#s&b tag tba
mcgnificat · 1 year
⤷ ✧ @stcrmhund said, ❝ does this look nice on me ? ❞
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she had planned on ( admittedly feigned ) petulant indignation that, rather than coming to her himself, he had dispatched tolya to fetch her to him. ( though, really, was she more indignant on tolya's behalf or on her own? ) she's yet to figure out why he's here in this particular shop, of everywhere in the town he might have chosen to wait, but she does not look too closely at the apparent sense of such things. though she might have asked, the question is gone as quickly at the sound of his voice as her prepared petulance is.
elia cannot say how he knows it's she who entered the room, and perhaps he doesn't, for he stands before a mirror without seeming to so much as glance in the direction of the door. with a quick look around, she snatches something swiftly, surreptitiously, from its rack, holding it behind her back in her right hand as she half walks - half darts the distance between them. she purses her lips in an ever-futile effort to resist a smile, and her free hand grasps at the front of his shirt to tug him both around to face her and down so she can kiss him. smiling against his lips, she sweeps the hat held behind her back around to place it, askew, upon his head.
it's a flamboyant thing, the height of ridiculous, bright red paired with peacock feathers tucked into the brim that are far too long to be remotely practical. she laughs as she pulls back, looking him over as if evaluating in order to finally pass judgment on his question. ❛ better. ❜
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chuitu · 11 months
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You get the idea,,
Please refer to these quick access points;
Important-ish thingy:
> My card!
> "Magic" sigils (EU7H1MIA DRIVE)
> What happens after "Clouds //ACT 2//" in 30 minutes!
> What happens to Yeva before "Season 1"?
> What happens to Yeva before "Season 1"?《Pt. 2》
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Nierko Zikloa
>> Overview
>> All Archived Files (Incomplete/Ongoing)
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Rienko Zikloa
>> Overview (TBA)
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[Main/Sub Ocs]
◇Yeva Ivanova Tereshkov Moon
◇Murata Seiren/Sirin
◇Murata Salli
[A.E.G Agents]
◇Kallen Faro
◇Phoebe Grey
◇Yú Jiǎo
◇Jíangguō Tianhong
◇Jíangguō Guizhong
◇Zhan Soo-Yeon (Zhan Cinnabar)
◇Zhan Young-min (Zhan Rutile)
◇Kafka Reighley
◇Shinomiya Hikaru
◇Shinomiya Hikari
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◇Yury Huo Tereshkov
◇Rozalyn Liu Tereskhov
◇Ilia Wei Tereshkov
◇Ivan Wu Tershkov
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◇Murata Sigmund
◇Murata Se-ri
◇Murata Caspian
◇Murata Ciero
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[My AUs]
◇ REscripted:AU
(When the tides of destiny bend to another)
◇ REscripted:TWICE!
(Oc and Oc interactions, inter-AU shit, great stuff)
A. Sirin is Un-Retired
B. An Almost Impossible Ending
C. Cold brew and Cinnamon
D. Gunships and Endworld
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As for hashtags! A little quick rundown will do yeah?
Character tags (ocs and not ocs?):
#oc; yeva moon , #oc; jiangguo tianhong , #oc; maximilian donesca , #oc; zhan cinnabar , #oc; zhan rutile , #oc; jiangguo guizhong , #oc; robin grey , #oc; yu jiao , #oc; kallen faro , #lmk rembara
Au related tags:
#•rescripted lore• #lmk rescripted au #•peppermint• (Yeva x RS) #yeva qna #•nierko zikloa• #•rienko zikloa•
Miscellaneous tags:
#•chuitrambles• #•miscellaneous piece of whatever• #•chuit designs things• #chuitqna
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bluejaysandblackbats · 6 months
You're Just Like Quicksand
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Batman Beyond
Summary: Jason Todd is ready to go into semi-retirement after fifteen years working with troubled youth, but one case in particular forces him to confront the sins of his youth and painful memories from his past.
Chapters: 1/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Terry McGinnis, Warren McGinnis, Mary McGinnis, Matt McGinnis, Bruce Wayne, Original Character(s)
Relationship(s): TBA
Additional Tags: Protective Jason Todd, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Retired Jason Todd, Multiple POV, Hurt/Comfort, Parent-Child Relationships, Canon Divergent AU, Angst, Mourning Jason Todd
Chapter One: Initially (Jason Todd's POV)
Terrence McGinnis. Case number two-sixty-seven. Breaking and entering, vandalism, petty theft, and armed robbery. I don't know what I expected. Maybe I thought he'd be taller. He was small, almond-eyed, rosy-cheeked. He looked painfully familiar. "Terrence—. No one calls you Terrence, huh? You gave me a look," I whispered as I reached to shake his hand.
"Terry... And I don't shake hands," Terry replied. I nodded.
"Terry, did anyone tell you who I was?" I questioned.
"You're supposed to fix me, right?" Terry asked. I raised an eyebrow.
"Depends on whether or not you think you're broken, Terry. Is that what you think of yourself?" I asked. Terry shrugged.
"Does it matter what I think? I've heard what everybody's been saying," Terry replied, "They talk about me like I can't understand what they're saying."
"I'm not here for them... I'm here for you, and I'm here to listen to you. Speaking of your wants and needs, do you want a soda or something? I missed breakfast," I replied. Terry fidgeted with a number sticker on the table, nodding. "What do you want?"
"If you press ginger ale on the Hansen's machine, you get two sodas free. Press ginger ale, and then press the pictures for whatever sodas you want," Terry explained. I grinned.
"Good looking out, Terry. What flavor do you want?" I asked as we stood up and walked toward the vending machines. I pressed the ginger ale button and got a soda for myself and one for Terry. "You've got me for two hours, so feel free to get snacks while we're here."
"Why?" Terry asked.
"Because it's four o'clock, and you're a fourteen-year-old kid. I know you've gotta want a bag of chips or popcorn or something," I replied, "And when I was in your place, the man that took me in got me something to eat. That's something that stuck with me."
"You were in my place?" Terry asked.
"I was well on my way," I replied, "I was boosting tires, B-and-E, lifting from stores and stuff... Do you want something to eat?"
He picked out a bag of chips. I let him eat while I pulled my thoughts together. "Thanks," Terry whispered. I nodded. "What'd you want to talk about?"
"When you need advice, who do you talk to?" I asked.
"Like an adult?" Terry asked.
"Or a friend," I replied, "Do you not have an adult that you feel understands you? And before you answer, that doesn't mean the adults in your life are bad. It just means that they don't relate to you."
"They don't get it. I know they're busy with the divorce and my brother and everything, but they—. You know about that stuff already," Terry mumbled.
"Yeah, but on paper, they're just facts. My job is to find out how you feel about the facts and how we can navigate your struggles together to make your life better. My job is to help you make your life better," I explained.
Terry took a sip of his soda. "Until I get out of here, right?" Terry asked.
"Nuh-uh. As long as you want me around. I'll give you my card before I leave today, and you can call me anytime you need me," I replied, "Now, let's get into what you want moving forward."
Terry liked to talk. I think that's what surprised me the most. He told me about everything he'd ever done and how he didn't know what to do once his parents finalized their divorce. And I listened. That's all he wanted. He talked so long that I almost forgot we only had two hours. Terry was an interesting kid. Insightful. By the end of the two hours, we were both hesitant to leave. I gave him my card and told him I'd be back in the weeks his parents couldn't visit.
"Jason Todd... Mr. Todd, are you gonna come back for real?" Terry asked.
"Two weeks. After your Mom and Dad visit you, I'll be there. First Sunday and last Sunday," I replied, "I promise, Terry... And call me Jason. Mr. Todd was my father."
I left our visit feeling recharged, but I didn't expect anything to come from it because kids forget so fast. So, I went home, wrote notes on everything he told me, and cross-referenced them with his case file. Terry's mother worked for AstroTech, and his father worked for Wayne-Powers. He came from an average family, but I couldn't help but feel strange about him. It felt like he didn't fit into his own puzzle. I had an appointment to meet his father in the morning but couldn't sleep.
I hadn't felt this way about a case in years. I stopped killing a while back because the criminal element in Gotham shifted. It used to be adults. It used to be simple. I stopped killing because the criminals got younger, more impressionable, and more cult-like. These kids weren't thinking for themselves. They were picking up where the criminal element of my time left off, and I had to change my angle. I couldn't go around killing children, so I tried my hand at rehabilitation. Terry was supposed to be my last case. He was my semi-retirement. The kid looked like a simple case on paper, but meeting him changed everything. Terry wasn't meant to be a criminal, and I think he knew that deep down. Still, Terry would require time, attention, and something I couldn't quite see yet. I wanted to help him, and I wanted to know him. I couldn't bear to take cases like his. The attachment was unbearable because the kid and I could do everything right, but Gotham could still swallow him up. It could still take him out because that's how the city was. Good kids and easy cases worried me because the kids with angles and sharp edges were built to make it. Gotham hated good kids. It chewed them up and spat them out with no remorse, and goddammit Terry was a good kid.
So much for semi-retirement. I put a sticky note on Terry's file for books I thought he'd like. Then I put another sticky with questions for Terry's father. I couldn't close my eyes. Every time I wanted to sleep, I thought of something else I could do. There was always something more for me to do. I think it was my way of paying penance for the sins of my youth.
Not that I regret killing the degenerates I snuffed out in my day. No. I felt guilty for the victims that I eventually forgot. Killing villains was alright, but it stopped making sense when I lost sight of the people I did it for.
My alarm went off while I was sitting at my desk, and I turned it off, made breakfast, and took it to my office. My assistant offered me a coffee, and I asked her to wait until Mr. McGinnis came. Terry's father, Warren, was a serious man. Over-stressed. He came in holding hands with a little boy I suspected was Terry's brother, Matthew. I hadn't met him before, but he looked exactly like Terry. Just younger. "Sorry, it was spring break, and there was no use in Mary and me taking the day off," Mr. McGinnis apologized. I nodded.
"It's alright, Mr. McGinnis... There's a playroom in the building if you don't mind separating for a little—."
My assistant stood up, and Mr. McGinnis nodded, allowing her to escort Matthew to the other room. "I spoke with Terry yesterday, and we had a lengthy conversation," I stated.
Mr. McGinnis looked sick to his stomach. "You can call me Warren... Um... Terry hasn't always been like—."
"Oh no, I might've misled you with my tone. Terry was great. He opened right up," I interrupted, "Personally... I think he'll be fine, but we both know he needs extra attention and support moving forward to keep him on the straight and narrow."
Warren nodded. "Has he said anything about the divorce?" Warren questioned.
Poor guy. I could tell he loved Terry to death but was missing something. He didn't understand Terry, but not for lack of trying. The man was exhausted. "He doesn't want to choose... This leaves you and Mary in a difficult situation," I replied. Warren frowned.
"We've already decided... But we weren't sure how to break it to him. We think it's best that I take him on full-time," Warren announced.
"You look worried," I noted, "This is your time to voice your concerns. If we can address them, we can help Terry."
Warren nodded before setting his glasses on my desk and hiding his face in his hands. "I'm never gonna be what he needs me to be," Warren choked on his words as he gave way to tears.
I pulled a box of tissues from my desk drawer and offered him one. "Mr.— Warren? You're trying... You raised an amazing kid—. Amazing kids... And some kids need more support than others. It doesn't make you a bad parent. You're only a bad parent if you give up on your child or demean them when they don't turn out how you imagined... You haven't done that," I reassured him.
I reached out to touch his shoulder and heard Bruce's voice in the back of my mind. You did everything you could, Jason. Then bile. I could still taste it. I shook the thought from my mind. "It's so hard... I didn't think it'd be so difficult with him," Warren cried softly.
I started to cry tears of my own. I wept for things I longed to feel again. "Warren, I'm here for your family. I'm here," I promised through my tears. I couldn't look up. I couldn't face Warren. He was everything that I wasn't. I wished I was in his place. But I guess the grass is always greener on the other side.
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juice-agerepngs · 1 year
MAIN ACC IS @juicezone
DNI as of 9/7/23
-If you are K!nk, dd/lg (or similar communities), NSFW, ect. If your account is NOT child friendly, DNI! -If you engage in sys/course. we personally are fine with systems regardless of origins, because the brain is complex and dumb, and sometimes it’s hard to A) describe what’s going on and B) it’s nonya business. basically, we’ll do our best to not interact with you, and we ask you do the same >TLDR: we are ENDO-SAFE. if you aren’t, please leave us alone, and we’ll leave you alone. -If we interact w/ a questionable/bad person, please shoot us a message!! we try and be aware, but sometimes things slip by or people are sneaky.
Sorry, this is NOT a request blog! I do not do boards or any sort of thing at the moment. I'm just trying to find easier transparent agere safe pngs and stuff lol
Check under the readmore for the following!
-Intro(s), Other links, What you can find here, TBA
🦈TL - He/It 🦈 hi hi ^^! Im a trans guy 21+ and I regress to around 1-8 (usually around the 5 range) This is a side blog, so activity mayyy fluctuate! the main blog is @juicezone ^^
This is my icon and this is my banner!
I do agere art requests on my mainblog! You can find the link here also!
List of tags (non-links)
What you can find here:
-Gifs -PNGS (transparent + nontransparent) -Agere prompts -Agere ask games
-Have a suggestion for what I can include in my tags? Feel free to send an ask!
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skyesilva24 · 2 years
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made some concept designs of some of my OCs, though, Libby's is more or less final. The others are subject to change... (:3」∠) (some facts/info about them under the cut if you're curious)
Libitina "Libby" - she's a Dark Fae, more specifically of raven descent - her VA would be Takahashi Rie - she would have a British accent/she would be British - she has a bubbly personality, yet gives off an unpredictable air - she stands at 158cm (5'2"); she appears to be in her early 20's Quote: "Would you like to be friends?"
Dr. Sullivan - human?? 👁️👁️ - his VA would be Naoya Uchida (Madara Uchiha) - he's a renowned doctor/surgeon at his workplace (tba) - if I had to give him a nationality, he would be German - he stands at 190cm (6'3"); he appears to be in his mid-40's Quote: "Worry not, dear. You can trust my expertise. After all, I've studied in the field for quite some time~."
Moriarty - his VA would be Yuichi Nakamura - has a knack for business, being in charge of matters such as performing deals and contracts - due to his charismatic nature, he's also in-charge of public relations - he gets bored easily, so he ends up in some form of mischief with Enyo, dragging along Nox much to the latter's chagrin - he stands at 172cm (5'8"); he's in his mid-20's Quote: "Sighs... How dull. Hey, Nox~! Let's get outta here! I know a fine restaurant nearby! Enyo's also tagging along!"
Nox (Fenrir Form) - in his Fenrir form, his VA would be Ryota Takeuchi (Elias Ainsworth from Ancient Magus Bride) - in this state, he stands at 208cm (6'10") - a master at forging weapons, he's often found in the forgery, crafting weapons he could use or wants the others to use - for personal reasons, he'd rather be in his Fenrir form than his human form - as stated by Moriarty himself, Nox's human form is "quite the catch" that the former was willing to date the latter Quote: "You... wish to see... my 'human form'? ...... I'd rather not, thank you."
Moros - he is a skilled strategist - his VA would be Nojima Kenji - he speaks only when it's necessary; when he does, however, he can be quite blunt... and confusing at times - he, and by extension Anpu, would be Dutch - he and Anpu are inseparable - he stands at 165cm (5'5") Quote: "Once the enemy is put under enough turmoil, cracks in their defenses are bound to appear -- a moment of weakness, hahah."
Anpu - they only respond to Moros's orders/requests - they are very protective of him - if you managed to gain Anpu's respect, they will respond to your requests (to an extent) - their VA would be Mayumi Asano (Haku from Naruto) - they are proficient in the polearm, having two bo staffs strapped onto their back - they stand at 175cm (5'9") Quote: "Young master Moros is why I exist. And, I... I am his weapon."
Ombra - she is a skilled huntress and marksman - her main weapon of use is a hunting rifle that she keeps hidden under her cloak - her VA would be Chika Anzai (Sakura Nanamine from TBHK) - she is always seen with a stoic expression - no one can really get close to her, intimidated by her aura - she stands at 152cm (5'0") Quote: "I never miss my target."
Phyn - a rabbit beastman - one of the few people who can easily approach Ombra - he is always found sleeping on a fluffy cloud; at all costs, DO NOT WAKE HIM UP - despite constantly sleeping, he is skilled at Reconnaissance - no one knows how, but he manages to get from point A to point B in a matter of seconds - his VA would be Kenichi Suzumura (Utakata from Naruto: Shippuden) - he stands at 171cm (5'7") Quote: "You pulled an all-nighter again, didn't you? Ahh..... Here. I made some space for you on my cloud."
Dr. Nightingale - she's always found in the library with her nose in a book - her VA would be Atsuko Tanaka (Konan from Naruto Shippuden) - she has a tendency to associate/name others based on various flora -- e.i. she often calls Libby "Kiku" meaning Chrysanthemum in Japanese - she is usually seen wearing a plague doctor mask - she usually speaks in a calm manner, but when riled up, she slips into a Scottish accent - she stands at 180cm (5'10") Quote: "Daffodil, dear, can you-- For crying out loud, MAGNUS!!!"
Enyo - she is "the life of the party", Moriarty as her partner-in-crime - she loves the thrill of battle, brandishing her katanas and sporting a wide toothy grin - she has a fierce temper, often ending up in fights (with Nox) - her VA would be Ami Koshimizu - she stands at 175cm (5'9"), but in her heels, she's 182cm (6'0") Quote: "Morti and me are goin' for drinks. Wanna join in~?"
Aeron - honestly, they're an enigma to everyone (even me :")) - Skye) - scarily quiet when approaching others, Moriarty and Enyo being their main victims -- they don't do it on purpose, I swear ;=; - they maneuver/navigate by using cloth wrappings as their "extra limbs" -- kinda like Doc Ock from Spider-man (つ´∀`)つ - their VA would be Maaya Sakamoto (Ciel Phantomhive) - they stand at 167cm (5'6") Quote: "...If you need help in dealing with noisy pests... inform me. I'll take care of them."
This was fun to do (´∀`)I want to create more fun content with my OCs ahfkdlahjakg
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The fastest gift exchange around. Objectively a bad idea. 48 hours of hyperfocus.
The exchange is multifandom, and open to both artists and writers. Fandoms do not have to have a canonized Ao3 tag to participate.
You must be a member of the Discord, for communication purposes.
Once assigned, participants will have 48 hours to deliver their gift.
Artists are expected to deliver a decent sketch, Writers have a 300 word minimum
No AI-Generated content.
This exchange will be operating on DL:DR when it comes to what the mods will police and what we ask you to respect in terms of other people’s requests. The single exception is RPF, which has additional rules. 
RPF is allowed. Persons nominated for RPF must be famous in their own right and over the age of 18 if written in romantic (/) relationships. Persons famous chiefly for their participation in facist regimes or as serial killers will not be considered for nomination. Mods reserve the right to reject RPF nominations in poor taste.
Original Work is allowed. Use the "Original Work" fandom. If it is important to you that a person within a specific pairing is a specific gender, make that clear within the tag, for example "Middle-aged King (M)/His Loyal Bodyguard (NB) (Original Work)".
As this is a 13+ exchange, there is no NSFW allowed, even if you’re sure that both you and your recipient are adults. This applies both to sexual content and to extreme (e-rated) gore.
Tags must be seconded (nominated twice) to make it into the tag set.
You can nominate tags for up to ten fandoms, with up to twenty tags nominated in each.
You will have one week to submit relationships and characters to a tag set, one week to write your prompts, and 48 hours to deliver your gift.
Participants are required to request at least three fandoms (with associated prompts), and offer to create around at least three fandoms.
To increase matching options, at least one prompt has to work as an art prompt, at least one prompt has to work as a fic prompt, at least one of your prompts has to be either Gen (platonic relationship) or a single-character prompt.
Please include anything you absolutely don't want to receive (Do Not Wants) in the Optional Details field in your AO3 signup. Only DNWs in the Ao3 signup will be enforced, and mods will not enforce DNWs that are overly restrictive or used to box a recipient into a specific gift (i.e. I don't want anything that isn't a space au with the mc's other major love interest dead off screen.)
This exchange uses Ao3's matching algorithm, and as such, you need an Ao3 Account.
Make sure the email attached to your AO3 account is one that a) you check regularly, and b) are comfortable with exchange mods seeing. You can verify your email here: archiveofourown.org/users/[your ao3 name here]/change_email
As per Ao3 and Discord’s TOS, you must be at least 13.
Ao3 Collection Here
Tag Set Here
Nominate Tags TBA
Discord Here
Intro to how to sign up for an Ao3 Exchange Here. Variant using a gifter letter here.
Sign up for Ao3 Here (there is a waiting queue.)
Schedule: (All times in EDT)
Discord Opens: 7 June
Tag Nominations Open: 7 June
Tag Nominations Close: 13 June
Ao3 Signups Open: 14 June
Ao3 Sign-ups Close: 21 June.
Creation Phase: Noon EDT June 24 -Noon EDT June 26
Treating Week: June 26 - July 3
Everybody admires everyone else’s work: 26 June - Ongoing.
Additional Challenges (just for fun):
One Day: Fulfil your gift within 24 hours.
Word Count: Write 10k or more on a single gift.
Multi-media: Fulfil a gift for an art and for a fic.
Multi-fandom: Make gifts for 3 or more fandoms.
Why? Because.
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lunarspearedaa · 4 years
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@somniaxperdita​  asked  :  headcanon + della/selene!!!
          headcanons! | accepting.
Selene was like -- Della’s gay awakening.  She met Selene &&  immediately just went heart eyes because I mean, have y’all seen Selene? She’s gorgeous. Della was smitten right off the bat. 
Every time Della and the family went to Ithaquack, she would usually spend most of her time with Selene in her garden. 
Selene would read / write poetry for Della ( my friend Bri who writes Selene came up with this one -- I’d tag her blog but she archived !! ) 
Della lived on Ithaquack with Selene for a little under a year; Zeus did not like that. 
Della and Selene liked stargazing together! While Della already knew most of the constellations ( she earned an astronomy badge in the Junior Woodchucks )  Selene taught her some lesser known ones && told her about ones that used to exist. 
Selene let Della search for the Sphere as much as she wanted -- But Della could never find it. She also never just asked for Selene to give it to her. The adventure was all the fun, after all! 
Selene taught Della the greek language! 
Della and Selene’s eventual break up was mutual. They’re still really good friends in the present day! Della can’t imagine a world where Selene isn’t in her life in one way or another. 
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“I haven’t forgotten, I just haven’t had the time.” 
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heavenlyexiled · 6 years
❝ i want you to hold out your hand. don’t be scared. ❞ john gives her a lock of evelyn's hair ❝ now you’ll never forget me. ❞
meme. accepting.  P.S ( X ) no one else click that.
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    it’s  a  trick.  a  voice  whispers  in  elizabeth’s  ear  but  she  holds  her  hand  out  nonetheless.  hands  tremble  as  the  lock  of  hair  is  placed  in  her  palm  …  evelyn’s  hair  ;  HER  DAUGHTER’S  HAIR.  her  eyes  water  up  as  her  fingers  trace  the  hair.  he  had  the  fucking  gall  to  give  it  to  her  and  speak  with  a  tone  so  casual  ;  if  not  hinting  at  the  underlying  threat.
    she  looks  up  at  him  ;  her  cheeks  rose  tinted  from  the  lack  of  air  going  into  her.  FORGET  HIM  ?  god  elizabeth  WISHES  to  forget  him.  THE  MONSTER.  “  you  fucking  asshole  !  ”  she  wants  to  tackle  him  to  the  ground,  slam  her  knuckles  into  his  skull  ;  she  wants  to  see  him  BLEED.  he  can  torment  elizabeth  all  he  wants,  but  to  do  ANYTHING  to  evelyn  ?  the  only  biological  child  she  has  left  in  this  god  forsaken  world  !  ?  no.
    she  can’t  go  through  mourning  another  child  when  she’s  already  struggling  with  the  current  mourning.
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    “  you  don’t  touch  her,  you  don’t  go  near  my  daughter  !  she’s  not  your  toy,  she’s  a  fucking  child  !  she  has  no  part  in  this  war  joseph  started  !  you  and  the  rest  of  your  fucking  family  STAY  AWAY  FROM  HER  !  ”  elizabeth  is  SCREAMING  at  him ;  it’s  clear  her  children  make  her  weak  and  emotionally  unstable  —  but  she  was  a  devoted  mother  and  would  do  anything  to  keep  evelyn  from  meeting  the  same  fate  her  son  did.
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magellaniic · 6 years
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; . . . .thread  where  someone  teaches  miki  how  to  cook/bake  something
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bluejaysandblackbats · 6 months
In The Soup
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: Jason Lives AU where he and Superboy become friends, despite Bruce's disapproval of Superboy. (ft. Jason's service dog, Gromit)
Chapters: 3/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon, Conner Kent, Roxy Leech, Rex Leech
Relationships: TBA
Additional Tag: Jason Todd Lives, Jason Todd Has Chronic Pain, Jason Todd Has PTSD, Conner Kent is Superboy, Good Friend Jason Todd, Protective Jason Todd, Overprotective Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Disabled Characters, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Get Along, Good Parent Bruce Wayne, Developing Friendships, Sneaking Around, Disguise, Fluff and Humor, Secret Messages, Hiding in Plain Sight
Chapter Three: Jumper
"Gromit, I just want to see," Jason whispered as he struggled through the crowd. Gromit supported Jason as he stared up at the Wayne Tower. He could only catch a glimpse of a girl on a ledge. "Something's wrong... Gromit, something's not-." Jason tried to grab his phone, but someone in the crowd knocked it out of his hand. "Hey! I'm trying to call 9-1-1!"
"In this city? Good luck!" a man shouted. Jason pushed a hand through his hair as he frantically tugged on the shirts of people around them, hoping that someone would have a conscience before things got messy. They ignored him, so he took Gromit into the building and to the front desk.
"Hi, Jason," the security guard greeted. Jason took a breath. "Need to sit?"
"No time, Chuck. Is Bruce here?" Jason asked.
"Just missed him. He had an emergency and had to leave for his trip early. You're not going with him?" Chuck questioned.
Jason leaned over the front desk and grabbed a walkie-talkie. "Can you call 9-1-1 and tell them there's someone on the roof?" Jason asked. He ran to the elevator and took it up to the roof, his heart racing as he whispered reassurances to himself. "Keep your head, Jason. Bruce taught you to keep your cool. She'll be fine if you stay calm." Gromit nudged Jason with his nose. "No time to worry about me. I'll be fine." The elevator dinged, and Jason rushed out. "Let's talk."
The girl stepped down from the ledge, and Jason loosened up. "This isn't what you think, Kid. This is a stun—." Jason collapsed. Gromit lay down on the ground, protecting Jason's face from hitting the ground. "Crap! Hey, Kid!" She made a call on her cell, putting it on speaker.
"What's going on, Roxy?" the male voice answered.
"Some kid—. He thought I was gonna jump to my death—. Something's wrong, S-B… He dropped. And he's got a dog with him," Roxy answered.
Superboy swept in and listened for a heartbeat. "Is he—?" Superboy shook his head and lifted one of Jason's arms.
"His medical alert bracelet," Superboy whispered. He rolled Jason over and placed his jacket under his head while Gromit lay under Jason's legs, keeping them above his head. "He's got a walkie… Hold on." Superboy picked it up and pressed a button. "Hello?"
"Jason, are you sure you saw a jumper?" Chuck questioned.
"No jumper. It was a publicity stunt," Superboy answered honestly, "Did you call 9-1-1?"
"Not yet. I was waiting for word from you. Jason, do you see anything up there?" Chuck asked.
"No, thank you, though. Can someone bring up a soda and maybe a bag of chips or a pretzel or something?" Superboy asked.
"Uhh… Sure," Chuck replied, "Are you okay up there?"
"He's fine… And I'm not Jason. He's lightheaded, but his heart rate is rising… He'll be down as soon as he feels better," Superboy answered. He set the walkie to the side. Jason tried to sit up with a start, and Superboy patted his chest. "Hi, you're alright. You're among friends… It's okay, Jason. I'm Superboy. My friends call me S-B… And this Roxy."
"Don't call 9-1-1," Jason mumbled. Superboy nodded.
"I know. I didn't... Try to relax," Superboy whispered. Jason shut his eyes before patting his pockets.
"My phone!" Jason exclaimed.
"Easy! I'll find your phone. Give me your number and lay still," Superboy commanded gently. Jason pressed his palms against his eyelids as he recited his phone number from memory, and Roxy called it. Jason and Roxy couldn't hear Jason's phone ring, but Superboy could, and he swooped down to search the crowd for it. He found it in someone's pocket and held his hand out. "That doesn't belong to you." The man sighed and gave Superboy the phone.
He returned to Jason, who by that time managed to sit up, sipping his soda. Superboy gave Jason his phone back. "Thank you... Where do you come from?" Jason asked. He leaned back against the wall, shutting his eyes as he took another sip.
"A lab," Superboy answered honestly, "The world needed another Superman while the big guy was indisposed. I was supposed to fill that need... Roxy, you can go... You should probably tell your dad something came up."
Jason made a soft noise before taking a deep breath. "Do you wanna sit down?" Jason asked. "I might be down here a minute." Superboy nodded and sat beside him.
"Want me to check your blood pressure?" Superboy asked.
"Not yet... Give me a minute. Have you dealt with this before? You seem calm," Jason noted. Superboy shook his head. He stared at Jason.
"Not to be invasive, but who bashed your skull like that? I can see old fractures all over," Superboy whispered.
"I was in a bad accident... I spent a year in the hospital. Also, looking at somebody's bones without permission is rude, even if you're just looking for signs of injury," Jason replied. Superboy looked down at his feet.
"Sorry," Superboy apologized.
"It's alright... I don't actually mind. I was messing with you," Jason smirked. Superboy chuckled. "You're alright... Wish I could tell my dad-. Wish I could tell Bruce I met you."
"Why can't you?" Superboy asked.
"Because Bruce would flip. He doesn't trust you. He thinks you're the result of some government conspiracy to destroy Superman's reputation," Jason answered honestly.
"And what do you think?" Superboy asked.
"You're a teenager like me... Well... Not like me. Cooler than me," Jason half-smiled. Superboy chuckled.
They sat in silence for a while before Jason could stand. "Let me get dressed and take you home," Superboy offered.
"Get dressed?" Jason asked.
"I could change out of costume and drop you off as somebody else," Superboy offered.
Jason chuckled. "I can't believe I'm gonna say yes to this," Jason replied in disbelief. "I have a change of clothes in my bag. You can borrow them." Superboy nodded and slipped the clothes on over his costume.
"Why do you have a change of clothes in your bag?" Superboy asked.
"I live in Gotham. Anything could happen. Chemical rain, gas attacks, pollen bombings... You wouldn't believe the stuff that gets trapped in the fabric of my clothes in this city," Jason answered. Superboy's eyes widened, and he nodded. "If my friend asks, you're Conner from New York, and I met you at school. You insisted on taking me home to make sure I got back okay. Lie-truth-lie-truth." Jason gestured as he spoke, slapping his palm with the back of his hand for emphasis.
Superboy nodded. "Okay. I could be Conner from school," Superboy smiled, "Thanks for the name... I like it."
"Good. It suits you," Jason replied as he leaned on Gromit's handle for support. "I'll order us a ride."
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zachtlcw · 4 years
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“Tenshi’s score should be higher. He’s gorgeous.”
0 notes
ickymichi · 2 years
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𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 (𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞)
✧.* a collab event inspired by rock and metal music!
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•nsfw, sfw & dark content are all okay! (except: incest, scat, etc)
•you’re not limited to one character! you can enter as many times as you’d like with different characters from different fandoms!
•see masterlist for fandoms you can choose from!
•purely from my own experience there will be no deadline or word limit! let your creativity go wild and take your time with it!!
•when entering just send an ask like this; hi! can i enter blah blah, with the character(s), if it’s sfw, nsfw or dc, and the song!
•when entering please, please make sure to have your age somewhere easily visible on your blog or i won’t be answering the ask.
•when entering use the 𓆩♡𓆪—dark love collab tag so i can read all the works that’ll b entered!
•the piece of work will be inspired or just have the lyrics in the work like a song fic! (i hope this makes sense😭)
•and finally have fun with it! this is my first kinda collab and i can’t wait to read everything!!
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matsukawa issei- closer by nine inch nails. (nsfw +18) @ryusxke
Levi ackerman-Paralytic States by Against Me (dc, +18) @levmada
Levi ackerman-If There is Light, It Will Find You by Senses Fail (sfw) @levmada
eren jeager- Dumb by Nirvana (nsfw +18) @levmada
ran haitani- believe in love - scorpions (nsfw +18) @kbaji
ryusuke minami- everlong by foo fighters @ryusxke
iguchi tatsuya- tba @ryusxke
empty x
empty x
empty x
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thelittlestspider · 3 years
My list of wips 2: electric boogaloo
updated: 11/2/2023
Minors DNI
orphan country verse
genre: drama/horror
age range: 18+  
warnings: sex, violence, murder, mentioned sexual assault, mentioned poisoning, mentioned child abuse, smoking, suicidal thoughts. (warnings subject to change as story progresses)
brief summary: ?
[links: tag, aesthetic tag, playlist, bibliography.]
🦷 by the skin of my teeth 🦷
genre: horror/romance
age range: 18+
warnings: death/murder, implied rape/sexual assault, violence, disturbing imagery, mentioned physical/mental/emotional abuse, mentioned domestic violence (warnings subject to change as fic progresses)
summary: two assassins' world is thrown off their axis when a mysterious woman destroys the organization that held them captive. now the couple must figure out what they want to do with their newfound freedom and if it includes their unlikely heroine.
[links: tag, aesthetic tag, playlist, bibliography.]
paper heart
genre: gothic/horror
warning(s): tba.
summary: tba.
🕯 blackwood school wip 🕯
genre: horror/adventure
warning(s): disturbing imagery, unreality, violence. (warnings subject to change as story progresses)
summary: an episodic story about a group of classmates navigating young adulthood while trying to make it through college alive.
aesthetic: sort of like a gothic magic school vibe
comments: originally, i was going to label this dark academia, but it's more like academia with horror/adventure elements? bc it's not like sbsfg where there's a murder plot (i say that, but watch one evolve anyway).
[links: tag, aesthetic tag, playlist, bibliography, character masterlist, pinterest.]
🐦 carry me to places i have never traveled 🐦
genre: horror/slice of life
warning(s): violence, implied child abuse, implied sexual assault.
summary: a struggling child star meets an orphan with a terrible secret; one that could destroy them both.
aesthetic: dog motifs, bird imagery.
comments: a very tragic story about growing up traumatized and in poverty, basically. and like the unreliability of memory. sort of experimenting on this narratively.
[links: tag, aesthetic tag, playlist, bibliography.]
🏚 the house at lake sinister 🏚
genre: horror
summary: a couple enters a nightmarish dimension when they agree to help their friend film a documentary on a cursed town.
comments: literally just 'what if the blair witch project happened during xmas' lol.
[links: tag, aesthetic tag, playlist, bibliography.]
🩸 vampire hunter wip 🩸
genre: horror
warning(s): violence. (warnings subject to change as story progresses)
summary: a girl is forced to kill her ex-girlfriend turned vampire on valentine's day.
[links: tag, aesthetic tag, playlist, bibliography.]
🔪 slasher 🔪
genre: horror
warning(s): violence, murder, stalking, implied cannibalism. (warnings subject to change as story progresses)
summary: a serial killer stalks a rental house on a college campus, leading to a deadly game of cat and mouse on halloween night.
comments: i wanted to write a halloween slasher.
[links: tag, aesthetic tag, playlist, bibliography.]
🚘 all saints 🚘
warning(s): violence.
summary: a b movie actor marries into a wealthy family, but falls for the son of their enemy, reigniting a blood feud.
[links: ]
🪻 st. bernedine's school for girls 🪻
genre: gothic/mystery thriller?
warning(s): death, cannibalism.
comments: baby's first straight up murder mystery/dark academia lol.
[links: tag, aesthetic tag, playlist, character masterlist.]
the graveyard of the forgotten
genre: horror
[links: tag, aesthetic tag, playlist, bibliography.]
noir jazz cyberpunk wip
genre: scifi and noir
[links: tag, aesthetic tag, playlist, bibliography.]
magnetic north
summary: a carry me/btsomt au where scott and javier meet at 11 and are obsessed with each other for the rest of their lives (to the jealousy of ray and peter lol).
[links: tag, aesthetic tag, playlist, bibliography.]
(these are basically the wips that are unconnected with my main verse.)
between star, stone, and sea
genre: scifi
[links: tag, aesthetic tag, playlist, bibliography.]
a case for burnt sugar
genre: fantasy?
summary: in a town of witches a baker without powers makes enemies with the town's it girl.
[links: tag, aesthetic tag, playlist, bibliography.]
shapeshifter verse wip
comments: this was a fic i came up with in 7th or 8th grade about an alternate universe in the US where shapeshifters are illegal and hunted down. and like the mc hides in a shapeshifter sanctuary owned by an eccentric artist.
evil dead.
🪞 soul alone series 🪞
summary: ash and scotty break up and find their way back to each other while dealing with demons.
ship(s): ash/scotty
warning(s): sex, violence, death, murder, demonic possession. (warnings subject to change as story progresses)
spiderman/evil dead.
shy animals
summary: (evil dead/deadpool/spiderman crossover)
ash moves to nyc after a series of events forces him to leave michigan. he finds himself working a second job at a bar, where he meets wade: a hot, fast talking merc with a dirty sense of humor, deep pockets, and even deeper issues.
ash hooks up with him and despite his resolution not to get close to anyone begins falling for him. the two fall into a relationship that surprisingly works for them. until one peter parker comes along and complicates things.
ships: peter/ash/wade
warnings: smut, violence. (warnings subject to change as story progresses)
🚬 these hungry streets 🚬
ships: peter/ash, ash/johnny, matt/johnny, peter/johnny, mj/felicia, peter/ash/matt/johnny, karen/elektra, kirsten/foggy, clint/natasha, and vanessa/wade/valentine.
warnings: smut, trauma, violence, murder, demonic possession, mentioned suicide, attempted suicide, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, sexual assault, and sex work. (warnings subject to change as story progresses)
story list
🎮 anyone else, but you 🎮
(spiderman/evil dead crossover)
warning(s): smut.
summary: peter and ash are roommates/ enemies who eventually develop feelings for each other, despite the mortifying ordeal of being known.
ships: peter/ash, matt/johnny, possible peter/ash/matt/johnny.
💘 friend you can keep 💘
warning(s): smut.
summary: sequel to aeby. johnny stays with matt while peter and ash go through their honeymoon phase, and finds that maybe he *shudder* has feelings for matt.
ships: matt/johnny, peter/ash, peter/ash/matt/johnny.
summary: peter visits aunt may in florida and has a fling with her neighbor ash.
🏝 wish you were here 🏝
tag: wish you were here tag, wish you were here aesthetic tag
ships: peter/ash, may/jay.
warning(s): smut.
spiderman/daredevil (comics).
every me and every you
cover me
running up that hill
t7s. (that 70s show)
landslide series
summary: vague t7s/practical magic crossover. a s1 au where eric and jackie decide to become secret friends.
or: jackie breaks up with kelso following a pregnancy scare and decides to change her life. (it's kind of a slow burn romance but it's also kind of a character study?)
ships: eric/jackie, fez/kelso, pam/midge. possible donna/hyde, and brooke/laurie. (just trust me lol)
warning(s): homophobia, drug use, implied sex. (warnings subject to change as story progresses)
[links: tag, aesthetic tag, playlist, bibliography.]
tasm. (the amazing spiderman)
i can be your hero, baby!
summary: post-nwh. peter finally fights an alien and gains way more than he ever thought he would. or: peter finds love after gwen.
ships: peter/eddie/venom/wade
warning(s): sex, violence. (warnings subject to change as story progresses)
tags: i can be your hero, baby! tag, and i can be your hero, baby! aesthetic tag
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thebronzetrio · 3 years
About Me
Hi, the name's Mullin! I've been writing on and off for several years now, but this blog will basically be my dumping ground for any inspiration or aesthetics that fit my original characters. Please feel free to ask any questions, I'd be happy to answer!
The Bronze Trio is a work of fiction that's been my baby for about six years now. It follows the story of a modern day magical world, where those granted with Immortality live in somewhat peace. Rose, Bold, and Italic are some of my very first OCs and I love them to bits. Christian and Nui are also one of my favorites.
Character tags and ship tags are below! If you have any OCs that I know of, let me know and I'll start a tag list for them!
Tag List
The Bronze Trio (TBT).
rose appleton: small town girl (r. appleton)
bold font: old fashioned lover (b. font)
italic font: golden boy (i. font)
nui brightsson: orange is the new black (n. brightsson)
sylvia ashton: pen and paper (s. ashton)
trivelyn violette: lilac and violets (t. violette)
christian redwood: sweet whiskey (c. redwood)
nalani diamas: judgement day (n. diamas)
TBT ships.
christian/nui: hotheaded judgement
rose/bold: souls come together
sylvia/trivelyn: TWO moms?
Other OCs.
(granblue fantasy OC) capt. mullin: believer of the blue skies (c. mullin)
(as miss beelzebub likes OC) adriel argess: rose tinted glasses (a. argess)
(xenoblade chronicles OC) estil: the raven (estil)
(monte cristo OC) fox tremblay: merchant's luck (f. tremblay)
(tiger and bunny OC) luna cooper: white fox (l. cooper)
(atelier ryza OC) astrophel: constellations misaligned (asta)
Other ships.
mullin/rackam: the captain and the helmsman
luna/kotetsu: the fox and the tiger
estil/bolearis: the insomniac and the lieutenant
asta/empel: the explorer and the scholar
Misc tags.
general: catchall tag that doesn't fall under OC content
story thoughts: themes that are present in my stories
art ideas: art prompts and ideas, like draw the squad
ask games: OC ask games for anyone to submit questions
answered: for answered asks
oc hour: introduction posts for my many OCs!
tbt tag: tag for The Bronze Trio related content
the journal: tag for The Journal of Captain Mullin, my gbf fic
more tba :>
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pizzatheif · 3 years
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖍𝖊𝖊𝖙.
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𝖇𝖆𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖘  .
full name.  hugo van houten. nicknames / aliases.  hoots. size.  5'7". age.  42. zodiac.  aries. spoken languages.  english, poorly.
𝖕𝖍𝖞𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖑 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖘  .
hair colour.  brown. eye colour.  hazel. body type.  average. dominant hand.  left.  posture.  he usually stands straighter when with tony ( which tbh is more often than not ), considering he’s so much shorter. he doesn’t need to slouch and encourage more short jokes. scars.  several burn marks on hands and fingertips , missing left thumbprint / right middle finger print ( burned off ). most noticeable features.  not physically in the sense that it’s large but like, his big mouth. the half sleeve tattoo ( subject tba ) on his upper left arm, solid band tattooed around his right arm, below his elbow. the absolute Mop of hair on his head.
𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖍𝖔𝖔𝖉  .
place of birth.  secaucus, new jersey. siblings.  half siblings on his father’s side 15 and 18 years younger than him, eloise van houten & rafael van houten. parents.  maggie dellanno ( divorced, took back maiden name ). willem van houten. wendy van houten ( stepmom ).
𝖆𝖉𝖚𝖑𝖙 𝖑𝖎𝖋𝖊  .
occupation.  construction, technically. current residence(s).  a studio apartment in the bronx that he shares with tony. close friends.  tony macmillan. relationship status.  complicated? not interested in looking, at any rate. none a’ your business, he says. financial status.  shitty. driver’s license.  he... has one. it’s currently suspended. he probably shouldn’t be allowed to drive regardless. criminal record.  not as impressive as he’d like it to be.
𝖘𝖊𝖝 & 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊  .
sexual orientation.  bisexual. preferred sexual role.  we all know he’s a bottom. turn-ons.  playing with his hair, feather light touches but also being manhandled, women that look like they could crush his head between their thighs, praise. turn-offs.  tba.
𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖊𝖔𝖚𝖘  .  
hobbies to pass time.  cards, videogames when they can get their hands on a gaming system, petty theft, b&e’s. mental illnesses.  undiagnosed adhd.
tagged by:  stole it from @trickstercaptain tagging: you!
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