#rwby ttrpg
thuskindlyshescatters · 2 months
You will need 1 six-sided die (1d6). Go on, go get a cube.
Click here to view Team RWBY's example character builds.
Characters. There are 4 characters per team. Your party could be you and your 3 NPC teammates, or your 5 friends and 3 NPC teammates for 2 teams, et cetera. They all use the same layout of character sheet.
Attributes. Each character sheet has 4 attributes: leadership, knowledge, agility, and power. Assign +3, +1, 0, and -1 to each attribute. Each member of a 4-person team will have a different 0 attribute. The character with the highest starting leadership is the leader unless you want to have conflict about it. Faunus can add +1 to one appropriate attribute.
Rolls. Roll your six-sided die and add your modifier to take actions. Roll leadership to convince, lie, or perform. Roll knowledge to notice, inspect, or recall. Roll agility to maneuver, hide, or manipulate. Roll power to force, restrain, or resist. 3 is average, 6 is challenging, 9 and above is unlikely.
Semblance. Each character has either 12 or 4d6 Aura points (AP) plus their leadership modifier. These can be spent to use their Semblance. Design a Semblance around 2 abilities that each cost an action to use, one that has a weaker effect and uses 3 AP, and one that has a stronger effect and uses 6 AP. These abilities can absorb damage, disarm opponents, gain extra attacks, reduce opponents' defenses, increase maneuverability, et cetera. These abilities cannot be stacked within one action.
Weapon. Each character has a weapon with two modes, one melee and one with a range of up to 120 feet/40 meters. One mode rolls 1d6 + your highest attribute to hit a target and deal 1d6 damage, while the other rolls 1d6 + your second highest attribute and deals 2d6 damage.
Dust. Characters can carry 6 cartridges of Dust in their weapon and 8 cartridges of Dust on their person. Each cartridge can be used once, and it costs an action to load more Dust cartridges from your person into your weapon. There are 6 kinds of Dust: fire (2d6 extra damage), ice (creates a barrier 30 feet/10 meters long and 10 feet/3 meters high), wind (pushes entities 30 feet/10 meters away unless they roll 6+ power), electricity (stuns an opponent from taking action for the next round unless they roll 6+ agility), gravity (immobilizes a target for the next round), and hard light (creates a platform no larger that 1x1 meter for the next round). A character can carry any combination of these kinds of Dust, and can spend as many as they want whenever they take an action, but will have to purchase or scavenge for more.
Combat. The order in which teams take actions in a round is decided by the team leaders rolling leadership in descending order. Within each team, each character has 2 actions, which can be taken in any order. Each character can also move 30 feet/10meters + 5 feet x their agility, and can spend AP to move an additional 5 feet per point. Similarly, each character can leap 5 feet + 1 foot x their power, and can spend AP to extend their leap by 1 foot per point.
Attacks. Attacks cost an action. It also costs an action for a weapon to transform between modes. Attacks must roll to meet an entity's ability to dodge, which is 5 + their agility. If multiple characters choose to use an action to do a combo attack at the same time, they all roll attacks and take the highest number for all of them to hit and do damage. When characters take damage, it reduces their AP. They can be healed by using an action to roll leadership to replenish an equivalent number of AP, until they are reduced to 0 AP and their Aura breaks. After this, any hit will incapacitate them such that they cannot move or take actions. They will die after 3 rounds unless another character uses an action to roll knowledge greater than or equal to 6 to stabilize them. It takes a night's rest to recover all AP.
Leveling up. Whenever characters pass a milestone, their maximum AP increases by 3 or 1d6 + their leadership, and they gain 3 points to distribute amongst their attributes to a maximum of +6. Semblance and weapon improvement must occur organically in-game. There is no theoretical maximum level.
Game mastering. Run NPCs as though they are player characters of equal attributes but lower AP. Run Grimm as though they have the number of unique attacks to do an equivalent number of d6 per the party's AP in 3 rounds (e.g. 16d6 in 3 rounds for a level 1 team of 4).
Let me know what you think!
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free-urban-clown · 7 months
ART CREDIT: @SomewhatOfAlot on Twitter
If you've seen my youtube and other social media art it miiight be obvious that (for the most part) it's always been stuff I've created.
But recently I started a new TTRPG set in the world of RWBY.
Friendo here is also in the same TTRPG group and did some art for other characters in the campaign. I like his style so I asked if he'd be willing to do Topaz, obviously he said yes and after we both kinda awkwardly negotiated a price he got to work and we ended with this.
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So this is Topaz Parzefall, a dog faunus (specifically, a Golden Retriever) who's semblance allows her to track anyone she meets on Remnant.
Also, she's currently head over heals for a character who's probably a domestic terrorist, don't worry about it.
Anyways, I'm really happy with how this turned out and I can't wait to see where this TTRPG goes and what more mysteries await our team :)
And another pointer to @SomewhatOfAlot on Twitter. Thanks buddy :D
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smmrofrwby · 3 months
SMMR of RWBY - The Paradigm RWBY TTRPG: an Introduction
Do you enjoy action packed, dynamic tabletops? Are you possessed with a desire to kick Grimm butt and take down bad guys with your super awesome OC? Does the idea of putting together cool, powerful builds for your character and getting rewarded for describing your amazing moves in combat for an experience powered by both hard mechanics and RP get your aura all fired up and ready to go? Well, this might be the TTRPG system for you! Built from the ground up instead of being converted from something else, the Paradigm RWBY system is hand-tailored to capture the feel of the show we all know and love within the space of a tabletop roleplaying experience perfect for not just one shots but full blown campaigns as well! In this video you will be walked through the basics of the system, and the process of creating a character in order to play with a small showcase of a mock combat at the end to give just a taste of what playing in a game is like. Links for the Player Handbook and GM Guide for the system along with a link to the main hub Discord server will be posted on the SMMR of RWBY Discord and eventually on the Twitter for the system. Feel free to message one of the playtesters for the system, Pyrope herself directly on Discord for the PDF's and links to the server as well!
WHAT IS SMMRofRWBY? To the surprise of no one, the RWBY FNDM has some incredible talent! In RWBY's current hiatus, we wanted to come together to shine a light on these labours of love, and inspire even more! Since the fans are many, the love is a lot and timezones are plenty: instead of a one-off event like RTX, the many events for SMMR of RWBY will take place over a month-long period of time! We’re planning many different kinds of events with the community! Live panels about creative projects, games, video essays, and more! There’s something for everyone!
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wanderersrest · 3 months
An Abbreviated History of Mecha Part 6: CASTIGATE THE ENEMIES OF THE GODHEAD
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Welcome back to An Abbreviated History of Mecha! Last time we left off, we witnessed the mecha canon entering the new millennium. While they would hold out for a good portion of the decade, it is here in the 2010's we see the canon reach something of a dark age. A lot of duds will crop up in this decade, though there are also a lot of hits that arise in this era. What we will also begin to see starting in the 2010's is the advent of using CGI to animate giant robots. This stems from two major factors when it comes to animating giant robots:
Animating giant robots in 2D is hard, and thus using CGI helps to ease the load by reducing the amount of work required to animate the giant robot.
The anime industry is starting to churn through new talent due to the increase of anime being released per season now.
As I said at the end of the last post, a lot of mecha shows listed here are generally seen as duds, though a few others also stand out as some of the greats of this new era. And if you think I'm being mean to those series, I've left out two shows that are a part of this decade due to how bad they are (Gen:Lock and Ex-Arm). The shows that I say are duds in this post at least have fans who will go to bat for them when backed into a corner.
So let us partake in some of these works, shall we?
Drink deep, and descend.
Xenoblade/Xenoblade Chronicles (2011)
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In 2011, Monolith Soft, now working as a Nintendo studio, would release the third part of the Xeno franchise: Xenoblade Chronicles. Easing up a little bit on the Gnosticism (but only just a little bit), Xenoblade would prove to be a slow-growing success. Finally, Takahashi and company have a series that is relatively free of the executive meddling the last two Xeno games had.
Xenoblade would receive multiple sequels over the years, including:
Xenoblade X (2015), a spiritual successor that focused more on moment-to-moment gameplay and featured giant robots as a major gameplay aspect.
Xenoblade 2 (2017) & Xenoblade 2: Torna, the Golden Country (2018), a sequel that acts as a standalone foil to the original.
Xenoblade 3 (2022) & Xenoblade 3: Future Redeemed (2023), a third sequel that ties together Xenoblade 1 and Xenoblade 2 while telling its own story.
Valvrave the Liberator (2012)
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Valvrave the Liberator is a 2012 mecha series from Sunrise, and the first of our major duds in the 2010's. Valvrave is best known for being an insane ride from the word go, and I think this series really captures a lot of what mecha is going through in the 2010's.
Mobile Suit Gundam AGE (2012)
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Even Gundam can have its bad days.
2012 would see the release of Mobile Suit Gundam AGE. Started as a multimedia project in partnership with Level-5, Gundam AGE was supposed to be a 100-episode series that spans multiple generations of characters. Instead, the series was cut down to a 50-episode run.
AGE's legacy is not a good one, as it is often touted as being so bad that it almost killed Gundam. I think, especially as someone who used to think this, this line of thinking is kind of silly. Gundam at this point is damn near ubiquitous, so to say that a dud like AGE would kill it seems a bit extreme. Besides, the Unicorn OVA begins airing around this time as well, and another series would really bring Gundam back into prominence in about a year.
Pacific Rim (2013)
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Directed by Guillermo Del Toro, Pacific Rim is a live action sci-fi film about piloting giant robots in order to fight and kill kaiju. Made as an homage to the giant mecha anime of old, namely Neon Genesis Evangelion, Pacific Rim would prove to be a great summer action flick that was made with a lot of love and care for both mecha and kaiju films.
The same, however, cannot be said for the sequel, Pacific Rim Uprising.
Gundam Build Fighters (2013)
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Gundam Build Fighters, released in 2013, is equal parts loving homage to the Gundam franchise, sports anime parody, and shameless toy commercial. Gundam Build Fighters, despite being loosely a mecha series, is worth mentioning due to the fact that it would bring attention back to the Gundam franchise once more. This is worth noting after the general failure of Gundam AGE especially since a lot of series were trying to dethrone Gundam in order to become the next big thing.
Aldnoah.Zero (2014)
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And boy, did that fail spectacularly.
Aldnoah.Zero also released in 2013. Billed as a series that would rival Gundam in terms of popularity, Aldnoah.Zero would start off strong. The problems with the series would arise in season 2, where, if I understand things correctly, things just kind of happen with little to no justification.
I do apologize to the fans of this series if what I have to say is harsh. I think a lot of that stems from the fact that I loathe series that are propped up as being an "X Killer," and I remember Aldnoah was originally advertised as specifically being a Gundam Killer. To me, that line of thinking is, at best, disingenuous and really prevents the series from standing on its own merits due to the comparison.
Gargantia on the Verduous Planet (2014)
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Released in 2014, Gargantia on the Verduous Planet is a series where your standard military robot gets placed in a setting where, in comparison to everybody else, it essentially becomes a classic mecha. Gargantia gives us a pretty unique setting where the galactic-scale war has not really affected the cast outside of the main character.
Also this series has Gintoki Sakata Tomokazu Sugita as a giant robot. It's great.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Reconguista in G (2014)
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Yoshiyuki Tomino would, once again, return to the directing chair for 2014's Mobile Suit Gundam: Reconguista in G. Created as a part of Gundam's 35th anniversary, Reconguista continues in the trend of post-Victory Tomino works generally having a kind of realistic optimism behind them. Reconguista is also known for being incredibly confusing in its initial TV run, though I am happy to report that the recent film version of Reconguista is, to my understanding, pretty easy to follow.
RWBY (2014, honorary mecha show 4...?)
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(I mean... if we're using a broad definition like I do, then it counts. Penny is a major character in the series, but she's not in every volume. The series also has a lot of giant robots as well, though they're not as important to the plot as Penny is. Also, I'd rather talk about RWBY than gen:Lock, so....)
Created by Monty Oum and the now-defunct Roosterteeth, RWBY (pronounced Ruby like Ruby Rose... the character, not the actress) is a web animation series that wears its anime influence on its sleeve. Focusing primarily on flashy action with a fair bit of character dramas in its first seasons, RWBY proved to be a scrappy underdog that eventually would become one of Roosterteeth's primary draws until the company's closure earlier this year.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans (2015)
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2015 would see the release of Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans. Set in the much grittier Post Disaster timeline, Iron-Blooded Orphans would, more importantly, be the first non-Build Gundam series to air in the US since 2008's Gundam 00.
Iron-Blooded Orphans is known for, outside of being a rather dark entry in the franchise, controversy. And I'm not just talking about the 2nd season. I mean, "Japanese parents were upset Mika shot a man point blank" upset (to be fair, it was on prime time, and Gundam is considered to be, weirdly enough, a show for younger audiences).
If you want to listen to someone else talk about Iron-Blooded Orphans, I'd highly recommend checking out Taez's video on Iron-Blooded Orphans.
86: Eighty-Six (2017)
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Eighty Six, the most recent iteration of the "Not Like the Other Girl" series, begins publication in 2017. Written by Asato Asato, Eighty Six struck a chord with a lot of people due to its stark portrayal of racism, which became extra poignant when the anime adaptation aired in 2020 (in other words, Eighty Six would air the same year George Floyd was murdered).
Darling in the Franxx (2018)
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2018 would see the biggest dud of the decade air with Studio Trigger's Darling in the Franxx. The show started off strong, but quickly soured on viewers once the second half rolled in. To really understand why it's arguably the biggest dud of the decade, I'd like to theorize a little bit:
I think, when it comes to the duds of this decade (Valvrave, Gundam AGE, Aldnoah, Franxx), the three non-Gundam series were riding off of a lot of hype. And when I say a lot of hype, I mean like post-Witcher 3 Cyberpunk 2077 levels hype (so when CD Projekt Red went all in on Cyberpunk, but before they went gold). Franxx in particular was hit hard by this, as Trigger at this point had been nothing but hits (pre-Gainax includes Diebuster, Gurren Lagann, Panty & Stocking; Trigger proper had Kill la Kill, Space Patrol Luluco, and Axe Cop, among other hits). So for Franxx in particular, the expectations were basically "This is going to be the second coming of Evangelion." And given that even Evangelion's Rebuild films can't live up to the expectations of Evangelion, I'd say that fans inadvertently set Franxx up for failure.
That's not to absolve Franxx or the other shows of criticism. Like I said, I haven't watched a lot of these shows, so I can only really speculate. It also helps that Trigger would recover pretty quickly in like a year with their next show.
Mazinger Z Infinity (2018)
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The end of the 2010's wouldn't all be duds though. As a celebration of Go Nagai's 50th anniversary in the manga business, his biggest works all got adaptations to celebrate this special achievement. Cutie Honey got Cutie Honey Universe. Devilman got Devilman Crybaby. and Mazinger Z got Mazinger Z Infinity. Set up as a conclusion to the Mazinger saga, Mazinger Z Infinity would prove to be a great conclusion to this series.
SSSS.Gridman (2018)
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Coming off of the failure of Darling in the Franxx, Studio Trigger would follow up with their animated adaptation of Gridman the Hyper Agent: SSSS.Gridman. Made as an homage to Gridman and all of its variations, including Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad (hence the SSSS in SSSS.Gridman), SSSS.Gridman proved to be a return to form Studio Trigger. SSSS.Gridman's success would eventually lead to a sequel based off of the Dyna Dragon called SSSS.Dynazenon.
Lancer (2019)
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(From Massif Press)
“̸̻̖̍̑I̷͔̦̒̽ ̷̩̇̅h̴̻͊͘á̴̙̹v̸͌̈ͅe̷̲͋ ̵͇̅̈n̸͙̹͆̀ë̸͉̎v̵̡̄͆ͅe̴͎̯͝ṟ̶́̄ ̶̙̒͑ͅb̸̻̋̋e̷̝̯͝é̸͕͔n̴̗̑̄ ̶̬̦͑͐h̵̲̒é̶͚́ŗ̴͎̅e̸̖̾ͅ:̶̯̩́̓ ̶̫̖̒͝I̴̯̪͑̍ ̴͚͂̽d̸͈͖̉͌ǫ̷͖͆ ̴͔̑͋n̵̂̆͜o̸̟͉̍t̸̗͇̓̎ ̴̜̠̄̑k̴̻̚͜n̸̰͙̓̊o̶̝̫͛̇ŵ̵̮̬ ̴͍̄w̴̧̢͋͊h̶̼̃̐ͅe̵̼̯͠r̵̹̿è̸͙̀ ̵͇̪̉͘h̷̺͋̇e̷͙͆̓r̴̛̟̒e̷͍͊ ̴͖͒i̷̛͓̾ͅs̵̒͜͝:̵̗̪̎ ̸̥̉Ȉ̵̬̠̓t̸͎͠ ̷͙͝ḧ̸́̚͜a̸̞̗͒s̷̜͈̒ ̵̻̋̐ǹ̵͓̲͘o̸͖̥͗̿ṯ̸̉̌ ̶̻̀̉h̸̙̆a̶̡͙̍p̵̮̭͆p̸͚̘͂̀ẹ̷̮̔̊n̴̳̂͠e̴̦͖͐͠d̶̥̻̿̆ ̶̖̮͋ŷ̸̻͚ȇ̵̩̈́t̵̼̎͘:̸̖̈ ̷̤̒O̵̻̱͑n̶̙͐͐c̶̮͉̉ě̶̫̬,̸̛̬ ̷̻͋̑I̵̙̓͌ ̵̧̮́͝w̴̧͚̽̕a̵̖͆s̷̒̿ͅ:̸̫̰̈ ̴̯̦̅̈́Ḯ̷̤ ̸̛̹̀h̴̤̳͗͑ȧ̸͍̦v̷͔̘͘̚ẽ̶̡ ̶̗̍n̵͇̞̉ę̶͙̏v̵͉̥̍ė̷̝͍͂ṙ̸̗͎ ̶̩͠b̴͈̿̏e̴̤̊̋ḛ̶̙̔n̸̡̔ ̶͚͠h̴͙̀͝é̶̳r̶̙̯͊e̵̢̫̕:̸̩̬͝ ̴̭̩̈́͗Ŷ̵͇͆ò̷͔͚u̶͈̒ ̷̻̌̚͜a̵̢͐̔r̴̰̝̕e̵̼͌̂ ̵̢̓ǎ̵̠͕l̷̮̉̀l̵̝̫̀͘ ̶̣̟̈I̶͍̍ ̶̣̊s̴̡̟͘e̷̼̦̿͝e̴͚̎:̴̦̟̃̇ ̶̬̱̕H̷̰̟̆̉ơ̸̰̐w̸̨͉͛ ̷͍̽̕c̴̡̋͂ͅa̶̡͂̐ṋ̵̫̈́ ̵͎̥͑͐y̷̭͉͛o̵̖͍̕ȗ̶̙͐ ̶̝̯͗b̷͎͍́̀ḙ̷̩̇ ̴͖̝̑ǎ̸̩̼l̸͙̞͌l̴̨̎ ̵̨̍I̵͓̊ ̴͇͒̀ͅs̵̗̽͒e̴̯̊é̶̥:̴̛̥͠ ̵̡̩̓̽W̸̝̦̏̈h̸͎̓̇ê̴̳r̶̻̊͜ȅ̶͓̹ ̸̖͊̕a̵̯͕͒͋m̵̆͜ ̸̙͒I̵̗̘̽:̵̼̳̉͑ ̷͖͒̈́W̵̬͒͒h̵͎͆ë̸̩́͜r̸̦̟͊͗ẻ̸̖ ̴͈͊d̵̩̕i̵̱̰͘d̵̳̗̕͝ ̴̛͖̳͒Ĩ̵̮ ̶̲̩̈́̋g̷̩̏͠o̸̱̓ͅ:̶̬̥͑ ̸̨̥̔͒Í̶̧̻͊ ̶̠̽h̵̩̘̋̓a̶͈͙̓v̸̝̊e̷̟͗̌ ̶͉̽͆͜n̵̮̭̉ḛ̷̜́v̴͓̥͛e̵͈̱̓̏r̵̪̅̌ ̶͉͌b̶̗̤̍e̶͔͘e̷͇̪̕ņ̷͝͠ ̵̥̄h̶̦̬̉̕ë̶̞́r̸̨͚̉̇ĕ̶ͅ…̵̤̘͛͝”̵̞̺͊
And to wrap up the 2010's, Massif Press would release Lancer. Set in a post-scarcity galaxy, Lancer gives enjoyers of pen and paper the chance of a lifetime: to become pilots of giant robots. None of this should be surprising though, as the game was designed by Abbadon, the guy who writes Kill 6 Billion Demons (you can tell because the IPS-N Tortuga and the IPS-N Raleigh look a lot like 10 Vigilant Gaze Purges the Horizon).
And that's a wrap for the 2010's. As we can see, this decade is a bit of a downer. At this point in time, it feels like mecha is dying. That's what an idiot like Gigguk will tell you. In hindsight, it's less dying and more in decline, and it's not surprising as to why.
Mecha, specifically the giant robots of old, are hard to animate, especially if you want a machine that's as intricate as say GaoGaiGar. But next time, we will finally be reaching the end of this journey. We will be diving into now, what's come out in the last four years, and what is set to potentially release in the future. Of particular note is the return of the Holy Trinity, with the 2020's in particular being a big year for Gundam.
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dustbnnuy · 3 months
Nyléa Arthemísia by Lop Art
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Alma Prisma by Lop Art
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lopartbymarah · 5 months
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New weekly post? Don't mind me if I do!
Those are my three most recent/most played characters on Paradigm's RWBY RPG: Celeste Solh, Alma Prisma and Nyléa Arthemísia.
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thepariahcontinuum · 4 months
I remembered recently that in RWBY'sV2 there was a board game they played, something like War. I know there's a board game already, but what's one board game you personally think would be the perfect type of game for a RWBY game?
I mean given that the Grimm Campaign exists I feel like DnD is the obvious option.
Or...Not Warhammer 40k (Unless you tailor the rules in a way where Hunters function like Imperial/Chaos Knights in terms of wounds and damage output compared to everything else) but one of the specialist games made by Games Workshop within the same universe called Inquisitor.
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kazikreatures · 7 months
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silly funney little feesh....
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kosalus · 10 months
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hiii i've got a winter sale going on for december for commissions where they're 20% off!! i've got 5 slots open. you dm, email me, fill out this form or order it through ko-fi! use the code "WINTER23" for the discount on ko-fi
also i'll be raising my prices for next year so come and get them while they're this low!
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soupcanspecimen · 1 year
Oh boy I sure do hope this Yang inspired chatacter I created for this Ttrpg doesn't get their arm cut off by their future partner's crazy ex!
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beesindisguise · 1 year
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More WIPs, this time of the character I’m making for the rwby ttrpg. They’re nowhere near finished and I still gotta make a sheet for them.
They’re catbolic
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thuskindlyshescatters · 2 months
Team RWBY TTRPG Character Sheets
As an example of my RWBY TTRPG rules, here's Team RWBY at level 1.
Ruby: leadership +3, agility +1, power -1, knowledge 0 Weiss: leadership 0, agility +3, power -1, knowledge +1 Blake: leadership -1, agility +3, power 0, knowledge +2 (Faunus trait) Yang: leadership +1, agility 0, power +3, knowledge -1
Maximum Aura Points / Dodge / Speed
Ruby: 15 / 6 / 35ft Weiss : 12 / 8 / 45ft Blake: 11 / 8 / 45 ft Yang: 13 / 5 / 30ft
Ruby: Spend 3 AP to teleport to a point you can see within your movement (35ft at level 1). Spend 6 AP to bring one entity with you.
Weiss: Spend 3 AP to place a corporeal 1x1 meter glyph on a point you can see within your movement (45ft at level 1). Spend 6 AP to place up to 6 glyphs (30ft) at points you can see within your movement.
Blake: Spend 3 AP to take no damage from an attack. Spend 6 AP to propel yourself through the air by half your movement (20ft at level 1).
Yang: Spend 3 AP to return half damage from an attack to your opponent. Spend 6 AP to return full damage.
Weapon Hit & Damage (Melee / Ranged)
Crescent Rose: scythe 1d6+3 & 1d6 / rifle 1d6+1 & 2d6 Myrtenaster: saber 1d6+3 & 1d6 / wand 1d6+1 & 2d6 Gambol Shroud: swords 1d6+1 & 2d6 / ribbon gun 1d6+3 & 1d6 Ember Celica: gauntlets 1d6+1 & 2d6 / rockets 1d6+3 & 1d6
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loyalnerdsbian · 5 months
I'm almost a quarter of the way there to pay off the remainder my loan!! any help would be super appreciated. check my links below for my shops and commissions
All of my pre-made, ready-to-ship items are in my kofi shop! I've got dice trays, dice bags, bracelets, and more!!
I have commissions open on both my kofi and etsy*, so feel free to message me on either site for info!!
lastly, I do have memberships open on my kofi for those wanting to help on a monthly basis. having a more stable monthly income would help me so much as a disabled person who can't really work a "regular" job.
*prices are higher on etsy due to that platforms fees
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smmrofrwby · 3 months
Watch SMMR of RWBY - The Paradigm RWBY TTRPG: an Introduction
Here is the link to the discord server!
Do you enjoy action packed, dynamic tabletops? Are you possessed with a desire to kick Grimm butt and take down bad guys with your super awesome OC? Does the idea of putting together cool, powerful builds for your character and getting rewarded for describing your amazing moves in combat for an experience powered by both hard mechanics and RP get your aura all fired up and ready to go? Well, this might be the TTRPG system for you! Built from the ground up instead of being converted from something else, the Paradigm RWBY system is hand-tailored to capture the feel of the show we all know and love within the space of a tabletop roleplaying experience perfect for not just one shots but full blown campaigns as well! In this video you will be walked through the basics of the system, and the process of creating a character in order to play with a small showcase of a mock combat at the end to give just a taste of what playing in a game is like. Links for the Player Handbook and GM Guide for the system along with a link to the main hub Discord server will be posted on the SMMR of RWBY Discord and eventually on the Twitter for the system. Feel free to message one of the playtesters for the system, Pyrope herself directly on Discord for the PDF's and links to the server as well!
WHAT IS SMMRofRWBY? To the surprise of no one, the RWBY FNDM has some incredible talent! In RWBY's current hiatus, we wanted to come together to shine a light on these labours of love, and inspire even more! Since the fans are many, the love is a lot and timezones are plenty: instead of a one-off event like RTX, the many events for SMMR of RWBY will take place over a month-long period of time! We’re planning many different kinds of events with the community! Live panels about creative projects, games, video essays, and more! There’s something for everyone!
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kiviniik · 1 year
do I cave in and doodle some of my sona with the trigun gang?
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prokopetz · 2 years
Do you have any recommendations for TTRPGs that emulate JRPGs well, or have a very JRPG-like setting? I find the unself-conscious mixing of fantasy, sci-fi, and steampunk elements that's commonplace in JRPGs very appealing, as well as the inventive combat and advancement mechanics (for reference I am playing the first Trails in the Sky game right now and I am enjoying it very much).
You've got several distinct questions there, though you may not realise it, and I'm going to tackle them in order.
First, with respect to emulating JRPGs and JRPG-like settings at the tabletop, it's hard to go wrong with, well, actual tabletop JRPGs. While English localisations of Japanese tabletop roleplaying games are admittedly thin on the ground, there are a few of them out there, including official translations of Double Cross, Golden Sky Stories, Ryuutama – Natural Fantasy Roleplay, Shinobigami, and Tenra Bansho Zero, as well as the odd partial fan-translation, of which Meikyuu Kingdom and Nechronica are probably the most notable. (No direct links to the latter two because fan-translation is technically piracy, though I'm sure you can chase them down on your own if sufficiently inclined!) There are a lot of cultural assumptions about what an RPG is and how it ought to work that aren't going to come across in an Anglophone author's attempt at genre emulation, so you'd be well served to go straight to the source.
(I vaguely recall that there are also a couple of Japanese indie RPG authors self-publishing their works in English via itch.io, though it’s late and names escape me at the moment – if anyone reading this can point us in the right direction, please do!)
Second, with respect to emulating the steampunk science-fantasy settings that Western fandoms often associate with JRPGs (though they're far from universal within the genre – their apparent prevalence is more a reflection of what gets localised than of the genre as a whole), the above-cited Tenra Bansho Zero will give you that in spades, though it's also one of the most rules-heavy entries on that list. If you have a specific desire to play in a game where the party consists of a cursed samurai, a child mecha pilot, a Shinto MiB, an oni Jedi knight, and Robocop, that it'll do.
If you'd prefer something less crunch-heavy, or more American-style in its game design approach, you might alternatively have a look at Anima Prime. It's not a localised title, but its lighter and more familiar approach may be an easier sell for your group than dropping Tenra Bansho Zero's seven hundred page rulebook on them. Aesthetically, it sits somewhere near the RWBY-meets-Final Fantasy XIII intersection.
Finally, with respect to emulating the combat of The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky specifically, that’s a tough one – I don’t think any Japanese tabletop RPGs with proper grid-based tactical combat have workable English localisations at the moment, even taking fan-translations into account. In terms of non-localised games, I’d probably go with something like Valor; it’s basically an anime-themed Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition clone, but then, most games that focus tightly on grid-based tactical combat are to varying degrees these days – D&D4E is extremely good at what it does, the protestations of certain vocal grognards who don’t approve of what it does notwithstanding.
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