereotype. therefore, this fic deals with a lot of stereotypes and prejudice. reader discretion is advised.
on another note, here is a little fun fact about me - i am actually trained in russian ballet so i obviously had to connect that as ballet is one of the biggest arts forms to come from russia (aside from literature). I also learned that most russians were pagan before the catholics took over. i wanted to include that someone in here, but i could not find the place to do so.
anywho, i hope you enjoy the fic lovelies and i hope you like it @notsolong-pause💛!
p.s. i didn't know if I should do it for robin or steve, but i felt like season 3 steve would be very open-minded and i wanted to show his character growth, but i also have no long fics for robin. so, i created a love triangle and each character will have an ending. this is my first time writing a love triangle like this so this is pretty exciting for me!
tv show/movie: stranger things
pairing: steve harrington x fem!russian!reader/robin buckley (love triangle)
part i - you're here! | part ii | part iii | part iv
| part v - steve’s ending| part vi - robin’s ending | steve’s ending -steve’s pov (special!) (coming soon)| robin’s ending - robin’s pov (special!) (coming soon)
warnings: this fic deals with a lot of stereotypes and prejudice based on nationality. mentions of nationalism, the fear of violence/harassment, internal conflict (a little), feeling like you need to hide the real you, etc. minor violence.
disclaimer: in light of recent acts of war inflicted on ukraine by russia, i wish to make it clear that i am in no way supporting russia through this series. a, this series was written well in advance to the conflict coming to light and, b, this is set in a different time in history/society/public relations. my heart hurts for the ukraine and for everyone that is effected negatively by the acts of war incited by russia. i am also horribly heartbroken over the people who have died thus far and i am deeply sorry for the families of the people that are stuck in the ukraine or that have died.
sidenote warning: the reader is written to do ballet - explained above. quickly proof-read, will proof-read better when i redo my older fics and edit my newer fics.
sidenote: throughout the series, there will be some scenes skipped. this was a creative choice when i had to edit some things out to shorten it (it was over 100 pages).
taglist: @the-weeping-author | @lilypad-55449 | @spongebob-in-the-upsidedown | @rottenstyx | @boxofsilentwords | @badass-yn (disclaimer: i put both steve and robin taglist members as it isn't just a steve or robin fic)
masterlist | taglist | wips | navigation
- not my gif -
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Being a person of Russian descent living in the United States was hard, especially with the tension between the two countries making it even more difficult. When Y/N’s parents moved their family to America in 1965 (a year before Y/N was born) during the slight ease in the tension, they thought they would be able to live out the American Dream in peace. The year 1979 proved them wrong. With the tension back in its height, it was hard for them to even walk down the street. Y/N had it relatively easier than her family, being able to pass as an American a bit more than the others. This hostility her family faced made her parents even more determined to practice their Russian culture. This meant they had a strong familial bond, like many families in Russia. It also meant that Y/N and her siblings knew many important things about Russia, things they would have learned in school.
They learned of the volcano Kambalny which has been dormant for two hundred and eighteen years as of 1985 - the current year. They also learned about Lake Baikal hidden in the mountains near Siberia, the world's largest, oldest, and (in Y/N’s opinion) most beautiful lake. Aside from basic homeland and geography, they learned of the folklores, legends, and cultural traditions that many people passed down over the years to their children. Learning of the Slavic myths and legends terrified Y/N as a child, but by learning the traditions of her family before her, it taught her of the ancient Pagan background Russia held before Christianity became the norm. As a child, she would fear that when she walked too close to any body of water an angry Vodianoi (a male water spirit) would attack her or at night she would be too scared to sleep in case the evil spirit Bies was hiding under her bed. Regardless, no matter how scared she was of the mythology, she always dreamed of being a Vila, Nymphs described with beauty and youth.
However, it wasn’t just them learning about their culture and the country, their parents made it a point to celebrate every Russian holiday the best they could without the acceptance of the Americans. Their house was full of matryoshka dolls that Y/N’s grandparents made over their many years, pictures of the colourful dome roofs around Russia, pictures and paintings of ballerinas performing various Russian Ballets. Paintings of the various landscapes hung in halls of the house, classical Russian literature overfilled the bookshelves (both the translated and Russian versions). They often ate traditional Russian meals and were instilled with Russian traditions and superstitions. Y/N and her siblings were all enrolled in Russian ballet classes from a young age, but Y/N was the only one who stuck with it. Aside from knowing so much about Russian ballet, each person in the family was fluent in Russian.
The fact that it was well-known to her best friend that she was fluent in Russian and he still didn’t ask for her help when his child friend confronted him about a secret Russian transmission hurt her. “You never thought to tell me?” Y/N asked, her voice high with accusation. Steve stood there, looking like a guilty child who was just caught lying to his parents. Y/N huffed, letting her duffle bag fall to the floor of the Scoops backroom. Robin, Dustin, and Erica watched her as she glared at Steve. She didn’t look overly intimating in her pink ballet tights, leotard, and wrap sweater, but the look she was giving Steve sent chills up their spines.
“You were busy with summer intensives,” Steve shrugged shamefully, his eyes drifting to look at his navy shoes. “I didn’t want to bother you, you’re always so tired after practice.” She rolled her eyes at that. He knew full well that today was the last day of her summer intensive until the next one started in two weeks.
“I could have helped.” She urged, crossing her arms over her chest as she stared Steve down.
“Wait,” Dustin spoke up, looking up at Steve who stood behind his chair before letting his brown eyes drift over to Y/N. “Why would she be able to help more than anyone else?” He asked, looking back up at Steve whose eyes fluttered apprehensively towards Y/N. The way his brown eyes gazed at her, they told her he didn’t want to tell her to protect her. He knew that she didn’t like telling people about her being Russian from past experiences. Someone could only take so much passive-aggressive comments, name-calling, or outright verbal and physical harassment before they just gave up telling people about things. It took her over a just shy of a year into their friendship for Y/N to tell Steve.
“Because she’s bilingual, she speaks Russian.” Steve blurted out, noticing the internal war raging on in her head. He heard how Dustin was playing into the stereotypes. As soon as he heard the transmission, he assumed the Russians were plotting the destruction of America. While that possibility is not yet ruled out and Steve had also assumed the same, it was still possible that some teenagers had fooled around over their walkies and Dustin picked it up.
“That’s so cool,” Robin’s eyes lit up. “It’s cool that you can speak it and you’re not one of these Americans who villainize all Russians by letting the media dictate how you see them,” She expressed. Y/N swallowed thickly at Robin calling her an American. She always hated when people called her American, it was just another reminder of the guilt she felt by being more American-passing than the rest of her family. “You probably learned it through doing Russian ballet, right?”
Y/N nodded hesitantly. “Uh, yeah, through ballet. Just, you know, picked it up,” She lied. “The Vaganova Method is full of Russian terms.” It pained her to lie. Russian ballet used all the same terms and all her ballet teachers spoke English or were pretty much fluent in English. No matter how much Robin showed her support for people who were pressed down by prejudice and stereotypes, she was still apprehensive to disclose her nationality - especially with patriots such as Erica Sinclair and Dustin Henderson in the room. With his big heart and even bigger brain, Dustin was swayed easily, but as much as Y/N wanted to tell him the truth, she was just too worried that the influence of the American school system pulled him towards complete nationalism.
“Well, I don’t see why she can’t help now,” Dustin pointed out. “I mean,” He paused, shrugging as he looked at Y/N. “It might be helpful to have another person on our team.”
“As long as I get my payment for doing this crap, I don’t care if she joins or not.” Erica finally spoke, the beads in her braids clinking as she flicked her hair over her shoulder sassily. Steve sucked his bottom lip between his teeth, gnawing nervously. Having Y/N involved wouldn’t just pose a risk to her life, but it would also make it more likely for the fact that she was Russian to slip out. Steve didn’t want her forced to tell Dustin and the others her secret, he saw just how torn up she gets just thinking about what could happen once it gets out.
“I’m down with her joining,” Robin agreed, creating a unanimous vote for Y/N to join their little mission. “That is only if she’s okay with joining,” She added before looking expectantly at Steve as he thought of any reason he could argue for why she couldn’t join the mission. He could argue that it was, in fact, endangering her life, but it was also endangering their lives as well - that argument would never hold up, especially against Erica. “What about you, Steve?”
“Huh?” He asked, blinking as he mimicked confusion, playing dumb to avoid answering the question right away.
“Are you okay with Y/N joining the team?” Robin asked again, bobbing her head as she spoke slower as if she were speaking to a kid. Steve narrowed his eyebrows, an unimpressed scowl on his face.
“I don’t see why she shouldn’t join the team so I’m fine with it as long as she is.” He grumbled begrudgingly, detesting the thought of Y/N risking her life and the exposure of her most kept secret. Suddenly, all eyes turned on Y/N once again. She had to admit, the looming and daunting threat of exposing her secret pre-maturely scared her, but she had just made a big stink about not being allowed to help - she couldn’t just suddenly refuse to help after that.
“I’m fine with helping, just tell me what to do.” She agreed, hoping she sounded much more confident than she was.
When she agreed to help, she was not agreeing to plummet halfway to hell in an elevator they had just escaped from. Now, as the five of them wandered aimlessly along a never-ending corridor, Y/N found herself regretting making such a big deal about Steve leaving her out of this. She was thankful that she had enough sense to change out of the uncomfortable tights and leotard combo and into a slightly more comfortable jean mom shorts and baggy band shirt combo. She was also thankful that she was with Steve. Being trapped down here with him saved her from all the fretting and worrying that came with being scared of accidentally revealing her secret.
“I mean, you have to admit, as a feat of engineering alone, this is impressive.” Dustin broke the silence, looking around the high-tech-looking corridor. From beside Y/N (who stood between him and Robin), Steve sent his much younger friend a bewildered look.
“What are you talking about,” He asked, gesturing around to the corridor that was just a more industrial-looking tunnel than the ones they had travelled through to burn the Mind Flayer’s hub a few months ago. “It’s a total fire hazard, there are no stairs, no exit - there’s just an elevator that drops you halfway to hell.” He pointed out the flaws, earning a nod of agreement from Y/N as she kept her eyes on the spotless floor in front of her. Just watching the floor, you would think you were walking in a school or a hospital, somewhere completely normal - not a liar deep under the Starcourt Mall.
Y/N felt a tad bit conflicted. She knew there were bad Russians just like there were bad Americans, but she never actually encountered any of them. Maybe Americans weren’t the only people who were caught up in nationalism. The longer she was down in the Russian base just wandering the tunnel, the more she questioned. There had to be a reason her parents left Russia. Were her parents so caught up in their own egocentrism and nationalism that they forgot to tell her and her siblings how it currently was in Russia? “They're Commies,” Erica spoke up, her eyes staring straight ahead of her. “You don’t pay people, they cut corners.”
“Speaking of egocentrism.” Y/N thought before letting her previous thoughts consume her. Maybe she was being too quick to assume. She had never actually met another Russian outside of her family. Having the first Russians you meet be Russians set on an evil government mission isn’t necessarily indicative of the state of modern-day Russia nor is it relevant to normal, everyday Russians.
“To be fair to our Russian comrades, I don’t think this corridor was designed for walking,” Robin pointed out, gesturing to the length of the corridor. “I mean, think about it, they developed the perfect system for transporting that cargo.”
“It all comes into the mall like any old delivery-” Dustin trailed off, riffing off Robin.
“And then they load it up onto those trucks and nobody's the wiser!” Robin exclaimed, almost excited.
“You think they built this whole mall just so that they could transport that green poison?” Steve pulled a face as he questioned their theory.
Dustin scoffed. “I very seriously doubt it's something as boring as poison,” He remarked before rolling his wrist lazily as he thought, his brows furrowed. “It's gotta be much more valuable, like promethium or something.” He concluded with a snap of his fingers.
“What the hell is promethium?” Steve asked wildly. Y/N had to beg the same question, she had opted out of chemistry classes, but she was sure whatever it was, it wasn’t something like a household cleaner.
“It's what Victor Stone's dad used to make Cyborg's bionic and cybernetic components,” Robin instantly answered. “But, it’s also a highly radioactive chemical that was discovered in 1945.” She added in. Y/N’s eyes lit up at that as she snapped her fingers, gaining the attention of everyone.
“Now I know what that is,” She exclaimed, a wide smile on her face. “It was named after the Greek Titan Prometheus, it’s also not naturally occurring - it’s found in the byproducts of reactions from uranium fission,” She paused, looking around at the shocked faces of the others. “What,” She asked, confused until she remembered that both Dustin and Steve knew how little she knew about chemistry. “I might suck at chemistry, but that doesn’t mean I can’t read things. I just can’t do math.” She defended with a shrug.
“You're all so nerdy,” Erica rolled her eyes, shaking her head as she looked forward once again. “It makes me physically ill.” She pulled a disgusted face.
“No, no, no,” Steve fretted. “No, don't lump me in with them,” He told her sternly as he pointed to Dustin, Robin, and Y/N. “I’m not a nerd, alright?” He insisted, making the three others roll their eyes. There was Steve, still holding onto the social constructs of high school even after he graduated.
Robin, unimpressed, quirked an eyebrow at him. “Why so sensitive, Harrington? Afraid of losing cool points to a ten-year-old child?” She taunted, making Steve send her a scowl in return.
“No,” He defended stubbornly. “I'm just saying I don't know jack shit about Prometheus.”
“Promethium,” Dustin corrected. “Prometheus is a Greek mythological figure Y/N was talking about, but whatever,” He paused, his hands moving around frantically as he tried to get everyone back on track. “All I'm saying is, it's probably being used to make something-”
“Or power something-” Robin interjected.
“Like a nuclear weapon?” Dustin suggested, riffing off Robin.
“Totally.” Robin nodded, seeming even more excited. Y/N sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. Russians building nuclear warfare and powering them under Hawkins, Indiana which is in the United States? Yeah, that doesn’t necessarily break the stereotypes Y/N and her family are confined to.
“Walking towards a nuclear weapon. That's great,” Steve remarked sarcastically. “That would be great!” He continued, but nobody paid him any attention - he was just being cranky at this point.
“But if they're building something,” Robin trailed off, but everyone was only half-listening, too absorbed in their own thoughts and worries. “Why here,” She posed the question. Suddenly, right after Robin asked that question, Steve grabbed Y/N’s hand (taking her by surprise), pulling her behind Erica and Robin who didn’t notice that they dropped back behind them. “I mean, Hawkins. Seriously. Of all places-” Robin continued to ramble, not paying attention to anything else than her thoughts as the other three huddled together.
“You think the Russians know?” Dustin whispered, his eyes flicking frantically between Steve and Y/N. Y/N looked across at him with hooded eyes and furrowed brows, completely confused as to what he was talking about.
“About the-” Steve trailed off, hoping his eyes were telling Dustin and Y/N what he was talking about. Y/N breathed out in realization. It would make sense why the Russian government would pick Hawkins’ of all places. Hawkins is a very conservative town, if they wanted to go undetected, it shouldn’t be their first choice when looking for a place to plot an attack on the Americans. It had to be connected to the Upside Down, it was too much of a coincidence not to be connected.
“They could.” Dustin answered his own question.
“So it’s connected?” Steve pressed.
“If it is, then maybe these guys aren’t looking to destroy America? Maybe they were hired by the people who ran Hawkins lab to continue the research secretly,” Y/N suggested lowly, trying to find some way to not automatically jump on the “evil-Russians-trying-to-destroy-America '' bandwagon, earning a strange look from Dustin and a subtle head shake from Steve. “But, no, yeah, I definitely think that it’s connected.” She nodded, clearing her throat.
“Maybe it is.” Dustin nodded, agreeing with them.
“How?” Steve asked.
“I don’t know, but it’s-” Dustin trailed off, sucking in a deep breath. They had all thought that they had finally gotten rid of the horrors of the Upside Down last year when El closed the gate, but yet, here they were once again.
“Possible.” They all finished together with a sigh.
“I'm sorry,” Robin snapped, scaring the three. Whirling around to stand right, they all tried their best to look as innocent as they could. ‘Is there something you'd like to share with the class?” She demanded, her and Erica glaring at the three, but there was something more behind Robin’s glare, something that Y/N couldn’t quite make out. Just as they opened their mouths to retort, a static hiss sounded from the walkie tucked into Erica’s backpack. They could hear a distorted voice of a man speaking Russian as they all stood frozen, hoping it wasn’t a cart coming towards the elevator.
“Walkie-” Dustin and Steve whispered before all three ran towards Robin and Erica. Everyone dropped to the ground to dig through Erica’s bag, the man's voice becoming clearer as it echoed through the silent corridor. Y/N instantly understood the words, her eyes widening as she looked up at the group.
“It’s the code.” She and Robin breathed out together.
“Wherever that broadcast is coming from-” Dustin started to say, but Robin cut him off.
“It’s close, and if there’s one thing we know about that signal-” Robin was cut off by Dustin.
“It can reach the surface.” Dustin breathed, hope blooming in all of their chests. They had a chance of getting out of there after all.
“Let’s go!” Robin ordered, making them all gather themselves up and take off running in search of the comms room.
Y/N was just about to let you a breath of relief once they all made it safely through what seemed like a scene straight out of a James Bond movie, but she sucked it back in once she turned around to see a Russian sitting at the comms board. It was pointless, but Y/N wished that if they just stayed quiet enough, the man wouldn’t notice them. The creak of his chair spinning to face them made every ounce of hope she had to evaporate from her body instantly. Their presence seemed to take the man off guard as he yanked the headphones from his head, standing from his chair in an unsure alert, his hand on his gun.
Nobody could seem to do anything else other than stare at each other until the Russian unclipped his holster. Robin stepped forward, standing between the group and the Russian, her hands trying to get him to stop. “Tread lightly,” She spoke in Russian, her face hard. Y/N watched her, open-mouthed, questioning if she had a death wish or not. “Tread lightly.” She repeated.
The Russian’s face melted into confusion as his hand on his gun slightly relaxed. “Who are you?” He asked in Russian. Steve, Dustin, and Erica were completely lost, not understanding what either of them was saying. Robin pointed towards herself, about to say something, but Y/N jumped forward, slipping in front of Robin.
“We are American Spies, we have word of a possible compromise to the mission, we were sent here by the General,” She spoke in Russian effortlessly, but it only made the man more confused. “We are supposed to get key cards to access the elevator to the mall, we have to go investigate before the mission proceeds any farther.” She pressed in Russian, a sense of urgency in her voice.
“We don’t have American Spies, the Mayor has people who make sure nobody comes near here that’s not supposed to.” The man replied back in Russian. Her mind went blank. Of course the Mayor was behind this. He was as corrupt as the day was long. Admittedly, Y/N was in overhead at this point as she wasn’t sure which way the surface was. She did know that the longer she took to reply to the guard, the more suspicious he would become.
“What did he say?” Robin leaned closer to Y/N, whispering in her ear, noting the fearful expression on her face. Her breath tickled the sensitive skin of Y/N’s ear, adding to the clouding of her mind.
“He said that there are no American Spies and that the Mayor is behind this. Give me a second, I’ll try to get out of this,” She whispered back, her hand itching to reach out for Robin’s, seeking her comfort as her heart was about to beat out of her chest, anxiety sitting heavily on her chest. Trying to hide her extreme body shakes fueled by nerves, Y/N nodded as if she knew this. “Yes, we were hired by the Mayor, he was too busy with July fourth celebrations, we have to go report to him now.” She stressed to the guard in Russian.
“I speak English too.” The man replied in a thick Russian accent. Y/N gulped at that, knowing that they were busted.
“Well, that’s not good,” Y/N laughed nervously, having absolutely no idea what to do from there. With a scowl on his face, the man wrapped his hands around the butt of his gun, making Y/N’s blood run cold. “Any ideas now?” She asked the others as she stepped back, the guard walking towards her, his eyes sharp and determined - trained on Y/N first. Just then, Steve let out a loud battle cry as he ran at the guard, his arms straight out to the side. A flicker of fear passed through all their faces, but the fear stayed on the Russian’s face as Steve tackled him to the Comms board, the man raising his arms and pulling the gun out of the holster - the barrel pointed right at Y/N.
Robin reacted quicker than Y/N whose brain seemed to be lagging, her hand wrapping around hers and pulling her out of the path of the gun if it was to go off, but the man wasn’t even thinking of Y/N anymore. With a grunt, he powered up and threw Steve off him, making him stumble into another Comms board along the side, a groan leaving his lips on impact. Y/N winced, jolting as the Russian swung his closed fist at Steve, but Steve dodged it miraculously, leaning back on the Comms board only for his shirt to be fisted by the angered Russian, pulling him off the board by the tie of his uniform. “Oh my god-” Y/N exclaimed as he threw Steve against the board with an angered grunt.
With a sadistic smile, the Russian pulled Steve up by the back of his shirt, assuming he won the fight. The terrified group behind them stayed silent, also assuming the guard’s win. Robin, whose arms were around Y/N still, held her tighter subconsciously, her head burrowing into her shoulder, too scared of what was about to happen as the Russian threw a punch into Steve’s stomach, earning a grunt. Steve didn’t stop, instead, grabbing one of the microphones from the board, tossing it between his hands as the Russian marched towards him. The group jumped as the microphone made contact with the man’s face, sending him spinning around, spit and some blood flying - the smack echoing enough to cause Robin to pull her head from Y/N’s shoulder. A collective gasp left the four when his limp head smacked the main Comms table, letting his body crumble to the ground unconscious.
With wide eyes, Y/N stared at the limp man, not believing that Steve knocked him out. When he didn’t stir, she let her eyes drift over to Steve as he panted, also watching the man in case he got back up. “Well, I guess that was an idea.” She shrugged, not knowing how else to respond, her mind still in shock. When she was looking for suggestions, she did not expect someone to throw themselves at the clearly dangerous guard.
“Dude,” Dustin exclaimed, a wide, toothless smile beaming at his mentor, his eyes wide and bright. Steve looked over at him, running a hand through his hair, pushing it away from his face. “You did it,” He pointed at him. Steve’s dark eyes were blown out as his brain tried to catch up with his body. “You won a fight!”
“Jeez.” Looking down at the unconscious man before looking back at the group, Steve breathed out in realization, smirking.
“You really did win a fight,” Y/N nodded, impressed. Steve let out a chuckle, almost not believing it himself, his goofy smile growing as he looked between the group and the unconscious man. “Now can we get his keycard and sneak out of here before something else happens please?” She pleaded as Dustin rushed forward, plucking the keycard off the man. Robin slowly let her grip on Y/N go, still unsure of the whole situation. Everyone was unsure of the situation. Give Y/N, Dustin, and Steve an interdimensional creature to defeat and they act like they’ve spent their whole lives fighting them, but give them a hidden lab and the Russian government and they are lost.
Seemingly unphased by any of the day’s events, Erica stepped closer to Dustin. “What are you doing?” She asked roughly, making Dustin look back at her as he tried to get the man’s keycard off his belt, not understanding how it was clipped onto it.
“Getting us our ticket out of here.” Dustin told her as if it was obvious before looking back at his task. Grunting as he tried to rip it from the man’s belt.
“You want to walk all the way back?” Erica challenged his plan with a quirk of her eyebrows. Steve, Robin, and Y/N stepped back, shifting their eyes to meet each other over the bickering children. Constantly, Dustin and Erica had been at each other’s necks, leaving the air between the group thick with tension and awkwardness.
“Well, we can hang out for a little bit, relax, have a picnic maybe.” Dustin sauntered up to her, his voice dripping with sarcasm, leaving his task behind in favour of arguing.
“Have a picnic,” Erica asked, clearly not caring for Dustin’s sarcasm. “We came here for the radio.” She reminded him, gesturing to the grand Comms board taking up most of the room. Y/N huffed, closing her eyes as they bickered.
“This plan is way better,” Dustin told her. “If I knew Steve could knock out a Russian, that would’ve been our plan in the first place-” He contended, exasperated with the youngest group member for her inability to read the situation.
“Look, can’t we just take this opportunity, get the keycard and get back to the mall and tell someone who can actually do something about this,” Y/N questioned, clearly stressed and wanting to get out of there. “Even with the radio, nobody will get to us before the Russian’s find us. Steve might be able to beat up one guard, but he can’t fight off all of them.” She pointed out the flaw in the radio plan.
“Y/N is right,” Steve nodded, looking over at her. “Our end goal is to get out of here alive. Staying here would jeopardize that goal,” He concurred with Y/N. It wasn’t as if they couldn’t figure out how to sneak back to the elevator, they made it this far. “The only person who knows we are here is passed out at our feet.” He gestured to the passed-out Russian laying in the middle of the group, nobody realizing the missing person. Y/N and Steve were too busy trying to smooth things over and Erica and Dustin were too wrapped up in their own egos.
“We could take this opportunity,” Dustin pointed out passive-aggressively, looking back at Erica who stood with her arms crossed over her chest and her hip jutted out. “But I guess you’re-”
“Guys,” Robin cut in before Dustin could finish the insult he was hurling, making everyone look over at her. She stood on the bottom step of a very tall and narrow stairwell - her eyes wide, her skin pale as if she had just seen a ghost. Y/N looked at her in concern before lifting her eyes to the top of the stairwell, seeing a blue glow coming from the room at the top. “There’s something up there.” Within seconds, they were all rushing up the stairs and slipping into the room at the top, trying to see what they were working on.
“Woah,” Y/N breathed out, looking at the room connected to it. It was filled with people in lab coats, looking out at something. Even from there, they could hear the low-frequency pulses coming from the machine. “We found what they are powering.” She stated as they all squished together, looking through the windows of the doors.
“Holy shit.” Dustin said under his breath. They all stood there, watching as the nuclear-powered laser hit the red, veiny wall, pulling it apart slowly - a wall Y/N had never seen, but she instantly knew what it was.
“The gate.” Steve and Dustin whispered fearfully as the machine continued the loud thrumming sound, the wall opening slowly the more the laser worked at it.
“That’s not good,” Y/N’s voice shook as a loud shrieking noise came from the wall, barely making it to her ears. She pushed away from the doors to the room, doom waving over her like a tidal wave. It was a sound she thought she would never have to hear again, but here she was. “We have to go, we have to tell the others somehow, warn them.” She turned to the boys, her voice firm with urgency. Now, they were entering the territory they knew and there was no room for fighting over what to do or being unsure.
“I agree, we have to use that pass to get back to the surface.” Dustin pointed towards the stairs. Steve and Y/N nodded in agreement before turning on their heels and jogging towards the door, leaving Robin and Erica to scurry after them in a state of confusion.
“I don’t understand,” Robin finally spoke up as they all jogged down the stairs. She squeezed past Steve who ended up at the back of the pack, landing beside Y/N. “You’ve seen this before?” She asked the three of them, but her eyes were directed to Y/N, Erica paying them no attention as she led them down the stairs.
“Not exactly.” Steve told her truthfully. They, as a group, had never seen the gate until now. Only Hopper, Joyce, and Eleven have ever seen the gate. The closest they ever got to seeing the gate was the underground hub they set ablaze a few months ago.
“Then what, exactly?” Robin pressed, concerned how the three of them knew something about a project being worked on by the Russian government. Y/N was sure that Robin was questioning just who she shared a job with when it came to Steve. She was even sure that Robin was heavily questioning what else she didn’t know about Y/N - the girl she shared classes with and had never shared more than a few words with until the beginning of the summer.
“All you need to know is: it’s bad.” Dustin informed her, hoping she would drop the questions for right now. They all clustered in the Comms room, pausing for a second to try and rectify this situation before continuing.
“It’s very bad.” Steve reinforced Dustin’s statement with an urgent nod.
“Like, end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad.” Dustin accentuated, his hands flying through the air in order to convey just how dangerous and time-sensitive this issue was.
“Trust us, Robin,” Y/N stopped, grabbing Robin by her shoulders to make her face her. The blonde’s blue eyes were wide with fear and incomprehension. “It’s better that you don’t know about all of this and it’s better for us if we don’t tell you,” She urged. “Besides, you really don’t want to know anything about this nor do you want to be wrapped up in this.”
“And you know about this how?” She ignored Y/N’s warning, pulling her shoulders from her grip, looking between the three of them. Sending a glance at each other, Steve, Dustin, and Y/N all opened their mouths to try and spew truths that didn’t give away their secrets.
“Um, Steve,” Erica spoke up awkwardly. Nobody looked towards her, too busy with either keeping a huge government secret or trying to pry that said government secret out of their mouths. “Where’s your Russian friend?”
Fed up with the constant questioning, Y/N groaned in frustration. “Right here-” Y/N snapped, not realizing that Erica meant the guard. Her eyes widened as soon as the words left her mouth. Spinning around, she hoped that the others just thought she meant the guard. Hope died in her heart when she spotted the obviously missing unconscious person. “Uh, not here.” She cleared her throat, trying to cover her mistake.
Within seconds, an alarm blared out, red, flashing lights flooding the compound. “Shit.” Steve hissed as he ran for the door, pulling it open. More red lights flooded into the room, the alarm echoing louder. Over the ring of the alarm, Y/N could hear a man yelling in Russian.
“He’s telling them about us. We have to find a way out of here now.” She informed them even though she assumed that it was self-explanatory. They had missed their chance of escape, making Y/N curse in her mind.
“Halt! Halt!” The guards yelled, spotting Steve poking his head out the Comms door. He automatically closed the door, pressing all his weight into it.
“Shit,” He hissed again. Turning his head to the side, his eyes widened. “Go, go, go, go, go,” He yelled, waving his hand towards the stairs. Everyone else took off running, but Y/N. Her eyes jumped around the room as it seemed to spin slightly, trying to formulate a plan that would buy them just a bit more time to find a way out. “Y/N, come on!” Steve yelled, running back to try and grab her. She shrugged him off.
“Go ahead, I will catch up,” She insisted, dashing towards the microphone Steve had used to knock the Russian out with. Her hands wrapped around the smooth plastic, feeding it through the stainless steel handle of the door twice before running to the stairs. Steve stood at the bottom, his hand stretched out desperately for her to grab onto. “Hang on,” She told him, wrapping the coiled cord around the joint of the railing, knotting it off. “That should hold them, but we have to get out of here fast.”
Steve didn’t reply, only grabbing her hand tightly and tugging her up their stairs to catch up with the rest of them. Below, they could hear the guards struggling with the door due to the tension created with the cord. Looking back, she could see the door only opening a little before the cord pushed it back closed. “I honestly had my doubts about that working in this circumstance.” She breathed out in relief as Steve pulled her up the stairs.
“Shit!” Dustin exclaimed, bursting through the first set of doors just as Steve and Y/N gained on them.
“Move! Let’s move!” Steve ordered as they all skidded through a turn to get into the second set of doors they were just peeking through. Suddenly, Dustin, who was leading the pack, stopped, nearly making everyone behind him run into each other. In unison, four seated scientists all turned to face them, their office chairs squeaking. The three standing scientists blinked at them.
“Go, shit, shit, shit, shit!” Steve freaked out. Dustin looked from side to side before running off to his left, everyone else following.
“There has been a breach, lock the door,” Y/N was able to bark out an order in Russian before Steve pulled her after him with a sharp tug, nearly making her trip over herself. “Hurry!” She barked at the scientists again, hoping they would buy it. When she heard the slaps of dress shoes running to the door, she knew that they had fallen for it.
“Go, go, go!” Steve called as they ran along a catwalk, running directly towards the laser and the gate. Down below, they could hear yells in Russians. Letting out a battle cry, Dustin shoved a man in a hazmat suit against the railing, making room for them to run by.
“There has to be a way to the corridor down below, there are guards down there!” Y/N yelled over the whirling of the laser, still shooting its beam into the fleshy wall of the gate. They all screeched to a halt, nearly being blown back by the spinning force of the laser.
“Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, shit,” Dustin sucked in a large amount of air. “Holy Shit!” Dustin screamed, barely being heard over the laser. Behind them, they could hear the clang of the guard’s boots running along the metal catwalk towards them, making Steve and Y/N look over their shoulders. Her plans didn’t hold them off long enough.
“Guards,” Steve yelled out the warning. “Go,” He tried to instruct, but nobody could find a way down. “This way!” He yelled, spotting a staircase down to below the catwalk. Shoving another man in a hazmat suit, Steve cleared the way, pulling Y/N along.
“More guards, Steve!” Y/N yelled, pointing to the group of men dressed in green and red uniforms as they ran from a hidden corridor.
“Oh, shit,” Steve exclaimed, dropping her hand to slam himself against a stack of metal barrels, bangs of the metal hitting the concrete floor filled the entire room. “Oh, shit!” He yelled again out of adrenaline. Willing her already exhausted legs to push harder, she ignored the way her heart screamed in agony for her to stop. Everything was muffled around her as she blindly followed Robin who ended up at the front.
“This way,” Robin found a door, yanking it open, she flagged the others down. Just as her legs refused to pump any faster, Y/N ran into the room after Erica, panting. Automatically, her hands fell to her knees as her face screwed up in pain as her chest burned. “Come on, quick!” Robin yelled to Dustin and Steve as she held the door open, waving them into the room. Robin ran farther into the room as Dustin’s sneakers slapped against the clean tiles, Steve skidding in less than a second later, automatically throwing himself against the door to barricade them in.
“I told you guys we should have left after Steve knocked the guard out.” Y/N wheezed, grabbing at her side as a stitch formed as they ran around the room, searching for a way out.
“Robin!” Steve yelled through gritted teeth as he struggled against the Russian’s incessant pounding on the door. Robin’s sneakers squeaked as she stopped, looking back at Steve. Y/N also stopped, looking back at him.
“Shit!” Dustin screamed, too overwhelmed to look for a way out. Robin ran back to Steve as he strangled out a few words that Y/N couldn’t understand. Y/N bit her lip, debating whether or not to help them, but the sound of a struggle on the platform beside her caught her attention. Looking over, she rolled up onto her tiptoes, seeing Erica struggling to open a hatch.
“Dustin, come on,” She grabbed his arm as he spun around in a panicked circle, his hands gripping the curls that escaped out from under his ball cap. Pulling him up the few steps to the platform, she yanked him past her, making his shoes clang on the metal. “We have to help her open this.” She pointed to the large hatch door Erica struggled to pry open. Wiggling her fingers under the gap Erica had made by pulling on the handle, she used all her strength to fling it over, the heavy metal crashing against the metal of the platform, the sound reverberating within their bones.
“Here, come on, let’s go!” Erica yelled, her voice sounding like it was on the verge of tears. Y/N helped her ease into the steep slope, the young girl disappearing to wherever it led within seconds. Looking back at Dustin, she waved him to go, but he didn’t move, only standing up to look back at Robin and Steve as they strained to keep the door closed, their sneakers slipping and skidding on the floor.
“Come on!” Dustin waved them over, pointing to the open hatch.
“Go! Just get out of here!” Steve waved the two of them off, but Dustin wasn’t listening.
“Just come on, now!” Dustin insisted.
“No,” Steve yelled aggressively. “Just go get some help okay?” He ordered them as Dustin hopped in the hatch, his feet squeaking against the slick aluminum of the sides of the slope, his hands planted firmly on either side of the hatch. They shook, trying to keep him up as his sneakers slipped against the slick aluminum. He wanted to argue, but Y/N cut him off.
“Steve is right, Dustin,” Y/N turned to him, trying to shove his shoulders down into the hatch, but he wasn’t budging. “Once they let go of that door, the guards will get in and they think we’re American Spies sent to destroy their mission - they aren’t going to take kindly to us once they catch us. You need to go.” She explained.
“You need to go too, Y/N.” Steve informed her, making her snap her head towards them.
“Yeah, you have to go with them,” Robin agreed, her eyes screwing shut as she bit down on her lip, struggling even more to keep the door closed. “I trust you to keep them safe, but most importantly, I trust you to find a way to save us.” She let her eyes flutter back open, her captivating blue eyes filled with fear and urgency. Swallowing thickly, Y/N stared into them, trying to argue.
“Plus, we need you to be safe,” Steve urged, making her look at him. “You and I both know that you can’t be caught here. They will make up whatever truth they want about you and if you don’t tell them what they want to hear, they’ll assume you’re lying. And you know that they will figure out your secret, Y/N.” Steve pleaded, his foot slipping as a Russian shoved the door extra hard.
“Just go!” Steve and Robin yelled at her.
“Just go, protect yourself and the kids.” Robin continued, pleading with her to listen to them. Rolling her lips together, she looked over at Dustin.
“Go Dustin, I’ll be right behind you.” She ordered him, trying once again to shove him down.
“What are you doing,” Steve yelled to Dustin as he fought against Y/N’s hands on his shoulder, his sneakers squeaking against the aluminum as his feet slipped slightly. “Go!” He yelled in sync with Robin, their arms slacking slightly against the door as they quickly became exhausted, the adrenaline leaving them.
“I won’t forget you!” Dustin yelled.
“Go!” They yelled at him again just before Y/N gave him the final shove. Letting his feet leave the sides, he shot down the slope. Before Robin or Steve (or both) could yell at her, she dangled her feet into the hatch and scooted to sit on the edge. Bracing to push herself in, she looked up at them.
“I’ll find a way to rescue you guys, don’t worry.” She reassured them before she gripped the hatch door, using her body weight to yank it up straight. With one last fleeting look towards Steve and Robin, she saw their nervous eyes looking at her already. Wasting no more time, she jumped in, letting the hatch fall closed over her with another bang. Guilt and nerves chewed at her stomach lining as she slipped down the slope to land next to Dustin and Erica. Sitting up, she joined the other two in looking around at the vast, aluminum tunnels.
“Where are we?” Erica asked, her voice echoing through the maze-like structure as they all gawked, trying to figure out where to go from there.
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merbear25 · 6 months
Hetalia Masterlist
What do the Hetalia characters think of you? (personalized)
Meeting an immortal series
(Norway, Denmark, Finland)
(Germany, Prussia, Italy)
(Canada, England, Russia)
With a simp reader series
(Italy, France, China)
(Russia, Germany, Prussia)
Meeting your family (America, Prussia, England)
When you like drawing them (Prussia, France, Belarus)
Their fictional crush came to life (Prussia, France, Japan)
With a s/o who loves horror (China, France, Italy)
You forgot to shave (Allies and Axis) *highly suggestive
The things we do for love (China)
With a hermit reader (Italy, France, China)
Prisoner of war (Axis)
Meeting a reader from One Piece (Canada, England, Russia)
Stuck in a love triangle (Germany x Reader x France)
With a reader who has abandonment issues (America)
Reacting to their s/o wearing a quirky shirt (Italy, Romano, Spain)
With a reader who has abandonment issues (China, France, Italy)
Seeing you hold a little one (Spain, Finland, France)
Just between us (GerIta) *very suggestive
Tethered love (America, Italy, Denmark)
A fem s/o who crochets (Italy, Denmark, Germany)
Most to least competitive with a shared romantic interest (Axis and Allies)
Having a breeding kink
(Russia, Switzerland)
With a reader who's a masochist (France, Prussia, China)
Having a wet dream about you (Axis)
America and England with a breeding kink
NSFW alphabet (Axis)
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
Master List I: Cardverse and Demon AU's
Tumblr media
Cardverse Scenario where the white Queen is taken
Yandere Spade King America X Reader 
Yandere Russia Into the Cardverse Drabble ( A solid intro if I ever decided to write a full fanfic for this AU) 
Yandere Carverse France Headcanons 
Yandere Carverse America Headcannons 
Tumblr media
Preview Poem about Demon Matthew (Mild but edges on Spicy)
Yandere Demon America Headcanons  
Yandere Demon Canada Headcanons 
Yandere Demon England Headcanons  
Yandere Demon Russia Headcanons 
Demon Games: England, France, and Russia  
Demon Games: Germany, Japan, Italy  
Demon Games: America  
Demon Games: Prussia 
Demon Games: Spain
Demon Games: Canada
Spicy Yandere! Demon America  
Yandere Demon America, England, Russia w/Ghost Reader  
Yandere Demon America w/Strong Escapee S/O 
Yandere Demon America with a Priestess S/O 
Yandere Demon America w/ a Yandere S/O 
Yandere Demon N.Italy 
Yandere Demon Germany w/ a Sassy S/O 
Demon America w/ S/O that won his Bloody Money Game 
Demon America w/ Jealous S/O  
Demon America w/Stupid S/O that kept his coins  
Demon America w/Stupid S/O that kept his coins pt.2 (Spicy) 
Yandere! Demon China Headcannons 
Yandere Demon Russia w/Nun S/O 
Yandere Demon America w/ S/O who has awful parents  
Yandere Demon America w/ Demon Princess  
Yandere Demon Russia and France w/ Royal S/O  
Yandere Demon America w/ Smart human 
Yandere Demon America w/ Yandere Demoness S/O that captures him  
Yandere Demon England with Empath Darling  
Yandere Demon America w/ Ancient Monster Darling 
Yandere Demon England, Russia, and Japan with Helper Ghost Darling   
Yandere Demon America w/ Angel Darling  
Birthday Drabble Demon America Club 27  
Yandere Demon America w/Dark Witch Darling 
Yandere Demon America: Family life with S/O
Yandere Demon America vs Demon Canada that love the same S/O 
Yandere Demon America & Russia w/ Supernatural Hunter Reader  
Yandere Demon America w/ Witch Darling pt.2  
Yandere Demon America x Right Hand Demon Darling  
Yandere America X Male Reader X Russia Captive  
Yandere Demon America x Dumbass reader 
Yandere Demon America claiming them for the first time after kidnapping  
Yandere Demon Russia with an unfazed human 
Yandere Demon America x Dark Witch Darling p.3  
Yandere Demon America vs Demon Russia  
Yandere Demon America with Chaos Lord p.2
Yandere Demon Germany & Russia with a Chaos lord 
(I'm sure you're tired as hell from seeing the word 'Yandere' aren't you? America vs Russia as demons 
Yandere Demon America X Doomguy reader 
Yandere Demon America with a Succubus reader 
Yandere Alpha Germany and Japan with a traumatized darling 
Yandere Demon America x Chaos Lord 
Yandere Demon America with an escapee human 
Yandere Demon Germany with chaos lord darling 
Demon America w/ Pervy Sage like S/O  
Yandere Demon America with a Heathen Goddess darling 
Yandere Demon Belarus 
Yandere demon America with a Nephilim Darling 
Yandere Demon America and Japan with an Oni darling 
Demon King America with an experimental dragon darling 
Yandere America with Platonic Yandere Demonness 
Yandere Demon Kings Lands 
Yandere Demon King America X Reader : Someone tries to assassinate you 
Yandere England and Russia with a Western Dragon Shapeshifter darling 
Yandere Demon Germany with a human S/O that won his game
Yandere Demon America with a Half Human / Half Demon Darling 
Yandere Demon King America X Reader X Demon King Russia: Right-Hand Woman p.2 
Yandere Demon King America X Reader X Demon King Russia: Right Hand Woman P.3
Canada: The Floating Maple Leaves Gameplay
Canada SFW Headcannons
Demon America with a Fem! S/O and a box of Chocolate
Children in the Demon Au
Demon King’s China and Japan’s children 
Demon King England Children 
Demon King Germany’s Children
Demon King Russia’s Kids 
Angel AU 
Yandere! Angel Russia and England falling in love with a demon darling 
Yandere! Angel America & Germany in Luv with a demon 
Yandere Angel France and Japan in love with a demon

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sparklingbluerose · 2 years
Axis Powers x Reader
You are...interesting. With the unknown control over fire, you seem to always have this charm which both draws them to you and scares them...
A/N: I'm back in this fandom, baby
TW: None! Full crack, help.
Fem! (Y/N) 《Other Genders Will Also Be Made》
North Italy
Sissy, Doitsu is watching you 👁👄👁
PLEASE you scare him so much. You're always engaged into this weird 'when will u die' persona and he hates it.
Always screams when you're around lmao–
But in all honesty, man adores you so much when you fight. You're England but fire and better. America agrees. LiKE, OMG did you just summon a fire butterfly!? Cool!
When you first said you were from another world, mans just flipped his shit and went like...
"Ve~? But..you look like you're from China!" 💀
Well YES Liyue is based off of China but like, ain't the same thing. Just similar.
He believes you though, really thinks Teyvat is cool.
Just a warning, no one will ever believe you if you guys end up actually dating. Literally no one. The innocent cute Italy, falling in love with the person scarier than Russia!? JOKE.
Until he kisses you in front of everyone. Germany is convinced he no longer needs protection.
Because when you're around, he'll be safe 24/7 lololol
And by the way, your ghosts need to stop picking on him. Like pls stop he'll get a heart attack damn.
"Hilichurl no oniisan ga byouki ni natta, Hilichurl no oniisan ga kanbyou shite~"
Italy and Japan.exe has stopped working. DO IT AGAIN DO IT AGAIN DO IT AGAI–
Loves it so much, man. Will literally cuddle you all day and get scolded for missing a world meeting. But hey, it was most likely worth it ❤️
He doesn't deserve your cuteness omg–
Will literally do anything for you, finds it comforting how you don't invade his personal space.
...Sometimes freaks out when you scare him, but he doesn't scream. Literally just makes an expression like "😰" then a few seconds later bitch be back to "😐"
Besides all the pranks, he actually has only seen you be so scary once. And he'll remember it forever.
"You guys are really trying to push on my buttons~ Hm? I'm aware that this will bring you consequences. I may be cute, someone harmless, but as of now...what if i...don't?"
Those words scared him shitless and never again will he EVER try to piss you off in any way possible.
Besides getting scared, seeing you kick ass with your cute ghosts and fire he literally looks at you like "🤩"
Man will probably write an anime or manga based off of you, most likely with the titles like..
"A Cute Girl Who Has Fire Powers Gets Isekai'd Into My World And I Fall In Love With Her!"
Since you're respectful around him though, he'll let you into hi personal space usually and let you hug him. Cute!
"Hey~ Japan? What's this book about? Hent–"
"Ah, (Y/N)-san. Wourd you like a demonstration?"
"Zhat is enough, (Y/N). Back into the timeout bucket."
Treats you like a child(e)
Like please calm down sir, we get it, you're protective. But girl probably a lot stronger than you damn.
You ain't having any of it. Just...run away and have him chase you for 5 hours straight until he gets tired.
Though i guess he finds you cute. He "guess".
Lmao sir you fell in love anyway. I win this damn bet, give me my 100 yen or you P E R I S H
Dating Germany is probably the most hell you'd have. Though he's nice and all you wanna stop him waking you up for morning jogs like you ain't tryna get muscles–
Unless he invites your bestie Prussia then i guess maybe.
Ya'll legit have such an awkward clown relationship help
"So..hey! You saw those fireworks?~"
"Okay. Uh.."
Hates dealing with France but man, you're no normal girl. Like literally has no idea why you use the flowers he bought you as coffin decoration 😭
But don't worry, you guys'll get there soon. You just need a little more push. And for God's sake be more normal /j
Will definitely be the type to confiscate your spear if you suddenly set the kitchen in fire.
Lord Doitsu ain't having any of it today sry..
South Italy
Yay bonus character!
Used to hate you because you're too cute to be real /j
Everyone also freaked out when you said you were dating Romano like hello?? This april fools or sumn?
Spain teased him so bad the poor guy had to punch him in the face LMAO that was so uncalled for. Mans made you apologize instead becaude his just went no thanks–
"Oh Romano~ nothing, just decorating your house!" 😌
When you said decorating, well i mean decoration as his covering his house head to toe with coffins, skulls, and all the sort. He loves you but please...
This is too much for his heart to take–
When he saw you getting all serious all of a sudden though, he fell over his chair. Pretty sure EVERYONE did.
When you and Italy objected to America's idea in a World Meeting, ya'll went BERSERK 💀
Well, mostly you. But you get what i mean. Literally took out your Staff of Homa and pointed it at his neck. It'll be up to you to guess what he suggested that got you so pissed.
Anywaysssss– basically everyone + Belarus + Russia now knows not to mess around with you.
You could beat their ass and they'd blame it not on you..
But a damn pAinTiNG 🖼
Yes. A painting. Why in the name of God would they ever blame you knowing they already got the scare of their life?
So basically, Romano always makes sure to keep his distance when you aren't comfortable. He'd get obliterated into the 6th dimension lol
Have a long life with this handsome, loving dork ❤️
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alfredosauce50 · 3 years
🎃 Page Navigation 🎃
Welcome to my page! I post Hetalia fanfiction and random thoughts every now and then. Our favorite genres here are supernatural, sci-fi, and slice of life.
Here you will find a collection of (predominantly) fem-inserts. Requests are currently coming out. If you enjoy my work, please consider supporting me on Patreon or ko-fi. If not, comments and reblogs are always appreciated ❤️
Newest updates:
By the Grace of God (Aug 25th.)
One more Night (Jul 21st.)
Dancing with Wolves (Mar 25th.)
Press ‘keep reading’ for the character directory
Character directory
2p! America
2p! Canada
2p! China
2p! Italy
2p! Russia
Long series:
One more night (In progress)
Your relationship with Mathias is faced with uncertainty after a big fight. You decide to stick around your best friends in the meantime, especially when one of them just got released from prison. Allen was put behind bars for punching his sister’s scummy ex, and Mathias reminds him way too much of them. First impressions couldn’t be worse.
One more night [Boxer! Denmark x reader] 1 One more night [Boxer! Denmark x reader] 2 One more night [Boxer! Denmark x reader] 3 One more night [Boxer! Denmark x reader] 4 One more night [Boxer! Denmark x reader] 5 One more night [Boxer! Denmark x reader] 6 One more night [Boxer! Denmark x reader] 7 One more night [Boxer! Denmark x reader] 8 One more night [Boxer! Denmark x reader] 9 One more night [Boxer! Denmark x reader] 10 One more night [Boxer! Denmark x reader] 11 One more night [Boxer! Denmark x reader] 12
Island Escapade (In progress)
Because stirring up trouble in his home country was simply not enough. Allen gets arrested in Ibiza and is punished with six months of community service. As one of the researchers of a wildlife institute on a neighbouring island, you’re tasked to supervise him—but handling a raunchy ex-con by yourself is no easy task. That’s when Mathias swoops in to the rescue, and you’re forced to deal with his whims on top of it all. You soon suspect he may have ulterior motives hidden in his kindness.
Island Escapade [Ex-con 2p! America x reader x Denmark] 01 Island Escapade [Ex-con 2p! America x reader x Denmark] 02 Island Escapade [Ex-con 2p! America x reader x Denmark] 03 Island Escapade [Ex-con 2p! America x reader x Denmark] 04 Island Escapade [Ex-con 2p! America x reader x Denmark] 05 Island Escapade [Ex-con 2p! America x reader x Denmark] 06 Island Escapade [Ex-con 2p! America x reader x Denmark] 07 Island Escapade [Ex-con 2p! America x reader x Denmark] 08 Island Escapade [Ex-con 2p! America x reader x Denmark] 09 Island Escapade [Ex-con 2p! America x reader x Denmark] 10 Island Escapade [Denmark x reader] 10.1 
The Place Beyond the Pines (Completed)
You haven't seen Allen in over a year. As a traveling motorcycle stuntman, he hops around from place to place chasing paper. After a lucky encounter at the city fair, he's eager to hang around you, only to find out that you're taken. Just when he's about to leave for another tour, he discovers the secret you've been keeping from him ever since he first left. And it's more than enough to convince him to stay. The whole ordeal is heading straight for disaster as he crosses boundaries not meant to be crossed. It's only a matter of time before blood is spilled.
The Place Beyond the Pines [2p! America x reader] 01 The Place Beyond the Pines [2p! America x reader] 02 The Place Beyond the Pines [2p! America x reader] 03 The Place Beyond the Pines [2p! America x reader] 04 The Place Beyond the Pines [2p! America x reader] 05 The Place Beyond the Pines [2p! America x reader] 06 The Place Beyond the Pines [2p! America x reader] 07 The Place Beyond the Pines [2p! America x reader] 08
What makes me human [Cyberpunk! America x reader]
VOL. I (Completed)
“... It’s just business, it’s politics, it’s the way of the world, it’s a tough life and that it’s nothing personal. Well, fuck them. Make it personal.” ― Richard K. Morgan, Altered Carbon A stoic cyborg named Alfred kidnaps and steals you away from your ivory tower, demanding your full compliance to his every wish―all to help him steal a biochip rumored to make the user immortal. As the heir of a cybernetic corporate giant, in fact, the greatest in Twilight city, you couldn't say it was unexpected. Luckily, your trusty bodyguard Allen is on the case, tasked to kill him and rescue you from his clutches. And that was the plan until he stumbles across the company's darkest secret, hiding away in the basement.
What makes me human [Cyberpunk! America x reader] 01 What makes me human [Cyberpunk! America x reader] 02 What makes me human [Cyberpunk! America x reader] 03 What makes me human [Cyberpunk! America x reader] 04 What makes me human [Cyberpunk! America x reader] 05 What makes me human [Cyberpunk! America x reader] 06 What makes me human [Cyberpunk! America x reader] 07 What makes me human [Cyberpunk! America x reader] 08 What makes me human [Cyberpunk! America x reader] 09  What makes me human [Cyberpunk! America x reader] 10 What makes me human [Cyberpunk! America x reader] 11 What makes me human [Cyberpunk! America x reader] 12 Wordcount: 44, 275
VOL. 2 (In progress)
“What we believe shapes who we are. Belief can bring us salvation or destruction. But when you believe a lie for too long, the truth doesn't set you free. It tears you apart.” ― Takeshi Kovacs, Altered Carbon (TV Series)
Once driven by conviction, Alfred now wanders the world without a purpose. The only thing he understands is what he is with you, and even that can fade. While he's fighting to keep the relationship afloat, you and Allen reach a crossroads together. He wants to run away with you no matter what. But there's no time for these aspirations and ugly feelings in the wake of a sinister conspiracy. The war rages on, and Alfred must face his demons in their rawest form—a human clone of himself who's just as aggrieved as he is.
What makes me human [Cyberpunk! America x reader] 13 What makes me human [Cyberpunk! America x reader] 14 What makes me human [Cyberpunk! America x reader] 15 What makes me human [Cyberpunk! America x reader] 16 What makes me human [Cyberpunk! America x reader] 17 What makes me human [Cyberpunk! America x reader] 18 What makes me human [Cyberpunk! America x reader] 19
Avatar (Completed) [America x reader]
In 2154, humans have depleted Earth's natural resources, leading to a severe energy crisis. They embark on an interstellar journey to Pandora, a lush alien moon, to mine for the priceless mineral, unobtanium. On their quest to ravage this world of its raw materials, they are met with resistance from a highly-evolved native population, the ‘Na’vi.’ Meanwhile, scientists link their minds to Na’vi/human hybrids, Avatars, to gain free movement in the poisonous environment.
Alfred, a paralyzed ex-marine, lands this opportunity to pilot an Avatar and becomes mobile again. When he runs off and gets stranded in the Pandoran wilderness, nearly getting himself mauled to death in the process, he is saved by you--a disgruntled Na’vi woman who demands that he and his people leave. But Alfred is persistent. He needs your help, and after witnessing auspicious signs about him, you can’t turn him away. When he is finally accepted into the clan, he must decide where his loyalties lie as humans ravage Pandora and threaten its survival.
Avatar [America x reader] Prologue Avatar [America x reader] 01 Avatar [America x reader] 02 Avatar [America x reader] 03 Avatar [America x reader] 04 Avatar [America x reader] 05 Avatar [America x reader] 06 Avatar [America x reader] 07 Avatar [America x reader] 08
Who's the bad guy? (Completed)
You've been living in New York city for the whole of your life, otherwise known as the city which never sleeps. One of the most iconic cities in the United States and popular tourist destinations in that very country, it was a shame that you've never seen the amazed faces of foreigners on the streets. Not one. But why, you ask? Instead of skyscrapers and tourist hotspots, you dwelled in the East. Considered as the slums of America, you still considered it heaven because your best friend Allen was with you. You never thought you'd have a taste of world-class luxuries ever in your life, but that all changes when his rich cousin Alfred comes for a visit. Dive into the world of both sides of the poverty line in New York, where the Americas battle it out for your heart. Immerse yourself in the story about a relative's visit that was way worse than anyone ever pictured to be.
Who's the bad guy? (2p + 1p America x reader) 1 Who's the bad guy? (2p + 1p America x reader) 2 Who's the bad guy? (2p + 1p America x reader) 3 Who's the bad guy? (2p + 1p America x reader) 4 Who's the bad guy? (2p + 1p America x reader) 5 Who's the bad guy? (2p + 1p America x reader) 6 Who's the bad guy? (2p + 1p America x reader) 7 Who's the bad guy? (2p + 1p America x reader) 8 Who's the bad guy? (2p + 1p America x reader) 9 Who's the bad guy? (2p + 1p America x reader) 10 Who's the bad guy? (2p + 1p America x reader) 11 Who's the bad guy? (2p + 1p America x reader) 12 Who's the bad guy? (2p + 1p America x reader) 13 Who's the bad guy? (2p + 1p America x reader) 14 Who's the bad guy? (2p + 1p America x reader) 15 Who's the bad guy? (2p + 1p America x reader) 16 Who's the bad guy? (2p + 1p America x reader) 17 Who's the bad guy? (2p + 1p America x reader) 18
The iconic original [2p! America x reader] NSFW The fan favorite [America x reader]
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