#rw ghost hunters
psystirene · 1 year
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I was surprised to see heaven in your eyes- /lyr
GHOST HUNTERS AU NIGHTMONK bceause i love Nightmonk. In this AU they are more or less both Saint's mentees (primarily Nightcat is, but Saint met Monk through Night and took an interest to their affinity for karma flowers).
They live in the same shelter, as Surv and Monk's parents are missing. Night is a bit of a mystery to everyone, especially as they are selectively mute and will only speak to a select few.
Monk and Nightcat are best friends with a budding relationship, just very wholesome all around.
I'm so soft for them I'm going to cry anyways <3
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also nightcat transfem k bye <3
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ghostlycoze · 1 year
Don't Adopt Seven Slugpups
So I had a cute happy-ending idea of wanting to put skins of the iterators on my slugpups and take them to the outer expanse like they were freed. In order to do that, I assigned them a slugcat and then summoned that slugcat in pup form.
It was already chaos, but I wanted more. I wanted the iterators to have THEIR slugcats too.
To try to make it easier on myself I was going to try a Monk run; take them all to Pebbles, open the gate, and leave. Simple, right?
Well for starters they all kept spawning as the energetic type and were IMPOSSIBLE to control, but the addition of the campaign slugcats.... Oh boy.
My idea was:
Survivor - Suns, as they were a good base for any iterator.
Monk - Me, dressed as Hunter, as they were the only iterator's slugcat that didn't have a special design feature I couldn't get without playing that scug as their actual scug.
Hunter - Sig, another good base, plus Sig gets to be his cat lmao
Rivulet - Rivuelet, to keep the gills and speed.
Artificer - Artificer, to keep the scar and explosion abilities.
Saint wasn't included, sorry Saint lol
Spearmaster - Spearmaster, to keep the spear-making ability. (I REGRET THIS DEEPLY)
Gourmand - Moon, because I HC her as very strong but gets worn out easily due to her weakened state post-collapse.
Slugpup - Pebbles, simple base and the final one I needed.
No Inv, sorry buddy
Well, I couldn't stack them all on my back even with the Slugcat Safari mod (lets you stack as many pups as you like on your back!) because they wouldn't sit still, and because Spearmaster was sharting out a spear every 2 seconds.
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(Idk why Arti's face was glitched to the original slugcat face, but that was the least of my problems with these little nuisances).
Couldn't even get past these 3 rooms, so uh.
Experiment failed, but it was quite an entertaining shitstorm
I kinda want to redraw those screenshots for the unbridled chaos
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ghostsvignettes · 4 months
sending you to the timeloop
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identityarchitect · 8 months
if there are any rw fans that know toki pona. pls gimme ur thoughts on these draft translations...
ilo jan [name] - iterator (intended to be "tool person" but can also be read as "machine person")
ilo jan Lukin E Mun - the iterator looks to the moon
ilo jan Luka Kiwen Lili - the iterator five small rocks
ilo jan Mute Suno Loje - the iterator many red suns
soweli pipi - slugcat
soweli pipi pona - intended as the peaceful slugcat, but the good slugcat kind of also fits (monk)
soweli pipi li utala e moli - the slugcat that fights death (survivor)
soweli pipi li alasa - the slugcat that hunts (hunter)
soweli pipi suli - the big slugcat (gourmand)
soweli pipi ante - the changed slugcat (arti)
soweli pipi li kala - the slugcat that is a fish (riv)
soweli pipi li lawa e ilo utala - the slugcat that controls weapons (spearmaster)
soweli pipi li lukin e kon sewi - the slugcat that seeks sacred ghosts (saint)
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purpleplaid17 · 2 months
Jess Watches // Fri 2 Aug // Day 309 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
The Expanse (rw with mum) 3x12 Congregation
Wounded survivors arrive at the Behemoth. Holden and Ashford have a conversation. Holden tries to come to grips with what he has seen and tries to find out what is going on with the Station.
Naomi and Holden Camina reuniting and falling back into bed familiar patterns.The words that were unspoken but understood. Them putting their own safety at risk to help their family.
Avoidance (with mum) 2x04
Claire forces Jonathan to lie to her parents about their breakup, a lie that goes way too far. Dan and Courtney both struggle through the pain of an NCT mum's and dad's night out.
Everyone in Claire's family speaking with the thickest broadest Yorkshire accent was just delightful. I was well chuffed tha knows.
The Bear 3x07 Legacy
The restaurant is out of C-Folds. Sydney is presented with an opportunity.
The Faks are haunting the season. It was fun with 2 but they just keep multiplying. It's a bit too sitcom-y for the usual tone of the show. Also, the contrast in how Syd and Carmy see food and the restaurant. Girl, get out.
WondLa 1x04 Ghosts
Eva visits a sage and learns a grim fact about humans. Undeterred, she doubles down on her quest as Besteel the bounty hunter closes in.
I have missed Avasarala the last few Expanse eps so it was a pleasant surprise for Darius to hold my hand to help me through these trying times. Bobbie has dibs on her other hands. Although Amos has one too probably lol.
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TB/RW AU - Toast and Mary
Wow it's been a month since I touched this AU.
I've been wanting to talk about their relationship since July, but college and personal life has been needing my attention more, and it has completely drained me.
Now that most of that is ironed out, I can finally get around to these guys, and how others saw them, on paper and hopefully flesh them out a bit, especially Mary: she really didn't get touched on during the videos.
They are young when they first meet - around 16-17 in human years. Their relationship, from friends to death, takes place over approx. 4-5 years. A Cycle does mean a day/night, but it can be cut short if there's a downpour.
Johnny and Mary met by pure chance; they were both on their way home, and Toast remarked on how large the squidcada Mary was carrying. They started talking for hours until Mary had to go.
They kept meeting up at random at first; aftermath of a lizard fight, paying at a scavenger pole, ect. and ended up chatting until one left. It took many of these surprised meetings for Mary to suggest a location to chat
These hangouts were not secret: Toast had already mentioned Mary to Jenny and Ghost a few times, so neither were surprised when they spent more time together.
Jenny thought that Mary was alright, and absolutely teased her little brother when he came home at times ("so, how was your date? ):3" "IT'S NOT A DATE!" D:<)
Ghost and Mary actually got along well, sharing an interest with the sunken Iterator can and how it came to be. Toast was afraid they'd be at each other throats over him, so he was relieved.
Gavin didn't know about Mary until much later. Toast didn't want to tell "The Golden Child" about his friends.
One talking point for them was past the grasslands. Scug tribes were known to take a pitstop at the can for shelter, food and to catch their breaths, so surely there was other places. Mary wanted to find these places.
It was Toast who first caught feelings, and was terrible at hiding it. He was also completely oblivious to it until Ghost asked if he ask who'd he'd been crushing on.
Mary was also unaware of Johnny's crush. She thought he was just being sweet.
Mary started catching feelings not too long after he did. She was more aware of hers, and at first denied it. Sure, they were nearly adults at this point, and Toast is... For void's sake, she's not in love!
But when he brightens her day by cracking his smile, and that feeling of glowy warmth feels so natural between them, it's hard not to see why.
As the cycles went on, they seemed to fall for eachother that bit more, and on one cloudy twilight, Toast finally confessed - and Mary said yes
There is around a year between their confessions and when Mary first voices her old ideas about leaving the can to explore past the grasslands again, and a few cycles more for Toast to agree to come with her.
He tells Ghost that he's leaving with Mary a few cycles before the day. Ghost is a mess: his only friend is leaving, probably never coming back, and he'll be stuck here alone. Toast replies that he'll find someone else, like "the other hunter" (Katrina), but he's going. They have a last embrace, both trying not to cry, before Toast turns and leaves. This is the last time Ghost sees him for a long time.
Jenny is the one who sees them off. She gives them both explosive spears ("for emergencies"), some batflies and Johnny one last hug before they set off.
Even with their advantages, they struggle to keep alive. The orange lizards are more tougher than the ones they're used to, and close calls with vultures are common.
However, they slowly get the hang of it and by the end of the year, they're somewhat capable with the wilds.
Mary seemed to be more adapted than Toast, which did lead to some troubles along the road
They're thriving for until the end of spring since this is when Mary dies
They're caught late outside when the storm hits, and they're rushing back to their shelter. Between the low light and starting of rain, it's getting hard to see or hear.
They don't hear the vulture until one of its mandibles strikes the ground near Johnny and they book it faster.
The vulture gets a lucky shot when it grabs Mary almost at their shelter and starts to fly off. Johnny throws his spear at the head, hoping for it to drop her.
At the last second, it's head turns and the spear pierces both Mary and the vulture's cheek, to Toast's horror.
They both fall, but the downpour is getting worse (it's starting to hurt him), so he has no time to search unless he wants to be pelted to death.
Toast hides in the shelter, shaking like a leaf and with a sinking feeling.
The storm only lasts for the night, to Johnny's luck, and he's out the second the rain slows down enough.
He feverishly searches for Mary, calling her name, but no luck. He tries again the next cycle: still nothing. It takes a third cycle for Toast to find evidence.
The only thing left in the mud and flattened grass is a Karma flower. Mary is dead. Officially
Toast just stares in disbelief, before falling onto his knees and sobbing and going "nononononono I'm sorry. I'm sorry" again and again. It's cut short when a lizard interrupts his crying.
He takes the flower and goes back to the shelter, miserable and guilty
He spends two weeks in the shelter, laying in the emptier nest and holding the flower whilst he feels more and more guilty and remorseful for Mary's death. He only leaves when he can't hunt or handle being alone anymore and makes the long long long trek back to the can since that's the only place with bluefruit and popcorn plants
When he finally sets foot in the ruin a year and a half after he and Mary left, he's starving from not leaving the shelter, so he's just scavenging any fruit and leftovers to eat.
At some point Ghost and Toast do reunite.
Ghost finishes up a lizard hunt for breakfast, when be hears shuffling behind him. Turning around, he's not expecting Toast behind him. He's obviously exited to see him after over a year and rushes to him, but his joy turns to concern when he sees his reddened eyes and asks what's happened. Toast just collapsed into Ghost's shoulder and cries, crying a little harder when Ghost awkwardly hugs him.
He stays with Ghost since his grief is leaving him unable to survive on his own.
Ghost doesn't know what's happened; he only finds out when Toast breaks down one night and spills out everything
It doesn't help that Ghost's Rot Problem manifested during his time away, so some cycles Ghost is just suddenly gone.
There is no alcohol in Rain World and there isn't really any substitute, so Toast doesn't have with drinking problems in this AU.
Ghost does comfort him during the worse of this, saying that it wasn't his fault and getting Toast out of the shelter.
Jenny does also help with Toast's grief, but her own problems means she can only give him a little. Ghost is his main comforter.
It takes a long time, with some setbacks along the way, but by Mid-Early P.I.E/Spooker joining, Toast worked through most of his grief for Mary's death.
There is some hope he can see her again.
Now in Rain World, you don't exactly die: If you want to truly die/"break your cycle" you need to go to the void sea. This does run the risk of becoming an echo though, and if you do become one, you're fucked.
In this AU, this gets tweaked a bit. There's two ways of becoming an echo: either through the Void Worm's rejection or through "Forsed/Self Ascension" Basically if you die too many times in rapidly succession. This is one hell of a massive mess in practice, so there's scugs that die for the first time and that's it, and there's scugs that seem immortal.
Mary got the short end of the stick, and became an echo the first time she died
When Mary realised what had happened, she was torn.
On one hand, she felt searing betrayal by Johnny. They'd spend all this time together, just for him to stab her in the back and leave her body in the rain!
On the other, it was bad luck that got her killed. Did she also want Toast to die by trying to find her? He was sensible to wait!
Her echo stayed where she was as anger and her mind warred on. She figured that she could wait to see Johnny's reaction before judging.
Her anger towards him seemed to smother out when Toast was sobbing out apologies at the sight of her Karma Flower.
She didn't follow him all the way back to the can: as much as she wants to comfort him and say anything, she can't help him now. He'll have to work through his guilt on his own.
As of current day, Mary is still in the wilds, exploring the great unknown.
She might go back and see Toast, but it will mean she will have to say goodbye. She doesn't think she can yet.
Bittersweet ending, but I hope I managed to give Mary some personality and this relationship some development.
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question meme thing! i was tagged by @bramblemantle, anyone else is free to do this from me ^^ putting it all under a read-more.
share your wallpaper: on my phone, the lockscreen is art of kratos and atreus from gow by lemonadeslice, and my homescreen is some art abel commissioned sethdomain for me of my ocs aeron and bevalon <33 my laptop lockscreen is twdg art of clementine (by spacedlexi) and my homescreen is art i commissioned from shrimplovercat of aeron and bevalon! (it's the one with the two orange and white tabby cats <3)
last song you listened to: what i last remember is dirty paws by monsters and men. it's one of my big fav songs
currently reading: i JUST got the new percy jackson book with nico and will, so! that i suppose! i probably wont actually get around to it for a while. i was actually in the middle of the second kyoshi book but i. got distracted
last movie you watched: the new puss in boots i think?
craving: i've got my raspberry lemonade and my panda express so im perfectly content
what are you wearing right now: my pajamas, which currently consists of pj pants, a plain t-shirt, and a very nice and soft (for now) flannel.
how tall are you: 5'7
piercings?: oh god i could never
tattoos?: i dont have any, not planning to get any but maybe possibly something i'll do if i really wanted to
glasses? contacts?: i have glasses! i'm scared of contacts
last drink?: raspberry lemonade :]
last show?: adventure time! i cried
favorite color: blue! any blue! all blues are good blues! it's just so nice and comfy
current obsession: tears of the kingdom! i've spent most of my waking moments playing it. it's taken me a little while to warm up to it tbh but im rlly into it now
unrelated obsession: ah hm. dragons. always dragons
any pets?: got a kitty named flora <3 she's a pastel calico and she's very sweet and very very tolerant of us. we used to have a dachshund named olivia, she passed away a couple weeks ago but she was the sweetest most obnoxious little thing and i miss her. she's in my pinned post if you'd like to see her
do you have a crush on anyone?: nah. crushes aren't my kind of thing
favorite fictional characters: SO many. we've got clementine (twdg), atreus (gow), finn and fern (at), zuko (atla), link and tulin (totk), uhh. mono (ln), hunter and king (toh), taako (taz), little ghost and thk (hk), spearmaster and gourmand (rw). those are just off the top of my head. also all of my ocs are my favorite fictional characters.
last place you traveled: i mean. a couple months ago i drove from new york to arizona where i now live so i'm counting that. it wasn't nearly as bad as i thought it'd be tbh, i just listened to taz balance the whole time, it was kinda nice. most of the time
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gold-droplets-askblog · 2 months
RW Space AU Info!
(created by @lemon-ve-ghost!)
The Ancients once sought erasure from existence, but now with the power of space travel, they search for a new planet to call home. The world was beyond saving with their actions of seeking escape, at least what most believed. When a rogue iterator threatened the people (unintentionally), most had fled and destroyed the remaining access to a new life, leaving the remnants of a once great civilization to rot. Feeling betrayed, those who had been abandoned worked harder to catch up, only to leave in panic as another threat loomed over the horizon. And at the very end, the iterators who had helped them flee were left alone in a dying world, left to ponder whether it had been worth it.
Ask Status: Closed (lemme finish setting up first jbhjsdb)
For art-based responses, please direct questions to characters instead of being vague! (i.e. "To Chasing Wind" instead of "Who is…" as the latter will just be a narrator answering)
If asking lore/out of character questions, please mention Lore or OOC!
Please be nice! The typical stuff, like no nsfw asks and no being an asshole
Generally serious, but joke asks will be tagged as such! So feel free to go crazy!
Legend: ☀️ - Available 🌑 - Unavailable (i will post lore comics :thumbsup:)
Cast: (brb gonna make a post regarding heights and adding em later)
Iterators: ☀️ Seven Red Suns - she/any ☀️ Looks to the Moon - she/they ☀️ Sliver of Straw - they/she/it ☀️ Chasing Wind - they/them ☀️ No Significant Harassment - he/she/any 🌑 Unparalleled Innocence - they/it ("Inno" only by Grey) 🌑 Five Pebbles - he/it
Slugcats: 🌑 Prickle to Twine (Spearmaster) - they/it 🌑 Hunter of Fallen Stars (Hunter) - any/all 🌑 Spark of Gunpowder and Smoke (Artificer) - he/him 🌑 Plentiful Harvest as Twilight Falls (Gourmand) - any/all 🌑 Silver Strands (Survivor) - they/it/xe (xe/xir/xirself) 🌑 Golden Comets (Monk) - they/them 🌑 Midnight Depths (Rivulet) - it/neos 🌑 Saint - they/x (x/xs/xself)
Narrators: (answers lore/ooc questions) ☀️ Night's Watchful Eyes (Nightcat) - it/neos ☀️ Echoed Inversions (Inv/Enot/you know lol) - any/all
Extra Info
Feel free to ask questions regarding the blog n stuff! I could make an FAQ page lol uhh lemme set shit up first
Askblog is story-driven! Periodically (whenever I give myself time), there will be larger art pieces or comics that drive the story forward and introduce new characters
Gold Droplets is the name of the planetary system! It is named after void fluid, and it resides within the Eclipsed Galaxy
Main planet is the 5th planet, and although it's very cold, there's still warm enough with enough atmosphere to support life
The entire system has been conquered, iterator-esque stations are all over the other planets and celestial bodies
The people (Ancients) have somewhat evolved separately where they were raised
There are 9 generations of iterators total, with a large age gap between gens 3 and 4
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toast-com · 2 years
"You can see ghosts, right?" Monty looked up at her customer, a rather hurried looking man in a suit. She nodded, green eyes aglow.
"I'm a physic yes," She replied, and the man looked her up and down. He had expected an older woman with a house full of haunted dolls, not a young lady with bright eyes and a friendly smile.
"Well, come in," She invited him in. "Have a seat." The man sat on the couch, and looked around. Various pictures hung in the wall. One that caught the man's eye, was a portrait of a long-haired man, with a rather wolfish grin.
"Who's that?" The man asked, and Monty smiled.
"My husband."
"Husband?" The man blinked, and then he noticed, the ring. It was pretty ring, with a bloodred jewel. The sudden noise of heavy footsteps overhead made him tense up. Monty, however, only giggled.
"Don't worry! That's only Stanley!" She smiled, as the heavy, lumbering footsteps descended down the stairs.
The man watched, as Stanley, Monty's husband walked downstairs. He was tall, taller than anyone he had seen, with a wild mane of thick red hair, and red eyes that narrowed as he made eye contact with the man. The man watched as Stanley plodded across the living room, where Monty stood, and the two embraced. Monty's smiled widened, and she kissed him.
"How's my Cuddle Bear?" Stanley gave her a tired smile.
"Exhausted." He frowned at the man, while simultaneously looping an arm around Monty's waist, pulling her closer to his chest. It was then, the man noticed, on one of Stanley's big hands, was a wedding band, a dark green jewel embedded in it.
"Who's this?" Stanley asked, his voice carrying a faint growl. Monty smiled, taking his face in her hands.
"Our client. He's got a ghost problem." Stanley nodded, and turned to the man, regarding him with slight mistrust.
"What's haunting you?"
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psystirene · 1 year
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some ghost hunter au spearmand for your consideration
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i'm always so normal about them (lore dump soon probably.. or something. idk again i need to do coloring and coloring HARD)
Also the other character is Enot but they look particularly fucked up in this one lol
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boldlyanxious · 4 years
Remember when
RW masterlist
I don't even know what this is. It popped in my head so I wrote it.
Part 1-Unplanned Date
"Stop laughing at me." Tim said to Barb. "If you aren't going to help just leave me be."
"I want to help you Timmy, but I don't believe in ghosts." Barb says with a smile.
"It's not a ghost. I am being followed."
"Are you on that again," Dick asked.
"Not again. Still." Tim said. "I'm not making this up. I see movement behind me on every patrol."
"You need to lay off the coffee and get some sleep." Dick responded.
"What about the feedback on the comms?" Tim asked.
"We have ordered new ones. They aren't supposed to have any interference or feedback." Dick said.
"New equipment will not fix this. Someone is out there, planning something." Tim said.
She pulled back into the shadows before Red Robin could see her. She had never meant to taunt him with her presence but she was having fun with it now. Her steps were silent in her transformation and her hooded cloak fell almost to the ground covering her suit with black that faded to a dark red ombre.
Tonight her plan was taking form. Every time he turned his head to find her she disappeared into the shadows. Every time he kept after her she left a batarang she had collected with arrows taped on for him to follow.
She stalled on a roof to give herself a little more time. She let him spot her cape whip around to give him movement to track. She watched him pick up and read it. He looked around for her and then reached up to turn off his comms.
He followed her and collected the batarangs. She may think he was playing her game but he was collecting evidence. He looked around for the next one and didn't see anything until there was a flash of movement. He followed and the next had a note 'they are laughing at you'
He looked around again before turning off his comms. At least now he had proof that it wasn't a ghost or all in his head. He followed to the next rooftop. He was being cautious but he wasn't worried. She was very petite and by the path she chose she was not very athletic, probably just a bat groupie who picked him as her focus.
He crossed 3 more rooftops without seeing another. He hadn't seen anymore flashes of movement. He looked around at all the nearby rooftops and decided he had lost her. One more look around and he headed back towards his route. The two buildings he jumped to next were a bit further to get to. Since he had never seen her choose a jump that far he expected she has vanished as she had the other nights.
On the third roof he saw that he had been wrong. There was another batarang. It has no arrow so he flipped it over to see the message 'look out!' but it was too late. A cord suddenly zipped around him, pinning his arms to his sides. A second cord followed immediately after tying his legs.
She watched him as he bent down for the last batarang and then she sprang the trap. After the cords secured his arms and legs she jumped over to where he was. She walked behind where he was struggling to loosen the cords and placed her hands on each arm as she lifted her foot to push the back of his knees until he was sliding down to the rooftop.
She made sure he sat down gently before she turned and reached in her bag. His hands were struggling to get loose but she ignored it and put a mug in his hand. He barely saw the little bird on the bottom before she poured hot coffee in from a thermos. She poured herself one from the same thermos and sat facing him.
"Who are you and what do you want?" He asked.
"You can call me Rouge Gorge. I don't want anything. You have been chasing me so I allowed you to catch me." She replied.
"I don't exactly feel like I've caught you."
"You caught my eye. Is that what you wanted?"
"I just wanted to know what you were doing in Gotham."
"I live here."
"Then what are you doing running around on rooftops?"
"Same as you, I suppose." She thought for a moment. "Although it is exhilarating even without your game of chase."
"I'm here to get you to stop. Batman controls who can run around the roofs." She didn't respond. She reached up to his face and ran her finger along the top of his mask before tracing down to his jaw. He held his breath and pulled at the bonds to prevent her from removing his mask.
"I wish I could see your eyes." She said wistfully. "I bet they bring all of this together perfectly." She moved her hand in front of him and indicated all of him. His mask didn't hide his blush fully.
"You aren't taking it off me?"
"It's not my place to do so. That's your identity." She paused and touched her ear. "They are looking for you."
"Don't suppose you are planning to untie me."
"No. I'm not." She reached to his chest straps and pulled off his logo.
"Hey, what are you doing?" She grinned at him.
"Souvenir." She replied before leaning close to him and kissing his cheek, making sure to leave a bright red mark. "That mug is for you. I think you will like the coffee too."
She reached to his belt and flipped the switch on his comms so he could hear and put the control to talk in his hand before she jumped away. He couldn't see her after but she watched until his friends came before she headed home with a flutter of her cape.
Ghost Hunters
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dulnefni12 · 4 years
RW 01//: Without Light
They marched through the streets, organized lines of phalanx pushing forward against desperate gunfire. Armed civilians, merchants and city guard formed a meager defense against their attackers. A young man, no older than seventeen, made a determined charge against the advancing line. The cabal’s gunfire nearly cut him in half before he made more than seven steps. There was panic filling the streets, women and children moving in a chaotic stream towards whatever safety they could find. Men, women, children, and Cabal filled the streets… 
But Dulnefni-12 couldn’t see a single Guardian.
He scanned the chaos in front of him, grip tightening on his hand cannons, and then turned his gaze up to the distant tower. Guardian jumpships swarmed it in rapid defense, the Traveler’s gift to them sparking across the walls as warlocks, hunters and titans cast their powers to drive the Cabal back. But what use was the Tower or the wall if the Cabal were already in the streets? 
“They should have abandoned the tower already.” Dul’s ghost spoke from out of sight. 
“The Vanguard was caught off guard… and now their command is a mess. Fantastic.”
The distant screams of panic and battle bore into Dul’s head, dragging painful memories back from the far past. For a moment, he saw his own people, his kingdom, burning beneath the boots of the Iron Lords. He paused, panic gripping his throat for only a brief moment, before he blinked the memories back. Dul-12 steeled his nerves, took in a deep breath into false lungs, and stepped out from the alley. 
The Cabal halted their advance when he came to stand in the center of the street. The civilians and guards behind him held their fire. Though in the air above them waged a battle, and war surrounded them on all sides, there was a hush where they stood. Dulnefni-12 turned his gaze back towards the line of civilians, and nodded to them a silent command to retreat. 
Dul-12 spun his serpents on his fingers, and raised them to take aim. The silence hung heavy between them, tense and thick in the air. Then the Centurion shouted their command in the crude tongue of the Cabal. Heavy fire spat forth from the Cabal line, and Dul-12 sprang into action. 
One jump into the air above the first volley, two shots rang out and struck behind the phalanx’s shields. A second jump and a twirl, two more shots cut down two more phalanx. They fell with heavy thuds, Dul-12 coming to land on their chests. He paused a moment as the lines of phalanx and legionaries turned their guns towards him, and then went to work. 
Bullets pierced his chest, his arms and legs, but he recovered quicker than they could hit him. His knife sank into necks, his bullets found their marks, and the Cabal fell in a flood around him. Soon, all that remained of this division was their Centurion. Dul-12 set his feet down on the street once more, his cloak settling against his back, and turned to face this last Cabal. This time, no silence hung between them. 
Dul-12 sprinted forward, dodged around the Centurion’s gunfire, and threw his knife into the Cabal’s shield. The energy around the hulking Centurion broke with a blast, throwing Dul-12’s cloak back from him as he leapt with another knife ready. The Centurion recovered just quick enough to catch him in the air, preventing the knife from sinking into his throat. Dul-12 placed a heel against his chest and drew his hand cannon. To his surprise, the Centurion spoke. 
“You fight like Eliksni, Guardian.” The Centurion pulled him closer. “Savage. Personal.”
“Yeah, funny that.” Dul-12 raised his hand cannon, golden light beginning to wrap around it. The power swelled, cried for release, and Dul-12 pulled the trigger. 
And then the light died.
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nonsololibristore · 2 years
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taramatsu-san · 6 years
Okay so I said before I would talk about some of the deleted scenes and other such things from UN//Forgotten, in case anyone is curious! There will be spoilers under the read more, so be warned if you haven’t finished the story yet!
Before we get into that, also have some art that I never used for some reason that was supposed to go with this fanfic:
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Alright, the rest of the cut content under the read more! Also sorry I don’t know how to make the Read More work on mobile? It just refuses so everything after this is a spoiler!
So the first thing that was changed from the first draft was the roles of Kara and Oso within the story. Before I started writing I wanted to have all the characters follow the roles they had in the Hesokuri Wars Steampunk set. That would mean that Kara was a bounty hunter. I tried to fit that into the plot in various ways, such as Kara being a slave to Chibita, but still working as a bounty hunter, and then having Oso killing Chibita. But that didn’t really work with the plot. Like if Kara didn’t know Oso before he killed Chibita, why would he go with him and join his group? He wouldn’t. And then Oso would have no reason to rescue him, and ect. It didn’t work so I made Kara a normal slave/outlaw like Oso instead. Then the plot made 100% more sense, especially after I decided how Chibita would die in the story, but more on that later.
I wrote the first four or five chapters before uploading any of them. I had written the Choro family as not knowing each other as children originally in those first few chapters, they had all escaped from separate farms and such. I then realized that made a huge plot hole. How did they all escape? How did they find Choro? Why did Ichi trust them, but not Kara? It just didn’t make sense so after uploading the first two chapters I went back and edited the other chapters to them knowing each other from the beginning. This made the story stronger and just made more sense.
Around chapter seven I realized the plot was taking too long. I then edited the rest of chapter seven, which became chapter seven and eight actually, severely. I put too much in and there wasn’t enough room. The biggest things I took out was a scene where after Dekapan examines Kara, Kara helps him out with a delivery to Nyaa-Chan. On this delivery he would see Oso walking around, his eyes glowing red. This would establish he was more actively looking for Kara, although he mostly hung around the main street and the bank, aka where Chibita died. It was unnecessary and dragged the chapter on too long so it was cut. I instead put a tiny scene with Oso in the next chapter, but I don’t think it had the same impact. Oh well.
Next scene I cut out in chapter eight was Todo talking about his past experiences as a slave. It made that chapter drag and Todo’s past had very little importance on the plot as a whole, so Homura ended up talking about it briefly instead. Side note, when Homura says, “I never had a choice in anything! I just, I just want to make my own decision for once.” That was extremely obtuse foreshadowing of her suicide attempt. She made her own decision for once, it just wasn’t a very good one. sobs
Chapter 9, or chapter ——- (seven dashes), those dashes standing for both suicide and Chibita, didn’t exist in my original outline, throwing off my outline even further, cause you know I’m like that. There was just a small scene in the notes that said “RW: Karamatsu can’t decide if he wants to continue story,” which I somehow turned into a whole chapter. Go me!
Chapter Thirteen (actually 14) had a much darker tone in the first draft. It had Karamatsu contemplating suicide, holding his box cutter against his wrist before the voice of Kara stops him from doing anything stupid. Then he would run away. I changed it because he wouldn’t have enough time between Choromatsu leaving and returning to do all that, and because it would lessen the impact of his actual suicide attempt and Kara trying to stop him at the end of the story. It flows better with him just running away and leaving his poem behind! I think!
There was a dream sequence that got cut out of chapter fourteen (15 number wise) in which it was clearer that it was about Chibita. I made it far more vague in the actual story.
Also something I never saw anyone mention, but I’m sure people noticed, Oso says, “We were more like test subjects, because the five of us have magic that’s considered to be too ‘powerful’ or too ‘dangerous’.” He messed up and said five instead of four, since he was counting Chibita. I tried to make this clearer by mentioning four in relation to the futon.
Also this is something I never mentioned either, but Kara’s headaches got worse after he used his magic, and the “Find Oso,” was memories leaking through. It was his own brain trying to save him and get him to remember. On that note, the reason Oso didn’t know about Kara’s entire plan to make his memories obscured was because he can only use one part of his magic at a time. He can either track someone or read their mind, and since Kara was so far away he used all his power to track him instead.
Oh and another thing. Kara never mentioned Oso’s name to anyone until he ran away from Choro. This is mainly because while Choro and the others wouldn’t know if him, Professor Dekapan knew of his existence and that he was an outlaw rather than a bounty hunter.
Oh and when Oso says people think real loud at him about jobs, that was actually a lie. He just didn’t feel like explaining it to Kara, but he has informants who at a certain time in the morning relay their thoughts to Oso about any jobs. So it’s kinda like thinking really loud but not really lol.
So as for the memories, they were one chapter at one point, but I changed it to two. I also changed around the order of the memories from my notes to what is in the story since it made the reveal of Chibita happen later. That meant I had to edit out a mention of Chibita in the memory of just Kara and Oso after Kara obscured the house. It was only one line so it wasn’t that big of a deal.
The memory of Kara and Chibita at the top of the second chapter of memories wasn’t in the notes at all. I added it in to give context to Kara attempting to throw his magic across the room. Neither was the memory where Kara and Chibita are talking through the wall. That scene wasn’t even added until like moments before I uploaded that chapter omg. I thought the story needed more Kara and Chibita bonding moments!
Another big change was Chibita’s death. In the original script it was from a botched rescue job. Basically they were helping to rescue some slaves with the wagon, but got chased by real bounty hunters, Chibita fell off the wagon and Kara couldn’t save him and he got captured. That didn’t have the emotional impact of an on screen death, and didn’t echo the real life Chibita’s death, so I changed it to a bank robbery. Originally it was a more normal bank robbery, like Kara ghosted them in and they robbed the bank with guns but Chibita was killed, but I couldn’t figure out a way that would work well? And also Kara can walk through walls, why wouldn’t he walk right into the vault? So it became what it is in the story because of that.
Also the title, Chapter ___ ___? Stands for “Bad End?”
So now for changes to the ending! At first Karamatsu was going to jump from a bridge, not the cliff. The cliff made more sense because it echoes what Kara did in the story.
Osomatsu also talked more with Karamatsu in the first draft, but I cut a lot of it out. Things he mentioned include the way he found Karamatsu being the cellphone he called him from. He got it from Dekapan and it tracked him. It only worked since he picked up the phone, so if he hadn’t answered Osomatsu never would’ve found him. That wasn’t really plot relevant and I couldn’t fit it in with such a tense moment so it got cut. Another change was it cutting off at Osomatsu screaming “Wait,” and the rest just being told in the video. I wrote more of the ending with Osomatsu saying a few more things, but it was dragging and not important, so bye bye to all that.
Chapter True End (21) started differently, with Kara still cutting his throat but missing any main arteries which would’ve killed him. So he just passed out from blood loss instead of over-using his magic. I liked Oso saving him more to reflect what happened in reality, so that was changed.
The scene at the end with Ichimatsu was longer, with Karamatsu also fretting about his scars and Ichimatsu telling him that they were like battle scars, showing how hard he had struggled and still lived, but I couldn’t get it to fit in right so I cut that out as well.
One last note, if I ever did a bad end, a real bad end that is, I would probably make a video and I would use the song “Transparent Elegy”. It’s the sister song to “Farewell Wonder Noise”, kinda. It’s sort of like how in my other fanfic The Heaviness of a Heart, I had the song “Q” as the good end and “RE:Overdose” as the bad end because those are like sister songs as well. Speaking of which, “Heart Nonsense” and “Falling Apart Heart” are also sister songs. I like to use songs by the same artist with similar themes I GUESS.
Actually, since I haven’t rambled enough, a lot of this story was inspired by THOAH. Both Karamatsu’s and Choromatsu’s online names, MyLightShinesForYou and NyaaFan96, come from that fanfic. There are other inspirations from THOAH, but let’s not get into all that since I could write another 1000 words just on the similarities, hhhh.
So anyway, I think that’s it! If you have any other questions feel free to ask me I’ll answer them!
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becomestorm · 6 years
PERS/ONA 5 : so my ideas for this verse is that ren is the son of a monk and works at the meiji shrine. they’ve developed a liking for the temple cats and take care of them. ren attends kosei high, and participates in the martial arts club. their verse set up will be organised like that of a collaborating confidant, with ten ranks. ren is aligned with the empress arcana. ( i’ll be designing ren a persona and outfit based on mulan for fun, but that won’t be the official verse. )
SHIN/GEKI NO KYO/JIN : ren graduated with the first rank in the 103rd training corpse, which were still in the middle of training and months to graduation when wall rose was breached. ren lived towards the outer edge of wall rose in a small hunting village, after losing their mother to illness they lived with their father until they were met with a hunt gone wrong. traffickers after those with asian blood attacked them both while li told ren to run, and they have since been separated. ( created to interact with megan’s ( @tsuyoius‘s ) mikasa !
KING/DOM HEA/RTS : ren originates from mulan’s world, known in kingdom hearts as ‘ the land of dragons. ’ when the worlds were lost to darkness during the early timeline, their world was one of those engulfed and ren was stuck in one of the worlds between. although, instead of finding a means to go back when it became available, they instead decided to learn how to go out and travel other distant lands, although the land of dragons acts as ren’s home hub.
NI/ER : AUTO/MATA : this verse follows the theory that the flower from drakengard iii made it into tokyo prior to nier, disguised as a lunar tear. the flower is parasitic, and ren has absolutely no memory of how it came to take hold of their eye. this is because upon the destruction of their os ( operating system ) chip, the flower latched onto ren’s circuitry and healed them. ren now fights with a growing need to cause rampant destruction, slowly corrupting their system. ren is an older scanner model.
BN/HA : they are a recent graduate and pro hero, under the alias psydra. ren’s quirk is called mana manipulation, allowing them to physically manifest their life force into both physical and non physical forces like shields, energy beams, and platforms. unfortunately, their stock of energy is extremely small, which means they’re only capable of using these abilities for a short amount of time. during their time in schooling ren started off in the technology support division, but after their sports festival arc was moved up to the hero classes.
OTHER VERSES THAT I’VE JUST FORGOTTEN TO ADD. ( created and / or developed alongside enablers inspirations. )
PHOTOGRAPHER AU : created alongside latte’s ( @mosaickly‘s ) model au. an eccentric and talented media student hired as an apprentice photographer for a modelling agency. they’re sometimes roped into make up, costume design, and in very rare occasions as a model themselves, due to ren’s versatile androgynous appearance.
GHOST HUNTER ( INSPIRED BY BUZZ/FEED UNSO/LVED ) AU : also created alongside latte, ren is a bored university student who hunts ghosts and demons in their local area for fun, uploading the footage to youtube. weiss is their roommate who initially came along to make sure ren didn’t get in trouble, but started to get involved in the research aspect of the hunts. they harbour a cat in their dorm against the rules she named pumpkin, who they found on a hunt. also paired with rice’s ( @basedmercury‘s demonic au. )
DRAGON SHIFTER ( INSPIRED BY HTTYD ) AU : created alongside shi’s ( @becomeshield‘s ) dragon hunter turned dragon rider au. the lore is that dragons are more magical, hybrids capable of magic can shift from beast to a humanesque appearance. humans are currently unaware that some dragons can shift into a humanesque form, or are capable of human speech as it is forbidden to show a human your more vulnerable form. ren was separated from their clan, and shot down by jaune into glade where they wait while their wing heals.
INFA/MOUS SECOND SON AU : created to interact with riley’s oc ( @sparkdrive ) ren is a gemstone conduit ( with a preference for jade, ) who has not been outed as one yet due to their subtlety and quiet nature. but they do aid other conduits in escaping suspicion from the d.u.p. ren does know that this is a slippery slope, and that it only takes a few mistakes to become wanted, but they’ve since lost any collateral they could use against them.
RW/BY RO/CK AU : prior to meeting their team, ren led a double life as a classical piano prodigy but would also do concerts and gigs as a masked underground performer. it was partially due to their lack of stage presence, as well as wanting to keep their genres, and personas different. ren’s style is less rock, and more along the lines of cry/wolf, nuja/bes, ed/en, etc. ren’s eclectic online presence posts their music under the character 人 or alternatively the alias ‘person’ / ‘the people.’
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pikachugirltits · 7 years
Michal Introduces her Characters: Fanwalker Quick Reference
Ok, so here’s a project I’ve been working on when I had some spare time over the course of the last few days. I like to make characters. It relaxes me and it’s a great way to stretch my creative muscles.So watching everyone else make their fanwalkers has inspired me to make my own. I’ve been coming up with ideas for something like a year now, and as a result I know have 22 fanwalkers of my own. Problem is that I haven’t really introduced them all to you. So here’s a quick guide to my fanwalkers. I’m hoping to eventually get around to writing a story starring some of these guys and gals. If you guys want to know more about anyone, just send me an ask!
Nakahara Hinata - W - Female Human miko (shrine priestess) from Kamigawa. Raised as a cleric of Terashi, the kami of the sun, and the Myojin of Cleansing Fire, she specializes in spirit channeling, healing, sealing magic and barriers.
Kota - U - Female Human archaeologist from Zendikar. Is traveling the multiverse studying the history of whatever planes she visits. Uses runes and other magical symbols to cast her magic, with her specialty being divination spells. Latina, because not everybody from Zendikar needs to be white and as a creator I acknowledge the importance of diversity, even if it’s just a fan character
Cadeyrn One-Horn - B - Male Elf from Lorwyn who uses poison magic to augment his swordsmanship. Was well beloved by the other elves for his beauty until an unfortunate hunting accident broke one of his horns. Now travels the multiverse performing acts of heroism solely for the sake of the fame and glory it gives him.
Kenna - R - Transgender Female Human who uses kinetic manipulation magic to enhance her speed and strength. Loves the freedom being a planeswalker gives her. Was originally going to be from a custom plane, but I’ve since retconned her into being from Dominaria.
Spiros Dimitirou - G - Male Human from Theros. Has a connection to the land that allows him to draw strength and stamina directly from it. He's black skinned as part of my goal to make my fanwalkers as diverse as I can.
Otakar - UG - Male Vedalken from Ravnica. Simic aligned biomancer. Travels the multiverse observing lifeforms on each plane to inspire new creations back home on Ravnica.
Ganzorig Thundershield - RW - Male Orc from Tarkir. First planeswalk was to Ravnica where he became a Boros soldier. Paladin who uses combat enhancement magic and lightning magic. Learning combat styles and tactics from across the multiverse to create an army back on Tarkir to defeat Kolaghan and revive the Mardu.
Marta Baumhauer - WU - Female Human from Innistrad. Had a twin sister named Ada who died when they were babies whose geist followed Marta around and grew up with her. Became a cathar shortly before the events of Shadows over Innistrad. Her Spark ignited during the Battle of Thraben while Ada was possessing her to protect her from Emrakul's influence and as a result Ada's gesit has become fused with Marta. Uses basic clerical magic from her cathar training but also can use magic to communicate with and control ghosts or channel their powers. Ada is able to manifest herself to help her sister as well, kind of like a Stand.
Resetyu - R - Female Khenra from Amonkhet. Uses sand magic, think of her powers as a mix of Gaara from Naruto and Crocodile from One Piece. Likes pulling pranks and telling jokes. Her Spark ignited a few years before the events of Amonkhet block so she was actually off plane when the Hours began.
Zuzka - RG - Female Goblin from Ravnica. A Gruul aligned druid. Uses magic to channel the power of various creatures, with her specialty being to transform herself into the creatures. You may know her if you follow my side blog....
Granny Ygg - GWU - Female Elder Treefolk from Lorwyn. A pre-Mending walker. Kind of the Big Good of my fanwalkers, she has many communities across the multiverse that she's sort of adopted as hers that she watches over. Granny Ygg is but one of many names she's gone by over the years and her personal favorite. It's short for Grandmother Yggdrasil.
Yashagoro - UB - Male Orochi from Kamigawa. Abandoned by his tribe at a young age, he was raised by a clan of ninjas. Uses various forms of ninja magic. Sells his services as a spy, assassin or sabotuer to clients across the multiverse. Works closely with Apurva.
Apurva - UB - An Aetherborn from Kaladesh. One of the rare life draining Aetherborn, became a Planeswalker when they drained a potential Planeswalker to death. The person's Spark ignited and was somehow drained into Apurva. Has an incredibly easy time planeswalking for some reason and each planeswalk seems to infuse them with aether and extends their lifespan. Uses magic to enhance their natural empathic abilities into fullblown telepathy and mind magic. Makes their living as an interplanar information broker. Works closely with Yashagoro.
Lord Anskrieg - WUB - Male Human from an unknown homeplane. A pre-Mending walker. Much like Liliana, he lived for thousands of years before the Mending happened, which caused his years to suddenly catch up. Too proud to sell his soul to a demon, he instead turned to a mix of dark rituals, alchemical experiments and infusions of healing magic to prolong his life any way necessary. As a result, his body and soul have become twisted into something that straddles the line between living and undead, and he's earned himself the nickname "the Living Litch." A tyrant who wishes to rebuild his empire, he's the Big Bad of my fanwalkers.
Gwendolyn - GUR - Transgender Female Half-Elf from Alara. Her father is an elf from Naya and her mother a mage from Bant. A traveling bard who collects legends from across the multiverse. Her magic is similar to Tamiyo's in that she channels the legends she learns to cast her spells, either by invoking legendary feats or by summoning the heroic spirits that performed them.
Miya - RW - Female Human (Auriok) from Mirrodin. Uses magic to create duplicates of any weapons she's seen. Is unable to return to Mirrodin because of severe PTSD. Inspired by Archer EMIYA from Fate/Stay Night.
Daichiyama - BR - Male Ogre from Kamigawa. Uses chaos and destruction magic. An anarchist who travels the multiverse solely for the purpose of spreading misery, suffering and chaos. Occasionally works for Lord Anskrieg. One of my villains.
Eckhart Glockner - WB - Male Human from Innistrad. A Skirsdag cultist that posed as a cathar. When his particular cell of cultists were discovered and attacked by the true church, his Spark ignited and he found himself before Lord Anskrieg. Has since become Anskrieg's loyal lieutenant. Weilds life and death magic with equal skill alongside his sword skills.
Ariane - BG - Female Human from Innistrad. Uses magic to control insects, arachnids, and other creepy crawly creatures. Was persicuted as a witch in her home village, and has since come to embrace the name "the Swarm Witch." Has found a new home on Ravnica with the Golgari.
Getsugan - UBR - Genderfluid Kitsune from an unknown homeplane. Not a humanoid kitsune like the ones from Kamigawa, but rather a traditional style kitsune that takes the default form of a nine-tailed fox the size of a horse. A pre-Mending walker and a natural shapeshifter. A wild card whose motives are hard to read. Their magic is based off of traditional kitsune tricks like illusions and curses.
Cypria - G - Female Elf from Mirrodin. Uses ranger/hunter magic. Her first planeswalk was to Innistrad where she became a werewolf. Her copper growths take the form of natural gauntlets that cover her hands and lower arms, and in werewolf form her claws are also coated in copper.
Oriana - B - Female Human from Fiora. Uses shadow manipulation magic. A street urchin who worked hard to climb her way up to being one of the best spies/assassin in Paliano until she was betrayed by a client. Her name means "gold" and she chose it herself to remind herself of her own worth. When on other planes she uses Paliano as a surname.
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