#s//u-i ment
ouraniatm · 2 years
it wasn't uncommon for cora to stay up late. having royally screwing up her sleep schedule, what's the point of even trying to sleep when you know it'll either be disrupted in middle of night or you'll wake up far too early, unable to sleep? either way, cora supposed one good thing of being a renowned "night owl" ( as if the rest of ignihyde body weren't nocturnal, themselves ) is being able to watch over idia should he manage to catch a few zzz's, himself.
while idly scrolling through her phone and lazily munching on corn chips, cora is quick to notice shuffling from the fiery haired dorm leader. assuming this to simply be adjustments needed for a more comfortable position to sleep, she shrugged it off. there's no reason to jump to conclusions with scarce proof, after all. the second time, however, alarmed the vice when she finally, thanks to the light his hair luminated, discerned tears forming in idia's eyes. crap...was he having a nightmare? without hesitation, cora drops her phone aside and moves closer to tug him. ❛ idia...idia! wake up! ❜ cora moves back to give her sleep ridden boyfriend some space without saying another word. minutes pass and finally, idia spoke up...this time, an hour passed of a pretty hefty explanation but cora's face scowls with regret. if only she wasn't so selfish...if only SHE didn't push HIM away...
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❛ idia, i... ❜ pausing to think over her words, cora sighs and looks down at her hands - which still shivered frailly - while her frown only darkened. her voice is small and meek as she says: ❛ i...i'm so sorry...i wish i'd been there... ❜ she recalls their apologetic states shortly after regaining consciousness in the hospital, but it wasn't enough. it'll never be enough ... not when the image of idia's horrified expression during the argument still haunted her own mind. when idia finally murmurs, icy blue eyes glanced back at a sight she once detested but now piles her with more regret. oh, the things she wished she could've done, back then...but, there's not much either of could do but be there for one another. and right here, cora will be or damn her to tartarus, all over again.
that being said, cora nudges closer and takes his hands with the intention of tugging them off to look him in the eyes. damn...she never actually realized how handsome idia is. ❛ ...i'm here, now. ❜ she begins, with the firm tone everyone knew her for, which is quick to soften as she continues: ❛ and you're not gonna lose me...especially not after the hell both of us endured. ❜ she pauses to tug idia closer, pressing his head to her shoulder as her hands moved to gently tangle in long, warm locks. ❛ you said nobody ever heard what actually happened, right...? well...if you feel like it, let it out on me. get it all out of your chest...let me actually be here for you, idia... ❜ because this might be a fucked up world, but it's a two-player game - might as well finally make it fair and square.
@crownshattered ... continued from HERE and HERE.
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quillheel · 6 months
@fantomevoleur // sc.
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He's staring. Has been, actually, for a while now. Makoto was accustomed to moving around a lot throughout the years ever since what happened ━ happened. Maybe, in the far off haze of autopilot spanning years, long before Akira had taken the attic above as his own, he'd visited Leblanc; when he was young & quiet & dead-eyed, and quite frankly he still was still all of those things, but it was different now. Knowing what he knew. Going through what, he was finding, was a very common occurrence for people like him ( the fools, one might say. )
Yuki takes a sip of his soda from a silly straw he may or may not have brought from home as the work to close up at the end of the day buzzes around him behind the counter, Sojiro willfully turning a blind eye to the two wildcards in his Cafe in turn for that higher priority. It's a good opportunity. Makoto takes it.
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━ " So. Where's the gun? "
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hemopseudo · 10 months
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diet-bathwater · 2 years
omg hiiii hihiihihihi <3 im on desktop tumblr rn which is sososo scary but im being very brave abt it
i miss tumblr so much even tho it was making my brain eat itself
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shookuna · 2 months
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a/n: first post on tha new blog !!! eeee !!! this is dedicated to the lovely mickey @teddybeartoji <3 ty for being my FIRST OFFICIAL MOOT ! MY DAYONE ! take a lil soft!toji fic pls and thank u 🤲
wc: ~ 1k oops
summary: tired grumpy bf!toji is needy and annoying w/o cuddles. cw: nsf(w) ment, plus some tooth-rotting fluff <3
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cuddling with toji was becoming a rare occurrence.
it was mid-july and swelteringly hot outside, even in the wee hours of the night. the a/c in your shared apartment was threatening to give out, and the shitty fan toji sloppily assembled did little to improve matters. so, deviating from your usual routine, you and toji fell asleep on opposite sides of the bed.
toji noticed the distance immediately, cracking one eye open to find you not curled into his side, like usual. the sight of you dead to the world, hair messily splayed across the pillow was enough to make his heart flutter. but even still, a frown tugged at the corner of his lips.
because goddammit, you did not get him used to this "cuddling" shit just to bail on him now.
you and toji met months ago at the dawn of fall, when the days were getting shorter and the nights were growing colder. your relationship was initially a fateful coincidence, a grocery store meet-cute that was as romantic as it was awkward. his series of brazen pick-up lines went right over your head (surely, you assumed, no one would tell you how good you'd look receiving backshots in the fucking frozen food aisle) but you still ended up giving toji your number that day.
and he's never been a religious man, but he was praising every god in the damn sky that you did.
one date was all it took for both of you to be locked in. he was a bad habit, an itch you couldn't help but scratch, irresistible. he was reckless, cocky at best and an asshole at worst, everything you weren't. needless to say, dating toji was against your better judgment. but for him, being with you was the first good decision he's made in a long time.
that's not to say things were perfect, or even easy. being with someone like you was so unfamiliar for someone like toji. loving you came as easy as breathing, but choosing you, choosing to work towards being a better version of himself... that was hard as shit. even small things took time, like physical intimacy. his body count was through the roof, so he had no issue when it came to having sex with you - but affection was a whole different story. it made him feel like he was in someone else's skin, someone weaker, someone who needed to be taken care of. it took til' mid-december, when the temperatures were practically sub-zero and frost crusted the ground, to get toji to warm up (no pun intended) to cuddling.
and now you'd gone and gotten him attached to this shit just to leave him high and dry?!
it didn't matter that your boyfriend was practically a walking furnace, heat radiating off of him in waves when he caged you in his strong arms. temperature be damned, toji thought, you started this, so you had to finish it.
"wake up." his gruff voice sounded out, a stark departure from the blanket of silence the night offered. when you only stirred slightly, he gave you a little shake. "oi, get y'r ass up. i'm talkin t' you."
at that firmer command, you rose your head, a displeased frown taking the place of your previous serene expression. "fushiguro, what in the ever-loving fuck are you doing waking me up at..." you paused, fumbling for your phone on the nightstand and checking the time. "...at three in the damn morning."
"don't gimme that shit. girl bye," toji grumbled, not sparing you so much as an apology for disturbing your sleep. you simply gave him a deadpan stare, making him scoff and roll over to his other side. "'s fine, not like i needed to hold ya to fall asleep anyway." he muttered bitterly into the pillow.
your eyes were already halfway closed when he turned around, but they immediately shot open when you heard his grumblings.
"what did you say? you need to cuddle me to fall asleep?" you perk up, pressing your hands on his shoulders to coax him into turning back around.
"i sure as hell didn't say 'cuddle'," he groused, but still turned around anyways. his voice might have sounded annoyed, but you knew your toji. the flicker of warmth in his eyes told you everything you needed to know.
"heh, you said it just now, dummy." you grinned as you snuggled up to toji's chest, earning a flick to your forehead from the man in question. but you were unbothered, simply humming, "thought ya didn't like cuddling."
"y'r makin' assumptions," toji grumbled, the low, gravelly timbre of his voice sending shivers down your spine. "now quiet down so i can sleep."
at that, you scoffed in playful offense. "so you can sleep? you literally just woke me u-" you started, but he silenced effortlessly by pressing his lips against yours in a lazy, heated kiss.
when he pulled away, chest heaving with each hot puff of air, you were warm from way more than just the heat outside.
"go the fuck to sleep before i put you to sleep myself." he growled out, but there was no malice in his words - more of an invitation than a threat.
deciding to resist temptation this time, you settled back into his hold, your back flush against his chest. as you began to fade back into sleep, you heard toji whisper out, "meant what i said, y'know that? can't... can't sleep w' out you now."
the next words out of your mouth were simple, but they were all it took to put him at ease.
"i know, toji."
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dawww <33 hope u like this fic everyone (esp mickey mwah mwah mwah) reblogs + comments appreciated !!
© shookuna ! toji header edited by me too tehe
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itblackggirl · 18 days
Dicas para ajudar você a criar um s/p ou s/o do zero! / Tips to help you create an s/p or s/o from scratch! ♡
pt-br - eng!
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"Oh, i love this view! Which view? Your eyes!"
Olá a todos!!
Vou dividir essa thread nas seguintes partes:
1‐ Físico.
2- Mental.
3- Relacionamento.
4– Hobbies.
5 - Dicas extras.
s/p: specific person ( "cr" )
s/o: significant other ( dr )
1 - FÍSICO..
Eu acho que uma das partes mais "complicadas" de fazer um s/o / s/p do zero e pensar no seu físico! Isso inclui, aparência, porte físico, altura e etc. Minha dica para isso é: Use personagens de desenhos ou livros!!! Sério, isso ajuda tanto no físico quanto no mental e no relacionamento de vocês (próximo tópico).
Eu por exemplo, usei o Príncipe Naveen como base principal para criar meu s/p! Eu não tinha uma fc 100% igual a ele mas tem um ator que no momento que eu vi, já sabia que era o meu s/p e desde desse dia eu uso ele de fc única do meu s/p.
A parte de porte físico e altura vai de pessoa para pessoa! Meu sp é jogador de basquete profissional, por isso que eu coloquei que ele é alto e tem um porte atlético! Mas você pode mudar e pôr do jeito que quiser, não existem limitações para isso! 😉
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2 - MENTAL..
Chegamos no tópico que para mim, é muito importante!! A parte mental, é de grande importância que você pense bastante em como você quer seu parceiro, não adianta dizer "Ele/a/u é obcecado/a/e por mim e me ama muito!!" Você tem que especificar! Depois que aparece um doido stalker, vem dizer que a culpa é minha!!!
Agora é sério, criem pessoas saudáveis, compreensivas, calmas, pacientes, de preferência que tenham maturidade o suficiente para estar em relacionamento! Alguém mentalmente estável!! Dependência emocional não é bonito, viu? Nada de por que ele/a/u "não vive sem mim", tenham consciência!!
Eu, por exemplo, fiquei bastante tempo nessa parte porque coisas que eu achava "saudáveis" na verdade eram bem problemáticas, recomendo vocês fazerem uma profunda auto investigação antes de criarem seus amores!! Uma relação para funcionar, precisa de duas pessoas 100% mentalmente saudáveis! ☝🏻☝🏻
Outra coisa importante, idade!! Escolham uma idade de boa para vocês se conhecem, onde você já tenha mentalidade e maturidade para estar em um relacionamento, eu como exemplo, vou conhecer o meu sp quando eu tiver 19 e ele 21, porque eu sei que lá eu estarei 100% bem para estar em um relacionamento e ele também.
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Agora vem a parte bonita, como vai ser o relacionamento de vocês??? Como é a dinâmica??? Quem é mais o que??? Tudo isso é importante na hora de produzir essa parte!! Dica: usem casais de desenhos, filmes, séries, livros ou até mesmo músicas (eu fiz e recomendo!!) Eles são os melhores modelos que vocês podem usar se não tiverem em mente como querem o relacionamento de vocês! (Usem casais e músicas com relações saudáveis, pelo amor!)
Minha dinâmica com meu sp é Tiana e Naveen, um pouco de Lara Jean e Peter Kavinsky, Love Maze do BTS, Serendipity do Jimin, Trivia: Love do Namjoon, BTBT do B.I e entre outras!! Nossa relação é algo leve e calmo, algumas vezes é agitada mas não é algo cansativo, eu sempre quis algo calmo então estou satisfeita com a nossa dinâmica!! :(
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4 - Hobbies...
Essa parte é tranquila, se tiver seguido minhas dicas, a personalidade dele já deixa claro os hobbies, você pode colocar que ele/a/u tem os mesmos hobbies que o seu ou diferentes! Vou deixar alguns exemplos aqui:
– Esporte (natação, futebol, tênis...)
– Leitura.
– Jogos digitais.
– Fazer algo artesanal.
– Karaoke (meu hobbie com meu sp ♡)
– Pintura e desenho.
– Culinária.
– Jardinagem.
E entre outros! Fica tudo a sua escolha!! 😉
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5 - Dicas Extras..
– Situação financeira e emprego são coisas para serem colocadas e pensadas!
– Relação entre a família de vocês, se aprovam o relacionamento ou se eles gostam de vocês!
– Relação entre os amigos é SUPER IMPORTANTE! Seus amigos gostam dele/a/u ??? Gostam em que nível?? Se ele curtir alguma foto de alguém do deu grupo, eles vão ficar tirando print e mandando no grupo de vocês para dizer que seu s/p ou s/o não presta?? 🤔 (específico, eu sei! Mas pense em tudo!) 
– Higiene pessoal é de EXTREMA IMPORTÂNCIA!! Você pode pensar que não é necessário, mas anjo kkk é sim. Você não quer ficar perto e nem se relacionar com alguém que não sabe ter higiene básica, não é?
– A fidelidade do seu s/p é importante sim!! Construa alguém com bom caráter e que nunca iria fazer coisas assim.
– Respeite as decisões de ambos quando o assunto for construir uma família!! Apenas mude se tiver certeza disso!
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English Version!
Tips to help you create an s/p or s/o from scratch! ♡
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"Oh, I love this view! Which view? Your eyes!"
Hello everyone!!
I'm going to divide this thread into the following parts:
1- Physical.
2- Mental.
3- Relationship.
4- Hobbies.
5 - Extra tips.
s/p: specific person ( "cr" )
s/o: significant other ( dr )
I think one of the most "complicated" parts of making a s/o / s/p from scratch is thinking about their physical appearance! This includes appearance, physical build, height, etc. My tip for this is: Use characters from cartoons or books!!! Seriously, this helps both physically and mentally and in your relationship (next topic).
For example, I used Prince Naveen as the main basis to create my s/p! I didn't have a 100% identical FC to him, but there's an actor who, the moment I saw him, I knew he was my s/p and since that day I've used him as my s/p's only FC.
The physical build and height part varies from person to person! My sp is a professional basketball player, that's why I said he's tall and has an athletic build! But you can change it and put it however you want, there are no limits to that! 😉
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2 - MENTAL..
We have reached the topic that is very important to me!! The mental part is very important for you to think carefully about how you want your partner. There is no point in saying "He/she is obsessed with me and loves me very much!!" You have to be specific! After a crazy stalker appears, he/she comes to say that it is my fault!!!
Now seriously, raise healthy, understanding, calm, patient people, preferably those who are mature enough to be in a relationship! Someone who is mentally stable!! Emotional dependence is not nice, you know? There is no reason why he/she "can't live without me", be aware!!
I, for example, spent a lot of time on this part because things that I thought were "healthy" were actually quite problematic. I recommend that you do a deep self-investigation before creating your loves!! For a relationship to work, it needs two people who are 100% mentally healthy! ☝🏻☝🏻
Another important thing, age!! Choose a good age for you to meet each other, where you already have the mentality and maturity to be in a relationship. For example, I'm going to meet my partner when I'm 19 and he's 21, because I know that by then I'll be 100% ready to be in a relationship and so will he.
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Now comes the good part, what will your relationship be like??? What is the dynamic like??? Who is more what??? All of this is important when producing this part!! Tip: use couples from cartoons, movies, series, books or even songs (I did it and I recommend it!!). They are the best models you can use if you don't have in mind how you want your relationship to be! (Use couples and songs with healthy relationships, for the love of God!)
My dynamic with my partner is Tiana and Naveen, a bit of Lara Jean and Peter Kavinsky, BTS's Love Maze, Jimin's Serendipity, Namjoon's Trivia: Love, B.I's BTBT and many others!! Our relationship is something light and calm, sometimes it is hectic but it is not tiring, I always wanted something calm so I am satisfied with our dynamic!! :(
4 - Hobbies…
This part is easy, if you followed my tips, his/her personality already makes his/her hobbies clear, you can say that he/she has the same hobbies as you or different ones! I'll give you some examples here:
– Sports (swimming, soccer, tennis…)
– Reading.
– Digital games.
– Doing something crafty.
– Karaoke (my hobby with my s/p ♡)
– Painting and drawing.
– Cooking.
– Gardening.
And so on! It's all up to you!! 😉
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5 - Extra Tips..
– Sexuality and gender of the person are parts to be thought about too, don't ignore who YOU ​​ARE for someone!
– Financial situation and employment are things to be considered and thought about!
– Relationship between your family, if they approve of the relationship or if they like you!
– Relationship between friends is SUPER IMPORTANT! Do your friends like him/her??? Do they like him/her to what extent?? If he likes a photo of someone in your group, will they take a screenshot and send it to your group to say that your s/o or s/o is no good?? 🤔 (specific, I know! But think about everything!)
– Personal hygiene is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!! You may think it's not necessary, but angel, lol, it is. You don't want to be around or have a relationship with someone who doesn't know how to maintain basic hygiene, do you?
– Your s/o's loyalty is important!! Build someone with good character and who would never do things like that.
– Respect both of your decisions when it comes to building a family!! Only change if you're sure about it!
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We've reached the end of the thread! I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any questions or suggestions, please send them to me, sorry if there are any errors in the translation! Until next time, kisses!!
Chegamos ao fim da thread! Eu espero que tenham gostado, qualquer dúvida ou sugestão, podem me mandar, perdão se houver algum erro de tradução! Até a próxima, beijinhos!!
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vinomino · 3 months
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cont, part 1 → here
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Featuring: Hiragi Toma, Umemiya Hajime x f!reader, Togame Jou mentioned
Warnings: mdni 18+, dubcon, stepcest, threesome, oralm!receiving, creampies, squirting, noncon photo taking
WC: 1.3k
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You’re definitely going to stomp on Togame when you see him, if you ever do that is. However, a little dirty part of you wants to thank him for this. Maybe this is what you aimed for when you sought out the vice leader of Shishitoren and got stuffed full of enemy cum.
Well, it’s not like you can even form a thought right now with your big brother— Umemiya is eye level with your weepy cunt. Flinching when the tip of his finger nudges your clit, you try to close your legs but Hiragi who is behind you holds them apart, allowing his leader to see everything.
“Don’t worry, your big brothers will clean you out.” Umemiya chuckles, an unsettling look on his face. You wonder if Hiragi was also sporting the same look behind you. “W-Wait! Ume! I—“ trying to slip your wrists out of the belt that binds them, “Hmm? Don’t worry, I know my sweet sister was exploited by those bastards.” The white haired man hunches over.
Hiragi is silent as he tightens his grip on your thighs, making divots in the flesh. “S-Stop ah—“ You twist your hands against the hard leather when Umemiya shoves two fingers into you. The blunt of his fingernails scraping against your walls, pushing all of Togame’s cum out. “Who was it…?” Hiragi finally speaks up, his lips against your ear, sending tingles down your spine.
You whimper as Umemiya is still focused on getting Togame out of you. “Answer him.” You feel tears well up in your eyes when your big brother speaks so coldly to you. “Hnngh— T-Togame Jou—“ You wail when Umemiya slaps your pussy. That answer definitely pissed off the two men.
You wonder if they would’ve been less upset if you fucked some random in Shishitoren. Your big brother sighs out, “Togame huh? So, this was his handiwork. We’ll talk more about this after your punishment.”
“P-Punish…ment…?” You squeak out. The warm smile Umemiya would give you now looks chilling. You almost forgot about Hiragi, but he pulls your thighs further back.
Your cheeks heat up from being on display like this. The embarrassment didn’t taste long when Umemiya shoves his tongue into your pre-stretched out cunt.
Twitching against Hiragi’s sturdy chest whenever Umemiya sucks on your throbbing clit. The leather belt now irritating the skin on your wrists. “U-Ume!” You mewl and throw your head back.
Finally, you are able to slip your hands free, too consumed by pleasure, you trail your hand up to Hiragi’s nape. The blonde male twisting his neck to look at you, finally allowing you to see his face, he looked irked. Tugging on his hair to push him towards your face, he lets go of one of your thighs to push against your chin.
Umemiya groans against your cunt at the sight of you sloppily making out with his friend. Your tongues tangling with one another, a mixture of saliva dripping out the corner of your mouth. He sits up, chin glistening with your slick as he pulls you towards him. You yelp being pulled down, back hitting the bed, and your head being propped up directly on Hiragi’s crotch.
“U-Ume…!” You gasp when he shoves his cock into you. The stretch felt delightful. He moved with determination on reshaping your cunt, to remove all traces of Togame. “Shit— fuck. How’re you still this tight—“ He clenches his jaw trying not to bust. You dig your nails into Hiragi’s leather pants. “She really still tight?” The man above your head chuckles looking down at you. “What a lewd face…” He caresses your cheek.
Umemiya used your legs as leverage to pull you towards him, your hips meeting his for every thrust. “Ume! Can’t! N-No more!” You sob to deaf ears. “You brought this on yourself.”
Hiragi intertwines your hand with his, the other twisting at one of your pert nipples. You can feel his dick twitching beneath the leather. “Hi-Hiragi—“ You wanted to make him feel good too. The sharp toothed man groans, “Umemiya, can I?” He seeks permission from his leader and not you. “Sure, go ahead.”
The red tip of Hiragi’s cock prods your lips apart, you obliged, opening your mouth to allow him to slide in. His balls against your eyelids. Tears roll down your face as you try to breathe through your nose. Everything felt so good, your big brother balls deep in your pussy and Hiragi’s cock down your throat. Fuck, you could die happy.
“Smile for the picture! Oh right you can’t...” You can faintly make out Umemiya's voice. It doesn’t matter though, not when you feel such bliss. You gag around Hiragi as Umemiya changes the pace of his hips, a pace that has your breasts bouncing. A guttural groan comes out of Hiragi’s throat when he feels your throat squeeze him, “Fuck…she’s perfect…”
“She is…right? My little sister.” Umemiya looks down at you, eyes darkening when he sees the bulge at your throat. Your moans are cut off by Hiragi, arch backing when he pinches your nipples, running his warm hands over your ribs.
The grip Umemiya had on your hips was definitely going to leave bruises. His white hair slipping down as he continues to slam into you, your greedy cunt sucking him in, not yet satisfied by Togame’s. The thought of Togame being able to get a taste of you had a blood vessel popping on his forehead. He needed you to come undone on his cock. Deft fingers pulling back the hood of your clit, exposing the nerve.
You kick your legs and gag around Hiragi when Umemiya does. Your body was shaking and trembling, you wanted to warn them about what was going to happen, but you couldn’t, not with Hiragi’s dick down your air pipe. Umemiya chuckles when you spray all over his thighs, making a mess on your bed. It spurs him on even more, his pace not faltering, but gets even deeper.
You're a twitching mess at this point, as you choke. Hiragi’s cock is throbbing now. Clawing at his leather pants, the blonde senses you want to say something. He lets out a drawn out growl, pulling out of your throat. “Wan it inside—“ You babble. He raises an eyebrow, “I will” he taps your throat, “Here.”
You shake your head, “N-Not there…” you hiccup. “You’re thinking of getting creampied by another man when I’m inside you right now?” Umemiya lets out a hearty laugh. With a wave of his hand, “All right, we have to fill you up with Furin cum anyways…”
Hiragi wipes your tears with his thumb, his saliva coated dick resting against your cheek. You mewl and moan when Umemiya finds your sweet spot, changing his angle to abuse it. The tip of his fat cock hitting it with every thrust. “F-Fuck—! Take it, take all of it…” He groans as he spills himself in you. You gasp when he pulls out, the tip catching on your hole before popping out. “Hiragi, it’s your turn now.” Umemiya grins at him.
You don’t know where Umemiya has gone, but he left you and Hiragi alone. You cry into the mattress, clawing at the sheets for dear life as Hiragi pounds into you. His big balls are slapping against your clit. “H-Hir—-agi!” You cry to crawl away, but he pins you down by your hips. It was too much, Umemiya’s spunk was dripping out of you, joining Togame’s on the bed. “Don’t run—“ He bends over to growl into your ear. You let out a sob that’s muffled by the bed.
You're a wreck, physically and mentally. Umemiya was girthier than Hiragi, but Hiragi’s was curved so he effortlessly hit your sweet spot. You’re drooling now, your nipples rubbing against the sheets added to the pleasure. “W-Wa—nnghh Wait!”
It was too late, as you squirted again. The warm liquid splattering on Hiragi’s abs and runs down your thighs. Black dots are blurring your vision from how hard you came. You don’t even hear the man behind you grunting and you don’t even feel him filling you up. “A-Ah fuck…”
“I made some tea— hmm? Did she pass out?” Umemiya walks into Hiragi stroking your head.
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sorry idk what I became
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b1mbodoll · 10 months
getting bred so deep it comes out the other side has my head SPINNING. that one nicho piece changed my life forever. drooling cum from the inside out… straight outta some hentai shit and i soo wish it was real…
do you have thoughts about who (out of everyone u write for) would also find that unbelievably hot? please share!
pairings: na jaemin, kim jungsu, kim taerae, winter, and yang jungwon x f! reader
warnings: inflation + creampies + breath play + oral + womb fucking + pet names (baby, puppy, princess) + daddy kink + mommy kink + g!p + size kink + fingering + dacryphilia + virginity ment + noncon
💌: ur sooo real for this baby 🫂 idk why the idea is so attractive but i love it sm like agh!!!!! i promise im a normal girl but these thoughts plague my brain daily so i hope u enjoy! p.s. nicho is also a fan of this but i alr wrote for him so i didnt wna do it again :T
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˚ʚ na jaemin ɞ˚
❤︎₊ ⊹ jaemin’s infatuation with breeding you is almost concerning. there’s nothing he wants more than to knock you up and he could spend hours with his thick cock buried deep inside your tight hole, the tip slipping past your cervix with every thrust and fucking his cum directly into your womb.
he pumps you full over and over, til even the littlest bit of pressure on your tummy makes you shriek as your cunt gushes an unreal amount of cum. you’re so fucking full and it makes your eyes roll into the back of your skull, throwing your head back in pleasure.
“nana, daddy, ‘m so f-full! i can feel you so deep inside ‘m gonna cum!” you exclaim, gagging as jaemin’s cock pushes his cream so far inside it works its way out of your mouth.
“fuck,” he groans, thrusting deep one last time as he cums again. “oh god,” his cum leaks from your mouth as he speaks and it makes your walls spasm around his length, more of his seed drip from your cunt. “you look so pretty like this baby, wish you could see yourself.” another deep groan. “my dumb drooly puppy, such a good cocksleeve for daddy, look at you droolin’ cum.”
your whine comes out gargled because of his load escaping your mouth, tears beginning to stream down your cheeks as you choke and struggle.
˚ʚ kim jungsu ɞ˚
❤︎₊ ⊹ jungsu has such a thick cock, like im a proud supporter of the coke can dick jungsu agenda. no matter how many times he bullies his cock inside your tight walls it’s always a struggle. he’ll press his lips to yours when he begins to push inside, licking into your mouth with his tongue to muffle your cries of discomfort.
he takes his sweet time prepping you before he even thinks about fucking you, but even after tonguefucking your hole and spreading you open on his fingers you’re still impossibly tight, his dick is simply too big for you to take without sobbing like a dumb crybaby.
jungsu’s already made you cum on his fingers three times and despite how wet and messy your cunt is, it makes you wail when he starts to thrust into you, the thickness of his cock causing your walls to spasm. “how’re you still so tight, princess?” he questions, gritting his teeth and struggling to pull out, your greedy pussy sucking him in. “can’t even pull out, ‘s like ‘m fuckin a virgin.”
his words and the way his dick batters your cunt make you squeal and grab stupidly at his shoulders, tears streaming down your cheeks as you cream around him and make a mess of his cock.
˚ʚ kim taerae ɞ˚
❤︎₊ ⊹ thick dick taerae believers i see you, i love you and i’m one of you. his cum is creamy and sticky and he cums in thick loads, cockhead nestled deep in your tummy as he grinds his cock into you rather than thrusting inside. every load completely floods your insides, and it shouldn’t even be a surprise that he’s stuffed you to the brim causing his sticky seed to creep up your throat, making you sputter around it and whine from the feeling.
“don’t fuckin’ let it out, puppy, swear you’re gonna be in so much trouble if it leaks even a little bit.” taerae warns, voice taking an assertive tone as he drapes himself over your, chest flush against your back. you can’t stop yourself from keening, high pitched cries ripped from your chest as more cum fills your mouth.
he uses a hand to cover your mouth, sobs muffled while you struggle to swallow back his load. a pitiful long whine has his semen dribbling from your mouth and making a mess on his palm, panicked breaths causing some to even leak from your nose from how full you are.
“fucking swallow it or ‘m not letting you cum for a week.” spits taerae, tightening his bruising grip around your pretty little face. all you can do is shudder and try to swallow, gulps audible and making your cheeks heat up in shame when he laughs wickedly at your pathetic fucked out state.
˚ʚ kim minjeong ɞ˚
❤︎₊ ⊹ pretty girls have the biggest cocks n heaviest balls 🥺 jeongie love love loves splitting your tight lil mouth open with her fat dick <3 she’s hung like a horse and when you suck her off she has to pry your cheeks open while you choke on a mouthful of cum, tears gathering at your lashline while globs of cum and drool bubble out of your mouth, wet and sloppy sounds of you gagging round her length filling the room.
you know your girlfriend is a gross perv and it makes you so wet when you go down on her, hollowing your cheeks and suckling the tip of her cock before the pleasure causes minjeong to push your head down all the way making you unable to pull away and do anything else but feel how deep her cock is as she violates your tight little throat.
her eyes are squeezed shut in pleasure, bucking her hips upwards and groaning when her tip hits the back of your throat. “that’s it, princess, keep suckin’ mommy’s cock.” her words make you moan, the vibrations round her dick making minjeong clench her jaw as ropes of cum spurt from the slit of her cock, thick load completely filling your mouth, your hands grabbing at her hips before scrambing to push her away.
she doesn’t stop though. instead she works her hand through your hair and grabs a fistful, your face meeting her pelvis as she continues cumming, some of her seed even spilling out of your nose. minjeong’s cock twitches at the sight and your depraved mommy releases her grip on your hair, choosing to pinch your nose with her fingers while you’re still impaled on her dick.
her orgasm passes and you can’t breathe, struggling to catch your breath, your throat tightens up around her even more, causing more semen to dribble from her leaky dick.
˚ʚ yang jungwon ɞ˚
❤︎₊ ⊹ jungwon’s cock is definitely on the thicker side, and when he cums he fills you up completely, white ropes of semen clinging to your walls and painting them white, even flooding your womb with just one load. i don’t know why but i have a feeling that jungwon is a fucking sadistic bastard, he gets off on your humiliation and tears, hiding his face in your neck and grinning like a maniac when you sob from the pain and shame.
you expect jungwon to try new things when he fucks you, it’s not a secret that he lives for the thrill of finding different disgusting kinks to try out but his favorite is fucking you full of piss when he’s finished dumping load after load inside of you,
he waits until you’re completely ditzy, a dopey smile on your face as he shallowly thrusts in and out of you before suddenly forcing himself deep, keeping a tight grip on your jaw to watch the fucked out look on your face turn into one of alarm while you thrash around beneath him, “jungwon! stop please,” you whine, voice cracking while you fight back tears, “it’s embarrassing! i hate it.”
despite your fussing he continues to use you like a urinal, and it makes you feel impossibly full, gagging and retching as his piss floods your insides and causes his cum to dribble out of your open mouth.
jungwon is sick and depraved, it’s no surprise your pathetic state makes his hips jerk, groaning deeply as your messy cunt squeezes him tighter.
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4ngeldusstt · 5 months
A/N: this was supposed to be an attempt of smut but i got stuck at one part so i decided to make it this way, so here is some suggestive post war!Levi for u
Warnings: smut, mentions of scars
Word count: 446
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“Levi” you said as an attempt to catch his attention, leaving a trail of feathery light kisses along his jaw. A groan escapes his lips as you slowly straddle him placing your legs on each side of his thighs. “I love you, I’m so incredibly lucky to call you mine. So handsome.. I couldn’t stop staring at your amazing body earlier when you came out of the shower, the mere sight of you drives me insane.” praising him, you start slowly moving your hips, the friction making his breath hitch. “I want you to feel how aroused you make me Levi, only you can do that to me without even doing anything.” His arms wrapping around your waist pulling your bodies as close as they can be.
“Do I still cause you this feeling?” His voice was quiet and low, insecurity flooding his thoughts. Ever since the war ended and he made it back injured, his body was going trough changes, he gained some healthy weight and he felt awfully insecure due to the scar that covered half of his face and the ones that adorned his beautiful body. He didn’t think that you still loved every single inch of him, as if your love for him would ever change.
His amazing body and handsome face was something you worshiped daily. You were so proud of him and his scars only ment that he risked his life to save all of us. It flooded you with pride to be his. “Levi, you dedicated your heart for us, you are a hero. And I couldn’t be more proud of you.” You praised, as his sight was fixated on admiring your features, giving you his full attention, taking in every single word.
He got up, placing you gently down the soft mattress, your eyes fixated on him as he got rid of his shirt, his broad shoulders and still very muscular torso in full display. Hovering over you his lips found yours not wasting any second, kissing you with a burning desire almost desperate to demonstrate with this action that he was still worthy of you, trying to show how much he loved and cared for you with each kiss he placed on your lips and skin, his callused hands roaming your body holding you close to his. “L-Levi, p-please.” You begged, not knowing what you were begging for but you begged, for him not to stop touching you, to keep kissing you, to fuck you senseless, to love you.
“Patience, princess. Let me take my time, I promise it’ll be worth it.” ‘I promise I’ll be worthy’ he thought, as his lips lowered painfully slow down your body.
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
How does buggy and Shanks handle their daughters s first period?
Oh Honey- it was a fucking disaster 🤣
I have the Shanks one right here if your interested but I'll do a Buggy one as a quick story!
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Press Here if you Love Buggy <-
Old Man Series Masterlist <-
• Buggy didn't really grow up around girls- So he is inexperienced with periods and such till he started dating you.
• "Where is Bubbles?-" Buggy muttered to himself, noticing immediately that Ari was missing. He looked to see you were with Ali and disapeared to the back to find his missing daughter.
• But since he knew the time would come, he had the conversation with you ahead of time about what to do when that day comes.
• It was Ari and Ali 11th birthday party. Of course he threw a big party, like he did for both sets of twins-
• Buying them all matching nice clothes, stocking up on the best of everything and even going as far as the dock in a place with lots of kids so there were plenty of playmates.
• This was no different from the other parties, the sun just starting to set and the live music was blaring as his ship was packed with people.
• However one thing was off'
• "Ari?...Bubbles?...." Buggy called out, looking around the lower deck to see if he could spot her. After a moment he stepped towards the bedroom that the twin girls shared and heard it-
• Rushing in quickly at hearing his daughter crying he came in to see her face buried in her knees and sobbing.
• Crying?
• "Uhhhhhh Shit"
• "Bubs?-" He stared at her, Her looking up up at him with wide eyes. That's when Buggy sees it- Blood. Staining her pale pink dress to high hell and some on her exposed legs
• Which ment...
• "No No! its fine! It's actually normal!" He said loudly.
• "Get out!" She cried, Lunging forward and slamming the door on his face.
• "B-Bubbles it's alright! Sorry I didn't knock uh-" Buggy stuttered trying to figure out his course of action now.
• "Go away! Im sick!?" She sobbed from behind the door- Buggy panicking himself as he tried to think.
• "W-What?!- How is this normal!?" She sobbed hysterically.
"It means-" Buggy sighed as he sat on the floor with his back against the wall. "It means your growing up Bubby-" He said softly, Ari sniffled and wiped her cherry nose.
• Buggy stood there for a second, Hearing her cry. Before sighing heavily himself to calm himself- "Can I come in Ari?" He said softly, sending his hand off to get the supplies he knew you kept in your bathroom.
• After a second the door cracked open and Buggy stepped in slowly, Seeing Ari now seated again still in tears.
• Buggy entered a bit awkwardly but leaned against the wall as he daughter cried.
- "What does this mean?" Ari whimpered, sniffling into her knees.
"I dont like it-"
"Ahh noone does. But thats just part of life" He said a bit sadly. His hand returning with a bag which he tucked to his side at the moment.
"It is your period Ari, it means. That your a woman, like your mother" He started, internally cringing at having to have this talk with her. She looked up to him, as he started to explain- Clearly both of them embarrassed about the situation as Buggy tried to be as mature of an adult about it.
"Oi! The party is just starting Whats going on?" Bee yelled out, Banging on the door. Buggy opening his mouth to yell at his sons to fuck off- but he was beat to him.
"So this is gonna happen for the rest of my life?-" She clarified, Buggy nodding calmly knowing damn well she didn't like that answer.
"Yep until your old and wrinkled like me-"
Ari sighed irritated at this- Groaning in frustration. Buggy could only nod at her reaction-
"Yep. Once a month.. That is why we got these-" He said calmly as he brought the bag out and passed it to her.
"There are instructions inside and I can go get your mother to run down how some of that shit is u-"
"Hey!" Bee called out, smacking the door making father and daughter duo snap back from the conversation. Buggy hand quickly flying up to lock it so the boys didn't barge in- He knew this was already a sensitive situation for Ari and she didn't need her brothers getting in.
Dee starting to argue with Bee about leaving the two- clearly more socially aware.
"GO AWAY!" Ari screamed, making even Buggy jump a bit. Clearly having his lungs it seemed even if she was typically very resevered. He heard the boys scramble away pretty quickly after that. Buggy sighing at this-
"Come on Princess- Let's get you all washed up and we can get you a new dress okay?" He said sincerely, his little girl nodding as he helped her up and escorted her to go use the shower in the master bedroom.
• Buggy quickly gets you to come down from the party, giving a quick run down of the situation to you and sends you off to the bathroom with Ari.
• He knew he couldn't find an exact match and that Ari really liked this dress it being matching to Ali who was still partying upstairs.
• Buggy now tasked with figuring out what to do about the damn dress! He searched through his daughters closet to find something similar for her to wear but failing-
• "You dyed it?" She questioned gently taking it from his hands- feeling the fabric was still ever so slightly damp as well. Knowing he must has used all his strength to dry it as quickly as possible after his quick dye.
• "Think damn it!" He hisses, Looking around at what to do. Before it clicker and he runs to the supply room of the ship-
• You and Ari stepping out into the hall after a while. Ari freshly showered and in comforble clothes- clearly upset and not wanting to go out in her long pajamas for everyone to see and question.
• "It's okay honey-" You try to reassure but Ari face was sour and clearly uncomforble. You sighing and rubbing her back to comfort her.
• In moments Buggy rushed towards you two, you raising an eyebrow at your husband who haf splatters of black over his face and clothes.
• Buggy smiled down at his grumpy daughter-
• "Feeling better?" He asked, getting a shrug in response. He expected as much.
• "Well, if you're still in the partying mood since it is your birthday afterall- I fixed your dress!" He said cheerfully. You and Ari looking surprised at this since their was no way to completely remove such a heavy blood stain-
• Grinning as he pulled from behind his back the dress, now a deep dyed Purple color.
• "Well, Dark dye covers red stains so- Yeah" He said with a grin.
• Ali didn't her own period till a year later 2 weeks before their 12th birthday and at this point Buggy was prepared and mentally almost ready.
• Ari eyes well up with tears and she hugs him tightly. "Thank you Dad!"
• Buggy smiled at this and hugged her back. "Of course Princess, Now go get dressed. Your missing your party!"
• Ari smiled, now clearly happy as she rushed off to her room to change out of the provided PJs and into her new dress.
• You smile at Buggy, Proud of him for handling this so well. Kissing his cheek that didn't have the dye on it "Great Job Honey"
• After that Ari returns to her sister, The two going about eating, Opening presents and more.
• The rest of the party goes off without a hitch-
•Much to Buggy's relief-
• However sends you to handle it anyway-
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nightdiary · 1 year
I love ur blog sm and i just realised i never asked anything ??????
So i was wondering if u could do something with beomgyu’s s/o surprising him at their recent tour 🫶🏻👀
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word count: 2.1k genre: fluff, (secret) established relationship dear anon!!! thank you so much for your wonderful request, i hope i was able to do your idea justice! i had lots of fun writing this, and i've always wanted to try writing something similar! i'd love to hear your thoughts, thank you for your support and patience 🤍
the nature of your relationship with beomgyu had always been built on something light-hearted, even as the two of you grew into your separate selves and careers.
it’s what you believed kept your relationship blossoming– the spark as so many relationship experts had dubbed it. it’s what you believed kept you and your boyfriend together after so many years, after so much time spent apart, and after so many things had attempted to come in the way.
easily put: loving your idol boyfriend was easy because of the both of you were just a little bit unserious (sometimes).
the unexpected call comes at an hour too late for you to ignore. beomgyu’s manager is on the other line with a proposition that makes you sit up in bed and tug your sheets off urgently. you nearly think you’re stuck in the midst of a wishful dream, his voice a mere product of your sleep-deprived mind. but then he mentions something you’d been pondering on for months, something you’d never thought would be brought up to conversation with your boyfriend’s management team.
you’re left staring at your frazzled reflection in the bathroom mirror when he hangs up. he leaves it up to you to decide whether or not to tell beomgyu.
so, when beomgyu’s message inviting you to their last show on tour appears on your phone with a muted ding!, you decide to act. it feels a little mean, and it nearly makes you break your act when he sends enough sad face emojis to make the app lag, but you tell him you’re busy; unable to get a day off from your employer, who’s livid at the thought of you taking a vacation on such short notice.
it’s believable, almost too much so, because beomgyu answers with a voice message comforting you and promising to take you next time. he also sends you a selfie of him in his hotel bed, hair wet and lips devastatingly pouty, and you resort to turning your phone off to avoid telling him the truth.
you’ve come across countless photos and videos from his concert before, received even more from your boyfriend directly, but no amount of beomgyu fancams could prepare you for physically seeing him on stage. he looks absolutely incandescent, like a star that’s gotten to close to earth, and your lungs constrict at how effortlessly he carries himself through the songs.
the fervor and keenness with which he throws himself into his performance has left you awe-stuck every time, but seeing it on a stage in such a large-scale venue makes your heart squeeze with pride. there’s a certain glow to all of the members, really, one that made it hard for you to take your eyes off the stage during the entirety of the three hour show.
the stadium’s alive with roaring fans, the energy palpable in the thrumming air as each note reverberated like an echo. the eagerness in your throat nearly suffocates you. with every passing song, you could feel yourself growing more and more nervous, increasingly unsure of how beomgyu will react. despite sitting somewhat close to the stage, he has yet to acknowledge that he’s seen or recognized you.
beomgyu’s eyes briefly meet yours during one of the ments when he’s scanning through your section. his gaze pauses on you for just a moment longer, enough to let you see the brief flicker of shock on his unassuming face, before he schools himself and moves on to fans that are seated higher up. but you still manage to catch his gaze on you every now and then throughout the remainder of the show, fleeting and brief, yet progressively more incessant as everything draws to a close.
you swear you see him mouth something at you, but then confetti’s being blast out and you’re drowning in the screams around you. admittedly, the hardest part is waiting for the venue to begin emptying out, enough so that you can find a trusted staff member and be escorted backstage. you’re unsure of how long after the show it’s been when you can finally slip away to see beomgyu, but it’s all forgotten in the past when you turn into a room and see him staring back at you, this time unabashedly.
everything around you bleeds into hazy, distant nothingness as you run forward to close the gap between you two. beomgyu’s arms encircle you like a lifeline, pressing you into his chest with a measured tenderness. he’s warm and firm and familiar, and as he tucks himself into your shoulder, you feel like you can finally breathe again.
“i can’t believe you made it,” he mumbles against your neck, hold tightening around your waist. he’s sweaty all along the front, shirt practically drenched through after hours of performing, but all you can think about is the fact that he’s finally here. not on a screen. not in your fleeting thoughts throughout the day.
“airplanes are a crazy invention,” you joke breathlessly.
beomgyu laughs wetly from where he’s nuzzling your collarbones, seemingly intent on getting as close as physically possible to you. your own hand raises to card itself through his damp locks, untangling them where they’ve gone unruly from his dancing. you almost feel awkward with the mill of staff around you, but they look too busy tending to the clean-up process to even worry about the two of you huddling in the middle of it all.
“you two are so cute,” you hear from behind you, and as you crane your neck to meet taehyun’s genuine eyes, you flush.
stepping back from the hug, you feel beomgyu’s calloused palms move to cup your cheeks, gently cradling your face with a tenderness so raw it nearly hurts. he’s looking at you with such intent, almost as if in belief that you’re real and in front of him, and you resist to rock forward on your toes and kiss him square on the mouth. his thumbs smooth over your damp cheeks, and you realize with a start that you’ve been crying.
as the room continues to crowd with more staff filtering in, beomgyu takes the initiative to pull you into one of the more secluded corners of the lounge for some semblance of privacy. you lean back against the wall and peer up at him through your lashes, studying the way the glitter of his makeup catches the light. he’s even more beautiful up close, impossibly ethereal, and your heart aches at the thought of leaving him again.
the rest of the members seem to have also taken note of your presence, judging by kai’s excited holler from the doorway, and you preen under their attention when they crowd into your corner. beomgyu makes a noise of complaint when they circle around you, but the frown on his face doesn’t last long as he watches you hug the rest of his bandmates. they’re all still dressed in their stage outfits, equally sweaty and noticeably exhausted, and yet they greet you with such heartfelt enthusiasm that you feel yourself go warm all over.
“no way, you didn’t tell us you were coming!” soobin pulls back from smothering you to look you over, gasping when he notices the tour shirt you’d slipped on over your outfit. “you’re wearing the one beomgyu sent you! oh, i hate couples. i’m going to be sick–”
soobin breaks off, pretending to gag, and you swat at him with a smile so wide that hurts your cheeks.
“we’ve missed you so much,” kai continues earnestly, grinning impishly, “probably more than gyu, if we’re being honest.”
“careful, i know where you’re sleeping tonight,” your boyfriend grumbles, sticking his tongue out at the both of them as he scoots into your side, wrapping his arm around your waist.
“so do i? we’re literally staying on the same floor…”
“at this point, can’t we just ask manager-nim to get an extra room at our hotel for you?” yeonjun’s question is innocent, but it makes you go warm all over. partly from excitement, partly from embarrassment.
“no way, your manager’s done already done so much for me.” that was an understatement. he’d been more than understanding when you’d first brought the idea up to him, been too kind and patient in sorting out details and ruling out alternatives. he’d pulled too many strings to secure you a spot at the show, backstage even, that it felt outright inconsiderate to ask for more. you’d gotten to see beomgyu shining from afar, gotten to see him sweaty and tired and soft between your arms.
it was enough, no matter how selfish you wanted to be.
“it’s okay,” a deeper voice cuts you off before you can continue, and you back up into beomgyu in surprise. their manager laughs good-naturedly at your shock, moving in between the members and reaching out to shake your hand in greeting.
“it’s okay?” you squeak, meeting his hand tentatively.
“i appreciate your consideration,” he nods, turning to pat beomgyu on the back. “the boys have all worked really hard on this tour. it’s the last stop, and they have a long flight back to korea tomorrow. what’s one night of celebration? you’ll have to take a separate car and follow extra protocol, but it won’t be anything our team can’t handle. beomgyu, think of this as my congratulation to you for a successful tour.”
“if beomgyu gets to be with his partner, i want in-n-out,” soobin pouts, and everyone in the circle breaks off into laughter. yeonjun seconds this with a raise of his hand, and you watch with amusement as kai and taehyun quickly follow suit.
“thank you,” beomgyu whispers to his manager, smile sincere and flustered. his hold on your hand tightens, and you look over at him to share a knowing look.
the anxiousness at the back of your mind doesn’t disappear as beomgyu and the rest of the members go through the motions of warming down and preparing to leave. you’re instructed to wait on one of the empty couches in the corner, leg bouncing restlessly as you watch your boyfriend disappear down the hall, presumably to change into something with less frills and gems.
outside, you can still hear the hum of excitement from the venue, though considerably scaled down from what you remember it being during the show. your heart squeezes with pride at the thought of how far they’d all come– sold out venues with capacities the size of small towns. an achievement so deserving, and yet once unfathomable to the entire group.
beomgyu returns clad in sweatpants and a loose shirt, face wiped clean of highlights and glitters. he seems almost bashful as he approaches you, looking around with a shy quirk to his mouth as he comes to back you up against the corner. you know what’s coming before he even leans in to peck you, know from the determination in his eyes that this isn’t the last you’ll be seeing of him like this tonight.
“ready to head out?” he asks once he pulls back, reaching for your hand with a smirk playing at his lips. your fingers comfortably slip between his, and as you make your way out after the staff, you clear your throat and try to hide the blush on your cheeks.
“i also want in-n-out,” you say.
your boyfriend’s answering laugh is loud and fond, and it rings down the hallway like peals of bells. he leans into your side, nudging you with his shoulder, and you note that he still smells like the body wash you have at home.
“almost sounds like you’re more excited for the food than to spend time alone with me,” he pouts.
flicking him on the forehead, both of you pause before a set of doors, ones you assume lead to the exterior of the building. you know his manager isn’t far behind you, and after being briefed on the measures you’d have to adhere to once outside, you think it’s best you stick by a familiar face. the security milling around should have you feeling more on edge, but beomgyu’s secure hold on your hand is enough to make you forget all about the predicament.
“i’ll see you at the hotel,” he promises.
there’s a crowd of staff forming behind you, commotion rising in the hallway as the team prepares to leave. you look at the flutter of beomgyu’s lashes as he looks up at them, then back at you, and you hum quietly when he begins to let go of you hand.
“with in-n-out?”
beomgyu’s smile is blinding, like that of a star you’re finally able to hold in the cusp of your palms. “with in-n-out.”
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ebi-noodle-doodles · 5 months
Do you have any advice/tutorials on how to make healthily round characters? You do them so well!
Hi I really want to answer this with like my doodles and stuff but I’m out (might reblog the stuff later) but so want to say just use a LOT of references. I got used to not using references most of the time because Ive build a somewhat small mental library in my head but certainly its not absolute or perfect, but If I want to focus on a certain piece I really look for references! OR use the mirror.
My main advice
Build a mental library full or references; Even if the reference you compiled are not the same body type/shape, you soon learn to incorporate them in actually drawing round characters.
You can try building this mental library not just by searching online but ACTUALLY STUDYING ONESELF, by that I mean your body. Try taking videos of yourself and pause on frames that could potentially make a good dynamic reference!
Build a habit of drawing different character bodies. I cant say I’m an expert nor really follow this rule since I lack understanding, really but one of my discovered inspirations before I drew characters like these is the Dungeon Meshi Artist. They draw different shaped characters so well, take inspiration from them!
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Pay attention to distribution of fat and muscle. (again I’m not an expert!!!) Pay attention to HEIGHT and WEIGHT of the character. What I usually do is that sometimes I estimate how much torso is going to on or legs so it looks proportionate
I learned that chibi is similar to what Im doing. I guess I learned chibi with round shapes aka bunch of circles and ovals, but irl those are more of chunky sausages(?)
BE CONFIDENT on your SKETCHES. I usually start small in sketching like big canvas/paper small lil “chibi” characters. Practice a pose u like then choose what you want to focus and render on
I feel like I’m saying this more for myself hut fundamentals! fundamentals, fundamentals fun d a ment a l s ! In anatomy, lighting & generally in art is key component to everything really!
Welp might reblog this with some visuals hopefully when I get home! I do think I still need more practice despite all the drawings I made, I feel like it still lacks dynamism that would be appealing at first glance.
if it contributes to anything, I think my coloring also makes the piece “look” soft.
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bleucaesura · 3 months
OVER YOU - 1 / 2
Blitzø sat in his van outside the ‘fuck him’ party staring at the message on his phone screen while Verosika’s ‘Over You’ played on the radio.
I thought that I could stomp you out
Like a fire, like a flame
“im srri stols. 4 teh shitty thngs i sed. 4 how i treted u… but wut u sed? that it didnt mean enythn to me? ‘S not tru. It ment alot. U mean alot 2 me. I suk at srrys but im srrry. All tht rumntic stuf u sed u wnted? I want it 2. I wnt u.”
Blitzø’s thumb hovered over the SEND button, a lump in his throat.
It’s done but now I’m covered in ashes
And I still feel the same
“Fuck!” Blitzø smacked his forehead into his steering wheel and clenched his phone in his fist.
What the fuck was he doing? He shouldn’t ruin Stolas’s fucking night with this shit. He was having a good time in there and he didn’t need Blitzø ruining it. He’d asked him to leave… He had a better guy…
I guess if I get rid of every sign of what we ever did
Bitzø’s heart jumped.
Was that what Stolas was trying to do? He didn’t want to lose Stolas. Was he going to lose Stolas?! Did this mean he didn’t want him in his life at all?!
His chest felt like it was caving in. He couldn’t breathe.
There’d be no one left to blame!
This is all my fucking fault… He’s throwing me away, and I’ve only got myself to blame…
Baby, I’m not over it
Stolas deserved better than him.
I’m over you
Yeah… Stolas really did deserve so much better than him… He’d get over Blitzø. Easy.
I’m over you
So easy…
Yeah I try to look ahead
Blitzø had to try and be happy for him. Even if it meant he couldn’t be in Stolas’s life anymore.
Sometimes I look back instead
Blitzø’s eyes stung with tears. He sniffled as he deleted the message that had taken so much courage for him to write…
Think I always knew
His eyes blurred and tears dropped onto the phone screen.
Baby, I’ll get over it
He typed out another quick message and hit SEND.
I got over you
Bitzø tossed his phone on the seat beside him and wiped his tears as best he could so he could see.
I got over you
He took one last look at the party. His stomach twisted into hurt and angry knots.
He needed to be better. If he was ever going to be worthy of anyone, let alone Stolas, he needed to be better.
He had to stop fucking around.
I got over you
Blitzø threw the van into gear and tore down the road. He wiped more tears from his eyes, the crystal rubbing against his cheek and opening a portal to home.
Well… Hell… Nowhere felt like home right now. Blitzø was leaving his heart behind at that party…
I got over you
Blitzø’s phone bounced on the seat next to him, its screen still unlocked, glowing and open to his conversation with Stolas.
His last message on READ.
I got over you
“im sorry for evrythng 💔”
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madfantasy · 8 months
To fan art and fiction enjoyers:
Please excuse my rage slipping if it happened over having to address this literal mediocrity of a subject in comparison to endless things that actually matters in real life. Because this would be at the scrapping bottom of it, but since the occasion presented itself, here we are:
Do you know there are some, let's say, manners, being in fandoms, and/or in using social media in general? NOOO? 8U
Well, Lets start somewhere!
Like it or not, YOU NEED TO ACTUALLY READ STUFF PEOPLE WRITE. Before you follow, before you comment, before you interact, because if you come across something you don't like, or you started to assume things— that's a you problem and not the fault of the poster.
If you DO NOT enjoy a character, a pair of ship, or a certain head cannon, filter the tag it's used for, Google has free tutorials on how. Most social media have these settings and most decent posters tag their posts correctly. If you keep seeing that pair, you can block the people who create it. You are free to do so ofc but WHY WOULD U come on main and air that out? Personally I find it so bizarre and it could show the type of person you are to other people — a toxic company over fictional substance — and I'd say that is not a flex, more like showing your dirty nappy in public. Those characters you love are not real and so not effected by your high ground stance, but actual humans that share you that love notice and get that impression, and it's a weird one. You SHOULD, of course, set your boundaries, and usually where that is be in your profile, on your bio or a pinned post.
Loving bizarre, villainous, creepy concepts DOES NOT EQUAL morality, nor loving good sunshine and flowers does. It's what a person does in real life what counts, not what they consume in entertainment. In fact, it is not a sign of a good person those who be shaming humans who like different fictional concepts. Or when someone keeps using ai generators knowing full well it's based on constant data theft of all sort of human creators across generations and can not exist without the continuance of this theft. Or those supporting creators that they know did irl crimes. Or those who are Policing what's can and cannot go into fiction as if the fickleness of preference have never let alot of things survive its judgement. And I can go on with the miniature examples. You are forgiven if you did not know before, some people learn through experience, but not anymore when you continue this behaviour. And maybe if you can't differentiate between reality and fiction, and what's more important than what, maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't be consuming fiction.
DO NOT POST WHAT YOU DID NOT CREATE. Do you like it when people keep posting your selfies that you only ment to share for funsies and what not? Isn't worse if you did not post that selfie in the first place or never wanted it to be used like that? It's the SAME FOR ART. This is the artists work just as much as your face is yours. Social media at the baseline is about who ever the poster is, their posts are theirs. So you posting an artist's drawing, with no permission, no credit to them, no nothing, is not allowed and people can report that. Don't be an ignorant thick fig and play the victim when schooled like this precious dear\s .Reposters disconnect so many content from their creators and this is how alot of beautiful things in life die, by simply not knowing they are loved, shoved into the over consumption machine..
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And lastly, You don't have anything nice to say to OP? Don't say anything! It's not your misguided duty to educate people on how embarrassingly self centered you are, it's okay to be a basic #&★— I promise. It okay to feel out of place in a niche that doesn't concern you. It's okay to realise other people have different perspectives of the fiction work you enjoy. You can sit down.
And I'd like to add, Mani is a safe space for au and ships even if I don't like em, cuz they are only FICTION and will remain FICTION no matter how much I loved them or hated them.
Good day, dears🍀
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hoeforhao · 2 years
Teasing vernon before a concert then he rails you backstage for teasing him😭😭
ʙᴀᴄᴋꜱᴛᴀɢᴇ ᴘᴀꜱꜱ || ᴠᴇʀɴᴏɴ ꜰꜰ ||
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Pairing : idol!vernon × fem!reader
⤷genre: pure smut, jealousy sex,explicit language/cursing, idol vernon, group stylist reader,backstage railing.
⤷tags: simply filthy smut, fem teasing (male receiving),elder girlfriend kink, fingering, marking/biting, name calling, slight verbal degradation, creampie, exhibitionism, public sex, quickie, multiple orgasms.
⤷synopsis: nothing much just getting railed by your boyfriend backstage after teasing him before their concert.
⤷word count: 1.15k
⤷author’s note: i was so nervous yet excited to make my first ever request, and also my second smut. i really hope y'all enjoy it, and if you do
Likes, comments and reblogs will be heartily appreciated ♡
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"Wait for me after the concert and be ready to get your own little show babe"
Seeing the tall, permed hair boy leave for the stage with a sinful smirk, you straight off knew that doom would soon be knocking at your door.
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Vernon has always been the composed and quiet type of boyfriend, while his s/o was a polar opposite : completely freaky minded. Your outer innocence was just a decoy to the filthy hoe inside. As much as you wanted to unleash the smutty side of yours before him, turn your bedroom times into an eccentric show, respecting Vernon's choices always stood up the first place.
But today, everything was gonna go down as you decided to let it all loose, temptations touching your tongue and spreading the wings of desire. And to your very surprise, everything went quite smoothly according to the premade wicked plan.Pairing your newly bought thigh high slit blazer dress with gladiator stilletos, you sheepishly made your way towards the crime scene : a.k.a backstage of seventeen's be the sun concert.
Leaning on the doorframe of the greenroom, you waited for the members' eyes to fall on you and as soon as they did, the whole room was echoing with praises. Used to always seeing you in baggy clothes, had all the 13's eyes glued onto your new black on black avatar as you foxily walked down to Vernon's chair and positioned yourself on his lap, more precisely his crotch. Grinding your bare hips onto his throbbing manhood, while putting your chonky thighs on show, you made sure to keep the flirty conversations going on steady with the others, not even bothering to pity the younger's muffled moans.
Soon after, a staff popped by to notify that it was time for the boys to go up the stage. Swirling up from the now aroused seat, you drew your thumb swiftly around vernon's earlobes and gave it a slight pinch,whilst passing all of them assuring hugs; your once a sweet little boy taking in each and every movement his girlfriend made, before finally leaving the premise,as he mouthed something into your ears.
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You were so lost in enjoying the view of their concert from the backstage, that you didn't realize it was time for the last ending ment. Turning around on your heels, you decided to quickly sprint away from the venue, not wanting to be caught by Vernon. But guess what? Before you could even reach the stairs, the whole place went pitch black ; making you stop in your tracks as you felt a hot breath whisper on your neck, with hands snaking around your waist.
"How stupid of you baby, to think you can escape from me! Specially after that little trick of yours today" a devilish laugh leaving his lips as he turns your body around in one swish, making your chest hit on his toned abs.
"V-vernon. W-what trick are you talking 'bout?" puppy eyes visible under the lights coming from the stage, you asked all innocently, internally screaming for his freak side to show.
"Oh acting to be so innocent and all huh, aren't you,my dirty little girl!"your legs already giving up, just from his words.
"Lemme show you some of my own tricks then. Let's see how your body shudders under my grip love" saying this he swiftly picked up your body and slammed it on the wall; attaching his lips to yours the same instant.
By this time, you were already too hungry for him. So without wasting anymore seconds, you both start devouring each other's lips like beasts left unfed for days ; your tongues fighting for dominance inside each other when a tight slap from vernon's firm hands landed on your left butt, making you let out a soft moan,while he took this chance to take the upper hand.
His clothed dick, rubbing against your drenched pussy from under the dress, earning a shaky "Plss" from you.
"Plss what princess?" Vernon spoke against your trembling puffed up red lips,sloppily making his way down to your jaw.
"I need you in me Nonie. Pls" you somehow managed to answer in between moans.
"Not so fast baby. You need some punishment for being such a slut today; making me all hard just before the performance and letting the members get a show of what belongs to only me" he started sucking onto your neck and collarbone, leaving dark purple marks all over as his fingers teased your pulsating bud.
Vernon took no time and quickly pulled down your panties, lips still not leaving your neck, as he unannouncingly slid his digits into you, making you moan his name out load.
"Yes moan for me baby. Let everyone know how good this cub of yours makes you feel; that only I can make you cum this way." his words along with his paced up thrusts slowly forming a knot in your stomach.
"V-vernon I'm going to c - ahhh" before you could even complete the sentence, the younger's hands became saturated with your juices. Sucking you off of his fingers dry, he gently placed his lips onto yours again, giving you the taste of your insides.
"Mmmm look how good you taste sweetheart. I can have you for all of my meals throughout the entire day"
Seeing your legs collapse from the just washed out orgasm, Vernon reflexively pushed up your ass into thin air,wrapping your thighs around his waist; as he took out his painful erection out of his stained pants and lined it up on your entrance. One hand tightly squeezing your boobs, while the lips worked their way on your cleavage, he pushed himself inside of you in one go, his precum replacing the role of lube.
"You're still so fuxkin tight bitch, even after taking me in almost every night" a whimper leaving his lips as your walls tensed up around his length.
"N-nonie my pussy is only for you to ruin babie" you voice as you're driven into ecstasy by your once thought innocent boyfriend.
Arousal blurring his sanity,he starts ramming in you at a inhumane speed, making you see constellations before your eyes. Taking in his continuously rough thrusts, you soon felt your high riding by for the second time, as you drowned his member with your cum, half of it seeping down your legs.
"Such a desperate whore under my touch huh" he claims before draining himself in you completely, with the warmest feeling ever. Your insides felt so good, as if it was meant only to take his cum, a cozy home for his seeds.
"Remember this small exclusive show of mine, before pulling another trick like today, princess" Vernon whispers against your nape as he pulls up his pants, drying off your legs with his tongue, meanwhile carrying you to the car.
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thestaticshow · 27 days
Make your choice.
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static: h3h3h s0 h3re w3 4r3. i tried s0 hard to b3 good enough. i tried so hard to please people and this. this is what i get in return.
static stops for a moment.
Static: ...
Static: no. you were all right i am the bad guy. i had a choice i had a decision to change their was a different path. a path that could have solved all my problems i just needed to ask for help
but instead i looked away and chose violence.
i'm a monster a crook, i used my friends for my own selfish needs. tried to control their lives.
no one could ever forgive me.
i deserve this fate.
i'm so sorry.
i never ment to hurt anyone. Especially my main friends @timosaurus @mrchaosman @halloweengirl1031 @imaginary-regret-608
[ i j u s t w a n t e d t o s u r v i v e ]
Mr timer: remember. your choice will depend on your ending. so choose wisely.
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