#tumblr takeover
greatestcreations · 30 days
Make your choice.
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static: h3h3h s0 h3re w3 4r3. i tried s0 hard to b3 good enough. i tried so hard to please people and this. this is what i get in return.
static stops for a moment.
Static: ...
Static: no. you were all right i am the bad guy. i had a choice i had a decision to change their was a different path. a path that could have solved all my problems i just needed to ask for help
but instead i looked away and chose violence.
i'm a monster a crook, i used my friends for my own selfish needs. tried to control their lives.
no one could ever forgive me.
i deserve this fate.
i'm so sorry.
i never ment to hurt anyone. Especially my main friends @timosaurus @mrchaosman @halloweengirl1031 @imaginary-regret-608
[ i j u s t w a n t e d t o s u r v i v e ]
Mr timer: remember. your choice will depend on your ending. so choose wisely.
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xccentriktigress · 2 years
I think we've all seen the cooperative polls. The snail, the penis and balls, and now Tumblr blue. Clearly the people of Tumblr operate on a specific wave length. Let's talk about that.
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greenteacryptid · 2 years
Can someone who isn't a bot follow me, please
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blurringblues · 2 years
As Twitter is dying, for the next sonic game would there be a Tumblr Takeover?
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I know that we here on tumblr have had our posts stolen and rewritten by many a twitter user, and that they speak of of tumblr as a hellsite (derogatory) when it is really a hellsite (affectionate)
But now that Elon owns twitter, we must welcome new and returning users with open arms.
Every twitter user converted is one step closer to Elon Musk pulling a yahoo and loosing 99% of Twitters value.
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crabussy · 2 years
nonbinary robot call that androidgynous
(this post was made by @silly-solar-robot!!! please check reblogs for a version of this post without the credit, just thought at 14000+ notes I should mention it on the original post. no clue why they used my account, maybe cause I have more followers but please check his account out!! he’s wonderful)
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Tumblr’s Twitter account wasn’t banned with the others because only accounts that promote social medias get banned, and what Staff is doing over there is the equivalent of showing someone a used car and telling them that the frame is rusted through, and that it only comes with three tires.
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sumiresou · 2 months
Izuku's Clingy-ness
Izuku Midoriya x girlfriend/fem! Reader
word count: 643 (very short)
warning: clingy!boyfriend izuku, post-war arc, not-canon compliant (i tried, lord help me.), izuku missing his gf :(, someone get this man his gf back!!, sassy midoriya genes, possibly ooc for both kaminari and bakugo but oh well. NOT FULLY EDITED but it's like 4am... so...
a/n: I was reading some of @gglitch1dd 's dilf!izuku series, and i KNOWW I'm very late to the Izuku love but this fanfic idea is currently wrangling me like a bull... so... here! making this in-between 3 unfinished works and one series ideas!!! nice, author, nice.
beta read by my beautiful and unnerving sister.
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Sometimes, It seemed unnerving how Izuku was so intensely obsessed with you. Izuku was just glad it wasn't in a bad way, despite how sometimes he would convince himself that he was such a bad person after the events of the Paranormal Liberation War. You were always there to squash those terrible thoughts that scattered and dug their way into his head, and convince him that what he had done was probably one of the best options left for Tomura Shigaraki.
He missed you today. You weren't in class the entirety of the school day, and he had gotten worried that you slept in; Until he saw your text message about having to suddenly go babysit your niece today due to an emergency involving the sitter not showing up. Everyone who even looked at Izuku's face could see it, how he looked like a kicked puppy who had just gotten every insult known thrown at him.
"Dude, you good? Did Y/N break up with you or something?" Kaminari had walked over, crouching down to rest his arms on Izuku's desk, long after class had ended. He had a slightly worried expression on his face, eyebrows furrowed, making Izuku feel slightly bad at making his friend worry about him. The green haired boy huffed, pouting as he stared down at the matching bracelets he had been fiddling with for most of class when he noticed Y/N's absence. Bakugo chimed in after Kaminari, abrasive as ever. Where did he even come from?
"Get a grip, Izuku. Your girlfriend is coming back tomorrow."
Izuku had at that moment, felt a little dumb. Oh. Oh! He had almost forgot, yeah you were coming back tomorrow. Wait... How did Bakugo know that? Right on cue, did Bakugo squash his thoughts.
"Y/N and I are friends too, calm down. Don't stare at me like that. You look like an offended goose." Bakugo sneered at him, his arms crossing over his chest. Kaminari looked over at Bakugo, his eyes wide and mouth agape.
"Woah! Dude, a little nicer maybe?"
Izuku rolled his eyes, giving his best friend an 'are you fucking kidding me' look. "You act worse when Kirishima is going to the bathroom, shut it." Izuku pouted and pointed at the spikey blond man in front of him.
Bakugo huffed and rolled his eyes, despite his hypocrisy in the situation. The blond was honestly so tired of Izuku moping around in class, and now outside too?
Izuku looked down at his phone, laying on the desk between his hands that kept fiddling with eachother. "Maybe I should call her."
Bakugo's eyebrow twitched. Maybe he should have bullied Izuku more. (not actually, but still.)
Kaminari was shocked at Izuku, no way Izuku was that clingy. "Yo! You should go and relax, go shopping with Todoroki and Bakugo! Todoroki has his dad's card for the day too! Do something instead of moping around all day! C'mon dude!" Maybe he wasn't being helpful, or maybe it was his excruciating single-ness.
Izuku groaned loudly in frustration, he just wanted his girlfriend dammit! Not to be basically kidnapped by his two friends to stop rotting over Y/N being gone for one day. "I don't wanna go out hanging out with everyone else, can't you guys just let me mope over my girlfriend being gone!?" He looked up at the ceiling, leaning back in his chair, hand clutching his hair.
"Not when you make it our problem! Get up! You're going shopping with Todoroki and Bakugo! Shoo! Out!" Kaminari exclaimed.
At the end of the day, he still couldn't help sending you a few 'I love you's and 'Facetime?'. He just missed you too much. When you came back, he was waiting on the UA steps, anxiously tapping his foot, and waiting for you like you always did.
"Day infinitely better."
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want to support a struggling author? Leave a like and maybe a nice comment if you feel like it!
drops this and hides.
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todayontumblr · 1 year
Tuesday, September 26.
Flula Borg presents: '90s nostalgia.
The 90s, we knew them well; 'twas the one decade to rule them all. The Simpsons was as good as it has ever been. Princess Diana stole our hearts. For reasons still unclear, our species decided to clone a sheep, whom we christened Dolly. Bill Clinton was out and about. Kids and adults alike would escape reality for the havens of the Super Nintendo, PlayStation, Nintendo 64, or Game Boy Color. The McMansion became a mainstay of American architecture. The Cool S reigned supreme.
Generation X were able to enjoy the cultural fruits of rave, grunge, Britpop, hip hop, drum and bass, and Eurodance. And it was a golden era, perhaps the golden era, of the sitcom: The Fresh Prince, Cheers, Seinfeld, Family Matters, Married... with Children. These were days to kick back in an armchair, complete with a built-in refrigerator, and watch and watch every last hour of the finest television our species has to offer. It was a tall ask, but someone had to do it.
Fortunately, that man is very tall, German, and very funny. His name is #flula borg. You know him, more likely than not. And he has most graciously plucked some achingly 90s delights from the dashboard, for your viewing pleasure. 
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greatestcreations · 1 month
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You failed and he ate you.
but you tasted bad and done damage.
plus, you entered inside him which was the right decision.
Wrong choices 7
Right choices 12.
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purpleskelet0n · 7 days
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thank you all so much for participating! this was so much fun and really makes me want to start a blog, Elvis sends love to all of you, but for now, he's got a friend to meet up with. (based on rps!)
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joseartcenteno · 1 month
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The Fandreas Takeover promotional posters.
I made these to promote the upcoming Fandreas Takeover comic series, so here’s some recreations of other posters for ya!
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laf-outloud · 5 months
Here's just one of many videos Justin is posting over on The CW Walker's IG account! Click the link above to check them out! He talks about Ashley, Jared, Walker: Independence (yay!), his hair routine, and so much more!
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linmelon · 5 months
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(I hope this becomes the storyline lol 😂)
(Also some text got cut off so click on the pics for the full effect)
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mageiad · 1 year
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philliaesaya · 2 years
A Common Foe
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He probably felt that
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