#agh do i be bored or do i be normal agh
diet-bathwater · 2 years
omg hiiii hihiihihihi <3 im on desktop tumblr rn which is sososo scary but im being very brave abt it
i miss tumblr so much even tho it was making my brain eat itself
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astrxealis · 2 years
sometimes i wonder why a lot of you haven't unfollowed me yet i ramble so goddamn much <//3
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tadc-harlequin-au · 3 months
New Puppet Unlocked: Pomni, the Last Harlequin!
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Pomni's character description:
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I actually finished this about three days ago, but I didn't wanna post it because I haven't started on the others yet. I eventually decided that fuck it, we ball.
Pomni is the most recent and last model of a Combat Harlequin; P-1210. She doesn't have any remembrance of her life before becoming a Puppet, only the fact that she has an itch in her head that tells her to keep fighting.
After hunting down The Puppetmaster and a duel ensues between the two, it ends with the Harlequin and The Puppetmaster forming an alliance in order to fix the destroyed City.
Now, Pomni spends her time sparring, sharpening her sword, bantering with the Puppetmaster, hunting down bosses and eliminating manic Marionettes.
Fun facts about Pomni:
She likes sandwiches. Specifically, salmon.
She REALLY hates it when someone eats it. (It's Bubble)
She finds some things annoying in other Puppets, and will be blunt about it.
But that doesn't mean she doesn't care. In fact, far from it.
Pomni may come off as cold and jerkish due to her hot-temper, but in reality, her emotions simply have ahold on her more than anyone would ever really think.
Caine thinks that a therapist would benefit her. (honestly though)
She hasn't explored any hobbies outside from anything involving combat.
Pomni occasionally gets glimpses of visions when she dies; she is unaware of what they mean.
Pomni rarely gets drunk; she'll only indulge in alcohol when there's an occasion. Aside from that, she tends to limit Caine's alcohol intake (reasoning that he smells like booze), much to the Puppetmaster's dismay.
She shuts down any form of philosophical advices, thinking they're "typical" and "unnecessary".
She tends to be careless and rude in battle.
When push comes to shove, Pomni can and WILL use her sharp teeth to her advantage.
Pomni initially disliked Ragatha. She found the doll's positive demeanor eerie, and even uncanny, borderline inhuman. Thankfully, a few interactions and heart-heart conversations later, she's changed her mind since.
Bubble usually accompanies her when she's out on missions, a condition she had to agree on just so Caine would let her fight overburdened Puppets. Even though she hates the blimp's nonsense, she knows that his presence is out of necessity, since Bubble is the only way keeping in touch can be possible.
She rarely ever apologizes.
She once stole Caine's cane to try and figure out how his attacks work. She immediately lost interest once she found out it's just a plain, and boring metal cane.
She unlocks the first stage of enlightenment after the first boss.
Battle quotes:
"Yeah, yeah, shut up."
"I didn't come here just for you to act like a wuss!"
"You. Me. This sword. In your head."
"That was pretty stupid of you to do."
"Between you and me, I prefer still having my head on my shoulders."
"This is getting annoying!"
"I've had it with you idiots!"
"I'm gonna celebrate with a Puppet head kebab once I'm done."
"I like the sounds of a sword slashing, and heads bashed in."
"Keep (talking/screaming), and I'll crack your skull open."
Hurt in battle:
"Ah! What the fuck!"
"You're gonna pay for that!"
"Eye for an eye, motherfucker!"
"I normally wouldn't mind... Actually, I always mind."
"When I'm done, you're gonna be unrecognizable."
"Fucking marionettes!"
"Useless scrap!"
"I really, really, REALLY wanna hurt you right about now."
"Ohohoho, you're picking the WRONG fight, BUDDY."
"Who do you think you are!?"
"This... wasn't supposed to go this way..."
"God.... dammit."
"Agh... fuck."
"That... fucking... hurt."
"I still...! Got fight...! Left in me..."
"This... isn't... over..."
"I'm... not... done..."
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tuiccim · 7 months
Wrecked (Part 1)
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Pairing: Alpha Frank Castle x Omega Reader, Alpha Billy Russo x Omega Reader
Trigger Warnings: Discussion of infertility, attempted physical assault
Summary: When Frank Castle found his way to your small town bar, you thought you had finally found your Alpha despite being a "wrecked omega" but when his best friend, Billy Russo, blows through town, your world tilts on its axis. You thought you found your happy ending but was it just more wreckage for your life?
A/N: Thank you to my beta reader, @whisperlullaby
Wrecked Masterlist
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You were peeling potatoes when you heard the rumble of Frank’s truck as it pulled up to the cabin. Was it strange you still felt nervous when he came home after all these months? Maybe because you were always waiting for the other shoe to drop. You weren’t an Omega that any “normal” Alpha would want, and you know that your relationship with Frank was born more out of solace and comfort than anything else. Still, you loved him and he seemed to love you. So, you smiled when you heard his gravelly voice call, “Hey babe.”
“Hey. I’m in the kitchen,” you reply. 
“Whatcha cookin’?” Frank asks as he sets his lunch box in its spot. 
“Just boring old meatloaf and mashed potatoes,” you smile at him over your shoulder. 
“Mmm, does that mean I get a meatloaf sandwich in my lunch tomorrow?” Frank sidles up behind you and rests his hands on your hips.
“If you like.”
“I like,” he confirms as he squeezes your hips suggestively. “Do I have time to shower?”
“You have about 30 minutes before it’s ready,” you confirm as you rinse the peeled potatoes. 
“Great,” he retreats to your bedroom and you immediately miss his warmth.
You had found each other by accident. He had come to your small town by chance. Many people passed through on their way to bigger towns but he decided to stay. He wandered into your bar, drank alone, talked but didn’t flirt as you tended to him, and ended up breaking up a fight between two alphas quite adeptly. You had been impressed and a little enticed until you noticed the claiming mark on his neck. Fully expecting him to disappear into the night, you were surprised when he showed up again the next night. And the one after that. You had joked that you should hire him as a bouncer and he had laughed but then asked if anyone in town was hiring. Referring him to the two places you knew were looking, you poured him a congratulatory drink when he told you he had landed a spot. You remember back to that time…
Close to the end of the night, you were cutting off a young alpha who took offense. You were used to handling drunks and thought you had defused the situation when he walked away from the bar. A few of his friends ribbed him and the group left just as you announced last call. You shut down, counted out, and sent the rest of your staff home. As the daughter of a prominent alpha and known as a rejected and broken omega, you felt secure in the town. Perhaps that was a bit of your own arrogance. You had just made it to your car when you were slammed against it by a large body and your head was pulled to one side by the grip in your hair. 
Alcohol laden breath spoke in your ear, “You need to learn your place, ‘mega.”
“Get off of me!” You yelled, bucking against his hold. 
“Don’t worry. I don’t wanna fuck the wrecked omega. I’m just gonna give you the beating your daddy never did. Pathetic, unfuckable thing you are, I’m surprised he let you live. Shoulda- Agh!” The young alpha’s words cut off by his own scream. 
You’re pulled roughly to the ground by his grip in your hair but roll away from him quickly and scoot out of his range. He’s holding onto his side and you look up at the tire iron gripped in a strong hand. Following it up, you see Frank and breathe a sigh of relief. Frank is obviously not done yet as he lands another blow to the alpha’s stomach then one across the face.
He stops and leans over his prey, “Is that something like the beating your daddy never gave you? I ever see you here again, I’ll kill you. Understand?” 
When no answer comes, Frank raises the tire iron for another swing but the other alpha holds his hands up and wheezes, “Yes!”
“Get the fuck out of here!” Frank yells and watches as the man scrambles off into the darkness. Turning to you, he holds a hand out to help you up, “You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. Thank you,” you brush yourself off as you speak, trying to appear nonchalant but clearly shaken up. 
“You shouldn’t be out here alone,” Frank grouses at you. 
“I’m fine. That’s the first time-”
“It only takes one time. You have to be more careful,” Frank interrupts. 
“I- I’m fine,” you say again. You drop your keys because your hands are shaking and pick them up only to drop them again. 
“Hey,” Frank covers your hands with his.
“I’m fine,” you whisper again, trying to hide the tears that were threatening to fall. 
“Hey, look at me,” Frank pulls you around to look at him. His face softens as he sees the unshed tears in your eyes, “You’re not fine. Let me take you home.” 
You surrender your keys to him and nod. You tell him what direction to head in and silence stretches between you until you can stand it no longer. “So, Frank, what’s your story?”
“What do you mean?” Frank hedges. 
“I mean a lone alpha wandering into town and staying isn’t very common. What brought you here? What made you stay?”
“My truck. A good bar that pours a stiff drink and a job,” Frank replies. 
“Okay, then,” you recognize when someone doesn’t want to talk about their past. 
“How long have you worked at the bar?” Frank asks. 
“I own the bar,” you retort. 
“How long have you owned the bar?”
“Since the last owner sold it to me,” you sass. 
Frank surprises you by letting a laugh rumble out of his chest and you can’t help the smile that quirks your lips. His scent is suddenly stronger in the small space of your car, not hidden by the scents of the bar. It’s enticing and warm. You feel yourself responding to it and clench your thighs. 
“Didn’t seem like that was your first fight. Army?” You guess. 
“Oorah,” you glance over at him and as headlights pass you see the mating mark on his neck again. It’s faded but definitely there. “Where’s your mate?” 
Frank’s entire demeanor shifts as if a darkness had covered him entirely. He growls, “Gone.”
“I’m sorry,” you study your hands. Feeling awkward at having obviously brought up a painful subject. 
“She and both my pups were killed. Car crash,” he says quietly. 
“I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine.”
“Since we’re on sore subjects, why are you a ‘wrecked omega’?” Frank glances over at you. 
“Turn left just past the highway sign up ahead,” you point out the sign. “Because I can’t have children. My mate rejected me because of it.”
“Sounds like a jackass,” Frank says. 
“He was from another pack. My father wanted me to lie to him but I couldn’t and I understood when he decided to reject me. He was very kind about it but the reason got out. It’s common knowledge that I’m broken. Take the next right and then the third left.”
“Guess that makes two of us,” Frank says reflectively. 
“Nothing,” Frank shakes his head as he takes the turns. 
“Um, you’ll cross over some train tracks and then a bridge. It’ll be the next house on the right,” you explain. He nods but remains silent. You knot your fingers while trying to think of something to say. You’re relieved when you go over the bridge a few minutes later and the front porch light on your cabin shines like a beacon. “That’s it,” you point.
He parks the car, hands you the keys, and walks you to the front steps. You go up and unlock the door. Turning back, you wait for him to follow you inside. 
“I’ll, uh, see you tomorrow night,” Frank turns to walk away. 
“What are you doing?” You ask, confused. 
“I’ll just walk back,” he shrugs. 
“It’s over five miles back to town,” you say incredulously.
“I’ll be alright.”
“I’m not letting you walk back to town. Let’s go,” you tilt your head towards the house. 
“I can’t be alone right now, please,” you say in hopes of convincing him. 
“Okay,” he says as he climbs the steps. 
You let him in and then lock the door behind you. You take your boots off, hang up your bag, and head to the kitchen as you decide you need a drink. “Would you like something?” You ask as you pour yourself a glass of wine.
“Got anything stronger?”
“I have everything stronger,” you scoff playfully. 
“Whiskey?” Frank smirks.
You pour him two fingers of the liquor and hand it over. Studying him over the rim of your glass, you wonder what else there was to this stranger. He was good-looking and seemed decent. You hope he is considering you just invited him into your house. 
“Got an extra pillow and blanket?” He asks. 
“What for?”
“I’ll sleep on the couch.”
You lean over the counter and give him a look, “I told you I didn’t want to be alone tonight.” 
Frank leisurely lets his eyes slide down to peak at the cleavage your position was clearly showing off and smirked, “You sure?”
“Yeah, Marine. I mean, if you think you can handle me,” you toss the words over your shoulder as you walk to your bedroom. 
“Oorah,” Frank grins as he follows you. 
The two of you fell into a routine. He came to the bar for a drink after work, stayed until last call, and you invited him back to your place. After a couple of weeks, you offered him a key saying that working all day and then staying at the bar until close each night had to be exhausting. If he wanted, he could wait for you at the cabin. If he was still awake when you got home, you fucked. If he was asleep, he usually woke you up fucking you the next morning. He was insatiable and you enjoyed it more than you cared to admit. You had never had the sole attention of an alpha for any time outside of your heat (which was a bane seeing as your body still went through it despite your inability to conceive) and the betas you had dated never seemed to stick around long. Even they didn't want the broken omega.
In the time Frank had been with you, he gave every indication of being a good man who wanted a simple life. Despite his seeming contentment, you often wondered why he stayed and when he would decide to go. He knew you could never give him kids and in the times you’d seen him with them, he seemed entirely natural. He would be an amazing father, had been an amazing father you were sure. And it ate at you. Why did he stay? Your fear wouldn’t let you ask because that may hasten his leaving you. You never discussed your relationship. You just lived it everyday and, for the most part, you were happy. 
But your heat was coming soon. It would be his second time seeing you through it and it was just another reminder of  your brokenness. You would have to bring it up. 
Setting dinner on the table, you jump when you feel a hand on your backside, “Oh! How does a man your size move so quietly?”
Frank chuckles, “Maybe cause I’m barefoot.”
You laugh with him as he wiggles his toes. Most see the quiet, stoic side of this man but you’ve been allowed to see the funny and sweet side of him. It’s what made you love him. After you’d both eaten a bit, you broach the subject on your mind. 
“There’s something we need to talk about.”
“Uh-oh. What’d I do?”
“It’s not you. It’s me.”
“Heard that before,” Frank’s brow furrows. 
“My heat is coming in the next few weeks,” you say nervously. 
“Will you, um, help me through it?”
“Yeah. Why are you asking? Is there someone else you want to help you or something?”
“No! I just didn’t want to assume.”
“You didn’t want to assume that I’d take care of my Omega?” Frank asks, clearly offended. 
“You’ve never called me that before,” you say in surprise. 
“I’ve called you that plenty,” Frank shrugs.
“You’ve called me ‘mega, occasionally Omega, but you’ve never called me yours. Never ‘my Omega’.”
“Never, huh?”
“No,” you whisper, looking away. Guilt and shame welled in you for even bringing it up. 
“What is it you want from me, my Omega?”
You glance up at him. His face is curious but not angry as you feared he would be, “What do you mean?”
“Do you want me to mate you?” Frank asks as he takes another bite of his dinner. 
“No!” You say a little too forcefully. Seeing Frank’s brows draw together, you babble, “I don’t expect that from you. I know I’m not what an Alpha wants, since I can’t have kids. I’m not asking you for anything. Just… just to see me through my heat.” You didn’t expect it from him. You didn’t expect any Alpha to mate you. Neither of you had even said I love you. You do love him and you think he feels something for you but you would never tell him. You wouldn’t try to force him into being stuck with you. 
“I will. You would be safer if you were mated. With the bar and everything,” Frank says as he forks another bite. 
“I know but there aren’t many Alphas or even Betas out there that would take a mate who can’t have kids,” you say a bit exasperated. 
“Then I’ll mate you,” Frank says quietly. 
Your heart swells and breaks in the same moment, “No, Frank. I know you well enough to know you want children again. I know you want to protect me but I won’t take your future from you.”
“I’m happy here with you. That’s enough for me,” Frank insists. 
“I’m mating you when your heat comes,” Frank interrupts before taking the last bite of his food and getting up to put his plate in the sink, effectively cutting off the conversation. He looks back and gestures to your half eaten plate, “Finish up and I’ll do the dishes.”
“I’m done,” you hand the plate to him and stand awkwardly. You aren’t sure what to say or even what you feel. You try to think of something that will take this feeling away that you’re going to ruin his future and the feeling that you were a settlement rather than a choice. You decide to pour yourself a glass of wine. 
“You, uh, remember me telling you about my friend, Billy?” Frank asks as he sloshes water in the sink. You would never understand why he won’t use the dishwasher. One of his idiosyncrasies. 
“Russo, right? He owns a security company?” You try to remember the details of the conversation you’d had about the man. 
“Yeah, he called me today,” Frank pauses.
“...About something in particular?”
“He’s gonna pass through the area next week and wanted to stop here for a few days. Catch up,” Frank explains. 
“Oh, okay. I’ll clean up the guest room for him,” you say. 
“I can put him at the motel,” Frank hedges. 
“He doesn’t know about me?” You ask, voice hollow.
“He knows. I just don’t want you to feel obligated to put him up,” Frank grouses. 
“I’m sorry,” you whisper. Clearing your throat, you say, “Of course, your friend can stay here. Um, is there anything I can make that he likes?”
“Just keep the good whiskey out and he’ll be happy,” Frank smiles. 
It lightens your heart and you finally feel able to take a deep breath, “That I can do.”
“Oh, and Bill’s a flirt. Don’t be surprised if he teases you.”
“Noted. You should bring him up to the bar. Cecily’s supposed to be back next week, too,” you smile as you watch Frank make a face. A long-time friend who is quite the social butterfly and ends up at your bar more often than not, had tried to rouse Frank’s interest when he first blew into town but he had ignored her attempts and played off her flirtations. She had been out of town for a while but had recently texted that she would be returning. 
“Oh, god, no. Those two would create havoc together,” Frank shakes his head. 
You laugh, feeling more relaxed, “Oh, really?”
“Yeah, Bill can be a bit of a troublemaker, too,” Frank confirms.
“Oh, I hope they are here at the same time. I could use some entertainment.”
“Your funeral,” Frank laughs as he shakes his head. 
“Do you know when next week?”
“Nope. He’s not great at specifics,” Frank shrugs. 
“Well, I’ll have the room and a bottle of whiskey at the ready,” you smile. 
Frank smiles back as he dries his hands and prowls towards you. 
“What’s that look about, Marine?” You narrow your eyes and move deftly around the couch.
Frank gives a low, gravelly laugh before rumbling out, “Oorah.” He begins to chase after you with a teasing, predatory glint in his eye. 
“Frank!” You yell as you round the couch and stay out of his reach. 
He wanted a chase and you were more than happy to oblige him. Some feral, primal part of him occasionally took hold and it was thrilling when it did. He stalked you like prey around the living room until you made a break for the back door. You fly through it with him hot on your heels. Running parallel to the creek by your cabin, you make it to the tree line and weave around the trunks. He doesn’t know the woods as well as you but he’s faster. It was only a matter of time before he’d catch up. You stop to listen for a moment but know you can’t stay still long. Hearing nothing, you decide to change directions but your mistake is discovered quickly when his arm wraps around your middle and you’re lifted off your feet momentarily. You laugh and turn in his arms to face him. He kisses you and you use the opportunity to push him while his guard is down. Something you’d never done before. He stumbles over the tree roots and you turn to run again. He catches your ankle and you go down but you manage to kick his hand away and get to your feet. You can hear him half growl, half laugh at this turn of events. You thread your way through the trees again and then skirt the edge of the creek before doubling back towards the house. You were nearly back to the tree line when your momentum was suddenly brought up short and you landed with your back against a tree. Frank’s body pinned you in place as his hands ripped open his fly. He pulls your clothing away with no patience and within seconds has your legs wrapped around him as he enters your body. 
The first thrust is pure bliss. You were thoroughly wet from the excitement of the chase and he roared as he took you. He pounded into you, railing you against that tree. You clutched at him, nails raking across his shoulders and body bowed as your orgasm built. 
“Alpha, oh fuck!” You cried out as you felt your body spasm around him. The orgasm slammed through you with the same hard persistence as his cock. A few more jerky thrusts and he was groaning his release. He holds you in place as your breathing returns to normal. 
After a moment, you murmur in his ear, “Maybe I should call you caveman instead of marine.”
Frank laughs as he gently pulls away from you, “If I was a caveman, I’d just hit you over the head with a club and drag you to the bedroom by your hair.”
“Mmm, true. Guess I’ll just stick to calling you marine,” you lean in and kiss him. 
Making your way back to the house, you look up at the first stars beginning to appear as the sun sets and make a wish. It was a stupid, silly wish that you’d made over and over again since you were a young girl. One that would never come true for a broken omega. As you looked over at the Alpha you were sharing your life with, you wondered why you still wished it. He was more than you ever believed you could have. So, why wasn’t it enough?
Part 2
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Please follow my sideblog @tuiccimfanfiction​ for update notifications. All series and new stories will be reblogged to it. You will only receive notifications when a new part or story is out! Nothing else will be blogged to the page. I can’t thank you enough for your support!
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italiansteebie · 1 year
steve is like... really good at laser tag.
it was supposed to be a fun double date that wasn't really a date because the kids were all with them too, but steve. he really took it seriously.
it was a wonder he was such a bad fighter, based on this, maybe they should give him a gun? no...
robin, nancy, and eddie watched in curious amazement as steve bobbed and weaved through the dark course. (eddie's not proud to admit that he may have drooled watching steve hop over one of the foam obstacles). "agh! steve, no!" they heard dustin whine in the distance, smiling when steve only cackles in response.
"oh! fuck you steve!" there was mike, "cmon man, i thought we were friends!" lucas, "you're really just gonna stand there and shoot me? im not even playing!" and max.
it was definitely comedic, and a little scary.
they heard his footsteps, "oh shit. he's coming, run!" robin squealed, grabbing nancy's hand and dragging her after her. eddie kept his place in the corner, it was fun but he wasn't really into all that... running or "exercise."
soon enough he was face to face with steve. "hey baby,"
"hey ed's."
"rob and nancy ran that way," eddie said pointing towards their direction. steve grinned, "thanks ed's." he said pressing a kiss to his lips before running away.
distantly, eddie heard nancy and robin shout, and he shook his head. soon enough the lights came back on and the game was over.
now steve wasn't a competitive person, however, he knows when he's good at something, so it wasn't a surprise to eddie when they all trailed out of the arena, a huge smile on steve's face.
the bored employee started, feigning excitement, "okay! the winner is steve ahoy, congratulations steve. yay." steve whooped, doing a stupid little dance, smacking a celebratory kiss on eddie's face, laughing at the kids disdain.
"that's not fair! steve didn't tell us he was super good at laser tag!"
"ha ha!" steve teased, smiling when eddie grabbed his hand. "don't worry, next time he's not allowed to play. only normal people." robin assured, smirking at steve. "oh, so you're not playing either?" he retorted. robin scoffed and rolled her eyes. "what ever laser rambo."
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clxvdy · 10 months
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Normal Friday ~
Mauga X G/N Reader <3
Big, loud, obnoxious - all of these were things that applied to this weird but relatively charismatic guy.. in a way at least. Kind of a psycho to be exact. But there was just something that pulled you towards him.
Today was Friday. You went to work, as usual, not expecting a peaceful and stressfree day, but to your surprise it was exactly what you weren’t expecting - a peaceful and stressfree day. Strange. You got ready to do your daily ritual - stand behind the counter and make coffee. However, it was in fact something you enjoyed doing.
Customers walked in and out. The well decorated cafe just had the smell of freshly baked cookies and coffee in the air. The chairs and tables had a pretty beige colour, not to forget the beautiful windows you could look out of while enjoying a nice cup of coffee. Preferably hot, of course. They were decorated with nice ivy plants. A truly aesthetically appealing place. Who wouldn’t want a nice flower to look at while working or studying?
The cafe was quiet. You could almost hear your own heartbeat while looking around the place in order to find something to stare at for the next couple of minutes. As you doze off, you’re woken up by a loud and obnoxious voice. A big, big man walks into the cafe. His hair is long and chunky and in the colour black, a white strand to add extra flavouring. His teeth were sharp, as if they’re just made to tear things open. His eyes as red as blood. What the hell is this guy?
“Hey beautiful, is there a chance you could make me a cappuccino?” He said with a deep and husky voice.
He smirked at you and leaned towards the counter. You backed off, no words coming out of your mouth. He was kind of terrifying but you did what he asked for, since you were afraid he is going to chomp you with those fangs. You slowly handed him the cup and smiled with a drop of sweat rolling down your forehead. He surprisingly grabbed it gently and said:
“Thank you very much, beautiful.”
Stop calling me beautiful! Who do you think you are?! You blushed slightly at his words. Your mind was filling up with his words.
You saw him turn around in the empty cafe. He was too big … to fit in the seats. You walked infront of the counter and lead him to the garden. People loved picknicking out there. He followed you, however you felt comfortable. He sat down on the grass and started drinking his coffee.
You went back to the counter but it was so boring. Nothing to do.. no one to talk to.. nothing to make… ultimately you grabbed a piece of strawberry cake and decided to bring it out to the huge guy. He was still sitting and drinking his coffee.
“The cafe is very empty today despite it being Friday.” You said expecting an answer from him. You sat down and looked at him. He hummed and smiled back at you. Why the hell is this guy so friendly? It doesn’t add up with his looks.
“Are you going to eat that cake?” He asked and pointed at my hands.
“No… would you like to eat it? I mean.. I uh brought it out for you .. what’s your name..” you stutter. As he notices you fumbled over your words, he grabs the plate - gently - and starts chomping on it.
You were left in shock. He just… took it!! But.. agh!
“Hey! I never said you could have it!”
“What you did say is that you brought it out for me, love.”
You looked at him with an angry expression. He smirked and continued eating his cake.
“I’m sorry love.” He said and gave you the cake back. You took the plate and started eating the parts that he took a bite from. You totally forgot your hunger in the morning. He smiled at you and pat your head.
“I like you. Mauga. What’s your name?”
You looked up at Mauga… so that’s his name! Your cheeks became slightly red. You knew exactly that you’re going to close the cafe and sit there for hours talking to Mauga.
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what the flip guys my first thingy on tumblr?!??
Mauga is just bbg… I believe he can be gentle 😭🫶
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Pink nightmares
Warnings: First Meetings, fluff
Word count: 1.2 K
Pairing: Barbie (Margot Robbie) x Fem!Reader
Prompt: Barbie meets another human.
PS: Lesbians in a relationship are fast
Requests: OPEN
Special request: @lillymonroe66
[Main masterlist] [Barbie masterlist]
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When Barbara got up, she felt her nightshirt sticking to her back. She was sweating. She had had the same nightmare again.
Carefully, she put on the slippers Gloria had bought her and began shuffling her feet to walk to Gloria's door.
She knocked gently on the door, and getting no answer, opened the door only to find the woman sound asleep.
I knew the woman had had a tough week. With her new position at Mattel, a teenage daughter, and her and her husband's estrangement, she didn't have much time for a worried Barbie. So, Barbie simply closed the door and walked to Sasha's door, walked over to the sleeping child and moved her slightly.
"I can't sleep" she whisper. "What do humans do when they can't sleep?"
"Ahg, Barbie, I don't know , go watch TV or something?"
Sure, when she watched movies with Gloria and she rested her head in her lap, she always fell asleep. That was her solution.
She quickly left the room and went downstairs to the living room, turning on the television and adjusting the volume so as not to disturb anyone.
She changed channels more times than she would like to admit, but, despite finding programs that people regularly use to fall asleep because of how boring they are, such as infomercials (even though Barbie loved infomercials), she couldn't fall asleep.
Thirty minutes later, she was forced to turn off the television and re-enter the teenager's room.
"I still can't sleep" she whispered again. "what else can I do?"
"Agh, how should I know?" replied the girl half asleep and with obvious irritation. "why don't you go for a walk?" yawned. "Like in the movies you like."
Sure, that always put teenagers in the movies to sleep.
Carefully, she went back downstairs, sitting on the floor to put on the sneakers Gloria had instructed him to leave by the front door, opened the door and quickly decided to put on a sweatshirt of Sasha's, because it was getting a little chilly.
Barbie had been walking aimlessly for a long time. Somehow, she had reached the Venice Beach pier (her favorite beach), but she was so engrossed in the beauty of the sea, she didn't realize that it had already started to get light.
Least of all she had noticed, a woman was absentmindedly running up to her… until the two collided.
"Oh shit."
From the blow, both girls ended up on the floor, the blonde kneeling and the woman in sportswear fell on her butt, but the latter quickly got up to help the blonde up.
"I'm sorry, I'm too distracted."
"Don't worry" spoke Barbie as she tried to brush the dirt off her knees, but as she touched the right one… "Ouch."
"Oh shit" repeated the girl. "Honey, you're bleeding. come here."
Carefully, the stranger took the blonde ex-doll by the shoulders to the table of a coffee shop that was there on the dock and they were just opening.
The girl asked for a first aid kit, sat the blonde down and bent down to be at the blonde's knee.
The waiter quickly brought the first aid kit, causing the stranger to quickly draw the disinfectant on the wound, causing the blonde to hiss.
"I'm really, really sorry. Now you're going to have a little scar on your leg" she spoke, showing sorrow in her eyes.
"Are you kidding?" laughed the blonde "I've never gotten any of these before, it's fabulous… Ahhh!" she yelled as the other woman put disinfectant back on.
"I'm sorry" repeated the stranger. "So…you've never had a raspon, what's wrong with you, didn't you have a childhood?"
'Honey, I think it would be advisable for you not to tell anyone that… you were a doll. People aren't made for this kind of situation normally.'
Gloria's voice reached the blonde's ears.
"It's hard to explain."
Carefully, the woman took a small band-aid out of the box and placed it on the blonde's small, clean wound.
"Ta-da" the woman stood up, as she showed the other woman the band aid along with some jazz hands, eliciting laughter from the former doll. "There. Now not only do you have your scratch, but you also have an amazing band aid to show off. And it's Hello Kitty."
The blonde laughed again.
"Thank you very much…"
She said trying to guess the name of the woman in front of her.
"T/N. My name is T/N. What's yours?"
"Barbara. But everyone calls me Barbie."
They both gave each other a smile.
"Well, Barbie… I'd really like you to tell me about your non-existent experience with childhood injuries."
"Ohh, believe me, it's quite weird and complicated to explain" commented the blonde feeling a strange sensation accentuate in her belly, and she felt a scorching heat rise up her neck to her cheeks.
"Well, I have all the time in the world to understand your story" T/N quickly sat down next to the blonde and gave her a smile. "Besides, I wouldn't waste any opportunity to be with a woman as beautiful as you."
T/N got out of her car, took her keys and locked the car. She walked quickly to the door of the house and knocked on the door, just once. Before she could give another knock, the door swiftly opened, revealing the blonde ex-doll with a perfectly matched outfit and beautiful silky hair.
"Hi baby."
Before T/N could continue to admire her girlfriend, the latter threw herself into T/N's arms and began to spread kisses all over her face.
"Ahgggg. Get a room."
And there was Sasha, trying to annoy Barbie. T/N had given up trying to figure out which of the two was playing the role of little sister.
"Sasha, leave them alone!"
And there was Gloria, their mother and best friend.
Barbie moved to let T/N into the house. She quickly entered the house, ruffled the younger girl's hair and walked to the kitchen, where Gloria was waiting for them with sandwiches.
"Are you nervous?"
"Well, yeah, anyone would be if you're going to meet all your girlfriend's distant friends."
"Oh honey" Gloria gave her a smile. That mom smile "You don't have to be nervous. Everyone is very friendly there."
"I'm ready now, baby!" Barbie came bounding in with three giant suitcases.
Gloria and T/N looked at each other with complicity.
"Are you sure you have everything?"
"I think I s… Oh, I almost forgot my friendship bracelets I made for everyone…"
And just as quickly as she came, she left, ducking into her room again.
"Do you have the ring?" whispered Gloria.
"What ring?" asked Sasha.
"Shhhh!" both older women tried to shush her.
"Yes" whispered T/N as she pulled out the little velvet box he kept in her pants pockets.
"OH SHIT!" shouted Sasha.
"Gloria, Sasha said a rude thing!" accused Barbie as she re-entered the room next to a fistful of bracelets.
"Yes honey, I just heard her. And she'll be in trouble once they leave."
T/N took the suitcases and all the things Barbie was going to take on her trip (rather short for all the things Barbie was carrying), said goodbye to Gloria, her husband and Sasha.
They both got in the car to drive to Venice Beach.
"Ready?" asked Barbie, flashing that beautiful smile that T/N had fallen in love with.
"Always, with you by my side."
The only good thing about having my own cell phone stolen is that… I'm more active writing
I hope you enjoy it
I appreciate the reblogs, the likes and the comments
taglist: @littlebitchsposts // @xxsekhmet
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And secondly I wanted to ask if you could write a yandere Law, Kidd and Luffy with a female reader who is also pretty strong? Like she has her own pirate crew and people actually fear and adore her? Her personality would be really badass yet sarcastic and cocky 👀 you know the casual bad bitch material 🤭💅
Handle it~..
The sound of your ships door opening caught people’s attention as you smirked, walking out of your ship to the island you just drifted on with subordinates behind you. You stretched and felt the wind blow flow through your hair as you grinned even wider.
“Agh! Finally we’re on land! I was getting tired of you guys for a second.”
You said while placing a hand on your hip, the sound of the waves crashing against your ship ringing through your ears. Your second and third in command both laugh as you looked around the island you just set foot on.
Paying no kind of attention to the people gawking at you rather curiously, you tapped your chin on with your (f/c) painted nails showing.
“Hmm I wonder where those idiots are anyway..”
You said with a pondering look, glancing at your ship and the crew members on board talking and laughing. Though, they didn’t dare to talk to loud or saying anything obnoxious because they knew you didn’t mess around.
Walking around the city you started to look for the three idiots you met in sabaody. Two years have passed since you saw them and you couldn’t help but wonder how they would react to the new you that everyone fears but adores. While you were walking around those eyes kept following you like no tomorrow,
Although you were used to it, the attention was getting rather tiring. Turning around to the few of the people who’d been staring at you, you gave them a glare. Not like a warning but one with meaning and like you suspected they would do, they immediately looked away. Your lips curved into a smile as you continued to walk along your way.
Still walking along the street you spotted a bar up ahead. “..I could use a drink..those three can wait” you muttered to yourself as you began to walk over but suddenly you heard a loud yell. An..excited yell..from a voice that you knew very very well..
But before you could even turn around or get a word out, two hands were on your hips. The pair of arms then stretched an wrapped around your waist as a faint gasp left your lips.It was almost like fast motion as you felt yourself being pulled to a muscular but warm body.
“W-What the- Luffy?!!”
You Saïd as you were then pulled with so much force, colliding into a strong body.
Your head was a bit dizzy as you placed a hand on it but once everything calmed down you were able to see what you suspected in the first place, your crazy rubber boy! “Luffy!” You laughed and yelled excitedly with a grin. You heard a faint chuckle as those rubber arms wrapped around your waist again.
“You’re lucky that I haven’t see your goofy ass in a long time or else I would’ve killed you for that little stunt!!” You laughed while pulling his cheek and glancing at his it stretched from his face. A surprised look came over his face but he smiled nonetheless and chuckled again.
“Hah!! Yeah sorry! I just haven’t seen you in a while and it was getting sooo boring with Traffy and jaggy!”
Your eyebrows furrowed, jaggy and…traffy?…who was he referring to?..now blinking the two you’ve been looking for besides Luffy popped in your mind like a bubble.
“Wait..do you mean Law and Kidd?..”
You asked with a slight smile, raising an eyebrow with a chuckle erupting from your throat. Now looking into his eyes, something seemed..different. Not like the Luffy you knew and loved..there was something just off about the look on his face..
Before you knew it, his arms and grip on you slowly started to tighten. This caused you to blink in surprise as you looked up at him and expected him to at least acknowledge this but, he just kept grinning like everything was normal.
Blinking again you opened your mouth to say something, but of course, someone beat you to it.
“He means we’re here and we’ve found you idiot.”
A voice said with a slight scoff it was deep and almost monotone..Kidd! You immediately thought, Grinning you turned around, jumping on him in a hug. “Kidd!! You’re back!! You look even stupider than before aww!!!” You saw the pirate with cherry red hair cheeks turn even redder than his hair while he tried to gently pry you off.
“H-Hey!! Let go of me you little-”
“Y/N!! Let go of that stupid monkey and hug me!!”
“Who are you calling a stupid monkey, jackass?!?”
You laughed as you held your stomach and stumbled back, bumping into a broad chest.
“O-Oops! Sorry sir I just-”
A smirk on the ‘death surgeon’ immediately landed on his lips as your face lit up.
“Law!!!” You Saïd while hugging him with a laugh, squeezing him even tighter than you did with Kidd or Luffy, making them both pout and glare at the third devil fruit user. A light pink blush dusted Law’s face as he awkwardly patted your back and side hugged you. “Hello Y-Y/N-ya..nice to see you again..”
Letting go of him and you placed your hands on your hips with a big smile that could bright you any persons day, especially theirs.
“I can’t believe it’s actually you guys!! You better prepare yourselves because a lot has changed!”
You said with a playful wink, earning chuckles and smirks. The ones that were so nostalgic..
Sooner or later you would regret tremendously even coming here…
For the rest of the day you spent it with them, laughing and updating each other on how things have been and everyone’s lives. As luffy babbled on about an adventure that happened recently you hummed and handed Kidd another one of your shopping bags.
Almost all three of the men were carrying stuff you bought and Luffy didn’t seem to mind much at first since Nami or Robin probably did it to him all the time and he was used to it, but looking at a the other two almost made you burst out into a fit of laughter.
“Why do you guys look like that? What? You can’t carry a few bags for a lady such as myself?”
You said teasingly while flipping your hair in their direction with another laugh. You got a growl and a small sigh of annoyance and giggled evilly to yourself.
Kidd rolled his eyes again his grim expression still there but his eyebrow rose, “oh yeah?! And if your such a damn ‘lady’ than why are we carrying it for you?!”
“Y/N-ya i see nothing in your hands..”
“Guys quit interrupting my story!!!”
You smiled and chuckled at their behavior. They haven’t changed one bit you thought, but just then, there was yelling. Alarms went off and everyone turned around to see what was going on.
The all for of you weren’t faxed that much of course because you’re pirates, a robbery was a walk in the park for you! They quickly got serious however when three of the robbers came running towards you with guns and knives,
Tensing up, Kidd clenched his teeth and made a rather aggressive gesture to move out the way clenching fist while having a dark vibe about him..
Luffy jumped up and grabbed his fist, ready to punch the living shit out if anyone who even dared to glare at you.
“Y/N!! Get out the way!!”
They all barked, Law brought out his hand to activate his devil fruit and clenching the sheet of his sword with a look on his face that made you feel very uneasy..like you just ate something you weren’t supposed to..
Raising an eyebrow and ignoring the feeling, you simply rose an eyebrow. Did they really think you couldn’t handle a bunch of low classed thieves by yourself? Scoffing and turning around to face them, you simply raised up your leg and..
Your heel connected with the robbers face causing his nose to start bleeding. He backed away and groaned in pain.
Y-You bitch-”
He didn’t even get to finish his sentence before landed another kick to his stomach, spinning around with your foot in the air you hit the other two with ease, taking out your sword and landing a slash on all three of their chests. Blood dripped as you out your sword back on your sheath.
Laughing at their shocked expressions you shrugged and smiled.
“What? I told you I’ve changed!” You Saïd with a wink as you the looked around. “Hey let’s hit up a bar!! I’m tired of walking, it’s so much work!” You said while batting your eyelashes and fanning your face like you were in dire heat.
You saw Kidds eye twitch and Luffy get comically irritated.
“We’ve been carrying your bags all day!!! What do you mean?!”
You laughed again as Law just sighed, but faintly you could see a smile paint on his face.
On the way to the bar you were…confused about the three’s conversation.
It was like they were bout you leaving with one of them and joining one of their crews..when you tried to butt in about it they would completely dismiss you! It honestly seemed like they refused to have you sail the sea by yourself anymore..
You felt like a child whose parents were ignoring your need for a toy and it was annoying..no matter how hard you tried to tell them, they just dismissed the whole idea of you being alone.
Just wait until they find out you had your own crew now..
“Hey Y/N when you’re aboard on my ship keep all that girly shit in your space okay? I don’t want it crowding my ship!!”
“What are you going on about you stupid monkey?! When she’s on my ship she’ll-”
“Hey guys look!! A bar! Let’s head in yeah?”
They all look surprised and a little flabbergasted but just shrugged casually.
Drink after drink, you started to lose yourself. You made a mental note to not drink too much because you knew that you were the type of drinker to reveal every last secret you had when you got too much alcohol in your system. The more loose you became however..and the your cheeks flushed with the buzzing feeling of your senses loosing their touch, you couldn’t put it down.It certainly didn’t help that the three other pirates you were drinking with wouldn’t stop encouraging ‘one more drink.’ Eventually it happened, you drank to much and it all slipped out.
You started to blabber nonstop about your crew in very very descriptive detail, not even realizing how silent they became when you were talking their ears off. A smile was on your face when you talked about te thing would most likely change your life forever..
Half an hour passed and you were starting to feel strange..something definitely wasn’t right..the three had become much more silent now and even left for a bit.
Why did they do that?
Where did they go?
Something’s wrong..
Thoughts were buzzing around in your mind as you clenched the counter with a gulp, a lump forming in your throat. You faintly remember law handing you a drink, he said it was a special kind that the bartender made for people who could hold their alcohol well..
You muttered as everything began to spin faster and faster. Attempting to get up you slowly breathed in and out but then, you heard the door squeak open. Turning your head rather quickly you spotted all three of them. Kidd, Law and Luffy but now you knew that something was off, no not even off. Something was seriously wrong! Even though your vision was blurry and your head felt heavier than a boulder you could definitely saw something red drip from their clothes and hands.
Mumbling something that was mostly incoherent you tried to get up, slurring that you needed to get back to your ship. The smirks and smiles on their faces immediately faded as a loud sigh was heard. With your eyebrow raised you were about to ask what was that long sigh about but you were immediately picked up by Kidd like you were nothing.
His muscular hand lingered on your bottom for a bit before he carefully moved it up to your back. As they left the bar you could hear them arguing loudly about whose ship you would be staying on. You tried to say at least one word but could barely even move. Did law use his medicine to paralyze you?
No…he wouldn’t do that..they all would immediately hear you out once you could explain the situation of you having your own crew and ship..right..?
Slowly, you felt a callused thumb rub against your back as you continue to mumble incoherently about how this was wrong and how you had your own life. That you didn’t need them to protect you!
A faint chuckle could be heard from beside you. You shakily looked over and saw Law smirking and Luffy grinning at you.
“What’s the matter Y/N-Ya?” Law asked, his voiced sounding quite mocking as he stuffed his free hand in his pocket.
Luffy then butted in and gently put his straw hat on your head big smile, his kind eyes almost making you forget about this whole situation.
“Ya don’t think that we can Handle It?~”
Omg I love this smmm 😭😭 I was planning to post this tomorrow night but I wanted to do it in the day time for ONCE lol, I’m finally on my fall break yayyyy!! I’m so happy! I’ll finally be a blue to focus on my beloved blog now! I missed you guys sm honestly <3 I hope you liked this!! 🎀🌸💖💖💕❤️❤️🌸🌸🌸
Bye my pretty petals! Until next time!!
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1moreff-creator · 11 months
DRDT - Milgram AU: T1 "Voice Reveal" Lines
Hey there! Back at it with this AU. I figured if I'm going to commit to the bit, I might as well commit fully. At the start of every Trial, Milgram gives a sneak peak at some of the lines which will appear in the VDs, combined with "glitchy" lines which relate to their murder. So I'm doing that too! Keep in mind this is not professional in the slightest, so exact wording might change between now and when I actually post the VDs. Especially since it's been a while since I rewatched DRDT so the wording could feel a bit off. Anyways, here we go!
Implied DRDT spoilers and heavy themes. Again not affiliated with either of the series
Btw I'm using crossed out text for aesthetics but there will be a transcript at the bottom if you have trouble reading that.
01- "Levi Fontana, a pleasure"
"Yes, I am a murderer"
"I can't bring myself to pretend to be sorry for what I did"
"I suppose I should watch the other prisoners to learn how normal murderers should handle themselves"
I know you didn't want this, but it had to be done
02- "Arturo Giles"
"Ugh. Do I really have to be judged by someone this ugly?"
"I'll have you know, I've never murdered anyone"
[Whispering] "I mean, there is... no, no, that wasn't my fault"
How was I meant to know?! Even if she's dead because of what I did, it's not my fault!
03- "My name is David Chiem"
"It seems there's been a mistake. But don't worry! I won't hold it against you"
"Mistakes can be corrected. It's not difficult to change, as long as you're willing to!"
"I try to be as positive as I can, since I know there's a lot of people that don't get the privilege"
04- "Yo! Whit Young, nice to meet you!
"Are you really sure everyone here is a murderer?"
"That's wack"
"I don't remember doing anything suspicious! Yesterday was normal, the day before that was normal, the day before that... the day before that..."
My mom's really amazing! I love her a lot. I would do anything for her
05- "Tch. Ace Markey"
"You wanna fight?! Wait, fuck, you probably have weapons, don't you?! Shit, don't get any closer!"
"You think I'm a murderer?! Horseshit!"
"Get off your fucking high horse!"
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, shit, shit shit shit, FUCK!
06- "Uhm... Nico... Hakobyan"
"I'm- I'm really sorry!"
"You're pretty weird"
"Ah! I'm sorry! Don't get mad at me!"
Why should I own up for the mistakes that someone else made?!
07- "J Moreno"
"What do you people really want? Ransom money? There's no way you're doing this just because you want to 'judge our sins' or whatever bullshit you're saying"
"Don't make me laugh. Find evidence I killed anyone, and then we can talk about murder"
"Do you really think you're going to understand everything I've been through, just with a silly little song? How arrogant are you?!"
What happened to her was nothing short of a tragedy. Sorry, but I will make no further comment
08- "Mmmm... Rose Lacroix"
"Ah, yeah. I killed someone"
"This really isn't that bad. At least I can paint here"
I wonder if I can be happy now
09- "H-Hu Jing"
"I know what I did was unforgivable..."
"I really am selfish... I'm scared of receiving the punishment I deserve"
"Please Forgive me!"
Wake up! Please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
10- "My name is Veronika Grebenshchikova!"
"If you don't mind, can you choose not to Forgive me?"
"Death sounds boring. I'd rather stay alive if you don't mind!"
"To Forgive what I did... it would be denying everything I believe about my life..."
[Cackling laughter, which trails off with a wheeze] I really am a monster...
11- "Arei Naegishi!"
"Pfft! God, you're pathetic!"
"Why the hell are we even here? How could anyone be stupid enough to do anything but Forgive me?"
"Are you really that much of an idiot?!"
12- "Uhm... Eden Tobisa..."
"Even when things are looking down, we just have to try our best, and trust each other!"
"I... I never wanted anyone to die!"
"Es... why are you doing this?"
Wh- What have you done?!
13- "Min Jeung"
"This is ludicrous. How are we meant to expect a fair judgement when your 'justice' is determind by one person's whims and biases?"
"When an institution is non-functional, it is highly illogical to indiscriminately tear it down. Improving the basis already in place is by far the most constructive way to conduct progress"
"There is no country in the world where I would be judged a murderer. To say one single prison has the authority to decide that I am is a flagrant display of vanity"
The condition has been met. There is no need for further intervention
14- "Alexander Matthews. Just call me Xander"
"Don't you see how broken this entire system is?! What makes you think you hold a monopoly over morality, huh?! What gives you the right to Forgive or Not Forgive?!"
"When something is rotten, you throw it away. It's the same with this twisted place!"
Ah... haha... I did it... You all can finally rest
15- "Charles Cuevas"
"I was hoping the Warden would be competent, at least, but clearly I was a fool to think that could ever be the case"
"Are you stupid?!"
"Warden... Es... I have a request"
Hgk...- Ack! ... Kch[sharp inhale]
16- "Teruko Tawaki"
"Are you okay?"
"You don't need to know anything about my crimes. I'm unforgivable. That's all you need, right?"
"If you can find a way to do it... Just kill me"
... [sigh] Why did I ever get my hopes up?
And there we go! Hope they weren't too ooc! Keep in mind different backstories could lead to slightly different personalities; this AU is canon-adjacent, not really canon-compliant. Levi's first trial is coming soon! Hope you enjoyed!
Huh? Secret message? Whatever are you talking about?
Here's the transcript of the glitchy lines:
01 - Levi: I know you didn't want this, but it had to be done
02 - Arturo: How was I meant to know?! Even if she's dead because of what I did, it's not my fault!
04 - Whit: My mom's really amazing! I love her a lot. I would do anything for her
05 - Ace: Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, shit, shit shit shit, FUCK!
06 - Nico: Why should I own up for the mistakes that someone else made?!
(Yes it's just the secret quote on their page sue me it's a cool line)
07 - J: What happened to her was nothing short of a tragedy. Sorry, but I will make no further comment
08 - Rose: I wonder if I can be happy now
09 - Hu: Wake up! Please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
10 - Veronika: [Cackling laughter, which trails off with a wheeze] I really am a monster...
12 - Eden: Wh- What have you done?!
13 - Min: The condition has been met. There is no need for further intervention
14 - Xander: Ah... haha... I did it... You all can finally rest...
15 - Charles: Hgk... Ack! ... Kch[sharp inhale]
16 - Teruko: ... [sigh] Why did I ever get my hopes up?
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milky-aeons · 4 months
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warnings: depression, suicidal ideation, poor eating habits, sexual content allusions, violence, suggestive themes, fem!reader, class differences, social hierarchy, misogyny, w.c 7.5k
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౨ৎ . . . chapter FOUR of CROWNS OF STARDUST
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"The future will be gorgeous and reckless, and words, those luminous charms, will set us free again."
— Carole Maso
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Even though the Prince was left in the most dramatic of fashions, he wasn't alone for long. Inside the the archway appeared the owner of the room he was using — an owner that looked less than impressed; his golden brow raised and teeth poking in a snarl.
"How many times have I told you, Dazai, not to use my Study for your unsavoury pastimes?"
Brown eyes twinkled when Dazai smiled at the Secretary to his Father's Throne. His smile quickly turned into an exaggerated drawl. "Hah, why is it that you sound more and more like my Father each day, Kunikida-kun~?"
A grumble was all the Prince was offered. Kunikida Doppo, even though he was speaking harshly to the Future King of the Throne he oversaw, didn't hesitate to scold him regardless. They shared too much history together. First-name basis instead of titles was normal between them at this point.
Kunikida, with a tempered glare, walked into his Study and over to the desk. "I happened to pass a particular Lady-in-Waiting on my way here," He ventured. 
"She had tears streaked down her face."
"Heh, is that so?"
Kunikida wasn't at all surprised. If anything, the secretary was more surprised that Dazai had allowed the "relationship" with Rosette Smith to go on as long as it did. The moment he bumped into the red-headed woman on his way back to his Study Kunikida had let out a ragged sigh. Because not only was his Prince slacking off his duty and using his workroom to do so, but he was breaking women's hearts also. In that cold, detached way he always had.
A particular stack of papers on his table made Kunikida do a double-take. At least two inches worth of correspondence letters due to be sent out today. Kunikida knew exactly of their contents, seeming as though he spent a sleepless night writing them. And with that knowledge came the fact that he had also asked a particular useless First Prince to sign off on them, only a few hours prior.
And what was his monarch deciding to do instead?
Without warning, Kunikida took one of the heavier letters meant for the Ko Kingdom and thwacked it right off of the Prince's head.
"You good for nothing monarch!" He hissed. Composure was a special thing to a Court Secretary, and yet Dazai always had a unique way to make his break right down. "I asked only for your signatures! Your signatures, First Prince of my Kingdom, and you could not even do that!"
Whining, Dazai rubbed at the spot he had been struck. "Agh, Kunikida-kun. Do you think it wise to strike your future King...?"
     As if he heard none of it, Kunikida raised the paper again with gritted teeth. He wasn't one bit afraid of this man — friend, debatably — and Dazai wasn't serious in his threat. Although he was quick to dodge another swing directed his way. 
"How could you—" Whoosh, paper slicing through air. "Be a King—" Whoosh. Dazai took refuge behind a table. "Of a Kingdom." Whoosh. "If you won't even complete your respectable duties!" Whoosh, whoosh.
"Respectable duties are boring, Kunikida-ah!" Blindsided by his anger, the livid Secretary had knocked his chair onto the floor and narrowly missed Dazai by the curls of his hair. There was no weaponry letter on him anymore. Kunikida was really going for his Prince with long, strangling fingers. "Kunikida-kun! Why not have some sympathy for me?"
A growl, akin to a feral animal, was the all the sympathy Prince Dazai was going to receive.
Dazai dove across the table purposely, knocking over ink pots and correspondence pages until they existed only as a black-splattered mess against the floorboards. At that, Kunikida froze, staring at his hours of work from last night exist as nothing but saturated ink parchments on the floor.
Slowly he looked up to Dazai. This demonic waster of his sleeping hours.
He had a rueful smirk on his face. 
"Ah. Ink is difficult to get out of the floorboard. Will I call a Maid, Kunikida-kun?"
"But luckily, because I'm a great liege, I saved what I could." In his white-gloved hand, Dazai produced a small booklet that Kunikida kept secured on him like a holy scripture. Unbeknownst to Kunikida the Prince had secret, sly ways of swiping from his pockets when he wasn't looking. Or, in this case, a blinding fit of rage. "You still make a habit of carrying this around, hmm?"
The Secretary balked, and just as quickly did he move when he saw his Notebook in his hand. 
"Hand that over—"
"Let's see, what has dear Kunikida-kun have to do today? Wooing lovely Court Women? Ah! It says here you wish to embezzle my Father's funds."
"I have no such plans in there!"
"Guard-san~!" Dazai hollered loudly. "Ready a message for The King! Tell him his trusted Secretary is being untruthful with his accounts—!"
Two strong, furious hands balled into the Prince's white frock and he was slammed against the wall beside the open door. Air knocked from his chest with a grunt, and when he focused his eyes he was met with the terrifying wrath of an irritated Throne Secretary. It made amusement brew in his chest, for Kunikida Doppo was always an easy man to rile up.
"Shut up," Kunikida hissed. "If you're good for anything you'll shut up."
Dazai's lips curved. With a raised brow, he couldn't help but push on his buttons just a little further.
"My, my, Kunikida-kun. I'm beginning to think your work is keeping you from women for too long." He dropped his voice to a teasing whisper. "What'll the Guard who's scurrying here think if you have me pinned up against a wall?"
An unnatural talent the First Prince had; anything he noticed, even if it was quiet sounds or slight changes in surroundings, always told him way more than what a normal human would pinpoint. So Kunikida took him on his word. As if he was a branded iron, the secretary released his Prince right at the moment a Guard came bustling through the door. 
"Y-Your Highness!" He exclaimed when he saw the dishevelled hair and clothes of the Prince. "What—?"
"Never mind, I am quite alright." Dazai waved him off, although the way he reached up to rub at his chest made the Guard hesitate. Laughing in a slight wheeze, he said, "You are asked to leave."
The confused Guard knew better than to disobey direct orders. With a small, unsure nod did he turn out of the room and return to his original post. 
The confused Guard knew better than to disobey direct orders. With a small, unsure nod did he turn out of the room and return to his original post. When they were certain they were alone once more and allowed to speak comfortably, Kunikida redirected his glare onto the First Prince.
"My Notebook. Give it here."
"Is your deepest, darkest desires documented in here and that's why you're so protective over it? Detailed plans on what you would like to do in a private bedroom—?"
One quick thrust of his hand and Kunikida swiped his Notebook back. "Even if I did, I hardly think you would take any interest in it."
"Hmm? Of course I would~ You're my future Right Hand, after all."
"And you are the Prince who decides to drown himself in women than complete anything expected from his position in this Kingdom."
An exaggerated whine. "You never hold back, do you Kunikida-kun?"
"As Secretary, it would be unlawful for me to hold back. Especially when it comes to wasteful Princes such as yourself." Daggers of grey that made Guards, Officials, even some Diplomats of neighbouring Kingdoms falter drilled into the brunet's head. Of course, because he was Prince Dazai, he didn't even flinch. If anything — it made him grin.
Another curious question flitted into Dazai's mind. A whisper in the halls paired with the group of maids he had waved at today. "If I'm not mistaken, you have just chosen the new recruiting Maids today, have you not?"
Kunikida's jaw tightened, released with a sigh. He took a moment to pick up a soiled parchment quietly before muttering; "You are not mistaken."
"Heh? Why does it sound like you have not overseen Maids, but a bunch of stubborn-minded Page-boys?"
"Stubborn-minded Page-boy," At his Prince's description, Kunikida couldn't help the dry chuckle that came over him. A particular strong-willed, blue-eyed Maid who dubbed their Castle one of Thieves came to mind. Now how would she react, if she heard anyone call her a name that suited her personality so well?
"She's probably burn the Castle down..." Kunikida said without realising.
Dazai's eyebrow raised. "Who?"
"Ah—nothing. My thoughts spoke without permission. Forget it."
"Oh, no! Do tell, I don't think I've heard to speak of a woman before!"
Kunikida grumbled. He had attracted the attention of his meddlesome First Prince, there was no escaping it now. Placing the parchments back down, he took a breath. 
"There are some Maids," Some, because if he named her, his Prince will decide it his business to use her to mess with him. "Who have more pride than manners in the new recruitments."
The First Yo Prince had another trait about him that made him equal parts useful and terrifying. Especially when it came to interrogating enemies of the Province. No one can deceive him. Lying to this man was as fruitless as it was dangerous. In this case, if Dazai knew his future Secretary was lying to him, he did not show it. All his expression showed was subtle amusement; lips curved and hand coming up to tap his cheek.
"Now, your schedules surely can't take that, can it? What'll you do?"
"There is nothing to do, yet. Perhaps working in a stressful environment where she's expected to constantly be mannerly will solve any current problems."
Secretary Kunikida Doppo was a sharp and intelligent man, but he was far from the most acute in the room. He had just exposed the real truth; that it was not a group of maids that had more will than manners, but a single maid. Kunikida hadn't realised his slip-up, but Dazai had. The cunning Prince decided to keep his silence, internally mulling over a potentially curious situation unfolding in front of him.
A woman who could shake his constantly up-strung Secretary?
Now, wouldn't she be an interesting lady to meet?
"What are you spacing out like that for, useless Prince?"
The Prince gave none of his thinking away. Instead, he smiled at his future Secretary. That constructed Princely smile that was as much of a mask as everything else he fixed his expression into.
"No reason~"
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The walls of grey continued to bore him with their obnoxious golden embellishments and lavish paintings of Royalty as he strode down them. Many of the oil masterpieces were of his Father King Dietrich, although there were also a generous few of him. Back when he was younger and a lot more sheltered under the watchful eyes of Court Officials — his eyes an unapologetic emotionless stare, mouth a consistent straight line. 
Prince Dazai at fifteen years of age was only coming to realise the emptiness in his soul. It would take him a few more years to learn how to shield it from prying Officials under false smiles and pretences.
The Prince flickered his attention from the walls to the Guard standing still in front of him, greeting him fondly. Tasked with one of the most important roles in the Yo Palace; the Captain of their Cavalry was the lone trusted individual to guard his room. Although Dazai took a liking to calling him the strange nickname Director, unlike Captain or General. His Guard never once complained about the oddly respected title he was given by his Prince.
"My Prince." Fukuzawa Yukichi inclined his head.
"Anything interesting happen while I was away?" 
"There is nothing to report." 
Dazai pouted, sighing in that over-grandiose way of his. "Such a shame."
Fukuzawa made no other move to engage the Prince in conversation. Perhaps if he was off duty he would enjoy speaking to his Highness, because it was no small secret that his wicked mind could produce the most fascinating of conversations. But now, the Captain was still on duty until the last ray of sunset. Letting his guard down while protecting the future King of Yo is something a respectable Knight simply did not do. 
Despite knowing such, Dazai lingered at the doorway. His main Guard always had a keen way to entertain him in the walls of his grey Palace, after all. But being the man Director was, his duty came before his personal relationships, so with a small laugh did Dazai push the doors of his bedroom open and step inside.
Into the four walls of his bedroom. One with his untouched bed and barely eaten food he received four times a day. Everything and everyone treated him as the worthy, respected Prince he was meant to be, and yet. And yet—
"A woman who has more pride than manners," The Prince chose to ask instead. To the ghosts that resided in his room. "Could Kunikida-kun finally have met his match, hmm?"
His answer was received by the gentle breeze that tossed the zephyr-like cashmere curtains and teased the crystals of the chandelier. Dulcet tinkles carried through the expansive area. An area that his Father drowned out in wealth befitting of a Prince.
One that made his thoughts so very loud.
Dazai dropped his hands from where he outstretched them to his sides. "Well, why do I believe a chandelier could answer me, anyway?" It was a whisper through his unreadable, vague simper. If anybody listening to him as a man with a man's voice, they would undoubtedly shiver at the empty, hollow tone around his words. But if they heard them from the Prince's mouth with the Prince's voice, they would think it a joke. The Prince of the Yo Kingdom was naturally charismatic and charming individual to his people.
No Kingdom would be at peace if the people came to know that their Prince was truly a cynical, pessimistic individual who saw life as nothing more but a means to and end.
"Perhaps that is why Father drapes me in wealth," His shoes echoed as he walked aimlessly towards his window. "It makes me appear not as I seem—"
Something snapped his attention from his monologue.
Oh, well what have we got here?
Situated near his window was a gift offered to him by the one man he ever truly called his friend. The only man who allowed him to be himself, and talk of the thoughts that ceased to exist in his mind without the shield of a respectable Kingdom monarch. Gorgeously ornate and handcrafted, the chessboard he received before leaving Ko after his time there did not appear in the way he left it.
A pawn.
One single pawn of the white side had been moved. Not obscurely, but a mere tile above where it should be. A common first move in a game of chess. With a raising brow did Prince Dazai come closer to the board. He knew he would have never moved the piece, not of this chessboard. Dazai had not touched this gift in four long years, for a private reason of his own.
"Director?" He called, loud enough to permeate through the door.
It opened in an impressive heartbeat.
"My Prince?" Fukuzawa's strong voice.
Keeping his eyes trained on the pawn, he asked; "I assume you have not taken a sudden liking to the idea of chess?"
At his strange question, the greying Captain hesitated ever so slightly. "I am familiar with the rules, but I doubt I would last against you."
"Have some faith in yourself, Director. You've never played me~"
"Why are you asking, My Prince?"
Dazai was about to ask him who had been in his room prior to him, decided to dismiss it instead. "It is nothing. Merely curious. You may return to your duty."
Fukuzawa wasted no time in returning to his outpost. When Dazai heard the doors click closed, he moved around the chess table to the other side.
"Is that you, Odasaku? Are you missing our games of chess so much?" He asked the empty chair. It was followed by a chuckle and small shake of his head. "No, I believe this is a different phantom."
Perhaps it was because this particular month he had been feeling more bleaker than usual, that the walls were loosing more colour or that his pastimes did not serve their purposes anymore. Dazai had promised himself he would never touch this chessboard again, not after that. But here he was, lured into the game of catching this phantom. The person who dared touch a gift no one in the Castle was permitted to touch.
Long, white-gloved fingers reached out and picked up the top of an opposing black pawn and the Prince of Yo made the second move of the match against the phantom.
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It was the second day of your housemaid duties and first morning in the Palace. Stopping abruptly in the hallway flooding with other women getting ready for work, you spun around. Naomi was rushing towards you with her skirt in one hand and pencil in the other.
"What is it?" You asked as she stumbled closer.
Naomi said no words. Instead, she simply reached into your apron pocket and pulled out your notebook.
"Hey!" You complained, trying to keep the bucket steady in your hands. "What are you—?"
"Hush." The younger woman chastised. She did so with her eyes downcast and pencil scribbling widely against the notepad. "Mind you, it is only sunrise and many are still asleep."
"But you have just stolen my notebook."
One soft shutting sound and Naomi straightened to stuff said notebook back into your apron pocket.
"And now, I am giving it back to you." Her grey eyes hardened in that typical, Naomi-wrath-like way that said you were about to be scolded. "Do keep your attention on the bell. It will be me who get's to you first before Miss Yosano if you are late again."
You rolled your eyes, albeit playfully, and turned to walk away. "I will. It was a mistake."
"The Palace does not tolerate mistakes!" 
This time, your second eyeroll wasn't at all playful. "Yes, I'm sure they don't." You grumbled to yourself while walking down the same expansive hall as yesterday.
Although your friend was being the same, stern woman she always was, you had every intention of heeding her warning. For all it was worth, you had no intentions of being late again. And not because the Royals did not tolerate tardiness, but because Miss Yosano did not tolerate tardiness.
"Oh? You didn't hear the bell, did you not?" A slow, bone-chilling smile that made every bone in your body freeze. Head Maid Yosano was as beautiful as she was terrifying. "No matter. The East Wing is rather far from the Maid Quarters. Perhaps take care of that room first and work backwards. That way, you won't be late tomorrow, hmm?"
You gritted your teeth at the shiver coming down your spine. Yosano Akiko was different to most Court Officials. She didn't demand respect and manners from her subordinates, she was just another one of the Palace who seemed to receive it. A particular Guard with a shock of silver hair and an alias of Wolf had a similar aura about them. It was not that you liked them, but they were definitely more tolerable than other Royal Officials with air in their head and money in their pockets.
Speaking of Royal Officials and one Guard Wolf . . .
You had turned down to the East Palace Wing lined with the same pompous Guards and one foreign Guard just like yesterday. Today, you had decided to take Yosano up on her suggestion with tending to this room first and working the list backwards. As you came closer to the doors lined with obnoxious gold, you noticed the Guard Wolf was taking shift again. 
Does he not sleep? You wondered, taking in how he stood like a statue. I wonder if he even breathes.
"What business do you have here?" Was the question he asked when you stopped before him.
You resisted the urge to raise a brow. "The same business as yesterday."
Guard Wolf didn't lift his closed eyes. Not a silver hair on his head budged when he repeated, "That does not answer my question, Maid."
Your eyelashes fluttered in rapid succession. You had hopes that this Guard was different; but your opinion of him was taking a steep dive indeed and he was doing nothing to stop it. "I'm here to tend to this room." You responded tightly.
"As early as this?"
"I was advised to by Miss Yosano."
At that, he said nothing, although he must have deemed your reasoning plausible because he took one step to the side and allowed your through. You felt something akin to disappointment bubble in your gut.
Surely it would not matter to a Guard, but you wanted strangely to let him know he had upset you. That stupid habit you had promised Naomi you would not give into, yet here you were.
"Thank you," You whispered, and just before entering the room added, "My Lord."
Maybe you also closed the door a little too hard, but didn't hold yourself accountable. You never did when Court Officials came into the picture. Or more specifically; Court Officials who you believed were not like all other Court Officials. 
"Why do I give them the benefit of the doubt...?" You grumbled while setting down the bucket. When you straightened the first thing you did was dig around for the notebook Naomi had written in before getting started on work.
A smile lightened your spirit upon reading what the girl had written.
𝒫𝑜𝓁𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝒷𝑒𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓌𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔. 𝐼 𝓈𝒶𝓌 𝒽𝑜𝓌 𝓇𝒶𝓌 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓀𝓃𝓊𝒸𝓀𝓁𝑒𝓈 𝓌𝑒𝓇𝑒, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐼'𝒹 𝓌𝒶𝑔𝑒𝓇 𝓎𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝓌𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒷𝑒𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓅𝑜𝓁𝒾𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓃 𝓌𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒶𝑔𝒶𝒾𝓃. 𝒮𝒾𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝓌𝑜𝓂𝒶𝓃. 𝒟𝑜𝓃'𝓉 𝒹𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝒷𝑒 𝓁𝒶𝓉𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒, 𝑒𝒾𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇!
"Thank you, Miss Naomi." You said with a small laugh. You couldn't dispute her, because you had been wastefully washing twice and polishing wrongly. How the woman found that out will remain a mystery. But you could accept and appreciate the sentiment wrapped in scolding words.
And off you, the training housemaid, went. You disliked this room the most, if it wasn't at all obvious by your first visit. Even being in it a second time and your fury hadn't subsided one bit — less so, when you saw that whatever Guest stayed in here had barely touched his breakfast again. 
What was with that wasteful habit? You asked yourself with a snarl when the food — some of which was still warm — had to be dumped in a bucket for the horses outside. 
Another wonder came as you straightened the bedsheets that were only tossed and not slept in; where was that wasteful guest? At this hour of the morning? You were half expecting him or her to still be in here when you came, for it was sunrise, the hour of Maids and Guards alone. 
No matter, you dismissed while checking the mirrors and other meticulous necessities, they don't sleep and refuse food. Perhaps they're a vampire? For the remainder of the stay, you were wrapped up in the funny thought inspired by your favourite childhood story. You were was serving a vampire, an amusing ponder. A vampire who shares nothing in common with you but a game of chess.
When you were finished and the room of gold and diamonds looked even more immaculate when cleaned — did you succumb to the secret wish to admire said chessboard again and walked towards it. Due to the bell yesterday and Guard Wolf's interruption, you hadn't taken the time to actually marvel at the expensive crystal pieces. Of course, you preferred Grandfather's crafted ones, but could appreciate the feel and weight of ones owned by a noble.
You were jarred suddenly when coming to a stop just before the board.
. . . Oh, God.
Your wide eyes were fixated on the piece you had been admiring yesterday. A crystal pawn that got its colour from the cloudy white inside. You noticed suddenly the mistake you had made, the foolishness of your lack of one final check. Because if you had done that, you would have realised that you did not return the pawn to the place you had found it!
In haste surely, because Guard Wolf would have caught you if you hadn't turned around — you must have placed it wrongly. The tile before it. 
Oh, stupid woman! You grimaced, wondering what would happen now. Surely to anyone, it was just a piece of a chess game. Silly was your sudden distress. But this was a heavily guarded Nobleman's Room, and this was a highly expensive and previously untouched chessboard of said Nobleman.
The sheets you had fixed had been warm, the food had been wasted but pushed around in a bored, dismissive fashion. Whoever resided in here had been here before you, and something so beautiful like this chessboard was a centre piece of the room. He or she had to have noticed it. 
You felt dread creep up your spine. It wasn't worry for you, because you couldn't give a damn about Royals and their accusations, but for the other Maids in your group. Playing with ornate things in a Nobleman's room is simply not done. One would be brandished a thief, or the whole of the Maids would be punished for the actions of one. You couldn't let that happen, you said, doing the only thing you thought right and attempting to put the piece back, you would not allow others to be whipped. You, a thief? Allow them to punish you over something so ludicrous. You hadn't even taken the piece in the first—
The asymmetry of the opposite side of the board, however, made your hand freeze.
What . . . ?
A black pawn had been moved. Third in from the left, mirroring yours that had been moved from the right. You blinked, then blinked a little harder to rid the sleep from your mind. You, after all, had trouble sleeping in the Palace on your first night away from home. Surely, you were seeing things—
You were not.
With a gape, you realised that not only was your curiosity being reprimanded by a Lord wishing to know who dared touch their stuff. Instead, you had been copied. Your accidental move being challenged by one from the opposing side. It threatened to make your dread morph into startled laughter, because what in the world type of Diplomat responded to the mistakes of maids by copying them?
With your hand still hovering over the white pawn, you entertained the thought that perhaps it wasn't copying, but a silent invitation. 
An invitation to play based on your mistake?
"The Castle does not tolerate mistakes!" Naomi's sharp words in your mind.
"Yes, that's right. These people don't tolerate mistakes," Your fingers closed around the beautiful pawn with the intent to reverse your mistake. "An invitation? Hah, not to a Maid it is not."
Some small, insignificant force made you hesitate.
And another one that was dangerous, reckless and so like you made you bite your lip and look back to the door. They were quiet. You were the only one in the room. And was currently allowing herself to play with fire.
You could be whipped.
This could be a well thought out trap.
Remember your promise to Naomi!
It took a moment of furious thinking on what to do. How to handle a situation that looked like a coax to entertain whatever Lord you were cleaning the room of. And then, your habit kicked up. One that did not allow you to be told what to do by these people, to permit your status to have anything to do with it.
So you held your breath and made one of the most reckless moves of your entire life.
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A slow, almost impressed smile came over The First Prince's face that night when he came back to his chambers. Not surprisingly, the first thing his attention zoned in on was the chessboard sitting surrounded by soft flowing curtains of white. His new, hopeful distraction from it all.
He was immensely satisfied that whatever curious soul he was entertaining had not disappointed him.
"So," He murmured, walking over to the opposite side of the board. Facing the opposing white side, the commander of which had chosen to take a daring second move. Prince Dazai picked up a black piece. "You've chosen to play, have you Phantom-san?"
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You idiot! You absolute reckless, suicidal lunatic! How could you do such a thing by mistake, and then purposely the second time? What'll Miss Yosano say? What will your Grandfather say?
You could almost hear Naomi's high, panicked voice the moment she found out what you had done. Which was why you had decided not to tell her. To save her a possible heart-attack, and definitely not because you knew full well the recklessness of your decision.
Currently, said reckless maid was making her way down the hallway at a slow pace to the Maid's Quarters. Thanks to Miss Yosano's advice, you had managed to get all your chores finished up in a reasonable time and was already walking back when the bell had resounded. Although every task you had done after tending to the first Lord's Guestroom had been with your eyes spaced-out and moves automatic. Quite frankly, you were unsure you had done everything properly. You mind had been left in the room where you made the decision to play with starfire.
A moment of prideful enthusiasm, was what you were naming it. Not your habit of getting yourself into trouble by standing up to those higher than you.
Although you just couldn't help the thought, purely because of the love you had for the game;
I wonder... what move they will make—?
You had been so wrapped up in thinking that you had not seen another person standing right in front of you — and collided into them. CRASH, your empty bucket was sent ricocheting off of the floor followed swiftly by your behind. By the sounds of it, the other person had been thrown in the opposite direction and stumbled over her own two feet, too.
You threw your hair coming free from the bow to look at the damage caused. Foolish, foolish me! "Forgive me...!" You said breathlessly upon realising it was another Maid you had collided with. One whose face hid behind a sheet of gorgeous blonde. The lady gave a good shake and lifted her head to look your way.
Wide, searching eyes of unnaturally deep crimson collided with yours. "No, it—it was me. I was the one who didn't see you coming."
"Please, let me take the blame. My mind—" You gave a small laugh. "It wasn't focused on where I was going."
The blonde Maid shook her head and reached to pick up your thankfully empty bucket. What a right mess this would be if you hadn't emptied it with the spare time you had. "Let's settle on us both being at fault," She assured in a quiet, gentle voice. When she stood up she offered a fair hand. "My name is Higuchi."
Higuchi. Such a beautiful name. Befitting of her pale skin and unique eyes. "[Name]." You said while pulling yourself up and taking the bucket. "From the Willows family."
"I see." Was all Higuchi said. You frowned ever-so slightly. It was rather odd, that Higuchi didn't disclose the name of her family after you had. That was basic social etiquette. 
"Higuchi of... which family?"
"Oh," The woman bristled, both now walking side by side. "I forgot myself. Isayama. I'm of the Isayama family."
"Isayama?" You tilted your head. "I'm afraid I don't know them."
"I'm not from here, you see."
"Ah, that explains it." Suddenly very interested in the now foreign lady to these lands, you shifted to look at her properly. With her exotic red eyes and blonde hair, you could see now that her familial roots were not of the Yo Kingdom. Many here had naturally dark hair and eyes, with the exception of some. "Excuse me for saying this, Higuchi, but you're very beautiful."
Higuchi's shoulders stiffened in an unprecedented action. It was one you didn't expect and hadn't meant to illicit; you had just called this woman beautiful, yet it looked more like you'd slapped her right across the face.
Although the reaction was gone with a heavy sigh and a smile on Higuchi's part. It looked terribly forced, you noticed.
"You're very kind, [Name]." Was all she said.
You didn't like the tone in Higuchi's voice, not one bit. It was a soft husky whisper, which was her natural voice that sounded like you could drift off to sleep to it peacefully. But there was something else there too. A strange, ancient stiffness that you just couldn't place a name too.
Although that would have to wait, because now you had arrived at the Servants Quarters and were about to head to dinner.
"Would you like to sit with me?" You asked the blonde. A woman you didn't really want to leave alone, and wished to get to the bottom of why such a compliment could make her react like a frightened animal. Naomi surely would make the woman warm up, for her radiance could melt the walls of an ice Palace.
The woman hesitated. Then, fixed her expression into one of gratitude. "I would . . . like that. Thank you."
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A spoon clattered into the soup bowl; a warm, grateful meal on the menu for housemaids today. Naomi's eyes were saucer-wide, staring at Higuchi across from her in shock. "The Hama Kingdom!? That is where you're from?"
"Yes," Higuchi answered calmly. "I am."
You and Naomi exchanged glances. This was news to both of you.
"You made a long journey to come here," You observed while bringing a water cup to your mouth. You raised a brow when adding, "For Maid's work."
"I suppose. I am from a large family, many of which are scholars and educational-people. There is no work for a woman such as myself in a large capital esteemed for men's work. So, I came here. I'm afraid frivolous womanly duties are not for me."
You shrugged one shoulder. "Well, I can agree with you there."
"Oh, but do tell me how it is to live in our largest Kingdom!" Naomi was buzzing in her seat. She was warranted the excitement to some extent, for it was rare to talk directly to visitors from your Capital. They were usually seen and tended to by King Dietrich himself. "Is it as beautiful as the stories say? That the rivers run with gold and the Ladies dresses sparkle with magic glitter?"
Higuchi looked a little lost for what to say; blinking and averting her eyes from the bubbly girl. You could understand it, feeling a little sympathetic for the blonde. Of course, the river didn't run with gold and dresses were not made of star-stuff, but to shoot Naomi down would be akin to stabbing a gentle puppy.
"Well . . . " Higuchi began.
Every head in the room, including a watchful Yosano Akiko, snapped up to the jarring sound that had many spoons hitting the floor. The door of the Servants Quarters had been completely thrown open by one single man; short, dressed in an obnoxious display of green, golden shoulder embellishments that told of his high standing and a comical lime cap. The man looked every bit hilarious as he did childish. Although, that was only your opinion.
"Yosano-san!" His voice called. It was high for a man, and rather demanding. All the way he walked he had his eyes curved shut. 
"Ranpo-san." The lady greeted calmly. And, dare you think it, but was there respect in her voice? In Miss Yosano's voice? For a man who talked to her like a child?
"Who is that?" You whispered.
"I . . . have no idea." Was Naomi's equally confused murmur.
"What brings you to my Quarters?" Yosano asked the man. Standing beside her and scanning the crowd with an annoyed mumble, this Ranpo man was a lot short than your average male. Perhaps that's why he wears such a large hat, the smirk was back on your face. 
"A feeling." Ranpo said, and then zeroed his attention in on the desk you, Naomi and Higuchi sat at. When he wouldn't move his face away did your smirk gradually fall from your face. Because why the hell was he—
You had no time to question it. In a heartbeat, the short man came striding right over to you three until he was a few centimetres away from Higuchi. Who, you noticed, was staying oddly silent. What in the world was going on? Your mind raced, now feeling oddly defensive that every single pair of eyes were zoned in on your table. Naomi's hand felt for yours under the table and you clasped it tightly, attempting to offer her some comfort as she shook under the attention of a Court Representative.
Although this was what your bad habit was good for.
"May we help you, My Lord?" You asked the man. 
Him and his eyes he kept closed, it rubbed you the wrong way. All Royal Officials rubbed you the damned wrong way, but this one cocked a dark brow at you and frowned.
"Lord?" He asked in an accusing voice. Then, he pointed at you. "You mustn't address me as a Lord. I'm an Investigator. Isn't that obvious by my state of dress, or have you half the braincells of a normal Maid?"
You had never had so much disrespect thrown at you from one person. Royal Official or slum-rats alike! 
"Excuse me?" You asked, ignoring how Naomi's nails were digging holes into your hand. You could hear her desperate string of thoughts; please, [Name], I beg you to behave. You promised! But hell if you would keep tight lipped when a big-headed Investigator degraded you in front of a hall of people. You promised to mannerly, you did not promise not to defend your pride. 
This Investigator tilted his head. "Ah, Yosano-san, this Maid is faulty. You'll have to throw her away, I'm afraid."
There was no going back now. Strain, tear, snap. Your mouth opened before you could stop it. 
"I'd rather be a faulty Maid, as you say, than a pig-headed Royal Investigator who believes himself above everybody just because of a title."
Silence befell over the entire eating hall. It was a heavy silence, pregnant and hard to breathe in. That was, for everyone else that was not you. You were too busy glaring icy daggers at the shorter man in green. No expression but one of mild surprise was on his face, which did its job at making you even more agitated. You felt like an aggressive teenager again underneath his unflinching stare; how an unamused adult would look at a temperamental child.
These bloody Royal Officials — you were about to stand and give him a good scolding. You were knee deep in it already, better go all the way if it meant you'd be given the same punishment. Naomi was now holding onto your wrist with two hands, as if reading your mind, and keeping you seated. Just barely.
But then, the Investigator did say something.
"Hmm?" And all of a sudden, he lifted his eyes and really looked at you. Jarred, suddenly taken aback by the intense colour of them. Like the finest green fields, or purest emerald gems. They sparkled with such deep intelligence. "So it's you, then?"
You quickly recovered from your shock to double over in confusion at what he just said. It's me? It's me . . . what? "I—"
"No! That's enough from you. You're voice irritates me." The man said. It was like he was baiting you to lunge at his throat. The only thing keeping this red-faced trainee maid from committing the highest offense in a Palace was poor Naomi, who was keeping her hands locked around your arm in a vice-grip, begging you to calm down. 
"My feeling is not for you, any way," Ranpo went on. He had long since closed his impressive eyes, but still they managed to turn to a reserved Higuchi across from them. He reached out to poke her shoulder. "It's for you, Higuchi of the Hama Kingdom."
Higuchi didn't turn around and face the upstanding Court Official that was calling her, to everyone's surprise. Instead she took a moment to clear her throat. "And what is this feeling for, Royal Investigator?"
Investigator Ranpo leaned down to whisper the words so low only the table participants could hear, "I fear your papers have a mistake on them." 
At the cryptically put words, Higuchi sighed. It was minute and didn't give away anything she was feeling. "Forgive me, I'm not educated enough. Unlike a Royal Investigator. Do you wish for me to come with you?"
"It's tiresome, but yes. I have a meeting with the Secretary himself scheduled for you."
"How generous of you."
You — now that the anger had subsided at least somewhat — couldn't help but shake the feeling that there was something else happening in this conversation. The words were spoken artfully and some sounded more a threat than a polite command. Like they were in on an inside joke no one else knew. You searched for Higuchi's eyes for an explanation, or perhaps a short call for help, but the blonde kept her respectable crimson gaze downcast. Gracefully, she rose from the bench and followed the shorter man all the way to the door. While, of course, withstanding the weight of everyone's stares.
The woman didn't even flinch.
You may not be well read on Court business, but knew enough to understand that being summoned by a Royal Investigator and then a Throne Secretary received at least some suspicion. And although you didn't want to believe something sinister could be at work surrounding the beautiful woman of blonde, you couldn't help the nagging doubt.
Another unnecessary BANG! disturbed the air, and then after; silence. It was startled at first, but then quickly bled into pregnant, once more. Because now that Higuchi had left, there was another elephant in the room. [Name] Willows; a maid insane enough to throw unmannerly insults at a Court Official and expect to get by unscathed.
And by the narrowed, sharp magenta eyes of her Overseer; Yosano Akiko, you wondered of how unscathed that would be. If you would even get out of it alive at all.
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ʚɞ . . . 𝐌𝐘 𝐏𝐀𝐆𝐄
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sleepyinteractions · 1 month
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"Do you...remember the golden soul guide?" Erebus chose his words very carefully as he was in deep thought his finger's gripping tightly the edges of books from sheer anxiety
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"The golden soul guide? Uri?" she asked now curiosity rising slightly by the Darkrais thoughts as she was met with a soft shake of his head as she gulped for moment the thoughts forming in her head before she realized who the darkrai was speaking of
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"Lumen...?" she paused for a moment again before she quietly muttered trying to bring back the good mood "O-Oh come on! Why are we now souring the mood?" she gave him a shaky smile "We are at the sleepover we are suppose to have fun !" as she was met with a frown from Erebus - she quickly cringed looking away a small sorry escaped her lips
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"Uh...Well I haven't met him personally when he was around..." she muttered before adding with a bit of a somber tone "Erebus, you know we aren't suppose to talk about past gods..." she huffed out looking away playing with her fingers slightly
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"I know, I know..." he paused trying to figure out if it was a good idea to tell her what he learned or not before shaking his head dismissing it
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"Is it because of the Ho-oh that is visiting?" she asked before he could come up with a excuse why he was thinking about him he gulped nodding as a lie through his teeth escaped "Y-Yeah" escaped him as he looked away now again avoiding eye contact with her as the Cresselia chuckled "Heeyyy - I think its okay! Its normal to suddenly start thinking the 'what if's' and 'what happened' when you see another species of the one that passed away!"
The silence fell between them both trying to think of something to say one was fidgeting with the book while other played around their sleeves
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"Erebus...uh wheres your..."slumber corner"?" she questioned nervously having the knowing feeling already that her brother just wanted to leave at this point Erebus put down the book finally not breaking behind it anymore
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"I was thinking of leaving after you tried sleeping?" he questioned almost back looking up to Lues reaction which was just small hint of sadness - now it was his turn to whisper out a quiet Sorry...
Once more silence crept in between them as they sat thinking to themselves Lue once more perked up shaking her head
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"I-Its alright!!" she yelped out her feathers fluffing out before adding up "M-Maybe you can go chat up someone you had a pleasant conversation with! A-And and if you dont feel like it we can both leave early, we both arent built for sleeping as gods...so it'll be boring without you so please go!" she extended her hands giving a push to the darkrai making him fumble with book catching himself
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"I-Agh-Lue! FINEE" he let out a quiet groan seeing she didnt want him to feel any worse as he stood up now starting to head towards a random location with no goal
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Lue had a moment to herself as she glanced away thinking why did her younger sibling bring up so suddenly a past god - Rising Moon did tell there was a way to kill gods without forcing them into 'reset' state
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She was stunned seeing the same legends near her again giving good few seconds before jumping up giving a nervous laugh
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"O-OOohhh haha sorry! I just forgot to mention it earlier haha!" She fumbled through her words before taking few good breaths as she tried to forget her embarrassing mistake from before she just nervously smiled
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"I-I do! I do have a name!! Uh- Well A name I gave myself!" she said quickly before finally putting her head down from embarrassment "Its Luella...o-or Luelle...orjustLueforshort..." she huffed out shyly
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mumuugi · 2 years
୭ 𝘄𝗵𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂.
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୨୧ pairings : rinne amagi x fem!reader
୨୧ cw : oral sex (giving), rough facefucking, cumplay, fingerfucking, slapping (mentioned once), nasty mean dom rinne because he is just. he is not normal and certainly not nice!
a friendly visit to rinne’s dorm wouldn’t be so bad, right? i mean, you are meeting up with rinne after all… you sighed and prepared yourself for whatever’s the outcome from your meeting..
୨୧ a/n : ermm.. hey everyone i’m so sorry for the sudden dissapearance 😭 i literally went through a massive brain fart so i went on a break unnoticed.. my bad, most of my reqs are untouched aswell because i was so. drained out of my energy.
i’ll try to work on it soon now that i can manage to write this out. btw i got him! his fs has done.. quite unspeakable things to me (i need him) that i had to.. let it out.. i hope u guys enjoy it!
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“agh, fuck.. look at you, taking my cock so well~”
rinne groaned out, looking down on you as his eyes lidded with lust. you, on the other hand was struggling trying to even get his thick cock down your throat
you sighed mentally, you knew this was about to happen everytime you come over to his dorm when no one’s around. either you end up with a sore throat or wobbly legs. or both. but it’s not his fault! rinne just couldn’t handle himself around his sweet little producer :( everytime he has his sight on you something inside of him clicks and it just makes him want to ruin you over and over until you’re all worn out~
is this even love? or are you just being used for the sake of his pleasure? nontheless, you couldn’t get out of his grasp even if you want to. everytime you do, he’d find some other way to lure you towards him and completely be at your knees.
the room was filled with sounds of rinne’s gruff groans. you won’t lie, but every little thing he did makes your body feel warm and tingly, not to mention how it’ll always leave your pussy clenching on nothing. you were obsessed with him, you’re just in denial (your body says otherwise)
soon enough, rinne git bored with your slow pace. with the sound of tongue clicking he decided to grip onto your hair tightly as he brought his hips backwards, freeing his cock from your swollen lips for a mere seconr before plunging it in again, rough.
you choked and hold onto his jeans tightly as he facefucks you with no mercy. the bitter taste of his precum coats your tongue, making you gag a bit. his cock slid in and out of your mouth as he chases after his high
he growled out something that you couldn’t even hear due to the sound of your moans and his cock fucking your mouth, you paid no mind to it. his head falls back from the overwhelming pleasure, his hips starting to stutter as he fully sinked himself down your throat until your face was against his crotch. spurts of thick cum flowed down the insides of your throat, making you choke on your own breath
after what felt like hours he finally took his cock out with a loud “pop”, you didn’t swallowed all of his cum just yet because you knew that he’d ask you to open up for him though this time, rinne decided to just grip your jaw tightly and open it himself, cursing under his breath as he examined his cum on your tongue
“shit, that’s so hot.. the best treatment always comes from my favorite little cumslut~ isn’t that right?” he breathed out, his other hand went up just to shove two fingers down your throat as you choked on it. he laughed maniacally, looking down at you struggling as he fingerfucked your throat, his remaining cum covered his digits
once he’s satisfied with himself, he took his fingers out and slathered it around your face leaving with a soft yet hard slap onto your cheek. before you could even do anything, you were flipped onto your stomach roughly with your bare ass up in the air
his laughter filled your ears again with the feel of his cock sliding between your wet lips. you felt his body against your back, gasping as he went down to whisper into your ear
“hope you’re ready for another round, because i’m not stopping until i’m satisfied with you..~”
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my bad if the fic sucks, i finally got to write something after going blank for a month or so😭 also i’m sorry if some things here r ooc (i am new to enstars😞) like producer goinf to dorms n stuffs since i dont think so that’s allowed.. i feel so cringe now hrr
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twistafr · 2 months
How Many Andrew Jackson's Will It Take
yet another tedxschlatt smut fic i wrote This is part one of a series of oneshots :D
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 10,755 Summary: Schlatt wants to prove to Ted he is not a money whore and ends being a whore anyways
(this is entirely based off of the video where they make ice cream out of fireball and other weird shit)
"Twenty dollars, crisp."
Schlatt presses his lips into an unamused line, is Ted seriously joking right now? Snorting cheeto dust is a terrible idea. "You're kidding."
"Come on, you sure you don't want a little Andrew Jackson in your pocket?" Ted urges, flattening the bill onto the smooth counter, grinning at the camera and back at Schlatt.
Schlatt waits, over time he's honesty improved at maintaining eye contact with Ted and holding himself back from lingering on the thoughts that would normally come along. Like his stupid glasses, light reflecting, leaving a dash of incoherent brightness to just barely hide the twinkle in his eyes, or his ridiculous hair. God his haircut is so ugly, somehow, it ends up being attractive. Schlatt has to keep a bored, disappointed face on. To be truthful, Ted just happens to be handsome. But that doesn't mean Schlatt would just do anything.
So he sits there. Twenty dollars is bullshit. "No, pal, I'm not snorting fucking cheeto dust," He says firmly, but unfortunately there's always that complaining undertone of his that ends up sounding whiney, and he mentally grimaces. "That- no way, man. Disgusting."
Ted pauses to examine his facial expression, something that does absolutely nothing, of course. Then Ted so easily pulls out his wallet, determined with a cheeky grin. He only spares the camera one knowing look, like he can read the future, like he's got Schlatt mapped out and honestly-
Honestly Schlatt hates that fucking look. As if Ted reads him that easily. There's also no way Ted is gonna convince him to do something this stupid. Not even as Ted opens his wallet up with satisfaction that makes Schlatt want to cuss him out.
"Okay, Schlatt, what about two?" He asks, tilting his head up but Schlatt's too busy glaring at all the bills stuffed in his wallet. Absolutely insane. But Ted just carries on, wallet going back to reside in his pocket as he waves two twenty dollar bills in Schlatt's face with a smile and hooded eyes that makes him sick inside.
"No," He says. But Ted insists. "Yeah, okay, I'm not gonna settle for fourty, Ted. I saw all that cash in your wallet." He really isn't. Fourty is stupidly low, not enough. Not even worth it as Ted fans them on his face and hums lowly.
"Oh, it's not?" Ted leans back for a moment and finally Schlatt can breathe. "You're really passing on fourty dollars?"
Well... "Yes," Schlatt tells him. At least, he should. But then he eyes the dust on the smooth counter surface and back at the bills. "Fuck you, dude," He grumbles, taking the fourty as Ted's smile grows concerningly large and he beams, standing up.
Schlatt makes the mistake of letting his eyes follow, watching as Ted glances down at him and a laugh escapes from his lips. "You're such a money whore."
Fuck. Schlatt instantly darts away, leaning forward and silently cursing at the world as he holds a finger to the side of nose and-
"Agh!" He coils back, it's awful, really. But the two twenties sitting under his elbow make it a little more bearable. Maybe that and the large hand Ted suddenly sets on his shoulder as he practically giggles, straight up, head back and smile blinding. Schlatt seriously hates him for this, just wants the money.
"Jeses fuck that was horrible."
"You're just a baby, you know," Ted jokes, deciding to finally sit back down, broad shoulders and all, even brushes against Schlatt before finally settling down as the other man grimaces.
"No. You fucking do it, Ted." He tells him, waving a hand up with a flick of his wrist, daring him with a look he hopes Ted takes like a cut. His nostril doesn't feel great. "Let's see you snort the dumb fucking cheeto dust."
Schlatt sort of begs the world to make Ted agree to do it for maybe a promised five dollars when he gets his wallet. Just because. No reasons. Except to get rid of the sound of Ted calling him a money whore, right on camera too. But in order to do that, he has to prove Ted wrong. By showing him Ted's even worse than he is.
Unfortunately, though, Ted clenches his teeth and makes that ugly face when he's about to say no. "Maybe if you throw in another twenty. Maybe even two."
"I don't have my wallet," Schlatt says, getting up and grabbing a paper towel wordlessly, holding it up to his nose. Between Ted's mocking laughter and him getting cheeto dust out of his nose, he does admittedly make a noise, one of pain, that just sends Ted flopping onto the counter with chuckles. He grimaces and turns his head to the camera. "And hell to eighty bucks, dude, maybe I'll give you single five later."
Schlatt promptly drops the finger he had pointed at him and sits back down, paper towel discarded.
Ted pauses, squinting at him with a smile, eyes debating something behind perfect color. "Okay you're just desperate. No way I'm going lower than what you did."
Schlatt scoffs, leaning on his arms, head hanging a little low. "No. Desperate for what?"
"To make me look like the beggar." Ted accuses, voice light but sure, face scrunched up ever so slightly and in no fucking universe is this fair, how Ted knows, how he sees so easily.
It pisses him off, sort of makes him hot in the face and chest for reasons he can't explain. Like yeah, he is somewhat attracted to Ted, but why does this particular thing seem to make him sweat?
"I don't know what your idiotic ass is on about." He huffs, forcing out a laugh directed at the viewers as he holds his hands up with a quick shrug. "I really don't."
But then Ted's close again, which looks normal, personal space doesn't fully exist when they're together and even the audience knows it. But it still sends Schlatt chasing after his breath to securely hold it, Ted's face mere inches away, smiling. "I think you do know."
"I think you need to shut up."
"Oh, yeah okay." Ted waves off the statement, looking around with a shake of his head. "Tell me to shut up because you know I'm right."
"But you seriously aren't-"
"Dude," Ted says bluntly, head snapping towards him, holding a hand out. "You seriously snorted some for forty dollars when you knew I was capable of offering, like, a hundred if I really wanted you to do it."
Schlatt goes to argue but comes to the uncomfortable conclusion that Ted is correct. Schlatt should have been more stubborn, gotten more money, all for the same thing. He blinks, brows furrowed. "You fucking robbed me?"
Ted laughs, looking down at the ground with his eyes shut with his smile, hiding it from the camera and Schlatt remembers Ted's the worst being ever, so he shouldn't even dare to think he looks cute. Ted glances at him, leaning on his closed hands that shield most of his face from the audiences' view for when they watch the video.
"Schlatt, buddy, you didn't have any money to begin with."
Absolutely every sentence this man said drives Schlatt one street closer to halfway losing it.
As in snapping at him to stop being so annoying, of course. Not to grab the collar of his sweatshirt and tug him as harshly as he could until Ted's lips were on his.
That would be...
Sclatt's brows raise, lost in thought before he gets a fucking grip and frowns. Correction, that would be a really bad idea. Neither of them should enjoy that. They wouldn't.
"Let's make some of the worst, most disgusting, fucked up ice cream, Ted." Schlatt suddenly states, looking at the camera and grinning. It's easy, he thinks, to switch off the tempting visuals his imagination gives him just by comfortably falling into another focused mindset, one surrounding making content with his just friend for a later audience to see. Ted slows a little before joining him, holding up a bag of cheetos.
"Starting with cheeto flavored ice cream."
Schlatt almost gags thinking about it, a very displeased look on his face as he takes the bag Ted passes him, then opens it. "This is gonna be horrid, man."
"We'll see." Is all Ted says before his eyes light up. "Oh, but in order to actually do this and make cheeto ice cream, I'm gonna have to go get my special fancy blender."
Schlatt hates how he says it. "It's just a blender, dude."
"Dude," Ted repeats, looking at him all offended, half sitting down, half standing as he places a hand on his chest. "It's mine and it's fancy."
"No it's not." Schlatt argues, face scrunched as he laughs at Ted.
"Uh, yes it is, Schlatt, buddy boy." He denies and Schlatt glances at him like his existence is embarrassing, then faces the camera again.
"It's not. Guys, it sucks."
"You're just jealous," Ted says with a huff, fully stepping back from the counter and lightly whacking Schlatt in the back of his head. "Jealousy doesn't look good on you."
Schlatt pushes him away with a ducked head. "Oh, fuck me." Ted is awful, truly. The world uses him as a tool to piss Schlatt off, to screw over his mood.
All he gets from Ted though is an amused laugh, a burning pat on the shoulder he instantly shrugs off, and a shrug from Ted. "Maybe if you could be nice to me."
Ted jokes. He says nonsensical things a lot. Says things he doesn't mean, for humor, for fun, entertainment even. He doesn't mean it but fuck it's so, so hard to realize that fact.
So of course Schlatt's brain trips over itself, heat smarting under his cheeks to leave them pinker by the second as his guts twist. It's supposed to be a joke no matter how blunt Ted may say it, no matter how it sounds.
And really, Schlatt shouldn't be surprised like this, like it's the first joke like this that they've made. They say gay shit to each other just because, why not? Even off camera too. It's all jokes, even if it always stays in his head, like when Ted just suddenly told him he had a nice ass once, then laughed loudly. It's all fun and games between two totally straight dudes.
Because of this, Schlatt knows he has got to calm the hell out. He can't actually be interested with his friend, he can pretend to for fun, he can sometimes let himself indulge in it, but hardly ever, because deep down he really has got to back off from a subject like this.
Still, Schlatt sounds unfairly tooken back as he shoots Ted a look. "What!? Dude, first off-" He starts, stopping as his mouth goes dry and he forces himself to carry on with an accusing finger. "I'm very nice, actually, kind even. Hero at times."
He attempts to say it with such certainty, trying to find point two, but then Ted glances past his shoulder, down at him, and gives him a smug smile.
"And secondly," He swallows, sitting up straight as he thinks of what to say. Ted waits, brows knitted together with concentration. "Secondly, you're an ass. Your Jokes are shit."
Ted pushes himself up from the counter he's leaning on and turns his back to him. "You have laughed at most of them, though." Then there's a silent pause, Schlatt's face is hot with what should only be light frustration, but unfortunately is also a flattered shade, temperature rising. Ted shrugs. Again. "Plus, it's only a joke if you make it, Schlatt."
Schlatt stills, mind replaying it because what the hell does that mean? He refuses the need to take a slow breath, and scowls, as dirty as he can, right at Ted's back who's too busy getting his blender to even notice.
There's no way Ted means it. But he should stop joking around anyway, because Schlatt can not handle it, not today, not when Ted wears that sweatshirt and those glasses. Just not at this moment.
When Ted turns around Schlatt hopes he looks pissed, but honestly, he just might look turned on. Stupidly so.
He honestly doesn't know what Ted thinks he looks like because the man stops, blender in his hands, and tilts his head. "What?"
"The fuck you mean what? I should be asking that." Schlatt shoots back at the question, pointing, putting a hand on his chest, waving, everything of the sort. He should probably let it slide off, just roll down like water and put it aside as a joke, just another of the many. But it's so stupidly unfair and wrong how he can't stop staring at Ted, how his head thinks of what could happen between them, what Ted would act like when they're bare and in bed. He, much to his dismay, is becoming rather horny for his friend.
Which is a problem. In case anyone such as Schlatt forgot.
However, it's like Ted isn't even capable of registering any of that, like the idea of a bad consequence doesn't even dare to exist around him right now, as he pushes his glasses further up his nose with two fingers after setting the blender back down. "Why do you need to?" He asks, dry and smooth all the same it makes literally zero sense. "What's making you question whatever you're questioning at this very moment?"
Honestly there's a lot. The questionable thought of whether or not Ted is being serious, if Schlatt should even consider that he is serious, what it would mean if he is serious. Why Ted says this type of stuff, why Schlatt likes it, and why he says it back but is now suddenly acting like it's the craziest thing either of them has ever said.
Maybe it's because Schlatt hasn't actually always been attracted to Ted, so whenever Ted jokingly roughed him up with strong hands, shaking his shoulders or grabbing his face, it never made him feel so stupidly sick with desire. Back then, Ted's insults and mockery didn't make Schlatt's stomach twist with something he wasn't used to, same with Ted's compliments and thoughtful invitations to hang out- fucking hell, even Ted's sincere good morning text from last week had Schlatt's head tilting up, breathing in slowly to remind himself they were just fucking friends.
Well, just friends. Not friends that fuck, to clarify. Schlatt's head spins at the thought, silence carrying on before he bites the inside of his lip, coming up with an excuse, and shrugging at the camera. "We are literally recording, Ted."
If Schlatt never knew Ted as closely as he did, the way his eyes dull over would have been missed. Ted's eyebrows are raised, and he waves a hand towards the device. "Oh, so it's the camera? You can't handle it in front of the camera, Schlatt?" He asks, but his voice bites at Schlatt's tongue, leaving him without a response. Not that Ted gives him the time to think of one. "Come on, man, I can always cut this bit out before it even goes anywhere, if it really bothers you. But I really don't get the issue."
Schlatt breathes in sharply through his nose, eyeing the camera like if he looks away, it'll jump at him or any other possibility that of course, doesn't play out in his favor. Like already, there is a crowd witnessing him tripping over himself. Normally he doesn't care at all, it's just a video out of many, but for some reason since the moment he met up with Ted, things have been morphing into something a bit different.
They're alone, and Schlatt's head is wrapping around that fact over and over. He really needs to get in check.
"Whatever, dude." He dismisses, defeat lingers on the tip of his tongue, but quickly fades away with the obvious frustration etched into his expression, so much so it sinks into his tone. "It's not just the camera anyways." He mumbles out that part with an unamused glance away from Ted, who is still the worst possible being to exist. He isn't necessarily supposed to hear it, but if he does, Schlatt won't go crazy.
Of course, that means Ted hears it. He picks up the blender first, then carries it over to his seat and sets it down. He looks at Schlatt, a brow lifted with a questioning glance.
"Oh yeah?" He asks and Schlatt doesn't like the way it sounds, totally not. It's so gross and nothing but. Definitely. So no, he doesn't feel his nerves light up when Ted moves to sit down, shoulders brushing and smiles curiously at him. "Then what else, Schlatt?"
Schlatt shakes his head, he's not gonna just up and admit that he's attracted to Ted right to his face. You serious? He's not a dumbass. Ted is allowed to know that maybe it might not be the camera, but something else. Doesn't mean he gets to know what though. "That's for me to know."
Ted's face dims. "Wow. Lame. Tell me."
"Dude, no-"
"Come on."
"No, no way." Schlatt denies it, looking at the camera like maybe it'll give him a way outta here, to somewhere where he isn't being questioned by Ted to reveal shit he frankly, really doesn't want to. "Never."
"Oh, oh okay." Ted nods sarcastically, leaning back. "So it's never? You're really never gonna tell me?"
Schlatt pauses, a blank face before he simply laughs. "Yeah. Yeah dude, that's exactly what I'm gonna do."
There's a beat of silence that follows and Schlatt looks over at Ted just in time to frown when he realizes the fact that gears are most definitely turning in his brain. "Don't think too hard or you'll hurt yourself." He tells him and Ted just waves it off with a short smile before it turns into the hints of a smirk.
"What if I offered you money," Ted suggests, making a circular motion with his finger. "You know, a penny for your thoughts."
Schlatt scoffs, absolutely offended. "Jesus, Ted! How low do you think of me, no fucking way. A penny?"
Ted frowns. "No, that's the saying. Dumbass." He then reaches for his wallet again and Schlatt tenses, he's prepared, he's not giving in this time. "What about a ten? And you tell me."
"Dude you're desperate, why do you wanna know?"
"Why don't you wanna tell me?"
Schlatt grimaces, eyes drifting away to examine the counter surface like he has nothing else to entertain him. It's a simple answer, really. A ' I don't want you to know that I think you're fucking hot ' or anything similar. Just along those lines. But that defeats the purpose. Saying 'i didn't want you to know x y z', then gives away x y and z. It's stupid. So he just has to keep his mouth shut.
Ted seems to catch wind, if only ever so slightly, of the thought process going through Schlatt's head as he squints and leans closer, voice lowering.
"Come on, Sclatt," He nearly mumbles it, the tips of his lips curled up into a poorly hidden smile. "I know it was just on the tip of your tongue."
Schlatt simply stares at the camera and clears his throat. "We should make this gross ice cream. Ted." He side-eyes him when he says his name and hopes Ted will just give up.
Which is a stupid thing to wish for because Ted is one stubborn prick.
"Oh yeah, we will." Ted confirms dismissively, clearly preoccupied as he leans back to wave at the bowl, the bags of cheetos, and his special blender. "But first I was thinking you could earn twenty-something dollars?"
Schlatt nearly smiles, it flashes across his face for a second and is shoved away as he pulls in a bag of cheetos. "Keep dreaming, big guy."
"Jackson won't do, huh?" Ted questions, mostly to himself if anything, yet there's still that complete lack of weight to it- like even he doesn't buy it, looking down and Schlatt pointedly ignores him as he hears him shuffle around, retrieving more money no doubt. Not that Schlatt will budge.
However, when he looks back all Ted has is still one singular twenty-dollar bill.
Schlatt laughs at him.
"What are you aiming at?" He asks, opening the cheeto bag in front of him and watching as Ted shrugs it off.
"I know you'll come around, simple."
"Yeah, sure thing."
Ted hums, eyes lifting up to the camera in front of them and explaining how they're going to make the ice cream, holding up the creamer and such and Schlatt just sort of watches with occasional nods.
What's very disappointing is how his eyes drift downwards to the money sitting right in front of Ted, like the man said, twenty dollars crisp is what all started this. But he's not about to let it finish this. He'll win.
Because in the end he has no right to be this worked up that Ted was just... Joking around. He does it too, he's fine, he doesn't even want the money. One hundred percent.
"This is gonna be awful," Schlatt groans out, a slightly amused chuckle trailing after and honestly it could have been a comment on both the ice cream and Ted's insisting bribery attempts- that Schlatt refuses to be a victim of anymore. Damn Ted is so evil. Far too evil, in fact, Schlatt's small, quick, and simple murdering of a homeless man that was totally definitely (really actually) real and most certainly (yup) happened - even that looks like nothing even cruel when compared to Ted.
Ted, seemingly unaware of Schlatt's mindless internal rant, smiles at him and it's a little too soft all around the edges that are supposed to be hardened with something smug, not whatever this is. Not whatever he's giving to Schlatt that Schlatt honestly can not deny because hell he isn't really supposed to be attracted to his friend.
But it is what it is, Schlatt supposed.
"Think we'll make it out alive, don't worry," Ted muses teasingly, taking the time to sit there and act like he's calculating their chances of survival. Then he shrugs and tinkers with the ice cream maker machine thingy- Schlatt doesn't care- and hums. "But we'd be the first to achieve death by Cheeto ice cream, I think."
Schlatt feels a warm laugh escape him, unfortunately so. "I don't think first place is worth it this time, Teddy."
Oof. Okay so... Schlatt feels a bit embarrassed about the nickname because he can't actually remember if he has used it before and if he has, what Ted even thought of it. So he waits on slippery rocks, about to fall into a cold river ass first and have Ted make fun of him or worse, or he just is a really dramatic person which he'll blame and say is a side effect of sitting in front of a fucking camera for so many hours of his life.
Maybe that's it though, because Ted just hesitates for a single second, nearly looking like somebody manually pressed his pause button, then breathes in as a smile grows on his face mixed with a slightly confused but welcoming face. He doesn't hate it. In fact Schlatt might even say he likes it. Which is still a tiny bit unfair because when he first thought of the nickname it was originally meant to be used for condescending purposes, y'know, being rude and all that. But the laugh ruined it, his undoubtedly there blush ruined it, and his voice ruined it. 
So now he's got Ted eying him again, lips pulled up. "No? Don't think so?"
God, he is so annoying. "Yeah, that's why I said it."
Ted hums. "Well I say it's worth trying, at the very least," Ted declares with a finger in the air, and Schlatt follows his hand back down. Which is a mistake because then Ted's hand is an inch away from his money. The stuff he's trying to use to bribe Schlatt with. What a loser.
Schlatt tilts his head up and looks away. "Then hurry up and make it, bitch."
Of course Ted just has to stop and give Schlatt this expression of impressed amusement and judgment mixed in like he's offended and Schlatt is so incorrect it makes his nose wrinkle as he huffs, then squints.
"Nice one, Schlatt," He muses but then he confidently lifts his head, still holding eye contact like being insufferable is the only way he survives as he draws out "But I'd say you're more my bitch."
So maybe Schlatt almost coughs up Cheetos, but he doesn't, he just hasn't yet thought of literally anything to say to that, how to even respond. Because he's too busy replaying it in his head like he ends up doing, Ted's voice rolling around in his mind and it's always just a little conflicting how Ted can be both simply nice and a proper jerk to get Schlatt like this, all heated and ready to jump some fucking bones. Ted's to be exact.
But he, for the millionth time, should not really be thinking of his friend that way. Yet Ted keeps suggesting all these stupid things that keep his thoughts tripping over words and smiles, resulting in these stupid desires.
Schlatt breathes in, he should just try his damn hardest to forget all about this ridiculous nonsense of Ted this Ted that.
Still without a response, he says nothing and they move to dump a vile amount of Cheetos into Ted's crappy blender. But when Schlatt is standing there in front of the blender, opening his bag while simultaneously trying to get a hold of his thoughts, Ted just so naturally fucks it up by walking up behind him.
Schlatt can sense his presence and decides to act extra focused and amused as he shakes the bag into the blender. This ice cream is definitely gonna taste like shit. He nearly smiles to himself at that, halfway mixed with a grossed-out grimace. He has to pause, though, because Ted puts it up on himself to step forward and watch over Schlatt's shoulder, which presses against Ted's collarbone, and Ted hums.
"What cheese to flaming hot ratio are we thinking of here?" He asks and out of context- and honestly even with and without full knowledge of the situation- his words aren't anything attractive. It's just how Ted's chin is over his shoulder, so close to his face, and half his front against Schlatt's back just barely light enough that Schlatt can still have hope that Ted didn't magically read his mind and decide to mess with him. 
Schlatt swallows, that would not be good. He isn't even pouring any more Cheetos, just awkwardly stationed here because of Ted and it's his stupid fault, as it normally is. "It's whatever, dude," He answers.
Ted chuckles and it's almost a little too much that Schatt can feel it, warm and deep and fuck- "Ted-"
"Just speaking your mind isn't as risky as snorting cheeto dust," Ted whispers, cutting Schlatt off, then placing an open bag of flamin' hot cheeto dust on the counter without a word and walking away.
The hell is with this guy.
Schlatt dumps the Cheetos in and clears his throat, only looking at Ted to make sure he's listening. Of course he is already glancing over at Schlatt after lowering his phone.
“I gotta go to the bathroom,” He says bluntly, snapping the lid onto the blender and fixing it up to start. He gestures to Ted over to finish the job and waves. “See ya.”
And he really hopes that when he comes back things will be a lot more collected.
Because seriously, Ted needs to chill out if he wants to finish this video without Schlatt blurting out his desire to jump his bones and try to do something about it.
So he's here, in the bathroom, regaining some composure. He looks into the mirror and sighs.
Hopefully he can do this.
Schlatt is tiptoeing back into Ted's kitchen not even three minutes later, after having to practically reset himself so his composure was fresh and sturdy and no longer chipping away at the edges.
He knows he and Ted make some questionable jokes, but today was just not the day Schlatt could handle it. Not when they're alone at Ted's house, not like this.
But he's back and stronger, so when he sees Ted standing there, one hand on the counter, the other scrolling about on his phone, Schlatt purposefully redirects his mind from stuff like 'Ted looks good, really good' to 'Ted is annoying'.
So it's easier to walk up to him, round the counter, and peek at his phone, which simply shows his home screen page. "What are you doing now?"
"Waiting," Ted replies, turning off his phone and Schlatt takes a step back to give Ted some space as he turns around and tucks his phone into his pocket. "We got an hour, Schlatt."
Oh, that's right. It takes a ridiculous amount of time for the ice cream to be made. Meaning each time they mix up a new stupid flavor there is going to be a whole sixty minutes that follows until the next one, as in they've got a lot of time.
He tries not to think about what ways he would like to spend this time doing with Ted, seeing as it's what made him excuse himself in the first place with embarrassment and silent scolds focused at himself for being this way. You shouldn't be unnecessarily attracted to your best friend who is probably straight.
He shoves it down his throat and hopes it doesn't crawl back up as he opens his mouth, closes it, and blinks, then finds something to say. "That's a while."
No shit, he thinks.
"No shit," Ted says and Schlatt almost smiles at that. He looks to both his right and his left while trying to start up a totally normal conversation between two men who seemingly are only interested in other people, not each other, and catches the absence of a running camera.
"So, are you going to spend the rest of the time staring at your home screen?" Schlatt jokes, allowing himself a small smile that pulls at his lips, light and subtle. Ted chuckles at that, eyes averting their gaze on Schlatt as he presses his lips into a thin line.
He's definitely thinking of something, Schlatt can tell with the tiniest pinch of his brows and the way he stalls, simply looking at the cabinets. And for a moment Schlatt understands Ted's relentless attempt to get Schlatt to reveal whatever is on his mind. Instead, though, Schlatt takes a different approach that starts with a sharp scoff, quickly making Ted's vision snap back to him.
"What?" Schlatt asks, keeping the 'is on your mind' part of the sentence heavily implied with a raise of his eyebrows and the downturn of his lips, but not spoken out loud.
There's only a moment of hesitation before Ted sighs.
"You ever use Reddit to answer your questions?" He asks, which makes Schlatt nearly pause with a confused thought about how the hell it's related, before he realizes, and nods.
"Occasionally, yes," He says. It's the honest truth. "Why?"
"Well, it seems a Redditor from two years ago was facing the same issue," Ted starts, leaning back and crossing his arms. Schlatt wants to ask what but lets him finish in case he's about to tell him exactly that. Ted waits for a second, blinks at Schools like he's trying to figure something out for himself, and Schlatt's nerves ruffle up but he remembers to stay cool. "Seems most answers said I should just be direct."
Schlatt's lips twitch and Ted just feels only a little off. Like he's not standing on two feet, which is odd because he is. Still, there's definitely something Schlatt is stupidly failing to catch onto, slipping through his hands every time. He clears his throat and ignores it.
"About what?" He asks and he stirs at how Ted doesn't look away with hesitation, rather, a sense of what Schlatt can only describe with the words "fuck it" fill up, behind his eyes, there and ever-growing as he breathes out through his nostrils in an act of acceptance to whatever he's about to say. Schlatt almost wonders if he should be concerned.
"Schlatt." Is all Ted gets out first, making his eyes return to Ted's, ever puzzled as he tilts his head and squints, trying not to let his heart pound because of the level of eye contact here, but rather because that's what hearts do.
"Ted?" Is what he gives him for a response and he notices the very light bite of the cheek Ted does, a classic move formed from Ted's doubts. But Schlatt is dying to know, doesn't want to wait, and urges him forward. "What?" He questions, firmer, and hopes he doesn't sound like he needs it.
Only a second passes, but it feels like twenty. Then,
"I want to kiss you."
Schlatt's eyes widen. He is considering the possibility he misheard his friend but the set expression on Ted's face is trying to tell him he didn't. He doesn't have a brain for a couple of moments, just stands there full of disbelief, and before he can properly understand the English language again, his mouth hangs open just a little, lips parted, staring right at Ted.
Thankfully, his brain is capable of working again, if only a bit, and his shoulders rise with his breath. "Are you fucking with me?" He blurts out and thinks about how horrible that would be. Ted figures out Schlatt has a thing for him and decides to mess with him because of it. That would have Schlatt raging. He hopes that's not it. A part of him knows Ted isn't really that type of person, knows he wouldn't play Schlatt up like that, and Schlatt's shocked mind struggles for a second to comprehend that fact as Ted flashes a look of worry before shaking his head urgently.
"No." He confirms, so entirely certain of it, that it helps Schlatt focus on controlling the blush he's starting to feel heat up his face. So, okay, Ted isn't messing around. He holds his breath. Ted says no again and looks down at the ground."I just, you know, have the urge to kiss you."
Schlatt didn't know, actually. But he does know the feeling, so he nods, dumb in the brain and still not fully believing the situation he's in. "I get that," He says like an idiot. "The feeling. A lot."
Ted falters, glancing up at Schlatt. "Oh?"
"I want to kiss you back," Schlatt admits and he dismisses the sound of his heartbeat in his ears and waits on the edge, near hopeful, entirely eager, and expectantly seeking for Ted to be the first one to do something about the new revelation because Jesus Fuck he has wanted it for so long. Too long, actually, so it's about damn time it happens.
"Right now?" Ted suggests, carefully watching him, but there's that smug smile Schlatt has thought of countless of times that sneaks onto his face as he inches closer and squeezes Schlatt's shoulder. The weight is strangely exhilarating as Schlatt nods.
"Right now," He says, and thankfully Ted is also a man with little patience when it comes to this, because not a second more is wasted and he's tugging at Schlatt's waist to bring him closer and pressing his lips against Schlatt's.
Schlatt is fucking burning wherever Ted's touches him, hips, waist, lips, and he can't get enough of it. His head spins, but he doesn't care, not when he's finally getting to kiss Ted, hot and quick and demanding as he grabs the back of Ted's neck and wordlessly asks for more.
So now it's a strong line of messy open-mouthed kisses that have Schlatt breathless, heart beating far too heavy it rams against his ribs and booms in his ear, but what's more important is how he can hear Ted's increasingly short breathes as he tries to make more time to kiss and less time to catch his breath.
Schlatt stumbles a little bit backwards with the pure force of it all, hands scrambling up Ted's back to grab at his shoulders, wanting it all and sighing at the way Ted sweeps in his tongue, unforgivingly taking and taking as one of his hands grips at his hip, daring to lift the material of his hoodie (which now feels like way too much clothing) upwards, heat seeping into Schlatt's skin through his finger pads. Ted presses them closer, hand on the span of Schlatt's back, who can feel his nerves go incredibly haywire at the sensation of their chests bumping, thighs uncoordinated as their lips, and it's a true question of whether it was Schlatt's eagerness or Ted's that has Ted's thigh in between Schlatt's, sending a pleasant amount of pressure straight to his dick.
Of course, there's the very possible option that it was the both of them, as Schlatt gasps into Ted's mouth, clenching onto his shoulders, and tilting his hips forward.
"There's gotta be more than that," Schlatt whispers and Ted moves his head back and Schlatt's stuck on the sight of him, lips red and he can't help but want them to be more swollen, to see that and know the why behind it, and his cheeks dusted with blush, furiously pink.
"If you want more, we're moving to the bedroom, Schlatt," He says, all direct and to the point and fuck, Schlatt almost has half the thought that he should thank Reddit for existing, because even though he's always felt something when Ted gets all blunt and horribly honest with a firm tone, it's definitely something else in this context, in the making out and awfully horny context.
Schlatt is instantly taking up the offer because he knows one when he sees one. In what world would he give up or pass on the opportunity to land up in bed with Nevison? None of them, okay. That's what's up.
He lets out an embarrassingly shaky breath as Ted kisses his neck, just a little left of the center of his throat. His head is fucking catapulting idea after idea at him, suggestive image after the next, flashes of Ted's smile sinking into his thigh with a hand wrapped around him.
"Fuck," He mumbles, both at all the thoughts that Ted's words have sparked, and because Ted's grabbing at his ass with his lips attached to the inviting skin of his neck. It's all Ted, all he can feel, think, and all he wants right now as he nods again. "Yes, yeah, let's - bedroom, Ted."
Ted hums into the crook of Schlatt's neck, exhales, then removes himself from Schlatt and takes hold of his wrist. Schlatt is more than willing to trail along like he doesn't know where the bedroom is, like he hasn't been in it before because this time it's different. This time It's Ted walking Schlatt into his room, past the door frame, and pulling him close once they're in it.
This time it's not sneaking glances as they both sit on the floor, only wishing for something else. Right now it's Ted kissing his face off before letting them both breathe.
Schlatt doesn't even realize his chest is practically heaving until Ted places his palms flat up against him and smiles.
"You think we're overdressed for this occasion?" He asks and lets out a booming and warm laugh when Schlatt rolls his eyes. Schlatt wraps his fingers around Ted's wrists and brings his hands down to the bottom hem of his hoodie. Ted's chest inflates at the action, and Schlatt bets his ego does too. But it really doesn't matter if Ted's pompous as shit or not because the man's teasingly flirting his fingers into the fabric of Schlatt's pants only to soak in the sharp gasp he makes with a smug smile before lifting Schlatt's hoodie up, hands brushing across his bare skin in a way that leaves a fiery trail of pleasure in its wake.
"Don't tell me you're a fucking tease," Schlatt grumbles, far too aroused to sound remotely upset as he watches his hoodie fall to the ground as Ted moves to take off his own. He has seen Ted shirtless, at swimming pools and whatnot, but to see it this close when it's... Intimate like this, to lean into Ted with a kiss that might dance across the border of too slow and soft, with his hands roaming up and down Ted's torso, skin warm underneath his travelling palms that itch for more, pressing against Ted's stomach. It's vastly different from a long beach day with the gang.
He likes it. A lot.
It's virtually tender, with the way Schlatt slowly explores every inch of Ted's skin he's got with appreciation, with the way Ted kisses deep, eyes closed, with a hand cupping Schlatt's face, sweet and intentionally dragged out. Something akin to admiration sinks into it, buried somewhere between Ted's tongue and Schlatt's fingers.
But then they remember they have got lungs, which unfortunately need oxygen, so they part, and Schlatt's swallowing down air as Ted takes a couple of breaths and moves to shuffle himself out of his pants. Schlatt bites his lips because fuck, this man was golden, absolutely stellar, and well, hot as hell. So of course he then quickly follows in suit, fumbling to get them off due to the lust that hazes over his gaze and makes him just a little rushed.
Ted's shamelessly checking him out, he realizes, looking up after stepping out of the rumple of clothing on the ground, and finds himself beaming into the attention and not staying away.
"Might as well take those off, too," Ted says, gesturing towards his boxers with a nod of his head. Schlatt, even though Ted undressed his upper half and had his tongue practically shoved down Schlatt's throat and clearly wants to take it further just as much as he does, finds himself blushing. Ted smiles curiously. "You drawing the line?" He asks even though they both know he is absolutely not doing that. Maybe that's why Ted finds it funny, the asshole.
"Fucking kidding me?" Schlatt scoffs, shrugging off anything that could render him hesitant, and slides them off. He swells up with satisfaction when he catches the breath Ted takes, eyes slightly widening for only a fraction of a second, and licks the middle of his lips shortly like the absolutely cheeky and lecherous scoundrel he is- apparently. Schlatt scrunches his nose and huffs out of amusement at that. However, it's not like Schlatt is clean of his intemperate imagination when it comes to his friend, so he spares him a comment in favor of kissing him.
"You wanna get on the bed for me?" Ted asks and Schlatt hums against his lips with a question on his mind and his hand wrapped around the back of Ted's neck.
"You got lube and shit?" He quires, trying not to sound like an idiot, "Condoms?"
"Yes, pal," Ted says, on the edges of mocking, and kisses him back. "I've got 'em both."
Schlatt smiles, then allows himself to turn around and listen to Ted's words, knees pressed into the mattress as he situates near the top, and peers over at him.
Schlatt's stomach does a phenomenal amount of flips when he sees Ted with a condom and a bottle of lube in his hand, butterflies in his stomach with wings flapping so fast it's like a tornado, thrashing up against his ribs cage violently with threats to vomit out his wanton desires and beg for it all. Because the realness of what's happening is catching up to him and he can't breathe without Ted up in his space anymore, not for the next while, because he silently confesses he just needs Ted close right now, to get over and touch him all over until he comes and spit out nonsense as long as it's accompanied with the feeling of Ted all around him, even inside of him he dare say.
The next thing he knows, Ted's crowding Schlatt up on his bed, which has his brain whirring with the amount of rebooting it's had to live through the moment Ted kisses him. He sets the two items in between Schlatt's bent legs, knees pointed upwards to the sky as if anything they are doing is related to pure golden heaven. Schlatt exhales, a little uneven, and his chest rises as he absorbs the sight of Ted moving up, looming over him, hair falling over his forehead a little, with a hand trailing up Schlatt's leg. 
"Ted," He warns uselessly, without much behind it besides a pinch of neediness. Which is a little unfair, he thinks, because really Ted being on top of him shouldn't have that much of an effect. But it's the first time and maybe not the last and it's something straight out of the dreams he normally would suffocate with neglect, so he's been silently wishing for this to happen for a while now. Maybe that's why it means so much when Ted slides in between his knees and kisses Schlatt's shoulder with a hand pressing on the inside of one knee, parting his legs and pointedly ignoring his dick. Schlatt ruffles impatiently and it doesn't mean he's desperate for it just because he rolls his hips up into Ted... Okay. Just bored of waiting as he huffs. "Come on, Ted."
"Fine," Ted mumbles but there's no sign of reluctance in his tone or his actions because he's excitedly rubbing Schlatt's legs and quirking his lips up curiously. "How do you wanna do this?"
It's such a stupid question, Schlatt thinks. Like it isn't obvious enough what he wants. He rolls his eyes, a little sarcastic, a whole lot of eager, and spreads his legs wider. "The fuck do you think?"
Ted snickers at him, but takes the not-so-subtle hint and moves back, tugging at Schlatt's legs to bring him up closer and lift him off the mattress for easier access. It has Schlatt's breath running around with a small gasp, hands coming to Ted's lower arms, eyes wordlessly telling him to hurry up.
Thankfully, Ted doesn't linger too much afterwards, opening the lube and decently coating his fingers with it, and Schlatt's face burns with how focused he gets on his ass, sides of his hands moving his cheeks and it's already a lot. Schlatt breathes out, hands lowering to rest on the bed, and he forces himself to not wild his hips around just because Ted has his hands on his ass, then a finger circling the rim of his hole, then dips it in with a smug look.
"Jesus," Schlatt murmurs and it's been a bit since he's felt this. But it's Ted, so it's still different. It's good, it's making him twist the comforter of Ted's bed with his fingers as Ted's begin to untangle him apart. "You should add a second," He says, voice breathy and not even three seconds after the first.
Ted huffs out a laugh, eyes pinned on Schlatt's hole in a way that sends him silently reeling, internally debating whether to throw himself at Ted and ask for it straight, to request the man to dick him down. He doesn't and just blinks at Ted's attentive expression that mixes with a smile. "You're very impatient, buddy."
Schlatt pauses, then looks away with furrowed brows and tightens his grip on the bed by a bit when Ted's finger swoops across his walls. "Don't call me-" but he chokes a little on his words as Ted invites a second finger, unprompted (but not really), and instantly scissors him. Schlatt lets out a heavy breath, he can practically feel the ridges of Ted's fingerprints and it's truly filthy. "Ugh- okay, I was saying don't call buddy," He starts unsteadily, biting his lip and inhaling as Ted's two fingers swipe all around his walls like they're participating in an urgent search. Schlatt tries to keep himself balanced. "When you've got your fingers up my ass."
"Huh," Ted says, all he says like what Schlatt is telling him isn't just common sense. God, he's such a jerk. But Schlatt thinks he will let it go for now because the man's got two fingers in him and skillfully moving around. His breaths are shallow and his skin is warm all over as he eases himself to relax into the sheets and soak up each nerve that catches on fire with every little shift and bend of Ted's fingers. He's ridiculously hard from it, and the pressure of it is perfectly both pleasant and a tiny bit painful, itching to release.
But then Ted manages a third finger, up to the last knuckle, and one of the three presses right against his walls in a particularly sensitive spot that has him clenching around them, finger pad directly burning pleasure onto his prostate. All of that hard work to relax on the bed goes hurdling out the window as Schlatt loses a bit of control, back barely arching as a breathy, unrestrained whine full of need slips from his mouth and into their ears.
It rings in his ears, washes humiliation over him as the sound batters around his head, bumping relentlessly into his skull as he opens his eyes, never fully recalling when he closed them, and tenses. "I-" but Ted's only grinning, basically from ear to ear, and very clearly pleased with himself it sends a warm bundle of feelings swirling down into Schlatt's stomach. Ted leans forward, the heat radiating from his body mingling with Schlatt's own he wonders if Ted can sense his heartbeat pulsing throughout, untamed and heavy and he can't stop himself from lifting a hand to press down on Ted's back to bring them closer, to feel his bare chest against his, to hear the way their uneven breathing mixes together as he moans softly into Ted's mouth before it can actually be considered a kiss and not just two open mouths slotting together in a competition to steal the most oxygen.
He feels wonderfully dizzy when they break, and can't properly think of what to even say as Ted's fingers open him up.
"I'd love to hear more," Ted admits in a whisper, then lowers his head to press a kiss all too chaste to his shoulder. Schlatt's hand presses flat against Ted's back like he's trying to keep him here, even though there are no signs of Ted walking away from this anytime soon, and he can feel Ted's stomach brushing above his tip as he moves, making him inhale sharply and tilt his head away for air.
"Ted, get on with it," He groans, lifting his other hand to lightly wack his arm. Ted only breathes out a laugh and targets his prostate again, making him grip onto Ted's arm with a gasp. "Now." He tells him, hoping he sounds more demanding than anything, hopefully not desperate.
Ted glances at him, amused, somehow looking far more composed despite the pink dusting across his cheeks and the craze that's spiraling in the color of his eyes. It's not exactly fair, Schlatt thinks, and wishes he could start chipping at Ted's poise, bit by bit. He can only start to wonder what it would look like- hell, feel like when Ted finally snaps, revolve dissipating and the collected yet smug manner he's currently maintaining fading away to make light for something Schlatt doesn't get to imagine for long because Ted is so deliciously moving his fingers in him.
But he wants more, Ted knows that, so he grabs all the pieces of his coolness, trying to shove down that starving hunger inside of him that paints skin a little pink and lowers his hips into Ted's hand, and gives Ted a look of amusement that's not even half real. "Can you seriously hurry up? I'm ready, I'm-"
Ted nips at the skin of his shoulder, a intentional distraction, and fuck does it work, it's just enough to leave the words falling back down Schlatt's throat as he chokes a little, more caught off guard than above anything else, but definitely aroused by it. "The fuck?" He blurts, his head a little too blurry at the edges, mixing up what he thinks he should do and what he wants to do, leaving him all easy like this. He does not hate Ted for it though, and scrambles to find a different response besides just a very surprised 'the fuck '. Ted, however, decides to finally listen to Schlatt about speeding up the process, and slides his fingers out of his hole, punching a short gaspy breath from him.
Ted breathes in, leaning back, and finds Schlatt glaring at him half-heartedly, making him give a crooked smile, glasses completely askew. He does take them off, though, and Schlatt's busy trying to debate whether that's something he will miss as Ted is about to fuck him, or wonder if yeah, may he should have taken them off. Ted scrunches his nose, amused, and Schlatt rolls his eyes.
"You know," He starts, and is only hindered for a second as Ted presses the flat of his palm to Schlatt's bare stomach, humming to himself, and it makes Schlatt fo half crazy. But he's fine, probably. "I always thought you'd talk more."
Ted's eyes light up with interest at that, sneaking a highly delighted laugh in between Schlatt's knees. "So you've thought about this, hm?" He observes, pointing it out like it wasn't already obvious with how easy it was for Ted to kiss him into his room and lay him down bed, finger him and have him silently asking for Ted to just fucking fuck him already. Schlatt rolls his eyes, refusing to deign him for an answer to a question so stupid and ridiculous. Ted accepts that, thankfully, however, then gives a thought about it and shrugs. "Since, apparently, we are throwing it out there, you're just about as bratty as I thought you would be."
Schlatt feels something collapse inside of him, crossing his arms and squeezing Ted with his knees, no matter if it doesn't do anything. "I am not bratty."
"Impatient, definitely," Ted says smoothly, shifting out of Schlatt's legs and slipping off the bed, almost making Schlatt frown with disappointment before he realizes he's moving to get rid of his underwear. "Oh, and demanding, let us not forget."
"You're just slow," Schlatt argues, glancing off into the distance as his stomach twists, tons of ties and knots, a whole shitty laundry machine cycling all his feelings about, intense sexual frustration must be one of them. Where Ted sees impatient, Schlatt sees somebody wanting to take his sweet time to purposefully upset him. Again, Schlatt will always say this: Ted is a right bitch.
He can feel the dip of the bed as Ted gets back on, smiling at him. "And you're just needy."
"Lies," He defends. Because that's totally untrue... Really. He groans, waving dismissively and urging Ted to continue making sexual advances rather then call him such things like bratty and needy.
But Ted just taps his knee. "Gonna need you the other way," He says and for a split second Schlatt is at a loss, not understanding what he means before it clicks and the realization makes blood spin to his dick as fast as he flips over, knees digging into the comforter, lifting himself up to his elbows, forehead sinking into Ted's idiotically soft pillow, the heat of his own breath travelling up his face as he blinks down, waiting, body vibrating with excitement, and hears Ted shift around.
"Not needy, huh?" He sounds all too pleased and Schlatt clenches his teeth, back arching so his stomach presses against the bed, and he manages to lift his head and look over his shoulder, lifting one hand and flipping Ted off. Ted only huffs and Schlatt breathes out, and yeah, okay, maybe he is a little impatient but it's justified.
Then he knows Ted has the condom on, and he is just tiptoeing on a high rope, about to fall the second Ted is actually in him. It's all to slow, yet goes by far too fast, as one Ted's hands come to grip at his hip, they both can sense Ted's thumb swiping across the angle of his bone, setting fire to his nerves as his other hand presses into his right cheek, opening him up, and he feels fucking whoreish with how that's all enough to make him let out a lazy moan, the sound partially muffled into the plush of the pillow.
Then finally, and seriously, finally he can feel Ted's dick slowly easing into him, process still stretching him, and leaving him panting onto the bed, hands grabbing fistfuls of the sheets as Ted fucks into him slowly with a satisfied noise, one that is dragged out into a very unsteady moan when Schlatt clenches around him with a whine.
"Fuck," Ted whispers, sounding just a little on the verge it makes Schlatt smirk, face hidden from Ted but never the less pleased because he thinks Ted's getting it. He's just beginning to unravel, feel himself lose more and more control and dignity just as Schlatt has gone through.
So Schlatt is eager, as he always would be when it came to fucking with Ted, sexual and nonsexual, and pushes back, down on his cock, sinking down further and making Ted stutter, posture faltering, one hand dropping to hold himself up on the bed, his chest coming into contact with Schlatt's lower back, and the angle is fucking golden, making Schlatt moan.
Shit, he thinks for a second, that the position they are in nearly makes having sex with Ted even hotter than it is regardless. Ted's breathing is loud on his ear, but he doesn't care, he actually relishes the way his warm pants and noises fan across his neck, and a little on his back, all between the kisses Ted can not seem to stop placing all around any inch of skin he can reach.
It's so incredibly warm all over, heat suffocating him as Ted's chest, in It's now slightly sweat seemed glory, presses against Schlatt's bare back, his arm against Schlatt's side, and daring to thrust into him once, and instantly finding out they both are fucking hooked.
He supposes that Ted snapping is the man giving him exactly what he wants, which is wonderfully gratifying, sending wave after wave of pleasure up his spine, pouring out of his mouth that tumble one after he next, moan after moan, whines in between when Ted pulls in and out extra rough.
Schlatt lifts his head up, the circulation of his heavy breathing does not do any favors to cool him down. The air is thick, warm, and he can't even properly think as Ted decides it's around the right time to sink his teeth in his shoulder blade, a sharp spike of pain that conflicts yet molds with the delectation that sinks into his skin straight from Ted's mouth, timed with Ted rocking his hips to meet Schlatt, all a mess and all focused on the feel of this fuckin high. Schlatt can not, in any life, hold back the full heavy moan that is torn out of him, knees nearly trembling, as he ducks his head.
"God- Teddy," And he can just feel that he's getting close, that he's about to reach the height of it and come falling back down. "Ted," He tries, absolutely breathless, near incomprehensible, as heat coils in his stomach, far too tense and right and he needs this, even asks for it.
Ted smoothes over the bite mark he's left, hips bucking forward at what might just be the idea of managing to get Schlatt so far, so close to the edge, and he nods into Schlatt's back, gaining his voice, patchy and still clearly ridden with stammers of the physical extortion as he sucks in momentarily, "Shit, yeah, come on, Schlatt, finish for me."
And really, Schlatt's also been waiting to hear that, like this, under Ted as he takes whatever the hell he gives him, drunk of of it, high on the feeling, as he comes, all that winding back and he can finally let go and untangle freely into an even more exceptionally bigger mess as he does what he's told, finishing with Ted's name on his tongue and Ted's teeth in his shoulder.
"Fuck," He mumbles, and almost doesn't realize Ted's still fucking him or biting him, for a moment it's just him in a foggy haze of sweaty blissed-out paradise. And when he's back, it hits him like a wall thrown straight at him, all of it coming back like a flood as the overstimulation drives his nerves off the wall, and he lets out a whine. Of course, he doesn't hate it, but he sed can't take it for much longer. He grunts, the new marks on his shoulder sting, and he tries to think of an actual sentence, which is hard, it's hard to think over Ted's thrust and his coaxing words of praise.
"Fuck, Ted." He gets, which means he can say some things, and whines again as Ted hits his prostate, and it's on the verge of what he isn't about to try and handle. "S too much." Is what he decides will work, and lets out a sigh and a moan as Ted acknowledges him, the world gradually slowing down as it spins around him. Ted's cock is slow in him, brushing up against his walls and it's still good, and he still loves Ted fucking into him, and clenches around him.
And somehow, that's what does it for Ted, which he guesses he's thankful for because he does want Ted to finish with his dick not in his ass, and he was getting pushed just a bit past his limits.
Ted's pulling out and Schlatt lets his body fall completely into the mattress, feeling near boneless, and perfectly fucked. He groans, just a little tired, and winces when he remembers he came, as in there's cum on his stomach. He quickly rolls over, revealing the mess and frowning at the bed, instantly looking at Ted, who tosses the condom on the bin next to his desk, and flops back into the mattress with a careless wave. "Give me a second, I'll take care of it."
Schlatt stirs, then ultimately comes to the conclusion he should have Ted pick it up if he's willing, it means less work, after all. So he nods, staring up at the ceiling. "Okay."
He can feel Ted's gaze on him, and curiously looks over, giving him an accusing glare. "What?"
"Wow, is that all I get?" Ted asks, acting terribly offended, and Schlatt scoffs before looking away.
"For now," He says, and Ted shuffles around for a moment, then hums.
"I have a feeling that for now means never, Schlatt," He teases and Schlatt turns to face him, Ted offers a smile, and Schlatt kisses it right off his face, craning his neck over, and ignoring how sincere it all feels.
"There, dick."
And Ted seems to be happy enough with it. So they lay there, naked, far too sexed-up to have any serious conversations, and neither mention whether they're going to talk about it or not, and neither of them hate that.
So, when the ice cream is done and Ted has to whip out the camera again, it's really only their business why their faces are so pink and they just keep touching and yeah, Schlatt does just switch their spoons for no reason and yeah, Ted did have to pay him another twenty to convince him to try the spinach flavored ice cream.
But he's not actually a money whore, guys.
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discocandles · 7 months
I said I'd write this LK headcanon into a scene/ficlet so I'll write it dammit(under a read more bc long):
"Henri, get off the roof of the carriage." Sarah scolded. "You'll get knocked off by a tree branch."
"Sarah, you know that no tree branch can defeat the Great and Powerful Henr-agh!!" Henri sputters as he tries to get the tree branch out of his face. The redhead chuckles, "I told you so." going unspoken. Henri huffed as he clambered back into the carriage.
As he settles in, Henri glances over as Sarah is writing another letter to her Maman. She puts more ink on her quill when she writes to Lady Phillips, Henri's realized. They've known each other for almost a year, but Henri has found noticing Sarah's habits to be entertaining on boring rides. It started when Henri asked Moses why Sarah would side with the British.
It had made no sense. Sarah was always nice to him. She'd speak to him in French when he can't think in English, forget talking. The redcoats l'a traité comme de la merde. Moses just asked if the British treat Sarah like they do him. They don't; redcoats smiled at her and asked what a respectable girl was doing with "rebel scum". Henri guessed he'd think the British were good if they treated him like he was good too. But Henri also realized was it was fun to notice things about Sarah.
Sarah has lots of habits, like if she tapped her feet in a rhythm, she was hungry. Or the letters to pass time on boring carriage rides, like this one. Henri wants to climb the carriage again.
"You're awfully quiet, Henri." Sarah's voice broke through Henri's thoughts. "did you get hurt by the tree branches?"
"Non non, je vais bien. Je m'ennuie simplement. James is so lucky to have been rid of this trip already." Henri replies.
"He will be getting to learn more about the camp than we are." Sarah muses, looking back down at her letter, but didn't go back to writing. Her left hand reaches for her collar and curls her finger under her necklace and started flipping her locket around its chain. Henri focused on the repetitive motion.
Henri thinks he's figured this habit out. Plus vite que normale! Sarah messing with her locket almost constantly for a little over a week has helped. When he or Moses mentioned James, she'd have a hand on her necklace soon after. Sarah keeps flipping the golden locket with left hand as she starts writing again.
Henri figured the habit was about James before they left. Saras can be obvious if you're used to noticing like Henri is. Maybe he should be a journalist. But it could mean something particular about him. She could be missing him, but it's kinda late for that. Henri missed James after he left 2 weeks ago, but they'll see him by supper, so he's excited to see him. Sarah doesn't look excited at all.
The carriage shakes as Sarah dips her quill into the inkwell, and she huffs. Is she mad at him? There's no way James could annoy Sarah when he's not around, so she's probably not angry. Maybe she's worried about him? That makes sense. They haven't heard from James since he left, not like they could get it since they left yesterday morning though.
"Are you worried about him?" Henri asks. Oops, that's probably strange to ask. C'est la vie as his friends back in France say.
"What?" Sarah's eyebrows bunch together more. The hand holding her locket goes still, and she looks away for a moment to close her inkwell before turning back to look at him in confusion.
"about James. You look... worried?" Henri tries to choose his words carefully. If Sarah wasn't worried before he asked, he doesn't want to make her worried.
He seems to succeed, because rather than worried, Sarah looks almost embarrassed. "I suppose you're correct. It's just that normally when we depart after James, he sends a letter about the state of the camp and we at least know the voyage will be safe." Sarah was switching between speaking fast and slow, like a dance he learned at the own square. "But we didn't hear anything this week, so I am a bit concerned about James's well-being."
"Okay. Just wondering." Henri laughed. Sarah was fiddling with her locket again.
"I promise to give you my share of bread after supper tonight if you don't mention it to him." Sarah said. "I don't need him mocking me over what is likely just slow mail."
"Deal. I will never refuse good food."
Sarah giggles, as the carriage continues to rattle. "You never do."
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elbiotipo · 2 years
While I do love that the wc can engage people who are normally not that into football, seeing some of the takes these people on tumblr and twitter have is leaving me like 💀. How is a final between France and Argentina boring?? Do the names Messi and Mbappe ring a bell? Why are some woke people under the impression Argentina is some nazi oppressor country that they shouldn't support? It really shows when people know nothing about the sport.
It really sounds... agh, I sound rude if I say yanquis, but it really sounds it comes from some people for whose this is Baby's First World Cup. Because most of those comments are from the kind of people who are like "I don't care about sports, but..." or "I don't go here, but..." and then say whatever. Everybody can watch football and talk about it, that's the joy of it, talking about football without knowing shit about it is our real national sport... but those kind of comments are really... again, Baby's First World Cup, and it seems that they aren't even enjoying it. Meanwhile, we who have been following our Selección for years, and honestly everyone who cares about football, is almost foaming at the mouth with excitement.
Because it has been one hell of a World Cup, and it's gonna be one hell of a final. Objectively. Argentina is the current champion of América, has won against the champions of Europe, and has perhaps one of the best teams on its history, with who is, objectively, the best football player alive, Lionel Messi. France is the defending world champion, one of the strongest if not the strongest team in the whole cup, and has Mbappé, who is considered one of the few rivals to Messi's legacy at his young age. Objectively, it's perhaps one of the most epic finals possible.
If you find that boring, to be completely honest, just stop pretending you care about football and do something else, perhaps this isn't the sport for you.
And the Evil Nazi Argentina against Poor Little France is so funny since, not to get too political here but... France still has actual, literal colonies, and engages in neoimperialism all over Africa. As in, right now. I won't pretend Argentina is not without its own problems (though as always, I dispute the "nazi" claim), but come on. At least try to be coherent.
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boombrothersasks · 10 months
Redoing the question "Eclipse, your brother seems stressed for some reason, you should help him relax" sent by @livingthewritelife-things bc I misread it AGH
"Hey Shadow...!" Eclipse sat beside his older brother. "Uh...SO! Some person said you were stressed out or whatever...crazy, right? You? Stressed? Couldn't be, amiright?"
Shadow simply looked up at him, then looked away again with a huff.
"Okay, not the best choice of words. Um...y'know, I'm not very good at this. I can talk, A LOT, but listening? No go. I'd LIKE to help you and all that, but I also don't know if I can do that? Just blows my mind in a weeeeird way."
"Yeah, I can see how you don't shut up. It would help if you left me alone."
"Maaaaaybe, but if something's up, shouldn't you...I dunno, talk about your feewings?"
"I won't be doing that, thank you."
"Well...can I at least help you chill out? I can do whatever, BESIDES leaving. Because I know you were going to say that. Not that one, big bro."
"Don't call me that."
"But that's what you aaaaaaaaaareeeeee!!"
Shadow sighed. "Look, you want me to relax? You want me to 'chill out?' Then how about this. You just sit here, in silence, and let me have my quiet time."
"Fine, I guess."
And so they sat for a little while, just staring out at what was outside the mouth of the cave. It didn't take long before Eclipse started getting antsy and impatient, though. He didn't like silence much.
"But what is it, really? What's the reason you need quiet time right now?"
Shadow glared.
"I promise I'll leave you alone after this! Just answer me this one thing?"
"...I suppose its just...everything, really. All that's been happening all at once. The whole situation with Doom, what happened with Starline, and the chip, and running into Rouge and Omega..."
"But all that stuff passed? What makes it still stressful?"
"I'm not really too sure...it just is. Maybe the best word to describe it all is overwhelming. I don't think you would understand."
"Hey, all that stuff affected me too! More than you, probably! But like I said before, we have each other, at least! Maaaaaaybe that'll make things a little easier than they would've been otherwise."
"If it had been otherwise, none of it would've happened, Eclipse."
"Yeah, but where's the fun in that? Boring."
Shadow really had to hold in the urge to smile a bit this time. It was getting harder all the time, and he hated it. But...having Eclipse to talk to about it did help, even if it was just a little. He huffed again instead. "Perhaps...did you just trick me into talking to you?"
"Twas my plan from the start, big bro." He stood and took a fancy bow, like he had just discovered or done something incredible. Though, helping Shadow feel less of his negative emotions, and far quicker than normal? This darkling was doing something to him...
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