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Obey me nightbringer fanart? yes please
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eelektroenthusiast · 6 months
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The star 🥺 he is goofy i luv him so much
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indihome-suck · 9 months
konser tulusnya gimana bako? asik? seru? audionya oke? hehe
IT WAS INSANE!! I actually got pretty close to the stage in the end!!!! I must say he looks like a very nice guy in person!!!!!!
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[ID: a photo of Tulus on a stage in front of a crowd holding a microphone stand. He's wearing a black shirt with wide blue grey checkered trousers. Behind him is his band. And at the back of the stage is a big screen displaying the lyrics of "Jatuh Suka," all caps colored orange. /End ID]
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lowcallyfruity · 23 days
Hi guys I’m playing American rythm game
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turmmeli · 1 year
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Little art I made inspired by the movie Tove (2020) :>
(and ofc the moomin :D)
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arthur-kingsmen · 8 months
babys first ongoing existential crisis
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arkos404 · 2 years
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art from the beggining of the year vs now
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thelemoncoffee · 2 years
oh yeah uh- sorry for no post today, it might end up being like this for a while cause my sleep scedual is shifting.
note, it's normal for it to do that cause of my nerodivergancy has muddled my circadian rythim, but as of right now i'm in this weird tranition period between day and night sleep that makes it really hard to post on time
don't mean i won't try, just means when/if i post is gonna be a bit iffy till it finally settles down into one or the other
actually? fuck it, here's your prompt post for today: i am projecting this onto Shuichi, may his attmepts to force himself to stay on day cycle for school be painful.
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littlx-songbxrd · 2 years
Im not back just here to vent about finals KILL ME
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yoihino · 9 months
Oh god oh no the bots have gotten to me
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scribgles · 11 months
"it's weird how i'm seeing posts from people i don't follow"
"wait a second"
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oceansssblue · 27 days
i saw your echo work with his fallen Jedi coming to him as a force ghost and oH MY. it was so amazing!!!!! your writing never disappoints! made me FEEL HAPPY FEELINGS
now I am wondering how it would go down with tech, especially if they were in an established relationship that maybe only the batch knew about because she knows they won't snitch to the council?
sorry if you don't want to write the same thing again, please feel very free to ignore
Hi sweetheart! I was initially going to decline your request, cause I don't wanna cry anymoree and I felt it would be writing the same thing, but then my mind shot some ideas back at me and you were so sweet and kind with your comments I decided to go with it. It's a bit short but hope u like it!
WARNINGS: Death of f reader, female reader appearing as a Force ghost, sad grieving feels explicit descriptions, almost pannick/anxiety attack, comforting conversations and cuddle piles, rest of the batch comforting too. Tried to end it in a soft positive note. Strap in!
Tech had been taught many –many– things in his life time. How to memorise scaring amounts of information, how to hack into security systems, how to fix, how to pilot... No one had ever taught him how to grieve, though; and with the Batch not being very close to any of the regs, as Crosshair insisted on calling them, your death had completely pulled him off his feet. To such lost came the added effect of not losing "just" a friend; but a partner as well. He would no longer be able to close his eyes and press your foreheads together in an attempt to center himself when everything around him became too much. He would not be able to kiss you or hold you in his arms anymore; feel that wonderful conection when the two of you made love, eyes sparkling and focused in each other with quiet reverent whispers breaking the silence of the room while your souls almost seem to talk too. He would never... He would never, ever, ever, see you again. And that...
Tech's resolve finally broke and he crashed down into the floor in a loud, heartbreaking sob. He squeezed his eyes shut. Both of his hands flew up; one to press against his heart and the other one to unconsciously scratch at his throat, almost as if he were trying to pull the knot that had quickly taken residence there out and off. He couldn't cope with it. His breaths turned into crying gasps and trembling pants. He couldn't, he couldn't, he couldn't...
"Tech" a harsh tone quickly snapped him out of his loop of hurt and wallowing desperation, and he quickly glanced upwards, eyes begging for help, only to find...
You. Your...
"F-force ghost?" He quickly guessed out loud, his voice a shattered breath forcebly expulsed from his aching lungs.
You nodded gently. You kneeled beside him; slowly, as if he were a frightened creature that could turn to hide himself further if you spooked him suddenly.
You place your hand in his back, even if you know he wouldn't be able to feel it.
"H-how?" He gasps, eyes still teary, hands finding purchase against the floor now.
You smile in silence. Always so curious, your Tech.
"I can't answer that. I don't even know how to explain this transition. It's..." your brow furrows. "A mix between real and not, consciensce and not, I was seeing things and nothing at the same time, feelings were..."
You shake yourself with a tiny guilty smile, and Tech nods. Maybe human mind's are just incapable of reproducing and completely understanding the mistery that is the Force; they only get tiny snips of it. He feels his heart slowly returning to it's usual rythim. He moves and flops to sit on the floor, knees crossed.
He takes a deep breath. No one had taught him to grieve; but he had read about it, saved the information like every other thing he learnt by himself in case it came up being useful. A part of him always knew he would be forced to experience this at some point or another; he just wished it hadn't had to be you.
"You should'nt have tried to save me. Should have let me die" he says, voice almost a whisper, but a surprisingly firm whisper at that. "There's millions of me. Kaminoans would have no trouble creating a perfect replica. You... You're just one".
Your eyes turned sad, your almost invisible hand trying to caress his arms. He tracked the movement with an involuntary pout on his plump lips; lips you'd never be able to kiss again. Oh, how you desperately wished...
"Don't say that" you replied, voice soft and gentle. "You know I never liked hearing you say that. You're so special, Tech, such a beautiful person. I didn't fall in love with any of your brothers, any other clones. I fell in love with you, just you, because you're your own wonderful person. I love you so much, Tech. Like i never thought i would love someone else".
Your words causes Tech's emotions to pull into two different directions, making his mind feel like a mess. For one part, it hurts him so much to hear that, knowing he won't be able to continue sharing that love with you anymore; but it also soothes his pain, like a soft blanket of warmth and comfort made of your pure, selfless love for him is being gently placed upon his shoulders.
Tech gives you a sad, trembling smile and carefully extends his hands towards you. It hovers between your body shapes before he lets it fall down dejectedly, thumping strengthless against the floor.
"How am I supposed to carry on without you?" he asks, in a whisper, an almost innocent look on his face and eyes.
Tech has no answer for this, no matter all that he's learnt and investigated. He's utterly, completely lost in this.
You smile at him, softness conveined in your expression even in this ghost state.
"You have your brothers to help you. To take care of you" you tell him, gentle, patiently, almost like a mother would comfort a child. "It'll take time, but you will carry on. At one point the pain will turn more nostalgic than raw, and you'll..."
You hesitate, your own feelings not completely real in this Force ghost state –more soothed, dampened, taken care of– but still there; you take a breath –well, you make the gesture to do so– and continue.
"You won't forget me, us... But I promiss, you'll be okay."
Half an hour later finds you both laying down on Tech's bunk on the Batch's barraks. You've been whispering to each other almost nonstop for the first twenty minutes or so –remembering and laughing about happy or silly times together, confessing things you always wanted to say to the other but never felt brave enough–. The last ten have been spent on silence, though; your faces close to each other as if you could both feel each other's warmth; memorising every inch of the other's face. You're glad your Force ghost looks like a peacefull version of yourself, not the last one tainted by blood and the grieves of years of war.
The door opens and different set of steps freeze on their way to their own bunks. It's obvious; everyone's shocked.
"Hey, guys" you chuckle, pulling yourself up from your place in Tech's cot. "Yeah, I'm a Force ghost now".
No one laughs or chuckles at your obvious dead-pan. Wrecker's eyes fiñl with tears inmediately, while Echo gulps down his sorrow and Crosshair glances to the side guiltily. Hunter's eyes flicker between Tech and your bluish figure and clenches his jaw before looking down.
"It's none of your fault" you quickly correct their thoughts. Such selfless, honorable men, this ones. "Please don't ever think that. Now... i can't be here for long. I don't really know how this works, but I can feel the Force trying to pull me elsewhere. I don't know when or if I will be able to come back. Tech..." you glance at him, his expresion closed of and quiet, tears dried on his cheeks, now. Almost looking composed. "Needs your help. He's not okay, though I am perfectly aware he'll try to cover that" you smile at him, softly. "I think it would be a good idea to get him into one of your cuddle piles".
Everyone nods firmly, and almost as if you've given them an order yourself, they sprint in action, quickly throwing down all the cots on the free space on the floor and pushing them together into one big bed enough to house them all. Tech doesn't have strength to move, to react much; he's not ready to talk about this with his family, yet, but it doesn't matter. Wrecker carries him carefully and places him in the middle of the cots; the rest of them quickly taking their spot on his sides. Hunter presses closer to him while –surprisingly– Crosshair lays on Tech's other side; Echo taking his spot besides Hunter and Wrecker on the oposite side. He's oficially squished between his four brothers, his family; and Tech didn't even realized how much he needed their comfort and warmth until now.
He feels his eyelids dropping, exhaustion creeping in. He has enough strength to tilt his head up and look at your shape.
"Please, don't go" he softly asks. "At least... At least until I'm asleep".
You nod with a loving small smile.
"Of course. I'll always come and stay with you however I can, cyare".
Tech shows a tiny fond smile, moved by the affectionate use of Mando'a –he taught you himself– and nuzzles his nose closer to Hunter's neck with a hum. The sergeant hums back at him and instinctively presses closer, arms wrapping around his younger brother. Crosshair silently imitates him on Tech's other side. To be honest, he hates hugs; but he'll be damned if he didn't try his best at comforting one of the most important persons in his life. He never says so, but he loves every single one of his brothers; a special little soft spot in his heart belonging particularly to Tech.
You know all this, and you can't help but whisper a general "I love you, boys" as well. You'll miss them, too. They were great friends.
You receive a tired wave of choruses back.
"Love you, Tech" you whisper to him, you can't help it yourself. You needed him to hear you say it one more time.
Tech hums almost sleeping, now.
"Love you, ner karta (my heart)" he mumbles, muffled against Hunter's neck.
The man caresses Tech's hair gently until he falls asleep; then, Hunter carefully pulls his goggles off and leaves them in a safe spot on the floor besides them.
Hunter waits until all of his brothers are well asleep; ever the leader, ever the big brother. The protector. He'd do anything for them. Then, he stares at you with an understanding soft expresion on his face; and you shoot him back one of your own, while the bluish light of your shape extinguishes from the barraks in a quiet goodbye. Hunter sighs quietly and nuzzles back into Tech's form, relishing in his and Echo's warmth at his back.
You comfort yourself thinking they will all take care of each other; and you might be able to find them in this afterlife someday. For now, Tech will still live; and he'll be safe with his family, his aliit.
Omgggg you guysss MY FEELINGSSS FJDBFBDJXBSB! This made me get that knot in my throat, my poor baby tech, why u request me this sad stuff ahhhhhh.
Nah, im glad u did though, it was intense to write this piece but i think it came out beautifully if i may say so myself. I hope u liked it!
Okay, we have two Hunter fanfics coming up next!! We will have a little action/teasing one and another more on the fluffy first kiss romantic side. They're both pretty original request ideas so I think you'll like them.
Stay tunned (and remember i'm always up for a chat dm)!
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juansartgallery · 1 month
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My friend streamed himself playing a rythim game called "Deemo" so I decided to draw the funny shadow person with an apple!
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hyperfixationnation06 · 11 months
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I know I'm starting out on day three but for day one I decided to do a comic so it's taking a little while and I just decided to skip day two because I didn't have any good ideas. So here's day 3! Domestic! I have this headcanon that klavier sucks at rythim video games and apollo never shuts up about it so here's him struggling at my personal favourite rythim game, guitar hero three.
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lowcallyfruity · 5 months
I want new twisttunes guys ☹️☹️☹️
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cutecherrygirl · 1 year
Heres part 2. ❤️ Pls leave a comment saying if you like this or not 🐧
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You completely lost it at this point, your head falling back, and just enjoying every single sensation of Minho and Chris. You let your hand come to Chris' hair, tangling it in your fingers the way you had with Minho.
Chris' fingers traveled down your stomach, sliding under the swipes of Minhos tongue and circling your clit. Minho quickly sat up and you opened your eyes to see him kneeling between your legs and smiling down at you. He kept contact as you felt his stiff shaft press against your entrance. He pushed into you slowly but with a purposeful force, and you looked up at him to see him growl and his mouth fall open as he did.
Your head fell back, with him filling you completely the feeling radiated over your body, with Chris moving his fingers over you and his mouth never leaving your chest, and as Minho started to thrust into you.
When Chris finally did lift his head, he looked up at Minho, his hand still moving between your legs as he watched Minho Buck into you.
Minho had began to fall, his mouth moaning filth and your name, with his hands gripping your thighs and pulling them tight around his waist. Chris leant his head back down to your neck kissing a line upto your ear, before whispering, " Look what you do to him."
You knew full well Minho could hear every word and Chris knew exactly, how to make you both crazy.
"You like that? Him inside you? You both look amazing like this."
Minho had opened his eyes, his pupils bright and huge, stating down at you, groaning your name in his rough voice. His hips thrusted harder and faster into you, and you could feel Chris' fingers moving in perfect rythim with him.
You wouldn't last much longer, your head was clouded, nerves on edge, and your moans were getting louder. Chris quickly lifted his body from yours and moved to Minho's side, his mouth close to his ear and looking down at you as he spoke to him, "Now, Minho...Come for her." Minho followed his words and you felt him inside you, and you came suit, with Chris pressing his fingers against your clit at the same time. You felt Minho dig his fingers into your hips, and groan a mix of words as he watched himself pump in and out of you. Chris moved his hand from you and brushed it through Minho's damp hair, lifting his head to look at him, and seeing Minho smile back at him, utterly worn.
Minho slowly pulled himself from you, falling back on the couch to let his head fell back and rest. To where Chris quickly pulled you up, and in a flash you were seated on his naked lap on the couch beside Minho.
You felt his cock press against your sensitive entrance, "My turn, Baby?"
Chris gently pushed himself up into you, and you tried to hold back a groan at the over amplified sensation. Chris seemed to love you lile this, always when you were worn, when you could barely keep yourself together. He liked watching the pure emotion play on your face, he wanted to see your true self as he fucked you. He pulled your hips down on him, feeling him fully immersed in you, you let your head fall forward against his, and felt him kiss against your lips. You wanted to kiss him back, but your energy levels had fell, and all you could accomplish was panting and moaning against him. You felt him slowly move your hips and with the little power you had you rocked your hips on him, instantly feeling that surge of pleasure warm your body. You opened your eyes to look down at him, seeing him smiling through the pants he had started to make. His hands moved up your waist, sliding around to your back amd holding you tight against him. It didn't take long for the fire to be reignited inside of you. You started to lift your hips and drop back down on him, feeling thr softness if his chest run against you.
"You're beautiful, you know." You could hear him saying this to you, but only through the haze of an over colorful mind, your skin was on fire, his hands heating their way across you, and the blood in your system giving a whole new level to the pleasure. You had completely lost every sense around you, all that matters was this moment, you could easily lived in this second forever.
Chris kissed his way up to your neck, loving the way you sounded as you road him, and moving his hands down to your back to support you. You felt the second pair of hands start a new trail of fire on your skin, come from your side. You opened your eyes to look down at Chris, amd looked to see Minho sitting at his side, letting his hand travel down your stomach and between your legs. For the second time today, Minho started to make all the noises escape from your lips with just a touch of his hand. You didn't think the feeling could get more intense, but you were wrong. Your head fell back moaning up at the celling.
In a flash you felt everything move, Minho had pulled you to the side,laying flat against the couch again, with your back laying on his chest, and Chris now postponed between your legs, above you both. You were completely surrounded with them, Minho had you held on top of him, his hand wrapped around you and placed between your legs. Chris was thrusting into you, ane hand braced on the back of the couch.
You were completely out of control now, Chris had took the pace and was increasing it by the second. " Just feel it." You heard Minho whisper in your ear, as he kissed and bit down your shoulder. And you did, you let the feeling overpower you, gave in to every sense, and felt yourself almost convulse with the pleasure that ran through your veins. Minho held you still on top of him as Chris fell forward to burty his head in your shoulder, feeling you tighten around him made it difficult for him to hold off from coming. You let yourself moan it out, as you felt Chris let go inside of you. Feeling the world breaking around you. Minho worked you through it, his fingers slowing down as you came.
When you dropped, the world back into view, and the room seemed to cool down around you. You could feel Minho's hot bare chest against your back, and Chris leisurely stroking your sides as he laid on top of you. You were worn and tired, but never felt more comfortable in your life wrapped up in their arms. You felt your eyes close as Chris rested his head on your chest. You could happily sleep, until you woke up to do all of this again tomorrow.
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